#wanye mccullagh
angelmaybe · 6 years
The Promise: A Wanye one shot.
Okay, I don't know if any of my followers have noticed but I've become a little obsessed with YouTube's Premium Show: Wanye. It's really, really good and Mark McKenna is adorable. So if you have a free trial I say use it and watch this show.
But anyway, this show is so new that there is no fanfic out there. So I was bored and I wrote little something. Can't promise it's good, sorry. It's been awhile since I wrote anything. But here we go...
Also sorry, it's such a long post, couldn't figure out how to a page break on my phone.
Title: The Promise
Rating: G, except for language ( Come on you've seen the show).
He could taste the metal in his mouth, feeling the little letters,pressed to the underside of his tongue. He sighed, feeling as another blow came in contact with already bruised cheek. He was getting tired of this, he felt his right hand curl into a fist on instinct. No, he promised her. Remembering last week, when the guards had pulled him from the yard,stating he had a phone call. Who would be calling him?
"Hello?" He had asked timidly into the reciever.
" Do want to buy some goddamn cookies?!" The girl's voice boomed on the other end.
"Hey, Dummy, don't tell me you forgot about me already!" He knew that nickname, anywhere.
"Del" He practically whispered, grasping the phone cord closer as if could somehow  bring her closer.
" Ah, you haven't gotten yourself a boyfriend then?"
" No, you know your my only girlfriend." It was a fact, but Wanye could practically see her smile with the "Good" that followed.
He wanted to asked if she had a new boyfriend, if she missed him, but the words were lost as she started to ramble about her family, how she had been forced to water Mrs. Jackson next doors' plants, on account that she broken her hip, due to the fact that her asshole brothers had set off a bottle rocket off in her yard, scarring the old bag so bad that she fell off her front stoop. So now she was stuck watering her already dead plants, but at least she could call Wayne. I mean, no one knew she made these calls, collect no less, but the old bag was practically senial, so what did it matter.
" Wanye, I want to go swimming."
" Then, go swimming."
"Ain't got no suit, no more." She explained, how her father had soaked it in lighter fluid and thrown it onto the backyard  bonfire after returning from their Florida adventure. " So that boys don't get the wrong idea." He father had gloated. The only satisfaction Del got from seeing her favorite suit being burned, was that the fabric ignited immediately and practically took Teddy's eyebrows off.
Wanye found himself saying he would get her a suit.
" With what money, dummy?!" But that didn't matter to Wanye, he'd find a way to get some. And it didn't seem to matter to Del, because off she went exclaiming how he better not take her to the goddamn, shit hole,community pool, she wasn't going get herpes or let local pervs try take of her top. As if Wanye would let that happen. No, he would borrow Orlando's bike, take her to the west side , use their community pool, or maybe just sneak into someone's backyard that wasn't home. He could practically see her perched on the back of Orlando's bike as he pedaled. It was nice.
She asked how long it was until he was out and he told her the number, the public defender had given him as long as he had " good behavior", Del snorted at that, and Wanye couldn't blame her.
" Ah shit, my brothers are coming! Don't do anything stupid, I miss ya, dummy!" and just like that the line went dead.
Three months. He could do that. In fact, just a couple weeks ago he found a Target ad stuffed in an old Sunday paper in the prison library. A girl in a cute pink and red flowered bikini caught his eye, Del would look perfect in it. So it was settled, he'd get her that one. He had ripped out the image, shoving it under his mattress, only to have it discovered by the Kleto kid days later. The kid jumped back in surprise having found Wanye standing there. Apologizing profusely and shoving the ad roughly back he exclaimed"Dude you need to get some better fucking porn!"
He growled in frustration as his back collided with the cell wall. He tried to get a  job in wood shop, making bird houses for the elderly but he was not allowed near the tools. He tired to work in the kitchens but he wasn't allowed to be near the knives. Ultimately he ended up with a job in the Infirmary due to Nurse Nancy taking pity on him since he always there anyway. It was just filling paper work but Wanye didn't care. The air smelled clean, they had good soap, and Nurse Nancy smelled like apples.
Wanye could taste the blood in mouth, this had to be over soon. Where were the guards? Maybe he would just pass out, at least then he couldn't feel the pain. But honestly Wayne was worried about what Reggie's crew would do to him unconscious.
Just when he thought he'd have to break his promise to Del and " Do something stupid " he heard the running of feet, and gruff voice above yell, "Alright, that's enough, let him up! You animals!" Four prison guards had entered the cell.
A white burly prison guard looked down at him.
"Jesus Christ! Put those three back in their cells, we'll deal with them later. This one has to go to the infirmary." The burly guard  hauled Wanye to his feet, and he felt his vision sway.  Feeling blood trickle down his chin,  he threw his head back and spit blood at Reggie's face.  Loving the way Reggie's mouth curled in disgust and thevstring of curse words that followed. Some how without his golden grill, he looked dumber than ever.
" Hey! That's enough of that!" The guard called, cuffing Wanye's hands behind his back and dragging him into the hall. "Let's go get you patched up. " Wanye had the last laugh, he liked the infirmity, he actually get some descent sleep tonight , maybe two, if he was lucky. Maybe Nurse Nancy would slip him a swiss roll, or a moon pie with his dinner tonight, he quite like those. And maybe, just maybe, Nurse Nancy would let him file some more paperwork for work study. He already had two dollars and by the time he got out, he was bound to have enough for Del's suit. He smiled  feeling the little letters of her name pressed to the roof of his mouth.
Sorry, if that was bad. Hopefully not. Going to tagged ppl incase other ppl want read or were looking for fic. @waynegifs @wayneimagine @fckinwayne @shewasanicegirl @adorewayne
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