dunmeshistash · 4 months
Where is the stuff about Dandan from? I also remember seeing something about the marriage hunter former member, but haven't been able to find it again, so I'm wondering if there are (more) extra chapters somewhere.
From here that's the only extra about his old party that I know of.
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utakanalight · 5 years
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i. bri heart – photograph // ii. within temptation — let us burn // iii. storm large – where is my mind // iv. t.a.t.u. – all the things she said // v. jess moskaluke – if i die young // vi. t.a.t.u. — all about us // vii. bri heart – hello // viii. valerie warntz — born to die
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cxmetery-gates · 4 years
SUMMARY: Lynn and Gabriel have a heart-to-heart talk about her last lover, with Gabe offering barely-legal suggestions. WORD COUNT: 2.45k NOTES: Gabe is probably my favorite character WARNINGS: dark!tom hiddleston, teacher!tom hiddleston, mentions of past relationships, break-up talk, h*tler reference?? never thought i’d write that
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THE SOUND OF A BELL alerts the classroom that the period is over. Everyone had been already packed and ready to go minutes before Mr. Hiddleston even began wrapping up his lesson. Even when I suffered through chemistry or dragged my deflated soul through finance, I never thought of putting my notes and pens away so soon. I know more than one student saw the icy glare I sent across the room but, most importantly and unfortunately, I also know nearly all of them didn't catch the slight disappointment in Mr. Hiddleston's tone.
I truly despise most people.
From the moment class started, it's been so unmistakably clear how much he loves what he teaches, that he enjoys what he spent thousands of dollars on just to show people how great literature is. I understand that all too well— save the going into debt part. Teachers are often times so mundane with their knowledge, not realizing how the way they present the information affects our understanding and interest in such. This is why high school teachers are stereotyped as people who just want a paid summer vacation. However, Mr. Hiddleston really put effort into his theatrics, like his lecture was a play. People with a teaching degree should teach in this way— why else go penniless willingly? The overall excitement was entertaining. And for that, I have to give the man some credit.
"Alright, guys. We'll be diving into the second part of this lecture tomorrow. Have a good one, you are dismissed." I don't think Mr. Hiddleston needed to announce the last blip of his closing statement. As I said, people are so rude.
Ellie begins to shove her notepad and other items into her bag after our teacher finishes speaking, reminding me of my kind company. I, on the other hand, am scrambling to take the last bit of notes, trying to relay any possible concepts mentioned on to paper. While there might not have been much depth in today's class, jotting down every last tidbit of information could be life or death. Or perhaps I'm just anal-retentive when it comes to note-taking. By the time I finish the note, Ellie is already standing.
"Girl, hurry up. We gotta go!" She drags out the last vowel of the last word humorously.
I wave my hand at her, flipping pages and dodging paper cuts. "Go on without me. I'll be fine," I say, remembering that Ellie's homeroom is on the first floor and the farthest down the hall.
Rolling her big brown eyes, she sighs, walking backward. "I'll miss you poppet. I love you." Her fake British accent is terrible, but I don't bother enlightening her. Perhaps the slight discoloration in her cheeks and how fast she dashed out of the room was due to finding Mr. Hiddleston in ear-shot of her terrible accent. I bite my lip, forcing myself to look away out of sheer second-hand embarrassment.
Once all my belongings are together, I turn to leave.
"That truly was an awful mockery," Mr. Hiddleston says in my direction from the whiteboard. His long toned arms wipe the marker away as I begin to walk past him.
I chuckle. "I'll let her know you said that."
Mr. Hiddleston fakes a groan, placing the eraser on the marker tray then turning to face me with those oh-so-charming eyes. There's no other way to describe them other than mesmerizing. "Oh, don't tell her I said it. I like being liked."
"Being 'liked' is the least of your worries with these girls," I mumble, mostly to humor myself. However, I must have been louder than anticipated. The innuendo is heard and doesn't fly over his head.
A titter of a laugh is heard from the man, and I now regret the words I mumbled. "So I have been told," he replies, making a slightly uncomfortable face. I can't blame him; anyone would feel incredibly awkward if teaching a class full of people who would sell both kidneys just to see them without a shirt.
Not in my dreams would I have imagined having a conversation with Mr. Hiddleston about how everyone wants to nail him. While such a phrase hasn't been explicitly noted, I have a feeling both our minds are in the same gutter. And with that recognition, an awkward heat embraces me. I press my lips together tightly and offer a shrug. "I think the proper thing for me to say is good luck."
Seeming to take my word, Mr. Hiddleston passes me a smile. I can't read what the meaning is, but I'll take it nonetheless with a cough to clear my throat. "Ah, well, as much as I love juicy gossip and scandals, I've got a stuck up prune for homeroom, so I definitely need to get going." I send him a wave, making my exit as awkward as possible.
"Warntz?" He asks.
My nose wrinkles at the name. It eve sounds terrible, almost as terrifying as Trunchbull or Umbridge. "You betcha."
"Good luck, Lynn. You've got two minutes."
I want to give another sassy remark, but the teasing look I find when I look over my shoulder sends my body into another blush. Muttering something close to 'whatever,' I decide that leaving is for the best, even if that means awaiting an angry, shriveled up raisin.
Exiting the high school front doors a few hours before the final bell is like the biggest sigh of relief and 'sucks to be you' to everyone else. An arm wraps around my shoulder, one I embrace kindly.
"So, we've got an hour on our hands," Gabriel reminds me, hinting we'll have to come back to grab Ellie and River. As he speaks, I toss my head back on his toned bicep. I swear he works out too much for an unpopular loser. "What would you like to do?"
I groan, dragging my chin down to my chest. "Why do I have to decide? You know I hate making decisions."
"We're taking second lunch here, Lynn. It isn't life or death, you weirdo," Gabe chortles.
"Can we just go get a coffee? I feel like I'm about to pass out." For effect, I pretend to faint, nearly going complete limp before his arms can hoist me back up.
Rolling his dark eyes, my partner in crime pulls a set of keys from his pocket, swinging the lanyard around his fingers while we head towards a tattered white truck being held together by zip ties, duct tape, and love. "You and Elle with your coffee addiction."
"Could be meth," I retort.
Snorting, Gabe slips a key into the slit on the driver's side. I stand on the opposite, sending a humored smile. "Yeah, as if that's any worse."
We make it to the local coffee shop in no time. Luckily for us, the lunch rush hour in this town ends just as we hit the road if we avoid the main highways that is. Gabe's truck and the coffee shop have a similar aesthetic: crowded, old, falling apart with an overwhelming sense of home and personality. I can't count how many times I've broken down and received well off advice from him in both locations. It feels safe here and being around him. Gabe's like the much older brother (by a month) that I never had. We're both complete, utter assholes to each other about 60% of the time, enforcing the sibling-like bond we have.
"Thank you," I say sweetly to the barista as he places my cold brew in front of me and Gabe's hot chocolate in front of him. Mimicking my gratitude, Gabe gives his thanks as the employee shuffled away, awkwardly patting at his frizzy hair.
We both take a sip and visibly relax. "So, the first day of our last year of high school." Gabe is also the mom friend. "Tell me, dear, how were all your classes?"
"Oh, dearest mother, I feel so content with my choices," I reply with a vintage accent, acting as though my voiced popped in from the 1920s. "How ever will I pick a favorite?"
Wiggling his brows, Gabe replies, "I hear someone landed themselves in the hottest teacher's class."
Prompting to return to my normal voice, I roll my eyes, a huff expelling from my diaphragm. "He's definitely a piece of eye candy, I'll tell you that."
"Took four years to figure that one out? I didn't realize unobservant you are." Taking a pause, Gabe brings to smirk widely. "Maybe that's why you haven't asked River out yet."
My eyes grow wide, my skin goes red. Looking at anywhere other than Gabe's eyes and smirking lips is a must. "I don't know—"
"Lynn, everyone knows."
"Sure, but he doesn't." I pause. "Wait, does he?"
"Dude, no, of course, he doesn't. He still thinks you're heartbroken over Trinity."
Ah, yes, Trinity. Who knew a happy year and two months could be wholly demolished beyond reconciliation in a single weekend? Certain not I, as I have spent the past three months moving on and over the ordeal. An annoyed grunt leads my cheek to rest in my fist. "He thinks I'm not over it?"
Gabe leans forwards. "None of us do, Lynn."
I stay silent.
"What happened... you didn't deserve that. Hell, Hitler wouldn't have deserved that. Probably."
"Point is, I know you're still trying to find a way to heal. You've done a damn good job, duh. But River thinks you're still in love with her."
"Ugh. I'd rather eat hairy horse shit than see her ever again."
Gabriel nods, "I was hoping that would be the case."
Knocking my knuckles on the wooden table, I let out an exaggerated sigh. "Man, I'm tired."
"You know we're all here for you, right?" Gabe asks, leaning in just a few inches. I want to roll my eyes, tell him that he worries too much, but I can't. I can't tell him, not because I want him to shut up or to change the topic, but because he knows me. To Gabe, I'm an open book.
I run out of words to say relating to the topic. The breakup is old news, everything following the incident becoming irrelevant memories and irreplaceable time. I'm kidding myself when I say I've moved on entirely because Gabriel is right: I haven't. Sometimes my thoughts get stuck on what I could have done better or what I should have done to convince her to stay. Despite these annoying blips, I know deep down that it was inevitable, that her consistent cheating and the emotional manipulation would only surface for everyone to see in due time. If they hadn't— which I tried to keep from happening— I have a gut-wrenching feeling I'd still be in the situation. I had a feeling Trinity and me wouldn't last, but it wasn't until after things ended did I realize how well she had me wrapped around her finger. It's taken months to find my way out of her web, but I now face the scary journey of recovery. Thankfully, the process has not been as hard as I anticipated. After all, living two cities away certainly helps.
"Yeah, I know. I'm still going through the motions. I just want it to speed up, you know?"
Smirking and pulling his hand back, Gabriel replies, "Maybe a Tinder will help?"
My nose wrinkles at the mere consideration. Hooking up, dating apps, meeting strangers behind a phone— not really my thing. "Nah, I'll pass on that offer, thanks."
"Suit yourself."
"Hmm, maybe I'll look into a sugar daddy site. Money from older men might make me feel a bit better."
Gabriel takes a sip of his hot chocolate, grinning. "Well, you have an interesting way with teachers. If you're struggling in a particular class, maybe that little fantasy of yours will come true."
"Oh yes, I can't wait to hop on Mr. Riley's seventy-year-old dick."
"Mhmm, yummy."
At this, I bark into a laughing-while-painfully-cringing fit. Never being a fan of the phrase "yummy" and having it tied to a man that's so old he's basically decaying, I find every part of this new conversation revoltingly hilarious. I guess my sudden outburst of laughter caught Gabe off guard, staring at me with a shocked grin and fixing the infamous beanie he wears. I couldn't count how many times I've seen him without; you can't count to zero.
"It really wasn't that funny," he says with a small hiccup of laughter in his voice.
I settle myself now that I feel the eyes of everyone in the coffee shop staring. "You're right, but something about it made me crack." I flip my phone over to check the time. "Should we be getting back? They've got twenty minutes left."
Gabe nods and lets out a content sigh. "Yeah, I guess so."
We decide to chug the rest of our beverages quickly— now room temperature and not as satisfying— before heading back out into the world. Away in the parking lot, the truck seems to beckon us to its forty-year-old, duct-tape-bound seats. As Gabe unlocks the truck doors, I let out a content sign and stare up at the sky. Above, the sun beams down on us and, like an idiot, I managed to look directly into it. It takes a moment for my eyes to adjust but by that point, a dark cloud rolled over the blinding, distant star.
☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
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justanotherindie · 5 years
Valerie Warntz – Ca$h [Indie Pop, Synthwave] Британская исполнительница-сонграйтер Valerie Warntz увлекается музыкой с ранних лет, играет на гитаре, пианино, в составе оркестра неоднократно выступала в Европе и с 2015 года, вдохновляясь творчеством Фёрги и Lana Del Rey начала писать собственные песни.
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findteenpenpals · 7 years
Hi everyone! :)
I’m Valerie Warntz, singer-songwriter. I’ve been really into music since very early childhood so this is my true passion. I hope to meet here songwriters too cause it’s really nice to meet creative people :)
Of course, I have my favorite Artists. Lana Del Rey has been my biggest inspiration since 2013, she is the best for me💙 I also love Taylor Swift, Lady Gaga, Madonna and Billie Eilish. I listen to different music though.
Except this, I am really fond of romantic & friendship stories (no matter books/music/movies) like Harry Potter, SKAM, The Bachelor etc. Also I love learning languages. I know three at the moment: Russian, English and a little Japanese. I’d love to learn Norwegian and French someday.
Let’s be friends!👋🏻
valerintz@ gmail.com
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findpenpalsover20 · 7 years
Hi everyone! :) I'm Valerie Warntz, singer-songwriter. I've been really into music since very early childhood so this is my true passion. I hope to meet here songwriters too cause it's really nice to meet creative people :) Of course, I have my favorite Artists. Lana Del Rey has been my biggest inspiration since 2013, she is the best for me💙 I also love Taylor Swift, Lady Gaga, Madonna and Billie Eilish. I listen to different music though. Except this, I am really fond of romantic & friendship stories (no matter books/music/movies) like Harry Potter, SKAM, The Bachelor etc. Also I love learning languages. I know three at the moment: Russian, English and a little Japanese. I'd love to learn Norwegian and French someday. Let's be friends!👋🏻 instagram: @warntz twitter: @valerintz
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exfiberoptics50 · 6 years
Valerie Warntz - I Don't Love You Anymore (Traducida al Español)
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shawnmsoles · 7 years
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Valerie Warntz Singer • Songwriter https://www.valeriewarntz.com https://twitter.com/ValerieWarntz https://facebook.com/warntz https://instagram.com/warntz #shawnmsoles
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dinowells · 7 years
Check out my song Be My Baby🔥 Available for free download! https://t.co/R11eM9wTw3
— Valerie Warntz (@ValerieWarntz) September 3, 2017
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kien91-blog1 · 7 years
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valeriewarntz-blog · 7 years
I wish I could participate in the #Eurovision with my song.💙
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utakanalight · 5 years
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i. lorde – everybody wants to rule the world // ii. marina – immortal // iii. valerie warntz – the power of love // iv. jessica crosbie – viva la vida // v. gwyneth paltrow – turning tables // vi. tori kelly – hallelujah // vii. samatha harvey – i will always love you // viii. billbilly01 – believer
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justanotherindie · 4 years
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Valerie Warntz – Emotions & Sentiments [Indie Pop] Британская исполнительница-сонграйтер Valerie Warntz, вдохновленная песнями Фёрги и Lana Del Rey, большая любительница экспериментов с разными жанрами на минувших выходных выпустила новый мини-альбом "Emotions & Sentiments" с пятью новыми песнями, и проходить мимо этого релиза нашей бывшей соотечественницы точно не стоит.
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justanotherindie · 5 years
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Valerie Warntz – Mixed Feelings [Synthwave, Pop] Наша бывшая соотечественница, ныне перспективная британская исполнительница-сонграйтер Valerie Warntz продолжает жанровые эксперименты и на этой неделе порадовала новым синглом "Mixed Feelings" в котором сделала акцент на synthwave саунде и отсылках к неоновой поп-музыке 80-х и довольно сильно отличающимся от ее свежего, преимущественно рокового альбома "Revelation". Звонкий девичий вокал в окружении синтезаторных пассажей и электронных битов звучит очень приятно, а ее воздушная легкость делает песню отличным саундтреком для пятничного вечера.
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justanotherindie · 5 years
Valerie Warntz – We Will Never Be Together [Indie Electro] Британская исполнительница-сонграйтер Valerie Warntz, которая, как оказалось - родилась и выросла в России, продолжает готовить слушателей к выходу своего полноформатного альбома «Revelation» и сегодня, 27 сентября представила новый сингл "We Will Never Be Together".
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shawnmsoles · 7 years
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Valerie Warntz #Singer #Songwriter & Bentley Records Artist
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