#waste-to-energy market analysis
blogaarti · 1 year
Asia Pacific Waste-to-Energy (WtE) Market Insights, Growth, Analysis and Investment Feasibility By 2029
Fairfield Market Research has released a comprehensive report highlighting the remarkable growth potential of the Waste-to-Energy (WtE) market. With a projected CAGR of over 7% between 2021 and 2025, the Waste-to-Energy (WtE) market is expected to undergo rapid expansion, driven by the increasing emphasis on renewable energy and the pressing need for sustainable waste management practices.
For More Industry Insights Read: https://www.fairfieldmarketresearch.com/report/waste-to-energy-wte-market
According to the report, the global Waste-to-Energy (WtE) market exceeded a valuation of US$25.7 billion in 2020, indicating significant growth opportunities. With estimations of global daily waste generation reaching a staggering 6 million tons by 2025, stands poised to harness the potential of waste-to-energy technologies to address both energy demands and waste management concerns.
 Municipal solid waste (MSW) management has become a critical issue worldwide, significantly impacting environmental sustainability and public health. The tightening of regulations around MSW management, particularly in key economies, has created an urgent need for effective solutions. Waste-to-energy is expected to emerge as the preferred strategy among municipalities, facilitating the installation and operation of waste-to-energy plants and driving market growth. 
Thermal conversion technology, renowned for its exceptional ability to reduce waste weight and volume by nearly 75% and 90% respectively, remains the preferred choice for waste-to-energy conversion. Moreover, the report emphasizes the cost benefits associated with incineration, making it an attractive option compared to other conversion technologies available in the market. However, the sustained presence of economically viable energy alternatives, such as natural gas, poses a significant challenge to the widespread adoption of waste-to-energy in the region, primarily due to the initial capital investment required. 
Asia Pacific, despite being a highly lucrative market, remains largely untapped. The report predicts that the region will benefit from a growing number of regulatory approvals for new waste-to-energy plant installations, opening up vast opportunities for industry players. By leveraging supportive government policies and promoting greater awareness and knowledge about renewable energy sources, Asia Pacific is poised to become a key player in the global WtE market.
Fairfield Market Research's report also provides detailed competitive profiling and analysis of top companies operating in the waste-to-energy sector. These companies include Veolia, Suez Environment, Covanta Holding Corporation, China Everbright International Limited, and Keppel Corporation Limited, among others. 
As Asia Pacific gears up to unlock the immense potential of the waste-to-energy market, Fairfield Market Research remains committed to delivering accurate and actionable insights that enable businesses to make informed decisions and contribute to sustainable growth in the region.
For More Information Visit:  https://www.fairfieldmarketresearch.com/
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ashimasharma4 · 6 months
River Cafe In Calgary, Canada
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Energy conservation
Following an attention to energy conservation, River Cafe includes modern techniques and innovations, lowering its carbon impact and guaranteeing a pleasant visit for customers.
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Waste transformation
By turning its garbage into resources through creative waste transformation activities, River Cafe reduces its environmental effect and promotes a circular economy.
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Hazardous Substances management
River Cafe is an excellent instance of strict hazardous material management; it takes steps to handle and remove of possible toxic chemicals in an environmentally responsible manner, protecting both visitors and the surrounding area.
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Sustainable Transport
By encouraging eco-friendly options for customers and employees, River Cafe sets the standard for sustainable transportation by linking its values with a more responsible and greener form of transportation.
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Market Factor
Adapting to market trends, River Cafe strategically position itself as a sustainability- focused establishment, catering to the growing for eco-conscious choices among consumers.
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argumate · 8 months
hirosensei said: I still don’t understand what ads are supposed to do besides let me know that something exists if I didn’t already know about it.
advertising does let you know that something exists, but obviously the way it's traditionally applied goes way beyond that: in your daily life you're already gonna see people driving BMWs and drinking Coke and wearing Nike and yet still get reminders of the existence of these products every day for the rest of your life, why?
the folk explanation of advertising is that it conveys a message, typically explicit in the text and reinforced in the subtext, that the product in question will make you happy and successful and admired and sexy and people respond to that by buying the product, but that's obviously still too simplistic as we've all seen advertising for products we have no interest in and no intention of ever buying and most markets are competitive and there's more than one option and they all advertise, so what gives?
we can get more sophisticated by considering advertising as a dynamic equilibrium like an arms race or an ecosystem where Coke and Pepsi both need to keep advertising even though it isn't helping them gain an edge over the other simply because if they stopped they would fall behind, like trees wasting energy competing to be the tallest for sunlight when in an ideal world they would all agree to keep the forest canopy as low as possible.
or you can see advertising as akin to a potlatch, where the amount spent on it is a costly signal of the power and wealth of the brand, in itself demonstrating confidence and success more than anything that might be in the actual ad itself; corporations burning wealth to convince you that they are winners and you would be wise to affiliate with them.
or we can get a little introspective and consider that advertising isn't just to convince you to buy the product, it's to convince the people who do buy the product that you're convinced that they are cool people, such that they buy it not because advertising works on them (they're too cool to be won over!) but because they believe it works on you (you're impressionable!) except of course that all happens at the subconscious level as it sounds silly when spelled out explicitly.
other explanations for advertising (besides that it works) are that it makes the people running the brand feel good about themselves and is another form of compensation for them, either by boosting their image or giving them the excuse to dabble in the creative arts or liaise with actors or musicians or athletes they normally would have no reason to contact.
and similar analysis applies to all forms of design and marketing, not just obvious stuff like TV ads but logos, color schemes, custom corporate fonts, web design, everything orthogonal to a product that costs money and shapes the way that it is perceived in the market.
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While Marx often shows enthusiasm for the potentiality of enhanced forms of human cooperation enabled by globalizing production, already in the nineteenth century, he observed an antagonistic separation of town and country and suggested that production chains were overstretched and wasting resources. Today, lessening the spatial disjuncture between production and consumption must be an explicit feature and aim of sustainable and just transition and, in this context, calls on the left for partial deglobalization, including the shortening of commodity chains, have merit and are quite consistent with Marx’s analysis. In a process of partial deglobalization, production for local and domestic needs—rather than production for export—would again become the center of gravity of the economy. A move away from the export orientation of domestic corporations and a process of renationalization could also allow enterprises to begin to develop their own strategies, moving away from the whims of the global market and choices taken by corporate controllers. Such transformation could enable spaces for independent development in the Global South. To do so, they could focus on shifting agrarian systems, orienting their production away from agro-export (which is a source of tremendous ecological irrationality and unequal exchange) toward food sovereignty. Such shifts would need to be accompanied by simultaneous, coordinated shifts toward enhanced local and domestic food production in Global North, alongside a move from high-input agriculture to agroecology, and, in settler colonial contexts, enhanced Indigenous sovereignty. Within domestic spaces or regions, efforts must simultaneously be made to mend a rift between the city and the country. For a model of the environmentalist city, one could look to Havana for inspiration. During Cuba’s Special Period in the 1990s, organic, low-input agriculture was developed both in the countryside, as well as in the island’s capital through urban farms. Urban agriculture is here not niche or small-scale—it covers large expanses within and at the outskirts of the city, where rich land is located. In the transition to renewables, energy production should also be localized as much as possible. This is a potentiality inherent in renewable energy “flow,” in contrast to concentrated energy “stock,” or fossil fuels. While lessening the spatial disjuncture between production and consumption is part of developing ecologically rational production, this aim should be recognized to be in some tension with economic planning (at least in the longer term), insofar as expansive planning is potentiated by the socialization of production. Thus, calls for localization of production imply a diminishment in productive association across firms and regions and the potential to plan such interconnections. Practically, it is important to recognize that such a process confronts material interdependencies, as existing productive networks and infrastructural configurations support and sustain huge swaths of human life. Different regions and cities also have different specializations and different ecological capacities. In an existing world of evolved economic interdependencies, the reproductive needs of various communities require continued global resource flows. Climate change also creates severe survival and livelihood challenges on a highly uneven basis, and global trade and divisions of labor can act as safeguards against issues such as pandemics related to water-supply failures and reduced agricultural yields. More broadly, we should carefully consider Marx’s suggestion that well-organized territorial divisions of labor are collective powers and can be a part of collaboration in human affairs. This extends to territorial specialization, which, consciously organized, could involve a collaborative partitioning of resources and capacities.
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bookishtheaterlover7 · 10 months
Not sure how to view Chris anymore and it’s sad. At this point whatever the “truth” is, it doesn’t matter.
I’m just floored at how someone could be so weak to get into this mess and not “be able to get out”and it’s easy to say oh it’s hard for him to get out but he’s at least trying to show this is fake, yet he was bold enough to lie to the world about being married?
Make that make sense?
Like how the fuck do they clean this up at all?
It’s like reality and illusions are morphing together and I honestly don’t know who the fuck this man truly is and maybe that’s the way it should’ve always been.
We get wrapped up in this shit mainly due to the way of the world and due to Hollywood and capitalism, etc, but we have to take accountability by finally choosing to not fall for seeing other mere mortals as anything but human.
If you take any random person off the street, clean them up, give them a great marketing team, BOOM you have a new celebrity. It’s all a big awful joke of illusion.
No more rose colored glasses. It’s to the point fandoms and celebrity today is seeing a blue sky but being duped into believing it’s green.
Unfortunately most will never understand the above and never take those glasses off.
This applies to fans, non fans and just the overall population of the world who are willing and unwilling and unaware at how impacted we all are by celebrity culture. A headline makes waves or something goes viral and we ALL stop our lives to read or listen about it and many hop online to discuss and argue with others over various things, not once seeing the reality……you’re taking time out of YOUR life to focus on someone who doesn’t even know you exist, wasting YOUR time discussing crap about someone else who is living their life and getting rich off of you and someone who uses media to stay relevant through…..Y-O-U!
*breaks rose colored glasses* for good.
Same, An🫶n. Honestly before I was sucked in here, Chris was the ideal guy for me... Ofcourse, Papa was right. He told me once that "I shouldn't place anyone on a pedestal, because anything placed that high, is meant to break."
I've got nothing but love for Chris and his work. But the way this is all spun, real or not, I'm not sure if I can keep adoring him as a person.
Like I've said before, we can't exactly blame Chris, alone for getting into this mess in the first place. But if those breadcrumbing and hinting on his end isn't true (the hope and rumor that he's telling us that anything about the wedding is fake, etc.), An🫶n is right.
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He's not a saint, but he's not a demon either. But the thing is, he isn't going to be just Chris Evans, the actor we all love and adore. The actor we'll be happy for when he gets his small victories. Whose dog is one of the best things on the internet during this whole mess right now.
He's also going to be Chris Evans, the guy who "married" a racist, who's friends have baited the entire Fandom. The guy who couldn't save his fans from tearing at each other. The guy who let this get so out of hand, that the one place that should've been safe for us to escape to, and enjoy everything, disappeared in mere months.
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I'm planning to stick around, because I know for a fact, a ton of you were here for the fan-made stuff. The fanfics, fanarts, discussions about characters, etc.
I came here for that too. Doesn't mean I'm giving up this whole thing. But I'm going to take time to go back to the fun part. Because honestly, my page has turned into an analysis page😅 it's 70% rant posts about the bullshit pr, and 30% me and my fics...
Bro! I intended to make fucking fics before 250 Followers Celebration comes... But I'm way behind... Partly, because of life. And partly because the second something goes down, I drop nearly everything, and focus so much time and energy on this.
So, I'm not saying drop him or any celeb completely. I'm saying we need to tone down our idolization, because it may have gotten to the point where it isn't healthy.
For the sake of your health, mental and otherwise, Fandom. Take time to enjoy what you love about this Fandom. And please don't say anything about tearing the PR Narrative, because even I have to admit, it takes it's toll.
Again, not backing down, or stepping down. Just giving myself time to take care of me, and spend time with my family while they're still alive.
I don't know if this Christmas season will be the last that I get to spend time with any of them, so I'm going to make sure I live every minute with them. And not stuck in this hole I've dug myself for months, since the wedding announcement.
And you should all do that for yourselves, guys. Take the time, and make it count.
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yuvrajrathod4c · 3 months
Master GHG ACCOUNTING CARBON FOOTPRINT Training with 4C Consulting
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Understanding greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and accurately accounting for your organization’s carbon footprint is critical in today’s environmentally conscious world. GHG ACCOUNTING CARBON FOOTPRINT Training is essential for businesses aiming to reduce their environmental impact and achieve sustainability goals. This blog will delve into the understanding, importance, and training aspects of GHG ACCOUNTING CARBON FOOTPRINT, highlighting why 4C Consulting is the best partner for this training.
Definition: GHG accounting is the process of measuring the amount of greenhouse gases emitted directly or indirectly by an organization, product, or service. It involves identifying and quantifying emissions from various sources such as energy use, transportation, waste, and industrial processes.
Purpose: The primary purpose of GHG accounting is to provide a clear and comprehensive picture of an organization’s carbon footprint, enabling it to track emissions, set reduction targets, and implement strategies to mitigate its impact on climate change.
Regulatory Compliance: Many regions and countries have stringent regulations and reporting requirements for GHG emissions. Accurate accounting ensures compliance with these regulations, avoiding potential fines and penalties.
Sustainability Goals: Understanding and managing carbon footprint is crucial for achieving sustainability targets. It allows organizations to identify key areas for improvement and develop effective carbon reduction strategies.
Corporate Responsibility: Demonstrating a commitment to reducing GHG emissions enhances an organization’s reputation and credibility. It shows stakeholders, including customers, investors, and employees, that the company is serious about its environmental responsibilities.
Cost Savings: Identifying inefficiencies in energy use and other processes through GHG accounting can lead to significant cost savings. Reducing emissions often goes hand-in-hand with reducing energy consumption and improving operational efficiency.
Market Advantage: As consumers and businesses become more environmentally conscious, demonstrating a low carbon footprint can provide a competitive advantage. It can differentiate a company’s products and services in a crowded marketplace.
Comprehensive Curriculum: The training covers all aspects of GHG accounting, including the principles of carbon footprint measurement, data collection and analysis, and reporting standards.
Hands-on Practice: Participants engage in practical exercises and case studies to apply the concepts learned. This helps in understanding real-world applications and challenges.
Tools and Techniques: The training provides knowledge about various tools and software used in GHG accounting. It includes guidance on selecting the appropriate methods for different organizational needs.
Regulatory Framework: Understanding the regulatory environment is a critical part of the training. Participants learn about national and international regulations and how to ensure compliance.
Reporting and Communication: The training includes modules on effectively reporting and communicating GHG emissions data to stakeholders. This is crucial for transparency and maintaining trust.
Why Choose 4C Consulting?
4C Consulting is renowned for its expertise and comprehensive approach to GHG ACCOUNTING CARBON FOOTPRINT Training. Our experienced trainers provide tailored solutions to meet the specific needs of your organization. With a strong focus on practical application and regulatory compliance, 4C Consulting ensures that your team is well-equipped to manage and reduce your carbon footprint. Choose 4C Consulting to gain the knowledge and skills necessary to drive your organization’s sustainability initiatives and enhance your environmental performance.
GHG ACCOUNTING CARBON FOOTPRINT Training is vital for organizations committed to sustainability and regulatory compliance. Understanding and managing carbon emissions not only benefit the environment but also provide significant operational and reputational advantages. With 4C Consulting, you can ensure your team receives the best training to achieve these goals effectively. Contact us now.
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aisha-priya123 · 3 months
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Green Living: How Energy Audit Services Can Help You Go Eco-Friendly and Save Money
Green living is all about adopting habits and practices that contribute to the health of our planet. It's about making conscious choices to reduce waste, conserve resources, and minimize environmental impact. One powerful tool in this eco-friendly arsenal is the energy audit. But what exactly is an energy audit, and how can it help you go green while saving money? Let’s dive in.
Understanding Energy Audits
Definition of Energy Audits
An energy audit is a comprehensive evaluation of a building’s energy use. It identifies where and how energy is being consumed and pinpoints areas where energy is being wasted. The goal is to provide actionable recommendations to improve energy efficiency and reduce costs.
Types of Energy Audits
There are generally three types of energy audits:
Walk-Through Audit: A basic inspection to identify obvious energy waste.
Detailed Audit: An in-depth analysis including Energy Consumption data and specific recommendations.
Investment-Grade Audit: A thorough audit used to justify large-scale energy efficiency projects, often including financial analysis.
Components of an Energy Audit
An energy audit typically involves:
Inspection of HVAC Systems: Assessing heating, ventilation, and air conditioning for efficiency.
Lighting Analysis: Evaluating lighting systems for energy use and effectiveness.
Insulation Check: Inspecting insulation in walls, attics, and floors.
Appliance Assessment: Reviewing the efficiency of major appliances.
Benefits of Energy Audits
Financial Savings
By identifying inefficiencies and making the recommended changes, you can significantly lower your energy bills. For instance, sealing drafts and upgrading insulation can reduce heating and cooling costs by up to 30%.
Environmental Impact
Reducing energy consumption directly decreases greenhouse gas emissions. By using less energy, you help combat climate change and promote a healthier planet.
Improved Comfort and Health
Enhanced insulation, better HVAC systems, and sealed leaks contribute to a more consistent and comfortable indoor temperature, improving overall comfort and health.
Increased Property Value
Energy-efficient homes and buildings are more attractive to buyers and tenants. Energy audits can lead to improvements that enhance property value and marketability.
The Energy Audit Process
Initial Consultation
The process begins with a consultation where you discuss your concerns and goals with the auditor.
On-Site Inspection
Auditors visit your property to conduct a thorough inspection, using tools like infrared cameras and blower doors to detect issues.
Energy Consumption Analysis
By reviewing your utility bills and energy usage patterns, auditors can understand consumption trends and pinpoint high-energy-use areas.
Report and Recommendations
After the inspection and analysis, the auditor provides a detailed report with findings and specific recommendations for improvement.
Common Issues Identified in Energy Audits
Air Leaks
Air leaks around windows, doors, and other openings can cause significant energy loss.
Poor Insulation
Inadequate insulation in walls, attics, and floors leads to higher heating and cooling costs.
Inefficient Lighting
Old, inefficient lighting fixtures can be a major energy drain.
Outdated Appliances
Older appliances often consume more energy than newer, energy-efficient models.
How to Prepare for an Energy Audit
Choosing the Right Auditor
Look for reputable and certified energy auditors or companies with experience and positive reviews.
Gathering Utility Bills and Documentation
Collect past utility bills and any relevant documentation to help the auditor understand your energy usage patterns.
Preparing Your Home or Building
Ensure access to all areas of the building and list any specific concerns or areas you want the auditor to focus on.
Implementing Energy Audit Recommendations
Prioritizing Improvements
Start with the most impactful and cost-effective measures. This could include sealing leaks, upgrading insulation, or replacing outdated appliances.
DIY Solutions vs. Professional Services
Some recommendations might be simple enough to tackle on your own, while others may require professional services.
Utilizing Rebates and Incentives
Many governments and utility companies offer rebates, tax credits, and incentives for energy-efficient upgrades. An energy audit can help you identify and take advantage of these opportunities.
Future Trends in Energy Audits
Technological Advancements
Advancements in technology, such as smart home systems and more efficient diagnostic tools, are making energy audits more precise and effective.
Increasing Adoption of Renewable Energy
As renewable energy becomes more accessible and affordable, more energy audits are including recommendations for solar panels and other renewable energy sources.
Myths and Misconceptions About Energy Audits
Common Myths Debunked
Some believe energy audits are too expensive or unnecessary. However, the long-term savings and environmental benefits often outweigh the initial cost.
Facts to Consider
Energy audits can provide valuable insights and practical solutions, making them a smart investment for both homeowners and businesses.
Energy audits are a powerful tool for anyone looking to embrace green living and save money. By providing a clear picture of energy use and practical recommendations for improvement, Energy Audits help reduce waste, lower costs, and contribute to environmental sustainability. Investing in an energy audit is a step toward a more eco-friendly lifestyle and a more efficient, cost-effective property.
What is an Energy Audit?
An energy audit is a thorough assessment of a building's energy use, identifying areas of waste and providing recommendations for improving efficiency.
How Much Does an Energy Audit Cost?
Costs vary depending on the size and type of building, but residential audits typically range from $200 to $600, while commercial audits can be more expensive.
How Long Does an Energy Audit Take?
The duration can vary, but most residential audits take a few hours, while more detailed commercial audits can take several days.
Are Energy Audits Worth It?
Yes, the potential savings on energy bills and the environmental benefits often make energy audits a worthwhile investment.
Can I Perform My Own Energy Audit?
While you can conduct a basic assessment, professional energy audits provide more accurate and comprehensive results.
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willc121 · 5 months
The Rise of Burberry
Burberry is a fashion icon, and it's rise was well deserved. Under Angela Ahrendt's tenure from 2006 to 2014, Burberry tripled its operating profit and surpassed economic value creation and capture. I briefly wanted to talk about Burberry using the ECSIT Analysis I just recently learned about in class.
Economic Capital: Burberry upholds a premium pricing strategy, emphasizing its luxury status. Instead of using aggressive selling tactics, Burberry showcased its high-quality craftsmanship and exclusive designs. There was a strong focus on brand experience and customer satisfaction.
Cultural Capital: Burberry has a deeply ingrained connection with British culture. Their iconic trench coat is an example. Marketing campaigns frequently draw on British icons and settings to always remind the user about the British cultural connection.
Social Capital: Burberry extends its brand community by collaborating with celebrities, fashion influencers, and artists who help grow the "Burberry community."
Information Capital: Burberry is known to use consumer insights to help guide future product development. They also use consumer data to anticipate market trends. There were also significant investments in digital marketing and e-commerce platforms.
Temporal Capital: Burberry didn't waste any time when they were faced with adaptation. They quickly adapted to market trends and consumer needs by shifting towards online retail and sustainable fashion. It quickly adopted technological advancements, which all benefitted the customer and saved them time and energy.
Burberry maintains its status as a luxury icon and has adapted well to the evolving landscape of global fashion. What will we see next?
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marketinsight1234 · 6 months
Indonesia Smart Cities Market Outlook for Forecast Period (2023 to 2030)
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Indonesia's Smart Cities are Expected to Grow at a Significant Growth Rate, and the Forecast Period is 2023-2030, Considering the Base Year as 2022.
The development of smart cities revolves around the utilization of cutting-edge technologies and data analytics to optimize urban systems. Key components include the implementation of the Internet of Things (IoT) infrastructure, which involves the deployment of connected devices and sensors to gather real-time data.
This data is then analyzed to provide valuable insights that inform decision-making by city officials. Smart mobility solutions play a vital role in improving transportation networks, easing traffic congestion, and promoting eco-friendly transit options. E-governance platforms are adopted to streamline administrative processes and facilitate seamless citizen-government interactions.
Sustainability initiatives are emphasized, including energy-efficient buildings, renewable energy integration, waste management, and environmental conservation. Moreover, citizen engagement is fostered through digital platforms, allowing residents to actively participate in shaping urban policies and providing feedback to authorities.
One of the notable examples of smart city development in Indonesia is the "Jakarta Smart City" initiative. As the capital and most populous city in the country, Jakarta faces numerous urban challenges such as traffic congestion, waste management, and environmental pollution. To tackle these issues, the Jakarta Smart City program leverages technology and data to improve various urban services. Real-time traffic data is collected through IoT sensors to optimize transportation routes and manage traffic flow efficiently.
Waste management is enhanced by implementing smart waste bins that alert authorities when they need to be emptied, reducing unnecessary waste collection trips. Moreover, the program employs digital platforms and mobile applications to engage citizens, allowing them to access information about city services, report issues, and participate in decision-making processes. These efforts have aimed to transform Jakarta into a more sustainable, efficient, and citizen-centric smart city.
Get Full PDF Sample Copy of Report: (Including Full TOC, List of Tables & Figures, Chart) @
The latest research on the Indonesia Smart Cities market provides a comprehensive overview of the market for the years 2023 to 2030. It gives a comprehensive picture of the global Indonesia Smart Cities industry, considering all significant industry trends, market dynamics, competitive landscape, and market analysis tools such as Porter's five forces analysis, Industry Value chain analysis, and PESTEL analysis of the Indonesia Smart Cities market. Moreover, the report includes significant chapters such as Patent Analysis, Regulatory Framework, Technology Roadmap, BCG Matrix, Heat Map Analysis, Price Trend Analysis, and Investment Analysis which help to understand the market direction and movement in the current and upcoming years. The report is designed to help readers find information and make decisions that will help them grow their businesses. The study is written with a specific goal in mind: to give business insights and consultancy to help customers make smart business decisions and achieve long-term success in their particular market areas.
Market Driver:
One of the key drivers propelling the growth of the Indonesia Smart Cities market is the government's strong commitment to urban development and digital transformation. Initiatives such as the 100 Smart Cities Movement and various smart city pilot projects across the archipelago are driving the integration of smart technologies. The government's emphasis on creating efficient and sustainable urban ecosystems through the adoption of smart solutions is encouraging both public and private sector investments. As a result, there is a growing demand for intelligent infrastructure, smart transportation systems, and data-driven governance to address the challenges of rapid urbanization.
Market Opportunity:
An exciting opportunity within the Indonesia Smart Cities market lies in the development of smart transportation systems. As urbanization accelerates, traffic congestion and transportation inefficiencies pose significant challenges. Implementing smart transportation solutions, including intelligent traffic management, integrated public transportation systems, and the adoption of electric vehicles, can greatly enhance urban mobility. The integration of these technologies not only addresses current challenges but also creates a foundation for sustainable and future-ready urban transportation. Entrepreneurs and businesses investing in smart transportation solutions stand to benefit from a burgeoning market with the potential to transform how people and goods move within cities.
Leading players involved in the Indonesia Smart Cities Market include:
PT Aplikanusa Lintasarta (Indonesia), PT Telkom (Telekomunikasi Indonesia Tbk) (Indonesia), PT XL Axiata Tbk (Indonesia), Siemens (Germany), Schneider Electric (France), Philips (Netherlands), Huawei Tech Investment (China), PT Waskita Karya (Indonesia), PT KAI Commuter Jabodetabek (Indonesia), PT Indosat Ooredoo (Indonesia), PT Link Net Tbk (First Media) (Indonesia), PT Surya Semesta Internusa (Indonesia), Ace Hardware Tbk (US), PT Sinar Mas Land (Indonesia), PT Cipta Kridatama (Indonesia), SICE (Spain), PT Cyberindo Aditama (CBN) (Indonesia), PT Sampoerna Telekomunikasi Indonesia (STI) (Indonesia), PT Pelayaran Tempuran Emas Tbk (TEMAS) (Indonesia), PT Bangun Cipta Kontraktor (BCK) (Indonesia), and Other Major Players. 
If You Have Any Query Indonesia Smart Cities Market Report, Visit:
Segmentation of Indonesia Smart Cities Market:
By Solution and Service      
Smart Mobility Management
Smart Public Safety
Smart Healthcare
Smart Building
Smart Utilities
By Component         
By Level        
Emerging Smart Cities
Developing Smart Cities
Mature Smart Cities
By End-user  
Government & Municipalities
Transportation & Logistics
Energy & Utilities
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enerdatics · 2 years
Renewable Energy M&A hits a record high of $100bn!
The global deal value surged by 48% y/y to $108bn in 2022; transacted capacity more than doubled to 740 GW. Corporate consolidations in the US and acquisitions of offshore wind assets in Europe were the major contributors to this rise.
Enerdatics has published its annual analysis of renewable energy transactions, globally. To access the full copy of this report, kindly visit enerdatics.com.
In the US, large, integrated power producers and oil majors expanded their presence in the onshore wind, solar and biofuels segments, fueled by incentives offered under the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA). The Biden administration’s waiver of import tariffs on solar panels from certain Southeast Asian countries improved the outlook for the US’s solar sector, contributing to a 309% y/y rise solar deal value during the year. Meanwhile, clean fuel tax credits and the rising demand to decarbonize domestic heating and power spurred billion-dollar investments in renewable natural gas (RNG) and alcohol fuels assets by bp and Chevron.
In Europe, private equity (PE)-led farm-ins in offshore wind assets, primarily in the UK and Germany accounted for ~40% of the region's transaction value. Ambitious government targets and supportive legislation, such as Germany’s Easter Package, drove deal activity. Further, the EU's plan to offset 3.5 billion cubic metres of Russian gas annually and efforts to decarbonize fossil fuel-based power and heating is spurring investments in renewable natural gas and energy-from-waste platforms. Shell and KKR led activity in the sector during the year.
APAC accounted for $19bn of transactions during the year, with India emerging as the premier market in the region. Onshore wind M&A activity surged by 69% y/y, as countries in the region overcame supply chain bottlenecks due to proximity to steel and equipment manufacturing hubs. Additionally, continued elevated prices of oil, coal, and LNG drove C&I customers to turn to corporate power purchase agreements, leading to a surge in interest for assets backed by bilateral contracts
LatAm deal value surged by 314% y/y, with Brazil accounting for 84% of the region’s transaction value. A 2021 regulation that allows companies to sign dollar-denominated PPAs incentivized foreign investment in Brazil's renewables sector by reducing forex risk. Meanwhile, Chile recorded $1bn of deals in 2022, however, transmission bottlenecks continue to impact investor appetite in the country.
PS: The above analysis is proprietary to Enerdatics’ energy analytics team, based on the current understanding of the available data. The information is subject to change and should not be taken to constitute professional advice or a recommendation.
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supernova5321 · 11 months
Bright future for Taurus
Venus infuses beauty into your chart. You must shine. Literally. Swarovski stones and all sorts of glitter on clothes, bags and hats. All sorts of cool rings. Through all this, the most important energy seeps into your life.
When you spend money on beautiful things, you stimulate the work of Venus, and she, in turn, attracts new resources. Cash can circulate easily and quickly in your pockets. To get good luck in love and work, you need to pump up Venus. Dress up (specifically). Go to master classes in drawing or clay modeling, for example... Draw. Venus will really like slow, unhurried and pleasant actions aimed at achieving an excellent result.
Secondly, she loves to enjoy the tastes. Go to a nice restaurant or cook dinner with your favorite dishes. Try to feel the full depth of taste of food. Another Venusian principle is relaxation and unhurriedness. Think about how you can revise your schedule to leave more time for ordinary idleness.
Choose clothes, think over your own image. Make your workplace beautiful By nature, you can manifest yourself as a practitioner. You have every opportunity to avoid poverty even in the most difficult times. Learn to appreciate and enjoy everyday comfort, coziness and luxury - strive for exquisite furniture, expensive accessories, beautiful interiors. Only in such conditions will you feel calm and stable. You have simple financial prudence, don't let it turn into greed. You have many opportunities and ways to get money, and just as many temptations to waste it.
And of course you need to be able to communicate with the highest strata of society, because you understand their motives. Success awaits you in public affairs. Improve your surroundings. Make influential friends. Try to benefit from everywhere: useful contacts, patrons, commercial transactions... Studying art, marketing, financial investments, dancing, clothing and jewelry design is useful. Innate sales skills can be the key to developing the sphere of love. Namely, to bring acquaintances and meetings with potentially wonderful partners, and then it’s up to you: whether you accept the gift of fate or not...
Never allow anyone to impose someone else’s way of behavior and thinking on you; it will never correspond to your own views. Do everything your own way and to the fullest. You have every right to do this. At the moment of your birth, a “warm place” was prepared for you. But you, like all of us, will have to go through the school of life and learn self-control before the fanfare sounds in your honor. You will certainly be accompanied by material and social success, and possibly a very high position.
Start with self-discipline. You may really miss her sometimes. You shouldn't be lazy and lower your goals. It can suck you in and make your goals impossible. Of course, this can be said to every person. But you have a real weak point, because of which everything will go down the drain. This means that, in principle, it’s generally impossible for you to do anything, despite the fact that you are always able to. Always be sure that the world will appreciate you what you deserve. This will allow you to save your personal energy and not waste it. If you truly love what you do, you will become an expert at your craft. And an excellent professional.
You must have many well-deserved awards. And you will always have something to be proud of.
*The article was published based on an individual natal chart.
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5 common SEO mistakes to avoid in 2023
5 common SEO mistakes to avoid in 2023
The algorithm shifts:
SEO has been going around for a while, but digitisation gave it the required heed and glamour! Marketers remain no more oblivious to how important SEO is in 2023. If marketers got smarter, the search engines, too, got savvy! With the sudden boost in digital marketing and SEO, algorithms have become a dynamic entity. This means the SEO strategies you used in 2019 are not relevant in 2023. Your 2019 SEO efforts could turn out to be a total waste in 2023. Just because you went the extra mile then doesn’t mean you can reap the fruits to date! If you are already incorporating SEO, here are some blunders to keep away from, and if you’re new to SEO, you now know what not to do!
What are some common SEO mistakes to avoid?
1. Keyword Stuffing:
A very clever tactic which was used by conventional experts was to manipulate the algorithm with the exaggeration of keywords. Back then, you could see every 30 words had a keyword inserted, which led to excessive stuffing. However, as mentioned, the search engines got smarter! This technique is no longer relevant in the current times. Having done this today can result in doing more harm than good to your website. At times it can also result in penalties or, worse, dismissal of a website. 
Pro-tip: To avoid keyword stuffing, make sure you insert relevant keywords naturally in a way that compliments your content and the theme subject.
2. Ignoring local SEO:
A lot of heed is given to on-page and off-page SEO; there is no harm in that. What marketers leave behind is local SEO, assuming it is less impactful. Using local keywords, local directories, and Google My Business listings, you may optimise your website for local search. Missed chances to draw in local clients can arise from failing to pay attention to local SEO. In order to have a closer look at it, you can take a quick read through this beginner-friendly local SEO blog.
Pro-tip: Remember, whilst the aim is global, do not forget local! Cater to all local SEO strategies to level up your rankings!
3. Quantity over quality:
This is the most significant SEO mistake to avoid. Previously, in the larger blogging and writing community, the number of words defined your content. Maybe, it worked for the previous algorithms. But evaluating the tactics now, it is clear that the search engines are looking for high-quality, unique content that genuinely aims to solve the users’ queries. The golden rule for writing SEO-friendly articles and blogs is to remember that even though the end motto is marketing, don’t make it look like marketing.
Pro-tip: There is no tip here, do your research and come up with content which truly serves the purpose. Add relevant keywords, and align them in a proper format. One structured piece of content is more likely to rank rather than five poor-quality content pieces!
4. Lacking speed:
Fast websites are favoured by all, notably Google. Google is more likely to recognise your website if it loads quickly. Your website’s likelihood of dropping in the rankings increases with site speed. Making your website faster, if you are aware of its speed difficulties, should be one of your top SEO objectives.
Pro-tip: Being SEO geeks in the digital era comes with greater difficulties. There are multiple companies ready to take your place. Don’t let high buffer speed be the reason behind it. Connect with the top SEO agencies to get it done right!
5. Skipping Analysis: Even if you spend a lot of time and energy optimising your website, it could all be for nothing if you are not using metrics. Tracking your progress is the only method to gauge your success. It will be much simpler to optimise your content once you have that knowledge and know whether what you are doing is having an impact. To avoid any common SEO mistakes, make sure you keep your eyes on the metrics!
Pro-tip: To make your tasks simpler, use tools like google console or Analytics for accurate understanding.
These were some of the common SEO mistakes to avoid in 2023. In order to enable higher ranking and position, make sure to strategically dodge these. For further suggestions and help, you can connect with a credible SEO agency or a digital marketing agency to get it all sorted!
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techs2info · 1 year
10 Best AI Tools to Boost Your Digital Marketing
Hey you, digital marketer trying to boost your results. Have you tapped into the power of AI yet? Artificial intelligence is revolutionizing marketing, and there are some amazing tools out there to help you work smarter, not harder. Whether you want to automate repetitive tasks, generate content ideas, predict customer trends or optimize your ad spend, AI has your back. The tricky part is finding the right tools for your needs without wasting time on solutions that don’t deliver. Lucky for you, we’ve tested some of the top AI marketing tools so you can get straight to the good stuff. Read on for 10 of the best AI tools to take your digital marketing to the next level. Stop struggling with boring, time-consuming work and let AI unleash your creativity. The future of marketing is here - are you ready to embrace it?
Best AI Tools for Content Creation: Copy AI and Article Forge
When it comes to creating content for your digital marketing campaigns, AI tools can be a serious time-saver. Two of the best options out there are Copy AI and Article Forge.
Copy AI allows you to generate short-form copy like Facebook ads, email subject lines, and product descriptions. All you have to do is feed the tool some information about your product or service and it will instantly generate multiple versions of copy for you. Then you can pick and choose the options you like best and tweak as needed. This is perfect for anyone who struggles with writer’s block or wants to A/B test different messaging.
Article Forge goes a step further and actually generates full blog posts and articles for you. You enter a topic and keywords, and the tool will conduct research from across the web to create a draft post. The content won't win any Pulitzer Prizes, but for quickly generating SEO-optimized content to fill out your content marketing calendar, it works great.
Using AI for content creation may seem like cheating, but the reality is that it allows you to focus your time and energy on the creative, strategic work — the high-level thinking that only humans can do. Let the robots handle the repetitive, mundane tasks like researching topics and rewording sentences. Your time is better spent developing your content strategy, optimizing your campaigns, and engaging with your audience.
AI will never replace human writers altogether, but tools like Copy AI and Article Forge are making content creation more efficient and scalable. And in today’s world of marketing where fresh, high-quality content is king, efficiency and scale matter. So don’t be afraid to get a little help from artificial intelligence. Your content marketing will be better for it.
Top AI Tools for Search Engine Optimization: Moz, Ahrefs and SEMrush
When it comes to boosting your search engine optimization (SEO), artificial intelligence (AI) tools can be a digital marketer’s best friend. Three of the top AI-powered SEO tools are Moz, Ahrefs and SEMrush.
Moz is a longtime leader in SEO software. Their AI-based tool, Moz Pro, provides keyword research, site audits, rank tracking, and link analysis to help you strengthen your search ranking. Moz Pro uses machine learning to analyze millions of keywords and websites to uncover opportunities and threats. The tool provides customized suggestions to improve your page titles, content, internal linking, and more.
Ahrefs is an all-in-one SEO toolkit relied on by over 6 million digital marketers. Their AI examines billions of web pages daily to provide the freshest SEO data and insights. Ahrefs’ keyword explorer gives you keyword ideas and metrics to aim for the best possible rankings. Their content explorer finds opportunities to improve existing content or create new content that can rank well.
SEMrush allows you to manage SEO for multiple websites and track the competition. Their AI evaluates more than 3 billion keywords and 100 million domains globally. SEMrush offers tools for keyword research, backlink analysis, rank tracking, and site audits. Their automated site audit checks for issues like duplicate content, broken links, schema markup errors, and keyword cannibalization across your site.
With the power of AI and machine learning, these tools analyze huge datasets to provide customized recommendations for your SEO strategy. They help you discover valuable keywords, create optimized content, build high-quality backlinks, and strengthen your technical SEO. By leveraging these AI SEO tools, you'll have an edge over the competition and be able to improve your search rankings faster than ever before.
Must-Have AI Tools for Social Media Marketing: Buffer and Hootsuite
When it comes to managing your social media marketing, artificial intelligence (AI) powered tools can save you time and boost your results. Two of the top tools that utilize AI for streamlining and optimizing your social media efforts are Buffer and Hootsuite.
Buffer is one of the most popular social media management platforms, used by over 2 million marketers and businesses. Their AI-based features help you plan, schedule and analyze your social media posts.
Schedule posts in advance. Easily add social media posts and schedule them to go out at the optimal times for maximum engagement. Buffer’s AI studies the best times to post for your specific audience and suggests the ideal times for you.
Get post suggestions. Running out of post ideas? Buffer provides intelligent post suggestions based on your past posts, popular content in your industry, trending topics and more. Simply choose a suggestion and schedule it or use it as inspiration.
Analyze your performance. See how your posts and profiles are performing with Buffer’s analytics. Metrics like impressions, engagements, clicks, retweets and more are tracked so you can optimize your efforts. The AI also provides insights into what’s working and recommendations for improvement.
Save time with automation. Buffer automates many of the repetitive tasks involved in social media management like scheduling posts, following users and curating content. Their AI handles the busy work so you can focus on strategy and engagement.
Hootsuite is a widely used social media management platform trusted by over 15 million users. Like Buffer, Hootsuite utilizes AI and automation to simplify your social media activities. Some of their key AI-powered features include:
One-click scheduling. Quickly schedule social media posts, tweets and updates to go out at the best times according to Hootsuite’s AI. Their technology studies your profiles and audience to determine the optimal times.
Suggested content. Never run out of ideas again. Hootsuite provides a constant stream of post suggestions based on trending topics, your industry, location, interests and more. Simply pick from the suggestions or use them as inspiration for your own content.
Automated reports. Stay on top of your social media performance with automatic reports from Hootsuite. Their AI tracks key metrics across all your profiles and delivers insights into what’s succeeding, opportunities for improvement and recommendations to optimize your results.
Saved searches and streams. Set up streams to automatically monitor topics, profiles, keywords and hashtags of interest. Hootsuite’s AI constantly refines results to show you the most relevant content. Curate and schedule the best posts with a single click.
Leveraging the power of AI through tools like Buffer
AI Tools Essential for Email Marketing: Drip and Mailchimp
Drip and Mailchimp: Essential AI Tools for Email Marketing
If you want to boost your email marketing results, AI-powered email automation and personalization tools are must-haves. Two of the leading options are Drip and Mailchimp. By leveraging artificial intelligence, these platforms can automatically tailor your emails to individual subscribers based on their behaviors and interests. The end result? Higher open and click rates, increased engagement, and more sales.
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Unveiling the Versatility of Accounting Careers: Beyond Number Crunching
When people think of accounting careers, the image of number crunching, spreadsheets, and tax forms often comes to mind. However, the field of accounting offers much more than meets the eye. In this blog, we will explore the versatility of accounting careers, delving into the diverse range of opportunities that go beyond traditional roles. From strategic financial planning to forensic accounting and sustainability reporting, we will showcase the exciting and multifaceted paths available to accounting professionals. So, let's uncover the hidden gems and expand our understanding of the dynamic world of accounting.
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Strategic Financial Planning and Analysis: Accounting professionals play a crucial role in strategic financial planning and analysis. They collaborate with management teams to analyze financial data, identify trends, and provide insights for decision-making. By evaluating financial performance and market conditions, accountants contribute to formulating effective business strategies. This role requires strong analytical skills, business acumen, and the ability to communicate financial information to stakeholders effectively.
Forensic Accounting and Fraud Examination: Forensic accounting combines accounting expertise with investigative skills to uncover financial irregularities and fraud. Forensic accountants work closely with law enforcement agencies, corporations, and legal teams to analyze financial records, trace assets, and provide expert testimony in legal proceedings. This exciting field demands meticulous attention to detail, critical thinking, and a deep understanding of financial transactions, making it an ideal choice for those with a passion for uncovering financial wrongdoing.
Sustainability Reporting and Environmental Accounting: As sustainability becomes an integral part of business practices, the demand for accountants with expertise in sustainability reporting and environmental accounting is on the rise. These professionals help organizations measure, manage, and report their environmental impact. By analyzing data on energy consumption, carbon emissions, and waste management, accountants contribute to developing sustainable strategies and meeting regulatory requirements. This field offers the opportunity to make a positive impact on the environment while ensuring organizational transparency.
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Financial Technology and Data Analytics: The digital revolution has transformed the accounting landscape, giving rise to new career paths in financial technology (FinTech), technology management courses and data analytics. Accountants with technological skills and an understanding of data analysis tools are in high demand. They leverage automation, artificial intelligence, and data visualization to streamline financial processes, enhance decision-making, and provide valuable insights. This intersection of accounting and technology offers exciting prospects for innovation and continuous learning.
Consulting and Advisory Services: Accountants also thrive in consulting and advisory roles, providing valuable financial advice to businesses and individuals. They assist clients in areas such as taxation, risk management, financial planning, and mergers and acquisitions. Consultants help organizations navigate complex financial challenges, optimize operations, and achieve their strategic objectives. This dynamic field requires strong interpersonal skills, industry knowledge, and the ability to provide customized solutions to clients' needs.
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Accounting careers encompass far more than traditional number crunching. The field offers a diverse range of opportunities for professionals to explore their interests and expand their skills. Whether it's strategic financial planning, forensic accounting, sustainability reporting, FinTech, or consulting, accountants can leverage their expertise in various domains. As the accounting profession continues to evolve, embracing technology, sustainability, and strategic decision-making, the scope for innovation and growth within the field is immense. So, if you're considering a career in accounting, remember that the possibilities extend far beyond spreadsheets, offering a world of exciting and fulfilling opportunities.
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Biomass Power Market to Grow at CAGR of 6.08% from 2022 to 2028
Triton Market Research presents the Global Biomass Power Market report segmented by Application (Industrial, Commercial, Residential), by Feedstock (Municipal Solid Waste, Biogas, Liquid Biomass, Solid Biomass), by Technology (LFG, Co-firing & CHP, Gasification, Combustion, Anaerobic Digestion), by Geographical Region (North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, Middle East and Africa), discussing Market Summary, Competitive Landscape, Market Drivers, Market Challenges, Market Opportunities, Industry Outlook, Research Methodology & Scope, and Global Market Size, Forecasts, & Analysis (2022-2028).
According to estimates from Triton Market Research, the Global Biomass Power Market is likely to grow with CAGRs of 6.08% (by revenue) and 6.51% (by volume) in the forecast period from 2022 to 2028.
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Growing environmental concerns regarding carbon emissions due to the increasing use of conventional fuels for power generation and transportation have resulted in nations across the world switching to cleaner and more effective energy sources. This, in turn, has shifted the focus on biomass for power generation, which is expected to benefit the global market growth.
Renewable power sources, such as wind and solar, act as substitute technologies for biomass power. Due to increased R&D, as well as the availability of financial incentives globally, these alternatives have emerged as superior options. This, however, has had a negative impact on the adoption of biomass for power generation, thus hampering the studied market’s growth.
The Asia-Pacific leads the global biomass power market, accounting for the highest revenue share in 2021. The availability of financial incentive schemes for the adoption of renewable power sources in a majority of the countries in this region is a key factor driving market growth. Also, the implementation of programs for cofiring biomass with coal-based power plants is anticipated to augment the studied market’s growth in this region.
Thermax Ltd, Suez SA, Orsted, Ramboll Group, Veolia Environnement SA, Xcel Energy Inc, Babcock & Wilcox Enterprises, Ameresco Inc, E.ON Energy, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd, Valmet Oyj, General Electric Company, and Vattenfall AB are some of the noteworthy players in the biomass power market.
The biomass power market is characterized by high capital investment. It requires the presence of high-end laboratories, technological expertise, and high capital cost for R&D, which act as a hindrance to new players aspiring to set foot into the market.
Besides, major global players, such as General Electric Company and Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd, have a strong market presence and technical expertise in biomass power technologies and components, which helps them capture greater shares in the market. This enhances the industry rivalry among the companies operating in the biomass power market.
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aluprof · 2 years
Leading With BIM
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Many people in the Construction Industry still believe that BIM is just a modern design tool, but BIM is much more than this. Whilst design is certainly an element of BIM, collaboration is a key element, from inception through to completion of a project, and beyond. Collaboration across the design team, particularly at the early design stages both reduces risk and maximises value. A detailed BIM design forms a ‘single source of truth’ which de-risks the entire construction programme.
According to MacLeamy (2004) who plotted a simple graph of project time and project effort, it can be seen that the influence on the project design is high at the early design stages, whilst project changes further down the project timeline entails more effort and cost. MacLeamy argued that completing the design earlier in the construction programme reduced risk and cost by negating design changes later in the programme. An early BIM model using high quality, virtual BIM objects assists final design sign off earlier in the construction cycle.
BIM has been with us for some years now, so it is far from a new concept, but helps us in developing new methodologies for construction, new methodologies which help us reduce carbon in construction. According to Transparency Market Research, in 2025 the Construction Industry will generate as much as 2.2 billion tons of waste annually which is about 50% of all global solid waste. The Construction Industry has to move from this linear construction process to a circular construction process where buildings can be deconstructed and rebuilt using some or all of the same parts, or materials recycled back into buildings. A growing number of architectural practices globally are designing ‘temporary’ or ‘deconstructable’ buildings that fall into the circular construction methodology.
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In the UK a recently completed project in London, the Forge, aspires to be the first commercial building constructed and operated in line with the UKGBC’s net zero definition and energy reduction targets. It comprises two new office buildings and a public courtyard. Located on Sumner Street, The Forge is a Landsec office development located just behind Tate Modern in London and utilising BIM at its core is one of the most innovative construction sites in London, pioneering several new construction methods fit for the decades ahead.
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Breaking new ground, the project is be the world’s first large-scale office scheme built using a standardised “kit of parts”, in an approach known as ‘platform design for manufacture and assembly’ (P-DfMA), which applies the advances made by the  Manufacturing Industry to construction, this would not be possible without BIM. Aluprof are delighted to have been invited to take an early design role in developing a unitised facade system that meets the P-DfMA specification pioneered by architects and engineers Bryden Wood. Construction is led by Sir Robert McAlpine and Mace, working together in an innovative joint venture (JV) partnership.
Working with BIM essentially creates a 3D ‘digital twin’ of the building project and it doesn’t stop there. There are a further four ‘dimensions’ that are added, ‘4D’ Time, ‘5D’ Costs, ‘6D’ Sustainability and ‘7D’ Facilities Management. In effect, the BIM model carries all the data for the building, from the building programme through to eventual deconstruction. Any one element, such as the facade, falls into each of the dimensions of BIM, so the more detailed BIM models that can be obtained from suppliers, the greater efficiency is realised.
Finally, automated construction would not be possible without BIM as some of our building methods become automated, built by, or checked by ‘robots’. Yes, this could be the dawn of the robotic ‘Clerk of Works’. During the construction phase of a building, robots are being utilised to laser scan and monitor what has been built offering dimensional accuracy as well as monitoring the programme of works. This ‘real time’ analysis ensures that any potential problems are highlighted at very early stages, saving both cost and time.
With its acclaimed BIM Academy, Aluprof continues to pioneer innovative solutions in partnership with specifiers across the globe. With a huge library of models available to architects and engineers, Aluprof are constantly adding new models for standard and bespoke designs helping clients and developers obtain efficient and sustainable buildings.
Aluprof UK are proud to supply facade systems to a wide range of new and refurbished construction projects across Great Britain and Ireland, with Head Offices in Altrincham in the North West and with an architectural specification support office in the Business Design Centre in London, the company has rapidly grown their specification influence in the UK with their high-performance architectural aluminium systems. Further expansion of the company’s headquarters in Altrincham now provides specifiers with meeting facilities and an extensive showroom of commercial systems to view. Further information is available on the company website at aluprof.co.uk or direct from their UK head office in Altrincham on 0161 941 4005.
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