#was trying out some new techniques and am very happy with it!! 💕
sketchingtons · 1 year
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Happy New Year 2023!! 🥳🎉🎊🍾🥂🎈🎇🎆✨
Happy New Year everybody, I hope 2023 is treating you well so far-and I’m sending you all as many good vibes as I can in hopes that it continues to be a good year for us all as it progresses! 🥳
If you’ve been following me for the past handful of years, you may have noticed that I started-and have continued-to draw/update/revamp an illustration I did of a fireworks themed character I created in 2021 to celebrate the beginning of the New year; this has now become a little tradition that I like to keep going to ring in the New Year each time!
I’ve grown attached to this particular character and it brings me a lot of joy to revisit them each year and give them a redesign based on my current design sensibilities/techniques-we all know how much I love a character/costume redesign-plus, since I’m redoing the same illustration each time, it also provides a nice benchmark I can look back on to see how my style has changed/improved over the course of the year as well! (I’ve provided the previous years iterations of this illustration for y’all to look at as well to see how my work has changed!)
As it is the New Year, I know a lot of people are starting on their New Years resolutions; have y’all picked anything in particular to work on/towards this year? Have you already started? Let me know! For me, I really want to start utilizing my Patreon and Ko-fi more, as well as create more content for my shop, and branch out more into streaming and posting on YouTube!
See y’all next year for the next installment of this illustration-well wishes to you all until then 🎆 🎇✨💕
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neon-ufo · 1 year
Luv's Monthly Makeover 2022
I wanted to show all 12 pieces of this project, and add a little paragraph about each of them, their themes (if applicable), and their inspirations. 
The point of this project was to redesign my mascot Luv every month, trying out new art styles and techniques in the process. Luv changed every month, but still remained the same recognizable character throughout. The idea was to embrace the beauty and challenge of change, and grow with it.
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💕January Luv is generally a very androgynous-looking character largely due to cuteness and fashion, but for this piece I wanted to give him a somewhat more masculine look, which created the little fire goatee. Technically this piece was drawn in December 2021 before I thought of this project (in February), but it hasn't been posted until January and it fit the bill so I counted it as the January piece.
I wanted this to be a more ‘serious’ piece, so there’s no exaggerated fashion or detail to it, aside from the realistic heart in place of the usual love heart on his chest. This is the oldest of the pieces, but I’m still very happy with how it looks!
The Japanese text is from the song Hello by Fire Bomber, saying; "We fear nothing, We go on along this path”. The vibe of the drawing was inspired by this song’s classic rock tune.
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💕February This piece was largely just playing around with clothing textures and such, and the main idea was to present Luv's heart mask in a different way. Some looks had a much stronger thematic vision than others, and this is definitely one of the weaker ones. I don't have much to say about it tbh
The jacket is inspired by a Coach x Keith Haring collaboration jacket, and the mask is a "Lover" mask design by LikeADrugg.
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💕March This was done when Ousama Ranking was airing and I fell in love with the demon's heart-shaped mouth, which I referenced here. Contrary to popular belief, Aku from Samurai Jack was not the inspiration for this.
There isn't much more to say about this one, I wanted him to look creepy and spindly. I had a blast with the rendering, very proud of how it turned out!
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💕April I was really excited for the concept of this one, but it did not turn out how I wanted it to.
He was supposed to be essentially mask-less on this piece, with the visor of his hat casting a heart-shaped shadow on his face. I also wanted to push more in the fashion aspect in this one, the main inspiration being a pair of RoseCut pants & Vivienne Westwood's Love logo, which I used a few more times in my work after this.
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💕May Ok I suddenly got struck by an extreme passion for punk fashion at this point, and I poured it heavily into this iteration. Another different play on the heart mask, this time it changed to heart-shaped glasses. Various spikes become a pretty recurring element from here on lmao. There's also the Westwood Love logo again.
A fun fact; this is actually largely a re-used design of a GothPunk Luv I tried drawing once, but scrapped because I didn't like how it was going! I loved the ideas behind that design and am really glad I got to bring it back here. <:
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💕June This is a very simple one, as I was dealing with the loss of a beloved pet, and I simply didn't have the energy to draw anything bigger.
This actually turned out to be one of my favourite designs for Luv, as it's very simple but very fun, and easy to draw. It became my go-to design for doodles. Lyrics is from "It Gets Harder" by Good Luck
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💕July Tried something very different with style here. I wanted the style and colours to be a little bit more ethereal in vibe, hence the very bright soft shapes and floating gold bits. The doll-like face also adds o the dreamyness, with the matte black eyes and no shine. I think that adding some thick lineart in the centre of the drawing makes the image a bit disorienting, which I quite like.
Main focal point is the golden Jeremy Scott + Adidas Wings sneaker, which was basically what this entire piece was built around.
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💕 August This is another one of my favourite looks. I really love the outfit elements of it, as well as the colours, and I can definitely see myself drawing it again sometime, which is not something I can say for most other looks in this project!
Despite it being one of my favourite designs in this series, I don’t have much to say about the piece  itself though. The shirt was inspired by a shirt worn by Donquixote Doflamingo on one of the One Piece manga covers.
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💕September This piece has recently been chosen to partake in a group exhibition in the capital city of my country, which is quite a big deal for me!
Luv is sporting a very casual streetwear look with a graffiti can in hand. This was the first time I familiarized myself with gradient maps, experimenting with which helped me choose the final palette. The "Love & Peace" sign in the background is taken from a Trigun episode title. The decorations on the pants were inspired by Lirika Matoshi's S/S22 collection, and the shirt evokes several Junya Watanabe/Comme des Garçons shirts from the early 2000s.
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💕October Spooky Luv for spooky month, I really love this piece. It's one of my favourite recent pieces!
Again a lineless piece like the month before, but I took a very different approach to shading, and honestly I expected it to be so much harder than it was. It was a blast to work on this one and I love the effect that pitch black shading has on a monochrome body. I did a lot of experimenting with the background and used gradient maps again to get a cool background effect. I was aiming to get some kinda old video game cover look with this. The text on top is my favourite quote from Dracula. The background is a photo from the Croatian coast that I took last summer.
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💕November The aim of this one was to capture the nostalgic early 2010s anime & deviantART style. I looked to a few anime for reference, but I think in the end Lucky Star was the most helpful.
I tried to channel deviantART character designs I remember from that era, using typical design features I remember from it, such as demon wings, stripes, collars, off-the-shoulder oversized shirts, and checkered belts. The fashion inspiration here is largely the signature Chrome Hearts crosses, while the shoes were inspired by the fantastic toothed heels from the GCDS spring/summer '23 collection which I only now realized does not fit the Y2K theme I was going for with this one lmao
Either way, I'm very happy with this one, I think I achieved what I went out to do!
Oh yeah, and the text in the background is the entire lyrics of the album Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge by My Chemical Romance.
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💕December Last piece of the challenge was almost entirely re-drawn, as I didn't like the first look of it. There isn't much specific inspiration for this one, but I wanted to make it vaguely connected to the December season.
As a reference to Christmas, there are elements of angels in the design, with a bright halo and tiny wings. The symbol I personally associate with new year is the peace sign☮️, because I remember that my dad used to give family friends a New Year's card with nothing but a peace sign in it. He stopped doing it recently, so I'm taking up that mantle instead.
The little sleepy Luv on the right side is taken from a different Monthly Makeover piece that I scrapped.
I'm not sure if it's clear, but the shape at the bottom says 2023.
Thank you
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dawnrider · 6 months
Hi doll! I’m sending you these asks now for your 20 yr tomorrow.
Happy 20 Years Dawn! That’s so exciting! 💕You ready for some questions, because I wanna know so much.
1. What is your favorite story you’ve written? (It doesn’t have to be completed or even posted, just one that stands out for you.)
2. Do you have any projects coming up for this next year that you’re excited about?
3. Would you rather become a famous writer, being able to make money for doing something you love, or keep writing as a hobby for the rest of your life, but still really enjoying it?
4. What made you start writing in the first place?
5. Do anybody in your life outside of tumblr/fanfiction/ao3 know you write? What was their response/how do they feel about it now?
6. Is there anything you’d like to learn? (Could be a hobby, a new technique in your writing, a skill for work, improvement for something you already do,etc.)
7. What is something most people don’t know about you?
8. If you could write one paragraph (3-5 sentences) to describe your life, your experiences, your personality, who you are, what would it say?
9. Any advice for people who write/create, new beginners or experienced ones?
10. What is a goal you wish to accomplish this next year in regard to writing?
Well hi @heynikkiyousofine! Here goes!
1. What is your favorite story you’ve written? (It doesn’t have to be completed or even posted, just one that stands out for you.)
I think it's a toss up between To Sleep Perchance to Dream, How Does Your Garden Grow, and Given. They're all pretty different, but they all try to characterize our favorite idiots as close to canon as I could get them.
2. Do you have any projects coming up for this next year that you’re excited about?
I'm always tinkering, puttering, procrastinating. I'm excited to finish up Garden, which will hopefully be sooner rather than later. And Possibly Your Lying Smile, if the stars align properly. And of course, always excited for @inuparentsday in January!
3. Would you rather become a famous writer, being able to make money for doing something you love, or keep writing as a hobby for the rest of your life, but still really enjoying it?
That's a hard one. If I could still love it as much as I do and make money from it? I think that's a no brainer. But obviously the reality is a lot different. Writing doesn't pay the bills, especially not right away. So I can dream about it, but I think it will always just be a hobby, and that's ok.
4. What made you start writing in the first place?
I used to write silly stuff as a kid. Like 10/12 years old. I always wanted more story than what I read. So I made more. I started fanfiction in college though. I was inspired, was often alone, and had the free time between classes and while working overnights in my dorm.
5. Do anybody in your life outside of tumblr/fanfiction/ao3 know you write? What was their response/how do they feel about it now?
Just a neighbor friend, and now my best friend. Obviously Mister does too. My neighbor is an editor, so I asked for her help with the chapter Fundamental from Bushel and a Peck. I wanted an outside perspective and she was willing to help. My best friend I just recently told and she was very happy for me. She was amazed that I'd kept it secret for so long, but also impressed that I had done something for so long.
Mister is... He's not always that supportive. But it is what it is.
6. Is there anything you’d like to learn? (Could be a hobby, a new technique in your writing, a skill for work, improvement for something you already do, etc.)
I always dream about being able to do art. I can admit that I just don't have the patience to keep at it. I'm one of those people that doesn't stick with something if I think I suck at it. I do dabble with handwriting/hand lettering stuff and would like to work on it more.
7. What is something most people don’t know about you?
Uh.... Hell... lol I've mentioned it before, but maybe not recently. I am a swing dancer. Mainly Lindy Hop. I haven't gone as much recently with kids and COVID, but at one time I danced 4-6 nights a week. I was an instructor in my old city for years.
8. If you could write one paragraph (3-5 sentences) to describe your life, your experiences, your personality, who you are, what would it say?
I suppose I would say that I am someone who tries to take care of others, sometimes to the detriment of myself. It has been my mode of operation for most of my life. Writing is one way in which I am able to do something that is ultimately for me. (Though I share it with you all because I can and you're so kind about it!)
9. Any advice for people who write/create, new beginners or experienced ones?
Mostly that you should enjoy it. It was something we often said about dancing (as a hobby): Once it's not fun anymore, it becomes Work™. Don't make your hobby Work™. You are not obligated to anyone to create something in a certain way, in a certain timeframe, or even at all. If you choose to post your work, do it when you're ready to, not because someone is making demands of you.
10. What is a goal you wish to accomplish this next year in regard to writing?
Finishing WIPs where I can manage it. And moving older stuff from FFnet to AO3 after editing and modifying as needed.
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Sexual needs by aspect
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Mercury - Venus combinations:
I am aroused by your sexual banter. I like you to tell me what you are doing or going to do with me.
Mercury - Mars:
I like to tell you what I am doing or going to do to you or with you.
Moon - Venus:
I am sexually receptive when a particular mood is created. I respond to beauty, grace and refinement. My need for atmosphere is fueled by such things as candlelight dinners, soft music and fluffy down comforters.
Venus - Jupiter combinations:
I want you to take me on a great sexual adventure. I am attracted to a man or woman who is a seeker of truth, or one who is positive and optimistic.
Venus - Saturn combinations:
The psychological ramifications of Venus - Saturn aspect could fill an entire volume. Venus is inherently romantic, since above all else it seeks closeness in relationship. Saturn in contact with Venus, however, needs to resolve a fear of closeness, and the sexual manifestation of Venus - Saturn more often than not comes out in the form of inhibition and a fear of letting go. There is a core self-esteem issue here that usually requires therapy to resolve: "I don't really deserve to be loved, or pleased, or happy sexually."
Venus - Uranus:
Here there is great receptivity to experimentation and adventure. I might try anything once. Most importantly, I would resist falling into predictable sexual routines because this would bore me and I would soon lose interest. "surprise me! I will love you for it!"
Venus - Neptune aspects:
Here I am likely to dream that my redeemer will come. The urge is to be swept away in a sea of romance. Receptivity to fantasy is strong.
Venus - Pluto combinations:
I will either connect deeply and profoundly to another within sex or I will not engage in it at all. This is an 'all-or-nothing-at-all' combination. Sex is never frivolous or casual to the Venus - Pluto individual. Without passion and a profound connection sex is meaningless.
Mars and Venus combined with Uranus :
are as liberal as they are conservative when combined with Saturn. People with Mars - Uranus aspects are exceedingly fortunate when they find partners who have Venus - Uranus combinations.
Mars - Uranus:
There is here an equal need to vary one's sexual activity lest it become boring. "I am always exploring new methods, new techniques, new adventures and new places."
Mars - Neptune combinations:
Very active engagement in sexual fantasy is a hallmark of this combination. One may need a partner who is receptive to your incorporating fantasy into lovemaking. This is potentially a very magical and seductive Mars, but there is also a real potential for "checking out" from being fully present in the act and retreating to a world of imagination and fantasy which makes no room for genuine connection.
Both of the above combinations have a potential for disconnecting from reality, because they are both possessed by an urge to transcend the limits of earthly existence.They both seek heaven, or nirvana, or some exalted soul-mate connection to a lover which severely tests the limits of physical reality.
Mars - Pluto:
One's sexual drive with this combination may be extreme. The danger here is that the native may never be satisfied, and in this case one must look to the psychological causes of such a condition. Positively, one's sexual expression is intensely personal and purposeful. Negatively, there may be a pull to sexual addiction.
Gemini: Your mind is always involved. You like to talk when you have sex.
Thank you for your time reading this 😊 💕 .
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Thank you for doing this FED because this thing has been weighing on me for a bit and I need to let it out! I’m so frustrated at myself. I literally had a textbook friends to lovers, will they-won’t they situation laid out in front of me and I blew it. We’re talking years in the making of mutual pining and everyone rooting for us to make the leap from platonic to romantic and he tried many times but I pushed him away every time because I was too scared to let myself be loved. We had one night of intense make outs and decided to actually go for it and give this romance thing a shot but I broke him with him two days later because I got scared again (and he ate my face, but we could have worked on kissing technique). Even after the breakup we still had this mutual pining dynamic but he fully cut ties with me because I couldn’t make up my damn mind. I can’t even imagine the pain I’ve caused him by pushing him away all those times so I don’t blame him for removing himself. But I’m still pining. I still hear people rooting for us to get together and make it work. I feel more sure of my feelings now but I can’t bring myself to reach out to him because I’m not confident that my own insecurities won’t take over again and hurt him. I just feel like that was my one shot at love and I fucked it up beyond repair. I think a part of me will always love him and hate myself for hurting him. I don’t know what to do with this guilt or how to stop grieving what could have been.
Aww, my dear ❤️❤️
That sounds very difficult to deal with. I'm sorry it's all weighing on you, and I'm sure him too, so heavily.
Please, don't take this at all as me presuming to know anything about your life or telling you what to do, it's just some observations from an old lady and an outsider perspective. These have helped me in my life, so I hope they can be of value here.
First, I've also tried to nobly protect my partners from a lot of my own darkness and they've all reported to me that they gladly would have taken it on, even if it ultimately turned out they couldn't handle it.
If you feel such a deep insecurity or fear of intimacy, don't let it hold you back forever. There are ways to overcome it and the rewards are absolutely amazing.
What's helped me was honestly asking what I felt and what I wanted, regardless of how I felt about the other person. There were times when I was simply was not ready and no amount of their love could have turned it around. Other times, I felt like I could take the chance because I personally was in the right place.
So I'd ask myself, are the doubts you're having about you two as a couple, or about yourself?
If it's you, for your own life and happiness, it's worth tackling those bad feelings - and it's much easier said than done, I am not at all saying it's a quick fix.
And if it's about being with him, but you still feel so strongly, it might be worth at least clearing the air. Perhaps writing those thoughts down and letting him know where you're coming from in as clear a way as possible, if nothing else, than for the sake of honesty and a chance for closure.
I know that when you're in the thick of love, it's impossible to believe this, but I truly think that there is always a chance for a new love. It can take a long time and a lot of pain and growth, but you become someone wiser and stronger and deeper, and the new love you experience on the other end is totally new and unique because, by this point, you are someone else too.
I don't know what I'm trying to say here and nobody asked for my dumb opinion, but I believe in true, fulfilling love for you and for him, whether it's together or separately, and I'm sending you all the best wishes and hugs from my heart to yours 💕💕
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herbgardenknitwear · 2 years
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It feels like ages since I could last share a picture for #wearurwipwednesday by the very talented Lucy of @spoonfuloftalent 🧶 But as I recently finished my - yet unnamed - black and white sweater, I needed something new to work on. So, I decided it was time to give the i-cord edge on my Fiber Artist Sweater a second try. #fiberArtistSweater I had attempted to finish off the neckline with an i-cord earlier this year. But I totally failed back then. Even though it was not the first i-cord I worked (by far), it looked all wonky and uneven. I was frustrated and had to put that project away for a little while. This time I used a different technique and I am super happy with the result. Finally the i-cord is very neat and even. 🙌 So, what I have learned (once again) is that some things need time and patience to work out. Don't give up. Give yourself a break when needed. Things will come together eventually! 🤗 Happy Wednesday everyone! 💕 #wearyourwipwednesday #wipwednesday #wip #knittingwip #knittingwips #wearyourwip #icord #icords #icordedge #kniticord #knittinglife #processknitting #herbgardenknitwear #knitforme #knitterslife #knitterslove #loveknitting #iloveknitting #steekedsweater #steeked #colorworkknit #knitcolorwork #colorworksweater #dropshoulder #mustermaschenmittwoch #maschenmittwoch #strickenmachtglücklich #strickenistoll https://www.instagram.com/p/Cbu7lplIlE4/?utm_medium=tumblr
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