#was it from outside of belobog?
pinkrose05 · 3 months
Thinking again about the fact that it was Sampo who gave Seele her scythe.
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raytm · 2 months
I’m so invested in Gepard I think, for now atleast, I’m going to cull my muse list quite a bit and focus on gep and sparkle and a few other hsr muses.
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narwhalandchill · 1 year
i like to think that one of the reasons dan hengs contributions to the combat effort in the belobog arc seem to be him overall underperforming when considering his actual capabilities (even without his full powers unlocked) with things like his character stories mentioning dude soloing massive space monsters for a minimum wage when on the run is that he was just... actively and tragically being debuffed by the consistently low temperatures on the planet the whole time.
like sure they establish the express' power to shield the trailblazers from environmental effects but it has limits too (as shown by the protection losing effectiveness around everwinter hill) and like this is a whole lizard we are talking about. his system was just fucking buffering through it all.
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harmonysanreads · 1 month
sunday with a singer! darling, one who had escaped from him almost seven years ago, and disappeared off the face of the galaxy. imagine his reaction when he gets word of a famous belobogian band on the radio soon after it’s connections to the IPC were restored, comprised of a woman named serval landau, and a *very* familiar young woman, with an even more familiar voice.
- (…could i be ✨ anon?)
Curtain Call
yandere!sunday x reader
cw(s) : yandere, written before 2.2
wc : 2.6k
You have the power of democracy by your side ✨ anon and I have no choice but to adhere to public demand :] Even though you mentioned a female!reader, the direction of the narrative didn't necessitate that specification, so the reader is gender-neutral! But they have been called ‘babygirl’ once.
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“How can the bird that is born for joy
Sit in a cage and sing?”
— William Blake
You've avoided all shades of white and blue since the dawn of this day.
Serval regarded your pertinacity with a voiceless breadth of intrigue, before yielding with little to no resistance. A smidgen of guilt had briefly permeated your consciousness upon the vague shadow of a pout on her face, you recalled her enthusiasm passed through plans of matching outfits on your debutante from days now labeled as the near past. She picked herself up quickly though, her free-spirited ideals would not be compromised by some mere color choice.
It was difficult to not admire her. Lamentably, it is much easier to cradle the preachings of an unrestrained life than to actually act upon them — and by doing so, shouldering the frigid reality that came with such a life. As a child of frozen terrains although, frigidity must be Serval's playground, you eventually conclude. That is hardly the case for you, but you'd rather swallow whole chunks of ice than pin the blame on yourself alone for that apparent incapability.
You aren't at fault for your paranoia in embracing freedom, but you are resolved enough to try breaking away from its clutches. But just as tattoos sink deep beneath skin, that anxiety stubbornly clings to your psyche and the memories of the past nurture and allow it to fester. Which is why, you must avoid any shades of white and blue, at least until the dawn of tomorrow graces Belobog. Be it a superstition with no rational ground or scientific explanation, you decide to believe firmly in your gut.
The walls of the makeshift back-room muffle the chorus of the crowd outside, but it is enough to comfort you that your long held wish did come true. The single light bulb hanging beyond the door of the room serves as the sole source of luminescence, although it is barely helpful, the light bounces off from your back and reflects a scarcely tangible silhouette in the mirror of the dressing table. Glitters of dust floating around are illuminated by that light, abandoned furniture peek beneath their veils from your peripheral — they exclaim what this room's previous purpose had been.
Neither the modest setting nor the small trinkets spread across the dressing table come close to what you had a taste of ; glimmering surfaces, brands of beauty products worth a man's life savings and silks of no contender would mock this shack, if they could. But your heart soaks in solace whenever that irritatingly bright light flickers and mellowed cheers of the crowd permeate the room's thin walls, not because you lack taste in life, but because you recognize the futility of vanity.
“You did amazing there, babygirl!”
Your vision stutters at the impact of firm touch, you feel arms rest atop your decolletage, a shadow cloaks your reflection in the mirror. The cool touch of metal upon your left shoulder and a distinct streak of blue masquerading among blond locks of hair draw out a breath of relief from your lungs. But a faint twist engulfs your gut the very next second, you recall asking for a moment of quietude vividly.
“I don't think my performance was as great as you say, Serval. And whatever I achieved, it wouldn't have been possible without you guys.” your fingers twiddle with your sleeves, your eyes find interest in an abandoned nail polish.
You peek up in time to meet the rockstar's stare through the mirror, with some wrestling with the light, her disapproval shines through to your eyes.
“Nonsense, you were the star of today's show. Give yourself some credit, would ya?” your cheek soaks in the pinch before your brain can decode her words, you muffle a whine in protest.
“Okay, okay! I'm sorry.” your hand quickly soothes over the tempered skin when her fingers retreat, that's the extent of ‘retaliation’ you offer Serval, having accustomed yourself to her spontaneity in the interim of your stay under her care.
“I saw you look... pretty unnerved after the performance, so I came to check.” you scratch your cheek, eyes darting upwards to find her face shielded by your hair. You cannot pinpoint why, but for a second it seemed like she struggled to find footing with her phrasing of words. You've never heard her falter, at least in speech, but the waves of conversation swallow that momentary observation just as quickly.
Instead of being candid, you take a different turn, “You know, I wasn't lying about being grateful to you all. To perform on a stage without any rules was a long held dream of mine,” you feel gooseflesh bloom across your arms as tip-toeing touch descends to your sides, something within tempts you to curl in on yourself but you force your breath to finish. “If it hadn't been for your help, I would never succeed in fulfilling it.”
Serval hums in understanding, the timbres of it traverses from your skull and extends to your nerves. Her arms rest snuggly around your waist and you swallow dryly. Serval always wrapped her arms around your shoulders whenever she felt the need to and the fact that it made your head nearly spiral with questions didn't require to be stated. Only now do you reckon the slumbering atmosphere, without the jeer and cheer of the audience, you felt Belobog's cold biting into the tips of your fingers. You told everyone to not disturb you — your mind echoes without clarification.
“Is it because of that husband of yours?”
Your shoulders tense and for a litany of reasons, most obscure enough to be dismissed as misnomers produced by your instincts, none but one potent enough to be addressed. “Well yes… I told you about a man, but I don't remember specifying that it was a ‘husband’ responsible for my situation.”
Your words materialize as half confused and half laden with caution, you'd told Serval a few things about your predicament — nothing groundbreakingly detailed, just enough to earn a portion of her empathy. It kills you to follow tactics that enticed you to your doom, but what is life, if not a series of trial and error? It's best to apply the teachings of a manipulator than to continue being manipulated for eternity. But of course, you'll admit, such carefully taken steps still don't lessen the likelihood of meeting a dead-end to zero. How unfortunate.
It's Serval's turn to tense, but it's so quick you're left questioning whether it really happened. “Ah, but there was a ring on your right ring finger when you first came here! And the ‘man’ in your stories didn't seem to be different persons. So, I took a guess…”
An awkward chuckle leaves the rockstar's lips and you blink. She's right, you were still wearing your wedding ring when you came here ; an amateur mistake, you should've left it at some abstruse corner of the Dewlight Pavilion. You glance up at your reflections on the mirror, Serval was now mimicking your previous antics, a painted nail against her cheek albeit, the opposing light veiled her expression from recognition. One of her arms was still around your waist, loosely this time.
“I didn't say anything offending, did I?” the mechanic mutters tentatively. You take a deep breath and exhale, vacillating between the multitude of scenarios conjured by your lingering paranoia. But if it's Serval, you give it more thought, there was no tangible reason as to why she of all people would bring this up with malicious intent — or at least, none that you could come up with. She was likely merely concerned for your well-being, a big sister's instincts perhaps.
“Not at all,” the three words are uttered with more difficulty than needed but the effort is proved worth it when she relaxes and returns to embrace you with gusto.
This time you can feel her touch vividly across the bare skin of your midriff, a reminder of your present dress up automatically causes blood to rush to your face. The matching crop-top with Serval was hardly the most revealing thing someone had worn in this universe, but it was the boldest you'd been with your attire. You think you saw her gaze tilting at the sight but the only way to affirm it would make things further awkward. As you melt upon recalling that you'd sung your lungs out with this on in front of a crowd, the rockstar chimes in again.
“Ah right, I almost forgot why I actually came here. I have a gift for you!” you blink out of your stupor to hear shuffles, a bottle of hairspray is knocked to the ground due to her movements. The object clamors down and rolls a few feet away but Serval pays it no attention, you quirk a brow at her sudden briskness. “Close your eyes.” she lulls sweetly, you obey despite your state of disorientation.
You feel the faint brushes of her fingers first, then a noticeable weight around your neck, fastened a little too tightly. After she beckons you to open your eyes, you scrutinize the object through your reflection on the mirror and recognize it to be… a choker. It's heavier than what you recall chokers to be, its body is painted in baby blue and when you turn your head the light bounces off its surface to reveal golden outlinings. Three small wings curl around the white tassel hanging from the middle, you find the wings to be unnervingly soft when your fingers brush across them.
The choker looked expensive, despite its somewhat gaudy appearance and it didn't seem like something aligning with Serval's tastes. But most importantly, there's blue and white in it — the two colors you'd been stubbornly avoiding. Your mind spirals, you clearly remember telling Serval that you didn't want to see those two colors today — or, did you? Perhaps it was your mind weaving its own narratives in the flurry of adrenaline? A chill rears its grotesque head, a panic you can't quite push down despite your mind adapting to give her the benefit of the doubt, your breaths lapse unevenly.
“For being such a darling member of Mechanical Fever, a token of our friendship. I didn't know how else to thank you, so I got this instead.” Serval's voice yanks you from the edge of a panic attack, you force yourself to breathe deeply. You turn around when you notice the absence of her shadow, finding her retreating into the shadow of the half ajar door.
You remain seated on the juncture between light and shadow, returning to face the mirror after the rockstar settles on a stool. “I should be the one saying that and… you didn't have to give me this, but I appreciate the gesture nonetheless.” your thumb and index fingers twiddle with the pure white tassel.
Her words seem to make you forget about your earlier paranoia, nostalgia cascades down your soul as you recall the fond memories inherent to Belobog. Destiny's game is truly difficult to comprehend, to think you'd find an actual home so far from your supposed one.
You add without waiting for her reply, “When I first came here, I was so scared and paranoid. I couldn't sleep the first night and I wanted nothing more than to flee the next morning. I really mean it when I say I couldn't make it without your and the others' help.”
Your palm cradles the beat of your existence, the thin fabric of the crop top does little to muffle your heart's clamorous prance.
“Thank you, thank you so much for everything.” your pour as much gratitude from the river coursing through the recesses of your soul in those words. Your chest constricts as you sigh, you remember all the faces that are now known as familiar and random instances buried deep in your memories. Perhaps it's the naturally cold weather of this planet that plays a part, but you furrow your brows as inexplicable sorrow engulfs your heart.
“I, too, hope that you've had a wonderful experience on this planet.”
A much younger you used to judge the victims of stories for choosing to freeze than to flee in the face of candid danger, vowing to not follow in their footsteps should you meet such a predicament one day. Your heart would shatter to incorrigible bits if it hadn't been so viciously twisted, you realize how futile promises are at the thin line separating life and death.
Your body flinches from its hunched position to meet watchful golden eyes, shielded by the door's shadow. You blink a multitude of times, as if that'd make his poised presence disappear, as if that'd affirm that you were simply in the grips of anxiety and Serval would return to reprimand you back to reality.
The warmth drains from your body when he's still there, sitting in front of you with a mocking serenity — you've never hated the vice grip he maintains on his composure more than this moment. Why, how, when and what conjoins his name to frame a myriad of questions, each being answered by none other than you the very next second. Your ears twitch when you catch voices at the end of the hallway, the actual Serval and others must be retreating. You might be a deer inches away from the tiger's jaw, but you'll not go down without a fight, at least.
“If you're planning to scream, I'd advise against that.” Sunday calmly states, your breath catches in your throat. “The choker on your neck has a shock mechanism and it can be activated in various ways. Namely, any time you raise your voice above the coded decibels and the voltage will increase the louder you scream.”
Your hand flies upwards towards the cursed choker and you wrestle a breath in disbelief, you were made a fool of and quite exquisitely. You realize you should've listened to your gut instincts when you still had the choice. Sunday raises a gloved palm when you restlessly tug at the thing, “Don’t bother, it can only be taken off with a password.”
A password only he knows, you conclude. It was not news to you that his sanity is loose from the hinges of his soul, but never would you have expected him to go this far. You glare at your husband, though it looks more like a gazelle's helpless stare as it struggles in the jaws of a predator. The voices from the hallway disappear entirely, you'd told them not to look for you so they'll not return, you feel your eyes moisten as you realize you're stuck alone with Sunday.
“Why—” you choke.
“I understand that you must have a lot of questions,” his words are half resignation and half cheap empathy. “But it is not your turn to speak, for there are more pressing matters at hand.”
Sunday stands up, brows scrunching at the dust floating around the room. “The matter of your possible unfaithfulness is one thing,” his hand grips the handle of the door and you flinch. “But performing in front of so many people without any consideration of how far it'll spread, or choice of attire,” your body erupts in shudders upon feeling his pointed stare, the expanse of your exposure finally registering.
“Truly unbefitting of my spouse.”
But it's not his judging gaze that has your nerves frayed, it's the hints of genuine disappointment that borders on anger leaking through his words that makes you feel parched, makes you want the earth split in half and take you from this situation. Your experience with Sunday has taught you that he has the patience of a saint, but none of those memories reassure you that it's boundless. You realize that you've never actually seen his face contorted in ire, no matter how defiant you'd been. Aeons, you wish it stayed that way forever.
As the shadow of the closing door engulfs your form and leaves the rest to interpretation, the last thing you see are his darkened golden eyes — you're certain that, that was the instance the last spirited part of you died.
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rest in peace i guess
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walpu · 4 months
Hellohello, peeking from the corner
And dropping by to request Aventurine x reader that likes to give him trinkets and souvenirs from their travels.
And then one day they came with Ashy Paste/Grey Bean Paste version of them and him together all smiley faced and all.
(Fun fact, from a leak: Aventurine's actual name is Kakavasha. Fun fact 2: Kakava is a celebration event of the Romani people)
- 🪽
Aw it's such a cute request 😭 shaking crying asking hoyo to make the second part of the cats event with penacony and belobog characters
I've seen the leaks about his name and the meaning behind it since I'm literal insane about this man. Honestly this is such a pretty name 🥹
Hope you'll enjoy reading this 🌸
giving Aventurine Ruan Mei's cat creations that resemble the two of you
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characters - Aventurine notes - gn!reader, fluff, was written with the established relationship in mind but works for pre-relatioship stage as well, no beta see I'm capable of writing something other than angst
First of all, he absolutely adores it when you give him small gifts from your travels.
It's a reminder that you care about him enough to think of him when he's not around.
And while yes, it's obvious that you care, it's nice to know that you care enough to go out of your way to do something for him.
He's a miserable man with no friends okay even the small trinket is enough to make him happy.
Keeps them safe and takes care of each and every gift you give him. Brings some a lot of them with him to casino or/and to his business meetings, claiming that those are his lucky charms.
If it's a peace of jewelry then he would not hesitate to buy several sets of clothes just to have numerous outfits specifically to show off your gift.
If it's some unusual gift then he would not leave you alone until you tell him where did you get it.
Speaking of unusual gifts. He certainly didn't expect that your visit the Herta Space Station will result in you bringing with you two... cat thingies?
At first he simply doesn't get it. It's a bit impractical for you to get a pet since you're traveling so much, no?
But then he notices. Something.
"Darling, call me a delusional romantic but don't they resemble us, hmm?"
When you tell him that those cat thingies are, in fact, creations of Ruan Mei herself, and you just accidentally helped her to creat two cats that resemble you two, he can't help but laugh.
"Ah, sugar, seems like it's not just me who is a helpless romantic. So you've missed me that much that you made are a cat just like me, haha?"
You explain to him that you didn't actually adopt them, Ruan Mei just let you take them with you for some time to examine how socialization with others outside if the Herta Station may affect them.
At first he thinks it's for the best, since, once again, it's impractical to keep them as pets.
Spoiler warning he'll pout and whine when it's time to return them to Ruan Mei.
Loves observing them. Like genuinely adores doing it. Especially if it's the cat that resembles you. Would pester you to take a look every time the cat acts like you.
Would probably feel a bit uncomfortable around the Aven!cat but eventually would warm up to him as well. Mostly because he'll notice how much the reader!cat loves him.
Takes a lot of pictures of the cats together and sends them to you.
"Us <з" "Yeah well they were literally made after us so..." "Uuuussss 😚😚😚"
You know how a lot of cat thingies were talking in high pitched voices? Yeah he would chuckle and pester you to try to talk like that as well.
Lmao but imagine Aven!cat saying something about risks and gambling and benefit etc etc in this high pitched voice. Aven himself would probably chuckle and say something like ”haha little guy knows what it's all about” but would sulk if you'll tease him about it.
Would probably try to buy them from Ruan Mei afterwards lol
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harvatat · 4 months
i love you || jing yuan, blade, dan heng, gepard
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jing yuan doesn't really quite hear you whisper i love you into his shoulder immediately, too focused on completing the task in front of him to provide you any attention. when he does hear it, however, he whips around to look at you waiting for him to finish nearby, scrolling through your phone with a bored look on your face. "love you too, [name]," he says with a grin, as if it was the simplest sentence in the world.
blade, unknown to you, has worked up his courage to tell you a very simple 3-word sentence. kafka and silver wolf would be laughing their heads off, he sighs as he makes his way to you with a small bouquet of lilies. he rings your doorbell as he waits, resisting the sudden urge to chew on his lip. "you're here!" you smile as you let him in, marvelling at the tiny bouquet, immediately putting the lilies in a vase filled with water. "[name]." "hmm?" you call back. "i love you."
dan heng, you note, is an attentive but nervous lover, unused to open affection, often preferring to relax alone in his room. of course, you're the only one he lets in on the days he feels low on social energy, because talking to you doesn't need energy. hanging out with march 7th and stelle? no. "you alright? feel any better?" you whisper as you pass him a mug of hot chocolate, the warmth making his fingers tingle. "mm, not yet," he responds honestly, and he stiffens as he seems to mull something over. "hey, it's okay. take your time," you smile as you make a motion of tucking his hair behind his ears. "love you."
gepard is largely an absent lover- he spends most of his days on the front lines, serving belobog, and even on the days he's in the city, he's too exhausted to go outside. you don't resent him for it- soldiers are far and few in between, and the ice outside the city walls is a terrible curse. "[name]." you hear your lover groan from the couch, his leg supported by several pillows, neatly bandaged. "coming! how're you feeling? still groggy? that's the medicine, i think," you murmur, pressing a hand gently on his forehead. "mhm, love you," gepards whispers, and your whole world stills.
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ugh my cuties i'm gonna die from the fluff </333
© leichor 2024.
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generalsmemories · 8 months
3 in fluff scenarios with Dan Heng for the event? :3
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Lovely melody
✧ dan heng x gn!reader
✧ prompts used: that warm feeling they get when they successfully make the other one laugh out loud || 1k event
✧ content: established relationship, fluff, hurt/comfort, spoilers for main quest and 1.4 main event, and dan heng's companion quest
✧ a/n: i think everyone heals a lot inside whenever dan heng shows a hint of a smile (me going into camera mode with both his forms to see that tiny little smile) so let's give this boi some well deserved laughter after his very good job onboard the luofu
ya'll know the drill, not beta-read so if you see any mistakes - you didn't.
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Dan Heng seemed to behave differently after he decided to meet with Bailu. A meeting you were first incredibly worried about after getting to know what had once to him onboard the Luofu years ago - but he had only given you a tiny smile and a brief hug to console you, whispering that he would bring the trailblazer for safety measures.
You had noted that it was the first time that he had personally left the archives after the initial expedition had come to an end and the stellaron disaster had been solved.
And normally you would've been delighted over the fact that he had taken the effort to come out to hang out at the cabin area with the others, even if he spoke less than before. While you're worried about his reason for stepping out of the express once again, you know that its his wish - and by no means are you to hold someone back from wishing to face a certain part of themselves.
Especially when it comes to Dan Heng.
Either way, when he came back after taking a trip back down to Luofu, he had once again shut himself back into the archives - there was an attempt to console you in the form of a brief nod with a small smile.
It did not help at all.
But you knew better than to actually rush him into explaining things or even tell you something - he still needed to wrap his own head around what had just happened after all.
So you were in utter glee when March and the trailblazer had suggested to bring Dan Heng back to Belobog for their annual Solwarm festival, deciding to wait outside of the archives as they went in to ask him. But your happiness is short-lived when the duo comes out with a frown, the trailblazer shaking their head while March just sighs out in disappointment.
"He won't budge at all. I would ask you to come and join us [Name], but you're probably too worried about him now to join, huh?" March asks in a futile attempt, and you can only give her a resigned smile yourself, "Sorry, you two. Do enjoy the festival for both of us though. I think Himeko is at the end of this cart if you're going to ask her for help," you say, waving the two goodbye - entering the room only when they turn the corner.
Dan Heng is still standing with his back turned towards the door when you enter, and he doesn't turn around when he speaks out loud either. "You really don't have to stay behind at the express for me, you know? I'm fine, just a bit tired."
You don't answer, merely taking a few cautious steps towards him although you stop moving when you're just within arms reach "... Do you want me to?" you ask instead.
"..." he doesn't answer at first, but he quickly turns around to take a few steps towards you, reaching for your hand to pull you towards him before immediately burying his face into your neck and wrapping his arms around your waist. "... Thank you."
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While Dan Heng doesn't say anything more after his initial vulnerability, but you can tell very quickly from the way he's acting that he doesn't want you to leave his sight. You've resigned yourself to spend majority of your time inside the archives - getting a lot of updates of March's and trailblazers situation and condition through various selfies and long rants from March.
You show all of the pictures to Dan Heng who has his head resting on your lap whilst reading the updates from March out loud. While he doesn't comment on anything, content with hearing your own thoughts about the matter - you've managed to see him crack a small smile or let out a light chuckle at some of the stories March gives or even your own thoughts.
While it doesn't seem like a lot from the outside or to anyone else, the small chuckle he lets out makes your heart soar. And when you glance down at him after putting away your phone, he merely raises an eyebrow in silence. "What is it?" he asks, ever so oblivious at your newfound joy.
"Nothing," you answer, not able to hold back your smile as you bend your neck a tiny bit to peck him on the lips.
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A few more days passes, and whilst March and the trailblazer wasn't able to enjoy the festival because of circumstances (that you have very much been updated on) they had instead found a newfound joy in a new game that had taken Belobog by storm - having sent a picture to you about their new companion who they had affectionally named: Puffball.
It seemed that keeping himself to the archives and accompanied by your presence seemed to help Dan Heng tremendously, now able to take more trips down to the main cabin instead of you having to make the trek to the kitchen yourself to bring food back to the archives.
He's even made some comments on the mutual groupchat of the express, giving March and trailblazer a few pointers - to which he was responded with a flurry of stickers from March you could practically feel her excitement through the screen.
And whilst Himeko and Welt made the trip down to Belobog to watch the final tourmanets in person, you and Dan Heng had resorted to watching the livestream on the holographic screen inside the archives.
Dan Heng wasn't as hooked to the game or the tournament, but seeing your excited expression whenever you saw either March or the trailblazer on the screen did make him relax significantly - having his attention on you and your expression most of the times than the livestream.
Not that you noticed though.
He had started to pay attention to the screen when the grand finale was about to commence though - just as curious as you about this mysterious player that had participated in the event.
"They won!" you shouted in glee before the trotter had even landed the final blow, making Dan Heng jolt in surprsie at the sudden loudness - but you were too ecstatic to even notice, turning towards him with a glint in your eyes that made Dan Heng's words die in his mouth.
"I knew they were going to win! Sure Hook as an elite player surprised me, but there was no way March and the trailblazer would lose! After all they even went with your tips and strategy with the right chips and had that amazing line up - they were almost unkillable!" you spouted, going on and on about the strategic points and the efficient use of their set up - Dan Heng still blinking in mild surprise at your sudden informative outburst.
You still don't notice how he's completeley shell-shocked at your new vigor, and while 70% of his attentin was on your continued rant on how they could optimize the team further, he gets a personal message from Himeko - the video showing Welt having jumped up from his seat with as much excitement as you during the finale.
And maybe it's that video about Welt along with your own enthusiasm about a game that you were previously very neutral about is what finally cracks him.
But you first hear the light snicker come from him, which makes you immediately quiet down because of sheer surprise. The light snicker that comes from your lover soon turns into a hearty laugh while his body starts to shake slightly.
And you swear you've never been so in love.
There's a few stray tears forming at the corner of his eyes, to which Dan Heng brings a delicate finger to brush away, mouth still spread into a smile - his cheeks are a tiny bit flushed from having laughed way longer than he normally does and his body is still trembling slightly.
If only you could've recorded this entire interaction.
It takes Dan Heng a couple of deep breathes before he notices your awestruck expression, his smile fading a bit as he grows concerned, but before he can ask you only cup his cheeks again and shuffle closer to him - the same sparkle in your eyes still present, but now for entirely different reasons than before.
"You laughed!" you state with a broad smile, and the male before you blinks in surprise, cheeks reddening a bit at your upfront statement.
But before he can even say anything, you let out a chuckle yourself, "You laughed!" you reaffirm, now with a softer voice.
Dan Heng is still confused, but you only shake your head before leaning in to kiss him, "You finally laughed again."
And only when you say that does Dan Heng piece together all of your worries for the past week. The realization making him let out a resigned chuckle, bringing a hand behind your head to pull your face closer to him and press his lips against your own again.
"How can I not when you were acting that excited over a game of all things?"
You don't refute or say anything, only laughing more which makes his small smile widen.
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kangen-wanshi · 1 year
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How Do You Love? ft. Gepard Landau, Sampo Koski
General relationship headcanon.
Tags: separate, mostly fluff but there are some suggestive things mentioned in Sampo's
A/N: I have like 4 people asking for this I hope I did this right
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With All Of His Heart: Gepard Landau
Gepard is a soft, gentle lover. He enjoys walks, quick kisses in public, and holding your hand whenever you’re within his proximity. But he’s also fierce and passionate. As a Landau his commitment to a relationship goes far and beyond - and that is a promise he gave you when he first took hold of your hand.
When it comes to work, unfortunately, Gepard will prioritize his duty over you. He will prioritize a call from the Supreme Guardian over your dates, apologizing profusely while peppering your face with regretful kisses or paragraphs of apology, before he went off to finish his duty. As his lover, he hoped that you would be patient with him. He loves you, truly, but in a world like Jarilo-VI and in a city like Belobog, if he were to fall, the fate of the entire population on the planet would be doomed as well.
Although if it’s something more casual like perhaps a call from his subordinate - he can slack off a little and pass on the duty to someone else capable like perhaps Dunn, or even his sister if he’s in a pinch. He values his job, yes, but he still loves you, so any minor work that comes outside of his schedule or responsibility will go to someone else.
That being said, when he makes up for all the times lost due to his deployment in the Frontline, Gepard pays extra attention to your dates and your meet-ups, as well as behind closed doors. He holds you more often, his grip lingers and leaves a trail of comforting warmth against Belobog’s eternal coldness, he clings to you more. His most common action is having his arms around you from the back or the front and burying his head onto the crook of your neck.
Gepard honors his duty to protect the people, but.. He doesn’t mind indulging in your protection every now and then. At the start of your relationship he won’t say that he likes being held by you, but further into it, he will be shameless in asking for you to hold him in private. He likes putting his head close to your chest, hearing your heartbeat, having you hold him so close, caressing him so carefully, in fear that he might break any second. He enjoy your gentle loving, and your warm, protective embrace around him.
Little gifts and dates are obvious! Since the Overworld and the Underworld don't really have much ‘trinkets’, next to freshly grown flowers, most of his gifts to you are handmade (with the help of his sister). Hair clips, gloves, scarf, or even jackets, his gifts are often something that you can wear. He doesn’t admit to it, and no one really takes notice, but Gepard seems to really enjoy the idea of his gifts being somewhat of use to you even if he's away. Distance, can't really keep him away from you if he knows that you'll always have yourself wrapped with gifts sewn by his own hands.
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With All Sense Of Belonging: Sampo Koski
Ah Sampo Koski, local troublemaker, shady businessman, what else.. Oh, and a flirt. Fortunately, despite his irresistible charm and overwhelming presence, Sampo doesn’t really flirt much. He persuades people, yes, but he rarely uses flirtation or other people’s feelings to get what he wants. So when he flirts with you, you know he already has his eyes on you deep.
Though it’s easy to suspect his motive, but based on his own version of Preservation, his intention finally got through to you after many, many, many unfortunate attempts on your side of ignoring his charm and smile, as well as his for almost being caught several times by Gepard in suspicion of harassing you. All in all, good for you! You’ve landed a fortunate hit dating him now!
Sampo doesn’t look like it but he’s an easily jealous man. He trusts you wholeheartedly, yes, he just doesn't trust whoever it is that dares to approach you with further intent. A hand that was placed on your lower back now sneaked to pull you closer by your waist, and his ever easygoing smile switched to something more.. Threatening, as Threatening as he could make it.
Talk about threatening, it's uncommon for his 'rivals' to attempt to use you to throw him off of his game. Telling him the various bad things they may do to you should he try to further be a pain in their business. Sampo has no worries, of course. Sure it boils his blood that they even dare to think of using you to get to him - but he has his ways. Whether he has to use his own weapon to draw the necessary conclusions, or should he call for a favor from the Trailblazer, either way, for you, he's willing to do anything. 
He likes taking you on various walks! Sampo is a very adventurous individual, how else would he be able to tread the mazes that are the Underground and the Overworld if it's not for his highly experienced human compassion? He uses this opportunity away from you to find various spots where you can view the scenery of Belobog, above and below, in the most beautiful way possible. To see a beautiful garden of raw untouched Geomarrow, or even a beautiful night sky that is just located at the outskirts of Belobog, he'll take you to places that can stop your breath for a moment.
Sampo doesn't have any 'vulnerable' side. Even to you, he acted mostly the same. Albeit more clingy, and more touchy with his hands and his lips. Although perhaps there is a side to him that you managed to unfold - that is him, being overly possessive of you.
Sampo likes to mark things that belong to him. Living a life such a his can lead to him having to part with mortal rich and people on occasion, just to keep himself going at a stable pace. So when he has you, when you've bound yourself to him in this so-called deal of a relationship, he doesn't want to let you go, ever.
So he'll mark you. Whether it be physically with his teeth or giving you accessories to match himself, he'll do it. PDA is something that he shamelessly would do - unless you wish otherwise. He will always have his hand on you one way or another, a hand on your thigh, a hand on your lower back, around your waist or shoulder, his chest pressing up on your back - anything. If he's near, he will touch you. Kisses are also common, on the cheek, lips, hands, sometimes someone will have to tear him away from you to keep him focused on the task at hand - he can't help it! You're so tempting and he just wants to be near you!
In that final note, someone has definitely caught you two being.. Intimate before. Was it by accident or did he purposely stage for the specific person to see? Who knows. Just be prepared for a lot of things to come when you're with him.
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eggluverz · 9 months
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PAIRING. dan hang x gn!reader
SUMMARY. dan heng sees a plushie of him at a vendor booth at belobog. he doesn’t understand that craze of “cute” things himself but perhaps you will like the gift.
SOF’S NOTE. inspired by this fanart on twitter!! check it out omg it is soooo cute :> i wanna hug dan heng so bad AHHH pls enjoy this lil random drabble! 
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Dan Heng wanted to do something nice for you. There was no particular reason for this; no special occasion as the books would call it. It was simply an uneventful Wednesday and he wanted to do something to make you happy.
Since the Astral Express had been gaining more traction throughout the universe, they had somewhat acquired the semblance of a fan base. Now, he wouldn’t sugarcoat things. Most of the individuals they have encountered as a group wanted to put their faces on wanted posters, but there remained the few who cheered them on. And those few were incredibly loyal. 
One day, when he returned to Belobog, Dan Heng saw a booth outside the museum selling dolls. Plush toys, or plushies, as referenced in the records. The dictionary of everyday vernacular had grown increasingly useful to him.
In his studies of the modern world he lived in, Dan Heng also learned that couples tended to gift each other impractical things. Objects that were simply “cute” and held no real utility. Yet in his research, he found the receiving partner would tend to be overjoyed.
So, when Dan Heng laid eyes on the plushie created in his likeness, he felt the desire to gift it to you.
“Y/N,” he said, approaching you back at the Express. “I have a present for you.”
At the sound of your boyfriend’s voice, you instantly perked up. Dan Heng noticed that the smile on your face brightened even more when you saw the bag in his hands. He was pleased by your expression. Perhaps his studies did him well this time.
“You got me something?” you asked, bouncing his way. “I wonder what it is!”
He smiled at your excitement. He would get you small, random gifts everyday if it meant he would see you like this more often. 
As you looked through the bag and pulled out the plush toy of him, you broke out into a fit of giggles before jumping into his arms for an embrace. 
“This is so cute!” you fawned, giving the toy a kiss on the forehead. “Thank you, Dan Heng! I love it.”
As he took in your reaction, Dan Heng stroked the top of your head with a thoughtful hum. “Now, if you stay at the Express while I go out trailblazing, or vice verse, you will always have me with you.”
Your grin grew even wider at his explanation as you kissed his nose— The real Dan Heng this time. Not the plush toy.
“I know you’re always with me,” you assured with a gentle squeeze of his hand in yours. “But now I will forever have you to bring along and hold.”
He smiled fondly at your declaration before hesitantly asking, “Maybe I could get a plushie of you as well?”
You laughed, resting your head on his chest and holding the little Dan Heng to your own. “Of course I’ll get you one. Then, we can even make them have matching outfits!”
Dan Heng chuckled in response. He decided, he quite liked the sound of that.
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feroluce · 2 months
Given that Belobog is so full of snow, I'm kinda sad we never get to see any snowmen anywhere. Like that would have made for such a cute bg decoration!
And I think it would be especially funny for Sampo to make them, not out of pure, innocent whimsy and joy, but like specifically to be a menace smzhnsjd
Like Gepard keeps finding little snowmen out around the frontlines. And normally he would just turn a blind eye to this like he does with other things (like the shitty amateur distillery no one thinks he knows about); war sucks, their own damn leader is trying to kill them and Gepard is treading water just trying to keep Cocolia from using his guards as cannon fodder. If his soldiers want to make some snowmen in their downtime, then they should be allowed that. God knows they've earned it.
Gepard keeps finding them down the back alleys and more hidden parts of the frontlines! And they all have the same grumpy little face, with blue-painted rocks for eyes and sometimes even gold-colored bullet casings for hair! And he knows who it is the second he finds another little blue haired, green eyed snowman next to it! Fuckin' Koski is sneaking in here, and easily enough that he has the time to taunt him!
Gepard once found a little Snow Geppie with angry eyebrows and red roses stuck in its blushing cheeks that was handcuffed to a weapons rack, which was when he realized someone had pickpocketed his handcuffs. He punches the head clean off the little Snow Sampo nearby, only to discover that it is also holding his wallet, minus all the shield he'd had in it that morning. Gepard kicks it for good measure.
One time he found a little Snow Sampo offering roses to a little Snow Geppie, and he quickly knocked those over too before anyone else could see them or his red face. He swears he can feel Sampo snickering and mocking him nearby.
Sometimes, Gepard finds little Snow Sampos with tiny sacks thrown over their shoulders, all filled with items that are SUPPOSED to be in the depths of the guarded Silvermane storehouses. Sampo technically isn't even stealing anything, he's just showing Gepard that he could if he wanted to, and poor Gepard is going to pop an aneurysm.
Pela: Good morning, Captain. Have you been outside of your tent yet?
Gepard: No. ....Why.
Pela: No reason. Say, have you heard of any break ins recently?
Gepard: No, why.
And Pela holds open the tent flap and there's a ton of tiny little Silvermane Guards snowmen in tight neat rows, all with their little stick arms up in salute, and each one with an actual, stolen official helmet-mask.
Pela: You run a real tight ship out here, huh.
Gepard: (looooong weary muffled sigh as he drags a hand down his face)
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myuni-moon · 10 months
#Ink Splotches
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—Synopsis: Dan Heng has never liked being reminded of his past, but no matter how hard he tries, some things just stay.
—Pairing(s)/Character(s): Dan Heng x GN!Reader
—Genre: Yandere (Sensitive content ahead)
—Warning(s): Dark content, yandere, possessive, stalking, Dan Heng is a creep that likes to watch people sleep, reader's gender isn't specified but they're described with the word "pretty," reader is shorter than Dan Heng, a/b/o-ish themes (Dan Heng goes feral), mentions of hypothetical choking
—Word Count: 2.4k
—Note: Some of these I'm making up, so please discern the information here as just headcannons for Dan Heng. Most of this was written prior to any updates about Dan Heng's past, so please excuse the discrepancies. Also this is darker than some of my previous works, so proceed with caution.
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Dan Heng never liked discussing his past, never did enjoy doing anything that reminded him of it either– save for a few things, of course. He liked reading. Him deciding to use the library as his quarters alone was a testament to that. If that wasn’t enough, you could always catch him reading in his spare time with the few pocketbooks he stored under his coat. It was something he used to do on slow days when he hopped from one station to another, and it stayed with him even after joining the Express. He liked the food in the Xianzhou Luofu, too. Despite the initial hesitance, he came to enjoy the multitude of flavors that coated his tongue. The cuisine may have been similar, but it was so much better than the staleness of his day-to-day in the past. 
Most of all, he liked calligraphy– though it was an activity most inhabitants of the Express didn’t exactly know he partook in. Dan Heng couldn’t quite remember how he learned it or when he even did (out of his own mind wanting to block out any memory of that time), but the hobby gave him peace of mind. There was something about the careful concentration of the brush on parchment and the orderly manner in which each stroke was placed that lulled his mind into a quiet away from the chaos of time. Perhaps that’s why he never felt all too bothered by the constant whirs of the machinery that surrounded his quarters. The constant white noise distracted his mind just enough for him to dwell on anything but the skeletons in his closet.
The low table before him was ready and set, and the door remained locked to any outsiders that could interrupt. The scroll was blank, but the brush in his hand had already collected ink. The dark liquid dripped onto a container as Dan Heng stared into the white void in contemplation. He sighed. Doing calligraphy that day was meant to calm him, something to ease him out of whatever stressed him.
The data bank whirred on and on, yet no matter how many minutes passed, his hands could conjure nothing– neither a single stroke nor flinch. If anyone were to watch him, he’d look like a statue. It was quiet. It was peaceful even if nothing even happened. However, disarray plagued his mind and soul.
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It was simply a stray thought at first, something just a little more impulsive than how he usually thought of his companions. You looked tranquil, he supposed as he kept watch that night. Belobog was cold, and he could see your breath puff out of your mouth with every rise and fall of your chest. The campfire’s heat tickled and licked at your skin as it illuminated your features with a warmth that painted you in an innocence far divorced from your typical image. Even when the hardships of battle befell your little party, you always slept soundly, peacefully. Dan Heng remembered a time when he wished for that too– to sleep as if the horrors didn’t haunt him at night. The way the shadows danced across your face, the wrinkle of your nose whenever a stray snowflake found its way a little too close, or the twitch in your fingers as you searched for warmth– he craved it if he was being honest. Maybe too much, even because every time he stayed up, he always stared at you sometime into the night. 
You looked pretty, he admitted a few nights later. Once again, he had taken the role of lookout. Again, he watched you with fascination and envy. He twirled a tassel of your jacket around his fingers, careful not to tug hard enough to awaken you. It was like a switch was flipped in his head because as he looked at you now, he could feel something in his spine tingle. An urge long buried and forgotten with the rest of himself that was slowly trying to dig itself out from the facade of indifference he put together. He tried composing himself first, isolating his mind and shoving whatever it was that tried getting out back into the deepest, darkest parts of his brain. 
It was okay after that. Dan Heng was back to normal, and everything went back to how it was before. Once you completed your mission, you all went back to The Astral Express. Himeko and Pompom welcomed you back aboard, and Mr. Yang dismissed you all to your rooms to rest before setting out on trailblazing once more. As per usual, Dan Heng only holed himself up back in his room with the piles of data he compiled during your time in Belobog to be sorted. The blue screen before him had already started to burn his eyes as he propped his elbow on the desk. His head rested on his palm. He had already read through half the files when someone knocked on the door. Instinctively, he checked the time. It was way past the time for someone else to be awake at that hour. It couldn’t be Himeko, Mr. Yang, or Pompom; he knew they went to bed earlier than the rest of the crew aboard. March was unlikely to be awake either because he had already heard her snoring a few hours ago. That only left–
“Dan Heng, are you still awake?” You.
The man gulped as he jumped to his feet, and his heart thrummed beneath his ribcage. His footsteps felt heavy, slowly making his way to the entrance. In hindsight, Dan Heng shouldn’t have even paid attention to your call. Maybe it was the fatigue and tiredness that relaxed his self-restraint, enough for his hands to get a grip on the handle; however, he was more than used to snapping himself back to reality. In a sliver of a second, he was able to catch himself. All his muscles seized up, and his breathing went ragged. 
Just what was he doing? His control over himself had slowly been slipping, and for what? There was no warning, no transition. There was no logic either in why his usual disposition had crumbled. There was nothing unusual from that first night, and it didn’t feel any more weird the days after. In fact, everything was just how it normally was for him. Sure, he loosened a few restraints and came to terms to the thoughts floating around his head - but that was rational, surely. So, why did static start to settle under his skin the longer he kept you outside? Why did his nails dig into his palms every time you laughed? Why did he feel like breaking the door down when he could just simply open it?
Nervously, Dan Heng eyed Cloud-Piercer, stowed away in a corner of the room. The orb in its clutch glowing ever so faintly in the dim brightness, its calm twinkle a stark difference to the instability swirling within his veins. With his current condition, it was dangerous. Extremely so. He wanted to tell you to go away, to have the others take him far from the rest. His unshakable calm was slowly diminishing, and his fears of losing control only made it worse. But something in him just didn’t want to.
“Dan Heng?” God, could you just stop saying his name? He could feel himself slipping.
“Dan Heng, are you there?” The handle started to rattle, his shaky hands flexing as he fought for control.
“Dan Heng, open the door, please?”
The mechanisms of the door whirred as it slid open. You stood so close, too close to what he would deem safe. Yet, the moment he saw you, everything went quiet. It wasn’t just the dead silence of space. The thoughts in his head had calmed down. The pins and needles that pricked his fingertips had vanished. It was as if nothing ever happened. Dan Heng blinked, bringing his palm up to his chest. His heartbeat was normal– stable even– as he gazed down at you. The strangeness of the whole ordeal shook him. Never in his life had he experienced the way his mind and body tumbled the moment before. He’d have to alert Himeko or Mr. Yang of the changes the next morning. 
“Is there something you need?” His demeanor returned to normal, too. 
You looked down at the ground sheepishly, shifting your balance from one foot to another. Your lips were pressed together in a thin line, leaving your cheeks to puff up. Your gaze even shifted from side to side until you looked up at him. Innocent, he noted. Your eyes reminded him of a doe’s. “Well, I couldn’t sleep. I just thought you might be awake, too.”
“I’m sorry to disturb you at this time of night, but can I stay with you?” 
He wanted to say no, to bring back the iciness on his tongue and the dismissiveness of his tone. Yet, before he could even think to say it, his mouth had already moved. “Alright.”
You smiled so sweetly, immediately slipping beside him and into his room. His arm brushed your skin as your fingers grazed his knuckles. The hairs on Dan Heng’s body all stood up. A static washed upon his ears, drowning out all other noise as if it had been stuffed full of cotton. It was a minuscule interaction, but it was electrifying. But just as his senses dampened, they would heighten. Soon, he found himself hyper-aware of the beat of your heart, the way he could count each beat with only his ears. His eyes had zeroed in on your movements, everything slowing down cinematically– which he would have found humorous if it weren’t for the fact that something animalistic started to crawl its way out of Dan Heng’s carefully maintained self-constraints.
A part of him howled, growled, and gnawed for him to shed his shell. A beast, running only on its instincts, began to awaken after being forced into hibernation. His humanity couldn’t battle against it, and it could only give way to the feral force lest Dan Heng risked losing himself completely. 
Can’t you smell them? It crooned at him. He could– fuck, he definitely could. You smelled so sweet to the point his mouth started to water with every whiff he took. Your scent was so appealing, and he wasn’t even referring to body wash or cologne; it was just you. You never smelled like that before. Maybe it was because of his true nature coming to light that he was able to, but he couldn’t help but want to be enveloped by it. 
Don’t they look so perfect, so pretty? You did. You always did even when he couldn’t bring himself to admit it. He could just imagine the cute smile you showed him seconds ago, and he couldn’t help but want to release a guttural purr at the fact that it was directed toward him and him alone. Then it hit him.
You want them all to yourself. That’s right. Dan Heng wanted you all to himself. 
After all, what was stopping him? If he really wanted to, he could just knock you out on your next adventure, abduct you right then and there, then take you to wherever he saw fit– as long as it meant keeping you with him without having any such disturbances. You’d think a more rational– dare say, human– part of him would’ve realized the morality of his thoughts, perhaps even chase them away and put himself into self-confinement until he came back to his senses. But no.
No, if anything, it only served to smooth out the rough edges of his devious plan. Starting with places to go when he finally had you in his grasp. The routes from place to place, just to avoid other trailblazers and authorities that may have picked up on his bounty. Suppose he’d use drugs or physical force to get you to be cooperative enough to go with him (as if you’d have a choice). Then when he was sure you two were finally alone, he’d put his claim on you with a bite to your pretty neck– but that didn’t sound as appealing as giving you his mark right now. All he needed to do was wrap his hands around your neck and-
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A crack snapped him out of his stupor and away from the image of you in his mind. Dan Heng retracted himself back into the present. His draconic gaze settled on his workplace before clicking his tongue. He had applied too much pressure to the brush; one remnant still sits in his hand while the other half had found itself in a farther place. The paper was in no better condition. In some areas, the ink had bled through, creating large splotches of dark, foreboding circles on the page. What were supposed to be detailed strokes had become near-erratic in the time span he was stuck in his imagination. The man frowned and sighed. 
However, his eyes brightened when they flit to the very center of the page. Amidst all the chaos and rage that had been thrown into the work, your name remained neat in the expanse of Dan Heng’s mental deterioration. Fitting, he supposed. 
Without another word, he cleaned up. He didn’t need March barging in and finding the evidence of his deep affection for you. He disposed of the calligraphy brush (begrudgingly. It meant he’d have to go back to the Luofu to attain another). 
Straightening himself out, he left his room towards the parlor. Pom-pom, as always, came to greet him. The small bunny skipped over to him, tilting its head as it inspected him. The conductor of the Astral Express pointed to his robe.
“You’re not usually this untidy, Dan Heng.”
Dan Heng looked at the area the bunny referenced. On his green robe, typically free of any stain, was a noticeably-sized black dot. It must’ve been from his haphazard movement earlier. If he didn’t exercise any self-control, he might’ve let out a laugh under his breath.
“It is nothing,” he waved a hand dismissively. Truthfully, it felt almost entertaining to see the naivety of the conductor to the obscenity happening within its very own train. He thought it was poetic– comical, almost– how it looked as if it had been a subtle sign of the corruption happening to Dan Heng. Or maybe, he’d always been this way, waiting for that sick part of him to finally run rampant. Dan Heng side-stepped and proceeded on his way as if everything had been fine. His lips curled into a smirk the moment Pom-pom could no longer see his face. 
“Just an ink splotch.”
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sunderingstars · 1 month
☆━━━━━ ⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☾ ◯ ☽₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆ ━━━━━━☆
sampo analysis m.list
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☆━━━━━ ⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☾ ◯ ☽₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆ ━━━━━━☆
— hello & welcome to my dark twisted mind (full of sampo theories)
— this is the first major analysis project i’ve taken on, so i’m very excited to lay out all the evidence i’ve found — i’m trying to keep it as open-ended & -minded as possible, even though i’m biased out of sheer interest towards the aha!sampo theory.
— i’m sure there are things in here that are common knowledge, but since i tracked down every single sampo reference and voice line (literally) on the wiki during an obsession-induced state for the better part of two months, i’m hoping there’s some information here that may be new or less-discussed as well!
— i’ll be uploading each sub-topic as a separate post (because i have a lot to say about so many things), but depending on your preferences you can always follow/block the ⌞ 🎭 ⌝ tag, which is going to be the tag i use for anything relating to this project.
— here’s a brief outline of the topics i’ll be covering:
visual cues + art (aha splash art, kit, body language & confidence, performance & performative emotion, eidolons, etc.)
vocal cues + voicelines (third person references, voicelines, worldview, self-awareness, gender, etc.)
scene analysis (intro scene, belobog, sampo & sparkle’s conversation, fourth wall breaking, mr. cold feet, dream bubbles, etc.)
specific topics (placement in the narrative, jokes & situational comedy, the astral express, etc.)
specific theories (“retirement,” playing the long game, risk vs. reward, man or muppet?, “committed to the bit,” aha is not exempt from The Rules, etc.)
extra info on the masked fools as an organization, aeonic consciousness, and sampo character details outside of elation!sampo theories
as well as counterarguments and a conclusion + anything i feel like adding along the way!
— the next few posts i’ll be uploading will be my masterlists (yes, plural, i am insane 😔💔) so i can get ahead of the curve, then it’s onto the real meat of things. this is a passion project for me, so i am very grateful for everyone’s support thus far (seriously, y'all are so sweet) !!
— as always, feel free to send me asks if you want elaboration on one thing or another, or just want to talk about your own thoughts/theories. hope you enjoy!
☆━━━━━ ⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☾ ◯ ☽₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆ ━━━━━━☆
© analysis by sunderingstars. do not copy, repost, translate, modify, or claim my work as your own.
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bones4thecats · 6 months
May i ask for Yor briar! Reader x record of ragnarok, who do you think would fit her the most? (Also she still has anya and she fights for humanity for her daughter and brother)
A/N: I’ve actually tried starting to watch Spy x Family, and from what I’ve seen, it’s really good! So, I’m using what I’ve seen of Yor in this! Anyways, enjoy~~
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🪩 On god, he was upset about this
🪩 He isn’t fond of Humanity and we all know this, they gave him headaches, but hearing Heimdall’s constant rants on the contestants was a close second in causes
🪩 He watched as their representatives, Cheranbog and Belobog, step out and form out of black and white smoke
🪩 Then he heard Heimdall yell out your introduction;
“ And welcoming one of the most well-known assassins throughout history, the Thorn Princess, better known as, Y/N! ”
🪩 You stepped outside in your classic outfit, a black dress with your hair mostly tied up and your weapons drawn
🪩 There were only two things left on his mind, why are two gods going against one human and why are you so pretty?!
🪩 Belobog and Chernabog chuckled at your facial expression, it was fair and non-threatening compared to those of Lü Bu
🪩 Once you landed the first hit against them, he was on the edge of his seat
🪩 Now, he was hoping you would win, just so he could actually speak to you
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💐 Much like Shiva, she is not fond of Humanity, as they were destroying everything beautiful on Earth that she worked to keep nice
💐 She was just wondering around Valhalla one day when she heard a young girl laughing
💐 She turned around and saw a young, pink-haired girl with green eyes stroll up to her and reach out to shake her hand
“ I’m Anya! What’s your name? “
💐 Aphrodite smiled and shook the young girl’s hand before giving Anya her name and a flower crown she had made
💐 Anya smiled and yelled out to her mama, you, and she saw as you, the human who had just fought against Belobog and Chernabog, run up to scold her on leaving you without anyone watching
💐 Looking at you, she noticed you were one of the few humans who seemed to care for the planet during life, putting in effort to make sure the flowers stayed healthy
💐 Smiling at you and chuckling as the young girl tried escaping your grip, she made sure to remind herself later to speak to you, she had some questions for you
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📯 He met nearly every contestant in Ragnarok, or at least had spoken briefly to them so he could get some bare info for their introduction during battle
📯 When he first spoke to you, your brother was helping you put your hair up while your daughter laughed in your lap, telling you a joke she had heard from Sasaki earlier
📯 Seeing your smile made him laugh, normally when preparing for battle, the Humans were training and keeping their composure
📯 You were the opposite, and he liked it
📯 At first, he thought that your brother, Yuri, was your husband, and for some reason he was quite saddened
📯 Maybe it was because Buddha had taken his horn earlier, maybe something else
📯 When doing your introduction, anyone with feelings could see how his voice seemed to be laced in more happiness when mentioning you attacking the two Slavic deities, Belobog and Chernabog
📯 After the battle was over, he had helped escort you and your fairly injured body to Brunhilde, Göll, and Kojiro Sasaki to carry you to heal
📯 He needed to check on you once the day’s battles were over, he can’t let his new favorite human go without his presence for long, now can he?
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dilvuc · 3 months
Fiiinnnee... I'll retell my request of my one shot of Sampo plss.. (I literally already told you my request on discord pooks)
Sampo one day decided to explore Belobog and hearing gossip about a new wealthy businessman (the reader) who, let's say makes money by designer clothes (like the reader from Kaeya's oneshot) he makes clothes for the higher ups like Cocolia and Bronya and is basically just well known
He walks around in the upperground and stumbles upon Serval outside her workshop talking to a random guy (the reader, we call him random guy because Sampo doesn't know yet)
Let's say, Serval is commissioning the reader to make her a new outfits that matches her and her siblings (I want fluff) and Sampo is basically eavesdropping in the conversation. (There was nothing secretive it was just the reader and Serval chatting while Serval was commissioning the reader to make matching outfits for her and her siblings)
Serval goes back inside her workshop and reader then drops his facade while then looking at the direction of where Sampo is hiding, he shouts for Sampo to come out (I think he'd go with something like "I know you're there" or "get out, there's no point in hiding" question)And basically their relationship onward is like an enemies to enemies and lovers (I like enemies while being lovers 😍😍)
(I literally just copy pasted this from our discord convo -Li anon)
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𝖌𝖊𝖓𝖗𝖊: fluff
𝖌𝖊𝖓𝖉𝖊𝖗: male
𝖕𝖆𝖗𝖎𝖓𝖌: sampo x m!reader
𝖜𝖆𝖗𝖓𝖎𝖓𝖌: none
𝖘𝖚𝖒𝖒𝖆𝖗𝖞: Sampo one day decided to explore Belobog and hearing gossip about a new wealthy businessman (the reader) who, let's say makes money by designer clothes (like the reader from Kaeya's oneshot) he makes clothes for the higher ups like Cocolia and Bronya and is basically just well known
He walks around in the upperground and stumbles upon Serval outside her workshop talking to a random guy (the reader, we call him random guy because Sampo doesn't know yet)
Let's say, Serval is commissioning the reader to make her a new outfits that matches her and her siblings (I want fluff) and Sampo is basically eavesdropping in the conversation. (There was nothing secretive it was just the reader and Serval chatting while Serval was commissioning the reader to make matching outfits for her and her siblings)
Serval goes back inside her workshop and reader then drops his facade while then looking at the direction of where Sampo is hiding, he shouts for Sampo to come out (I think he'd go with something like "I know you're there" or "get out, there's no point in hiding" question)And basically their relationship onward is like an enemies to enemies and lovers (I like enemies while being lovers 😍😍)
our beloved pathetic slu—ahem, sampo decided to explore the overworld. even after belobog was saved by the astral express, he can wander around freely…he just doesn't need to get himself caught in illegal activities. as the male took a stroll around belobog, he noticed people were gossiping about a new businessman…? he eavesdropped on one conversation.
“You mean…[Y]...THE [Y], the one who designed clothes for the Supreme Guardian and Miss Bronya?!” One of the citizens asked their friend. “Is he really here?”
“Yep, that's him. I wonder what he'll be working on next? I have been saving my money since I know it'll be very expensive…” another citizen stated. “I've heard that he just started his businesses a few days ago. We first heard of this when someone rumored that the Supreme Guardian’s clothing was designed by him.”
“Oh…? A new businessman, they say~” sampo chuckled, rubbing his hands as the two citizens walked away. “Who’s this [Y] they're talking about…?”
the blue haired male noticed serval talking to an unfamiliar gentleman, so he decided to eavesdrop on them and listened in.
“I see. I think I'll be able to get done on time.” the mysterious male told the blonde. serval beamed, “I knew I can count on you with the design. Remember: there's no need to overdo it.”
“I won't.” the male nodded. “See you later?”
“Yeah. See ya later.” serval waved to the male before heading into her workshop. the mysterious male’s smile turned downward and demanded sampo, “Hey, how long are you gonna stand there? Come out and show yourself.”
sampo flinches and slowly steps out of his hiding spot to reveal himself to the male. the [h] haired male sighed, “Who are you and why were you eavesdropping on us? Matter of fact, I don't think I have seen you before except I've seen you on the wanted poster before belobog was saved by the astral express.”
“Ah…well, I'm Sampo Koski. Nice to meet you…uh…” sampo trailed off, awaiting for the male's name. the mysterious male sighed, “[Y] [L]...”
“Mr. [L]~ A beautiful name for a handsome young man~” sampo beamed, rubbing his hands together.
“...You know you're not so good at hiding your “i'm gonna scam the hell out of this businessman” face.” [y] deadpanned, crossing his arms, “And flirting…? Sorry, I don't do shit like that.”
“Huh. You're no fun. What's with this fancy of yours? Fashion?” sampo asked.
“What else do you think I am? A delivery boy?” [y] raised his eyebrows. “What are you plotting, Koski?”
“Hey, hey~ Come now, my friend. And just called me by my first name…” sampo frowned, correcting the male. “I'm just trying to have a friendly conversation, that's all.”
“Firstly, I'm not your friend. Secondly, your “friendly conversation” won't work. I'm not gonna befriend a scammer and then get scammed later on.” the fashion designer argued, narrowing his eyes at the blue haired male. “Your way of talking is what makes you so suspicious, not to mention, your hands rubbing antics.”
“Sheesh. What happened to “customers are always right”, huh?” sampo inquired. [y] sassily place his hands on his hips, “Correction: “customers aren't always right”, that's being said: “I’m always right”. I don't serve disrespected customers nor scammers. They'll be thrown out immediately, I don't care if it damages my reputation.”
the blue haired male blinked owlishly, almost amazed, “Wow. Just wow. You're quite a callous one.”
“That's what everyone says. Listen, if you set foot in my shop, I'm reporting you to the silvermane guards for your illegal activities.” [y] warned the con artist before walking to his shop. “Toodles…”
“Hey! That's a false alarm!” sampo furrowed his eyebrows. the fashion designer brushes it off, “That's your problem, not mine.”
sampo groaned as he crossed his arms before letting out a smirk, “What a hunk~”
sampo obviously ignores the male's warning, but unexpectedly [y] doesn't seem to report him to the silvermane guards, he just lets him walk in cuz' he doesn't care unless that con artist tries to scam his customers.
the two make arguments about who's wrong or right, who's the best, who's the most handsome one. silly arguments, but that's what brings them close. they had to keep it a secret though to avoid the media’s attention.
the two males became super and developed feelings throughout the weeks, then something unexpected happened. sampo brought flowers. actually real flowers. the flowers that he brought…with someone's money.
“...? What's this? Are these fake?” [y] raised his eyebrows at the flowers that sampo is holding. sampo frowned, “Come now. These are real flowers from the shop that I've bought.”
“...With someone's money?” [y] deadpanned, cross his arms. sampo let out an anxious chuckle, “I just bought the flowers for you. No tricks.”
“Hm.” the fashion designer hummed before accepting the flowers, “Thanks.”
“Thanks is all I get? Where's the reward from you, [Y]~?” the blue haired male teased.
[y] headed to the back without a word, much to sampo’s concern and confusion. it didn't take long for the fashion designer to return with a large bouquet of flowers and an envelope in hand, “It's crazy that we're both planning on giving gifts on the same day.”
sampo gasped sarcastically, clasping his hands over his mouth, though he was surprised that he was given a gift, “Aw~ You shouldn't have.”
“Don't take it personally.” [y] deadpanned. sampo chuckled, “You know you adore me~”
“It hasn't been confirmed yet. Don't push your luck, Shampoo.” [y] said bluntly.
“Hey~ That's the worst name you've given to me.” the blue haired male whined. the fashion designer smirked, “I should've made shampoo products named after you. Anyway, back on topic. Take it.”
sampo accepted the bouquet of roses from the fashion designer. [y] then handed sampo the envelope. the blue haired male raised his eyebrows, “What's this?”
“Look inside and see.” [y] said. without hesitation, the blue haired male opened the envelope and to his surprise, it's a load of cash. the fashion designer hummed, “Paycheck, gold digger. That's enough to bring you into the relationship?”
“Hey. Don't try to bribe me to get in a relationship.” sampo frowned. [y] raised his eyebrows, “So, you don't want the money.”
“Come now. I may be a con artist, but I'm a tenderhearted guy, too, ya know?” sampo stated.
“So, you're saying that you want our relationship to be official, but not for the money, but for my love and acceptance?” [y] blinked bewilderingly.
“...Yes…” sampo scratches the back of his head with a burning face. [y] blink once, then twice, before bursting out laughing, “Hahahahaha! Why are you so red?!”
“Hey! Don't make fun of me! I'm being serious!” sampo argued. [y] pat the male on his back, “I know, I know! It's just cute to see Sampo Koski blushing and being genuine!”
“Are you accepting my love for you or not?!” sampo furrowed his eyebrows. the fashion designer softened his laughter and wiped away his tears, “Yeah, yeah. But we still had to keep this a secret to avoid attention.”
“Only in the Overworld. We can hangout freely in the Underworld~” sampo smirked.
“Fair point. I'll be having my week off next week. How does that sound?” [y] asked the con artist. sampo winked, “I'll be off next week as well. So, it'll work.”
╰┈➤ author note: honkai star rail and genshin are on hold and please note that this is a slow update. i will still accept your request, but it will take a while since i'll be working on my books on wattpad. if you wish to read those books, here's my wattpad account.
honkai star rail masterlist
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crystalitecloudie · 1 year
It's 4 am and I know I should be asleep... BUT I HAD A SAHSRAU IDEA (specifically cult!au with creators and stuff) AND I CAN'T IGNORE IT
This is gender neutral btw
EDIT: here is the link to part 2
You first descend into this world as the player, simply falling asleep in our world, and waking up in theirs. You wake up in Jarilo-VI, specifically in the bountiful snowy landscapes outside Belobog. However, at first, you believe it to be simply a vivid dream.
This is because when you touch the snow, it feels lukewarm to you. In fact, you are simply in flowy clothes (dress, shirt and pants, doesn't matter). You're dressed for a breezy summer picnic, not the harsh, unsurvivable winters of the Eternal Freeze.
But that does not stop barefoot you. You simply do not feel the cold, and it does not affect your body in turn.
The fragmentum monsters also pay no mind to you. They do not actively try to befriend you, but extended periods of time around them does not corrupt your mind like a mere mortal's would. You simply co-exist together with them.
However, after months of living in the Eternal Freeze, you have come to realize this is not a dream. You have yet to realize you are in the world of Honkai Star Rail, and are simply living a peaceful and voidous life.
That is... until Sampo finds you. He asks you to hide him, and when guards approach you, you have been so detached from human civilization that you are barely able to make conversation. You think in full, clear sentences, but your words stumble out like that of a child learning to walk and talk. They are accusing you of helping a criminal, along with three others that you know to be Stelle, March 7th, and Dan Heng. However, you certainly don't let on any clue that you know these people.
You're smarter than that.
And with your babbling like a child, Gepard and the other guards quickly assume that your mind, likewise, is also dumb and toddler-like. Innocent and naive. And as you are led into the city of Belobog's overworld, you realize that you are okay with this. You are a pretty, innocent babbling face, and appearing so allowed you to get away with quite a few things.
For example, when the trio of friends was chased into the underworld, you were not faced with similar charges. Instead, Cocolia forced you into a room in her palace, saying something about how the creator deserved the utmost respect.
You didn't really understand why you were being locked in a room and not allowed to leave, but if it meant free food and all the toys in the world, you could not care less. Humans were interesting creatures anyhow.
Even when you came to understand that this was not a simple Isekai, you simply wondered how the Supreme Guardian knew of your divine heritage. You had planned to keep it hidden for much, much longer... but alas.
I would write more but just seriously need to go to bed istg
Just credit me if you use this concept I guess idk I'm tired
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viviennevermillion · 9 months
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poisoned veins
✧ notes: first work for my "autumn remedies" event! i'm doing the commonly triggering topics first before moving on to my more soft prompts. stay safe while going out and look out for your friends as well. here's an article about how to recognize drink spiking if it happens to you or a friend and what to do in this situation.
✧ synopsis: sampo protects you and takes you to natasha's clinic after your drink has been spiked, waiting in worry for you to wake up. (hurt/comfort), 3.1k words
✧ now playing: bad things — breathe
✧ warnings: drugging, medical emergency, vomiting, seizure, needles
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Entertainment was always sparse in a place like the Belobog Underworld. It was almost a little ironic that a Masked Fool like Sampo found enough amusement in a place where most people spent their free time in fight club and meeting up in backalley taverns. That's what pretty much every establishment in Boulder Town was like in the late evenings. You could hardly expect a fancy restaurant in a community that had been sealed off and short on resources for such a long time. But people still made the best of it. Most bars and taverns had enjoyable menus, so people didn't mind coming back on their weekends. It was not Epsilon XII and hardly comparable to the joyful atmosphere Sampo knew from the Masked Fools taverns, but it was the perfect place to get some inspiration for a new scam.
He didn't expect to find you there when he entered the tavern late at night. He had helped Wildfire out with procuring a couple of necessary items and had gotten back late; deciding he wasn't in the mood for half-burnt scrambled eggs that he tried to make while tired and with a hardly commendable attention span. So take-out food was the way to go tonight. He sat down on the stool next to you at the bar. "Hey, fam!", he addressed you with a cheerful smile on his face, "do you come here often?"
You chuckled at his remark and took a sip from your drink. "Why does this sound like a cheap pick-up line?", you raised an eyebrow at him as Sampo ordered the weirdest food on the menu. "It's not, I swear!", he held up his hands defensively and laughed, "I was just curious, is all." You shrugged. "Well, to answer your question, I don't really go to places like this all that often but I was in the area and I really needed a drink. I'm exhausted." Sampo didn't know what you had been doing beforehand, but he could guess that it probably had something to do with helping another poor soul in need or just not understanding what an appropriate time to stop work was. A common pattern around here, really.
"What a coincidence, I just came here for a meal as well", he smiled at you but was a bit annoyed about having to yell over all the background noise. He felt like you were a little uncomfortable with the atmosphere at the bar. "You don't seem to like the place a lot", he remarked, earning a glare from the bartender who probably thought it was out of place for someone to declare loudly that a person didn't like his establishment. But you seemed almost relieved that someone pointed it out. "Yeah it just isn't as safe and comfortable as I'm used to", you nodded, taking another sip of the drink, "had to shoo away some idiots who were getting a little too comfortable being in my personal space before you arrived."
Sampo took his plate with the chocolate sauce burrito into his hands and got up from the stool as soon as it was brought to him. "Well, if you need their money as compensation, you know where to find me", he winked and nodded his head towards the front door, "wanna sit outside where it's a little more quiet?" Pondering on his words, you noticed you were more than ready to leave this place.
So you followed Sampo Koski to sit on a small bench under a lamp post across from the tavern.
There were a few guests outside and Sampo kept his distance from them as he walked through the dining area. Meanwhile you seemed to struggle a little. "Watch where you're going", an older woman hissed as Sampo turned back and saw you getting a little dizzy, bumping into the sitting customer and causing her to let go of her fork which promptly dropped down to the floor. The waiter made his way inside to get her a new one. "Sorry...", you mumbled and seemed a little bit out of it.
Sampo walked back to you and wrapped an arm around your shoulder for support, guiding you over to the bench. "Don't need to hold onto you, really", you sighed and sat down, your words sounding a little bit slurred. He wondered how much you had to drink. "Friend, are you doing okay?", he asked with a smile on his face. "Mmmh...", you replied, feeling the wooden surface under your hand as you sat down, almost missing the bench a couple of times, "...just a little tired."
Sampo raised an eyebrow and there was a look of concern on his face but he brushed it off. He knew how a person could get with enough sleep deprivation. Besides, he was there to look after you when you got too drowsy. It was late and he made a mental note to walk you home when the time came. For now though, he thought he'd just sit under the moonlight with you for a while, letting you take in the fresh air and clear your senses. Maybe he'd get to talk with you a little bit and finally find the courage to ask you out. He had done so a couple times, always hiding his true feelings behind his goofy facade. You had thought he was joking and he didn't have it in him to correct you thus far. He couldn't blame you, really.
The downside of being a jester could very well be that people struggled to see that there was a person with feelings just like everyone else underneath the mask. Sampo gazed up to the stars with a helpless smile on his face. He remembered when he made you laugh and how his first thought had been that maybe this had been the reaction he had been looking for all along when he committed to his shenanigans. That seeing you giggle about his endeavors made it worth running from the Silvermane Guards every once in a while. Ever since the border between the underworld and the overworld was reopened, they had been patrolling in Boulder Town as well, which made Sampo's line of work even more difficult. He wondered if you could love someone who had an arrest warrant on his back. Perhaps he'd always be a coward when it came to letting you see what was in his heart, he mused.
"Well, maybe it's time to head back for us. It isn't long until the night patrol passes through here and I wouldn't want to run into the guards tonight. How about I walk you back home?", he sighed but his heart seemed to stop for a second when he looked at you again. You were slouching, your hand pressed to your head and Sampo noted that you looked a little sick. "Y/n?", he called out your name and tapped your shoulder multiple times. You were unresponsive. "Y/n?", he tried again and grasped your shaking hand as you leaned over to your side to empty your stomach into the trashcan next to you. You missed.
"Hey, maybe we should stop by Natasha's clinic before we get you home, alright?", he spoke softly but there was worry evident in his voice, "you don't look like you're doing too well..."
Sampo saw you reach for the drink next to you with unsteady hands, struggling to hold onto the glass as you lifted it to your mouth. A realization seemed to cross Sampo's mind. He took the beverage from your hands before you could take another sip. Something inside you seemed to protest, and you tried to reach for the glass again in confusion, knocking it out of his fingers by accident.
It fell to the floor with a loud shattering sound, startling you. Sampo saw tears forming in your eyes from the shock. You seemed scared and confused but unable to communicate. "Come on, let's get you to a doctor", Sampo whispered in a comforting voice, helping you up, "I'm sure someone will clean this up, don't worry about it. Can you walk?"
He got his answer when you collapsed and your legs gave in. Luckily, Sampo was fast enough to catch you before your head hit the pavement. You stared up with wide eyes but didn't seem to look at anything in particular. It was like you were staring right past him. Your muscles tensed and you tried to point at something that Sampo couldn't see. He called out your name a couple more times in panic, gently tapping your cheek multiple times as if hoping you would just snap out of it. His heart had sunken in his chest and a shiver ran down his spine, seemingly freezing his bones. You looked like consciousness had left you; clenching your jaw and moving it like you were chewing on something.
Sampo swallowed his fear and picked you up, ignoring the concerned stares of the nearby tavern guests. Natasha's clinic was only a few streets away from here. He could make it in 5 minutes if he ran. Running with you in his arms proved to be a challenge as your body continued writhing. The movements reminded Sampo of a new-born baby tossing and turning in the crib and grasping for nothing in particular. Definitely not something that should be happening to you.
You looked dead inside. The image sent a feeling of panic through Sampo's heart and he was hoping his own legs wouldn't give in due to the shock. He needed to be strong for you now. Memories flashed through his mind of the last time he had met you, grabbing a coffee with you in the overworld and joking around about his newest scam. Everything had seemed like fun and games during a time where the possibility of losing you had never crossed his mind. But now it did. And it terrified him. As the cold air of the night seemed to burn in his lungs as he kept running, a quiet voice inside him wondered what would happen if he never got to see your smile again. He could only guess at what had put you in this state but he didn't know what it actually meant for your health. Were you going to see the dawn? Were you going to stay like this? He probably shouldn't think about that for now, he mused.
He opened the door to Natasha's clinic with such force that it sounded like he had kicked it down as he called out for the underworld doctor. He recognized her by the sound of her heels on the floor as she made her way towards him. "Sampo Koski, how many times have I told you to keep your voice down in my hospital-", Natasha stopped in her tracks when she saw Sampo holding you like this, trying to keep you still as to not drop you, "oh god." She hurried over to the emergency section of the clinic and got a stretcher ready for you. "Put them down here", she instructed Sampo, who carefully lowered you onto the stretcher. Natasha noticed there were tears in his eyes and he was shaking. She had never seen him this concerned about anybody.
"Will they be okay?", Sampo bit his lip and tried to calm down, taking deep breaths while simultaneously doing his best to keep your arms and legs on the bed so you wouldn't hit them against something and injure yourself. "Probably", Natasha calmed him down and brought her medical equipment to your bedside, "I've had cases like this before and so far none of them died on me, so have a little faith, okay?" Sampo nodded. "Would you help me keep their arm still? I need to take a blood sample", she asked him. He firmly but gently pinned your arm down with both hands while Natasha took a sample of your blood and then put you on an IV. She brought the tube with your blood to the laboratory while Sampo held your hand in his to make sure you didn't move your arm too much with the catheter in it.
Seeing you writhing on the stretcher made his heart break. Neither trying to comfort you with his words nor swearing that whoever did this to you was going to pay for it seemed to bring you back to him. He felt helpless. The time Natasha took to get results from the blood test, administer medicine to you and ultimately cause your body to relax again felt like an eternity to him. It eventually just looked like you were sleeping, which allowed Sampo to calm down as well. "They need rest now", Natasha said eventually, "I need to attend to the other patients but you can stay here if you'd like to... though I do have the feeling you wouldn't leave even if I kicked you out." She gave him an encouraging smile, having noticed how much you meant to him. Sampo just smiled back weakly and let her continue with her duty as a physician.
When you woke up your head hurt. You felt confused and didn't know where you were. Images flashed through your mind of you talking to Sampo at the bar counter. That was the last thing you remembered. So it was confusing to you to open your eyes and find yourself in a hospital bed with a catheter in your arm and an annoying beeping sound coming from the machine next to you. Natasha had noticed you had woken up and came over to your bed.
"I see you're awake", she remarked with a soft voice and sat down on a chair beside you, "how do you feel?"
You cleared your throat and noticed how dry your mouth felt. Natasha already had a glass of water ready for you. "Can you hold it?", she asked and carefully handed it to you, keeping her hand on the bottom of the glass in case you dropped it. You managed to hold onto it and take a few sips from the water. "Thank you", you mumbled with a weak voice and sat up, feeling a bit of your strength return already, so you kept drinking.
Natasha allowed you to take your time to gather yourself. "So... how did I end up here?", you asked, your voice still sounding a little hoarse. Natasha sighed. "What's the last thing you remember?", she asked you. You took a moment to reply. "I was sitting at the bar counter, talking to Sampo", you explained and chuckled weakly, "he ordered this horrible chocolate sauce burrito... seriously who eats something like that?" A small smile found its way onto Natasha's face. "So, what happened?", you asked quietly.
"Well... it seems someone mixed something into your drink...", she started, seeing your eyes widen, "nothing more happened but you collapsed in front of the tavern and had a seizure. Sampo brought you into my clinic." "Oh...", you mouthed, your thoughts scrambled all over the place as you tried to process what Natasha just said. She nodded towards the other side of your bed and your eyes followed her gesture, finding Sampo passed out on a chair next to you with his crossed arms and head on your nightstand and a blanket draped over him. He was drooling a little and even though he was asleep, you could tell he seemed exhausted.
"He stayed here the whole night", Natasha told you, "...refused to leave your side even when the guards wanted to take him into custody because they suspected he did it." "He didn't", you retorted immediately and Natasha stopped you. "I know. They found that out after investigating the tavern and hearing from other witnesses that you had that drink before Sampo even entered the tavern." You sighed with relief. The last thing you wanted was for the man who brought you here and made sure you got the medical treatment you needed to be arrested.
"Honestly, I've never seen Sampo so scared before", Natasha remarked, "he looked like he had seen a ghost." Your hand reached for your sleeping companion and your fingertips gently carded through his dark blue strands of hair, stirring him awake in the process. Sampo yawned and opened his eyes with a tired expression but as soon as they met yours, he felt wide awake once more. "You're alive!", he exclaimed with a relieved smile on his face and reached for your hand, holding it in his own, "Sampo Koski was so worried about you!" You squeezed his hand. "Thank you for looking out for me."
"There's absolutely nothing to thank", he told you, sounding more sincere than you had ever heard him, "I'm sorry I couldn't do more..." Those last words were more of a whisper but you picked up on them anyway. "You did everything you could", you insisted as Natasha did some further testing to make sure everything about your condition was stable.
"You're going to need to stay here for further testing for now", she explained to you, "you will likely be fine but it's best for you to remain in the hospital and be monitored for today." You nodded. "Don't hesitate to call out to me if you need anything", Natasha continued, "as for everything else, I'm sure Sampo doesn't mind keeping you company while you're here." You looked over to him and he nodded to confirm what Natasha had said. "If you don't mind, of course", he added awkwardly. "I don't", you reassured him and held onto his hand.
Sampo remained by your bedside until you were discharged in the evening, aside from the time he went out to get lunch for the two of you, surprising you with a meal you had mentioned liking. He was ready to answer any question you had about the time when you were unconscious and the things amnesia has made you forget. He made sure to let you know that whenever you needed to talk or just didn't want to be alone after this, he'd be only one call or text away. Whether he had a 'business meeting' or not, according to his words. He doubted he fully knew how to deal with the situation but he swore he would do his best to make sure you'd be okay. You didn't know where the future would take you and how this situation would affect you in the times to come, but you found comfort in the fact that, come what may, you wouldn't have to deal with it alone. Perhaps that was all the confirmation you needed to understand how much you meant to Sampo. Maybe words weren't even needed anymore...
if you liked this fic, keep an eye out for the other works i have scheduled this month. reblogs and comments are appreciated! 👍🏻
any support for my event would be greatly appreciated! 💕
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