dieamonster · 6 years
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i’ve been here three days and ock has already adopted one lesbian, an angry bi, and a tiny gay trans boi
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graciieuse · 6 years
waitingfcrtomorrow replied to your post: kicks out me leg and flings my url at u
im lov u
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deathsuffers · 6 years
strike-at-the-heart replied to your post “@waitingfcrtomorrow (from here)            Livvy freezes as she’s...”
I love this so much it's going to end so fucking badly.
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suzumesoul-blog · 6 years
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lazrvs-a · 6 years
waitingfcrtomorrow replied to your post: i should not be awake but because i am i found...
it’s relateable isn’t it
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blindsoldier · 6 years
she just goes ahead and curls up beside him, head resting gently on his shoulder as she carefully drapes the blanket around his shoulder's as well. "Are you tired? You seem tired. I can't tell with the mask, but I bet you look tired too."
76 doesn’t bother moving. He’s been like this for a while, sitting with knees bent, arms dangling over them, no movement but the steady rise and fall of his chest. No sound but the breathing: a living statue.
He exhales when Livvy comes in close. Doesn’t protest, just deflates, and allows it, head turning very slightly towards her.
“Let you in on a little secret,” 76 says, “I’m always tired.” One arm’s trapped at his side by Livvy’s weight, but he feels around on his other side, until his glove catches on something crinkly and he picks it up, drops it onto Liv’s lap. Protein bar. The kind he’s been living on. “Eat this. Then rest.”
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dontcallmejoel · 6 years
The safehouse is too quiet. She's seated in the corner of it, knees tucked up against her chest, staring at the door like he's just late again. But she knows he's not late. He's not off on some adventure somewhere. She's already seen the evening news and is acutely aware that he's not ever coming back. There are people who will be missing her but she doesn't seem to care. Livvy's just gonna give Jesse another handful of minutes to show. Just because.
How your muse reacts to the news of mine’s death || ADSKFJADFJS
Six weeks. That was his usual rule of thumb. Six weeks is longer than he’s ever been away from a terminal with some kind of internet access, and so six weeks after the initial report a message from [JM] appears in Liv’s inbox:
“The house is yours. The rest of my assets have been liquidated into this account, and it’s been registered to your name. The paperwork you can file at the bank. My advice? Get out. Make a life worth living. I know you got it in you. 
And don’t you worry about me, little miss. It was bound to happen sometime. Good luck.”
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asiifisms · 6 years
don't chase the rabbit
Send me “Don’t chase the rabbit” and your muse will be shown a random memory from my muse’s past. || Accepting
When Braig was really little, he’d always thought he wanted to be a famous sports player. Like many things, that had changed with age. He was fourteen, now - and most certainly not some dumb kid any more - and he had come to terms with the fact that that wasn’t happening. He wasn’t big enough for football or rugby, or enough of a ‘Team Player’ for soccer (according to Mr. Anders), and nobody cared about any of the others. Maybe basketball, but, ‘team player’ thing. Basketball, maybe, but there was the whole ‘team’ thing again. Besides, basketball practice was on weekends, and, coming to school on weekends, for any reason? Ew.
He stared at the sky. Clear and blue and bright. The few clouds there were strolling along, just as lazy as he felt, and the grass--
Wait, what?
He spat out a few blades as the handful of grass was dumped onto his face.
“Hey, you there? Ground control to Major Braig?” Sella leaned over him. He scrunched his face and sat up, dusting himself off.
“What?” He asked, looking over to her. She was pouting at him, bottom lip jutting out. The afternoon sun made her freckles look like they were glowing. 
“You weren’t listening at all, were you?” She huffed, narrowing her eyes. 
“Well, you know me,” Braig shrugged, ruffled his fingers through his hair to make sure no grass was stuck there. “What were you saying?” 
‘Maybe I won’t tell you.” She sulked, crossing her arms and turning away. Braig sighed.
“Aw, come on - Don’t be like that.” He sat up a bit more, turned towards her. “I’m sorry, please?” She glanced at him through the corners of her eyes and tucked some hair behind her ear.
“Well, if you’re really sorry...” She said thoughtfully, then grinned and bumped her shoulder against his. He returned the gesture.
“I was talking about that essay we have to write. You know, the one for Ms. Derringer?” She scrunched her hands in the grass. Braig groaned and flopped back down.
“Right, that’s why I stopped listening.” He said. She squawked out a “hey!” and swatted him, so he rolled just out of reach, onto his stomach. “If I ignore it hard enough, maybe it’ll go away. I don’t have time for this crap.”
“You don’t have time?” Sella exclaimed, collapsing against the grass and resting her head on Braig’s back. “I just joined track! How am I supposed to do that AND homework? It’s like the teachers don’t even care.” Braig nodded his agreement to the last statement, then looked up.
“You joined track?” He asked, trying to look at her without dislodging her. She turned her face in his direction.
“Yeah. It’s alright.”
“Is it fun?” He asked, plucking idly at a dandelion. 
“It’s pretty cool. It’s a lot of running and jumping, but it fills the extra curricular form, and the coach is pretty nice.” She shrugged. Braig blinked. “Mr. Paulson. The drama teacher?”
“Paulson’s track coach?” Braig wrinkled his face.
“I know, weird. He’s not bad, though. Lets us have water breaks.” Sella reached over to pet Braig’s hair. “I heard the soccer team doesn’t get those.”
“Huh.” Braig said, resting his head on his folded arms and closing his eyes.
“You should join, too.” Sella continued. “You’ve always been good at jumping. You’d have fun.” Braigged hummed.
“Y’know, I might try it.” He said.
“Plus,” Sella added. “It’s a co-ed team. We could hang out.” Braig snorted.
“That does it; I’m sold.”
“Yay!” Sella laughed. “World, meet your future track star!” Braig grinned and shook his head.
“Yeah, as if. I said I’d try it. ... We’ll see how it goes.”
“Good enough for me.”
“Me, too.”
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kyberled · 6 years
extends my url and also my love for that meme?
 Send Me A URL and I’ll Respond With My Opinions… || Accepting
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My favorite muse(s) of theirs and why: Ohhh man this is such a hard choice to make? Because if I’m being honest, I love every character I’ve ever seen you  write. I’ll be honest, there’s a special soft part of my heart for your alchemist AU Hughes and the little family we scratched up for teeny tiny Scar, because let me tell you  that shit added decades onto my lifespan. But I also love how much care you’ve put into developing Jesse, and baby Kimbles, way back when (that tiny gremlin was the first time we ever wrote together, remember that?). And let’s not even get me started on Olivia. Holy shit, I would kill or die for Livvy. She’s just a sweet, sweet little bean, and you’ve absolutely given her so much life and being and personality and just presence, if that makes sense. Just- You’re such a great writer, and it really shines through in how you’ve developed every character you’ve written. They’re all so deep and alive and just. Wow. I love it. 
My favorite interaction/thread of theirs: G o d again okay I really did love the papa Hughes and baby Scar threads we had going on way back when, but I also love Livvy and my son being the puff squad. And I love the three tired Spanish superheroes we’ve got going on with Erika. They’re just. All so good.
My thoughts on their unique characterization/interpretation of their muse(s): See above, but I will never pass up on the chance to say that Alex is wonderful beyond words. 
My thoughts on their writing style as a whole: It’s amazing. I’ve always loved it and that’s not going to change. I’d describe it as conversational, which I’ve heard said about my own; So, maybe I’m kinda bias, but that’s the sort of thing I dig. I love it. 
Situation(s)/Plot(s) I’d love to see their muse(s) in: This is going to sound hypocritical, but can we let them be happy? Just for once? Let them be safe and warm in a happy, healthy home for once. I’ll fight Livvy’s adoptive parents behind every Denny’s in the country if I had to. 
Someone else I love seeing them interact with: I love all of your interactions tbh. Seeing Livvy slowly take over the world is a wonderful  thing to experience. 
Anything else I want to say about their roleplaying: If it were a food I would eat it.
If We Know Each Other
What I Think Are Their Best Qualities: You’re super creative, funny, and an actual sweetheart. I love seeing you post pictures of your/your boss’s cat(s), your selfies are adorable, and you’re just. So good all around. This is gonna sound super cheesy but I’m proud as heck of you, lovely.
What I Think Are Their Strengths: The understanding of your characters and the detail you’re willing to give them in every aspect of your life? You’re one of those people who I feel can answer pretty much any question about the minutiae of them and it’s great. Ilu.
A Memorable OOC Interaction Of Ours: Does the McFurry thing count
Why Others Should RP With Them: Because Alex is a gift unto the world and you will never be bored reading their writing just. Treat yourself by loving Alex.
How Others Should Approach Them: Kindly and gently but also with memes.
Other Roleplayers I’d Recommend To Them:  Uhh dang oh lemme see. I dunno actually you know most of my favs. You’ve been with me long enough lmao
Anything else I want to say about them: I would kill or die or ascend for Alex you need to know this
If We Have/Plan To Interact Together
A plot I’d like to write with them: I mean I’d be down for baby keyslinger livvy in KH but I also love our superheroes on the run AU. But also tiny smuggler Liv and her Jedi friend?A muse I want to introduce to them: You know all of my kids that I write on Tumblr let’s be real I have zero skeletons in the closet with youA ship/broship I’d like to propose to them: All my muses are dudes so it’d have to be platonic but again. Aside from Scar she’s met all of them and the Puff Squad is amazingA thread with them I’m excited about: ANY AND ALL THREADS WE HAVE I LOVE UAnything else I want to say: do you think birds are aware of their toes. 
Rebloggers, be sure to pick one of the below
This meme applies to:
[  ] Mutuals Only    [ x ] Only if we’ve interacted  [ ] Everyone
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excineris-a-blog · 6 years
my name is Alex and not only do I love you but also i have cute shoes with flowers on them! ;v;
oh man ilu2!! shoes with flowers are amazing and i need a pair. i’m currently wearing hi-top shoes with galaxy print on them. they were 2 dollars.
( @waitingfcrtomorrow )
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dieamonster · 6 years
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olivia: [texts otto a picture of an octopus with a keysmash] otto, in the middle of a fight with peter: [grabs him by the throat, pulling him closer] otto: please. decipher my daughter’s texts.  otto: i don’t understand her gen z ways.
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graciieuse · 6 years
@waitingfcrtomorrow [x]
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            Liv keeps patiently and obediently still from where she’s seated, knees tucked up against her chest and her eyes absently fixed on a crack in the wall on the other end of the room. It’s been years since anyone’s done her hair like this and she’d be lying if she said she hadn’t missed it. “How’s it lookin?”
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     Widow’s fingers work deftly as she plaits Liv’s hair, the pattern of the cornrows perfectly spaced, geometrically sound. She almost forgets to answer the child, her mind drifted and she was on autopilot. 
     “Well. It should be out of your face for a few weeks at least.Better than the nappy disaster we started with.” 
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deathsuffers · 6 years
@waitingfcrtomorrow (from here)
           Livvy freezes as she’s addressed, sucking in a breath when she see’s him. She’s got a nailed up bat in her hands that clatters to the pavement when she see’s him. Or what’s left of him. She’s never seen anything like him before and it’s hard to conceal her surprise and horror.
             She takes a hesitant step forward, arm outstretched. “Y-you— you’re hurt.”
There is a long, still pause, the eye holes of the mask boring into her, this foolish, compassionate child. She should have run screaming. She looks like her whole body wants her to. Yet there she stands.
The alley is full of broken glass and black tar-blood, littered leaves and knocked-over trashcans. The clatter of the dropped baseball bat echoes and echoes. Reaper should go. When the kid steps towards him his whole body smokes and flickers but cannot quite depart.
“It’ll pass,” Gabriel says. His throat sounds raw. Like something torn and poorly stitched. “I heal fast.” It doesn’t sound particularly reassuring, and he’s still leaning heavily on the wall, slumping forwards a little. 
“In any case,” he adds, bitterly, “there’s not a whole lot that can be done for me. And you-” The claws on his gloves scrape unpleasantly against the wall as he pushes himself more upright, taking a deep, ragged breath. “-need to forget I was ever here if anyone asks. Do you understand.”
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blindsoldier · 7 years
waitingfcrtomorrow replied to your post: i should be writing an essay due in 7 hours but...
jack, carrying livvy around on his shoulders while someone insists he’s taking on a paternal role: idk what you’re talking about
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dontcallmejoel · 6 years
She drops her backpack on the ground near the door and absently throws her hoodie over the edge of a chair. From there she half walks, half drags herself over to the couch. After wiggling under Jesse's arm she's content to shut her eyes and seems to start breathing again. "How was your week?" she asks softly.
He’s upright this time, back lined with the cushion, knees bent, feet on the floor: he’s trying to stay awake. It takes him a moment to rouse himself from the page the the book he’s on, but he does, and by then she’s safely tucked at his side, so he doesn’t adjust much. “Boring. So boring, in fact, I think my brain leaked outta my ears somewhere in the kitchen. That or that hellcat of yours found the jam again.”
He makes a slurping noise, nudging her with his side.
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desertbled-a · 6 years
waitingfcrtomorrow replied to your post “i forgot to mention this but i’ll be adding a verse where wolf stays a...”
for some reason i read that as ''too gay to type it out rn'' and i was like Miles is out here being Valid as Fuck
i mean......... ur not wrong
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