#it is once again bug time behold my pictures
tar-thelien · 4 months
Rewrote chapter 3 of child!Melkor and Elrond trying to be a better dad than Eru :)
Melkor gets a dragon plus and Celebrían gets a laugh
Words: 632
"I want a dragon!" Melkor suddenly declared a day they were again sitting on a balcony. Melkor drawing and Elrond looking through documents.
"A dragon, like a living one?"
“Yes! And if I can’t get a dragon, I want a snake!”
"I doubt you'll be granted permission to get a dragon... perhaps a snake could be a more realistic option?" Melkor simply let out a disapproving grunt in response to Elrond´s suggestion.
"Do you have any family?" he inquired a little later, seeking to delve into the personal aspects of the healer's life perhaps.
“Yes, I intend to visit them tomorrow, and I plan to stay for a duration of two days."
Melkor expressed his emotions with a bewildered "why!?" before composing himself swiftly and resuming his sketching, this time on the table instead of his paper. Elrond was convinced that he saw a solitary tear welling up in the eyes of the dark lord´s eye.
"Tell me Melda, how is he?
"Melkor?" Elrond asked as he found himself in the lone presence of his wife
"He isn´t as I had accepted I much admit. Upon informing him of my coming departure, I would swear, if I didn´t know the danger of it, a tinge of hurt flashed across his face," he told Celebrían with a brief laugh and a quick stern look when mentioning the swearing, "he exhibits a remarkable combination of creativity and compassion! For bugs that is. Just bugs and any form of reptiles."
With a tinge of amusement in his voice, he chuckled softly, remarking, “he believes he appears quite formidable and intimidating, almost akin to a small dog. And lo! His heart desires a formidable dragon companion.”
“A dragon!”
“Yes. And if he couldn’t get one, as he wanted a snake he said!”
Celebrían laughed as she tried to picture the being her husband had just described and responded with a laugh, "I suppose it becomes quite challenging to harbor any hatred towards such a character."
"Love?" shouted Celebrian after Elrond as he mounted his horse to ride away towards Taniquetil.
"Stop for a moment! Look, behold the formidable dragon!" she exclaimed with a breathless laugh as she presented him with a soft and cuddly blue dragon plush. 
Elrond's face lit up with a gentle smile at the remark, expressing his joy, "he will surely be delighted!" he exclaimed warmly, bending down to tenderly place a kiss on her forehead before taking the formidable dragon and continuing his journey towards that of the Eldar King and the dark Lord.
"Melkor?" Elrond asked looking around the cozy Vala´s room as he set the plush toy gently on the table before calling out again, "Melkor, where ever are you hiding?" 
After a period had gone, he eventually discovered the small Vala perched by the window gazing at the sky while softly vocalizing a melodious tune.
Curiously, he questioned, "Melkor?" escaped his lips, prompting a piercing gaze from the dark lord, "what are you doing?"
"Speaking," he uttered curtly before resuming his humming once more.
Elrond retraced his steps to retrieve the dragon plush toy and with a calm demeanor, declared, "I have an unexpected surprise for you," enunciating each word clearly, to make sure to hold Melkor's attention as he glanced in Elrond's direction.
Slowly, with deliberate movements, he presented the plush dragon to Melkor, whose face immediately lit up with a beaming smile as he accepted it with great enthusiasm, consisting of mostly jumps, “IT´S A DRAGON!!!”
“It´s a gift from my wife she spent the whole time I was away on it,” Elrond explained, “what will you call it?”
“Haldamir!” then quieter, “thank you to your wife then,” he said and hugged Haldamir as he took off running away for only where Eru knew.
Haldamir means Hidden Jewel and I just think it´s such a Melkor codded name - and a bit Mairon too…
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azar-rosethorn · 2 years
Won't You Take Me to, Funkytown
Summary: April never thought in a million years that she'd be outslayed at prom by a freaking turtle, let alone four.
Rated G
Based on this picture by @mandasarts
Quickly finishing her braid, April picked up her phone to see that Mikey updated his Snapchat Story.
(Once again, art is not mine. It's by @mandasarts )
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April almost flipped her chair back in laughter. The Turtles always said that they would be going with her, but April never thought that they actually meant it!
If this was, like, a few years ago, April would be burning with all sorts of doubts and questions. But, after being a part of the family for so long, there was only one she really cared about being answered:
How were they able to find a dress big enough for Raph?
Knock knock
Well, it looked like April was about to get her answers.
She opened the door and low and behold, there the four reptiles were. All decked out just like in the picture. She was immediately showered with compliments and praises about her own prom outfit.
"Gotta say, April, when you first showed me that dress, I had my doubts," Donnie admitted, "But now, with you actually wearing it, it looks awesome!"
"Oh, this is gonna be so fun!!" Mikey cheered.
"Alright, now that all five of us are here," said Leo, whipping out his sword, "Allow me, the obviously best-looking one here, to escort us!"
"Uh, Leo?" April interrupted, "Weapons aren't exactly allowed at school dances. . ."
"Not even as transportation?"
Raph gave Leo an 'I told you so' look and Leo just groaned. "Fine, I'll portal us to the Lair and we can take the Tank."
And that's just what they did, after Splinter bugged the five of them into taking a picture before they left.
Once they entered the gym, Mikey's eyes absolutely lit up. "WOOOO, PROOMM!!!!" he shouted, throwing his arms up.
"Yeah, baby! And, of course, I'm still the best-looking one here!" Leo exclaimed, doing a very graceful dip.
"Huh, I look good in this," Donnie commented, looking at the photo Splinter took.
With all eyes now on them, April and Raph started to giggle uncontrollably.
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"And with that, I am off to the dance floor!" Leo declared, rushing into the crowd and out of the others' sight.
"Hey! Wait for meee!!" Mikey called, following his brother.
Donnie had mostly made his way to the sidelines by the food table, chatting with some of April's classmates, leaving Raph and April still standing by the entrance.
"Hey, uh, Raph?" April began.
"What's up with the dress? I mean, it fits you perfectly, and the dress industry. . . isn't too kind to bigger people."
Raph suddenly burst out laughing. "HA! Oh, April, you don't need to tell me twice! I learned that the hard way. . . ." April raised an eyebrow. "Let's just say that I have made an enemy out of almost every retail worker in the city."
April could only imagine the amount of gowns he'd ripped up when the boys went shopping for their clothes.
Gotta make a move to a town that's right for me~
Just as she was about to reply, the music started. . .
All of a sudden, Donnie burst through the crowd, almost tripping on his dress. "Oh yes, you all know what happens when an 80s jam plays!"
"Hey, wait for us!" April called, following Donnie to the floor, with Raph just behind.
"Yay! Dancin' time, Baby!" Mikey yelled upon seeing them.
And along with crowding the photobooth, chugging the punch and making fun of each other whenever they tripped on their heel or dress, that's exactly what they did, all night long.
-The End-
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alannayakish · 2 years
dude, he's dead.
any time i'm pretty. any time i'm sweet. every time i'm sick. every time i'm dick. every time you love me. every time we kiss. every time our necks give out. every time you wink. the sexy pieces of futile. the sexy pictures of love. the sexy pictures of hell and hope are all the things we rate and try,, kiss my pictures sexually, picture us on time. picture us as us together picture us as hot... picture us as futile. picture us in a time zone which is mine and not my own. the truth of peace is love and light the picture of us is cute. the ending of time and space are few and true the end of us is cute. the beginning of hope and few things good the only few we kiss and touch the only piece is love. the thought of you makes me crave bananas and think of ways to run. the picture of us is so cute. the end if time is now. the beginning is truth and prosper. make movies sing louder kiss the lines between our sulfer. the kissing ends too soon to die the death of gore and love is few to die the ending is cute and the beginning is now the only good thing is togehther and cute the few the light he end the night the end is cute good fun and pictures the pictures are cute and the pictures of cute and the pictures of nice and good and cute and us is alone is cute and dead. dead is cute the cute and the cute is good and cool and nice. the kissing of our eyes are eyes are pretty, nice and good and things we accept. the kissing iscute the future is cute and alone and admired the kissing iss cute and alone and forver and the ways we live are pieces of dark the the dark has legs and find us accept. the kissing cute the lovely good and the only one here is ther only one spaced. kssing our eyes and kissing our souls and kissing our triumph of love and the passon from thirst. kissing eyes now and kissing now and new is alone and kiss and alone and kissing kissing kissing passion alive alone fear from us fear from truth and truth and lust. the kiss the passion the kissing of ducks. they kiss and tell secrets, telling us thirst. we kiss and be alone and kiss and throw away all the thoughts of kissing our eyes the more we move thighes and us is kidding time isn't real, we kiss our earsslsowley the kiding of ideas. we kiss our own head we kiss our strife through the only thing terror are the only things real. kiss is trust kiss is now time. the end is alone and the end is a bug. we kiss them to try sprite. miss me too much, miss me like crazy, miss me like liking miss me likfe safe. miss me like cutie miss me like love, miss me like milk, and water in a jug. the kissing tries once again the kissin is cute. the kissing is lovliness is cute and the missing you is like a mistress to me. behold my truth and suck the proof the people will accept if paid in full. be alone be mine and kiss my skull as if it was yours. pretty lies pretty eyes the promise of a nice life. a life with more love than everything, a cat is down for prey. you're my prey. me here soon. maybe he would.. maybe he can't.. love is? fear is terrifying. you're touch just was......... ..
i love you. my fear and darkness is you. the mistress of the underworld. kiss my anxiety and depression. fill a room with just spirits.. love your life.... bats kiss and tell...
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nblynera · 3 years
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naktergalen · 4 years
Rivamika Fic Suggestions List 2
Hey there again! It’s been a while since my last rivamika post and I apologies for that. I caught the reading bug and have just been hitting book after book. I might be doing a book of the month suggestion starting in March. I’m still thinking about it but if that is something your interested in let me know. Or if you just want book suggestions just message or ask me. But for now, I’m back with my second Rivamika Fic Suggestions List.
First of all, I want to thank you for all the comments and messages I received from my first list! I think it has over 150 notes now which is crazy for me. I was going to be ecstatic if it got like 10 likes or something hahaha! I’ve enjoyed talking to some of you about fics and other snk stuff. Feel free to do the same after this post! I know I take awhile to respond but swear I get there eventually.
Same rules as last time. I’ve split this list up into four categories. I wanted to let people know the status of some of these fics in case they did not want to start an incomplete or in progress story. All of these fics can be found on AO3. I’m going to try to link them but we will see how tumblr acts today. If you have any fic suggestions for me, feel free to message me with them and I can add them on to the next list. If any author sees their story on here and wants me to take it off the list, please let me know I don’t wish to make anyone feel uncomfortable. Also, last thing, I highly recommend leaving comments and kudos to the authors. I know that they greatly appreciate it and it helps them with improving their writing through feedback. Okay shutting up now, ON WITH THE LIST!
DISCLAIMER: I know that not all of these stories are not for everyone, these are just my opinions and suggestions.
- Thunder Clouds
Author: K_Lionheart
Rating: Mature
Sometimes I like to go to the very back of the Rivamika archive on AO3 and look for fics that have gotten buried over time. Low and behold what I have found lol! I enjoyed the emotional roller coaster when I was reading this fic, though sometimes I wanted to pull my hair out. Set after the titans are gone, humanity has to repopulate so arranged couples by the monarch are made to be wed. While this new order is being enforced, Mikasa and Levi are trying to work out their strained relationship. A slow burn with angst that will have you staying up till 3am dying to know what happens next. I know that there is a sequel to this fic called Nimbus and I’m slowly working my way through that one. Honestly, it will probably go on my next list.
- Red is the Only Colour
Author: mongoose_bite
Rating: Mature
A cute fic that was a quick but wild ride. A Little Red Riding Hood type of AU where Mikasa is a hunter of some sorts traveling through a town. I don’t want to say how Levi plays into all of this since it gets border line spoilers but just know that he is there. It is an opening ending fic for the author to come back if they plan on doing so but it can be interpreted in different ways. All in all, a fic worth of the quick read.
- Sing Me a Song
Author: LazyTrash
Rating: Mature
First I have to get this off my chest, I love the author’s name hahaha! I freakin wished I would have thought of that for mine! Anyway, this fic is wonderful but I will warn you that its a gut punch. If you like hurt and angst put together, then this is the story for you. I love these types of fics because I adore them so much but they hurt me in my soul. I don’t know what that says about me but whatever. I don’t want to delve into the story too much for spoilers but I would suggest rivamika fans to check this one out.
- Midnight Musings
Author: Raewyll
Rating: Teen
I just started to read Raewyll’s fics so I’m slowly working my way through all her works. This one caught my eye and I had to read it. This is a cute take on a chance meeting through texting the wrong number. I love the way Levi and Mikasa’s relationship blossoms into something more serious after causally texting back and forth. It’s one of those stories that I can only describe as being cute as shit! I’m definitely going to be checking out more of Raewyll’s fic in the future.
- Beyond the Walls
Author: helena3190
Rating: Matue
If you love RIvamika angst, then look no further than this baby right here. This is currently my favorite ongoing fic. It was supposed to be a shorter story, but the author keeps adding more chapters so I’m not complaining hahaha! This fic is pretty much how I would *personally* picture canon Mikasa on how she would deal with realizing that she’s falling in love with someone. Its mostly told in the perspective of Mikasa as she is dealing with the after effects of war and trying to figure out what should she do with her life now that she is no longer a solider. Her feeling for Levi come with a lot of confusion as she’s discovering emotions that she has never felt before. She has a hard time pinpointing on what exactly describes her relationship with him. I’m anxiously waiting for the final chapter for this fic and dying to see how it will end for Mikasa and Levi.
- After the War
Author: loneackerman
Rating: Mature
I am loving this rivamika slow burn fic right here. Its similar to Beyond the Walls but I think the author adds their own taste of the 1920s into it. Set after the war is over (obviously), Mikasa and Levi have to figure out what they are going to do the rest of their lives. It has great tension, a perfectly paced gradual romance and just the right amount of humor to combat the emotional turmoil it puts you through. Again in my opinion, this is close to how I would realistically perceive Levi and Mikasa’s relationship evolving. I’m really enjoying this story and I’m looking forward to more updates to come!
- The Sound of Lightning
Author: LycheeGreenTea
Rating: Mature
A new fic that is just getting started but I can tell that what the author has in store is going to be interesting. Set several years after the end of the war, Levi and Mikasa are loving parents to a single child. Their peaceful life comes to an end when the family has a threat against them. There are not many long fics about Mikasa and Levi being parent so I was very happy when this one popped up on the AO3 feed. An exciting adventure awaits the Ackerman family now and I can’t wait to see where this fic goes in the future. There are three chapters as of now so head over there and check it out.
- Home
Author: MissErikaCourt
Rating: Mature
One of the gems I found when diving back into the Rivamika archive. Ugh I HATE that this fic is incomplete!!! Its a good long fic but I’m greedy and I need more! I will give a warning first that this fic does contain heavy themes. Mikasa and Levi are in the underground to fight against a criminal ring. This story is a slow burn with action and emotional trauma. There is a wonderfully written OC that you easily get attached to its not even funny. Even though its not completed, I would highly recommend checking it out. I still have three more chapters to finish but I had to put it on this list. I know that I’m going to be pissed once I reach the last chapter written. If someone know MissErikaCourt, let her know that she needs to comeback to finish this masterpiece!
- Shiver
Author: bornsinner
Rating: Mature
Another one that I DISPISE its incomplete!!! Ugh such a great Office AU. It’s everything that I would want in an Office AU setting. Mikasa struggles between her committed long term relationship and her growing attraction (which starts to develop into some feelings) to her boss, Levi. Its hot, sexy and intriguing and it pisses me off that its not finished! The author writes each chapter as a one-shot but collectively together they tell the whole story. Highly recommend even though its so short. BORNSINNER where ever you are in the universe I hope you come back to finish this!!!
- Two Lines
Author: Crejhov
Rating: Mature
When this was getting updated it was my favorite on-going Rivamika fic. I would find myself checking to see if the author updated with a new chapter every week! The unplanned pregnancy trope is a classic one, but Crejhov does a fantastic job on keeping readers enthralled with soo many anticipated character meet up that are bound to cause hurdles for our expecting parents. This story is told from the perspectives of Mikasa and Levi in order for us to understand where their mindsets are as they plan for their expecting child and deal with their relationship. AHHHHH I want more of this!!! I was soo excited to see where this awkward journey was going to take Mikasa and Levi. CREJHOV COME BACK PLEASE I KNOW YOU HAVE WORK BUT PLEAAASEEEE! I NEEEEEEDDDD!!!
- Cabin Fever
Author: AmayaOkami
Rating: Mature
All I should have to say about this is that its written by AmayaOkami and that should explain it. Amaya is the one that gave us the beautiful incomplete rivamika fic Romance and Rivalry. I just adore her writing. Levi and Mikasa relationship evolves as they are standing guard over the arrested Kenny Ackerman. Secrets are discover about the Ackermans and it gets pretty steamy between our two favs. Great fluff and great sexual tension that leaves you wanting more chapters! Again AmayaOkami where ever you went I hope for some miracle that you come back and complete this one too!
- Jade
Author: shulkie
Rating: Mature
This one-shot feels like I read a novel, it has such a great storyline. An arranged marriage between Mikasa and Levi leaves the relationship strained in the beginning. Their relationship evolves over time as Levi patiently brings down Mikasa’s wall. With smut added for all of your one-shot needs. Definitely worth the read in my opinion.
- What Remains
Author: Mirime
Rating: Mature
This one-shot gives us a glimpse into the secret relationship that Levi and Mikasa have been having while there are still scouts. This fic is sad but I would say it has a bittersweet ending. I think this was supposed to be part of a collection but I can’t find the rest of them. Still a great read by itself.
- Agape
Author: alienheartattack (Sanneke)
Rating: Mature
This fic is cute as shit! A College AU where Mikasa and Levi are childhood friends. Levi has to deal with Mikasa being at the same college as him while he is struggling with his changing feelings towards a grown up Mikasa. Worth the read as I said cute as shit, leaves you all warm and fuzzy lol!
- As Seen in Shadows
Author: MoraLeeWright
Rating: Explicit
FUCKING MORA! LEE! WRIGHT! UFFFFGGHHH Fuck I’m in love with her writing style. I really have nothing to say more that just go read it! Its hot and sexy and the sexual tension is off the fucking charts in this one. Its just MoraLeeWright smut thats all I can say. It’s great! JUST READ IT LMAO!
- Remedy
Author: NSummer
Rating: Mature
Another hot smut one-shot coming your way! Levi and Mikasa have had an ongoing affair and this just recounts their first time together. Its just some good ol’ Rivamika smut that I think that everyone in this community would enjoy.
- Nutty: Drunk in Love
Author: Hallow17
Rating: Mature
A fun smut to read about Mikasa getting “revenge” on her asshole boss, Levi. Things don’t go the way she plans as things get a little heated in the sexy way. A quick smut that I think is perfect for a little Rivamika crave.
- Spicy: Jalapeno
Author: Hallow17
Rating: Explicit
Another fun smut to read by Hallow17. Levi has been stressed out at work and Mikasa finds a way to help him get his mind off it (if you know what i mean). Again perfect for a Rivamika quick fix.
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the-modernmary · 4 years
my best habit || aaron hotchner x reader (ch. 4)
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Chapter summary: The BAU makes it's plan to get inside your law firm, and you reflect on your previous relationship with Aaron — the good and the bad.
A/N: i'm baaaaack! this is a little bit of a filler with a hell of a lot of introspection + background on the past relationship with hotch
masterlist || read on ao3
'Cause the love that you gave that we made
Wasn't able to make it enough for you
To be open wide, no
-Alanis Morissette, “You Oughta Know”
The plan was simple enough. They had a warrant to bug the office, but lawyers are naturally suspicious, so they needed somebody who already had a rapport with partners to place the bugs. That’s where you came in. They were going to give you pens and other random office supplies with covert listening devices in them, and you just needed to leave them around. You were also going to wear an earpiece so that they could talk you through it every step of the way. Easy enough.
Aaron stood at the front of the room, his hands resting on his hips and his face stone cold. You had seen Aaron on television a few times when he had to speak to the media, but that was the extent of your knowledge of his FBI persona. You had never given much thought to his work life, and the only times he even talked about it was in passing. Watching him completely command the attention of the room was really a site to behold. Suddenly, you understood all of Aaron’s career changes and his unbridled ambition- he was made to be FBI Director.
You nodded slowly as you listened to their plans, trying to ignore the side of your brain that was screaming danger. You looked over at Aaron, hoping that he would understand your unspoken question and would give you an honest answer. When he met your eyes, he gave you a subtle nod, as if to say You’ll be fine, we’ll be right there with you. That was the only confirmation you really needed. Aaron looked so confident that it was almost infectious. Besides, a dead civilian wouldn’t look very good on Aaron’s FBI record, so you had to believe that it really was going to be that simple.
You took a deep breath. “Okay, I can do all that. I’m scheduled to go in this afternoon,” you told the room, avoiding everybody else’s eyes on you. You could tell that some of them weren’t totally sold on the idea yet.
“Good, that gives us just enough time to get everything set up. I want you all to go over the office blueprints with Y/N and set up a concrete plan. I don’t want anything left up to chance. While you do that, I will head down to intelligence with Garcia so that we can grab the coverts and prepare them,” Aaron said firmly, and you found yourself nodding along, as if you were a member of his team.
The way he gave orders was almost hypnotic because it was so different from the way he gave orders during sex. When he was with you, there was always a hint of affection and reverence in every word he said. Here and talking to his coworkers, it was almost paternal, like he was assigning weekly chores. You were getting a more full picture of who Aaron Hotchner was, and it was exciting, if not a little overwhelming.
You were torn from your thoughts at the sound of ruffling papers as Reid spread out the floor plans to the office across the table. The next hour and a half was spent going back and forth with the group of profilers to see what the best course of action was. You let them take the lead considering you had zero experience in this particular field, but you were pleasantly surprised when they asked for your opinions, asking you whether or not anybody ever went in certain areas in the building. Working with them was easy, even with David Rossi clearly psychoanalyzing every move you made, probably trying to figure out how the hell you and Aaron fit together.
After figuring out the best excuses to get in each of the partner’s offices, the team had decided that you were prepped and ready. “You’re welcome to grab some lunch in the cafeteria on the second floor,” Reid told you as the rest of the team was slowly filing out of the conference room. “But the food’s not great, to be honest. The only people who ever really eat there are tourists and kids on field trips.”
You raised an eyebrow at him as you shouldered your purse. “With all that security, the FBI has tour guides?” you asked amusedly.
Reid nodded eagerly as he finished folding up the blueprints. “The FBI has actually had a tour component since 1937, even before it settled here in the Hoover building. After 9/11, they stopped the tours and closed the building to the public and didn’t reopen until 2008 when the FBI made the Education Center. It closed and was redesigned multiple times since then, and now it’s known as the FBI Experience. You have to contact your congressman to request a tour at least four weeks in advance so that the FBI can do a background check,” he said quickly, his hands doing half of the talking for him.
You laughed as the two of you made your way to the door. Aaron had mentioned something about the genius Dr. Reid in passing, and he was just as amusing and endearing as Aaron said he was. “That sounds like a lot of work. If that’s the case, then I might have better luck just asking one of you to give me a tour after this whole thing is done. You sound like you know more than the tour guides anyways.”
Reid stood up a little taller at the compliment, but your focus was immediately drawn to Aaron’s office. Specifically, Aaron, in his office, alone, with the blinds shut and the door wide open. You had promised to be on your best behavior, but the temptation was almost too much. You wanted to see more of Hotch, the FBI agent. “Excuse me for a second, Doctor,” you mumbled, flashing him an innocent smile.
Spencer gave you a small wave as you walked off, headed straight for Aaron’s office, your heels clicking rhythmically on the floor. As if sensing your presence, Aaron’s head shot up the second you stepped into his office, his face void of all emotions. You shut the door slowly behind you, having to hide your smile when you saw him shift in his seat nervously. “Y/N, this isn’t the place-”
You held both of your hands up as you made your way towards his desk. “Don’t worry, Agent. I didn’t come here with the intention to seduce you in front of all your coworkers,” you promised. “Although that can always be arranged.”
You were rewarded with a small grin from Aaron and something that was close to laughter, although it just sounded more like an exhale. “How can I help you?” he asked, unable to mask the lightheartedness in his words.
You sat on the edge of his desk. “Well, I’m going to be rubbing shoulders with a potential serial killer for the rest of the day. Don’t I get a kiss for good luck? Doesn’t even have to be a kiss on the mouth,” you teased. Aaron tensed up. That was the wrong thing to say, apparently. Maybe he remembered that he was at work, and there was no room for playfulness in the FBI. Or maybe he realized that you would be the second woman he’s been with that he’s sending into a dangerous situation.
This was all new territory for the two of you. Previously, there were so many unspoken rules for the relationship, and that’s what made it work. It kept everything easy and fun and none of you had to sift through any baggage.
He didn’t talk about cases he was on and you didn’t mention Jack or Haley- not that you would even want to. He would order dinner for the two of you, but it couldn’t be from anywhere he used to take Haley. So that took away their Chinese place and their pizza place and, God forbid, their Italian place they went to for anniversaries- you preferred Indian anyways. Every once in a while, you’d meet up in hotels that were way too nice and expensive for a fling, but it was always somewhere out of the city, like Baltimore or Fredericksburg, because between the two of you, somebody in DC was bound to recognize one of you.
But there you were, sitting on his desk in the middle of the FBI headquarters, completely thrown off your game. Part of you wondered why he had wanted to continue this thing with you. It wasn’t some midlife crisis- he was too composed for that- and it wasn’t to help heal heartbreak the way it was two years ago. You weren’t complaining about it, though. There was something addictive about Aaron, something that made you think about him even when you hadn’t seen or heard from him in months, and a nagging voice in the back of your head told you that he probably thought the same thing about you. At least, you hoped he did.
You were so entranced in your thoughts that you didn’t even realize he was talking to you. You refocused your eyes and snapped your head back in his direction, where he was looking at you with worry in his eyes. “Hm?” you questioned.
Aaron’s eyes narrowed, like he was trying to read your mind. “I asked if you were sure that you’re ready for this? You all came up with a plan faster than I expected.”
You put on a practiced smile as you slid off his desk, careful not to rustle any of the precariously stacked files next to you. “What can I say, I’m a fast learner. Plus, I went through a major James Bond phase in 7th grade, so this is like a dream come true for me,” you joked, and that seemed to satisfy him.
His face softened, and you once again found yourself fascinated by how much younger he looked when he let himself relax for even half a second. “It’s going to be fine, and I’m going to be talking to you through the earpiece the whole time,” he said. It surprised you just how comforting that single sentiment was, but something about Aaron walking you through the whole process made it less daunting.
Casual flirting with him had worked at the beginning of the conversation, so you decided to try that again. “It’ll be like you’re whispering in my ear all day,” you mused, batting your eyelashes. “That’s kind of sexy, in an exhibitionist kind of way.”
Aaron chuckled and shook his head fondly. “Behave,” he told you firmly, but there was the slightest hint of playfulness.
You made your way towards his office door, throwing a wink his way as you did. “No promises,” you sang. “But I’ll do my best.”
After grabbing something to eat at the cafeteria- Reid was right, the food was terrible- it was time for you to head to the weirdest internship shift you’ve ever had. Most of the team would be in an undercover van outside of the building so that they could listen to everything. You were able to get a ride from Morgan in one of the FBI SUVs, which would drop you off a few blocks away so it didn’t look suspicious. The two of you made some small talk on the way, asking about school and life at the FBI, all very surface level stuff, but nice nonetheless. It helped calm your nerves.
After a while, he pulled over and handed you a bag from the backseat. It was a simple black satchel, not very different from the usual one you would bring to work. “Okay, here is everything you’ll need. You remember the plan, right?”
You nodded quickly as you put in the earpiece, trying to hide any signs of nervousness. “Yup,” you said, popping the ‘P’. “Honestly, this isn’t even the worst thing I’ve done while working.”
Derek chuckled, maybe despite himself. “Remember, we’ll be right outside of the building. Just treat it like a normal day.”
You didn’t think that was even going to be possible, but luckily, you were proven wrong the moment you stepped into the elevator.
“Woah, hold the door for me!”
You stuck your hand out quickly just before the elevator doors closed, and your friend Chris came barreling through. He was a third year when you were a first year at George Washington and the two of you met in your tax law class. You quickly became fast friends, and you met most of your law school friends through him. When he got hired as a staff attorney at the same firm you were interning at, you couldn’t have been more excited.
You clutched the satchel a little tighter, knowing full well that the entire BAU was about to hear this conversation. “Hey,” you said, your voice light.
Chris just raised an eyebrow at you. “Hey?” he asked incredulously. “That’s it? What the hell happened to you last night? We were all supposed to go out and you didn’t show up. No phone call, nothing. And then the only response we got from you was three hours later when you just said ‘Sorry, something came up, next time!’”
You sighed and reached over to press the button for the third floor. It was crazy to think that the interrogation had been less than 24 hours ago- it felt like a lifetime to you. Aaron’s voice came through the earpiece. You can’t tell anybody about the investigation. Make an excuse and change the subject.
“Sorry, mom,” you huffed, staring at the elevator doors. “I got busy, and I’m not attached to my phone all the time like a certain newlywed. How are you and Sam, by the way?” You looked at Chris pointedly with that comment and, like expected, he was frantically shoving his phone back in his pocket. Chris had gotten married two months ago and was still very much in the honeymoon phase.
Good job, Aaron said into the earpiece, and it made you smile despite yourself.
Which, unfortunately, did not go unnoticed by Chris. He narrowed his eyes at you for a few seconds before gasping. “You’re deflecting! And I know that smile.” He thought about it for a second before his eyes went wide. “Oh my god, you ditched us last night because you were getting railed.”
Your friends knew you way too well. You rolled your eyes at Chris. “Wow, that is a reach if I’ve ever seen one.”
The elevator doors opened and you all but sprinted out of there. “You’re not denying it!” Chris accused and you had to bite back a groan of annoyance. You loved your friends, but you did not want to have this conversation right now. “Come on, spill. What is their name?”
You heard Aaron take a sharp intake of breath. You weren’t going to tell Chris, even if you weren’t currently wired where all of Aaron’s coworkers could hear. You never told your friends about Aaron because you were worried about their reaction. They would have worried about his age, or if he was taking advantage of you, or if you were in any danger because of his job. They would have pressured you to pursue more of a “true” relationship with Aaron, and you weren’t going to pretend like that was even a possibility.
You liked Aaron, and it really seemed like Aaron genuinely liked you, too, just not in a way that would make sense to people, especially not your friends. Aaron was always nice to you. He treated you like an equal, not just some random college girl he was sleeping with. He was interesting, and being around him was easy. Aaron would invite you over sometimes and the two of you would just do your work while eating take out before you would have sex. Sometimes, you’d ask him for help with your homework, because there really wasn’t any better tutor, and he was happy to give it. At the time when you first met, the two of you were just kind of lonely, and it was nice to have somebody around who just got it.
You also liked the version of you that Aaron brought out- smarter, wittier, and even a little bit more put together. Definitely much more ambitious. And if seeing him at work was indicative of anything, you thought that he liked the version of himself that you seemed to bring out- more easygoing and playful, like he didn’t have the weight of the world on his shoulders.
And also, yeah, the sex was really fucking good.
You sped up your steps, but Chris was right at your heels. “You’re such a chismoso, but fine. His first name is nunya, last name business.”
You heard him groan behind you, and you turned around so that you were walking backwards. “Y/N, you suck so bad. This is going in the group chat, and we are going to find out who you’re sleeping with.”
You laughed, finally feeling relaxed and calm for the first time since you heard about this plan. “Mhm, good luck with that,” you called to him. “Now if you don’t mind, I have to get to work. Not all of us get paid to sit around and look pretty.”
“Yeah, you just get college credit for it,” he snorted and you just turned back around. You were sure you were going to get so much shit from your friends later, but the bag on your shoulder was getting heavier every second.
Placing the listening devices was as easy as they told you it was going to be. You were able to go throughout your shift fairly normally, sitting through meetings and writing emails, mostly. If you needed to get into somebody’s office, you would just tell them that they needed to sign something or ask them if they wanted any more coffee. The only times Aaron would say something into the earpiece was if they couldn’t get a signal on the device and you needed to move it slightly.
When it was time for your break, you flipped your phone over in your hands a few times, debating on whether or not you should text Aaron. You wanted to see him again. You wanted to hear him moan in your ear while his hands roamed every inch of you. You desperately wanted his mouth on you, his head in between your thighs. You could imagine Aaron on top of you, brushing your hair from your face, and telling you how pretty you were. Maybe you’d text Aaron later, when he wasn’t in a cramped van.
“Y/N?” You snapped your head up to see a woman you knew to be Julian DuPont’s assistant. DuPont owned the law firm, and he came from a very rich and powerful DC family. He was the whole reason that the FBI couldn’t just sneak in and bug the office themselves- he would be suspicious about anybody he didn’t personally know. Even having been an intern at the law firm for almost an entire year, you had only spoken to him one-on-one a handful of times. Sure, they were all positive experiences, but you knew he could lie to almost anybody.
“Yes?” you asked cautiously.
She gave you a sweet smile. “Mr. DuPont has asked to see you in his office right away.”
Your mouth instantly dried up and your heart started to beat so fast that you would have sworn everybody could hear it. “Uh… Yeah, of course, um… Did he happen to say what it was about?” you stuttered out. He was the first office you had placed the bug in. Maybe he found out and was about to fire you in front of everybody. Or worse, your brain supplied unhelpfully.
The assistant shook her head and guided you wordlessly to DuPont’s office. Stay calm, came Aaron’s voice through the earpiece. I will tell you everything you need to say if you get stuck, but you’ll be fine.
When you got to the office, the assistant close the door behind you, leaving you alone in the office with Mr. DuPont himself. He gave you a warm smile, which should have comforted you, but you didn’t think you had ever seen him smile for anything not related to winning a case or getting money. “Sit, please,” he ordered, gesturing lazily to the chair in front of his desk.
You tried to keep your breathing even as you sat down quickly, rubbing your hands on the tops of your thighs. It felt like you were in the principal’s office. You stayed silent so that he could have the first word.
“As you may know, I’ve been watching your progress very closely, both here and with your professors,” he stated, leaning forwards in his chair. “You’re very intelligent, and I think you have a bright career in front of you.”
“Thank you, sir,” you said, trying to put as much confidence in your words as possible. There was a ‘but’ coming, you felt it. You could vaguely make out mumbling in your earpiece, like the BAU were trying to profile what Julian was going to say half a second before he said it.
DuPont straightened out a pen on his desk- to be specific, the pen with the listening device in it. Your breath caught in your throat. “I would like to capitalize on that potential and have you work here after you’ve graduated, but I need to see how you do in an actual courtroom. Law students are allowed to practice law under the supervision of an attorney, which would be me. If you do well, and you pass the bar, you’ll have a job here as an associate right after graduation. Think of it as a trial run, or a try-before-you-buy program.”
You let out a sigh of relief, not even caring how dramatic it may have looked to Julian, and you closed your eyes for a second just to ground yourself. He didn’t know, it was just a job offer. The secret was safe. The earpiece went silent again. “Sir- I… Thank you so much. I would love to, of course. It would be an absolute honor.”
DuPont nodded and leaned back in his chair. “That’s good to hear. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have a meeting to attend to. We will discuss this more at a later date.”
You shook his hand quickly before exiting, your heart pounding. You were going to need a drink, or five, tonight. Maybe it was stupid, but part of you wanted to hear something from your earpiece. It didn’t even need to be Aaron speaking, but you wanted somebody from the BAU to remind you that everything was okay.
Ignoring the questioning look from Chris, you sat down at your desk, attempting to process everything that just happened. Once the adrenaline went down, you let yourself get excited. A job offer, and a nice one at that, at a fancy private firm with a nice salary. You were set.
You grabbed your phone so that you could send the news to your friends, but a notification caught your eye.
From: Aaron Hotchner
Congratulations, associate. I told you that you’d make a wonderful lawyer someday.
To: Aaron Hotchner
Thank you :) You know this means I’m going to practice my opening statements on you all the time, right??
From: Aaron Hotchner
I’m looking forward to it.
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hzdtrees · 3 years
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The Spear-Shafts Tallneck might be my favourite, despite its proximity to Stalker sites - the views are spectacular, it's the only Tallneck that hasn't stomped on me at some point due to my own incompetence; and I quite like Longlegs.
What's always bugged me about the area was that the rock formation the Tallneck is circling screamed "climbable", but there was seemingly no way up there. Once or twice I could've sworn I saw climbable ledges, but then lost the spot being jumped by a Sawtooth or two and couldn't find it again while circling the cliffs. I started to believe I was imagining things purely because it seemed an ideal wall to scale, and the potentially great views just outside my reach were frustrating enough that I went back time and again, always with the same result: no matter what I'd seen, I wasn't able to find it again.
Yesterday I went there once again in the intention of taking some pictures of the Tallneck. Of course, I first got attacked by some Stalkers who wouldn't let me photo mode in peace (the one with the Tallneck against the dawn was taken while a Stalker shot me from the right), then went up against some Longlegs, and while I was fighting them, I caught a glimpse of what were, this time definitely and without a doubt, climbable ledges. The catch: they were seemingly out of reach. They led down to an arch which was suspiciously close to the Tallneck's route so after another circle to confirm there was really no other way I decided to climb the Tallneck and see if I could jump from there; and lo and behold, there was a ledge to grab onto, and the short climb led to an old campfire with two skeletons and a health boost potion to greet me. I'm convinced the spot exists solely so that the player can take pictures of Aloy towering over the world; and those people up there starved because there's no way down unless you jump back onto the Tallneck (which I imagine is even less fun than jumping off it with how icky the game sometimes behaves when it comes to climbing) or glitch your way down the wall which worked surprisingly well, but could've just as well been my death.
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crystalangelluna · 4 years
A New Chance Chapter 5
Ao3/ Part 1 /Part 2 /Part 3 /Part 4/ Part 5(You're here)
Taglist: @wannajointhecrabcult @kceedraws @thequeenofpotatoeunicornss @lilyreadbooks12
{With the PMH (Past Miraculous Holder} They were all sitting in the movie theater, eating popcorn, and watching the events unfold themselves.
“Our little bug needs some guidance, you guys thinking what I am thinking.” The first-ever ladybug spoke up (Mei).
“We should give her a surprise, after school”
Everyone agreed and started planning out their idea. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// (With Mari) Yesterday was pretty embarrassing, especially since the assassins escaped. Oh well, I don’t want to relive that again.
(Mari it is Mei, after school today, go to the alleyway near _______ street. We have a surprise for you. Make sure to bring Kaalki with you. And just know, we are looking after you.)
(Thank you, Mei, I am happy to hear from you again, say hi to the others for me, will you?).
She happily agreed.
In under 10 minutes, I got ready to go to school, I grabbed my purse along with Tikki and Kaalki, and headed out.
Gotham Academy
Very different than I had pictured it, but it will do.
Being the new student sucks sometimes but it is what it is.
My mission is to avoid Damien at all costs. But apparently luck isn’t on my side, because he is on the other side of the school steps,
Great way of keeping a low profile, Mari. I scolded myself
Just ignore the pretty boy… Just ignore the pretty, wait what? Stop it, Mari, you promised yourself you wouldn’t go down this path again…
Just ignore your childhood crush,
Shi- No cussing, a tinny voice said in the back of my head. Shoot he’s looking at me better RUN!!!
(Damian’s pov) Yesterday was pretty embarrassing, and not to mention the bloody assassins dared to escape. All because of my insolent brothers.
Alfred dropped me off at Gotham Academy. I honestly don’t understand why my father forces me to even go to this school. I am clearly more intelligent than these empty-headed people. But apparently, I have to “socialize” with kids my age. No thank you I am fine with just one friend.
Where did that come from?
I was about to go inside when I noticed someone on the other side of the school steps.
It seemed the new student was having a fight with herself, she then ran up the steps and trip but got back up and headed to the office.
What an idiot.
Whispers were going around the school, so were rumors and questions about the new student. Why would a new student be joining in the middle of the trimester, and especially in the city with the worst crime in the world?
I headed to my first class, Physics
I sat at the back of the classroom next to Jon because he is the most tolerable in the whole school.
“Good morning class today we have a new student, please introduce yourself, Miss.”
The same girl from earlier stood up to speak,” Hi my name is Marinette Dupain-Cheng and I originally lived in Paris.” This raises my suspensions even more, why would someone who lives in a safe city be somewhere like Gotham. People are Weird.
(Mari's POV)
“Thank you Marinette, you sit next to Marely, please raise your hand.” A black-haired, brown-eyed, Hispanic-looking girl raised her hand. While I was walking to my seat, 2 things stood out to me. I was sitting behind the one person I didn’t want to sit near.
Damian Freaking Wayne/Robin. And he was glaring at me, great, the famous bat glare.
I just sighed.
Great trying to stay away from Damian is harder than I thought,
Mei and the rest had something to do with this.
(Mei and the rest of the crew) They were snickering at the screen that showed their beloved little bug and her fate. Marinette was correct; they were a part of it, especially if they were planning her love life all while eating popcorn. This was going to be Fun.
(Time skip, Mari's Pov)
It was lunchtime already and so far I was done with my first 3 classes. I had Marely in all of my classes so she showed me around the school. She easily became one of my new best friends. Luckily for me, Damien was only in my first class.
Lunch came and went by, I punched a kid in the face cause he went too far in his opinion on me, then we got sent to the principal's office only for him to place us in detention for the next day. And then it was time for the last class of the day...
Oh how I was excited to participate in this class {who hates the gym, cause I do?}
The Gym teacher announced that they would be competing against the art teacher's class since the teacher was absent for the day.
Low and behold…
{You guys probably think It is Damian, am I right?}...
It was that jerk face that I met earlier, the one I punched in the face, for calling me pathetic and a liar. Can't I have no enough enemies in my life? Jack, Jacob, Jim whatever his name is,
he is going DOWN!!!
Too bad he got on my bad side, you never want to see a pissed off, Mari.
Also, too bad for him, dodgeball is my favorite game, and I happen to be the best at it.
Well back when I was alive in my Paris.
And I happen to be the hero Ladybug. And I carry the Kwami's Of Creation and Teleportation right now, and not to mention the others especially Plagg./p>
Calm down Mari, it is okay you have another chance, you can sorta of start over again. I told myself.
Right now you have to show jerk face exactly who he messed with.
(Another time skip cause ya author too lazy 🤪)
Let's just say he will never mess with me, again. And for that matter, if these Gotham kids are who I think are, word spreads fast, and they would know not to mess with me.
As I was heading to the direction Mei talked to me again.
(Bring Marely with you, she will play a big roll in the future. Oh and she needs to know the truth after your surprise)
(Are you sure, that could be dangerous and risky?)
(Trust me you will need all the help you can get, just don't worry about it right now, you know what Bunnixx would say!!)
(Yeah, yeah I know, everything has a time and place.)
(Marley's pov)
I was about to leave the building when Marinette or as she told me to call her Mari, called out to me. I turned around and saw her running towards me.
She tripped but caught herself gracefully, I giggled.
" Do you need anything Mari?"
"I was wondering if you would like to hang out right now?"
My common sense screamed at me not to go because, 1.We are in Gotham for crying out loud. 2.She could be a villain in disguise And 3. I just met her.
But alas my gut is telling me to go, and I trust my gut, especially since it got me out of sticky situations.
So I went with her.
(Damian's POV) All-day people were pestering me with rumors about the new student. Especially after school, apparently, she beat up a kid and beat him at Dodgeball.
I spotted her talking to the girl she sat next to during Physics.
They left the building, and then I did what any reasonable person would do.
I dragged Jon with me and we followed them.
This is Gotham after all. And I am the son of the World's greatest detective.
(Mari's POV)
Someone was following me, I bet I know who.
It won't be of any use losing them now.
I’m just going to let them be surprised. Oh the CHAOS!!!
When we arrived at the place Mei informed me, Marely was confused.
"Just wait for it." Not even 5 seconds later a portal opened up behind us and covered our mouths, I wonder if this is the surprise that Mei had for me.
Then they yanked us into the portal and it closed.
I looked into a familiar room that I thought I would never see again I turned around and I saw…
And older looking Adrien and Kagami than me, precisely 3 years.
I was wrapped in a hug. I didn't even know that we were crying, once that was over I looked up to see Marely super confused and shocked.
I mean who wouldn't be both when you were kidnapped, then your recently new friend hugs your kidnappers and they all cry, and you don't even know what is going on.
"Umm, Marely meet my best friends Adrien and Kagami, from another alternate universe."
"Hi, I am Adrien" The sunshine boy is back.
"Greetings, nice to meet the friend of my best friend."
"Hi, I am Marely, can you tell me what the heck is going on???"
"Well, you see Marely…"
(With Damian)
Wtf just happened?!?!?!?
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pinky and the brain - s1e1: das mouse
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dejavu! have we been here before?
episode summary: brain concocts a hypnotic pancake recipe in order to hypnotise the surrounding population into being his loyal minions. however, one of the crucial ingredients is the meat of a specific type of crab, which can only be found in the reckage of the titanic.
the rundown:
we open with the mice attempting to blow their cage open.
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SENIOR PRODUCER: TOM RUEGGER. sorry about that, y’all, but the opening credits are in the actual show, now, so nothing i can really do about it. at least they seem to have a water bottle in their cage, this time, which is good.
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NEVER MIND I GUESS. IT EXPLODED. literally every frame there is a smear frame - again, nothing i can do.
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poor mousie go bomp. ):
apparently, the plan was less regarding explosive force, and more to set off a rube goldberg chain of events that completely disobey the laws of physics to end up picking the lock.
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it’s hard to convey without animation, but this spoon flies through the air and just straight up lands in the lock. it’s wild.
“ooo!” says pinky, watching this all impossibly unfold. “good one, brain!”
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“they’re all good ones, pinky.” we will never be free of brain’s face, it seems.
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as the mice wander along, brain tells pinky that tonight’s plan will "recieve the aid of legions of unassuming humans”, because he intends to hypnotise them all with the secretions of!
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“what, a frog?”
yes, a frog. apparently the frog sweats out hypnotic fluid. it is Filled With Peptides. (pinky’s response to this is “naaaaaarf”, which is very helpful.) after they collect this fluid, brain just needs to work out how to get thousands of people to ingest it.
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“like a giant pancake jambouree?”
“please, pinky, i--”
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so pancake jambouree it is. brain cooks pinky an experimental batch before he decides to release them to the masses.
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look at brain’s lil dress! and pinky has his tongue stuck out. everyone here is having a good time and it’s very cute. this is exactly what lori alexander wants marriage to be.
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pinky does briefly express his concerns that he might, yknow, be hypnotised, but apparently the concoction doesn’t attain Full Potency until he adds the meat of a fancy crab, and these are just test batches so he can work out how to hide the taste of the Frog Juice.
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it goes about as well as one would hope.
but never mind, eh? time for crab.
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turns out all the crab is stored in the titanic.
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still, brain is pretty convinced that they can just.... go down there and get it. look at his lil scheming face. pinky argues during today’s pondering segment that “there’s still a bug stuck in there from last time” (okay?) and brain cuts him off to insist that they GO DOWN TO THE DEPTHS OF THE OCEAN AND RAISE THE HULL OF THAT SORROWFUL SHIP.
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he does a gay little point and everything.
so obviously, they have to steal a boat.
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brain got one taste of crime from stealing that minivan, and it just never went away.
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“behold the alvin, pinky. our ticket to the ocean depths.”
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“look, brain! a baby sub on the front!”
“that’s the jason junior, pinky. an additional sub carried by the alvin for remote exploring.”
it’s an additional sub because there’s already one on this mission. (i sweat, watching the fbi draw their guns on me, and insist that i definitely meant submarine. what else could that be, right, guys?)
(the fbi put their guns down.)
anyway the mice steal the boat.
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in they go.
the first thing brain does is swap out his hat for one that he brought with him, and demand to be referred to as “captain brain”, so he is definitely someone everyone should take seriously.
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he just packed that specifically.
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the second thing he does is pull out his big map of the ocean and give pinky a whole bunch of co-ordinates to follow. “bowplans at 2-2-9, on my mark!”
“um, brain?”
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well that’s a bastard. brain blames “the sub club”, which i’m sure he knows a lot about BECAUSE HE’S REALLY INTO SUBMARINES, MR PRESIDENT, PLEASE WITHDRAW YOUR MEN
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and pinky works out that he can dislodge the wrench-- the submarine clamp??? the county council clamped their submarine for overstaying their welcome in the library submarine park???? - enough for them to make right turns, but not left. inconvenient, but doable.
but before they can set off, brain directs pinky to the radar console.
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this apparently stands for Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, and is their special signal that they would use to trace their submarines for oceanographic purposes. brain requests that pinky randomise the signal so they’re not followed.
a difficult job? sure. good thing pinky is a trained sub operator with a good few years of experience.
.....you can literally see him operating the submarine a few pictures up. stop looking at me like that.
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with a few minutes of careful handiwork, pinky successfully scrambles the sub’s internal computation, and leaves it probably a little dazed and confused.
good thing ‘narf’ doesn’t actually mean anything, in this universe, apart from being one of pinky’s verbal tics?
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oh dear.
turns out that the CIA have found the submarine, and have realised that it is, for the most part, unidentified, apart from the letters NARF.
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“have you ever heard of jack mcguire?”
“captain, north atlantic. cold war nut. he was discharged-- always saying that when the enemy arrived, it would be with some mythical--”
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“nuclear attack readiness formation.”
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“the old man is concerned.”
“the president?”
“no, just some... random old man.”
so dearest “jonesy” (blonde) is instructed to track down jack mcguire in hopes to get rid of the submarine. because nobody can track down a sub like jack mcguire (hm) and “the boys want that thing terminated.”
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“you mean the pentagon?”
“no, my two boys, josh and aaron.”
meanwhile, at the sub club, brain plots their course for the titanic.
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see they’re here,
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and the titanic is there,
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but they can only make right turns, so what should be a two hour journey will take, by brain’s calculation,
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“seven months.”
“well. that’s a bit longer, then. isn’t it.”
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“are you jack mcguire?”
“who wants to know?”
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“the cia. got a job for you. there’s a sub in the water, and they want it terminated.”
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“so the boys finally saw it my way, huh?”
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“the pentagon?”
“no. josh and aaron.”
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“hold onto your newtons, desk jockey. we’re going sub hunting.”
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“how long have we been at sea, brain?”
“seventeen minutes.”
it turns out that pinky is so bored that if he doesn’t do something soon, he’ll die. please, brain. this is also me whenever i have to spend more than half an hour in the car.
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brain suggests that he tries to improve his pancake recipe, and pinky can try it out for him.
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pinky decides that actually, he’s busy, thank you very much.
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no dice.
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“i’ve got another reading”, says jonesy, in the meantime.
“4-6-0-0-5, bearing 2-2-7.”
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“they’re running the nautilus.”
“the what?”
“1943. german boat captain heinz grindelwald evaded destruction by running a circular course, based on--”
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“a nautilus shell.”
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“so we cut them off.”
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“whoever these guys are, they’re good. they’re probably plotting a missile trajectory at the oval office as we speak.”
meanwhile, pinky throws up.
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“well? any better?”
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i hope that answers your question, brain.
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“pinky! are you alright?”
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he does drop him immediately after pinky confirms that he is, indeed, still alive, but it was cute while it lasted.
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“why don’t you let me try making the pancakes yummy, brain? my mother fed us very well.”
“please, pinky. you’re practically the poster child for cheese whiz.”
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(he gets to make the pancakes.)
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because they have bigger problems now, presumably!
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that can’t be good.
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it wasn’t!
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and neither is that. brain laments that “someone is dropping death charges,” while pinky goes and shuts down the engine.
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the sub operator saves the day once again.
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“this is..... jacques cousteau.”
“really. can you prove that?”
“here, ze ocean is teeming with life. but everywhere, there are signs of man’s encroachment.”
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“darn! it is jacques cousteau!”
unfortunately pinky decides now is a good time to chime in with a “haha, nice cousteau, brain” so jack declares that his “little ruse will cost him.”
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“i must admit. i admire your skill. perhaps in another time, maybe we could have been friends. we are very much alike, you and i.”
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“i doubt that.”
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so mcguire fires another charge, and the mice go down. ocean mice! sink.
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“haha! yeah! we did it!”
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“i get no joy from the demise of another man.”
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(”take the jason hr on ahead full, mr pinky.”
“aye aye, captain brain.”)
this is a long episode.
still, now that they have a vehicle that steers properly, the boys seem to make it okay.
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“we should be approaching the hull of the titanic at any--”
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“yes, pinky. soon we will have the white crabs of the titanic, and then,”
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“about that recipe, brain, and, um, getting rid of that bad taste--”
“not now, pinky.”
“but brain?”
“just cut it out.”
“oh! aye aye.”
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so the mice bodge an air pressure mechanism to yeet the titanic to the surface. as you do.
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“but brain, the icky stuff--”
“i said cut it out, pinky.”
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the balloon expands, as balloons do, and the titanic wobbles a bit.
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“our journey is almost at at end, my friend! we release the air and propel the ship!”
that’s a very cute happy face!
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so brain does exactly that, and the titanic farts itself over to california.
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i’m not exaggerating.
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perhaps brain feels vaguely at home on the titanic. he has vague memories of being drunk out of his mind, and bathing in a sink. best not to unpack that.
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instead, he decides to crash it into acme labs. for the lols.
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the pancakes are jamboureeing. it’s very cute.
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jonesey and mcguire are here too! “nothing like a pancake jambouree after blowing up a sub, huh.”
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they’re dating now, i guess. i mean, i hope they’re dating. they should be.
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“as the hypnotic fluid winds itself through the minds of our friends, they shall return, happy and content to have us rule over them.”
“well isn’t that nice,” says pinky, in a very condescending manner. “narf.”
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“but tell me, pinky, about your pancake batter. how did you manage to hide the taste of the hypnotic sapo?”
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“well, the hypnotic stuff tasted terrible, brain. so like you said. i cut it out.”
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anyway this one goes to pinky because he is emotionally intelligent enough to A, understand sarcasm, and B, to know and/or remember what the plan was in the first place. perhaps he deliberately threw it out to make sure nobody had to eat bad pancakes? honestly, i don’t blame him. pinky, defender of the earth.
brain: 4 ½ pinky: 6 ½ outside influence: 10
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“here’s our course. heading 3-2-9, depth 100 metres, bowplanes at 15 degrees. any questions?”
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“um. if you could be any animal, what would it be.”
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“oh, i’d have to say a hawk, pinky,”
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“so i could soar through the sky,”
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“and grab tiny white mice in my claws,”
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“and feed them to my young.”
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“that’s just... weird, brain.”
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kusunogatari · 4 years
[ ObiRyū October | Day Sixteen | Incantation ] [ @abyssaldespair ] [ Uchiha Obito, Suigin Ryū, Hatake Kakashi ] [ Verse: Ghost Among the Ghosts ]
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“Hi, Mom...it’s me again. I brought you some fresh flowers! Sorry I left the other ones here so long...I’ve been busy the last few weeks. School is going well, but...it’s a lot of work. I’m keeping my grades up, at least. But that means less time for...everything else. And no, I still don’t have a boyfriend. Or a girlfriend, for that matter. But maybe that’s a good thing. I’d be really inattentive lately, and that wouldn’t be fair. I dunno, maybe I’ll meet someone after, y’know? But if work is busy too, then...guess I’ll just be a crazy old cat lady. Though I don’t have a cat yet…”
She’s rambling. But then again, that usually happens when she takes a day to catch up with her mother. Sitting cross-legged in the grass, Ryū lets an elbow rest on a knee, chin held in a palm. It’s nice to just...sit and chat.
And given Reika can’t really reply, it means she can go on for as long as she wants.
“Dad came to visit yesterday. That was nice. He said he was going to stop by and see you while he was here. I hope he did. Guess he didn’t leave anything, but...well, I told him I was going to stop by today. Maybe he just figured things would get cluttered, otherwise.”
Beyond the freshly-replaced flowers, Reika’s headstone is clear. There’s a small growth of lichen, but she’ll take care of that while she’s here. Otherwise, the polished black marble is flawless.
“Anyway...I guess there’s really not much else to report. Kinda stuck in a bit of a slog, I suppose. Same routine over and over. Classes change, but the routine doesn’t.” Shifting positions, she leans back on her palms, sighing. “There’s a few people I’ve seen in a couple of classes with me, but...haven’t really made any friends. Dad says I’d scare them away anyway cuz I spend so much time here.” Ryū can’t help a snicker. “I might’ve had my baby goth phase in high school, but it didn’t stick. I just...like dark clothes and hanging out with my dead mom! Nothing weird about that, right?”
The only answer is wind rustling through the cemetery trees.
Another sigh escapes her, seeming to get lost in thought. “...guess I kinda just fell into it all. The image, I mean. People were always calling me Ghost, so...it was easier to roll with it than fight it. Is that weird? Maybe not. Guess I just kinda adopted it. Maybe part of it’s still sticking, huh?”
Another thoughtful silence before she straightens, hauling herself to her feet and brushing leaves and grass from her clothes. “Well...I won’t bug you any more today. Though I’m not really looking forward to heading back to my dorm. It’s so cramped, and my roommate snores. Not to mention I have an essay to do when I get there. So maybe I’ll just...wander around a bit. Y’know...procrastinate.”
After clearing the lichen, Ryū says her goodbyes before heading further into the cemetery rather than back toward the gate.
It’s strange. She’s here so often, yet she’s never really taken the time to look at any other parts of the graveyard. Even back when she was embracing her spooky image in high school.
Better late than never, she supposes.
The further you go, the older the plots get...and eventually, entire family crypts start popping up. Ryū eyes them curiously, feeling an old itch start bubbling up to the surface. Maybe she’ll just...take some pictures. For old time’s sake. Surely nobody will mind, right?
Out comes her phone, subtly snapping photos of some of the more unique headstones. One bears an entire full-size weeping angel, arms outstretched to the sky in mourning.
Okay maybe her goth phase isn’t as over as she likes to pretend it is.
Soon enough she’s losing herself in it, taking artsy pics of as much spooky splendor as she can manage. The cloudy Autumn day only adds to the atmosphere, she can’t help it!
And then she hits the motherlode.
Looming up out of the gloom is one of the crypts: its own stone building to inter members of a family. And this one is massive...let alone clearly old as old gets. A wrought iron gate blocks access to the interior, and no matter how she cranes her neck, Ryū can only see so far.
Backing up a few paces, she realizes there isn’t a family name carved anywhere in the stone. That’s a bit odd. Instead, a phrase is etched along the top of the threshold. Usually it’s something in Latin, but...this doesn’t look quite right.
Brow furrowing, Ryū reads it over a few times in her head. Maybe it is Latin and she’s just...really rusty. But her curiosity persists, and so she googles it.
...nothing really comes up.
Well, drat.
A sigh escapes her, tucking away her phone for the moment. Under her breath, she tries sounding it out, doing so slowly with the Latin pronunciation that she knows.
As soon as she finishes, a flash of cold washes over her, seemingly coming up from the crypt.
Every hair on her body stands on end, tensing as eyes fly wide.
...what the…?
Fog then begins to plume up the steps, curling around the gate. And as she stares, Ryū sees hands slowly reach to grip the bars. Then with an ear-splitting creak, it starts to swing open.
Oh this is not good...what did she do?! What, was that some kind of...incantation? That stuff isn’t real…! And why would it be carved into a crypt?!
A deep, raspy chuckle then sounds, and a shiver runs its way up her spine. Every part of her brain is screaming at her to run...but she can’t get her legs to move, locked into place as she trembles.
“Well well...been a while since anyone’s given those words a read. Was starting to wonder if anyone would ever bother…”
With a lurch, she manages to stumble back half a step, body feeling rigid and stubborn. “Who...who’s there…?”
“You mean to tell me you read the invocation, and you don’t even know who you’re talking to? I should be offended. And here I was so relieved at finally getting a chance to stretch my legs! Hell gets so boring after a while…”
A figure then starts to emerge from the fog. And Ryū’s heart feels about ready to jump right out of her chest. Hell...this person’s from Hell? Then...doesn’t that mean -?
“I guess I can still manage an introduction. But...you first, hm? Only polite, since you rang.”
...is it wise to tell them that? “It...it’s Ryū. M-my name is...is Ryū.”
“Ryū…?” They seem to roll the word around in their mouth, as if tasting it. “Hm...I suppose that’ll do. And my name...is Obito.”
They take one last step, and Ryū beholds the demon in all their glory.
...it’s not an image she expects.
It’s not a gargoyle-like creature. No cloven hooves, no horns. It’s just a...a man? Wearing black slacks, shining black shoes, a violet button-down shirt, and a black vest. A hand wrapped in a fingerless glove adjusts a matching purple tie. Short dark hair, glowing red eyes, and...and…
Scars. All over the right side of his face. Some even peek up from under the loose collar of his shirt.
“Why is it everybody always stares, hm? Something on my face?”
Ryū forces herself to blink. “...I-I -?”
Ignoring her, the demon glances around. “...huh. Not where I expected to pop up. No one’s used this place in a long time. Being nosy, are we?”
“Wh-? N-no! I...I was just looking, and…?”
“And decided to recite the obviously-demonic carving on the wall?”
She sputters. Obviously demonic? How was she supposed to know?! “I-I didn’t know that’s what it was! I-I swear!”
Obito just rolls his eyes. “Uh huh. That’s what they all say.”
“Can’t you just, um...g-go back where you came from?”
“I’m afraid not, you see…” He starts sauntering toward her, her own legs attempting to retreat. “Demons, once called out of Hell, can only return once they have their contracted’s soul in their possession. It’s a system. And given that you called me...that means you.”
“I-I didn’t call you! It was an accident!”
“Yes, yes...you humans and your accidents.” He steps closer, Ryū finding herself with nowhere to run as her back finds a tree. Leaning in, Obito gives her a very unabashed once-over. “...hm…”
“I think you’re lying.”
“Wh-? Why would I lie?!”
“Because I can smell it on you.”
“Smell what? I-I just took a shower this morning before I came to see Mom!”
Obito gives a roll of his eyes. “Oh, brother...so you don’t know…?”
“Know what?!”
“That you’re a witch.”
She freezes. “...I’m a...a what?”
“Oh come, now. Your appearance is telling enough. Tell me...did your mother look like you? All ghost-like…?”
Ryū feels the blood draining from her face. “...I…”
“Thought so.”
“I am not a witch! I just had a goth phase in high school! And the only reason I did was because everyone forced it on me!”
“And why do you think they did that?”
“Because I look like this!”
“And? You really think they couldn’t tell? It’s a subconscious thing, especially in this day and age. Very few people legitimately cry ‘witch’ nowadays. Most who do just get laughed at, but they’re out there. Or rather, you’re out there.”
Head shaking, Ryū rebuke, “Well...still! Witch or not, I did not call you here on purpose! So just...go back where you came from, and leave me alone!”
“I told you, I can’t do that. Not until I harvest that soul of yours. Or...mine, really. Semantics.”
She stares at him. “...so, I...I really am stuck with you…?”
“Until you utilize your contract, that’s exactly right. So hurry up and make your request so we can get this over with.”
“...and if I don’t?”
“Don’t what?”
“What if I don’t make a request? What if I just...ignore this so-called contract I didn’t agree to? Then what?”
Obito’s face goes slack. “...you can’t do that.”
“Why not?”
“For one thing, contracts have consequences the longer they go on. Consequences that are rather dire for mortals. Eventually you’d just be begging for me to end it, so there’s no real point in drawing things out.”
“I could...I could hire an exorcist!”
That earns an outright laugh. “Oh, you could. But it wouldn’t go well. We’re contracted. My suffering is your suffering. And vice versa.”
...well shit. She’s running out of ideas. Surely by now demons are rather used to all the ways humans try and wriggle their ways out of contracts. Ryū’s eyes flicker back and forth, trying to think of a solution.
All the while, looking amused, Obito watches her. He’s never actually met someone from a witch bloodline before. While they don’t all look like she does, that just makes her all the more unique. Part of him wonders what her skills would be. Are witch souls worth more than a regular human soul…? He’s not actually sure. But he’ll admit, it feels rather tantalizing compared to other humans he’s contracted with. Almost seems a shame to waste it.
“...you know, there is one way to circumvent this whole ordeal.”
He speaks without meaning to, her head shooting up.
“...and what would that be?”
“You could always become a demon yourself. It’s not easy, and technically you’d still be damned, but...you wouldn’t die.”
A stubborn scowl overtakes her face. “Not sure that’s much better.”
Shoulders shrug. “Just letting you know. Hell’s really not all that bad when you’re on Lucifer’s good side, you know.”
“...I’ll bear that in mind,” is her dry reply.
“You really should make up your mind. Time is ticking. And I’ve got other things I could be -”
The pair of them turn, seeing another figure making its way toward them. Silvery, messy locks fall over a fair face, the bottom half obscured by a mask. There’s really not much remarkable about him...except for a glint of silver that jostles around his neck as he runs.
A cross.
Behind Ryū, Obito’s eyes narrow.
Reaching them, the newcomer holds an arm out between them, barring Ryū back. “I’ve been waiting for you to show your face again. Let her go!”
“This is none of your business, Kakashi. She summoned me.”
“I told you, it wasn’t on purpose!” Ryū insists from behind Kakashi’s arm.
“It’s too late! Intentional or not, what’s done is done. She has to forfeit her soul one way or another. I’m just doing what I’m meant to do.”
“Don’t you remember what it’s like to be human?” Kakashi barks in protest. “Why hurt them when you used to be one, Obito?”
Ryū’s eyes widen. He was human…?
Obito’s lip lifts in a sneer. “I was human. And that life was nothing but suffering. Poverty, loneliness, despair...and then a violent, painful end before I was even a man. Can you really blame me for letting that bitterness overcome me? Life wasn’t, isn’t fair, Kakashi. Humans suffer, and they cause suffering. They must reap what they sow.”
“And what has she done wrong, beyond being at the wrong place at the wrong time? Do you really want to damn an innocent just because you suffered in life? That won’t reverse what you went through. It will just make someone else suffer, too. Let her go.”
All the while, Ryū watches them both. It’s clear they knew each other before Obito became a demon. And if Obito is telling the truth, then...it seems to her that he had every reason to be persuaded into a role like this, given what he went through.
Suffering begets suffering, after all.
...then maybe…
“You can’t break this contract, Kakashi. You’re hardly strong enough to have any influence here. It doesn’t matter if she’s willing or not. It was a done deal as soon as she spoke the incantation. One way or another, I’ll -!”
“I know what I want.”
Both men turn to her, expressions equally surprised.
“Miss, no - you can’t go through with this! If you do, your soul will -!”
“You heard the lady, Kakashi.” Behind them, Obito gives a bone-chilling smirk. “She’s made up her mind. And about time. What’ll it be, then?”
Gently urging Kakashi’s arm aside, Ryū steps forward, studying the demon. “...so, in order for the contract to be fulfilled...you have to complete whatever task I give you...right?”
“That’s right.”
“No matter how long it takes?”
“Yes. But we demons are very efficient.”
“...and the task can be anything?”
“Well...there are a few exceptions. I can’t raise the dead, for example. Can’t make you immortal. But most things are on the table. Tell me your wish, and I’ll let you know.”
She can’t help a dry snort at the word ‘wish’. As if she sought this out. “...all right, then. What I want from you is...to protect me from all possible harm, within your ability, until I die naturally. Only once I’ve lived whatever life you can allow me to live can you have my soul. If you purposefully allow me to be killed to try to complete the contract early, then you’ll have failed, and the contract is null and void.”
As she speaks, Obito’s grin slowly falls to a neutral, and then surprised expression.
Behind her, Kakashi gives a humorless laugh. “...so, rather than a guardian angel...you’ve snagged yourself a guardian demon. Well that’s a first.”
Ryū doesn’t reply, still looking at Obito. “...so? Is that on the table…?”
Sighing curtly, Obito looks aside as if trying to think of some kind of loophole. But after a minute of silence, it’s clear he can’t recall any. “...I suppose it is.”
“And because you’ll be performing your contract, there won’t be any of those consequences you talked about?”
“...in all honesty, I can’t be sure. I’ve never had a contract quite like that. The longest I’ve had to wait was a week.” He looks her over. “...you really want a demon to be hovering over your shoulder for the rest of your life?”
“I figure that’s the best outcome I could ask for, all things considered” is her quiet reply. “...besides, something you said struck me a bit funny.”
“...and what was that?”
“That you were lonely.”
His face goes slack. “...you...can’t be serious.”
Even Kakashi has no rebuke for that.
“You’re extending your contract to the fullest possible extent because a demon implied that they were lonely…? You must be a special kind of naive, lady.”
She gives a smile that doesn’t reach her eyes. “You’re the one who implied it, not me. Not everyone is a jerk, you know.”
He scowls, but doesn’t have a retort. “...all right, then. We shake on it...and your request will be set. No changing your mind. Got it?”
“Obito, I can’t let you do this!”
“There’s no can’t, Kakashi,” Obito retorts. “You couldn’t stop me if you tried. Buzz around her like an annoying little fly if you want. There’s no saving her.”
Turning to the other human, Ryū gives a somber smile. “I’ll be okay.”
“But -?”
Before he can try to argue, Ryū reaches out, and takes Obito’s hand.
The same rush of cold eddies around them, and Ryū can’t help but flinch as her hair whips around her face. Leaves kick up, the trees creaking as they get caught in the ethereal wind.
Hands still locked, Obito sneaks his other arm around her back, pulling them chest to chest with their hands pressed between them. A smirk curls his lips, hovering several inches over her own. “...it’s done.”
“This isn’t over, Obito!” Kakashi insists.
The demon turns to him, expression bored. “Well, I suppose you might have time to build up some power before she kicks the bucket. But I won’t be letting a soul go that easily, Kakashi.”
“I wouldn’t expect you to,” the demonologist replies lowly.
“Run along, then. Go bury your nose into your books and find some holy relics. You’ll be racing against the clock for this one.”
Glowering, Kakashi turns on a heel and leaves them.
“Finally, a little privacy,” Obito then sighs, giving a stretch. “You think he’d give that demonologist bit a rest…”
“So...you two know each other?”
“In a manner of speaking. But let’s not get into that, now. You’ve got a life to get to.”
It’s then that Ryū hesitates. “So...other people can see you…?”
“Only if I want them to. And even then a very small handful could otherwise. You’d be one of them, actually. If you had a bit more training, you might even be able to see what I really look like.”
“...you mean this is a ruse?”
He smirks. “...yes and no. This is my human appearance. I died at thirteen, but as a demon I’ve kept aging. This is how I’d look if I’d lived. But it’s not what I truly am, now. Not fully.”
“So I won’t have to explain why someone is constantly following me, then.”
“Not unless I decide to show myself. Which, for my own convenience, I doubt I’ll do often, if at all. I’d like this whole experience to be as painless as possible, since you seem to have it in your mind we’re going to be buddies in the meantime. Just think of me as a voice in your head that only you can see.”
...well, this is going to take some getting used to. But at least for now she has time. And it seems that this Kakashi guy wants to try and break this contract. Maybe he’ll succeed. For now, however...she’ll just have to adapt.
“...all right then. Come on. We’re leaving.”
“And going…?”
“Back to my dorm. I have homework.”
“You’re a student?”
“Studying to be a nurse.” She starts walking, and Obito follows.
“You’re the one who asked.”
Yes, this is going to take a lot of getting used to.
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     This is...super random but I guess it works for the prompt xD I dunno anything about demonology or whatever, so this is...purely me winging it. Also any religious mentions are just for the sake of context. That’s another subject I know little to nothing about lol      A human (well, kinda) and a demon stuck in each other’s company. Surely nothing is going to wrong in this situation, right? Riiiight.      I’d...say more but it’s late and this weekend is gonna suuuck so I’m gonna go sleep. Thanks for reading!
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andersunmenschlich · 4 years
Episode 16: Arachnophobia
Tonight I get the statement of one Carlos Vittery, and it’s about spiders.
I don’t dislike spiders. I’m not saying I like them, mind—but I don’t dislike them. The ones the size of my hand (or face), I will pass on living with for much more than a month. Ones that stand a chance of killing me, I’ll be sure to kill first. But I like to live in basements and cellars and so on, and this has made me fairly familiar with bugs of many different types. I tolerate most living things. I’ll let most spiders range throughout my home at will, because they don’t bother me.
That said, I’m not about to bring in extra spiders just because. Spiders as pets? No. I’ll put up with what’s already there unless it’s especially venomous (and no, I don’t mind too terribly if they want to crawl up my leg, or down my arm), but I won’t be adding anyone of my own accord, thank you very much.
I mention this because Carlos Vittery is apparently under the impression that everyone hates spiders, and that’s simply not the case.
Mr. Vittery insists that his fear of spiders is different from the fear of spiders he assumes everyone else has: “It’s not the sight of a spider that gets me, not the legs or the eyes or even the webs they leave behind with only the drained corpse of their insect victims still inside. It’s the presence of a spider. The knowledge of its being, somewhere near, waiting to crawl on you, and all the warning you get... that gentle tickle of its legs as it climbs upon you.”
That doesn’t seem terribly different from the average fear, as I’ve heard it described. Does it to you?
Well, whatever the case, he carries on to explain that he had to move out of his last place after he went out into the yard one day, sat down on a bench, looked up, and started noticing spiders everywhere. Unable to unknow how many spiders there were in his yard, he decided to move to a place where he didn’t know.
He also picked a place without a yard.
Having heard that cats eat spiders, he bought one: an older tabby named Major Tom.
Whenever he saw a spider (not a common occurrence), he would run away and leave the cat to deal with it, which worked well enough to let him at least pretend the spider had been eaten. However, three months before giving this statement to the Magnus Institute, he saw a spider that just would not go away.
Not even when he killed it.
There had been more spiders that month than average (apparently they were eating “something of an infestation of some sort of insect I didn’t recognize: small, silvery worms, almost like maggots, but slightly longer”), but Major Tom had eaten or chased off all of those. This spider... this spider chased off Major Tom.
Carlos Vittery says he simply knew that this particular spider was different to the others. He just knew that it was venomous—just knew that it hated him.
Well, this could be insanity. Or it could be a supernatural spider projecting information into his head. Or it could be that “beholding” spell thing from episode 12, though I kind of doubt that one, since he didn’t chant or anything.
The spider, our statement-giver says, was about an inch wide with hair, fangs, a swollen abdomen, and black eyes.
Look, I’ve lived with アシダカグモ—I’m not necessarily bothered by size, nor hair, nor pedipalps (often mistaken for fangs), nor even chelicerae, provided I know enough about the type of spider to be sure its venom’s not going to kill me. That said, this seems like the sort of spider I’d take a can of bug spray to. At the very least, I’d be snapping a picture to give my family the creeps with.
Carlos Vittery uses his foot to slide Major Tom towards the spider, then hastily vacates the kitchen (closing the door) and tries to distract himself with TV.
After two hours or so, he pops back in to see how the cat’s getting on.
When he opens the door, the cat makes a break for it. (Not upset, mind you! Dear me, no. Just had somewhere else to be. In a hurry.) The spider, of course, is untouched. Mr. Vittery, spotting the thing, is frozen half-in, half-out of the kitchen for another hour.
You know, this fear does seem different from the average, as I’ve heard it described. I’d say it’s much more intense. Hmm. I think I like Carlos Vittery. He seems... fun.
Oh, did you think I was going to say “jittery”? Well, it’s much the same thing.
In any case, slowly unfreezing, he edges across the room to his coffee mug (half full of cold coffee), picks it up, and prepares to crush the spider with what may be the worst spider-crushing tool he could have improvised. I mean, come now. Coffee mugs are curved. There’s going to be a very thin line of contact between mug and wall. How are you going to crush the spider in that? You’ll have to be very precise, Mr. Vittery.
The spider suddenly moves, startling our statement-giver, who flings the mug at it with surprisingly good aim: “It hit the spider dead on and exploded in a shower of coffee and china. I stood there for a minute, breathing hard, but all that remained was a large stain on the wall and mug shards littering the floor.”
Now, I may be mistaken, but shouldn’t there be a body in there somewhere?
Exhausted by the rigors of his emotion, Mr. Vittery leaves the mess and goes straight to bed, where he has nightmares about spiders (a normal thing for him, apparently).
The next morning, while cleaning up, he confirms the presence of the dead spider’s body—the largest piece of his unfortunate mug (it had a blue owl on it? what a shame; what a terrible thing to waste on a spider) has brown, red, and green crushed onto it. He’s pleased by this sign that the thing’s dead, but makes a point of noting that his cat was “impassive as always.”
Interesting that he would care what the cat thought, or seemed to think.
Over the next few days, Major Tom takes advantage of the cat flap to spend less and less time at home. Other than that, nothing happens until Friday... when Carlos Vittery comes back from a long day of analyzing data for an online betting company.
Major Tom is not at home. Mr. Vittery settles down on the couch, turns on the TV, and (since he hasn’t turned on the satellite box yet) gets bluescreen.
This would be fine, if it weren’t for the thing sitting on the television’s blue screen.
“There, sat upon it, black against the glowing background, was a spider. And not just any spider, but I swear to you—and here’s where you march me out of your little institute as a time-wasting lunatic—but I swear that it was the same damn spider. It was the same size, the same shape, the same thick, pulsing abdomen. But more than that, I felt it. I felt it in that fear that hit me like I had been punched in the stomach, and I felt it in the way that the thing just sat there, unmoving, waiting for me to kill it again.“
That, of course, is patently impossible.
Dead spiders do not come back to life and beg to get killed again. But this is The Magnus Archives, and so I suppose it’s possible after all—this spider might actually be simultaneously immortal and suicidal. Why not?
Frozen in his chair, Carlos Vittery stares at the spider and it stares at him.
He calls for his cat, but Major Tom does not respond to ground control... if Carlos Vittery can be said to be in control of anything, even the ground, at this point. Interestingly, he says that when he finally stands up it feels like he’s not the one doing it.
“...it felt almost involuntary, as though some... something were lifting me, hoisting me to my feet by unseen strings. I began to walk, but rather than fleeing the spider, I found I moved towards it, until I stopped there, so close I could have touched it, though my mind recoils at the thought. Before I realized exactly what I was doing, I lifted my leg and kicked the television, instantly crushing the bulbous spider beneath the heel of my shoe and, now I think about it, narrowly avoiding a nasty electrocution. I had had no inkling I was capable of such a thing, but once again the spider was dead, and I had a slimy stain on my shoe.”
Suicidal, immortal, supernatural spider.
Carlos Vittery throws away his broken television, burns his shoe (I suppose it’s a good thing he didn’t elect to use this method of cleanup on his kitchen wall), and settles into a deep paranoia.
Major Tom only comes back once in the weeks that follow. He sniffs at the bowl of food Carlos Vittery set out to try and lure him back, turns around again, and leaves. “As he left,” our statement-giver says, “he gave me a look that I could have sworn was one of pity.” So we see that Mr. Vittery attributes human emotion not only to spiders (odds on a spider actually hating you? low), but also to cats.
Mr. Vittery calls in sick to his job and spends all his time checking nooks and crannies for a certain spider.
Fascinatingly, he now has no difficulty in personally dealing with all other spiders. “More than once I did find spiders, but they weren’t the one that was after me, so I killed them without a second thought.” Look at that—he’s improving.
...Sort of.
Well. Two weeks after Carlos Vittery puts his shoe through his TV screen, the spider turns up on his bedroom wall.
In its new position, better lit than the kitchen (and not from behind, as on the TV), the spider is easier to see. And Carlos Vittery recognizes it. Frankly, I don’t see how. One spider looks as much like another spider as one human looks like another—spotting the difference between a pair is easily enough done if you have the two side by side, but as soon as you look away you’ll forget the precise shade of the one spider’s eyes as compared to the other’s, or the shape of the one human’s nose as contrasted with the other human’s nose, and if asked to pick one specific human (or spider) out of a lineup after twenty minutes or so... yes, I think it’s fair to say that’s not happening.
The last time Carlos Vittery saw this spider, he says, was in 1991.
That would be, what, 24 years? Carlos Vittery is astoundingly good at recognizing individual living things.
So. The story.
When he was six or seven years old, our statement-giver tells us, he accidentally squashed a spider and tore open the egg sac it was sitting on. The spider and egg sac were in a fallen log in a field by his grandparents’ place.
He’d reached for the spider, tripped, and put his hand right on it.
Well, through it, really.
He ended up absolutely covered in tiny, immature spiders. “I was suddenly covered in thousands of small, white crawling things, those tiny, dripping, half-formed and unfinished spiders. They covered my hands, my face… my eyes. I can never forget that feeling, and since then, the presence of spiders has filled me with the deepest dread.”
He says he didn’t recognize the spider, as such, after all. He didn’t remember much of what it looked like, he says—he just knew it was the same one. So that’s interesting. Perhaps I should update my hypothesis: “suicidal, immortal, superpowered, vengeful spider”?
I’m fascinated by the method here. Why make somebody kill you over and over? Wouldn’t it be more horrifying to be unkillable and always there?
This spider seems to be trying to induce guilt.
That’s not something it would ever occur to me to do, and I think I’m at least a little closer to humanity than your average spider. Terrify the one who killed you and your children, yes. Make his life a waking nightmare, sure. But guilt?
What a strange approach to vengeance. Isn’t it a little odd to base your retribution on the idea that your murderer cares?
It’s a peculiar idea, yet people in my own life have told me they’ve tried this on me. I have to say, I’m rather intrigued by the notion. If only I noticed at the time! Asking for specifics afterwards—”How, exactly, did you try to make me feel guilty? What aspects of my wrongdoing did you try to display to me, and in what ways?”—this rarely works. It’s almost as though the guilt card is played so naturally, so instinctively, that they can’t describe how it’s played no matter how keenly you inquire.
This is a remarkably human spider.
Once again, Carlos Vittery finds himself compelled to kill the spider—this time with his bare hand. He’s actively trying not to this time, but it’s no good:
“My mind screamed to stop, and I let out a terrible cry, but my hand kept moving towards it inexorably, as though willed by something else. This ghost spider felt real enough when I crushed it beneath my palm, legs splayed and body bursting warmly against my skin. Once I had control of my limb once again, I spent the rest of the night washing my hand.“
Our statement-giver says he’s moving out of that building.
I can’t think it’ll help. I mean, look at how much moving he’s done since he was six or seven years old, and yet the spider still found him!
Major Tom, it seems, moved in with a family on the ground floor. Carlos Vittery gives the cat’s paperwork to them and starts looking for someplace else to live... anywhere else. He also starts looking into psychiatric treatment, which is laudably thorough of him, really.
Jonathan Sims apparently assigned Martin to research this case, though he admits that there “aren’t enough details given in this statement to actually investigate.”
The much-maligned Martin, nevertheless, manages to confirm that Carlos Vittery lived at the places he said he lived.
Mr. Sims says he would have assigned Tim to do a follow-up with Mr. Vittery, but—alas—Mr. Vittery’s dead. “He was found in his Boothby Road residence, after neighbors complained of the smell, and had apparently been dead for over a week. Coroner’s report lists asphyxiation as the cause of death, probably due to choking, though it doesn’t say what he choked on: simply lists ‘foreign organic material’ blocking his throat.”
Well, I don’t have a whole lot to bet, but... $5 on “baby spiders,” anyone?
“If I were of a more alarmist nature,” Mr. Sims says, “I might think the appearance of Mr. Vittery’s corpse lent some credibility to his tale. But as I told Martin earlier, he was there for over a week, so there is very likely a perfectly natural explanation for the fact that his body was completely encased in web.”
...Like what?
Spiders don’t typically focus on wrapping things up in web unless they’re planning on eating them. A random corpse? It would take a while for enough random web to finally produce that result.
The Magus Institute’s head archivist is, I think, being deliberately dense.
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Kim Kai Fluff
@theloveinkimkai 😏😳😈😎 enjoy ❤❤❤
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There was something wrong with your eyesight that was your first thought when you saw the blurry blown up stalker pic of the man you were currently dating.
It was so absurd at first you didn't even recognize the place or the person in the picture. We never really get a far away look at our life unless someone deliberately tries to encapsulate moments in the form of photographs and those are taken consensually.
This was not consensual. This was a rude, crude, and an undoubtedly cruel breach of someone's privacy and you couldn't believe people could be capable of such injustice and harm living in what we call civilized society.
The worst part was that you started to think about the girl in the picture next to her celebrity date and after a while it dawned on you who it was and why she looked so damn familiar.
And no matter how hard you tried for the next fifteen minutes to try and erase that information from your brain, you couldn't do it because holy gods in heaven that was you. In the picture. In the midst of a secluded street you were absent mindedly sharing an ice cream with… none other than Kim Kai, the person you were on a date with the previous night.
How could they have gotten these pictures up on that stupid website so fast? When you still have a hangover from all the wine you drank the previous night?
Let's face it, this wasn't your first time on the site. You went there occasionally to keep up with the life of your favorite people and though it frequently bothered you to see these stalker pics, you had to admit that you were guilty of seeing them too quite a few times. Something that you were about to swear off of now because before today it had never quite hit you how terrible it was to distribute those pictures and the accompanying vicious articles. Karma was a rotten bitch.
It was the first time that happened to you and it dawned on you just how inappropriate and screwed up it was to invade people's private lives for a few hits to your site. The people who did it didn't think twice clearly but you were miserable.
You don't even know why you continue to read the post below those pics.
And maybe you're a glutton for punishment because why else would you do that to yourself? Reading the contents of the ridiculous, inciting viewpoint of the author that basically makes you sound like another one of Kai's conquests.
Kai isn't exactly a virgin and that's why you like him. He doesn't have all these pretenses. With Jongin you get what you see and even though last night you were certain you meant something to him now you weren't so sure.
Because suddenly you were being called words that weren't suited for an intelligent conversation. They were calling you a whore and you didn't know what to do. Should you just ignore and pretend nothing was wrong?
Just then you get a phone call from a number you don't recognize. Thinking it might be Kai, he checks in with you frequently even when he's in locations where there's no reception on his phone so naturally you pick it up. “I know you're his current slut,” a woman's voice said. “But he's had way better. What was Kai doing going out with someone like you?”
Before you can even get a word in, the woman speaks again. “My friend used to go out with him you know,” she began. “And she's a popular idol, beyond beautiful, and still got dumped when he was done with her. That's what he does. He doesn't care about you. That innocent idol appearance is all an act. You're not seriously buying it you're not that naive are you?”
The woman continued to speak and say vile things and you don't know why you couldn't just hang up. Because there's a part of you, that insecure, negativity ridden part that says she might be right. “He could go out with anyone in the world and he chooses you? Stop kidding yourself, Y/N.”
Saying your name out loud was the last thing you expected from her but there she was doing exactly that.
“You must be wondering how I know your name,” she said. “I have contacts in the industry. If you go out with someone like Kai expect your personal details to be outed. For your worst mistakes, the ones you've forgotten about, will come out as well. I suggest you take some time to think and then make a decision. There are going to be endless sacrifices for an outsider like you. This community has never been patient.” Saying that she hangs up.
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You're left standing in the middle of your living room with no idea what your next move should be. All you want is to talk it out with Jongin but he's in rehearsal and you don't want to disturb him. That's not the kind of person you are. So you decide to spend the rest of your day organizing your kitchen.
But soon you start getting attacked by more phone calls and this time some of them leave you mean texts. And the subject of every single comment is the same: leave our oppa alone. Leave our idol alone. You even get one from a reporter asking you to give a statement and offering you a load of money in exchange for a juicy story.
All this keeps piling up until you feel like there's no more space in your head for any more and you feel a little heavy in your chest and on the verge of throwing your phone out the window. You have somehow managed to stay away from the stalker pic site and at least that's something you tell yourself. You can do this. It won't last forever. But no matter how much you tell yourself you can live through this those texts keep coming and they keep getting angier.
When the doorbell suddenly rings you almost jump. And when you've settled down a bit you answer the door and the sight of the man standing in front of you makes all those emotions you were holding in, burst.
And you're suddenly a crying mess like you've never been before and you feel Jongin’s arms around you tighten and his worried voice is the same soothing and kind as always. “Are you OK, babe?”
And suddenly it dawned on you that you are standing in the foyer.
At least you can finally stop crying now.
Kai closes the door and locks it and you notice the shopping bag in his hand that he places on the breakfast bar. The second his hand is free he comes back to you and hugs you again even harder this time.
In all your confusion and anger his arms give you the strength you need to finally broach the subject with him. But before you can speak he pulls you away gently so he can look at you and gaze right into your eyes. “They said terrible things about you, didn't they?” Jongin says.
You don't want to cry again so instead you try to say something positive. “It's not that bad” why would you even say something like that? When you feel like a mess inside?
Kai looks at you and knows you're lying. “Do you know how many times I've been called ugly on some post or comment? I've been called everything from stupid to untalented. For one art is subjective. Even the art god made in the form of us. You know how they say beauty is in the eye of the beholder? It's a fact. Ugly people see ugly things because it's nothing but their own repulsiveness being reflected. That's why you can't take a person's views about any of these things seriously.”
You try to smile but it's not easy.
“OK, tell me precisely what it is that's bothering you?” Jongin wants to know.
You hate it but you also know that you have to get this off your chest or it will bug you forever. “I'm not the only girl you've dated,” you finally let it out. “It doesn't bother me but I can't help but think maybe what I feel for you is way more than what you feel for me.”
“That's not true, Y/N. Yes, I've had plenty of experiences and that's why I'm able to know the difference between real and temporary. Between lust and love. And what I feel for you isn't just lust. I've known you for months now and every day I feel like I want you even more,” Jongin pauses and kisses you gently. “I love you, Y/N.”
Suddenly you feel flustered. “Why are you saying that? If it's because I'm upset--”
“Do I sound like the kind of person who has to resort to saying that to get what I want?”
Of course not.
You don't know why you even said such a thing. But then you realize just what he's done. Kim Jongin just confessed to you that he loves you. And he's not done, because out of nowhere Jongin’s lips press against yours, gently, and you feel that rush you always feel when he gets that way.
There's no one else in the world who can make you feel that way.
When he finally breaks off he stares at you. “Isn't there something that you'd like to confess?”
You bite your lip.
There's only so many seconds a man like Kim Kai can wait patiently for your response. So his impatience makes you forget about everything that was bothering you and all you can do is grin. “I don't think so,” you say playfully knowing full well it's going to bug him.
“You know what,” Jongin says. “I wasn't going to play the Baskin Robbins card but you're forcing my hand. If I don't get a reply to my artistic confession then I will have all the ice cream and eat all the take-out.”
So that's what the fragrance was. Delicious, delicious, food.
“You can't possibly finish all of that before I steal your dumplings,” you retort.
Suddenly Jongin can't stop laughing.
If he was gorgeous before his laughter basically devastates you in every way. Whatever seriousness you were currently holding on to is gone the second you see him laughing like that. Innocent. Beautiful. All heart. Mine.
“You can steal all the dumplings you want after I get my confession!” Kai groans.
This time it's you who's laughing.
You're still smirking when Jongin grabs you by the shoulders and jokingly pushes you on the bed. When he's on top of you he kisses you again.
“Not fair,” you say without much conviction and he knows he's won.
“Say it,” Jongin says. “Or you'll get to spend the rest of the night right under me and I can't promise what might happen.”
You realize that for once in your life you feel happy. This man makes you feel like you are wanted. He makes you feel everything you craved to feel. Desire. Warmth. Comfort. Loyalty. And now…love.
Which is why what you say next comes so naturally you don't even know how it happened.
“I love you, Kai.”
Why do you feel so emotional right now? You don't want to cry so you try to smile.
Before you know it, Kai kisses you again. “You can have the dumplings but I need the sugar.”
You jokingly try to push him away but you can't stop laughing. “Could you be more corny, Kai?”
“I could be if I tried,” Jongin says. “But I have to warn you. My superior corny might not be something you can handle.”
“Two can play that game,” you say responding to yet another kiss.
Kai goes silent and looks at you. “I meant what I said before. I love you, Y/N. I really really love you.”
You bring him closer. “I love you too, Kai.”
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darkestdawn · 6 years
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Hiya Everyone! Just wanted to let you know what’s going on with my hood since I’ve been pretty quiet lately. Short version is I’m playing through all of my households (there’s a lot more this time around) and will post updates when I’m done. After the cut is the loooong version (not that long I swear -- there’s even a couple of pictures too).
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At the beginning I wanted to play, then post; play, then post. But the building bug got me and I wanted to reno all of the condos and build all the things. I ultimately decided to just play ahead, building and remodeling at the same time. It’s been really fun, but there are a lot more households this season and I don’t have a lot of time to play now-a-days. I currently finished the Yomoshoto/Bossanova house and have six more houses to go, so it might be a little bit longer before I begin posting updates. I will try, however, to edit the photos and, at least, post the make-overs on tumblr and my blog so you can see what I’m doing. I’m so proud of them! (Well, some of them. The Kotsomiti mansion is a sight to behold now, let me tell you.)
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I have also changed, once again, my rent and borrowing/lending policies. I even made a handy new spreadsheet for it. Once I have everything down correctly I will share it with you. Basically I am figuring out which households rent versus own, calculating the household worth times 10% to get the new rent costs. If they own the property and had to get loans for remodeling, I am figuring that out as well. I’m trying to make all of my Sims pay their fair share (except for the Landgraabs, of course). 
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Along with all of that, I have been trying to work on a walls and floors gift for everyone. What started out as research for my RL job turned into, “Oh, I should make this for my Sims!” That, of course, has turned into 80 million walls and floors and it’s taking me FOREVER to do. Hopefully I can get it finished soon. They’re not perfect, but I wanted to do something nice for this lovely, amazing community. 
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And, since some of you are transferring to Dreamwidth, I am going to put full updates on my Dreamwidth as well as my blog (not Livejournal though, I post too many pictures for them so my posts don’t go through). Hopefully it won’t be as irritating as it was before. 
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Anyways, thanks for listening to me ramble and being patient on my posting updates. I hope to have something (pictures at least) up really soon! ^.^
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citizenscreen · 5 years
Out of the blue I watched a new-to-me movie the other day about a retired Army Colonel who takes on corrupt politicians in his hometown in Georgia. The movie’s title is Colonel Effingham’s Raid, a 1946 comedy directed by Irving Pichel starring Charles Coburn as the title character. Colonel Effingham’s Raid has a lot going for it with charm high on its list of attributes thanks in large part to Coburn, the Georgia native with a talent for comedy and an English accent. It was then that I decided to dedicate an entry to him because I enjoy him so…and…lo and behold, this week would have been his birthday.
Charles Coburn (June 19, 1877 – August 30, 1961)
We have an embarrassment of riches in the character actor department of classic films. There are numerous memorable actors who deserve praise for bettering films simply by their appearance no matter how small a role. One of those is Charles Coburn who enjoyed a popularity many of the other character players did not. Indeed, thanks to Coburn’s 3-decades-long screen career during which he appeared in nearly 100 movies and television shows, his name recognition rivaled that of the stars whose names appeared above the title. Coburn was also highly regarded critically receiving three Academy Award nominations for Best Supporting Actor, taking home Oscar once for his delightful portrayal of Benjamin Dingle in George Stevens‘ wartime comedy, The More the Merrier (1943). More important than awards, however, was Charles Coburn’s undeniable ability to delight greatly with his talent.
Charles Douville Coburn was born in Macon, Georgia on June 19, 1877 and grew up in beautiful Savannah. He was the son of Scotch-Irish Americans Emma Louise Sprigman and Moses Douville Coburn who were not entertainers, but that didn’t stop young Charles from taking odd jobs at the local Savannah Theater starting at the age of 14. He was bitten by the entertainment industry bug early and did everything from handing out programs to being the doorman to theater manager by the age of 18. Failing to make his mark in Georgia, Charles left for New York at age 19. Although Mr. Coburn didn’t hit the big time immediately, his Broadway debut in 1901 was an inevitability as was his forming The Coburn Shakespearean Players in 1905. His partner in that endeavor was another actor, Ivah Wills, who became Mrs. Coburn in 1906. The two had six children together.
In addition to managing the Coburn Players, Charles and Ivah starred in and produced many plays throughout the decades during which the troupe traveled to college campuses across the country and appeared on Broadway. The couple met when he was playing Orlando to her Rosalind in As You Like It. They continued to work together until her death in 1937 performing Shakespeare and French and Greek dramas and comedies. In her book, Greek Tragedy on the American Stage: Ancient Drama in the Commercial Theater …, Karelisa Hartigan mentions how the Coburn Players would give over 100 performances every summer mostly outdoors. The popularity of their performances created an interest in outdoor theaters with other companies following their lead. Charles Coburn played most of the male leading parts with Ivah, billed as Mrs. Coburn, playing the female leads. The productions were often called “amateurish” by critics, but the performances were always praised. These scholarly productions likely led to Charles’ English accent despite being a Southern gentleman.
I’d be remiss not to mention that although few know her name, Ivah Wills had a long list of credits in her own right both as an actor and producer in a career that spanned 35 years. Ivah garnered positive reviews along with her husband and both were highly regarded members of the acting community. To put it in perspective, consider that George M. Cohan was among the honorary pallbearers at Ivah’s funeral.
Cobrun and Wills in The Taming of the Shrew
Ivah and Charles
After Ivah Wills’ death, Charles Coburn moved to Hollywood to start a movie career. He’d already appeared in a 1933 short film and in The People’s Enemy, a crime drama directed by Crane Wilbur. However, the roles that would cement his legacy as a screen star began in earnest in 1938 with comedic performances far removed from his classical training, but roles in which he excelled. Coburn’s best movie roles are the ones where he perfectly balances the high-brow snootiness with a touch of bumbling fool. Roger Ebert described him as a toned down Charles Laughton and that’s exactly right. Coburn paved the road to stardom at the age of 61 and became a steadfast presence that could be counted on for his comedic timing as charming old men with affected manner and accent – always with a monocle, which he removed only to eat, and sometimes chomping on a cigar. One cannot help but smile when he appears on screen.
Clarence Brown‘s Of Human Hearts (1938) offered Coburn his first substantial role alongside a first-rate cast led by Walter Huston, James Stewart and another terrific character actor, Beulah Bondi. Although that film is a Western, Coburn played a doctor, the type of professional role along with several judges, business men, a couple of “sirs,” and rich guys that he enjoyably brought to the screen throughout his career.
Charles Coburn’s memorable big screen credits are too numerous to list, but he made important contributions to such enduring classics as John Cromwell‘s Made for Each Other (1939) and Garson Kanin‘s Bachelor Mother (1939). A personal favorite of mine, Preston Sturges’ The Lady Eve (1941) wherein Coburn plays “Colonel” Harrington, father to Barbara Stanwyck’s Jean Harrington, a duo of card sharps adept at swindling the rich, would not be the same without him. The actor followed that Sturges gem with his first Oscar-nominated performance as an irascible tycoon who goes undercover as a shoe clerk at a department store to try to uncover agitators trying to form a union in Sam Wood’s The Devil and Miss Jones (1941). Starring Jean Arthur, Robert Cummings and a slew of fantastic character actors like Spring Byington, Edmund Gwenn, S. Z. Sakall, and William Demarest, you must make time to watch The Devil and Miss Jones if you’ve not seen it. It is bewitching fun.
Coburn and Jean Arthur in THE DEVIL AND MISS JONES
The 1940s served several standouts for Charles Coburn who appeared in 4 to 5 pictures a year in the early part of the decade. Of course, his Oscar-winning performance in Stevens’ World War II comedy The More the Merrier stands tall above the heap. Opposite Jean Arthur and Joel McCrea, Coburn is wonderful as the retired millionaire who finagles his way into a room during the wartime housing shortage. Coburn’s blustering but endearing manner in this film typifies the greatest gift he brought to the movies, by my estimation, and it is hard to resist. Variety agreed with me as of this movie they wrote, “A sparkling and effervescing piece of entertainment, The More the Merrier, is one of the most spontaneous farce-comedies of the wartime era. Although Jean Arthur and Joel McCrea carry the romantic interest, Charles Coburn walks off with the honors.”
Another worthy 1940s turn for Coburn was Ernst Lubitsch‘s Heaven Can Wait in 1943. Here he plays another grandfather and another millionaire with usual memorable flare alongside a stupendous cast led by Gene Tierney and Don Ameche. Once again I must mention Pichel’s Colonel Effingham’s Raid in which Coburn co-starred with Joan Bennett and William Eythe and several other veteran character actors like Donald Meek and Cora Witherspoon. This was a fun discovery.
Charles Coburn received his third Academy Award nomination for what TCM’s Robert Osborne described as a “rip-roaring performance” as a gruff but loving grandfather in the coming-of-age tale told in Victor Saville‘s The Green Years (1946). Following that performance, Coburn’s big screen appearances slowed down significantly. He had signed a contract with Columbia Pictures in 1945, which required only four films in two years. This meant that the actor had more time to return to the stage and to dedicate time to television work, which he did with gusto starting in 1950 as a premiere guest on many anthology series. Still, Coburn made a few notable pictures in the 1950s delighting audiences with a comedic millionaire performance as Sir Francis “Piggy” Beekman in Howard Hawks‘ Gentlemen Prefer Blondes (1953), a role that could have easily been creepy portrayed by anyone else. He also played against type in John Guillermin‘s murder mystery, Town on Trial (1957), which I must get my hands on.
Coburn with Jane Russell and Marilyn Monroe in a publicity shot for GENTLEMEN PREFER BLONDES
Coburn’s final screen appearance was in The Best of the Post, an anthology series adapted from stories published in the Saturday Evening Post magazine. The March 1960 episode is titled “Six Months More to Live.” That seems a somber ending to a stellar career, but one to be proud of for many reasons not the least of which is that Coburn appeared in five Oscar Best Picture nominees: Kings Row (1942), The More the Merrier (1943), Heaven Can Wait (1943), Wilson (1944) and Around the World in 80 Days (1956). Only the last of these won, but they were all improved by the Coburn brand.
At the time of his death Charles Coburn was married to Winifred Natzka who was forty-one years his junior. The two were married in 1959 and had a daughter together. The actor’s final acting role was fittingly on stage in a production of You Can’t Take It With You in Indianapolis, Indiana a week before his death at the age of eighty-four. The previous year he had been honored with a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame located at 6268 Hollywood Boulevard. If you ever pass that address be sure to look downward at his star – it was well earned.
A Tribute to Charles Coburn Out of the blue I watched a new-to-me movie the other day about a retired Army Colonel who takes on corrupt politicians in his hometown in Georgia.
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Big Hero 7: The Series
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Muirahara Woods
(Long Post)
*A man runs down the street as Baymax with Hiro and Cora on his back tailing him from the air.*
Baymax: Criminal detected.
Hiro: He's heading east!
Cora: Heading your way, go get him Gogo!
*The man runs past the market where Gogo is waiting, after he runs by she zooms after him.*
Gogo: I see him!
*As Gogo chases after the man, he skids down the street and into an alleyway only to come face-to-face with a lizard monster.*
Fred: Foiled! And yes if you're wondering, he can breathe fire.
*The man runs past Fred only to be blocked by Wasabi, and when he tries to turn the other way Honey Lemon's chem ball blocks the exit. A flash of light comes from above as he sees the three heroes coming down towards him. With nowhere to go, the criminal is captured and brought to the police where they placed him in the police car with handcuffs.*
Hiro: Is it me or is this super hero stuff getting too easy?
Fred: I know! I can do this with my eyes closed!
*Fred then shuts his eyes and does a back flip only to face plant right onto a streetlight and falls down.*
Gogo: Let's not get too cocky.
Honey Lemon: Though we are getting pretty good!
*Fred stands up from his back flip fail.*
Fred: Yeah we are! And to celebrate I say we go see Captain Fancy: Dawn of Fanciness tomorrow! Boom!
*Fred pulls out seven tickets from his super suit.*
Hiro: I'm in!
Cora: Why not?
Honey Lemon: Yes!
Wasabi: Sounds good!
Baymax: I will deflate. So no one throws popcorn at my head this time.
Gogo: Can't...plans.
*Gogo zooms past Fred as she leaves the rest of the team momentarily confused. *
Hiro: Wait...what's with her?
Wasabi: Gogo...Gone gone.
Honey Lemon: Yeah she goes off on her own sometimes.
Hiro: Really? Where does she go?
Fred: No one knows! No one dares ask...Actually I asked once. Regretted it. Immediately!
Cora: Wow...
Fred: No one knows, no one dares ask, a second time!
*The mystery of where Gogo runs off to intrigues the young geniuses.*
*At the cafe the next morning Fred is coating his funny side up breakfast in ketchup as it spills everywhere.*
Wasabi: Ugh Fred! Come on man!
Fred: Sorry Wasabi! But you are in the splash radius!
*Wasabi holds his plate to avoid it getting ketchup droplets from Fred's splashing it onto the eggs.*
Hiro: So no one wants to know where Gogo goes?
*The seat where Gogo usually seats is currently empty. Cora snickers to herself as Hiro stares at her in confusion.*
Cora: Sorry Hiro... but you walked right into that one.
Wasabi: Nope!
Honey Lemon: It's really none of our business!
Hiro: Ah come on Fred! You can't tell me you're not dying to know!
Fred: Well, yeah! But what are we gonna do? Follow her?
*This brings up the little devious genius inside him which Cora recognizes immediately.*
Hiro: Well...we could.
Fred: Hmm?... Oh! I see what you're doing!
Wasabi: Guys! No. Boundaries.
Baymax: Setting clear boundaries is one key to maintaining healthy interpersonal relationships.
Fred: You guys are right, totally right!
Hiro: Yeah...
*But Fred's smile signifies Hiro that he is definitely on board on following Gogo. Hiro smirks back as Cora shakes her head in exasperation.*
Fred: OK good breakfast gotta go!
*Just then Hiro and Fred rush out of the cafe leaving Honey Lemon, Cora, Wasabi, and Baymax behind.*
Wasabi: This will not end even close to well.
Honey Lemon: It really won't.
*Cora sighs as she stands up.*
Cora: Come on Baymax, as much as I'm gonna hate doing this, we gotta go with them. Somebody has to bring their corpses' home after Gogo's done killing them.
Baymax: There is a 0% chance that Gogo will harm Hiro and Fred if she wishes not to be charged with first degree murder.
Cora: Next week's lesson will be sarcasm, buddy. *To Wasabi and Honey Lemon* We'll see guys later. Probably...
Wasabi: You know Cora, you don't have to go along with them. No reason you need Gogo to kill you too.
Honey Lemon: Wasabi's right Cora. We know how you feel about being there for Hiro, but you don't need to get yourself in trouble too.
Cora: I know you guys, but you don't need to worry about me. I can handle myself when it comes to Gogo, and besides I can't just let Hiro get into all the trouble by himself, even if Fred is with him, *Smiles and winks at them* I'd be a pretty lousy girlfriend if I did.
*Cora and Baymax than leave the cafe and finally catchs up to the boys as Cora explains that they'll be joining them.*
*Fred calls up Heathcliff to drive up and bring them to Gogo's place where they are holding a stake out.*
Fred: See anything?
Hiro: Nothing yet.
*Cora stares incredulously at the fact that Fred's limo has a built-in hot tub.*
Fred: K, then I've got time. *To Heathcliff* Heathcliff, bubble me!
*Heathcliff activates the bubbles in the hot tub where Fred slips in.*
Hiro: Fred, we're supposed to be watching. Not bubbling.
Baymax: Hot tubs can be breeding grounds for many different types of bacteria.
*Baymax activates the screen on his belly to demonstrate.*
Baymax: Specifically Pseudomonas Aeruginosa. Legionella.
*Fred's immediately shoots his head out of the hot tub.*
Fred: Wait what?
Hiro: There she is!
*Just then they all see Gogo get on her motorcycle as she drives downtown.*
Fred: Heathcliff, follow that Gogo.
*Soon the limo is trailing behind Gogo's motorcycle through the city. The car and the motorbike are standing side by side as they wait at a stoplight.*
Baymax: I will say hello.
*Baymax reaches for the window button to lower it down but is blocked by Hiro.*
Hiro: Baymax no no!
*The window only manages to roll down a few inches before it rolls up. The traffic light turns green as Gogo zooms down to exit the city.*
Heathcliff: Miss Go appears to be leaving the city proper.
Hiro: Where is she going?
*The limo drives all the way out of the city where the scenery changes to dense woods and bright sunlight.*
Fred: Apparently Muirahara Woods come on, there's a sign right there! I thought you were a genius.
*The limo parks next to Gogo's motorbike where the great woods stand tall and strong. Cora looks in awe over her new surroundings as the wind blew gently, giving her a new sense of spirit...Hiro however, is not so enthusiastic about the new change of scenery.*
Hiro: Bleh! Why would she come here? Why would anyone come here?
Baymax: Muirahara Woods National Park is an ideal place to learn about nature first hand. It is home to many types of plants and animals.
Fred: And the Hibagon.
Cora: Hiba-what now?
Fred: You know, the Hibagon? The mysterious creature that roams the woods? It's said to be nine feet-tall with a wild mane of chocolaty brown hair! And feet the size of a foot-long sandwich.
Hiro: *Non-believing* Foot-long feet? Really?
Fred: Uh yeah! Someone totally got a picture once.
*Baymax's belly that was showing wildlife soon turned to a black and white photo of a blurry silhouette.*
Fred: See?
Hiro: Fred, that is so blurry it could be anything.
Cora: At least with Globby the photo was clear.
Hiro: Let's focus on Gogo.
Fred: Fine, we'll solve the mystery of where Gogo goes and maybe, just maybe, we'll run into the chocolaty haired beast! Heathcliff towel me!
*After Fred is properly dressed, the four begin their search for Gogo. They watch as Gogo walk down the trail from a large three-trunk tree, but Baymax chose to hide behind a much thinner tree.*
Hiro: *Whispers* Baymax!
*Just then a cloud of insects show up out of nowhere and surround Hiro's face.*
Hiro: Phew Oh Ga Ah! Tiny Bugs!
*Hiro jumps down from the tree as Cora follows closely behind.*
Hiro: They're in my mouth!
Fred: Woah! So many of them! Ooh ooh! I think they're trying to tell us something... Look they're forming the letter G!
Baymax: Gnats swarm in order to fulfill their biological imperative to reproduce.
*Cora looks at the swarm as her mind enters the twilight zone, trying to comprehend that these tiny bugs are mating...in front of Hiro's face.*
Hiro: Unnecessary information Baymax!
*Hiro trips on the root of the tree and falls into the mud.*
Baymax: Whoops-a-daisy.
Hiro: Ow.
*Baymax activates his signature chart.*
Baymax: On the scale of one to ten, how would you rate your pain?
Hiro: No pain. My gross out level is at eleven.
*Baymax pulls out a small hose in his hand to clean the mud off of Hiro.*
Fred: Hiro, Hiro, Hiro. This is the great outdoors! Look around, take it all in! Behold Nature's majesty!
*Fred then steps on a bear dropping which he then uses a stick to clean out his shoe.*
Hiro: No thanks, I think I'm more of a city guy.
Fred: Yeah but, you went to camp right?
Hiro: *As he squeezes the water out of his hoodie* Fred, I've never been out of San Fransokyo.
Fred: What never? Oh Hiro, you missed out my friend! Camp was the best! We learned how to make lanyards, we learn how to make fires out of dry grass, and lanyards?
*As Fred spoke he was inadvertently waving his stick closer to Hiro as the teen tries to avoid getting hit by it.*
Fred: *Turns his attention to Cora* What about you Cora?
Cora: Fred, I've been home-schooled all my life remember? The closest I've ever got out of San Fransokyo was the beach.
Fred: Oh yeah, right well that's understandable. But Hiro, even Tadashi loved going outdoors once in a while!
Hiro: *Surprised* Wait? Tadashi loved going out to this place?
Fred: Well, yeah. Said it soothed him and that it always helped him relax when he needed to take a break away from the city.
Hiro: *Not knowing how to respond to this newly-learned fact about his brother, he changed the subject and started to follow after Gogo again*...Come one, we better catch up to Gogo before we lose her.
*Cora and Fred exchanged a quick glance at each other before following after Hiro with Baymax. The four went on to continue following Gogo, staying behind a boulder.*
Hiro: *Whispers* We can't get too close or she'll see us.
Fred: Roger that, operation 'Follow Gogo' is a go! Except...
Hiro: What?
Fred: Uh There's... a really big bug on your face. Just one though.
*That's when Hiro notices the large beetle on his face.*
Hiro: *Freaking out* What?!
Baymax: Scanning. Phanaeus Vindex, also known as the dung beetle.
Hiro: *Still freaking out* Get- It's on my face!
Baymax: Phanaeus Vindex is not poisonous.
Hiro: *Still freaking out* Get it off anyway!
*Fred slaps Hiro hard in the face which causes the dung beetle to fly off and Hiro to fall to the ground.*
Hiro: *Soft* Ow...
Fred: Sorry, I panicked.
Cora: Hey guys look!
*The three turn to Cora and see the teen girl being surrounded by butterflies as some even rest on her shoulders, arms and head.*
Cora: *Giggles happily* I think some of them are Honey Lemon's butterflies.
Hiro: *Instantly forgetting about the pain he's currently feeling after being slapped as he blushes and smiles a little in a daze from watching this scene* Cute, really cute... *Than shakes his head to get back to the matter at hand* But uh, w-we better get going.
*Cora sighs as she moves her arms to spook the butterflies off of her.*
Cora: *Waves goodbye at the butterflies before leaving* Bye bye butterflies.
*After Cora was butterfly free, the four head towards the tallest tree where Fred climbs to the top and starts searching for Gogo.*
Fred: Uh Hiro, Cora? You guys better get up here! It's weirder than we ever could have possibly imagined.
*Cora struggles a little bit before she successfully gets to the top while Baymax lifts Hiro up into the tree.*
Hiro: On my way!
*The two teens get to the top of the tree and immediately spot Gogo. The cool biker speed addict is sitting down on a boulder in a stream, she has binoculars and a book beside her.*
Hiro: What's she doing?
Fred: She's...looking for something..wait..hidehidehide!
*Fred, Hiro, and Cora immediately duck for cover as Gogo's binoculars were at their direction, just then Gogo hears a sound coming from afar. The noise came from a woodpecker doing what it does best, pecking wood.
Hiro: *Notices the woodpecker too and takes an observant guess as to what she's doing* I think she's...bird watching.
*Gogo then sketches the woodpecker in her book. Cora looks in awe over the fact that someone like Gogo had something that made her sit so still, especially with Gogo being infamous for loving speed. This brings back memories of her seashell collection and art that she developed as a toddler when her family would go to the beach. Fred slowly scooches on the branch to meet with the squirrel. *
Fred: Hey little guy,
*The squirrel scurries off as Fred spots from the distance a strange silhouette. When Fred got a closer look, he realizes that the figure is an exact match of-*
Fred: *Eyes widen* The hiba -
*But the branch where the three are on could not support their weight any longer as it suddenly breaks off, resulting in the three landing in the water. And Gogo continues bird watching unaware of the four that followed her are now currently in the river. Fred and Hiro splashed around as Cora tries to grab Hiro and Fred and get them to shore.*
Cora: Current...is too strong! *Gasp* Baymax help!
*Baymax immediately jumps into the river where he grabs the three in his arms.*
Baymax: I have got you.
*But the four are dragged down by the current faster than they could ever imagine. As they fall off a few small waterfalls, Baymax spots large rocks in their way up ahead.*
Baymax: Oh no.
*The boys scream as Cora holds on tightly to Baymax.*
Baymax: *Starts to glitch* There are large radishes ahead.
Cora: Radishes?!
Hiro: You mean rocks?
Baymax: *Still glitching* Yes, R-radishes.
Cora: Baymax, now is not the time to start glitching out on us!
Hiro: Something's wrong!
Baymax: Yes. We are go-go-going to hit those radishes.
*Fred then spots something that could save their lives.*
Fred: Hiro! grab that branch!
*Hiro immediately latches onto the branch with Fred, Cora, and Baymax latching onto each other in hope to reach shore. Once they successfully get on dry land, the three collapse on the ground trying to catch their breathes over the whole ordeal.*
Fred: that was...uh...not as fun as I thought white water rafting was supposed to be.
Hiro: Where are we?
Fred: I'll call Heathcliff.
*But when he brings out his phone to call, he notices that the phone has no service and is glitching.*
Fred: Weird, my phone's acting crazy.
*Cora pulls out her phone to see it acting just like Fred's.*
Cora: Mine too.
Hiro: That's not the only crazy thing.
*Baymax is currently talking to a tree with a glitched-out voice.*
Baymax: HEllo-lo-lo. I am Baymax.
Fred: OK, why is he talking to a tree?
*Hiro and Cora walk over to Baymax to see why their huggable nurse bot is acting so strange all of a sudden.*
Hiro: What's going on buddy? Oh uh! Wet circuits right?
*Hiro and Cora push their faces into Baymax's vinyl body only to see that it's completely dry on the inside.*
Hiro: Oh, it looks okay.
Cora: So if the circuits aren't wet, why is he acting so strange?
Baymax: On a scale of one to-to ten, how would you rate your p-p-pineapple?
Hiro: I think we better get you home.
Cora: Agreed, we already got what we wanted.
Baymax: Clear!
*Baymax activates his defibrillators but Hiro and Cora stop him.*
Hiro: Baymax! Woah woah woah stop!
*Baymax continues on as the other three think over on what to do.*
Hiro: Uh what are we gonna do? We're in the middle of nowhere!
Fred: Calm down Hiro, I bet Heathcliff is looking for us right now.
*Heathcliff is in the hot tub listening to disco music, enjoying his self-proclaimed day off.*
Hiro: How would Heathcliff even find us? We're miles down river from where we started! No one knows where we are.
Fred: Maybe Gogo saw us when we were hiding from her!
Hiro: Yeah! Gogo! She can't be that far!
*Cora climbs up a tree as the three teens begin to call out Gogo's name in hopes that she'll find them. But as they were shouting, Baymax wanders off unbeknownst to them. Cora gets tired of screaming her lungs out and climbs down to drink from the stream, but when she gets down...*
Cora: Uhh guys? Baymax is gone.
*Fred and Hiro stopped shouting as they turn to see that their nurse bot is indeed nowhere in sight.*
Fred and Hiro: BAYMAX!
*The bright day soon turned to evening as Gogo arrives at the lab back from her bird watching.*
Gogo: Hey guys.
Wasabi: You're in a good mood, which is surprising given the fact that Hiro, Cora, and Fred followed you.
Gogo: What?
Honey Lemon: We told them not to but-
Gogo: They followed me? Are you sure? I didn't see them.
Honey Lemon: I think so, I mean they've been gone all day.
Wasabi: I'll just pin their phones.
*Wasabi types in the computer but found no information.*
Wasabi: They're dead.
*Honey Lemon gasps as Gogo's eyes widen in shock.*
Wasabi: Oh sorry, their phones are dead.
Gogo: Try last known location.
*Wasabi types down the last known location of their phones and found the results.*
Wasabi: Muirahara Woods? Why would they- Ooh! That's where you go.
Gogo: And?
Honey Lemon: And it's getting dark.
*The forest slowly begins to fade to darkness as the sun lowers down. Hiro, Cora, and Fred continue their search for Baymax, worried about what would happen to the robot.*
Hiro: Baymax? Where are you buddy?
Fred: Come out! Come out wherever you are!
Cora: Where are you Baymax? Baymax?
Fred: Wait, what if the Hibagon got him?
*They hear a rustling coming from the bushes in front of them.*
Hiro: What was that?
Fred: Maybe it was the Hibagon!
*The bush continues to rustle as Hiro tries to distance himself from whatever is moving the bush.*
Fred: Hibagon?
Hiro: Or maybe it's Baymax?
*To their terror and disappointment they see a large bear emerge from the bushes.*
Cora: OR it could be a giant bear!
Hiro: I..really..hate this place.
*The three stand still in fear before they scream in fear for their lives. Just then a man with wild unkempt brown hair wearing tattered clothing and holding a long stick in his hands.*
Wild Man: Time out bear! You've got every right to attack these... fools. But I have every right to defend them! It's your choice.
*The bear stand up on its feet*
Fred: Don't give him a choice!
*The wild man climbs up to the boys' shoulders.*
Wild Man: Hold still. You must intimidate the bear, it is the only way.
*The wild man shakes his head to make his unkempt hair even wilder. He then gives his best roar to which causes the bear to leave.*
Wild Man: You never saw me!
*The wild man jumps up and lands behind a boulder.*
Fred: What was that?
Cora: I'm not the only one who saw that right?
Hiro: Wait! We need your help, we're lost! And none of our gear works!
*Just then it's revealed that the wild man is riding on a moose.*
Wild Man: That's 'cause of Bessie.
Hiro: Umm, w-who's Bessie?
Fred: The moose, obviously.
Wild Man: No, not the moose ya dum dum- The bear!
Cora: The bear was Bessie?
Wild Man: The bear is behind you.
*The bear charges towards them but the three friends immediately hop on to the moose as they go riding into the sunset to escape. Cora breathes heavily as she tightly hugs Hiro from behind at the entire ordeal, wondering if they'll ever find Baymax and leave the woods alive. Hiro takes hold of one of her hands that's clinging onto him to comfort her. But as the sunlight finally disappears to give way to night, Hiro looks up to the sky and is awestruck by what he sees.*
Hiro: *Nudging Cora before pointing up to the sky* Cora look!
*Cora follows her gaze to where Hiro is pointing at and found herself gasping in wonder. The sky became bejeweled with millions of stars surrounding the bright pale moon.*
Fred: *Nudging both of the young geniuses* Told ya you missed out.
Wild Man: Come on now, we gotta get some shelter for tonight.
*They continue riding the moose until they came upon a very impressive-looking tree house.*
Fred: Woah!
Hiro: This is your house?
Wild Man: Oh it's not mine.
Fred: Wait then...who lives here?
Wild Man: Well I do...but it belongs to the woods. I just mind it.
Cora: But do you know who built it?
Wild Man: Can't say that I do. When I found this place, no one was home. Looked like whoever built this place hadn't lived here for quite some time, but it has all the necessities I needed to survive, but I was careful not to mess up their rooms. Want to come up and take a look-see?
Cora: Rooms?
Wild Man: Yeah...it's hard to explain it...
*The four got off the moose and walk towards the base of the tree.*
Hiro: Actually we need to find- Woah!
*As it turns out, they had stepped into a makeshift elevator that brings them up to the house.*
Wild Man: I don't get to show off too much. It's a downside to the hermit lifestyle.
*When they finally reached the top, they find that the interior is just as impressive as its exterior. To Cora it reminded her of the traditional Japanese homes she saw in the history books.*
Fred: Oh my goodness! Look at these original hardwood floors.
Hiro: Fred. Baymax.
Fred: I know! But tree house! Look, original hardwood everything!
Hiro: Wait! Maybe I can spot him from up here.
*The wild man puts some fireflies onto a lantern to brighten up the room as Cora looks at the tree with pinned newspaper clippings of a person. Fred takes notice too and reads the paper out loud.*
Fred: Ned Ludd the real estate king? The one who went bats and disappeared?
*The glare from the wild man answered Fred's question immediately.*
Fred: Oh this is you isn't it?
Ludd: Oh don't bother me non, there're people think I'm crazy. But after what happened to me ya see, bunking here was, well the only sane thing to do. I was young, full of fire, obsessed with getting mine, well I had big plans for-
Hiro: Mr, Ludd sorry to interrupt but our friend-
Ludd: Can't you see I'm holding the story snake? It's my turn to talk.
*The snake in question is a green snake with yellow diamonds on its back*
Cora: Sorry sir.
Ludd: Where was I? Ah! I had big plans for Muirahara. Tear it all down, until one night fate had a different plan, it looked like I was a goner, done for. But then, I was saved-
Hiro: Great story. But we really need to-
*The snake hisses at Hiro.*
Ludd: I was saved by nature itself. And it was in that moment I realized I was not meant to cut down the wood no. I was meant to live in the wood away from the big city, away from the all things techno-illogical. It was not easy though, I had some trouble and couldn't tell a difference between blueberries from deadly nightshade, but then I found this place! I went up and found the house empty, as if it had been abandoned for years. I found their old stuff and they have helped me ever since... and now I live here with Bessie.
Fred: Still not clear on this 'Bessie'.
*Ludd walks between them as he pulls back the curtain to reveal that the giant meteorite glowing green from the story is the one named Bessie.*
Fred: Oh! Bessie's the meteorite. Got it, makes total sense.
Hiro: The magnetic field from- uh Bessie, must be what killed your tech, and ours. Baymax...That's what wrong with him.
*But before Hiro could touch the meteorite, Ludd shields 'Bessie'.*
Ludd: Hands off *To 'Bessie'* That's a good girl Bessie.
*Ludd continues to coo at the meteorite much to the three teens disturbance as Cora than takes notice of a trunk that's sitting off to the side.*
Cora: Um Mr. Ludd? Is it alright if I open the trunk over there?
Ludd: *Waves her off giving her the go-ahead as he's still cooing at 'Bessie'* Go ahead girly, it wasn't really my stuff anyway.
*Cora walks over to the trunk, opens the latches and lifts the lid up to reveal its contents. Inside is a large leather bound book, the cover showing a little damage but serviceable. Cora then looks at the rest to find simple Kimonos of a grown woman and a young child. Cora reaches inside to grab the book and along with it, a simple hand-made doll.*
Cora: Did a family live here before you found it?
Ludd: *Finally stop cooing at 'Bessie' and goes over to Cora* I supposed so. As I said before, I can't say for sure who lived here before me. But if I had to take a gander, it must have belonged to a mother and daughter at some point before they just up-and-vanished completely. That book you got in your little hands is what saved my life many a times. One odd thing about that book though.
Cora: *Looks up from the book* What's odd about it?
Ludd: *Sounding ominously mysterious* Seems that there's a page missing from that there book. The page before it explains a very odd-sounding medicine or something of the like, but before it can even explain what it's used for or even list the ingredients needed to make it, it just cuts off completely. Almost as if the person who wrote it took it out of the book so that it don't fall into the wrong hands if you know what I mean. *But then shrugs as he finishes* But it's just a guess at best.
*Cora looks downright confused and unnerved at what Ludd had just told her about the book. But then opens it up and begins to look through its pages trying to find the missing page he mentioned. As she's doing this, Hiro walks over to her while she reads it. The book has a list of herbs, plants and roots specifically used for medicine for almost any type of infections and so forth.*
Cora: *Fascinated* Huh, wow... This herbal medicine book is actually pretty cool.
Hiro: How? We developed modern medicine for a reason.
*Cora simply rolls her eyes as she reads the chapters looking for the missing page while lightly stroking the drawings and dried plants in it.*
*Meanwhile, Baymax is sitting high up in a tree on a branch next to an owl. The owl and the robot blink at each other before the owl flies off.*
Baymax: *Still glitching* Goodbye Honey Lemon.
*Back at the tree house, Ludd serves three warm cups to the tired teens.*
Hiro: Listen, our friend-
Fred: Quick question have you ever seen the Hibagon?
Hiro: Fred!
*Ludd mutters to himself while feeding the critters hiding in his beard before he gives his answer.*
Ludd: Boo! *laughs* You're looking at him!
Fred: *Shocked* WHAT?!
Ludd: I like people thinking there's a big ol' boogie man roaming around in the wood. Keeps those dum dums away.
Fred: Sure, yeah. That explains a lot actually.
Ludd: *To Cora* Looks like you can't put down that book girly!
Cora: It is a little fascinating. I mean, I'm still looking for that missing page you mentioned before. But all these herbs and roots have all these properties that no modern microscope can see. It's incredible! Whoever wrote this definitely knew their stuff and knew exactly what to do with it too.
*Hiro is trying to use his phone to test out his theory about the meteorite causing the interference and glitching, much to the displeasure of Ludd/Hibagon.*
Ludd: Technology. Humanity's worst idea ever.
*Ludd pulls a lever behind him to drain the sap from the tree.*
Hiro: That's not true, some technology is good, it helps people.
Ludd: Pfft! Helps people. Technology doesn't help people. More sap?
*Hiro and Fred look at their cups hesitantly while Cora took a sip of the sap.*
Hiro: Speaking of help uh we really need yours! Our friend is lost in the woods and we need to find him.
*Ludd finishes drinking his sap before standing up and walking outside.*
Ludd: What are y'all doing sitting there? Lets go! And Girly bring the book! Who knows what damage he's gone through already.
*Baymax walks across a fallen tree over a river as he continues speaking to himself.*
Baymax: Hello-hello- I am Baymax. Companion. Your personal healthcare.
*Baymax grabs onto the log when he lost his balance, he then spots two does drinking from the river.*
Baymax: Hello. I am Bay-Bay-Bay-Bay-Bay
*Somewhere else in the woods, Gogo, Honey Lemon, and Wasabi are searching for their missing friends. Gogo is trying to use her phone to call them but it has no signal.*
Gogo: I'm not picking up anything.
*It is then Wasabi made the bold decision to ask Gogo why she would go to Muirahara Woods of all places.*
Wasabi: So...why the woods?
Gogo: *Sighs*... I like to go bird watching OK?! It relaxes me!
Honey Lemon: Ooh that sounds fun! Maybe I can come sometime-
Gogo: No. It's my alone thing. Just like how Tadashi's alone thing was coming out here to go stargazing.
Honey Lemon: *Surprised to hear this* Wait, Tadashi used to come here too?
*But before Gogo could answer, Wasabi spots a very familiar necklace clinging to a rock on the river.*
Wasabi: Guys... It's Fred's..
Honey Lemon: They were here!
Gogo: Look!
*Down the stream they see a broken branch in the water, most likely where the four had fallen down and carried off by the stream.*
Wasabi: Since Baymax isn't here I'll just say it...Oh no.
*Meanwhile, Baymax had angered a swarm of bees because he took their beehive and impaled it with a branch, leading the bees to swarm and cover Baymax's vinyl body.*
Baymax: I cannot De-deactivate until you say you are mortified with your hair.
*Hiro, Cora, and Fred follow Ludd through the woods to locate Baymax, and Ludd's methods of finding their friend are through sniffing the ground and tasting the dirt. After Ludd did that, Fred went over to Ludd's place and licks the dirt too to see how Ludd gets through with his strange search antics.*
Fred: Ack! Um, quick question. What exactly should I be tasting? Because I'm picking up the fainest hint of*Licking the dirt again*... dirt? Yeah, definitely mostly dirt.
*Ludd looks closely at a broken twig in the bush, indicating that their friend had passed through here recently. He pushes aside the leaves to reveal Baymax sitting between flower bushes where he is currently gently petting a flower.*
Baymax: Good Doggy.
Hiro: Baymax!
Cora: You're alive!
*Hiro and Cora run to Baymax to give him a big hug. Baymax then pats their heads.*
Baymax: Nice Kitties.
*This however, is upsetting to Ludd.*
Ludd: Your 'friend'...is a Robot?!
Hiro: A good robot, he helps people.
*But Ludd backs into the bush*
Ludd: No such animal is a 'good robot'!
Fred: Is he trying to scare us because... Mission accomplished.
*The Ludd's voice is heard through the trees.*
Ludd: You know what I think? I'm gonna boot him over a cliff! That's what good ol' Bessie would want me ta do.
*Suddenly a rope vine is launched to Baymax's legs and drags him.*
Baymax: Goodbye.
*Ludd then pulls out a second rope that traps the trio while Ludd takes away Baymax.*
Hiro/Cora: Baymax!
*Gogo, Honey Lemon, and Wasabi walk down the dark path in the woods with the only light being a flashlight. The darkness of the forest of course frightens Wasabi.*
Wasabi: So do you know where we are?
Gogo: Nope, I've never been this far in before.
Wasabi: Why not? When it's still warm and inviting...
*Just then Gogo's flashlight flickers before it completely goes dark.*
Gogo: Come on... That was weird.
Wasabi: I am not liking this!
*Honey Lemon is staring at her phone and sees it glitching out like Gogo's flashlight.*
Honey Lemon: My phone's acting bizarre too.
Gogo: What is going on?
*The noise of leaves rustling alerts them immediately.*
Wasabi: It's a bear! This is it! This is how it ends! Not with a bang, but with a bear!
Gogo: Wasabi, stay calm and back away slowly...
*But then the noise of leaves rustling changes to a familiar voice.*
Fred: HELP!
Wasabi: Fred! Uh...is there-is there a bear in there?
Gogo: Ugh, come on.
*The rescue trio went into the bushes to find Hiro, Cora, and Fred hanging in the net.*
Honey Lemon: *Gasp* You guys are OK! Kinda...
Wasabi: Plasma blade would be handy right now..
*But Gogo's switchblade quickly takes care of that. As she cuts through the net, Hiro, Fred, and Cora couldn't help but feel guilty over their first intention.*
Hiro: Hey Gogo...
Gogo: We'll have a convo about privacy later... but for now I'm just glad you're alive.
*After Gogo cuts the net, the trapped trio all fall down with a thud before standing up.*
Honey Lemon: Where's Baymax?
Fred: The crazy wilderness real estate developer got him!
Wasabi: What?
Fred: It's a long story.
Gogo: Which way did he go?
Hiro: I-I don't know! Where do we even start?
Gogo: Come on stop it. You'll think of something.
Hiro: Nothing works out here! And this Ned guy, he knows the woods like the back of his hand and we're...we're lost!
Gogo: So improvise. Baymax needs you.
Hiro: We'll we could uh...*frustratingly groans* except for Bessie!
Wasabi: Bessie, whose Bessie?
Fred: Weirdest part of the long story.
Hiro: Wait! That's it! Gogo, can you make a fire?
Gogo: Sure...
*After picking out a spot to set up a fire and Fred finally telling the long story, Honey Lemon notices something in Cora's hands.*
Honey Lemon: 'Scuse me a moment, but I just noticed... Cora, why do you have an old book?
*Cora looks down to see that she still held onto the herbal book after all this time.*
Cora: *Sheepishly rubs the back of her head* Oh yeah..well you see this*Holding up the book* is another part of the long story Fred was talking about.
*Cora flips to the very first page and widens her eyes.*
Cora: *Softly* What the...
Fred: Yeah! Apparently the awesome tree house that Ned lives in now was actually home to a Mom and her daughter at some point before, but than for some reason or other they just up and left. I think one of them made that book.
Hiro: *Mutters* Good...maybe it could be added to the bait...
*Cora tilts her head in slight confusion but shakes it for Hiro to explain himself. After Gogo sets up the fire with Honey Lemon, Wasabi, and Fred collecting fire wood, Hiro lays down his plan.*
Hiro: Ned thinks there's only three of us so we can use that to our advantage, since we can't track him... we need to lure him.
Wasabi: How are we going to do that?
Hiro: By threatening the thing he cares about most, the wood.
Honey Lemon: We're not gonna hurt the woods are we?
Cora: Yeah Hiro. I mean, I get that you don't this place very much but I didn't think you hated it enough to actually burn it!
Hiro: Relax Cora, of course not we're not, but Ned doesn't know that.
Gogo: What if he doesn't wanna just give up Baymax?
Wasabi: Well we got sticks and pine cones, oh and leaves...also dirt.
*Cora then sees his signature smirk.*
Hiro: I think I can make that work..So this is what we'll do.
*Hiro walks over to use some of the supplies they originally gathered for the fire, but he happens to disturb a nearby tree root. Honey Lemon turns her head to see a green snake with yellow diamonds on its back slithering behind Hiro with its fangs bared.*
Honey Lemon: Hiro watch out!
Hiro: What?
*Hiro turns his head to see what is it that he should watch out but his confusion quickly turns to pain as he felt his ankle being bitten. The rest of the team gaps in horror to see the snake biting Hiro.*
Cora: No!
*Cora runs over and grabs a large stick to pull off the snake from Hiro's leg and swing it far away from the group.*
Cora: Go on, shoo! Go away!
*Gogo quickly runs to Hiro who has collapsed to the ground holding himself tightly.*
Gogo: This is not good. That was a yellow diamond-back, and they're venomous.
Fred: Now we really need to get Baymax back!
Wasabi: But even if we have Baymax, that meteorite will still mess up his healthcare protocol unless we move out of its range!
*The rest of the team are panicking over Hiro's life being on the life, but soon Cora looks at her book and quickly opens it.*
Cora: Maybe this book has some info about how to treat a snake bite!
*Cora searches through the pages as sweat begins to form in worry, finally she finds the correct page.*
Cora: Ah! I was right! There is an antidote for Yellow Diamond-Back venom, we need Marigold flowers and plantain leaves to stop the venom from spreading through his system and neutralize it! Gogo! Do you know where any Marigolds or Plantain leaves are?
Gogo: N-no...I haven't seen any.
*Cora' face of worry soon turns into a face of determination, which then follows the rest of them.*
Cora: Which means Ned is the only person who knows where to find them... Guys, we need to get Ned here now, so let's fight fire with fire.
*And the five begin to work. Honey Lemon is using the sap from the trees with dirt and leaves to solidify them into balls like the ones from her chem purse, Cora made a bola for Gogo who decided to test it on Fred. The bola worked like a charm as it ties up Fred. Next Cora made a unique arm crossbow-like slingshot to fire pine cones, to which Wasabi happily tested it out on Fred. While Honey, Gogo, and Wasabi are gearing up for battle and Fred is digging up holes to trap Ned, Cora is checking over Hiro. Hiro is sweating as he breathes heavily, he opens his eyes to see everyone using the woods around them as weapons and traps for Ned.*
Hiro: *hoarse* Hehe...Guess you caught on my...*coughs loudly* drift...*Tries and fails to sit up before Cora gently lays him back down*
Cora: Easy Hiro. Don't try to move, you need to rest. Fred, get some water!
Fred: On it!
*Fred rushes to the river with Gogo tagging along as Cora uses a leaf to cool his forehead.*
Cora: You're gonna be okay Hiro. You have to be...*Starts to tear up and begins praying in her head* 'Mama, Tadashi... If both of you or even one of you can hear me right now, please give Hiro the strength to hold on awhile longer until we can get the cure for him. Please...please don't let him die...don't let him be taken away from me...*
*Fred and Gogo return with a makeshift bowl of water for Cora. She shakes herself out of her silent prayers and tries to pull herself together as she grabs the bowl and brings it to Hiro's lips, to which he drinks parts of it. Gogog and Fred watch this for a moment, feeling their own worry for Hiro and concern for Cora growing the longer they didn't get the plants needed to cure Hiro. They both share a glance before Gogo gestures Fred to get back to setting up traps so she can have a moment alone with Cora, which he gets the message and silently goes back to work while Gogo goes over to Cora's side and places a comforting hand on her shoulder.*
Gogo: Don't worry Cora, we're not gonna let him go that easily. We will get the antidote and get him better in no time. Beside, I still have to have a talk with him, you and Fred over respecting my privacy.
Cora: *Still trying to pull herself together* Yeah, I know. I really am sorry we followed you Gogo. If it means anything, I didn't really want to invade your privacy. I wanted to respect it and leave you alone, but you know Hiro, once he gets an idea in his head there's almost no stopping him. And I just wanted to be there for him to keep him, and Fred of course, from getting into too much trouble. *Looks down at Hiro sadly while scoffing softly* Lot of good that did though...guess it just serves us right...
Gogo: Hey, don't beat yourself up over this. Hiro made the mistake of following me and invading my privacy instead of just minding his own business, you made the mistake of going along with him even though your heart was in the right place. But you have to understand something Cora, this and everything else that happened in-between from that isn't punishment for what you two did, it just happened all on it's own. These things happen.
Cora: Yeah, I know that too. But it still kinda feels like it...
*Gogo pulls Cora in for a comforting hug and they stay like that for a few moments before Gogo finally pulls away.*
Gogo: We will get the cure for Hiro, Cora. We're not letting him go so soon...not this time...
*Cora can see the determination mirroring in Gogo's eyes as they do in her own. She also sees the hidden double meaning in her words but does not comment on it for Gogo's well-overdue privacy, but still understands the meaning loud and clear. Gogo then gets up after giving Cora's shoulder one more reassuring squeeze before getting back to work. After a few more moment of watching over Hiro, Cora calls over to Honey Lemon.*
Cora: Honey Lemon, could you take over watching Hiro for me? I have to set up my own trap.
Honey Lemon: Oh course.
*After Honey Lemon heads over to watch Hiro, Cora begins to set up the vines and tree branches being used to string up Ned. The trap works perfectly since Fred had accidentally triggered it, showing them that it's a success. Finally Fred gathered up large piles of leaves and dumps it onto the fire to add fuel to the flames and smoke. *
Fred: OK here we go! I wish my camp counselor could see me now!
Cora: Wasabi, get Hiro to somewhere safe till we catch this guy.
*Wasabi nods strongly before picking up Hiro as he continues to breath heavily.*
Gogo: Bring on, weird beard.
*Miles away, Ned is dragging Baymax along the dirt as the robot continues to glitch out.*
Baymax: Completing-comprehensive-health profile-file-file-file. My scan indicates that you are preg-preg-pregnant.
Ned: Robots PFFT. Good for nuthin'!
*Just then the crazy wild man spots in the distance a large pillar of smoke coming from the woods.*
Ned: No! The wood!
*Ned jumps over Baymax and rushes over, leaving the healthcare companion vulnerable.*
Baymax: And dairy sensitive.
*In the distance Baymax spots a moose*
Baymax: Oh.
*The moose charges forward and stops in front of Baymax. The moose snorts loudly as it stares at the marshmallow robot.*
Baymax: I am a choo choo train.
*Ned finally arrives at the campfire only to see it well maintained yet empty. He looks around and quickly finds some of the traps laid out for him, unimpressed over their trapping skills.*
Ned: Nice try! City babies.
*Out from the trees, Cora and Fred step into the crazy man's vision.*
Cora: Look Ned, all we want is our friend back, some certain plants used to cure a snake bite and then we'll be out of your wild mane-hair.
Ned: A robot can't be a friend ya dum dums! Don't ya get it? It's a machine, and machines are not to be trusted. Bessie told me!
Cora: Well tell Bessie that Baymax is more than a machine. He's family, and you don't ever mess with family!
Fred: Yeah! Anyway, Bessie told me to give us back Baymax. *Whispers to Cora* Play along.
Ned: Bessie don't talk to strangers! And your 'friend' is going over a cliff! I made that decision previously. And as for your request for gettin' the plants used for curin' a snake bite girly, I'm afraid your outta luck.
*Ned swings his staff to blow out the fire in one swoop as he begins chasing the young adult and teenage girl.*
Cora: Good luck Fred!
Fred: You too Cora! Fly far!
*Soon the two split up up as Ned chooses to chase after Fred. Cora hides behind a tree before rushing off to help Hiro and hopefully find either Plantain leaves or Marigolds. Ned swings down to tackle Fred only for Honey Lemon to rush forward and throw a ball of sap at Ned. He mutters in confusing as sap got onto his beard.*
Honey Lemon: I've got to remember this recipe!
*Honey Lemon continues to throw more sap balls but this time Ned is quick to use his staff to stop them. When this happened, Honey Lemon and Fred run into the woods. Ned is about to follow them when Wasabi fires his pine cones from behind. Ned uses his staff once more to block the pine cones.*
Ned: How. Many. Of. You. Are. There?
*Wasabi continues firing his pine cones while Cora is on the hunt for Baymax and the plants.*
Cora: Baymax where are you?! *Mutters to self* OK, maybe I should multi-task. Find both Baymax and the plants before it's too late!
*Cora continues searching through the woods for any signs of the plants and/or their robotic companion. Just then a bush starts to rustle loudly.*
Cora: Oh boy. *Whispers to herself in fear* Please let it not be the bear! Please let it not be the bear! Please let it not be the bear!
*Cora stands still, expecting the bear to come out despite her quiet pleading, but when she opens her eyes she sees-*
Cora: Baymax?!
Baymax: Choo Choo!
*Baymax is on top of a moose, still glitchy as ever.*
Cora: Oh Baymax! Thank god you're here! Quick, I know your still glitchy but I REALLY need your help! Hiro got bitten by a snake, a deadly one! And we gotta find-
*But then Cora looks at what Baymax is holding in his hands, which to her shock and utter relief is an abundance of Marigold flowers and Plantain leaves. She smiles in relieved amazement before she quickly climbs up on the moose and cups Baymax's head in her hands.*
Cora: *Excited while crying happy tears* Baymax, even when you are a completely glitchy mess, you are still the best healthcare companion that ever existed! If Tadashi were still here, he'd be SO proud of you and SO happy that you got just what we need to cure Hiro even in your glitchy state, just like I am right now! You really are the best buddy!*Kisses Baymax right between his eyes in happy gratitude*
Baymax: *Tilts his head at her and than pats her on the head* You are a very cute and fluffy blue kitty.
Cora: *Laughing while still crying happy tears and gently removes Baymax's hand from her head and puts it back around the plants to keep them safe* Thanks buddy, that's sweet of you to say, *Wipes her eyes* but right now we've gotta get these plants to Hiro ASAP. *Turns her attention to the moose she and Baymax are currently on and slightly surprised it hasn't bucked them off the entire time she was having her happy and relieved emotional breakdown and decides to try and ask it for it's help.* Um, listen, I know you only seem to trust Ned, but my boyfriend Hiro is in danger. We gotta- Woaa! Okay then!
*The moose snorts before it charges off to the direction Cora is pointing towards. Cora is currently holding on for dear life while Baxmax surprisingly isn't having any trouble with staying on the large charging animal. After a few more minutes of the wild moose ride, the moose's heavy breathing gradually slows and surprising stops right at the safe spot where Wasabi left Hiro at. Cora immediately jumps down with a handful of marigolds and plantain leaves and runs to Hiro's side. She instantly notices that he's starting to get pale and barely holding on now, so she wastes no more time as she quickly opens up the book and gets started on preparing the antidote.*
Cora: Alright, let's get to work! Just hang on a little bit more Hiro...you're gonna be okay.
*Cora grabs the nearest two flat stones and begins to grind up the marigolds and plantain leaves together into a powder, afterwards she grabs water and tree sap to mix it in with the powder until it becomes sticky. She then washes her hands and a large leaf and coats it with the paste*
Cora: Lets hope this works. *Prays silently in her head* 'Please let this work! Please let this save him!'
*Meanwhile, Fred continues to run until he is blocked by Ned.*
Ned: Gotcha!
Fred: Guys! Help!
*Honey Lemon and Wasabi rummage through their sacks only to find that they're both empty on ammo.*
Honey Lemon: I'm out!
Wasabi: Me too!
Fred: So, Ned. May I call you Ned?
*Ned quickly exposes the first trap hole in front of him.*
Ned: You thought I'd fall in that hole?
Fred: Yes I was actually hoping you would it would have been great.
Wasabi: Oh man, I hope Cora finds Baymax and those plants soon, I don't think Hiro can hold out for much longer!
*Just then from the bushes, the moose comes out with Baymax, and Cora on its back. And in Baymax's arms lies a certain teenage boy now sleeping soundly with his breathing and skin-color back to normal along with a leaf wrapped around his bitten ankle.*
Honey Lemon, Fred, and Wasabi: Hiro! Baymax!
*The sudden appearance of the moose startled Ned as he falls into a second trap hole.*
Fred: Got him!
Baymax: Choo Choo...
*Wasabi quickly pulls Hiro from Baymax's arms as the nurse bot falls flat on his face.*
Honey Lemon: You did it Cora! You saved him!
Cora: *Sighs in relief* Yeah, but I just barely got to him in time though. From what I've read, Hiro is just resting now, he'll wake up once the antidote neutralizes and clears the venom out of his system. It's pretty fast-acting so he should be able to wake up soon. After that, he'll be just fine. *Lets out a deep breath as she hugs the life-saving book* Thank goodness I still have this book with me.
Ned: That's ma book!
*Ned climbs out of the hole.*
Fred: Wait no! He's still after us!
Baymax: Hello.
*Cora places herself in front Baymax to protect him as the crazy wild man looms forward. Gogo finally comes out to launch her bola which causes Ned to fall down into another hole made by Fred.*
Fred: Ha ha! Told you we needed three!
*The rest of the gang looks down at the trap hole where Ned had apparently broken his arm in the fall.*
Ned: OW! My extremity! Give me the book!
Cora: Sorry Ned. But I'm afraid this book isn't going to be of much help in healing broken bones. However, if you help us get Baymax away from the meteorite, he can fix your arm. Besides...this book belonged to my Mother.
*The rest of the gang look at Cora with raised eyebrows at her startling statement, but Ned realizes that his options are very slim.*
Ned: Fine I'll help ya!
*After they pull Ned out of the trap hole, they walk towards where they started. Once Baymax is back to normal, he begins to treat Ned's injury. After he is done he makes a sling for Ned's broken arm.*
Baymax: Your arm should heal in three-to-six weeks.
Ned: What's your end game robot? Enslave the human race? World domination?
*Baymax merely blinks.*
Baymax: Apply ice to reduce swelling.
Ned: *Turns his attention to Cora* And you little girly, why should I believe that there book is your mama's book?
*Cora gives him a stern glare as she flips the book face forward to the very beginning of the page.*
Cora: Because it has her name in it.
*In large and beautiful calligraphy stood boldly at the very first page 'Akemi Sakurai'.*
Ned: *Surprised, but relents* Oh...I'm sorry miss. But heed my warning! Technology will be the downfall of us all! Just you wait!
*Ned flips up into the trees as he cackles into the night*
Ned: Now get out of my wood!
Wasabi: Could've just said thank you instead of doing the creepy echoey thing!
Fred: Hold on! Cora if that book was your mom's...does that mean that tree house is yours too?!
*Cora's eyebrows furrow in concentration before an old memory comes up.*
Cora: You know Fred, I...think so! Grandmama once told me that before they met Papa, they lived outside the city away from people! But I never imagined they lived out here in these very woods though.
Wasabi: That is quiet a mystery...and a very weird one at that.
*Just then, they hear Hiro starting to groan on the ground as he flutters his eyes open before his vision clears.*
Hiro: *Still feeling drowsy as he starts to sit up and yawns while rubbing the back of his head* Whu...what happened?...
Everyone: Hiro!
*The first one to reach him is Cora as she hugs him tightly while kissing him all over his face over and over again. Hiro blushes at the unexpected and sudden affectionate attention she's giving him until he remembers what had happened.*
Hiro: Oh No! The snake! It-it bit me! Baymax help! We need to get to a hospital!
Baymax: Actually, you are not in danger anymore.
Hiro: Huh?
Honey Lemon: He's right Hiro. Cora was the one who saved you. she used the book to treat your snake bite.
Cora: Well actually, Baymax, by some odd but wonderful miracle, found the plants I needed to treat you. *Turns her attention to Baymax and smile gratefully at him* Thank you again Baymax. We really owe you big time for this.
Baymax: It will be alright. There, there.
*Baymax walks forward to hug Cora and Hiro and pats their heads.*
Fred: Oh man! Heathcliff must be worried sick!
*But when they get back to the limo, they see the butler sleeping soundly in the hot tub with the disco music still playing.*
Fred: Oh, don't wake him. He looks so peaceful.
*After they walk away, Gogo finally turns her attention to Hiro, Cora, and Fred who are now worried over their lives.*
Gogo: *Glares at them* You know that when someone says it's none of your business on what they do, they mean it!
*Cora nods silently as Hiro scratches his head in guilt*
Hiro: We're sorry...
*Gogo sighs before she looks up at the stars.*
Gogo: You know...Tadashi used to come out here to go stargazing at night.
*Hiro's head perks up.*
Hiro: Wait, really?
Gogo: *Looks back at him* Yeah. He would come out here once in a while and look at the stars for hours. I actually found out about his alone time thing... when I was walking home around dusk. He said that he would go out once in a while to remember the times your folks would bring him here at night. He told me that he wanted to take you here too after...you know...
*Hiro looks down at his feet as he remembers his brother. He tries to imagine Tadashi laying on the grass staring up at the stars for hours sighing contently. He then looks up at the countless stars in the night sky as he sees something he never expected to see...a shooting star.*
Hiro: You know what? Maybe it wouldn't hurt to stay here a little longer.
*The rest of the gang look up at the night sky softly twinkling with millions of stars and the pale glow of the moon.*
*As they look up at the stars, Cora sees the three brighter stars forming Orion's belt. Seeing them lined up made Cora's mind recall a distant memory from her childhood. She was a little girl again, with long blonde hair and blue eyes in a very girly white and pink dress, sitting down with eyes glittering with wonder as her grandmother, with her hair still dark with grey strands, tell her a story about the stars.*
Hiro: *Noticing his girlfriend looking a little dazed* Hey Cora, something up?
Cora: Hmm? Oh...um...*Clears throat.* Yeah, it's just...well... Hey guys, I have a question for all on you...what do you guys think stars are actually?
Honey Lemon: Easy, they're made of hydrogen and helium.
Gogo: Mixed with heavier elements such as nitrogen, oxygen and etc.
Wasabi: Where it forms a giant ball of gas to form a star.
Fred: I would think they're giant spaceships sometimes.
*While the others slightly chuckle at Fred's comment, Hiro turns to Cora.* Hiro: Why do you ask?
Cora: Well... It just now came to me, but I remembered a story Grandmama would tell me when I was little... She told me that the stars are actually other worlds living in, or rather, connected by one large sky.
Cora: But before that, all the stars were one world, where everything was peaceful and everyone was surrounded by the light's warmth. They all loved the light... but then they started to fight over it, each of them wanted it for themselves which ironically created darkness inside their hearts. It gotten so strong that the darkness took over their hearts and swallowed the light. It covered everything...even the world...All but the small fragments of light that still existed in the hearts of children. With it the children rebuilt the lost world, and it's the world today. But the true light is still asleep inside the darkness. That's why the worlds are scattered like the stars in the sky. But one day soon, a door to the deepest of darkness will open and the true light will return. She would tell me this story whenever I got really scared, either from nightmares or the outside.
*after Cora finished telling her story, the gang simply looked at each other, while Fred is gushing over the fact that a story about how the stars are other worlds excited him.*
Hiro: Did you really believe the story?
Cora: I probably did back then, as I would dream about traveling to and exploring said worlds. But as I got older, I guess I just...forgot all about it...until now that is. I guess to you guys it sounded like some sort of fairy tale or something.
Gogo: Definitely.
Honey Lemon: A cute one though.
Wasabi: Though it sounded more like a comic thing too.
Fred: I can agree to that. But it still sounds cool!
Hiro: It does sound like something far too surreal to be true..
Cora: Yeah...but for some reason, right now... I just can't help...but wonder...
*Unknown to Cora and the rest of the gang, The three stars she was gazing at however, unwarily, are actually three special souls...one in a deep sleep, and two trapped in darkness. All of them had no idea that sometime soon in the near future... Their world would come to be invaded by the darkness and from this darkness, something that they all thought was lost forever would return as a being of darkness. And a 'certain' someone from one of those 'other worlds' would actually come to meet them, team up with them and help them fight against it someday.*
A.N: And Yes. That is a kingdom hearts ref. Stay tuned~
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lovelivingmydreams · 6 years
Lukanetteweek Day 4: Miraculous Part 2
Day 1 Day 2&3 Part one is here When Luka got to the fight, Chat Noir was in a tight spot. Two of Tallemaja’s followers were holding him down. The akuma was walking over slowly, savoring her prey. “Ladybug’s precious kitten as my faithful servant. I wonder, would she give up her miraculous in exchange for releasing your heart from my hold? How fond is she of you really I wonder.” Chat noir struggled to get free. “My lady would never give in to blackmail like that. She’s too smart.” Luka had to step in. He strung his lyre in a way that wouldn’t set of his power, but would very much draw the attention of the akuma. He started to sing. “A beauty before me, behold, such wonderful sight, My world covered in darkness then she brought the light.” It was ridiculously cheesy but in this mind state she just might fall for it. He figured she’d dreamed of being serenaded before. Giving her that fantasy might just give Chat the opening he needed to break free. “Hello there, my fair lady,” Luka greeted once he locked eyes with her. He bowed for her, hoping to please her lovesick heart. Indeed she seemed dazed by his actions. He knew he didn’t have much time before Hawkmoth realized that she was being distracted from her goal. “I was passing trough and couldn’t help but notice what grave injustice was done. A girl like you should never be this upset.” The akumatized version of his classmate smiled, elated at her mysterious admirer’s words. Behind her Chat took the fact that her servants were distracted by the fact that she’d seemingly abandoned them for this new guy to floor them. She seemed unconcerned by this though. Luka expected chat to pounce right away. But instead he saw him look up at the building behind him, smile and then he gestured for Luka to keep going. Sadly Luka wasn’t that great at improv and he got nervous. He assumed that Ladybug had arrived on the scene. He took comfort in that. There were two experienced superheroes who had his back. It would be alright. He probably should try to grab the akumatized object or at least communicate to Chat what it was. “Such a beautiful dress you are wearing. But what it that strange accessory on your belt?” he wondered casually, hoping this was enough. He didn’t dare risk another glance at Chat Noir to confirm that though. “Don’t mind that. Who are you, handsome stranger...” her voice was a strange kind of sweet. It felt like honey dripping down his back. Not a pleasant feeling. He smiled though. And, deciding that his superhero name might snap her out of her little fantasy he said: “I can be whoever you need me to be darling. I’m completely at your service,” he swore. When he looked up at her eyes he saw a sharp glint. O crud. She’d regained her wits. “No, not yet at least.” He shot up and got ready to defend himself, she got ready to pounce, behind her Chat Noir prepared to restrain her if needed. Before any of them could do anything thought a familiar yoyo wrapped around the victim who screamed out with a yell as she was tied up. “This situation clearly needs a lady’s touch,” Ladybug smirked as she jumped down from one of the nearby houses. “My Lady so glad you could join us,” Chat said relieved while he fought off the horde of servants who’d jumped back into action now that their mistress was in clear distress. Luka ran in to join him, using his lyre to knock out the transformed civilian boys. He was slightly disturbed to find that each of them resembled him in small or big ways. Whether in his looks, clothing style or the fact that they were carrying a guitar. He’d have to talk to Annelie once all of this was over. He wouldn’t be able to give her what she wanted, but he could offer her his friendship. “Sorry boys, I got held up,” she explained. “No problem Ladybug. Though I am glad you came when you did,” Luka admitted. He wasn’t too sure he’d last very long in a straight up fight with Tallemaja. “Let’s get this butterfly taken care off...” Ladybug said as she reached for the akumatized flyer. “Noooo!” Tallemaja screamed as she literally sank trough the ground, leaving the yoyo behind on the surface. So apparently she got two powers. Mind control and going underground. Considering that the Tallemaja in the story belonged to a race of creatures that lived beneath the surface, that made sense. Luckily the army of admirers came to a halt when the akuma disappeared. It seemed like they depended heavily on her to function. When she was distracted they barely put up a fight, when she wasn’t here they didn’t do anything at all. The three heroes grouped together and Luka could see that Ladybug was thinking something similar. She called for her Lucky charm now that she had the time. Earplugs. “Meouwch, I know most cats don’t have the best reputation when it comes to singing but I swear I’m not that bad.” Chat joked. Luka could see that Ladybug was trying to concentrate so he let her be. Chat was probably already on the point where he could judge how much he could play around without being a bother. He however should let the more experienced fighters do their thing. He caught her glancing at a stack of flower bags on a pallet near a delivery truck, chat and himself and smiled. “Got it. Let’s hurry before she get’s here.” She looked at Luka. “Wait for my signal and give her all that you’ve got. Then you have to go for the akumatized object and release the butterfly. Okay?” Luka nodded. Signal, use power, destroy object. No problem. Once they saw the earth move where Tallemaja was about to emerge chat destroyed the flowerbags, Ladybug used her yoyo as a fan to blow the cloud of flower in their direction by the time Annelie was back above ground she couldn’t possibly see what was going on. Neither could Luka, but he didn’t have to. He could hear Ladybug’s signal just fine. He called forth his special attack while charging towards the spot Annelie had stood in. When he got there she was dazed, a relaxed smile on her face. It was only a matter of snatching the flyer and tearing it up. The moment the butterfly appeared above the cloud it got snatched up and purified.The cure washed over them and once again they all had a clear view. The horde of boys walked off dazed, just wanting to get back to where they were before the attack. People had gotten way too used to these things. The heroes pounded their fists together right when Alya arived on the scene. Ladybug went to comfort Annelie while she let Luka introduce himself. Which was fine and all but Luka really wanted to check up on Marinette. “The akuma kidnapped Marinette Dupain Cheng. Do you have confirmation of her status for my viewers?” Luka smiled. She tried to be professional, but naturaly her first concern was finding out where her best friend was. “I personally escorted the young lady to a safe place.” “Same goes for her friend, Luka something?” Nice one Chat Noire. As if you didn’t say my full name less than an hour ago to make the delivery of the miraculous sound more official. Alya then proceeded to ask his name and other generic stuff for on her blog. Once she was done she was instructed to wait here for her friend to find her. They promised to send Marinette straight here afterwards. He looked down and picked up the flyer. It was covered in hearts and initials everywhere, except for his picture and one of her she’d glued next to it. He walked over to Ladybug and Annelie. “This is yours,” he stated calmly. The girl blushed as she grabbed the piece of paper and held it close. “Thank you,” she whispered. She was clearly ashamed of what happened. “You look anxious, I thought snakes were supposed to be coldblooded,” Ladybug teased. He just shrugged. “I left the girl on a nearby roof, I just want to get her down before she tries to get down herself;” he admitted. “That would be a very Marinette thing to do. She isn’t one to wait around when her friends might be worried about her. At least that’s the impression I got from her from our earlier encounters,” Chat said casually. “Oh, no. I didn’t hurt her did I?” He’d never seen Annelie like this. This was actually a person he could be friends with. “No worries, she doesn’t have a scratch,” he assured her. “Thank you...” she frowned. “I don’t know your name...” she admitted. “Viperion,” he told her. “Thank you Viperion. And thank you Ladybug and Chat Noir. I should get going,” she said. Right when the girl walked away Ladybug’s earring beeped. “Yikes, gotta go! Bug out!” “We should get going too. We’ve left Marinette waiting for too long already,” Luka stated. Chat chuckled. “You’re a great friend huh?” he mused. Luka gave him a serious look. “I hope I’ll be more than that at some point.” Chat was taken aback by that. What? Had it not been obvious? He supposed not. All Chat saw was that the focus of this Akuma’s obsession was willing to run after his friend who was kidnapped by said akuma. They hurried to the building Luka had taken Marinette to. They found her pacing the roof. “There you guys are! Is everything alright?” she worried. “The cure fixed everything. All’s good,” Chat ensured her. “We’re here to take you down. Your friend Luka was released from his rooftop too and is on his way. Together you should go back to the square where you were held. Your friend Alya is worried.” He held out his arms. Asking permission to carry her down. She hesitated and then gave in. He picked her up and then went down jumping between the buildings until they were safe on the ground. Once he put her down his bracelet gave an insisting beep. He bowed, kissed her hand and with a final “Until we meet again,” he and chat hurried a few streets ahead. Luka handed Chat the miraculous and after a quick thanks and goodbye he ran back towards where they left Mari. She too was running towards him and once they set sights on one another they ran into each other’s arms. “I was so worried,” Luka admitted. “I’m fine, but you. She was after you, are you okay?” He nodded. “Not a scratch.” They both laughed in relief. When they pulled away they locked eyes. And for a moment the rest of the world didn’t exist. Luka carefully bent down, hesitant. Not wanting to push too much. Mari just tightened her hold around his neck and started to slowly close her eyes. He continued his path and started closing his too. He’d hoped this moment would come and while this weren’t the circumstances he’d wished for, this felt right. Then the sound of a camera flashing followed by a muttered curse interrupted them. Alya stood there, phone in hand ready to record their moment that was now officially over. “Pretend I’m not here?” she tried. Neither could bring themselves to be mad, they just started laughing. The tension of the day coming down. Maybe it was for the best that they didn’t do anything impulsive while riding an adrenaline high. They were young, they had all the time in the world.
Day 5&6 day 7
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