#want to hold on and feel i belong (MAINVERSE.)
therealaves-blog1 · 9 months
I want the void to hear my takes on Star Trek: Coda
Luc Picard and the Wesley Mirror Enterprise Bois go to the mainverse and start scanning black holes to find the Devidian's hiding place (they need a certain size black hole to make a breach to intertime or whatever) Riker detects them arriving and goes after them hard, since most of the admiralty is dead he's ranking so he's calling in the fleet and puts a bounty on the ship among the other powers to get to Picard (he thinks they're hiding main Picard). He also is spying on Troi and recruited his caitian aide to do it as well. The bridge crew is absolutely nervous about his increasingly erratic behaviour, especially when Enterprise jaunts away and he starts calling them all morons.
Kira gets aboard her transport, uncomfortable but understanding how everyone feels a lot of bad stuff towards her awful fucking counterpart. Her transport picks her up and its Alt-Ezri in command of the refit Defiant of the mirrorverse, she's also bonded to Dax now for some reason. Kira is understandably very upset by this whole fucking thing, but keeps it together. I'm pretty sure Alt-Dax died off screen? Or at least was implied to in the ferengi fuck around ep in the mirrorverse. (Zek your brain is so big).
Spock and AltSavik meet the Prime Minster of the Commonwealth: Michael Eddington.
Truly this is a hell dimension.
Eddington tells them the parliament is arguing constantly and not doing anything about this whole end of the world thing. He and Savik both try to talk to them but no dice. Savik wont break her word to the Commonwealth and order the ships over to the mainverse cause they aren't Memory Omega's anymore (they all belonged to Omega and were given to the commonwealth but theres some political their about the influence Omega has and its a fun political angle I wish got explored more cause its like a weird inversion of 31 kind of?). Spock tries to get the parliament to see reason because his counterpart was big deal martyr hero and that still carries weight for him. They dont respond well and he gets called slurs (not kidding its described as people booing and throwing things and shit, wild). Savik gets an idea.
The Defiant team arrive in Borg Earth circa First Contact. The rift opens and the borg hold it open, they move in under cloak but get shot down. They dont fire cause that would reveal them as a threat and crash hard near the base (its where starfleet command was). Data, Lal, Bashir, Crusher, Sisko and Picard set out to go to the base and do their thing, leaving Worf in command to effect repairs. Picard starts hearing the collective even tho he's got no borg shit and tells the party but they dont have a choice but to proceed.
La Forge needs parts, so Worf, his alt dead wife and others go scavenging. They melee only and manage to get it all with only one person being seriously injured. Worf is hot for her and its weird for them but also not. She is also into Worf in the same way. Kira arrives at the Wormhole and its being blockaded by mercs because of the Dominion/maybe not just them. So they need to figure out a way to get in without being destroyed. Luc calls up Savik and is like 'we need reinforcements, Riker's off his shit' and she says the parliament is being shit and stealthily implies he should personally reach out to other ship captains, which he does after murdering a bunch of romulan borders. He also gets to yell shut up Wesley, which is silly and dumb, but ill allow it. Rene is basically being kept off screen for this adventure, but still shows up now and again to annoy his alt Dad.
The Borg boys reach the main base and find a way in but its chockfull of borg and the Collective knows that someone called Locutus betrayed them from the two drones that survived the initial time alter and assimilated the Earth. The Queen is interested in this, and wants to learn about Locutus. The vibe gets stronger as Picard gets closer and has a brief freakout but gets it under control. They get inside but its slow going and theres so many fucking borg, dog. Riker catches up with Luc and starts shooting bringing out Klingons to help, but Luc's call for help comes through and 11 other Jaunt ships appear and chase em off. Riker has a bigger freakout which everyone notes and is wild about. Troi briefly chats with his second and points things out stealthily hoping she got her on side before Riker pulls her away on a pretext.
They arrive at the final black hole and start scanning, quickly finding out its the place. Luc sends a ship (or two, cant quite remember) to rendezvous with the Defiant when it returns to the future. Present. Whatever. Its not even their universe or history. Riker has another freakout and slaps his XO which she uses to relieve him of command and send him to sickbay, he is pissed about this but cant do shit. Kira learns alt Bajor is gone from Dax, and given the collapse of reality and the heavy resistance that will likely kill them she asks for answers. Kira tells her whats going on and after a brief moment of coping, realises that its worth it to safeguard infinite versions of her dead wife. (She married Leeta based on their heavy chemistry in that one moment of the ep in S7 and then Leeta died somehow). She agrees to help Kira. Riker gets sedated and the Doc confirms he's definitely got two rikers in there. Troi goes brain diving using her own stuff and finds the other one so she calls in Tuvok who mind melds and helps her talk to other riker and bring will back to the front. He was aware of everything and needs to warn Jean Luc about something his counterpart knew. Lucky they're riding a transwarp current thingie to the black hole.
The Borg team get inside and find the command center of the beam, the old foundations the buildings based on let them find a way in but they need a distraction to deal with the heavy foritifications. Picard has another brain blast and realises that they're looking for him so he takes a grenade and a rifle to make a distraction. The distraction works and he realises the borg may have multiple origins due to failing to get a reaction from calling the queen by the name of the being that became the collective. The Queen disables his grenade and rifle and starts torturing him for information, not sure why, assimilation would be quicker but I guess she's cautious about a dude who she knows betrayed the collective?
Wesley rides a shuttle into the intertime breach to make a map so the ships can follow, he lands and sees the base and all the bullshit they're doing, including watching them destroy Bajor. He sees an older him who talks to him and creates a distraction which lets him run from the horde of Devidians. When he's cornered he sends his omnichron off to the shuttle and launches it back so they have info. Rene convinces Picard to go after Wesley when the shuttle comes back (the leave a log buoy for the other ships) and the small fleet goes in. It goes badly and they're quickly crippled. Luc escapes his ship with Troi and Rene. Wesley is tortured so they can replicate his traveller powers which they use to create the Time Ghosts and Time Snakes to his horror and send them back and forth through time to close the loop. Apparently this always happens or something.
Bashir and Data get in and take out the fewer drones, before getting to work. The fortify the room and Data and Lal stay behind to make sure things go off right. Crusher convinces Bashir and Sisko to go after Picard and they rescue him from the Queen as shes torturing his mind. They make it out but Sisko gets shot in the chest. Worf gets the Defiant ready to go, and Sisko dies with Bashir opting to go back for Data since he's the only friend he has left. Worf is right there Julian, dick move but probably for the best.
Ooph, a lot there, but like, its keeping me occupied, again dissapointed by the winnowing of the DS9 crew and lack of Voyager peeps. Like we got Kira, Bashir, and Worf left of our beloved characters, everyone else is either confirmed dead or likely died off screen because reality is falling apart. Feels like a bummer to not have Janeway ride in to fight time bullshit, especially since we havent heard shit about Torres or Paris since they were captured (presumably they died with Earth). Still, wish it was more everyones story rather than TNG feat the others. How will this end? will they succeed in retroactively erasing their entire history or will we get a fun hope spot. Hard to say. Find out next time on my Im rambling about star trek blog post.
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godblooded · 1 year
“you know i love you, right?” mainverse!! confession!!
you don’t even pause between her words. your eyelashes don’t touch your cheek, don’t so much as butterfly-brush the surface of your skin. between one breath and the next you belong to her entirely and as each moment comes to a close the next one claims you as hers alone. it’s all you’ve ever wanted; it feels so right you ache with it.
“ i love you. not too — you didn’t say it first, and i never say it in continuation ; every second i think it anew and have to let you know. and for me, you do the same. ”
you haven’t lifted your eyes from the car’s sleek dashboard, black and yawning and immense in this enormous black sheet of glass, this huge black box of a car, shiny and empty and unknowable as you. maybe it feels so out of character for you because it is; maybe you don’t know you, a lot of the time. but if you look them in the eyes long enough you fall into your reflection and it swallows you whole — when you wake up, you’re whole again. they make you and remakes you with every time they hold you in their gaze. spencer creates you into someone knowable, a trait so valuable you yearn for it.
“ thank you, spencer hastings. ”
you were a ghost before she met you. & in one sentence she’s loved you alive.
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hellthought · 6 years
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     “ I’M SORRY FOR INCONVENIENCING YOU. ”  she’s being carried because she’s too injured to walk...
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hyperdrivehearts · 5 years
In the universe where Yusei is a Dark Signer, the actual Signer’s are losing the war-- they simply cannot win without all of them present. Of course, Yusei is killed by Kalin; getting stabbed by that shard of metal ended his life (although Kalin relished in the agony, it was far from a quick painless death,) while Yusei’s friends couldn’t do anything but watch helplessly as he struggled for his last breaths before they ceased. After that, Kalin took Yusei’s corpse by tossing him on the back of Kalin’s runner and driving off, laughing.
Kalin, of course, also took Yusei’s duel runner with him, typing it up with a chain and dragging it behind. Some parts were lost along the way, and it had certainly looked even worse when he arrived back at the hideout, but it was nothing that Yusei wouldn’t be able to fix. The reason Kalin did this? He didn’t want to leave Yusei’s friends something to remember the former Signer by, and it would soon have a new paint job to reflect the stance Yusei now took in the war.
When Yusei awoke, Kalin was there waiting for him. Of course there was panic, why wouldn’t there be? He had just changed sides. Yusei had tried to save Kalin from the darkness, but ended up succumbing to it, because Yusei put his own guilt in regards to Kalin above everyone else’s lives. It was one out of few moments where Yusei was selfish, and it cost him.
He’s accepted the hand he was dealt, just like he had to accept and growing up living in Satellite. Sure, he doesn’t believe in destiny, but what else is he supposed to do in this predicament? Kalin was starting to make Yusei believe that this is what destiny had in store for him.
Yusei’s Dark Signer mark, the heron, is placed on his back, and it belongs to the Earthbound Immortal “ Quyllur Waqar.”
Yusei is the youngest of the Dark Signers (and obviously their newest member) and has the least refined powers because of it. One “power,” he has aside from the regular Dark Signer abilities is that Yusei can feel a sense of familiarity of people from around the multiverse that his mainverse self knows. He doesn’t know these people, of course, and if he’s lucky he might be able to glean a name, but he can do this because of how important bonds are to him, even as a Dark Signer.
Yusei as a person isn’t unchanged either, both mentally and in physique. He, of course, has a changed wardrobe, but it’s far from the ancient cloaks that the others wear-- it’s practically his everyday wear with a longer jacket and more de-saturated color pallet. Of course, he has the black sclera that’s common, and his eyes are devoid of light, as well that his criminal mark has turned a sickening blood red. Other changes include a mouthful of fangs, messy hair, and inhumane strength-- you would not be able to mix him and his mainverse self up.
Yusei still shows the same amount of emotion as before, but it doesn’t contain any of the emotions he had prior. What I mean, essentially, is that he’ll smile at you but there is no warmth and it’s almost robotic. Yusei feels hollow, like he isn’t there and this is something he just has to go through with regardless. Yusei is a nihilist, thinking that because the world is ending, all hope should too and people should just be put out of their misery because everything is pointless otherwise.
Kalin was the first person to suggest that Yusei could actually help people still, which ended up leading his saviour complex going practically out of control. He wants to save people, he still wants to help Kalin, but in the eyes of a Dark Signer, everything in reality is twisted-- Yusei truly believes that by sending people to the Netherworld is “saving” them from the inevitable darkness. He’s willing to kill his friends, if he thinks its justified as “saving” them, and he’ll do it without any remorse. He couldn’t save anyone with the power of the Crimson Dragon, so this certainly has to be the only remaining way? Of course, unbeknownst to him, this only makes the Dark Signers stronger.
However, if you question Yusei’s methods of saving people, he becomes uncharacteristically erratic and defensive. He’ll lash out and bare his teeth, even doing so much as raising his voice and fists. Yusei refuses to see that he’s down wrong and is a villain, and this anger is what happens as a result of when he’s questioned, although it may be from the influence Quyllur Waqar has over his mind.
Under the cut is a detail of just how abusive DS!Yusei and DS!Kalin’s relationship is :||
Kalin is extremely manipulative and abusive to Yusei if you couldn’t tell-- their relationship while they’re both Dark Signers is like two snakes eating each other but not feeling full. Kalin carved and ripped out Yusei’s dead heart from his body, and Yusei would let him do it again if he could. He’ll follow Kalin to the ends of the world, believing that any pain he endures because of it, is something he deserves, because he doesn’t want to betray Kalin once again. This is what Yusei ends up calling “love” and a bit of karma.
At first, Kalin was probably excited that Yusei listens to his every beck and call, and takes it all so willfully, and thus Kalin ends up pushing and pushing, trying to see when Yusei will break, but he never does. Kalin could do anything to Yusei. Push him off a building and he’ll come back with broken bones and a smile. Smash his face into a brick wall and Yusei will will look up with that same smile and a broken nose and asks if Kalin wants to do it again. Kalin only grins wickedly in response.
Although, sometimes Kalin does get bored, and will push Yusei even further, just to see if he’ll be more entertaining. If Kalin’s pleased with Yusei, or he needs Yusei to listen to orders no matter how uncertain Yusei is, Kalin’ll hold the younger man’s poor bruised and bloody face, all whilst calling him “Star Child,” an affectionate nickname from when the two were Enforcers. It’s almost praise to Yusei’s ears. Yusei is like a lost puppy, following Kalin, just wanting to hear that name again-- he almost believes that Kalin is starting to change, while the only change is the amount of people who remain alive.
If you were to call Yusei “Kalin’s pet,” you would be far from wrong.
Yusei tells Kalin constantly “I betrayed you, you can take your anger out on me as much as you’d like.” Kalin feels less love, and more obsession. He’ll kiss Yusei possessively, often bruising the other in the process, or wrap his arms around Yusei’s waist and dig his nails into the other’s flesh.
Yusei and Kalin both seeing the other get hurt. Yusei hates it, because he feels as if he’s betraying Kalin once again, and would rather take his spot in torture at any chance he could. Kalin on the other hand, hates when someone even looks at Yusei the wrong way-- if you were to hurt him, you would be in a world of pain yourself. Very little of that reason is because he cares for Yusei, unfortunately, it’s simply more of a possession thing-- the only person allowed to hurt Yusei is Kalin himself.
If Yusei appears to be alone, expect Kalin to be somewhere in the shadows. The two are rarely separated far apart. The other is always there, watching.
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hellthought · 6 years
Pain is weakness leaving the body from Jo
pain is weakness leaving the body | accepting
5) with a stab wound
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     allen keeps the blade inside of her, watching jo with a hesitant look.  the blade’s serrated, && FROM WHAT ALLEN KNOWS ABOUT STAB WOUNDS ( which is quite a bit ) she knows she’s not supposed to pull it out, unless she can get immediate medical attention.
     so in order to prevent the blood in her gut from leaking out all over the place, allen keeps the blade in her gut.  “ JO, unless i can-- ”  a groan of pain here, because being stabbed HURTS.  “get out of the combat zone && to a doctor right away, this has to stay in.  my guts could come out. ”
     a belly wound meant death to most people.
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hellthought · 6 years
avellaturortem liked your post:SKYBEAN.  lyric call.
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      " as time wore on you proved a DEBT-RIDDEN, DRUNKEN MESS. ”
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hellthought · 6 years
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     allen ducks below cc’s arm, her fist forming to punch him in the side.  she barely manages to jump back to avoid the leg coming at her, but she STAGGERS BACK, falling solidly on her bottom, && she tries to slam her legs into cc’s.
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hellthought · 6 years
swansvng liked your post: “SKYBEAN.  starter call.”
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     she shakes her head listlessly.  “ NOBODY’S SUPPOSED TO KNOW ABOUT THAT. ”
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hellthought · 6 years
godjudged started following you
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     there he is.  she eyezooms upon her prey.  && WITHOUT SKIPPING A BEAT, allen grabs the back of cross’ clothes, smiling as she glares.  “WELCOME HOME, general.”
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hellthought · 6 years
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     “you look like my next mistake.”
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