#warrior cats rewritten
Let's talk about Conflict Names.
If you've scrolled the Warriors Wiki, you've probably seen this message at least once.
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And in a universe FULL of name combinations and new prefixes and suffixes being added all the time, it's... Odd. How do names like Robinwing and Seedpelt get used so many times? Why are there 2 Nightstar's now? WHY ARE THERE 3 BIRCHSTARS AND 3 DARKSTARS?
Well, I think it would be nice to change that. In-Universe, all apprentices still go to the Moonstone/Moonpool to foster a connection with Starclan. Starclan will show the leader who goes with them all the name "slots" of the cats who have come before.
Sometimes, in an extremely rare circumstance, there have been multiple cats with the same name (this is more... easter egg for wcr/comedic effect; but lore-wise, Starclan will often not provide the names of Dark Forest cats in an attempt to "erase" them), but it can never be a leader. There cannot be 2 Firestar's, ever. A Star cannot lead if it is being outshone by another.
Where the fun lies, is that sometimes, a leader will give up their leader name in Starclan, freeing up that slot. Heatherstar gave up hers to go back to being Heatherstep, as she did not enjoy being leader. Heatherstar would now be a valid name again. Also, the ancient 2 word names (Sky Petal, Cloud Spots, Blue Whisker, Briar Bloom) do not take up slots. Post-mortem names, such as Swiftpaw being named Swiftclaw, or Mapleshade's kits, also do not take up slots.
During Tigerheart's Light, Starclan ran into a bit of a pickle. Tigerheart was going to become Leader, but there has been a Tigerstar in history who did not give up his name when he went to the Dark Forest. But... His spirit had faded away! But... The memory of him hasn't...
When they asked Tigerheart "Do you wish to be Tigerstar?" What Tigerheart WANTED to say was:
"Sure. It sounds like a good name. Though I have some bad memories with it too, and my relationship with my mother is really strained now because of it, I'm also not sure of the Clans will like having another Tigerstar around. Maybe it's not such a good idea."
All he managed to get out was "Sure. It sounds like a good name-" before Starclan slapped the title onto him without a second thought.
With that MAJOR issue out of the way, let's get to the renaming of cats! Note: Renames are not done on basis of who came first, but which one I like better for the cat. I think Frecklewish fits the Thunderclan cat more than the Skyclan one.
Note: This post is not complete and was only posted due to the Tumblr app being trash. I will repeatedly reblog this with more names added. Thank you.
Rabbitleap (TC) is now named Rabbitsong
Beechfur (TC) is now named Beechtuft.
Seedpelt (Mapleshade's Vengeance) has now been somewhat fused with Seedpelt (Pinestar's Choice). Now a molly whose fur is streaked gray with age, and her name is Seedwhisker.
Seedpelt (Pinestar's Choice) has been partially fused, as seen above, but the leftover cat (ew) has been named Dragonflypelt.
Seedpelt (FQ) is THE Seedpelt. Seedpaw is almost named Seedpelt as well (that's that little joke I mentioned, but also a sign that Bramblestar's got NO idea what he's doing)
Owlstar (SoTC) and Owlstar (CoTC) have been fused, the way they should have been.
Cloudberry (TC) is now Splashberry.
Applefur (TF) is now named Applefang.
Ashfur (ShC) is now given the very simple Honor Title Ashclaw by Nightstar, and comes out of retirement.
Marshscar now becomes Marshstar to avoid a future Conflict Name with Marshkit, who will become Marshscar.
Mudclaw (ShC) is now named Mudstep.
Buster, who used to be Rippletail, is now named... Well he still becomes Buster, but BEFORE that he's named Droptail. Pun.
Hollystar has been renamed Birdstar, Jagged Peak and Rainswept Flower's daughter.
Shadepelt (AVoS) is now named Shadenose, and is the sister of Foxnose and an OC, Bumblenose.
Mintfur (RC) is now Mintwhisker, named after Mintclaw (Silverpaw TPB) a Rebel who was killed fighting against Tigerclan alongside his mothers Waterfern and Tangleburr.
Silverpaw (BOTC) is now in Windclan, as they need more padding, and OOTS Riverclan has enough apprentices. Their name is now Streampaw, and they become Streamsong. They are the offspring of Rustlewish, who adopted them from Riverclan, hence the name.
Applefrost and Appleshine actually had their names swapped. Appleshine is now the daughter of Appledusk and Reedshine. Applefrost is now Breezpelt and Heathertail's daughter.
Nightstar (RC) now never becomes leader, as Riverstar outlives her during Riverstar's Life towards the end. She and Nightheart (Ro) are now the same cat. She was inspired by a strange cat named Nightheart and made her name Night Heart.
Milkfur (YS) is now named Milkpatch, both after her mother and the slowly growing white patches in her fur. Her brother is named Troutfin (the name she was mistakenly given in the preview for Yellowfang's Secret) and he gave Hailstar a life!
Thrushpelt (WC) is now not only a girl, but this lady WAS named Thrushpelt and earned the title Thrushleaf for her handling of the epidemic caused by sick rabbits.
Gorsetail (TNP) is now named Eveningtail.
Wrenflight (WC) does start out as Wrenflight, but after her actions supporting The Rebels against Tigerstar, helping Tangleburr and Waterfern free prisoners at risk of her own life, Tallstar renamed her Wrensky, freeing up the Wrenflight slot for the Skyclan one.
Birchstar (WC) is now Warblerstar, she is an ancestor to Onestar through his grandfather, Woollytail.
Frecklewish (SkC) is now named Freckleshine.
Birchstar (SkC) is still Birchstar, but stepped down at his death, going back to being just Birch, the same one in DOTC. The second leader of Skyclan. Birchstar (RC) is now the definitive Birchstar.
Rainfur (SkC) is now Rainyfur, his old name having been Rainy, because "oh it's just a coincidence his name was exactly the same as a Clan name" is a pathetic cop-out.
Unknown Clan
Robinwing (SkC) is now Robintail, after her short, fluffy tail.
Emberdawn (TBC) is still Emberdawn... Because no one remembers her, and Starclan doesn't care much about names that aren't attached to it, meaning that TECHNICALLY, there could be another Houndleap, Emberdawn is not in the Dark Forest, but she is also not in Starclan. Her horror story will be revealed eventually, still working on the finer details.
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nankinkira · 1 year
Gatos Guerreiros Rescrito, parte 2 🇧🇷.
Hoje é a Vingança da Sombra de Bordo, A promessa de Estrela Torta e O segredo de Presa Amarela. Ok, por onde começar? Certo, mais gatos vão para a Floresta das Trevas, dessa vez a lista é bem grande. Os gatos dessa vez são Crepúsculo de Maçã, Estrela de Carvalho, Desejo Sarapintado, Flor de Chuva e Listra de Largato, e a seguir os motivos.
Crepúsculo de Ma��ã: primeiramente, ele traiu o Clã do Rio quando descidiou ter Sombra de Bordo como companheira, depois ele traiu a mesma com Brilho Violeta, além de ser um covarde ao não assumir seu erro e nem mesmo amparou a gata. Ele é desleal, covarde e insensível.
Estrela de Carvalho: é bem simples, ele baniu filhotes do Clã do Trovão, sendo que o código dos guerreiros diz claramente que nenhum filhote deve ser negligenciado. Ele claramente fez isso porque o pai dos filhotes era Crepúsculo de Maçã, o "assassino" do seu filho.
Desejo Sarapintado: ok, isso envolve um pouco da minha rescrita. Ela assistiu os filhotes se afogarem e não fez nada, mas isso é por estar com medo do que Estrela de Carvalho faria se descobrisse que ela ajudou uma traidora. Mas agora ela se arrepende amargamente. Ele não é má, só fez bosta.
Flor de Chuva e Listra de Largato: é óbvio né? Ambas são mães horríveis e negligentes. Elas são cruéis.
Coloquei Desejo Sarapintado na Floresta das Trevas pq eu queria um pouco de injustiça na história. Sombra de Bordo continua na Floresta das Trevas, pois nada justifica seus assassinatos. Isso é tudo por agora, vejo vcs mais tarde.
Warriors Cats Rewritten, part 2 🇺🇲.
Today is Mapleshade's Revenge, Crookedstar's Promise, and Yellowfang's Secret. Okay, where to start? Okay, more cats go to the Dark Forest, this time the list is quite long. The cats this time are Appledusk, Oakstar, Frecklewish, Rainflower and Lizardstripe, and here are the reasons why.
Appledusk: first, he betrayed RiverClan when he decided to take Mapleshade as a mate, then he betrayed her with Redshine, in addition to being a coward for not admitting his mistake and not even supporting the she-cat. He is disloyal, cowardly and insensitive.
Oakstar: it's quite simple, he banished kits from ThunderClan, and the warrior code clearly states that no kits is to be neglected. He clearly did this because the offspring's father was Appledusk, the "murderer" of his son.
Frecklewish: ok, this involves a bit of my rewriting. She watched the kits drown and did nothing, but that's because she was afraid of what Oakstar would do if she found out she helped a traitor. But now she bitterly regrets it. She's not a villain, he just messed up.
Rainflower and Lizardstripe: it's obvious right? Both are horrible and neglectful mothers. They are cruel.
I put Frecklewish in Dark Forest because I wanted a bit of injustice in the story. Manpleshade remains in the Dark Forest, as nothing justifies his murders. That's all for now, see you later.
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heathfall · 11 months
what if... whitewing was a member of the three/four, not dovewing.
after all, she fits the "kin of [Firestar's] kin" better than dovewing, being the daughter of Firestar's nephew.
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fledermoved-too · 2 years
@wolfpackmuses​ asked:
“I don’t want to pretend I didn’t see it, because I did.” 
From Crookedjaw to Scourge!
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He winced, eyeing over the tom with disdain and bafflement. The mere fact in the admission that the trespasser had indeed seen the claw marks, smelled the border markers, and despite it all come here anyway... He had some gall.
A white paw extended, claws unsheathing emphatically as he spoke,
“Then why are you here?? How did you even manage to dodge my guards? They’re supposed to be posted, like, everywhere...?? ROONE! You did set the- You set the guards today, didn’t you?!”
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“No, boss,” An old cat rasped, pausing her half-hearted grooming to respond, “That was Trixie’s job today.”
“Trixie!” Scourge exclaimed. “Trixie is the most bug-brained, twist-whiskered, dull-headed -”
Roone rolled her eyes, not particularly threatened by the tom’s rant, “We can discuss Trixie lat-”
“We can discuss Trixie later!” Scourge snapped, as if it had been his statement all along. He leaned in close, nose-to-nose with Crookedjaw. “Who are you.”
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mochaxswirl · 10 months
time to rewrite bluestar’s prophecy (will post it on wattpad, quotev, and maybe tumblr depending on how long everything turns out to be)
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a-rewritten-clan · 1 year
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Here’s some doodles I made during church of our main characters! The POVS will be mostly Bristlespots with either ridgepaw and either Adderbark or stripepaw as our other two :) I’ll make them digitally soon, just when my art block decides to stop holding me hostage
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New chapter out!!
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lionpoxx · 2 years
i REALLY wanna read wc rewritten by fatalblow but i cant find time or im usually just not in the reading mood
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fernwhisker · 2 years
I don't really care if this even gets that much attention,,, I just want a place where I can keep all of my warrior cats ideas and things aside from the 20+ page google doc of incomplete notes I've been writing for like a week
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faeiri-tft · 11 months
PLEASE do the toontown online rant i want it so badly
this post kinda got away from me, and by "got away from me" i mean this 3000 word toontown rant is Part One. there will be a Part Two to this later in which i actually talk about the fanservers i wanted to talk about. anyway let's go
toontown online (tto) was a children's mostly-turn-based subscription MMO released in 2003. after a few years of obviously being on life support, disney gave a one-month notice that tto (and several other games) would be closing on september 19th, 2013. on the same day the game closed, the fan-run server toontown rewritten (ttr) was announced (with multiple other fanservers/fangames/reimaginings being established since), and is a few months away from outliving the original game
see, one thing about tto that allowed fanservers to crop up so quickly and easily was that it had, um, interesting choices. very interesting choices. like, "kids could use a code injector to turn their backyards into giant mashed-together nightmarescapes"-level choices
(loose video description: a rabbit toon running around a chaotic mismash of rooms, obstacles, and npcs that Should Not Be There. audio caption: Evanescence's "Bring Me To Life".)
but ok let's talk about the actual game first.
toontown online (tto)
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the game starts with you creating your player character - you can pick from eventually-9 species, a couple body types, and 2 dozen preset colors. the gender code is a spaghetti nightmare but you won't learn this until the fanservers come about so don't worry about it. you're then taken to the Toontorial, which explains maybe 20% of the game's mechanics before setting you loose into the main game
the toontorial also gives you the basic "plot", such as it is: Toontown is suddenly* under attack by a bunch of boring businessrobots called the Cogs. their goal is to turn toontown into a dreary gray featureless corporate hell; their business activities are so boring that they're physically painful to be around. luckily, they can't take a joke, so the toons have figured out how to defeat them: by playing pranks on them until they laugh so hard they Explode
*originally, the game installer had a little animation giving a backstory for the Cogs' creation. this was never referenced in game, removed pretty quickly, and i think even the devs kinda forgot it existed
that's...pretty much the whole story! in that context, your toon progresses through all of toontown, helping some mostly-pretty-interchangeable shopkeepers, reclaiming buildings from the cogs, eating ice cream, etc. occasionally, the cogs would Come Up With New Tricks (read: major content update) and the toons would Find A Way To Fight Back (read: same major content update). that was the closest thing to Plot, unless you count "the devs scheduled a bunch of invasions of high-tier cogs right before the game's closure". but...i doubt most the kids really expected a Plot. mickey mouse was there
the gameplay:
the Free Account
there were two...pretty different approaches to playing toontown online. when the game launched, there was a 3-day free trial to the entire game, after which you got kicked entirely until you subscribed. at some point, this was changed so that the first area, Toontown Central (TTC), was Always Free - you could do all of that area's quests/"taskline" and limited activities, indefinitely, and in theory this would make you beg your parents for the rest of the game
i have no idea if this actually got more subscriptions or not. from what i can tell it just spawned more warrior cats
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there were. a Lot of warrior cats. there were some other social activities, too, such as Fashion Shows (with your limited range of clothes) and Begging Subscribed Players To Summon Cog Buildings To TTC and Getting Chat Banned. ...however, as one of the subscription kids i didn't really interact with this side of the game, so i'm not the best person to talk about it
2. the Paid Account
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mmm look at those crisp clear graphics. hell yes
a subscription account gave you access to this whole map, along with all these areas' tasklines. to progress through the game, you must complete a variety of "ToonTasks" for the Toon Resistance (it's called that. their catchphrase is "Toons of the World, Unite!". you were giving disney money for this). these reward you by increasing your max health (your "Laff Points"), slowly unlocking more combat options, and sending you to different, higher-difficulty areas of toontown
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some of these tasks were...longer than others. generally, though, they all boiled down to: "just go fight some cogs"
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toontown battles are turn-based: the players use their attacks ("gags") first, and then any surviving cogs attack you with, usually, office equipment and puns thereof (unless the cog is e.g. a Loan Shark, in which case they can just fucking bite you). if you defeat a cog, it explodes; if the cog defeats you, you "go sad" and are sent back to the safety of the playground, lose your gag inventory, and can't leave until you heal.
early on, most your battles are 1v1, but later on almost everything is a multiplayer 4-ish-v-4.
an...interesting feature here in the game's early days was that you could only Type Your Own Words to someone who shared their "friend code" with you IRL. otherwise, you had to use this thing:
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you had a set list of phrases you could string together, which generally covered most the things you wanted to say. but it could get frustrating when you wanted to have a real conversation with your toontown friends! so...as the source above mentions, people obviously found ways around the system. turns out that if you let players move objects around their houses, they will use that to Draw Letters and pass their friend code along regardless
eventually - before the warrior cats, of course - disney presumably realized this system was pretty goofy (🥁) , so the game got a real chat, albeit one that functioned on a very strict whitelist. my favorite is that it didn't let you type numbers, however you could just say won too tree for hive etc. like. disney i really don't know what to tell you. anyway
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(isn't he charming)
cogs come in levels 1-12, with levels displayed above their heads, and as you'd expect their damage output and HP increase with their level. however, the game doesn't...actually show you cog HP? instead they have a little colored light on their chest that fades from green to red until they explode. you see numbers on all the damage you do, and you see your own HP/laff, but never the cogs'. also lategame cogs are Too Tall For You To See Their Level once they line up for battle (which isn't actually that bad but it's funny). there's a formula for HP per level, but it's never mentioned in-game. i guess someone can teach it to you but then you have to watch them type "a level tin cog has won tree too health" and is that really worth it
(as you can tell i just…don't get this. "my kid is practicing arithmetic with toontown!" - marketing angle expressly denied by god. the stealth edutainment was right there)
anyway! in theory, you have seven base combat options ("gag tracks"), which combine in a variety of ways:
toon-up, which restores your teammates' health;
trap, which does guaranteed high damage but only if someone uses lure;
lure, which stuns the cogs for a few turns and is the only way to make trap work
sound, which does low damage to every cog;
throw, which does medium-high-ish damage to one cog; multiple throws combined give percentage combo damage, and hitting a lured cog will also add percentage "knockback damage";
squirt, which is exactly like throw but less damage;
and drop, which does high damage but cannot hit lured cogs, and has low accuracy unless you hit the cog with something else first
each gag track has 6 levels, which you unlock by using that gag track a bunch. you can't carry as many of the high levels with you - i mean, putting one piano in your backpack makes perfect sense, but two is just silly, right
a few years into the game's lifespan, level 7s were added - these were huge AOE that you could regain with every 500 track EXP. there was also something called "organic gags" to promote the please-log-in-every-day gardening system
every player starts with throw and squirt, and throughout the game you slowly unlock four more gag tracks. your choices are permanent: once you have your six tracks, you're locked out of the seventh forever.
in theory, all of this opens up a huge variety of combat options!
in practice, the battle strategy looks something like this:
use sound
as mentioned, almost all of lategame will be 4v4 battles, which means sound will almost always outdamage everything on earth. you don't even need four foghorns (the highest normal sound gag) to break 200 AOE damage, and the highest health a cog EVER has is 200*. and two of the boss battles can reward you with gag restocks and heals that you can use mid-battle with no consequences (other than having to grind for those rewards a bunch). and failing THAT, you can just...ration your foghorns and take 2 turns to clear a set of cogs, interspersed with healing.
(*okay there was something called "v2.0 cogs" but they were...strange, and we just used sound anyway)
sure, once level 7s were added you could use those occasionally. and you could fall back on lure+throw if you didn't want to use your sound restocks. but even then, for most of tto's existence there was something called the "knockback bug" which. well. just look at it
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(link for transcript. it's tvtropes sorry)
if you are a target-audience eight-year-old this translates to "lure + throw will only do enough damage if the cogs Feel like it." like it's really just insult to injury at this point. this was the result of One misplaced variable and was not fixed until the game closed
in the tto era, if you didn't have sound, you were kinda doomed to be kicked out of every fight forever
(bonus fun fact: there were Four entire battle themes and they were 40-second midi loops. let me out)
the bosses:
each of the four cog departments has a Boss Cog. to face off against them, you have to assemble a cog disguise and collect enough merits/stock options/whatever to be allowed into the boss's office.
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(pictured: your convincing disguise)
when you enter, your disguise pops off due to Reasons, and you have to fight through...a bunch of waves of normal cogs. it's basically a really long normal battle. once the minions are dealt with, you have to, inexplicably, do a live-action battle against the boss themself:
(loose video description: four toons defeating the CFO by using magnet cranes to hit him in the face with safes for 32 seconds.)
the live-action rounds aren't supposed to go this quickly, but it's still...kinda strange? certain reoccurring game areas require Parkour, but there are no battles like this outside of the Four bosses. the CFO's room is the only place you see these cranes and they have A Lot Going On. the other 3 bosses have their own unique weird mechanics. before the first boss was added we neither had nor needed the ability to Jump. it's just weird
once you've defeated the boss, you're given a reward of varying usefulness (the best/most unbalanced reward type is Unites, which are a free heal or gag restock you can do inside or outside of battle. essentially lategame toons can simply choose not to die. riv2u etc.)
and, um. then you get some more merits/stock options/whatever and do it again. and again. and again. and again. and agai
the grind:
so the thing is that tto was a subscription mmo. every addition to the game had to be measured, above all, in terms of "how can we best get kids to beg their parents to give us money." this especially shows in the suit grind:
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you have to defeat each boss 78 times in order to get all their laff points - and as you proceed, you have to defeat an increasing amount of cogs to even be allowed into the boss (although once you max you get in for free).
by far the easiest way is to run through the designated HQ facilities - basically, cog fights interspersed with some platforming or minigames. you only collect your merits/whatever at the Very End of the facility. the only way to increase what a facility gives you is if your last battle ends during an "invasion" - a timed period where One Specific Cog replaces all street cogs, usually summoned with boss rewards.
the sellbot HQ grind isn't so bad. bossbot HQ - the endest-game HQ - frequently requires you to do an hour-long facility and on six separate occasions you have to do seven of them. if the invasion ends before your final battle, you have to sit around until someone summons another. if you lose your internet connection because it's 2008, or if your parents make you come to dinner, or if hacking or the game's general bugginess cause a server reset because you're probably in the busiest district for the invasion bonus, you have spent that Entire Hour On Nothing. the CEO (bossbot cog boss) probably also takes an hour because you and your fellow players are 10
this shit, combined with laff points locked behind gardening (time-gated), racing and golfing (multiplayer minigames with absurd requirements), and fishing (RNG-based with some fish being absurdly rare. i watched my mom fish for one every day for a month), meant that maxing a toon took Years, if you managed it ever.
it wasn't, um. it wasn't good
ok so what else is wrong with this game:
i had "aged out of the game" (lol) by the early '10s, so i'm not the best person to do a writeup of the hacking/scripting situation of those days. that said, what i'm going to do is give you a few examples, and i want you to just...look at them
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(source). early '10s youtube was funny i'm trying to decide if i miss it
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(source). fun thing to note here is that other players had collision, so a swarm of t-posing toons could just barricade the gag shop if they wanted to
(video description: toon who has Replaced His Head Model With An Anime Logo throwing thousands of jellybeans at everyone) (cw mild flashing just in case? and also the feather headband accessory)
i should note that the Bring Me To Life vid i started with was client-side, meaning only the player could see their technicolor hellscape. this guy's face was server-side. i do Not Think you should be able to do that
(video description: a player demonstrating use of a bot to get into the nutty river district, followed by other players using it to go to different game areas)
the above video was posted on august 17th, 2013. if you don't want to watch an Unregistered Hypercam 3 recording at about 5 frames per second, what's going on here is:
the player goes to a specific location and says a specific speedchat phrase.
a bot toon teleports to their location and provides some prompts on how to use it
the player tells the bot, via speedchat, to teleport to the (currently closed from the outside) busiest district so the player can follow
these "taxi toons" were server-sided, persisted across server resets, were made by a future fanserver dev, had younger kids referring to them as a "glitch" as if this were something that could Accidentally Happen, and stayed functional until the game closed
like...a lot of the "hacking" was just baby's first script download. this one - afaict also created by the laughing man head guy - is like...the fact that after years of no substantial game updates, someone effectively programmed their own "QOL feature" (note: not actually good for the poor mid-00s server being turned into a clown car) into a silly disney MMO and it just fucking sat there for a year is just. it's just.
i don't know what this is. this is not Playing The Game Toontown Online. this is nothing. this is everything. there are comments from 2013 on some of these videos saying stuff like "hackers killed toontown", but your game cannot have this happen if it is not already dying
and, like...it was. i'm not sure how many moderators there were by this point, but at the very end of tto, the number of active devs was One. the original devteam recently brought this up at the 20th anniversary celebration: devs just...slowly started getting pulled from the game, one at a time. there were a few updates after bossbot HQ - Field Offices, which i've basically never heard anything good about in their tto form ever; the Silly Meter, a yearly event...thing whose main function was to add unskippable dancing-inanimate-object cutscenes to your street battles; Parties, which...yknow parties were okay actually. i accept parties. but they weren't exactly a Major Game Update like the ones that had come before. in 2011 we gained the ability to Wear Hats. in 2012 the test server got some actual QOL updates that never made it to the main game; the final test server update was some maintenance in february, and then nothing for 18 months. disney was not providing enough resources to address the scripting because disney was not providing enough resources to address toontown. imagine being the last dev standing on an MMO that was older than some of its players, was losing its business model to mobile gaming, and spent most of its life falling apart at the seams. just imagine it, for a second
it couldn't have kept going, not like this.
on august 20, 2013, the closing announcement came: we had a month left of toontown online. the test server shut immediately; subscription refunds went out, and the game became actually F2P for the month; the part of the announcement that went like "we're shifting our focus to other games!" made a bunch of twelve-year-olds hate club penguin as if club penguin wouldn't also close in a few years; all the holiday events went off at once; and...
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there wasn't a "thanks for playing!" popup. everyone online just got kicked, all at once. it was finally over
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hey wait.
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So, with the rewrite of TBC, the Rebellion is a much more serious thing, and with it comes Spotfur. The leader of the Rebellion, daughter of Cherryfall and Stormcloud.
There is a high chance that Spotfur will be given an Honor Title by Tigerstar. Normally, this is a huge no-no. Only your Clan leader can Honor or Dishonor Title you.
"But it's not an official part of the Warrior Code, and Starclan gave me a name I hate instead of letting me pick what I wanted so they can kick rocks." Is what I believe Tigerstar would be saying. He was forced to be Tigerstar by the apathetic Starclan who only wanted a new cat to lead, uncaring about the damage his name has done on his mental health.
The likelihood is that he would give Spotfur a name "fitting for a cat with a beautiful fighting spirit, one that could command even Silverpelt if she so pleased, and was able to rally an army within The Clans as bountiful as the spots on her coat.".
If this goes through and she doesn't turn it down, Tigerstar would name her:
This would change the title of Spotfur's Rebellion into Silverspots' Rebellion, as well as come with a very heroic meaning. Many cats names have hidden meanings, some are more simple but Silverspots would be:
Silver (Could command Silverpelt) + Spots (Army of many)
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alexanderlightweight · 6 months
I miss writing. I miss malec
I plot in my head every night but it’s not the same.
I miss writing about how Magnus and Alec tease and find and appreciate and murder for each other and how much they love each other.
I miss Team Immortal and how Magnus and Cat and Ragnor and magical rituals and the spiral labyrinth politics and the finer elements of magical and warlock culture and
I miss diving into world building with magical botony and zoology and thread magic to pocket dimensions. How magic isn’t equal and there’s different levels and wild nature magic. The way that while the spiral labyrinth has changed and evolved, that it still holds to the very oldest of rituals. Everything carefully and continually read by each new Elder and the acolytes of the library learn by trade. Because knowledge isn’t kept in books alone. There are singing histories and spells kept alive by enchanted pieces and the memories of those devoted to learning. Carving and thread work and rituals in tapestry or furniture.
(Because elder isn’t a title based on just age but also elder knowledge. Warlocks who especially dedicate themselves to either singular or a plethora of fields and excel at creation and learning become elders. The very best researchers and scholars of the wealth of knowledge and magical prowess. Being an elder isn’t just a perk it’s a dedication and an oath to the protection and betterment of their people. Active oaths to keep them from stagnating in the decades of immortality and aging.
If you truly start slacking or losing your way, the magic prods you. Eventually you are forced to make a choice, forsake your roll as an Elder and retract and be released from your vows. Or uphold them. )
Metalworking and leather working and the labyrinth contains it all.
I love expanding on the shadowworld and the different ways magic is used by each race and how they all separately interact with the outskirts of the mundane world.
Of figuring out how a warrior society would work and the different styles of life that could have evolved.
And how much sheer adoration and platonic love is between the three of them. And the trust.
Because even when Ragnor is ignoring Magnus (a petty fight that turned into a research binge that turned into a few more years of silence than intended while Ragnor experimented in a pocket library) Magnus is still going to show up and make sure he’s fed and hydrated because the pettiness never outweighs the care.
(Cat has spells on all their vitals and vise versa. But she sent Magnus over with an excuse around year theee when she figured Ragnor had just lost track of time. Magnus doesn’t even remember that Ragnor was being petty and Ragnor doesn’t remember the argument at all).
I miss Alec figuring out what he enjoys and that he’s allowed to enjoy.
Honestly I got a little off track but I’ve been wanting to write malec and post for so long.
I miss the interactions and comments and looking forward to new Wednesday prompts. I miss writing Wednesdays so much and I’m looking forward to starting them up again when I’m healed :/
This took about an hour to write the first time but half got deleted and had to be rewritten when Nightshade started barking outside (it’s past the neighborhood noise curfew and I had to run to grab him so we stayed polite).
Nightshade likes to go outside and ‘guard’ the house for a bit every night before his door gets locked shut for bed, but since bed is subjective to my insomnia and not his sleep schedule he sometimes goes to ‘guard’ rather late. He huffily settled in his crate, perturbed I wouldn’t let him ‘protect’ the House.
Honestly I’m just happy I can write on my phone without a ton of pain anymore.
💜 lumine
The House made a rule (without me lol I was outvoted) that every time anyone buys anything they have to consider if it’s for public House use and if it is, how likely I am to injure myself with it. Or how likely is it to randomly break and hurt me.
It’s very sweet but I hate that it says something that they all agreed. It’s also hilarious because I’m the one who does all the yard work (I’ve had to delay fertilizing for a month and had to stop PT for 3.5 weeks while it healed enough for me to go) so I have axes, clippers, trimmers I use frequently.
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nankinkira · 1 year
Warrior Cats rewritten, part 1 🇺🇲.
Here's the thing, Warrior Cats Rewritten. Originally it was supposed to be little things that I wanted to be different on the Canon of the books, but it kind of over time became one giant AU. It is also set in the same universe as the Family of Fire Destiny.
Starting with Dawn of the Clans. Most of the arc continues as normal, however, One eye, Starflower and Skystar are all sent to the Dark forest. That's because their attitudes throughout the entire arc are horrible, and I can't believe that in Canon Starflower and Skystar ended the arc as a happy couple. Not after everything they've done.
Starflower would also make a great villain. There aren't few she-cat villainous in the books other than ManpleShade.
Gatos Guerreiros Rescrito, Parte 1 🇧🇷.
É o seguinte, Gatos Guerreiros rescrito. Originalmente era para supostamente ser pequenas coisas que gostaria que fossem diferentes no Canon dos livros, mas meio que com o tempo, se tornou uma AU gigante. Também se passa no mesmo universo que o Destino da Família do Fogo.
Começando com o Dawn of the Clans (ou Despertar dos Clãs em português). A maior parte do arco continua a mesma coisa, porém, Caolho, Flor Estrela e Estrela do Céu vão para a Floresta das Trevas. Isso porque suas atitudes no arco inteiro são horríveis, e também porque não posso acreditar que Flor Estrela e Estrela do Céu terminaram como um casal feliz no Canon. Não depois de tudo que eles fizeram.
Flor Estrela também poderia ser uma grande vilã. Não tem muitas gatas vilãs nos livros além da Sombra de Bordo.
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officialclangen · 2 years
March Update!
March update is available on itch.io! Check out the changelog below:
Skin color now affects the inside of cats' ears.
New nylon collars - plus indigo and white variants of all color types.
You can now delete saved clans on the Switch Clan Screen.
New camp background: Grotto
New fading effect. Previously, cats became more transparent as they got closer to fading. This has been replaced with a three-stage "unraveling" effect.
Added many new kittypet and loner names.
Grief system has been expanded to give more unique death reactions based on the trait and mate status of the living cat.
New backstories!
"Bee sting", "headache", and "severe headache" are now potential injuries. "Persistent headaches" have been added as a permanent condition.
Lost cats can now return to the clan via moon events!
Lost cats can now die randomly, rather than just from old age.
New background for the Unknown Residence Screen.
Kittypets, loners, and rogues have a chance to appear in the "Cats outside the Clan" tab. These cats have a chance to join the clan during patrols.
Returning to the main menu or closing the game will now cause a pop-up window to appear, which will ask if you want to save your clan before proceeding.
Lots of new patrol art!
Added a setting to control the display of gore in patrol art. Gore is turned off by default.
New patrols!
Added a handful of new mediator moon events.
If there are no warriors that have trained apprentices in the clan, a random warrior will be selected to be deputy. A special event text will be displayed for this situation.
New scar system for patrols on Classic Mode.
Previously, a bug was preventing patrol outcomes that rely on traits or skills. This bug has been fixed. This doubles the amount of accessible patrol outcomes!
Allow more variety in tortie base colors, including ginger-on-ginger torties.
Many new ceremonies, including special ceremonies for dead mentors and parents.
The code for moon events has been rewritten to allow for more flexibility and utility.
The limit on mediating has been reworked. Each mediator may mediate once per moon, rather than a global "one mediate per moon" limit. However, a single pair of cats can only be mediated between once per moon.
Murder events are now affected by relationship values.
Moon events regarding other clans now trigger based on your relation with the other clan.
A variety of game-chances have been moved game_config.json, in the resources folder. This will allow players to more easily edit chances, if they desire.
Star is no longer a possible prefix for clanborn cats.
When a kittypet that has a multi-word name joins the clan, there is a chance for them to pick only one word from their previous name to use as their prefix.
Cats who cannot work are no longer eligible mentors for new apprentices.
Male tortie chance has been significantly lowered - they now occur at a similar rate to shinies in pokemon games.
Affairs now work!
Mediate will now correctly affect trust, romantic like, and platonic like.
Mediators and mediator apprentices will no longer retire due to permanent conditions.
Clicking on a cat on the family page will now take you to that cat's family page, allowing for easier scanning through family lines. You can still access their profile by shift-clicking.
Reduced age at which cats fade to 202 moons.
Chance to develop "Lasting Grief" has been reduced.
And many other bugfixes!
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tiredsmashbros · 1 month
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ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ W E L C O M E ! ! 🍔🍟🥤
🌿 howdy! my name is tomm + tsb. i use both he/him and they/them pronouns. i'm queer, demiboy + pan + aroace spectrum, and i am an adult, twenty-one ; jan. 10.
🪵 i'm a comic, furry, and multi-fandom artist. i specialize in digital art primarily, minor wood handcrafts, bracelets, or play on my silly harmonica. currently senior year in college.
🌻 i struggle with dyslexia, i apologize in advance for any minor grammar errors! i'm a bit slow responding to responses + mentions so i'd appreciate some patience.
↳ i speak english + spanish ↳ mexican + el salvadorian + texan
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ C O M I C S ! ! 🍔🍟🥤
MARIO COMICS 🍄 ↳ DONE mario and luigi superstars ; sketch comic ↳ bowuigi rewritten -> DONE, NEED TO EDIT
SMG4 COMICS 🧢 ↳ DONE smg34: lip bite prologue {part one} ↳ DONE smg34: lip bite : chapter one {part two} ↳ smg34: lip bite : chapter two {part three} -> CURRENTLY WORKING ON
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ F A N D O M S ! ! 🍔🍟🥤
SHOWS / FILMS 📺; {bold = fixated atm} ↳ my little pony, south park, animaniacs, looney tunes, mickey mouse, ducktales, felix the cat, bluey, total drama island, grojband, danvs, regular show, gravity falls, ninjago, teenage mutant ninja turtles, moomin valley, how to train your dragon, dragon ball, centuarworld, one piece, naruto, fullmetal alchemist, jojo's bizarre adventures, hlvr:ai, khonjin house, eddsworld, helluva boss, hazbin hotel, lackadaisy, trolls, better call saul/breaking bad, smg4, meta runner, murder drones, fairy oddparents: a new wish, popee the performer, the great gatsby, holes, the sixth sense, kingsman, matilda, beetlejuice, deadpool and wolverine
VIDEO GAMES 🎮 ; {bold = fixated atm} ↳ minecraft, five night at freddy's, cuphead, super mario bros, sonic, undertale, bendy and the ink machine, poppy playtime, baldi's basic, garten of banban, cult of the lamb, friday night funkin, pizza tower, parappa, amanda the adventurer, choo choo charles, epic mickey, rabbits, spyro, rayman, duck season, billie bust up, genshin, wuthering waves, god of war: ragnarok, red dead redemption
NOVELS + COMICS / MANGA 📚 ;{ bold = fixated atm} ↳ scott pilgrim, warrior cats, garfield, charlie brown, ganbare nakamura-kun, heartstopper, goosebumps series, mashle, usagi yojimbo, promised neverland, beastars, show-ha shoten, gokurakugai, + above
MISC ; {bold = fixated atm} ↳ dawko, matpat, fuhnaff, coryxkenshin, dashiexp, isaacwhy, yeptheboys, sam and colby, cg5, peso pluma, welcome home, sherlock & co
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ T S B : S M G 4 A U ! ! 🍔🍟🥤
🍔 most may be familiar with me from my smg4 oc, TSB! a yellow, white, blue, burger-loving, cartoon individual with a propeller hat who's beloved for his silly personality. stick around and attempt to uncover the mysterious lore hidden within this animated maniac! if you want to know more, check out his tags, comics, and spotify playlist !!
↳ #tsb , #tsb askbox , #tsb theories , #tsari , #tsb memes ↳ official tsb reference sheet !!
↳ comic tsb: strange, unpredictable, dangerous! ↳ comic tsb: smg4, why don't you trust tsb with tari? ↳ comic tsb: outfit change w/ mr. puzzles! ↳ fanfic tsb: happy birthday, bluejay [2k] ↳ NEW !! comic tsb: painting tutorial!
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💛 thank you for stopping by, and hope you have a wonderful visit !!
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powerbottomblake · 2 years
ok I finished my rewatch here is the S1 recap brought to you by my brain juices having been put in a blender after that. I will tell you guys, rewatching S1 after watching S2 is so incredibly rewarding this show is just. really good!! it is!! now here are my various disorganized thoughts:
shannon's death scene is so much more hard-hitting on a rewatch. the way when she's being carried she asks for mary then reaches for her is so incredibly intimate she's surrounded by her sisters but she wants mary at her side and the ensuing goodbyes are very much heart-wrenching and there is NO way to read shannon/mary as not romantic especially since we later get hints from everyone that it was pretty much an open secret? everyone knew their relationship was special. props to the cast for delivering such an emotional scene that comes this early in the show (the tear falling from beatrice's face to land on shannon's as she kisses her forehead and says "I'll miss you, sister" is just. Cinéma. Filmé)
the way it is stressed time and again that resurrection is something the halo provides specifically for ava. there's also the way there's a direct parallel with areala bc they're both the only warrior nuns to have received the halo AGAINST their wills and I think you could say resurrection happened for areala too which is very interesting and very neat (the way these two bookend the cycle of warrior nun being fed into the church killing machine)
the way it is basically textual that vincent was the drunk driver that caused ava's accident and that is INSANE. they're both at the center of how the trajectory of their lives was fundamentally rewritten and they're both the cause that sets them on their path. vincent becomes her father figure and develops genuine affection for her and he fills a place in her life that has always been empty before and this really sets the scene for their S2 interactions.
on the topic of vincent there are so many scenes where he stands around in apparent deep meditation and comes afterwards with answers or a set course and those are literally the moments he gets his visions/messages from adriel and it happens right under our noses and we're none the wiser!! you only catch it on rewatch
ava's bisexuality is hinted at so early like literally the first person to hit on her and offer her a drink is a girl!! and then when she escapes the cat's cradle she says "I'm gonna make love to" pointed look at a girl "someone" like it was there right at the beginning
JC is the best person to have a first lay with! I am a person who subscribes to ship having to be each other's true loves not necessarily their first loves and JC was safe and harmless enough for ava to explore things that were denied her in her past life (sexuality, desire, infatuation) bc in the grand scheme of things JC does not matter. and ava subconsciously KNOWS this. ava is never 100% vulnerable or open with JC and not just bc of, you know, the supernatural things happening around and to her constantly but even the most basic information abt herself she withholds for a LONG time. JC is very interesting thematically bc he's what ava thinks freedom looks like and what she thinks she wants but absolutely not what she needs (which is basically what she explores all throughout S1). He's an uprooted vagrant person not beholden to anyone but his own whims but that means he never develops any significant bonds there's no purpose and no real belonging with him. Hell, he leaves his partners of 18 months for ava who he met a week ago. His entire character is based on leaving whereas ava wants, deep down, someone who will stay for and with her. all throughout.
the vincent monologue at the end of episode 1 hits different on a rewatch "prophets are hard to come by in these times" and he went and fashioned himself into one!! this whole things has been him trying to find a type of salvation that the church does not offer him!! especially since he's haunted by who he was in the past and when he joined the OCS he thought maybe this darkness is a demon that can be exorcised and confronted that it was in fact all him he wanted a miracle powerful enough to banish that very darkness. adriel probably sensed that vulnerability in him and came to him in visions using that to get him onboard
mary's whole s1 arc is basically that tough action guy whose wife gets killed and he goes on a rampage to find out who did it and why. she's a female john wick. which. again. I am puzzled by the fact that shannon and mary was apparently not written to read as romantic?? my dearest people you WROTE it that way. you tapped into the romance tropes.
lilith is somehow both an eldest daughter (derogatory) and a middle child (derogatory). and also a bitch and a delight and I love her so much
JC. repeatedly. and I say. REPEATEDLY. offers ava moments of vulnerability where he opens up abt himself and his life and ava offers NOTHING in return. ava is extremely guarded even as she wants him and only offers up her story when she has to and even then it's mostly to distract him from asking questions abt who the people after her are. and that's juxtaposed with how ava, after that very painful moment with mother superion and being offered comfort from beatrice, legitimately opens up to beatrice almost instantly there. Beatrice hugs her once and ava is like I spent 12 years not feeling anything below my chest I didn't kill myself I have a very complicated relationship with nuns and thus catholicism bc I wasn't treated well like the contrast there is mindblowing.
bringing me to my next point: ava instinctively: 1/knows beatrice is safe, 2/knows she is safe with beatrice, 3/ wants to trust beatrice SO BAD. and she wants intensely, for beatrice to believe her and (then in the back end of season once they're paired up) to believe in her
ava fleeing the OCS is done so well bc in 24hrs she gets put through mother superion's psychological warfare, then she hears abt the previous halobearer who I'm sure she was picturing as someone of a certain age then sees the picture and realizes shannon died young, then she goes visiting the murals of the cat's cradle and all the warrior nuns are pictured young and fighting demons, constantly, AND THEN she reads that part abt how areala died her second death YOUNG too. she gets hit with the reality of this fate, the danger of it, the certainty of a death that'll come sooner rather than later as she's appointed humanity's champion while having to fight horrors beyond a normal human's comprehension constantly. ofc my girl bailed. it's all done so very well everything that has to do with ava's arc is insanely well written
jillian calls beatrice "a petite member of the clergy" when she sees the footage of beatrice taking out an entire security team and that is SO FUCKING FUNNY. imagine calling beatrice petite to her face
on that topic beatrice's hallway fight gets projected to a room full of journalists and I am obsessed with that. did she go viral on the internet were there memes abt ninja nuns going feral
all throughout when something happens that pushes against the Norms and Rules beatrice will question it and it can come off as cold but really it's bc Beatrice strives on structure!! if she has to step outside the bounds of it, it better be righteous and worth it. like when she asks if vincent is intent on not giving the halo to lilith and keeping it within ava and he says yes her first reflex is but lilith is next in line. but the politics. this isn't to say beatrice was FOR killing ava like the moment she hears it could kill her she's NOT down to take it away from her but everytime the Order of Things is challenged Beatrice has to be walked through as to why. and if it's WORTH it. which oh boy the way this ties to her S2 arc makes me slightly insane bc ava comes barreling through that structure and beatrice says yes. she is worth upending my whole world for anyway-
Which is NOT to say that beatrice will take well to any kind of authority you actually have to earn her respect otherwise beatrice has. absolutely. zero chill. the tone she takes with duretti who's the fucking CARDINAL. from VATICAN. a pope HOPEFUL?? she is polite yes but curt and cold and very much flirting with impertinence like duretti tries to seduce her into his clique the way he did lilith and it fails astronomically and she basically tells him to go fuck himself?? to A CARDINAL?? DIRECT OVERSIGHT OVER THE OCS?? FROM THE VATICAN??? "you may always count on me to remain faithful. to God." and did you call him a power hungry whore too did you give him the finger beatrice???????
anyway I miss this show so fucking much
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