#waiting for the day dazai would  properly apologize to aku
vina-chan · 5 years
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for yall sskk shippers out there whos still thinking about that first ending..
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akutagawasbitches · 4 years
Ahh yes another one to join this crazy fandom little one!! Haha jk jk, I would like to be the one to request, can I have head-canons for Dazai, Chuuya and Akutagawa as a significant other like how they act with their s/o in a relationship Go crazy with this one if you like, and have fun!
Ahh thank you, I’m so excited to join the fandom! I hope you like these, I kinda went off my personal interpretations rather than being super canon.
-        This man is a FLIRT but all that stops when you enter the picture
-        He fell head over heels for you the minute he met you
-        I view Dazai as someone who is attracted to kindness and strong moral (similar to Oda) so he loved you for your kind smile and sweet personality.
-        Even if you are sassy to him, he loves you all the same. He loves all of your personality quirks: your weird laugh, your obsession with random things, your hobbies, your likes and dislikes, your bad habits of staying up too late etc., he loves them all.
-        I can’t see Dazai being an early morning person but I feel like he’d always make sure to organise lunch dates with his S/O whether its lunch at a café or just a small picnic in the park, he’ll always have lunch with his S/O
-        He’ll definitely cut down on the suicide jokes if they upset his S/O and overall his suicidal tendencies go down and suddenly he’s not admiring that bridge for its height but rather the way you look standing on it with the colours of the sunset illuminating your face.
-        I actually think Dazai isn’t a huge physical affection person at first. I think he’ll slowly build up to being more physically affectionate as he hasn’t really been physically affectionate with anyone before.
-        But once he’s gotten comfortable with it, he’s an cuddle monster. Always wanting to be touching you in some way whether its holding you hand, arm around your waist or leaning on you while walking, Dazai always has to be touching you.
-        100% big spoon but when he has nightmares, he’ll be the little spoon.
-        He’ll bury his face in your chest and hold you silently. Please stroke his hair and comfort him because this boy has seen some shit
-        Don’t ask him to open up though because he’ll shrink further back into his shell. You would have to wait for him to open up, Dazai isn’t someone who opens up willingly when asked.
-        Loves cooking with you, even if its more you cooking and him eating the ingredients. It makes him feel safe and loved, something so simple yet normal.
-        Doesn’t really plan dates out but always takes you out at least once a week on a proper date such as dinner or a movie.  
-        Gives you random gifts such as chocolate or flowers because he thinks you deserve it
-        On your birthday he’ll go nuts and throw you a huge surprise party with the help of the Agency, inviting all your family and friends. He’ll give you his present after as well as a few roses.
-        During arguments, his colder side can come out and he struggles with listening to your emotions properly.
-        Listen he was around Mori for a good chunk of time, he isn’t the best with dealing with emotions in a functional way.
-        But afterwards once he’s cooled down and figured out why you’re upset, he’ll buy you flowers to apologise and hug you murmuring apologies into your hair
-        Speaking of hair, wash his! It’s his favourite way to receive affection outside of cuddling. It makes him feel loved.
-        Will wax lyrically about his love to you in front of you and absolutely anyone. It gets to the point where Kunikida yells at him to shut up because he’s spent 20 minutes waxing about your beauty.
-        Overall, 100/10 boyfriend, he may have some flaws but he’s really trying to better himself for you
-        I view Chuuya as liking someone who is fiery, independent but also kind. He’ll love your fiery side as it means you’re passionate, your independence means he doesn’t have to worry but you r kindness shines a light on his dark world
-        Listen this man would spoil the shit out of his S/O
-        They want a new phone? They’ve got the latest one with all the upgrades and any accessories they need. New clothes? An entire wardrobe of clothes turns up at their doorstep.
-        But don’t think his love is purely materialistic, Chuuya shows his love in more ways than just spending money
-        He’ll massage his S/O’s feet after a long day, listen to them rant about menial things and brush their hair
-        I feel like Chuuya would be slightly hesitant about physical touch in public as he is a Port Mafia executive and needs to keep up his tough persona at all times but at home, he’s all for it
-        Braiding his hair, playing with his hair, cuddling him, lying on his lap while reading, leaning your head on his shoulder while watching a movie, he’s all for it.
-        Since he’s a busy man and has a erratic schedule, dates are hard to plan but at least once a week, he either takes you out to eat or cooks an elaborate meal just for you complete with wine and candles.
-        He’ll also take out on night drives through Yokohama or trips around when he has a free weekend
-        Goes absolutely all out for your birthday, reserving your favourite restaurant months ahead so you’re guaranteed a seat, massive bouquet of flowers alongside your present. He’ll also take you up to the rooftop of a local bar to watch the stars together.
-        Gives you flowers randomly because “nothing compares to your beauty” but flowers are close enough right?
-        When he has nightmares, he’ll cling onto you tightly to the point you almost can’t breathe. Gently stroke his hair and he’ll relax. Like Dazai he’s seen some shit and needs love and comfort sometimes
-        Loves getting gifts! If you make him anything even if its small, he’ll treasure it and feel loved.
-        Will never admit it but kinda wants the domestic life with you but knows its not possible
-        Baths together are his favourite form of self-care.
-        Wash his hair and he’ll melt.
-        When you two are arguing he has a hard time controlling his temper and is prone to outbursts.
-        After he’s cooled off, he’ll buy you your favourite candy as an apology and come back and apologise over and over again until you’ve reassured him for the 20th time its fine.
-        Listen he’s the little spoon when sleeping but big spoon when cuddling.
-        All abut big proclamations of love, he’ll lament about his love for you for hours if you asked (only in private though, in public or around any Port Mafia members all you’ll get is a quick peck on the cheek or a quick “love you”)
-        Overall, he loves you and is 100/100 best boyfriend. He’d die for you.
-        I view Akutagawa S/O as being independent, kind but stubborn as you need to be with him
-        This man does not understand relationships at first. Being in a relationship with him requires a lot of patience/perseverance and helping him unlearn unhealthy and toxic mindsets given to him by Dazai during his training. This is where your more stubborn side comes into play but also your kindness will soften him up and eventually, he’ll start being more soft with you
-        Uncomfortable with physical affection due to his training and background so you’ll have to teach him that not all physical touch is bad. Slowly introduce him to the concept of loving touch and eventually he’ll reciprocate albeit a bit awkwardly.
-        I headcannon that while he’s uncomfortable with explicit physical affection in public, he’ll opt for more subtle forms such as pinky holding or tapping out love messages in Morse code on your hand while holding it rather than saying it out loud.
-        As you slowly introduce physical affection to him, he’ll be a bit grumpy and snappy but be patient and eventually he’ll enjoy it and reciprocate with small touches like hugs from behind while cooking
-        If you want a very cuddly Aku, cuddle him while he’s sleepy. This boy gives in and just silently basks in it.
-        Not super big of big proclamations of love but will do small things like make you tea or hold the door for you
-        Similar to Chuuya his schedule is erratic and unpredictable so date nights are spontaneous. Walks in the park at night, watching horror films, eating take out together and reading/discussing books.  Date nights are never ‘traditional’ but they are still special
-        Though for big dates like your birthday he’ll make a bit more effort and take you out to dinner or cook.
-        When he has nightmares, he’ll move around a lot and thrash. Hold him in your arms and gently whisper that he’s safe and other loving words and he’ll calm down. If he cries, don’t comment. Just hold him silently as that’s what he needs.
-        During arguments, he can be abrasive and cruel, but he doesn’t mean to be. It’s just how he was raised; he doesn’t know how to communicate emotions well.
-        After the argument, he’ll make you tea and apologise the best he can. While he’s not the best with words, his actions speak volumes with him running a bath and getting in it with you or cuddling you silently.
-        Big spoon while cuddling and while sleeping but if he’s having a nightmare, he’ll become the little spoon
-        Overall, he’s trying his best and loves you very much, 10000000/100000000 pls give this boy love he deserves it
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