#wahhhhh when does it end
continually and constantly thinking about Hawkeye: "And you're my best friend, I never got along this well with anybody, moron!" BJ: "well, that goes double for me, stupid!"
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deerdollhouse · 2 years
The shame is unbearable I rather be shot thanks
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mochiwrites · 6 months
when grian got back from his evo time i feel like he’d have a bunch of new instincts to work with, and his wings as well. i imagine at first both him and scar aren’t entirely sure what his behaviours can mean, what instincts might overlap with avians, what doesn’t. i feel like one thing, is that every time grian would see scar, his wings would puff up and go full mast, and at first it made scar feel awful, cause he thinks that grian is scared of him, (and mostly is hurt thinking that his husband was hurt so bad he would be so scared of him of all people) meanwhile grian is like. omg pls stop presenting we are literally this is so embarrassing beating up his wings to make them go down
wahhhhh 🥺
they get to go through the process of learning about grian’s new instincts together !!!!!! I’m crying over the image of grian’s wings puffing up like he’s scared and scar just,,, feeling so horrible because of how hurt grian has been — which isn’t really wrong, grian was hurt a lot by the watchers, but. in reality it’s just grian’s new instincts being like “omg gotta impress mate, do the thing, do the thing, do the thing—”
I think scar has a very fun time learning the new ways that grian can emote through his wings. it’s Also very amusing because his wings give him away sometimes. and scar loves startling him sometimes because grian does a funny squawk and his wings flap wildly
he starts to read on bird stuff so he can learn more, and he brings everything he learns to grian, who’s very grumpy about his wings giving him away now. though he’s very touched that scar is going through all this trouble for him. he’s been doing his own research to understand avian stuff, but scar doing it as well is really sweet. it makes him feel a little less alone
scar’s favorite thing ends up being when grian is close to him and he wraps a wing around scar. or how his wings fluff up when he’s flustered
and grian… wing preening is something that becomes very important to him. no one else is allowed to touch his wings. it’s only scar. which is something that makes the hermits groan because it’s So obvious that grian is in love with you scar, come on!
(the wings going puffy thing is eventually explained to scar, and he nearly cries from relief, knowing that grian’s wings aren’t doing that because he’s scared of scar)
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sinner-sunflower · 7 months
A HH Lucifer-centric AU 9/?
PART 1, PART 2, PART 3, PART 4, PART 5, PART 6, PART 7, PART 8, PART 10, PART 11, PART 12, PART 13, PART 14, PART 15, PART 16, PART 17, PART 18, PART 19, PART 20, PART 21, PART 22
Whew! Even though there's so much work later, I somehow wrote a kinda long one.
I have the major plot points down now. As for the ending, I saw a comic on twitter and will definitely take inspiration for it.
I'm very excited for this.
Will be reqriting this better after it's finished and MAYBE.. I'll have the confidence to post it on ao3.
Charlie doesn't dare to move even after her father left. She doesn't know how long she stayed kneeling on the ground, staring at the spot where her dad once was.
She can't stop her tears. Is this stress? No. Maybe it's the daddy issues Husk is always talking about.
She hurt her dad again. But he also caused her hurt first and-
Charlie: No! Oh my god. Do I really think that?
Lately, they are becoming each other's undoing. She knows she has the right to be angry, but ...
She can see that he's really trying. Doing everything she asks of him, fixing the hotel, staying at the hotel to help and support her, even getting along with Alastor - now that she thinks about it, what's up with her dad and Alastor?
That's how Vaggie found her- still on the ground, face adorned with dried tears tracks, and definitely deep in thought.
Vaggie: Sweetie? You okay?
Charlie: Vaggie
The dam broke and she was crying again. Charlie hugs her lover tight. Vaggie's shirt was getting wet from tears and snot but she just hugged back just as tightly.
Vaggie: What happened?
Charlie: D-dad.. he- he- wahhhhh
Vaggie: Is he okay? Did something happen? Did he.. did he do something to you?
Charlie: No, Vaggie! More like I did something to him! He was here, in our room, wanting to talk! But I-I-I was so happy. And then he said he was leaving and-and then he said I'll be handling pride and- I wahhh
Charlie didn't know how she had any more tears left to give. Just rethinking what just happened makes her even more miserable.
Vaggie: Wait, wait. Leaving? Why? Didn't he just got here and what about the thing in Sloth??
Charlie sniffs.
Charlie: He said it's related to it- that he needs to find something, no, someone. He didn't want to go without saying goodbye and I just.. exploded.
She nuzzles her face on the fallen angel's neck.
Charlie: I don't want to lose my dad, Vaggie.
Vaggie doesn't know what to say if she's being honest. She wants to be mad at Lucifer. Like, how could a parent who claims they adore their child amongst everything else abandon said child. Lucifer wasn't there when Charlie wouldn't get out of bed whenever her birthday came up, he wasn't there when Vaggie caught her staring at the family portrait full of wishful thinking, or when she cries calls out to her parents in her sleep, or-
But she can't. Because he's trying just like she was back then. They're both doing a little redemption on their own- it just happens to be for the same person.
So she understands. To hurt and to be hurt.
Vaggie: I haven't known your dad for very long, Charlie. But I can tell that... he cares. Yes, he's awkward, a bit socially inept, and has his own issues. But, there's one constant in everything he does.
Charlie: What's that?
Vaggie: You, dummy. He loves you more than anything. He probably made the deal with Heaven to spare Hellborns because of you, now that I think about it. My point is, there is no way in the seven rings of hell that he won't put you above everything.
Charlie is about to protest but Vaggie cuts her off.
Vaggie: Uh! He will. You know why?
Charlie: Why?
Vaggie: Because you're his daughter. It's just how parents are.
Vaggie pulls them both up and they gaze into each other's eyes lovingly.
Charlie: What would I do without you, Vaggie?
Vaggie: Still be your amazing self, I'm sure. I hope you guys resolve this, though. Maybe you could convince him to try other dating options. I don't like this whole thing going on with your dad and Alastor.
They laugh and share a kiss.
Her girlfriend was right. This is how her dad is. He's willing to be better for her.
I want to be better for him too.
Charlie: What?!
What to look forward to in Part 10:
Lucifer in Sloth.
Going to Earth.
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hacked-by-jake · 4 months
I'm currently in my third run and one thing doesn't give me peace. In the conversation between Ash and Charlie. Charlie asks Ash if she told us he could help us. But damn, what does he mean by that? 😟 I always rack my brain when I read this passage.🤔 what is your theory about what Charlie could mean? how could he help us and with what? 😩🧐 I wish you a nice day and look forward to your thoughts! 💜
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Okay, joke aside. 🤭
Yes!!!! This is bothering me sooooo much as well. Like, do not do this, Everbyte! Don't throw this in front of our feet and run away! We wanted a piece of cake! Not only the crumbs! 😭
I seriously have no idea what this could mean. We know that we don't have contact with the group anymore. And we also know that out case was everywhere on the news. So the question is, what did they say there? What kind of information did they share which made Charlie belive he can help us?
I'm pretty sure it has nothing to do with Jake. Ash told us they never mentioned Jake. But this could also be a lie since I don’t really trust her yet.
I could maybe imagine that the group... Even if I don't know if it makes much sense... But maybe our lovely friends had to join Phil in prison, lol.
Sounds weird and unlikely, somehow, I know. But if we remember all the crimes they did. Breaking in, keeping informations a secret, lying to the police, driving under the influence of alcohol 👀
Oh, and of course hiding a government-wanted hacker. I guess that could be a huge problem. And maybe it's not even the fault of the Duskwood police. We all consider the FBI not really kind. So maybe they don't like it if you hide their main suspect and that's why they had to join Phils little prison party.
I don’t know, this could be one thing.
The other thing, but I don’t know if that could help the others... 🤔
But I mean, we still suspect that Michael Hanson is alive. He just left and started a new life. And maybe this new life happens in a small city called Redlog Pines.
But as I said, I don’t know why this should affect the others in any way.
And it seems not logical enough to me that Charlie means he could just drive to Duskwood to talk to them. That would mean they know we don't have contact to the group anymore. But I don't think that's something they news would report. xD
Wahh, I don’t know. I mean, what if Charlie is a hacker as well? Not as good as Jake. Just someone who learned about it and is able to hack some websites and systems etc.
But somehow... Another hacker? I don’t know.
WAHHHHH, this question is killing me. xD
OK wow wow wow wow wow, I had just remembered something.
Whaaaaat if... Okay that's weird now and it's complicated since it's only a thing male MC experienced at the end of Duskwood. If I remember correctly, it was even you who told me about it.
But anyway.
At the end of Duskwood, Jessy tells make MC that she had a boyfriend but it wasn't a very good relationship.
And I mean, why was that mentioned? Sure it fitted the story but what if there's more behind it..
What if... What if Jessys ex is one of the new guys? And that's why there's a connection with duskwood? 🤔
Could that be? I mean, it sounds unlikely, even to me. But somehow... 🤔
Uhh, I don’t know, I'm guessing a lot.
Of course I was hoping it has something to do with Jake but I don't really think that's how it is. Not everything can be about him and it would rarely have to do with the Duskwood group.
But maybe Charlie has a connection with one of them. Maybe Dan or Thomas? Oh, maybe Thomas? As I remember correctly, Thomas did not grow up in duskwood.
But then again, Charlie's shock when he realises that we're the MC from Duskwood.. I mean, would you still react this way when you know someone who was also part of it?
And also, Ash seems to know as well that Charlie can help us. Otherwise he wouldn't have asked it this way.
Oof, I don’t know. Right now I sadly can't think of anything else but I'm dying to find out what is meant by that. And I hope we don't have to wait that long to find out. :')
Have you any idea for it? I love to read it soo..
And thank you so much for asking, it was very interesting to think about it and I feel honoured I was the one you asked, hehe. Does that sound weird? 😅 Anyway. I hope my thoughts are entertaining or similar.
And of course, I hope you will have a wonderful day. Take care of yourself and stay healthy and safe 💚🫶🏻🥰
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internalscream1ng · 2 months
My thoughts after Chapter 7
Spoilers for Tokyo Debunker below please continue with caution:
I can say that Mortkranken is a very interesting dorm. And I could be bias because it's a shade of a blue or blue/green I like, but it's coming my favorite.
I know I pick and push calling Jiro a slut but it was mostly based on looks alone. Now actually seeing his character in play I can finally form an opinion on these two characters.
Opinions on Yuri and Jiro :
Jiro - Looks alone he was the one who stood out to be the most, I have a type of liking either assholes or dark gloomy guys in series and seeing Jiro was the cake on top ~ I enjoy seeing him fight and work, learning about him and his illness too was a plus side and I hope to learn more about his character even if it's a side mini thing I hope he returns in the main story.
Yuri - Not gonna lie, I knew his character looks seemed familiar turns out a buddy of mine sent me a photo of him and I proceeded to call him a teal hair Azul Ashengrotto - I do not apologize. I honestly adore this man with my being. He is a bit of a gobber but he is very smart ( obviously he is a doctor). He makes me giggle a bunch so I will definitely be thinking of him.
My thoughts on chapter 7:
I was actually happy that I didn't have to wait long for the Chapter since from when I got into Tokyo Debunker for the first time. Jumping into a new chapter for the new dorm is always exciting even after all we learned in the game up till now. I knew the MC curse wouldn't be solved so easily since now there is a marking on her neck, but it was a good way to introduce Mortkranken into the story line and the characters along with it.
However with the mutated anomaly was a freaky thing itself. But it was perfect in its own way. But I wished they gave us a sprites for the zombies. After Chapter 2, the way they made one for Takeru's ghost the details and the way he moved was so chilling it made me snapped back to the thoughts this had some horror themes to it.
The anomalies in Chapter One weren't scary but they had their own sprites like the characters and they also moved too, if you look closely you can see them swaying, better view as it is looking at their hands. I kind of wished they revisited the idea of Takeru's ghost sprites / it moving to the zombies in Chapter 7. I feel like it would give the players more of an eye opener or give the player some sort of thrill chill.
I won't sit here and complain about that, we can't all have what we want to think, but I think it would have been a nice idea.
Details I liked in Chapter 7:
I will keep this one short and simple:
Finally learning the anomaly name of the one who cursed MC, Kyklos.
Zenji being Jiro's brother
Zenji name being Taro Kirisaki ( does Jiro even remember him? Someone please let me know)
How bright and colorful the lab in Mortkranken was.
Jiro <3
Jiro and Yuri's relationship <3
The tree Towa was caring for getting better but worse at the end ;-;
Also Gala is on board
If you read this far thank you so much!!! I'll make a separate post on my theories, I am just tired and mad that it got deleted mid-post.. I'll make a whole new post on it later it's past 3am and I wanna unwind for a bit after playing. If you wanna ask me things please direct them to my Ask/Submissions in my bio <3
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nightqueen1221 · 2 years
So so nervous! I've read your rules over and over again and idk why I'm so shy lol this is my first time ever sending in a request in my entire tumblr days. Anyways, umm can i have...some hcs with Korekiyo (we'll just say reader made him realize it was all manipulation and abv$e) and uhh maybee..some kokichi x a nezuko like reader? She has the same attacks and bamboo i guess I'm sososo sorry if i broke a rule aAA
No don't worry you didn't break a rule dear, it's alright. I just happy someone read my rules lol.
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(Yes this was the best picture I could find of then together.)
Korekiyo Shinguji
-When he first met you, he had a lot of questions.
-He will be respectful of your boundaries and ask questions he feels like wouldn't offend you.
-It's a bit difficult to communicate due to you being mute.
-However, he studies humans and learns easily what you mean to say with your pointing and body language.
-One of the many reasons he fell for you was because you were quite.
-Of course he would love to talk to someone and adores doing so, it's more of that fact that you're not being annoying like someone.*cough cough, Kokichi, cough*
-He'll never pester you about wearing bamboo, he is quite well acquainted with people asking about his mask.
-He is greatful of you, truly, he is.
-When you helped him realize his sister was harming him and using guilt to make him do what she wanted. He thought you would push him away.
-However you stayed, helped him get much needed therapy, and did everything in your power to make sure he recovered.
-Speaking of power, your physical and Blood Demon Art is all in all something of beauty.
-Due to your small body and kind nature, it was shocking to say the least.
-"kehehe, my love, you truly are a walking being of beauty and surprises."
Kokichi Oma
-Dude ain't got no chill or filter.
-He than gets mad that he doesn't get a clear response since, you. can't. speak.
-However this relationship works really well since you're basically Nezuko and he's... your Zenitsu.
-He's tried to run up behind you and take your bamboo off.
-...That's when he first sees any of your Blood Demon Art.
-He got a little cut from it, but you still felt terrible for harming him.
-He just clings to you constantly.
-Just carry a broom around so you can shoo him off your leg.
-He talks all big and bad about himself, than ends up hiding behind your leg when they threaten him.
-"Come on Kokichi! You can't just hide behind Y/N every time you can't keep a promise! Come out and fight like a real man!"
-"Kaito's just jealous I have a strong girlfriend to protect me. And my organization over 10,000 members from all over the world!"
-Kaito is someone who's, incredibly confused. Why him, out of everyone. You're so kind and caring, yet you chose the man who manipulates others into doing his biddings.
-He honestly thought Kokichi was blackmailing you into being his partner.
-And while Kokichi does like the power you hold, he still cares for you as his girlfriend.
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chilschuck · 5 months
pls pls pls tell us abt ur girl, shes so cute
`✦ ˑ ִֶ 𓂃⊹ WAAAAAAAAAHHHHH IM GONNA CRY THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!! (;;;w;;;) IM SO HAPPY YOU GUYS LIKE HER ;;; here’s some stuff i have for her so far!!! ramble below the cut!!
she’s a half-foot that studies plants in the dungeon and above ground, and she has a lil garden which she uses to cook and bake things with! she’s super interested in the plant-type monsters, and when she hears about laios’ party cooking and eating them, i like to think she asks to join them or at least learn more about it!! :D
she loves to cook for those she cares about, so i like to think also that she learns about chil’s taste preferences and tries to make lil things for him…. her love language is acts of service and gift giving, so she does a lot of things for him to try and show she cares. (even if he pushes her away, i believe she’d still at least try to make it known she wants to best for him ;;w;;)
her dream of settling down and having a family is swept up by her hobby as a botanist and baking, so mainly she’s just going where life takes her right now! she ends up meeting chil and everyone else and her life changes from there!! she’s braver than she lets on, and i also am thinking about maybe making her good with her hands as well as maybe a dagger of some sort???? nothing crazy, but i’ve always been good with smaller knives so i wanted to see her with that!! still trying to brainstorm more of her stuff! :00
she’s really sweet, but also doesn’t like when people try and take advantage of her and other half-foots, so she’ll speak her mind when needed! other than that she’s pretty mild and tender! i’m actually drawing her and chil some more tonight if you guys are interested in that!!! one of my asks wanted to see some of the art i’m making of them so I’m excited to finish it!! :D
thank you so much for letting me ramble, anon!!! WAHHHHH <3333333
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mauveberries · 3 months
HP Rapunzel/Tangled Series au
-> Rapunzel: Fem!Harry
-> Mother Gothel: Bellatrix 
-> Cassandra (Gothel’s daughter from the tangled series): Delphini
-> Eugene: Maybe Sirius? (not sure, someone else can come up with this one, or perhaps there just won’t be a savior. 
Voldemort is dead, and Bellatrix is in complete dismay and denial of her master [lover] being gone. She has nothing but hatred for Harry, the wrenched thing that took her master from her, so she hatches a plan to kill her, but somehow ends up finding out that Harry is a Horcrux and gets obsessed with the idea of having a part of Voldemort with her again and maybe using the child to get him back, so she steals Harry away and raises her [If James or perhaps Lily is alive, then she was stolen from one of them. If they’re both dead then she was just stolen from the Dursley’s]. Bellatrix either raises Harry and Delphini equally along side each other, and they become best friends, or, in her blind obsession to try to get Voldemort back, she sort of pushes Delphini aside to watch over Harry, which leads to Delphini having very conflicting feelings towards Harry. She [Delphini] loves her [Harry] because she has always been nice, lovable, and she’s just so good that it’s hard not to love her, but she also resents her for stealing her mother’s attention. For having some kind of connection to her father. 
[Oooh, but it can also take some kind of twisted route, where Delphini has her parents tendency of obsession. So, while she loves and dislikes Harry, she is also very obsessed with her. Maybe that can add on to more of the conflict she feels. Her parents are hers but Harry is also hers. She hates Harry getting all the attention and being closer to her mother, but also hates the fact that she’s [Harry] getting attention from someone that’s not her and that she’s way closer to someone other than her] 
For Bellatrix and Harry, you can decide on how their relationship is with each other and how Bella raising her affects their personalities. For Harry, Bella is all she’s ever really known, so she obviously loves her and thinks of her as her mother. Perhaps Bella raising her has changed her. She’s either good and has a darker side, or she’s just still completely good [but she would totally choke you out if you, let’s say, stole something from her “mother”] (*cough* Book Harry *cough*). Now Bellatrix is tricker. Her own motive of stealing and raising Harry was to be closer to the soul of her master [lover] that resonated in the child, but ultimately, led her to brain storming ideas of ways she can use the girl to somehow resurrect him. So maybe along the way she does grow to love Harry but her love for Voldemort and seeing him again is way stronger so if she had to sacrifice the girl for it, she would, reluctantly and regretfully, but she would. Or perhaps she never loved Harry. All that attention and “love” she was receiving from Bella was for the Horcrux within her. She keeps Harry very close and on a tight leash. 
-> Captain of the guards (Cass’ adopted father): Rodolphus 
Rodolphus and Delphini are close. Depending on how much attention Bellatrix gives Delphini, you can say that he pays her [Delphini] the same amount of attention or he pays her a little/lot more attention when Bella cannot. He trains her, with magic and knifes/swords. He’s also close to Harry and trains her as well, but not that often, as that’s Bella’s thing. His relationship with Bellatrix can be up to debate. 
WAHHHHH THIS IS SO GOOD I LOVE IT SO MUCH!!!! absolute BANGER fic idea, if you write it, i am strapped. in. i will be reading it. 10000000%
GODDD the dark themes, just urghh everything about this is so good. sad voldemort is dead though :(
but UGH bella's obsession? EPIC. thats so CLEVERRR
sirius as eugene is MY FAVVVV I LOVE ITT AHHH endgame sirry would be fantastic too omggg i love this so much.
delphini competing with harry? TOP-TIER.
i am SAT. if you write this pleaseee let me know i will gobble it up.
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idyllic-affections · 9 months
Ooooo i love your ideas for Huohuo sibling! Especially with it being canon that Huohuo actually does have a sibling (a sister). While i love your idea, have you consider Huohuo with a younger foxian sibling? A sibling that deeply admires their big sister and would brag to anyone who would listen how their brave big sister is a judge in the Ten Lord Commision, meanwhile Huohuo keeps trying to get braver just so she wont let her sibling down and let them see how she really is. (+ Tail also has begrudgingly taken a liking to Huohuo’s little sibling and usually called kid or pup or something..)
(Also here are some scenarios i have for your ideas btw:
Older foxian sibling: A sibling who would nag at Tail to be much nicer to Huohuo, a sibling who would let their sister sleep with them if she thought there was a monster also there’s Tail snarking how Huohuo was being a baby and the sibling just give him a death glare, a sibling who has a weird relationship with Tail that’s like “they seem to hate each other a lot but they actually secretly care for the each other” kind, and a sibling that Huohuo loves a lot and vowed to be a much braver judge for them.
Emanator sibling: A sibling that Huohuo tries to impress a lot even though she doesnt have to, a sibling that Huohuo compares herself a lot to, a sibling that is much favored by their parents who saw Huohuo as a monster because of Mr. Tail, a sibling who never cares about any of that and loves Huohuo for who she is
I apologize for the sadder tone for the emanator sibling but i imagine that having a sibling who’s an emanator will definitely get you to be compared with them a lot, whether it is you or other people that will do it)
- 🐱 Anon
P.S. I hope you dont mind me asking again but have you seen the Dottore poem i sent?
BABY FOXIAN SIBLING WAHHHHH THATS SO REAL TOO i often write older sibling thoughts because it's, more often than not, my instinct to feel responsible for and protective of a character i like, especially if they're young (-ish, huohuo IS foxian so she's chronologically older than a normal mortal would be but she's still a child by foxian standards)..... but huohuo as a big sister is the cutest to me :(
she tries so hard to be brave for them because she knows how much they look up to her and how they brag to everyone that their super awesome and brave and strong big sister is a judge in the ten lords commission!!! AND she's younger than most adult luofu natives!!!!! their big sister is just the coolest to them!!!!!! and she wants to be brave sooo bad for them. AND AWWW TAIL he's so real for that...... i like the idea of tail yelling at someone for berating huohuo bc only HE can and younger sibling [name] just nodding, firmly crossing their arms and shooting the person in question a pouty glare (they try so hard to look mean but really it just ends up being cute) and saying "YEAH!!!!!!! SHUT UP DO NOT SAY THOSE THINGS ABOUT BIG SISTER RAAHHH 🗣" tail probably thinks it's funny and i think he might say something along the lines of "you tell 'em, pup" he's so dad coded to meeee 👍 cries sobs weeps
older foxian sibling!reader, who always kisses huohuo's tears away when she cries. older foxian sibling!reader, who welcomes her with open arms in the middle of the night when she has a nightmare and can't sleep unless she's with them. older foxian sibling!reader who always gets into petty arguments with tail--"no, you absolute idiot, you CANNOT say those terrible things to my sister, what's wrong with you??????" ...but they actually quite like him, and he won't really admit it, but he cares for both of those foxian siblings. ...and huohuo, who promises herself that she'll be stronger for them. because they can't kiss away her tears forever. so, for them, she will be brave.
emanator of the hunt!reader, who is widely recognized on the luofu for their prowess in battle and seen as someone worthy of a leadership position. emanator of the hunt!reader, who probably works closely with jing yuan and other important figures on the luofu. emanator of the hunt!reader, who knows that some people like to compare huohuo to them (much to their absolute rage; who is putting those stupid fucking thoughts into her head? it's not as if they chose to be seen and acknowledged by the aeon lan, you fools). emanator of the hunt!reader, who always protects huohuo; she is at her safest when she's at their side, and she knows nothing could possibly hurt her when someone so strong is always watching over her. emanator of the hunt!reader, who always reassures huohuo that she doesn't have to impress them or live up to their achievements--"i don't know how being an emanator is an achievement anyway... i didn't choose this? anyway... sweetheart, you don't have to impress me or live up to me. you are perfect as you are. if anyone says otherwise, let them know that they can answer to me, yeah?" ...and huohuo, who can't protect them, but can instead heal them at every opportunity. she will uplift their strength as best as she possibly can (the hunt and the abundance have never historically gone well together, have they? but this is different. where [name] falls, huohuo will raise them up again. something something.... what lan and yaoshi could have been, their pathstriders have become instead...... blah blah blah /lh)
don't worry, dear!!!! i don't mind you asking. i did see it. i have to respond to another bunch of asks soon, i just havent had much motivation today ajkshlfjs <3
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nikaizkool · 1 year
quackity (if u want u can add more ppl) who a s/o who cries when they’re angry? like sometimes reader can be stressed out and the boys think it’s bc they’re sad but actually reader is just mad at the world 😭 maybe this is self projecting jejejje 🤭
Another person who loves quackity and also gets overwhelmed when they get mad 😍😍😍😍
Fiancé trio with frustrated s/o
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Once the first tear falls he is all over you man “mi vida—are you alright?” He tries his best to stay calm but gets nervous when you start yelling “Calm down my love, please.” Wraps his arms around you trying to calm you down.
He’d take you to a couch and lay down with you with your head between his legs while he plays worth your hair trying to calm you
Once your calm he asks you why you were so upset, but he jokes about it coz hes awkward like that
He’d be sitting on the couch when he first saw you historically crying “Darling come here” he patted the spot next to him and you sat next to him as he tried to calm you
“Remember that one time when we were on the mr beast set?” Does anything to take your mind off whatever was posing you off
He’d mock you in his best high pitched voice “wahhhh I’m Y/n I’m saddd wahhhhh” if that doesn’t cheer you up he would whip out the matching pajamas and sit you down to watch a movie with him
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Debated writing an imagine but it ended up shit so 🫢
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[Image ID:
2 cropped screenshot of Grizzcord showing a question from KATastrophic with a reply by big G.
Kat’s question reads “what do you think an average day is for elena and peter? How often do you think she misses being able to just change? How often do you think they think of leaving everything behind and changing just one more time? I know that they wouldnt yknow act on it but like it was a thought I had. Im sorry about all the questions about elena btw SJSJJSJSJJS”.
Grizzly’s reply reads “I imagine a lot of the average days are very lowkey and revolve around taking care of their house, their garden, and each other. They're both extremely powerful magic users as we know, so when not home I'm certain they are helping the world rebuild, I think they'd feel a responsibility to do so.
Elena is still a changeling, so she can alter her appearance as much as she wants, and likely still does whenever she wants. The way she looks around Peter is her true form, without using her changeling ability, so thats her at her core. she hadn't let anyone see her that way, since she was born. therefore, I don't think she'd always look that way in public, not without years of continuing to grow and heal, and not without Peter's support emotionally and physically being with her. the difference now is that no matter what she looks like, she's always Elena. She doesn't have to think about leaving and being someone else, because shes brave enough now to stop running from the pain of being herself, and all the things she's been through. she was wearing those masks cause she didnt want to be someone who went through trauma she wanted to be someone valuable, and now shes learning she doesn't need to be anyone but herself to be valuable. elena's time as rumi was so important for this mental switch, and so was meeting thanatos and peter. shes very lucky, she couldve easily went the other way and her psyche coulda broke”.
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questions that only your mind can answer:
1. suguru as a poet. y/n? if y, who do you think his favorite poet would be?
2. what siken poem is the most sugu coded?
3. if satoru was a type of poem what kind would he be and why?
thank you for your time my ari.
WAHHHHH MY IO……… 🥺🥺🥺 you have no idea how loud i squealed when i saw this LMAO thank you sm for giving me an excuse to gush over stsg and poetry at the same time i feel so privilieged 😭😭😭 UMMM UM LET ME THINK!!!!
1/ first off. BIG yes. huge yes. he’s so poetcoded it makes me ILL. io i’m convincedddd that this man would be a literature major and i’m not just saying that bc i’m biased ok…. i just feel like he would have a fondness for the arts yk :33 particularly writing. i can picture him as a poet so easily bc everything he does and says is flowery and soft…. poet!sugu would make us swoooooon
i’m a bit sleepy rn so at first i thought you meant y/n as in like .. The Reader 😭😭 BUT THEN I STARTED THINKING ABT POET!READER TOO AND. wow. theee power couple ever !!! aaa io he’d be so perfect :((( sugu would be such a supportive bf no matter what his s/o did for a living but w any kind of writer i just think he’d be so Good. proofreads for you all the time!! he’s your most loyal reader… your biggest fan…. reads alllll your little poems when you’re away and he misses you :((( and he writes you his own !!! they’re so mushy and pretty and sweet…… hhhh. he’s just. the best!!! T_T brags abt your writing to satoru alllll the time but doesn’t let him read any of it w/o your consent (maybe even with it LMAO)… i just think he’d feel so honoured if his shy little poet!s/o only let him read their works :’3
nooo i’m not projecting at alllll… wdym…..
OOOHH AND AND. his favorite poets!!! as much as i’d love to say siken i don’t think that’s really his style. suguru strikes me as the type to enjoy very flowery writing, a bit musical-leaning in the rhythm and structure and stuff!! also season-based…. i’m thinking verlaine and rimbaud and nakahara. french symbolist poets and anyone inspired by them!! as for a more modern example i think he lovesss mary oliver and louise glück :3 october is one of his favorites!!! these lines remind me a lot of him….
Summer after summer has ended, balm after violence: it does me no good to be good to me now; violence has changed me.
This is the present, an allegory of waste. So much has changed. And still, you are fortunate: the ideal burns in you like a fever. Or not like a fever, like a second heart.
This is the light of autumn; it has turned on us. Surely it is a privilege to approach the end still believing in something.
hmmm….. a part of me wants to say he really enjoys frank bidart too. the war of vaslav nijinsky makes me think of him!!! :0 the themes of morality and guilt.. especially this line for some reason:
romola. diaghilev. i have eaten the world.
maybe it’s bc of his ct but . i just feel like he’d enjoy poetry abt hunger and eating in a more abstract sense… devouring…. etcetc. it’s a big contrast to the usual nature-based flowery prose he reads but sugu loves having his contrasts so. i think it makes sense!!
all in all i think he has very good taste. he’s not afraid to dip his toes into other genres either!!
2/ IO . 🥺🥺 MY SWEETHEART….. i literally cried i can’t believe you’re indulging me like this i started shaking w excitement……… i just went through crush + war of the foxes and if i had to narrow it down to just a single poem (<- extremely difficult task!! pls be proud) it’d have to be…… little beast.
if i had to sum this poem up with two words they’d be violent and tender… which is the case for all of siken’s poems tbf 😭 but that yearning for tenderness in the midst of violence is just so, so evident here. it always guts me. there are softer poems that i’d compare suguru to, but if we’re talking about canon suguru, his connection to satoru, his fate and ideals and desperate yearning for love… then i think this one is the most fitting.
obv this is tied to my own interpretation but!! at the end of the day. i see suguru as someone who craves tenderness. he craves love and intimacy and what drove him to his breaking point was the realization that he wouldn’t get it without slaughter. i think that line between violence/gentleness drives him insane but he has no choice but to tiptoe around it. and that’s what this poem makes me think of. some lines remind me of stsg and that dichotomy in their relationship, others just of suguru and his mental state…. and also his charm. that dangerous edge to him. the contrasting softness. the poem gets more violent as it goes on but the love never fades and that’s what really gets me.
the radio aches a little tune that tells the story of what the night is thinking. it’s thinking of love. it’s thinking of stabbing us to death and leaving our bodies in a dumpster. that’s a nice touch, stains in the night, whiskey and kisses for everyone.
someone once told me that explaining is an admission of failure. i’m sure you remember, i was on the phone with you, sweetheart.
i know history. there are many names in history but none of them are ours.
you could drown in those eyes, i said. the fact of his pulse, the way he pulled his body in, out of shyness or shame or a desire not to disturb the air around him.
you could drown in those eyes, i said, so it’s summer, so it’s suicide, so we’re helpless in sleep and struggling at the bottom of the pool.
more frequently i was finding myself sleepless, and he was running out of lullabies.
but damn if there isn’t anything sexier than a slender boy with a handgun, a fast car, a bottle of pills.
we pull our boots on with both hands but we can’t punch ourselves awake and all i can do is stand on the curb and say sorry about the blood in your mouth. i wish it was mine.
i couldn’t get the boy to kill me, but i wore his jacket for the longest time.
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…… honourable mentions to landscape with fruit rot and millipede + birds hover the trampled field + snow and dirty rain
3/ aaaand finally !!! this question was kinda tough… but soooo much fun to think abt. <33
i think satoru is the kind of poem that stays with you forever. the kind that pulls you in with a really gripping opening line, forces you to read it all in one sitting, and then you’re left wondering what the hell it was even about. flowery but with no real substance until you dig really deep, and then it’s all you can see. the kind of poem you could pick apart for hours and hours……. a real gem. but it’s comforting, above all else. he’s like a collection of poetry that makes you smile just to hold it!!! :>
now !!! some questions for you !!!!! >:3
how do you think satoru would be w a poet!s/o?
any thoughts on poet!nanami..? 👀
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timegears-moved · 1 year
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(totk ending spoilers ahoy)
wow ganondorf sure does love gettjng stabbed in the head huh
ya know, for all the shit i've given this game about how much i hate the story, that finale was fucking amazing. better than botw's even (i know it's not a hot take to say botw had a mediocre ending for how much i enjoyed the rest of the story).
so.... i loved the callbacks to the beginning with gloom's lair and the forgotten foundations. i loved that you can remove the rocks blocking the way to see the rest of the mural now that you know what happens (kinda strange that the murals were there before zelda even time travelled but whatever. i just gotta accept that the time travel in this game makes zero fucking sense). but it was just very cool to have a book closing situation with it. AND ALSO ZELDA'S TORCH WAS STILL THERE!!! very sweet and sentimental detail. i also liked how it was the opposite of botw's, as in botw you were ascending hyrule castle but here you're descending far far below the castle and further below anywhere else in the depths.
the atmosphere here was amazing, especially with how the power of the sages couldn't reach you. it was truly isolating and i knew that the sages themselves would show up eventually but nonetheless it was really hammering in the tenseness of the situation.
one of my gripes is honestly with the sages. they felt kinda....useless?? which feels means to say because i like their characters but it felt like they didn't have much of a presense in the final despite literally being there. i do like how tulin was like "we need to work together" when his whole thing during the rito questline was how he was doing everything by himself and had to learn and accept teamwork. if totk carried at least one thing over from botw it was that the rito continue to have the best and well-developed characters lmao (even if the impact of tulin's felt smaller. probably because he's not.... ya know....dead).
AS FOR THE FINAL BATTLE ITSELF. WOW. ganondorf's ai was fucking incredible here. also his taunting was just very funny to me for some reason??? except for when he reached his second phase and was beckoning link closer i was like okay you need to die now.
SPEAKING OF THE SECOND PHASE: LOST MY SHIT AT THE HEALTH BAR. i love when games play with the hud and that adds to the story (prof sada/turo's text boxes glitching out and it briefly flashing with "they have no intention of fighting anymore" before changing back comes to mind as something similar). it was just very cool.
third phase was also very cool with it incorporating the sky and zelda joining us (nitpick time sorry: though the fact that she is capable of recognizing link and helping him even as a dragon kinds goes against the whole "losing yourself" aspect of it. like she was clearly still in there). i don't think the third phase was as good as the first and especially the second though. it was very easy, though it was cool that if you got hit by ganondorf's attack you would permanently lose one of your hearts. it was still a good part of the fight though, don't get me wrong.
as for the epilogue it was sweet but the entire story of the game let it down a bit. i felt nothing for mineru passing and that's because everybody from the past barely felt like a character to me. this is also extends to when the current sages were vowing to protect hyrule and zelda had a flashback to the old sages. like wow it's very cool that you got to know those guys zelda and i'm glad that they meant something to you. wish i could say the same considering we still know fuck all about them.
epilogue aside, the ending was wonderful. it brought this game up from a 6 out of 10 to a 7 out of 10. if only the rest of the story was of this quality.
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onehunnit · 5 months
April Comebacks/Debuts that I Caught!*
*in no particular order, non-exhaustive, and all songs were released between April 1st and April 30th. 🎶 means it was playlisted!
*Locked On by VVUP: This technically came our march c32st my time but whatever, going in april list: I enjoy how this track goes but im unsure ab the chorus. but who knows?
🎶 Deja Vu by TXT: yet ANOTHER Deja Vu kpop song. nah im jk. This song is really banger, i love the guitar riffs. However, TXT (FOR ME) do their best when they're in their pop punk bag so the remix does clear I fear.
Renegade by LUCAS: Man idk NOTHING ab what happened to Lucas and why he was kicked out (I have a vague idea?). Anyways. This is like.... not good. Painfully average at best, boring and snoozefest at worst. The entire release is, Crushing On You is the closest I get to being happy ab this. And I'm still not. This solo shit may not be it king 🙌🏾. I will never get those three minutes back 😭
SHEESH by BABYMONSTER: It is better than Batter Up for sure and the girlies ate up that rap like no tomorrow. But it's just not my cup of tea at the end of the day.... :(. the dance is addictive tho fr
LURE BY I.M: This song is really nice 😭😭 I.M's music always is
🎶 By My Monster by ONF: Wahhhhh this song is so beautiful the chorus HITS and the post-chorus instrumentation like fawk! GIVE THE BOYS THEIR FLOWERS. i wanted to hatethe rap but i fear the transitions in and out of it are in fact well done
Could It Be by YUQI: This was a cute little jam!
Beautiful MAZE by DRIPPIN: I heard this song once and it was stuck i my head for the next three weeks.
Girl's Night by LOOSEMBLE: Died 2020, reborn 2024. Welcome Back GFRIEND /j
Flower Rhythm by ARTMS: i do enjoy this genre a lot and I started choreographing something to thus. Guys. Spring is here and the ggs are making sure you know!
Impossible by RIIZE: whoever said this sounds like a SHINee reject is right, but that's how u know they ate 🤭 Again adhering to my belief that every bg should have a club banger. side note: sm been fumbling the bag so bad (see: renegade) so bring that boy BACK
Earth, Wind and Fire by BOYNEXTDOOR: this is hella catchy.... they did eat with this one 🙈
Bubble Gum by NewJeans: this is a rly cute song 🫶🏾
SPOT by ZICO ft Jennie: Zico can miss.. Jennie can't miss... and they hit the target with this one 🤷🏾‍♀️
🎶HEYA by IVE: I really loved this sample flip and y'all know i'll alwaysbe tapped into a demjointz joint. that insturmental goes crazyyyy
🎶But I by SOLAR: goddd solar's vocal never fails to move me. This is the exact song I woulda lost my shit to in eighth grade and I'm still losing my shit to it now ngl
MAESTRO by SEVENTEEN: That instrumental section is sooo juicy and bonkers i love it.pots and pans music but good
🎶Little Things by Xdinary Heroes: HELLLL YEAHHHH BROTHER
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🖊🛒🤜 for the ask game!!
Hi lol this is later than I wanted it to be but YIPPEE!!!!!
🖊️: What is your f/o’s handwriting like?
I’m gonna use his canon handwriting as a reference!!
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It’s kinda loopy!! Not unreadable and pretty legible :). I don’t think he writes in cursive often, and typically uses standard, though his “u”s are more round, and his “k”s have loops. In Japanese, I think it’s still round, but not as loopy as English. Like, his “あ”s and “お”s have a bit of a bigger curve.
🛒: How does your f/o act in the grocery store (or any store)? do they goof off or try to get out as fast as possible?
I think it depends on who he’s with. With harugumi he’s pretty chill, and he’ll never ask for anything for himself, if he wants it, he’ll come back later and buy it himself. That applies for pretty much everything now that I think about it skjfnfjfj. If he’s on a date or something, he’ll probably offer and/or buy stuff for whoever he’s with, and will take his time looking through everything. He’s such a gentleman wahhhhh<3333(it’s because trauma)
🤜: How does your f/o show their strength?
Ooohohohohoho yeasss. Okay!! So!!! He can be REALLY stubborn when he wants to be. He’ll hold his ground until the very end. I think this is best shown during Alex in Wonderland, in the scene where I.taru picks M.asumi up from school. Masu laments going and turns around but Saku gets in his face and is like, “no. You’re going. This is for your own good.” AAA!!! His expression in that scene is EVERYTHING!!! Specifically the stage version ohhhhh he makes me insane. So yeah. He’ll hold his ground and won’t give up. I also think he’s got a S.ora K.ingdom H.earts thing going on with a whole “my friends are my power!” but with his family :). He loves them your honor. M.ankai rangers. Yeah<3.
Ask game
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