#was it even y/n?? i mean the mc had a name so just oc right?
awlcorpse · 9 months
me and @sylveon-and-velveon just read the wildest fucking jeff the killer (sorry, unaliver) Wattpad fic over on the CRP server.
rating it a 3/10. too much he who shall not be named and not enough tobias erin rodgers
Fic summery (it’s wild) under the cut
BASICALLY This girl (her names Charlie), is left home alone and Jeff just.. breaks into her house cuz why not. He and her fight, and he just goes “hey wanna live with me” she agrees because Jane is going ofter Charlie because she’s “stealing” Jeff.
May I mention, we checked, YES Nina existed at this time. Why she wasn’t used in place of Jane here I have no idea. Slender is also here but doesn’t really do anything. Jeff kills Jane at the end of the fist book.
Jeff and Charlie develop a weird relationship. Charlie does a lot of cooking and cleaning which came off odd. Jeff even renovates her kitchen (???) Jeff knocks her out/causes her to faint and HE CALLS 911 AND GIVES THEM HIS ADDRESS. JEFF you are a SERIAL KILLER. He also calls the mother of Charlie and she’s A-OK with him just casually kidnapping her daughter.
Anyways, Jeff and her make up and he gets her pregnant (ew yucky) and EJ and Smile Dog r there n whatever. For some really weird reason they treat the pasta’s as a completely different race, with lines along the lines as “your child will be half creepypasta” n shit. 2015 was a different time.
He who shall not be named kills Charlie and therefore her unborn son because… yes. Jeff finds out and then kills himself. Because.. yes. And thats the end 👌
2015 was a wild time.
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life-is-unreal · 2 months
Stranger Danger~ {Genshin Impact x reader} Chapter 1-5 (non teyvat chapters)
0.5- Note from the Author
*Hiiii :))) <3. This is my first fanfic so please don't judge it. Some bits are a bit cringe (SRRY!!!), you will be referred as Y/N and You. The MC will be a female so if you're not, just read it as a he/his. Btw, this story is a bit of a chat fic (Idk the proper name) but don't worry as it's mainly normal. (My grammar sucks so sorry in advance).
*this is my work from wattpad :D I'm not gonna post the OC descript or any images. Skip directly to Teyvat chapters if you wish :D
Wattpad: LifeIsUnreal
Tag list (I think that’s how u do it):
Chapter 1 - The Crimson Witch
Italic- thoughts
No! Please. Please wake up! Barbatos...please save him. I beg you...
"Rostam... Look at me, open your eyes. Please, it's over..."
You twiddled your fingers as you stared at Rosalyne strangely from a distance. It's such a pity that she died in Inazuma. Everything wants to kill you in that place, how the hell do people survive there? "Barbatos, I beg you." The woman sobbed, crumbling beside her lover.
"Miss Rosalyne, we've already checked his pulse. It's not there." Wrong move mister, wrong move. Her tear-filled eyes met with the knight's eyes. "Where is Barbatos? Surely he can save him?" She was met by the cold silence. You marveled at her from a random knocked-down barrel, the breeze mixed with blood and swayed her hair as she kneeled amongst the battlefield beside her lover. Her scholar uniform was stained with blood from interactions with dead bodies.
"Where is Arundolyn? Bring me to him!" She screamed. "Miss Rosalyne, he's severely wounded-" Rosalyne screamed even louder, clutching her head. She's deranged in a beautiful way. "No. Why? Why!" She whispered brokenly. You shifted your spot slightly, you could already feel small heat waves coming off from her. "She's going to go crazy soon." You muttered, checking your phone. Ah, Shit. No battery "When the hell is that portal going to pop out again?" you grumbled. It's been quite a few days since you've been in Teyvat. You literally had to save up your battery and camp outside. "I literally didn't finish my homework." After she gets batshit crazy, she's gonna ruin Monstadt, set it on flames, and get recruited by Pierro. I wonder if Khaenri'ahn's descendants are still chilling around. I mean some of them definitely survived. Meeting them would be cool, like imagine if I met Rhinedottir. And imagine if Lumine or Aether has already become the Abyss prince or princess.
"Who are you?" You yelped from shock as you felt some hair touching your skin. "Uh, Hi?" You gulped as you looked down to your feet. The knights were all tidying up the bodies and cleaning up so nobody noticed Rosalyne moving to you. Rosalyne's eyes narrowed, looking you up and down.
"Um, my name's Y/N." you giggled awkwardly. Her aura was still unbearing, "Rosalyne. Girl, chill. It's not exactly Ven- I mean Barbatos's fault since he was like, asleep during the cataclysm. As for the knights of Favonius and Arundolyn, well Rostam and the Grandmaster lead the war so you can't blame Arundolyn, and I mean a lot of knights died. Plus, I'm pretty damn sure that your lover wouldn't be really happy if you went batshit crazy due to him dying. And like if you wanna have your vengeance or something like that to the knights or citizens- well, I mean he died protecting them so uh yea."
Rosalyne opened her mouth confused. You took notice of this and babbled random things out, "And um, if you see random suspicious people coming up to you to join their cult refuse 'kay? They might like use you or something. Oh, and um, have some candy." You quickly shoved a bag of candy into her hands. My favourite lollipops. You sniffled slightly.
The woman's eyes shot open wide as she stared at you alarmed. "Bro you good? Oh wait, damn I'm disappearing. Wait that's fucking cool." Yup, you were dissipating right in front of your very own eyes.
Long after you disappeared, the platinum blonde finally reacted, "Y/N?" she muttered. Weird name. "I...didn't tell you my name. Barbatos? Asleep? He's indeed unqualified as an archon then, and those warnings...they're oddly specific but of course. Why would I listen to a random stranger who's been stalking me?"
The first thing that you did was to charge your phone. That random ass boar almost stomped on it. And fuck, I'm starving. You were literally living off the kindness of Monstadt citizens like you can fight but a visionless person in Teyvat can't really survive in the wild like you're pretty damn sure some random slime could kill you if it wanted to. They're so damn cute thooo.
A small noise captured your attention as your phone gained one single percentage of power. "Holy shit, it's only been a minute." You gaped at the widgets in amazement. I was there for a week or longer and damn.
After lying down and procrastinating for a long long time on your bed you decided to do your homework. Wtf is this. The hell am I going to do a 60-question paper. Oh, wait, I've got friends.
"Yooooo guys." You were met with two very disgruntled teens. Yvonne sighed, "Girl, it's bloody 12:35, what do you want? Credit card number? Cheque?"
"That's very tempting but I need the answers for the math assignment."
"Wait what." "What."
Yeleris raised a brow. How tf do you raise a brow? "You're supposed to be the smart one here. I was depending on you to do your homework so I could copy it. But then, I don't see why you and I should care since we're still going to get at least an A with our grades so far."
You sighed, "We're fucked if we don't do this, it's like 20% of our grades and I'm pretty sure Yvonne's gonna fail since she skipped like 20 classes alone this term. AND Yeleris, we all know that you're a genius at Science and that includes Physics which is literally Math but with weird ass words."
"Okay, I actually agree with that."
"Weeeeell, you wouldn't have to worry 'bout this if you spent less time on shopping sprees and skipping class to do random stuff."
"YELERIS! That's mean."
"Achoo! Damn it, who's cursing me at 12 am in the morning jeez."
Chapter 2 - Wow, a pretty lady
Hello, my name is Skirk.
The rain was absolutely deafening, a black rain signal had already been issued the day before. You loved rainy days, there's no school when the black rain signal is issued. But then, here you are, under a tree for absolutely no reason.
"Where the hell am I?" You gaped at the grassy fields and scorching sun.
You quickly took notice of a teleport waypoint next to you. "Isn't only the traveler able to use this?" Yup. The waypoint was blue even though you definitely did not touch it.
After scanning the area multiple times to make sure that there weren't slimes or hilichurls you finally sat down. You almost got suffocated to death by a hydro slime, if you were a character, you're definitely going to be a level 1 character with the worst stats possible. 
It's literally so unfair, like a slime could kill you and they're like the most harmless and cute things ever in the game. Except for the geo slimes, they're hard to kill.
"Holy motherf- ARGH." A fucking boar was charging at full speed and the target was you. "WHERE THE FUCK DID YOU COME FROM?"
After climbing up a tree and killing the boar by throwing random stuff that you could find, you decided to stay exactly where you were. Why? Simple, you could literally see two pyro whopperflowers and a horde of geo hatchlings. Like hell you're coming down the tree.
Why the fuck are they coming closer?! Oh wait shit, they want the fucking boar. Don't look up. Dontlookup. Dontlookup. Oh fuck. As if on cue, one of the whopper flowers noticed you. "Oh hell no."
"GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME!" You clung desperately to the tree as it started to shake. The whopperflowers were literally burning the tree down and the wretched geo hatchlings were pummelling at the tree.
To your horror, the relentless attacks finally made the tree give out as it fell down, crushing you under it. Immediately, you screamed in pain. "What the hell did I do to y'all?"
Something that you didn't notice was that their attacks stopped the moment you fell to the ground. Suddenly, a shriek interrupted the silence. You whipped your head around, just to see the cryo whopperflower absolutely obliterating the pyro whopperflower. I thought the pyro whopperflowers were the strongest. You looked to your left after hearing screeches and it was chaos. 
The hatchlings were killing each other, you saw one of them tearing the other's scale and pulling its eyeballs out brutally. A few minutes ago, they were cooperating to destroy the tree and now they're committing amicicide.
"Holy shit." Although you usually refrain from swearing, this scene made you quite disgusted. They're literally tearing limbs and organs down. You attempted to get the branches off you. "How is a tiny thin tree so bloody heavy?" You sighed, throwing your head up. Holy- "WHEN DID YOU GET HERE?"
 Above you, inches away from your forehead was the cryo whopperflower. Seeing that it made no move to attack you, you decided to do the dumbest thing in your life. 
You cleared your voice and decided to ask in the babiest, honey covered words that disgusted you that such a sickenly sweet voice could come out of you. "Whopperflower dearie, will you pretty please help me to lift this tree?"
Why the fuck did I just say that. You closed your eyes in dread. I dug my own grave, Yvonne would literally laugh her ass off if she was here.
"Krrr. Krrr." Huh? You hesitantly opened your eyes and to your surprise, the whopperflower was subdividing the tree and it looked quite happy. You stood up slowly, noticing how something slimy stuck onto your shoe. That whopperflower -. 
Under your shoe was a dead geo hatchling with icicles imbedded so deep into his impenetrable skin that its scales were cracked and on the verge of peeling, and a few meters away were more geo hatchlings stacked up on each other, some disfigured, some with their organs spilling out and some with their bodies frozen or charred. Next to it was a pyro whopperflower, unlike the others, it was still alive.
It slowly hopped to it's feet- roots weakly. "Krr." The cryo whopperflower's eyes narrowed, shooting icicles towards it. The pyro whopperflower ignored it's half frozen petals and continued to nudge forward until it finally reached you.
"Uh, hi." The cryo whopperflower blocked your view as it growled menacingly at it.
"Yo chill. It's not trying to attack me." You seemed to finally accept the actions of the weird whopperflower as it slowly snuggled into your arms. To your amazement, the whopperflower began to heal almost immediately after touching your arms, only leaving a few minor injuries.OMG.IT'S SO CUTE AND WARM. Oh wait, it's still injured. 
You glanced at the cryo whopperflower. "Help me take out the bandage in my bag please." Begrudgingly, the creature fumbled with the zippers and took out the white bandages, slowly wrapping it around the head of the whopperflower.
Suddenly, both whopperflowers got into a defensive stance as they blocked your view once again.
"How interesting."
A girl slowly approached you. "They seem pretty protective don't you think so?" She giving me HSR vibes.
She grinned, her smile not matching her youthful face and lifeless eyes. "Sorry for not introducing myself. Let's start from the beginning. Hello, my name is Skirk."
You gently nudged the whopperflowers away. "Nice to meet you, my name's Y/N."
The name was weirdly familiar and you were pretty sure you've seen her before. "So you saw everything?" You asked, bending down and tearing a jagged scale from the ground. The girl giggled at your horrible choice of weapon. A sword materialized in her hand as she played with it. "You mean... The scene where you're clinging on the tree for dear life and screaming incoherent, inappropriate words? And then falling down from the tree?" She snickered, walking closer and leaning down to your face, watching your ears turn pink. "Then yes, I saw all of that."
She began to shoo the whopperflowers away. "I'm not going to kill some random stranger. So let me talk with her." Skirk then reached out to pull your body up to a standing position. Damn, she's taller than me. "You don't seem to look like someone from Liyue."
You inspected your clothes. Uh-huh, a hoodie and a skirt. To them, I'm wearing stuff even weirder than the traveler. "I'm an adventurer." She probably knows I'm already lying but I've got two whopperflowers that killed a horde of geo hatchlings.
"I'm just an apprentice that's in Liyue in search of some geohatchlings and I was about to take these until the cryo whopperflower killed all of them." She sighed, "You wouldn't mind if I took these would you? Don't fret, I'll exchange something in return." So basically, I'm getting something for free. "Do you have any uh, weapons?" You bit your lip. Yes, you couldn't fight anything to save your life but having a weapon was still better then fighting with absolutely nothing.
Skirk looked taken aback. "You don't know how to fight?" She asked incredously. "Yeah? Is it not normal." She blinked, "Everyone is taught to fight, some people even start from as young as four!" So, I'm weaker than a toddler. Damn. "I- You know what, I'll give you a catalyst completely free of charge since you absolutely have zero fighting skills. Now pick something else before I make up my mind."
Sugarmommy vibes.
In the end, you got a catalyst, an electro crystal and a bag that had infinite capacity.
Skirk left a few minutes ago to go aboard a ship to snezhnaya, saying something about meeting her apprentice. So now you were all alone with two very worried whopperflowers. 
"Krrrrr. Krr." The two of them circled around you, lifting your arms to see if Skirk had harmed you. I wanna keep them so bad. "I have to leave anytime soon man." They deflated almost immediately, their petals drooping down. I'm feeling so bad now. Please don't do this to me man. 
You cleared your throat. "Okay, listen up. I don't know when I'll come back and where. It could be hundreds of years or tomorrow but if you see me, ya'll can have my hairbands so tie them around your petal or something and I'll know that it's you ok? I'm pretty sure you guys respawn every now and then so it'll be ok." They perked up and began to tie their petals with your smiley face hairbands. Why they look so cute with it.
"Now come and watch the sunset with me."
Chapter 3 - Text Buddies
(very short chapter)
Approximately 13 minutes ago, you decided to do the Fontaine Archon quest since you completely forgot about it until you remembered that Skirk seemed to have her debut somewhere in there.
Picture your shocked face when you saw the way that Skirk casually yeeted Childe into some random portal.
Considering that she mentioned that Childe's her apprentice, she went to Snezhnaya to visit Childe, and considering that she looked like she was in her early teens when you met her, it's definitely been at least 3-4 years after she met you that she's met the traveler.
I take it back. She could've killed me the second she met me and stole the hatchlings. She wouldn't even need to trade the inventory bag and the catalyst. You checked the catalyst on the web and it was the "Lost Prayer To The Sacred Winds", it was a goddamned 5-star weapon. You were confused at why Skirk would even give you such a precious weapon but you decided that she just thought that you were interesting.
The moment that you touched the catalyst, your phone lit up and opened Genshin. As a firm nonbeliever of ghosts and spirits, you decided it had to be a "you" problem. Seeing that the phone automatically got into the inventory icon, you finally saw your catalyst and electro-crystal in a new category that wasn't named yet.
Purely out of curiosity, you placed the catalyst into the bag that Skirk gave you, and the catalyst's equipped tag disappeared. Oh wait, does that mean that I get to level it up? You immediately leveled it up to lv90. Oh hell no, I'm in the character menu. Right above your team was you, however, it was just a blank circle with your name on it. Clicking into it led to your stats, talents, artifacts, etc.
To your relief, your face wasn't on the screen but when you read the stats, you decided that you were truly weaker than a lv5 slime. Okay, Name: Y/N, Max HP: 1000. Okay, better than the traveler, Attack...20?! What?! Defence: 72. Not bad but Idk why I need that. EM: 0, Stamina.. WHAT?! 31?!
You threw a pillow across the room, "WHAT THE HELL? HOW IS THE TRAVELER STRONGER AT LVL1 ?! AND I'M AT LVL 3?!" Something that Genshin has gladly bestowed on you was that your starting point was at lvl 3 whilst everyone else was at lvl 1 but you were still weaker than everyone who's at lvl 1.
"Ooooooh." Holy moly, 1608 attack and 33.1% Crit Rate. Damn. Ilysm Skirk
Ding. 3 Unread messages.
You raised a brow, lol, who uses that app anymore, only old ass people use it, like Zhongli would use it if he had a phone.
The sky has darkened and the bustling city slowly lit up with billboards decorating the skyline. You stretched in front of the brightness, the darkness of your room disappearing as the humongous screens started changing. Mihoyo, that billboard advertisement is expensive asf and you decided to put hsr and not Get Shit Impact?
Ding. 102 Unread messages. Wtf.
You finally picked up your phone.
                                                                                                                                                                       Srry bt dat.
Can you please speak English?
I don't understand what you're saying.
Oh I said "Sorry about that"
Lol, sorry.
Anyways, is there anything that you need me for?
From your description, it says "Teyvat here I come"
Oh, that was last year when me and my friends still used this app.
It's quite outdated now, I just update my description whenever I feel like it.
Can you tell me about Teyvat?
I don't understand the things online.
... wtf, this guy is creepy, theyve got no pfp and they don't understand text T-T, Pls don't be my mom...Act cool, act cool
You want to start Genshin?
Bro's asking abt Genshin without knowing what it is, did bro just get his/her phone?
Genshin Impact?
Teyvat is the world that exists in the game??
My bafflement jeeeeez
Yea, Genshin.
Teyvat has 7 nations.
They have like 2 mcs (maincharacters) and the player chooses them and boom, their sibling disappears and they need to find them so they just travel around Teyvat whilst helping random people for no reason
Poor Lumine has traveled half of the world and the gods won't tell her shit. Just leave Aether and his abyss shit and go marry someone or smth. Bro's a prince and you're a traveler, he's living his life in the abyss.
Main characters...
Oh wait, is this some old person who just downloaded this app to find people chat? Oh wait shit, my bad, lemme channel my nonexistent inner angel.
Oh, sorry, I should've explained more clearly. :)
You see, the two main characters are called Lumine and Aether, they're travelers who go in and out of worlds, but they were trapped in Teyvat because of the Heavenly Principles.
If you're like me and choose Lumine, Aether will become the Abyss prince and wake up a few hundred years earlier than Lumine and go around the world. Then after Lumine wakes up, she fishes out Paimon and begins her journey around Teyvat searching for her brother who she found quickly enough but for some reason Aether wants her to find him after she visits every nation.
Is a nice plot.
You know a lot.
I may have started it just a year ago but I know a lot of lore :D
Thank you.
For chatting with me, nobody answered me and only you replied
OMG. I feel bad for this old person,
:D my pleasure XD
I think you need to sleep now.
Good night.
You too!!! Good luck with the game XD
Chapter 4 - Lockdown
The rain poured and the sirens blared, the rain outside had already flooded the first floor of the dormitory.
"I know my luck sucks like hell but come on, we literally just came." Moniqa scowled as she lifted the satin curtains. "They even locked the gates, what, after two days are the winter holidays, they expect us to stay in here?" The strawberry-haired girl tossed her phone onto her bed. "I literally only came here to take my stuff back." Yeleris rolled her eyes, "I don't even have stuff here, like literally. I went to the mall and met Y/N and I brought her back to our dorms since it's cold as fuck out there," she flopped onto your bed sighing, "none of us even live here, it's just registered because of projects."
You peered through the window, the water had almost completely flooded the university and two floors beneath you, you could see several students blocking the doors with sandbags.
"My housekeeper said that only our area is raining." Moniqa's eyes narrowed, "quite weird wouldn't you say? This rain is quite- sudden, wouldn't you say Miss President?"
Your brows furrowed a bit, " Yea, I checked the school group chat, everybody's talking about the weird weather." You turned around, noticing Yeleris in the corner, staring emotionlessly at her laptop. "You're that annoyed? Princessssy?" Moniqa snickered, noticing her expression.
Yeleris stared at Moniqa blandly through her luscious eyelashes. "We're in a lockdown."
Silence. "WHATTTTTTT THEEEE FUUUU- " Yeleris thwacked her head with her laptop. That laptop is hella expensive, its case is limited edition and she bonked Moniqa with that?!
"Hey," you scrolled through your phone, noticing how everything was loading slower and slower. "Is it just me or does the WiFi suck and mobile data ain't doing what it's supposed to be doing?"
Moniqa gazed quietly at you, "I know who might be able to tell us some stuff." 
You hurriedly followed her out of the building, hissing as the ankle-length water splattered against your bare thighs. It was freezing cold, the three of you waddled into a nearby dorm building, it was one of the newly renovated ones that had stairs to it and didn't have any sandbags around.
"Who the hell are you- oh, it's Moniqa." you raised you brows at the man that towered over you. "Oh, hello Miss President." you scowled, being the president of several clubs are pretty nice but having everyone call you that even your friends could be a little annoying. 
"Is Lorelei here or did she go back home?" He rolled his eyes at the question, "She was planning to leave but the rain got a tad to bit large and she didn't want her eXpeNsive sHoes wet, but yeah, she's in her room, 109 I believe, one floor up."
Thud. Thud. Thud. "Lorelei, it's Moniqa." "..." "Lorelei?" "..." "I'll buy you boba." "...ugh...coming."
A short strawberry-blonde girl greeted you by the door. "You guys are lucky that my roommates aren't here. Get in before I change my mind," She tossed Moniqa a small booklet. 
"No snacks?" Lorelei squinted at her, "that's only for new customers."
She turned to you, "Oh, you're new, there's some snacks on your right." You smiled lightly at the short girl, not because of her kindness but because she has that one type of candy you love that the school doesn't sell. 
"Ahem, since you're a new customer, I will gladly give you an introduction to my services," she tossed a small bottle of peach juice to you, "I am Lorelei Stirling, sophomore, I basically give people info that they want on people on campus, test results or rankings of everyone, not the normal ones that the school gives you of course, and a ton of other stuff, in or outside school. Ummm, that's pretty much it, I'm the head of my dorm and pretty much everyone in this building helps me in gathering info, so we're like an association that tells you everything the school doesn't tell you and some news outside of school that the public doesn't know."
She smiled sweetly at you, "Of course, things come at a price but for you, Miss President, I'll give you a discount. If you want any info in school, the price range will be $10-250, and outside of school will be $10-400. Anything special? The price will be decided by me. Now how does that sound?"
"WhAt? You told me it was $20-600 for in-school and up to 800 outside?" Moniqa snarled. Lorelei rolled her eyes, "First of all, your cousin pissed me off when I was in freshman and you're loaded which means you don't really care about the price of stuff. And anyways, the quality of my info never changes. If I hated you, I would've given you double the price. You'd like that?"
She turned back to you, smiling, "My phone number is on the bottom of your drink, you can call me when you need my services. But considering that you guys literally waddle here like ducks meant that something went wrong with the wi-fi and the data at the same time right? So please tell me what you want before it reaches the point where you have to swim back to your dorm room." 
-...-...- Unknown's pov Somebody's gotten it. It's someone in y/s, the after-effects are growing, I need to find the host. Many things have already been infected with RH-o1, the amount of things that have been leaked will soon make Earth change drastically.
I need to find the diary, quickly, #%^*><\$&%* It has all the leaks, it materialized the moment this world was tainted.
I've been trapped here. We all belong on different paths, one is reality, one is $&@/"-, hopefully, I'll survive, I asked $&":$!(& to help me change how the time flows.
I've just gotten here but every minute feels like decades. My sister is out there somewhere, perhaps the paper that she took gave her a better fate than mine. We don't belong here, before I die, I will send her out. I swore to &&"-).
The sheer amount of rules in this place is driving me insane, if only I was like &&"-), she's insane but her type of insanity doesn't affect her logic and abilities. Why did I have to get the hardest one? Why me?
Chapter 5 - Fish blasting
"Are you sure that she can fix the Wifi?"
Yeleris nodded, eyes glued onto her book.
Moniqa giggled, "Lorelei may be annoying and bratty but she does have the skills that made her the head of her lil association in her sophomore year, my friend told me that two years ago, there was also an association like that one but it was taken down quickly because they dug a bit too deep and the high ranked members were all kicked out of the school. I'm pretty sure one of the high-ranking members who wasn't kicked out was her older sister. I heard that she had some blackmail on the school and she threatened to leak them if they kicked her out."
All eyes swiveled onto the pile of devices that were charging in the corner.
Ding,dingdingidndinidgndingd- "SHE DID IT!"Moniqa lunged towards her phone, "FINALLY, I WAS DYING FROM BOREDOM-" Thwack. Yeleris towered over her, "Can you shut up."
You typed a few letters down,
Is this Lorelei
???? Who you?
Y/N, you gave me your number in your room.
? I wasn't there tho? Do you mean my twin Lorelie?
Loreleisnotgrumpy has added you as your friend
Totallynotlazy's name has been changed to Y/N
Loreliesnotgrumpy's name has been changed to Lorelei
Can you give me some info on the rain?
It's not normal, in fact, it's kinda acidic?
I mean sureee but I need some time since, yk it literally just rained. Btw, I'll give you the price after I get the info because I'm actually nice and Lorelie told me to give u a discount so just wait for my messages.
Btw, how'd you know it's acidic?
Me, Yeleris, and Moniqa had to go to your dorm because of the Wifi not working to ask you to get it fixed but as you said your twin was there and she fixed it for us.
Huh, Yeleris and Moniqa? They only came to me once and I never told them my dorm number and Anthony wouldn't tell random people my dorm number. Ig that your roommates had deals with my twinny rather than me.
Prob. Anyways, when we got back, our skin was red and some bits were bleeding and I tested the PH.
Hmmm. I'll get you some info by the end of this week, I'll give Lorelie your number. Don't tell random people about Lorelie though, she's a bit bratty and hates a lot of people, and she likes acting like me. She'd get angry if people knew that she was pretending to be me
Ok, tysm
Have fun XD
The lovely violet sky was soon covered in a sheen of eerie red, after effects of the blood rain. The WiFi had stopped multiple times in the last few hours, only recovering due to the twin's perseverance of fixing the WiFi for the enormous amount of money they were given by hundreds of people.
The power outs were so frequent that the night became very dark, only a few gleams from torches and phones, and soon you drifted into a deep sleep, unaware of your surroundings.
Patter. Patter. A silhouette was outlined by the faint moonlight. "Y/N...The time isn't right yet. You weren't supposed to have visions yet. Why did I have to be the only one in the dorm that's reincarnated? The apocalypse is in a year but since you've gotten your powers so early, does that mean that the timeline has been messed up? Lorelie wasn't supposed to be there too. Has she reincarnated? Perhaps transmigration? A time traveler?" The girl muttered.
"The rain, it's supposed to be acidic in a few days, the acidity is also stronger. What's happened? The future is changing. Butterfly effects, if I can come back, others can come back too. My sister is still finding the records of the apocalypse, we would all die without the records..." The figure opened your phone, "Genshin...maybe the world of Teyvat has something to do with all of this as you were in Teyvat for a year or two, but- who's this?"
"Y/N WAKE UP." Moniqa shrieked as she woke you up. I finally wasn't in Teyvat, Moniqa scared the shit out of mee. "What?"You stretched happily, "Bro! It's raining fucking blood!" WHAT THE FUCKKKKKKKKKKKK You rushed to open the window. You cautiously placed a small cup outside the window. "Hey." Yeleris beckoned the two of you to the TV. '
"It's global." "No shit, Sherlock." You took the cup out and closed the window once again. "The rain here seems a lot darker than the TV." You turned to Moniqa, "Moni, you have a lot of small seedlings you got from the gardening club right? Add some of the rainwater in one, I want to see something."
~time skip~ (2days)
"Pretty sister! Pretty sister! Are you ok?" You rubbed your bleary eyes. The loli smiled down at you, "Pretty sister, are you ok? Klee was soooo worried about you." she smiled innocently at you, cherry pink eyes glinting under the morning rays.
"Hello Klee, I'm fine." You sat up, "Sweetie, where are we?" The girl laughed, clapping her hands together, "Is pretty sister a visitor? This is Cider Lake!" She grabbed your hand and pulled you towards the water.
She's unbelievably strong... "Since pretty sister is a visitor, Klee will show you around Mondstadt and we can go fish blasting with Dodoco!!!"
"Klee?" You poked her weakly, "Is something wrong pretty sister?" You pointed behind you, "You sure you want to do it in front of the city?"
You've woken up after you and Klee blasted the majority of the fish population of Mondstadt. At first, it was only Cider Lake, but she soon decided that it wasn't enough and she started putting bombs all over the nation, one on some poor lad's roof in Springvale, one besides the anemo hyptostatis, one near the statue of seven and a lot of other places that you couldn't remember. It was only until a knight of Favonius saw Klee putting bombs in a merchant's stall did you leave.  You did not want to be brought to Jean, so you hid on top of a tree as Klee was dragged away. She made a heart in the end which quite literally melted your heart and soul into a puddle.
The next few days passed like a flow, the rain never stopped but day by day, the water had slowly turned back to it's usual colour, in fact, the small samples of rainwater collected before slowly turned transparent just like the rain.
It wasn't until eight days later did you notice something was too eerie with the rain.
Teyvat Chapters 1-10:
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diavolosthots · 4 years
I adore your work and I am so happy I caught you open request it's my first time! May I please request something with Diavolo handling his human exchange student being a kid who is like 6 who is convinced that Diavolo os their dad and clings to him crying when someone tries to take them away because they don't want to loose their dad scared of being alone again? 100000% platonic obvs. It just sounds cute and sad because Dia could probably relate to the poor kid and I'm a sucker for soft dia and found family stuff. As per your rules that I hope I'm getting right with mc being a kid being okay I want you to know this is not and oc just a basic sad little kid with family issues. Just don't want you to think it is when I swear ots not because of how detailed I felt I was giving. Sorry for rambling I really admire you and your skill and just am so nervous making a request.
Your rambling got cuter and cuter and I couldn't help myself from smiling. Yes this is okay and yes you've read the rules right :)
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For a task he trusted the eldest with, he certainly didn’t think Lucifer would decide to let a literal child enter the Devildom. “Lord Diavolo, I swear I had no clue! On the paper it said 26, not 6!” Sure enough; a quick glance at the paper and it indeed said ‘age: 26’ and yet here they are, which a barely functioning human in a world they can’t even comprehend. “We can’t keep them here, under any circumstance.” Another quick glance at the child in front of him and then the pure fear they had in their eyes when they saw the rest of the demons in the room put Diavolo in a tough spot. “I will take them home immediately.” But the minute Lucifer tried to reach out for you, you jumped up and ran to Diavolo, clinging onto his pant leg and hiding behind him, “don’t let him take me, daddy!” Diavolo’s whole body stiffened at the name, “Daddy? I’m not your father.” But you would have none of it, still clinging to him and actually screaming out when Barbatos tried to pry you off. “It’s okay Barbatos, I’ll just take them.” He mainly said that because your screaming was unbearable but when he leaned down to pick you up so he could take you back, you had tears streaming down your cheeks and he hates admitting that it actually broke his heart, “why are you crying little one?” “Because the bad men want to take me away from you, daddy.” You snuggled into him, wrapping your arms around his neck and clinging to him for dear life, and for once in his own life, Diavolo wasn’t quite sure on what to do. 
That was a couple months ago. No matter how many times he tried to take you back home, you’d find a way to cling to him, kicking and screaming for him to not leave you too, so he decided to keep you, at least for a little while. He made sure to remind you every day that he was certainly not your father, but you never believed him so he gave up at some point and decided to just have a serious talk with you when you’re older and more willing to listen and comprehend. “Daddy!” Sadly, having you around also meant that he barely had time to get enough things done and Barbatos was constantly running after you and not getting things done, either. Speaking of Barbatos, he’s still salty about the time you decided to bite his tail and has made it a point to never be in his demon form around you. “My Lord, I’m so sorry, I can’t seem to keep (Y/N) occupied.”
In all honesty, Diavolo’s eye was twitching because this is the third meeting you decided to interrupt, not this week, but today alone. “(Y/N). Please listen to Barbatos.” You climbed up in his chair, sitting proudly and taking random papers from his desk, pretending to read them, “vetoed! Trashed! Wait… this one looks cool, it has a seal on it!” Diavolo snatched that one from you so fast, you could’ve thought it was just your imagination, “(Y/N), are you listening to me? I said you ha--!” “Daddy look, if you take two pens and hold it up, it looks like Barbatos has horns!” Barbatos was also getting mildly irritated but he was trying so hard to keep his calm. “(Y/N), why don’t you listen to Lord Diavolo? I’m sure he’ll be more than happy to play with you at the en--!” “Look Daddy, I’m wearing your coat!” You seemed so happy, so full of life and as much as it inconvenienced him right now, Diavolo couldn’t bring himself to get stern with you, and he didn’t have to. “(Y/N)! Listen to what people are telling you!” Because it was Barbatos who lost his cool, and apparently also his manners. 
The loud sound of his voice along with the fact that his smile dropped to a glare had the whole room silent. Even Lucifer who was part of the meeting, managed to stand at attention. No one remembers the last time Barbatos lost his patience and all of them wondered if he ever lost his patience before this, but that’s not the issue now. Your lip was quivering, tears threatening to spill over as small sobs escaped your mouth, “no…” Diavolo knew what would be next and he doesn’t have the heart or the time for it. “Ssh.. It’s okay, come here. Daddy’s got you.” He quickly picks you up, holding you against his chest and stroking through your hair lovingly, trying to keep you from screaming out. A crying you was a very loud you and he’s trying to save everyone’s ears from that spiel. “Barbatos, take Lucifer and leave, please.” The butler, as much as he wanted to just yank the kid back to human realm, could do nothing but nod, his usual smile returning to his face as he bowed, “of course, My Lord.” He waited until Lucifer went ahead of him, following suit and then closing the door behind him. 
Diavolo let out a long sigh, seating himself back in his chair and then propping you up in his lap. He pulled you back far enough to look at you, golden eyes soft while one of his hands continued to stroke through your hair, “he didn’t mean it, but he does have a point. You can’t keep interrupting me all the time, (Y/N).” You brought one of your hands up to wipe some of the tears before leaning back against him, burying your chest in his face, “b-but…. I just want to spend time with you, Daddy…” Another sigh escaped Diavolo as his mind raced to find solutions, turning left to right in his chair kind of in a rocking motion as he did so. “I know that, but I have things I need to get done before I can have fun time with you.” Diavolo rested his cheek against your head, staring at the paperwork on his desk and then at the sealed piece of paper that he took from you earlier.
“What if… when I don’t have a meeting, what if I set up a small desk for you right here, right beside mine, and we can work together, hm? How does that sound?” Your head immediately lifted off of his shoulder, a wide smile evident on your lips and Diavolo felt his heart settle with content at the sight, “yes! I want that, Daddy! And then you and I can rule together!” Diavolo laughed softly, shaking his head, “hm… we’ll see about that. You have to promise me you’ll listen to Barbatos though AND you have to leave when I have meetings, okay?” You nodded, holding up your tiny pinky, “pinky promise!” which Diavolo gladly wrapped around his before kissing it softly, turning you back around in his lap so you can watch him go through some paperwork. Part of him just hopes you’ll find this boring and leave, but a tiny, other part of him hopes you’ll stick around for a little while longer.
You may not be his child, but you’ve grown on him, and at this point, he’d do anything for you so as long as it didn’t put the Devildom in danger. He loves you, as if you were his own.
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fictionalabyss · 4 years
Protector : Despair.
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Pairing : Dean x Reader, Sam, Brady, Alex (oc), Abby (oc)
Word count :    2,233
Warnings : Panic/fear,  stalking/following (mentioned), nightmares, protective Sam, scared Alex. Series TW : Domestic Abuse is a constant topic- be it mentioned, or actually happening.
Continuation of this series was commissioned by : @iflostreturntosteverogers
Part 20 of Protector.
Masterlist • Patreon • Ko-fi.
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You sat licking your lips and looking down at your phone. Today had been a day from hell. Scariest day of your life since the day your ex husband had shown up at your door and beat the shit out of you. And this time, there was no Dean to make it stop. You’d been home for a bit now, unable to relax, unable to stop your mind from coming up with the worst possible scenarios.
Alex had left school when he spotted Ash outside doing a walk of the perimeter, stood up mid lecture, grabbed his books, his bag and walked out. He knew if a patched member was at the school, it meant trouble. He’d burst into the house almost in a panic, making sure you and Abby were okay, telling you Ash had given him a quick rundown.
Now he was with his sister in the kitchen, keeping her occupied while Sam started on an early supper to distract everyone.
Looking down at your phone, you sighed and scrolled through your contacts before selecting one and hitting call.
“Sullivan and Rothman, how can I help you?”
“I’m calling for Tyson Brady.”
“Y/N Winchester.”
“Hold please.”
It took a few minutes, but then the elevator style hold music shut off and you could almost hear the smile in Brady’s voice when he picked up with a “And what can I do for the biker princess?”
“Hopefully help.”
“What’s wrong?” his tone had changed completely and you could almost picture his lawyerly frown.
You licked your lips before filling him in. “Remember when Dean was arrested?”
“Yeah, Bakers bullshit stunt to buy time, what about it?”
“Baker told some guy who I was, that I was Dean’s wife. He was a guy from a rival MC or gang or something, I don’t know… but-”
“He’s following me.”
“You’re sure?” You nodded even though he couldn’t see you, and it was almost like he just knew before he asked “How?”
“Someone sent Dean pictures of me and Sam in the front yard yesterday. He said the only thing other than the pictures was a PObox. There was no name, no nothing-”
“So you don’t know it was him.”
“Not for sure, no..”
“You got the PO number?”
“Uh, no. Dean didn’t tell me.”
“I’ll call him for that..” you heard rummaging and then quiet. “That can’t be it, though..”
“No.. today, I saw him.”
“The guy? Where?”
“Grocery store. He was following me, watching me.” you swallowed, looking down again as tears filled your eyes once more. “I’m scared, Brady.. It was just me and Abby, and he was there, he- he just stood there and watched us.”
“About an hour ago? I called Sam crying, he ran to the store and the guy was just gone. What if it’s him who sent the pictures to Dean? It means he knows where I live. Dean’s flipping out, I’m scared he’s going to do something stupid in there and I’m scared this asshole is going to get me out here, and- I- I didn’t know who else to call but you..”
“Hey, relax, okay? Look, you did good calling me. I’m going to officially represent you, okay? I’m not just Alex’s lawyer anymore, I’m yours now. Look, I’m gonna grab the next flight in, okay? Might be a few days, but I’ll come down, I’ll meet up with Dean's lawyer and see what we can find out about these pictures, and I’ll file another report against Baker.”
“I’m so fucking scared…”
“I know. I know. You’re not alone, are you?”
“No. Dean made Sam move in a few days ago.” You glanced up as Brutus padded into the room. Patting your thigh, he came over and rested his head on it, head tilting to encourage you to scratch behind his ear. You were happy to obliged.
“Okay. That’s good. How’s Alex?”
“Freaked out too. I sent some MC guys to make sure he was safe at school, it freaked him out and he rushed home.”
“Look, I’m about to check for a flight. I see you when I get to town. I’m also going to reach out to Dean’s lawyer. If I find out anything before I see you, I’ll call.”
“Thanks, Brady. I don’t know where we’d be without you.”
“Don’t thank me yet. See you soon.”
As you hung up, you ran your thumb along the side of your phone. You wished Dean would call again, just so you knew he was okay, that he hadn’t done something stupid. “Please..” you whispered while staring at your screen. “Please please please..”
“You okay?” You looked up at Sam standing in the doorway, and he sighed. “Of course you're not. Did you call Dean’s lawyer?”
You shook your head. “Brady. He’s uh- he’s gonna come down. Get up Bakers ass again, talk to Dean’s lawyer for me..” you bit your bottom lip and started to chew on it. “Thank you.”
“Being here. That day. Today. Brady. Take your pick.”
“You’re family.” he gave you a soft smile. “Go on up and take a warm shower. Dinner won't be ready for about an hour, so you’ve got time. I know it’s hard for you to relax, but-”
“I’m pregnant, so I need to try. I know.” Sighing, you dropped your phone onto the coffee table before making your way to the stairs, Brutus following behind you at first but he stopped to sit next to his master. “Sam?”
“Thank you.” without another word from either of you, you made your way up the stairs and into your bedroom. Once the door shut behind you, you leaned on it and looked around. Pictures on the dressers, his clothes, his things, this was the hardest that it had hit you that Dean wasn’t here, he couldn’t protect you. Letting yourself slide to the floor, you gave yourself a few minutes to cry.
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You were running, running, always running. Running from something, something you could feel more than see. A feeling, one of dread. Terror. The kind of terror that left a pit in your stomach and made you want to throw up, but you couldn’t, you had to keep running. Running through the streets, running through trees, through houses, the scenery always changed but you weren’t getting anywhere, you weren’t getting any farther away from it. You were running with something hot on your tail and no end in sight.
Tears streamed down your face, sweat clung to your skin as you pushed yourself harder, faster, frantically looking as you ran, looking for your safe place. Looking for Dean.
You skidded to a halt in the endless aisles of a supermarket when you came face to face with a man you’d only ever seen. He was massive, giant, built like a tank that could never be taken down. He took up the whole aisle, you couldn’t see anything, not even light beyond him. He was darkness and dread that swallowed it all up, and he had his eyes set on you.
You turned and ran, back down the way you’d come. A glance behind you showed you that he was following. Not running, but keeping up all the same.
And then you slammed into something. A hard body that sent a chill of terror down your spine.
You were shaking as you looked up at him, a face you’d hadn’t seen in years, not even in your worst nightmares. “No..” you shook your head frantically trying to get some distance from him. “No.. no.”
“Where’s my son?”
“Please…” you begged, stumbling as you stepped back and fell to the ground. You tried to scurry away only to bump your back against legs. Dread and terror now towered over you. The man who tried to kill you once, and the man who wanted to do it now. “Please.. This isn’t real.” you  sobbed, backing against a shelf and curling up as small as you could. “You’re not real. You’re not real. You’re not real..” the words on repeat as all light was blocked out and your world got dark. It suddenly felt like you were falling.
There was no help, no one was coming to save you this time. They had you trapped and cornered and it would hurt even more than the last time, you knew that. You were surrounded by darkness and pain that wouldn’t relent and no one was coming to save you this time.
This was it.
He’d finally kill you.
“Please..” you sobbed before letting out a pained cry.
You hear a crash and barking, then feel someone grabbing at you. It puts you in a panic, you start screaming, louder and louder, pushing, fighting as you get pulled up to sit.
“Hey! Hey, relax, it’s me, it’s Sam.” You keep fighting, eyes now open and darting around in fear. It’s your room, you’re in your room but is it real this time? Is this really Sam holding your shoulders. “Hey. It was just a bad dream, I’m here, I’ve got you.”
You looked at him, searching his face for truth. “Are you-”
“I’m real, I’m here.” A large hand cupped your cheek, his attempt at grounding you again, proving to you that he’s in fact right there to save you from whatever had put so much fear in you. Your hand went to his chest. He wasn’t wearing a shirt, and feeling the warmth of his skin under your fingers proved to you he was real. He was real. He was here, and he had saved you. You didn’t say a word, the tears started pouring out again and you let him wrap his arms around you. You sobbed against his shoulder. “It was just a bad dream.” he soothed, hand smoothing down your hair and down your back before coming up and repeating the movement. “It was just a bad dream. I’ve got you.”
Hearing the creak of the floor boards, your eyes opened again to see Alex in the doorway, his eyes full of worry. “Mom?”
Sam lets you go, even though you’re still shaking, even though the tears haven’t stopped yet, he lets you go. “Alex.” you breath on a sob, and he’s rushing in to you, all but throwing himself against you as you wrap your arms around your son, clinging to the back of his shirt as you cry.
“You scared me, mom. I heard you screaming and I-” You duck your head, burying it against his shoulder. “I haven’t heard you scream like that in so long. Not since dad.”
“He was there.” you whisper against him. “He was there, him and that guy.. They- they had me trapped and no one would help me.” you were shaking with sobs again. “I couldn’t get away. I couldn’t get away.”
Alex started to rock you, side to side like you had done to him when he was small. “Yeah.” Alex nodded. “I remember those dreams.” Alex sighs now before whispering. “I have them too.”
It's a few minutes of quiet between you, Alex gently rocking you while Sam quietly watched, his brow still furrowed with a worried frown. “I know you’re probably too old, but-”
“I’ll stay, mom.” He pulls away now, still holding you, but now he’s looking in your eyes. “If you need me, I’ll stay. Just like Dean always did for me.”
You sniffle, hand now cupping his cheek as you smile at him and nod. You’re so proud of him, proud of this brave and strong man he’s growing up to be. “I love you.”
“I love you too, mom.” he smiled. “Let’s try and get back to sleep, okay?”  You nodded, both of you letting each other go as you laid back, letting yourself get comfortable again, as Alex got in next to you.
“How about I get Abby.” Sam says quietly from where you find him standing by the door. “You need your family right now.”
“Thanks, Sam.”
He gives you a smile before he walks out. A moment later, you hear him coming back up the hall with a sleeping Abby in his arms. You pull the blanket down, and Sam lays her between you and Alex so she’s nestled right in the middle. Pulling the blanket up, Abby just shifts and rolls so she’s facing Alex, making him smile at her before he closes his eyes.
When Sam pulls away from the bed, you look over at him. You don’t realize you’re afraid he’ll leave until he speaks in a soothing tone and promises “I’m not going anywhere. I’m staying right here, I promise.” You watch him as he walks around to the foot of the bed and gets comfortable in Dean’s armchair by the closet. “Get some sleep.” he says as he tries getting comfortable.
Once you’re sure he means it, that he isn’t leaving, you wrap your arms around Abby and duck your head so your nose is in her hair and breath in the scent of her watermelon shampoo.
You’re not alone.
You’re not alone.
You’re not alone.
He can’t get you.
He’s not real and you’re not alone.
Finally, you close your eyes again and pray for better dreams as you feel the weight of Brutus jumping onto your bed and curling up on top of your feet.
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Tagging :  Protector : @jaycc7983 @volleyballer519  @meganlpie  @mrs-dragneel-stark-solo  @londoncallingbutiwontpickup    @valsworldofcreativity   @samsgirl93 @delightfullykrispypeach​
Dean - @akshi8278​  @adoptdontshoppets​   @evyiione​ @karikatz12481​ @idksupernatural​  @deandreamernp​
SPN -  @sandlee44  @just-another-busy-fangirl  @mrswhozeewhatsis   @deanandsamsbitch  @deans-baby-momma  @thebescht @67-chevy-baby @supraveng   @musiclovinchic93 @holyfuckloueh  @ksgeekgirl   @hobby27 @maddiepants  @roxyspearing @onethirstyunicorn​    @fandom-princess-forevermore     @kalesrebellion   @deanwanddamons​   @thoughts-and-funnies​
All tags - @sorenmarie87 @artemisthebadger @winchesterprincessbride @iflostreturntosteverogers @akfonkin @rebelminxy @foxyjwls007 @onethirstyunicorn @shaelyn102 @supernaturalenchanted  @kazkingdom   @babypink224221  @emoryhemsworth    @ilovefanfic86​  @pie-with-hunters​   @anaelsbrunette​   @feelmyroarrrr​  @letsdisneythings​   @cdwmtjb8​   @notyourtypicalrose​ @xostephanie​ @ilovedeanspie​ @defenderrosetyler​ @amandamdiehl​
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missskzbiased · 4 years
I Hate That I’m Afraid to Love You (3)
Genre: Romance, Friendship, Angst, Hurt /Confort , Suggestive, Fluff College Au, Enemies to Friends to Lovers Au, REALLY Slow burn, Love Square (?)
Pairing: Hyunjin X Fem!Reader  X Han X OC
WC: ~ 5,0K
[Previous] [Chap] [Next]
Warnings (general*): Language, Mentions of (Physical abuse, Death/ Loss of Loved One, Child Abandonment/Neglect, Divorce, Toxic Parents, Cancer, Mental disorder, Anxiety Attack)
Notes: I hope you guys like it. Chapter 2’s tags didn’t work TT.TT so I hope this time the tags works… *Sigh* Anyway! This and the next 2 chapters will have more of an angsty feeling to them. If you guys feel that I should put a warning or something like this, please let me know! [Although I think I listed everything on the general warnings]
I’m opened to any feedback! It’s my first fic like this so I know I have a lot to learn yet. Any tips or suggestions are welcomed!
REMINDER: I’m neither a psychologist nor a psychology student.
The next chapters will have some things related to psychology BUT IT’S ALL FROM MY MIND. Please don’t consider it as something a therapist would say.
Also, don’t consider it as a good way to handle any mental illness.
Just as a note, the MC will realize she needs therapy at some point [~chap10], so I’m not trying to show friendship, love or whatever as the solution to mental illness [Though those kind of things can help you out, consider doing therapy if it’s possible]  
Updates: I’ll update it once a week [Tuesdays] because I still have to write the chapters to come and review the ones I already wrote
    If you knew all it took to get Hyunjin’s head out of his ass was confront him, you would have done it way too sooner.
   You knew you got on his nerve when he came into the classroom without sparing you a glance, his usual mocking self nowhere to be seen. He walked straight ahead to his seat, gliding, his chin slightly upraised as if he felt like a royal member himself, lips quirked up in a carefree way that you knew he was feigning. You shouldn’t feel too good about it, but you felt it anyway.
   Paris noticed something was wrong, her eyes following him amazed, noticing he didn’t try to flirt or tease you at all.
   “Is it just me or he just ignored you?” She asked surprised, her eyes glued to him even when he was already settled on his seat “He didn’t even look here!” Her eyes shot at you, mischievous “What did you do?” she grinned devilishly.
   “Nothing” You shrugged, struggling to keep your smirk off of your face.
    You always said you didn’t really hate Hyunjin and you meant it, but it didn’t mean you were anywhere near to be fond of him in any way. You knew you were being petty and childish, but you couldn’t help it. You weren’t obliged to put up with his guts! He had this infuriating aura around him like he was some kind of god, and it just upsets you to the point you wanted to punch him sometimes. He did nothing wrong, but that was exactly the issue! You hated these kinda movies that pictured the male lead as a perfect little thing that could do all he wanted because he was just amazing... People like this didn’t exist.
   Except that he almost fit that image.
   Now, you weren’t saying he was perfect! He was way too far from that if your opinion had any importance at all. The thing is that he is rich. Okay... But being rich is enough to make you hostile towards someone? Well, it is when this someone doesn’t put a damn effort into anything and you have to work your ass off to get the same results as him. So maybe you were envious? Yeah, maybe. Whatever. You felt wronged when you knew you had to be all work and no play while he could play whenever he wants because he was blessed with a good family.
   It was infuriating.
   Of course, you would be able to get good scores at everything without putting any effort into it if you were tutored back in high school like he was... Of course, you would be able to look charismatic and sassy if you had the time to sleep after your work, instead of studying your ass off so you could keep up your grades and your scholarship... Of course, you would be able to have fun and be relaxed, hence being able to absorb all the information your professors spat out if you didn’t have to live up to everyone’s expectations! And, of course, you would be able to have a good relationship with the university if you were a hell out of a rich girl that could give your damn money to the university and get on everyone’s good side.  
   So maybe it wasn’t Hyunjin’s fault to be able to do things you couldn’t do even if you worked your fingers to the bone... But he and his shitty personality didn’t help his case at all. Maybe if he was a kind guy or something like this, but he was an asshole! He knew how you hated all those things about him, and he would still rub it to your face. He got off on the fact you were miserable compared to him! Every time he could bring up how he was better than you in every aspect (which he wasn’t, really!), he would. Every time he could show you how the professors got on his side just because, he would. Every time he could do something that made you pissed off, he would.
   So maybe it wasn’t Hyunjin’s fault he had everything you worked for.
   But his good for nothing personality was solely his fault.
   And you would hold on it for your dear life.
   “Y/N, could you refresh my memory? What was your feeling’s choice?” Your professor, Mr.Lee, asked in a quiet tone before scratching his white beard, his eyes focused on yours, analyzing your every move. It was kind of invasive every time he looked at you as if he could see your soul, and you wondered if someday you would be like him.
   “It was Hate, sir” You answered firmly, your eyes sharp as a knife when you returned his gaze.
    “Would you care to enlighten us about your choice? Is it too personal?” He asked in a kind tone, letting it be your call. You didn’t understand why he was beating around the bush like this, but you shrugged it off.
    “As I said last week, sir, I think hate can move people to do dreadful things without thinking about the consequences… I believe nothing can beat hate. Not time. Not love” You looked in Paris’ way with an apologetic smile “I guess I made my point clear enough last time” You added, a tight smile on your lips.
   “Yes. Yes, You did… I remember a lot of raising hands to agree with your plea” He acknowledged, his eyes darting to Hyunjin this time “And you, Hyunjin? I believe your answer was also quite defended last Friday” He encouraged. Hyunjin looked back at him, still averting his eyes from you at all costs.
   Your smirk made its way to your lips as you felt superiority’s sweet taste.
   “Yes, it was, sir” He agreed. Even though he didn’t feel like talking to you and seemed… Tense, his voice still hung that endearing power he had, getting everyone’s attention as he opened his mouth to repeat what he said before “Fear is clearly stronger than Hate as it can paralyze people, make them give up on everything… If hate makes you do things you regret, fear also makes you regret things you can’t do” He seemed off as he spoke it, his eyes too focused, his jaw clenched slightly… His arguments got better too, maybe he thought about it since Friday?
   Probably not.                                                                                                                                                                    
   “And I believe no one could agree with Paris, since the classes ended in the best part of our discussion! Paris had a good argument, though, and I happened to hear from Hyunjin himself, that it beat his own” He sang, Paris chirped excitedly, making you chuckle “If any of you were too hungry and lost to remember, she said Love was the strongest feeling because it could beat any other… You could beat fear and hate with it, you could do something out of love or sacrifice yourself by not doing something in the name of love…” His voice hung there, purposely pulling an imaginary string, getting everyone attention as he looked around, the cliffhanger being too hard to ignore.
     “So who was right?” You heard someone asks from the back, your eyes glued to your professor’s smirk as you waited, your breathing withhold on your chest, hoping you could be the one to be right, or at least Paris…
   “No one and every one of them” He announced, proudly. It was needless to say all the holding breaths came out as disappointed sighs, an unknown winner standing for the title you would never get “This exercise isn’t about who is right or wrong… There is no such thing as the most powerful feeling! Every single feeling has a full meaning for that one person that holds it” You rolled your eyes, thinking about how Mr.Lee could be such a good professor and such a bad one. He was bullshitting all of you, and to speak of which—
   “That’s bullshit!” A girl uttered in the front row “Are you saying a patient in love is the same as a patient who wants to kill themselves?! Someone who hates themselves so much they want to be dead… You can’t say it’s not as powerful as some lovesick bast—I mean, person” Okay, so maybe that girl had some hate issues? You saw his eyes lit up as if he was expecting a tantrum.
   “You can’t see a patient who hates himself and say he’s more important than that one fearing something to the point he can’t even get away from his own house… Nor say the one who’s healing themselves with love ─ this being self-love or someone else’s love ─ isn’t as important as your other patient… Every single human being is a full universe, and a good professional has to be able to see it clearly! The most important feeling to you may not be the most important feeling to this patient, you have to think ahead of yourself” He smiled at the end of his speech, clearly proud of the marveled looks on your face.
   You thought it was kinda cute how he stood there giving these same classes probably for… twenty? Thirty years? And still got so excited to see how all of you would react. You let a smile flicker over your face, and you felt Paris beam at your side ─probably relating it with music in her head─ but Hyunjin wasn’t so impressed, raising his hand promptly, getting a nod from Mr.Lee who was giving him the word.
   “What did you make us suggest them for? If the whole point was to make us understand every feeling matters, I can’t understand why we lost one day debating it” You turned your head from Hyunjin to Mr.Lee, expecting what kind of answer he would give.
   He grinned again, glad things were going on his way.
   “That’s a great question” He agreed “The thing is, my fellow students, you guys tend to state the most important feeling to you… I think it should be no surprise that you are all adults struggling with things along your way, and by this simple debate, I can tell you, Mr.Hyunjin, struggle with a great fear of something… I can tell Ms.Paris healed herself with great love… If you want me to be more specific, I do remember her statement about love being protective, and her examples were about a mother protecting her child and a soldier… Would I be wrong if I guess your mom’s love moved her to do great things to protect you from something really dangerous, Ms.Paris? Perhaps something as violent as a war?” Holy shit! You felt as you were on a ‘Now You See Me’ movie, all hidden things getting a spotlight right in front of you.
    “No, sir! You would be totally right!” She agreed blissfully, getting a humming from him.
    “I thought so too” He joked, laughing to himself “Do you have any more questions, Mr.Hyunjin?” His voice held this knowing tone when you just knew you have nailed it.
   You felt the urge to clap, excited at all this.
   Then you felt the urge to hide.
   You struggled with hate, and now it was unfolded there for anyone who wanted to see it.
   You couldn’t focus on your classes anymore, your mind wandering around some stuff you didn’t really want to remember right now, your childhood unfolding there like a really long movie that you didn’t want to watch at all. Paris seemed to notice your absentminded self, her hand resting on top of yours, reassuringly squeezing your own before you smiled weakly at her, the soft contact dragging you out of your thoughts.
   “I’m fine” You guaranteed, receiving a nod as a response.
    Her hand never left yours though.
    There are times, such as this, your mind just gets numb.
    It’s almost like a TV snowing, the soft noise sounding like numbness at the back of your mind, nothing really getting there, even though your eyes were opened and looking straight ahead, you didn’t take in any images. You weren’t quite sure what was on your mind when the loud alarm sounded through your brain, getting you startled, your eyes snapping back to whatever was happening in front of you: A sea of students wiping their stuff into their bags and scattering around. You looked around, confused when you finally noticed the class had ended.
   How long were you thinking? Were you even thinking? What was Mr.Lee saying?
   You sighed heavily, looking at the blank pages on your notebook, and you could almost feel like he stared back at you, disappointed. Paris rested her hand on your shoulder, burying your head with a worried look that made you say the first thing coming across your head “Classes ended already”, Oh, well… That was a poor statement… You got a sympathetically look as an answer, “Han must be almost here, we should get ready” You added, a more useful wording this time, getting your stuff and standing up, your hand finally away from hers.
    She got up as well, letting you go just like this. You couldn’t be more grateful for her understanding right now. You merged into the crowd getting out of the class, taking short steps and stretching your neck, trying to get air and have a vision around, searching for Han in the hallways. As soon as you got out, you felt a hand grab your wrist, pulling you to the sides, colliding with a warm chest that made you frown annoyed, glaring at the boy who turned out to be Han himself.
   “Are you blind?” He laughed, ruffling your hair, getting a chuckle from Paris.
   “No, you’re just too small” You mocked, his whining making you and Paris laugh. The three of you made your way through the crowded hallways, heading to the dining hall, ready to eat whatever was being served there. You looked around the Quad, expecting to see Chan there waiting for Hyunjin and wave at him, since you knew they both use to have lunch together on Tuesdays.
   What you didn’t expect was to catch a glance at an odd woman, her flashy fashion getting your attention immediately and making you feel dizzy.
   You would bet you were pale as a ghost.
   “Hey, are you okay?” You heard Han ask, glancing over the area you were staring “You seem kinda… Off” He stated worried, getting Paris attention as well, making her stop her blabbering about today’s class and look at you concerned.
   “I’m just hungry” You uttered, looking at them with a tight smile “Let’s go quickly before I pass out” You said hurriedly, pulling them by their wrists, eager to get out of there.
   They let you hurry them, exchanging a look before shrugging it off.
   You felt your heart slamming on your chest, your lungs seeming too small to handle your need for air. Although you weren’t running for real, your steps were quick and wide, your head swivels as you tried to find Chan on campus, your legs burning as you walked fast and your neck hurting to move around searching for him. You felt a hand on your shoulder, grabbing it with much more strength than needed, and you shut your eyes closed, defeat washing over you.
   “Holy shit, where were you?!” Chan’s voice sounded alarmed and your disappointment switched to relief.
   “Oh, thank god!” You chirped, turning around and hugging him out of reflex “Where were you?! Did you see her?” You asked worried, his face giving all the answers you needed “Is it bad?” Your voice sounded weak even to your ears, thin and trembling.
   “It’s… Well, it’s not good” He mused, averting his eyes “It could be worst I guess… She wants to talk to you” He explained, his hand squeezing your shoulder “I told her I would ask you to meet her at the yard… It was the least crowded place I could think of… ” He sighed, looking tired; he must have been worried, running around like this just to find you “Where the hell is your phone? Why can’t you pick up my call, woman” He complained, trying to light up the mood, but you couldn’t find his teasing amusing right now.
   “I forgot it at the dorm… I will pick it up later, before work” You answered, kinda absent-minded, your mind wandering around a hundred thoughts at the same time, your breathing starting to falter. You felt his arms wrapping you up, embracing you tightly and soothing something on your ear as he stroke your hair gently, his sudden touch getting your attention back to him “Thank you” You muttered against his chest, clearing your throat before pushing him away gently “Lord, stop being cheesy” You joked, making him scoff in disbelief.
   “I run around this damn place because you can’t take your phone with you like a grown-up ass and you call me cheesy?” He snorted, feigning to be hurt as his hand rose to his chest “I even ditched Hyunjin for you…” He added, swiping imaginary tears as he looked at you.
   “Hyunjin was with you?” You asked exhausted “Great… Did she say anything in front of him?” He was quick to shake his head, denying, and you let a relieved sigh “Well, that’s good then”
   “I asked him to wait where we were, guided your mom, and came for you… I don’t think he connected the dots yet, although he will ask about it for sure” He explained briefly and you nodded in response “I think you should go talk to her before she comes back” He reasoned, and you nodded in agreement, squeezing his shoulder in silent gratefulness before smiling gently at him, getting a small smile back.
    If you had one thing in this world you could always count on it would be Chan.
    You picked up your pace, trying to reach the yard as fast as possible, using all your strength to gather your thoughts together; worry washing over you as you got closer to your destination. You couldn’t be distracted; you had to keep calm, to be understanding, to be focused. As soon as your eyes landed on her, you felt your heart pang. She was beautiful, of course, her blond dyed hair suited her well, and her sunglasses matched well her style, the flowery dress giving a girly and young vibe to her.
    How long had it been since you saw her like this?
    She seemed to notice you, taking her glasses off and flashing you a bright smile, getting up from the bench she was sitting on, and coming to meet you halfway. You looked around, checking for people you knew, before sighing in relief as you made sure the yard was indeed pretty vacant, just like Chan predicted, and opened your arms so she could hug you like she made mention to do.
   “Long time no see!” She chirped, hugging you tightly, and you seized the moment for a bit, her warm embrace making you smile homesickly “You never come back home! We miss you” There was it. You nodded, not really agreeing with her, and broke away from her, a tight smile adorning your lips.
   “Yeah… We just have a lot to do here” You lied “How is it back home? Why are you here?” You asked genuinely curious. She shrugged, grabbing your wrist and guiding you to the bench she was sitting before, sitting down and patting it so you would do the same.
   “I think I will get back with your father” She beamed “He’s in love with me! I wanted you to be the first one to know” You closed your eyes, sighing before you opened them again, looking straight into hers. She looked exactly as you remembered in your childhood… Delusional.
   “Mom, he doesn’t love you…” You said cautiously, searching for any signs of rage on her face, but all you got for an answer was a scoff “He abandoned you, mom… He’s back now, but he doesn’t love you… Please, don’t make a big deal out of it” You pleaded, but now her disgust was plastered all around her face.
   “You were always like this… You never loved him!” She uttered, her voice rising just for a bit, but it made your heart race anyway, afraid she could get out of control “That was exactly why he left us!” She added, her rage made you shrink your shoulders, your eyes unconsciously scanning around to see if anyone was looking, shame imbuing every part of your body.
    “I wasn’t the reason he left” You muttered, her gasp getting your attention again, her eyes accusing you silently.
    “Are you saying I was the reason he left us?” She asked, hatred dripping from her words.
     “No, of course not!” You rushed to say, your lie tasting bitter on your throat, the dry gulp inevitable “We’re not to blame… It was his own fault” You reassured her, your hand making its way to her shoulder before she swapped it away, huffing.
    “You’re unbelievable” She snickered “He came back for me, he has been with me for three years! You can’t understand how much he loves me! How much we belong together!” Her voice was loud now, and you were sure anyone who happened to go through the yard would be watching you “He loved you, Y/N… He even had your photo! Did you know that? He had that tiny photo of you… He never stopped loving you, and you can’t be grateful for what you have!” You bit your lower lip, trying to stay calm, to be the responsible one.
   “Are you taking your meds?” You asked tired, your back curved as if you had aged fifty years in this few minutes of talk “Is he giving you your meds?” You asked again, looking in her eyes. She looked at you like you were a bug annoying her, her brows frown as she leaned closer to your face.
   “I don’t need the pills” She spat angrily, her eyes shooting yours “I can take care of myself! Look at me, I’m here, ain’t I? I came here by myself! I don’t need to be enclosed! I’m okay!” She got up from the bench, yelling at you. Finally, some people seemed to notice the commotion, and you could only avert your eyes…
  You could handle it, you always did it.
 “I can take care of myself just like I took care of you!”
   No, you couldn’t.
  “I took care of you” You uttered, your eyes burying in hers “Do you know who didn’t take care of you?! Who didn’t take care of me?!” You yelled back, angry “Him! He didn’t take care of you! He didn’t love you! He doesn’t love you now!” You got up from the bench as well, gesticulating widely as shame and anger mixed up on your guts, the solid presence of eyes fixed on you in the back of your head, fueling it.
   Way to go, Y/N! Just what she needed right now!
   You felt the sting on your cheek before you could process what happened.
   “You don’t even see him at home, you know nothing” She spat, her hand still raised in the air, no signs of regret in her eyes. You felt the tears prickling, your hand trailing to your face slowly before caressing the hot skin, the pain in your chest deeper than what you felt on your face. You didn’t dare to look around, to check people’s reaction, so you just stood there, looking her in the eyes as your vision blurred.
   “Oh my god” You heard a male voice, startled.
   You could recognize it even if you didn’t hear it for three whole years, even if before that you haven’t heard it for a whole ten years of your life… You could recognize it anywhere because it was his voice, the voice who answered you when you first learned to say daddy, the voice that soothed you before sleep, the voice who supported your mother through her depression, the voice that yelled at her when she was being a maniac, the voice that vanished from your life… That voice belonged to the one who had only one task… And failed it.
   “Honey!” Your mother beamed; his eyes landed on her confused before turning to you. He was accompanied by a man in uniform, a Hospital logo on his chest that you promptly recognized as Chan’s family business, he walked over to your mother, guiding her away gently.
   Of course, it was Chan, even when your father showed up to do something useful, it wasn’t his initiative.
   “You suck” You said as you got closer to him, rage bubbling inside you “You just needed to take care of her… Can you do at least one thing right? Can you take care of anyone at all?” You asked exhausted, stopping right in front of him, your eyes held a disappointment that made him shrink.
   “I’m giving it to her… I don’t know what is happening” He defended himself, making you scoff.
   “Did you look under her tongue? Are you sure she’s taking it? Maybe, if you were there you would have known that she may hide the pills and sometimes refuses to take them…” You laughed humorlessly “It’s funny because I learned it at… ten years? And you don’t seem to learn anything at your forties or whatever!” You snorted, pissed off and bitter,”I should know something was wrong though… Her messages were different…“ You mused, drowning in your guilty.
   “I tried to reach for you, but you didn’t pick up…I was hoping she would get better” He admitted and you could only roll your eyes, looking away before averting them back to him in a cold-steel glare.
   “Yeah, because it’s my fault you can’t handle something that I handled just fine as a kid” You spat, disbelief in your eyes “I can see how invested you are in this” You gestured between yourselves, scoffing as he averted his eyes ashamed. You prepared to make your way to your room but as soon as you got past him, he turned around, calling you.
   “I missed you” He muttered, making you spin on your heels.
   “I bet you did” You smiled bitterly “You’re a professional at missing things… You missed a lot of them all this time, didn’t you? I bet you missed me so much! You missed my birthdays a lot!” You laughed bitterly, clasping your hands together and tilting your head “You missed my graduation… You missed all the therapy mom had to take because of you! You even missed the only thing you had to do to try to redeem yourself!” You scoffed, shaking your head in contempt “You missed a lot of things, dad… You’re twelve years too late to miss me now, though” You sighed, turning away from him and walking straight ahead to your dorm.
    As you walked through the yard, heading to the dorms, you could only feel all of your emotions boiling up, tightening your chest, blocking your throat, and turning into tears before you shot your head up, a failed attempt to stop the tears falling down your face as you walked. People didn’t seem to mind your crying though, as you should have expected, since college students were fated to cry about their terms, essays, and all of the troubles college brought to their lives. You could only feel relief as you lowered your head and quickened your pace, people ignoring you.
    As soon as you opened your door, slamming it open in your stupor, you regretted your crying, and your poor choice of place to go, watching as Han and Paris widened their eyes at you, startled by your state. You closed the door behind you, closing your eyes and clearing your throat, your hands hurriedly wiping your tears away before you turned around to look at them with a clearly fake smile that you knew that looked more like a grimace.
   “Sorry for interrupting” You said, voice almost steady “I… Will be in my room” You added, fast walking.
   “I think you should go…” You heard Paris telling him “Y/N, come here, let’s talk” She pleaded. You heard both of them getting up from the couch. You locked your door right after you got to your room and sat on the floor, head burying in your knees as you hugged them. You heard a door opening, probably Han going away, and as soon Paris knocked on your door you started to cry again.
   “I saw them again… She came to talk to me” You blurted, trying to say something coherent but failing it “She said he loves her… She said it’s my fault they got away from each other… She slapped me…” You sobbed now and then, and even though you tried to explain the situation you Knew Paris must feel lost there, not knowing what to say “He said he missed me… I fought with him again, Paris… I’m just like him! I will abandon everyone around me…” You cried hard this time, trying to recompose yourself miserably, grabbing your ears and swinging back and forth, trying to calm down.
  As you hushed yourself, you missed the door closing with a loud bang.
101 notes · View notes
Rating: Mature Readers (no smut yet)
Word Count: 3,247
You can read the previous Chapters below:
TW: Starts out mild but gets pretty rough and rowdy by chapter 6. If you don’t like non-con touching, kissing, please don’t read this fic. 
This story takes place a little bit after the start of Episode 3. I can’t say this has no spoilers. Some of the dialogue are verbatim from the game. But mostly, it’s a re-write of the situations from Episode 3. Not entirely spoiler-free.
Twisted Wonderland is very inclusive with the MCs gender. But, because this is my story and I'm using my OC/MC, I'd like to give you a heads up that my character is female. I will also be mentioning her name, and will be describing her accordingly. I'm not using ____ or y/n for this story.
Translating Leona's cadence to english (which starts in my head at first) is very very awkward for me still. Also, I change from referring to the MC as "the prefect" to the original way the characters refer to the MC, which is kantokusei or kantokusei-chan.
I just think that writing "the prefect" sounds so dry? And all the personality of how the different characters remix her title is lost in translation. I'm also a huge fan of honorifics so I'm not omitting those~
I hope you enjoy my attempt to write. It's been a while and this is mostly to alleviate my many feelings for Leona.
For Asami's name, I used the kanji characters for "Morning" and "Beauty". So I like to reference the morning to her. I'll be doing this on several occasions so I wanted to mention it here. (I also have several jokes about her name and mornings and idk how I could translate that to english and still make it work idk)
I took Taeyang's song "Eyes Nose Lips" as the title because it was the only thing in my head that felt and sounded appropriate. I'm still looking to see how this story goes but I'm really hoping this would be the basis for all my Leona x Asami fanficions to come in the future.
Thanks for reading! 
Leona and Asami arrived at the Savanaclaw Mirror chamber.
They calmly walked towards the mirror chamber. A quiet walk together. 
An unusual tandem. Asami’s eyes watched the dark-haired prince strode a few steps before her with gloved hands in his pockets. His shoulder slouched forward.  A slight drag in his footsteps.
Just as Asami was going to pass through the mirror, Leona pulled her back by the arm. “What do you think you’re doing?” Leona looked down on her with raised eyebrows. His eyes narrowing in slight disbelief how little she knew about the mirrors even after spending over a month at Night Raven.
When did he feel this casual around her?
When he realised just how hard he pulled her back, he let go and rubbed his forehead in irritation. Asami wore a worrisome face. Her brows crunching together ever so slightly.
“What do you mean? We’re going to school, right?” Asami faced Leona, her eyes apologetic and worried.
Had she done something wrong?
She didn’t say anything, so it couldn't be that she said something wrong?
“Without your furball, you’ll be yanked around if you pass through the mirrors.” Leona sighed trying his best to come up with the easiest explanation for the little herbivore.
“Is that why it took me a while to go home yesterday? I felt like the mirrors wanted to vomit me out…” Asami chuckled while rubbing her cheek with her finger. Now she realised why it was so difficult to pass through the mirrors whenever Grim wasn’t around.
Asami eyes dipped low — her dark hair partially covering her eyes from Leona’s vision — disappointed with herself. She apologised.
Leona offered her a gloved hand. “It’s easier if you hold on to me.”
Asami winced at the sight of Leona Kingscholar offering his hand to her. She was doubting the day - is this for real?
Why is he being so, tame?
And nice?
And polite?
And patient?
But she took his hand. And the blush on her face intensified. She was aware of it. But because she had the habit of keeping her head down, she had assumed Leona did not notice. But he did. That day, he noticed her blushing as she took his hand. Leona pulled her close and they walked hand in hand through the mirror.
Passing through the mirror with Leona was a completely different feat—when she walked with Grim and the others, she would still feel a slight jolt as they walked towards their destination.
Walking with Leona felt like walking on the moon. They passed slow but firm. She felt at ease — she felt safe around him. Which was weird, because she had expected a predator to have a more threatening aura around him.
When they finally arrived at the hall of mirrors, Leona let her go and walked towards the opposite direction. Raising one hand as if waving at her goodbye.
“Wait!” Asami called out to him, Leona stopped in his tracks. Surprised to hear her voice so chirpy in the morning.
“Dorm Leader, I—” this was the first time she ever called out to him like this. Her words trailing off as she realised how casually she addressed him. And Asami’s face couldn’t be redder.
She stopped and took a deep breath. Leona faced her, a calm face waiting for her to speak.
“I wanted to ask why you were looking for me yesterday…” She faced him. Courage lifting her face up to him. A deep breath bracing her for the impact of his answer. Despite the blush on her face, her eyes did not waver. They were looking straight at him. As if they didn’t share the same bed the previous night before.
Leona ran his gloved hand through his hair, trying his best to hide what little blush might project from his own face. He sighed, trying to hide his usual countenance.
“You don’t need to make me a lunch box anymore. Don’t overwork yourself.” Leona spoke slow, and there was a hint of kindness there. Or maybe Asami was just imagining it. Leona turned to his heel and left. The same hand raised as he disappeared into the dark hallways.
Asami walked into the classroom, barely on time. She put her bag down beside Deuce. The middle seat by the last row, two seats from the window. Everyone’s barely settling in. But Asami felt refreshed. Her eyes didn’t feel itchy nor hot anymore — her face finally free of dark circles that’s been stuck for days. A light energy lifted her spirits, she was ready for the day. Deuce examined the prefect and sighed in relief.
“You’re okay.” he sighed in relief with a friendly pat on Asami’s shoulder. “We all thought you were already eaten by a lion” a heavier moan followed.
“I’m okay. I actually feel better. I got to sleep a lot.” Asami’s smile lit up the room. The corners of her mouth lifted along with her shoulders. For the past two weeks she’s been either tired or groggy or both. Deuce followed her smile. “I guess it’s a good thing you guys will be getting your dorm back.”
Asami’s smile momentarily vanished from her face — a sudden realisation jolting her thoughts of Leona to a halt. They had two days left until the Ramshackle Dorm was handed back, keys and all. And she felt a pang on her chest.
“Kantokusei ?” Deuce noticed the prefect got quiet all too quickly. The way her eyes dilated in shock. They will be getting their home back, but she couldn’t even feel half happy about it. The sleeping figure of Leona flashed in her head.
Deuce watched the prefect as she lowered her head — a habit she did a lot when she was embarrassed or when she’s thinking or trying to conceal her irritation. She was quiet. And he was quiet along with her; Deuce felt like it was the only way he could secretly cheer for her. Asami’s lashes dipped low, trying her best to mask the shock with a more neutral expression. Deuce likened it to the calm before a storm. He felt a shiver down his spine as he felt the aura emanating from her.
“Hey...” Deuce tried to lighten the mood, and for a moment, Asami snapped back to the reality that was the classroom in the first period. Her face became softer again as she turned back to her classmate. “It’s okay. He’s still around school.” Deuce offered Asami a sly wink and turned forward as the teacher walked in to start the day.
“How—?” Asami hunched forward, seemingly trying to hide her already small self. Her left palm covering her face. Deuce chuckled a bit and gave her a friend pat on the shoulder. “Anyone would have noticed~”
Jack Howl tried his best and made sure he gave it all with everything he did. He took his studying as seriously as he took his training. He wasn’t the best student in his class but he’s not bad either, you would usually hear him say, “If you didn’t work for it, you don’t deserve it.”
He admired people who worked hard. He admired people for trying and he tried his best to give a helping hand whenever someone needed a hand.
This is probably the reason why for the past week he’s been noticing her.
He’s usually awake early — six in the morning. He goes out for an hour of running. And when he returns, he would find her already wrapping two sets of bento boxes and getting ready to leave for school.
Jack didn’t try to spend a lot of time with the prefect but he was happy to find out their schedules aligned. They would often pass through the hall of mirrors and “go home” together. He didn’t think much of it, he didn’t want any more than that. He liked it though. Especially the fact that she was in close proximity. The fact that when he walked through the corridors, he could pass by their classroom and see her focusing on the board. He remembered those small moments the way someone would keep snapshots of their significant other in their pocket.
He didn’t want to presume anything, really. He just really liked having her around. And he felt fortunate to be able to spend as much time as he could with her. Eventually, he asked her to stop making a bento box for him. And she tilted her head in confusion, her face finding the answers from his face. “You don’t like my cooking?” she pouted. She’s a lot more comfortable around Jack. She’s in the same year, yes, but she’s still two years older than him.
He found it very cute that even though she’s a bit older, she’s still so small compared to him.
Sometimes when they would walk together, he would often look back to see if she was still with him. She moves cautiously, though, she tries not to show it. One time he offered that she could walk in front of him, if that ever made her more comfortable. But all Jack got was a brimming smile of joy.
“Your tail is fluffy, it’s cute!” a half chuckle and a slight blush filled her face. She tried not to laugh, “I like dogs, they’re the best~” She smiled, her shoulders slightly lifting with the sides of her mouth. A comforted expression painted on her face as she reminisced her own pup.
Jack sighed and scratched the back of his head; his own cheeks turning a brighter shade of pink. “I— I’m not a dog dammit! I’m a wolf!!!”
He was a bit irritated, but Asami only chuckled and bumped him a little bit. Jack could feel the tip of his eyebrow twitch at the sight of her, doing the best she could not to laugh. And then she took a deep breath and with a satisfied sigh, she gave him another smile. “You’re the best, Jack. Thanks for that.”
It was as if whenever he looked at her, the sun was always shining in her direction. And the way her cheeks lifted when she smiled filled Jack’s chest with satisfaction. He made her smile like that. How bright she looked and Jack admired all of it.
Before he knew it, he was always watching her.
How focused her eyes would be on a book when they’re doing a study group in the library. She would be quiet, but she would have a stern look on her face. She would blink slowly, frequently, and Jack found it incredibly hard to focus whenever she sat across from him to read. She wouldn’t notice how his page never ended up turning whenever they read together. Jack was relieved she was always so engrossed in the topic she’s reading about and he got away with not reading the whole page.
At least he could watch her.
She would often hunch forward, book in hand, and sticky notes almost sticking to her blazer. Her eyes looked down as she explained how the spell is constructed and why these elements worked best together. She would talk non stop about a single potion. He would sometimes think why she wasn’t ever sorted into Pomefiore. Jack would often listen, giving it his all to focus; and eventually everything will drift into a slow echoed murmur. Their surroundings seemingly blurring, and he would focus on the movement of her lips. He could feel her voice disappearing in this heavy swirl of confusion and admiration. The scent of her made him dizzy. He liked it though. It made him focus more on her mouth. And how, as she leaned forward, the sides of her hair would follow, and she, with the utmost care, would slowly tuck her hair behind her ears.
Jack liked the way she did that.
The motion in which she used her middle and ring finger to catch her hair, and it would slowly slide down the side of her cheek. Her ears were small  — at least to him, they looked small. And her hand would pause there, just for a second, her mouth still moving. Explaining something — what was it? Alchemy? Right, he was having a hard time with that, wasn’t he? Alchemy. Right.
“Jack?” Asami’s voice was worried, she leaned towards him, her head tilting. “Are you okay? Sorry, was I going too fast?”
Jack took a deep breath and shut his eyes tight. He then abruptly stood up, towering above Asami’s sitting figure like a beanstalk magically popping out of the ground reaching for the sky. “Yoshaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!”
Jack yelled at the top of his lungs, slapping his cheeks with both hands. The loudest roar inside the library in centuries — perhaps. Asami sat there unmoving. Her eyes confused and a little bit worried. “A- Are you okay?” Asami whispered, lowering her head cautiously,
“YOU THERE! WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU DOING BEING SO LOUD IN THE LIBRARY????!!!! SHHHHHHH!!!!!” Asami and Jack bowed in apology and took their leave.
He took pride in his athletic abilities but understanding alchemy  — compounds, composition of the elements, how they are grouped together and the reasoning behind spells’ recipes were beyond him. Asami would often help them out. Deuce, Ace and certainly Grim were not the best in the subject either. But Asami took her readings seriously. And she’s often lending the guys in class her notes. Deuce and Ace would protest, telling her that she’s their friend so she shouldn’t just give her notebooks out to random people from other classes. Jack somewhat agrees with that statement, but he wasn’t one to tell the prefect what she can and cannot do.
He liked that about her. She was always considerate of others.
Ruggie is particularly fond of her, and Jack liked the fact that Asami and Ruggie shared a friendship almost like how his younger siblings did. He noticed how Ruggie grew to be more affectionate towards her, and how he would often scold their dorm leader for making such a mess and giving her such a hard time.
Sometimes they would sit by the lounge together, hot tea in hand after dinner, and they would just talk about the day. Asami liked hearing stories of Ruggie’s classes, and about his hometown, about the ‘street rats’ he used to play with, and how he missed going back home. Jack liked that she listens. Her face focused on the person speaking, and the shift in her eyes, eyebrows and facial expressions as the story progressed were little moments he held together; pieces that captured a photo of her face, tucked inside his chest pocket. He allowed himself to cherish her.
And whenever he closed his eyes, he would remember how the sun shined towards her direction. He always loved mornings. And now, he has a new reason to love it even more. Asami sparkled the same way mornings brought new light into a room. This was what he felt whenever they came into eye contact or when he happened to see her face. How could he ever forget her? He can’t and he won’t. It brought him joy to see Asami as another form of beautiful mornings in his life. 
Definitely, she was an image he would keep in his pocket for a long time.
He noticed though, how her eyes would follow the Savanaclaw dorm leader. How she would keep an eye out for him, ostensibly looking for him in the distance whenever they all gathered anytime or anywhere. It was as if she had hoped to be where he was instead of where she was.
And Jack caught her sighs when the dorm leader wasn’t visible throughout the day. He took note of her anticipation when they were about to go back to the dorms. The way she walked faster, grabbing Grim as they arrived at the hall of mirrors.
Her eyes sparkled whenever he felt like Leona Kingscholar approached them. He noticed the little things that made her blush, the little things that made her smile, and the things that made her sigh. They were all wrapped in the arrogance and charm of the Savanclaw dorm leader, and he couldn’t agree more. He also admired him for all the obvious reasons and he could never bring himself to betray Leona. His loyalty towards him never wavered.
What a waste. He thought to himself. Looking at Asami’s smiling face, her lowered head partially covering the deep hue on her face and then Leona’s usual countenance.
Did he even notice her? Even the slightest?
Did he ever notice how happy she looked whenever he would walk into the room? How happy she looked as she tied the knot of his yellow furoshiki every morning. How happy she looked — albeit the lack of sleep — after she finished her chores and found him reposed in the dark sheets of his bedroom.
The more Jack fell for the prefect, the stronger he cheered for her stolen glances and her hidden blushes.
“Two more days, huh?” Ruggie tossed a juice box back up in the air before popping a straw through. “You excited to get your room back?” he chuckled, turning to Leona laying on his side, his arm and elbow supporting the side of his head.
“Hmmpf—” Leona couldn’t bother to answer a stupid question. His eyes were closed but his ears were listening to Ruggie as he went on about the day. Giving the occasional monosyllabic responses.
“So, you don’t have your special box today?” Ruggie eyeing the lion’s usual request from the cafeteria.
A noncommittal shrug from his shoulders. “She can’t make lunch boxes if she’s sleeping in.”  
“Are you sure you didn’t do anything?” Ruggie checked to see the expression on Leona’s face as he asked once more, “You’re awfully calm about this.”
Who wouldn’t have noticed. They purposefully stayed away from each other but something kept driving them both to find the other. Ruggie would catch him staring. Watching carefully. Electric eyes following her movements slowly. She wasn’t aware of it, no Leona is careful and deliberate when it comes to his prey. Ruggie grimaced at the thought of the dark-haired prince being so patient — when in fact he was never one to be patient to begin with.
And Ruggie knew Leona better than anyone in Night Raven College.
“I thought you liked the prefect…” Ruggie couldn't stomach keeping the words in. He had to say it. Someone had to. Leona let his arm give out and flopped on the floor. Silent for a few minutes. Ruggie waited for his response as she looked up at the sky. The clouds give bits of shelter from the mighty radiant sun.
“Doesn't mean I have to act on it…” Leona’s words were soft, as if he was singing a silent lullaby. It was gentle as it could get as he permitted Ruggie to witness. There were very few times in his life where he allowed his vulnerability escape from within the cages of his heart. And Ruggie would be one of the handful he allowed to witness.
Ruggie sighed, completely forgetting about the fullness he got from his lunch. He eyed Leona and his store-bought package untouched.
“What a waste….” He muttered under his breath.  Was he referring to Asami or Leona’s lunch? Who knows. He was careful not to let the prince hear. He pushed himself from the floor and walked away from the rooftop, leaving Leona alone.
What a waste indeed.
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catchlalune · 4 years
Legend’s of The Deep: A Long Journey 
a/n: Hello all, I decided I needed a little break especially on my blog. So today I’m coming with another wip that may or may not be finished but I think this one will be entirely up to the feedback I get on this. There are some things to note, there are technically two main characters in this story but only one reader! As well as the fact that this was a story originally intended for someone I’ve fallen out with so the reader portion of her character is actually based on her and for all intents and purposes she is a white mc. This is like the first story I’ve ever posted with a white mc so I apologize to my poc readers but if this is something you guys really want to read (I had four parts planned, but I’ve only written two) then I’ll take this one down and really rework it! Anyway, sorry for the super long authors note! 
Word Count: 1,688 
Pairings: Hongjoong x (white) female Reader/ Seonghwa x (poc) female oc/ Reader x OC
Genre: Angst, Fantasy, Pirate! AU
Warnings: implied smut, mentions of blood and war, this will contain fighting and gore later down the line, alcohol, pirate slang (I did quite a bit of research to get the right slang for what I wanted in this fic)
Part 1: Solar Eclipse
It had happened mere days before they found them. A war in a family; in a relationship. Blades whizzing through the air, flesh torn and blood spilt. Unnecessary and foolish, all stemming from the selfishness of man. 
Greed was surely a deadly sin. 
Hongjoong wonders how they got here, he heard tales about these fearsome women. But at the moment they just look like women, far from the seas they knew with a deep set pain behind angry eyes. Well, at least the redhead was angry. The others eyes looked so soulless it almost unnerved him. Even being bound to her friend with eight swords pointed at them she looked as if she welcomed death. Well, if that's what she wanted he wouldn't give it to her. 
"Bring them." Hongjoong nods to Mingi and San after sheathing his sword. He hoped he wasn't wrong about this. 
It surprised him how they had come with little to no resistance. He wasn't sure if it was because of the way their legs wobbled with the exhaustion of carrying them for days or the gaunt looks of their cheeks from the food he knew they had not eaten on their journey. 
It seemed they'd been ready to risk it all just a few hours ago, but as the minutes ticked by they remained bound and boneless. 
Thorne had not spoken for the entire week that they traveled and Y/N was starting to become extremely anxious for her. She wanted to smooth down her tangled hair and give her honeyed words of encouragement but she could not do that with wrists bound. 
She watched her closely instead, waiting with bated breath for a change in demeanor or a shift of limbs, but it seemed their experience had numbed her down to her very core and she no longer felt anything. 
A pang goes through her as she feels her stomach turn, gnawing at her innards for a crumb of sustenance. They left them there tied to the main mast for hours in the open air and sun. A dreadful mistake on their part, but they would have to wait to figure that out. 
Y/N had been much too careless, too enthralled by the power that caressed her skin that came in the form of sunrays. She hadn't even remembered closing her eyes and definitely had not heard him approach them. 
"I- I don't mean to offend, but you must drink. You haven't all day." He presses the cool metal vessel to her lips and forcibly parts them with a gentle hand so that she will listen. She would've either way, but the way his skin raises gooseflesh when she looks at him intrigued her. 
Even as the cold of the water slips down her throat she gazes at him over the vessel. It makes him nervous, she can tell. Slowly her eyes slip over to Thorne and she sees the man with cat-like eyes and sharp cheekbones stand over her and watches as she takes a drink on her own. Y/N taps his hand twice to signal that she's had enough. 
"Will this get you in trouble?" Thorne is the one who asks, it takes everyone a bit by surprise. Her voice was rough and husky from misuse. 
"No, do not worry about our wellbeing." The one who forced her to drink speaks with a friendly smile, voice low and not at all what you would expect from such an amicable visage. 
"Our co-captain would like to speak with both of you." The one by Thorne speaks while loosing the ropes around their arms and waists. 
"What are your names?" 
“That is none of your concern.” 
“They should know, should they not?” The two men look at each other, one smiling and the other remaining indifferent to his shipmate's positive attitude. There is a small shift in the way they regard each other. 
"I'm Mingi and that's San." The smile never leaves his face, even when his partner fixes him with a quick glare. 
The interaction doesn't stop Y/N and Thorne from standing, stretching their limbs to help their blood circulate. There's a dull ache in both of their bottoms but it is insignificant to the weight of the cuffs around their wrists. They follow the two wordlessly though sticking close to one another. They pass more crew members who glance at them curiously, they never stop their work on cleaning the deck or singing their chantey but simply look on. Their eyes ask the questions that they could not. 
"Are you really the two of legends?" The co-captain wastes no time in their questioning. They had spent only a few minutes traveling deeper into the belly of the ship to make it to him. He sits at a bar taking a sip of what Y/N could only assume is something stronger than the water that was brought to them. The captain sits next to him, not even bothering to turn around in his seat to look at them. 
Mingi and San had already been dismissed and by the looks of it, no one was allowed into this area now. 
"What does it look like?" The redhead had no time for their questions and frankly was rather itching to use her powers. One look from Thorne quells the fire that burned in her belly. 
"It looks like you have a problem with answering questions," The captain speaks, voice authoritative and commanding as it echoes around the room.
"You should ask better questions." The reply is snarky and it makes Thorne sigh. 
"You like to gamble with your life?" The captain finally turns around. There's a smirk on his pretty pink lips but they all know the threat is not there. 
"If you wanted to kill us, you would've tried already." 
There's a pause, a beat of silence before the co-captain steps forward to let them out of their cuffs. The metal drops to the ground with loud thunks, almost leaving dents in the grooves of the wood beneath them. 
"Tried?" He asks as he takes his seat again, taking a sip from his cup that resembles a small barrel with a silvery handle. Thorne is the first to take a seat, she sits beside the co-captain and so Y/N takes the seat next to the captain. 
"You couldn't kill us, you wouldn't know how. Not effectively anyway, we'd just come back. Davey Jones will not keep us." Thorne answers them and it seems the tension in the room wooshes out. Like water rushing over rocks. 
"So, you want answers to your questions and we want answers to ours." There's a glint that flashes in Y/N's eyes and it causes the captain to chuckle. 
"Why don't you eat first." 
That night ended in a bit of bonding between both parties, bonding of minds but also of bodies. They had moved from the bar to the captain's quarters to retain privacy and ended up getting far more than any of them had anticipated. The night began with tension and ended with panting and the feel of skin on skin. There was no doubt that everyone on the ship heard them, but there was no real reason to care. 
"Sleep well?" Hongjoong asks in a smug voice that would've set Y/N's blood boiling had it not been for the dull ache between her thighs. 
Thorne was cuddled against her wrapped in the silk of the captain's sheets, a few bruises littering her neck. Some from Y/N and some from Hongjoong or Seonghwa. The latter is nowhere in the cabin but she figures it has to do with the fact that the sun was well above them. It's rays spilt into the large room from a small porthole window, illuminating it. The sunlight bounced off the gold in the room and caught on the silks, on the light wood of the desk and the glass of black ink that sat next to a quill on top of it. It showed the wardrobe and the crushed velvet of the rug that almost covered all the wood of the floor. A bookcase next to the desk also caught her eye, full of texts but also written documents. 
"You must've if you're in the mood to snoop." Hongjoong untangled himself from the two women and stands in the warmth of the sunlight. He is just as bare as he was the night before, superficial scars run along the expanse of his toned torso and back. He was thin but muscular and his attitude was certainly fit to be a captain's. He pulls on black trousers and a white shirt before shirking on his captains coat. "Whenever the two of you are ready, there will be breakfast waiting for you. Mingi will bring it to you in an hour if you don't come up." 
He leaves soon after his words, though not before laying out fabrics for them to cover themselves with. Y/N lays there for a few minutes before sleep embraces her again. 
The knocking on the door is incessant and it annoys her. She whines for a moment before the warmth of Thorne leaves her to open it. There's a choked sound, a murmur of a barely audible 'shiver me timbers' and the clinking of metal and porcelain before the door shuts just as quickly. Y/N doesn't move until Thorne strokes her hair, then her head pops out from under the blankets. 
"Let's eat." Thorne smiles at her, not flinching away from the gaze on her nakedness. 
"You must've surprised him." A giggle sounds from her friend then a hum as she hands her a plate. It is white and the rim is decorated with golden flowers. 
"Oh I'm sure, but he seems very easy to surprise. Much more your type." 
The two of them talk amicably while eating their food, Y/N relieved at her friend speaking more. She was worried she might have lost her to...them. Maybe after a few more weeks here she would be back to her old self. 
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angelaiswriting · 6 years
The Assistant (3 of ?) | Vladimir Ranskahov x reader
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[original picture: pinterest]
✏️ Pairings:
(eventual) Vladimir Ranskahov x fem!reader
Anatoly Ranskahov x OC (Paulina)
probably other pairings in the future
✏️ Requested by @kellydixon01 : Y/N–hacker, big mouth, even bigger attitude–is the new addition to Fisk’s team. Sent to help the Ranskahovs, she immediately gets on Vladimir’s nerves. But as time passes, they start to take a liking to each other, even if none of them is willing to admit their feelings. Yet.
✏️ A/N: I am so sorry, I suck at titling chapters HAHA I don’t have anything to say for once. My mind is torn between thinking this story is shittily written and enjoying the process hahaha 
✏️ Warnings: none ? I mean, probably mentions of humping but 🤷🏻‍♀️
✏️ Word-count: 3,253 (finally getting to the length I like hehe)
<< chapter two <<
📚 Translations: bozhe moy! – my God!
🎤 Songs Mentioned: Полегче by MC Doni (I’ve had this on loop for days. Give it a listen when you have time, even just the rhythm is amazing)
The lack of dreams had been a blessing that night. For how good a day Vladimir could have, it was always the often wakeful hours that separated dusk from dawn that tormented him, that ate him alive. At first, he had disguised his lack of sleep by working at night, when Tolya went home to his woman, but when his brother had started to ask questions, he had had to stop and step back behind his walls. He was safe there–he was actually not, but he wasn’t going to acknowledge the problem, either. His cage wasn’t silent–it truly wasn’t–but it was still better than the screams he’d hear at night.
The reason behind his running away from his own problems was that he despised weaknesses–and he did so even more when they were his own. As he had often repeated to his father, he was no pussy. It didn’t matter that he was all broken inside, now, and that it wasn’t his fault, for he still perceived it as a weakness and, therefore, as a failure. The whispers he heard and the touches he felt were a constant reminder of what he tried to avoid day in and day out with all his strength. Unlike Anatoly, though, he didn’t have anyone that could shield him from the shadows that hid inside his head.
But whenever a dreamless night graced him with its undeserved peace, he went back to feeling invincible. And alive. It wasn’t quite like fighting–nothing was like fighting, to be honest–but it was something. Something he never dared hope for, but still, something he’d always cherish.
Those peace and sudden happiness were the reason behind the spring in his step as he closed the door of his apartment behind his back today. That night’s calmness, that had finally gifted him a few hours of rest and sleep, had completely erased the previous day’s unwelcome meeting with Wesley and, though unknowingly, he was content. It allowed him to take a deep breath and think of the day to come with a lighter heart.
However, it didn’t last long–it never lasted long. He had just gotten into his car and deleted the five missed calls from the garage he had received while asleep, when he opened his answering machine.
Aslan had left four messages and their tone went from confused to irritated–even if, as he listened to the last recording, Vlad knew all the guy had wanted to do had been yell at him. He smirked: for some reason he couldn’t quite name, it was always hilarious to see Aslan get mad.
He had half-forgotten about the woman Fisk had forced him and his brother to work with, though, and now she presented herself through his man’s words ready to shatter his newly found inner peace. And to have his day ruined was not something he liked, most of all because it usually ended with his night ruined, too. And that was way worse.
Slowly, the conversation held at the meeting came back to him, one slow word after the other. I want you at the garage tomorrow morning at five, he had ordered her the night before, just before storming out of the building Wesley had chosen for the occasion. He hadn’t thought much of it, back then, but now he found himself gritting his teeth in annoyance.
We hate latecomers, he chuckled as he parked behind the Veles Taxi garage.
He hoped he had at least intimidated her a little, for the idea that he’d have to endure the presence of what could well be a spy in his home still annoyed him to no extent. Still, if they had to be coworkers, he needed to know she’d respect his working hours because none of them could afford to fuck anything up if they still wanted to have a roof above their heads and blood still flowing through their veins in a month’s time.
The will to try and bring back the peace that had welcomed him that morning, though, was stronger than any worries, so he did what he did best: he pushed his thoughts to the side and emptied his mind as much as he could. Squaring his shoulders, he glanced around to make sure that everything looked in order before stepping to the side to let the oncoming car pass. With a wave of his hand at Sergei, who was leaving the garage with his cab for his first ride of the day, he entered the building.
Curses were his only good morning that day–it made him smirk.
“You’re late, you moron!” Y/N complained, voice dangerously raising with each spat word.
“Who the fuck is this chick?” Aslan had made sure to avoid speaking in English: he truly didn’t want this chick to understand what he was saying, for he didn’t want to give her the chance and the excuse to start yelling again. He was tired: he had been last night’s shift supervisor and the last thing he’d have ever imagined to witness (nor wished to witness) was a stubborn girl demanding to see his bosses to ‘start working’. “Bitch says she’s working with us from now on,” he continued, his gaze wandering back to the girl sat at the reception desk. She didn’t look like a prostitute, nor like she had any criminal background that could come in handy for the business. “Should I have given her a car?” He was not sure he should have–she had, after all, taken a taxi to get there and she had a computer bag with her. She looked nothing like the drivers he had always worked with.
When he turned again, Vladimir noticed his features, contorted in an angry and disappointed grimace as his hands clutched at his car keys to speed back home for some rest before his next shift would start again in the afternoon. Aslan’s confusion had quickly dissolved and it had left him upset at the memory of the countless insults she had thrown his way without him having the chance to shut her up.
Vladimir’s only answer was a roll of the eyes at the beginning. He didn’t really want to talk about the new agreement he had unexpectedly found himself being forced to follow, most of all because he hadn’t even wanted to sign it in the first place. Anatoly should make the speech: he was the one who had convinced him to accept the new rules, therefore the dirty work had to be his responsibility. But then he remembered that they had agreed Toly would take a day off of work to celebrate his stupid anniversary with his woman and the realization that he had to deal with the spy–as he thought of her–on his own crushed him under its weight like a demolition ball.
There was no way he would manage to play along, he thought. No chance. Zero. He would have rather had to work with Wesley, for he knew Fisk’s servant had no chance against him. But this… this girl. She was the embodiment of anything that could go wrong. There was a reason if he and Anatoly had always been the only ones doing the real office work: because he trusted no one, not even Anatoly’s woman, no matter how important she could be for his brother. He could accept Sergei, for he trusted him and loved him like a brother, but even then, he had to consider letting him help more than just thoroughly.
And this Y/N… He knew nothing about her: she could be a spy just as she could very well be a saint. It was a fifty-fifty chance of being wrong or right. Yet, he didn’t like the idea of taking such a big risk. That had probably been the mistake that had ended with him and Tolik in–bozhe moy–Utkin in the first place. And now he sure as hell didn’t want history to repeat itself–he was already caged enough, he… he didn’t want the invisible four walls of his mind to become real.
Yet, he should have probably come to work earlier to deliver the news to his men and told Y/N to come later. Just as it was hard for him to face the new reality of things, it would have probably been just as hard for his men–probably not for Piotr, though. No, the smug bastard was going to try to sneak into her panties, Vladimir was sure of this. But the only thought he had had on his mind last night had been his thirst for revenge against that new outrage thrown his way and he hadn’t exactly thought rationally. No one fooled themselves Vladimir Borisovich Ranskahov could be even remotely rational, but at the same time no one knew he always tried his best–it didn’t matter that his best efforts were often–always–met with failures.
“No,” he groaned at Aslan’s questioning look. “She’s working in the office with me. We have a batch of new rules, it seems. When did she arrive?”
“At five. On the dot,” was the answer and Vladimir was pleased and surprised to learn she had followed the order he had given–that had been the last thing he thought she’d do. “Any chance we can hump her or is she yours?”
Vlad scoffed, a frown furrowing his eyebrows. “Not mine at all,” thank God. “But she bites. Wouldn’t surprise me if she had teeth up her cunt.” He didn’t chuckle, but the intention was there, and Aslan, barely containing his laughter, still understood.
That day proved itself to be a slow day. Minutes stretched into hours and annoyance into something bigger. It was the deep breath before the jump; the last minute of peace before the storm, when the sun slowly but surely went to hide behind the clouds approaching like a galloping horse.
Vladimir had taken Y/N to his office, sat her down on the couch and started to check that everything was in order for the following week’s shipment. It wasn’t an important order, but he still cared about his job–and the quality of his job–so he treated every customer with the same care.
At first, he had thought of leaving the girl in his brother’s office, just to then realize that Anatoly probably wouldn’t like the idea of having a hacker among his stuff when he wasn’t there. He was not going to ring him a call, either, for he could only imagine how he was spending his free time with Paulina: Vlad had never been a cockblock and he surely didn’t want to turn into one right now.
His second thought had been that he, too, didn’t trust her–not that he was by any means interested into getting to know her and prove wrong the idea he had of her. So he had settled for a compromise: sit in his office with her, plug in his earphones and ignore her presence completely.
If anything, though, she had proved to at least be collaborative and he sure enjoyed that quality in a coworker–even in one he didn’t want to have anything to do with. His work and day-to-day life were already stressful enough and he didn’t want to have to babysit a grown-up woman. Therefore, her silence was a welcome guest as he revised his numbers, MC Doni making his foot lightly tap the floor at the rhythm of his Полегче.
He didn’t like to work with music hammering his eardrums, but it had been a stressful and chaotic past month that had ended up with him picking up his brother’s habit and stealing his iPod. Not that Vladimir was complaining about that subtle distraction, on the contrary.
Moreover, Anatoly still hadn’t found out about the theft–and hadn’t it been for the increased amount of time he had started to spend with Paulina, Vladimir would have found it weird, alarming even–so everything was fine.
“So, when are we starting to work?” Y/N’s voice suddenly covered the song in his ears and he was forced to raise his gaze from his laptop to her. “Any chance the answer’s gonna be ‘soon’?” She didn’t ask when he was going to show her around the place as she had planned to, though. She wanted to personally meet or at least see the people she was going to work with, to put a face to the things she knew about them, but as she stared at Vladimir’s profile, she accepted what she thought was the truth: everything was going to follow his rhythms, not hers.
He looked up and stared long and hard at her. The temptation to ask her if she was making fun of him or what she thought he was doing was strong, but he bit his tongue, swallowed his harsh remarks and grimaced. She was standing in front of the window, back resting against the glass and arms crossed right under her breast.
A smirk tugged at his lips and he didn’t even try to stop it. For how much her presence could annoy him, he was glad she was at least a good view at, bandaged in that suit of hers.
“I am working.” The roll of his eyes made her close her mouth.
It hadn’t simply been the look he had sent her way. There had also been that teeth-gritting jerk of muscle in his jaw, tugging at his cheek, that had seemed to say shut up or else. And she really didn’t want to know what that ‘or else’ could mean, she didn’t want to know that the things Vladimir Ranskahov had done to his victims could happen to her, too. Wesley had promised nothing bad would happen to her, but… Could he guarantee for that?
The fear that Wesley and Fisk could throw her into the lions’ cage and abandon her there was probably the only reason why she let herself be shut up by him.
Silence stretched between the two like the growing distance between diverging galaxies. And while it fed Y/N’s annoyance, it put Vlad’s raging thoughts to rest, allowing his mind to go back to work.
But the more he tried to focus, the farther he got from succeeding.
Y/N’s foot was impatiently tapping against the ruined parquet of the first floor. He could see that movement from the corner of his right eye pretty well. And once he noticed it, there was no going back. It bugged him. It almost felt like it was thrumming in his temples, setting his nerves on fire.
“Stop that,” he ordered, pressing the pause button of Tolya’s old iPod.
She stopped the movement long enough for him to switch his attention back to his task at hand before resuming it.
Fighting a child would have probably been easier. “Stop,” he repeated with a grown as he picked up a pen to take some notes on a loose sheet of paper–he was going to lose it soon, but at the moment, it didn’t matter.
Without any sort of music in his ears, he could now hear the tapping of her foot on the floors and it got on his nerves. She got on his nerves more than she had even just upon his arrival at the garage.
It was an annoying tip-tapping that arrogantly distracted him from his paperwork. It brought him back there–remember rule number one–and it reminded him of the stubborn pitter-patter that dropped down the humidity-soaked ceiling of his cell.
He had to resist the urge to take his gun and unload it into her foot. “What is it that you want?” he eventually asked instead, trying to go through every single bad consequence he’d have to live through if he truly decided to disobey Fisk. Hadn’t it been for the fact that such consequences would have reflected on Anatoly and his woman’s lives, he would have at least used one bullet. Just a little wound, so that Y/N could remember who was boss here and that she should do anything in her power not to piss him off.
“I want to know what I have to do. James said-”
“I don’t care,” Vladimir groaned. He didn’t give a single fuck about what Wesley had said, for that doormat was still alive for the same reason he hadn’t grabbed his gun a few minutes before. “Do what you have to do. I am busy.”
“We’re supposed to be working together,” she reminded him, stepping closer to his desk and planting her hands firmly on its surface. She was imposing herself too much into his personal space and he did not like that. “I’m sure you have enough brain to remember that if you let me do, you and your brother will get richer than you already are.”
Vladimir’s eyes gazed at the ceiling–God, give me the strength–and he heaved a sigh. “I’m already doing my job. If you keep disturbing me, you won’t get part of deal your boss promised you.”
“You did a terrible job with that failed shipment. Stop being stubborn, I am here to help.”
“You are here to spy.”
That was it. Now the truth was out in the open and he could kick her out of his office, his life and his business. He had lasted… what? Two hours in her company? A quick glance at the clock on his wrist revealed that, in fact, he had lasted less than two hours.
He needed Anatoly for this. He was good at this, whatever ‘this’ was. Vladimir… He hadn’t had to deal with people he didn’t like for a long time and he wasn’t able to put his personal likes and dislikes to the side, not anymore at least.
Working side by side with someone else just wasn’t how he worked. Sure, he did go through paperwork and order preparations with Anatoly, but that was his brother, not some stranger he knew nothing about and with whom he wanted to have nothing to do.
Hadn’t it been for his past, still haunting him, he would have never taken orders from some self-proclaimed kingpin dick. He hadn’t had the Russian capital on the palm of his hand just to fall so low he had to become someone else’s dog.
“Is this what worries you?”
Brought back to reality, Vladimir was almost confused to see that her reaction was more surprised than upset.
“Isn’t that why a hacker has been sent here?” He was so confident in his own beliefs that he didn’t even want to listen to her answer. He just couldn’t wait to finish all the preparatory work for that shipment and pass to the next.
But Y/N scoffed, her arms once again resuming their crossed position on her chest. “I could have spied on you from the comfort of my bathtub as I sipped on a margarita. Why come here to work with a dick when I could do much better without you?” she tried to reason, but he was too stubborn to even try and look at the facts from an unbiased perspective. Not that she had expected anything less. “I’m here to make Anatoly’s job and your job, too, a little more efficient and less time-consuming. And if you would kindly stop rolling your eyes, for you will not find a brain in there, I’d be immensely happy.”
>> chapter four >>
Hopefully this doesn’t suck. Feedback and suggestions are always appreciated + corrections are also always gratefully welcome.
TAGS (to be added to or to be removed from any list, shoot me an ask. Same goes for ‘Bratva’)
Everything: @idhrenniel @saibh29 @fuckthatfeeling @aya-fay @pebblesz892  @mblaqgi
Bratva (people not on the lists but that might still be interested): @sweetvengeancee @theranskahovs @brobachev
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creideamhgradochas · 6 years
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Thanks to the lovely @youngmoneymilla for taking the time to answer these! Get to know more about lovely Eliza, go give her a follow and then show her some love!
These questions are from this list. You should check it out, there’s 50 questions all together and they’d be great to ask your favorite fic writer!
1) How old were you when you first starting writing fan-fiction?
2) Do you prefer writing OC’s or reader inserts? Explain your answer.
I did love writing OC’s because I have a lot of fun with physical description. However, that was when I wasn’t aware of Reader Inserts since I just recently came back into the fanfic world. Reader Inserts are great because I have to work that much harder on giving them a backstory/personality and not focus at all on physical description. Plus, everyone gets to read the work and hopefully find themselves in it. The only thing I hate is being unable to use a name. I can’t write “Y/N” bc it bugs me haha.
3) What is your favorite genre to write for?
Ummm Angst probably? I’m a huge horror fan so, I’m trying to incorporate that into more work.
4) If you had to delete one of your stories and never speak of it again, which would it be and why?
“It Would Have Made it True” just because I didn’t really connect with it that much and the ending was rushed.
5) When is your preferred time to write? 
11 am to 10 pm haha. I’m an asshole and write a lot during my job.
6) Where do you take your inspiration from? 
I have about a million fics bookmarked from over the years, literally fics from when I was in high school to now. They’re so gorgeously written and they inspire me to write. I pretty much only read non-fiction outside of fanfic so, that doesn’t really work.
7) What’s your favorite scene that you’ve written?
Bathtub/Bedroom scene in the second part of “Bungalows and Baths”
8) Have you ever amended a story due to criticisms you’ve received after posting it?
Yep. In one fic, I included a descriptive characteristic for the reader that implied she was white. It hadn’t even occurred to me but, I immediately fixed it when someone pointed it out.
9) Who is your favorite character to write for? Why? 
Tossup between Bucky and Steve. Bucky has the very obvious trauma and grief that’s interesting to write about but, Steve has a lot of buried darkness that’s subtle and extremely intriguing.
10) Who is your least favorite character to write for? Why?
Maybe Bruce? I don’t care that much for his character (despite the fact I love Hulk)
11) How do you come up with the titles for your stories? 
A lot of the time, it’s a line that’s said throughout the narrative. However, I have a word doc filled with random quotes I like and I usually throw something together. I always think up the title at the end and it’s always an afterthought. Titles blow.
12) What do you think is the best idea you’ve had for a story so far?
I am currently writing a Bucky x Reader fic (TRYING TO AT LEAST) that is going to take the team to New Orleans. It’s going to involve vampires since I wrote a novella about vampires back in high school and want to re-explore that mythology. However, there is going to be a lot of twists and it won’t be an AU, it’s just introducing the possibility of vampires in the MC universe. The reader and Bucky will both be struggling with the idea of themselves as monsters and trying to help themselves through that. It’s going to be a lot of voodoo and magic and angsty “will they, won’t they”. I’m going off on a tangent now but, that’s the gist. I have not written an actual series in a long time so, this would be my first one.
13) Do you have any abandoned WIP’s? What made you abandon them?
There are many half-filled one- page word docs on my desktop that are rotting away as we speak. I just get bored or think of something else.
14) Are there any stories that you’ve written that you’d really love to do a sequel to?
I’d love to do more fics with the same reader from Bungalows and Baths.
15) Are there any stories that you wished you’d ended differently?
Lol I’m actually annoyed with how I ended 6 Times right now. Not sure why.
16) Tell me about another writer(s) who you admire? What is it about them that you admire?
Omg I admire so many but, here are a few.
@bitsandbobsandstuff – obviously for her “Safe with Me” piece which is fantastic, emotional and well-paced. Pacing/keeping the reader on their toes is the hardest thing for me in a series and so, I really admire her ability to do that. I also LOVED her “A Million Invisible Threads” piece because it’s such a gorgeous character study on the Winter Soldier
@a-splash-of-stucky  – She’s the Queen of Angst duh and a GORGEOUS writer. I love her stuff. A Messed Up Place left me weak.
@imhereforbvcky – Her “Mirror for the Sun” fic inspired me to start writing from Bucky’s POV actually. She’s just a beautiful writer.
@tilltheendwilliwrite – I love everything she writes. I love all the mythology she brings to her fics while still staying within the Avengers universe. Her smut is on another level, too. I find myself rereading her stuff again and again.
17) Do you have a story that you look back on and cringe when you reread it?
Here and there. There are definitely moments in a fic where I think why did I keep that. It’s usually because I ended it too quickly or just wanted it over.
18) Do you prefer listening to music when you’re writing or do you need silence? 
I love music when I write fics. It’s all movie scores. I have a spotify playlist for it.
19) Have you ever cried whilst writing a story?
I’ve cried (ish) when writing anything that has to do with alcohol/substance abuse. I’ve been in and out of AA for the past two years and have finally started recovery again. I also have depression so, writing about that can leave me raw. Writing truly always helps though.
20) Which part of your fics have been the hardest to write?
SMUT. Jesus Christ. I struggle so hard with making smut sound hot, as well as lyrical so, it can fit with the narrative. I don’t want to reuse anything I’ve used in other fics before or repeat words but, it’s SO hard (pardon the pun). I always forget what position they’re in and where the body parts need to go. It’s legitimately why I have yet to write a Stucky x Reader fic. I can’t introduce another person into my difficult SMUT journey.
21) Do you make a general outline for your stories or do you just go with the flow? 
I usually have a general idea and I’ll have a very vague outline going. I just write everything out like word vomit and go back and edit.
22) What is something you wished you’d known before you started posting fan-fiction? 
That some of the best stories I’ve read aren’t necessarily the ones with the most likes or comments. I stumble upon stuff and wonder “HOW DOES THIS NOT HAVE 2K LIKES”.
23) Do you have a story that you feel doesn’t get as much love as you’d like?
That’s tough. Maybe the stuff I wrote in the beginning where I didn’t have many followers. I loved the concept of “You Don’t Mean for it to Happen” but, sometimes I want to rewrite the whole thing. I put a lot of myself into “I Think of You All the Time” but, I feel like that got some good traction. IDK.  Bungalows and Baths got a crazy amount of love. Did not expect that but, v grateful.
24) In contrast to 23 is there a story which gets lots of love which you kinda eye roll at? 
Nope. I appreciate any love haha.
25) Are any of your characters based on real people?
Well, I think it goes without saying that every reader character has a little bit of the author in there. I think I pull from some of my friends but, not really.
26) What’s the biggest compliment you’ve gotten? 
Someone once said that their soul was marked by “Bungalows and Baths” which was amazing haha.
27) What’s the harshest criticism you’ve gotten?
I haven’t really gotten criticism other than that time I screwed up on including a feature for a white reader. I felt terrible about that.
28) Do you share your story ideas with anyone else or do you keep them close to your chest?
Not really. I don’t have people to share them with haha.
29) Do people know you write fan-fiction?
My best friend knows but, she doesn’t read fanfic. Shockingly, my mom and sister know but, I told them that they could never read them. I just share reviews with them. My mom likes to know that I’m staying creative.
30) What’s you favorite minor character you’ve written? 
Oh jeez idk if I have one. Natasha isn’t considered a minor character but, she usually plays a side character in my stories and she’s fun to write for.
31) What spurs you on during the writing process?
Once I get started, I’m usually good at keeping it going. Music helps.
32) What’s your favorite trope to write?
Probably slow burn romance or one of the lovers is injured/captured. I also am a huge sucker for love triangles because I’m greedy AF.
33) Can you remember the first fic you read? What was it about?
Lawl this might not have been the first one but, I read a Lizzie Mcguire SMUT piece when I was maybe in 6th grade and was severely chilled to the bone. I was trash even at 12.
34) If you could write only angst, fluff or smut for the rest of your writing life, which would it be and why?
Angst. I always write better when I’m emotionally distraught and tortured. Although as I get older, I realize this isn’t fabulous for my own mental health.
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