#wang linkai one shot
yanjuniverse · 4 years
wang linkai vs xiao gui (a mini blurb)
master list
wang linkai
c u t e !!
texts you cute good morning texts
lets you run your fingers through his hair
takes you on dates to the movies or to the botanical garden
brings you flowers just because
calls you princess
red ears when you call him baby
gets flustered a lot by you
“girls are so confusing”
acts silly to make you feel better bc he h a t e s the silent treatment and would do anything to see you laugh again
is sort of clumsy when it comes to dating
but in the end, it’s just his over thinking and he’s actually doing so great
blushes all the time
loves it when you make lunches and write notes that tell him to take care of his health
would bring you the stars if you wanted him to
little spoon !!!
xiao gui
bad boii !!!
super annoying
can’t run your fingers through his ugly ass dreads
always finding a way to make you upset bc he likes the look on your face when you’re mad
curses out anyone who disrespects you
cares about you more than he cares about himself
your parents don’t approve of him because he’s a self proclaimed bad boy
does not give one fuck
sneaks you out of your window for late night drives
sleep overs on his dusty ass couch
stumbling drunk and tells you he loves you
calls you baby girl
gets turned on when you call him daddy
doesn’t tell you enough how much he loves you
but instead proves it with his actions
bc actions speak louder than words
lowkey loves when you kiss his bruises and nurse him back to health when he gets into fights
he’s actually head over heels for you, he just won’t admit it
big spoon
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lovelypercent · 6 years
Nine Percent: Their crush liking another member
[A/N] No gifs belong to me! Request are open :)
Cai Xukun 
You had been closest to Xukun out of all the boys which is why you decided to tell him about your crush on Zhangjing. Xukun was surprised but he wanted to give you some help. He would start having you spend more one-on-one time with Zhangjin. His crush would begin to fade as he saw how happy you are with Zhangjing and that is what he always wanted, you to be happy. 
“Hey, just try your best. You and Jing-ge look cute together.”
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Chen Linong
Everybody knew about Nongnong’s obvious crush on you and they were always trying to help him out. Until one day you had pretty much you admitted your crush on Yanjun in front of all the dudes. Of course, the news took Nong by surprise but he placed a smile on his face when he heard the news. Linong always had a feeling that you didn’t share the same feelings as him so he tried to put it past him. He didn’t want to become annoying to you. He would encourage you to go after Yanjun.
“Ah, You and Yanjun-ge? I hope it works out well!”
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Fan Chengcheng
You like Justin? When Chengcheng heard that he almost spit out the drink in his mouth. How was that possible? Justin was his wingman helping Cheng not be a whole blushing mess in front of you. Now he sees that it backfired on him, he didn’t know how to react. Cheng knew it wasn’t your fault that you fell for his best friend but it broke his heart. Chencheng started to avoid you whenever you would come over because he would want to try and get over his crush as soon as possible.  
“oh...yeah Justin’s great...”
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Justin was jealous when he found out you had a crush on Linong. Justin had always thought you had a little flirty-borderline-dating relationship. He spent hours texting and teasing you but when you confessed that you had feelings towards Nongnong, he felt nothing but envy. Justing and Nong were practically opposites which caused him to question you. Why did you like him? What did Nong have that he didn’t? He would still decide to be close to you but he would keep his feelings to himself, trying to get over the crush and jealousy he felt towards you and Nongnong.
“S-so what do you like so much about Nongnong-ge?”
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Lin Yanjun
When Yanjun found out that you had a crush on Xukun, he felt jealous. It gave him more of a reason to try and woo you. He would notice you staring at Xukun and it would make him jealous but he wouldn’t do anything dirty like telling you lies about Xukun. He would get you to like him with his own ability. Yanjun wasn’t someone to give up but he wasn’t going to make you uncomfortable either. He made it his goal to make you fall for him, no matter how long it took. 
“You like Xukun? Okay. Wanna go get some coffee with me?”
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Zhu Zhengting
Zhengting was living in his own fantasy thinking that you had a crush on him he was waiting for the right moment to confess but when you told him you had a crush on Xiao Gui he was taken back. When Zhengting caught you being a stuttering mess in front of Xiao Gui, he knew that he couldn’t make you look at him the way you look at him. Even though it hurt him to do so, he decided to give up on you, He wanted to support you the way that a friend should
“Gui? I saw you being so shy in front of him...I can help with that!”
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Wang Ziyi
Ziyi had his crush very hidden, nobody knew about it. He would be texting you about love one day, trying to find some other points of view for a rap he was writing which lead into the way you told him you like Zhengting. Ziyi read the text over and over again,  he could tell that you couldn’t properly convey your true feelings through the text because you had a lot more to say. Ziyi smiled at the screen. Of course, he liked you but seeing you happy made him happy too, he wanted to ignore his feeling and help you. 
“Love is all about effort, just put in your best and it can work out.”
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Xiao Gui
You and Xiao Gui were practically best friends. He spent most of time off with you because he just loved to be around you no matter what it was. His feelings were so pure, he held his tongue from confessing to you on numerous occasions. When you told him that you had a huge crush on Chengcheng, he was totally numb. Xiao Gui never expected to hear that, he wouldn’t know how to react so he kept quiet about it around you but back at the dorm he would be an emotional mess, he would snap over the smallest things. 
“Yeah, yeah maybe we could get Chengcheng to hang out with us sometimes..”
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You Zhangjing
When you told Zhangjing that you liked Ziyi. He would in a bit of a shock but he would deal with it maturely. He would let out a little giggle and then ask you about how your whole crush started. After telling him how it all began, he would let out a sigh which confused you at first. Zhangjing would be honest with you and tell you that he had feelings for you as well but he would end his statement by cheering you on. He had the thought that if his heart wasn’t broken by the news that you like Ziyi then he could get over his crush. 
“Seeing how much you like  Ziyi reminds me of why I like you but don’t worry, I’m giving you my support! Go get him!”
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yiqiie · 6 years
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nine percent | The Flower Path Trailer (part 1)
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431 notes · View notes
muziyangel · 6 years
Out of This World - Zhou Yanchen
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[@wonnwooo request: anything zhou rui or yanchen]
Zhou Yanchen.
Everyone in the neighborhood knew of him. They knew him as the boy who worked in the bookstore on the corner. He was quiet, tentative and caring. His bookstore was filled with soft music and emitted the scent of coffee. He had new books, old books, books to sell, books to give out, books to fall in love with, books to hate, books you’d read to children, books you��d read alone. You name it, Yanchen had it in a nook or crany of his little shop.
Yanchen didn’t have a lot of friends. For someone so well known in the town, he kept his friend group rather small. Just a couple of guys he knew from college: Zhou Rui, Xingjie and Xiao Gui. They also dragged a younger boy around town by the name of Yankai. His four friends were known for their larger than life personas. They were always laughing, always singing, always rapping, beat boxing, yelling, messing around, riding skateboards, playing instruments, always smiling. They would travel into Yanchen’s book store and bring their noise with them. Yanchen never told them to be quiet, though. When they got a little too rowdy, he would look at them and watch as their faces filled with fond, a sense of peace washing over them.
Yanchen still remembers how he fell in love with them. If he could, he would do it over and over again.
He loved Zhou Rui first. When he had first moved into town, they worked in a small cafe together. Zhou Rui was just a freshman in college. He was ethereal beauty. Yanchen fell in love with the way that he looked. He couldn’t believe that someone like Zhou Rui confided in him. He was out of this world and still loved an earthling like Yanchen.
As time went on, Yanchen learned to love other things about Zhou Rui. The way he shut his eyes when he laughed, the way he would glare whenever Yanchen poked fun at him, the way that Zhou Rui would silently care about him by sneaking drinks or food into his bag. Yanchen loved the way that Zhou Rui loved so freely and wrecklessly. He gave his heart away on a silver platter and if he got hurt...well, there’s always someone else to love, isn’t there?
Next, Yanchen fell in love with Xingjie.
Xingjie had an almost alien-like face, Yanchen first thought. He had to have come from another planet. There is no way anyone on earth could have the same type of strength that Xingjie had. There was no way someone who had all the reason to hate the world could fall in love with it as hard as Xingjie did every single day.
Upon meeting, Xingjie had told Yanchen that he reminded him a lot of his older brother. Yanchen would come to find that when Xingjie was sixteen, he was in a car accident. The collision had killed his older brother and the death would soon pull his parents apart. But Xingjie never complained. He never showed the world his sadness. Instead, he lived every day like it was his last. He changed his major in college from engineering to music. He stopped to smell the roses every morning. He took his time to watch the sunsets. He bathed in happiness. The only time Xingjie ever showed weakness was late at night. Another beer meant another tear and Yanchen would wipe them away until Xingjie fell asleep. When he woke up, he would act like nothing had happened and would continue to live as though he had never been hurt. Yanchen always loved that about him.
When Yanchen fell in love with Linkai, it was as though the Heavens had sent him an angel. Linkai, his little ghost, was not someone that the town expected Yanchen would hang around with. Linkai was supposed to be the town delinquent and it made Yanchen sick when he thought of how many times the youger’s heart has been broken due to ignorance. He wasn’t offended when Linkai tried to push him off the edge of the earth. It was expected. But, Yanchen still fell for the college freshman. To him, Linkai strung the stars in the sky. He would arrange them into any shape or form that Yanchen asked for. He was just that sure of him self.
Once Linkai had finally warmed up to Yanchen, the older saw a whole new side of him. Yanchen fell in love with Linkai’s out of this world personality. He was always yelling, always playing around, always so happy. Linkai reached for the stars and nobody could stop him. No criticism could ever reach his ears. Even when the entire world was shouting at him to give up, he continued on in his own little rocketship to another world where he was the king.
Yankai was the last one that Yanchen loved.
He was still in high school. Yanchen would see him come into his shop often and just wander around, neve really picking anything up. He seemed to be more interested with the pictures of space that Yanchen had plastered all over the place.
“I’m going to go there one day,” Yankai whispered to Yanchen a couple of weeks after he started to show up. His eyes were on a picture of the moon and Yanchen’s heart warmed. Yankai was the quieter one of the group. Yanchen thought that maybe it was because he was the youngest. But over time, Yanchen learned that wasn’t exactly the case.
Yankai’s head always drifted else where. He was always dreaming. He constantly asked random questions in the middle of conversations and even if the questions never really fit what they were talking about, everyone got caught in his trance and dreamed his dream with him. Yankai was bigger than this world, Yanchen would always think. Earth was just too small for someone like him. Yankai deserved galaxies, Yanchen thought. Yanchen would always think that. Maybe Yankai would be the one to finally take them away from this wreched world.
But at the same time, when Yanchen was surrounded by the four of them, he always felt like he was on another planet. These four unearthly boys...Yanchen couldn’t believe that he had found them. He couldn’t believe that they all had found each other.
They’re star gazing tonight.
Yanchen had just finished locking up the book store when Zhou Rui drove up in his busted, old car. They all waved him over.
The sky was bursting in an aurora of yellows, pinks and oranges, making Zhou Rui’s beautiful face even more so. “Blood moon,” Zhou Rui tells him as he approaches the window. “I know a cool spot and we can all go watch it together.”
Yanchen had been talking about this moon since January. He told them the significance - how it would equal a new chapter in life. Yanchen didn’t know they were listening to his random babbling but they’re parked up in some random field. Zhou Rui pulls out a bunch of blanlets from the back of his car and pillows while Yankai and Linkai pour out their backpacks, snacks hitting the fabric in small pitter-patters.
Yanchen lays on his back and watches the sun set. His friends are all chattering away. Yankai has his head in Xingjie’s lap, Zhou Rui is taking pictures and Linkai is watching them all fondly.
All of them all watch as the moon slowly appears and silence takes over them during the eclipse.
They wonder if Yanchen knows how much they love him.
Zhou Yanchen.
He five of them knew his story. Orphaned from a young age, Yanchen would sit up and talk to the moon and the stars, praying to every God he knew that one day he could have a family. When he was eighteen, he was let out of the system and moved to Beijing to go to school. And just when all hope was lost, they found him.
All of them fell in love with Yanchen in their own ways.
For Zhou Rui, he thought that Yanchen’s smile was from the sun. He would tell Yanchen constantly that he felt like the moon when he was around, he could only shine if Yanchen was. For Xingjie, he admired how somebody who had every right to frown could still smile as brightly as Yanchen. Yanchen was his moon child. He was created from the stars and dust and fell into Xingjie’s arms almost effortlessly. Yankai and Linkai both took a liking to how caring he was to strangers. It wasn’t something they usually saw and it seemed almost foreign to them.
They wonder if Yanchen knows that he’s the shooting star they wish upon. They wonder if Yanchen knows that he’s created a universe for them - one where they all feel safe and loved. They wonder if he knows that they see galaxies in his eyes everytime he smiles.
Zhou Yanchen.
A child of the moon.
He was raised by her. He changed when she did, died and lived again.
They watch the way the moon flashes before them, the way Yanchen bathes beneath it, the way the stars had aligned so carefully to create such a boy like Zhou Yanchen.
They’re home.
In this foreign place, they’ve found him within one another.
And they wouldn’t change it for the world.
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yeongwonhi-nuna · 6 years
Guardian Angel
Title: Guardian Angel
Pairing: Yanjun X OC
Genre: Romance, angst, drama
Word Count: 9370
Status: Complete
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Yanjun lounged in a comfortable armchair in a large, white marble corridor. His fingers absentmindedly playing with his purple hair. His best friend, Zhangjing, was sitting beside him, nervously biting his lip. Zhangjing looked at his purple haired friend who looked like he didn’t have a care in the world and his already thin patience snapped.
 “You could at least pretend to be nervous.” He snipped. Yanjun gave him a lazy grin. “I think you're nervous enough for the two of us and you didn’t even do anything wrong.” He said before a large set of double doors at the end of the corridor slowly started to open. Zhangjing jumped to his feet as if he had been electrocuted while Yanjun slowly stood up as if he had all the time in the world.
 A tall, brown haired figure approached them. He stopped before them, first looking at the nervous Zhangjing before looking at the grinning Yanjun. “How pissed is he?” Yanjun asked, making the newcomer shake his head. “I thought he was going to rip out all his hair. He’s really pissed.”
 “Have you tried talking to him to calm him down, ChengCheng?” Zhangjing asked. ChengCheng sighed. “I tried. Thankfully I managed to stop him from coming to find you himself.” He said, giving both of them a tired look. “Zhengting always gets himself worked up about these things. I’ll let him rant it out and everything will be fine.” Yanjun said confidently as he started walking down the corridor towards the large, open doors. ChengCheng and Zhangjing exchanged a look before following after Yanjun.
 Yanjun stepped through the doors into a brightly lit room. There were windows encompassing one of the walls, the curtains framing them, blowing on a gentle breeze. In front of the windows was a desk with a handsome dark-haired man sitting behind it. His expression was stormy as Yanjun smiled at him. “ZhengZheng!” Yanjun said brightly as ChengCheng and Zhangjing entered the room behind him, both wincing at the use of the nickname. “How are you? You’re looking good, have you been working out?” he asked, his attempt at flattery falling flat as Zhengting’s face darkened.
 “You have missed every single class you’ve been assigned to this month.” Zhengting said through gritted teeth as ChengCheng moved to his usual spot by his side, while Zhangjing stood beside Yanjun, who still had a careless smile on his face. “Now that’s not completely true. I did make it to a few… well maybe a couple.” He said nonchalantly. Zhengting slammed his hand down on his desk, “This isn’t a laughter matter, Yanjun.” He ground out. He grabbed a pile of papers from his desk and brandished them in front of him. “Do you have any idea how much paperwork I've had to deal with because of you?” he asked.
 Yanjun opened his mouth to answer, but a swift elbow to the ribs from Zhangjing stopped him. “It was rhetorical.” He hissed. Yanjun rubbed his side where Zhangjing had hit him. “A decision has been made.” Zhengting said as he flopped back in his chair, dropping the papers back onto his desk. “You're being assigned to a human on earth.”
 The smile finally fell from Yanjun’s lips. “Wait, you’re telling me that I have to be someone’s guardian?” he asked incredulously. Zhengting pinched the bridge of his nose in an attempt to fend off his oncoming headache. “That’s exactly what I’m saying. Until further notice, you have to be with them, acting inconspicuously as their guardian angel.”
 “That’s bullshit!” Yanjun shouted. Zhengting shot him a hard glare. “Language.” He reprimanded as Yanjun supressed the urge to let lose some of the more colourful swear words he knew. “There has to be some way to change this decision.” He said, running his hands through his hair. Zhengting sighed as he picked up a golden envelope. “I’m afraid it’s already out of my hands. I tried to get them to let you off with being my messenger boy for a month, but they wouldn’t have it.” He said as he extended the envelope towards Yanjun who glared at it. “You have two days to prepare for your trip.” He said, his voice dropping and laced with guilt as Yanjun snatched the envelope from him before storming out of the office.
 Zhangjing looked at the tired looking angel behind the desk. “Is there really nothing he can do about it?” he asked, looking out of the door where Yanjun had just exited through. Zhengting shook his head wearily. “I really did try to talk them out of it and that having someone like Yanjun as a guardian over one human was a waste of his talents, but they’ve had enough of his attitude. They want him to realise that just because he got promoted that he doesn’t just have the right to do whatever he pleases.”
 Zhangjing sighed. “I hope nothing goes wrong, for both their sakes.” He said as he followed the path Yanjun had taken out of the office.
    Yanjun stood in the middle of the new apartment which he would be calling home for the foreseeable future. “It could be worse.” Zhangjing said as he shuffled around the apartment, looking through each of the rooms. Yanjun huffed as he dropped his duffel bag at his feet, moving to look at the dull view of the city out of the window. “It could also be better.” he grumbled. Zhangjing gave his friend a look before sighing quietly “I don’t want to say I told you so…”
 “Then don’t.” Yanjun said a little more harshly than he intended before letting loose a sigh and running his hand through his hair. “Sorry, I’m just pissed.” He grumbled. Zhangjing came to stand beside him and placed a hand on his shoulder. “I know. But just bear with it for a while. You know Zhengting will fight to get you back up once everything calms down a bit. Who knows? Maybe Linkai will pull another one of his pranks and he’ll be the one getting punished instead of you.” Yanjun smiled at his friend’s words.
 “So, what’s your charge like?” Zhangjing asked curiously. Yanjun removed the golden envelope that Zhengting had given him from his back pocket and handed it to Zhangjing. He pulled out a photograph and nodded appreciatively. “She’s cute.” He commented as he flipped over the photograph to read her profile. Yanjun only smirked as he grabbed his bag and took it into his bedroom to start unpacking his belongings.
 Zhangjing whistled lowly. “Damn.” He muttered as he read through the girl’s profile. “She's been through a lot.” He said quietly as he stopped by the entrance to Yanjun’s new bedroom. Yanjun hummed absentmindedly in agreement as he placed his t-shirts into a drawer. He figured that he’d have plenty of time to read her profile later and had only given it a cursory glance. “How do you think her personality will be?” Zhangjing asked as he tucked the photo back into the envelope. “Who knows?” Yanjun said as he hung up his jeans. “She might be one of those types that hates the world because of what she's been through or maybe she's one of the bubbly ones that doesn’t let the world get her down. I guess I’ll find out when I meet her.” he said as he closed the wardrobe door.
 A noise from outside the apartment startled the two of them. They heard a female voice through the thin walls and exchanged a look. “No time like the present to introduce yourself?” Zhangjing suggested. Yanjun sighed and made his way to the front door of the apartment. He opened it to reveal the girl from his photograph fumbling through her bag, most likely trying to find her keys while trying to balance a load of groceries.
 “Need some help?” he asked. She turned to face him at the sound of his voice and Yanjun noted that she was prettier than her photo. “Oh, hey. I didn’t know anyone had moved into that apartment yet.” She said as she manoeuvred her groceries onto one arm, extending her hand for his. “I’m Wang YuYan, nice to meet you.” She said brightly. Yanjun shook her hand, a charming smile on his face. “I just moved in today.” He said, his interest piqued by the pretty girl in front of him.
 She flashed him a warm smile. “Well, welcome to the building.” She said as she shifted her bags. Yanjun noticed the movement and swiftly took the bags from her. “I’ll hold these for you so that you can get your keys.”
 “Thanks.” She said as she found her keys and opened her door. She took her bags back from him and gave him a grateful smile. “Thanks for your help. I guess I’ll see you around.” She said as she stepped into her apartment. “Not if I see you first.” She chuckled at his words as she closed the door. Yanjun returned to his apartment where Zhangjing was standing with an incredulous look on his face. “What?” Yanjun asked innocently as he made his way to the kitchen. “You’re supposed to protect her, not flirt with her.” he sighed.
 Yanjun picked up an apple and took a bite. “Well, I can’t protect her if I don’t get to know her. Unless you want me to stalk her around the city like some kind of pervert?” Zhangjing balked at his words before chuckling and shaking his head.
    Over the following days, Yanjun tried to bump into YuYan as often as he could, without making himself look weird or make it seem like it was on purpose. He smiled at her as they rode in the elevator together, both heading out. “Are you heading to work?” he asked, noting her uniform. She nodded as she stifled a yawn. “Yeah, I’ve got the early shift this week.” She said as she adjusted her bag strap to stop it from slipping off her shoulder. “Why are you up so early?” she asked, looking over his casual clothes. “I’m just going for a run.” He answered. “I need to work hard to keep up this stunning figure you know.” He said teasingly making her laugh. A smile crept onto his face at the sound of her laugh.
 No matter what cheesy line he threw at her, she always laughed. Her reactions had him intrigued, she wasn’t put off by his confidence, nor did she seem to be taken with him. It made him want to spend more time with her to see what other kinds of reactions he could elicit from her. Even though he had initially never wanted to become someone’s guardian, he couldn’t help but become more and more interested in her. A fact which had not gone unnoticed by Zhangjing who visited him as often as he could.
 When the elevator doors opened, Yanjun gestured for her to step out first. She dipped her head in thanks as they both left their building. Yanjun quickly fell into step beside her. “Where do you work?” he asked. He already knew the answer as he had given the profile that Zhengting had given him a cursory glance, but he knew that he couldn’t exactly tell her that. Plus, it was a good way to start up a conversation with her. “I work in a small veterinarian clinic not too far from here.”
 He nodded, “Ah, you must really like animals then?” he commented. Her face instantly lit up as she nodded. “Yeah, I’ve always loved animals from when I was a little girl.” He gained confidence from her positive response to his questions. “Did you have many pets growing up?” he asked.
 Her smile faltered for a second. If he'd blinked at the wrong time he would have missed it, but he had definitely seen a flash of pain across her face for a split second. “Ah… no. we couldn’t have any pets when I was growing up.” she said, her smile seemingly more dimmed than it had been before. Yanjun found himself frowning, feeling guilty for causing her change in mood. “I’m a dog person myself. Not that I have anything against cats, but I just prefer dogs, you know?” he said, hoping to boost her mood again.
 She smiled at him, her moment of pain seemingly forgotten. “I can just imagine you with a dog. I bet you'd be one of those guys that acts all tough but would have the cutest dog in the block.” She teased. Yanjun chuckled and elbowed her playfully. “What do you mean ‘acts’ all tough? What are you implying?” he teased. She gave him a grin. “I’m saying that while you pretend to be all suave and charming I bet that underneath all that you're a big softie.”
 Yanjun pulled an over exaggerated shocked face as he looked around them. “You can’t go around saying things like that! I’ve got a reputation to uphold!” he joked, once again relishing the sound of her laugh as they stopped outside of a small building. “Well, this is me.” she said as she nodded towards the building. “Ah, this looks like a nice place.” He said as he looked through the large windows. The atmosphere was warm and friendly. He had expected it to have a more clinical feel to it, but instead it had an almost homely feel.
 “I hope you have a great day.” He said, flashing her a dimpled smile. She returned his smile with one of her own. “Thanks, you too. Enjoy your run.” She said before giving him a wave and heading into the clinic. He stood outside for a moment, watching as she started chatting with the handsome man behind the reception desk. He frowned a little as she laughed at something he said, her hand raising to cover her mouth. “Jerk.” He muttered to himself as he grumpily stuffed his hands into his pockets and made his way back to his apartment.
 When he arrived back at his apartment, he opened the golden envelope and took out Yuyan’s photograph, studying the picture of the pretty girl for a few moments before flipping it over to look at her profile which was written on the back. He read through the carefully written profile before one part in particular caught his attention.
 Yuyan’s parents died in a fire when she was five years old. With no other living relatives, she was sent to an orphanage where she lived until she was eighteen years old.
 Yanjun frowned. He hadn’t expected her to have had such a hard start in life. A rush of protectiveness flowed through him. He knew that he had been sent down here to help her and protect her, even if the exact details weren’t clear to him. This new revelation further cemented his desire to protect her. “I don’t want her to be sad again.” he said to himself as he flipped the photograph, looking into her warm eyes. “I’ll protect you.”
    From then on, Yanjun made it a habit to leave his apartment at the same time as her every morning. He had quickly memorised her shift patterns and made sure that he caught the elevator with her every morning before walking her to work. YuYan wasn’t blind to this fact, but she never called him out on his obvious act as she liked spending that short time with him every morning. She had quickly grown used to seeing the handsome man every morning, who was always ready to flash her a disarming, dimpled smile that made her weak at the knees.
   One night after she had finished working, she sluggishly made her way home. It had been a long shift and her last patient of the day had really sapped what little strength she had left. She wiped a stray tear from her face as she turned the last corner onto her street. She heard a familiar voice call out her name. She looked up to see Yanjun in front of her, grocery bags in hand and a concerned look on his face. She quickly swiped away the tears on her face before giving him a weak smile. “Hey, Yanjun.” She greeted.
 “Hey, what’s wrong?” he asked, his voice full of concern. “Ah, sorry.” She quickly apologised. “It was my last patient. I’ve known him since his family moved into the area two years ago. He was a lovely lab but he was old.” Her voice broke on the last words and Yanjun didn’t need her to say anymore. He carefully put his bags on the ground and took the final steps between them and pulled her into a hug. One of his arms circled her waist, the other cradled her head against his shoulder. She didn’t hesitate to wrap her arms around him as she started to openly cry against his shoulder.
 He held her close, whispering soothing words to her, encouraging her to let out all her emotions. “It must have been so hard for you.” He whispered against her hair as her sobs quietened to sniffles. “This part of my job never gets any easier but I always need to hold it in in front of the people who have brought their pets in.” she admitted quietly as Yanjun took a half step back to look at her. He gently wiped away a stray tear from her cheek, his fingers lingering against her cheek. “You're such a warm and caring person.”
 A faint blush forced its way onto her cheeks from his sincere words as she tried to hold his gaze but failed. Yanjun smiled and picked up his grocery bags with one hand, his other hand slipping into hers. “You’re going to eat with me tonight. I promise I’ll make you something delicious and we can watch whatever you want to feel better. I think I might even have some ice cream left in the freezer if Zhangjing hasn’t eaten it all, that pig.” He said as he led her towards the elevator, reaching out with their joined hands to press the button to call the elevator.
 YuYan smiled at him, thankful for his words and his actions. She shuffled a little closer towards him, something about the handsome man making her feel at ease and not at all embarrassed that she had just burst into tears in front of him in the middle of the street. When they reached their floor she reluctantly pulled her hand from his. “I want to have a quick shower and get changed.” Yanjun nodded in understanding. “No problem. I’ll get started on dinner. Is there anything you don’t like?” he asked. She shook her head. “Not really, I’m not that picky with food.”
 Yanjun nodded. “Good. Now go get ready, I’ll leave the door unlocked for you.” He said as he pulled out the keys for his apartment. YuYan gave him a grateful smile before entering her own apartment. Yanjun waited until she had closed her door before he went into his apartment and dumped his grocery bags in the kitchen before rushing into the living room. He started grabbing the empty food wrappers from his coffee table, cursing himself for not tidying up the night before. He tore through the apartment like a tornado, making sure that everything was clean and tidy before YuYan came over before he finally made his way into the kitchen to start cooking.
 Not long later, he heard a knock at the door, followed by YuYan's voice. “Yanjun?” she called as he stuck her head through the door. He stepped out of the kitchen, a smile already on his face. “Come in.” he said as he waved her in. She stepped into his apartment and glanced around, surprised by how neat his space was. “Thanks for inviting me over.”
 “No problem. I couldn’t leave a lovely lady on her own after a hard day like that.” He joked with a wink as he went back into the kitchen. YuYan felt her heart skip a beat. How was it that Yanjun knew exactly when to be funny and when to be serious? When he had consoled her outside of their apartment building he had known exactly what she had needed at that moment and had held her in the safest embrace. No one had ever felt so safe. So warm. So… at home. And now he knew that she wanted to forget about what had happened during the day and had returned to his normal, joking self.
 She followed him into the kitchen, surprised to see him chopping up some vegetables with ease. Yanjun noticed her staring and couldn’t help but smile. “You're impressed, right?” he teased. She leant over the counter to examine his work, “Honestly, yeah. I thought you were gonna be all talk and that we would be eating instant noodles or something but this looks like you're actually gonna cook something.” Yanjun scoffed playfully, “As if I would serve you something as ordinary as instant noodles. Just you wait, you're in for a culinary delight.”
 YuYan couldn’t fight the smile that crept onto her face. “Is there anything I can do to help?” she asked. Yanjun shook his head. “Just keep on watching me in awe, it’s a real ego boost.” YuYan laughed and playfully punched him on the arm before jumping up onto a spare space on the counter, content to watch him cook.
 Yanjun was thankful that he had chosen that particular day to go to the grocery store, otherwise all he would have been able to offer her was instant noodles and he felt like he'd never be able to live it down. Not long after she claimed her space on the counter, YuYan started playing some music from her phone and he couldn’t help but absentmindedly sing along. “You have a nice voice.” YuYan commented from her spot on the counter. Yanjun approached her, a cocky smirk on his face. “I know.” He teased as he suddenly crouched down in front of her making her jump as he opened the cupboard underneath her.
 He grabbed what he needed before standing back up, only inches away from her face which was scarlet from the sudden proximity. “Seasoning.” He said as he flashed the jar of spices in front of her before pulling away from her. She barely resisted the urge to pull him back to her. She shook her head and pinned her hands under her thighs before she did something stupid.
 Yanjun couldn’t help but smile to himself at her reactions. No matter how hard she had tried to hide it, he had seen the flash in her eyes when he had stood up in front of her. Taking that first step back from her had been harder than he had anticipated, and a part of him screamed at him to close the distance between them again, but this time not to leave even a hairsbreadth of space between them. He shook his head to clear away those thoughts as he focused on the food in front of him.
 He quickly finished up his cooking and split it between to bowls. “Done!” he said as he held up the two bowls in front of her. He smiled at her expression. “Ooohhh, I’m impressed!” she said as she jumped down from the counter. “But now it’s time for the real test.” Yanjun laughed as he placed the bowls onto his small table, setting them next to each other rather than across from each other, subconsciously wanting to be closer to her. “I can guarantee that even though it looks fantastic, it tastes even better.”
 He pulled out a chair, gesturing for her to sit. She took the offered seat with a smile as he sat down beside her. “Dig in.” he said, gesturing towards the food. Despite his bold claims, he felt nervous. Usually when he cooked anything, it was for himself and Zhangjing, who ate anything, but this time it was different. He ignored the little voice in his head that said it was different because this time he was cooking for her. She carefully took a bite, enjoying the uncharacteristically nervous look on Yanjun’s handsome face as he waited for her verdict.
 She purposely kept her expression neutral, enjoying teasing him. “Well?” he asked nervously, her silence making him worry. “Is it bad? Should we just order takeout?” he blurted out and her eyes crinkled as she started laughing. Yanjun blinked at her, “What’s so funny?” he asked. “Oh my god, I tried to hold it in.” she said in-between chuckles. “Your expression was priceless!” she teased. A smirk slowly crept on Yanjun’s face as realization seeped into him. He leant back in his chair, crossing his arms over his chest. “You were just messing with me?” he asked, basking in the sound of her laugh. Happy to see her smiling again. He wanted to protect her smile.
 “Sorry, I couldn’t help myself.” She said as she wiped away a stray tear. “You were just staring at me so intently.” She said as another wave of giggles took over her body. Yanjun chuckled, “I don’t know. I go and make you a nice meal and this is the thanks I get?” he said teasingly. “If that’s the case then maybe you don’t want to eat my food?” he said as he jokingly reached out for her bowl but she wrapped her arms around it protectively. “I will fight you if you steal my food.” She warned playfully. Yanjun chuckled and sat back in his seat. “Oh, you and Zhangjing need to meet.” He mumbled to himself as she took another bite.
 “Seriously though, this is so good.” She said appreciatively. “I’m a pretty hopeless cook, so it’s nice to get something so nice made for me.” Yanjun warmed at her words. “Then how about I teach you how to cook?” he offered, barely even registering the words that were coming out of his mouth. He just felt the need to grab the opportunity that had been presented to him. “Seriously? But I’m honestly terrible.” She warned. He leant in closer to her, enjoying the hitching of her breath from his close proximity. “Don’t worry. By the time I’m done teaching you, you’ll be Michelin star worthy.” He said, flashing her a dimpled smile.
   “Yanjun, I swear I will murder you.” Zhangjing growled as he stood in Yanjun’s kitchen, hands on his hips as he watched Yanjun embarrassedly look at the burnt cookies in front of him. “Why do you even want to learn how to cook anyway? You can make a couple of dishes and you said that you like having takeout? So why the sudden need to learn how to cook every dish in the cookbook?” he asked as he threw away the burnt food in despair. “I promised YuYan I'd teach her how to cook.” He said as he grabbed the flour and started measuring again, determined to have a new dish to teach her when she visited him that evening after her shift.
 “Ahh, now it all makes sense.” Zhangjing said as he handed him the sugar to weigh. “Shut up.” Yanjun warned as he side-eyed his friend who only held his hands up in a show of innocence. “What did I say? Not a single thing. Nope. Not a single comment about how you are gonna teach someone to cook when all you can make it one pasta dish, eggs and instant noodles. But did I say anything?” he said as he started fussing with the ingredients on the counter. Yanjun huffed, “You know, for someone who didn’t say a single thing you sure are saying a lot.” He grumbled. Zhangjing chuckled, “Just make sure you get those eggshells out of your mixture.” He teased as he watched his friend’s earnest attempt to learn how to cook.
   Over the following weeks, Yanjun seriously studied cooking from Zhangjing, determined to impress YuYan with his skills. He watched as Yanjun fussed between the three pots that were cooking simultaneously. “I’ve never seen him so serious about anything before.” He said aloud as he watched Yanjun check his recipe for what must have been the twentieth time. Yanjun's phone beeped with a message but he was too focused on his cooking to notice. “You’ve got a message.” Zhangjing said as he picked up the slim device, handing it over to Yanjun whose face lit up as soon as he saw who the message was from. “Let me guess, YuYan?” Zhangjing teased.
 Yanjun only nodded, an excited smile on his face as he replied to her message before returning his phone to Zhangjing. “She's running a little late. Which is actually good because it’ll give me more time to make sure that everything is perfect.” He said as he returning to his boiling pots, making sure to stir them well. Zhangjing rested his chin in his hand, “You’ve really warmed up to her, haven’t you?” he asked. Yanjun nodded, his focus still on his cooking.
 Even without being able to see his face, Zhangjing knew that there was a smile on Yanjun’s face. He slipped off his chair and picked up his jacket, his smile fading slightly as he looked at his friend. I hope Yanjun remembers that this is all only temporary…
 “Yanjun…” he said, his voice uncharacteristically quiet, which instantly caught Yanjun's attention. “Yeah?” he said as he turned off the burners. “You know that this… whatever this is… won't be forever, right?” Yanjun tensed as the weight of Zhangjing’s words settled over him. “I know.” He said, his voice tight, his hair covering his eyes. “But I want to do what I can for her whilst I’m here.” He said his tone betraying the calm expression on his face. Zhangjing clapped him on the shoulder. “Just don’t get in any deeper, it will only end up hurting the two of you.” He said as he gave Yanjun's shoulder one final squeeze before leaving the apartment.
  Yanjun barely heard the sound of Zhangjing leaving as his words swirled around in his mind. He knew fine well that he wouldn’t be able to stay with YuYan forever. Eventually, his punishment would be lifted and he would need to return and YuYan would have to continue her life on earth… without him. The thought made white hot anger course throughout his veins. His hands clenched into fists. Although he would never had admitted it, his feelings for YuYan had grown passed that of a guardian and their ward.
    Despite Zhangjing’s warnings, Yanjun insisted on spending as much time as possible with YuYan. He had made it his personal mission to make her smile at every opportunity. But he could never fully shake the knowledge that one day, this happy illusion he had created would come crashing down around him. The thought terrified him. Would YuYan miss him if he disappeared? Or would she get on with her life as if he had never existed? These thoughts often kept him up until the early hours of the morning.
 In this particular morning, YuYan was curled up by his side on the couch. She had come over to his apartment the night before, as had become a routine between the two of them. He had cooked dinner for the two of them, with only a little help from Zhangjing before they settled down on the couch to watch a movie together. YuYan had only made it half an hour into the movie before her head had landed on his shoulder. He smiled down at her, as he carefully wrapped his arm around her, letting her rest fully against him as she slept, blissfully unaware of the turbulent thoughts running through Yanjun’s mind.
 He fell asleep when the sky had started to lighten, his arms wrapped around her in a protective embrace, as if he couldn’t let her go.
 She was the first to wake up, blinking at the now familiar space. She had grown accustomed to falling asleep in Yanjun’s apartment that she didn’t question it when she awoke there. She stifled a yawn and adjusted her position to better look at Yanjun’s sleeping face. It didn’t cross her mind to remove herself from her position on top of him as she rested her hand under her chin to give her a better view of his face.
 She frowned as she noticed the dark circles under his eyes. “What time did he sleep at?” she wondered aloud as his eyes flickered open. His gaze immediately landed on her and he gave her a sleepy, dimpled smile. “Morning, gorgeous.” He greeted as he tightened his grip around her. She smiled at the term of endearment. He called her that more than he used her name these days and although she would have normally protested the nickname, coming from him, she found herself unable to tell him to stop. Coming from him, it was special and it made her heart skip a beat.
 “Morning.” She greeted, unable to tear her gaze away from his dimple. He chuckled at her. “They’re cute, right?” he asked, widening his smile to make his dimples more pronounced. She nodded, reaching up to poke one with her finger. “Very.” She replied as her fingers lingered over his soft skin. “Should I make us breakfast?” he asked, beginning to move to sit up. She quickly shook her head and wrapped her arms around him to stop him from moving. “Five more minutes.” She said, snuggling in against his chest.
 Yanjun chuckled, the sound vibrating throughout her body. “Whatever you want, gorgeous.” He said as he placed a loving kiss on the top of her head before letting his eyes slip closed once again.
     He was numb. Everything around him seemed to be going in slow motion and in hyper speed all the same time. His vision trembled, his ears refused to hear. He didn’t feel the impact as he fell to his knees on the hard concrete. He didn’t notice the concerned faces of the people around him as he stared brokenly in front of him.
 A hand on his shoulder brought the world back into focus. He looked up at the stranger, concern showing on his face as he crouched down beside him. “Are you okay? Do you need me to phone an ambulance? Do you need to go to the hospital?” he asked, speaking slowly and clearly as if he feared Yanjun wouldn’t understand his words.
 “Hospital.” Yanjun said, the word sounding foreign and ominous on his lips. “Hospital.” He repeated, his thoughts kicking into overdrive as he threw himself to his feet, the kind stranger grabbing his arm to steady him. “Yes, do you need to go to the hospital?” he asked again, phone in hand. The words fell on deaf ears as Yanjun frantically looked from side to side, his skin slicked with sweat. “I need to get to the hospital.” He murmured before taking off down the street, ignoring the shouts of the stranger behind him.
 He barely registered the burning sensation in his lungs. He didn’t notice that he was close to passing out. Nothing mattered. Except her.
 He burst through the doors of the emergency room, earning a few shocked gasps and even more hard looks from the patients that littered the room. He ran to the reception desk barely stopping in time, his body bouncing off the counter. “Wang YuYan!” he shouted, his voice raspy as he tried to catch his breath. “Wang YuYan!” he repeated to the flustered receptionists. “Hold on a moment, Sir.” One of them said as she typed YuYan’s name into her computer.
 Yanjun gripped the desk in front of him as he greedily pulled in breath after breath, his heart hammering against his ribcage. “She’s still in surgery.” The receptionist said hesitantly, as if afraid of how Yanjun would react to her words. “Where?” he asked, his eyes already darting around, looking for a sign that would point him in the right direction. “I’m sorry, but what’s your relationship to the patient?” she asked.
 Yanjun focused on her, his grip tightening on the desk. “I’m all she has. She has no family.” He said as the first tears freed themselves from his eyes. “I’m all she has.” He said again, his voice breaking on the last word, his head falling forward as he tried to control his emotions. “Down the corridor to the left. You can’t go in but there's a small waiting room outside.” The receptionist said sadly.
 Yanjun left the desk without another word, blindly following her directions. He stopped when he saw the door to the operating room, a red light flashing above the door signalling that there was a surgery in progress. He stood in front of the door, as if his presence alone would be enough. He longed to push the doors open and see her with his own eyes, but he couldn’t risk disturbing her surgery.
 And hour passed before his legs couldn’t support him anymore and he sank into one of the chairs that lined the wall. His head hung forward, his hands fisted in his hair, pulling on the strands as the words from the phone call he received earlier ran through his mind.
 A mugging
Get here now
 He screwed his eyes shut against the pain. “How could something like this have happened to her? Why her? Who would ever hurt someone so kind?” a sound from the end of the corridor caught his attention, his head snapping up as the door to the operating theatre opened, an exhausted looking doctor stepping through the door.
 Yanjun jumped to his feet and rushed towards the doctor. “How is she? Is she alright? Can I see her?” he asked the questions so quickly that his words almost became one. The doctor gave him a sympathetic look. “Are you her boyfriend?” he asked, his voice weary. Yanjun nodded. “I am. Please… is she okay?” he pleaded. The doctor gave a heavy sigh as he rested a hand on his shoulder. “I don’t know if you're a religious person or not, but either way, I suggest you pray.” Yanjun stumbled back a step at his words as if he had been physically struck.
 “She’s being moved to another ward for observation, but she was badly injured. We’ve done everything we can for her. I suggest you go to her as soon as she's settled.” The doctor said as he gave Yanjun’s shoulder one final squeeze before leaving him in the sterile corridor alone.
 A nurse appeared by his side some time later. “Are you Miss Wang’s boyfriend?” she asked gently, afraid to startle him. He nodded mutely and she gave him the same sympathetic look the doctor had given him. “Shall I take you to her room?” he nodded again, not trusting himself to speak. He followed her down the corridors, each one blending into the next. The nurse stopped outside of a nondescript door. “She’s inside.” She said gently before leaving him.
 He stood as still as a statue. His fingers on the handle of the door, afraid of what he would see inside. He finally gathered his courage and opened the door, stepping into the dimly lit room. He slowly approached her bed, the quiet beeping of her heart monitor the only sound in the room. He stopped by her bedside, grimacing at the wires and tubes attached to her body.
 He tentatively reached out, taking her hand into his. “YuYan…” he whispered. He could see the bandages that had been wrapped around her torso from underneath her hospital issued gown. The pale material paired with the pale bedding only served to drain the little colour from her skin. He gripped her hand harder as his breathing quickened with panic. “YuYan, you have to wake up.” he begged as he brushed her hair away from her face. “Please.” He begged, his voice breaking.
 A sob escaped him as he dropped to his knees by her bedside. “I’m supposed to be your guardian angel. How could I have let this happen to you?” he sobbed. “How can I call myself a guardian when you're lying here like this?” his voice rose as anger rushed through him. Anger at whoever had hurt her and at himself for not being able to stop it.
 “You can’t die. You have to wake up.” he shouted as tears continued to run down his face. “Sir?” Yanjun didn’t acknowledge the voice. “Sir, I know this is a difficult time but I need to ask you not to shout. It’s disturbing the other patients.” Yanjun continued to ignore the voice as he brought YuYan's hand up and pressed a kiss against it. The nurse sighed and left the room, leaving Yanjun to his pain.
    Five days had passed since she had been attacked. Five days since Yanjun been anywhere except the hospital. Zhangjing had finally tracked him down and insisted on bringing food and clean clothes, forcing Yanjun to use the small shower room to clean himself up but he knew his friend was in pain.
 YuYan’s condition had worsened. The knife she had been stabbed with had been dirty and it had caused an infection, one that her body was too weak to fight off.
 Yanjun said nothing as he soaked his small towel in cool water before placing it on her forehead again, in an attempt to lessen her fever. He frowned at the sweat that covered her skin, making her thin gown and hair stick to her. Zhangjing sighed as he looked at his friend. “Yanjun, why don’t you go get some fresh air?” he suggested, the deep circles under his friends eyes making him worry. “I’ll go outside when she does.” He rasped, his throat protesting to the lack of water and disuse.
 Zhangjing sighed again and forced a bottle of water into Yanjun’s hands. “Drink. What use will you be if you pass out?” he chided. Yanjun drank the entire bottle in one go, his eyes barely leaving YuYan’s still body for a second.
 “I failed her.” he said, his voice weak. Zhangjing gripped his shoulder. “No, you didn’t. This isn’t your fault. There's nothing you could have done.” Yanjun scoffed at his best friend’s words. “I’m supposed to be her guardian angel but look at her. She's been unconscious for five days because I didn’t protect her.” he hung his head in shame.
 Zhangjing opened his mouth to scold his friend when the heart monitor next to YuYan's bed began beeping irregularly. Yanjun’s head snapped up at the sound. “YuYan?” he cried, his eyes wide as her breaths became more laboured. “YuYan!” he shouted as the door slammed open behind him. He was shoved out of the way by several bodies. “YuYan!” he shouted as a male nurse held him back to stop him from interfering.
 Yanjun and Zhangjing looked on helplessly as a doctor and a team of nurses checked over YuYan. “She's going into shock. Get the two of them out of here!” the doctor roared as another nurse rushed forward to help pull a screaming Yanjun out of the room.
 Zhangjing pulled him down the corridor, fighting with his best friend to stop him from running back into YuYan's room. “Stop!” Zhangjing shouted. “If you go in there now you're only going to distract the doctors from doing their jobs!” he roared, hoping that his words would register with Yanjun. He hauled him back another step. “Let them do their jobs! Let them save her!” he pleaded as Yanjun suddenly went slack in his arms. He struggled against the sudden weight in his arms as they both toppled to the floor.
 “She's going to die.” Yanjun whispered. “She's going to die and it’s going to be all my fault.” Yanjun pulled at his hair, desperate to find a solution. “Yanjun…”
 “Don’t say this isn’t my fault. I have to do something…” Despair gripped him until he suddenly had a thought. “I need to see Zhengting.” He quickly got to his feet. “Zhengting? Why?” Zhangjing asked as he got to his feet. Yanjun didn’t reply as he took off down the corridor, Zhangjing following closely behind him.
   Zhengting was sitting in his office, calming reading through some files as his doors were suddenly thrown open. “What the…” he flinched as Yanjun stormed to his desk, slamming his hands down on the dark wood. “I need your help.” He said, not caring about how desperate he sounded. “Yanjun, what on earth is going on?” Zhengting asked as he put down the file he had been reading. “She's going to die and it’s all my fault. I need to stop it.”
 “Wait, who is dying? What happened?” Yanjun cursed loudly. “I don’t have time to explain everything!” he shouted as he started pacing the luxurious office. “You assigned me to be YuYan’s guardian and unless you help me, I’m going to fail that mission.” Zhengting gave him a sympathetic look as he started to catch up with Yanjun's outburst. “Yanjun, you know we’re not supposed to interfere.” He said gently.
 Yanjun growled and barely resisted the urge to push everything off of Zhengting’s desk. “I know there's a way. There's an old incantation. It allows an angel to give up their immortality to help a human.” Zhengting paled at his words. “How do you know about that?” he asked. Yanjun smirked faintly, “I’m a lot smarter than you give me credit for.” He said as he approached Zhengting’s desk again. “Please. Let me do this. I can’t let her die.”
 Realisation flashed through Zhengting. “You love her.” he stated simply. Yanjun didn’t hesitate to nod. “I do. I love her more than anything. She doesn’t deserve to die before she's even had the chance to live. You know her background. You know the horrors she faced after parents died. All of the children in that orphanage were practically tortured day and night and yet somehow she still managed to become such a kind person. After all she went through, it would have been so easy for her to become a person without any love in her heart, but instead she is a kind and pure soul that deserves to experience the type of love that she shows to others.”
 Zhengting bit his lip as he considered Yanjun’s words. He was unaccustomed to the handsome angel speaking so passionately. “You know what’s involved with the incantation?” he asked. Yanjun nodded. “I know all of the risks.” He said firmly. “Then you know that there's no guarantee that it would even work? That there's every chance that you could die?” he pressed. Yanjun growled in frustration. “I said I know!” he shouted, trying to bite down on his temper. “I know that it will be excruciating. I know that the chances of it working are a million to one. I know that I’ll probably die but do you know what’s worse?” he asked as he grabbed his shirt right where his heart was. “The pain I’m in now.” He said, his voice wavering. “The pain of doing nothing and knowing that every second I waste is a second closer to YuYan possibly never waking up again. If there's even the smallest chance of me being able to save her, I’ll take it. I’ll take on any pain if it means she’ll be okay.”
 He held Zhengting’s gaze for a few tense moments before he sighed. “We’re going to need six more to help us.” He said. “I know just the people.” Yanjun said as he made for the door. He paused and looked back just before he left the room, “Thank you, Zhengting.” He said before he disappeared from the office. Zhengting sighed and leant back into his chair. “This is going to give me a mountain of paperwork.”
   Yanjun felt sweat slide down his temple. He was standing on an altar, Zhengting, Zhangjing and five other of his fellow angels and friends standing in a circle around him. “Are you sure about this?” Zhangjing asked. Yanjun nodded, his lips pressed into a tight line. Zhangjing exchanged looks with his friends. Yanjun had gathered them all and begged them to help. They were all aware of his feelings for YuYan and each of them were unable to deny his earnest request. “Ok, lets proceed.” Zhengting said as he lifted the hood of his robe, the others following suit.
 Yanjun grit his teeth and closed his eyes, ready for anything as he focused his thoughts on YuYan. He heard his brothers begin to chant, quietly and slowly to begin with, but slowly building in volume. He grunted as his body began to grow uncomfortably warm. He fell to his knees as the heat increased tenfold. He bit back a scream, fearing that his brothers would stop and would interrupt the incantation.
 The pain passed unbearable. He felt like his body was bearing seared from the inside. He fell forward, his hands pressing into the stone beneath him. The chanting was blurred in his ears. He could barely hear anything over the sounds of his own screaming. With one last scream of YuYan’s name, everything turned black.
     A pair of brown eyes opened slowly, blinking at the bright lights overhead. “Doctor? The patient is awake.” A bright light was flashed into his eyes which squinted against the light. “You’re finally awake.” The doctor said with a smile.
 Yanjun slowly sat up, trying to process his surroundings. “Don’t hurry yourself. Just take your time.” the doctor said as she filled in some notes on a chart. “Everything looks good but you should rest some more.” She said with a smile. “I’ll be back to check on you again soon.” Yanjun watched as she left the room, leaving him alone.
 Yanjun looked down at his body which felt heavier than normal. “What’s going on?” he wondered as he examined the IV needle in his arm. He grimaced at the sight and pulled the needle from his skin, letting it drop to the floor beside him. His thoughts slowly came back to him, one thought stronger than the others. “YuYan.” He threw off his covers and stepped out of his bed, cursing as his legs wobbled beneath him.
 He ignored the slippers that had been placed by his bed, his thoughts only on one thing. He stumbled to the door, pausing to take a steadying breath before he opened the door and stepped out into the familiar hospital corridor. He looked from side to side to get his bearings, spotting the sign to the elevator. He made his way there, all his focus on finding YuYan.
 He arrived at her floor, the cold biting into his feet, but he ignored it as he made the short walk to her room. He didn’t hesitate to throw the door open revealing a neatly made bed and an empty room. “What… no.” he said as he took a step into the room, looking around as if she would appear out of thin air. “It can’t be…” tears welled up in his eyes, making the room blurry. “I was too late.” He sank to his knees as despair flooded through him. “I was too late.”
 Yanjun choked out a sob, his chest clenching painfully. He struggled to pull in a breath as a hand landed on his shoulder. “Yanjun?” his eyes snapped open as he turned to the owner of the familiar voice. YuYan was crouched beside him, still in her hospital gown, but without any tubes or wires connected to her. Unlike the last time he had seen her there was colour in her face.
 “YuYan?” he whispered, as if speaking too loudly would make her disappear. She smiled at him and nodded. “It’s me.” she confirmed as she reached out and grabbed his hand. Her grip was lacking her normal strength, but compared to her corpse like look from before, he would accept it. “What happened?” he asked as he grabbed her hand like a lifeline.
 “No one knows.” She said. “The doctors said they were sure I wasn’t going to make it. After I got stabbed I got some kind of infection and it caused my body to go into shock. The doctors were convinced that I wasn’t going to make it. My heart stopped but they managed to start it again and then they said that my heartbeat was stronger than ever. My body fought off the infection as if it had never been there and I woke up. They said its some kind of miracle.” She said with a laugh.
 Yanjun reached out and cupped her cheek. “Are you really, okay?” he asked. She gave him a warm smile, covering his hand with her own as she nodded. “I’m going to make a full recovery apparently.” A laugh escaped Yanjun’s lips. “I wasn’t too late.” He whispered. YuYan cocked her head to the side, “Too late for wha-“ she let out a yelp of surprise as Yanjun pulled her against him, his lips meeting hers in a desperate kiss. He pulled her as close as he could, as if she would disappear if he released her. He poured all of his emotions into their kiss, not caring that they were currently on the floor of a hospital.
 He pulled back, his hands cupping her cheeks. “Wang YuYan, I love you.” He declared loudly. She smiled widely as his words. “I love you too, Lin Yanjun.” Yanjun flashed her a dimpled smile before pulling her into a tight embrace.
  That night, Yanjun crept into her room at night. She giggled at him as he curled up against her on the too small hospital bed. “The nurses are gonna scold you for sneaking out of your room.” She teased as she snuggled against his chest. Yanjun chuckled, his fingers running down her back, careful to not aggravate her injuries. “It’s okay, I promised her that I'd introduce her to Zhangjing if she let me sneak out.” YuYan laughed at his words as he pressed a kiss to the top of her head.
 “You know, the nurses told me that you were hear every single day and night.” She confessed into his chest. He nodded. “They said that Zhangjing had to force you to eat, that you wouldn’t leave my side for a single second.” He nodded again, pressing another kiss to her hair. She snuggled in against him. “I can’t believe you made yourself sick because of me.” she grumbled.
 “What are you talking about?” he asked. She pulled away from him to give him a hard look. “Well look at you. Did you or did you not wake up in a hospital bed a few hours ago?” she asked. He nodded. “The nurses told me that they found you unconscious in the corridor. They said it was because you hadn’t been taking care of yourself.” She said, a note of guilt in her voice. Yanjun gave her an embarrassed grin. There's no way he could properly explain the real reason why he had been found in the corridor like that, he knew he would need to play along with her story. “Don’t ever let yourself get hurt because of me again, okay?” she said firmly.
 He gave her a smile before stealing another kiss from her. “Okay, okay.” He said as he shuffled his position to help her lie more comfortably against him. She curled against him again. He felt her breaths slowly even out as she started to fall asleep. “Yanjun.” She whispered sleepily. “Yeah, gorgeous?” he whispered back. “I think you might just be my guardian angel.” She mumbled, her words slurring with sleep. “I think it was because you were next to me that I was able to recover.” She mumbled. Yanjun kissed her hair again. “I’ll always be by your side.” He promised as sleep finally claimed her.
 “I’ll always be your guardian angel.”
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vicccwrites · 6 years
The 9Spies Heist
 Part 2 - Previous Part / Masterlist 
(A/N: Whoo finally!! Sorry for the wait, but at least this chapter is on the longer side ^^ This week is finals week, so it might be another little bit before part 3 is out,,,, Anyway, I hope you enjoy nonetheless <33)
  Linong opened the limo door and slid gracefully into a seat in the back. The driver, a short male that didn’t look too much older than Linong himself, raised a thin eyebrow.
    “Chen Linong?” He nodded at the driver. “Congrats on getting into 9Spies. I’m You Zhangjing, resident hacker and communications extraordinaire. You’ll probably be added to my team, so it’s nice meeting you,” he said with a small smile.
    “It’s nice meeting you too, Zhangjing-ge,” Linong replied politely, wanting to make a good impression on his new teammate, especially since he didn’t know much about the agency or how it was run. He was pretty much just going off of the snippets of information he had been able to glean from his conversations with Kaihao, which wasn’t a whole lot. Zhangjing laughed at the response, a cheeky grin appearing on his face.
    “You can lighten up a bit! Don’t worry so much – I can see it in your face – you’re going to do great. Tingting’s going to just love you, Kunkun and Ziyi too…. Anyway, my point is that you’re going to fit in fine, so you can just relax!!” Zhangjing rambled, his easy-going nature making Linong feel more at ease. The two managed to fill the silence with small talk, and before Linong knew it they were pulling into a huge modern office building.
    “Woah…” Linong breathed. In front of him stood a huge tower, so tall that it was practically a skyscraper, complete with floor to ceiling mirrored glass windows. If he didn’t already know that it was an office, he would have guessed that it was a high-class hotel. It certainly looked expensive enough to be one.
    “Welcome to 9Spies HQ, the center of the agency – and to some extent the center of the whole spy industry!” Zhangjing introduced, giggling at Linong’s awestruck expression. “Pretty amazing, isn’t it?” Linong just nodded his head dumbly, briefly wondering how many surprises the day would bring before shaking his head and following his new teammate out of the limo and into the building.
    He trailed after Zhangjing through a maze of corridors, trying to commit the names of the various rooms to his memory as the shorter of the two rattled on a seemingly endless list of locations. How many computer labs and libraries did this place have? Not to mention the twenty or so weaponry storage rooms and gyms that seemed to be around nearly every corner, and the ridiculous amount of people Linong met in the span of his short “tour” of the building. 10 minutes, 45 rooms, and over 30 introductions later, he was more than a bit confused.
    “Ok, so this is the conference hallway, and Zhang PD should be waiting for you… Aha! Room 929, here you are.” Zhangjing said before gesturing to a doorway. “I have to head to the common room now, but PD will probably lead you there after he answers any questions that you might have about 9Spies. See you in a bit!” The elder waved goodbye, and just like that he was off in another direction, leaving a hopelessly lost Linong in his wake. Common room? PD? What on earth was Zhangjing talking about? Taking a moment to gather his thoughts, Linong took a deep breath and opened the door to the conference room.
    Just through the doorway sat a man who Linong recognised at once - Zhang Yixing. Head of 9Spies and more than an accomplished agent in his own right, he was known by virtually everyone in the industry. Despite the fact, however, he specialized in disguise and was rumoured to be the best infiltration spy in the whole of China. Linong stared, slack-jawed. Zhang Yixing – THE Zhang Yixing – was going to be his boss. Forcing himself to return from his thoughts, he knocked lightly on the door, alerting Yixing to his presence.
    “Hello! You must be Chen Linong. I’m Zhang Yixing, CEO and founder of 9Spies Agency, though you can refer to me as PD or Zhang PD if you would like. It tends to make me seem less intimidating. Please, take a seat.” Zhang Yixing – no, Zhang PD – smiled warmly and motioned to the chair across from him at the conference table. Linong returned the greeting with a smile of his own before moving to sit as directed.
    “You must be really excited to meet everyone and get settled in properly, so I’ll keep this brief. But first, I believe congratulations are in order!! I’m really excited that you decided to accept our invitation, and I hope you will enjoy your time as a 9Spies agent as much as I’m sure we’ll love having you! I’ll just go over some of the basics and then we’ll head over to Nine Percent’s – that’ll be your team, by the way – team common room, which is basically just a hangout and work area for when you aren’t in the labs.
    “Right, so as I mentioned, you’ll be part of our latest spy team, Nine Percent. The team consists of 8 other members – Cai Xukun, Fan Chengcheng, Huang Minghao, Lin Yanjun, Zhu Zhengting, Wang Ziyi, Wang Linkai and You Zhangjing. You’ve already met Zhangjing, and you’ll get a chance to get to know the others in just a bit.
    “Your role within the team will be to act as “the brain” – which mainly involves gathering intelligence on missions, along with helping out the others with field work. You also have quite a bit of experience with strategy and planning, so you could probably help out there too. There tends to be quite a bit of overlap between the roles, just help out where you can as a general rule of thumb.” Zhang PD informed Linong. “Any other questions?”
    Linong was just about to shake his head when Yixing abruptly started talking again.
    “Oh, also – we do have fully-furnished dorms available for all agents under our name, and while they were originally intended for late nights in the middle of tough cases, many of our agents do choose to live there 24/7 for convenience’s sake. They’re connected directly to your common room, so in that sense I guess they would be more of mini-apartments? Anyway, just something to keep in mind. It’s completely understandable if you would prefer to live at home and choose to commute here for missions.”
    Linong didn’t know if he would really want to live in this building for the foreseeable future, especially since he couldn’t drive and didn’t know the neighbourhood at all; but his inner nerd could definitely see the appeal in living in, what was essentially, geek heaven. There was literally state-of-the-art technology everywhere here, a stark contrast from his beat-up laptop at home that would barely start up! Besides, he needed any advantage he could get, with his other teammates probably having way more experience than him and all.
    He nodded at his boss’ words, more intrigued and excited than ever to officially be a 9Spies agent and explore the HQ that seemed to be full of secrets. First, however, Linong had a question to ask, “Do I need to sign any paperwork? I would prefer to have a contract drawn up through the proper channels instead of just a verbal agreement if that’s not too much of a hassle…”
    Zhang PD immediately perked up at inquiry. “Of course! Sorry, I’m a bit all over the place at the moment. Here you go.” He replied smoothly before sliding over a stack of papers, which Linong accepted with a quiet say of thanks.
    Scanning over the document, Linong couldn’t help but nod his head. Professionally worded to a tee, as expected from the high-profile company that 9Spies was, the contract was reasonable and fair. A quick but thorough read proved that just as he first thought, the terms were very clear-cut, and way more lenient than the slave contract he had feared. Show up, complete missions, and get paid – 9Spies will take care of the rest. From chauffeur services to access to document databases – heck, even to provided dry-cleaning, they really covered the complete spectrum of ‘the rest’. No wonder Kaihao-ge had done nothing but sung the company praises!
    Without a single doubt in his mind, Linong went ahead and signed his name on the contract. There were no loopholes (at least from what he could tell), and he figured that there was no reason why he shouldn’t trust this deal, other than the fact that it almost seemed too good to be true. Looking up, he shot Zhang PD a radiant smile and handed him back the paperwork, which was promptly filed away into a briefcase.
    “Ok, now that the admin stuff has been taken care of, why don’t I give you an official tour of HQ? I’m sure that Zhangjing probably went over the basics, but the layout can be pretty confusing when you first start out… or even after you’ve been here for a while,” Zhang PD empathized. Well, if what his teammate had gone over was just the “basic” portion of the layout, Linong was fairly sure he’d never learn his way around this building. Mentally preparing himself for what was sure to be an onslaught of information, he stood up and followed his boss out of the conference room, into the maze of hallways that made up the office.
    “The building has 25 floors above ground, which are the resource and lab floors; and an additional 10 basement floors where the common rooms and dorms are. For each of the top 25 floors, there are 3-digit room numbers assigned to each room. The first digit is the floor number, and the last 2 digits are the numbers that give the rough location of the room. For example, we were just in room 929. That’s the 29th room on the 9th floor. I get it’s really confusing, but the room numbers are engraved above every doorway, and they’re arranged numerically, so you’ll eventually sort of get the hang of it - hopefully. To be honest, I have no clue why the architects set it up that way, but it makes this building way more secure since any potential infiltrators will never be able to navigate it properly.
    “Now as for the basement floors, they’re thankfully a lot simpler. Since Nine Percent will be 9Spies’ biggest – and hopefully best – team, you guys will have a whole floor to yourselves whereas the rest of the floors house 2-3 teams each. Each floor has its own password that you enter into a keypad in the elevator, which by the way is behind a secret door and separate from the main elevator set – have I mentioned that this building is insanely complicated? Because it definitely is, as you’ve probably already figured out for yourself—Ah! Here it is, pull the third book from the right and it should open up the doorway,” Yixing rambled on to a bewildered Linong as he somehow managed to open up a passageway that led to yet another hallway from what looked to be an inconspicuous bookcase. Yeah, Linong was never going to learn his way around HQ, better-than-average brain or not.
    The pair stepped into what Linong could only assume was the second set of elevators at the end of the hall, seeing as there was a keypad where one could input their “password”, and it was, well, an elevator.
    “The password to your common room is ‘Nongfu Spring Vitamin Water’, and before you ask, yes, it’s named after the drink. Why Minghao would do that, I don’t know. Then again, when it comes to that kid, you can never tell what he’s thinking. You’ll see what I mean in a moment,” Zhang PD explained with a resigned sigh as he keyed the password in. The elevators started moving and Linong fervently hoped that the rest of the day wouldn’t be as hectic as it had been so far, because he wasn’t sure how much more it would take before his brain would be sent into overdrive.
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can't help myself
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2vSyLhL
by park_jimin
in which a tipsy justin can no longer control his feelings towards fan chengcheng (and vice versa).
in short, just a fluffy college au one shot (both boys are legal xd).
Words: 2373, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: NINE PERCENT (Band), 偶像练习生 | Idol Producer (TV)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Fan Chengcheng, Huang Minghao | Justin, Cai Xukun, Zhu Zhengting | Jung Jung, Lin Yanjun, You Zhangjing, Ding Zeren, Wang Linkai | Xiao Gui, Wang Ziyi, Chen Linong
Relationships: Fan Chengcheng/Huang Minghao | Justin
Additional Tags: Fluff, Alternate Universe - College/University, One Shot
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2vSyLhL
0 notes
yanjuniverse · 6 years
365 - Wang Linkai/Xiao Gui
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[inspired by these fics: from dusk to dusk / probably] / [a/n: it’s taken me over a month to write this oh my god.] / [a/n2: hopefully now that this is done, i can write my other fics]
day one
one year. three hundred sixty-five days. 8,760 hours. 525,600 minutes. that’s the amount of time you will be spending with nine percent. whether it be shows, rehearsals, or interviews, you’re going to have to look at these boys for the next year of your life. that alone should be enough to make sure you don’t cause too much trouble for the boys. you’ve met them on a couple of occasions before and now you’re going to be their opening act for the next year. you don’t mind. you and the yuehua boys all came from the same company and they were actually the ones who recommended your name. zhengting promises to take care of you this year. justin and chengcheng promise not to get on your nerves too bad. and the rest of the boys are kind enough to introduce themselves over dinner and promise a fun year together. you promise not to be too much of a problem and hope to get along with all of them. little did you know what this year had to hold.
day five
you’re working hard to keep up with the rest of them during rehearsals. there’s one collaberation stage that you all perform together at the end of the night but you’re tired. your mind is all jumbled from the little sleep you get. this was, afterall, your first tour. you weren’t used to this just yet the way zhengting, justin or chengcheng were. but as chengcheng claps your shoulder, you can’t help but hear the slight scoff from behind you. “yuehua?” the boy with braids sneers. “yeah right.”
day ten
tomorrow is the first show. you feel nervous as you practice your own routine and even more nervous when you join the boys for the group rehearsals. zhengting tries to calm you down but when you trip over a microphpne stand, you can’t help but blow up over another sly comment made by wang linkai. his eyes watch you, unchanging and unmoved. when you finish yelling at him, red in the face, he shakes his head and laughs. “is that all, babe?”
day twenty
chengcheng and justin laugh to themselves as you pace back and forth in their hotel room ranting about how annoying xiao gui is. zhengting doesn’t have the heart to remind you that they’re leaving for NEX7 promotions and for the next week, you’ll have to fend for yourself. you scream at zhengting for the next hour before you collapse on the bed and fall asleep.
day twenty three
you tell zhengting that if he doesn’t return in the next hour, you’re going to kill xiao gui. he rolls his eyes and swings a text to xukun to keep you two seperated. he and ziyi do their best but you still miss your yuehua family. when xukun drops you off at your hotel room, he smiles and listens to you rant about xiao gui. he simply rubs the back of his neck and chuckles, “maybe he likes you.”
day thirty
you’ve been together for a month now. you’ve grown closer to xukun, ziyi, linong, yanjun and zhangjing. in other words, you still feel the urge to rip xiao gui’s head off all the time every once in a while. you’d think after a month he’d give up being such a dick towards you. when he snatches the last water bottle (despite already drinking two), you scream at him once again. he smiles and sips down the water slowly before raising his eyebrow as he always does and saying “is that all, babe?” . zhengting and chengcheng drag you out of the practice room while justin stays back and talks with xiao gui. when the youngest returns to the hotel room, he whispers soemthing in chengcheng’s ear that causes him to burst into a fit of giggles. you roll your eyes and return back to your room to sleep.
day fifty three
it’s been almost two months on the tour. you guys are stopped in korea. since the NEX7 boys are also along for a concert they’re holding, zeren decides to invite some of his friends over from his old company. it’s the first time in a long time that you see yukhei. zeren goes on and on about how he knew him from the days where he was almost in NCT and you go on about how you and yukhei used to go to school together. yukhei decides that the two of you should catch up and invites you out for pizza while the others stay back. as you two are leaving, you run into xiao gui, who is coming back from the corner store with linong. linong gives you a cheery smile and says “hey, jie! where are you going?” you explain that you and yukhei are going out for dinner. linong makes a comment about how exciting that is then bids you goodbye. you miss the glare on xiao gui’s face as linong drags him away.
day fifty five
“so what, are you two like dating?” xiao gui asks you. you scrunch your eyebrows up at him. it takes you a moment before you realize he’s asking about yukhei. instead of answering, you smirk and say, “is that all, babe?” he rolls his eyes and stalks off.
day sixty
the yuehua boys have to leave again for the day. they have a shoot with NEX7. you decide to hit the studio with xukun and ziyi to make some tracks. xukun asks what you want to write about. you suggest a classic love song. he asks if you have anyone in mind. you shake your head and smile as you begin to write out lyrics. “i hear you and yukhei are dating,” ziyi comments off handedly as he fiddles with the computer. you cough, “what? yukhei? no way. he’s handsome and all but no.” xukun and ziyi exchange a look before going back to work.
day sixty five
you smack justin with your waterbottle and laugh, rolling on the bed as you try to complete the video game. chengcheng comes in a little later with xiao gui trailing closely behind him. “hey dipshit,” you spit. he doesn’t even move at your words. chengcheng presses his lips into a tight line and says “jie. can you go back to your room?” you stare at the older boy behind chengcheng and see him staring at the floor, his eyes hidden behind his hair. you return back to your room with a dozen questions on your mind. the next morning when you see xiao gui, his fierce gaze is empty. you don’t pick a fight with him for the first time since you got there.
day seventy one
it’s sort of weird that xiao gui doesn’t pick a fight with you when you accidentally knock into him during the dance rehearsals. he simply shrugs you off and goes on his way back to ziyi. you frown and quietly walk over to chengcheng to ask what happened. he explains that he got into an argument with his mom the other day and how they’ve never really been supportive of his dream. chengcheng also mentions that his parents want to cut ties with him. you frown as you see xiao gui plop down on the floor and space out. you sigh to yourself and for once, put your pride away. you walk over and hand in a water bottle. he looks up, eyes still miles away. “take it. you look like shit.” he stares at the bottle then smiles in the slightest.
day seventy three
you tone it down with xiao gui a bit. you try your best to be kinder. you stay out of his way. you’re not sure if he notices or not but he doesn’t speak to you either way.
day seventy nine
“i don’t need your pity.” it’s the first time in a long time that he says something to you. it’s also the last thing he says to you in a while. he returns back to gramarie for the next two weeks.
day one hundred
the company throws a dinner after tonight’s concert to celebrate it being one hundred days since the beginning of this all. the company allows you and xiao gui to have a couple of drinks and it leaves chengcheng pouty for just missing the cut off. you limit yourself to one glass of wine while xiao gui joins xukun and ziyi for shots. the boys get smashed and stumble back to their hotel rooms. you’re almost asleep when someone bangs on your door. you open it up and see xiao gui standing there, tears running down his face. he rubs his eyes pathetically and asks if he can come in so he doesn’t have to wake up linong. you agree and let him lay in your bed. in his drunken stupor, he tells you how much he misses his mom. you think about texting one of the others to come look after him but you also know there was a reason why he came to you. he didn’t care what you thought of him. he didn’t care if you saw him broken like this. as long as the others didn’t see him like this, he didn’t care. you smooth his hair out and smile gently, wiping his tears away. he falls asleep sprawled out on the bed while you curl up in a ball on the recliner in the corner of the room.
day one hundred and one
when he wakes up, he sees you asleep and tries to piece together why in the hell he’s in your room. he rubs his eyes and thinks for a moment. flashes of last night cross his mind causing him to cringe. xiao gui pulls himself from the covers, trying his best to ignore his raging headache, as he slowly moves to pick you up. right as he hooks his arms under your legs, you wake up. he backs away, raising his arms up in defense and explaining he was just trying to put you in bed. he’s caught off gaurd when you cup his cheek. you whisper, asking if he’s alright now. he clears his throat and nods. you stand up, stretching your back before collapsing into the sheets and inhaling the scent that is now xiao gui that lingers. “if you even wanna cry then you can come to me. you may hate me but i’m a really good listener,” you say to him, your eyes shut. you hear him shuffle across the room to the door and it swings open. he stands there for a moment before stepping out. “i don’t hate you.” and then he leaves.
day one hundred and twenty
NEX7 is back in town and zeren wants you to go out to eat with him. you agree only because of how pushy he is. during the dinner, he tells you all about how yukhei has been in contact with him. he explains that yukei seems interested in you. “do you like him back?” it makes you nauseous that the first thing that comes to your mind is the boy with the mischievous smile. zeren notices how distant you are and chuckles to himself. “so it’s true then.” you want to ask what he means. he simply shrugs and says, “i’ve heard somethings from justin.” “what things?” you snipe. “oh, nothing, nothing,” he sing-songs. “let’s go home, yeah?”
day one hundred and twenty two
you have justin pinned down to the bed, one fist threatening to leave a bruise on his cheek. he knows your bluffing. maybe that’s why he’s laughing so hysterically under you. “what’s wrong, jie? scared of the truth!” he laughs, eyes bright with joy. you shriek, hitting him with the pillow. “yn likes xiao gui! yn likes xiao gui! zeren told me everything!” he teases between wacks. zhengting and chengcheng are both watching from the sides, laughing as they join in on the fun. they sing along to the tune. it goes on like this until the two other voices cut out, the only sound being from justin and the loud thwack! of the pillow. when his eyes suddenly widen, you turn around and see xiao gui standing there with xukun. he smirks at you as the blush paints your face.
day one hundred and twenty six
everytime he enters a room, you leave. you can’t bare to be in the same place as him anymore. not when he has that stupid look on his face.
day one hundred and twenty eight
“you can’t avoid me forever,” he laughs as you try to leave the room again, his fingers wrapped around your wrist. “i can try, can’t i?” you retort, not daring to look up at him.
day one hundred and thirty three
he compliments you bashfully. in front of everyone, for that matter. tells you you’re the most beautiful person he’s ever seen because he likes to water the roses that grow on your cheeks. you find yourself getting more and more flustered but never take the time to reply back. instead, you ball up your fists and run away.
day one hundred and forty
“he’s liked you for a long time,” chengcheng comments off handedly as you play with his hair. “he used to bully me,” you joke. “because he likes seeing you get riled up. he thinks it’s cute.” you don’t say much after that.
day one hundred and fourty one
xiao gui catches your arm as you’re leave the studio and pulls you in dangerously close. he smiles at how breathless you get before letting you go. you think about how close his lips were all night.
day one hundred and fifty
you have the day off and decide to spend it with yukhei, considering it’s his first day off in a while as well. he asks you how you’ve been, what’s new and holds your hand under the table during dinner. you awkwardly pull your fingers from his and chuckle lightly. when he tries to pull you in for a kiss, you shove him away in disgust and find yourself looking for xiao gui first. you mesh your lips into his instead that night, raking your hands through his hair and sighing. how could something so wrong feel so right?
day one hundred and sixty two
everyone wants to know why your lips are so swollen now a days. you tell them not to worry about it as xiao gui smirks from the corner of the room.
day one hundred and eighty
he sneaks into your room almost every night just to stay up and talk with you
day one hundred and ninety three
you find yourself missing him when he doesn’t come in to sleep next to you. you end up crying to zhengting about it.
day one hundred and ninety five
xiao gui is back from gramarie and the first thing he does is kiss you into oblivion. justin catches you hiding away during dance and giggles, running off to tell the others before you could even stop them. though you’re freaking out, he becomes handsier with you now and continues to pull you into him during class. the other’s don’t comment on them. you half think that maybe they’re scared to.
day two hundred
“i want to be yours,” he whispers in the midst of sleep.
day two hundred and one
he becomes yours. you become his.
day two hundred and twenty
you guys are inseperable behind the scenes. in front of the world, you guys keep your relationship a secret after you make an off comment about hyuna and e’dawn to him. he understands but wishes he could hold your hand and let everyone know that you are his and he is yours.
day two hundred and thirty six
you meet his gramarie brothers. they all scream about how beautiful you are and make fun of xiao gui to you. they say that since you two have started dating, he’s become such a soft guy. xiao gui puts xingjie into a headlock while yankai and yanchen laugh from the side. he swears he’s never going to bring you back here again.
day two hundred and forty
you two almost get caught kissing in the elevator by your manager. they have you on a strict, no dating policy and xiao gui knows this. he pulls away and throws his back against the opposite wall, coy. you, on the other hand, try to compose your breathing.
day two hundred and fifty
he almost gets caught in your hotel room that you’re sharing with the yuehua boys but luckily, zhengting comes to the rescue. when he hears the door about to unlock, he quickly picks your body up and throws you next to justin. the two of you wake up startled and you feel your stomach drop when you hear your manager’s voice. zhengting plops down next to xiao gui and acts as though he was the one sleeping next to him and kicks chengcheng on the floor. “wake up. it’s time to go.”
day two hundred and seventy five
you accidentally step out in one of his shirts. it’s not your fault, he tells you as the photos circulate online. he says that it looks a lot like one of your own tshirts. your manager comes barging in as you two are talking and orders xiao gui to get out. you get put on a two week probation and have to go back to yuehua for a different promotion for the time being.
day three hundred
your manager doesn’t like the fact that you’re less energetic now a days. in all honesty, she feels kind of bad. she catches your sad glaces once more. “does he really make you that happy?” she whispers to you as you guys are heading back to another hotel. you look at her and shrug. “you barely even know him,” she says. “you’re so busy all the time. how could you have even gotten the chance to fall for him?” all you do is shrug your shoulders. she sighs. “just...don’t get caught like this again, okay?” she whispers, rubbing her temples. a small smile spreads across your face and the moment you reach the hotel, you find yourself banging on his door. he opens it, eyes laced with sleep. you smash your lips into his and stay like that the entire night.
day three hundred and ten
you’re not sure why but after tonight’s concert, he’s especially whiny. he keeps touching you back stage and kissing your neck whenever he’s sure nobody is watching. once you two get back to the hotel, he pushes you onto the bed for a steamy make out. his hands slowly roam up and down your back. you tug on his hair, causing a small groan to leave his mouth. he nips at your lips and pulls away, eyes dark. “i want you,” he says. you nod as he pulls his shirt over his head, you following in the same manner. the sound of grunts and moans fill up the room as two bodies become one. he praises you for being so god damn beautiful, tells you that your sounds are the prettiest he’s ever heard as he marks your body in places nobody can see. as you come closer to the edge, he asks you to say his name. you mewl out “linkai” and it does something to him. sure, you’ve called him by his actual name a few times before but not as often as you and the others call him by his nickname. he loves it. he loves hearing it fall from your mouth and almosts passes out as he reaches his high. he falls on the bed next to you, kissing you some more and trying his best to catch his breath. “that was hot,” he laughs. you smack him with a pillow, making him laugh even more. “common, let’s go shower.”
day three hundred and eleven
zhangjing and yanjun cross their arms when you two hop into the elevator that morning. you and xiao gui seem not to notice, too engulfed in one another. zhangjing clears his throat. when you two still don’t look up, yanjun pinches xiao gui. the younger one yelps out in pain. “what?” he whines. “could you two please be a little quieter at night? we like sleep too, you know!” zhangjing throws his arms down. you find yourself growing embarrassed but xiao gui kisses you hard. he heard the disgust in his band mate’s voices and flips them off. “you can be as loud as you want,” he says. “they can just get earplugs. don’t be embarrassed by them.” you still apologize to the banana duo and promise to keep it on the low. yanjun waves you off and comments to “wrap it up before you throw it back” and goes back to his phone. you blush even more furiously when xiao gui says ziyi and xukun bought condoms for him. yuehua makes fun of you the entire day while linong awkwardly laughs along.
day three hundred and sixteen
you guys are watching a movie when you say, “wish we could do that.” “go on a boat?” he replies, eyebrows raised. “go on a date.”
day three hundred and eighteen
“where is my boyfriend?!” you groan for the umpteenth time today. he left earlier saying he had some business to take care of. you’ve been holed up in the yuehua room since. chengcheng shrugs his shoulders and continues to play his video game. “can someone like call him and make sure he’s not dead or something? he keeps ignoring my calls,” you pout. zhengting rolls his eyes and assures you that he’s okay. you decide to take a nap. when you wake up later, it’s already night fall. justin is shaking you and telling you xiao gui is back. you sit up and wipe your eyes of sleep only to see xiao gui standing at the end of the bed. he holds his hand out to you and smiles. “let’s go.” he leads you back to the hotel room and find that he’s made a fort out of all the blankets and pillows in the room. he’s bought all your favorite foods and has some rose petals thrown haphazardly around the room. you ask him if this is the business he had to take care of. he shrugs and smiles. “i know it’s not the date you had in mind but-“ “it’s perfect,” you smile. “it’s very...linkai of you.” he grins and grabs your hand, pulling you underneath the fort and playing your favorite movie. you two cuddle and you laugh when he shows that yanjun brought alcohol for the two of you to drink “responsibly” he recites. you’re already drunk off the feeling he gives you. that night, when you guys are a little tipsy and long after the movie has ended, he hovers over you and looks you dead in the eyes. “i love you,” he says. you break into a smile. “i love you too.” his heart beat stutters and he swoops down to kiss you over and over again. if this is what love feels like, xiao gui never wants it to end. especially if you’re the one he gets to share it with.
day three hundred and thirty
you have to leave again for promotions with yuehua. it’s the first time that anyone hears xiao gui say he loves you but it’s the thousanth time for you. they both stare as he wishes you a safe flight and waves you away. nobody knows what to say, still stunned that the two people who hated each other have fallen for each other. yanjun snorts, “called it!” zhangjing smacks his arm and hushes him as xiao gui says he loves you one last and lets you go.
day three hundred and fourty
“he’s really softened up because of you.” xingjie has taken you and xiao gui to the mall today. yanchen, chengcheng, justin and yanjun have tagged along as well so that things don’t look too suspicious but somewhere in the midst of it all, they’ve gotten lost - probably holed up in some shoe shop while you and xingjie aimlessly walk around. you look up at him and raise your eyebrows. “no, really. he used to be...such an asshole. i mean, don’t get me wrong, he still is but...it’s different now. you know? a more...unclenched asshole, if you will.” you make a face, “i won’t.” he laughs, “that did sound silly, didn’t it?”
day three hundred and forty five
xiao gui sees articles circulation about you and xingjie. most saying how lovingly he’s staring at you. xiao gui snorts. “that’s the same way he looks at me. i hope he’s in love with me too.” you’re glad he doesn’t make a big deal out of it. he doesn’t really make a big deal out of anything. you like that about him.
day three hundred and fifty
okay, maybe he does make a big deal about some things. like, when you mess with his notebook. you don’t mean to but you chucked it to the side earlier and he asked if anything was sacred to you. you don’t know why he’s getting so upset over nothing and call him out on it. you guys end up arguing and you run to zhengting. zhengting tells you that xiao gui tends to bottle things up before exploading. it’s a flaw of his. you sigh and nod your head. perhaps you were at fault as well. you were always one to get upset too quickly. somewhere before two in the morning, you slide into bed with him. he instantly wraps his arms around you. “i’m sorry.” you both whisper. and just like that, it’s over.
day three hundred and sixty
it’s the last show. you and the boys have a collabertion stage for “it’s okay.” you find yourself wanting to cry everytime you say “it will be okay.” the choreography was supposed to be powerful but it becomes softer when you look around and see the tears on everyone’s face. none of you wanted this year to end. xukun is going to be on his own again. ziyi will have to go back to his company. those two won’t be together anymore. zhangjing and yanjun won’t be able to yell with chengcheng anymore. you and the rest of yuehua are going to report to korea for six months. linong won’t be babied by the group anymore. and xiao gui won’t be able to see you almost every day anymore. as zhangjing reaches his high note, chills run up and down your spin. you’re going to miss them. you’re going to miss them all so fucking much. as the show comes to a close, you all gather each other up in a group hug. you still remember when you thought this was going to be the worst year of your life and now...now you wish time would move a little slower. maybe some day, all ten paths would meet at a cross road and you would have this again. you could only be so hopeful.
day three hundred and sixty three
“does this have to end when everything ends?” he asks you right before he falls asleep. he’s delirious and exhausted. he’s going to get a month off when this ends and he needs it. “do you want it to end when everything ends?” you ask him right before you fall asleep. a small smile plays along his lips. “no. i never want this to end.”
day three hundred and sixty four
the ten of you spend the entire day together. you guys explore the town, eat every meal together. that night, you all pile into one hotel room and recount a years worth of laughter, tears and hard work. none of you wanted this to end but it has to. you wished time would stop, just in this moment. all ten of you are sprawled out, jumbles of arms and legs. you don’t know how you all manage to sleep in one small hotel room but you all made it work. and as you feel the thump of xiao gui’s heart against your chest, you can’t help but feel like this was home.
day three hundred and sixty five
you all meet in the same dance room where you first met. do you still remember? the first day you saw them all? how much closer you’ve all become in a year. you guys smile and wrap each other in hugs once more, taking tons of pictures and falling in love with one another all over again. slowly, throughout the day, one by one, flights are caught. yanjun and zhangjing have to leave first. then it’s linong and ziyi. next, cai xukun. until finally, it’s you, the yuehua boys and xiao gui. the five of you travel to the airport together in silence. you guys check your bags in and then linger at the gates. xiao gui has to leave first. he smiles and nods at you. there’s not much more to be said. you two have spent the past week preparing for this. right before you leave, he stands close to chengcheng and whispers something into his ear. the younger one rolls his eyes but nods nonetheless. all of them say their goodbyes. he gives you a simple hug, not even a tight one, before he salutes the four of you, jogging off as they do a last call for his plane. you frown. you want him to come back and kiss you in the middle of this airport and never let you go. but sadly, time stops for no one. as you and the boys head to your own flight, you suddenly remember something. “what did he tell you?” you say, looking up at chengcheng. chengcheng smiles, kissing his finger tips before smacking them on your forehead. “said to give you one. he said you really like those.” you rub your forehead in pain. “i don’t think he meant it like that.” “well, i’m not going to kiss you!” he sticks out his tongue. you roll your eyes and get on the plane with them. zhengting allows you the window seat and as you’re staring at the skylines below you, you can’t help but think, how did a year go by so fast?
day one
you’re finally settling back in bed. it’s been a long day of contracts, discussions and meetings but you’re finally alone in your own bed. alone. ugh, alone. you shake your head and look at yout phone. there are no texts or missed phone calls. you hoped xiao gui had a safe flight. you hope he’s asleep by now. and just as you’re about to fall asleep, you hear the slight tap at your door. you groan, opening the door to your apartment only to be met with a mischievous smile. “did you think it would be that easy to get rid of me?”
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yanjuniverse · 6 years
Make This Feel Like Home - Wang Linkai
*this imagine depicts mentions of depression and destructive behavior.*
[a/n: ANOTHER linkai imagine you may ask? why yes. yes it is. inspired by this picture and the song Home by One Direction. CREDITS TO THE OP]
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“Xiao Gui,” you peak your head around the corner of and see him sitting in a chair, chowing down on a tub of ice cream while staring at the view. “What are you doing, silly? I’ve been looking all over for you.”
“Chillin’,” he nods before scooping up another spoonful of ice cream. “Want some?” You shake your head and scrunch up your nose. “Suit yourself. More for me then.” He happily pops the spoon back into his mouth and looks out at the view. “Come sit with me,” he smiles up at you. “It’s so beautiful out.”
“I’ll go grab a chair.”
“Nonsense,” he chuckles, pulling you down into your lap and locking his arms around you. “There. Even better than any chair,” he hums. You look down at him to see him absolutely beaming. “Told you not to be shy around me. We’ve been together too long for that.”
“Why are you in such a good mood today?” you ask, running your fingers through his hair. He shuts his eyes as he throws his head back, basking in the comfort you give him.
“It’s just...been a while since I just got to sit around and do nothing,” he explains, eating another scoop of ice cream. “S’nice,” the words slurred as he tries his best to melt more of the creamy dessert in his mouth. “Nobody yelling at me to get dressed and go somewhere. I haven’t even showered yet and it’s already,” he takes a glance at his watch, “eleven in the morning!”
“Linkai,” you smack his chest.
“I’ll go once I finish my ice cream,” he tells you, taking another bite. You look out at the scenery before you. There was a long, green grass and flowers. Butterflies fluttered aimlessly across the way. “You know,” he smacks his lips together, “it’s times like this where I’m glad that I didn’t do anything stupid when I was younger.” He whispers as the sun rays start to gently kiss his cheeks through the gaps of wood over the roof. “Everything is so beautiful, man. Do you think thirteen year old me would laugh if I told him nineteen year old him was making thousands on a song about unicorns?”
“I think you’ve had enough sugar,” you tease, trying to take the pint away.
“Hey! Paws off!” he whines, snapping his teeth together. You roll your eyes and continue to look at him. “Do you know what I want to do? Like, something I’ve always wanted to do for no reason at all?”
“Go fishing.” His face is stone cold serious.
“Go fishing?” you repeat.
He nods. “You in the beginning of the Pixar movies where they have the little boy on the moon with a fishing rod? I have no idea why but it made me always want to try fishing one day. So I told Yanchen-ge about it and he gave me this cool ass bucket hat and a can of worms before we left.”
“We drove here with a can of worms in our car?” you cringe.
“Not just anywhere! Under your seat!” he laughs. You only rub your temples and shake your head, sighing at him. “Jie-ge said that he has a few fishing rods hidden in the shack behind this cabin. If you want, I’m going to the dock in a bit to see if I can catch something.”
His eyes are gleaming as he talks. They haven’t stopped since you got to Xingjie and Yanchen’s cabin in the middle of nowhere. Linkai was just so happy that he gets to spend a week alone with you. But to have a week alone with you in such a beautiful place? His eyes haven’t stopped sparkling since you guys pulled up.
“Yeah. Okay. I’ll come,” you say.
“Best vacation ever,” he grins, kissing you on the cheek. He pats your thigh, signaling you to stand up. He follows close behind, placing his half empty pint on the railing. He stretches his back and shakes his hair. “Do I really seem silly to you?” he asks as you two travel back into the cabin.
“You’re just...really happy,” you explain.
“Would you like me to be angsty and sad?” he raises his eyebrows as he opens the freezer. You shake your head at him. “Don’t eat my ice cream, okay? I don’t get to eat it a lot during promotions and I want some after dinner.”
“Who said I want any of your nasty ice cream?” you cross your arms.
“Rocky road is not nasty. You’re nasty,” he sticks his tongue out like a child. You roll your eyes at him once again as he shuts the freezer. He turns back to you and starts towards the bedroom. “Jie-ge was right,” he says, staring at the messy bed.
“Right about what?” you plop down on the sheets.
Linkai falls on top of you, pressing an obnoxious kiss to your kiss. He hovers about you, eyes still shining brightly. “This really is a place to fall in love at,” he whispers, searching your eyes for a second. After a moment, he pushes himself up from you and grabs his towel. “Lay there and look pretty. I will be right back. Don’t go falling in love with anyone else while I’m gone. Got it?”
“Got it chief,” you salute him.
God, you want to say. You want to ask Linkai if he’s even aware of how etheral he is. His entire being an enigma of emotions. You want to ask if he was lost. That stardust like his is too bright for this dim world.
Wang Linkai, I’m so proud of you, you want to tell him. But you’re partly sure he knows because everytime you start to say it, he’ll cut you off with a kiss.
He’s come so far. You used to think that maybe, he was sad because he was lost. He wasn’t where he was supposed to be as he aimlessly went through the motions, day in, day out. But you still remember that one night when the two of you were fifteen.
Fifteen, running around in the streets, young and wild and free. Linkai pulled you under a street lamp and told you that he feels at home when he’s with you. That you made this, whatever this was, feel like home. And he tells you that it’s not good to make homes out of people - that those are the kinds of homes to go down in flames the easiest. But he didn’t care. He would salvage you from the wreckage and write his name with the ashes as he built a new foundation.
And the thing is, Linkai felt the need to take care of you before he felt the need to take care of himself. He never realized that maybe you were a mirror of him but the more he built you up, the more he built himself up without even realizing. He made two homes into one the first time he ever kissed you. Since then, it’s been you and Linkai against the world.
You were there for it all - his rise to fame, his big break, his break down, his revival.
“I have so much living to do,” he tells you one night, tears staining his porcelain skin. “I don’t - I don’t wanna go. Not yet. Not when you’re still here.”
You weren’t a cure, you wanted to tell him. But he didn’t think of you as one. He thought of you as the catalyst - that if there was one person he would get better for, it would be you.
He stops his underage drinking by eighteen, throws his pack of cigarettes down the toilet and screams no more! to himself. Because not only does he have so much living to do, but you do too. And he built his home around you, brick by brick. He’ll be damned if he burns the one person who held him in his firey anger.
So he breaks the foundation under his own feet and builds his side of the house back up. He’s still not sure how to put some things together but he’ll learn. He’ll watch Xingjie and Yanchen, the two strongest homes he’s ever stepped foot in. He’ll see the way they pave their paths of life and he’ll hold on for dear life even when the ground seems to want to swallow him whole.
Then there’s Yankai. His not-so-little little brother. Yankai who is still building his home out of sticks and stone. He’ll teach him a structure or two. He’ll show him where he went wrong. He’ll guide him the same way Yanchen and Xingjie did for him.
And then there’s you. You, who has grown up so much since the first time you two met at twelve. The one who kept his head above water when his tears seemed to flood his room. The one who taught him how to plug up the holes in his row boat. The one he would rebuild for again and again and again.
He fell for you a little before he turned sixteen and when he kissed you for the first time, he realized how easily your bodies fell into each other. They were like puzzel pieces. He held on to you that night and never let go.
As Linkai exists the bathroom, singing along to some Kendrick Lamar song, bouncing around, you can’t help but feel so grateful.
“Thirteen year old you would definitely laugh if he could see this now,” you comment as he combs his hair back, still rapping along. You wrap your arms around his waist and rest your head against his back. “But if thirteen year old you could see you now, I think he would be in shock.”
“By my hair?” he asks as he shoves the bucket hat on his head.
“By you in general,” you reply.
Linkai looks at himself in the mirror. He still remembers all the nights he used to scream at himself until his throat was raw. He remembers how he hated to see his reflection.
“No more,” he whispers to himself, grinning. “If I’m not okay today, I will be one day.” Linkai detatches himself from you and spins around, tugging you along as he exists the room. “Come on! Those fish aren’t going to catch themselves!”
So you guys spend your entire afternoon there, on the dock, feet in the water, screaming along to whatever song came on shuffle. You make a comment that maybe the reason why the two of you haven’t caught a fish yet is because the music scaring them off.
“Nonsense!” he cheers before putting on The Little Mermaid soundtrack. You double over in laughter at the boy who tries his best at a Carabean accent, singing along once more.
“This is boring,” he says at one point, pulling down on the bucket hat. “I kind of want to go and see if there are even fish in there. I feel like Jie-ge was punking me out.”
“Then go check!” you laugh before pushing him in.
His body splashes into the lake. When he resurfaces, he whines about how you got his hat wet before grabbing your leg and tugging you in with him.
You guys spend an hour or so in the water before heading back home to shower and prepare dinner.
He’s singing along to the song still. You take a note that they’re not sad songs anymore. He’s jumping around to Migos, singing into the spatula in his hands and so full of life.
God Linkai, do you even know how far you’ve come?
The two of you eat your supper that was prepared all by him. It’s a stir fry and he pushes some of his meat onto your plate. “Eat a lot,” he tells you. “I still need room for my ice cream.” You roll your eyes at that.
When dinner is over, he pulls his treat from the freezer and watches you wash the dishes.
“I wish I could come home more often,” he says as you scrub the dishes. “I miss it. I miss you.”
When the dishes are finally finished, Linkai pulls you onto the couch with him and spoon feeds you his treat, smiling as you tell him random stories that pop into your head. When he finishes the tub, he places it to the side and sighs happily.
“Remember when I used to cry,” he says, eyes heavy with sleep. “You’d always bring me that ice cream when I was sad.” You play with a loose thread on his shirt, nodding along. “And when I was away, I never really go the chance to eat it.”
“Because you were so busy?” you ask.
“Because I was never sad enough to eat it,” he explains.
“Are you sad right now?” You look up at him and see that he’s already looking down at you.
“No,” he smiles. “I’m home.”
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yanjuniverse · 4 years
How Should It Be - Xiao Gui/Wang Linkai One Shot
[a/n: ah yes back at it again with another cringey one shot. i meant to post this on 5/20 but i couldn’t get my brain juices to work and finish it until tonight. i hope you guys like it. big reminder that i love wang linkai ❤️. sorry if the fic is a mess btw lol.] / master list
He sags down in his seat, visibly defeated by whatever was on his mind. A pout is prominent on his lips as his best friend cracks a smile, clapping him on the back before wrapping his arm around him, their bodies crashing together.
“Why the long face, Gui? Don’t you know that frowning gives you wrinkles?” he asks. If Linkai wasn’t so down in the dumps, he would’ve smacked the exaggerated frown right off of Chengcheng’s face right then.
Fan Chengcheng has never been the kind to just let Linkai live in his misery. Oh, no. Fan Chengcheng has to twist the knife after he stabs you. Sure, the guy’s quiet when you first meet him. But once you get to know him the way Linkai knows him, it’s a done deal. Your soul is his and there’s no getting rid of him.
“You saw my butthole once, Kai. We’re practically blood brothers now.”
Don’t ask. Linkai is begging.
“Nothing,” he shifts back into the ratty couch. He thinks for a second about how Xingjie is always babbling on and on about how he should replace it (as if Linkai has the money to replace this old hand-me-down couch. He’s a soundcloud rapper. How much does Xingjie even thinks he makes off of his beats?). Something about how just because it’s old, doesn’t mean it’s vintage. Linkai thinks that maybe the spring that pops out of the second cushion of the faded blue sofa may have caught Xingjie by surprise one too many times. That’s why Linkai always sits on the arm rest or lays like a starfish on the floor during movie nights. You’ll never catch him squished in the middle of Yanchen and Xingjie on their Thursday night Grey’s Anatomy marathons (per Yanchen’s request because how could one look at the actual sun and say no?).
He’s picking at the frayed edge of the sofa when Chengcheng says, “It doesn’t look like nothing.” He suddenly snaps, reaching into his pocket before pulling out a pair of his (nonprescription) glasses. He pushes them up on his nose then opens his phone to his notes. Linkai sees him type “WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH GUI TODAY” and watches him not only put it in bold print but italics as well. “I think we should start a diary of some sort. My sister has one of those and she says it’s all a part of a healthy life style. Wait, should we buy a Password Journal for you? Okay, wait Chengcheng. Too far off track. Let’s focus on the now.” He recomposes himself before saying, “First of all, do you know your rising sign? It could help explain a lot of things.”
Linkai thinks that there’s a reason for everything. He thinks that you never meet a person by mistake. But sometimes...he has to question his life mottos as Chengcheng waves his hand and tells him he’ll make his birth chart from scratch, all he needs is the time he was born (because Chengcheng’s already memorized that he was born on May 20, 1999 in the Fujian Province).
“Chengcheng, I promise on my mother that I won’t judge you. Just tell me if you were dropped on your head as a baby or not.“ He’s desperate at this point. There’s no way somebody just wakes up and makes the conscious decision to be Fan Chengcheng. Not any sane person, that is.
“Astrology is a very serious science, Gui and I will not stand for your bashing!” Chengcheng whines.
Likai gives him side eyes. “Didn’t you only get into astrology because Justin said you were a Gemini and he liked that?”
“No!” But the blush rising on his cheeks says otherwise. “Look. This isn’t about me! This is about you! What’s your deal?”
The older one shakes his head, throwing himself back against the couch and hoping that the weird stain to his left would manifest into a blackhole and swallow him hole. He crosses his arms and taps his shoe against the ground, eyes glued to the ceiling popcorn and wondering who the hell even thought that shit was cute. He starts to wonder how much he could pay Chengcheng to eat it when the doorbell rings.
“I’ll get it,” Chengcheng says. “I’m expecting a package!” As he gets up, he throws a cushion at his roommate before hopping away.
Linkai shuts his eyes, too exhausted to even fight back. Maybe it is his package. Maybe it’s Justin. Maybe they have another “date” in Chengcheng’s room (it’s not a real date if Justin doesn’t know it’s a date).
He’s about to drift to sleep when another cushion hits his chin, causing him to bite his tongue.
He’s on his feet and ready to throw hands when his eyes land on (a very pissed looking) you.
Honestly. He’s not surprised. You have this sour face all day and all night and it’s to the point where he’s starting to consider having Chengcheng put together your birth chart so that he can understand just that much more about you.
He crosses his arms. “And what is the problem today, princess?” he raises his eyebrows. He leans down, teasingly close, and wrinkles his nose. “I was just thinking about you.”
“Don’t look so stressed,” you scoff. He pokes your forehead, causing you to stumble back a couple of steps. “Hey!” you whine, rubbing the spot. He can just hear you screaming in your head about how he has dirty finger nails or how his hands are always so cold and boney. You huff. “You’re gonna give me a headache.”
“You give me a headache every time you walk into the room,” he shrugs, pulling back. He throws himself onto the couch again and hears the floor rattle beneath him. Another complaint that you’ll throw at him is how he and Chengcheng should just move out of this ratty old place. (“And go where exactly?” “I don’t know! Go live with Zhengting! I heard he needs a roommate!” “You want us to live with Zhu Zhengting? He’ll be on China’s Most Wanted after he kills me and Chengcheng.”) You roll your eyes instead. “But go on. What did your best friend Wang Linkai do to piss you off today?”
“We had a lunch date!” you stomp your foot.
“A lunch date?!” Chengcheng repeats as he exists the kitchen, choking on the piece of bread he had shoved into his mouth. “You two go on dates?!”
Linkai snorts. Ever since Chengcheng found out the story of how you and Linkai met, he’s been begging for you two to fall in love. (“You met in college when she dropped her books and you helped her pick them up? Fingers lingering, eyes glazing over. Love blooming like spring cherry blossom-“ “Chengcheng, shut the actual hell up. I only helped her out because I’m not an asshole.” “Not an asshole? Have you met you?”). Chengcheng says that he’s read a lot of fan fictions. He knows how this will turn out. Apparently, he’s taking bets alongside Chen Linong and Lin Yanjun as to when you two will finally get together. But jokes on them because you are denser than a book.
According to Chengcheng, it’s not your fault because apparently Linkai has terrible game. His idea of flirting with you is to flake on you half the time, watch you get riled up then pat your head and walk away after you get done ranting to him. Linkai doesn’t call that game. He calls that tolerance because some of this shit you put him through makes his head spin in circles. Plus, he’s got an image to uphold. Xiao Gui AKA.IMP cannot go around braiding flower crowns and singing to the birds like this is some kind of Disney film. He’s still trying to live down that time Xukun posted a picture of him coloring in a coloring book on his instagram story (Ziyi still sends him children’s coloring books every holiday since. Whether Linkai fills them out or not is his business and his business only).
He thinks today is going to be a bad day. He thinks it’ll be one of those days where the two of you will fight to no ends and there’s literally nothing he can do to make you feel better. He hates to admit it but he likes those kind of days because they always end with the two of you laying in his bed. Those are the nights he’ll hold you and wipes your tears, whispering a mantra of “Yes, I’m an idiot” and “I’m sorry, it’s my fault for not cherishing you.” He likes those nights because even though you get on his last nerves, he’ll be willing to admit defeat if that means he’ll get to wake up with you beside him.
“Honestly, Linkai. I don’t even know why I try with you sometimes,” you groan, setting down the bag of food in your hands onto the coffee table with one too many water stains. “Chengcheng, come join us for lunch.”
“Oh, I don’t wanna intrude on your date,” he says.
You smile at him. “It’s not an actual date.“
There’s a weird look on your face as you say that. It’s a look you get that Xiao Gui has never been able to read. Your smile is big but your eyes never seem to match. Your shoulders visibly sag and your movements slow for a second before you seem to realize what you’re doing and get back to being normal. “Come!”
“No,” Linkai plops down on the floor next to you. “He has a lab with Justin due at midnight tonight. He needs to leave.”
“Hm? You keep tabs on me?” Chengcheng has a shit eating grin on his face which quickly disappears as Linkai scoffs.
“No. You’re wearing cologne for once and don’t look oily. From just that, I know you’re going to meet Justin,” he says. “You usually smell like terrible B.O. and your hair looks dry. As for your project, you have it written on your calendar inside of a big red heart. I saw it when I went to steal the five bucks from your dresser earlier.” Chengcheng sputters, face red with embarrassment.
You swat Linkai’s shoulder. “Leave him alone,” you frown. “Don’t worry about him, Cheng. You always look and smell great to me!” you grin encouragingly before turning back to Linkai again to whisper yell. “He has a crush. Don’t tell me you’ve never gotten dressed up for somebody you liked.”
“Hey!” he says louder than you expected considering this was supposed to be a hushed conversation. “I’m wearing the jeans you said make my ass look fat,” he retorts. You simply roll your eyes before returning to Chengcheng. Once again, you’ve reminded not only Linkai but the world that you are denser than a book. He makes a face. “You expect me to read your mind and yet you never seem to be able to read mine,” he mutters under his breath, forcefully stabbing into his rice.
“What was that?” you turn back to him. He shakes his head, shoveling a load of food into his mouth to keep you from pressing. You thankfully don’t and once again, turn to Chengcheng. “I think you look amazing. Really. Go get him! He’ll be in your arms in no time!”
“Thanks, jiejie!” the dopey boy grins. “I’ll be on my way then. Be back tomorrow morning. Don’t have too much fun while I’m gone!” he winks. He’s out the door before Linkai can kill him (as if Linkai even had the energy to do so).
He’s too busy dissecting his meat to notice your cold stare. You have to clear your throat for him to look up and see your face. He groans, “What the hell did I do now?”
“You should be more supportive of Chengcheng.”
“More supportive? Any more supportive and I might as well just text Justin and say ‘Hey dinghead! Chengcheng is in love with you!’” he scoffs. “Honestly, it doesn’t get any more supportive than me.” He’s actually offended that you don’t think he’s all for Chengstin. Linkai is the vice president of the Chengstin fanclub, only coming second to You Zhangjing. “Who do you think always makes sure there’s ice cream in the fridge when Justin comes over? Who do you think hops off our shitty ass wifi when Justin comes to watches movies? Who the fuck ran across town just to fight with sneaker heads to get Justin the newest pair of shoes because Chengcheng was stuck in class? Have you ever had to fight a sneak head, YN? Have you?” His eyes are wild as if he’s seen some things he’d rather not talk about.
You sigh. “I just think you need to be nicer to him,” you shrug.
“Last week you told me not to let Chengcheng step all over me,” Linkai points his chopstick accusingly at you.
“Because you were deadass tired and up doing his laundry while he slept!” you exclaim.
Linkai snorts. You’re honestly a walking contradiction when it comes to him. “Just eat and be quiet. I’ve already got a headache. Don’t make my stomach upset too with all of your nonsense.”
“It’s not nonsense, Linkai!”
“If it’s coming from you, it is.” He shuts his foam to-go plate and stands to his feet before you could give him another earful. “I’m gonna go get a drink. Want anything? Water? A soda? A shot of vodka?”
“Ten more minutes with you makes the last option sound more appeasing than it should,” you pinch the bridge of your nose.
“Nobody is forcing you to be here,” he reminds you, patting your head as he walks away. When he returns, he’s made two pretty drinks and winks at you. Bottoms up, his eyes say.
“Really? Drinking on a Tuesday?” you scoff.
“Whether it’s a Tuesday afternoon or a Saturday night, you will always find a reason to complain,” he replies. You roll your eyes, taking a sip and feeling the alcohol burn down your throat. You grimace before setting it back down on the table. “So what do you wanna do now, hm? Watch a movie? Make me watch you online shop?”
“Maybe I could put make up on you and do your hair,” you suggest.
It’s his turn to roll his eyes. “You say that everyone elses’ boy friends do this for them and yet, I feel as though I’m the only one.”
“Boyfriend?” you repeat, completely disregarding anything else he had said.
“Boy. Space. Friends,” he says before leaning back onto his hands. “Why? Do you wanna remove the space in between us?” he wiggles his eyebrows before swooping in close to you, noses bumping. You freeze at this. “What?” he smirks when you don’t push him away like usual. “You actually thinking about kissing me this time?”
You scoff, shaking your head and moving away from him. “Wang Linkai,” you scoff again. “You really are something else. You know that? Kiss you? My best friend? I’d rather eat sand or-“ You stop, looking at him and seeing the way his eyes cast down for a second. “What?”
He looks back up. “Nothing,” he says before pulling himself to his feet again. He stretches his arms over his head and yawns. “Come. Let’s go shop. Or something. I don’t know.” He shakes his head and reaches for his drink. Maybe he shouldn’t have poured so much alcohol into his drink. One sip and he’s already a mess. “What?” He notices you still haven’t moved from your spot on the floor. “Hurry up and put on your jacket. Or do I have to so it for you?” He makes a swipe to grab your arm but you pull back, holding it against your chest. “YN, what?” he sighs, a bit annoyed. “Are you mad at what I just did? Look, I’m sorry. Let’s just-“
“Linkai,” you frown. “Why do you look so sad?”
“It’s nothing,” he replies, walking around and looking for his keys.
“It’s doesn’t seem like nothing to you.” Your words are careful, almost as if you’re trying to find the right wire to cut in order for the bomb not to explode. It’s always like that when the two of you argue this deeply. And sadly, it always ends with somebody crying.
“Because it’s never anything to you!” he throws a hand down dramatically. “So like. Let’s go because I’m not going to do this today!”
“Do what today?” you ask, standing to your feet. He shakes his head and makes it towards the door when you grab his arm. He instantly spins around and pins you against the wall, arms encasing you. You narrow your eyes at him. “What’s your deal?” you huff.
“It’s not even a bit obvious to you?” He’s smiling like a deviant. Like you’re just playing into one of his cold jokes. “Are you really that stupid?”
“What did I do to you?” you cross your arms.
“Everything,” he says, eyes casting downwards. You feel your heart starting to hammer as you realize he’s staring right at your lips. “You waltz into my life and make it absolute hell. You expect me to just know what’s on your mind. You expect me to just know what makes you happy and what makes you sad. You expect me to just know these things and I don’t and it makes me so tired and yet...” he laughs coldly. “And yet when I look at you, I want to be defeated. I want to fall at my knees at your mercy. It’s been like this since the day we met.” His hand slowly makes its way up to your cheek, cupping the glowy red flesh between his fingers. “C’mon, YN. How should it be? What do I have to do to make you like me as much as I like you?”
“Linkai, you idiot! If you liked me, you should’ve just told me!” you pout.
“And then you would’ve found something to complain about then as well,” he rolls his eyes. “Honestly, YN. Just lighten up with me sometimes. I’m trying.”
“You’re always trying,” you smile. “That’s what I like about you.”
“You wanna know a secret?” he asks, leaning in closely. “I only try his hard for you.”
And as his lips finally land on yours, you realize that this is exactly how it should have been all along.
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yanjuniverse · 4 years
hello everyone. let me just take a moment to introduce myself. my name is Megan and two years ago, I started this blog originally under the user name @/syzygy-yoongi to post one shots about the boys from IQIYI’s Idol Producer. since that time, i have gain a mass following (2,000+ today) that i am forever grateful for. i have also made many friends that i love dearly and am so blessed to have in my life.
when i began this blog, i didn’t expect so many people to pay attention or to read my stories. if you remember, i was pumping out chapters two or three times a day, finishing series within a week or two because i loved writing that much.
today, i’m going to rank my top five completed series that i have written. feel free to reblog with your own opinions/rankings as well or leave me an ask with your opinions about my stories! (i’m very bored).
Now let’s get this show on the road!
1. Girls Like You (Cai Xukun)
Summary: IP High School is one of the most prestigious boarding schools in China for the fine arts. Owned by the Huang family, the school only accepts the best of the best. Many of China’s biggest stars came from this school and many of their students already have offers upon their graduation.
This year will be Cai Xukun’s fourth year at the school and fourth year witnessing the favoritism of his classmate, Zhu Zhengting (who’s parents are world class dancers) as well as the favoritism from students Fan Chengcheng (little brother of China’s most famous actress) and headmasters’ son, Huang Justin. The three of them are known to run the school. They get away with being late to classes, missing classes completely, missing assignments, talking back and Xukun swears he’s never seen them in full uniform. Safe to say that he kind of despises them and their “holier-than-thou” mindsets.
So when Justin’s sister joins them for her senior year, he could only roll his eyes at the news. While all of Xukun’s friends seem to fall for her, he can’t see the magic of it all.
“Girls like you? Girls like you are the kind that I can’t stand! You think just because you’re rich and pretty that we all have to fall for you? Well news flash, it’s not going to work on me. Now stay out of my way!”
MY OPINION: I really hold this fic near and dear to my heart because of the amount of work I put into the relationship between YN and Justin, YN and Zhengting and YN and Xukun. These were the three main relationships throughout the story that I feel really made readers pick sides. In all honesty, I was very nervous the first half the the story because everyone was on Zhengting’s side. This story was one of my most popular series and I was very pleased with the outcome, though I do have some regrets.
LOVED MOST: The relationship between YN and Justin. Justin’s character was the most difficult character I have ever portrayed. The early stages of developing his character actually spurred from Charlie from the movie The Perks of Being a Wallflower. As for YN’s character, I grew up in a household where my parents were always at work and so I had to raise my younger siblings (obviously not to the extent of YN’s and my parents are kind people). Her motherly tendencies came a lot from the things I had personally done growing up (making meals, putting together backpacks, so on and so forth). I think of all the relationships I’ve ever written, YN’s and Justin’s “Huang or Die” relationship is always going to be my favorite.
BIGGEST REGRET: The ending. Looking back on it now, I honestly think the story should have gone another way. Of course YN runs from Zhengting but I personally think that the ending was way too rushed. It was something I put together in the matter of hours just because I wanted to get the story over with. I think now, I would have let YN have more time to be herself and to be a kid in Korea rather than carrying on being a mother. I also would have liked it if she had ended up with Chengcheng, the only boy in this entire story besides Zhengting, who had been there from start to finish . I would have also liked to have seen the more interaction with her and Yanjun and Ziyi, considering they, along with Bingbing were the main hands that took part in her escape.
2. SUBSCRIBE! (Xiao Gui)
Summary: Wang Linkai just posted videos of himself playing videos for fun. He never in a million years expected to build the type of following he did.
Zhu YN started off just posting little home videos for her and her friends. She never in a million years expected to build the type of following she did.
The one where you and Xiao Gui have no idea who the other is until one day, your brother sends you the link to a video called “REACTING TO TEXTS FROM AN ANGEL I MET TODAY!”
MY OPINION: Though Xiao Gui continues to be my bias up until today, the fic that I wrote for him is second place. I had a lot of fun writing it but with a more regrets than I did with Girls Like You. (Also let’s all remember when I wrote that he was a matcha frappe guy and then days later, he was papped with that exact drink).
LOVED MOST: Xiao Gui’s character development is something I’m always going to take pride in. I think out of all of my stories, his character was one of the most carefully planned. There were little details (such as when Gui goes from stealing Ziyi’s car keys to asking for them in the end) that really showed how much he grew. I’m also glad he didn’t just give up his dream for love and how he wanted YN to be free while he was away. I feel like had he been the same person from the beginning, he either would’ve given up his music career or made YN wait for him. I really loved to see how much he grew during this story.
BIGGEST REGRET: How YN knew Xiao Gui’s mother 🤦🏻‍♀️. That was such a plot twist ending that didn’t even make sense. I wish I had found a different way for YN to have gotten Gui to be with his mother other than “oh she sells me fruit”.
3. Smile for the Camera (Zhu Zhengting)
Summary: Nine Percent Photography is a small company with big names. Owned by Y/N, it features the faces of Cai Xukun, Chen Linong, Fan Chengcheng, Huang Justin, Lin Yanjun, Wang Ziyi and You Zhangjing.
Nine Percent Photography is best known for their creativity and ability to push their models into various aesthetics. They are one of the richest companies in Asia with every model raking in an estimated 2.3 million dollars every month. It is every model’s dream to be apart of this world class company.
Zhu Zhengting is an aspiring model. Up until this point, he has only scored small gigs. That is, until one phone call changed his entire life.
Zhengting finally has the chance to follow his dreams. He’s not going to let anything get in his way. Right?
MY OPINION: This story was the first story of mine that really blew up. It’s my pride and joy and where my following really started to build.
LOVED MOST: I loved the harmony between the company. It was like they were all destined to be together. I also liked how they were so honest with each other towards the end. I loved how they all had to fall apart to come back together. I also really appreciated Yanjun’s friendship with YN and how much YN loved her company.
BIGGEST REGRET: I should have made the the story longer so that YN and Zhengting could have had more time to fall in love with each other. I reread it a couple of weeks ago and honestly, the way the fell was so awkward and rushed. Had I gone back to write it, I would have focused more on their love story. I also wished I would have gone and written more about their modeling and/or their work since they were a modeling company. I also wished I had gone deeper into YN and Zeren’s backstory.
4. Oblivious (Wang Ziyi)
Wang Ziyi has never been the type to confront his feelings head on. He’s always swallowed the butterflies, tied his shoe laces and held on to the safety handle to make sure he never let him fall for anyone. He likes to say it’s because he doesn’t want to get his heart broken but his friends say that maybe he’s just saving those feelings for you.
the one where people aren’t sure whether you two really hate each other or really like each other.
MY OPINION: This was one of my more humorous stories. I’m usually an angst writer so getting to write Ziyi and YN in such a playful manner was like a breath of fresh air. This is also the story that came after I took my first hiatus (which was supposed to be like a week but ended up being like a day lol). I remember the stress of wanting to write something angsty for Ziyi and not having the storyline so instead, I decided to write a funnier story for him. Though, not as popular as Girls Like You, Subscribe! or Smile for the Camera, it still ranks high for me.
LOVED MOST: I LOVED HOW FUNNY ZIYI AND YN’S CHARACTERS WERE — actually all of them! One of my favorite parts of the story is always going to be the line where Linong says he has “bible study in an hour” and Yanjun replies “PLEASE STOP CALLING YOUR THEOLOGY (the study of the nature of God and religious beliefs) CLASS BIBLE STUDY!” All of the characters played a big part in the story unlike in the others where characters like Zhangjing and Linong are more of the background extras.
BIGGEST REGRET: THE WHOLE ENDING! I remember a lot of people were upset with YN and her plans and I agree because what she did was a bit uncalled for. But I remember just wanting it to end so I let it end the way it did. Had I gone back and rewritten it, I probably would have let Xingjie and YN play out for a bit before the two realized they were better off as friends. Sort of along the lines of Lara Jean and John Ambrose.
5. Trust Me - Lin Yanjun
Summary: Summary: Ever since you were a freshman in high school, Wang Ziyi has always felt the need to protect you. Now you’re a freshman in college and nothing has changed. When he hears that the labeled player, Lin Yanjun, is trying to make his way into your life, Ziyi finds it harder to keep his secret under wraps - especially when you make friends with You Zhangjing, Lin Yanjun’s best friend.
MY OPINION: Ah yes. I feel like this is a forgotten story of mine. It was one of my first ever series. I think I was still @/syzygy-yoongi at the time that I wrote this. I still get nostalgic when I see people finding it now. This is actually the story that got me into writing series (I had never written one before Trust Me) when a follower suggested the idea to me.
LOVED MOST: I really loved the plot twist at the end. I think of all of my stories, this was the only one that I really planned out and stuck to it. I didn’t overthink Trust Me because at the time, I did get have many followers and I didn’t have anyone to disappoint.
BIGGEST REGRET: I think the reason why I ranked Trust Me so lowly is because of the lack of quality it had. It was the earliest development of what yanjuniverse is today. This is the story that made me realize that I really had a knack for angst. I have the fondest memories of Trust Me and I’m so happy I wrote it.
Conclusion: This was my top five rankings for my completed series. Of course it doesn’t go into my incompleted series (I Bet would’ve knocked Trust Me right off of this list). This was a complete waste of time but just something I wanted to do because I had just spent the past couple of weeks rereading my fics. Hope you all enjoyed and if you made it this far, thank you so much. I’m so grateful for this blog. It really made me who I am today. I’m so grateful for the memories and how much I grew from these stories!
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Little Family : Mom and Bear
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2JJzoCh
by bttmzzt
This is a series of drabbles, but you can read it as a one-shot too. I got this idea from my sweet angel @3_05hua on twitter. Find me on twitter @bttmzt or IG @ninepercentworldwide
Words: 793, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of Little Family
Fandoms: 偶像练习生 | Idol Producer (TV), NINE PERCENT (Band)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Zhu Zhengting | Jung Jung, Cai Xukun, Fan Chengcheng, Huang Minghao | Justin, Chen Linong, Wang Linkai | Xiao Gui, Lin Yanjun, You Zhangjing, Wang Ziyi
Relationships: Cai Xukun/Zhu Zhengting | Jung Jung, Wang Ziyi/Zhu Zhengting | Jung Jung, Cai Xukun/Wang Ziyi/Zhu Zhengting | Jung Jung, Lin Yanjun/You Zhangjing
Additional Tags: Fluff
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2JJzoCh
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Hungry for your love
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2qUDAUc
by Ewelyne
Chen Linong is on a diet and Cai Xukun doesn't like that at all.
(Crossposted on Wattpad as a part of the one-shot series titled LOVE THE WAY YOU ARE)
Words: 2019, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: NINE PERCENT (Band), 偶像练习生 | Idol Producer (TV)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Cai Xukun, Chen Linong, Wang Ziyi, Zhu Zhengting | Jung Jung, Wang Linkai | Xiao Gui, Lin Yanjun, You Zhangjing
Relationships: Cai Xukun/Chen Linong, Lin Yanjun/Zhu Zhengting | Jung Jung
Additional Tags: Crushes, during the L.A. trip, Diet, Xukun might be little cheesy, Zhengting, ziyi, Xiao Gui are the ultimate nongkun wingmen, all the nine percent members act like a wingman, Xukun is overthinking, Man of action!Cai Xukun, zhangjun if you squint, Attraction, nongkun, Xunong, Misunderstandings, Rumours are bad!, Bold!Cai Xukun
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2qUDAUc
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I love you
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2JrZGpD
by crookedkidnightmare
(Based on Ep.9) Bu Fan starts crying during practice. Yue Yue later finds out and comforts him.
Words: 1160, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: 偶像练习生 | Idol Producer (TV)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Bu Fan, Yue Yue, Zhu Xingjie, Wang Linkai | Xiao Gui, Mu Ziyang, Ling Chao, Zhu Yunyi
Relationships: Bu Fan/Yue Yue, Wang Linkai | Xiao Gui/Zhu Xingjie
Additional Tags: Fluff and Angst, Fluff, Angst, Crying, Episode Related, One Shot, Established Relationship
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2JrZGpD
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