#wailing star toh
seyfertgalaxy · 2 years
an entire collector analysis. somewhat
in a previous analysis post about the Collector, i said that their "bad" intentions weren't entirely their fault in almost any case. i acknowledge that they definitely had some things that were conscious decisions of their own accord, but most of what WE see, is.. ehehdh. yknow?
especially with Belos. aka Philip.
this is a child, so they're obviously gonna be gullible and easily influenced. even negatively influenced. they have no way of knowing whats wrong and whats right, and I doubt their morals are in check, so the only adult figure in their life doesn't help with that. at all. he's an evil jackass who clearly abuses the Collector, mainly emotionally. not to mention that he literally lied to them for hundreds of years, and kept them trapped under a false promise. (pinkie promise at that)
he had never intended on freeing them. and when he did have them in his possession, it seemed like he encouraged lots of bad shit. my main point to this is how he kinda played along with them, and smiles at their silly "accusations"(hint hint: grimwalkers). he also clearly fucking uses them. for the magic, spells, and its also implied that they helped with the grimwalkers. "we can make another grimwalker" is a main line of indication.
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i saw a few people say that, with them being a child and Belos the only adult around, they wanted to "impress" him and make him proud. like how most kids might do. and i agree with this, i would even consider it canon! and based off of my own personal experience, its probably true either way. i used to do stupid stuff all the time as a child, just to make the adults in my life laugh or smile. sure, the outcome wasnt always good, but its what kids do anyways.
also Collector has been around for thousands of years and I doubt they ever had a positive role model, parental figure, or any good adult in their life. and with no consequences to their actions(disregarding entrapment), it makes sense.
also their lack of empathy and understanding of others' safety makes sense as well. being alone with little to no social interaction for hundreds of years can do that to somebody. especially someone so young(mentally).
they're just immature, gullible, easily influenced, quick to trust(like with King and Philip), and more. overall, a child with too much power. i do think they understand this power(in contrast to what others think), since they have loads of powerful knowledge on magic and spells. so its only logical if they understood their own abilities, at least to varied degrees.
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and they're far from a villain, at least an intentional one. at the most, they're just an antagonist(so far). they're also literally described as morally grey/chaotic NEUTRAL. and morally grey basically means: "The simple definition is that morally grey characters are those who are not completely good or completely evil. It's the characters who wobble in the “grey” area between hero and villain."
as to say, they don't really have their "own" morals put into place. in a way, they usually just go with whatever is asked of them as long as theres some form of game involved. once again, a childish trait.(or a pinkie swear, usually used a "deal". another childish thing)
and on the topic of pinkie swears/promises, Collector views these things as sacred. to them, you *cant* break a pinkie swear. its the ultimate bond, the best type of deal, you CANNOT break it no matter what. until someone does break it, their world just. shatters. hint HINT: Belos.
thennn cut to them being thrown off of a bridge into a pit of dead children after trying to "reason" with Belos. and so many people have pointed this out before but the collector was probably crying before King found them. their eyes indicate some type of puffiness, (to me)their voice sounds like its cracking/breaking, and the sorrow in their voice at "leave me alone". crying or not, theyre still very obviously saddened by the betrayal. and its understandable as to why theyre upset. someone who they thought they could trust for hundreds of years just turns around and backstabs them, out of greedy selfishness. and others have said Belos was in the right for not freeing them, since they're so dangerous. and yeah, they're dangerous, but what Belos did wasnt okay. especially since he promised that he would set them free after the day of unity for YEARS. and when the day finally came.. nope. it didnt happen, and they were literally thrown away. Belos still abused them, lied to them, used them, took advantage of their trust and gullibility, and probably more.
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"you can trust me", "we have to wait until after the draining spell/day of unity", "your patience will be rewarded".
then, when King set them free after finding them, Belos STILL attempts to gaslight them. even when he's terrified. "Collector? you're free. just as promised."
and luckily, Collector catches on this time because now they KNOW better. "as promised? i remember someone throwing me off a bridge." then they ask if Belos wants to play tag, and then.. SPLAT! they boop him to death(literally. and while Belos may not be *dead*, thats for a different post). and honestly, good on them!
and this is the thing I really wanted to talk about. i can't rephrase my own words any better so I'll copy and paste them from a different analysis of mine. its from this clip if anyone wants better context:
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not like this matters or anything, but i think it could have been a 50/50 thing. i say this because the Collector's eyes were still glowing and the line: "you guys look slow, too" probably indicates some malicious intent(and we know the Collector's eyes only glow whenever they use their power/magic, or at least something similar). but he's still a kid, he still enjoys games;;legitimate games. i remember him saying to King: "do you like hide and seek? I'll hide first" which just tells me that they genuinely like playing traditional, childish games. however, their way of playing games can definitely be considered dangerous,,unsafe. that can be for several reasons, but its probably just because they don't consider that they are actually hurting people. well, either that(or something similar)OR they just don't care. which makes some sense in Collector's POV, they're a young child mentally. and most children don't actually think about their actions or the consequences that follow. and for the Collector, there probably isn't any consequences(disregarding entrapment). so i do believe that they wanted to actually play tag, or something, with the other kids. but the game probably would have ended up being dangerous for the others, without the collector fully realising that(or caring, like i said previously). also yeah, their eyes do stop glowing whenever King shows up("King!" and their arms are spread wide in a welcoming manner), which probably was indication of the "game" ending before it even started. maybe their eyes glow whenever they're playing? it would make sense, in some context at least.
and yes, i do agree that the Collector was trapped for a reason! probably more than once given some clues. they're dangerous and their way of playing is straight up unsafe(given that they wanted to play with King whenever he hadn't even hatched yet.)
but so young(mentally), being trapped was obviously traumatic for them and probably terrifying. whether they "deserved" it or not.
they also MIGHT be linked to the wailing star, but my only evidence for this is because the cries sound similar to the Collector's voice. hopefully we get some insight on this in a twitter post, or even better: season three.
also, whenever Belos picks up Collector's disc, i SWEAR they said "stop". maybe im hearing incorrectly but i just wanted to say it here.
and if that is true, then.. hdgdgdh /neg ueghb
and if there is more than one collector, i hope we get some type of backstory. maybe its like an "extinct species" situation. like with the grimwalkers and titans. specifically the titans since they're clearly linked.
also copying and pasting this from another post.of mine: " isnt it so fucked up that Belos had intended on killing the Collector when he threw them down. he probably expected the disc to just shatter, but luckily it was caught on some bones instead. also throwing them into a "pit of failures" whenever all they had done was help him is kinda messed up.. like dude, that kid helped you for HUNDREDS OF YEARS and only wanted freedom in return. like how selfish do you have to be to consider that a "failure" or something similar.. this is just from Belos' and Collector's POV, but man. what the Fuck" and its true. i dont think they would have actually died, based on context clues we are shown, but the INTENT is still there. and thats what makes it so messed up.
i also dont think that the Collector understands the gravity of their actions. they reconstructed the titans skull, and possibly the rest of the boiling isles. or even the entire demon realm itself. we dont know yet. and they did it for a *game*, and i dont think they understood how harmful that was. they also clearly don't see how upset King is to leave his friends behind just to play with them. but in all fairness, King seemed to want to leave the Collector after promising them he would set them free and play with them. so their small rage fit and "you pinkie swore!" was somewhat justified. but all in all, King just wanted to save his friends, family, and everybody else. he didnt want *this*, but Collector doesnt know that. all they know is that the baby titan who they wanted to play with for years is here, alive, and promising to play with them. and that is what theyve been wanting. and waiting for.
i would also like some more information on that dream sequence! yknow, Collector's first appearance like a year ago or so. they seemed to have trapped the owl beast, aka Eda's curse. and from what i can tell, that beast didnt always use to be a curse. the Collector seems to have trapped it inside of a scroll. some have speculated it to be related to their *collection*, given their name, but im not too sure. theyre a god in relation to Titans of all beings. surely theyd have a more valuable collection than some curses and/or random beasts. but who knows? theres probably more to that event than we know, since this curse has shown to take a big toll on Eda(and Lilith, later on). "don't bother, beast. you can't run away anymore. its over." so maybe they had a chase that lasted a while? considering, in the dream, Collector is being remembered as much more menacing than they actually are. which is a common theme with memory in TOH. like with Luz remembering her mom, the collector, Hunter exclaiming how Belos probably remembered events incorrectly, and King recalling Luz saying something that she didnt actually say. or maybe theres separate collectors, like i said. and there is evidence for that, but theres also evidence that goes against that theory as well. at this point, its really just a 50/50 shot. but the appearance was still wicked /pos
okay! i will add onto this post later
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Part [2/?]
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fizzlewizard404 · 1 month
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haven't drawn this nugget bug in a while
@wake-up-and-face-the-sun ^^
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curseofhyperfixation · 3 months
Please draw wolly with wailing star pls
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Yeah sure The Wailing Star Belongs to @wake-up-and-face-the-sun
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cathchicken · 1 year
HAPPY LATE BDAY!!!!! 🎉🎉 @wake-up-and-face-the-sun
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I’m so sorry I couldn’t get this finished on your actual birthday… I hope you still like it!! And I hope your birthday was filled with many wonderful things, like buckets <3
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I think they would be good friends :]
(click for better quality+ full images)
Scrangle belongs to @sporesgalaxy and the wailing star belongs to @wake-up-and-face-the-sun :DDD
(ps go follow them their art n ocs are super cool!!!!)
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onyxstic · 1 year
I feel like they’d have a pretty cool relationship if they ever met
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Featuring @wake-up-and-face-the-sun’s character
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chipichopi · 1 year
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"To establish dominance :)"
I wanted to draw that episode 13 of season 1 from The owl house and make a little interaction with Wailing Star, I don't know but that phrase would fit a little with Lunar Meteorite XD
She just gave them a little advice, a bad one but she tried 👍 sorry btw it just came to my mind 😅 this is kinda random but I really wanted to draw The Wailing Star they design is Amazing! (ノ´ヮ`)ノ*: ・゚
The Collector school it's a great dinamic and idea! 💛
Collector School and The Wailing Star belongs to: @wake-up-and-face-the-sun
(☆click for better resolution)
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marminko · 1 year
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Happy birthday @wake-up-and-face-the-sun!!!
How is this only the second time ive draw this little guy? either way sorry its a lil rushed I wanted to get this done before I had to do some more stuff today :D hope you like it!
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royal-rivalry · 1 year
I had this idea involving @wake-up-and-face-the-sun‘s TWS (The Wailing Star) and Pallid all day
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poplin-kitty · 1 year
Hice unos pequeños dibujitos de algunos coleccionista :]
I made some small drawings of some collectors :]
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TWS- @wake-up-and-face-the-sun
Caty- @sporesgalaxy
(los otros tres son mios) (the other three are mine)
Me diverti mucho dibujando a estos niñios (y tengo el pequeño headcanon de que Cloud y Caty no se llevan bien)
I had a lot of fun drawing these kids (and I have the little headcanon that Cloud and Caty don't get along)
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babesareblue · 1 year
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Collector kids bonding over special interests
Wailing Star belongs to @wake-up-and-face-the-sun​! Thanks for letting me draw them! :)
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Betelgeuse’s creations are all straight analogue horror
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fizzlewizard404 · 1 year
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character in the second pic belongs to @wake-up-and-face-the-sun
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Happy Birthday @wake-up-and-face-the-sun
Suddenly got notify about your birthday and made this quick art for you! never drawn Wailing before but I think they turned out great!
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blazefirefox · 11 months
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I decided to draw @wake-up-and-face-the-sun's OC The Wailing Star as a cat bc I'm better at drawing those than people lol.
I was originally planning on adding the twins but they're so hard to draw (at least to me) and i couldn't find a good reference. I hope you like this tho :3
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