#warframe neff anyo
aqg-arts · 1 year
I always like to play a game of 'who does this character remind you of' by myself at 12.30 pm on a Sunday night @ 69 Avenue, Joe Mamma's Street, so why not on here? Ima give y'all 5 characters from Warframe and then who they remind me of. But before you see my answers, write down your own in the comments or what not.
Sounds fun?
Good. Gooooodddd.
Ok, 5 characters, letsa go!
1. Teshin
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2. Umbra
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3. Lotus/Natah/Margulis or however the fuck you spell her name
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4. Nef Anyo
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5. Daddy- I mean Hunhow
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Ok, AQG stupidity below :3
1. Daveed Giggs.
Ha, you thought I would make a Joe Mamma's joke, but no, itsa me, AQG BEING A FUCKIN GENUINE SMART ASS WOOOOOOO
Anyway, Tehsin would slay in Hamilton, don't @ me.
2. Brittany Spears
Tortured artist.
3. Bell, but she has Stockholm Syndrome
Need I say more?
4. Mr Orange president
Loves money, extremely manipulative; capitalism.
5. Mr Bill Nye, the science guy!
Treasure to humanity (to me at least), good father to Natah and Erra + Shadow Stalker has a good and healthy relationship with him.
Stay tuned for the next edition of:
jk, it's actually an acronym called:
(Who does this character remind you of?).
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