#wasn't expecting such wise words from the one american in this book
delphiniumjoy · 1 year
"Little girl, your honesty and pluck have made me a friend, and that's rarer than a lover; it's more unselfish anyhow."
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emersonfreepress · 2 years
For trans MCs, you said gender angst can/will manifest in the form of people who knew MC pre-transition can accidentally call them by their wrong pronouns and their deadname. I'm curious about the mechanics of it.
How will you handle the deadname part? Will we have to enter a name or will the narration be like
"And there is you, with the name you...
a) used to have (enter the deadname) b) still use even after transition (name remains the same) c) no longer use after transition. (skip entering a deadname)"
Related to it: will we get to be nonbinary and trans?
Can MC be nonbinary from the start even if cis? Like with the deadname option, will it be like:
"Before coming out as nonbinary, you...
a) used she/her pronouns b) used he/him pronouns c) ... well, you don't want to think about that time (avoid putting pronouns)"
Coding and narration-wise though, I can see that would be hard, especially if those few people who knew MC pre-coming out have dialogues or direct conversations with MC, or even just talking about MC's past to someone else.
Like using direct speech if pronouns and/or deadname is put:
""Yeah, then (Deadname) did (former pronoun) best," said Character A."
vs indirect speech if not:
"Character A said you did your best, using your deadname and former pronouns before apologizing and correcting themselves."
So I'd understand if you don't implement such options.
Ok, there's at least three questions here 😅 That's why it took me a while to properly finish this answer, I think I ended up confusing myself a few times lol
Regarding MC deadnames
I only plan for deadname customization around the time of the first scene it is actually relevant to, which isn't until Thanksgiving-times (typical). You'll be able to write in a custom one or choose that you've always had the same name. That won't extend to misgendered pronouns, though; it wouldn't be anything like the examples used here. Feels shoehorned/immersion-breaky.
Can MC be non-binary and trans?
We don't get assigned or raised as our gender, yeah? Non-binary is trans, so yes.
Can MC be non-binary from the start?
Yes, but with caveats.
I wasn't any less agender when I was using she/her pronouns for the first 20 years of my life; I just didn't have the vocabulary or established language to express it. I still had the queer feelings and thoughts, but I only had the words available to me through others and a ton of straight, cisgender media. I probably referred to myself as a tomboy or a person a thousand times more than I ever referred to myself as a girl. That word bothered me; not she or her. That was the word that was heavy to me, it meant too many things. It held the weight the of the expectations of my family, my peers, and the world at large. It shackled me to activities and mannerisms that I had no inclination towards, it forced me to conform to mannerisms and assumptions that never fucking fit.
When I still thought that not being a boy automatically means you're a girl, all I ever understood about myself was that I was not a boy and that I despised being a girl, wished I didn't have to be a girl, largely hated girls who naturally enjoyed conforming to things that tore me apart inside. There was a distinct hatred of being born a girl but an equally distinct disinterest in being born a boy instead. I didn't know "neither" or "none" was a box I could check or a thing at all and yet that is always what my gender has been.
ANYWAY let me hop off this soapbox ffs /personal rambling over. all of that is to preface the following:
As progressive and different as Emerson is, singular they as an indicator of gender identity and neo-pronouns were beyond obscure of a concept in the late 90s to the general American public; forget about it as an actual practice or show of respect. Book 2 takes place in 2008 and will introduce singular they/them as a third pronoun option if MCs want it. All the rest of my IF projects (🤞🏾🤞🏾🤞🏾🤞🏾) will take place in the current day or the not-so-distant future (or literal Hell ☺️) and will have they/them and pronoun customization as options. Because moderntimes.
So! As it stands, Book 1 limits the MC to using one of the two binary pronouns (he and she) but both books will use 5 variables to represent MC gender: cis boys and girls, trans boys and girls, and non-binary kids. Non-binary MCs get the additional option to clearly indicate that they don't ascribe to, subscribe to, or generally mesh well with binary gender norms and expectations—they will be written as non-binary. it's kinda important to me
I also want the beta and final version to have a "gender angst" toggle that runs the game filtered in such a way that largely leaves out most gendered flavor text and most references to being trans outside of just a few scenes or lines. This would also let MCs use "they/them" pronouns throughout the game without fanfare. I talked about it a bit here.
Idk if it will work for all queer players... and it's possible this is an unsatisfying answer for some folks. But it's what this one queer coder wants to do for their game, so 🤷🏾‍♂️
Ultimately, this is all smoke and vapor until it is properly coded and written anyway. Execution speaks louder than planning, so I'll be trying my damn best ☺️
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deadmunds-ghostbee · 2 years
You’re a sensible and level headed person in the Bridgerton fandom, what is your take on the EW feature? I don’t think I’m a super reactionary person, however, I’ve had a creeping feeling that S2 just isn’t going to be good (both critical reception wise and fan response/satisfaction). TVWLM is the best book and they’re bungling with it for some reason…
Haha I'm glad I seem sensible! Yes I try to keep this a relatively drama and discourse free blog.
That being said, I've turned off my asks for the next day or so because I'm gonna write big long fun posts about the new content we got today but don't have the time to answer anything beyond this one.
To be honest, my first reaction to the article wasn't actually how I personally felt about it. I saw that Jonny and Simone weren't the cover and I thought, 'oh dear, people are going to have things to say about this.' And they did and they still do about many of the things mentioned in the article. Which is obviously fine.
Onto my thoughts: Entertainment weekly is no award-winning publication. There were points where I thought the journalist extrapolated to a hilarious amount (like in the post introducing the characters, they implied that Theo Sharpe and Eloise would be good for each other??) and points where it was just hot air.
The cast had some insightful things to say about themes and commentary, and ultimately I have no real opinion on the fact that they focused on the side characters a lot. Those characters are a sure bet. It's press and I won't claim to understand marketing or the semantics of scheduling. I do think it would be weird if we never got a Jonny Simone cover somewhere at some point, though.
In terms of bungling it, safest assumption is that it's a bit of a wash? What are the chances that it'll be amazing? What are the chances it'll be theworstfuckingthingever? Small for both. There will be good and bad and it will certainly never be 'great' with the way it bites off way more than it can chew in terms of class, race, and even women's issues. In terms of pulling off a good romance, though, I have faith.
The actors (Jonny in particular) have shown very keen understanding of their characters, and they continue to hone in on important character beats such as Kate's utter devotion to her family and Edwina. I don't think Kate and Anthony's story can be bad with good performances and chemistry, and a basis of the characters we love. Even if it *is* bad, nothing's ruining Kathony for me because I'm not letting it lol.
This opinion may get me in trouble: I personally don't really care how well it is perceived critically or by GA or my followers. I only care that I like it myself (which I am determined to do within reason), and that I can continue to enjoy writing/reading fic. How good the subsequent seasons are also isn't something I care about, but for the rest of the fandom's sakes, I hope yall enjoy it.
Critics usually overexaggerate and GA (and by that I mean, non-internet ppl who don't think too hard about it) are easy to please. I don't think it'll do the same numbers but whatever. The promo isn't a disaster but it could probably be better.
Now onto the last part which is probably what a lot of the question was about.
I think the largest points of contention in the article were the "Bombay" thing (which people have rightly complained about. I'm no history wizard and I'm also a white girl from the American midwest so I don't want to play any role in the discourse other than listen. Anxiety is warranted and I hope it is aptly criticized when it comes out). And the 'triangle' thing.
I think we've gotten to a point today where people are mostly trying to be positive in the tag after a chaotic afternoon. I agree. The words seemed offhand, innocuous, meant for GA, and also infused into the article without hearing it straight from Jonny's mouth. Passing interest from Edwina or Anthony will probably last two seconds.
This may be bold, but even if Edwina is into him, or (worst case scenario?? And HIGHLY unlikely) upset about the marriage or even if Anthony PROPOSES/almost marries her, it would be a wild divergence but I wouldn't completely hate it. Kate's twofold guilt/turmoil would be interesting. This wouldn't just be "fighting over a boy," it's been driven home that Edwina and Kate are soulmates, and that they are adding depth to the relationship. So the worst case scenario is only moderately upsetting for me, but I have more hope than that anyway. We've been conditioned by popular media to assume all love triangles are bad. Drama can be annoying but it can also leave room for character development. it's a generally interesting narrative choice to have characters be into someone that isn't their true love beforehand (a la Siena), which, in a show that boasts its "progressivism" and a fandom which wants it to be even more so, is a more modern idea.
Adding drama and complexities to subplots in order to give your cast things to do can be okay if done right. Promo isn't the nail in the coffin for actual screen time and even if Kathony is only on screen for a half or third of the time, 4 hours of content is better than nothing. That ratio will only continue in later seasons as they keep adding to the cast. Polin's story will be so bloated with Danbury and Queen stuff and Eloise drama and setting up the next phase of the show if they even have it, so why cross compare?
So tldr
The best way to think about S2 is a fun AU, no expectations. Whatever the s2 is, it may be show-canon but it isn't gospel.
If you don't like s2 then it shouldn't ruin your entire bridgerton experience. It's okay to be disappointed, but like, being disappointed is what real life is for. It's not coming anywhere near my escapism.
Now that this essay is over I'm gonna write a post abt actual theories!! If you made it this far, Godspeed homie.
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loladelores · 3 years
Vamos a Miami with @MindYourPanties
-Had it been two days yet? Minutes turned to hours and before I knew it, I had been standing in a cell duking it out with yet another solider of the night.
After delivering that final blow, I staggered back against the jail cell I had been subjected to upon my arrival. Now, here I stood, leaning against those steel bars, savoring the fact that I was about to put myself through one more round of pain. Pinching the bridge of my nose, I blew a breath out through my mouth and set my nose back as straight as I could get it. The crack sound it made when I did fueled the slew of curses that left my lips next and of course it alerted the guard. Again.- I need to make a phone call.
-Looking back over my shoulder, I took a chance at the piece of shit I had laid out prior to.- ...and he might need medical. -It figured I was still here. When I arrived in handcuffs, I knew I wasn't just being detained for questioning. They booked me first thing, threw me in that cell and from that moment on, I was Chile's number one enemy and "destructor of country property". They weren't going to let me go that easy and I knew why. Rumors were rumors for a reason.- I'm an American and I get a phone call, no?
-"No hay pruebas." My passport was gone? Damn it, Rio. I had met with him two days prior and gave him instructions to have the jet ready to go with less than a day's notice. Vowing right then and there, once I got out if I did, I would not stay and suddenly it dawned on me that maybe the Carabineros not believing me was a good thing. As the guard laughed, walking away, I continued to press my forehead against all that steel. Praying that no matter what that my fate was protecting you. I was going to get out of here and to you, one way or another.-
::Bouncing back quickly was an art form that I had perfected in the years married to Joaquin. I allowed myself a few minutes of sitting and feeling sorry for myself. Chico, offering concerned licks to my hands, legs, any piece of my body he could get access to. And then I was up. I had moved into this apartment with just one suitcase and a duffel bag. I could leave it just the same.
I nearly tripped over Binx on my way to the bedroom. And then I paused. I would not be leaving Binx or Chico here. Under any circumstances. If I had to shove them into my shirt and pretend to be pregnant, they were going with me to America. With a firm nod, I continued to the bedroom where I pulled the suitcase and duffel bag from the top shelf of the closet. Running around the room like that cartoon devil that used to make Papa laugh, and filling my bags with only the essentials.
Before long, I had the suitcase and duffel bag stuffed to capacity. I was able to fit more than I expected since I didn’t plan to bring Joaquin’s things with me this time. After zipping up mi guitarra in its soft case, it was time to convince Binx to let me put him in the carrier. Unfortunately, there’s a reason that stubborn creature and I got along, but a few scratches later, and he was angrily meowing from his confines. I supposed if I hadn’t been planning hastily, I might’ve retrieved the car from Papa’s estate first. But I had to work with what I had. Setting Binx’s carrier on top of the rolling suitcase, and swinging the guitarra and duffel bag over my shoulders, I snapped the leash on Chico, and we were out of the apartment.
Luckily, Papa’s estate was just on the outskirts of town. And Chico knew something was up so he trotted along happily even though the length was twice that for his little legs. Once I let myself into the estate, I found a bowl to fill with water for Chico to drink while I ran up to my old room. It had been ages since I had been within those four walls but I was in too much of a hurry to allow myself to think too much of it. I only wanted one thing. Chile could have the rest. As I opened the jewelry box on my dresser, holding my breath, and half expecting to find it empty, but smiled uncharacteristically wide when my eyes fell on all my old jewelry. Shifting most of it to the side, I pulled up the false bottom, and only paused a moment to run the my fingers over the coin from the necklace Mama had made me when I was a child. Quickly, pulling it over my head, I tucked it into the top of my dress, and ran back down the stairs.
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Papa had a garage full of cars. I didn’t care which one I took. I just needed the one that would get me to you as quickly as possible. My eyes fell on the sparkling blue paint of his favorite car to drive to the countryside and my mind was made up. Piling the suitcase, duffel bag, guitarra, and angry feline into the car, I helped Chico into the passenger seat, and we were off.
I knew in my heart, I couldn’t leave Chile without one final visit to the cemetery. I didn’t intend to stay long. And I knew Joaquin wouldn’t be pleased. So I left the animals in the car with the windows cracked.
The anxiety grew the closer I got to his spot. I honestly hadn’t been back since that fateful day that I met you. And I knew that alone would have him angry. Sure enough, as I walked through the final clearing, I heard the angry caws of that crow. With a slow steadying breath, I went to stand in front of his headstone:: I know you are angry with me. ::with a gasp, I ducked as the crow swooped for my head. The sting at my temple let me know one sharp claw had already made contact. I brought the fingers of my other hand to the ring I still wore, twisting it on my finger:: I have come to say goodbye. ::I screamed this time when the crow let out an infuriated caw, flying straight at my face as I threw my hands in front of me to protect myself:: Joaquin! You must listen. It’s time. I have nothing here. ::watching the treetops for a second to make sure he wasn’t coming again, I slowly slipped the ring from my finger:: Lo siento. For…todo. ::choking back a sob, I set the ring on his headstone just in time for a loud growl to sound in the distance. My eyes darting in the direction it came from I saw the shining of sharp, preditorial eyes reflecting the moonlight before the massive dark body of the beast slowly stepped from the tree line. Stumbling back, I called out:: You have to let me go. ::The beast stepped forward with a snarl that had my heart jumping into my throat. I should have brought a weapon:: Lo siento. I never meant… ::suddenly rage started to boil inside of me:: YOU WERE NEVER SORRY! ::The beast recoiled at my words. With a little more confidence, I widened my stance:: Betrayal after betrayal. Bruise after bruise. You never were sorry! No mas! ::taking a tentative step back, the beast and I locked in a staring contest, I held my breath expecting it to advance on me. When it didn’t, I took a few more steps. The safety of the car was calling to me. But I was afraid to turn my back. It proved to be wise I had not because suddenly the beast revealed razor sharp teeth again and let out a growl that had my blood running cold. It was then that I took my chances and ran. I could hear the heavy footfalls behind me, my terror pushing me to run a little faster. The gates weren’t far away now.
I was almost there. I could do this. I could make it. Almost as soon as I had the thought, my foot caught on the corner of a walkway and I fell forward. My hands instantly stinging from the way the earth bit into my palms. That pain soon forgotten as a heavy weight landed on my back. Then the searing pain of a bite to my shoulder that had me seeing stars. As the adrenaline kicked in, I attempted to roll on top of the beast. I could hear Chico faintly barking in the background as we struggled. Several bites cutting into soft flesh as I screamed and clawed at its fur. Finally, a stroke of luck when I managed to get my leg just right and launch the beast from on top of me. Scrambling to my feet, I ran as fast as my legs could carry me, throwing open the passenger door, and nearly missing Chico as I dove into the car, pulling the door shut behind me.
The car shook with the power of that strong body landing on the hood. In the light its black fur glimmered, eyes more menacing that before. And I sat frozen staring back. It wasn’t until it began pouncing on the windshield causing a crack to form that I launched into action again. Climbing into the driver’s seat I cranked the engine and stomped the gas. The beast lost its footing, but did not leave the hood of the car. Cranking the wheel right and left, I caused the car to zig zag. The sound of its claws scraping into the paint deafening. But finally, once I reached the end of the street, I took the corner so sharply I feared the car would tip. And the beast fell from the hood. As I sped down the road, I looked in the rear view mirror to see a large heap of black laying on the road.
I only slowed my speed once I was several miles away. My next stop was the jailhouse where I was determined to get you out. I had listened and let them take you. But I would not let them keep you. The evil eye had stolen one love from me. It would not steal you too.
When I pulled in front of the jailhouse, I pulled down the visor, attempting to smooth my hair before giving up:: One last stop, Chico. Be good. ::climbing from the car, I headed up the steps and pulled the door open. The officer at the desk’s eyes going wide at the bloody mess I was, and then comically wider when recognition hit him who I was::
-It had been a long time since I had fought and tasted blood. Spitting the rest of it out, I gave my jaw a nice rub down and posted back up against the wall. The guards had their fun but now, I found myself having been moved to another cell. One without the view of the sun shining through or the moon for that matter. Night had turned into day though I knew from the small rays that poked through as I was dragged down the hall with my feet behind me.
Two guards with loose lips as it were told me everything I needed to know as to why I was still locked up here, my speculations proving to be true. It wasn't until one of them uttered your name followed up with a hearty laugh at your expense that I finally found words honorable enough to earn me another beat down and thrown into my new home away from home.- Es más mujer de lo que jamás tocarás. -Having spit on his shoe this time, I finished it off with a special term of endearment just for them as we reached a new door.- Gilipollas.
-Twenty minutes later, I found myself in "solitary confinement". The cell was no bigger than a broom closet it seemed or damn near close to it, it felt like but even in that darkness, my thoughts carried me into the hues of light. Into your light.
Every color represented you, even down to the colors you had chosen that very night when showing me your art. Those memories of the last few months flooded my mind then, and as I allowed myself to slide down the wall, elbows resting on my knees now, I let the darkness know I felt its presence.- You can do what you wish to this vessel but I will return for her. Even in death, you will not stop me. I don't care how many guards you send my way, I will keep fighting for her until there is nothing left. -I threw my own gauntlet down, making my intentions very clear where you were concerned, and I knew Memphis would understand. If anything, after seeing him with @AFuerteRosa, the family growing, I got it. Rubbing at my chest, I bowed my head and listened, becoming so still in that moment, I could not only feel the air change once again around me but it actually became stagnant, the smell revolting as if Joaquin or the evil eye was saying "As you wish."-
::It turned out the rumors were true. They put the weakest of the bunch behind the desk. Because after the officer began breathing again, he stood so quickly from his chair that it fell over. Then he backed away, tripping over the chair as I stood in the doorway, watching in amusement. No words were spoken before he ran from the room, presumably to get someone with larger huevos than his own to deal with me.
I took the time that I was left alone to scour the room. His desk was plain. Not even a family picture. Just a computer, some pens, a strange contraption with hanging balls that I reached out and flicked, causing the balls to sway slightly. I don't know why I was hoping that it would be like old television shows Mama used to watch where there would be a ring of keys just hanging on the wall. But I did, and it was with disappointment that I found nothing of the sort.
Before I could get too lost in that thought, I heard the sound of boots that announced the arrival of someone else. This one watched me with a glimmer in his eyes that already had my temper snapping. The smirk on his face didn't help as I clenched my hands at my sides, causing the scrapes from before to protest. 'Que interesante..." I lifted a brow when he trailed off. Squaring my shoulders proudly and kicking my chin up, I spoke:: Cual es el precio? ::The laugh he let out had me grinding my teeth. "Para que? No tengo nada que hacer con La Lola." There was another snap of the strings reining in my temper. Setting my hands down on the desk, I leaned in:: Tu sabes a quien quiero.
::He said nothing more. Just stood their with that smirk I wished to carve from his face as he assessed me. Finally, he spoke again, "No tengo nada que hacer con La Lola." Once again I thought, I should have brought a weapon. Clearly reading my mind, I saw his hand fall to rest on his gun. Even I was not that loca. So, I tried again:: Dinero no es objeto. ::My statement had the effect I hoped for and he dropped his hand from his gun and laughed harder. I took the opportunity to step around the desk, only he dropped his hand to that gun again so I paused. It wasn't like me to show weakness, but in those few minutes he had shown me everything that I needed to know, and I held my hands up in surrender:: Porfavor? ::I did my best to look desperate for his help and he dropped his hand again. This time it was me who wanted to smirk, but I fought it, stepping a little closer:: Tienes que ayudarme. Hare lo que quieras...
::I stepped even closer to him, trying my best to channel the seductress in the telenovela Mama loved, but also making it a point to stumble a little and look up at him with a blink to convey I was lost in what I was doing. He let out a hearty laugh this time the amusement at me written clearly on his face. Finally, I came to stand directly in front of him, tentatively reaching out a hand, and when he didn't reach for his gun, I rested it on his chest. Puppy dog eyes? Is this what I was doing? I looked up at him with the best pleading face I could:: Por favor? Estoy a tu merced...
::The spark in his gaze had me wanting to tense up. It was one that Joaquin gave many times before taking the upper hand. He did not disappoint as his hand closed on mine, squeezing tight enough to make those scrapes on my palm scream. I made a show of whimpering as I looked up at him in "shock." He leaned in close, his lips hovering at my ear as he stated firmly, "Eres basura. No tengo negocios con La Lola." In that moment, I reached for his gun with my other hand, backing up quickly and pointing it at him with my own smirk and glimmer in the eye:: Verguenza. ::He took a step toward me at the same time I pulled the trigger, and watched in fascination as the bullet connected with his forehead before blood trickled and he fell in a pile at my feet.
I knew that the sound was going to signal others so I wasted no time in ducking down the hallway he had come from. The building was a lot smaller inside than I expected, and it took no time for me to find the holding cells. There were several gasps from inside. Whether it be my bloody appearance and gun or recognition, I didn't know. But when I saw that you were not among them, I cared not to find out. Instead I spoke to the bloodied one on the bench in the corner:: Donde esta....Boston? ::I was taking a chance on him knowing your name, but luckily his face lit up with recognition and he pointed down another hallway. I was just about to follow his point when I heard the door burst open, revealing two more men. To my delight, one of them was the one who had been behind the desk. The fear in his face was obvious as I pointed the gun between the two of them:: Dejame. O habra una carniceria. ::I jerked my head in the direction of the holding cells to make my point. And both of their eyes followed. I heard the commotion of the few men that were trapped in there and I smirked. My earlier question answered. They knew who I was and what I was capable of.
As they exchanged a look, I backed my way toward the direction I believed you to be, putting more distance between us. I saw their decision before they even made the move. Two of them, one of me. I turned the gun toward one of the men in the cell and fired another shot, connecting with his foot and causing him to scream out in pain. The scaredy cat officer stood frozen as the other fired his own shot. Luck was on my side again as I had just moved down the hallway at an angle that caused his bullet to hit the wall instead. I had no choice now but to begin calling for you:: Boston? Querido...?
-Skirt? I almost believed it was you. Your voice was so faint that I knew I was imaging it. That was until it got louder and I furrowed my brows as I started to stand.
There was no way you should be here. Not on this floor anyway. Sure enough though, your voice began to carry and with it, a round of gunshots sprayed, painting the walls with bullets of their own and I yelled, practically throwing myself toward the cell door.- Lola! Skirt!
-My hands curled into fists as I began to beat on the door. My name falling from your lips with such urgency, I couldn't help but growl out my frustration, spatting the words out next for the darkness to swallow up whole.- Maldito cobarde. Let her go!
-I could hear the footfalls of two guards coming up the back stairs, the door down the hall being thrown open and any minute now someone was going to be sliding my cell door back. Seven minutes, in that moment, felt like eternity for the big reveal. That final curtain coming down on a show well done when I heard the sound of another round being discharged, and I roared, slamming my fists against the very barrier that kept me from you.-
::It took a few calls and a lot of ducking out of the way. But I finally heard your voice. The tunnel vision started then. I was getting to you, and nothing was going to stop me. That was until I caught sight of the door itself. Shooting it wasn’t going to break the lock. Again, useless information from old television.
Then I spotted the fearful cop down a side hallway and I smiled. Perhaps the evil eye was on vacation because I couldn’t believe the luck I was having. My new plan quickly formulated. Ducking around the corner, I waited for him to get closer then jumped on his back, pressing the gun against the side of his neck:: Buscandome? ::He did his freezing act again which allowed me to quickly disarm him before shoving him along in front of me toward your door and coming to a stop:: Abrelo. ::He stood there frozen again. And I heard the telltale footfalls of backup headed up the stairs. Digging the gun into his skin as I said it again through clenched teeth:: Abrelo! ::Finally I heard the the metal of keys in a shaking hand, and I looked down to see him fumbling with the lock.
The footsteps were getting even closer and my patience was gone so I snatched them from his hand and unlocked it myself. My smile was uncharacteristically wide when I saw your face. Until the evidence of mistreatment hit me, and it dropped completely::
Lola.. -I was in the middle of my own rush of adrenaline, the blood pumping through my veins direct to my pounding heart had been loudest for so long but the second I laid eyes on you, the door was no longer our enemy. That barrier was gone and in its place was you.- We have to go!
-Reaching for you then in that split second decision, we moved just in time to hear another shot ring out in the distance. Slow motion at its finest, it wasn't until my hand actually came into contact with your cheek that I watched as all the color drained from your face.- I'm okay but we have to go! -I repeated myself, not waiting for an explanation. There would be time for that later but for now, we had to get out of there and you, safe.
The bloody dress you wore raised some questions but when I slipped my hand into yours, those fingers lacing together, I brought your hand up to kiss the back of it. If we were going out tonight, it was going to be on our terms and in a blaze of glory. Or we would be pepper sprayed with real bullets.
Either way, we were going out fighting. For freedom, for love and for us. It was with that realization that I picked up the knocked out guard's hat and relieved him of his jacket.
Slipping both on, I gathered up your hand again and proceeded out into the hall. Those back stairs were waiting for us and it wasn't until we reached the door at the bottom that I took pause once more, hearing the prisoners above us starting to revolt. It couldn't have been a more perfect diversion and seeing this moment for what it was, I yanked you to me, my lips finding yours roughly before I spoke.- Mi destino siempre estuvo sellado contigo.. -Smirking, this was it. The minute I opened the steel door, the staircase filled with a bright light, personal rays from the sun itself greeted us and out into broad daylight, we stood before making a run toward freedom, for a real life in America.-
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