#wasp driller
flame-shadow · 1 year
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The Wasp Kingdom Bug Fables NPC Collab [15/23]
Background - @motheatencrow Editor - lamverykarpy
Character Credits General Ultimax (Fuff) - @jayjar100 Jayde - @someguyiguess23 Rebelle - samy00000008 Bumble - @flame-shadow Voi - @verdeltiathedead Prisoner - @verdeltiathedead Hungry Ant - @flame-shadow Wasp Scout - samy00000008 Wasp Trooper - @flame-shadow Wasp Driller - samy00000008 Wasp Bomber - samy00000008
[click here to see the entire collection]
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bug-oc · 1 year
Bug Fables OC Tournament Round 1
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Drya (she/her) and Tel (she/they) (or Team Drya) from @enbeemerang
Drya is a (very lovable) dumb rosy maple moth, who came from far outside of Bugaria. Right now, she resides outside of Defiant Root with her girlfriend, Tel! Drya's very outspoken, and is ready to defend her friends with whatever it takes. She's canonically trans, and a lesbian! She very much enjoys going to Crisbee's for a snack, and doing jobs with her girlfriend. Drya uses a spear (a toothpick with a shard of metal tied onto it) as her weapon, and won't stand down. Drya is always down to make a friend, and with her outspoken nature, knows many bugs across Bugaria. She's also a bit of a herbo.
Tel is a much more rational sap beetle. Due to her quietness and more closed off personality, she may come off as cold and not friendly to new bugs she meets. But, she holds lots of care for those she holds close like her friends and loved ones. Growing up in Defiant Root, she loves the research side of exploring, knowing that Drya has her back. Tel is also trans, and a lesbian. Tel's weapon of choice are metal shards. She carries up to 5 whenever she goes out exploring, which she throws at her enemies. She enjoys documentation, and frequents the Ant Kingdom Library whenever she can. Having grown up in Bugaria, she knows practically everybody in Defiant Root, and others across the Ant Kingdom.
Tel and Drya met about two years pre canon in the game. Drya left her home to find somewhere more accepting, and after losing her sibling in the journey, found herself in the Lost Sands. Dehydrated and lost, she couldn't continue. That night, Tel found her, and helped her regain her strength. The year on, Drya had stayed in Defiant Root with Tel, where the two grew closer, until they began dating. After Drya had learned of the explorer's guild, she was eager to be able to continue exploring and going on journeys, with a land that accepted her.
Tel and Drya are an inseparable duo. When they explore, Drya takes up the front, ready to defend her girlfriend at any given moment. Tel goes slower, stopping to document things, or to take samples and place them in the little pouch she carries. They love each other very much! They fight as a single unit, and are best friends.
They also both wear Favorite One medals, as they are each others favorites :)
Whirr (he/him) from @mothbeasts
Whirr was a wasp driller. At some point during the events of Bug Fables, he got his friend (another wasp) and found a way to get into the deadlands with the intent for it to be a scouting mission. This Went Horribly. His friend got killed, he got maimed, and then he got exiled for going there against orders. Now he wanders around trying to find somewhere to settle down and rest. His future isn't set in stone, though he does dream of avenging the death of his friend. Perhaps he'll take up baking in the meantime.
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nblynera · 3 years
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time for wasp oc posting. you have no choice in this matter and no power over me
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abombihoney · 3 years
twas wasp posting today
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churrout · 2 years
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makes you guys look at this wasp
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funnylilbugs · 3 years
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Battle theme teirlist
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mothbeasts · 4 years
The curse of being me is I don't even finish a game and I immediately get oc ideas... This is Whirr, a wasp driller who had awful ideas and got his friend killed because of it. He is very attached to his drills even though he got banned from entering the wasp kingdom (for running off to do something incredibly dumb and getting another wasp killed) and he really just wants to find somewhere nice to live and Rest.
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beast-feast · 3 years
Okay hi I'm the guy who made the Fucked Up Kabbu thing, I'm here to say some more about it >:)
Like last time it'll be under the cut for spoilers!
Okay so my thoughts with it are still all over the place and unorganized, BUT here goes.
The AU would begin to shift from canon after the events of The Beast and the Far Grasslands(? I'm remembering places off memory.) So this means the Wasp King and the whole Wasp Kingdom is still at large and the major enemy- this will be relevant later.
It's basically canon that Kabbu has killer survivor's guilt from his last experience with The Beast, so fighting it again basically triggered him over this edge, per sé. As in, he gets blinded by adrenaline and his emotions (which isn't too far from what actually happened, iirc.)
And he never really gets out of that. He sets up the little graves for his previous team, and Leif and Vi are there to console him if need be. But they just don't get it, and that just makes him frustrated. Because they'd never understand seeing your friends be killed right before you. So he withdraws into himself and starts not to care about what happens to himself (unintentionally, but as a result he looks way more beat up all the time.)
It just sort of festers into him staying bitter in the sense that nobody around him gets what he's feeling on a personal level. And at first he's still mostly himself- where he doesn't like that he's gotten more bristly and pushes people away. Like he feels bad for it, but he doesn't really acknowledge it too much from that; he's assuming that it'll pass with time and he doesn't want to rush the healing process he's going through. So as he's not quite ignoring it but also not doing a lot about it, which in the long run makes him desensitized/numbed out to how other people feel as these feelings linger and get worse.
So one day when he's with the rest of Team Snakemouth, he just up and leaves because he doesn't feel good anymore. What with how he'd been acting, and how his own relationship with Leif and Vi changed, he presumed it was for the better, especially with how he'd gotten to feel that they just aren't as understanding as they are. Their consolance felt like pity to him and he started to hate it.
Since he no longer feels like a "good guy", when he's leaving the team he basically manages to convince himself to not even try to be good anymore. And since he still wasn't over the Beast encounter, he thinks of making everyone feel the same way he did and has been feeling. And well, since his previous team died...you can probably tell where this is going.
So Kabbu doesn't want to just go and start this whole thing he's thinking about, he wants to start slow to sort of get into this plan. He starts with some common wasps- scouts, troopers, drillers; whatnot like that. Because they're still enemies at this point- Kabbu left when Team Snakemouth were in the Termite Kingdom and on their way to the Rubber Prison- the disappearance of a few wasps wouldn't be that noticeable. Kabbu goes on like this for several months; at this point the body count was noticed by other bugs and even the Wasps' enemies are worrying about where they're all going. Leif and Vi still left for the Rubber Prison- and by extension the Giant's Lair- but without Kabbu died trying to fight the Wasp King.
The Wasp King also for a good while manages to stay alive as well- or he survives once he leaves the Giant's Lair and ends up back in sunlight. With this victory for the Wasps the other kingdoms begin to crumble; either they fall underneath his rule or they go to another unconquered kingdom to join their forces. And Kabbu is still out doing his thing, except now he's being more daring with who he targets and when he targets them. He'd been at this for so long he basically forgot why he started doing it in the first place, and he can't really stop and go back to a normal life; he's been numbed out to most if not all emotions as more time had passed.
Kabbu sets out to kill Ultimax, which would be a really big deal because up until this point he was still only really picking off citizens and other bugs like that who don't have any real place in authority. And especially now with the Wasp Kingdom's power growing so exponentially it was even more of a deal if their general just disappeared like that.
With greater risks comes greater reward, but also heavier prices. Kabbu is so jaded to his actions at this point that he just straight up is nearly making a living off of it. He still never shows his face anymore, but a part of me thinks that somewhere after the Wasp King starts claiming other kingdoms' territories Kabbu starts taking berries/other things as payment from other bugs to kill off a target. It isn't a big thing he does since he still would need to hide his identity and all that, something more off to the side so to speak.
And that's all I have atm aggh this feels like it devolved :''')
But TLDR; Kabbu gets retraumatized after fighting the Beast with Team Snakemouth, he's frustrated because he's the only one who understands major death (from his last experience). He convinces himself not to try to be a hero because he doesn't feel like one anymore, he leaves the team, the Wasp King is still at large. Leif and Vi go to fight him (without Kabbu) and die, the Wasp King survives through the Giant's Lair and ends up becoming a powerhouse in Bugaria by taking over the other kingdoms. Kabbu starts making himself an antagonist by killing off other bugs to "make them feel what he did" and kills Ultimax, disappearing further into anomymity.
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waspkingdomnest · 3 years
Speaking of the wasp kingdom being normal, ever notice how almost everyone in the kingdom is a soldier? That can’t be sustainable right? who’s gonna get food or repair damaged buildings?
My personal theory is that the kingdom always had a kind of system where everyone could be a soldier if needed, based on their experience from their normal jobs (Drillers were miners, bombers were chemists, scouts were courtiers, soldiers were hunters, etc) but that system assumed when the fighting is done everyone will go back to their normal jobs.
But ranch went “who cares, once I get the sapling the kingdom won’t really matter” so now everyone is a soldier 24/7
(woo wee meaty ask ok gimme a minute)
(ok i had to google a word but THATS INTERESTING i never thought about that :0c i enjoy . thoughts idk how to words 40% of the time just catch my drift. i wanna know what was going on before ranch. what was going on. WHAT ABOUT LIKE. THE REGULAR CIVILIANS. also im curious what the devs woulda made the waspy kids look like we’ve seen little moths bees termites ants)
(semi-related to “this job used to be This before ranch took over” allow me to talk about Fuff! bc i never shut up about him when i get going.)
(so blah blah blah he grew up a loser unsure about his direction in life so like. mama Vanny was like “maybe i can just. make him the general or something. it’s been relatively peaceful for a while and in times of peace the general is more of a bodyguard and gets to follow me around. yeah thatll work” so a lil after he turned 18 luckily the other one was ready to step down and retire she had him do whatever and wahoooo heres the new general! in reality as per her plan and thinking he was really just her bodyguard. just stand there and be scary (resting scary grouch face. i forget to ever actually portray this in my art oofie) and make sure no one suspicious puts their hands on her. then like. 5 years later ranch comes back w the king getup and spouting bullshit and controlling people and Vanny and Fuff look at each other like
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(oopsie i started rambling sorry anon. also im always amused when people call him ranch like “heehee my influence”)
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hgfstreamchats · 3 years
highglossfinish — Yesterday at 9:43 PM Well, how is everyone else's evening treating them so far? Also, how is the picture, the audio? Starscreamapillar — Yesterday at 9:44 PM Not too horribly. Audio is good, picture seems fairly good. highglossfinish — Yesterday at 9:44 PM That's something. There we go. Starscreamapillar — Yesterday at 9:46 PM Perfect. I think a little horror is a good compliment to today. highglossfinish — Yesterday at 9:47 PM Agreed. Starscreamapillar — Yesterday at 9:47 PM You yourself are doing well? highglossfinish — Yesterday at 9:47 PM Never peachier. You? Starscreamapillar — Yesterday at 9:48 PM As well as can be expected. highglossfinish — Yesterday at 9:48 PM I think we're all in the same boat. Starscreamapillar — Yesterday at 9:48 PM So it seems.
How fortunate that we can traverse space without the horrible space garments. highglossfinish — Yesterday at 9:51 PM In the comfort of knowing organic parasites want nothing to do with us. Starscreamapillar — Yesterday at 9:52 PM Though it might be interesting to encounter one, one day. Just to see how they react to a species they cannot eat nor inhabit. highglossfinish — Yesterday at 9:54 PM You just know there's someone out there who'd leap at the chance to keep a few as pets. Starscreamapillar — Yesterday at 9:55 PM I feel as though I know several Soundwaves who would deeply enjoy keeping them. highglossfinish — Yesterday at 9:56 PM Soundwaves are to xenomorphs as variants of me are to automobiles. Starscreamapillar — Yesterday at 9:57 PM There are worse things to enjoy, I suppose. They take up less room than Shockwave's drillers. highglossfinish — Yesterday at 9:57 PM Better personalities, too. Starscreamapillar — Yesterday at 9:57 PM Indeed... highglossfinish — Yesterday at 9:58 PM I always forget how slowly this movie begins. Starscreamapillar — Yesterday at 9:59 PM Yes, quite a bit more scene setting than the subsequent ones. highglossfinish — Yesterday at 10:01 PM Yes, we certainly are in space. Starscreamapillar — Yesterday at 10:01 PM Their drop ship is pretty delicate if they cannot land in a wind without getting a hull breech. highglossfinish — Yesterday at 10:02 PM Isn't it though? Starscreamapillar — Yesterday at 10:04 PM Ah yes, their very futuristic readouts that make absolutely no sense at all. highglossfinish — Yesterday at 10:05 PM I love human notions of how space works. Starscreamapillar — Yesterday at 10:08 PM It's remarkably silly. highglossfinish — Yesterday at 10:09 PM "Let's walk heedlessly onto it." Starscreamapillar — Yesterday at 10:09 PM Even without knowing that the ship is full of parasites, they should probably know better than to go in there. highglossfinish — Yesterday at 10:10 PM Always better to err on the side of caution and avoid ships surrounded by dramatic music and ominous mist. Starscreamapillar — Yesterday at 10:11 PM 'I don't know what it is, let's all crawl right in'. If they could have, the humans would have crawled right into the wreck of the Nemesis, I wager. highglossfinish — Yesterday at 10:12 PM And stood around gaping, slack-jawed. Starscreamapillar — Yesterday at 10:13 PM Poking at the dead. highglossfinish — Yesterday at 10:14 PM "Mangled corpses, warning signals? Let's not leave!" Starscreamapillar — Yesterday at 10:15 PM No, they surely must investigate further! Curiousity never comes back to bite humans. Oh yes. Touch it. No one could have seen that coming. highglossfinish — Yesterday at 10:18 PM Shock. Shock. Aghast. There's no better time to take risks and indulge curiosities than the nakedness of space, with a damaged ship. Starscreamapillar — Yesterday at 10:19 PM The only one with sense. highglossfinish — Yesterday at 10:20 PM "We could all die." "That probably won't happen." Starscreamapillar — Yesterday at 10:21 PM They are not even trying to prevent catching every weird alien disease there might be. highglossfinish — Yesterday at 10:22 PM They're doing everything shy of licking it. Starscreamapillar — Yesterday at 10:23 PM If only this could have been prevented. highglossfinish — Yesterday at 10:25 PM If only, if only. If only there were some interval where someone might have made a different choice. Starscreamapillar — Yesterday at 10:27 PM Alas, there was nothing else that could have been done. They had to crawl into the derelict ship, and play with the room full of obviously dangerous eggs, and then break quarantine procedure. highglossfinish — Yesterday at 10:28 PM "Oh well, too late to pop him out the airlock now." "Also too late to freeze him. Quarantine him. Really, anything that might contain whatever's coming next." Starscreamapillar — Yesterday at 10:29 PM No no, they have to leave him out. Unattended. highglossfinish — Yesterday at 10:30 PM Unrestrained, obviously incubating something. Starscreamapillar — Yesterday at 10:31 PM Leave the door open while you look, that's always good form. No chance a creature could escape further into the ship. highglossfinish — Yesterday at 10:31 PM Might want to take all your guns and weapons and throw them into the waste disposal units, just for good measure. Starscreamapillar — Yesterday at 10:32 PM Because he knows so much about it, to know it's dead now. highglossfinish — Yesterday at 10:33 PM "Let's hover with our faces directly over it." Starscreamapillar — Yesterday at 10:34 PM I would be entirely unsurprised if they decided to lick it. For 'science'. highglossfinish — Yesterday at 10:34 PM Concurred. A very sensible suggestion, better to ignore it for the second time. Starscreamapillar — Yesterday at 10:37 PM If they don't ignore it, then more bad things cannot happen. And who wants that? Sure, let him cough on you. highglossfinish — Yesterday at 10:38 PM Cough on you, breathe on you, share food with you. Why not let him spit in your mouths just to see what will happen? Starscreamapillar — Yesterday at 10:39 PM And why not freeze him? From the perspective of the company who wants the xenomorph, it would be much neater if they froze him with the embryo, rather than lose the whole ship and payload, and still fail to get their prize. Sharpwing — Yesterday at 10:39 PM Listen I'm not subjecting myself to what would surely give me nightmares, but I need y'all to know that from where I sit it looks like you're discussing last year. Starscreamapillar — Yesterday at 10:40 PM We very well could be. Sharpwing — Yesterday at 10:40 PM ....or. at least. Where I am. I certainly hope you're not bothered with similar problems wherever you are. Starscreamapillar — Yesterday at 10:41 PM Of all the issues I am plagued with, fortunately respiratory viruses are not one of them. Or hostile aliens, as the case may be. highglossfinish — Yesterday at 10:42 PM None of the problems that plague organic chests. From viruses to this. Starscreamapillar — Yesterday at 10:42 PM Should we question why they have a cattle prod aboard their mining hauler? Sharpwing — Yesterday at 10:50 PM ...Huh. I wonder if they're endangered. They certainly seem good at endangering jsjgjjsf Starscreamapillar — Yesterday at 10:51 PM There was still a whole host of eggs back on the original ship. So, likely not endangered at this point. Sharpwing — Yesterday at 10:52 PM Oh! There are eggs that don't need a host? Ohhhhhh wait Are the hosts like Incubators basically highglossfinish — Yesterday at 10:52 PM Exactly. Starscreamapillar — Yesterday at 10:52 PM Yes, precisely. Sharpwing — Yesterday at 10:52 PM Makes sense ....oh ew, now I'm thinking of that very specific wasp I had managed to block from my memory. highglossfinish — Yesterday at 10:53 PM Egg hatches facehugger that impregnates host that incubates tiny alien. That bursts out of chest. Starscreamapillar — Yesterday at 10:54 PM If I recall correctly, the shape of the host does influence the shape of the final creature. Sharpwing — Yesterday at 10:54 PM Okay, so is the facehugger, like, a separate living organism? Something in the egg that has only the purpose to leap, lay eggs, and die? Is that the baby parasite's true mother? It can't be, it was inside an egg with the baby... remind me not to become a xenobiologist, my head would explode. highglossfinish — Yesterday at 10:55 PM In a philosophical sense, maybe, but for all practical purposes the true mother is the creature that laid the eggs. Sharpwing — Yesterday at 10:56 PM I am still extremely baffled by the existence of this terrible turducken of eat-your-insides. Starscreamapillar — Yesterday at 10:56 PM Organic biology is messy like that. highglossfinish — Yesterday at 10:56 PM They can tell the difference between a host that's resisting and one that isn't. Sharpwing — Yesterday at 10:57 PM Wh-- how do you resist THAT?? Do you mean the facehugger part, or the growing baby highglossfinish — Yesterday at 10:57 PM Facehugger. Sharpwing — Yesterday at 10:57 PM Oh well yeah you can resist that Do they leave if you try to pull it off? highglossfinish — Yesterday at 10:57 PM You can certainly try. No, they tighten their tails around the host's neck and if you try to cut them, they spray acidic blood every which way. Starscreamapillar — Yesterday at 10:58 PM They do not abandon an attempt at a host unless slain. highglossfinish — Yesterday at 10:58 PM And they're very strong. And fast. And if you manage to take out one, there's usually an entire room full of backup eggs. Sharpwing — Yesterday at 10:59 PM Well That's Gross. What does it matter if they can tell the difference between a resistant host and a (placid? dead?) one? Only that they won't spray things or tighten, or does it effect how they reproduce? ...I can see why most of them died tbh. Starscreamapillar — Yesterday at 10:59 PM They need the host alive. Otherwise it makes a poor incubator. Sharpwing — Yesterday at 11:00 PM So it's definitely a warmth thing then? Why exactly could they not just find somewhere warm that ISN'T a person Starscreamapillar — Yesterday at 11:00 PM They do seem to have a preference for mammals as hosts... But the embryo is taking nutrients from the host body, as well as heat. A warm, moist room would not suffice. Sharpwing — Yesterday at 11:01 PM Ohhh... like... like an egg sac highglossfinish — Yesterday at 11:01 PM The egg sac in this case is a live organic. Sharpwing — Yesterday at 11:02 PM As a live organic, I feel the only appropriate response to that is   :( Starscreamapillar — Yesterday at 11:02 PM Such is the nature of parasites. Sharpwing — Yesterday at 11:03 PM Fair Starscreamapillar — Yesterday at 11:03 PM And you are unlikely to encounter this variety. Sharpwing — Yesterday at 11:03 PM Now I just need to avoid every variety in my vicinity, thank you very much highglossfinish — Yesterday at 11:03 PM You don't have to worry about scraplets. It all balances out in the end. Sharpwing — Yesterday at 11:04 PM Ok GOOD POINT I can't imagine if termites liked to eat people. uggghh Starscreamapillar — Yesterday at 11:04 PM In the interest of not traumatizing you, I will not elaborate on the many common parasitic species humans do encounter. highglossfinish — Yesterday at 11:05 PM We're all made of something someone eats. Sharpwing — Yesterday at 11:05 PM I'm aware of several and have had nightmares about nonexistent ones. That's mostly why I'm not actually watching this movie. Starscreamapillar — Yesterday at 11:05 PM And in the end, Unicron may get us all, metal or meat. highglossfinish — Yesterday at 11:06 PM Time to hang that on a wall at the newbuild complex. Sharpwing — Yesterday at 11:06 PM That's true... it's just that I might prefer to be eaten from the outside than the inside, if I had to choose... maybe. Which would be quicker? Do i really want to know? I'm sure there are ghost stories scarier than the passage of time and encroaching entropy. Maybe. Starscreamapillar — Yesterday at 11:08 PM It is usually the size of who is doing the eating that determines quickness, rather than the direction they eat you from. Sharpwing — Yesterday at 11:08 PM If I could get philosophical, most stories about immediate personal danger are more frightening to me, because then there's still things left to do, y'know? I'm leaving things behind if I go! If we're all going via Unicron, at least I know I made it as far as I could. Ahh, good point, good point. Though numbers do come into account. I've heard things about ants. highglossfinish — Yesterday at 11:10 PM ... Starscreamapillar — Yesterday at 11:11 PM Waste of fuel and oxygen they cannot afford to spare. As for ants, much like scraplets, they are too small to efficiently eat you. Which is why it is unpleasant. Sharpwing — Yesterday at 11:12 PM It's the venom, too... highglossfinish — Yesterday at 11:12 PM At least scraplets in large numbers do the job quickly. No more than a few blindingly excruciating seconds. Sharpwing — Yesterday at 11:12 PM Ants would not. Thankfully they don't take on humans much. Starscreamapillar — Yesterday at 11:14 PM What little I have seen of scraplets, they did not do a quick enough job on a decently armored mech. If given the choice, I would prefer something quicker. Sharpwing — Yesterday at 11:14 PM Understandable Hey how bad are the humans onscreen screwing up? Or are they mostly dead by now Starscreamapillar — Yesterday at 11:15 PM There are only three left, one is looking for a cat, and the other two are making enough racket to attract any predator on the ship. Sharpwing — Yesterday at 11:16 PM Oh, I've heard about the cat! Glad it didn't get facehugged highglossfinish — Yesterday at 11:16 PM It's the survivors of scraplet attacks that keep me up at night. Starscreamapillar — Yesterday at 11:17 PM ... Yes, just stand there while it menaces you. highglossfinish — Yesterday at 11:17 PM Lot of standing still and letting things happen in this movie. Sharpwing — Yesterday at 11:17 PM .....I get the feeling they're, ah. Not all there. Starscreamapillar — Yesterday at 11:18 PM Well, now they are there... and there, and over there... highglossfinish — Yesterday at 11:18 PM Hah! Sharpwing — Yesterday at 11:18 PM I want to laugh but I feel like that would be mean of me:laughing: Starscreamapillar — Yesterday at 11:18 PM Ah, but it is fun to be mean. Sharpwing — Yesterday at 11:19 PM Well, whatever floats your goat *boat Please don't float any goats Starscreamapillar — Yesterday at 11:20 PM I will not make a habit of it. And of course the cat is unafraid of it. Their ship is just the worst. highglossfinish — Yesterday at 11:23 PM If the creature didn't get it, something else would have. Starscreamapillar — Yesterday at 11:26 PM One minute for pre-flight systems checks... That would be pushing it. If only their space ships did not include so much tubing, the creatures would not be able to so easily hide. Pity she would immediately be suspected of murdering everyone on board, and blowing the main ship to cover her actions. highglossfinish — Yesterday at 11:38 PM And the company would be only too eager to push this narrative. Starscreamapillar — Yesterday at 11:38 PM Of course! Now then, what horror of gaming do you have in mind? How every automobile drive goes. highglossfinish — Yesterday at 11:44 PM Every automobile drive worth having. Starscreamapillar — Yesterday at 11:47 PM Glorious. Sharpwing — Yesterday at 11:50 PM I tried joining-- is the sound skippy/staticky to you, or is that on my end? I believe Discord calls on my phone have given me trouble before, so I have a hunch it's on my end. Starscreamapillar — Yesterday at 11:52 PM The sound is fine for me. Sharpwing — Yesterday at 11:52 PM ...and now I have almost no sound at all oh no:joy: Ah, well. I tried. It was fun to be here in text form, anyway :blush: Starscreamapillar — Yesterday at 11:55 PM Mammal liquid... Jazz blend... Oh dear. I cannot have a stroke.. but I feel like these commercials are what having a stroke is like. highglossfinish — Today at 12:00 AM It certainly is a feeling. Of some description. And that's all I've got for tonight. Starscreamapillar — Today at 12:01 AM Thank you for the high quality entertainment Knock Out. I always enjoy the nonsense and Bad Decisions you choose to stream. highglossfinish — Today at 12:01 AM And you always make them enjoyable/bearable! Starscreamapillar — Today at 12:02 AM Until next time, farewell! highglossfinish — Today at 12:02 AM Farewell and good night! Sharpwing — Today at 12:04 AM Goodnight! I hope the future treats you both gently♡ highglossfinish — Today at 12:04 AM Here's to that.
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nblynera · 3 years
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