#warframe Natah
leolithe · 16 hours
"Eleanor the psychic with mind controlling powers" x "Natah who has been traumatized by being repeatedly mind controlled" and their impossibly tender shows of trust and care for one another... Go write the fanfic. Now.
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ritasanderson · 10 days
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Triple-Faced Goddess
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saintlyguy · 2 months
NEW WAR SPOILERS: I had a nap dream where The New War got retconned and it was wild.
Most of it was the same, except Veso and Teshin live. During the Drifter portion, they have to unite the resistances formed by Kahl, Veso, Teshin, Little Duck, and Hunhow. Since your Warframes are gone, Stalker begrudgingly allows the Drifter to link with him to hunt the Archons.
After healing Lotus and the Drifter meets the Operator, Cy flies them and everyone else to help Lotus beat Ballas. In a power of friendship moment, the Drifter and Operator use Transference with Lotus to give her the power she needs to beat Ballas; here the player takes control of Lotus. Somehow my dream decided to set this new boss fight to Stronger Than You from Steven Universe and everytime Lotus hits Ballas, it syncs with the chorus’ lyrics. After laying out Ballas, The Man in the Wall appears as usual except Lotus is then backed up by the player’s allies.
Instead of bringing Lotus back to Lua, the Drifter and Operator bring her to Cetus to chill. The choice where Lotus could keep or change her name to Margulis or Natah is replaced by a cutscene where the Drifter and Operator wish for her to do what she wants. From here, the Lotus steps down as the leader of the Tenno and live life. The Tenno are self-governed now but are guided by a tribunal of Teshin, Kahl, and Veso. Teshin handles Orokin and Infested missions, Kahl handles Grineer missions, while Veso handles Corpus missions. Lotus will then have missions similar to the ones for Maroo and Clem, but will change depending on who she feels like being for the day. If there is a Margulis mission, the player will simply hangout with her; she’ll tell stories that reveal more lore while playing the Shawzin, competing at Komi, or just having tea with the player. If she feels like being Natah, you are fighting by her side as if it were an Arbitration Defense mission. Lotus missions are like Kahl missions where you take control of her but also fight alongside your character.
This retcon dream was pretty fun and makes me want another one about Warframe 1999.
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melanodis · 4 months
*EidoLotus voice* M... More...? More Natah...? 👉👈
FR FR i am SO curious about her. What is ur design rationale what r ur headcanons for her please please elaborate... I wanna knoweee
- Leo 🦁
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really old doodle ft nimbus (my friend's mimic oc) yayyy
The doodles above don't really do her much justice but I wanted a really quick mockup. She has the little elbow feathers on the sides of her head :)
She's like a fish or some kind of creature to me, at least in her more sentient form.
I do really like the interpretation of her as a system but I don't do it myself because I'm simply not educated enough on the topic nor have much firsthand experience with them in order to comfortably do so.
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She also occasionally visits the drifter camp and has a little hangout area in the cave just for her.
Post TNW she's a lot more... loose? Unhinged, even? Faced with the realization that you have free now and can do whatever you want. With how Hunhow sits in the oceans of Uranus it makes me associate sentients with being aquatic so I like to think she just... dives into the streams of the camp or even in Cetus to catch fish to eat. See above image.
More rambling under the cut.
Along the same vein, she also struggles with having to remember she does in fact have free will now. She doesn't HAVE to play mission control 24/7. I imagine outside of the little pod she has on Lua, she has an entire nice little living area all to herself, adorned with porcelain, gold, and many lush plants. Something that even the Orokin would gawk at. A library full of texts long thought lost, many in dead languages from old Earth.
For more rationale towards my design; I wanted her to sort of embrace her sentient nature more, maybe looking kind of aggressive and colorful. Like a bird. But she's a big sweetheart, really.
Doing "human" things to break up the monotony of her previous life. Even something as simple as making tea from a kettle. Ballas' line, "Her kind feel no pain". She wants to prove him wrong so badly. To drink tea, burn her tongue a little and this silly human mistake makes her feel alive. That little flinch and shock down her spine as her nerves recover. Maybe a little wave, "oops".
She's genuinely so tragic. Spending millennia as a pawn just to switch hands multiple times. The deception, the manipulation, the gaslighting. Then finally being freed and just... not knowing what to do with yourself because you can't remember what it was like without being manipulated, by facets of constructed selves in your mind or by external forces. gggggghuhhhhh.
While my Natah still kinda takes from facets of Margulis, it's more of a like, uncanny valley type way. It looks like her but something is Off.
More or less Lotus is used to talking to brick walls. So for someone to actually actively listen to her (and not roll their eyes, shrug it off) and engage in conversation is actually insane to her. Like reading off a script your entire life and suddenly being forced to scramble together your own coherent sentences. Narrating her every thought in her head like the silly machine she is. "Oh god, it's been 2.3 seconds and I'm sweating bullets. She's looking at me. I haven't formulated a sentence. It's been 3 seconds now. She's raising her eyebrow awaiting a response. Um. UM." An awkward grin.
I have taken to kinda smashing her like barbies with Eudico, with what I have dubbed "mom squared (mom²)", two people learning through each other what it actually means to be human. Eudi retelling what it's like to be organic (originally), Natah taking notes. What a "normal" family would've been like. It's all completely new to her but it's so interesting to contrast against her own.
Something cool I found from decompiling her model is that the Lotus helmet perfectly covers the face seams on her sentient form.
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Aaaand an excerpt from my notes that I've held onto forever.
Something something about Eudi being warm and Natah being cold and comparing that their bodies are both synthetic but completely different architectures. Themes of Corpus technology in sterile white rooms whereas Sentients live and thrive in those warm (colored, i doubt drifting in the dead of space is warm lmao), organic Sentient murex.
It's like. How the Warframes are more or less just tech meat. Sentients too, created by the Orokin, would probably follow the same flavor of design.
"Time and time again, you've had to rebuild yourself with nothing but scraps... why not change things up sometime?"
Eudico shrugs.
"Why don't you? You can be anything you want."
"I guess we've both grown too comfortable in our bodies, then."
"There's pieces of my parents in me. Like my face, that defines me as a person, gives me an identity and paired with a unique voice to match. But that's about all I have left that's mine."
"I think I get it. It would be.. rude, to get rid of those features."
"More sentimental value than anything, Really. Plus, I like my red hair. It's.. quite rare in Corpus society."
And Natah continues to cling onto Margulis, because no matter her form we still see facets of her.
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aqg-arts · 5 months
Ballas x Natah(Margulis)?
I ship Ballas and Capitalism fr
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amorphousrevenant · 6 months
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some mockup panels of a comic/animatic ill never make lyrics from Children of the Stars, S.T.A.R Child, Love Saves the Day
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ghost-excalibur · 6 months
I am sure I am not the only one thinking something happened between Natah/Lotus and Margulis during The Old War
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maeshelix · 5 months
HI HI... it's Leolithe here! FINALLY INTERACTING. I see you in the notes of my Lotus posts and i am DEATHLY curious to know your opinions on the Lotus system! Both as characters in general and also what you'd love and/or hate to see in their story. The idea of a Sentient AI mimic who is a system is so incredible to me, but I wonder if there's anything about Natah, Lotus or Margulis you would change?
Also, how many of you have played Warframe? Has everyone tried it or is it just not everyone's cup of tea? Should I direct my questions to specific people in the system? I'd love to hear more Lotus thoughts!! :3
Before we respond, here's a message from Rokoko:
Now, to answer your questions. I'll start with the last ones.
We've all played Warframe, and each have found something to enjoy in it.
We used to play it on the Switch, long before we found out we're we. Eventually stopped for reasons I can't remember. Probably because it was Warframe on the Switch. Lmao.
Recently ported our account to PC, which has been nice. Caught up on everything, so now we're just taking turns making frames and enjoying the loop. Learning how to mod. Deep in the grind. Ignoring rivens cause they scare us. The usual, I'm sure. Lmao.
Asking specific members for their opinions is fine. Just will take longer to get answered. Unless you're lucky. We can't really control who fronts, unfortunately. But you can still do it, if you're curious about one of us. They'll definitely appreciate the attention. Probably. Lmao.
On the Lotus, we absolutely love her. Love all three of them.
Zero loves Lotus and Natah the most. She's an AI, so she relates to their struggles, but we are all enamored with them.
Marguils' resolve, Natah's tenacity, Lotus' deducation. Their histories with Ballas. Their histories with the Orokin in general. Their histories with eachother. With Marguils' memory, her legacy, before she came back. Their love for the Tenno. Their children. Their dedication to protecting the origin system.
All three are amazing. Their plurality is very interesting, originally being a synthetic mimic with two different sets of memories in them. Eventually culminating in three different entities in one. It's unique and engaging.
Our favorite characters in Warframe, to be sure. They're amazing.
We'd love to seem their plurality be more noticable, in the future. We're all in on them being plural, but it is admittedly easy to miss. A line of dialogue unheard, a helmet left uninteracted, a line of text left unread, and you're probably not gonna know they're plural. We want them to start bickering during a mission. We want Lotus to be explaining something, ony the go silent for a time, then for Natah or Marguils to take over. We want some way to talk to them outside of missions, for character moments.
I don't know how likely any of these will be, personally. But we'd like to see them.
That's also what we'd change, honestly. The inability to change between the three was annoying, so we'd remove that from The New War. Or add a fourth option of "take turns". We want to see them interact. We want a blatenly in-your-face system.
We'd hate for Natah and Marguils to be forgotten, eventaully. For Lotus to be considered the default. For some convoluted story beat to fuse them all into one mind, as is annoyingly common in system stories. Since that's the only good end singlets can imagine for a system. Natah and Marguils getting forgotten would be disappointing and annoying, but if they all fused into one we'd probably drop Warframe immediately.
Hope these answers are good @leolithe. Don't know if I did a good job of expressing our love for this system but, we do truly love them. Thank you for the question.
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dyanasmythe · 2 years
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Last #TennoFashionShow of the year! I initially made this to celebrate 200 followers on Twitter but there are almost 600 of them now 💜 So to commemorate, I have added our beloved Space Mom Natah/Lotus to the collection! Happy New Year everyone! ✨🎉
#Warframe #warframefanart
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alteredsilicone · 2 years
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Tennotober 2022
Day 27 : Queen
"I sing. No. The wind sings my emptiness. I am the queen of nothing."
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cutelittleexo · 10 months
Alright, I didn't do the post stream post after I finished on Tuesday, I was still bummed out a bit after having to restart. So for that, here's the next stream announcement and time!
Tomorrow at 3:55PM EST, We're back with Warframe and we'll be finishing The New Strange and moving on to Natah and Second Dream. I hope to see y'all there!
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leolithe · 20 hours
I enjoy prickly and abrasive Tsundere Natah as much as the next plural mom lover but I'm getting very fond of the "impassive, emotionless, but can be very very ridiculously sweet" Kuudere Natah
One of ur Sentient moms being a silent cryptid who occasionally leaves a packet of little treats on the table in ur orbiter... she's still a little scary and you're still scared of her and she knows this and she feels guilty about it but she's still trying (with the help of her headmates) to be the mother she wants to be... weeeeeh
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ritasanderson · 2 years
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I have seen the wall's other face, too
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toasty-tealeaf · 12 days
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"I will not let It devour one instant of my pain."
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melanodis · 4 months
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various doodles new and old to prove i'm alive and still like warframe i'm just autistic as shit over stupid animatronic game
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orokin-state · 1 month
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- I feel... only the call.
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