#waddling away down the hall carrying his snacks
thestobingirlie · 1 year
i see way too many fics where eddie talks bad about steve while hosting hellfire in steve’s house, and steve overhears and gets all sad and it’s like… cool story, but steve would tell them to get the fuck out. he’s not taking that shit lmao
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By: @lovesickfox
You have Finally arrived home after such a long day. Dropping your things at the door you proceeded to flop yourself right into the couch. You groan out in exasperation, causing your beloved buggy eyed cat, Baby, to look at you curiously.
She waddled over to you and butts her head into your hand hanging off the couch. You give her a quick pet but still lay there.
She mews at you, purring slightly, still trying to get your attention. After a while of no reaction, she jumps right onto your back making you yelp out due to her chubby weight.
A sound of something dropping comes from another room of your residence.
"Oh Shoot!" Cries out a chipper but robotic sounding voice. In mere moments, a tall animatronic known as Sun pokes his head out from the hall.
"You are back! Are you alright?" He questions. He looks at your face before looking upwards to Baby sitting on your back.
"Oh! You little thing! You shouldn't sit there! Come here come here!" He shuffles toward you both, arms out stretched, making a grabbing motion.
Baby having none of it decides to hop off and scurry away from Sun.
Sun gives a sigh then kneels down to your level. "Hello my darling Sundrop! You dont look very happy! Did your day not go well?" He tilts his head a bit.
"Not... particularly." You grumble. You sit up and sink into the couch with a huff. "Today was just... too much." You put your head into your hands.
"Awwww im sorry to hear that Sunlight! Come here! You are home now! No need to worry about those silly things anymore!" Sun cheers and bundles you up into his arms. "I was planning a surprise for you but that can wait! Right now seems like the perfect prime time for cuddles!! I'll even get Moony to join!" He coos to you.
He practically skips his way to your bedroom. He places you onto the bed before twirling around the room, gathering all sorts of blankets, pillows, and soft things.
He tosses them onto the bed on top of you. "Get yourself comfortable how ever you like! Ill go get Moony!" He assured before practically hopping out of the room.
You dig yourself out of the pile a little and situate everything around yourself. You place pillows and stuffed animals here and there. You wrap yourself up in the cozies blanket. You pile the softer pillows behind you then sink into them.
Just as you finished getting comfortable, both Sun and Moon enter the room. They carry a variety of your favorite snacks too and some drinks.
"We're baaack~!" Sun cheers.
"We also brought snacks for you." Moon added.
You smile at them, feeling the day fade away in the wake of their kindness. "Thank you" you mumble.
The both of them set down their items onto the nightstand and sit themselves on either side of you. Sun grabs the remote and turns the TV on and looks for a movie. Moon leans into you, his music box playing softly within his chest. He wraps an arm over your shoulders and pulls you closer into his plush chest, laying his head onto yours.
Sun settles on a simple children's movie. He wraps his arms around your midsection and nuzzles into you much like a puppy would.
"We care about you so soooo much!" Sun chirps to you. "No matter how hard the day gets we will always be here for you!"
"Day and night. No matter what it is. We will always stay by your side, Moonlight" moon adds.
All you could do was smile at the both of them. Theres still worries and panic in your brain but its much easier to push them aside with these two daycare attendants here. You relax into their arms, sighing softly.
I love this so much. And the inclusion of my cat and her habit of crashing on my spine for cuddles
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yerrrabitch · 4 years
Your eyelashes softly brushed your cheeks as you woke up. Your dark eyes scanned across his room. His scent suffocated you and kissed every inch of your body. His body lay tangled with yours. Your head was tucked between his arm and chest as he took deep, calm breaths. You relished in the feeling of him. These were some of your favorite moments. 
When life could slow down for just a second and you could truly appreciate the man under you. 
Friday Night 7:34PM
You kicked off your heels beside your door and wiped your sweat on the back of your hand. Another hellish day at work. You hated working and wished that you could take his money. But, you didn’t feel comfortable taking away from him to please you. He hated seeing you like this. He loved pampering you in anyway he could. You chuckled at the thought of the argument your current state would cause. You worked as an assistant to a lawyer who made you work unbearable hours and didn’t give a damn about any of your personal needs. He was an asshole but, the position paid well and you rubbed elbows with major figures in the field you wanted to go into after college. 
You washed your hands and took your hair out of it’s bun. You couldn't wait to take this lace off for the weekend and let your hair out. Conforming to corporate America was another one of your least favorite things you did to get where you wanted to be. He didn’t agree with that. Well, he didn’t understand. He had worked through college growing his locs as a computer science major and now owns several businesses while only being two years out. He had established a name for himself; you had not. He offered many times to get an internship or position with one of his personal lawyers but, you wanted to get your connections and establish yourself by yourself. He had a love/hate relationship with your independence. It initially drew him to you when you first met. 
You needed to make a quick snack before showering and heading over to his place for the rest of the weekend. You broke away from the apples and peanut butter to turn on Ari Lennox and unwind in the shower after realizing it was far later than you realized and he was probably worried sick about you. You showered, put in a hair mask and began to shave while dancing to her rhythmic voice when a hand grabbed your waist. You shot right into farthest part of the shower and let out an animalistic scream.
You closed your eyes as tight as possible and waited on the assault. 
From him.
You wiped a curl out of your face and stared up at him. He was hunched over laughing at you like he was supposed to show up unannounced and scare you half to death.
“Baby,” he started before falling into another fit of giggles, “I came to check on you and here you are, dancing like that when you could be dancing with me upstairs.”
“I need to explain alone time?” You sneered, you were agitated. Why would he do that? He could’ve waited for you to step out of the bathroom at least. You could have fallen and gotten seriously hurt and he was laughing like that was just so funny. The things you would do to keep that smile on his face though.
“You know I didn't mean to intrude on your alone time. I was just seeing where you were. It’s 8:30?” He said still looking at you. The way your curls and coils were pulled into lopsided twists around your face, your nose scrunched up in irritation and dragged your plump upper lip and high cheekbones along with it made his heart whine at the two foot distance between you two. “I’ll wait on the couch for you, then we can go up together?”
You nodded and moved back into the water to finish what you were doing while a soft smile graced your face as you thought of him. 
You crossed the hall and applied all the necessary body butters and creams then waddled out to see him. You rolled over the back of the couch and on to his side. 
He smiles up at you and places a soft kiss on your cheek. He begins peppering them all across your face and across your neck. You begin laughing when he bites on to a ticklish part of your clavicle. You place your hands at the nape of his neck and pull his head back. 
“Did you cook?” You asked looking at his beard. You loved the way it felt when it grazed your thighs but, you hated the scruff he had began to grow during quarantine. He loved it though. Anything to differentiate him from his youth. 
“Don’t you wanna order in? There’s this new Thai place on the North side. I had some for lunch last week and almost nutted,” he said staring into your eyes while tracing the curve of your jaw, “we can eat that.”
You nodded and began to get off of him and grab your slippers to go to his place. He lived five floors above you. His penthouse was amazing. It had a great view, a private elevator and this kitchen that you loved to cook in. Sometimes after an exam you both would stay up trying new recipes to get your minds off the stress. You loved cooking with him and were a little disappointed at the loss of bonding time. You knew he'd make up for it though.
“We should order it soon, you know everything out here closes early as hell.” You replied as you locked your apartment up and grabbed his hand to walk to his elevator. While waiting for it to rise from the lobby you stared at both of your figures in the reflection. His massive body next to yours, you looked like a child. A curvy child, but still a child. The hand wrapped around the phone as he orders food looks bigger than your waist. His large torso compared to your average sized one. He towered at 6′6 and you lived at 5′8. You were taller than most but, he humbled you whenever you tried to act bigger than him. Your wide hips were the only thing on you bigger than him. He would argue that your head is bigger than anything in the room. 
You were busy comparing your body to his when he guided you into the shaft with a hand on your lower back. You thanked him and stepped inside. You felt his hand moving to cup just beneath your bottom. He gave two taps to your butt and opened his other arm, signaling you to jump on his waist. You rolled your eye but, still complied and let him carry you the rest of the way. The elevator dinged and he began to move. His breathe was warm against your cool scalp. And his body warm against yours. You loved him carrying you almost as much as he did. He loved taking care of you and anyway that you would allow him to gave him joy. 
You had decorated the entrance of his penthouse. Initially it had been bare but, you added a mirror, a welcome mat and a tall plant that required almost no care so he couldn’t kill it by forgetting it. But, he would never let anything you gave him die. He walked up the stairs and into his bedroom. He turned around and sat down on the bed with you still attached to him and then laid back. You rolled over and began to remove the pillows from the bed. When you first met him he only used one pillow and now he can’t sleep with out at least three on the bed or you. You patted the spot next to you and almost squealed when he settled in next to you. You loved cuddling. He loved it too, only with you though. In previous relationships, it’d irritate him and make him overheat but, with your cooler body temperature and lovable personality he couldn’t resist. You rubbed up and down his side while he rubbed circles on your butt. You pushed your lips up at your nose. His eyes flashed to them and he immediately captured them with his own. He had a special way of kissing you. It never took your breath away. It was like it was your breath. You could kiss him for hours and only need to stop to fulfill bodily functions. Your lips fit perfectly together. You felt his bottom row gently dig into your top lip as his hand drifted from your ass to your right breast. His hot tongue slips into your mouth and you attach on to it and begin sucking it. His mouth retracts slightly as he smiles at you. Clearly, he doesn’t like you having too much control as he takes your nipple in his hand and twists it. You gasp and he takes that as his chance to do what he wants with you. He keeps kissing you and pulls away to begin kissing down your neck. You feel your lower belly getting warm and you try to pull his hand from your breast and place it in between your thighs. You hadn't had your fill all week and you wanted him right now. He snatches his hand away from you and doesn’t even look up at you.
“I’m taking my time tonight, so you just gone have to wait my love.” He said in between open mouthed kisses on your chest. You loved when he showered you with affection like this but, there was a time and place for everything and this was neither. You wanted to fill him shoot into the depths of you then carry you into the bathtub so you both could scrub the sins away then slide back into bed and go to sleep. You were tired and you’d rather use your vibrator and come back after you came at least once.
“Baby, I’ve been waiting all week.” You whispered looking down at him.
“Who’s fault is that?” He asked, finally reaching your nipples. “Not mine, if I could’ve had you every night I would have. I would’ve had you in the morning too. Before work. At lunch. Before dinner. For dessert. But, you had to work right mamas?” He plopped your nipple in his mouth. Swirling his tongue around your ring and lightly nibbling on the sensitive flesh in-between the metal. You were enjoying his assault on his body and accidentally ignored his question.
He bit down. Hard.
“I asked you a question didn’t I?” He said staring up at you. You nodded eagerly. 
“Words.” He said with a lot more bass in his voice. 
“Yes.” He smiled up at you. You were wet and you knew that he wasn’t going to let you come once tonight after that. He’d just edge you for the rest of the night and hopefully let you cum tomorrow. He moved to the next nipple and used his fingers to give the other nipple to attention she deserved. 
He loved playing with the fattier parts of your body. One day in the earlier days of your relationship you had told him about your insecurities and he made it his duty to show extra affection to them whenever possible. He moved down to your belly and began kissing all around it and sucking your flesh in between. He pulls back up to you and places a gentle kiss on your lips and smiles.
“I love you.”
He pulls your shirt back down and pulls your body tightly against him. You feel him throbbing against your thigh as you sit on his lap. He grabbed your left foot and began to massage the heels of your feet, slowly working up to your toes and moving back down methodically. You wanted to enjoy pleasing him and vice versa but, you knew tonight was really going to be affection rather than sex. You craved an orgasm but you also needed intimacy. You loved how he knew where to find a balance in your needs and desire them. 
Saturday Morning 9:50AM
The Thai place was amazing. You could see yourself sneaking there during lunch breaks for the dishes. You both had finished off two bottles of wine and sat snuggled up on the couch watching Living Single re runs. He laid on your chest between your thighs as you both fought sleep. He smelled of deep amber and vanilla. A cologne that you mentioned loving years ago and he made a point to wear around you. 
You looked at the man next to you. You gently disconnected yourself from him and crawl beneath the sheets. You pull his member from his boxers and spit on it. You feel his body shift, he’s waking up. You lick up the under side of the shaft and attach your lips to the top. You extend your tongue outside of your lips and begin pulling in and out of your mouth. A deep chuckle breaks your concentration. 
“You love this dick don’t you?” He mused. You nodded “Couldn’t wait for me to wake up?”
You continued your assault by forcing the entirety of his length into your throat. You always struggled through this part but you never stopped trying. You gagged on it and kept pushing. You were confident that you wouldn’t vomit but you needed to taste his nut. You repeated the process, sucking the tip then taking it all down your throat. You loved the feeling of his breath becoming quicker and his hand pulling your bonnet off and grasping your twists in both of his hands. His hips kept bucking up at you until you felt warm ropes begin to paint your throat. You loved this taste. The feeling of his balls constricting on your cheeks. The way his happy trail tickled your nose. The way his thighs felt so strong against your finger tips. His firm grip on your hair. It all made you want him more. You kept sucking after he had finished until his body began to twitch again. It was only right to overstimulate him how he had done you so many times before. 
You lifted off of him and hurried to the bathroom to brush your teeth. You knew once he gained his strength back he would return the favor a few times over. He padded in behind you and began running the water in the bathtub. You smiled softly and went to the kitchen. You cut up apples, oranges and put grapes into a bowl and met him in the bathroom. He had grabbed towels and began to strip. Staring at your gown, he points and the tub. You comply and bring the bowl with you.
“Eat mama.” He commands and begins kissing up and down your neck. His hands go beneath the water and find your folds. He grazes across your clit and down to your opening. His right hand rises to your breast and he palms it lightly. He grasps your clit between two fingers and rolls it between them. Your breath hitches. 
“Please, Erik.” You breathe. You feel him smile behind you.
“Please, what baby?”
“Please fuck me.”
His laugh shakes your chest as he puts a singular finger inside of you. He knew that he needed to work you up to his size. After a week away from him, you always shrunk to a coin slot. He curved his hand around to place one hand on your clit while still fingering you. You move the bowl to the ridge of the tub as you feel yourself getting closer to a climax. He adds another finger in. Initially it is uncomfortable but as he keeps rubbing your clit your loosen up around him. You pant as you feel your end close to you. He abruptly pulls his fingers out of you and turns the shower on behind both of you. He pulls you up carefully after moving the bowl to the floor near the tub. He lifts you up by your waist and slowly guides your onto his dick. He stretches you immediately and you feel like you might split open. It hurt but still felt so good. 
After waiting for you to nod at him, he began pumping in and out of you. Slowly at first then he picked up speed. He backed you into the wall and moved one of his arms from around you on to your clit and began rubbing. The hot coil in your belly began to tighten and you knew your orgasm was coming quickly. He looked so focused on getting your nut, he was barely worried about his. You begin coating him in a thick, white cream as your body is almost to your peak. Your moans begin to fill the bathroom as he hit your g spot. You finished and you felt yourself squirting on him. He loved that. He loved drinking it more than watching it though. 
He immediately followed behind you and filled you up with his cum. The warm water hit both of your side as your legs dropped and he laid his forehead against yours. He lightly kissed you then pulled out of you. You felt cold now without him inside of you. He reached for your body wash and you reached for his. Every time you had shower sex, you both would wash each others body’s. 
Regardless of all the shit you go through during the week. This makes it worth it. Orgasms before noon and endless support and love from a man you love. 
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tsumuniri · 3 years
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━━━ Atsumu Miya is a free-loader. Living inside his twin brother's home as if it was his, he would bring home girls and annoy Osamu most of the time. Y/N L/N is quite the opposite apparently because she's a virgin loser. Being the popular anonymous BL mangaka known as Yamazaki, she stays in the homey abode of her parents and watches boys from afar for references (not for admiration sadly).
Now what will happen if fate decided to tie these two idiots together and made them live across each other in one apartment?
。m.list ❯❯ ┃next
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DO YOU GET NERVOUS to the point you wouldn't be surprised that you already took a shit, not pee, but discharge the residue on your pants? That's how a certain H/C-haired female felt as she sat across the table with her editor on the other side. It was only a figurative speech, though; if she took it literally, Y/N would gladly dig her own grave and plan her funeral up to what kind of horrid gown she'd be wearing in her casket.
It wasn't your fault to be this anxious. You've been doing this type of gig for almost five years, yet you couldn't help but tremble slightly on your seat as you noiselessly wait for the male editor to enlighten you with comments in regards to this unreleased chapter. You hate having to go through this type of initiation, but hey, you love your job nevertheless.
"Great work today, L/N-san. You accurately followed my advice when it comes to the panels. As expected from your skills and experiences in the field." Akihito remarked, pushing up his glasses with his thumb and closing the original copy of the printed manuscript.
You now had the ability to breathe as you draw out a deep sigh of relief. "Well, thank the gods for that! When you criticized the paneling of this chap two days ago, I panicked a bit and had to rearrange them all." You rambled on and began to ravish the food on your tray to satisfy your empty stomach. It was a bit difficult to comprehend your words due to the continuous eating of the delicious french fries. However, your editor somewhat understood you in the end.
Akihito watched you chowed down on the poor potato snack and shook his head from the ridiculous spectacle of your hungry state. "You're the infamous Yamazaki, but you asked me to meet up with you in a place like this?" He panned out.
"What do you mean? And didn't I tell you not to say my pen name out loud? What if people might hear you!"
"Y/N, we're in McDonald's." Your editor frowned, gesturing around the place full of children with a nudge of his thumb. With the sudden dilemma of your hidden identity, he cocked a brow and turned his head to glance at the screaming little monsters chasing each other on the matted floor. It was clear to him that these youngsters didn't pay any mind to their talk.
"We took the table by the playground. I don't think kids of their age would know someone who makes picture books of men sucking-".
"ALRIGHT, ALRIGHT! STOP!" You cut him off right before he could finish his ambiguous statement. You took a bite on the fry you were holding and dipped it in the blob of ketchup on the tissue paper. "I chose this fast-food resto because the atmosphere in this place is loud. I don't want someone to hear you nor see the material you're reading." You licked the salt off your fingers once you finished eating your fries.
His slanted eyes squinted in suspicion as his onyx irises surveyed your get-up from head to toe. Your patterned sock-covered feet nestled on black Adidas slippers as you had plaid trousers that seemed to look like matching pajama pants of a clothing set. The white shirt with the oppai logo you wore made up for your lacking asset. However, the best feature of this apparel you came up with was the unusual pair of large rimmed shades covering your eyes. "It seemed like you do know how to act natural, Y/N..." Akihito trailed, deciding not to ridicule the outfit you chose to wore for their meeting since he knew you were in a hurry to meet the deadline.
Your eyes glanced at the watch wrapped around your wrist and realized the current time. "I better get going. My mom would kill me if I didn't do the groceries. Thank you for today, Akihito!" You pushed yourself off the table, sitting up from the cushioned seat then bowing towards the male.
The brunette also stood up for courtesy's sake, softly smiling at you in gratification. "Thank you for your hard work as well, L/N-san. I'll make sure to send out a copy of the weekly magazine as soon it releases to the public. Your international fans will definitely enjoy this chapter once the global publishing company releases the translated magazine." He assured.
"Well, I'm happy to hear that everyone gets to enjoy my works! I'll see you soon, Akihito." You gave him a lazy grin as you turned your back and left for your pending chore.
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"That man sure bought a lot of cleaning products." You thought out loud as you recalled the fascinating scene of a fellow shopper with a basket full of cleaning merchandise. You couldn't pinpoint his looks since the guy was wearing a face mask. But from his athletic build and large hooded eyes that made the other shoppers distance themselves away, you had a feeling he's good-looking. It wouldn't be surprising if he already has a girlfriend.
Or a boyfriend if he likes bananas over tacos.
Your little bubble of thoughts soon popped as you stood outside the gate of your household, staring at the moving boxes stacked on the grassy floor of your mother's garden. 'Now, what are they up to?' You mused, having a bad feeling in the pit of your stomach from the cardboard packages.
You hoisted up the two paper bags full of groceries against your chest and pulled the gate open. "Mom! Dad! I'm Home!" You greeted out, walking past the boxes and almost tripping on one of them. Your left arm had lifted the groceries with difficulty as you used your other hand to twist the doorknob of the front door.
The spruce door was pushed open by your right arm. As you took a step inside, your ears caught a pitched bark from the end of the hallway. A smile fixed on your lips once the familiar energetic sound registered in your mind.
"Kazu!" A short-coated corgi ran out from one of the doorways as it continued to bark and jump from the excitement of its owner arriving back at home. Its fluffy butt waddled with every step it took with its soft paws— bouncing a couple of times once you called out its name.
You smiled from ear to ear, "You miss me, boy?" You cooed, slipping out of your slippers and setting the bags of groceries on the hall table by the door. The dog barked softly and looked up at you with his beady eyes, wagging his tail and letting out another bark in reply. You would've played with this cute bunch that the gods have blessed you with, but the questions about the boxes haven't stopped galling you for answers.
"Where's mom and dad, Kazu?"
Kazu tilted his head and barked as if the corgi understood what you were trying to tell him. The dog turned around and darted over to the staircase leading upstairs. 'Maybe that's why they didn't hear me.' You thought to yourself and followed your dog over to the flight of stairs. The fluffy puppy used his time in climbing up the steps, but you decided to scoop the dog up in your arms and carry him midway due to how hard of a time the corgi's having.
You gently placed Kazu back on the floor after you both reached upstairs. Your brows furrowed together as you caught the sight of the two pieces of luggage outside your bedroom door. If your gut was telling you before that something grave might happen, it was screaming at you now that something will. "Mom?" You called out for your mother, needing an explanation for what the hell her parents are doing to her room.
Finally, the said person peeked her head out from the doorway of your room. "Y/N, dear! Welcome back!" She smiled and waved her hand to beckon you over to her side.
"Since you're finally here, your father and I have some great news for you!"
You eyed your mother, suspicious by the way she's acting, but you still heeded her command and took hesitant steps in the direction of your bedroom. "What's happening, mom? Why are you guys in my r-" You weren't able to finish your sentence as you find yourself in an almost empty bedroom with your father sealing a box with packaging tape.
The middle-aged man looked up from what he was doing and beamed once he saw his daughter walked inside the room, "My lovely girl! Great timing! Help your old pal in bringing your stuff outside the house." He hummed.
You didn't know what to say— you already had an idea of what the old couple was about to do, but you don't want to believe it. Your wide eyes shifted between your mother and father, "Don't... Don't tell me that..." You stammered as you were in disbelief from the current event playing right in front of you.
"We're kicking you out, Y/N!"
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## and this is the first fic that i posted here on tumblr! though, i already published it in wp as well LMAO. i hope you enjoyed reading the prologue :'>
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gainingexjock · 4 years
Harry had been a great athlete in high school, the typical jock type. He did football, wrestling, basketball and occasionally a bit of soccer. He always had a love for food but his activities meant he still had a trim and athletic physic. As he began his final year in high school he found exam stress and work meant he had to stop doing so much sport, in fact he decided to stop altogether until his exams were out of the way. But he hadn’t altered his diet to match his new found laziness, and so the weight began to pile on
Harry came home after school in September after a long day and revision after school, the first thing he did was head to the fridge and cupboards . He grabbed some coke, a bag of share Doritos, two chocolate bars and a bad of haribos. He ran upstairs quick and closed the sort to his room, he removed his clothes until he was just in his boxers and sat in his gaming chair snacking away while playing Xbox with some friends. Half a hour passed and he had finished all the food so headed downstairs to grab some more, as he was rumadging through the fridge his mum came through the door. “Hey bby sweetie, what are you doing?”
“Just grabbing some snacks mum”
“Well don’t eat too much cause I am making lasagne for tea”
Harry nodded and headed back upstairs to finish his snacks, 1 hour passed and he could hear his mum call from downstairs that dinner was ready. He chucked on some joggers and made his way downstairs his belly having a slight jiggle to it, his mum was a good cook but didn’t eat a lot herself. Instead she made a nice big lasagne for Harry with garlic bread and pizza on the side, while she had a salad. Harry finished the whole dish as well as the rest of the food. He sat back in his chair to let his belly hang out, it was firm and stuffed to the brim with food.
“Oh darling, I am glad you have a good appetite”
“Me too mum *burrppp, oh sorry pardon me”
“Why don’t u go sit down and I will bring you some dessert”
Harry took his plate to the dishwasher and went to sit in the couch, he found it discomforting to find a comfy position. He was too full and his belly to firm, his mum came over with some chocolate cake and ice cream.
“Here u go sweetpea”
“Thanks mum but I think I am too full to eat anymore”
“How about I rub your tummy while you have it hmm I don’t want to see you go hungry”
Harry obliged knowing he did want that cake, so he sat there scoffing his face while he felt his mums warm hands massage his stomach. The peace didn’t last long as his mum had something she needed to say
“Hun, I didn’t want to say anything and I have fed u up tonight so u didn’t feel bad but I think stopping your sports was a bad idea, you have gained a lot of weight scince”
“I know mum but tbh I am too busy for sports and plus it’s kind of nice not having to do it anymore”
“But you were so good at it, I don’t mind you gaining weight in fact you were maybe too skinny but I don’t want u to fell unhappy in your body”
“I don’t mum, in fact the size is nice. I feel more comfortable and we haven’t had nice moments like this for years while I did sports”
“Yes I guess you are right, it’s nice to spend more time with you”
“I want to tell you something, I actually want to get bigger and I hope you will help me do that mum”
“Ofc I will Harry, if that’s what u want sugarplum”
Harry was quite surprised his mum had agreed so easily, but he knew she was a feeder, she always had made big meals for everyone that came round and he knew she wouldn’t deny him what he wanted.
All the parents stared as an obese Harry came waddling out the school doors. The last few months had been endless food and laziness for Harry, his mum had definitely pulled through and was helping him gain weight. When he told his mum about his want to gain he was about 230 pounds but now he was edging 350. It wasn’t long till all the parent and kids saw Harry’s mum pull up in her big suv, she got out and helped Harry into the back giving him some snacks to eat on the way home. They where driving the way home and Harry noticed they had pulled into a drive thru, his mum ordered and passed the three bags into the back
“Here u go darling, u look stressed so here is some food to make u feel better”
Harry gobbles it all up before they got home, his belly popping out from under his small t shirt every time they went over a pothole or speedbump. They pulled up onto the drive but there was another car there, to Harry’s surprise his dad get out. Harry’s dad left home four years ago and was again a typical high school jock kinda guy, Harry hadn’t seen him for just over a year
Harry’s mum helped him out the car, his dads face turned to a look of anger and surprise
“Wth happened to you Harry !!”
“Don’t shout at him please james”
“Last time I saw you, you were a successful sports player and now look at you, a huge butterball who probably can’t run across the playing field ! You are a disgace”
Harry could feel his tears beginning to form in his eyes, he ran as fast as his fat legs could carry him to his room where he stripped down and lay on his bed. He could hear his mum shouting and then his dad slamming the car door and driving away
There was a knock at the bedroom door and his mum came in, he was completely naked but his new belly hid his private parts so he wasn’t too fussed. His mum sat down on the bed next to him and passed him a Swiss role she had brought from the store.
“I’m sorry hun, you know I love you and I think you still look as good as ever”
Harry felt better feeling the support from his mum and embraced her with a big hug. The months that passed were great, he continued school but as soon as he got home his mum would feed him whatever he wanted and he got bigger and bigger every day. He started getting comments at school from his older jock friends but he was soon gonna be leaving so he didn’t care too much. That day when he got home from school, he saw a furniture moval van pulled up on his neighbours driveway, he knew their house had been up for sale but had no idea it had sold. He went inside to see his mum had just finished baking a nice big chocolate cake, he dropped his bag on the floor and headed over to lick the icing
“ no Harry, this isn’t for you. It’s a moving in present for the couple next door. We are taking it over in a bit, I hear they have a son about your age maybe you two could become friends hmm”
Harry was annoyed at being denied the cake so just nodded, grabbed some Doritos from the cupboard and headed upstairs. He didn’t particularly want to meet this new kid as he would probably take the mick out of Harry and his ballooning size which was now over 400. So he was anxious to hear his mum shout from downstairs that it was time to go welcome them
Harry quickly chucked some joggers and a white tee on and headed downstairs, him and his mum walked round to the neighbours house which looked a lot less chaotic than earlier. Harry was puffing from the walk over and was really not liking the idea of meeting this kid. His mum knocked on the door and after a few seconds it was opened my a big man, with a large beard and a even larger stomach. Harry guessed he must have been around 300 pounds, he was quickly joined by a smaller more petite lady with brown hair.
“Hi, sorry to disturb you cause I know you must be busy unpacking. But we live next door and wanted to bring this cake as a welcome gift. This is my son harry”
“Well that’s very kind of you, it looks delicious” the man said
“Sorry my husband is forgetting his manors, I am Julie and this is my husband Charles, our son Sam is around. Why don’t you come in and I shall grab him”
Harry and his mum came in and sat on the couch by the kitchen, as Harry sat down his shirt rode up leaving the softest part of his belly exposed. He quickly tugged it down hoping no one saw. In the hall he could see Julie come down the stairs, and following her at a much slower pace came Sam. Well Sam’s belly, Harry couldn’t quite see his face yet. Harry was in awe , sam must have been around the same size as him but with blonde curly hair and a huge double chin. He was wearing shorts that let his big wobbly thighs loose and a black tee that stood no chance of slimming the big belly down. He smiled and sat down next to his parents
“ so how long have you and Harry lived here?” Julie asked
“About 7 years now, Harry goes to the local school which I presume sam will be joining ?”
“Oh no, same finished his exams before we moved so idk what he is gonna do yet, perhaps get a job somewhere local. In fact sam why don’t you take Harry to your room you two can get to know each other better”
Sam agreed and signalled Harry to follow him, it took a couple of tries for both of the boys to get off the couch. Harry couldn’t help but look at Sam’s big jiggly ass as they walked up the stairs, it really was very plump
“Here is my room, it’s nicer than my last one a lot bigger”
“It’s really nice” Harry replied
“Take a seat”
The two boys sat on the bean bags sam had in his room, Harry knew it was a bad idea as it would be hard for him to get back up again after.
“Do u wanna play some Xbox” Sam asked
“Yeah defo”
“Let me just grab some snacks, why don’t u put a game in”
Sam soon came back up with two big bowls of crisps, chocolate and some coke for them both. They spent a good hour eating and playing some video games, Harry reached back into the bowl to grab some crisps to find it was empty
“Oh sorry mate, I have quite a big appetite I shall grab some more” Sam said as he patted his belly
He tried to get up, getting a bit flustered in the process. He pushed himself up with his left arm trying to get onto his feet, but his weight betrayed him and he came crashing to the floor again with a huge thud, spilling his coke all over his t shirt in the process
“You okay mate?” Harry said while quickly supporting sam back onto the bean bag
“Yeh thank you, I dunno why I couldn’t get up”
Harry could see sam was getting upset
“Don’t worry, listen I probs will struggle to get out this seat as well. U ain’t the only one with a big belly in the way haha”
Sam smiled a little
“Haha thanks, yeh I guess we are both big boys. I need to change my top though”
Sam slowly made his way over to the dresser, deciding to just shuffle over as he couldnt quite get the energy to push himself off the bean bag
He opened the drawer and grabbed a t shirt
“Sorry this too is a bit small but I haven’t unpacked the rest of my clothes yet”
“Don’t worry mate”
Same heaved himself up and slowly removed the soaking t shirt exposing his stretch marked belly to Harry. Harry didn’t quite know why he was so attracted to Sam, perhaps it was because they were so similar in size or maybe Harry had never seen such a big boy before apart from himself. Sam had a beautiful body, a big belly that hanged over the waistline of his shorts and moobs that dropped either side, he slid the new top over his large belly but it didn’t quite cover it
“I figured as we are both big it didn’t matter if I took my top off in front of u haha”
“It’s fine”
Sam came over and lowered himself again
“Listen, I wanna speak big guy to big guy. What’s it like for you? I have been big for a long time and I can’t really remeber a time I wasn’t overweight. I hope you don’t think me rude but you are a big guy and honestly man you look great” Sam said
“ well tbh sam I love it, I have really plumped up this year after stopping football and all my other sports. Mate you look great as well, I don’t really know what to say but the belly suits you”
“Thanks man, shall we get some more food, I bet my parents won’t mind if we order pizza”
“Sure let’s do it”
The boys pigged out massively that evening, not moving from the bean bags on Sam’s bedroom floor, in fact Harry stayed there that night as they where both too full to even try and get up. They both slept there in their briefs with their belly on show.
The boys became good friends over the next few months, Sam had gained a lot as he didn’t get the job his parents were hoping he would. So he lived a life of laziness and eating. Harry had just finished his exams and began his holidays, his mum fed him well when she got home from work and during the day he did the same as Sam
One day Harry was laying on his bed now weighing a colossal 500 pounds, he was watching netlix in his briefs while stuffing his favourite, a chocolate Swiss role. Suddenly Sam came bursting through the bedroom door
“Oh shit sorry man, your mum said to come up I had no idea”
Harry quickly tried to adjust himself but he hadn’t moved for a good few days and was weighed down by his belly
“It’s okay mate”
“I just , ugh he grunted” he began to sweat and his breath quickened
“ I can’t get up”
Sam came over
“Oh shit mate, let me help you”
Harry pushed and pushed while sam pulled and eventually he was now sat up right, his huge belly hanging between his legs. Sam sat next to him making the bed creak so much they thought it would break.
“Thanks man” Harry panted
“ no worries dude I mean you have seen me in this situation before haha”
“I am such a disgrace, you must think me such a slob”
“No Ofc not, I do the exact same thing when I am home. In fact let me be a slob too”
Sam stood up and began to remove his tight joggers and top that barley covered his belly anyway, Harry couldn’t believe the sight, Sam looked amazing so huge and obese. His briefs cutting into his huge thighs. He came and sat next to him, their bellies pushing together as they where both now released from the constraints of clothing.
“See we are the same” Sam said
“Listen mate, I don’t want you to think me disgusting but you look amazing and honestly I just wanna fuck that big ass of yours right now”
“I thought u would never ask”Sam said
Harry turned laying down next to Sam, they pushed their bellies together each helping the other to remove their tight briefs from their body.
It was amazing, they laid there next to each other after having the best sex in their life, both panting and tired from the exercise. The door opened, Harry’s mum had never looked so shocked in her life !
“Boys what, what are you doing?!”
“Mum, me and Sam we love each other and we want to grow big and old together. We want to grow fat together”
His mum called round Sam’s parents and they explained it all. They all agreed, both parents already knew their boys love for food it was just now they would be doing it together. The boys where brought food by their parents as they lay in bed together and grew in size.
Years later the bed was reinforced with steel to take the weight of the two boys, growing fatter by the day. Harry a colossal 900 pounds and sam a huge 850, they where both now 23 and had been living their dream life. They planned to keep on growing with the help of their parents
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midnightsnyx · 4 years
Consequences - Matthew Tkachuk: part 8
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summary: you absolutely hate Matthew Tkachuk so it’s just your luck when you wind up pregnant with his child.
here is it! the last part! please let me know if its too corny lol. epilogue will be posted either this week or next.
couples notes: 1. i don’t know anything about childbirth aside from what google taught me so i apologize for any wrong info! 2. i’m sorry this story was pretty short lol ya girl is doing the best i can😅 3. i wanna throw a couple quick thanks now and then the rest when i post the epilogue. 
first of all i wanna send a thank you to @hannahmb​ who let me bounce ideas off her, gave me feedback, listened to me complain about not knowing where to go with the chapters and also, helped name baby tkachuk! so thank you hannah! you rock 🖤
i wanna thank @notanotherhockeyblog95​ for also listening to me whine about not knowing what to write 😂 also, for giving me loads of encouragement and letting me throw ideas at her! you’re the best!!🖤
anyways here’s part 8! i hope you guys like it and thanks again for reading<3
word count: 2.3k
warnings: none
Part 8
41 weeks
“Matty. Wake up.” You whisper, shaking his shoulder in attempt to wake him. He doesn’t budge so you pull the blankets off him in hopes that it might work but again, he doesn’t move. It’s quite disappointing considering you’re now five days past your due date and if you were in labor, he won’t wake. Luckily, Chantal is sleeping just down the hall. After many conversations, you and Matthew agreed that it was probably a good idea to have her stay with the two of you in case you were to go in labor while Matt was playing a game. Yes, you had friends around but it comforted you much more having Chantal here because she’s went through this before.
With one last look at Matt, you roll out of bed and waddle like a duck, because that’s what you looked like according to Matt and Brady, to the kitchen. You were trying to wake Matt up because you felt like a snack but you didn’t feel like getting out of bed.
You’re digging through the freezer for some ice-cream you’re sure Brady had bought when he last visited when you feel the first cramp. It’s a little uncomfortable but you’ve been having some braxton hicks contractions on and off over the past few weeks, some feeling real enough that you went to the hospital only to be sent home which was very embarrassing even though Chantal told you it happens all the time. It wasn’t exactly the fact that you got sent home that you felt embarrassed about, but that Matthew left practice because he thought you were in labor. You just thanked your lucky stars that it wasn’t while he was in the middle of a game because it would’ve been ten times worse.
So you brush it off, cheering silently when you find the tub of chocolate ice-cream, idly wondering if it’s weird to eat it in bed at three o’clock in the morning. You decide it’s not, walking back to the bedroom and crawling in bed. You sit up against the headboard and grab the PS4 controller so you can put Netflix on since you know you won’t be falling asleep any time soon.
Matt rolls over and throws and arm over your legs and nuzzling his face in your side halfway through an episode of Grey’s Anatomy. It’s gives your belly a weird feeling again, not pain this time but something else. Something a little unsettling because you haven’t felt this particular feeling in quite some time.
You’re pretty sure you’re in love with Matt which makes you equally frightened as it does happy. You’ve realized that your hatred for him stemmed from that one night when he did something to make you angry when your breakup with your ex was so fresh and you were emotionally vulnerable.
Just like Johnny had told Matt good things about you, he’s mentioned things about Matt to you, obviously in hopes that the two of you would hit it off. It gave you a little hope that despite what you had heard from some of the girls, he wasn’t that bad of a guy which you know is true now.
Your only problem now is that you have no idea how strong his feelings are for you. Part of you is afraid that what he does feel is only from seeing you carrying his child. You know what he told you at the baby shower, that he liked you since you met but you still can’t shake the feeling that maybe what he feels for you might just be temporary.
That one day he’s going to wake up and decide that he doesn’t want you the way he does now and it breaks your heart thinking about it.
“You’re crying.” Matt mumbles and you look down to see him now wide awake. “What’s wrong?”
You didn’t realize that you were crying and you can’t wait for the day when everything doesn’t make you cry like a baby.
“I’m fine.” You say, swiping the tears away. “It’s the show.” This is a lie because you haven’t been paying attention to the show for about five minutes.
He looks at the TV and then looks back at you with an eyebrow raised. “It’s a sex scene. Something you been wanting to tell me?”
He has a tiny smirk on his face and it’s temping, it really is, but you shake your head and try to come up with some other excuse.
“My ice-cream melted.”
“Do you want more?” He frowns, sitting up and it drives you insane sometimes, how willing he is to do anything for you at any given time.
“No, I just -” you sigh, putting the tub on the night table. “I’m tired.”
You know it’s a lie and so does he but he doesn’t push like he normally would. You let him tug you down so you’re laying on your side and he’s wrapped around you, hand resting on your belly and face tucked in your neck.
“What about Jasper?” He whispers and you smile.
“I like it.” You tell him and he nods.
“We’ll put it on the list.”
. . .
It’s later that evening and you’ve been having what you’re telling yourself are braxton hicks contractions all day. You refuse to go back to the hospital already because you know you’ll just get sent home again. Besides, Matty has a game tonight and you’re determined to go because it’s the last game of the season. The Flames won’t make the playoff’s this year and you know Matt is upset about it but he said that what’s more important is that he’ll be here for when and after the baby is born.
His words made you fall in love with him a little more.
You and Chantal arrived at the arena early enough that you can go down to see Matt while she finds your seats. You text him when you’re outside the locker doors and he looks happy when he walks out to see you. You can see the hint of disappointment that tonight is the last game until next season but he smiles at you anyway.
“How’s Jasper?” He asks, resting a hand on your stomach.
“I don’t remember agreeing to that name.” You tease and he shrugs.
“Jasper Tkachuk. Has a nice ring to it.” He says, giving you a soft smile. He looks like he wants to say something else but somebody yells his name and you know he has to go.
He smiles apologetically. “I’ll come find you after the game.”
You nod, letting him kiss you before heading back to the locker room. You find your way to Chantal in the stands, trying to ignore the way the braxton hicks contractions won’t go away. There’s a small part of you that knows you shouldn’t be brushing them off but now really isn’t the time for you to go into labor.
You can’t hide the winces from Chantal though because halfway through the first period, she frowns.
“How long have you been having them?”
You wince when another one washes through you. It’s much closer to the last one.
“Since this morning?”
“Y/N.” She scolds gently but firmly.
“It’s his last game! I don’t want to miss it.”
“Honey, you’re in labor.”
When those words leave Chantal’s mouth, it feels like somebody smacked you because it’s suddenly so real.
“C’mon. Let’s get to the hospital.” She says, helping you out of your seat.
“We’ll get a message to him.” she assures you. “he won’t miss it.”
. . .
As you watch the game from your hospital bed, Chantal paces around the room on her phone trying to talk to someone who can get a message to Matt.
Your water broke shortly after you and Chantal arrived at the hospital and you know how quickly things can progress so you’re terrified that he won’t make it in time. You know that it’s something that the two of you had talked about early on, in the case that he was on a road trip and wouldn’t be here but knowing that he is here but you can’t get a hold of him, is hard.
“I know it’s an unusual situation.” Chantal snaps. “Figure it out.”
When she ends the call, she sighs and presses a hand to her forehead. You know how stressed she is about the situation but when she turns to you, there’s a gentle smile on her face.
“He’ll be here.”
You admire her attempt at trying to reassure you but you know that you need to get yourself in a good mindset to be okay if he’s not here.
“Did you call Becca?” You ask, hoping for at least some good news.
“Yes, she’s on her way.”
A little bit of good news. Finally.
You start to ask if she’s called anyone else but a nurse comes in the room to check you. When she tells you it shouldn’t be much longer, your heart sinks, realizing that Matt’s probably not going to make it here in time.
“I just got word that Matthew Tkachuk will be out for the rest of the game.” you hear Elliotte Friedman say and your head snaps up. You forgot that the TV was still on and it’s now intermission. “I didn’t see him get injured during the game, Chris. Did you?”
“No, and he didn’t take any major penalties. Maybe we missed something.”
Your heart leaps when you realize that he’s probably left the game because someone got the message through to him and you’re proven right when your phone buzzes and his name appears on the screen.
“Hey, baby.” he says in a rushed voice. “I’m on my way to the hospital, okay?”
“Yeah?” You sniffle, knowing you’re going to cry.
“Yeah.” He promises. “Fifteen minutes, okay?”
He stays on the phone with you until he reaches the hospital and even until he reaches your room.
He takes Chantal’s place on the chair next to your bed as soon as he walks in.
“Ready?” He asks, taking one of your hands in his and pressing his lips to it.
“Not really.” You joke, trying to lighten the mood because you’re scared out of your mind. Your entire life is about to change but when you look at Matt sitting next to you, eyes kind and warm and with the smile on his face, you know you can do just about anything with him by your side.
. . .
“I guess we need to pick a name now, huh?” Matt whispers, cradling the baby in his arms. He was natural from the moment he held him and it was like your heart exploded. If you thought you loved Matt before, you know that you love him now.
“What about Henry?” You ask, watching him walk around, bouncing the baby gently.
His mouth turns up in a tiny smile. “I love it.” Then he looks up at you and tilts his head a little as if he’s coming to a realization.
He shrugs, looking back down at Henry before walking over and sitting on the bed next to you. He lets you take the baby out of his arms so you can nurse him.
“I just realized something.”
“And what’s that?” You ask, raising an eyebrow when he smiles.
“I love you.” He says easily and when your eyes start watering, he just laughs gently. “I love you so much it’s crazy.”
“Really?” You ask and he nods.
“Really.” He grins and you can’t help but laugh when he pulls his phone out of his pocket and waves it in the air.
“Now, shall we make this Instagram official?” He asks and you roll your eyes fondly.
“You’re such a dork.”
“But you love me.” He says and you smile, pulling him close enough so that you can kiss him.
“I really do.”
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johnny-and-dora · 5 years
may your days be merry and bright
"So many of her favourite Christmas traditions have had to be put on hold this year, and she needs this one night just so she can feel like her old self again."
or, a grumpy, tired and extremely pregnant amy learns she can always rely on her weird work family. (merry christmas/happy holidays everyone!) thank you @fourdrinkamy for a wonderful prompt & @amyscascadingtabs for her infinite wisdom about pregnancy!
read on ao3 -
Amy Santiago has always adored Christmas.
The annual, extremely chaotic congregation of her ever-growing family, the twinkling lights, the festive cheer. The spreadsheets and planning that goes into choosing the perfect gifts on a strict budget. Her mom’s cooking and the way that everyone always acts a little kinder, a little merrier. The movies and the songs and lately, the privilege of sharing it with her favourite person in the entire world.
Next year, they’ll be sharing Christmas with their baby. Next year there will be unfairly adorable Santa themed baby clothes to buy and cheesy family Christmas card photos to pose for and new traditions to make, and Amy is beyond excited for that – but this year, the whole being eight months pregnant thing has inevitably put a bit of a damper on her usually thriving holiday spirit.
The swollen feet and the constant hunger and crippling fatigue and the Braxton Hicks contractions are bad enough, but it’s the endless anxious waiting that’s slowly killing her – the crib is assembled and the hospital bag has been packed and repacked and the binder is done and she’s read every single pregnancy book available to her cover to cover, so thoroughly that according to Jake she’s been reciting facts about infant care in her sleep.
They’re ready, or as ready as they’ll ever be, but now it feels like all they can do is wait.
Amy hates waiting.
And now the most wonderful time of year suddenly feels a lot less wonderful, because she can’t go home for the holidays and enjoy Nochebuena with her family like she has every single other year without fail. She can’t enjoy getting absolutely wasted dancing to Christmas music at Shaw’s or even lure her husband into a supply closet with some mistletoe.
Coupled with her early maternity leave (doctor and captain’s orders, much to her disappointment) meaning she’s stuck at home all day every day with her FOMOW at an all-time high, she feels like she’s at breaking point.
Amy frowns at herself in the mirror, adjusting her dress again – it’s a simple red one that Rosa helped her pick out, neither of them particularly enamoured with the bedazzled maternity pants Gina sent her. She tries to take a calming deep breath, forcing a smile before letting her features fall back into place. It’s the first time she’s bothered to put make-up on all week, but the dark bags under her eyes still seem to taunt her.
Not for the first time, despite how badly she’s been looking forward to this Christmas party, she considers just giving up and staying home.
Luckily for her, Jake chooses this exact moment to appear smiling in the mirror beside her.
“You look beautiful, Ames.” He says fondly – he’s taken to telling her that every single day now that she can barely recognise her own body anymore. Though she finds it hard to believe him, each and every time he says it with the exact same reverence that he did on their first date, and each and every time she can barely suppress a soft smile.
“You’re biased.” She pokes him in the shoulder fondly - he comes closer, wrapping his arms around her in response, swaying a little as they look at each other in the mirror.
“You know I mean it, right? I love absolutely all of you. You could grow an extra head or swell to the size of the moon or shrink down to the size of a mouse and I’d still think you’re the most beautiful woman in the entire universe.”
“Even if I were the size of a mouse?”
“Definitely. I’d carry you round in my pocket and everything. Stuart Little-stylez.” She laughs, shaking her head, but now carrying a lightness in her chest that’s hard to come by these days. He’s been the most supportive partner she could ask throughout these last eight months, although really that’s also true of the last five years they’ve been together.
“Thank you. You’re not bad, either.”
“Oh, I know.” He grins with a familiar bravado that puts her at ease, kissing her cheek. “You ready to go?”
She assesses her appearance in the mirror again, but this time she doesn’t need to force a smile. “I’m ready.”
Being thirty-six weeks pregnant, on top of all its other less than desirable side effects, cruelly makes Amy’s devotion to punctuality far more difficult to maintain – she counts it as a victory when they arrive outside the Holt-Cozner household merely five minutes late. The engine sputters to a halt and Mariah Carey is sharply cut off, but Jake doesn’t move, instead fixing her with a meaningful look she knows all too well. She knows what’s coming.
“We don’t have to stay long.” He blurts out. “We don’t even have to go in, if you don’t wanna – I mean, I can turn the car around right now and we can go get polish food and watch Jeopardy and I’ll give you a back massage or something.”
He’s giving her the look again - the soft overprotective one she’s always been fond of but has undoubtedly increased in volume and intensity tenfold since the start of her pregnancy.  
He’s cute when he gets all worried – and he clearly has the best intentions, but little inclination of all the fears she fought to make it this far and all her determination to enjoy this night. Not that she’s told him; Jake has seemingly infinite patience with all her complaints and worries, and she feels a pang of immeasurable guilt about burdening him with any more. Musing this, Amy takes his hand from the steering wheel, thumbing intricate loops over his knuckles.
“You’re sweet. But I want to be here, okay? I want to see everyone! I’ve missed Charles bursting into tears and gushing about the miracle of life every time I walk into the room.”
“Say the word and we can go, okay?”
“Okay!” She squeezes his hand. “Stop worrying, babe. Stress is bad for the baby.” She parrots the saying she’s heard about a billion times in the last eight months and feels satisfied when she finally earns a snort from him. It’s not lost on her that this kid has already turned their entire lives upside down to the point where she’s the one telling him to relax.
A couple years ago, she’d have retched at the thought of being one of the girls in Jake’s beat-up old Mustang. It’s immensely strange and wonderful that now there’s no one else that she could imagine having this baby with. They share a tender smile, and she knows what both of them are thinking. Soon. Soon we get to meet our baby.
Jake grins, placing a light kiss to the back of her hand and pocketing the keys.
“Let’s do this.”
It takes a momentous effort for Amy to waddle up to the house despite Jake supporting her the whole way – she has to take a moment to catch her breath back once they’re both welcomed inside, already fighting a familiar creeping fatigue from settling in and stealing the whole night away from her. So many of her favourite Christmas traditions have had to be put on hold this year, and she needs this one night just so she can feel like her old self again.
As usual, the decorations are tasteful and sophisticated, worlds away from the various novelty Christmas items and abundance of tinsel that clutter their home. There’s a pleasant warm atmosphere that instantly relaxes her and she smiles brightly at Jake, who mouths ‘second honeymoon’ before cheerfully greeting Holt with a six-pack of orange soda and launching into an animated conversation about his latest case.
“Amy.” She’s startled out of watching them by a gentle Kevin, who is as gracious of a host as ever. “It is wonderful to see you. Please, make yourself as comfortable as possible. Is there anything I can get you?” She smiles gratefully, already hyper-aware of the dull ache of her swollen feet but determined that her remaining holiday spirit will not be quashed by any means.
She instantly finds a perfect spot on their couch, accepting a glass of water from Kevin before he excuses himself to go and greet more guests.
Despite the lack of any alcohol in her system, it’s all too easy to space out; it’s also all too easy to feel like everyone is merry and bright except her. She bites her nails, frustrated, deep down knowing that she’ll probably spend the whole night intensively snacking and talking to no-one.
She already loves her baby more than anything else in the world, but that doesn’t stop it from sucking that this sad, lonely feeling budding in her centre is her current reality.
One of Kevin’s colleagues tries to start a conversation with her but quickly excuses herself to get more food once she realises Amy isn’t a professor of any kind. Jake or Rosa or anyone she knows seem absolutely nowhere to be found and she’s quick to admit total defeat as she feels herself sinking into the couch, steeling herself for the long and torturous night ahead.
At least she can take some comfort in how nice Holt and Kevin’s guest bathroom is.
Cheddar is, blissfully, nowhere in sight. She takes a minute of peace to compose herself, grappling with all her dread and doubt about returning to the party clashing with feeling like a failure if she doesn’t enjoy herself.
She’s about to make her way back into the living room when she catches her name in a passing conversation – Amy pauses, lingering in the doorway, suddenly aware of two very familiar voices speaking in a soft tone down the hall.
“...I just…I worry, y’know? She’s so uncomfortable all the time now and we’re both going a little crazy waiting for the baby to arrive and…I don’t know. I just want to help her, but I feel completely useless most of the time. Especially because she’s this freaking superhero who’s been growing this human being for almost nine months and I’m just this guy that couldn’t even assemble the crib.”
“Jake, I assure you that you are far from useless, and I don’t doubt that Amy has assured of the same thing. You are doing everything you can to support her.” Holt says in his usual authoritative baritone - Amy feels her face burn red, aware that this isn’t a moment she should be trespassing on but unable to walk away.
These are fears that he’s voiced to her before, and she can only hope that the more the people he cares about affirm their belief in him, the more his confidence will start to grow.
“I know. I’m just, uh, scared. And scared that I’m never going to stop being scared.”
“If I may speak candidly, I trust that the very compassion, thoughtfulness and fear you are currently displaying that will make you a great father.”
“You think…you think I’m gonna be a great father?”
“Kevin and I are certain that you will both be excellent parents.” Holt says it like it’s a given, just as water is wet or the sky is blue, and Amy glows with pride from her secret hiding place, praying no one else needs to use the bathroom before this conversation ends.
“You really think so?” She just knows that he’s grinning that bright, shining Peralta grin that she just couldn’t help falling in love with.
“Indeed. In fact, we are very proud of both of you. And – well, you already know, but if there is anything you ever need, we are more than happy to support you.”
“Thanks, Captain. Amy’s going to be so psyched when I tell her that.”
She spends another five minutes in the bathroom sniffling before she can compose herself well enough to return to the party – once she does, she can’t help watching Jake all lit up from across the room, and her eyes immediately well up as her heart just soars leaps and bounds.
“Hey.” Rosa slumps down next to her on the sofa while she’s still drying her eyes, nursing an empty wine glass – there’s a softer look in her eyes than usual, an echo of Jake’s increased protectiveness, and Amy is undeniably grateful to see her. “You okay?”
“Yeah. Stupid hormones. What’s up?”
“Eh. I’m fine. Not drunk enough to enjoy talking to these nerds.” Amy scoffs, feeling a slight sting of jealousy that she can’t get drunk with her friends or even attempt to have an intellectual conversation about art history with Kevin’s colleagues, though it’s muted now purely through love for her husband. She twists the ornate silver ring on her finger, aware of the piercing stare her best friend is giving her.
“Are you really okay?” Rosa asks, and Amy’s face crumbles.
“I’m just…really tired of being pregnant. I want to enjoy being here, y’know? I want to enjoy these last few weeks of peace, but I’m bored out of my mind stuck at home just waiting for this kid to pop out of me. And I can’t enjoy being anywhere else because I can’t drink or hold a conversation without immediately falling asleep.” She stifles a well-timed yawn to punctuate her point and Rosa hums in sympathy.
“I feel like I can’t even complain about it to Jake anymore because he’s so damn considerate and kind and he’s trying so hard and I don’t want to burden him with it and I can’t even enjoy Christmas anymore and everything just kinda…”
“Sucks?” Rosa finishes for her and she nods, hands coming to rest naturally on her bump. They’re both quiet for a moment, watching Charles gush about some obscure Latvian festive dish he’s making for Nikolaj to a helpless Terry, but it’s not long before Rosa speaks again.
“Look, I have the day off tomorrow. I’m coming over and we’re making mocktails and watching The Holiday and you can bitch and complain to me about being pregnant as much as you want, guilt-free. Sound good?”
“Rosa, you don’t have to-“
“I know. It’s not a perfect solution or anything but...I want to help. Any way I can.”  Amy gets the feeling that’s the final word on the matter, and she feels gratitude for her best friend rising to a crescendo in her chest. Rosa winces, no doubt recognising the way her face scrunches up when she’s trying not to get emotional, and pats her on the shoulder uneasily. “Please don’t start crying again.”
“I can’t help it!” Amy half-laughs, wiping away a stray tear and pulling her into an awkward yet loving hug. “You’re being nice.”
“It’s not long now, Amy. And…your kid is really lucky to have you guys. You’re both gonna be great.” Rosa smiles a genuine proper rare Rosa smile, before looking down at her empty glass wistfully. “Maybe I’m drunker than I thought I was.”
Amy laughs again, this time bright and shining and full, and the longer she spends here, the more the lightness in her chest she’s spent so long craving simply grows and grows.
The rest of the party passes in a blur; a moony-eyed Charles sits beside her at one point and she braces herself for the worst, but finds herself touched deciphering his rambles about how great her and Jake are going to be (and impressed that she only has to veto one invasive question regarding her uterus). She gets to rant to a highly empathetic Sharon for ten minutes who invites her over for lemonade and assures her that she can ask her or Terry any & every parenthood question she can think of.
Holt even shakes her hand as they leave the party, personally thanking her for coming, and Amy beams as she spots the novelty Father’s Day card Jake got for the both of them still taking pride of place on their mantelpiece. Her family may be miles away in New Jersey, but her weird work family are right here, celebrating with her and supporting her and lifting her up in every way they can.
For the first time all month, Amy feels at peace with missing out on a traditional Christmas this year.
She falls asleep in the car before they’ve even left Holt and Kevin’s street - Jake gently wakes her once they arrive home, clearly cautious of an extremely tired and grumpy pregnant wife to placate and clearly surprised at the positivity with which she handles slowly waddling to their apartment.
“It was just really nice to get out of the house and see everyone, I guess.” She offers breezily as a brief explanation, sighing with content as she can finally take the weight off her feet and indulge in the comfort of their bed. He hums before disappearing to make tea for an inconspicuously long time, eventually returning with a mug in one hand and an envelope in the other.
“Here.” He says, setting the mug down on her bedside table, handing her the envelope and flopping down on the bed beside her. “I wanted it to be a surprise, but I just realised it should be something you can look forward to.”
Amy narrows her eyes. “Jake, you know what we said about gifts this year…” She frowns disapprovingly, but all he does is laugh.
“Just open it, babe. I promise it’s nothing taser related.”
Her curiosity easily overpowers any objections she might have and it’s not long before she’s carefully ripping the envelope open - inside is a piece of paper, which she unfolds as he watches her expectantly. Her heart all but lights up as she slowly realises what it is.
“Is this…”
“...A print screen of a booking confirmation? Yep. Sorry, I wanted it to be vaguely more of a nice romantic gesture than just forwarding you the email.”
It’s a booking for a room in a fancy hotel upstate, one she’s always coveted but never been able to convince herself that they could practically afford.
And it’s for a two night stay, starting on Christmas Eve - a simple but heavenly upgrade to their holiday plans. She looks at him with big, shining eyes.
“I’ve always wanted to go there.”
“I know, because every time we drive past it you mention extremely subtly that you’ve always wanted to go there.” Jake grins teasingly, and she can tell he’s proud of himself for this one - he definitely should be. Once again, tears already threaten to spill and blot the paper because he knows her and he loves her and he’s the right person for her and that’s all in the world that matters. She couldn’t ask for anything more.
“I just knew you were missing having a traditional Christmas this year, and I thought we deserved something kinda...nice? And I know it won’t compare to being with your family but we can order as much room service as you want and just spend the whole day lounging about in fluffy robes watching Christmas movies and just doing whatever you want. You’ve earned it, Ames.”
The soft earnest nickname is what breaks her in the end - her face completely crumples as she tries to stammer her gratitude while ugly crying at the thoughtfulness of her husband. Luckily, he’s used to riding an emotional rollercoaster along with her by now and has the common sense to pass her some tissues and rub her back soothingly until she’s all cried out.
And then Amy kisses him, with everything she has left to give, her thankfulness beyond the clumsiness of words. Suddenly the insurmountable obstacle of waiting out these last few weeks doesn’t seem half as daunting.
Her vows ring powerful and true, now more than ever; as long as she’s with the people that she loves, she can handle anything. Tonight has reminded her that she’s surrounded with so many of the right people that, with their help, even raising a child now seems possible.
“This is so thoughtful - thank you.” She holds the paper close to her chest, still sniffling. “I love you so much.”
Her eyes are red and puffy and there’s somehow phlegm everywhere but he still looks at her like she hung the moon anyway and it makes all of it, absolutely all of it, worth it.
“Love you too. Merry Christmas, honey.” He kisses the top of her forehead before gently pressing his hand to her stomach, clearly not over the delightful novelty of instantly feeling a kick there.
“And Merry Christmas to you too, peanut. I know you must be pretty comfy in there but you better not keep us waiting too much longer, because we’re super psyched to meet you.” Amy hums in agreement, absolutely exhausted but completely overwhelmed with joy, her holiday spirit alive and thriving.
And at the end of the day, if it means a few more precious weeks of keeping her husband all to herself, she supposes that maybe she can handle waiting just a tiny bit longer.
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searchingwardrobes · 4 years
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This is a future fic from the universe of my self published novel What Hindered Love. It’s pretty much 4k words of fluff. Spoilers for my book, obviously.
Summary: They've come a long way, but sometimes Chloe Wren Barrett still forgets she isn't alone, and sometimes Micah Barrett forgets he's been redeemed. Thankfully, they have each other to remind them.
Tagging:  @snowbellewells​​​​​​ @teamhook​​​​​​ @xhookswenchx​​​​​​ @ekr032-blog-blog​​​​​​ @sherlockianwhovian​​​​​​ @superchocovian​​​​​​ @thislassishooked​​​​​​ @ohmakemeahercules​​​​​​ @kday426​​​​​​ @onceuponaprincessworld​​​​​​ @ilovemesomekillianjones​​​​​​ @nikkiemms​​​​​​ @kmomof4​​​​​​ @hollyethecurious​​​​​​ @bethacaciakay​​​​​​ @whimsicallyenchantedrose​​​​​​ @welllpthisishappening​​​​​​ @wellhellotragic​​​​​​ @tiganasummertree​​​​​​ @captainswanapproved​
The microwave makes its dull whirring sound, and Luke Barrett spins around the room in tune to its rhythm. His brother Lincoln sits on top of the kitchen counter, peering into the large bowl next to him.
“Does the chocolate go in first, Daddy?” the four year old asks.
“No, Lincoln,” Luke corrects him in a bossy tone, “you have to pour the hot fudge all over it so it’s nice and chocolately, right Daddy?”
Micah chuckles, thinking how he sounds exactly like his mother. As if said woman can read his mind, Chloe calls out from her spot on the couch in the living room.
“You better not be letting Lincoln sit on the counter top, Micah Barrett!”
Micah exchanges a sheepish, guilty look with his two boys, then grins mischievously. He winks at them both as he answers his wife, “Of course not, sweetie.” Lincoln starts to giggle, then claps his pudgy hands over his mouth as his brown eyes widen.
“Riiight,” Chloe quips, but the snap is out of her voice. She’s nine months pregnant, and doesn’t see the point in fighting over all that much.
Micah opens the bag of pretzels and shakes them into the bowl just as the timer dings on the microwave. Luke bounces up to open the microwave, and Micah shakes his head, still finding it hard to believe the boy is tall enough now to reach it.
“It’ll be hot,” he warns his son.
Micah grabs the oven mitts and carefully removes the jar of hot fudge. He slowly pours it into the bowl of pretzels, using a spoon to stir it.
“Why ya gotta stir it?” Lincoln asks, leaning over the bowl.
“If you don’t,” Micah explains, “not all the pretzels get covered in the fudge.”
“Ohhhh,” Lincoln says, as if Micah has imparted vast knowledge.
He lets both boys stir a little until the mixture is, as Luke and his mother so eloquently put it, “chocolatey.” Lincoln hops down from the counter before Micah can stop him, and he winces when the boy’s head comes dangerously close to hitting the edge.
“Can I carry Mommy her treat?”
“Snack, Lincoln, not treat,” Luke corrects with a roll of his eyes, “she’s not a dog like Lightning.”
“He can call it a treat if he wants to,” Micah admonishes his older son as little Lincoln’s face falls. He remembers all too well what it was like to be the baby brother on the receiving end of constant bossy lectures. He loves Josiah, but he could be a self-righteous know-it-all at times, too. He sees it sometimes in Luke, and it bothers him. Chloe says it’s just an oldest sibling thing.
Micah gives Lincoln the bowl, but knowing well the lack of coordination in four year olds, he helps him grasp the sides, then stays close beside him as they walk to the couch. Chloe’s eyes brighten as Lincoln proudly gives her the “treat,” and Micah knows her reaction has more to do with the beaming little boy than the contents of the bowl.
“Thank you, Lincoln!” she enthuses. “You are so sweet!”
She leans over to give him a kiss, and then gives one to Luke as well when the seven year old pouts that he helped too. Micah then shoos them off to bed, eliciting more pouts.
“Your mother needs peace and quiet to relax,” he admonishes them, “and it’s past your bedtime anyway.”
Both boys frown in exaggerated fashion, but shuffle down the hall anyway. Micah waits to hear the sink running to ensure they are brushing their teeth. When both bedroom lights click off, he returns to the couch. He shoos Lightning, the golden retriever, off Chloe’s feet. The dog, who he swears now prefers Chloe over all others, slinks with disappointment to her dog bed in the corner. Micah settles in at the opposite end from Chloe, lifting her badly swollen feet and settling them in his lap.
“I warn you, they’re disgusting,” she tells him around a sticky mouthful. She swallows, then continues, “I feel like I could stick a pin in them and water would gush out.”
Micah struggles to mask a grimace as he begins to knead the pads of her feet. She isn’t exaggerating, they feel like water balloons. “Don’t be silly, Wren, they aren’t disgusting.”
Chloe laughs out loud. “Liar! Don’t forget; now that we’re married, I can read you pretty well.”
Micah smiles sheepishly and shrugs, “Okay, I admit. They aren’t . . . pleasant. But you’re on your feet all day at work, you need some relief.”
Chloe relents, leaning her head back and sighing with pleasure. She pops a sticky pretzel in her mouth as she scrolls through Netflix, choosing a romantic comedy. Micah shifts so that his back is against the arm of the couch and his legs are stretched along Chloe’s. He continues to massage her feet, which are feeling slightly less like water balloons and slightly more like normal appendages. He isn’t looking at the TV, instead studying his wife’s face. She looks content, yet there’s fatigue around her eyes.
“I’m so glad I’m here,” he finally says.
Chloe turns from the TV with a confused expression, “What do you mean?”
“I mean, I’m glad you don’t have to do all this alone this time around.”
The furrow in Chloe’s brow deepens, and she shakes her head, “But I wasn’t alone with Luke. You were there.”
Micah lets out a shaky breath. He’s left the past behind, but it doesn’t mean he doesn’t still have regrets. The biggest being how deeply he hurt Chloe. “Not really, Wren. Remember all the appointments I missed? How I constantly let you down? How because of the drugs I was just one more burden for you to carry?”
Chloe’s face sets itself in firm lines as she clicks off the TV and sets the bowl on the floor by the couch. She reaches her hands out towards him. “Come here.”
Micah obeys, squeezing himself between his wife and the back of the couch, wrapping one arm around Chloe and resting the other across her swollen abdomen. Chloe cups his face with her hands and kisses him thoroughly. When she pulls back, she rubs her thumbs across his cheeks as she stumbles over her words.
“I usually speak with actions,” she chuckles, “hence the kiss.”
“I’m not complaining,” he tells her with a grin.
Chloe’s eyes narrow in intensity. “But hear this, Micah Barrett. If there’s one thing God has taught me in the last couple of years, it’s that the past doesn’t dictate our future. We made mistakes when we were young, we both did, but Jesus is all about fresh starts and second chances. Right?”
Micah turns his face to kiss Chloe’s palm, grasping her wrist in gentle fingers. He rubs his thumb over her pulse point, then leans down to press a light kiss to her lips. “Maybe you should preach next Sunday,” he chuckles.
Chloe’s eyes sparkle as she shrugs one shoulder, “Let your dad know he can take the day off.”
Their laughter turns to playful kisses, which turn to passionate ones. Micah runs his hands along the swell of Chloe’s breast, enjoying the moans he elicits from her. He rests his hand against her womb where their daughter is growing, and a sudden thump against his hand has them both gasping.
“You felt that?” Chloe exults as she catches his eye.
“I did,” Micah breathes in wonder. He presses his palm to the same spot and his rewarded with another firm kick. They both laugh as Chloe scoots to a seated position.
“I hope that means you’re ready to join the world, little one,” Chloe coos as she runs her hand over her belly.
Micah’s heart swells to the point that he thinks he might burst. He gently takes Chloe’s chin in his hand and turns her to face him. “I love you,” he tells her with all the emotion he can convey. It still doesn’t seem like enough.
But Chloe hears it; she knows. The look that crosses her face tells him that; the look he can’t describe, but knows so well. “I love you, too.”
The clock on the nightstand reads a quarter past two in the morning, and Micah blinks his eyes, wondering what has awakened him. He rolls over to find Chloe’s side of the bed empty, and understanding dawns. He throws back the covers, quickly pulls on a shirt, and heads down the hall. He finds Chloe pacing the living room, rubbing her belly. Lightning is keeping pace with her, whining under her breath as her claws make a click-clack sound on the hardwood floor.
“Is it time?” he asks with concern, frustrated with himself as he stifles a yawn.
Chloe shakes her head. “I’m not sure. I mean, I don’t think so. The contractions are strong, but they aren’t regular. I mean the last one was nine –“
Chloe’s breath catches and her words are cut off as she leans over suddenly. One arm cradles her belly while the other grasps the back of the couch. Micah rushes to her side, reminding her to breathe. She does, in and out, in and out. Finally, she straightens and brushes sweaty hair off her forehead.
“Whew, that was a strong one,” she tells him, attempting humor and a wobbly smile.
“I could tell,” he replies, his brow furrowed. “So what was that again about it not being time? Because it looks like time to me.”
Chloe bats his arm away from her side irritably as she resumes her pacing. “But they aren’t close enough apart yet; at least not all of them. Some have been five minutes apart, some three, but then others are nine or even ten minutes apart. And then I’ll have some that aren’t even that painful.”
Micah eyes his wife with concern as she waddles her way around the room (not that he would tell her that she was waddling). Chloe is not a huge pregnant woman (though she claims to be), and her stride is not normal for her. Her belly seems to have dropped, altering her stance. Not a good sign.
“Um, Chloe,” he says hesitantly, “I really think we need to go to the hospital.”
She shakes her head again stubbornly. “I can make it until the boys are up and head to school. My water hasn’t even broken yet.”
“But didn’t they have to break it at the hospital with Lincoln?”
Chloe waves him off again as if he’s a pesky fly. “Did you not hear me? The contractions aren’t regular. They’ll just send me home.”
Micah crosses his arms. “Chloe, why are you so adamant about not going to the hospital?”
Tears suddenly spring to Chloe’s eyes. “I don’t want to scare the boys. I wake them up, they worry. They get up in the morning, and I’m not here, they worry. And school . . . they have school tomorrow . . .”
“Whoa, whoa, whoa, Wren,” Micah says quickly, stepping in front of her to stop her pacing. He puts his hands on her shoulders and forces her to meet his gaze. “You are not alone this time, remember? We are not alone. Remember that list in the kitchen drawer? The list a mile long of the people who offered to come over and be with the boys when the baby comes?”
Chloe’s panic has abated somewhat, but concern still lights her eyes. “We can’t wake your parents up in the middle of the night. And Josiah and Kate can’t leave the kids.”
Micah is just about to remind her of the other dozen names on the list, when she suddenly clutches his arm in a death grip. She leans over, this time unable to suppress a groan from the pain of the contraction.
“That’s it,” Micah grumbles as he scoops Chloe up into his arms. “I’m taking you to the hospital.”
Micah remembers Chloe saying she was a fan of epidurals, and Micah can see why. He’s a fan of them now, too (except for the long needle they had plunged up her back; that made him a little squeamish). Luke’s birth had been surrounded by so much chaos, it’s true, but he also clearly remembers Chloe’s excruciating pain. They had both been so young, and neither of them had a clue what they were doing. He knew full well the panic in Chloe’s eyes had only been mirrored in his own back then.
Maybe things would have been different if labor had happened more slowly with Luke, if there had been time for an epidural. Because here and now, Chloe is calm, smiling, laughing even. (Okay, so she’s laughing at a Friends rerun on the television, but still. Laughter had been the farthest thing on her mind the day Luke was born.)
“Knock, knock,” a bright voice says from the doorway. Micah turns to see his mother standing in the doorway, his father behind her. “Can we come in?”
Micah glances at Chloe, who smiles and waves them in. “Sure, of course. I’ve got my happy juice now.”
“Smart girl,” Elizabeth chuckles as she leans over to give her daughter-in-law a kiss on the cheek. “In my day, everyone was doing all-natural home births. Remember that, Tom?”
“Yes,” Tom says, eyes stormy, “I almost lost both you and Micah. Absolute foolishness.”
Chloe’s eyebrows raise, “That’s a story I haven’t heard.”
Elizabeth flashes Tom a look that clearly says not the time, then turns back to Chloe with a bright smile on her face. “For another day, dear. Is there anything the two of you need?”
“Micah hasn’t had breakfast yet,” Chloe says, giving her husband a pointed look.
“But I can’t eat in front of you when you can’t have anything,” he protests.
“Yes you can,” his mother argues. “Tom, go get the boy a sandwich.”
Tom chuckles as he steps for the door, slapping Micah on the back, “In situations like these, just do as the women say, son. Want to come down to the cafeteria with me?”
Micah shakes his head as he looks Chloe over. “No thank you. I don’t want to leave her.”
Tom nods in understanding, then steps out. As soon as he leaves, another family member walks through the door.
“Kate!” Chloe cries out, hugging her cousin tight when she reaches the bed. “How did you manage getting over here? What about Haley and Noah?”
Kate waves Chloe off as she straightens. “Josiah’s with them. And Hannah got your two off to school, by the way.”
“Thank you,” Chloe says, voice thick. She glances at Micah, and he knows he doesn’t have to say I told you so.
Kate looks Chloe up and down and frowns, “She’s not here yet? You’ve been in labor for eight hours already.”
“Make that ten,” Micah speaks up, “this stubborn woman here didn’t want to bother anybody and was in agony for two hours before we ever got here.”
“I wasn’t in agony,” Chloe corrects, rolling her eyes, “and what would be the point of getting here two hours earlier? Our little Clara is still staying stubbornly put.”
“Well,” a voice says from the doorway, “hopefully this can help speed things along.”
A nurse comes in with a syringe of Pitocin. It only takes the medicine half an hour to kick in, and then things really do speed along. Chloe starts feeling the contractions, even through the epidural, and she’s soon fully dilated and effaced. Then it isn’t long before the doctor is there, and Chloe is pushing. Micah is surprised when Chloe allows his parents and Kate to stay. He holds her right hand while Kate holds her left. His parents stand on the other side of the room, both laughing and crying as their granddaughter enters the world. Chloe has to push for a long time – turns out Clara is face up when she should be face down – but Micah is amazed at how calm and steady his wife is. When Clara crowns, Chloe reaches down to feel the top of her head, and smiles in wonder. The connection seems to spur her on, and as Chloe pushes one last time, laughter bubbles out of her. The laughter seems to be contagious, because soon everyone in the room, even the doctor is laughing.
Clara’s cry pierces the air, and the doctor shakes her head, laughter still spilling from her mouth. “She’s so beautiful,” the doctor tells them, beaming and shaking her head. “I’ve delivered hundreds of babies during my career, and never once has a birth made me laugh with joy.”
A nurse takes the wee girl from the doctor’s arms, and places her against Chloe’s chest. “Yes,” Chloe says, tears mixing with the laughter, “joy. Absolute joy.”
“That should be her middle name, don’t you think?” Micah asks, reaching out towards his new baby daughter, his heart turning over in his chest when her tiny fingers clasp his.
“Clara Joy,” Chloe whispers, then beams up at him. “Light and joy. It’s perfect.” Then she leans forward and kisses him soundly, despite the audience.
Chloe awakens to Micah’s soft voice. She turns her head and smiles to see him leaning over the hospital bassinette, changing Clara’s diaper. His smile his adoring and his blue eyes sparkle with joy, even in the dim hospital room. Yes, her daughter’s name is perfect.
Micah still hasn’t noticed that Chloe is awake as he scoops his daughter up gently in his arms. Chloe is glad, for as she watches him pace the room, talking in a low voice to their daughter, she feels she’s getting a glimpse inside her husband’s very soul.
“You are the most beautiful thing I ever laid eyes on, baby girl. Don’t tell your mother, though. She’s gorgeous, but you?” Micah swallows thickly. “You, my dear? Words can’t describe this feeling. It’s different than with your brothers.” He brings little Clara closer to his face and whispers conspiratorially. “Another secret, okay?” He chuckles as if Clara has answered him somehow, and Chloe bites back a laugh of her own. “Not that I don’t love them just as much, but with you, my daughter? I don’t know . . . I’ve never felt this way. This urge to protect? I would die for your brothers, your mother, but for you . . . “ Micah shakes his head, and Chloe can clearly see he’s frustrated that he can’t find the proper words. “I feel like my heart is outside my chest.” He sighs and kisses Clara’s tiny head.
Chloe clutches a hand to her own chest and thinks that Micah has found the perfect words after all.
Three months later, Chloe awakens again to Micah’s soft voice. But this time, it’s coming through the baby monitor. Clara has been a great sleeper from the get-go, but until now she had been sleeping in a Moses basket on the floor by her and Micah’s bed. Tonight is her first night in the nursery now that she’s outgrown the baby basket.
Chloe smiles against her pillow as she listens to Micah on the baby monitor. He doesn’t talk baby talk; oh no, he converses with their daughter as if she can carry on an adult conversation with him. A bittersweet feeling fills Chloe’s heart as she wonders if he spoke with baby Luke the same way. He probably did.
“Now Clara,” he says in mock sternness, “you are dry and your tummy is full. You stopped crying the minute I came in the room. What is this about, huh?”
Chloe adjusts the video monitor and watches as Clara slaps the crib mattress with both hands. Both feet, clad in footsie pajamas, kick as well. She can’t see on the grainy video feed, but she can imagine a bright, toothless grin on her daughter’s face.
“Oh, that’s what I thought,” Micah laughs. The back of his head appears on the video screen as he reaches down to gather Clara up in his arms. Then both move out of the video’s range, but the creaking sound lets Chloe know they have settled in the rocking chair.
“You just wanted to see me, was that it? Well, I don’t mind that at all, baby girl. Just this once. But don’t tell your mother; she already says you have me wrapped around your finger.” Chloe giggles as she hears Clara squeal. “Yes, yes, I know. As much as I protest, it’s probably true.”
It’s quiet for a few moments, and Chloe feels herself drifting off. But then her husband begins to talk again, and the thickness of his voice arrests her.
“I don’t like to admit this to your mother, but I’m holding on to these months as tight as I can. I missed them with your brother, you see.”
Chloe brushes a tear away at the anguish in her husband’s voice. Will he ever stop paying personal penance for his mistakes? She wishes he could forgive himself. Wishes he could see himself the way she does; the way all three of their children do. Even Lincoln, who isn’t even his flesh and blood.
It’s quiet again in the nursery, until Micah’s voice begins to sing. God, but she loves that man’s voice! She remembers the way she reacted to his singing when she first started coming to church. She chuckles to herself. It wasn’t exactly holy, that’s for sure.
Chloe fights sleep as her husband sings Clara a lullaby, but his voice is so soothing, that her eyelids flutter and soon Micah’s voice has lulled her to sleep.
Chloe is awakened next by a painful fullness in her breasts. She groans as she eases up, glancing at the clock in surprise to see that Clara has slept past her early morning feeding. Bleary eyed, Chloe snatches up the baby monitor and panics for a moment when she sees the empty crib. But then she realizes Micah’s side of the bed is still empty. She smiles to herself as she pushes the sheets aside; she has a pretty good feeling about where she’ll find both father and daughter.
Chloe pads quietly down the hall, not wanting to awaken the boys. She stops in the doorway of the nursery, a smile filling her face at the sight before her.
Micah is in the rocking chair, Clara asleep against his chest. His head his lolled to one side, the top of Clara’s head resting against his chin. Clara’s mouth his open, and drool spreads across the shoulder of Micah’s shirt. Still, it’s the most beautiful sight she’s ever seen. She rubs at her chest, feeling a physical pain in her heart. She’s let go of the past, but still, Micah is right too. She never got to see him like this with Luke. And it still hurts to think of all they lost.
Chloe kneels beside the rocking chair and rubs gently at Micah’s shoulder. “Hey,” she whispers softly as he slowly awakens. He seems a little disconcerted at first, but then he glances down at the baby against his chest and smiles as he massages the back of his neck.
“I can’t believe I fell asleep,” he mutters, “and I have a bad feeling my neck and back are going to regret it later.” His jovial smile fades as he looks into Chloe’s face. “What’s wrong?”
Chloe smiles gently as she tenderly runs her hands up and down Micah’s strong arms. Tears pool in her eyes when she answers. “I just love you so much. You are such an amazing father. And I just wish – I wish you could see it, too.”
Micah blinks the moisture from his own eyes as he grasps Chloe’s hand in his and brings it to his lips. He simply nods at her in understanding.
And it’s enough.
Later, it’s Micah listening through the baby monitor. He knows that Chloe would be embarrassed if she knew; she thinks she can’t sing, but her high, bright voice is a soothing balm as she sings to the baby. He can picture them in his mind: Chloe rocking gently as Clara contentedly nurses at her breast. The words spill over Micah’s soul, and his wife has no idea of the freedom that they bring. She isn’t singing a lullaby; she’s singing a worship song.
She’s singing her love to her savior, and there is no sweeter sound.
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ducktracy · 4 years
165. porky’s building (1937)
release date: june 19th, 1937
series: looney tunes
director: frank tashlin
starring: mel blanc (porky), billy bletcher (dirty digg), berneice hansell (rabbit), tedd pierce (sandy c. ment, dog)
alas, the photo limit prevents me from placing this in here, but the cartoon opens with a highly amusing disclaimer:
any similarity of characters or happenings in this picture to actual people or events is definitely intended................. if you think we're going to sit around for days thinking up new ideas - you're pixilated!
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somewhat of a strange anomaly is mel blanc voicing fat porky. this is the first frank tashlin cartoon since porky’s romance, the last cartoon to feature porky’s original voice actor, joe dougherty. fat porky wouldn’t survive past 1937—frank tashlin was the sole person who kept him going, after tashlin’s porky’s double trouble he got a diet. this is more of a personal anecdote than a concrete observation, i always found this so-called “transitional period” amusing. nevertheless—it’s up to porky you beat his rival, dirty digg, to see who can build the best town hall the fastest.
frank tashlin, ever the cinematographer, introduces the cartoon with a silhouette behind a closed door, the door identifying the silhouette as sandy c. ment, city building commissioner. tedd pierce provides the voice for sandy, discussing the plans for the new city hall about to be built. we see porky and a particularly grizzly brute as the gentlemen sandy is referring to, the only two contractors in the city. they’re both tasked with building the city hall--whoever can come up with the cheapest bid wins. i believe it’s norm mccabe who does some particularly funny animation of porky waving to his rival, only to receive a steely glare in return, much to the rejection of porky. i’m certain frank tashlin’s feelings towards porky were projected into that glare.
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sandy displays the city hall plans, revealing a poster of an art deco feat of modern architecture. tashlin’s cartoons in the 30′s are particularly rife with the streamlined, art deco feel, supported by his tendency to use jazzy underscores as we see here as well. more norm mccabe(?) animation as porky and his rival get the papers they need to sort out the bids. lovely animation as any sense of camaraderie between the two is gone in a snap, both nose to nose (or nose to snout?) as they stalk over to their desks to crunch the numbers, not once breaking physical contact or eye contact until absolutely necessary. mel blanc and billy bletcher’s voices collide as the two crunch the numbers aloud, the billy bletcher brute deliberately copying porky’s numbers. the two finish, the staring contest resumes, and they do the same furious tango back to sandy.
as fate has it, the two reach a tie with their bids at $3,000,000.02 each, with a hilarious detail of dirty diggs’ paper including scribbles of a stickman and a self serving game of tic tac toe, indicating just how dedicated he is to his craft. the tie stumps sandy on how to determine who gets to build the city hall, until he reaches a conclusion—both get to build the city hall. whoever finishes first, wins. a lack of sound effects hides the detail, but there’s some rather amusing animation as sandy jabs a finger in porky’s face and honks dirty digg’s nose daffy duck style.
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transition to the two now at their respective construction sites, waiting to take off like runners in a race, accompanied by a crowd no less. sandy fires a starting pistol, and the two take off to build. digg hops into his backhoe, clearing the land for his building. can’t go wrong with the backhoe scooping up a giant boulder and crunching it up with an anthropomorphic mouth, spitting the chunks into a cart. porky’s dinky little contraption is just as whimsical, with a mechanical boot slamming itself against an actual shovel suspended by a pulley to clear the way. frank tashlin does a wonderful job juxtaposing the personalities, through mannerisms and extraneous details such as their equipment. 
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the rubbery animation associated with digg is only furthered as he struggles to pull his backhoe out of the deep hole he dug for himself--we see that the street lamps in the city are caught in the machine, bobbing up and down in their respective “posts”. finally, digg prevails, pulling out a tangled mess of rubbery street lamps. points for creativity. 
elsewhere, the cartoon takes a rather morbid yet wonderfully hilarious turn: a dog construction worker loads crates of dynamites into a hole, chuffing halfheartedly on a pipe as he waddles back to the dynamite lever, hands in pockets, marching along to a whimsical rendition of “boulevardier from the bronx”. rolling up his sleeves, he prepares to pull the lever, when a crowd of spectators approach, leaning in as the dog prepares to fire. the dog opens one eye and grunts “step back folks, ya bother me,” VERY well timed to a nice little oboe underscore with each syllable. the crowd gives him his space... until the dog prepares to fire again. another “step back folks, ya bother me.” they oblige, until they don’t. the charade continues, until finally the dog waddles back to the hole where the crates are stashed, rendition of “boulevardier from the bronx” and all. the dog pokes an eye open as the lemmings inevitably wander to the hole of dynamite (a fitting underscore of “let’s put our heads together” to boot.) the dog squeezes his way through the crowd, heads to the lever... and BOOM! cold blooded murder dismissed with a mere dusting off of the hands. a WONDERFUL gag timed succinctly and purposefully prolonged--the same dog would reappear a year later in porky the fireman, another tashlin piece, doing the same prolonged waddle and same accompaniment of boulevardier from the bronx. 
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a collection of some whimsical animal gags, gags that feel like something out of a harman and ising cartoon, albeit more polished. two beavers load cement and sand into a cocktail shaker strapped to the side of a camel, a pelican dumping water from its beak into the makeshift cocktail. the camel shakes the shaker, all of the animals swaying along. perhaps slightly outdated, yet still fun nonetheless. turtles flip their shells open (wheels attached to the top--or in this case, bottom--of the shells) and tow away the mixture created by the animals. meanwhile, a dog carrying a load of cement, the hod carrier, marches up a support beams thanks to suction cups tied on his shoes, complete with some jaunty music and animation. dirty digg lives up to his namesake by playing dirty, hurling a brick at the dog. the dog falls, his suction cups continuing to ascend up the scaffolding, underscore and all. 
we meet camera shy porky for the first time in a few minutes, a reflection of frank tashlin’s distaste and uncertainty regarding the character, who encourages his team to “get in there and fight!” they’re all lined up along a bench, a sign above labeling them as “HOD CARRIER SUBSTITUTES”. thus sparks the running gag of the cartoon: as the substitutes dash off do to their duty for porky, a diminutive rabbit (voiced by berneice hansell, of course) zooms up to porky, donning a sweater that reads “HOD CARRIER” as she squeaks “how ‘bout me, porky?” porky isn’t at all convinced by her diminutive stature, snapping “no!” 
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on porky’s team, a few pelicans pull the appropriate levers to mix water, cement, and sand in their bills, flying off and twirling their heads and bills around to create the mixture. one pelican successfully discards his load down a long chute to the construction site. the next, however, isn’t so lucky. ever the conniving weasel (or dog), digg attaches a dead fish to a balloon for the oncoming pelican to feast on. the pelican, eager for the snack, spits out its mixture in favor of the fish, the mixture pouring from the sky and landing right on porky. none too deterred, porky encourages his cement mixer substitutes, a line of pelicans, to, once again, get out there and fight. as they fly off, the eager rabbit from before, now donning a sweater labeling her as a cement mixer, squeaks “how ‘bout me, porky?” the same routine as porky once more yells “no!”
digg’s construction site is going swimmingly, as to be expected. a wonderful slanted layout as we spot the builders hard at work. despite the success of the building, digg barks “okay boys, c’mon down. i don’t need you anymore.” digg marches into his office, a makeshift shack on the site, and we’re left to ponder what it is he’s scheming as a rolling pan of the exterior shields us from digg's view, the billy bletcher laugh the only thing cluing us in to nefarious acts. tashlin loved to do the concealing pans, and they work out well in his favor, adding a sense of suspense and anticipation. out on the other side comes digg in a fancy new machine--DIRTY DIGG’S BRICK BRICK LAYING MACHINE.
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porky, who’s dutifully laying his bricks the old fashioned way, spots digg’s new trick, and is hardly pleased. mel’s stuttering is particularly heavy, still attempting to emulate joe dougherty as porky complains “say! you can’t do that!” digg takes no offense. “well, i’m doing it, ain’t it?” settings on digg’s machine include start, full speed, super speed, super colossal speed, gosh darn fast, and reverse. digg pulls the lever to start, increasing the speeds as bricks inevitably hurtle out of the chute and land right into place on the site of his building. wonderful (and tedious!) complex animation as the bricks pile on, one after the other, even porky taking a moment to admire the handiwork. tashlin’s cartoons always seem to entail bits of animation that seem so tedious and complex to animate, such as a whole mess of train cars zigzagging on train tracks in porky’s railroad, or the interminable pile of luggage carried by daffy in porky pig’s feat. tashlin’s eye for detail is keen.
a score board gloatingly displays digg’s lead over porky: digg has 22 stories, porky 2. as porky mourns his loss (”woe is me... woe is me!”) no matter--the eager beaver bunny from before is there to cheer him up, donning a “brick layer” sweater with the same “how ‘bout me, porky?” porky declines. a quick zoom in and out, and the rabbit asks the same question, now donning a “colossal brick layer” sweater. porky once more declines. with the third and final “super colossal brick layer”, porky finally yells “no!”, to which the rabbit sulks off. thankfully, porky has a change of heart. “ok-ok-o-oka-ok-ok-oka--alright, eh-geh-geh-go in there and eh-feh-fi-feh-fight!” little rabbit is ecstatic.
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the power of popeye compels the rabbit as she flexes her muscles, even flexing her ears to make a pair of makeshift muscles. one ear scoops the mortar, the other tosses a brick on top, and we very quickly realize she is MORE than capable for the job, laying bricks three times as fast as digg’s machine. the scoreboard hurries to adjust porky’s “score”, both of them now tied at 77 stories each. even better is the little “whew!” the rabbit sighs after pausing to rest, a lovely bit of comedic timing both underscoring and highlighting her work.
now, digg rushes to beat porky’s building, realizing he has a worthy competitor on his hands. the two are neck and neck... until the poor mechanical design of digg’s brick layer lands him in hot water. he mistakes the reverse setting for the highest speed setting, and with a hearty kick to the lever, the lever breaks and is now stuck in reverse. mel blanc seems to provide digg’s exclamation of “gosh! it’s stuck in reverse!” instead of bletcher. just as quickly as he had laid the bricks, the bricks of digg’s building come hurtling back into the machine, the machine swelling bigger and bigger as it threatens to burst from the congestion. digg’s entire building is now without a brick, and to make matters worse (or better), the machine finally explodes.
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porky’s dinky little backhoe from before comes to life, digging a plot of land the perfect size for digg to fit in. digg flops to the ground from the impact of the explosion, receiving a swift kick to the ass with the machine’s shoe and a konk on the head via shovel for good measure.
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elsewhere, porky triumphs, his city hall now complete. the cartoon’s motif of “fifty-second street” triumphantly underscores porky’s victory as he shakes his fist in the glory, perched on top of his architectural feat as his adoring fans shout from below. suddenly, we’re visited by a familiar friend: the little rabbit from before zips to porky’s side. “how ‘bout me, porky?” instead of shooing her away, porky is more than happy to lift her up and have her pose on his outstretched hand. a wholesome iris out as the little rabbit clasps her ears together like fists, reveling in the glory.
truthfully, this is probably the one porky cartoon i forget about the most. not that it’s bad by any means, but out of his hearty filmography of 153 cartoons, this one isn’t the most notable. with that said, this is a fine cartoon. the animation is certainly the highlight: whether it’s porky and dirty digg doing their furious nose-to-snout tango, the dog lumbering around the site of the dynamite hole, the animals mixing cement together, or the entire brick laying montage, there is a lot to admire, the climax of the cartoon especially. the “how ‘bout me, porky?” gag is especially amusing, albeit taxing (as it was intended to be), and the dynamite gag with the dog is wonderfully morbid. porky still has a very transparent personality, yet mel’s deliveries are fun to listen to, especially at this stage when he’s still figuring out the speech patterns. the cartoon’s music score is absolutely WONDERFUL, very jazzy, very upbeat, a fitting score to match the streamlined look of the cartoon.
while this isn’t my go-to recommendation for porky cartoons, it makes for an amusing watch. i wouldn’t urge you to drop everything and see it, and if you don’t watch it you’ll be just as well off, but this is a fine cartoon with a lot to admire. 
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megalony · 5 years
My girls
This is a single dad! Ben Hardy imagine that I hope you all will like.
Taglist:  @lunaticspoem @butlegendsneverdie @langdonzvoid @jennyggggrrr @luvborhap @radiob-l-a-hblah @rogertaylorsbitontheside @chlobo6 @rogertaylors-lipgloss @sj-thefan @omgitsearly @luckytrashgooprebel @scarsout @deaky-with-a-c @killer-queen-ofrhye @bluutac @vousmemanqueez @jonesyaddiction @rogahs-drowse
Ben Hardy masterlist
"I'm here, darlin'."
Leaning down into the crib, Ben gently picked Lola up as she made grabby hands towards him. Her eyes were puffy and her features were bright red from the wails leaving her lips as she clung to Ben like glue. The two-year-old leaned her head on his shoulder as a cry left her lips, her hands scrunching his shirt in her small fists as Ben tried to calm her down.
Moving over to the rocking chair, Ben slowly sat down before adjusting Lola in his arms, praying that he could get her to sleep again. The younger girl had been sick for a day or two now and if she couldn't settle to sleep she would simply sit and cry out for Ben. Ben never minded sitting and cradling Lola to sleep but it didn't exactly help when Lily didn't feel well either and he couldn't sleep because he was switching between which girl to tend to. It was the only problem about caring for them both on his own, he never seemed to have enough hands or time.
His eyes cast downwards to look at Lola as she was looking up at him, her chest was leaning against his own as Ben had one arm around her legs to keep her stable and the other rubbing up and down her back. Her chin was resting on his chest so she could look up at him, tears falling from her eyes as her lower lip wobbled. Reaching his arm down, Ben grabbed the stuffed rabbit toy at his side that Lola was very fond of. The moment he held it out to her she deadlocked the toy under her arm, cradling it to her chest.
"Poor baby." He mumbled quietly, switching his weight from his toes to his heels to gently rock the chair back and forth. Lola always settled to sleep better when she was rocked to sleep or when Ben walked up and down for a while. He knew it was nine in the morning and so she was unlikely to go back to sleep but he was hoping she could snatch an hour or so just to make her feel better and get her settled since she hadn't slept much throughout the night.
Ben closed his eyes as he tipped his head back, continuing to rock the pair of them although it seemed to be sending him to sleep more than it was Lola. Just as he felt her beginning to calm down, Ben snapped his eyes open to look down at her as his face fell.
"Oh no, baby..." He groaned through the words as he moved his hands under her arms to pick her up. Holding her a few inches away from him as he stood to his feet, looking between Lola and his now soiled shirt as she whimpered before letting out a wail. Her features scrunched up as Ben walked over and set her down on the changing table before looking at his shirt.
The blond grimaced before folding the end of his shirt up and rolling it up, needing to get the shirt off without getting any of the sick on him. He slowly slipped his arms out before pulling it over his head, leaving the room to dump the shirt in the wash basket in the hall. He headed back into Lola's room to see the toddler pulling her feet up to her stomach as she wriggled around. Ben grabbed a wipe to clean her up before he changed her into a baby blue onesie.
He gently took the soiled rabbit toy from her hands, watching her face fall before he handed her a different teddy to hug, tossing the rabbit in the wash basket along with her soiled clothes.
Picking Lola back up slowly in an attempt not to make her stomach churn any more, Ben settled her on his left hip leaning against his chest. Grabbing the wash basket and resting that low against his right leg as he made his way to the stairs. Walking slowly so he didn't drop the basket as Lola stayed relatively still in his arm.
Heading into the living room, Ben set down the basket before gently resting Lola down on the playmat in front of the sofa. His eyes shifting to look at Lily who was curled up on the sofa under a blanket. Her own eyes were tired and heavy from a disrupted nights sleep but she tried to smile when she looked at Ben.
Lily had a thing about sleeping, she hated silence at night and she didn't like being on her own either. That left her to crawl in with Ben and he either carried her back to her room when she was asleep or he just let her stay with him. She only seemed to be using her room to play in as she was almost always in Ben's room instead. He had a feeling Lola was going to be exactly the same. Last night Lily had stayed with Ben but he was either awake trying to settle her or he was heading to go and settle Lola so all of them didn't get much sleep.
"You feeling any better princess?" He questioned as he moved to kiss her temple, noticing she was still rather warm and very pale but she hadn't thrown up in a while.
"A little, 'm hungry."
"I'll put the washing on and go grab you something." He pushed himself to his feet, checking that Lola was alright where she was before he grabbed the wash basket and headed into the kitchen. Ben was relieved she was finally feeling hungry, Lily didn't have a good appetite at the best of times and with her not feeling well her appetite was almost non-existent.
Making his way into the kitchen, Ben dumped the small load of washing into the machine with a grimace before washing his hands. Scanning around to see what to give Lily to eat as he flicked the kettle on to make a drink. He knew she wasn't really eating toast at the moment and she would only end up giving the cereal to Frankie. Grabbing a plastic plate from the cupboard, Ben put some ginger biscuits and some digestives onto the plate. Biscuits were always good for when they were ill and it was something Lily would definitely snack on without the risk of throwing it back up again.
Turning his head at the sound of noise, Ben smiled gently at seeing Lola toddling through, clearly not wanting to sit without him.
Her baby blue eyes looked up at him before she suddenly waddled past him making him curious. He turned around, leaning against the counter so he could observe what she was doing. The toddler sat down on the cold floor right in front of the washing machine which had stopped spinning for the time being and Ben suddenly realised why.
She could see her rabbit toy.
Reaching her hand out, Lola pressed her palm to the small window on the door of the machine, patting the glass before her head turned to look at Ben. Clearly not understanding why her rabbit was locked in there. An incoherent babble left her lips as she frowned at Ben, pointing at the rabbit that she wanted as it as her favourite toy.
"Is it Mr rabbit?" He asked, watching her nod before she mumbled something else that he couldn't make out. "What's he doing, baby?"
Her small frame jumped in surprise when the machine whirred before beginning to spin again. The rabbit disappearing from the window as soap, bubbles and water spun around with the toy and the soiled clothes and bedsheets. Surprise also flooded through Ben as he watched her suddenly let out a piercing cry. She had been fascinated by the machine before but Lola never cried at it like this, but then again she'd never watched her toys being washed.
Ben quickly reached over and picked her up when she grasped her small fingers around the handle which was child locked, clearly wanting to free her toy.
"No, no baby. He's having a bath darlin', you can have him back soon." Turning her so she was facing him, Ben pressed a kiss to her chubby cheek before settling her against his chest. He rubbed his hand up and down her back as she started to sniff, small cries bubbling through her lips as she wanted her toy back.
"Daddy..." She pointed back to the machine, pouting when Ben shook his head at her.
"He's in the bath darlin'. Come on, do you want a drink?" Ben turned around before settling her on the counter so she wasn't looking at the machine anymore. Watching as she stuffed her hand into her mouth but nodded to his question.
Her aqua eyes followed his movements as he grabbed a dark pink beaker from the cupboard. Getting the orange juice from the fridge that she watched him pour into the beaker before he handed it over to her, pouring another drink for Lily. Lola held both handles of the beaker as she looked at Ben through her lashes as if she was trying to look innocent, something the youngest seemed to do a lot lately.
Ben watched with raised brows as Lola locked eyes with him as her hand let go of the beaker to reach out for a biscuit on the plate next to her. She moved slowly, unsure if she could have one or not but she quickly snatched a digestive when Ben simply grinned.
"You hungry too?" The only response he got was Lola partially breaking the biscuit with how she was trying to shove the round biscuit into her mouth at once. "Alright, let's get your biscuits for you baby." Ben grabbed a packet of animal-shaped biscuits that were a lot smaller for her to eat but they didn't last long. Lola seemed to have a hollow leg, she was able to eat and eat forever and still want more.
Picking her up, he set her down to her feet, watching her clutch her beaker to her chest as she started dropping crumbs and lumps of the biscuit onto the floor. When he'd made himself a coffee, Ben placed Lola's pack of biscuits and Lily's cup onto the plate of ginger biscuits holding the plate in one hand and his drink in the other. Lola walked by his side as they headed back into the living room and he handed the plate to Lily who was now sitting up on the sofa.
"Come here, messy girl." Ben cooed, setting his drink down on the coffee table before scooping Lola up into his arms and resting her on his lap. She leaned her head against his bare stomach as he pulled the end of Lily's blanket over her lap. Seeing that the toddler had smeared chocolate from the digestive all over her mouth as well as a lot of crumbs but she didn't seem to care.
Lily handed her sister the packet of biscuits before grabbing a ginger one for herself. Turning her head, Lola held her beaker out to Ben so she could eat her food. She wriggled around for a few moments to try and get comfy before she ended up slouching against him, looking like she would fall asleep if she wasn't busy eating away.
As Ben suspected, the packet didn't last Lola very long, the only time they lasted longer than two minutes was when she took notice of the different shapes and held them up to Ben so he could say which animal it was before she lost interest and ate them all. When the toddler had finished, she tilted her head back so she was looking up at Ben who rose his brows, wondering what she was going to say or do but she simply held the packet up to him and crinkled it between her fingers. Something she often did to tell him she had finished and often to tell him she wanted more.
"B-bickie." She stated when Ben didn't indulge her or move to get her another packet.
"You've just had some, baby. No more or you'll be sick again." Ben shook his head as he spoke to show her she wasn't having any more for a while. He didn't want her overeating because even though she could normally eat for England, if she ate much more she would simply make herself worse.
Seeing she wasn't getting what she wanted, Lola frowned before waving her arm, the packet being dropped onto the sofa as she whined but Ben still shook his head at her demand.
Ben turned his head to look at Lily when she held out a ginger snap, looking between him and Lola to see if he would let her have one of those since it would keep her happy and it might settle her stomach. He took the rectangular biscuit from her before dipping it in his coffee, handing it to Lola when she whined clearly thinking he was going to eat it instead. Ginger snaps were hard and last time Lola ate one she almost choked after giving up chewing.
"No more." Ben stated but his words simply washed over Lola's head as she was no longer looking at him. She let him take the biscuit from her to dip in his coffee again before handing it back to her as she stayed quiet.
Ben didn't give her time to demand another ginger snap, he simply held her beaker in front of her. Watching as she laid back against him as she let her eyes drop closed as she slowly started to drink her juice. A tired smile pulled at Ben's lips when Lily leaned her back against his side, pulling his hand so his arm was wrapped around her front so she could lean against his arm when she was done with the biscuits and her drink.
"My girls."
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stories-mostly · 5 years
Stark's Bug
Tony Stark x son!reader
I saw endgame on the 24th and all in gonna say is it sure was a movie and my knees hurt afterwards. (Please don't put any spoilers in the replies thanks) This is the last chapter before Iron man 2.
Words: 2188
Warnings: none
Chapter 14
Christmas Eve rolled around and you were too excited to go to sleep. That and the fear of having a nightmare again is what kept you awake. You hadn't had a nightmare in a week and 3 days so you assumed that it might happen again soon.
Repeating the same motions with your Captain Magic figure above you while laying on your bed got boring quickly. And the thirst was calling. Begrudgingly you went out to get yourself water or something.
The house was quiet beside your bare feet making noise as they took another step. The floor was cold for your blanket warm feet so you walked on your toes to avoid the feeling and the weird noise as much as possible.
Walking past one of the clocks you noted dully that it was already 11.27pm. Way past your usual dream land time.
You walked into the kitchen not expecting anyone to be in it. You jumped when you saw a man standing in it before realizing that it was your father.
Sharply you breathed out the shock and moved past him to get you a glass.
"What're you doing awake?" He asked vividly remembering having tucked you in a few hours back. You seemed pretty tuckered out then.
"I'm thirsty."
He hummed seeming concentrated on the drink he was making in your blender. It looked disgusting.
"What's that?" You pointed at the blender with the dark green thick liquid in it.
"A little healthy snack." He grimaced "Wanna try?" Suddenly smirking. He looked exhausted.
You shook your head, downing your tap water in two gulps, placing the glass in the sink after.
Tony followed your example basically inhaling the thing. He didn't look happy after.
"How is it?"
"Could be better."
The two of you just stood there in silence for a second. Tony looked you once over.
"You can't sleep, right?"
You nodded hesitantly. He smiled at that.
"Get dressed in something warm." He told you immediately turning to walk out of the room.
Confused you did as told and stood in the middle of the living room wearing your winter coat, warm pants and some boots over your Pjs.
Your father carrying several things came, took your hand without a word and started leading you through the house. Up some stairs, all familiar so far. He leads you out onto the highest balcony looking over the rought waves.
"Come on." He said waving at you to follow him.
At the point where Balcony and roof met was where he stopped.
"We're gonna climb up here." He explained hoisting you onto the roof and following soon after.
Climbing onto the highest roof of the mansion all the lights in and around the house turned off at once.
Your eyes took a few seconds to adjust to the newfound darkness only to find an incredible view.
There were thousands of tiny specks of light in an array of colours decorating the sky.
"Whoa," was the only thing you could muster to get out of your mouth.
"Right?" Tony was spreading out a blanket and pillows on the roof.
You looked back and saw him holding out a big box wrapped in Captain Magic themed wrapping paper. The box was longer than it was tall. Or taller than it was wide depending on how you propped it up.
"This is for you." Tony said as you just stared at the gift.
"What is it?" You took it and sat down on the blankets ready to tear through the thin paper.
"A gift." He smirked and told you to open it.
You didn't have to be told twice. With little effort the paper fell from the box and revealed the picture of a telescope on the side.
"This is so cool!" You jumped up and engulfed your father in the biggest Bear hug your small body could muster.
"Happy birthday Jesus." He said chuckling a bit at his own joke.
Both of you started to assemble your new telescope. Tony had already taken it out of the box once to get rid of all the unnecessary byproducts of the packaging. He had assembled and taken it apart before as well. Just to get it standing as soon as possible.
Within a minute or two your star looking tool was standing proudly before you already pointing at the sky.
All fatigue was gone as soon as you got a glimpse of the moon through the device. There was so much more detail to the moon than you could've ever imagined.
Tony smiled softly as you continued to steer the tube to the next source of light.
"Dad! Come here look it's a planet!" You waved him over in excitement careful not to move the Telescope.
With a grunt he stood up and waddled over leaning down to observe what you'd found.
"Wow that's amazing, Bug. That must be super far away."
Satisfied with his answer you grabbed your telescope again and continued exploring the universe.
In about half an hour you had found so many cool sights that Tony couldn't keep track of all the wow's and "look at this" he heard. Each time getting back up and looking at the star you wanted to show him. You were so excited he couldn't help smiling with you.
But the half hour was enough for now. Fatigue finally catching up to you.
"Let's go to bed, Bug. You're tired." He said softly when you sat down beside him.
"No I'm not! I wanna look at the stars some more!" You protested loudly, laying down on the thick blankets and staring up at the sky to make your point.
With a chuckle your dad copied your movements, laying his head down on his arm using the other to point out various stars.
"Do you know any constellation?" He asked eyes on the sky.
"Only the small dipper and big dipper."
"And where are they?"
You shrugged.
"I guess we'll just have to make up our own then." The next 15 minutes were spend pointing out various star clusters and assigning them a name. Together you named 6 constellations: Hero, Mermaid, dog, lane, spot and circle. Not very fascinating but easy to find.
"You see that star in the middle of nowhere?" He pointed to his right breaking the silence. You followed his finger up to the sky finding the lonely star.
"That's the one I'm gonna go built my new house on."
You giggled.
"You cant do that! Stars arent made of dirt! It's like the sun! You can't build a house there." You said reciting all the things you had read about the sun and the stars.
"You don't know that! You were never there."
"I can check with my Telescope! It's not a planet!"
"Oh yeah? Then how come we can see other planets as stars?"
"Because...." you thought about it. That's sort of true. It could just be a planet or sort of moon from far away.
"You can't build a house there." You mumbled defeated.
"I can, and I will. Just you see Bug, one morning I'll be gone and you'll look through that telescope and see me wandering around on that exact star enjoying my new house. All, by, my,-self." He teased poking your side with his free arm. You laughed.
Silence settled over the two of you like a comfortable blanket. Tony shifted a little placing both hands beneath his head. You put your head on his arm and continued looking up. The universe seemed so much bigger when you directly looked at it like this. Like a thousand fairy lights strung along on the colourful ceiling of a dark room. Or flicks of white paint as finishing pieces of an amazing painting.
With some sweet thoughts about the universe you drifted off content and warm on the thick blankets and your warm winter clothes.
Tony smiled at the scene. His little boy laying content beside him, scooting closer as the cold seeps through his clothes. He wanted to move, it was way too cold out here for sleeping. But he wasn't able to. Frozen in place by his latest thoughts.
Carefully he checked if his son was actually asleep. He was, the little guy was in deep sleep his mouth hanging open and little puffs of air escaping it in regular intervals.
It was probably Christmas day already.
With a sigh he laid his head back down and stared up at the seemingly endless sky.
So this was it, this had been his last Christmas eve and will be his last Christmas. If he doesn't find a cure that is.
Tony was still in denial about the whole thing. He doesn't fully believe it yet, but he knows it's there. Just months after almost getting killed, he's slowly dying. Slowly being poisoned by the very thing meant to keep him alive.
That wasn't the worst part about it though. The worst part was that his mind was constantly telling him that he'll be leaving behind his very reason for fighting on. This fragile little boy full of emotions that he readily expresses. Plagued by nightmares about horrible thing he didn't want to reveal. Who wants to be friends with the world. And who slept in his fathers bed every night for the first 4 years of his life. For over half his life.
He was only 7. And Tony blamed himself for all the shit y/n had to witness in the small amount of time he had spent on earth. Not even a decade old.
With a shuddered sigh he picked up his son and brought him inside, dropping him off in his bed and removing the boy's warm clothes.
He cleaned off the roof and wandered down into the lab. He hadn't checked everything yet. There was still hope that he could survive, he had to. If not for himself then for his son.
The only human being that truly relies on his survival.
Bonus because I needed something lighthearted
Nickolas J. Fury had had a long day. Recently his agents were fucking up more than usual and a good chunk were currently on Christmas leave. So many in fact that he had to go out and deal with a bunch of wannabe villains himself. And now he was walking into the shield headquarters to complete a bunch of paperwork. On early Christmas day.
With an annoyed sigh he entered his office and stopped in his tracks at the sight before him. There was a package on his desk. Brown and unsuspecting. He took in his surroundings. Nothing seemed suspicious.
Fury stepped out of his office to look for someone who could maybe tell him about it. But the halls were empty. It was late at night after all.
He sighed and carefully walked closer seeing something written on top.
It was his name and the buildings address. And there was a return address as well.
"What?" He asked himself quietly. Why would Stark of all people send him a package?
The package looked like it had actually been shipped so it probably was from him. And wasn't just a weird joke.
Fury took his knife and cut through the tape holding it shut. Opening itcwith suspicion.
His face just grew more confused as he found a poorly wrapped box inside, everything was covered in loose silver and gold glitter. He lifted out the gift and found the glitter bomb that was a handmade Christmas card underneath.
When he lifted it wafts of poorly secured glitter fell off the front.
He shook it twice to get as much of that stuff contained in the box as possible.
Fury had a hunch on who sent the gift by the shaky child drawing of a decorated tree on the front.
He decided to sit down and read the card. Wrong move, as soon as he opened the card a spoonful of loosened glitter fell straight into his lap and onto his dark clothing. Fury tried to push the glitter off his lap with his free hand but some still stuck.
A frustrated sigh left his mouth when he gave up and read the card.
Dear Mr. Direk Director Fury,
I want to wish you a good Christmas and a happy new year.
You don't know me a lot but I would like to be your friend because you look really cool so I got you a gift for Christmas. Because we are not friends yet I got you something I like and hope you like it too. I told Phil and he said it was a good gift.
I hope you like it.
Your new friend, full/n-Stark
Ps I like your eye patch
Fury found himself smiling at the message. It was sweet and came from a place of certain innocence. He could forgive the glitter attack. It wasn't intentional.
Carefully he removed the wrapping paper from the box and opened the top.
Inside were several things. He took out a drawing first. It was of him and y/n next to a Christmas tree with the words we are friends written beneath with an arrow pointing at the figures.
The second thing that immediately caught his eyes was a stuffed animal. A tiger with a cape and the typical comic book eye mask thingy. The tag said it was from a children's series. The tiger was named Stripes.
And last but not least was a small, real tiny keychain of a orange tabby also in superhero gear.
Fury wanted to full on laugh while also cursing Coulson internally.
A cat. Of course.
He was gonna have to thank the kid the next time he saw him.
Tags: @shannonr2003 @art-estrange @nicholasbich @tater-thottie @tonystanktheirondad @gaylemonshark @emilaa2001 @kindahadeschild
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livelongdolan · 5 years
In the Blink of An Eye (C.D.)
Summary: " A fuzzy gray screen showed no sign of life, even though previous check ups had shown differently. Mom hadn't told anyone but her close friends and they mourned together but encouraged her to try again. Now all we had was an empty room with half painted walls and two cribs."
Word Count: 1.4k
Warnings: miscarriage, angst
A/N: I wrote this when I very first started writing fics but never posted it, so here it is. I am not saying any of this is real, it does not reflect anyone in the Dolan family it is simply for entertainment purposes.
      It was an extremely cold winter, starkly contrasting with the previous summer. The small flakes of snow were falling rapidly on the pavement, building up several inches before being swept away by the shovel in the man's calloused hands. I sat at my windowsill, admiring the way the children played around with the snow. I wondered how they could get joy from something so simple. I moved away from the window and walked out of my room and into the room next to mine.
It was supposed to be theirs.
A few months ago my mom had received news that she was pregnant with twins. Tears of happiness filled her eyes and my dad beamed. My parents were finally going to have the twins they always wanted. They were bo- supposed to be, boys. Their names would be Grayson and Ethan. It was 5 months into her pregnancy and she went to the doctor for a regular check up. A fuzzy gray screen showed no sign of life, even though previous check ups had shown differently. Mom hadn't told anyone but her close friends and they mourned together but encouraged her to try again. Now all we had was an empty room with half painted walls and two cribs. Although it had been almost 4 months, my mom still hadn't gotten over it and neither had I. I still dreamed of them, imagining their tiny feet running down the carpeted stairs and the drawers of clothes not quite big enough to fit on my arm.
     Yes, it had been four months but it was the hardest months of my- all of our lives. Days went by and soon the holidays were near. Holidays passed with nothing but a thought of the unborn boys in our heads, trying to stifle the sadness with laughter and the unwrapping of gifts. Some books, CDs, everything a teenage girl could ask for, I had received for Christmas. But it just wasn't enough. Although they had never been in my life I wanted them here to share the joy. I wanted the sound of rowdy boys running through the house to fill my ears instead of the silence of my parents. But I would never get that.
    A few months later, things had died down. The cribs were removed from the room and it was now filled with a desk and a bookshelf, along with anything else that would make us forget what the room was originally intended for. Thoughts of the boys left from heads and new memories were made. One night after a particularly long day for both Mom and Dad, they retreated to their room after dinner and I heard the heated discussion from two doors down.
    "I think we should try again. Just because it ended up being something bad doesn't mean we can't try to make it right" My dad's voice, calmly bargaining with Mom.
    "There is no way that I can go through that again. I don't want the pain on me, you, or Cam. Have you seen the way she has handled this? She may be acting happy but she definitely isn't. Ever since the miscarriage happened she has talked less and less and stopped doing her school work. If I can clearly see that it isn't going well for her, how do you think it is gonna go for me? I'm not trying this again Sean and you should have known that before you started this conversation." Her voice was angry and harsh, each syllable tearing from her throat.
    "Really? You think Cam is doing bad? She is a teenager, sure she was sad for a while but it's not anything that affects her. If anything she should be relieved that she doesn't have two rambunctious brothers running around bothering her." He sounds annoyed. Quieter words are spoken and I press my ear against the wall harder in order to hear.
    "Maybe if you were actually around and cared enough to pay attention to her, you would know how she feels and how I feel. Don't go around thinking you are some macho guy that doesn't feel anything because I know for a fact you were affected by it too. I'm not doing it. End of story." Her quiet voice made the words hit harder. After a few moments, silence. The argument was done. I went back to my bed and went under the covers, pretending to be asleep as I heard my father's heavy footsteps walk down the stairs presumably carrying things to sleep on the couch and his phone in hand so that he had time to wake up before me. Whenever these things happened, my parents tried to keep it a secret from me. They didn't want me to be the child from a broken home. They wanted me to have a perfect life. Little did they know, it was slowly falling apart.
    Things had gotten better, I had almost forgotten about the twins. Mom had finally given in to Dad's requests to try again and I heard a loud noise from their bedroom. I ran into their room to see what had happened. My mom was holding a pregnancy test showing a small circle with two pink lines standing tall next to each other, indicating she was pregnant. The tears came streaming from her eyes as she hugged Dad before noticing me coming into the room. She separated from him and held up the test. I smiled and hugged her tight.
    Month by month, check ups went by. Mom and Dad smiling bigger with every visit. Once again, two baby boys would soon be born. This time they would grow up healthy and happy. Hopefully. Now at the 8th month, the boys were sure to be born soon. Decorating of the room started up again, the items previously inside quickly removed. Two redwood cribs returned along with new things such as a dresser for the small clothes and a bin of toys. Things all come together to create a room that is perfect for the new arrivals.
    "SEAN! GET THE CAR STARTED! NOW!" I heard the scream from where I was making toast in the kitchen. It was 10:00 AM and I had woken up not even five minutes ago. My dad comes running down the stairs, a frantic look in his eyes.
    "Your mom's water broke, we are going to the hospital. Are you okay to drive yourself?" he asks, panting.
    "Yeah, yeah I will be fine." I finish making my toast as my mom waddles down the stairs and into the garage, not acknowledging my need for breakfast. I hear the garage door open and the sounds of a car starting, indicating their absence. I grabbed my keys from the hook by the door and headed out to my car, driving to the hospital. I walk into the lobby and talk to the middle aged woman behind the desk, asking what room she was in.
     "54." The syllables left her mouth in a scratchy tone. Her skin was marked in small dots and wrinkles. Stress had clearly aged her way past her years.
     "Thank you." Nothing but a curt nod let me know that she heard me. I walked away and towards the room, noises coming from the open door. I spoke to a doctor and was told to sit in the waiting room, that I would be called when the children were born.
    After almost six hours and many snacks being crunched down from the vending machine down the hall, the babies were finally born. Little did I know, it wasn't that simple. I was invited in as soon as the babies came out and they were carefully moved to two small beds. One baby was red and crying, irritated by the bright lights but the other was different. He wasn't moving and his body was pale. Voices were hurried as I was rushed out of the room along with my dad. All I heard were three words. No. Heartbeat. Detected. Dad and I watched as the nurses and doctors frantically rushed around, taking the healthy baby aside to help the other. Fifteen minutes has passed and the baby still had no heartbeat. The next five minutes were the most crucial. Things were hooked up to the small body until finally he took a breath of the ammonia scented air. Cries rang out through the room and Mom's face lit up with relief. Dad looked at me and smiled.
They were finally here.
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Two Weirdos in a Pod
Characters: Matthew Gray Gubler x Reader
Word Count: 1,185
Warnings: pure fluff
Summary: You and Matthew have a spare bedroom to do whatever you want with. When you buy two big watermelons, you have a perfect way to utilize the room.
Author’s Note: This is the July 13th fic “Watermelon” for the 30 Day Writing Challenge. If you have any requests, please send them in! this is unbeta’d and every mistake is all on me.
Feedback the glue that holds my writing together
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Gripping the two watermelons in your hand, you hobbled down the street back to your house. There has been something you wanted to try for a while, and now that you had a spare room that could be used for whatever you wanted, you figured now was a great time to execute your plan. Your husband was out with his coworkers and wouldn’t be back home for a while, so you figured you’d wait until he came home. Being the weird, goofy, and childish self he was, you knew he would want to participate in this.
Being married to Matthew has been some of the best years of your entire life. Even though it’s been almost four years, you could still remember the exact day you two met. February 19th, 2012 is the day your sister showed you around the set of Criminal Minds where Matthew was. He was so excited to be directing an episode of the show, and AJ couldn’t wait for you to meet everyone. They had been so nice and welcoming, but you felt drawn to the tall lanky man who smiled a lot. He has one of the best smiles you’ve ever set your eyes on, and his personality made him shine even if he was in a dark room.
After the initial day, you found yourself coming back more and more. At first, you used the excuse that you wanted to be with your sister, but you would spend all your time with Matthew instead of her. Everyone saw how much you’ve grown close to him, and they were silently rooting for you two to get together. Weekend visits turn to random weekday visits which turn to weekend sleepovers until you thought you would stay on set the entire time. AJ loves having you there, and your job allowed you to work from virtually anywhere, so you got to spend a lot of time with her and Matthew.
His trailer was always open for you, and he loved it when you took advantage of it. When you slept over in his trailer, he used to sleep on his tiny couch while he let you take the bed, but you kept feeling bad when you overheard him complaining to his friends about his back problems. That’s when you suggested you both sleep in the same bed which is what you two gladly did. There had been a lot of nights where you two would stay up all night to talk about literally anything, and he wasn’t complaining about back problems but tiredness from staying up all night.
It was him that initiated things. He found a really cool light show that was happening a few towns over from set and asked you to be his date. From there on, things kind of took off naturally. He made you feel so comfortable in your own skin, you could be who you were around him, there wasn’t any need to lie, hide, or shy away from him. He had such an infectious laugh that it was almost impossible to be sad around him. Sure, you had arguments and fights like any normal couple, but the love was standing strong. Those arguments and fights bound the love tighter if that were possible. He was your other half, and you saw yourself spending the rest of your life with him.
Your wedding day was truly the most special day of your entire life. The only thing you looked forward to more than your own wedding was the day you gave birth. No, you’re not pregnant, but you and Matthew talked about starting soon. It’s been four years since you two said, “I do”, and it was time to expand your loving family. The only thing that could make life better was being with him and doing all kinds of crazy activities such as the one you were planning. You’ve seen videos online about watermelons exploding when enough rubber bands were placed around the middle, and you vowed to do that in the spare room. It wasn’t being used at the moment, and this experiment would certainly add a dash of color to the walls once they exploded.
As you rounded the corner of your street, you saw Matthew’s car in the driveway which meant he was home. Picking up your pace, you waddled yo the steps before using the tip of your right foot to rang the doorbell. Your keys were in your pockets, but you were carrying two very heavy watermelons that you didn’t feel like putting down.
“What are you doing?” Matthew asked once he opened the door. He looked at the security camera you two had that faced the front of the house, and he grinned when he saw you carrying two watermelons. After taking one from your hand, you walked inside and he shut the door behind you.
“I wanted to try something. Follow me to the spare room,” you ordered as you walked down the hall to the room.
“I was wondering why there were two night tables and a few packs of rubber bands on them when I got home,” he chuckled as he followed you.
“Yeah. Have you seen those videos online about watermelons exploding when enough rubber bands were placed around the middle of them?” you asked as you set your watermelon on one table.
“We’re going to do that now. It will give the white walls some color, plus, we get a tasty snack when we’re done,” you grinned.
“Next thing you’re telling me is that this is the watermelon room where all we do is smash them and paint the walls with their blood,” he laughed.
“Don’t tempt me, babe,” you winked as you opened up a packet of rubber bands. “You in?”
“Yeah, this could be fun,” he chuckled as he opened his own package. The two of you made small talk as you placed the rubber bands on the melon, and when there was enough on there, you knew it would explode at any given moment.
“Okay, this is definitely the one that breaks the camel’s back,” you declared as you gently placed a rubber band around the middle. However, it didn’t break.
“Ha! I bet mine will!” Matthew did the same but neither of them snapped.
“Together. On three?” You asked as you both got ready. At the same time, you placed the rubber band around the middle. The stress of that one band caused both watermelons to explode and hit the wall in every direction. Shielding yourself from the raining bits, red splashed on the walls before the chunks of the fruit slid to the floor. Luckily the room was tile so cleaning the floor would be easy.
“We did it!” you exclaimed as you clapped. Matthew laughed as he picked watermelon bits out of his hair before walking to you.
“You’re really weird, you know that?” he asked as his arms slid around your waist from behind.
“Like you aren’t. We’re two weirdos in a pod,” you grinned as you turned around and kissed him tenderly. Life was just more fun that way.
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@adlerorzel-blog  @kendall-michele  @megsyrae  @bitchwhytho  @lucipie666  @kt-bug3  @tc5322 @practicallylivesonline
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bubmyg · 6 years
the pizza magnet - myg
pairing: yoongi x reader
genre: (future) lawyer!yoongi, college!au
warnings: none
prompt/hc used:  yoongi would stay at your dorm more often than not, particularly during undergrad, and there was one instance in the dead center of winter that he accidentally burnt popcorn while you were in the shower and every girl on your floor hated you because at least you had your boyfriend to hug you until he was like, “I can take turns?” and like they still hated you but at least your boyfriend was cute and slightly charming.
a/n: the next addition to the lawyer!yoongi drabbles from here all set in the universe established here :’-)
word count: 1,578
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“You’re sure I can’t come with you?”
You swatted at Yoongi’s fingers where they toyed with the knot at the front of your robe. “I’m positive,” You bent at the waist, ducking from his ministrations, “I’ll be gone for like ten minutes. At the most.”
“What if your roommate comes back while you’re gone?”
“She won’t.”
“But if she does—”
“I don’t know, hide in my closet or something,” You gestured vaguely to the tiny hole in the wall at the back of the room, “and don’t eat all my snacks while you wait for me to save you.”
“Can I eat some of your snacks?”
You groaned, reaching up to peck the exaggerated pout crossed over his ranting lips. You turned before he could grab onto the tie cinched around your robe, retching open your door and fleeing to the hallway. Your departing words echoed over the clacking of the contents inside your plastic caddy down the hall, “I’m going to shower now!”
Yoongi huffed, staring hard at the emergency exit plans pasted to the back of your door for well over ten seconds. Lumbering footsteps carried him across the short space of your dorm room, plopping dramatically back into the fold out chair tucked in the corner. His phone bored him after ignoring a text from Hoseok and responding a what do you think? to Namjoon’s where are you?
He let his phone flop to his lap when your door creaked, the metal keeping it shut clattering back and forth against the much too big hole it was encased it. The wind, the cause of the shift in your seemingly centuries old dormitory, fluttered at your curtains where you roommate had left the window open and refused to shut it even when it was well below freezing. He knew it wasn’t you coming back and he knew it wasn’t your roommate but he’d glanced backward toward your closet, anyway, squinting at the minuscule space that he may be able to fit.
The chair creaked when Yoongi abruptly stood, phone falling back into the canvas seat with a soft plop. His destination wasn’t the tiny crevice just above where one of your tennis shoes sat awkwardly a top your rain boots but instead the open flap of a blue box sticking out from your snack crates pressed against the wall.
He got a mouthful of the pleats on the end of one of your scarves dangling off a hanger but he returned with the desired object in the end. A package of popcorn. The little things.
Waddling footsteps had him crossing your room at a much giddier pace this time, thumb jamming into your microwave while meticulous fingers stripped the bag of it’s plastic coating. He started the snack with a satisfied smile, watching the folded bag as it rotated under glowing lights for a few second before his attention wandered elsewhere, to the series of free magnets handed out during orientation week two years ago that your roommate had scattered about the front of your fridge that the microwave was perched upon. He crouched, fingernail plucking absently at the one at the very top, a cartoon piece of pizza advertising the by the slice shop in the student union.
He could hear you ranting as he shoved the magnet aside, revealing the outlined marks it had left behind.
This is why I hate university housing. Or rather, this is why I hate the random roommate selection process. And why am I punished for having a scholarship by being forced to stay in university residence with a forestry major who thinks you can put magnets on stainless steel—
The popcorn wasn’t popping any longer but the microwave was most definitely still waving, humming quietly as the glass plate continued to spin. Yoongi frowned, slapping the magnet a space away from where it had been before as he jumped back up, eyes cutting first to the timer that had well over a minute left on it.
His conscience sighed. Leave it in a few more seconds, it’s probably fine.
A corner of the bag was entirely engulfed in black before he smelled something burning.
Yoongi’s index finger stabbed so violently into the button on the microwave that your refrigerator underneath it rocked too, teetering the appliances so violently he thought they might both be going down. But they settled, steam tainted in the smell of charred butter spilling from the half open door of the microwave. He winced, thumb tucking inside to draw the door wider, letting another puff of smoke out in the process.
The shrill beep of the smoke detector let him know that yes it was right above the microwave and yes he had set it off.
You were halfway down the hallway when a guilty looking Yoongi thrust himself out of your room, eyes perfectly round, lips pressed into a thin line, a soft pink dusting the tops of his cheeks and over the shell of his ears. You were nudging him out of the way with your soaked shower caddy, mouth parted to inquire is that ours? when a flash of light preceded the alarm of the whole building falling into the hallway in one long, monotonous drone.  
You glared at Yoongi as he handed you your coat and lanyard, hair dripping and sticking to your cheeks, snow boots shrugged onto bare legs, robe pulled another link tighter around your torso.
“I think I put the popcorn in a little too long.”
It was snowing outside because of course it was but, for once, Yoongi didn’t mind the pressure of your snow boots pressing into the tops of his toes. He unzipped his jacket, using curled fists in his pockets to curl around the front of your stature, holding you tightly against his torso. You could feel his bashful grin against your cheek, chin rut into your shoulder blade.
“Wouldn’t have happened if you would have let me shower with you…”
“I was gone less than ten minutes,” You ranted, leaning your temple against his, “I think one of the roaches came back and I was trying to get out of there as fast as possible. And yet you still—”
“I didn’t mean to. I’m sorry.”
You turned in his embrace, peripheral catching the embarrassed way in which he evaded your gaze, studying the way clumps of snow collected against blades of grass instead. He wouldn’t look at you and he wouldn’t look elsewhere because there were somewhere around forty girls who wouldn’t mind if he melted and turned into a piece of the precipitation never to return to their building again, anyway.
Yoongi’s awkward grip on you from within his pockets dropped when you shimmied around, cupping his cheeks in frigid palms. He stared wide eyed at you, waterline blurred in tears from the wind that stirred sporadic pieces of snow around the tiny courtyard outside your building.  
“How long did you put it in for?”
A sheepish smile indented his cheeks, gaze falling from you again, “Two-thirty.”
You shook your head, pecking his lips quickly, nudging his eyes back to you, “Way too long. Only needs about a minute twenty-five.”
“Yeah,” Yoongi’s tongue sandwiched between his back molars, “I figured that out.”
“Well, the good news is, I don’t think law schools take into account how many times you almost burn down your girlfriend’s dorm so…”
His eyes widened, hands jerking out of his pockets to grab onto your waist, “This won’t get you in trouble, will it? I mean, I’ll take the blame for it obviously but—”
You kissed him harder this time, lingering the flat of your mouth against his still parted lips for a half second. “Roommate may complain because our room is going to smell like shit but—”
“We can go back to mine,” Yoongi rushed, lips brushing messily against yours as he spoke.
You pressed your thumb into the crease of his lips, holding him a safe distance away for you to speak, “—but, the rest of my floor may be pissed at me for the rest of the semester.”
He dared his gaze to wander to the other faces scattered around the tiny circle within the patch of snow covered grass when you stepped back into his chest, arms tight around his waist as you giggled. A handful of them were glaring at him, gazes averting back to the illumination of their phone screens or their neighbor’s ear when his eyes locked on them for more than a beat. The others were glaring at you, pinched gazes focused on the back of your head where you were buried against the part of Yoongi’s jacket, fingers grappling at the zipper to drag one side over your face to shield from the wind.
“I can take turns?” Yoongi offered, voice shaking a bit over the sound of the wind and the roaring alarm in the background. His smile was just as hesitant, charming albeit, as extra heads turned curiously, half irritated, in his direction.
His arms flapped around where you clung to him, gaze sweeping from side to side while sheepish gums flashed, “No, really, I mean, if that’s something anyone wants…”
The girl nearest you, one you recognized from well down the hallway from your room, leaned closer, addressing you solely, deadly serious, arms tucked tight across her chest as Yoongi’s entire visage painted over in the most shy shade of red.
“You’re lucky he’s cute.”
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xathia-89 · 6 years
Drunken Impulse
For @datemasamunemaiwaifu
I was more than glad to be past the stages of morning sickness as I felt the baby stirring within me.
"It's still early," a voice croaked from next to me, my husband refusing to open his eyes and wanting to spend a little longer in bed with me.
"The baby decided that my bladder is a good trampoline," I sighed.
"What's a trampoline?" Kenshin frowned, finally opening his eyes as I began to move and leave the bed in the chilly autumn morning.
"Get Sasuke to explain," I grumbled. I was close to my due date, but it meant that I was also in the most uncomfortable stage of it all. I was almost prepared to say I preferred the morning sickness stage because at least I was able to move about. I had been reduced to waddling for the past couple of months, which had proven lethal for the staff since the second anyone had let a giggle slip at the sight, then the Lord and Lady of the manor had instantly unleashed hell on the individual.
My hormones were not doing well during this. I seemed to be a pendulum, swinging between Goddess of War and an absolute sobbing mess, with occasions of strange cravings for snack foods that didn't exist of course. Because who needed a straight forward pregnancy. Sasuke had the unfortunate task of breaking the news to me about many failed attempts at making replicas. How he hadn't lost his head or any limbs yet was a mystery to me. Because my husband certainly had 'misplaced' his sword on several occasions when I wasn't in a reasonable mood.
Yuki's eyes shot open wide as I made my way towards the main hall in the mid-afternoon haze of the day. He appeared exceptionally nervous, which made me very suspicious. Kenshin knew better than to keep anything from me, and would tell me to stay away from rooms if anything was being set up, even for surprises that I wasn't meant to know about. I knew I was being slightly unreasonable, but then again I was also carrying and growing a mini-human being, so I wasn't about to go down too hard on myself.
"Ah, Mayuri!" He looked sheepish, and my suspicions were deepening. "I wouldn't go in there for now-" he started, the vassal beginning to try and turn me around to the opposite direction.
"No, I want to go in the main hall, like I normally do at this time of the day to monitor how things are going for the nightly banquets we're having," I snapped.
"Sasuke said you were needed in the kitchens," he was getting frantic, trying to turn me about and divert me from my intended destination.
"Not happening," I argued straight back, and then backhanded the man to remove him from my path before storming straight through to find that my husband was settled in for a drinking session with Shingen.
They were a few sake bottles down already, as I took my usual seat in the room while Yuki was now lingering at the entrance way. His nerves were as clear as day, and the way he wouldn't just cease his pacing was irritating.
"May I say how stunning you are looking right now, Mayuri?" Shingen was laying the charm on extra thick this morning. "I am still bemused by how Kenshin caught such an exquisite woman in his arms when you could be with me," the sake was going down a little too well and far too quickly. "I'm sure I never see you without him," the pout on Takeda's lips was beginning to irritate me now.
The rational side of me understood why Yuki had been trying to divert me. If Shingen was in one of these moods, then it was likely that his Lord was going to lose his head. Either from my husband or me, it wasn't certain who would get to a blade quicker. The irrational and currently ruling side of me, however, wanted the vassal's head on the block next to Takeda's.
The sake had dulled Shingen's senses. He was now edging closer to me, and then a sole finger stroked my cheek.
I wasn't sure what happened, but when my haze of fury cleared, there was Kenshin's sword buried deep into the floor where Shingen had been, and a shattered sake bottle as well. But unfortunately, no Shingen.
The sound of retreating footsteps echoed from a nearby corridor, and then swiftly followed by Yukimura reprimanding Shingen beyond all belief alerted us as to what had happened.
"I suspect a ninja was involved," my husband narrowed his eyes, anger starting to brew as I glared at the same spot.
Then a twinge and a new feeling overcame my stomach, distracting us both as Kenshin turned from murderous husband to an over-doting one. His hand resting on top of my bump before I let out some excess gas with the help of a swift kick from our child.
"As long as you're both safe," he smiled before we ended up leaving for our shared quarters.
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taestfully · 6 years
You doing something dangerous while pregnant
Request: Hello! Can you do a bts reaction to you being pregnant and doing something dangerous? Thanks honey
A/N: Here you go lovely! Thanks for this request! Hope you enjoy!
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Jin, the mother hen that he was, never allowed you to so much as lift a finger during your pregnancy. He said that you needed rest and that you shouldn’t endanger youself or the baby. It was sweet, but you found your husband to be quite overbearing.
So when Jin was in the other room, you decided to make yourself a snack. You craved strawberries so you reached up towards the cabinet to retrieve a bowl. You had to use a chair to enable you to reach. Jin came into the kitchen and caught you in the act. “(Y/n)!” He rushed to you and pulled you back down.
“What? I’m just getting a bowl, Jin.”
He looked at you in disbelief. “And there’s no telling how ‘just getting a bowl’ could’ve hurt you or the baby!” Needless to say he watched you like a hawk the rest of the day.
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You didn’t have to worry about safety proofing your house. Yoongi had already done that due to the fact you were the clumsiest person alive. He made sure there was nothing on the floor for you to stumble over which meant no rugs and he made sure there was enough space between the coffee table and the couch for you to walk. He felt as if he’d gained a good bit of experience in watching after someone since being with you and watching over a toddling baby would be a piece of cake.
But in the moment Yoongi wasn’t watching over you, you’d decided to decorate the nursery. You wanted to put up shelves to store things. You didn’t have a latter, so you used the next best thing: a chair. You unsteadily got on the chair, using the wall to balance yourself. You looked up and felt yourself grow light headed from being so far off the ground. You rose your hand to put the nail to wall, but stopped when you heard your name.
Yoongi stood in the doorway with an expression that was a mix of shock, worry, and annoyance. “What do you think you’re doing?” He rushed to your side, grabbed your arm, and helped you down despite your protests.
“Yoongi, I was going to put up the shelves!”
Yoongi scoffed. “Not anymore you’re not. I’ll take care of them, (y/n). You need to stay on level ground before you really get yourself or the baby hurt.”
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There wasn’t too much longer before the birth of your son, so you and Hoseok decided to go on a date night before all your nights would be taken up by a restless newborn. It was just a simple trip into town for a nice meal that would give you two some last minute quality time as a couple. Hoseok was waiting at the end of the stairwell for you. “(Y/n), are you ready?”
“Coming!” you yelled as you walked towards the stairs. You neared the stairs and stopped. You looked down at your feet that were clad in your favorite pair of heels and sighed. You grabbed the rail and began to walk down.
Hoseok turned to watch you as you descended, only to be flabbergasted by the sight of you in heels. “Heels? Baby, you’re pregnant! You could fall in those shoes!”
“What? I’m holding the rail!” you argued.
Hoseok groaned, making his way to meet you in the stairs to take you to change into safer shoes. “Let’s go get you another pair of shoes before you hurt yourself or our child, yeah?”
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You were reaching the end of your third trimester, which meant that at any moment your little bundle of joy could make their grand entrance into the world, causing you to go into a full on nesting mode. You spent your time cleaning, washing laundry, vacuuming, and dusting. You had to make sure your home was perfect for your baby. That meant that everything needed to be completely finished in the nursery.
Namjoon was not home at that moment which left you to put the crib together on your own. You really should’ve waited for him, but your nesting urges demanded the crib be put together right then. So you did, and you did it successfully (you’d have to remember to rub that in Namjoon’s face), but then you wanted to move it to the right spot in the room. It was heavy, and you could barely do anything with your huge belly in the way. You were currently using all your might to move it when Namjoon walked in.
“Baby, I’m home –“ Namjoon stooped when he saw what you were doing. “What are you doing? You can’t move that yourself!”
You huffed. “I put it together on my own, I’ll move it on my own!”
Namjoon rolled his eyes. “If you keep pushing yourself too hard, our baby might come before their due date.”
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You were pregnant and you were so over it. You were a week past your due date. You felt as if your little girl was content enough in your womb and did not want to come out. Your physician kept telling you to just let it be and that she would be born when she was ready. But you were impatient. So, you resorted to reading magazine after magazine about home remedies for inducing labor. You drank pineapple juice, you ate spicy foods, and you had attempted sex, but Jimin protested against it. “I might hurt our baby,” he’d said.
So that left you with one last option: exercise. The article you read said that dancing could induce labor, so you found space in your living room, put on some upbeat music, and began to dance. You were pretty far into it when Jimin walked into your home. You saw him out of the corner of your eye and jumped at the sight of him. “Jimin!” you yelped. “Don’t scare me like that.”
Jimin chuckled. “Sorry, but you were too busy dancing to see me walk in. Besides, shouldn’t you be taking it easy?”
You sighed, your shoulders slumping. “I’m doing everything I can to get this baby out. Nothing is working!”
Jimin smiled softly, coming close to your side to hold you. “She’ll be here before we know it. In the meantime, let’s take it easy. You might hurt yourself if you keeping dancing the way you were.”
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You and Taehyung had bought the house of your dreams and were ready to move in so you could raise your little boy. The only issue was that you were eight months pregnant. You could barely walk, let alone move heavy boxes back and forth. Taehyung insisted you do the bare minimum, only carrying the smallest of objects. But after an hour of watching your husband, Namjoon, Jungkook, and Hoseok do all the heavy lifting while you sat inside the house, you’d had enough. You felt utterly useless. So, you picked up a box to help out.
It was extremely heavy, and with your protruding belly, it was almost impossible to get a good grip on. You couldn’t see the ground beneath you, and your foot snag on something, sending your body towards the ground. Before you met with the harsh ground, you felt two arms steady you. You looked up to see the exasperated look in Taehyung’s eyes.
“I thought I said no heavy lifting,” he chided.
You sighed. “Yeah you did, but I couldn’t stand you guys doing all the work while I sat on my ass,” you whined.
“I know it, love, but you can’t do as much as you want right now. I don’t know what I’d do if you got hurt,” he told you, taking the box from you. He kissed your forehead. “Now, go have a seat, all right?”
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You hadn’t seen your husband in the longest time. You’d practically gone through your whole pregnancy on your own while Jungkook was off touring. Jungkook skyped you as much as he could, of course, but you still missed his presence. So when you saw him walking down the hall of the airport terminal, you couldn’t contain your joy. You half ran, half waddled your way to Jungkook as fast as your pregnant body would let you.
Jungkook saw you and smiled, only for his grin to be washed away at the sight of you tripping, falling onto your knees. He rushed to your side, pushing through the crowd of people, to help you. “(Y/n),” he said in exasperation, latching onto your arms and helping you to your feet. “Are you okay?”
You chuckled, tears brimming your eyes. “I am now,” you rested your head on Jungkook’s chest, taking in his presence. Oh, you’d missed him.
Jungkook smiled and wrapped his arms around you, kissing the top of your head. “I love you, baby. I’m glad to be home.”
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