jerzwriter · 2 years
Day 18: Like Never Before
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Book: Open Heart (Post Series)
Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Casey MacTavish)
Rating: Teen
Category: Fluff
Summary: For the first time, Casey plans date night with Ethan. He’s a little apprehensive to enter her world, but in the end, he’s pleasantly surprised.
Warnings: None
Words: 1755
A/N: This is my submission for @moodmusicmonday 's Luck of the Draw event. The song I received was “Like I’ve Never Been in Love” by Haley Mae Campbell.
A/N 2: I’m also participating in @choicesmonthlychallenge , Day 17, prompt: lucky. I hope you enjoy it! Since I'm being very ambitious, this is also being submitted to this week's @wackydrabbles, the prompt can be found in bold below. Maureen smiled as Tobias made his way down the hall. “Good morning! Lovely day out there, isn’t it?” Their First Two Months Masterlist
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Maureen smiled as Tobias made his way down the hall. “Good morning! Lovely day out there, isn’t it?”
“Sure is, probably one of the last nice ones before fall. Too bad we’ll be spending it here.”
“Well, at least the company is good,” she smiled.
“You can say that again,” he chuckled, “Especially since Ramsey is off today.”
Unbeknownst to him, Ethan was sitting in the diagnostic team’s office waiting for Casey. Perturbed, he sat at his desk with his arms crossed, eager to surprise Tobias. But his eyes were so focused on the chart in his hands, he didn’t notice Ethan was there until he cleared his throat loudly.
“Jesus,” he jumped, “are you trying to give me a heart attack?”
“Now? No. Five years ago, my answer may have been different.”
“You’re a regular comedian,” Tobias smiled. “What are you doing here today anyway, didn’t you and Casey have a date?” He cocked his head to take in Ethan’s appearance. “And what the hell are you wearing?”
“No shit, clothes, but you’re in a blue button-down and linen shorts.”
“Aren’t you going to an amusement park?”
Ethan slumped back into his chair as he exhaled a loud sigh. “Yes… and frankly… I’m a bit terrified.”
“Why?” Tobias laughed, “Scared of the rides?”
“Scared of the amusement park. I haven’t been to one in… god… twenty years, and I’m not all that sure I liked them even then.”
“Well, if it’s any consolation, it’s been thirteen years. We went to the boardwalk in Ocean City during med school, and, if I recall correctly, you actually enjoyed yourself. So, why don’t you put on some clothes that won’t get you beat up, pull that stick out of your butt, and try to enjoy yourself. Jesus, Ethan. No wonder everyone thinks I’m so much younger than you. You act like grandpa.”
“Hmm. And here I thought it was your immaturity and, at times, sophomoric behavior that led them to think you were younger than me.”
“Well, there’s that too,” Tobias grinned, “but at least Iknow how to have fun. Lighten up, and I’ll bet you’ll tell me how much fun you had tomorrow.”
“Of course I will. I’ll tell you how much fun I had when it was over.”
“Hey, you want to date a fun, beautiful, younger woman Ethan. You better get with the program.”
“DATE. I asked you to be my best man. Do you need the reminder that we’re now engaged?”
“Oh, shit, that’s right. You’ll forgive me, I’m just always used to being the best man, so it slipped my mind. Now,” he headed toward the door, “go put on a damn t-shirt and sandals and enjoy yourself.”
“I don’t own sandals!” Ethan hollered after him.
“Hey!” Casey exclaimed as she bounced into the office. Her face was aglow and she had the exuberance of a child. Ethan couldn’t help but soften when he saw her that way. “I’m so excited! Are you?”
“Of course,” he stammered, fooling absolutely no one.
Casey plopped down on the desk directly in front of him.
“Now, look here, Dr. Ramsey. I wasn’t exactly an opera and dinners that cost more than a month’s rent kind of girl when I met you. It was uncomfortable for me, but I went, I did quite well, and I enjoyed myself. So now, it’s your turn. It may not be a date you’d plan but keep an open mind. I think you’ll have fun.”
“Fine… besides, I will always have fun if I’m with you.
With a smile, she leaned over to kiss his forehead.
“Good answer!”
“Hmmm, of course, if you stay seated in front of me on my desk like that, I may choose to just stay back here….”
“That will be enough of that, Dr. Ramsey,” Casey said, grabbing his hand and leading him toward the door. “We have a date to go on, and you’re not getting out of it by trying to seduce me.”
“You can’t blame a man for trying.”
An hour later, Casey’s laughter could be heard above all the noise in the park. She was holding hands and dancing with one of the many cartoon-like charaters there to entertain the children, but Casey was a child at heart. She locked hands with the giant cat wearing a superhero’s cape and danced to the lively tune music being played. Shaking his head, Ethan captured it all on his cellphone. He was hoping he could tease her with this later, not realizing that Casey would not be embarrassed by it in the least bit.
“Now it’s your turn!” She yelled, pulling the phone out of Ethan’s hands.
“Oh, no. I’m sorry, I love you, Rookie, but there is no way I’m dancing with a freakishly large feline.”
“Then don’t dance, but pose. I’m taking a photo of the two of you together. Right after you apologize to him.”
Casey grinned when he turned to look at her in disgust. He looked much more like an annoyed child than a nearly forty-year-old doctor.
“Casey…” he groaned, “really?”
She fixed a severe glare on him.
“I learned about operafor you,” she hissed.
“Fine, fine!” He said in defeat. But this does not go on Instagram!”
“We’ll see about that,” she smiled. “Thank you Mr. Tabby!” She waved as the Super Cat danced away.
“I cannot believe you have me here,” Ethan sighed as he pulled her into his arms.
“Well, I do. And now, I will treat you to some of this establishment’s fine cuisine!”
“Like the deep-fried Oreos,” he shuddered.
“Mmm, maybe later, but for now, it will be corn dogs, fries, and… we can split a sausage and pepper sandwich.”
“So, essentially a heart attack on a plate.”
“Ethan Jonah Ramsey! Do we do this every day?”
“No,” he demurred.
“Then no one is having a heart attack. Live a little. Do you want ketchup?”
“Do you really have to make it worse?”
“Ketchup makes nothing worse, Ethan. You need to get that straight before I say I do to you!”
After lunch, Casey cajoled him into joining her on the bumper cars, two roller coasters, the tilt-a-whirl, and the log flume. Promising she’d go easy on him for the next ride, they headed toward the Ferris wheel. Once they were secured in their car, their stomachs lurched as they ascended toward the sky.
“Geeze,” Ethan gasped. “I don’t remember these things moving so quickly.”
“They usually don’t, but It’s fun. Maybe we’ll get stuck at the top!”
“Well, one can hope,” he chuckled.
Assuming he was being sarcastic, Casey frowned.
“Are you still not having fun?”
“No! I mean, yes. I am having fun. I was being serious. I want to get stuck at the top with you.”
“So I can kiss you up there, of course. I supposed it’s a bucket list item that I would never quite confess to… to anyone other than you, that is.”
“Aww, Ethan.”
The seat swayed as she quickly moved closer to him.
“Could we maybe not do that?” he asked. “If this thing falls and we die, think of how many patients will suffer without our care.”
“Yes,” she said, rolling her eyes, “exactly what I’s be thinking of if we were descending to our deaths.”
After circling a few times, their car did stop at the very top of the wheel. Casey snapped a quick photo of their dangling feet, and then Ethan got to cross one more item off his bucket list. After sharing a sweet, but lingering kiss, he leaned his forehead against hers and whispered. “I love you, Casey MacTavish.”
“I love you, too,” she grinned.
Their car swung as the Ferris wheel began moving, and they giggled when their heads bumped together.
“Hopefully, that injury won’t lead to decreased patient care either,” she teased.
Ethan watched her intently as they exited the ride. A bounce in her step matched the overjoyed smile on her face. As dusk began to fall, the park looked like magic. As Ethan took it all in, he realized how much it was like Casey when she was at her best. There were bright lights, choruses of laughter, and exhilarating rides that were a bit scary to get on, but the high of riding was incomparable once you did. Then there were the games of chance, where guests happily parted with their cash believing they would win, but in the end, very few would.
Ethan pulled a few folded bills from his wallet and placed them on the table before him, and he knew he would win. After all, he had already won a precious prize, and there was no way he wasn’t going to win something for her. Casey bounced on her feet and cheered when Ethan knocked all the milk bottles off the podium with one throw of the tattered baseball in his hand. He won the largest prize since he did it on his first try, and Casey happily selected a teddy bear with a polka-dot scarf tied around its neck. For the rest of the night, she was beaming as she carried her bear through the park, nestled under Ethan’s arm.
He shook his head when Casey carefully fastened the stuffed animal into the back seat of his car before joining him upfront. Her cheeks turned red when she caught him staring at her, amusement and wonder in his eyes.
“What?” she asked.
“Nothing, it’s just… you’re amazing. Today… was amazing.”
“You act as if you’ve never gone on a date to an amusement park before. Now, Dr. Ramsey, please tell me that’s not true. It’s a right of passage.”
“Sure, I’ve done this before, but being here with you today was so magical that it felt like it was the very first time I had.”
Casey leaned over and kissed him tenderly.
“Everything feels like the first time with you. Now admit it, I planned a great date.”
“You did,” he surrendered with a deep chuckle.
“So, I’ll plan another date for us for next week.”
“Case, let me handle it. I think we should alternate. It was wonderful, and I felt like a teenager, but I’m still 39. With all of the rides I was on, I’m going to be sore as hell tomorrow.”
“Well, you should worry about that tomorrow,” she smiled. “Because I plan on one more ride when we get back home.”
“Well, then we better get home, fast.”
Permatags: @a-crepusculo @animesuck3r @annoyingmillenialnewbie @anonymousrookie @bex-la-get @binny1985 @bluebelle08 @bluerosesbloom @coffeeheartaddict2 @crazy-loca-blog @danijimenezv @darkswagamerpiratecowboyclown @differenttyphoonwerewolf @dorisz @genevievemd @jamespotterthefirst @jennieausten @kingliam2019 @lady-calypso @liaromancewriter @lucy-268 @mainstreetreader @parisa-kh @peonierose @potionsprefect @quixoticdreamer16 @rookiemartin @rosebudde @schnitzelbutterfingers @secretaryunpaid @sillydg @spookycolorpeanut @socalwriterbee @thegreentwin @trappedinfanfiction @txemrn @writer-ish @youlookappropriate @zahrachoices @kachrisberry @fayeswiftie @choiceskatie
OH Tags: @aishwarya26 @onikalover @peonyblossom @toadfrog26
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jerzwriter · 3 years
Can you write a ff where ethan is praying over mc when he thinks she is dying and he thinks she can't hear him. but she does.
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Book: Open Heart 2 (Chapter 11)
Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x MC (Casey MacTavish)
Title: Whatever it Takes
Rating: Teen
Summary: Reader request for Ethan to pray over Casey when he thinks she is dying. He doesn’t think she can't hear him, but she does.
Category: Angst
Warnings: Near death, illness, hospital
A/N: When someone asks an agnostic writer for a FF about praying. Oy. I hope I did it justice.
A/N 2: I am participating in this week's Wackydrables. The prompt can be found in bold below.
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The elevator would take too long, so he bypassed it and headed toward the stairs. One step at a time would not bring him to her quickly enough, so he took two, three, he would jump the whole damn flight if only he could.
“I think it’s a go! I think this will work!”
Tobias was exuberant as the others nervously cheered. This offered no promises, but for the first time since a sinister attack robbed them of two of their friends and left two more with their lives in the balance, there was a spark of hope.
“I can go?” He said anxiously, so fast it was almost one word.
“Sure, buddy, but why don’t….”
He was already gone. Nothing mattered but Casey. He had to see her, touch her, make sure she was still here. No amount of assurance provided by others would quell his fears. Only watching her breath rise and fall with his own eyes would bring him any peace.
Just two hours before he was forced to make the most painful choice of his life. The love of his life was fading away before his eyes and only a miracle could stave off her death. Just three floors below, a hastily assembled group of doctors were toiling away trying to provide just that. He should be a part of it, he told himself. His knowledge and skill could be an integral part of the puzzle that could save her.
His Casey. She was too young, too precious, too kind, had too much to offer this world, this could not be her fate. He had to do all in his power to save her. The terror in his eyes could only be matched by that in hers; painfully aware that she may only have hours left. How could he leave her alone? If these were her final moments, she needed him at her side. If she was leaving this world, he needed her in his arms, letting her know she was loved to the very end. His broken heart was torn in two, how could he best serve the woman who, in so many ways, brought him back to life.
He chose to stay. A competent team was assembled and, while loathe to admit it, Tobias was better suited for this challenge. He stepped into the protective suit that would allow him to be near her, but he cursed it as he did. If this was the end, he wanted to hold her, kiss her, stroke her hair with this damn barrier only added to the cruelty of it all. He wanted to forgo it. Didn’t they understand? His life seemed a small price to pay if it provided her with one small, final comfort.
She was haggard and desperately needed rest, but she fought sleep, afraid closing her eyes would mean never opening them again. It was only when he promised to remain at her side, to watch over her and ensure he would not let happen that she agreed to try. They both understood his words were an empty promise, he could not make that guarantee, but having him near provided security enough to try. He let out a shuddering breath when she dozed off under his arm.
Moments later Aurora appeared at the door. They were close to a breakthrough, but they needed him, fast. But he just promised her... What if she woke and took her last breath alone? Would she spend her last moments believing he abandoned her? But he had no choice, he needed her to live. She deserved to live, and he had to be strong enough to fight for that. With a promise from Aurora to not leave her side, he ran to the lab in hope of being part of the cure.
He began working without being told where to start, it was instinctive. In the future, those present would tell him about how deftly he performed, how integral he was to the process, how he and his former best friend worked in precision and without any time to spare. Their stories would provide his only recollection, for he had no memory of it. He will never know what guided him through those hours, because his heart ceased beating the moment he left her room, and it did not start again until they were reunited.
He knocked on the door, motioning for Aurora to leave. She eyed him suspiciously as she stepped out of her containment suit.
“Are you going to suit up, Dr. Ramsey?”
“Of course, Aurora. Please go back down with the others. I’m sure you’re needed.”
With a nod and a gentle smile, she left. As soon as she stepped away, Ethan entered the room. Suit be damned. A potential antidote was found and, if it could save her, it could save him too and, if it couldn’t, he no longer cared. Later, he would see the fallacy in his thought process, but at the moment, nothing mattered than being at her side. Truly at her side.
He stood at the foot of her bed and absorbed the sight of her. Pale skin, purple and brown blotches beginning to envelop her eyes, lips pale grey, she was so weak, so frail, yet so beautiful to him. He stifled a sob as the painful ache in his chest overwhelmed him. Time was running out. Everyone had done all that they could to save her, but he knew there was no guarantee. No, he needed to do more, but what?
Ethan Ramsey was a man of science. The world was not abstract, everything could be explained with logic. If you couldn’t see it, couldn’t examine it, couldn’t verify it, it wasn’t real. He did not believe in a greater power that mythically controlled the universe, not at all. But as he looked at his beloved, he realized, his love for her was not measurable, it could not be dissected or analyzed, but it sure as hell existed. It took his breath away and filled him in a way he never knew before. He wasn’t sure if there was a God, and honestly, he didn’t care; but if there were any chance that it could help her, he was taking it.
Pulling a chair beside her bed, he laid his head gently upon her chest. As he listened to her heart, tears formed in his eyes. With a broken voice, for the very first time, he began to pray.
“I’ve never believed in you, and if I am to be honest, I still don’t know if I do. But I never believed in love and, somehow, this angel was sent into my life and she showed me how wrong I was. So maybe I have things to learn, maybe everything doesn’t need an explanation. I don’t know what her fate is, but I beg… I pray… please spare her life. Take mine if you must because, without her, there is no reason for me to go on. I will do anything, pay any price, learn any lesson to save her. Please, if you’re truly there, please spare her and then show me how I can repay.”
Tears soaked his face as he sat up and began stroking her hair.
“Casey, I would do anything, I would die before I let anything happen to you.”
Ten minutes later June and Baz arrived in the dark room, the antidote in their hands. They were dismayed to find Ethan at her side wearing nothing but scrubs, but they knew better than to say a word. The dose was administered.
“We should know if it is successful within the next five hours,” June said with a comforting smile as she left.
Ethan crawled into bed with Casey and drifted to sleep with cradling her in his arms. If there was going to be a tomorrow, they would greet it together, or not at all.
He was awakened by the touch of Casey’s hand caressing his arm. He turned to find her eyes set on him.
“What are you doing here?” she asked, her voice barely a whisper.
“I’m waiting with you.”
The quiet moment was shattered when the doors of the room burst open. Jubilant friends and colleagues poured in and ran to her side.
“It worked!” Jackie yelled.
Tobias smiled as he nodded at Ethan, “All the tests came back and we’re golden! I told you, you weren’t dying on our watch, MacTavish!”
After everyone received a hug, and a fair amount of tears were shed, June ordered everyone out. Casey was still weak, and rest was key to her recovery. When June’s eyes landed on Ethan, she lowered her head. Even she knew no suggestion would convince him to leave.
Casey held Ethan close, both sharing a little bit about the horrors they endured throughout the past day. Casey was fighting sleep to continue to be with him.
“You need to sleep, love. I will be sitting right here when you wake.”
“I will, but I need to ask you, was I hallucinating at any point?”
“It’s not impossible, but not that I know of. Why?”
“I could have sworn I heard you praying over me, that’s crazy right?”
Her eyes widened at the look of contrition on his face.
“Were you that scared, or do you love me that much?”
“Both,” he whispered, “Now please, close your eyes.”
With a kiss to her forehead, she quickly fell asleep. Ethan collapsed into the chair at her side, never once taking his eyes off her. She was going to make it. He smiled. He smiled for the future they would have the opportunity to share, and he smiled because he had done everything in his power to protect her. At her side, he made a vow to do the same each day until he took his last breath.
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