thegardenchronicles · 2 years
no cause i was onto something when i said i associate Jupiter with theatre and contemplating on that now i realize i was thinking of Sagittarius' theatrical quality specifically in purva ashada
Merry Christmas! / Happy Holidays!
Astrology Observations 5
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❄️ In my opinion, the 3rd house is about studying, and the 9th house is about learning.
❄️ I’ve noticed so many actors who have multiple planets in the 9th house. Especially personal planets. Many also have Moon-Mars conjunctions either in the 9th or in other houses as well.
❄️ 9th house ruler in the 12th may be philosophers/interested in philosophy.
❄️ 12th house placements make really good psychologists.
❄️ I’ve seen that 6th house placements can be quite secretive about their life just like scorpio placements.
❄️ People with a weak venus may have trouble with self esteem and body image.
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❄️ I’ve noticed that the retrograde periods of the weak planets in your chart can have a really detrimental effect on the native, more so than others.
❄️ People with many oppositions in their chart tend to be very indecisive.
❄️ Don’t be put off if you see prominent Saturn in synastry/composite. Saturn is essential for longevity and growth of relationships because Saturn makes us put in the effort.
❄️ I’ve always associated film with the Sun and theatre with Jupiter. I have no explanation to justify this. If you can support/disprove this let me know!
❄️Rahu exaggerates everything it touches. Be aware of how you project the planet your Rahu makes prominent aspects with, especially conjunctions. You can come off as “too much” or may get in trouble if that energy is not kept in check.
❄️ Prominent Ketu will always make the native feel detached and if left unchecked, can make the native feel too numb.
Disclaimer: All of these are only personal observations based on people I know in my life. It is not necessary for these to relate to you, they are mostly subjective. Also, the energy of all of the placements mentioned can change depending on their entire chart.
Please do not copy/plagiarize my work and do not repost without my permission.
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picture sources : pinterest 1 2 3 4 5
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thegardenchronicles · 2 years
hey I'm scorpio and leo too! i do agree with you said, anything in excess is never good. thank you for sharing!
what are your sidereal placements and what are your thoughts on hedonism?
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thegardenchronicles · 2 years
what are your sidereal placements and what are your thoughts on hedonism?
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thegardenchronicles · 2 years
anyone have any experience living on their Uranus line? (specifically Uranus/mc?) help a bitch out 😭
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thegardenchronicles · 2 years
I just found your acc and blessed my eyes. It's perfect 💗
logged in after 3827483 days to this! this is so cute thank you so much! feeling very happy rn :)
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thegardenchronicles · 2 years
i was leaning towards virgo but im not sure at all...if it helps, hes playing sid vicious who is a hasta mon, swati ascendant with rahu in the 1st and bharani sun!
so i just found out that louis partridge is going to star in a SEX PISTOLS SHOW (hallucinating right now) but also reminded me of how i cannot for the life of me guess his ascendant!!!! what do yall think? id prefer sidereal but tropical obs welcome too!
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thegardenchronicles · 2 years
so i just found out that louis partridge is going to star in a SEX PISTOLS SHOW (hallucinating right now) but also reminded me of how i cannot for the life of me guess his ascendant!!!! what do yall think? id prefer sidereal but tropical obs welcome too!
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thegardenchronicles · 3 years
y'all im so confused how many planets can be in a t-square? I'm so bad with aspects but i just found out i have a t square in my chart and it says 4 planets + mc + ac + nn is that even possible 😭
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thegardenchronicles · 3 years
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i was just fucking around and looking at random transits and found this what is this 💀
all that taurus+gemini energy is not looking good
this is sidereal btw! these transits are for 2032
anyone have any thoughts?
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thegardenchronicles · 3 years
𝐟𝐮𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞 𝐬𝐩𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬 – #𝟏
how will you unite with your future spouse?
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piles go from left to right: 1-2-3! please take a deep breath and choose one or more piles.
reading by dakoobo
pile 1
welcome to your pile, loves! i hope this reading will resonate with you. if not, feel free to choose another pile.
four of wands, queen of cups, nine of swords. two of swords.
it seems like you are a very kind and empathetic person. i personally get the impression that you are represented by the queen of cups, and i think of the queen of cups as someone who is very compassionate towards others. you may be that mom friend of your friend group or be that sibling that takes responsibility in many different situations. i see you as someone who is also very intuitive and emotionally perceptive, so you may also be someone that others come to when they are having a hard time to seek your advice. this sounds amazing of you, pile 1, but at the same time, you need to remember to set your boundaries well. with the nine of swords coming out as well as the two of swords (which is something you need to work on at this point for the union), it makes me think that you are a very dependent figure for others on the outside and you are always that guiding figure for so many people, but you have so many different conflicts within your mind that you don't seem to share with anyone. you may have really heavy thoughts weighing you down, you may be suffering with depression or just have a very negative mindset at times. when i asked for cards to clarify the meaning of the two of swords, i got three of swords and seven of swords. it just really makes me think that although you help many people with good intentions, not all the people who reach out to you for your help have the same good intentions as you. these thoughts you may have that are weighing you down may in fact be caused by those who try to take advantage of your kindness towards them. perhaps in the past, you had been tricked and hurt by those you thought were people you could trust. you are being asked to properly set boundaries for yourself so that nothing is keeping you from moving forward in your journey. only then will you unite with your future spouse, which is represented by the four of wands. for some of you, i feel that this may be a divinely-timed connection. the four of wands represents celebration, harmony, and happiness, and since it represents your union with your future spouse, i feel that your union with your future spouse will bring you lots of happiness.
pile 2
welcome to your pile, loves! i hope this reading will resonate with you. if not, feel free to choose another pile.
wheel of fortune, knight of wands, ten of cups. nine of swords.
with the wheel of fortune coming out, i feel that you may be doing a lot of work that does good for others. for example, you might be working at a nonprofit organization during the time you meet your future spouse or you may be working or donating for a charity. i think of the wheel of fortune as your good karma, where all the good you do for others comes back to you. i definitely get this sense of you being busy working during this time that has to do with the public well-being. i also see that you will be much bolder during this time and you will be more comfortable with venturing into the unknown when it comes to your career or something you wanted to do. you may be very passionate about what you're doing and you will be very committed. with the nine of swords (what you need to work on) coming out, i think that at the moment, you may have a negative outlook on life or feel very overwhelmed and burnt out inside right now. the clarifying cards are the seven of cups and eight of cups, so i think it may mean that you sometimes have very high-reaching goals in your life that might not be as grounded as it should be. in fact, when your goals are not realistic, you are prone to tiring yourself out due to the fact that you hold really high expectations of yourself to reach those goals. when you continue to hold high expectations but do not meet them or have a very hard time meeting them, you may feel disappointed in yourself, which connects to those negative thoughts that have to do with the nine of swords. you are being asked to be aware of that seven of cups so that you do not encounter anymore situations where you are mad at yourself or disappointed with yourself. when your goals are much more grounded and realistic, that is when you will be able to meet your future spouse. who knows? maybe you will unite with your future spouse at a workplace or educational institution that you might not have cared about in the past. the ten of cups shows that there will be emotional abundance and maturity, so i think that you will need that emotional maturity and abundance to unite with your future spouse. i also think that your relationship will have a lot of emotional abundance, too, and it may be very fulfilling for you.
pile 3
welcome to your pile, loves! i hope this reading will resonate with you. if not, feel free to choose another pile.
three of cups, the emperor, ace of cups. six of cups.
with the three of cups, i immediately thought of collaboration, but this card also symbolizes celebration with people who are close to you. i feel that you will be embracing the energy of the emperor, which i think of as someone who is an authority figure. i think of the emperor as someone who has a lot of power, wealth, and status. if this is not the position you are in right now, perhaps it points to a much later point in your life when you have this energy. with the ace of cups, i feel that you will feel immense creativity during that time and your emotional perceptiveness as well as your intuition will be much more heightened. i definitely feel a very grounded and mature energy coming through, so it may be that this pile is for people who are not as young, or you will have this mature energy in the future before you unite with your future spouse. when i asked what you should work on, i got the six of cups with clarifying cards, two of pentacles and nine of cups. the six of cups represents your past, but specifically your childhood. perhaps you sometimes find yourself becoming nostalgic of the past, missing certain times of your past that you really wanted to revisit. you are in fact being asked to revisit your past, so i encourage you to look more into your past. are there any unresolved issues that are carrying on from your past to the present? with the two of pentacles, it says that there needs to be a sense of balance, so i feel that something from the past may have carried on into the future that is affecting the current you. it is of course important to remember your past, but please know that you shouldn't let your past affect the present too much. if you have unresolved conflicts, as previously mentioned, please revisit your past and see if you can resolve those issues now. i feel that they no longer serve you and you shouldn't be carrying it with you. with the nine of cups clarifying the six of cups, i also feel that you should have more appreciation of what happened in your past. if there was a really important person from your past, please be grateful of them for being there for you. this is very random, but i feel that this theme of revisiting your past might be coming through because your future spouse may be someone you knew in the past. for some of you, i feel past life connections, but this reading leans more towards your current life's past. revisiting and resolving as well as remembering those who helped you will help you unite with your future spouse.
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thegardenchronicles · 3 years
Nakshatra Appreciation: (4/?)
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ज्येष्ठा, Jyeṣṭhā, is the eighteenth nakshatra, relating to fixed star Antares, which interestingly is represented by three objects pertaining to it's protective status: an earring (Jhumka), an umbrella (Kittisol), an amulet (circular Talisman, allude to Vishnu's disc). Falling entirely in the Vṛścika rashi (16° 40' - 30°00') the Scorpio Gandanta, you will find the debilitation of the Moon here, an afflicted luminary now. However the planets, Mars and Sun fairly do well under this placement. Mars and Ketu co-rulership guarantees intense transformations and naturally instills a strong sense of resilience against any opposing challenge. Internal struggle is to develop a strong determination in life and reap the fruits of victory later. The Vimshottari lord is mercury which brings in experience of mental brilliance and analytical ability which doesn't go unnoticed. The troubled yet creative genius. One can accomplish great heights when applying their talents skillfully and with dedication, e.g: Beethoven, Mozart, Einstein, Van Gogh, Charles Dickens, Stephen King, Bell Hooks, Shabana Azmi, John Legend!
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The lunar mansion falls into Rakshasa Gana, fitting as demonic category indeed. This sign afterall is the natural abode of the 8th house, pertaining all things taboo and unspoken, shunned and blasphemous, sorrowful just like Nirṛti herself. Being Tikshna, it gives a forceful and sharp nature, almost dreadful and destructive. However, one also finds an affinity towards exorcism, the occult, spellwork and only in extreme cases: spiritual practices of ingesting bodily fluids or cannabilism.
Jyestha means "the chiefmost" or "the eldest," and it confers upon a person born under its influence the talent to achieve executive position or status. The ruling deity is Lord Indra, who bestows the power to accomplish things skillfully. He demonstrates the power to uphold truth and victory, yet was very cunning and shrewd. In the Vedas, he is also Śakra, the leader of the Devas and initially the most powerful god, of rain and thunderstorms. He represented the all-pervading electric energy and also the cause of fertility. His weakness was music and entertainment, also his strong sexual appetite. The yoni animal is the male deer (or hare even). Belonging to the Cervidae family, deers are found in Asia, North Africa, Europe and in North America. Their ideal habitat is either of greenland biomes or rugged woodland terrain, explaining their long and robust legs under a flexible body. Size also varies, vision radar of around 310° and deers are mainly herbivores, relying on grass, fruits, leaves etc around them for survival. The antlers are grown in time for mating season and one they mature the male deer sheds them off. Interesting that the male and female only come to copulate during mating season, otherwise they never waste their energy about. Arohana Shakti grants them potency to stay courageous, rebel against, lead a battle, and win over the enemy. "To conquer the subconscious" as the outcome is to be recognized as a hero, even for yourself in many cases.
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To Jyestha belongs battle heroes, influential persons and those noted for pedigree, wealth, fame, thievery, deceit, kings intent on conquest, and commanders. So it should come as no surprise when Jyeshtha gets associated with the underbelly of society, filled with goons and mafia lords. The hustle life as some would say. Out of all the stars, it's with Jyeshtha where one is most tempted to misuse their power over others. It should come as no surprise that cult leadership or plain, unhinged savagry is associated with this , e.g: Ted Bundy, Edward Gein, Donald Trump, Charlie Sheen, Howard Hughes, while Jared Leto, Marina Abramovic and Shree Rajneesh have prominent placements in Jyeshta. (Similar to Revati as previously discussed) It's here in this very nakshatra that the impure is manifested. Alchemists on the mission to transmutate struggle into power, disallowing the caged demons to take over.
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Having the inate capacity to feed off negativity and comeback stronger. Reminiscent of the phoenix. Struggle breeds tenacity, for everytime the Jyeshtha falls they come back stronger. Understanding the implications behind trauma very well, these natives develop a strong interest towards self-help, and even the field of clinical psychology. Regardless to social identity of gender bias, Jyeshtha natives are always distinctly found to be opinionated. Forlonging even an argument to tell it how it is to the other's face, drawback being it stems from the individual's own instinctive and pioneering perspective. Mangala rulership deploys itself in the Mercurial manner of verbal dictatorship, with a general's mentatility of conquering all, one is less fond of interacting conversly but rather to make a vocal statement, personal broadcast of mind.
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Most Auspicious Qualities: virtuous, responsible, strategic, highly intuitive, musically inclined, obstinate, high stamina, wealthy, outspoken, brave, private, calculating, transmutive, intelligent, freedom-loving Shadow Side: irritable, poverty-struck, one 'fall from grace' occurance, seclusive, secretive to social detriment, internal conflicts, low self-esteem, arrogant, proud, defensive, perfectionist, begrudging Career: self-employed, militant, artist, model, manager, detective, psychologist, intellectual, philosopher, therapist, mafia henchmen, spokesperson, higher management, author, athlete
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~The natives gain reputation for being very bossy.
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thegardenchronicles · 3 years
Nakshatra Appreciation (3/?)
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In this part, let's address उत्तराषाढ़ा, “the later invincible one,” which indicates resilience, power, and good fortune. Symbol is the elephant's ivory tusk, reflecting Lord Ganesha's blessings.
Called the "universal star", Uttara Ashadha represents deep humanitarian concern and their true victory depends upon a righteous cause that is beneficial to all.
Blessed with an affluence in life, they can show a dogged persistence to succeed with any task they encounter. This nakshatra's presiding deity is none other than Vishwadevas, the universal god of ten directions, often addressed as “light-workers”, who open our minds to new perspectives and clarity.
Falling under 26°40'' Sagittarius -10°00'' Capricorn (Dhanu and Maraka rashi respectively), gives it dual rulership under both Jupiter and Saturn. While the vimshottari lord remains thr glorious Sun, bestowing the native with a winning spirit and independant tendencies of living. Speaking of planetary rulership...
The Solar energy is expressed differently in both signs. With the Jovial influence, a native is more likely to be sociable and friendly, gaining more success with inner benefience. A rather virtuous and 'blessed' energy is presented here. Whereas Saturnian influence really does bring about lonewolf tendencies, the actual test of fortitude is brought out with this. Since both planets are at odds, conflict with authority is bound to be seen among the natives.
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Now the Gana is Manushya, 'Human-like', as in specifically possessing both qualities of good (Godly) and bad (Demonic). The prime traits are discipline and kind-heartedness yet also capable of breaking the rules, or becoming a ruthless tyrant.
The primary nature is Sthira (fixed or permanent) which emphasizes for them towards permance, stability and structure. Also favourable for farming and agriculture, and of course promotions and signing contracts.
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They possess, Apradhṛṣya shakti, the power to attain permanent victory albeit at a later stage and after much effort or struggle. However, the fruits of that hard work are rich and promise prosperity.
I'd like to add here just a (general) observation or prediction you may call it but when either Venus or the 7th Lord are sitting in this nakshatra, the spouse or longterm partner could be of a fairly dominating type or just plain independant. Dignified in society and would want to keep their head held high even under extreme duress. Also noticeably fond of gold. Regardless, any marriage before 33 may cause inconvenience of some sort.
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The animal yoni is the mongoose, which actually renders this lunar mansion the sole of it's type to be without a yoni consort. While it's short and sleek, the fierce predator within makes them a vicious enemy of the snake/viper family and partially immune to their venom. Due to their bold temperament, mongoose, who live mostly on open fields, are considered a threat to bird life as well. Fascinating to note that the larger types tend to be more lone than the dwarves who huddle together in order to take down their prey when necessary.
1. Shadow Side (Affliction): constantly active or extremely lazy, apathy, meloncholy, stubborn, self-centeredness, loss in early life, impatient, dismissive of romantic commitment or rather incompatibility in early marital life. 2. Auspicious Moon qualities: virtuous, intelligent, charitable, graceful, refined, charming, capable leaders, relentless, pure-hearted, well-liked, honest, resillient. 3. Recommended Career: military, boxing, any form of combat sports, activists, manager, hunters, government employed, social work, writing/novelists.
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~ One way to please them is through flattery.
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thegardenchronicles · 3 years
Nakshatra Appreciation (2/?)
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We now continue on to the next nakshatra. Derived from the sanskrit words धन (wealth) and तिष्ठति (reside), one other definition indicates Dhaniṣṭha as ‘The Most Benevolent’. The two divine symbols are the Damaru (drum of Lord Shiva) and the Bansuri (bamboo flute of Lord Krishna).
This lunar mansian is ruled by the Aṣṭa-Vasu, or the eight vasu, the attendant deities of Vishnu & Indra:
Apah - water;
Dhruva – ‘the poll star’;
Soma – ‘the moon’;
Dhava – ‘the stream’;
Anila – ‘the wind’;
Pavaka – ‘the fire’;
Pratyusha – dawn;
Prabhasa – ‘the light’.
All of them offer abundance and reputation on the worldly plane. Thus the shakti, kyapayitri, is to bestow immence fame and success; to gain through high association.
Located in both the Makara and Kumbh rashi (23°20' Capricorn - 06°40' Aquarius), while this makes it entirely Saturnian ruled, the last two padas are co-ruled by Rahu in modern teachings. The Vimshottari lord is Mars, which drills passion and ambition, vigour along with a fierce temper.
A true expression of Mars is seen here since the fiery planet finds it's exaltation (28 degrees) in Dhanishta. Here the polar opposite energies of Saturn and Mars also find harmony, if not distress occasionally.
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The symbolic yoni is the female lion, the alpha feminine of the family. A defender of her pride, female lions do most of the hunting, as such better equipped to protect and feed their young. Able to tackle down prey twice her size, the carnivorous mammal is known as a powerful beast of the jungle, one to be rightfully feared.
Belonging to the Chara natured group, this nakshatra is excellent for starting any new endeavour which involves change and movement; whether it be buying or riding a new vehicle, warfare, buying a new garden plot, dancing, career change or house relocation, "anywhere where a forward movement is choreographed to a regular beat."
The Gana is Rakshasa, belonging to demonic category. Being intuitive and strong willed yet prone to violence, the primary motive of Dhanishta particularly is Dharma, path to righteousness.
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The constellation is also called 'The Star of Symphony'. This strong association to dancing and music is notably one of the key prowess of this sign due to a primal intuitive sense of rhythmic movement. Represented by the Damaru as mentioned earlier gives insight as to why, the God Shiva is known for his Najrata dance and Tandava, which lead to ignite fear in his enemies and reverence among his followers.
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1. Auspicious Moon Qualites: they love to socialize. Wealthy, charitable, daring, controversial, diligent, fond of music and poetry, stubborn, several mates, delay in marriage yet highly protective of family culture, obstinate.
2. Recommended professions: anything to do with the central limelight or even elite class. Musician, dancer, stage performer, socialite. Doctor, nurse, herbologist. Philanthropy is also highly favourable. Salesperson, investor amd can even be highly skilled electrician.
3. Shadow side (afflicted): materialistic bent. Conflicts in marital union. They can be over resentful, greedy, stingy, and boastful. Prone to ruthlessness, selfish, inconsiderate, heartless, aloof, argumentative, and a vengeful nature can be seen.
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~ Often a heavy eater, Dhanishtas eat as an emotional stress release.
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thegardenchronicles · 3 years
Nakshatra Appreciation:- (1/?)
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Starting with the last nakshatra itself, 'The Wealthy One', रेवती. Symbolized by a pair of fish and a Naggada (indian drum played with two sticks), Revati is the final lunar mansian ruled by Pushan, one of the 12 Ādityas.
Located from 16°40 ' - 29°59 ' in Pisces, the Meena Rashi, making it ruled entirely by Jupiter. The Vimshottari lord is Mercury, giving it an affinity to creative intelligence.
Revati is the birth nakshatra of Saturn, while being the exaltation of Venus (specific 27°). It has kshiradyapani, the shakti to "nourish and protect", as Pushan is the keeper of the sacred cows of the Gods. Generally, native is bestowed with a deep love for animals and children. The yoni of this nakshatra is a female elephant, known to stay in groups led by a matriach to raise and feed their young. The bird associated is a kestrel, or more popularly, pigeon. Some scriptures even label the official bird of Revati as the Peacock!
Being one of the Mridu nakshatras, noted for their 'soft, mild or tender' nature, this constellation is excellent for learning music, dance, drama, even marriage and making new friends. (observed this for transit as well) Healing and revitalizing pleasures under this star are also highly recommended and fruitful.
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The Gana is Deva, 'God-like', therefore the Puruṣārtha is Moksha (Spiritual Liberation). Revered as 'The Shining Light', that which shows the Path to Others.
Modern scholars have cited Pushan's Greek equivalent to be none other than Pan. While the Vedic deity himself is worshipped as a "good" god, Pan was depicted as more beastly and had a lustful behaviour. Interesting enough, he possessed enormous strength and strong penchant for music combined with Revati's desire is to be 'Lord of the Animals.'
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A rather dark observation but Revati can be found or embodied in the form of an anarachist, the Joker as prime example. Nihilism can be a dark trait the native can easily pick up on since at most they experience tragedy early on and betrayal, from which they develop a cynical attitude or either accept their thrust onto the path of spiritual awakening. The Pancha Bhuta is 'Aakash' (Ether), having the freedom to move.
1. Auspicious Moon qualities: independant, wealthy, ambitious, well-liked, interest towards religion and mysticism or ancient cultures, courageous, beautiful, magnetic, charming, good marriage karma, fortunate in foreign lands.
2. Recommended professions for natives: film actors, comedians, politicians, philanthropists, journalists, psychics, flight attendants.
3. Shadow side (affliction): low self-esteem, inferiority complex, a sensitive human sponge, hot temper, god-complex, co-dependancy, escapists, stubborn in accepting their flaws.
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~ *Revati individuals benefit by living near water
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thegardenchronicles · 3 years
out of all the people I've had a crush on, the ones I've liked the most are those who I've had moon-mars synastry with 😭😭
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thegardenchronicles · 3 years
9th house lord in the 7th house please!!! I’ve been waiting for you to do 9th house for so long! I’m so excited
9th Lord in 7th House
🌌 Financial luck and fortune from marriage, gains and profits after marriage unless Afflicted
🌌 Spouse could prove lucky and is likely a foreigner or someone you meet while travelling
🌌 Likey to travel a lot after marriage with spouse, due to career, due to social work
🌌 Spouse or business partners may teach you a lot, can be someone you look upto, you can worship your spouse or platonic partners
🌌 Luck and profits in business and career, gains in career after marriage
🌌 Higher education in law, communication, management, business, economics, aesthetic/design industry, fashion
🌌 Spouse may be someone you meet through friends, introduced by someone influential and in public eye, known through elder sibling
🌌 Luck in legal battles and court cases
🌌 Great sense of justice and self righteousness
🌌 If unafflicted shows a lucky life in second half of life especially
🌌 Can marry friends's sibling
🌌 Absolutely loyal and against infidelity of any kind
🌌 Religious and spiritual beliefs can be influenced by Spouse or business partners
🌌 Can spread their wisdom and teachings to a big audience, can be a teacher
🌌 Foreign education
🌌 Morals and ethics may impact business and negotiations
🌌 Self righteousness can affect partnerships
🌌 Can be a Spiritual or religious preacher or a life guide helping others through life with advice and teachings
🌌 Spouse may live in a foreign land and be of same culture
🌌 Looks for soulmate or spiritual connection with spouse
🌌 Father may be famous, is a teacher, interacts with many people, could bring you your spouse, may be your business partner
🌌 Constantly improving yourself in relationships unless malefics are associated
🌌 Spouse provides happiness and prosperity if unafflicted
🌌 Spouse is ethical and moral
🌌 You are a knowledge seeker, loves travelling, is self righteous, enjoys learning and history, open minded and spiritual
🌌 Relationship with religion and spirituality may be affected after marriage
🌌 Spouse can make you more pious
🌌 Great placement for people in public eye
🌌 Father may live away
🌌 You prove lucky for your partner
Depending on the planet results will vary.
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thegardenchronicles · 3 years
question: how many actors/musicians/artists have y'all seen who have 10th house placements? i know it's a common observation people mention but tbh i haven't seen many people in the creative industries with these placements....
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