#watanabe tenji
lycheesuwa · 10 months
Part 7: Ignition
Listen to: Daylight (Taylor Swift: LOVER album)
Osamu x Reader x Suna [Fluff/ Angst] (fluff)
Summary: Your best friend's meddling sets you up for a surprise date on February 14 (1519 words)
This story is heavy Suna in the beginning (Osamu does not appear until chapter 3)
Ft. Watanabe siblings, Kita Shinsuke
link to part 6 | link to part 8
Your job hunt has been a little less successful than you’d like, however your remote work is going fine for the time being, but you’ve been putting in more hours because you need to find a job that’s closer. The next two weeks go by in a blur, and Natsuki announces on february 13th that she’s going out the night after in a fit of giggles. 
The morning of, you’d forgotten that it was valentine’s day, but the scent of chocolate from the stove wafts into your room, waking you. Due to the work you’ve put into finding a job, you forgot to prepare anything for any of your male friends, or prospective suitors. 
Luckily Natsuki didn’t forget. That morning she made three batches, the first two as test batches for the third one which she’s decorating when you finally decide to traverse to the kitchen. Chocolates with small patterns in thinly drizzled hearts and flowers coat the top, some in white and some dyed in reddish-pinks. She gestures at two racks where the chocolates are drying. “These ones are fer ya ta give ta whomever ya want, and those ones…” she gestures with her elbow towards the rack that has individual chocolates arranged in a way they’ll sit in the box to make three layers of concentric hearts, until the one in the center is shaped like a heart by itself. “Those’re fer Shinsuke-kun.”
“Oh…” you look around the kitchen, unsure of what to say. “I guess… I didn’t have anyone in mind to give chocolates to.”
“You can give some ter ma brother, and maybe ya kin give some ter Miya-kun, too.” Natsuki finishes her final piece of chocolate with a pink heart in thinner dyed white chocolate.
“Ter…?” You’re still having a bit of trouble adapting to the Kansai dialect. Natsuki had it in university, but now that you’re living in her hometown it’s stronger than ever.
“Yer new friend, ’Samu-san,” Natsuki picks up one of her test chocolates, and places it on your lips, forcing you to take a bite. “Just pick out a few ya like, n’ bring ‘em ta him.”
You peer over the chocolates. Sure, you can take a few over… and pick out some for Tenji-kun too even though Natsuki made them, and he’ll know.
At 6:00pm on the dot, Natsuki’s sprinting for the door when the bell chimes across your slanted, wooden floorboards. You hear Kita’s soft voice through the paper-thin walls of your room and the main hallway, and then Natsuki’s keys are jingling in the doorway, and the lock clicks shut
You know that Natsuki’s been trying to set you up with someone, either her brother or Osamu, although it's much harder with Tenji only being around some of the time since he’s still required in Shizuoka City during the active season for EJP Raijin. But this is an off season time and he's back home. Natsuki’s less anxious to set you up with Osamu since she doesn't know him as well, and can't goad him into taking any initiative. 
You look at the two boxes you prepared earlier, and grab your phone. 
To: The lesser Watanabe
Natsuki made me some chocolate to give to you. Should I leave it at your house?
From: >> The lesser Watanabe
I'm free. We can go visit OM if you want
To: The lesser Watanabe 
Sounds good. I have chocolate for Osamu also
You meet Tenji in twenty minutes at the door to Onigiri Miya. It's raining, the sound of water dripping in the background as the gutters pool and gush streams down the sides of the roof. You're thankful for the quick dash across the street in your chunky heels. You wore them to bring you a fraction closer to Tenji’s 196.7 cm (6 '5.5), and didn't dress up other than a nice shirt and modest skirt. You know that loving Suna took years from you— almost your entire childhood and teenage years. Now that you're supposedly an adult, even though you don't always feel like it, you're at least trying to be responsible and give yourself time to heal your heart. Or at least warm it up a little from the frost.
Being your friends, Osamu gives you and Tenji a table that's hidden from the crowd, and probably should have been reserved several days in advance. Osamu even pulls your chair out to help you sit, something you've never seen Suna attempt.
Tenji’s attractive in a way that’s almost too clean. He’s got a strong, angled jaw, piercing ice-blue eyes, a deep voice that resonates in you… but he’s just only interested in volleyball and his family in a way that’s cute, but definitely solidifies your decision to wait. Training him to be your boyfriend would take too much work for the reward which would essentially just be a nice face to keep around. And if you learned anything from being with Suna, keeping a pretty face around isn’t worth it.
Osamu arrives at your table as Tenji finishes his story (it took 20 minutes for him to explain that coming from a modest background means he’s got to work ten times harder since his family is poorer), and pulls up a chair next to you. “Ya guys starvin’ yet?”
“Absolutely,” Tenji growls, but smiles as he adds, “tha’ service ‘ere is barely acceptable.”
“Well, ya know, the longer ya hafta wait, the tastier tha’ food’ll be when it arrives,” Osamu gives him a cheeky grin, but takes the order from Tenji for Soba, and you order the house Char Siu ramen.
“Can ya join us, or ya too busy?” Tenji asks, catching Osamu’s wrist before he leaves. 
“Wouldn't wanna impose on yer date with (Y/n),” Osamu says, freeing his wrist.
“S’not a date,” Tenji laughs. “Just ma sister bein’ annoying.”
Osamu glances from Tenji to your face, and you stick out your bottom lip in a pout. “He's married to volleyball, and I'm tired of talking about it,” you lightly tease Tenji, in the hopes that Osamu might be more convinced to join. You'd welcome his presence, soothing demeanor, and calm voice. 
Osamu licks his bottom lip, head wavering as he weighs his options. “I gotta make sure they’re fine without meh, first. ‘Coz if we get too busy I’m needed in tha’ kitchen.”
“Your job definitely comes first,” you say. “You’ve put a lot of time and effort in the restaurant, so take your time.”
“Thanks, (Y/n),” Osamu says. His hand goes to the back of his neck and his cheeks and ears are flushed pink. “I’ll try and get tha’ food out quickly fer ya.”
“Take yer time,” you and Tenji say simultaneously. You can’t help the giggle that escapes as you glance at Tenji, and he cracks a small smile.
“Ya wanna drink b’sides tha’ rosé?” Osamu asks.
You and Tenji shake your heads and smile at Osamu. You're all set, the Rosé is going to be enough to get you tipsy enough you'll loosen up and feel comfortable with Tenji, and hopefully Osamu if he can join you.
When Osamu comes from the kitchen with your food, you gesture at the extra chair. “Can you join us?”
Osamu’s wearing a black button up shirt now although the top two buttons are undone, and his apron is off. He gives a small grin and nods at you. “Yup. We’re slow enough ma co workers said they got it under control.”
“Perfect!” You reach for the box of chocolates you prepared from the batch that Natsuki made. “Here, these are for you.”
Osamu’s eyes widen as you hand him the box. “I haven't gotten chocolate since I was still in university.” He gently lifts the lid of the box and he takes one of the chocolates in his fingers. It looks tiny next to his palm, but then again, he's 185 cm and still broad shouldered and built from his volleyball days. Not to mention whatever he has to do for his restaurant, which includes restocking rice bags at the very least.
“I didn't make it,” you tell him quickly. “Natsuki did… she said these were her trials for the one she made for Kita-san.”
Osamu grins. “They're moving along, aren't they?”
“He already proposed,” Tenji grunts. “Natsuki wants tha’ wedding in May, just b’fore tha’ summer split starts fer meh so I can make it.”
“She's moving in with Kita-san next month too,” you add. “Hopefully in the first two weeks of the month.”
“Yer gonna be alone?” Osamu asks. “In a new place?”
You shake your head. “Slightly, but.. Natsuki will be close- ish, and I'll have you and Tenji when he's around.”
“Barely,” Tenji grunts. He looks sharply at Osamu. “Ya better make sure she’s alrigh' when ‘m gone, Miya.”
“Course,” Osamu says. He looks at you, and gives you a half smile. “Yer always welcome ta eat with meh, even on ma off day.”
You smile back at him. “That's really sweet of you, Osamu. I’ll be in your care”
He grins, teeth showing. “course, (Y/n).”
Part 8....
13 notes · View notes
lycheesuwa · 10 months
Part 5: Embers
Listen to: Daylight (Taylor Swift: LOVER album)
Osamu x Reader x Suna [Fluff/ Angst] (fluff, mentions to suggestive themes)
Summary: You take a vacation down to Hyogo for the new year (2789 words)
This story is heavy Suna in the beginning (Osamu does not appear until chapter 3)
Ft. Watanabe siblings, Kita Shinsuke
link to part 4 | link to part 6
(2784 words)
AN: This is probably my favorite chapter in this mini series~ Hope you are enjoying it so far!
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Natsuki invites you to one more game to watch her brother and Suna play. She recognizes him now, since some nights Suna will say he just needs a house downtown to escape from his one night stands so they don't think there's more if he wakes up at their bed in the morning. And being his friend-with (less)- benefits, you let him stay on the couch or in your bed. You sleep together a few more times, but your mood is ruined quickly if you think about the other girl too much, which happens often. Even being friends with benefits doesn't get you close enough to the enigma of Suna Rintarou anymore.
“Why do you put yourself through this?” Natsuki asks at the end of an EJP Raijin and Azuma Pharmacy game. 
You pause. There's not a good answer. She already knows you like Suna. You confessed everything to her, so she knows he was your first everything— first crush, first kiss, first time, first love. But saying it so explicitly—
“I'm asking why you're letting yourself hurt over this. You should be with someone who can love you back, (Y/n). Suna-san isn't emotionally available to anyone.” Natsuki looks at her watch and then pulls you towards the hallway to find her brother.
You're not actively trying to let Suna break your heart every time he stays over. He never stays later than 8:00am or for breakfast, even if he doesn't have practice, and you didn’t even sleep together. But he does keep coming back sometimes— you aren't a stranger or one night stand. And imagine if things go horribly wrong with that other girl? You'd be right there to hold Suna and pick him up and then surely he'd fall for you. These little lies you tell yourself have been building for the past year and a half. 
Maybe getting to know Suna has made him even more of an enigma than before. 
 Natsuki invites you to her family house in Hyōgo for winter vacation. She's excited to show you everything about where she grew up and where her parents live. The drive is long but you take turns and she finally pulls up into the driveway.
The beginning of the holidays are warm and cozy in the Watanabe family home. Tenji and his friend (who’s wiry and tan like he works in the sun) frequently hang around too, even though Kita lives in Hyōgo, himself.
“We're gonna hit up ’Samu’s restaurant tonight,” Tenji says near the end of your vacation. The new year is only a couple of days away. “Ya wanna join?”
“Sure!” Natsuki chirps back, brightly, her eyes landing on Kita behind her brother.
“Where are we going?” You ask as Natsuki pulls you from the couch where you were in the middle of a movie.
“Onigiri Miya,” Tenji says, taking the keys for the car to drive you all downtown.
You remember Osamu from that party, and how kind he was to explain the situation with Suna. Even though he did give you a bit of a false sense of hope… He was still kind. Not to mention you were supposed to go visit him when you could. Now is as good a chance as any.
Onigiri Miya is absolutely packed at 8:00pm on a Friday night. There's barely anywhere you can see to sit, but there he is— Miya Osamu, pushing through the dining room to gesture at a table half hidden behind a screen and in a more secluded section. 
“Here, I saved ya a table,” he greets you all. “Ah, nice ta see ya, Shinsuke-san.”
“You as well,” Kita says.
“And (Y/n), yer here too!” Osamu moves on to greet you with a surprisingly friendly and warm hug. “What brings ya ta Hyōgo?”
“I'm here with Natsuki,” you say. You should have worn something cute instead of an oversized peach-colored sweater and jeans. Something cute? You want to look cute for… Miya Osamu? Who's literally standing in front of you in a black t-shirt that deliciously hugs his arms and pecs— yeah. You're going again tomorrow night and you're going to look cute.
“If I'd known ya were comin' I woulda prepped somethin’ fer ya guys,” he winks at you, and then pulls out a chair for you to sit in while Kita helps Natsuki into hers and Tenji watches the spectacle unfold.
For the first twenty minutes you guys snack on onigiri and edamame, until Osamu declares it's slowed down enough that he can hang out to sit and drink with everyone.
The food is delicious. There's usually an overwhelmingly greasy aspect of restaurant food that's absent in this dinner. Every dish feels homemade, as if your father cooked it for you. You've never had better donburi or nigiri, and it's hard to believe but amazing to know that the man sitting next to you and leaning over to put more takoyaki on your plate made it all.
“Thanks fer helpin’ meh this mornin’ with tha’ rice,” Osamu says to Kita. “Ya saved meh some time. I had this huge order ‘f onigiri from Akagi fer tha’ volleyball team since they're about ta go ta nationals.”
“Aww, does that remind ya of yer own highschool days?” Natsuki has tears in her eyes, and wipes at her face with her fingers. She's three cans of beer in, and her words are slurring as she leans on Kita’s sturdy shoulder.
“Reminds me of when ya made onigiri for tha’ team my final year with yer friend,” Tenji says to Osamu. “How's she doing?”
“She's good,” Osamu shrugs. “Haven't seen her in a while, since ma brother n’ Sunarin’re always on her when they're around.”
Tenji chuckles. “I had the hardest time figurin’ out who she was datin’, ‘coz tha two of ‘em wouldn't leave her alone. Yer brother always tellin me she was ’is girlfriend, but durin’r after practice she’d be with Sunarin.”
Your throat feels dry and you toss back the rest of your beer and take another bite of Sukiyaki. You've figured out this is the girl that you have to fight for Suna’s attention for, and you're not sure if you like hearing about how close he was to her in high school.
“Botha them needa stop hoeing around if they wanna chance,” Tenji also throws back his head and tips a shot of sake down. “Coz she ain't gonna see either of them ‘f they keep it up.”
“Don't think she knows how much Suna sleeps around,” Osamu says. “Sunarin would die before he let her know he's a horn dog.”
“She probably knows,” Tenji shrugs. “She was always sharp. Made me question why she was never tha manager fer ya guys.”
“She's inta writing,” Osamu says. “She was assistant editor fer the journal at school in our third year.”
Tenji nods thoughtfully, “and she's single?”
“Course. Ya know that ’Tsumu and Sunarin won't let another guy near her if they can help it.”
“They’re so oppressive,” Kita sighs.
“Hey, why ya gossiping like old grandmas when ya got two beauties right ‘ere?!” Natsuki smacks her hand on the table. “(Y/n) and I are single too!”
Tenji looks at the beer cans in front of his sister and sighs. “Natsuki, lower yer voice, we're indoors.”
You don't miss the look the two shoot at Kita too while Natsuki grumbles about how everyone else in the restaurant is being equally as loud. Is it possible that Kita likes your friend?
For the rest of the evening you watch how Kita is polite to Natsuki, although it seems like nothing out of the ordinary. He offers to drink the rest of her beer can, and she hands it to him sullenly through her drunken stupor. The clock ticks on and Osamu goes to get some mochi for dessert and by the time you're all ready to leave, the restaurant is closed and it's long past midnight. You stayed there for almost four hours.
“I gotta clean up a bit, but hopefully I'll see ya guys around?” Osamu looks at you and then Natsuki who's draped over Kita’s side.
“Maybe not her,” you muse.
“C’mon, I’ll take ya home,” Tenji says.
“Thanks for dinner, it was super delicious,” you wave goodbye to Osamu.
“Hope I get ta see ya before ya leave,” he says. “Stop by anytime.”
You stop by for your last two nights. At 7:00 before the night rush you sit at the raised bar counter, away from the other guests. The location keeps you in sight of Osamu too, so you can watch the way his arms bulge, and the way his back ripples under his tight shirt. And Osamu keeps the food coming to you— edamame, onigiri, takoyaki, gyoza— until by the end of both nights you're convinced you've gained an extra 10 kilos.
Osamu pulls up a chair as the rest of the guests file out, and takes the apron off of his waist. He places the cloth on the bar counter and then leans an arm across the smooth mahogany wood to look at you. “How're things goin’ with Sunarin?”
You see him once every other week or so, but only because you live in a convenient location. The last time you guys actually fucked was probably back in October. But Osamu’s steel eyes are trained on your face, watching your brow furrow, his own glinting at you, teasing. “He's… a bit distant,” you admit.
“Ah, sorry ta hear,” he says. “So uh, what’re ya doin in Hyōgo?”
“Visiting Natsuki and her family… and now you, I suppose. She's out with Kita, at the moment.”
“Yanno, I don't think the captain ever talked ta her in high school, but he likes her fer sure,” he says.
“He left tomatoes on her front porch today, and she picked some wildflowers for him,” you say back. “She likes him a lot.”
“I saw tha flowers on his dash this mornin’ when he came ta drop off tha edamame,” Osamu chuckles. “D'ya think they'll get married soon?”
You think for a moment. You've never met a single one of Natsuki’s… anyone. It’s not that she doesn't like boys, but she's only had a total of two crushes and dated one guy. And even though you won't say it, you know it's because she sees her older brother as a perfect guy, and it's hard to compete with that as an example. So unless Kita is absolutely perfect, she won't get serious with him. “I'm not sure,” you say. “There's a chance they do.”
Through talking to Osamu, you learn that maybe Kita is perfect for Natsuki. He's meticulous with life, searching for the perfect way to complete his day. Osamu says he's fallen into a routine that he's satisfied with, although he could probably use a bit of help around the house since his grandmother is quite old now.
“I think Natsuki likes him a lot,” you agree. “She'd be perfect as a housewife— she'd be able to continue gardening.”
“Yeh? Well, it helps that Tenji already knows and likes Shinsuke,” Osamu adds. “Coz ‘f he didn't, yanno that Shinsuke’d have no chance.”
You giggle and shake your head. Ironic of Tenji and Kita to call Atsumu and Suna oppressive for that girl when they have their own thing with Natsuki. At least Natsuki doesn't have to choose between the two.
“Hey, I'm glad ya made it out ‘ere, (Y/n),” Osamu says. “Yer real nice.”
You tilt your head to look at him. “You've been feeding me for free the past week, so it's really the least I can do.”
“Are ya gonna pray tomorrow?” he asks. “Fer new years?”
You're not particularly religious which you relay to Osamu.
“Ah, I'm not either, but I like ta go fer this at least. Even though it's only once a year, gotta try all tha’ luck I can, and I like ta think it's helped out with tha’ business.” There's a hint of pink on his cheeks. He opened up to you in a small way, so you nod.
“I haven't been to a shrine in a long time,” you admit. “Can I go with you?”
“Yeh, ‘course,” he says. “But I wanna go early, if that s’all right with ya?”
You nod slowly. “Sure.”
“I’ll throw in a homemade breakfast, how’s it sound?” he winks, catching you off guard. His eyes are gleaming, but after eating so much of his cooking the past three nights, you’d be a fool to turn down a free, homemade breakfast from Miya Osamu.
“That sounds wonderful.”
The morning is cold, and dark, but Osamu has a backpack and promises you that he’ll cook something for you when you get back. When you get to the mountain outlook with the shrine, he takes out a small thermos filled with fresh rice that's still steaming when he unscrews the lid. Using a metal spoon, he spoons some of the rice into a chipped porcelain bowl, and places it at the shrine.
He pours you a shot of sake to toast to the new year together. As much as he said he wasn't religious, he's taking the new year traditions quite seriously.
Praying has never really been something you truly believe in, but this year you manage to mentally ask for some good changes. Not that it's a specific prayer, but you could use something new in your life, whatever the gods want to send your way (with the caveat that it's good of course).
The sun breaks across the mountain range as you clap to finish your prayers. 
The walk down is relatively silent. You allow yourself to be surrounded by the sounds of the mountain waking— the trees rustling, the chirping of crickets joined by birds. Sunlight streams through the branches of the trees and touches your face every other step, warming your face. You feel lighter, and thankful for a new year as the golden-white beams burn through your vision.
True to his word, Osamu brings you to his apartment above Onigiri Miya and cooks a delicious breakfast of tamagoyaki and Ogura Toast which reminds you even more of home, Aichi especially. There's something strangely domestic about this activity of eating breakfast with someone. You didn't even sleep with Osamu, or maybe it's because you didn't sleep with him that you accept the gesture of him making breakfast and coffee and sitting down to eat with you.
It's only after you and Natsuki meet up to walk around the neighborhood that you realize you spent an entire morning thinking only about the future and Osamu, and your mind is void of Suna. Not worrying about when he'd call you next, or if he liked that girl…
“How was the shrine?” Natsuki asked. “I thought you didn't want to go because it was too early.”
“I didn’t, but… it was nice,” you admit. Even though initially you hadn’t wanted to go to the shrine with the Watanabes and Kita, Osamu makes everything seem easy to you. He's there in a way that feels… permanent.
Natsuki brings you around to her old high school, Inarizaki. You wander the grounds, unable to get inside but appreciate the scenery. You wonder if Osamu ever had a window seat and looked out of it, day dreaming of opening his own shop. Or maybe he sat near the hallway and put his head down on his desk.
Natsuki shows you Gymnasium 2 where the volleyball team practiced, and you peek through the window. The court is dark, and everything is wrapped up and put away, but in your mind you can almost hear the faint screech of a whistle and the pounding of a volleyball against arms and hands as the ball flies through the air.
“Thank you for this trip,” you say, linking your arm through Natsuki’s.
“Did you enjoy it?” Natsuki asks.
“I think so,” you reply.
“I think… I want to move back to Hyōgo,” Natsuki says quietly. “I… I really like Shinsuke.”
You crack a small smile at her. “You should definitely move back, then. After all, trees need to be planted everywhere, not just on a city grid.”
Natsuki leans her head against you. “You're too good to me, (Y/n). What am I going to do without you?”
“You'll have Kita-san,” you reply. “I'm not worried.”
“What about you? Who's going to take care of you?”
You let out a small laugh and dodge answering. You don't know. A year ago you would have immediately said you'd make Suna yours, but maybe there's more to the story. Maybe there’s someone else.
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part 6
11 notes · View notes
lycheesuwa · 11 months
Sunrise Part 3: Inarizaki Intruder
Listen to: Cruel Summer (Taylor Swift: LOVER album) | I'm not Her (Julia Brennan)
Osamu x Reader x Suna [Fluff/ Angst] (angst, suggestions of nsfw)
Summary: You meet a certain restaurant owner...
This story is heavy Suna in the beginning (Osamu does not appear until chapter 3)
Featuring: Watanabe Natsuki, her brother Watanabe Tenji, and another girl~ (all OCs of mine)
link to part 2 | link to part 4
(2494 words)
You sleep with Suna several more times. For almost the rest of the month you'll go over to his place once or twice a week, or he'll go to yours. Natsuki hates it, and you know it, but she doesn't say anything. She asks you to go to bars with her and meet new people and takes you to a club once even though she hates dancing, because she wants you to get over Suna, even though she's made a point to never meet him. 
“I have two tickets to see the EJP Raijin game against MSBY Black Jackal this weekend,” Natsuki places two tickets onto the table in the middle of your apartment. “If you want… we can go.”
“You got tickets? I thought they were sold out,” You recall something Suna mentioned at the bar before taking you home two nights before. The purple-blue hickey on your collar is still visible, although more faint, and your concealer is running thin. It’s only been three months, but his libido is high, and you’re more than happy to reciprocate his advances. Afterall, you’re going to make Suna real, and not an enigma. It doesn't matter if he told you he's not looking for a relationship, you know how these things turn out in movies and books. 
“Yeah… Um, my brother is on EJP Raijin,” Natsuki sighs. “We have court-side seats.”
Your eyes widen. You knew that her brother played in high school; but to be a Japanese national athlete too? “Why didn't you tell me?!” you exclaim. “Natsuki, that's so cool! Your brother must be insanely good!”
“He's alright,” Natsuki blushes. “So will you join me?”
You and Natsuki wear yellow to show you're supporting EJP Raijin, and not whatever the other random team is. And you're stuck in a jersey that has the number 3 on it because she was too embarrassed to. Apparently it's her brother’s jersey and number. You'd rather it have a 9, but you're here to support her brother. Mostly.
On the side of the court you can see how tall the players are. They tower over you as you take your seat and jump even higher. And somehow, next to all of them, Suna looks on the shorter side. Even MSBY looks huge, their middle blockers several more centimeters taller than Suna. But he's strong, and they play hard, and Natsuki keeps screaming “Go Ji-nii-san!” until her words break because her voice is shot.
And they win in the end, and Natsuki pulls you aside to wait for the end of the game and when the team comes from the locker rooms she throws herself at the tallest guy and wraps her arms around his neck and he hugs her back.
“Hey, thanks for making it out here today, Imouto.”
So that's her brother. He's tall, and he's attractive in a model-worthy way; square jaw, strong brow, intense crystal blue eyes. And he's walking towards you and says in a voice that's almost too deep and seeps into your bones and rattles them just a little when he speaks, “thank ya fertaking care a’ ma sister. I heard so much about ‘cha, (Y/n).”
Not even your last name— your first. 
“N- nice to meet you!” You somehow stutter out.
Your gaze falls on a certain brunette behind him, watching you with careful golden-green eyes. He turns his head slowly away, although his orbs track your line of sight as you nod to Tenji.
“Natsuki, we're going out fer drinks with tha’ old Inarizaki guys since Miya Atsumu is here,” Tenji says to his sister. “(Y/n) and ya should join us.”
You turn to your long time roommate, and friend. Natsuki wrinkles her nose. “I don't wanna drink with your team.”
“It's not the team, it's Inarizaki. C'mon, I'll be there and make sure nothing happens ta ya,” Tenji coaxes.
Natsuki turns to you. “D’ya wanna go?” she asks. She only spent like a minute talking to her brother and her Kansai dialect is back, even if only faintly.
“Sure,” you nod.
Tenji puts his arm around her shoulder before he turns to his team and waves at Suna to join the rest of you. He's standing with a guy with light chestnut colored hair, and the two walk over.
“Komori-kun is gonna join us,” Suna says. “He's gonna try and convince Kiyoomi-kun to join too.”
“Sweet. This is my kid sister, Natsuki, and her friend from uni, (Y/n)-san,” Tenji introduces you.
Suna smirks as he lifts his right hand in a peace sign. “Yo, (Y/n)-chan,” he stresses your first name like a taunt.
Your breath catches when he throws in a wink at the end. Curse his beautiful face for making you lose composure for a second. “M-my name is (Y/l/n), (Y/n),” you correct, bowing.
Tenji’s face flickers in annoyance at his sister introducing you by your first name. “C'mon, ya can meet ’Tsumu and his brother. Omi-kun too.” He leads you over to some of the members of MSBY who are exiting their own locker room.
At the front is a man with platinum blonde hair, and behind him a guy with wavy black hair and a face mask. The platinum haired guy looks to be in much brighter spirits with his hand in the air and a small smile on his face, although you can tell it’s forced. “Hey, Sunarin, Ten-ten,” he greets Suna and Tenji. “Good game ya played out there.”
“Thanks, ’Tsumu,” Suna says. You’re introduced to the guy with the mask but your attention is on the brunette behind you, trying to figure out what they’re talking about, but the ’Tsumu guy’s accent is too strong after talking to Tenji, and he’s speaking too fast, and he’s just a bit too far away to hear properly.
Tenji offers to drive you to the bar where he rents a private room and a boy and girl from Inarizaki who came to watch the EJP vs. MSBY game join you. The boy is a spitting image of the platinum blonde, except his hair is a natural shade of brown. 
The girl is adorable. She’s the perfect height for her to wrap her arms around Suna’s neck so he has to pick her up, but her body is clearly that of an adult. Her hair is long and pulled back into a half rose bun, the rest of it curled in soft waves that fall down her back, although at the moment they’re streaming behind her as Suna spins her around in their embrace. She’s beautiful, and she keeps her arms around Suna’s neck as she congratulates him, finally landing a kiss on his cheek once he sets her down. If there’s anyone who radiates warmth and the sun more than her, you’re not sure you know them. Even her auburn-colored hair is streaked with natural highlights, reminding you of sunlight on japanese-maple leaves.
Suna’s face is bright red, and he stands to his full height as the girl finally lets go, and your attention is brought back to Natsuki and her brother. Tenji’s asking what you want to drink and you wave your hand towards the makeshift bar where ’Tsumu is rummaging through the bottles to pour people their desired poison of the night, a careless, “whatever you have.”
Whatever you have to distract me from Suna… Suna, who has his arm around that girl’s shoulders, so she’s forced to sit next to him on the farthest couch from you. Suna who gives her sly smiles and makes sure she’s not drinking too much as the night goes on, even after Natsuki and ’Tsumu leave to go to the bathroom, Natsuki to throw up, and ’Tsumu to do the same, most likely.
You’re sitting at the edge of your couch wondering how many times Suna’s gone to her place instead of yours. How many times he’s whispered the same filthy words into her hair as he takes her from behind, or how many times he’s filled her up with his cum. How many times he’s shown up to practice with scratch marks down his back from her, and you hate how long her legs are, and how nice her ass is, even while wearing modest pantsuit. How perfect she looks tucked up against Suna as she pulls her legs onto the long couch to lean into his side, and his arm goes from the back of the couch to wrap around her so his hand is draped languidly across her waist.
“Hey, ya went ta Kobe University? I went there too,” a voice snaps you out of your daze.
You’re staring at ’Tsumu’s brother, his hair a dark brown color, locks beginning to settle on his head normally than when they were plastered to his forehead from being stuffed under a hat that read ‘Miya’ on the front. “Um… yeah,” you say, “I went there. I just graduated, with her,” you nudge Natsuki’s arm where she's leaning against you.
“I did too. Big school— I was in business management,” he says.
You raise your eyebrows, and glance from him to Suna again. Suna's lips are in the girl’s hair, whispering, and she’s holding his free hand, fingers playing with the steel ring across his right index finger.
“Ma names Osamu, but ya should just call meh ’Samu,” Osamu offers, forcing you to look into his eyes again. They're a shade of blue that's so dark they almost look black. “S’easier than sayin’ ma full name.” His dialect is strong. If you didn’t have practice talking to Natsuki you would have gotten lost because he speaks quickly too.
“I’m (Y/n),” you say, distracted as Suna stands up and pulls the girl to her feet.
Osamu finally turns to Suna and the girl since it looks like they’re leaving.
Osamu stands and goes to clap Suna on the shoulder, pulls the girl in for a hug which she only sort of returns, and he says something stern to her. She nods, eyes almost shut, bottom lip jutting out in a pout. She shakes her head and then a sleepy smile falls on her face as she turns to Suna.
“Let’s go home, Rin,” she says. 
Something starts to sink in your chest. She called him ‘Rin’ and there was no reaction. No warning slap, not a bat of their eyes, and even Osamu and ’Tsumu seem to take this like it’s a fact. Like she calls him that all of the time. Maybe it’s normal for her, but that’s something else that puts her apart from you. The girl pulls Suna forwards by the hand, and waves goodbye to the circle of people.
’Tsumu catches her at the door though, places his hands on her shoulders, and begins sobbing as he falls into her much smaller frame. “Don’t leave me, chiibi-chan,” he whines through his tears.
She pats his back and says, “Atsumu, let me go home. Rin’s driving me to the airport in the morning so we have to go now.”
“I’ll drive ya,” Atsumu protests. “Let me go with ya.”
“It’s been a while since you’ve seen the others here,” she says. “Just enjoy the night with Tenji-san and ’Samu. We’re going to dinner on Tuesday, anyway.”
“But I wanna spend tha’ night with you, Shiibi-chan.” His words are slurring as he collapses against her and Suna finally steps in to pull the faux-blonde off of the girl.
“You see her more since you live in Tokyo,” Suna rolls his eyes. “Give me the one night I get with her in the season.”
Your jaw locks as the sinking feeling falls through your stomach. It’s like quicksand pulling all of your guts lower and lower somehow, slowly through this pit in your stomach. Maybe this girl is even more than just another hook up. She’s something that Suna had to share at least, which makes her even more precious since she isn’t always there for him.
You’ve contemplated leaving Suna. Telling him to either commit to you, or give it up entirely, but that would reveal that you’d gone into the agreement with feelings, and that would make you a liar through the whole ordeal. There is also the chance that he just cuts you off, since he understood that you were just friends with benefits, and when said benefits got to be too much for you, he’d cut off the friendship.
Suna succeeds in dumping Atsumu onto the couch next to Osamu, and pulls the girl in by the waist, until she’s nestled under his arm with her hand on his chest. He nods at you briefly before lifting his hand towards Tenji. “See you tomorrow, captain,” he waves.
Tenji lets out a small smile, even though he’s not the captain. “See ya, Sunarin.”
Your hope leaves with Suna as his arm tightens around her waist and the door shuts.
The vodka in your glass burns more that night, but you welcome the sting in your throat as you talk to Osamu. Osamu who started his own business and only recently got an actual restaurant located in downtown Kobe. With an agreement to stop by some time when you can make the trip down to Hyōgo, you exchange numbers although it seems like he’s doing it out of kindness. Atsumu passes out on the couch next to him, and finally Osamu bites.
“Ya like Sunarin, dont’cha?”
You know there’s no point in denying it. But not wanting to admit it quite yet, you take a look around the room. Tenji’s talking to the guy with the mask, and their other friend is also snoozing but on the floor since the mask guy has his own little bubble around him. When your gaze falls on the stranger-now-friend before you, you nod. “I’ve known Suna-kun my whole life… I— I guess he’s my first love,” you admit.
Osamu chuckles. “Must be tough seeing ‘im with someone else, hmm?” he muses. “They’ve been close friends throughout highschool. Best friends, yanno? Never dated though, fer some reason.”
“Do you think they will?” you dare to ask.
Osamu shakes his head in a slow manner, but it seems genuine. “Nah,” he says reflectively. “Coz’f Sunarin wanted her that bad, he’d have at least kissed her by now. Hell, even I’ve kissed her, and who knows how far ma idiot brother’s pushed the boundaries.” His gaze falls to the sleeping blonde next to him. “But… Sunarin ain’t physical with ‘er like that. We all worry about ‘er, but he’s more protective. More like… A brother or somethin.”Is he… trying to cheer you up? Throw down a net into that hole and fish out the remaining pieces of your pining for Suna Rintarou? Regardless of why Osamu is comforting you, you smile at him, feeling light for the first time that night. “I appreciate hearing that,” you tell him.
part 4
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lycheesuwa · 11 months
Sunrise Part 1: First Spring 
Listen to: Cruel Summer (Taylor Swift: LOVER album), August (Folklore Album)
Osamu x Reader x Suna [Fluff/ Angst]
Summary: You're childhood friends with Suna Rintarou, hoping it could lead to something more.
This story is heavy Suna in the beginning (Osamu does not appear until chapter 3)
Featuring: Wakamoto Family (random family name)
(2234 words)
Part 1: First Summer 
Ice-blue frost crunching under your feet for the third week of March between school years was a dreary way to end junior high. The worst part was that he hadn't even told you it was his last day, even though you believed to be his friend for the past six years.  
Suna Rintarou was moving from Nagoya to Hyōgo.
You didn’t keep up with him in highschool well because you couldn’t bring yourself to text him first and Suna was not great at messaging. You did find out through a bit of digging on twitter that he was on the Inarizaki volleyball team, and they even made it to the quarter-finals in your first and third years. After looking through the 60-odd accounts he followed on twitter, you stalked the few that looked interesting. The first was Miya Atsumu, and who you assumed was his brother Osamu. Then there was a guy who was notable in Japan as a national under-19 Ace named Watanabe Tenji, and the last was a girl who had only her profile picture and one retweet on Inarizaki getting third in your final year of highschool. She only followed Suna, but the rest of his teammates followed her. You hoped she wasn’t his girlfriend, although you were certain that Suna would be more public about it if he did have a girlfriend. 
The blue bird leered at you as if to tell you that of course Suna would tweet about it. Of course. 
When taking exams for university, you settled on applying to schools in Hyōgo, specifically with good volleyball teams too. You could try and convince yourself it wasn’t for the possibility of seeing Suna, but you knew the truth, and you’d never win that argument. Luckily, you got into Kobe University. You’ve just gotten the acceptance letter, gilded in gold, and are checking your phone in your room to see your emails.
“(Y/n)!” Your mother calls you. “There’s going to be a party at the Wakamoto’s house this weekend, and there’s a rumor that the Sunas will be visiting— you remember their son, Rintarou, right?”
Your mom is asking as if you could forget. His lazy gaze as he lifted his head to pretend to engage just a fraction in classes he was interested in, but his hair nesting into his arms for literature. How he was one of those kids who was always just a little bit taller than the rest of the grade. He was your first crush. You were one of the only girls he talked to (because you talked to him first once, to ask what he was listening to on his music player), and as a result you became friends. He’d share new music he found, even if the songs were released the day before or ten years old. You kept up with music as you could, although you weren’t particularly blessed with musical talent yourself.
When you were ten, in your head, Suna had basically been your boyfriend.
So seeing him, all 185cm of him, in the Wakamoto’s backyard, at 18 years old, muscles hidden under a dark blue hoodie but his body structure burned into your brain as you trace his shoulders and biceps with your eyes, is a surprise. A treat too, but a surprise. You spend most of the night sneaking glances at him, his phone held in hand as he slouches against a lawn chair. His thumb is mindlessly scrolling across his phone screen, a small pinch in his brow as his finger swipes.
You’ve debated breaking the illusion of Suna Rintarou in your mind. Would he be anything close to what you assumed he was like in your head? Would he even entertain a conversation with you? The only way to find out would be to initiate the conversation, but even that might be too much. He’s so different although still he acts the same. You can barely see how golden-green his eyes look in the sunlight with how heavy his lids are as his thick lashes obscure his orbs further.
Yeah, Suna’s an enigma to you. You’re infatuated with a version of him that’s fake, and you want to change that. The night is falling quickly though, and a bonfire begins to form as kids run off into the woods to gather sticks, but before your mother can make you clean up with the Wakamoto kids, you head over and sit opposite Suna in a lawn chair. His eyes flicker to your face but then back to his phone.
“Hello, Suna-san,” you greet him.
“Hey,” he says back, looking up to stare into your eyes. “(Y/l/n)... right?” 
You know he’s being polite. There’s no way you’ve changed enough for him to not recognize you, plus you were awarded last year with a follow back when you retweeted something he posted about a band you both like.
“It’s… been a while,” you awkwardly rub your hands together.
He nods, and the corner of his mouth quirks up for just a second.
“How have you been? It’s been a while since we last talked,” you say, desperate to move the conversation anywhere other than not talking at all.
“I’m good… still playing volleyball,” he offers.
You smile at him, giving him what you hope is your prettiest smile and that he notices. “I saw you got third at nationals this year! Congratulations.”
“Thanks. I think I’m going to continue it.” He sticks his hands into his pockets, phone discarded as he tilts his head towards you. “I’m going to Kobe University.”
Your mouth falls open. “I got accepted there, too!”
Suna’s half smile is there again, and he nods slowly. “That would be cool if we went to school together. It’d be like the old times.”
“I agree,” you add, shyly. 
Suna runs a hand through his hair, the back sticking up more even though he tried to flatten it with his fingers. He looks like he wants to say something but can’t find the words to.
“Wanna steal a beer bottle and sit on the roof?” you ask.
The corner of his mouth lifts again. “Sure. I’ll meet you up there.”
“I’ll get the beer.”
You scramble to acquire the necessary item, and meet him about ten minutes later. He’s laying across the roof, away from the back yard so no one sees you guys. Even though he had to climb out of the bathroom window, he probably did it more easily than you since he’s tall. That or he climbed the trellis on the side of the house near the wisteria plant.
From your own lavender hoodie pocket, you pull out the single can of sapporo premium beer you found in the garage refrigerator.
Taking turns with the can, you begin to loosen up. Talking about music helps too since you’re both interested in the same bands, although the tastes have split a little bit. You’re still very much into (insert favorite genre), and he’s more focused on EDM edits, but of course you still like his artist suggestions, and he seems to reciprocate yours.
The night is falling fast, stars littering the sky as you eventually finish the can and lean back onto the cold shingles of the roof.
“Kinda wish you moved to Hyogo too,” Suna says. “Or we were in the countryside, because the stars out there are way more gorgeous.”
“I don’t think I've ever looked at the stars like this,” you admit. “It’s just something that I read about.”
“Falling stars are the best,” Suna says, surprisingly gently, even with his raspy voice that sort of keeps your senses heightened. His voice had dropped beautifully, and you’re jealous that it’s so perfect for his laid-back personality.
“I’ve never seen one,” you say.
“Just keep watching. I’m sure you can.” Suna puts his arms behind his head to elevate himself a fraction.
You watch the sky instead of Suna since he’s stopped talking, and feel yourself drifting to sleep. The night is dark and endless, a deep purple-blue haze behind your eyelashes. As your eyelids flutter between threatening sleep and your consciousness reminding you that you’re on the roof, a single star bleeds across the sky.
“There!” Suna points, like he’s eight years old again and watching a V. League game for the first time.
You follow the star as it falls towards the right, and your gaze lands on Suna. His eyes are fully shut, a small frown marring his features as his eyebrows push together in concentration.
“What’s wrong?” you asked.
Suna waits a moment before his eyes open a crack and he sheepishly says, “I was making a wish.”
“Looked intense,” you say, but smirk at how cute and childish the gesture is.
“It’s something another friend of mine started, and like a dog I start salivating when I hear the bell, except it’s making a wish on a falling star.”
You’re surprised he can even reference the psychological experiment of Pavlov's. Maybe you hadn’t given Suna enough credit when you were younger. You always assumed he hated school, especially a class lesson like psychology. But, afterall, three years is a long time to change.
“Are you seeing anyone?” You ask quietly, apprehensive of what comes after, a breeze stinging your face as if to remind you that you're approaching a pipe dream, and to settle for the harsh truth that someone like Suna Rintarou won't see you like that.
“Dating is overrated,” Suna shrugs.
“I don’t think so,” you say quickly. You don’t want to give up on the chance that Suna could be your first boyfriend. He could be your first and only boyfriend… if he’d like for that to be true too.
“I guess I’m just thinking more about volleyball than a relationship, so it’s not for me,” Suna says.
You don't mean to pout.
He turns to look at you and gauge your reaction. That smirk is back as he props himself into one arm, and looks down. “Seems like you're thinking hard.”
“Well yeah. Here's this guy who I used to be friends with and he's a grown-ass man now,” you retort. “but he's telling me he cares too much about an inanimate object to—”
“You wanna make out?” Suna cuts you off.
Your eyes widen but you reach your hand towards his face. “Yeah.”
Your teeth clash before your lips can meet and after only a second he shoves his entire tongue down your throat. It's messy, and sloppy, and there's saliva dripping down your chin— but you're kissing Suna Rintarou.
And he's kissing you back. 
The wind stills since you won against the universe telling you otherwise. You won't let Suna be an enigma.
The spring break goes by too fast. You're… sort of dating Suna? Is that what you call it? It's not like he takes you on dates, but rather his family is staying in Aichi for a few weeks to help their cousins who are moving to Nagoya, and he'll ditch his family to go to your house. 
There you cuddle and learn about his friends from highschool, mostly the volleyball club, and after a sufficient amount of small talk, you'll lean in or he will, and make out.
For the entire summer your lips taste sweet with Suna's saliva. He doesn't go further though, and only having recently turned 18, you're not sure you want to yet either. But your hands will travel across his toned body, biceps, pecs, abs, thighs— nothing escapes your touch. Suna’s equally as thoughtful in making sure to touch you; your chest, back, stomach, legs, and sometimes his hands will fall against your neck and his thumb will gently massage the other side, his long fingers making it so easy to gently choke you. But that's as far as it goes.
“Ne, Suna,” you say. “It's almost the end of break… are we going to continue this?”
You're wrapped under his arm as you lay in your twin bed, head on his chest, an earbud in and listening to a new J-pop ep-album he found recently.
Suna lifts his hand to grab his phone and pause the music. “Hmm,” he hums in thought. “I guess long distance would be hard.”
“Long distance? I thought we were both going to Kobe.”
“I got a better scouting offer from Shizuoka,” he admits. “I… I should have told you sooner, I guess.”
“It's fine,” you say. It's not. You hate the fact that you're going to school to be near him, and he's going to be a four-hour drive away. It's cruel of him to leave like this, but you understand that he wants to pursue his career. 
“Sorry,” he mumbles.
You shake your head. It's not even like you're really dating. Although… maybe you should clarify with him. “What was this break? What… What are we, I guess?”
Suna doesn't respond for a long while and you tilt your head up to make sure he's awake still. His eyes are staring into the ceiling but he looks like he's in thought. “I don't know,” he says finally. “Guess we're just friends who make out a bit.”
“And when we go to school we'll be friends who don't make out a bit?” You prompt.
“Sure,” he agrees, and he pulls you in for another kiss. “But we can make out now.”
AN. Characters belong to Furudate, I do not own haikyuu
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lycheesuwa · 10 months
Part 6: Selfish
Listen to: Cruel Love (Taylor Swift: LOVER album), Daylight
Osamu x Reader x Suna [Fluff/ Angst] (ANGST, drinking, fluff)
Summary: A final goodbye to the city that's hurt your heart for the past two years (1745 words)
Ft. Watanabe siblings, Kita Shinsuke
link to part 5 | link to part 7
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Natsuki starts her move back to Hyōgo immediately, and surprisingly, you decide to move with her. Your job offers enough remote work that you can do that while you search for something in Hyōgo. The Shizuoka apartment is almost entirely packed up when Natsuki proposes that you guys go to a bar on a Sunday with her brother to celebrate leaving the city. Tenji says some of the guys from EJP might join as well, and knowing that Suna will be there, you scramble to find the cutest outfit you can from what's accessible from your closet and suitcases. 
You drink and Suna finds his way to your side, his hand on your hip as you lean into him and talk with him and his teammates.
“What's got Tenji’s little sister out tonight?” Komori asks at your end of the bar where you’re sitting with him and Suna.
“We're leaving for Hyōgo!” you exclaim. 
You feel Suna’s hand tighten on your waist. “What?” he asks. 
“Yeah, we’re moving because she’s in love—” you hiccup through a sip of your martini. “She's in love with Kita-san.”
Against your side, Suna’s fingers are digging into your flesh as he holds you tighter.
“Suna?” you ask, pushing his hand away. “You're kind of hurting me.”
Suna’s eyes narrow further and his brows pinch together, but he takes his hand away from you. “You're moving?”
“Natsuki wants to go home to Hyōgo,” you say. “And there's nothing I can't do here that I won't have there.”
“What about me?” Suna asks. “I'm here. You… You want to leave me?”
“You are here…” You say slowly, looking from him to Komori. 
“When do you move?” Suna presses.
“Um, next weekend,” you said softly. In four days, actually, but that's close enough. “The end of the month.”
Komori excuses himself to go to the bathroom, reading the tension between you and Suna. 
Suna’s fingers rake through his hair. “First her and now you? I really am unlucky.”
You feel something in your gut. “First her, and now you.” As if you haven't had to compete with her for any gram of Suna’s attention for all of your life, and now that you're making a selfless decision to move for your friend, he somehow makes it about you and him again. “You're selfish,” you say suddenly. “You're really selfish, Suna-san.”
Suna’s eyebrows lift as you snap at him. “Huh?”
“You only care about yourself and… I don't know— you've been using me for- for whatever this is that we are: friends with benefits, or whatever for the past… god, I don't even know, two years? Maybe that spring we made out it was just practice for her but— fuck, you've been leading me on for so long!” you burst out. “I loved you Suna, I seriously, honestly loved you and you don't— you can only think about her!”
You've never seen Suna’s eyes this wide before. “(Y/n)? Are you okay?” He waves his hand in your face. “We agreed to be friends with benefits, I thought?”
“We did but god, it fucking killed me every time you’d leave and then after that party in May you just— you tried to pretend I was her when you fucked me and— and now that I want to do something for my friend and maybe for myself you're here to stop me? I know you're here— god I fucking know you're here! You come sleep in my apartment because it's convenient and we used to be friends when we were eight, but I'm tired of this.”
“Wha— how does that make me selfish? You could have said no! You could have disagreed to be friends with benefits,” Suna snaps back. “Don't turn this on me, (Y/n), you're equally at fault here.”
“God, you're so full of yourself. I seriously loved you, but did you even like me?” you ask.
He pauses and you watch as his Adam's apple bobs. He can't answer because you know he never did.
“That's what I thought,” you say. And it's so unfair how his eyes glow a deep, beautiful, emerald green in the dim bar lighting and the soft glow illuminates his head like some sort of cursed angel. But this is Suna Rintarou, the man who's caused your heart pain for being the second option for the past fourteen years, since you were eight years old. And his form is beginning to blur as your eyes start filling with tears. You blink twice to try and catch them before they can spill, but the second time one tear has built up too much and splashes over the corner of your eye and down your cheek.
Komori returns with Natsuki and she pulls you away from Suna as you take the first shaky breath and then sobs wrack your body. Whispered shushes and hands on your arms to guide you to the car, and Tenji’s low voice as he starts the engine to drive you back to the apartment you called home for the past two years. 
After sobbing in the backseat of Tenji’s car on the way home Natsuki doesn't force you to sleep in your own bed, assuming correctly that you feel haunted by the fact Suna shared the room with you far too often. You curl up into her side, thankful for your best friend.
The last thing you see when you close the door to your room is the dark blue accent wall. The one you thought was gorgeous and reminded you of the night sky and you’d desperately wanted to paint a shooting star at the top corner but had to settle for those glow-in-the-dark plastic stars taped on instead. You leave them there, because you’re done wishing for stars in the night, and would rather the sun erase the midnight blue in your life.
Four days later you're driving with Tenji and Natsuki, her music blaring in the moving van, as you make the four hour drive to Hyōgo. The apartment you and Natsuki are renting resides across the street from your absolute favorite restaurant ever, Onigiri Miya. And on the first day, Kita and Osamu show up to help you move in. That night there's a grand gesture at the Watanabe family house for Kita to propose to your best friend, and there are tears in her eyes as Kita kisses her in front of her entire family, and you, and Osamu.
This year has been filled with good changes and it's only February 3rd. 
You find yourself on the back porch to get some air. You used to stand on the balcony at your apartment wishing that Suna would come and confess his feelings. Well, confess your feelings back at you. He’s called seven times but you ignored them, and so he left you one message that stays unopened on your phone. You can see from the preview that he started it with “I'm sorry,” but that's as much as you read before putting it away when he first sent it. You take your phone from your pocket and open the chat.
From: Suna Rintarou
I'm sorry (Y/n). I really took for granted how nice you were to me. I realize now that I liked being your friend, outside of the fwb we had. You share music with me, and can actively engage in conversation about the artists I like. I think I realized from you that I genuinely love someone else too, although I didn't have the words for it when we spoke at the bar. Thank you for tolerating me, and I'm sorry I wasn't a better friend to you. If you ever want to talk again, you have my number. 
The sound of the door sliding open tears you away from the device in your hands.
“I was gonna head back, and was wonderin’ if ya need a ride?” Osamu’s soft voice reaches your ears.
You turn to him, tears glistening in the corners of your eyes.
“Whoa, (Y/n), what's goin’ on?” his voice is worried, and his arms reach out to wrap around you. He's strong too, muscles built from his own volleyball days, but he's gentle as he holds you. “Hey, yer alrigh’.”
You’re crying but there was a sense of relief as you finished reading that message from Suna. He realizes that you were too good to him for the entire time you were friends. Now that he's aware of that, you're sure that you can move on and push aside the feelings you had saved for him your whole life, and find someone who will be there for you. Someone who wants to see you succeed and will stay the morning after to make breakfast. Someone who will hold you when you're crying, even if they don't even know why. 
“Are ya feeling unwell?” Osamu’s voice brings you from your thoughts.
You shake your head and let out a small sigh. “I feel better than I have in a long time.”
“Oh?” Osamu asks, letting go of you slightly. He takes half a step away before you wrap your arms around him.
“Wait,” you say. “Stay, please.”
Osamu smiles down and hugs you again, a hand going to the back of your hair to pet gently. “F’course,” he says. “I'm here.”
You were waiting for a torch to light your way, but Osamu is a fire burning through the night. He holds you as you cry the last tears you’ll shed for Suna Rintarou. 
There’s a million things that went wrong in your relationship, or whatever it is that you want to call it with Suna. You always thought you’d have a childhood friends to lovers’ story with him, since you were the only girl he talked to in junior high, and then he was your first everything. But maybe those rose-tinted glasses you saw him through made you blind to the truth— he was in love with the other girl, and through some twisted reasoning, decided that by pretending you were her he could satisfy his own needs. Putting your heart into Suna’s cold fingers, no matter how beautiful they are, was a mistake. You should have waited for someone who was warm and wouldn’t rip your heart out every time you woke up in the morning. Someone more like a breath of fresh air in the countryside, instead of the smog of the city.
Someone like Miya Osamu.
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