#wally on webcam always and Dick never UNTIL NOW
junespriince · 1 month
Hacking your way into my heart au
Dick, not on webcam: Wally, would you do anything for me?
Wally, always on webcam: of course, I'd do anything for ya Rob!
Dick: good, I need you to hack into Bruce Wayne's website and mess it up, I want that website to crash and you know what, add to every computer in his office as the autism creatures in it, go ham.
Wally: okay, but what's with the weird beef with Mr. Wayne? I know why uncle Ollie has beef with him, but why do you have beef with him...
Dick, hasn't told Wally his identity yet: well, it's complicated, I'll tell you it all later, just, can you do that for me please?
Wally: I already said yes.
The next day
Bruce: okay, okay! You can go see him, ugh having kids is so much harder than it looked like on TV.
Dick: Thanks dad your the best!! I'll reverse it on the airplane! *Grabs his stuff and texting Wally they're finally gonna meet in person*
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