#wang linkai imagine
heymeowmao · 6 months
Our Song S1 - Liu Yuning & Xiao Gui - 烟花易冷 (Fireworks Cool Easily)
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huihuiheart · 5 years
9Percent-Xiao Gui-Glasses~
Based on this prompt: https://kpop-prompts.tumblr.com/post/153306552185/prompt-206
And also if you have any prompts you like or any ideas for something then send them my way guys and I’ll be in touch with you on doing them.
The familiar jingle of keys landing in the bowl by the table and the door locking notified you of that Linkai had arrived home.
“Hey babe! In the kitchen washing some dishes, there’s some fruit on the table.” You smiled down at the bowl you were washing like some crazed school girl who would do anything for her crush. Yet, you essentially were. Willing to get anything Linkai asked you for without hesitation, not that he knew that. He was too busy trying to do the same for you. 
Linkai bounded over to the table popping a strawberry into his mouth before making his way towards you. Leaning over your shoulder to give you a kiss having missed you all day he stops in his tracks and looks at your face in confusion. 
You stopped washing the dishes matching his confusion for a moment before finally deciding to speak, “ What? What’s wrong? Did I get bubbles on my face again?”
“ Nothing is wr- Wait did you say that you got bubbles on your face?” Linkai questions as he breaks out into a fit of giggles, “Baby girl, how did you even?”
You blushed playfully shoving his shoulder with your hand that was still covered in suds, “Ohh shut up! That’s not the point.”
Linkai shoved the rest of his amusement down under an innocent front, but then he plucks the glasses off your face that your had completely forgotten about and puts them on his own face.
“Are these new? I’ve never seen you in glasses before, you’ve always stuck to contacts.” Linkai is looking around with huge eyes trying to adjust to your glasses.
“My prescription changed and those got in sooner than my contacts. So I’m wearing them during the time being.” You answered going back to the dishes, it wasn’t ideal without your glasses, but you could manage well enough.
Linkai very gently placed your glasses back onto your face, “Here you go, before you accidentally cut yourself on a knife you don’t see or something.”
You shake your head at Linkai’s loving musing, but smile nonetheless. That smile widening into a beam when he brings the fruit over feeding it to you as you clean.
“You know what baby?” He pauses popping another strawberry into his mouth.
You hummed in response looking up from the last of the dishes to meet his grinning face.
Linkai kicked off the counter to come kiss your cheek, “ You should keep those cute frames, they suit you.”
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yanjuniverse · 6 years
Make This Feel Like Home - Wang Linkai
*this imagine depicts mentions of depression and destructive behavior.*
[a/n: ANOTHER linkai imagine you may ask? why yes. yes it is. inspired by this picture and the song Home by One Direction. CREDITS TO THE OP]
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“Xiao Gui,” you peak your head around the corner of and see him sitting in a chair, chowing down on a tub of ice cream while staring at the view. “What are you doing, silly? I’ve been looking all over for you.”
“Chillin’,” he nods before scooping up another spoonful of ice cream. “Want some?” You shake your head and scrunch up your nose. “Suit yourself. More for me then.” He happily pops the spoon back into his mouth and looks out at the view. “Come sit with me,” he smiles up at you. “It’s so beautiful out.”
“I’ll go grab a chair.”
“Nonsense,” he chuckles, pulling you down into your lap and locking his arms around you. “There. Even better than any chair,” he hums. You look down at him to see him absolutely beaming. “Told you not to be shy around me. We’ve been together too long for that.”
“Why are you in such a good mood today?” you ask, running your fingers through his hair. He shuts his eyes as he throws his head back, basking in the comfort you give him.
“It’s just...been a while since I just got to sit around and do nothing,” he explains, eating another scoop of ice cream. “S’nice,” the words slurred as he tries his best to melt more of the creamy dessert in his mouth. “Nobody yelling at me to get dressed and go somewhere. I haven’t even showered yet and it’s already,” he takes a glance at his watch, “eleven in the morning!”
“Linkai,” you smack his chest.
“I’ll go once I finish my ice cream,” he tells you, taking another bite. You look out at the scenery before you. There was a long, green grass and flowers. Butterflies fluttered aimlessly across the way. “You know,” he smacks his lips together, “it’s times like this where I’m glad that I didn’t do anything stupid when I was younger.” He whispers as the sun rays start to gently kiss his cheeks through the gaps of wood over the roof. “Everything is so beautiful, man. Do you think thirteen year old me would laugh if I told him nineteen year old him was making thousands on a song about unicorns?”
“I think you’ve had enough sugar,” you tease, trying to take the pint away.
“Hey! Paws off!” he whines, snapping his teeth together. You roll your eyes and continue to look at him. “Do you know what I want to do? Like, something I’ve always wanted to do for no reason at all?”
“Go fishing.” His face is stone cold serious.
“Go fishing?” you repeat.
He nods. “You in the beginning of the Pixar movies where they have the little boy on the moon with a fishing rod? I have no idea why but it made me always want to try fishing one day. So I told Yanchen-ge about it and he gave me this cool ass bucket hat and a can of worms before we left.”
“We drove here with a can of worms in our car?” you cringe.
“Not just anywhere! Under your seat!” he laughs. You only rub your temples and shake your head, sighing at him. “Jie-ge said that he has a few fishing rods hidden in the shack behind this cabin. If you want, I’m going to the dock in a bit to see if I can catch something.”
His eyes are gleaming as he talks. They haven’t stopped since you got to Xingjie and Yanchen’s cabin in the middle of nowhere. Linkai was just so happy that he gets to spend a week alone with you. But to have a week alone with you in such a beautiful place? His eyes haven’t stopped sparkling since you guys pulled up.
“Yeah. Okay. I’ll come,” you say.
“Best vacation ever,” he grins, kissing you on the cheek. He pats your thigh, signaling you to stand up. He follows close behind, placing his half empty pint on the railing. He stretches his back and shakes his hair. “Do I really seem silly to you?” he asks as you two travel back into the cabin.
“You’re just...really happy,” you explain.
“Would you like me to be angsty and sad?” he raises his eyebrows as he opens the freezer. You shake your head at him. “Don’t eat my ice cream, okay? I don’t get to eat it a lot during promotions and I want some after dinner.”
“Who said I want any of your nasty ice cream?” you cross your arms.
“Rocky road is not nasty. You’re nasty,” he sticks his tongue out like a child. You roll your eyes at him once again as he shuts the freezer. He turns back to you and starts towards the bedroom. “Jie-ge was right,” he says, staring at the messy bed.
“Right about what?” you plop down on the sheets.
Linkai falls on top of you, pressing an obnoxious kiss to your kiss. He hovers about you, eyes still shining brightly. “This really is a place to fall in love at,” he whispers, searching your eyes for a second. After a moment, he pushes himself up from you and grabs his towel. “Lay there and look pretty. I will be right back. Don’t go falling in love with anyone else while I’m gone. Got it?”
“Got it chief,” you salute him.
God, you want to say. You want to ask Linkai if he’s even aware of how etheral he is. His entire being an enigma of emotions. You want to ask if he was lost. That stardust like his is too bright for this dim world.
Wang Linkai, I’m so proud of you, you want to tell him. But you’re partly sure he knows because everytime you start to say it, he’ll cut you off with a kiss.
He’s come so far. You used to think that maybe, he was sad because he was lost. He wasn’t where he was supposed to be as he aimlessly went through the motions, day in, day out. But you still remember that one night when the two of you were fifteen.
Fifteen, running around in the streets, young and wild and free. Linkai pulled you under a street lamp and told you that he feels at home when he’s with you. That you made this, whatever this was, feel like home. And he tells you that it’s not good to make homes out of people - that those are the kinds of homes to go down in flames the easiest. But he didn’t care. He would salvage you from the wreckage and write his name with the ashes as he built a new foundation.
And the thing is, Linkai felt the need to take care of you before he felt the need to take care of himself. He never realized that maybe you were a mirror of him but the more he built you up, the more he built himself up without even realizing. He made two homes into one the first time he ever kissed you. Since then, it’s been you and Linkai against the world.
You were there for it all - his rise to fame, his big break, his break down, his revival.
“I have so much living to do,” he tells you one night, tears staining his porcelain skin. “I don’t - I don’t wanna go. Not yet. Not when you’re still here.”
You weren’t a cure, you wanted to tell him. But he didn’t think of you as one. He thought of you as the catalyst - that if there was one person he would get better for, it would be you.
He stops his underage drinking by eighteen, throws his pack of cigarettes down the toilet and screams no more! to himself. Because not only does he have so much living to do, but you do too. And he built his home around you, brick by brick. He’ll be damned if he burns the one person who held him in his firey anger.
So he breaks the foundation under his own feet and builds his side of the house back up. He’s still not sure how to put some things together but he’ll learn. He’ll watch Xingjie and Yanchen, the two strongest homes he’s ever stepped foot in. He’ll see the way they pave their paths of life and he’ll hold on for dear life even when the ground seems to want to swallow him whole.
Then there’s Yankai. His not-so-little little brother. Yankai who is still building his home out of sticks and stone. He’ll teach him a structure or two. He’ll show him where he went wrong. He’ll guide him the same way Yanchen and Xingjie did for him.
And then there’s you. You, who has grown up so much since the first time you two met at twelve. The one who kept his head above water when his tears seemed to flood his room. The one who taught him how to plug up the holes in his row boat. The one he would rebuild for again and again and again.
He fell for you a little before he turned sixteen and when he kissed you for the first time, he realized how easily your bodies fell into each other. They were like puzzel pieces. He held on to you that night and never let go.
As Linkai exists the bathroom, singing along to some Kendrick Lamar song, bouncing around, you can’t help but feel so grateful.
“Thirteen year old you would definitely laugh if he could see this now,” you comment as he combs his hair back, still rapping along. You wrap your arms around his waist and rest your head against his back. “But if thirteen year old you could see you now, I think he would be in shock.”
“By my hair?” he asks as he shoves the bucket hat on his head.
“By you in general,” you reply.
Linkai looks at himself in the mirror. He still remembers all the nights he used to scream at himself until his throat was raw. He remembers how he hated to see his reflection.
“No more,” he whispers to himself, grinning. “If I’m not okay today, I will be one day.” Linkai detatches himself from you and spins around, tugging you along as he exists the room. “Come on! Those fish aren’t going to catch themselves!”
So you guys spend your entire afternoon there, on the dock, feet in the water, screaming along to whatever song came on shuffle. You make a comment that maybe the reason why the two of you haven’t caught a fish yet is because the music scaring them off.
“Nonsense!” he cheers before putting on The Little Mermaid soundtrack. You double over in laughter at the boy who tries his best at a Carabean accent, singing along once more.
“This is boring,” he says at one point, pulling down on the bucket hat. “I kind of want to go and see if there are even fish in there. I feel like Jie-ge was punking me out.”
“Then go check!” you laugh before pushing him in.
His body splashes into the lake. When he resurfaces, he whines about how you got his hat wet before grabbing your leg and tugging you in with him.
You guys spend an hour or so in the water before heading back home to shower and prepare dinner.
He’s singing along to the song still. You take a note that they’re not sad songs anymore. He’s jumping around to Migos, singing into the spatula in his hands and so full of life.
God Linkai, do you even know how far you’ve come?
The two of you eat your supper that was prepared all by him. It’s a stir fry and he pushes some of his meat onto your plate. “Eat a lot,” he tells you. “I still need room for my ice cream.” You roll your eyes at that.
When dinner is over, he pulls his treat from the freezer and watches you wash the dishes.
“I wish I could come home more often,” he says as you scrub the dishes. “I miss it. I miss you.”
When the dishes are finally finished, Linkai pulls you onto the couch with him and spoon feeds you his treat, smiling as you tell him random stories that pop into your head. When he finishes the tub, he places it to the side and sighs happily.
“Remember when I used to cry,” he says, eyes heavy with sleep. “You’d always bring me that ice cream when I was sad.” You play with a loose thread on his shirt, nodding along. “And when I was away, I never really go the chance to eat it.”
“Because you were so busy?” you ask.
“Because I was never sad enough to eat it,” he explains.
“Are you sad right now?” You look up at him and see that he’s already looking down at you.
“No,” he smiles. “I’m home.”
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vicccwrites · 6 years
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Unsure - Xiao Gui Texts
(in which he’s shy and she doesn’t know what to make of it)
(A/N: I don’t really know what this is?? But I hope you like it regardless! :) It was supposed to have a fluffy ending, and then it somehow managed to spiral out of control lmao ^^ I just had a weird strike of inspiration the other day and decided to play around with it. Is this angst? I honestly have no clue, but I’m going with no? lmk what you think haha ;) Enjoy~)
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sadghosthours-blog · 6 years
this is really f*cking random but
imagine, xiao gui, the one, the only, the legend,
in his studio
someone enters and linkai just screams
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peanutpinet · 3 years
Nine Percent Masterlist
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Escape Room with 9%
Scenarios based on their pics #1
Scenarios based on their pics #2
If they saw someone being harassed
Scenarios for @nine._.percent
3rd year anniversary scenario
Nine Percent part of the mafia
Per Members
Cai Xukun
Cai Xukun as a yandere in my dream
Justin Huang
My Dork (fluff)
Lin Yanjun
Lin Yanjun as a secret agent part 1
Lin Yanjun as a secret agent part 2
Lin Yanjun as a mentor
Zhu Zhengting
Crossing the ocean (angst + fluff)
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vermemesol · 4 years
College! AU | Nine Percent - Part 2
Pairing : Nine Percent x Fem!Reader
Genre : College!AU, Fluff
College! AU Masterlist | Normal Masterlist
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You sat at the cafeteria with the boys and they introduce themselves to you.
“So you two aren’t related right?” Lin Kai asked. 
“No!” both you and Xu Kun answered in unison. 
“Hao Hao~!!” a familiar voice calls out to Justin it seems.
“Oh God, it’s her again.” Cheng Cheng stated in agony.
“What’s she doing here?” the annoying girl asks, pointing at you.
“I belong here.” you answer without shame.
“We invited her obviously.” Yan Jun added.
It was at this moment that you decide to continue beeing cheeky, so you stand up and say, “By the way, we haven’t really met, have we? I’m Cai Y/N.” You extend an arm to shake hands with her. Surprisingly she does shake hands with you, her grip, however, tightening with every shake. “Just because you have the same family name as Kun Kun doesn’t mean you’re anyhow close to him.” one of her underlings say from the side. “Oh, I don’t know. Whether or not I’m close to any of these guys, it’s up to them you know? Not me.” you say, tightening your grip as well. She finally can’t handle the strength you were exerting and let’s go. “Hmph, let’s go girls.” 
“Woah, that was so different from how you were before.” Li Nong stated. “I’ve learnt to deal with girls like those.” you continued to eat your lunch after replying him. The entire lunch break consisted of you teasing Xu Kun and Justin about their ‘top tier fangirls’. 
A few weeks pass by and nothing much happens. Just the usual routine of going to school, lunch with the boys, working at the cafe, the boys still going to the cafe as much as they can. Oh! They’ve added you into their group chat, so a lot of interesting conversations unfold I guess.
It’s another day and as always, you walk to the cafe with the boys after school. This time though, you were stopped in front of the school by a limo and a man dressed very formally. “Miss Cai.” he bowed. “Your parents request that you return home early today.” he says with an unchanging facial expression. “Y/N do you know this guy?” Zheng Ting asks. “Unfortunately, yes. I’m afraid you guys will have to head off without me.” you say walking towards the open limo door. “I’ll text you guys later.” you flash a smile at them before getting into the expensive vehicle.
They watched as the vehicle left. “She didn’t seem too happy.” Justin pointed out. “Come to think of it, she never talks about her family.” Zheng Ting adds. “She never really talks about herself at all doesn’t she?” Cheng Cheng adds again. “Oh shit, you’re right.” Lin Kai comes to realization. “Watch your words!” Zheng Ting scolds. “We never really ask about her either.” Zi Yi says. 
They all just stand around for a moment looking at each other as they have come to realize that they know literally nothing about you. 
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- END -
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College! AU Masterlist | Normal Masterlist
That's all for now, I'm gonna go sleep now, it's 7AM here RIP. I hope you liked it! And yes they BOOOIIISSS groupchat is in Ming Hao (Justin) POV.
And yes I just made Y/N something you will never actually be, filthy rich. :D
I like doing text based stuff more so maybe I'll do more of that in the future since I suck at actually writing.
Ah, yes, please ignore the time in the texts! It's actually like 9PM as Ming Hao said.
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linyanjunjun · 6 years
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two naughty kids playing the entire staff team
cr. Yangsoleguang521
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ahgasetay · 6 years
nine percent reacts! | first time being touchy with s.o
requested by @kissm3undrthemistl3to3: Can you write a Nine percent reaction to first physical contact with their s/o please. admin: jade genre: fluff
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z h a n g j i n g
he was a little embarrassed as his cheeks turned pink but a dusty rose pink as he took your hand in his, he was glad when your fingers intertwined with his. soon after you were holding hands all the time. at home, on dates, in the store. 
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y a n j u n
he kissed the top of your head after your first date and you couldn’t help but blush at how cute he was. yanjun fixed your hair and tried to play it off as if that’s what he was doing. he still doesn’t want to admit that he really wanted to kiss your lips but he didn’t  want to make you uncomfortable and that’s why he went for the top of your head.
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z h e n g t i n g
you kept thanking him after he paid for dinner and he insisted it was fine and kissed your cheek. you blushed softly as he giggled and fixed your hair afterwards. he still kisses your cheek when you insist to pay him back, but he won’t take your money.
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z i y i
when you were telling a story he listened but spaced out and watched your lips as you talked. he leaned over and kissed you at first you were shocked and didn’t react until he was about to pull away and you kissed back shyly. he pulled away shortly after and you both giggled softly. 
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x u k u n
when he leaned in carefully he was full of confidence, his mind set on kissing you. when his lips were on yours he became a bit nervous and pulled away a little until you kissed him back. he finally felt better about himself when you kissed back. from now on he kissed you a lot and often, still loving the way it felt when his lips were on yours.
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x i a o  g u i
he smiled at you as you talked and reached over as the wind blew your hair crazy, he fixed it then watched as you blushed and he covered his face shyly, apologizing and explaining what happened and you shook your head and smiled softly. “no worries, i appreciate it,”  he still was shy when it happened but now you both enjoy to play with each others hair as you cuddle.
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c h e n g c h e n g
he wrapped his arms around your waist as you waited in line at the amusement park. it didn’t hit him until he realized how deep you were blushing and the way you were grinning. he held you even closer and smiled at you. he loved holding you close ever since the faint blush that still creeps across your face.
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l i n o n g
he was a naturally shy boy so when he went to drop you off at home after your date he was surprised but delighted when you hugged him and thanked him. he hugged you back and held you close, telling you that you need to meet again soon. he still loves your hugs a lot. 
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j u s t i n
as he is younger he rarely was touchy, so you could understand as to why he was beyond flustered when his hand brushed against yours and you held his hand. he nervously intertwined his fingers with yours. he still gets embarrassed when you tell people the story.
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itsyourjoon · 5 years
Soft hearts
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Request: can you write a smut imagine with xiao gui from nine percent, please?
Xiao Gui x reader
Genre: smut
Word count: 702
Warnings: almost unprotected sex use protection kids you don't need to get preggos too soon, it's really soft so that's it
A/N: I wrote it softly because lil Guigui is just a softie to me but if that's not what you wanted then you can request another one!♡ also it's not proof read so... hopefully it's okay :)
Summary: making you feel loved and wanted, but most importantly good is what Xiao Gui is best at
Happy smiles, loving glances and gentle touches were shared the whole evening. Xiao Gui made sure you loved the simple picnic date he prepared for you and no detail escaped him when preparing it, as all the foods you loved were on the menu. He made you feel loved with every word that left his lips, while he also listened to every single thing you had said.
Back at home nothing is different. Your bodies pressed tightly together against the wall, his bigger frame trapping yours, his hands wander down your own, fingers interlocked as his lips gently dance on your neck, leaving small purple love bites on the expanse of your skin. Silent whines escape from you, wanting him more and more.
"Gui let's go to the bedroom please." Your plea is answered when Xiao Gui picks you up, carrying you to the bedroom you two share.
"Everything for my darling."
Clothes are soon found on the floor leaving the both of you only in your underwear, him gently dropping you on the bed, kissing you before joining you.
Gui rubs your core through your panties, making you moan from the pleasure. His motions are making you wetter and at the same time impatient. You pull him closer into an even more heated kiss to show him your want for him.
Removing your last pieces of clothing from the both of you, he rubs himself against your heat groaning from the friction and your wetness. He would love to just slip into your tightness already, to feel your walls all around him. He's about to-
"Gui wait. Do we have a condom?" Your worry in his eyes make him look even more lovingly into you. To him you are the most precious star no matter what you do and he falls in love even more no matter what. His lovestruck gaze is soon replaced with one of remembering as ge realises he has one.
"Don't worry baby, I got it. Just relax."
He easily slips it on and goes back to rubbing against you, teasing the both of you before kissing you passionately again.
He slips into you with ease, your wetness being enough of a lubricator for him to slide in easily.
As soon as he is all the way in, the kisses become deeper, and he holds your cheek with his one hand as he picks up the pace of his thrusts. They're not too fast, but they are deep and sharp, strong enough to hit just the right spot.
With the set pace you pull him as close as it's physically possible, moaning into his mouth, eyes closed from the pleasure. Nothing could be better than the feeling of Xiao Gui pleasuring you like this. Not when he makes you feel this good.
Your walls convulse around him as your high approaches. Feeling that, he starts to move faster chasing his own high as well.
"Gui- oh shit! Gui I'm close. I'm gonna cum."
He kisses you a bit roughly this time, putting his hand on the back of your thigh, the new angle allowing him to hit your sweet spot just right.
"Cum for me baby. Don't hold back."
With a few more thrusts you let go, cumming around him. He cums a few thrusts after you, spilling into the condom, riding out both of your highs.
After you've both come down from your own cloud's 9, he pulls out, tying the condom before throwing it away.
He goes to grab a wet cloth from the bathroom to clean you up, smiling lovingly at you. He leans down to kiss your forehead, whispering an 'I love you' before pulling away. You return the three words to him, meaning every single one.
He joins you in bed once again, this time cuddling your naked body. Pulling you closer to him, he holds your hand gently, kissing your shoulder as he does so. His lips linger on your skin for just a bit, before he fully hugs you.
Wrapping your arms around his neck and him around your waist, you drift off to sleep in the arms of the man you love the most.
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my9percent · 6 years
8 + 41 with Xiao Gui pls thank ü (*´꒳`*)
8. “Forget it. You fucking suck.”41. “You’re going out dressed like that?”
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“You’re going out dressed like that?”
You turned in surprise. Linkai has never commented on what you chose to wear before. You looked at the summer dress you had finally found the confidence to put on and wondered if your initial instinct was correct: you simply weren’t suited for wearing “girly” clothing.
“What’s wrong?” He was sitting on the couch and gave you another look of, was that disdain? Your mouth dropped open and you anxiously rubbed your exposed arms. “What?” Your tone was beginning to be defensive. 
“Nothing,” he muttered, turning his attention back to his game. You watched him for another full moment. His thumbs were flying across the controller and his mouth was set in a hard line. You could read the negativity emanating off from him.
It wasn’t as if the two of you had fought earlier. You had a high school reunion to attend and decided that you were going to show a new side of yourself, rather than the tomboy-ish self you were known for throughout those four years. You would have brought Linkai but the organizers were dead set on making sure the only people who attended were the alumn.
“Are you upset that I can’t bring you?”
He scoffed and gave you another glance. You saw him eye the end of the dress and his gaze trailed up to your bare shoulders then to you. “No.” 
Tears pricked at your eyes and you decided that you were going to change. You were already in a bad enough mood. It would be worse if you had to be uncomfortable and upset. You turned to walk back to your room. “Forget it. You fucking suck.”
Back in the room, you searched through your closet and pulled out pants and an acceptable blouse. It made you look like you were going to work. You gave a disgruntled sigh as you tried to find a less formal blouse instead. You glanced at the mirror and wiped angrily at the tears.
Linkai walked in with your dress halfway off and the blouse coming over your head. You saw him swallow and approach you hesitantly. “Babe.” He came to sit on the edge of the bed. You stubbornly continued to wrestle with the blouse until it sat flatly against your torso.
“I didn’t mean what I did back then.”
“I get it. It’s not a look I can pull off. All you had to do was tell me to change. It’s not that hard.”
“No. That’s not it.” He played with his fingers and looked at the room as if searching for the right answers. “You look too good. And I didn’t want theotherboysstaring.” He said the last few words under his breath.
“What did you say?”
Your eyes met in the mirror and he licked his lips. “I didn’t want the other guys staring at you when I’m not there.” He crossed his arms, as if giving himself encouragement for being able to say what he did.
You stared at him and he walked to you slowly. “You can wear the dress. Just wear a cardigan over it, and don’t bend down too low. If you drop anything, your phone, your fork, your napkin, get someone else to help you.”
The tears were coming back but in a good way. You hit his chest and he held you tightly. “Sorry, I’m an idiot. I just rarely see you like that and you looked so pretty, I didn’t want to share.”
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aeri101 · 6 years
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nine percent // lin yanjun // white moodboard
boyfriend yanjun
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Xiao Gui as a boyfriend
About admins
What we do
Guidelines (what we don’t do)
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• Okay so, I believe he is one of the softest boyfriends overall.
• I feel like he would build his confidence up to ask someone out but as soon as the words were about to slip from his mouth, he would second guess himself and would probably stutter every word
• of course, he would be so happy when the person said yes to him.
• fun/cute dates whenever he has time. Amusement parks and restaurants. Or just simply watching a movie together at home. Maybe video game dates.
• Don’t @ me but I think he would give great hugs. So, his s/o would be smothered with them. Well, love and attention.
• He would be a cuddler.
• If you guys ever really fought(which I’d like to believe wouldn’t happen), he take some time to himself and then come back and talk it out.
• Going back to cuddling, he is the type to run his fingers across the skin of your cheek as your head laid on his chest.
• Anywhoooo, he would be great to date and anyone whoever dates him is lucky and should cherish this sweetheart.
AN: this sucks lmao
//Admin Shadow//
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yanjuniverse · 6 years
XIAO GUI as a Boyfriend
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the GOOFIEST boyfriend in the world
any time he feels that you’re in a bad mood, he’ll come through and start to act stupid just to make you laugh
screams sings to you so that you can stop being pouty
*ring ring* “hello?”
“hey babe, what size are you?”
“what do you mean? pants? shoes? shirts?”
and that’s how linkai’s first trip buying tampons went
but he’s also really romantic
like it surprises you
becaus he just acts so stupid that everyone kind of underestimates him
so when he surprises you with rose petals leading to the doorway of your room and a giant teddy bear along with candles, he can only give you a smug smile
but let’s all remember that the boy is only 19
he’s still a little inexperienced
so he’ll go to xingjie and yanchen for advice a lot
especially when you’re upset with him
and they’ll set him straight right away
“well maybe if you weren’t such a forgetful asshole, then maybe you wouldn’t be in this situation,” yanchen rolls his eyes
xingjie literally beating some sense into him
if he’s on the phone with you, yankai will be teasing him in the background
zhou rui exposing all the things linkai says about you behind his back
“this dude literally spent ten minutes talking about how pretty you were even with the snot dripping down your nose today”
he really likes the way you look in his sweaters
and purposely leaves some behind because he knows you’ll pick it up and never look back
writes songs about you all the time
when ever he does a freestyle about love, he always name drops you
so infatuated with you
and isn’t afraid to show how in love he is with you
everyone is scared of him so they don’t even come for him
except maybe bu fan
bu fan invites you both to lunch and embarrasses the fuck out of gui
to the point where gui actually gets pissed off and snaps during the middle of it and walks away
and you have to go out and find him
he’s pacing back and forth, kicking gravel
so you walk over to him and wrap your arms around his neck
“are you being a pouty little baby?” you say
“no,” he’ll glare
“you know fanzi is just playing, right?” he’s still pouty so you lean up and kiss him on the lips.
when you pull away he looks at you
“you know, even though bu fan tells me you wet your pants still, i don’t believe him.”
“oh god,” he scoffs. “one of these days, i’m going to have a growth spurt and be a whole foot taller. then i’ll have him shaking in fear.”
“let’s just get back to lunch and act like we don’t have our wallets at the end. sound good?”
soft soft baby boy who likes it when you play with his hair
lowkey likes to be held
reminds you he loves you in the most obnoxious ways
especially when you guys are fighting
*slams the door*
*comes back right after* “AND ONE MORE THING!” he’ll yell
comes and kisses you as hard as he can before pulling away “i love you,” he’ll say angrily before slamming the door again
likes to drive around with you at night
singing at the top of his lungs
bass all the way up in the car
holding your hand or has one on your thigh
will go to the ends of the earth for you
because he’s all about being your ride or die
partners in crimes
gets you into minor trouble but always takes the blame for it all
super great and always ready to show you off
you catch him staring at you and youre like “what?”
“just wondering how i got so lucky”
everyone cant believe how lovingly he lools at you
the best
i love him so much guys pls protect my baby boy
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linkeai · 6 years
→ nine percent reaction to their s/o feeling insecure about their appearance
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Zhangjing would relate to you feeling insecure about your appearance because he’s dealt with people criticizing his weight and trying to lose it himself. Even though he thinks there’s nothing wrong with you, he’d understand you feeling concerned and he’d do everything he could to make you feel comfortable and beautiful. He’d give you really good advice and make sure that he dealt with your insecurities with you rather than you being alone.
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Yanjun, at first, would be really confused about why you don’t see how beautiful you are. He wouldn’t really know what to do or say, but he would make sure to tell you that he loved you no matter what you looked like and that he would do everything he could to convince you that there was nothing wrong with how you looked. From that day on, he would take extra care to shower you with compliments at every opportunity, never letting you forget you were beautiful even for a minute.
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Ziyi would feel deeply hurt that you didn’t see how beautiful you were and probably blame himself a little bit, thinking that he hadn’t told you enough. It would really nag at him until the two of you sat down and he brought it up - this would lead to a super long conversation. Ziyi would want to know why you had the insecurities you did and what he could do to make it better. He would listen well, and when you were done, he would so sweetly and genuinely tell you that you were beautiful and had nothing to worry about that you would really believe him.
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Zhengting would be so confused about you feeling insecure. Kind of like “but..why?” like a sad baby. He wouldn’t really know what to say and that would make him feel even sadder, but he would try his best. He would want to talk about it and try to understand why you were insecure and probably drown you in physical affection to try and comfort you. He would be careful after that and try to make you feel as beautiful as he knew you were. It would nag at him a lot.
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Xukun would be so. sad. First of all, he would feel horrible as a boyfriend and that it was somehow his fault and he hadn’t told you that he loved you and you were beautiful often enough. Secondly, he would be so confused about why you thought those things about yourself. He would have no idea what to say or do to make you feel better and it would make him feel a hundred times more upset. He would never tell you he felt like that, and he wouldn’t really know how to bring it up so he would always remind himself to compliment you and make you feel loved.
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Linkai would feel awful. When you first told him, he would reassure you kind of offhandedly, like “don’t be dumb, there’s nothing wrong with you.” Afterward, he would feel stupid for it because he was afraid it sounded like he didn’t care when he really did. He would think about it a lot afterward though he wouldn’t know how or really want to bring it up. If you ever mentioned something about your insecurity, this boy would jump down your throat like “that’s not even true, don’t say that, you’re beautiful,” so seriously and then get really flustered afterward.
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Chengcheng would really empathize with you feeling insecure about your appearance because he’s dealt with similar things with his weight. When you first told him, he would take it really seriously and want to understand why you felt the way you did and make you feel better. After the serious part was over and done with, he would try to joke about it and make you laugh. Gives really good advice if you need it and makes sure you know you’re not alone and you’re still beautiful.
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Linong would be so sad! I think at first he’d immediately think someone said something to you to make you feel that way because he wouldn’t understand why you would think that yourself. I feel like he would try to talk about it with you but he could only say so much and even if he did help, he’d feel sad and like he wasn’t doing enough. He would kind of jump whenever you or someone else mentioned the insecurity and he’d compliment you at every chance he got.
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Justin would probably be ready to fight with his little fists when he first found out you were insecure about yourself because he’d think someone must have said something to you. When he realized that wasn’t the case, he would get really serious and do his best to try and help you and make you feel better. He’d try to joke about it and make you laugh, and later try to compliment you more and remind you that there’s nothing wrong with you all the time even though it made him really shy.
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chxseungyoun · 6 years
Nine Percent as Dads (1/3)
I have decided to cut them into three divisions. The first three will be the rappers.
Cai Xukun
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A very soft dad.
He says he isn't cute but the cuteness of his kids might bring out his own cuteness as well.
Not the strict disciplining type of dad, would probably leave that to his spouse.
He always wants to play with his son because he is a child at heart too.
However, if he has a daughter, he will be very protective of them.
Bathroom time is the kids' favorite because he always makes it fun for them. Like they pretend to be pirates..with good hygiene.
He's a very self-sacrificing dad who just wants the best for the family.
He probably gives back rides to his kids a lot and make weird animal noises to entertain them.
Probably spoils his kids with candies and woupd probably get a beating from his spouse.
Lesser boys' night out because he would probably ask nine percent to come over and play Jenga with his kids. Loser gets markers to the face.
He would probably be the reason for why his kids would enjoy dancing and rapping because he frequently does it as a form of play time.
When the kids are laying down on his spouse's lap, he would most likely sleep on their shoulder too.
At the end of the day, his spouse will feel like they are taking care of more than just one kid since Xukun is like both a dad and a baby.
Wang Ziyi
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A very quiet dad.
Also very forgiving as well. He probably won't scold his kids for breaking vases or what not but he will talk to them sensibly.
He isn't really strict but he does instill proper values in the household. Like differentiating what is right from wrong.
He may not be the type of dad to say yes to things he deems wouldn't be good in shaping the children's morale.
A very responsible dad because he would probably own up to changing the diapers ans picking the kids from school because he feels that his spouse had already been through hell of nine months.
He would enjoy the moments when they kids would just be hugging him and sleeping against him.
Would actually try and learn how to braid hair if he ever has a daughter. Would also join tea parties for her as well.
He would also try to learn the sport his son would choose and lose purposely for him.
The type of dad to call his spouse 'mama' as well. He just wants his kids to think that it is always important to remember call their mama that.
He also enjoys just reading stories to the kids.
He does not restrict the interests of his kids though. He wants them to be able to find what they are truly passionate about.
He puts them to bed and tries to help in house chores as well.
Has the greatest balance for his spouse and his kids. Morning is for the kids, afternoon is for the family and night is for his spouse.
Whoever he marries is going to be so lucky. You don't even know what hit you. Probably an angel's wing.
Wang Linkai
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Probably the most clueless one about being a dad.
He was all excited about finding out his spouse was with child since he had planned everything he wanted to do with his child.
But then when the baby is actually there, he would be so scared at how fragile it is.
He gets a 180 degrees change from fun father to a father who just wants to learn enough to take care of his child.
He calls his geges over to help him when he is alone with his kids.
He also tries to surround his children with music.
He also forgets sometimes about taking care of his spouse because he is too busy taking care of the kids which his spouse will have to understand about him.
He always brings home snacks for the kids when he arrives from work. No sweets though because he really wants to avoid having to go to the dentist more often than they should.
He probably does not care whether his child is a girl or a boy, he just wants to be the best dad for them.
He hates diaper duty but does it anyway.
He always tries to do something special for the family but he still is really bad at cooking. The kids have experienced 'inside sprinklers' twice now.
But whenever his kids have problems, they go to him first because Linkai is quite good in comforting others...most especially his own children.
Actually enjoys matching styles with his kids. Sometimes he wears something colorful like them or he dresses them like mini rappers.
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