#was Rei abusive in this one too? Genuinely need someone to tell me yall
dadzawa-adopt-dabi · 2 years
What If Secret Baby/River Run
If Dabi had gotten the abortion.
Let’s take a look at how i see things going if Dabi did get the abortion he tells Hawks he will get in River Run/Secret baby.
It’s a breath of relief and a horrible secret at the same time. Touya hates the fact that he went with what his mother wanted. What his sister supported, what he told Hawks he would get. He wants to scream and throw it in his fathers face. Every time a marriage is brought up. Every time time the idea of attaching himself to someone for forever like his mother and the subject of kids comes up. 
Touya can’t bring himself to hide much anymore. He dresses in darker clothes, stops wearing the things his mother picks out. They don’t talk about it. About Touya being sexually active, about the baby. She’s colder to him and all Touya can do is think of when his eyes were burning with unshed tears as she told him she never wanted him. It starts an angry burning in his gut he can’t get rid of. He can’t look at her and see his mother or someone who loves him. He gets a leather jacket his father hates. Enji burns 3 of them before he gives up. What does Touya even care about at this point? It’s not his money, his old man is burning out of stubborness. He dyes his hair black. Rei screams and rages. Enji slaps him and bleaches it out the same night he comes home.
Touya can’t stand staying there. It builds and builds. Talk going over his head about families and how much Touya is worth as a bride. He pulls the fake ID out he hasn’t used in months. Fuyumi runs after him as he walks out the door at midnight. She tries to command him to stay home, stay inside. 
Touya shakes off the alpha command with hardly a thought, hopping the fence and flipping his twin off as he continues on his way. He looks easy, like a slutty Omega. Touya doesn't care and can’t come up with an argument on why he isn’t. He just wants to get his back blown out by a Alpha and he looks like it.
Hawks' image dances at the edge of his vision as he dances and grinds. Hands slip under his shirt, finding the new piercings he’s been hiding and Touya leans his head back onto the stranger's shoulder. The hand that’s gripping his hip is tight, the nails a little too sharp. Touya leans into it. Drunk and smiling softly at the blond familiar Alpha behind him. Turns out the stranger is a Alpha Touya knows Very well, the scent of mint and citrus make him start to purr drunkenly.
Hawks hands graze over his stomach and Touya winces. Drunk bubble of content popped. Hawks knows who Touya is now, knowns about the abortion as well.
“Back again already Todoroki?” He whispers in his ear. Hawks smells just as drunk and between the safe feeling and how drunk Touya is he doesn't even flinch at his surname. Just frowns before pulling Hawks down for a messy kiss. 
“Don’t call me that. Don’t like my last name.” Touya slurs distractedly as Hawks starts tugging him out of the club.
He stumbles a few times but so does Hawks.
“Maybe you should stick around for once then. Give me the chance to change it.” Hawks retorts as they walk down the street. “I know I’m not top Hero material, at least not yet but I’m a hard worker Touya. People like you couldn’t get it, But I want you anyway spoiled rotten Omega.”
Hawks pauses outside his door fumbling with his keys. Touya jerks them out of his hands with a snort. Drunker and smaller than Hawks who lets him hip check him out of the way. A moment later the door swings open and Touya nearly falls inside. 
“Shut up and fuck me Hawks. Didn’t come here for you to try and sweet talk another kid into me. Or promise some bullshit happy ending for me. You want me? Buy me from my father like any other Alpha. It’s what he’s gonna do to me anyways.” Touya let out a drunk laugh. It wasn’t funny, even Touya knew that. Touya at that point couldn’t have told someone why he was laughing if they promised him the world on a string.
“Bet.” Hawks whispered as they tumbled into his bed again. Letting Touya lose his mind and forget all the problems waiting at home as hawks nibbled on piercings, Knotting him at the same time as Hawks laid a deep claiming bite onto Touya’s scent glands. Touya let out a shriek as he came around Hawks knot again and his eyes rolled back into his head. Going limp on the bed, purring in his sleep as Hawks knotted his limp form and licked at Touya’s new bond mark.
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