#waking hell that is being fakeclaimed
broken-in-chains · 6 months
qlso some cute reminders xoxo
saying "u dont love me the way i love u" is manipulation especially in a venting sense
funny and cute how yknow you both woudl shit talk each other 2 me constantly and yknow one of you lied saying id laugh at someones loved one dying oh and does he know you wrote 2 documents about him? all the things u said about him? idc if he knows what i said about him LOL go ahead and excuse ur behavior and now ur both besties again?? lol good job covering that shit up
its totally not like yknow you both fucking fakeclaimed me in 2021 and then in 2023 did it again like good job being real guys and coming up with excuses for shitty behavior like its a thing to do like how tf would you two feel if i said that shit about yall
another reminder that uhm yknow ur a fucking hypocrite lying and saying shit meanwhile ur "communicating" is one sided and forceful + borderline fucking abusive also ur fucking ego needs a check up like get a fucking grip dawg
if you 2 fucking read these LOL i hope it hurt because both of you say i need help??? look in a mirror and realize ur romanticizing + demonizing ur own mental health issues AND failing to realize i have friends with the same shit and they learned to cope in ways that arent fucking abusive and actually understand me and let me talk and explain instead of silencing me, walking all over me, throwing shit out of fucking proportion, covering up their shit and everything else the both of you fucking did.
i despise you both and you both wish me the worst, like wow. whos the child here now? "i was the best u will ever have" you fucking went womp womp during a serious conversation and refused to let me talk and explain. womp womp right back at ya L + ratio too you skibidi ohio
get a fucking grip and wake the hell up. both of you act like children and then blame your mental disorders on it all. if you realize the fucking issue then WORK ON IT and dont expect your FP to be a fucking therapist to you because theyre a fucking person. theyre not a god, theyre not the healer to your life, they aint gonna solve all ya problems. theyre a person who has wants and needs of their own and suffocating them in all that responsibility drains their mental health, sanity and more.
also, i wasnt able to leave because of attachment. trauma bond, remember? my mindset of "i have to fix everyones problems" due to it all? yeah, thats a fucking thing. i was forced to be the ONLY PERSON HE HAD, ACTUAL QUOTE BTW AND DONT ACT LIKE IT AINT
both of you did this shit to me. pushed everything onto me. knew i couldnt say no or defend myself.
never fucking talk to me again, both of you are vile and have such fucking inflated egos its unhealthy as fucking SHIT. get your heads out of your asses
and just to mock you, imma end it with this
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ionlytalktodogs · 2 years
I wish every person who accuses disabled people of faking their disabilities a very I WILL Kill You This Is A Threat
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