#warriors yt
Speedrunning 100 moons in ClanGen
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just a lil info dump of all the SpeedrunClan stuff in the video posted above.
SpeedrunClan - Moon 100
Leader: Pondstar (8/9) Deputy: Spottedember Medicine Cats: Honeyfade, Aphidtooth Warriors: Sapdapple, Mapleback, Mottledrump, Tornhawk, Conefern, Nightingalegaze, Squirrelnut, Hopestem, Skipnight, Buzzardhusk Elders: Primfoot, Burger
information on the cats copy-pasted below:
First off, our leader, Pondstar. Yep! She’s still alive, after everything, and she only lost ONE LIFE to a dog attack! She’s now 142 moons old, the oldest in the clan! Her traits are playful and learner of lore, but generally I think she’s become a rather bitter and masochistic cat, with a very snobby attitude towards the other clans, considering she has ordered the deaths of AntClan kits before and has been seen taunting the other clans. Her mate was Lavenderripple, the medicine cat, and they had 8 kits over the course of 3 litters: Duckkit, Oakclash, Wildsilk, Honeyfade, Stumpmoss, Timberminnow, Squirrelnut, and Bluestripe. She mentored 4 cats, her own kid Stumpmoss, Sunnysight, Carpclaw, and Nightinggalegaze. She appointed her mate’s ex’s affair partner, Rootshade, as deputy, which was either a power play or she didn’t care about the fact Prim and Root cheated on their partners.
Next is our deputy, Spottedember! Spottedember was born to Faith the loner alongside Frondspirit and Hatchfreckle. But their young 16 moon old mother was, presumably, murdered by Primfoot and Rootshade so that the couple could raise Spottedember and her siblings as their own. Her other adoptive siblings are Aphidtooth, Crocusfur, Rainbowkit, Swiftpaw, and also Timberminnow. Timberminnow considers Primfoot her mother, despite her having cheated on her father, Lavenderripple, so Timber classifies as Spottedember’s adoptive sister. Spottedember was born a tom, but came out as a she-cat during her apprenticeship. She was mentored by Carpclaw, and mentored Skipnight. Her current traits are childish, lore keeper, and good climber, and she was influenced by Carpclaw to defend her beliefs, socialize less, remember history, and she was honored for her determination. She graduated late at 14 moons at Moon 76, and is currently 38 moons old, and mates with Squirrelnut and Hopestem. The scar on her side is from a battle with a Rat King.
Honeyfade is our senior medicine cat! Honeyfade is from Pondstar and Lavenderripple’s first litter, so her littermates are Duckkit, Oakclash, Wildsilk, and Stumpmoss, and her younger siblings are Timberminnow, Squirrelnut, and Bluestripe. She is currently 87 moons old, and graduated late at 16 moons old on Moon 29. Her traits are ambitious and beloved kitsitter. She was mentored by her father, Lavenderripple, and, despite Lavender having a more stoic personality, became more social yet a big rule-follower who doesn’t want to break the status quo. She was honored for her bravery, and she mentored almost every following medicine cat after her: Guppykick, Bumbleslip, Aphidtooth, Almondblossom, Swiftpaw, and Olivefur. She was mates with Snailbeak, but he died and Honeyfade didn’t get into another relationship for a long time, despite many cats crushing on her, like Tornhawk. Eventually, she developed feelings for Sapdapple and became mates with her. Before that, strangely, she had a litter with a parent from another clan, consisting of Almondblossom, Shrubkit, and Chivekit. Seems being a medicine cat must run in the family! She’s very amicable, holding many strong friendships, and the only cat she ever hated is, apparently, Tricklestalk, with a strong passion, for some reason. Perhaps he wasn’t as good a mediator as we think… She also has chronic joint pain, a permanent condition.
Aphidtooth is our second surviving medicine cat. She was born to the loner Shining alongside her littermates Rainbowkit and Crocusfur, and was the first litter to be stolen by Primfoot and Rootshade. She was much closer to Rootshade than Primfoot. Her older adoptive sibling is Timberminnow through Primfoot, and her younger adoptive siblings are Spottedember, Frondspirit, Hatchfreckle, and Swiftpaw. Her traits are confident and eloquent speaker, and she is currently 45 moons, and graduated late at 17 moons on Moon 72. She was mentored by Honeyfade, who influenced her to avoid violence but be better at arguing. She was honored for her initiative. She mentored Beetlepaw, who died. The only cat she ever had a crush on was Sunnysight, and, it seems this isn’t an unpopular opinion, as a lot of cats seem to have crushes on Sunnysight, including Tornhawk and Conefern later.
Sapdapple is our senior warrior at 105 moons old. She has been a kit from the very, very start, and she and Pondstar are the only two founders still alive. Her traits are troublesome, unnatural senses, and good storyteller, and she was mentored by former deputy Ashskip, who influenced her to calm others down and follow the rules more, as well as notice little details. She became a warrior early at 11 moons on Moon 6 and was honored for her flexibility. She was previously mates with Strawspeckle and then Mottledrump before she was captured by Twolegs, and had a litter with Mottledrump consisting of Stagblur, Rindlefreckle, Bumbleslip, and Cedarpaw. She eventually returned to the clan, and would earn two scars, one before her capture and one after: a cheek scar from a fight and half her tail cut off from a falling tree. She mentored Tornhawk. Over all, she seems like she stuck to her troublemaking roots and has always been outgoing, yet oddly level-headed.
Mapleback was formerly a NimbleClan warrior, having abandoned her old clan over a transgression. She joined at 39 moons old and is now 96 moons old. Her traits are righteous and fast runner. She earned a scar on her neck from a snake bite she survived—I think that’s pretty hardcore of her. She mentored Hushfade, and influenced him to be more cold towards others, follow the rules, and be resilient. I imagine she was a pretty strict mentor. She was mates with Wildsilk before his death, but did not appear to have a close attachment to him as she didn’t have a strong reaction to his murder, nor the fact that he had kits with another cat while they were together. She went on to have a litter alone, consisting of Pansypaw, Beetlepaw, and Buzzardhusk. She isn’t overly close to Buzzardhusk, but seems to care for him, though he does appear to be her least favorite kit. Perhaps her more cold nature is why she left NimbleClan.
Mottledrump is from the litter I told you not to get attached to. Well, I lied! He’s a proud warrior, now 93 moons old. He’s the son of Fluff and Springclaw, and his littermates are Gardeniapaw and Auburnkit, and his younger siblings are Snailbeak, Tornhawk, Forestfur, Whiskerrapid, Conefern, Spikepelt, Thriftroach, and Boarsplash. He has the cold trait, which I think he gained from his littermates’ young deaths, but he’s also an incredible runner and a great teacher, which shows as he’s had 4 apprentices, including 2 of his younger siblings: Snailbeak, Conefern, Graymeadow, and Buzzardhusk. He was mentored by his mother, Springclaw, who influenced Mottledrump into making more impulsive decisions. Mottledrump was honored for his caution when he graduated at 13 moons old on Moon 20. He was mates with Strawspeckle and Sapdapple, but after Straw’s death and Sap going missing, he remained single for a long time, until he and Oakclash caught feelings and became mates, though Oakclash would die as well. Also important to note that Oakclash was also mates with Mottledrump’s sister, Tornhawk, at the same time. With Sapdapple, he had 4 kits: Stagblur, Rindlefreckle, Bumbleslip, and Cedarpaw. Curiously, when Sapdapple returned from being lost, she and Mottledrump did not get back together, despite them both being single at the time. It seemed their feelings had mutually faded.
And now it is time for Tornhawk! Oh gosh, Tornhawk, where do we even start? Tornhawk is from Fluff and Springclaw’s second litter, so her older siblings are Mottledrump, Gardeniapaw, and Auburnkit, her littermates are Snailbeak, Forestfur, and Whiskerrapid, and her younger siblings are Conefern, Spikepelt, Thriftroach, and Boarsplash. She is currently 83 moons old. Her traits are nervous, very clever, and good storyteller. Sapdapple was her mentor, who influenced her to step out of her comfort zone and make her own rules, which I think Tornhawk took a little too much to heart. Despite being honored for her forethought, I don’t think Tornhawk actually has much of it. She graduated at the usual 12 moons on Moon 29. The moon before that, Tornhawk suffered from frostbite in the cold, and it hit her ears and nose, destroying their nerves. She can still hear, but her ears are both sensitive and lack feeling, and she can’t smell properly. Through her time spent healing, she bonded with Guppykick the medicine cat apprentice, and they would become mates. Despite this, I can’t help but wonder if Tornhawk’s eyes were truly just for Guppykick, or if Tornhawk actually only got close to Guppykick to be closer to Honeyfade, Guppykick’s mentor. Because it seems like Tornhawk holds a lot more romantic and platonic love for Honeyfade than for Guppykick. I think Tornhawk developed a lot of admiration and respect for Honeyfade while she was treating Tornhawk, which over time would grow into something like an obsession. Her relationship with Guppykick seemed to thin off as she neglected giving attention to her mate, and, Tornhawk proceeded to get pregnant with another tom’s kits—Wildsilk. Not only was Tornhawk mates with Guppykick, but Wildsilk was also mates with Mapleback, yet neither of them seemed to actually hold any feelings for the other, seeing as Tornhawk doesn’t blink when Wildsilk is murdered. I think Guppykick breaks up with Tornhawk around this time, which Tornhawk seems to see as a chance to confess to Honeyfade, while she’s still pregnant. Honeyfade rejects her, and Tornhawk gives birth to 2 kits: Carpclaw and Hushfade (and it’s not lost on me that Honeyfade and Hushfade’s names are so similar… perhaps Tornhawk requested Hushfade’s suffix). In game, Tornhawk would confess and get rejected by Honeyfade again, but I think Tornhawk does this a lot, and Honeyfade always just tries to politely reject her. Meanwhile, because Tornhawk’s love life is a literal shit show, she becomes mates with Oakclash, but then she has another litter, this time being sired by a cat from outside the clans, instead of her mate again
. 3 kits: Fruitstripe, Fadedpaw (again, with the Fade-thing?), and Agavepaw. As of right now, Tornhawk is single and way too fucking ready to mingle. Her obsession with Honeyfade is reaching Ashfur-levels, you guys. Honeyfade also holds a small amount of dislike for Tornhawk, and very little like, and this is saying something because Honeyfade holds a lot of love for nearly all of her other clanmates. Aside from that, Tornhawk mentored Downseeker and Fadedpaw, and she influenced them to be more likely to bicker. I can see why. She also lost her tail to a fox. (I think she might be taking after her mother, Springclaw, who murdered Wildsilk for literally no reason…)
Moving on, Conefern is our next warrior. He is from Fluff and Springclaw’s fourth litter, meaning his older siblings are—here we go again—Gardeniapaw, Auburnkit, Mottledrump, Snailbeak, Tornhawk, Forestfur, Whiskerrapid, and his littermates are Spikepelt and Thriftroach, and Boarsplash is his younger brother. Conefern is a very simple and easy warrior, thank StarClan, after the absurdity that is Tornhawk. Conefern is 67 moons old currently, and his traits are troublesome, very clever, and good mediator. He was mentored by his older brother Mottledrump, who influenced him to be more likely to bend the rules, and use violence over words, yet also helped him become better at solving problems—okay, I guess if your problem is murdering kits and the answer is yes… But, he became a warrior at 12 moons old on Moon 45, and was honored for his wit. Keeping with apparent tradition, he mentored his younger brother, Boarsplash, after his previous mentor Thriftroach died. He was mates with Sunnysight before her death. I wonder if Conefern is perhaps infertile or similar, as Sunnysight had kits with Mistpelt, but there doesn’t seem to be any hard feelings, and Conefern calls the kits his own. It was a litter of 4, consisting of Mottlestripe (named after his big bro, perhaps?), Skipnight, Honeycomb, and Hopestem. He seems to be a good dad, having strong relationships with his kits.
Beloved Nightingalegaze is the child of Perchroar, with deceased littermates Fringewhisker, Graymeadow, Lowstep, and Downseeker, and younger half-sibling Oliverfur, whose father is Hushfade. Nightingalegaze views Hushfade as their own father too. Nightingalegaze is currently 42 moons old and grew up during a time when wars were rampant. They were mentored by Pondstar, so I imagine the pressure was really on for them to be just as violent and bloodlusty and strong as the rest of the clan. Their traits are adventurous, great climber, and valuable insight, and Pondstar influenced them to break rules that don’t suit them and to be resilient. They were honored for their fearlessness and graduated late at 15 moons on Moon 73—I imagine because Pondstar held high expectations for them. If not for the fact that they haven’t had an apprentice yet, I almost wonder if Pondstar would have made them deputy instead of Spottedember considering their traits about good insight. They were born a tom but came out as nonbinary as a warrior, and they became mates with Timberminnow briefly and had a litter of 3 kits with her: Quiverkit, Moonpaw, and Fuzzkit, all of whom died young, and so did Timberminnow. This likely deeply affected Nightingalegaze, but I imagine they are pushing their emotions away to keep up appearances. Their leg was also just mangled in a Twoleg trap on Moon 100, twisting it, so that’s another thing weighing their mind down. Poor Nightninggalegaze—it really isn’t going great for them.
Squirrelnut is from Pondstar and Lavenderripple’s last litter, their littermate being Bluestripe and their older siblings being Duckkit, Oakclash, Wildsilk, Honeyfade, Stumpmoss, and Timberminnow. She is currently 34 moons old and in a sapphic poly-relationship with Spottedember and Hopestem. Her traits are wise, valuable insight, and good teacher, and she was mentored by Lowstep. She graduated at 13 moons old on Moon 79 and was honored for her understanding. I imagine Squirrelnut is kind of a little silly cat, who likes to crack jokes and poke fun of others lightly, which makes others think she isn’t all that serious or smart, but she really is very wise and knowledgeable. I think Spottedember has grown a little more jaded over time, and I think Squirrelnut is there to try and mellow her out and get her to relax. Squirrelnut I think was also the one to fall for Hopestem and suggest bringing her into the relationship after seeing Spottedember getting flustered by Hopestem’s kindness.
Hopestem is the daughter of Sunnysight and Conefern, with Mistpelt being her biological surrogative father. She resembles Mistpelt a lot though, so I think she tried to have a stronger relationship with Mistpelt before his death. Her siblings are Mottlestripe, Skipnight, and Honeycone. She’s currently 29 moons old, and her traits are charismatic, den builder, and a great mediator. She was mentored by Hushfade, who made her resilient and better at caring for the camp. She graduated at 12 moons on Moon 83 and was honored for her charisma. I think she’s a very kind and genuine soul, caring for even the tiniest things, a stark contrast to the rest of her clan. She also had a childhood crush on Bluestripe, and became mates with him. But, Bluestripe died when their relationship was still young, and Hopestem was devastated. She sought solace in Bluestripe’s sister, Squirrelnut, as they both mourned his death. I think they grew close during this, and Squirrelnut started to fall in love with her shy smiles and bubbly laughter, and how diligently she would care for the camp as though it was a living thing too. I like to think Hopestem had a little crush on Spottedember first, finding how the young and new deputy tried to keep things running smoothly and orderly endearing. She was likely shocked to be asked to be mates with them, perhaps a bit hesitant to rush into anything and ruin their friendship too, but she accepted, knowing that she could learn to love the two romantically. I think she’s often nervous to mess something up though, and often steps over her own paws to try and appease them, but Spottedember and Squirrelnut always reassure her she doesn’t have to be perfect for them. She’s also probably equally as worried as Squirrelnut that Spottedember is stressing out and overworking herself. Aside from her adorable love life, she also briefly mentored Swiftpaw before he became a medicine cat, and I think she took his death hard too.
Skipnight is Hopestem’s sister, so just rinse and repeat what I said earlier: her parents are Sunnysight, Conefern, and Mistpelt, and her littermates are Hopestem, Mottlestripe, and Honeycone. She’s 29 moons old and her traits are nervous but formidable fighter, which I think is an interesting combination. She was mentored by Spottedember, and I think since Spottedember was barely older than her by 9 moons, Spottedember actually struggled a bit with maintaining her authority versus a friendship with Skipnight. They don’t appear to have a strong relationship at all, so I wonder if Spottedember perhaps tried too hard to be a serious mentor. Still, Spottedember influenced Skipnight to break away from the status quo, defend her beliefs, and to be social. She was honored for her insight when she graduated at 12 moons on Moon 83. She was mates with Frondspirit, who died only this past moon on 99. She’s not grieving his loss though, so I think Skipnight mostly just feels… lonely. She doesn’t really seem to have any friends… except for Tornhawk.
Buzzardhawk is our youngest warrior and cat in the clan in general at 17 moons old. He is currently injured too, but so far it is not a permanent scar. Buzzardhawk’s mother is Mapleback, and his littermates were Pansypaw and Beetlepaw. Pansypaw died right before they were supposed to become warriors together, so I think this left him quite shocked, especially since Beetlepaw’s death was probably still raw. His traits are troublesome and incredible runner, and his mentor was Mottledrump, who influenced him to be more cold towards others and use violence over words (...again, Mottledrump, again?). He graduated, alone, at 12 moons on Moon 95, and was honored for his dignity. He then immediately had to mentor an apprentice, Moonpaw, and I imagine he was not quite ready for it at all, still grieving his sister. But I think he tried and, unlike with Spottedember and Skipnight, he and Moonpaw became good friends instead of a more traditional mentor-apprentice relationship. But this only meant that when Moonpaw died suddenly, Buzzardhawk was left hollow and lonely. I think he had kind of shut down at this point, growing jaded, sad, and quiet. He grew up after the wars, but during a time when death was rampant, dragging the clan down from a bustling hive of activity, to a meager sixteen cats. I think death is starting to become numb to him. …After him and Skipnight, this is starting to get very depressing…
Thankfully, Primfoot is next! Ah, good ol’ Primfoot! Primsy, Primsy, Primsy… If we thought Tornhawk was a lot of drama, then she’s got nothing on Primfoot. Prim joined the clan at 61 moons old on Moon 22. ClanGen says that something terrible made her leave her old home behind, and we might not know what that is, but whatever it was, I almost wonder if it was more of Prim’s fault than what she would lead others to believe… Primfoot was almost too quick to join the clan and take a clanname, in my opinion. She is currently 139 moons old, and an elder. Her traits are righteous and unnatural senses, which I think fits her a lot. I think Primfoot is the kind of cat to think she’s never in the wrong, and that everything she does is for the greater good in the end. She currently has a permanent condition of a weak leg, and has had it for 47 moons, which meant she was a warrior for a long time despite her weak leg. She mentored many apprentices, including Forestfur, Timberminnow, Fringewhisker, Agavepaw, and Pansypaw.
It says she encouraged Forestfur to heed their anger and be calm, so I think Primfoot really prided herself and others on being calm, collected, and calculated, and to be proper and mannerly. Which is almost ironic, considering all of the murdering and kidnapping and taunting she does. Let’s start off from when she joined the clan—she pretty quickly became mates with Lavenderripple, I imagine because she was perhaps purposefully getting close to him since he was a medicine cat and therefore in a position of power, and he was easily smitten with her attention, despite already having a mate. Whatever the case, Pondstar had no issue with Lavender dating Primfoot, though Pond and Prim were never in a relationship with each other. Pondstar and Lavenderripple at the time had Timberminnow, and Primfoot was quick to become a parental figure for Timberminnow, which was only more firmly solidified as Timber was given to Prim as an apprentice. Now, a lot of Primfoot’s kits seem to be rather depressed or stressed out in some way, but she also has very strong relationships in game with them, so I get the impression that Primfoot was very much an over-controlling parent but one who gave a lot of overbearing love. Like, smothered her kits in it, but only so she could use it as a threat—if they didn’t do what she wanted, she would stop loving them, and of course they wouldn’t want that. Timberminnow I think was the first and perhaps strongest case of this, as Prim wasn’t even her primary parent at first, but quickly it seems like Timber did everything for Primfoot’s approval. I think this definitely affected Timberminnow later in life, as Timber was often detached from her mates and family, and thought about leaving the clan often. I think Timber was either jealous when Primfoot moved on to her other kits, or that Timber realized Primfoot didn’t really love her in a genuine way, and it depressed her. What a great mom you are, Primfoot. And she’s not a great mate either, as she cheated on Lavenderripple for Rootshade.
I think Primfoot might have genuinely fallen for Rootshade a bit. Rootshade was a very daring and aggressive cat, and just as ambitious as Primfoot. I think Rootshade was persuaded by Primfoot’s businesslike attitude and charming facade, and both of them agreed they wanted to rise to power together and “build a better, stronger clan.” So, Prim cheated on Lavender, and Root cheated on Oakclash. When they got found out, I think Oakclash broke up with Rootshade, but Primfoot made sure she was the one breaking up with Lavenderripple, which probably pissed him off. Either way, Prim and Root were now officially together, and quickly made themselves a power couple, almost flaunting off how in love they were. And I think Primfoot is the one who likes to use kits to gain power. When she raises her kits, she raises them to love and respect and need her and, most importantly, follow her. It gives her power and influence in the clan. But of course she and Rootshade can’t biologically have kits together, and I think neither of them want to be pregnant either, so the next best thing, of course, logically, is to murder some parents and steal their kits! So Prim and Root will go on to murder 3 different loner mothers and take their kittens, resulting in 3 litters raised by the both of them, including: Rainbowkit, Aphidtooth, Crocusfur, Frondspirit, Hatchfreckle, Spottedember, and Swiftpaw. Just like with Timberminnow, I think Primfoot smothered them with love only to take it away when they misbehaved, and she taught them to be very, heh, prim and proper. I think Rootshade might have been a more genuine parent, as I get the vibe that Rootshade almost has the endless energy of a kit—I think Rootshade enjoyed playing with them as kits but would grow less close to them as they grew up as she doesn’t know how to handle their “emotions” like Primfoot does. Now, after Ashskip’s death, Rootshade became deputy, which was pretty surprising considering you’d think Root and Pondstar would have bad blood… But I almost wonder if Primfoot and Pondstar were almost kind of friends? Because of course Primfoot would try to be close to the leader as well, though I think Pondstar was always just too closed off for Primfoot to get too close. I think Pondstar maybe didn’t care too much about the whole relationship drama, and just happened to choose Rootshade. Whatever the case, Primfoot and Rootshade were ecstatic. They were working their way up the ladder! I truly think Primfoot is the one pulling the strings here too. I think SpeedrunClan became a lot more openly aggressive with Rootshade as deputy and Primfoot being almost like a second deputy, and I think Pondstar let it happen and even encouraged it in some aspects. Killing kits became the norm, and war raised an entire generation of young warriors. I think Primfoot retired because she was content where the clan was. It was the way she wanted it. Her mate in power, the clan striving to be in control and powerful and fearless. On the contrary, I think Pondstar is unhappy with how the clan is now, I think she wishes it was back to the days where it was just her and the founders. But I think Primfoot has also been whispering in her ear a little, especially after the death of Lavenderripple. So when Rootshade died, which probably did devastate Primfoot genuinely, Pondstar made Spottedember deputy because Spottedember was Primfoot’s daughter. And I think Primfoot is really putting the pressure on Spottedember to keep the clan powerful and feared, while Spottedember secretly wishes for the opposite… Wow, mom of the year award there, Primfoot. You really are evil. And I think she is going to be very shocked when she dies and wakes up in the Dark Forest.
Woof… All of that… And then… there’s Burger. God, Burger—we fucking hate you Burger. Why are you even here?! Burger refused to join the clan twice because it was too scary. I think Burger doesn’t want to fight or get hurt, which is why she only joined when she was too old to be considered able to fight in wars. We met Burger pretty early on, and, based on her history description, I think she got abandoned by her Twolegs or lost them, and was left in the forest and didn’t know how to survive. So she approached the clan, but the descriptions sounded scary and hard, and she decided to learn how to hunt and survive on her own. Which she managed! Good for her! And I think the second time the clan saw her and offered her to join, they had gotten even worse, and, even though Burger had been thinking about it, it now sounded too terrifying at all, so she left and lived a content loner life. But I think she started to grow old, and was losing the ability to hunt well for herself… So she finally joined the clan, only to immediately request retirement so she didn’t have to lift a paw. I think she’s still a little scared of the clan, but that she’s realized that when you’re on the inside of the clan, they aren’t quite as murderous towards each other (save for that one murder nobody ever talks about). So now she just chills and reaps the rewards of being an elder. She probably thinks Primfoot is weird though. So I guess maybe we don’t hate you Burger. She finessed the system and we’ve gotta respect that.
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mudshadow · 9 months
dropped map part wip
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awakenedgays · 2 years
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Kristina Tonteri-Young Reads Warrior Nun Thirst Tweets (x)
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tobyisave · 12 days
I made this animatic for all the Kiiruma angst we didn't get to see in Chapter 4
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mullet-mcqueer · 24 days
hi warriors tumblr ! some old doodles from like. 2022
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quackle · 4 months
We need to ban the td subreddit from having opinions on like any of the girls because they’re always so vile towards them 😔
WE DO WE REALLY DO 😭 they are genuinely always hated upon on a daily basis on there. you'd think the whole female cast is awful with the way certain people on reddit go on and on about how "overrated or mean or boring or unnecessary" they are. and the tier lists....... when i see a majority of female characters near the bottom i just. sigh.
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chara16 · 11 months
I never thought it would happen
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alollinglaughingcat · 2 months
except the "see you in two years" wasn't a joke
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mrknowitall1 · 9 months
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cheecats · 2 years
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Ayooo something in the works mayhaps?? 👀
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pumpkinnkidd · 10 months
WELCOME TO SPRUCECOLONY! the faithful and guarded.
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the first of the three cat colonies in the sea calling. they live in a lush spruce forest with waterlogged meadows and mires. they believe themselves closest to stagcolony, as the ruins of the founding sisters are in their land. other colonies rumor the cold wind of the over-yonder mountains makes their hearts cold.
under the cut, listing of all members and a more in depth look at the highest ranked members!
top to bottom, left to right:
captain smokey spell, deputy spider blaze, sage plum spots, head-nurse grape tail, nurse wool belly, moon fall
wizened raven mask, kindler hoof stomp, kits wren belly & chickadee field, fickle field, adder strike, owl feather
minnow frost, sage-rookie snail swirl, deer skip, honey frost ( eventually changed to honey heart ), coyote bite, and fox bite.
-captain smokey spell is the wise, sentimental , yet troubled, leader of sprucecolony and has been for many years. quite unpopular among his peers for the scandal with the once leader of willowcolony, captain mist drizzle, which then led to the willowspruce war.
-spider blaze is the cold, ambitious, and ferocious deputy of sprucecolony. he succeeded umber blight, who died in the final conflict of the willowspruce war- the drop. despite the former deputy’s wishes for him not to succeed her, smokey spell chose him anyway as he was the most popular, pressured choice. his hatred for willowcolony knows no bounds.
-plum spots is the sage of sprucecolony. she is their emotional and spiritual guide, and is smokey spell’s most influential advisor. while compassionate and brilliant, she is also stubborn and lovelorn. she hates spider blaze vehemently; for work related reasons, and deeply personal ones she would never disclose.
-snail swirl is plum spots rookie, otherwise known as her apprentice. they are sweet, sensitive, and reclusive. they are also spider blaze’s son, and he tries to mold them into a fierce cat. he also disapproves of snail swirl choosing to be a sage deeply. they are very close to their mentor, but are a rock stuck in a hard place; the approval of their cold father, or the approval of their passionate mentor.
-raven mask is the wizened of sprucecolony. he is as old as smokey spell, and the willowspruce war seems to have aged the both cruelly. he is the captain’s second most important advisor, and his best friend since childhood. he is also plum spot’s loving uncle, and just wants the forest to be peaceful before he joins the stag’s above.
thank you for reading! these are only a few of the very important characters of the sea calling. i will be posting more, and willowcolony is next to be drawn! :)) spider blaze and snail swirl belong to my wonderful gf @meta-knight-is-bisexual!
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spirit-tracks · 2 months
I just started Hyrule Warriors (the og) for the first time!!! I got the game secondhand and dusted off Ol' Reliable (WiiU) so I can finally see what the fuss is all about. I know it's a Fighting Game about an interdimensional war and watched like one video of gameplay maybe five years ago? But that's all I know going in.
(I also played a little bit of Age of Calamity on my brother's switch back when it came out, but I never could understand what the hell was happening on the screen at any given moment, so this is fairly fresh of an experience for me.)
Some thoughts!:
The game's art style, fighting gimmick, and cutscenes reminds me a LOT of Super Smash Bros for the Wii, specifically story mode
Link is indeed just as Sexy as everyone makes him out to be. His voice is nice to listen to and the Blue Scarf is quite fetching
Shiek is SO FUN TO PLAY AS and I love being in the Know about their identity because Impa keeps going "I sure do hope Zelda is okay :(((" and I'm giving Shiek the eyeballs 👁👁 like "when are you going to tell her"
I only know the barest barest bare minimum about Lana and Cia going in but I am liking Cia as a villain so far, the reality breaking is awesome and also her bird mask is cool as hell
A lot of people consider this the non-canon explanation for the converging of the timelines, and although I'm not really on board with the Timeline Convergence theory, I DO See The Appeal of this explanation because the cutscene where all the different worlds started to collide and Skyloft was on the same map as Twilight Princess's Bridge of Eldin,,, my inner nerd is screaming
The game unloaded a LOT of mechanics on me all at once, which was a little overwhelming, but I think I'm getting the hang of it just by way of spamming the hell out of my attack button and hoping for the best. I'm starting to learn which button patterns make for my favorite attacks and how the item switching and special attacks help in certain areas. I also read through the tutorials like 5 times each. Despite how much STUFF is going on at any given moment, Im getting the hang of it surprisingly quickly.
It's somewhat difficult to keep track of what the other warriors are saying in the corner of the screen while I'm trying to focus on killing enemies, but I really like how they keep you updated on what's going on all over the battlefield, so that you can react and strategize accordingly. Speaking of the battlefield, I'm SO BAD AT NAVIGATING THE MINIMAP
It didn't take me long to catch on about how to reclaim bases and outposts, and I find a lot of satisfaction in taking back land, especially with the variety of monsters we get from across the other games. Bosses will have the same weaknesses from their og games, and I'm having a blast trying to remember how I killed Dodongo or Gohma in Ocarina of Time so that I can kill them in this game too. It's so rewarding when I get it right!
I've just completed the Valley of Seers, and I'm gonna pick it up again tomorrow maybe! I'm actually really surprised with how much fun I'm having so far, since I'm not usually all that big on Fighting Games, but it definitely helps that it's Zelda specifically 😂
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fernzwing · 3 months
I feel like I just woke up from a coma sorry for not posting anything guys. 2024 is not a very happy year
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itsbebebrainrotting · 4 months
Watching Cole Sprouse react to some wildass x reader fanfic Brittany Broski wrote about him when she was 19 and just then say "im horny" feels like emotional healing from those youtuber "Reading your WEIRD GROSS fanfiction" videos.
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imaginarianisms · 29 days
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everyone say hiiiiii a.lys r.ivers witch queen of h.arrenhal!!!!!!
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iwamotos · 2 months
(240803) sasuke world cup 2024 | japan blue: "super strength training camp" part 1 (1, 2)
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