#watching that animated with piano music is going to send me straight to a mental institution
fushiguro · 7 months
rewatching the ep and i'm on nanami death scene..... i am not surviving jjk s4 when gojo dies and we get the gojo geto yaga nanami haibara riko and kuroi afterlife scene
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sonder-paradise · 3 years
Synchronized Symphonies
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◊ This is actually a rewrite from a fic I wrote in 2018 lol I don’t mind giving out the 2018 version if anyones interested but it was actually a lot of fun to rewrite it and see how far I’ve come :)
◊ Genre: Fluff / Enemies to Lovers (but also not rlly)
◊ Pairing: Pianist!Ryunosuke Akutagawa x GN!Reader
◊ Word Count: 1.1k
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Gentle fingers glided elegantly across the black and white keys. The man that sat at the piano seemed lost in his own world. A whirlwind of dreams and ideas swirling together to create the visions that only he envisioned in his sleep. Every once in a while, he would pause with a brief, thoughtful gaze towards his sheet music.
Dark, narrowed eyes stiffly shifted over the keys once more. A man set on creating the perfect melody was not one you wanted to interrupt. And thankfully, there was no one around for him to even communicate with.
However, a brief knock appeared at the door and he clicked his tongue disapprovingly. Fingers abruptly stopping over the dainty keys to send a hasty glare at the front doorway. Still, he stood from his spot at the grand piano to open the door. His irritation was further increased upon seeing your form standing with a clearly bothered expression on your features.
“Your mail got delivered into my box again,” you sighed, shoving the random articles and letters into his unexpecting arms.
“I thought I told you to change the address there last week?”
Akutagawa’s lips twitched into an irritated line. Why did you have to interrupt him right as he was getting close to finishing his composition? But he honestly didn’t have time to deal with an interruption as minor as this one.
“I’ll change it later. Stop knocking on my door for unnecessary reasons.” Eyes mentally cursing you for the bothersome interaction, he moved to shut the door before you stuck a hand into the crack and forced it back open. His eye twitched as you entered the apartment, concern laced into your features.
“You haven’t cleaned the place at all, Akutagawa. I thought I just told you to clear the dishes two days ago?” you scolded, bopping him gently on the head with a light thud. He blankly watched, throwing the mail haphazardly onto the kitchen counter to join the rest of the irritating letters.
“You were invited to perform at the Concert Hall again,” you commented, shifting through the kitchen and towards the grand piano he so often worked at.
“I don’t feel like answering those,” he muttered, tearing one of the sophisticated letters straight down the middle with a loud snap. He knew you were tempted to scold him again by the look on your face. A strange mixture of concern and amusement flickering through your eyes as if he was an animal displayed at the zoo.
“Have you finished your piece yet?” You nodded towards the piano with a half-smile. Your fingers traced the keys with a tranquility that he seemed to find exasperatingly tiresome.
“No. I would be finished with it if you hadn’t interrupted me. So get out of my apartment and go back to yours.”
You shot him a mockingly wounded look, placing a hand over your heart as if he had truly committed a grave offense. “You dare to kick the one person that makes sure you’re even still alive out?”
He deadpanned at you, reaching for the doorknob once more to enunciate his words with further conviction. Swinging the door open with a light flourish you seemingly got the hint, rolling your eyes and begrudgingly trotting out the door with unsatisfied eyes.
“Just don't overwork yourself,” you commented, waving your hand nonchalantly.
Akutagawa didn’t respond. He noted that he rarely did when you left. He didn’t like you being around him so often. Even if you were his neighbor, you were supposed to be nothing more than that. The reason behind your strange actions and words only confused him further.
Watching you step down the hall a little further before entering the door to his right, he blankly sent you off before shutting the door with an abrupt thud.
Gathering his wits once more, he found himself staring at the keys of the piano in utter exhaustion. Nothing seemed to be coming out anymore. Your presence had only made his thoughts blur into a mixture of insensitive comments and a low beat of his heart that made him sick to his stomach.
A low exhale escaped his lips and he leaned his head against the music sheet stand. The white and black papers sticking to his forehead as he attempted to reconjure any semblance of notes that would match the sincerity of this piece.
His eyes flickered towards the clock. One of the hands faced towards the bolded number nine and the other at twelve. And like a flip had been switched, he heard the same tune he had heard so many nights before.
Akutagawa didn’t pretend to know the walls of the apartment complex were thin. They were thin enough to hear your usual antics; whether it be blasting your choice of music into the open evening skyline or singing to your precious tabby cat at the stroke of nine.
He shut his eyes for a brief second, soaking in the sound of your voice. It was strangely nice this time around. You always seemed to make it up as you went along and as much as he loved the classical tunes of the older eras, your mish-mashed songs of today blended perfectly to his ears.
His hands found relief in the keys on his piano. Dancing across the board in a distinguished waltz, he attempted to match your beguiling tune. Perhaps it was inevitable that he would find himself falling for your carefree wiles. You made sure he ate on time, cleaned his apartment when he couldn’t find the energy to do so himself, and there had been various occasions where he found himself listening to your voice through the walls of the old apartment with a faint smile.
As your voice faded into the darkening sky, he paused, staring at where his fingers had stopped on the piano. White, black, then white again. Eyes darted to his sheet and he picked up his pencil to jot down the mystical notes and bars with haste.
As for you, your fingers shifted through the book in your hand. A lackadaisical cat purred contently from the window sill while you listened to Akutagawa’s messy piece. You didn’t pretend to know he could hear you. The walls were thin enough for you to hear his frustrated discordance when he slammed his fists against the keys when he hurried through the apartment to find music sheets and tear another concert invitation.
“I think he finally figured out how to end it,” you chuckled, watching the cat blink at you with unamused eyes.
“I suppose I’ll stop by tomorrow to make sure he finally cleans up, huh?”
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Taglist: @paradise-creator @todorokichills @alittlesimp @greenshirtimagines @internetkilledtheroxstar @nameless-shrimp @whorefordazai @diary-of-a-poltergeist @jadegreenimmortality @requiem626k @missrown @rirk-ke @kiyokoxd @jessbeinme15 @starglow-xx @shadyteacup @colourless-cora @scul-pted @kuraxmasha @yochicoz @pompompurin1028 @trashykawahq @kyuus4ku @axsuhii-axsuhii @foolishestchildofchilds @fyodorscello @kur0-kawa @ravenina14 @spoofybun @dazaiaiko @k4a @chuuyasboots @ruthdied @allisonlol @questioningmyownexistence @sebtomm @nullified-kiss @finniesblog @cuteflowers-101
Wanna join my taglist? Comment under this post!
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dorianeinar · 4 years
Well I guess I’ll do an introduction thingie to pin at the top of my page
Name: Atlas Einar
Gender: Non-binary (I’m a minor, pls keep that in mind)
Pronouns: they/them, he/him(whenever I feel like trying them out)
Sexuality: I’m gay, like very gay, if im walking down the street with my short hair and sweatshirt and you think im straight, you are wrongo, just ask @imapursoon, it’ll tell you how gay I’m am
Fandoms: Oh Boy, this is gonna probably gonna be easier for y’all if I break down into sections, lmao
Books: Im a book nerd, deal with it, it’s funny though, cause I used to hate reading, now I can’t live without books, anyway my favorite books include: The Princess Bride, Howl’s Moving Castle, Percy Jackson series, Magnus Chase series, Harry Potter series(fuck J.K Rowling for not supporting transgender people), Good Omens, really any sci-fi, adventure, fantasy books, those are my jam, im a sucker for any really good romantic books or fanfic too. Im slowly getting back into reading manga so, WEBTOON saves me. Go read Home Sweet Home, it’s definitely worth your time(it has a series on Netflix by the name and f Sweet Home)
Movies: The Princess Bride(all time favorite), Howl’s Moving Castle, Aquaman, Wonder Woman, any Marvel movie(Tom is my favorite Spider-Man), I love horror movies too
Tv Shows: Supernatural(I’m a Sam person all the way, soulless Sam is my favorite, Cas is cool too, Haunting of Hill House(rly spoopy), Umbrella Academy(Klaus and Diego are my fav characters), Shera( i Stan for the relationship between Shera and Catra), Gravity Falls(Dipper is my favorite), The Mandalorian(season 2 just came out, go watch the first episode on Disney +), Miraculous Ladybug, my top three favorite anime shows are Black Butler, My Hero Academia, and Death Note
Musicals: Really it changes everyday, depending on my mood, but my top six favorite: Phantom of the Opera, Razia’s Shadow, Newsies, The Last Five Years, Rocky Horror Picture Show, and Love Never Dies, in that order
Favorite Singers: Brendon Urie(my favorite singer of all time), Jeremy Jordan(love him), Ramin Karimloo, LP, and girl in red
Favorite Bands: Panic At the Disco!, Pentatonix, Superfruit(I love Mitch and Scott, they’re my favorite gay people on the earth), Queen, The Beatles, Frank Sinatra
Hobbies?: Yes, I have hobbies, they include writing, writing, uh, writing, and maybe a little more writing, you know what, fuck it, writing is my only hobby, at least for now
Things I Can Do: I play piano, I ride horses, I do aikido, I used to act, but then the stupid plague #2 appeared, that’s it for now
Tags I use often are #musical of the day, #featuring song of the day, that’s probably the tag I use most
Please send me asks when I asks for them, I am a desperate enby bean, im not joking when I say to fill up my inbox with asks, also reblog my stuffs, it’s the only way I can make new friends who are into the same stuff as me, also do it for the vine, idek anymore
This page is a really safe space for people with any kind of mental illness and LGBTQIA+ people are safe here too! I love interacting with anyone and everyone, my close friends on here include @imapursoon, @imaverycatgirl, @thewafersituation, and @anyone who wants to be friends with me
I have another blog, if you wanna go check it out! It’s @pallisscarlet. Im mostly gonna post my writing, a fuckton of picrews, and some OC stuff, but feel free to give it a follow!
Writing tag list: @imapursoon @sanity-whosshe-neverheardofher @thewaferofchaos @ifoughtgodbehind711 @that-house @lowkeyjustvibing @anyone else who wants to be tagged (if you didn’t want to be tagged in here, just dm me and i can take you off)
That’s it, my motto goes out to everyone
“Be your own kind of human”
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ferrethyun · 4 years
for your consideration using my m/n hcs,,,but different au,,,poly bts × m/n who really needs that cash money to buy art supplies (even though he should buy groceries) to continue commissions to make money but he needs it bad 👀 so he makes a suga(r) bby acc but got stressed out abt it in 15 mins bc ppl started liking his profile so he deleted it but forgot he downloaded an app to mssg these sugar daddies and mommys so he texts "hello" but uninstalls the app (1/2)
(2/2) but gets an email notif saying "you have x new messages on xyz" and he's like "are you there god, its me, its been a while" and re installs the app only to find replies and he yeets his phone across the room and now he's been texting the boys for 5 days straight deep and 😳😔😖🤧 this is so specific and accidently long im sorry tea but im really going thru it rn 😞
hehehehhehehe,,,, i started and idk where i was going with it but i did it uwuwuwuuwuw. also,,,, aren’t we all nonny owo’’’
Pairing: Implied!Sugardaddies!Poly!Bts x M!Sugarbaby!Reader
The nearly depleted art supplies that sat on his messy desk seemed to mock Y/n as he stared at the several junk emails that were of a similar subject line
“OverAllSeeking: xxxx has liked your profile!”
The app he downloaded was deleted a half hour ago but the emails kept popping up as he hadn’t deleted his account. The account was a sugar babying account, Y/n really needed the money as his supplies were dwindling and his commissions were just not covering it this time. His dual coloured eyes glared at the screen before a click sounded through the room, telling him that he had locked his phone. His mind raced and raced as he thought of what he could do, jobs were too mentally stimulating most of the time and none of the galleries that he was comfortable at were hiring.
Y/n let out a groan as he slid his hands under the sunglasses he wore to rub at his eyes. They were so sore. So were his wrists and his head but he had learnt to cope with it. The male got up from where he sat, placing his phone in his pocket and moved over to the two wide windows that spanned across the walls of his room, his long-line hoodie shifting to cover his hands as he walked. Y/n covered the windows with the specially ordered blackout curtains he ordered and was plummeted into darkness. He then shut his door and hit play on his speaker that sat on a table near the door; gentle melodies of pianos and violins filled his ears and soft pastel pinks and blues flooded his vision, a white dashing in and out as a harp came into the music steadily. 
The male simply stood there in the middle of his room and let the colours and sounds float by as his hands drifted over each of his tattoos on his arms. Y/n needed times like this to calm down, not that his condition helped calm him down. His heart raced as the song changed over to a instrumental of a song called ‘Serendipity’, he became flush and felt a lightness in his head he had become accustom to through the several times he had listened to the song. The slamming of a door caused a harsh red to flash across his vision and made Y/n stumble back into the door behind him, making more reds fly across his vision as he hit the door and then fell to the floor. 
A small voice could be heard swearing down the hallway but Y/n couldn’t hear it as the tears began to flood down his face, all of the realities he had come crashing down at once. A small sob ripped from his chest as he curled himself into a ball, the voice that was once small now on the other side of the door behind him “I’m sorry Y/n I didn’t think you were home” The voice plead through the wood, “I’ll wait for you to calm down and we can play Animal crossing yeah? I also got your favourite for dinner...”
Y/n let the back of his head hit the door, utilising the one knock is yes and two is no system they put in place a while ago. He listened to his housemates foot steps disappear down the hall, his tears slowing significantly. The darkness of the room was comforting but the dull buzz of his phone in his pocket lessening the comfort; he pulled his phone out of his pocket only to be greeted with an email notification. 
‘OverAllSeeking: You have 3 new messages from...’ 
The notification trailed off before Y/n could see who had sent him the messages. It was from the app he had deleted a few hours ago. He didn’t really want to re download the app but the curiosity that pulled at his chest dragged his fingers over his phone in rapid succession, the app now reinstalled. Y/n sat back and watched as his fingers navigated through the app to his messages. There at the top sat a profile with a small tick and ‘V’ logo next to their icon.
These logos had his skin crawling, the tick meant they were verified by the app, a process only limited to the richest of rich members to the site; next to it was a bright red ‘V’, this logo meaning that they were classed as vips, part of the top 1% on the app. What was even more interesting about the account was that their icon featured several men, not just one. ‘Possibly several on one account’ Y/n thought to himself.
Before he could stop himself, his fingers were flying across his screen typing a response to the messages he had barely read, choosing to simply ask if they were still there even though the message was only a couple hours old. Once he hit send, he then proceeded to throw his phone in a random direction knowing it’d land on his bed.
Out of pure embarrassment, Y/n quickly stood, pulled the turtle neck he wore under his hoodie over his lower face and sprinted out of his room.
Hours later, Y/n returned to his room with some help from his housemate considering it was pitch black out and his head was still racing. He took off his sunglasses and peeled his clothing from his body, choosing to put on some grey sweatpants that were covered in dried paint before hopping into bed. It threw him off at first when his hip hit something hard before he remembered chucking his phone on to the bed earlier. He rapidly patted around his hip before his hand landed on his phone, quickly pulling it up to his face after lowering the brightness back down.
There on his screen sat a few notifications, some from twitter and instagram; but more importantly, one from the OverAllSeeking app. With quick navigation, Y/n made his way to the app and could feel his face cracking with a blush. There sat a reply from the account from earlier letting him know all about the account they ran and that all seven- Seven- members were interested in him as he looked interesting and cute. 
He couldn’t stop himself from overheating as he typed out a response. And that was it; this is what began the 5 day long non-stop conversation between him and all seven members. He had told them that he was struggling with finding money for his art supplies to do commissions and that’s when Taehyung, who had told Y/n he was an art curator, interrupted the conversation he was having saying that he would send over 1000 there and then to help him with the supplies. Y/n did say that it was fine but apparently Taehyung only wanted his baby to get the highest quality materials.
Y/n couldn’t lie, it felt nice to have someone just drop money to spend on him so suddenly, so if there were seven of them...
Maybe he really was made to be a sugar baby?
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chunhua-s · 4 years
genre: ongoing, fluff
warnings: mutual pining
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Chapter 1: As The Sunlight Kisses Her Skin
The summer's heat burned brilliantly on the day he met her, captured her radiance and lit her up so that she shined in his eyes.
Azumane Asahi's face burned both from the heat of the sun and his own nervousness as he met eyes with the little girl across the street, hesitant as he watched her stare right back at him with curious red eyes. Of yellow-brown skin that drank in the sun's rays and black curls that framed a round face, she tilted her head with something of an inquiry, a question to the brown haired boy who stood watching her family move into their new home. Her blue sundress was vibrant against the grey of her house as it blew gently with the passing wind, and Asahi found that his very breath seemed to lock in his throat, cut off lest it should find itself swept up with the summer breeze.
Hesitantly, the girl waved her hand, barely lifted it from her side in the motion as she searched him for a reply. When he gave her one with equal shyness, a gentle smile grew over her lips, one that glowed so shiningly in the way that it lit up her features and painted her like the image of utter beauty. What breath remained behind Asahi's lips fell from him at the sight, he could no longer fight against the effects of his heart racing and blood pumping so loudly in his ears, sounding like the drums of a summer festival. This girl, so unlike anyone he'd ever seen in his life up until that point, was the absolute manifestation of summer's sweetness, the flavour of watermelons on a hot day that coursed through his chest and lit fireworks under his skin.
Ah, the thought came to him unbidden, an unwelcome intrusion that tilted his world on its side, I think this might be a crush.
"Do you want to come over?"
Seconds passed him by like years before he realized that she'd spoken to him, and the red that dusted his cheeks became one of embarrassment as he lightly jogged across the narrow street at her invitation. Coming to stand before the girl, he noted immediately that they were nearly on the same height, with her only a short way beneath him where he could meet her eyes. The red colour he found in her was sharp, filled up with something like excitement and quiet fires that made Asahi himself feel giddy. "Hi," the word fell out from his lips in a nervous mutter, one that caused him to mentally punch the air and wish that he could take it back. Despite his rapidly spreading heart-attack, he pushed forward, "Are you moving in?"
There came a nod from the girl as her eyes lazily drifted over to one of two moving trucks, the back of which was filled up with furniture and appliances; he was able to spot a particularly large something in the back of one, wrapped up in dark blue blankets and tape that was turned over on its side, the working men grunting with the effort of lifting it so that they could place it down on a little wheeled device and roll it through their front gates. "My father's job gave him a new... a new..." her eyebrows furrowed, her lips pushing out into a thoughtful pout and her gaze fell forward as she seemed to struggle with finding the right thing to say. Patiently, Asahi waited for her, and noted to himself that she had a slight accent that popped up around certain words. She must've lived outside Japan before moving, he figured as he observed her features a bit longer, taking note that, despite her darker skin tone, she still possessed features that were very much East Asian. Maybe one of her parents was Japanese?
Soon, sudden in the motion that it startled Asahi from his thoughts, the girl snapped her fingers and pointed upwards at something, her lips forming an 'o' shape as she made a sound to accompany. "Chance! They gave him a new chance to work here, so we moved."
Asahi's brows furrowed as he repeated the word, derived from regular English and adapted to daily Japanese language. Her context, he found, sounded unnatural, the word 'chance' fitting in awkwardly with the rest of her sentence and made him try and think of a better one to replace it. It finally came to him in a moment of sudden thought, similar to the one that had come over the girl only moments before, and he wound up pointing one finger upwards in the same way he'd seen her do. "Like a new position?"
"Ah!" Her smile turned into something bashful as red adorably scattered across her nose, "That's the word I was looking for!" Something of an embarrassed sigh fell on her lips, "My bad, my Japanese still isn't at a hundred percent — I only ever practiced with my father so I can only say a few things."
"Oh! Well—" Understanding passed through his features as he nodded once, "I could help you if you ever need it?" He offered up almost thoughtlessly, barely even registering his words as they slipped out of his lips and caused him to immediately fumble once they were out. His face burned bright red and his hands lifted to wave around in nervous gestures, as he tried to retract his words, "I-I mean, only if you need the help! I assume you'll be practicing with your father so you might not even need anything from me, but—"
A beautiful sound cut off his rambling, harmonious and warm as it rang in his ears and in his flustered state, he realized that the girl was laughing. Her expression was warm and open beneath the summer's sun, drawing Asahi in under the season's spell and, wow, he couldn't help but stare after her as she sounded out with such joyous notes. His heart fluttered again inside his chest and lit his face aflame with admiration that only intensified when her red eyes met his once more and he saw a world of song and a galaxy of sweet lullabies.
"You're really kind," the words hit him harder than they should have as they caused Asahi's head to swell, her expression turned gentle and gratifying with her smile and he couldn't help himself but to return the expression. "I'd love to learn and practice with you."
Under the heat of the summer sun, Azumane Asahi's heart raced for the very first time.
The sound coming from the music room was familiar to him, his feet almost instinctively guiding him until he stood directly in front of the door that did very little to withhold the sounds of a piano reaching down its hallway. He could perfectly hear each note that was played, could nearly picture her with her back straight and eyes closed, a gentle smile on her lips as she let herself go in her music. The image of her caused his beating heart to calm with a serenity he would so effortlessly associated with her, and his usually racing mind become eased into tranquility as he took a deep breath and finally reached one hand out to pull the sliding door; she was there, constant and permanent, the one factor in his day-to-day life that he could depend on never changing.
Her fingers didn't give pause from their motions across black and white keys, though he could tell from the slight tilt of her head that she'd heard him enter through the door. An answering smile took place on her lips, familiar in the way that he'd seen it every day since they met that summer; made his breath falter with unfailing consistency every time she gave it to him. Without making any vocal indication of his arrival, he made his way over to lean against the far wall, his gaze becoming locked through the window from where he was able to spot the football and baseball fields. The cherry blossoms, picturesque in the way they fluttered on the wind, felt as if they were somehow lending their scenery to the girl's music as her sounds danced across the room and straight to his heart, pulling at the strings there until he was wrapped up in her song; he kept his attention outside the window so that he wouldn't lose himself watching her, as he always seemed to let happen more often than he liked to admit. Sometimes he would wonder in his moments of idleness, in afternoons spent in his living room with so little between them as a show or anime played on his screen, if she would ever catch his lingering gaze, if she could identify every flicker of emotion that followed so faithfully on her every breath. Did she know the effect she had over him, that she could send him out to the very ends of the universe and bring her a galaxy if only she willed it?
Ah, the thought alone terrified him, drove a cold fear through his heart at the idea that she might have been aware. That his constant, the sun that he could always trust to stay with him inside his galaxy, would she hide her light away from him if she found out about his feelings? Would her light be covered up by rain clouds in her departure? Would she fight against gravity until she disappeared from his solar system, leaving his planets and asteroids to collapse and suffocate under the hands of a black hole? The one factor in his life that he could trust would never leave him in the dark, he worried that any hint of his affections for her would drive her away from him, that should he ever show to her his heart in its entirety, she'll be scared off by what she found there. His sun would go cold and leave him and his planets to plunge into the throws of an icy wasteland and he would be left with nothing more than frostbite and frozen limbs, and the very notion of her ever leaving him frightened him more than anything.
And yet, as he stood basking in the music that she played and watching the petals fall, that he gave in to the overwhelming urge to look at her, to watch as she lost herself atop the ebs and flows of musical waves before they abruptly paused when her fingers left the keys. He watched her as she brought a finger up to her plush lips, the very same way he would see her do whenever she had something on her mind as she pondered over a page of lines and symbols, something that Asahi had long since given up on understanding, before she snapped her fingers and quietly exclaimed an 'ah!', picked up her pencil and scribbled away.
Just like planet Earth never dared to stray from her orbit, Asahi found himself unable to leave the force of her gravitational influence, and he'd long since resigned himself to a destiny where he could only have her from so far away.
"That doesn't sound like Chopin," he teased her lightly, smiling as he crossed the distance between him and where she sat, nudged her side so that she'd allow him space. Her answering chuckle echoed in the room now void of the music she played as she gave him her full attention. "I got a bit caught up with transcribing this song in time to upload it," she easily confessed, to which Asahi's lips set down into a helpless, something of exasperated, smile. This girl, she was always so scatter-brained, jumped from one item to the next without a second thought, going of on endless tangents until she'd lose herself in her words and forget her starting point. It was a wonder that she was able to keep her attention on the monochrome keys long enough to play them, he often times found herself baffled on how quickly she jumped from one thought to the next. And yet, all wonder and doubt would immediately disappear whenever she began to press her fingers against them.
"Don't you need to prepare for a competition next month though?"
The orange hues of the setting sun filtered in from the window and made golden skin shine as her expression became one of quiet mischief; the way her eyes narrowed as her lips pushed upwards with her smile was a telling of subtle playfulness that was one of a thousand charms on her. "I can spare myself some time to enjoy outside of the classics, can't I?" She hummed, gently shoving into his side with her shoulder. Since their childhood, Asahi had grown to tower over her even whilst seated, and it was always something that she would teasingly complain about— "We were on the same height before middle school, how did you grow so tall so fast—?"
He answered her with his smile and a bit of an exasperated sigh as he cast his eyes down to the black and white keys. Here with her, it felt almost as if he could forget the encounter he'd had that day during lunch, felt as if the boy who so passionately spoke to him as an aspiring ace was a fragment of a blurry dream and that it would vanish away from him in a gust of wind. And yet, it was as he sat next to her that his words rang out so loudly in his head as her gaze intently searched him, picked him apart by the worries and uncertainties he wore on his lips and spread them all around them like the notes on her music sheets.
"And when I jump, the whole other side of the net just kinda goes fwaaa!! And opens up!"
There was a moment that passed between them, one punctuated by fears and insecurities left to flutter around them like the falling blossoms, and without saying anything to him — as if she could feel every fluctuation of his heart as it danced around inside his chest — her hands reclaimed their positions over the piano keys, though when she began playing again, it was a tune that Asahi had heard a thousand times over, one that he'd have on loop in his mind and would lull him to sleep. 'Soffia la note' sang out in her melody, warming the music room under the orange of sunset lights and fluttering cherry blossoms; the boy-turning-man felt his heart swell with all his feelings of doubt and hesitance until they were tumbling out of his lips, flowing like a dam whose floodgates had been gently coaxed apart by her hands, came undone from a mere brush of her fingertips. The sun gently grazes his skin with her warmth and he finds himself unravelling.
"I... I miss it..."
A hum of acknowledgement flowed up from her throat, gently urging him to continue as she played the song that he'd heard her play from her piano room, situated across from his bedroom at night. "That scenery... I miss seeing the other side of that wall."
"What's stopping you from seeing it again?"
He gave in to her gravity and looked over to her, and the feeling of pure want and longing intensified inside his chest as he took in the sight of her closed eyes and sun kissed skin, a smile on her lips as her body gently swayed side to side with her administrations. Tight black curls brushed against the back of her neck in round spirals, she'd tucked away the strands that normally framed her face to rest behind her ears; the ones that he so often brushed with his fingers in mindless actions as if it had all been second nature to them, that she'd idly twist around with her fingers as she would hum a sweet melody. Ephemeral, a scenery he wished to burn inside his mind forever; the view of the other side of a thin line where she stood opposite from him, close enough for his fingers to brush her face but far enough where he could never fully hold her in his arms and call her his, just like the Earth was forced to stay so close to the sun without being able to bury herself fully in its brilliance and shine. 'What's stopping me from crossing that line?' The question burned within him, turned and festered and pushed out again in another wave of words and feelings.
"I'm afraid that I'll be shut out," he was near whispering as he spoke, entranced and tortured so sweetly by her visage that it left him in a familiar state of breathlessness. "When the other team throws a strong, tall block up in front of me, I just can't see myself punching through it anymore... All I can envision is getting shut out — or being so afraid of getting shut out that I take myself out of the game."
'I'm so afraid that you'll shut me out and leave me here by myself,' those words stayed on his tongue, locked up and choked back so that she would never have to find them. And yet, he worried that somehow, she would have been able to see right through him, just as she so easily did whenever he attempted to keep something from her, to hide his troubles from her sight even though he'd crumble under her patient caresses. No matter what he tried to hold back from her, she'd manage to sense whatever it was and gently pull him out from his fears, hold him so closely to her with unending understanding and tolerance for him that it only made his heart yearn all the more for her and cry out for something that he wouldn't dare to let himself have.
"But you love that feeling, don't you?"
He did. He absolutely loved the feeling of the ball hitting his hand, heavy in its weight and impact; of her mere presence sitting next to him like this, a constant and comfort to him when he needed her most. They were things he could very well get drunk on, waste himself away with them until kingdom's return, but whenever he reached out for their sensation, he was met with walls and red lines, barriers put up to surround him and close him in; to shut him out and keep him away from her. "I feel as if I'd only weigh the team down again if I went back..." he confessed heavily, "What kind of ace would I be if I can't even make the ball count?"
'If I chase after that feeling, I'll only push you away.'
She was silent save for her playing, letting the music surround them for a while before she opened her eyes to look up at him, and Asahi felt his heart lock up and suffocate around chains when chocolate brown met cherry red. Her smile was encouraging, filled to the very depths with understanding, serene in the way it gently touched her face. Soffia la note rang out in its light and encompassing sounds as he took her in, heard her words so clearly beneath keys and melodies so that they coursed through his entire being and drew him in.
"If you love that scenery so much, then there's nothing stopping you from chasing after it, is there?"
They were the same words that Daichi had said to him after the captain had caught the ace slinking around by the gymnasium, and yet their weight when spoken from her lips had become all the more impactful, hit him harder and twisted around in his gut in a way that mutedly screamed at his existence and lit a fire under his skin. Her gaze was almost knowing in the way it searched his very soul, found what she sought for and urged him forward. "I'll be here after you're finished with everything," she promised him; unsaid was 'I'll wait for you until the ends of the universe,' though they still managed to travel between them in the silence of her melody and fill the boy's heart up with affection and reassurance. His smile was grateful and warm, let slip past his reluctant barriers a bit of the tenderness he felt for her.
"Thanks, Sora."
Azumane Asahi was a boy in love, with his heart humming along to the gentle tune of Soffia la notte on the early evening of a Spring day.
the original author's note i left up on wattpad:
ahhhh here it is! i've been stewing over this for days and i've finally got the first chapter out! that said, i'm probably? going to let myself pace and solidify a few more chapters before i put more out for this content, but i sort of wanted to put this out as a pilot chapter in the mean time? but anyways, i love asahi. he's a literal darling and i just want to hug him. it's all i want out of life. 
also this is heavily inspired by your lie in april! i finished rewatching the anime some time back and i've been in a mood ever since, so i ended up scheming several small ideas until i finally wrote this! i'm like, 70% certain i won't add such heavy angst but... maybe just a teeny bit? still debating tbh :D
thank you for reading! i'll accept any form of criticism and feedback that you guys have for me and i'll do my best to review and improve!
notes for tumblr!
hi everyone! so here's the story i mentioned earlier! i'm a little nervous about how it will do? because most of the work i see here is from reader inserts and i debated making it one for a while but eventually i decided to stick with what's most comfortable for me :D it's easier for me to write when i have a character fleshed out in my head, so even if i did change sora's name to (y/n) she would still have the same appearance. if this interested you at all, please stick around! i'll try and do my best so that you all won't be bored by it!
//written and published under wattpad acc @/-xiaoli !
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mill3nniumforc3 · 5 years
200: My crush’s name is: Russell :) 199: I was born in: April 1994 198: I am really: energetic 197: My cellphone company is: Verizon 196: My eye color is: hazel 195: My shoe size is: 7.5-8.5, depending on the shoe 194: My ring size is: 7.5 193: My height is: 5′5″ 192: I am allergic to: penicillin, cats, pollen, and strong scents 191: My 1st car was: I’ve never owned my own car. 190: My 1st job was: babysitting. First real job was a desk job at my university 189: Last book you read: I don’t remember. I don’t have time to read for leisure. 188: My bed is: comfy 187: My pet: Seamus the miniature schnauzer and Sugar the Aussie-mo 186: My best friend: Ashlyn 185: My favorite shampoo is: Dove 184: Xbox or ps3: neither 183: Piggy banks are: for kids and rainy days 182: In my pockets: nothing 181: On my calendar: going river tubing on Saturday, party next Saturday, trip for T’s birthday weekend, and possibly going to Kennywood and Kings Island sometime in August. 180: Marriage is: something for my future self 179: Spongebob can: do anything 178: My mom: is the bestest 177: The last three songs I bought were?: who buys music anymore? 176: Last YouTube video watched: probably an ASMR video 175: How many cousins do you have?: too many to count 174: Do you have any siblings?: three sisters 173: Are your parents divorced?: no 172: Are you taller than your mom?: yep 171: Do you play an instrument?: piano, drums, bells, and I know three chords of the guitar 170: What did you do yesterday?: sleep [ I Believe In ] 169: Love at first sight: sure 168: Luck: yes 167: Fate: maybe? 166: Yourself: depends on the day 165: Aliens: not really... 164: Heaven: yes 163: Hell: Do I believe in it? Yes, because God is just. Do I believe people are damned there? No, because God is loving. 162: God: yes 161: Horoscopes: no. It’s funny to see “horoscope” posts and see if they apply to me, but it’s a bunch of b.s. A bunch of Aries aren’t going to have the same day/month/year. That’s ridiculous. 160: Soul mates: I’m not sure if I do or don’t, but I do believe in love. 159: Ghosts: no 158: Gay Marriage: of course! 157: War: it’s an unfortunate and unnecessary part of life 156: Orbs: no 155: Magic: yes [ This or That ] 154: Hugs or Kisses: both 153: Drunk or High: drunk 152: Phone or Online: online 151: Red heads or Black haired: no comment 150: Blondes or Brunettes: brunettes 149: Hot or cold: hot 148: Summer or winter: summer 147: Autumn or Spring: spring 146: Chocolate or vanilla: chocolate 145: Night or Day: night 144: Oranges or Apples: apples 143: Curly or Straight hair: straight 142: McDonalds or Burger King: McD’s (though I’m probably biased because I work there) 141: White Chocolate or Milk Chocolate: both 140: Mac or PC: PC 139: Flip flops or high heals: flip flops 138: Ugly and rich OR sweet and poor: sweet and poor 137: Coke or Pepsi: neither 136: Hillary or Obama: Obama 135: Burried or cremated: I want to be cremated and have my ashes buried with a seed and grow into a tree 134: Singing or Dancing: dancing 133: Coach or Chanel: neither 132: Kat McPhee or Taylor Hicks: Kat 131: Small town or Big city: small town 130: Wal-Mart or Target: Target 129: Ben Stiller or Adam Sandler: Ben 128: Manicure or Pedicure: mani 127: East Coast or West Coast: east coast 126: Your Birthday or Christmas: Christmas. My birthday stopped being special after I turned 19. I get good food every year on Christmas. 125: Chocolate or Flowers: chocolate 124: Disney or Six Flags: Six Flags 123: Yankees or Red Sox: Indians [ Here’s What I Think About ] 122: War: What is it good for? Absolutely nothing. 121: George Bush: he had some good policies. Better than Trump, that’s for damn sure. 120: Gay Marriage: should never be illegal again. 119: The presidential election: #FuckTrump #VoteBlueNoMatterWho #ImpeachTheMF 118: Abortion: all my life, I was told to be pro-life. These days, I don’t know anymore, but I think my beliefs are closer to pro-choice than pro-life. 117: MySpace: it’s not 2008 anymore. 116: Reality TV: glad it’s not my life 115: Parents: they’re doing their best. I’m not looking to be one anytime soon though. 114: Back stabbers: bye! 113: Ebay: Amazon is better. 112: Facebook: these days, I use it to get laughs and memes. I don’t interact with people I know IRL much. 111: Work: good for the money. Not good for my mental health. 110: My Neighbors: they’re ok. 109: Gas Prices: #ThanksTrump 108: Designer Clothes: I can get good clothes at Target. The only “splurge” I do for clothes is at Spencer’s or Kohl’s. 107: College: I plan to go back soon. 106: Sports: entertaining. 105: My family: family is life. 104: The future: anything can happen [ Last time I ] 103: Hugged someone: Tuesday. 102: Last time you ate: a couple hours ago (chik’n patties and cheese) 101: Saw someone I haven’t seen in awhile: last week. I saw a manager I hadn’t worked with in like a month. 100: Cried in front of someone: Monday 99: Went to a movie theater: July 2nd 98: Took a vacation: June 97: Swam in a pool: back in February 96: Changed a diaper: I don’t remember 95: Got my nails done: way too long ago 94: Went to a wedding: in April 93: Broke a bone: 2017 (broke my toe) 92: Got a piercing: 2006 91: Broke the law: never. I’m a good person. 90: Texted: three hours ago [ MISC ] 89: Who makes you laugh the most: Russell 88: Something I will really miss when I leave home is: my dog 87: The last movie I saw: in theatres, Toy Story 4. At home, Adventures in Babysitting. 86: The thing that I’m looking forward to the most: being off on Saturday 85: The thing im not looking forward to: working tomorrow 84: People call me: Vonnie, Vonn, Bonbon, Sophia, and “the girl” 83: The most difficult thing to do is: not cry while watching Grey’s Anatomy 82: I have gotten a speeding ticket: never 81: My zodiac sign is: Aries 80: The first person i talked to today was: my sister 79: First time you had a crush: kindergarten. His name was Wally, and we were “boyfriend and girlfriend” til about third grade, and we remained friends til we graduated 8th grade. Haven’t talked to him much since. 78: The one person who i can’t hide things from: Russell 77: Last time someone said something you were thinking: Sunday 76: Right now I am talking to: nobody because it’s 3:30am 75: What are you going to do when you grow up: I hope to be teaching English education 74: I have/will get a job: I currently work at McDonald’s, but within the next 6-12 months, I’ll be moving out of state, so who knows where I’ll work.  73: Tomorrow: work 72: Today: work 71: Next Summer: I’ll be in a whole new state, so that means new amusement parks to visit and rollies to ride. 70: Next Weekend: party. Oh, and next Saturday makes officially 18 months with me and Russell, so go us! 69: I have these pets: two dogs 68: The worst sound in the world: the beeping in the headset when I work back cash. It haunts my nightmares 67: The person that makes me cry the most is: Heather because she sends me to back cash all the time 66: People that make you happy: Russell, my mom, my dogs, Ashlyn, and Aunt Dolly because she sends me lives on Candy Crush 65: Last time I cried: Monday 64: My friends are: Ashlyn, Mikayla, Jon, Rilee, Lamar, Tae, Alexus, Clare, Katie, Mario, and Kel 63: My computer is: all mine because I bought it with my own money 62: My School: not in school  61: My Car: don’t have one 60: I lose all respect for people who: lie 59: The movie I cried at was: Avengers: Endgame 58: Your hair color is: natural 57: TV shows you watch: Grey’s Anatomy, Once Upon a Time, House, The Simpsons, Bob’s Burgers, and... I don’t really watch TV because I don’t have cable. 56: Favorite web site: YouTube 55: Your dream vacation: Just a big coaster trip 54: The worst pain I was ever in was: my period this month. I had cramps for days leading up to my period that were so bad that, the day my period actually came, I couldn’t stand straight. 53: How do you like your steak cooked: I don’t eat steak 52: My room is: a mess, like my life 51: My favorite celebrity is: NPH 50: Where would you like to be: with my boyfriend 49: Do you want children: someday, but not today 48: Ever been in love: ohhh yes. 47: Who’s your best friend: not answering again 46: More guy friends or girl friends: i think i have a fair amount of both 45: One thing that makes you feel great is: this is tmi, but sex with my bf. 44: One person that you wish you could see right now: Russell 43: Do you have a 5 year plan: no 42: Have you made a list of things to do before you die: yes 41: Have you pre-named your children: I don’t have any definitive names, but I’m thinking MaryGrace Linda for a girl, and James Sebastian for a boy 40: Last person I got mad at: Anna because she put me on back cash 39: I would like to move to: someplace south 38: I wish I was a professional: dancer.... no, writer.... no, why not both? [ My Favorites ] 37: Candy: peanut butter cups 36: Vehicle: Jeep 35: President: FDR 34: State visited: North Carolina (not just saying that because I lived there for two months) 33: Cellphone provider: Verizon 32: Athlete: Trevor Bauer 31: Actor: Justin Chambers 30: Actress: Amy Poehler 29: Singer: Chester Bennington 28: Band: Linkin Park 27: Clothing store: Kohl’s 26: Grocery store: Marc’s 25: TV show: Grey’s Anatomy 24: Movie: 13 Going on 30 23: Website: Pogo 22: Animal: seal 21: Theme park: Cedar Point 20: Holiday: Christmas 19: Sport to watch: baseball 18: Sport to play: softball 17: Magazine: I only read magazines at the dentist office, and I’ll read whichever has an interesting cover story 16: Book: A Series of Unfortunate Events 15: Day of the week: Saturday, as long as I’m not at work. If I’m working, then Mondays, I guess... 14: Beach: Huntington 13: Concert attended: Winter Jam, because I got to see Skillet play, and I met Matthew West. 12: Thing to cook: desserts 11: Food: eggplant parm 10: Restaurant: Olive Garden 9: Radio station: Star 102 8: Yankee candle scent: vanilla 7: Perfume: I don’t wear perfume 6: Flower: Daisies 5: Color: pink 4: Talk show host: Ellen DeGeneres 3: Comedian: Steve Rannazzisi 2: Dog breed: I really like terriers lol 1: did you answer all these truthfully ?: For me to know and you to find out :)
0 notes
insomniac-arrest · 7 years
Prompt- a werewolf is romping around in the city and is mistaken for a dog and taken in by a well meaning rescue organization. they come to check him in the morning and find that he is not in fact a doggo.
ooh, nice
Bite Mark Blues
genre: urban fantasy, meet-cute
words: 6k
summary: a werewolf gets trapped at a dog shelter as an attendant tries to help him home
Ronnie woke up with a ringing in his ears and a taste in his mouth somewhere between sulfur and purell disinfectant. He groans as light streaks over his closed eyes and pounding fills his head, his thoughts swimming around in mental mash-potato soup.
The cold ground itches across his skin and Ronnie feels uselessly around him as he tries to squint his eyes open. “Fuck.”He could already feel that he had a very eventful night.
The concrete floor sent shivers up his spine as he makes out a mesh wall to his right, and then his left. He rubs at his eyes again as his senses come marching back to him one by one. His inner ear was busy equalizing and sense of smell trying to make sense of itself. He smells fur.
He feels a very wet, mildly cold object nudge his shoulder, “Whoa,” he jumps and blinks his eyes again as he takes in a very small dull room. He looks back down and makes out a sad looking pair of brown eyes. And a snout. And two floppy long brown ears attached to a stout little beagle.
Ronnie tries to sit up on the cold concrete, “Hello.”
The beagle nudges him curiously again and he stares back down at her, “good morning darlin.” She looks up at him with drowsy big sad eyes and he looks around, “are we…” He looks at the cage walls, “holed up together I see.”
She just licks his arm politely and he manages a smile at her, color flushing back into the world in bits and pieces, seeing the blue of the table across from him and orange of the light through the window.He looks to his left and right and sees a German Shepherd mix and a yellow lab, a small pomeranian was to his left. He heaves another sigh, they were all in pretty little box cages.
“A shelter. Of course.”
He looks down at his hands, they still had stiff dark hairs covering the very front like the teeth of a hard comb springing up. His feet also had the same course hairs,  “Great job Ronnie man. Fucking perfect.”He concluded he had been a bit of running last night. Dirt was under his nails and he could almost taste the chilled wind in his lungs. He looked back to the beagle, “would you happen to know a way out of here sweetheart?”She just looks at him and Ronnie concluded this is just what happens to stupid blokes who don’t watch the moon cycle. Stripped, lost, and buck naked in a dog pound.
He wobbles unsteadily on hands and knees toward the chain-link door, his new skin itches and balance teeters back and forth. He crawls to the side and paws at the latch to his door and finds, to his chagrin, a special little lock. It wasn’t a fancy one, but it had a series of numbers nonetheless.
He’s not done cursing when he plays with the numbers back and forth, his hands were still shaking a little bit. His bad luck was finally catching up to him.
He’s tearing at the lock when he hears a silver sound, a whistle that carried through the air, sweet and musical like a flute. His eyes go wide, someone was banging doors open in the other room.
Ronnie gulps, his hope rise for a moment before being admentally squashed. He had shifted outside of the compound, being caught now might not be very pretty.
He scrambles away from the door and tries to cover himself, a naked boy in place of a large black dog was not going to look good. He backs himself into the corner and ducks his head down.
Someone’s light footsteps echo and the whistling picked up, a light and jaunty tune that reminded him of some sea shanty his uncle would sing to his aunt to make her smile.
The person blithely opened the far cage, “Good morning Sam.” The voice greets the first dog and Ronnie hears the clatter of pellets dumped into a bowl.
His thoughts race as he tries to come up with a way out of this. He was two doors away from the dog-feeding boy and had a limited amount of time to either hide, talk, or flirt his way out of this.
He gulps, the boy’s head bobs as he moves onto the cage right next to theirs, with the German Shepherd mix and yellow lab. “Hello Nancy, hello Jude.”
It was a warm sound and under different circumstances, Ronnie might have found it endearing, but he was busy being naked and cold in a dog cage. He considers tapping into some wolf and breaking through the mesh door, he flinches, but that could take hours to shift back from.
He’s trying to become part chameleon instead when he lifts his eyes and sees a pair of pale eyes already staring back at him. Time was up.
Pale eyes under floppy silvery blonde hair and dusty light brown skin. He had smattering of fine freckles across his nose and a Hollywood-sweet face, high cheekbones and a small frame.
He was wearing a green smock that read ‘Happy Friend’s Animal Shelter,’ his expression was slack.
Ronnie holds his gaze for a very long moment as neither of them seem to know what to do. Finally, Ronnie rearranges himself on the floor and clears his throat.
“Good mornin mate.” He tries to greet as warmly as he can, “nice, uh, shelter you have here.”The boy’s eyes go even larger somehow, his mouth completely open and Ronnie spies an odd blue jewel shimmering on his tongue. He frowns decidedly.
“Don’t need to gawk darling.”
He shook his head, “what are you doing in there?” His voice was sharp and reminded him of a tuned piano key. Feather-light and strangely lyrical.
“Er, woke up in here.” He says simply and almost goes to stand up, he looks at him hopefully, “I wouldn’t mind being let out though.”The kid’s hands fall and Ronnie sees a name tag that says ‘Nick.’
“Nick,” he says slowly.
Nick shakes his head and reaches for the lock, “what happened to the-” he pauses and then glances down at Ronnie’s hands and feet, still covered in thick wire-stiff hairs, Ronnie sighs back him. “Dog.” Nick finishes roughly.
“About that,” he replies slowly as he rubs the back of his head.
Nick drew himself all the way up, “I knew that wasn’t a normal dog.” He seemed to be speaking to himself. “You’re-”“That dog, yes.” He confirms quickly, “and now I am currently less dog soooo.”“Right right.” Nick nods quickly and turns to the lock to open it, “are you,” he blinks, face suddenly pinking. “Do you need help getting out?”Ronnie realized that he had shifted up and put himself on full display, Nick’s face had flushed a deep red against his freckles and Ronnie just tugs on his own hair. Figured it would be like this.
“Pants might help,” he said easily, “anything really.” Side effects of being a were included: headaches, special attention to squirrels, and being used to waking up naked. Though waking up in the pound was a new one.
Nick nodded quickly, “be right back.”Ronnie tries to cover himself as he sees the other young man scurry back out the front door, forgetting his food bucket behind him. Ronnie eyes it carefully and he wishes he wasn’t considering what he was considering.
He apparently hadn’t hunted very well last night.
He scratches the beagle behind the ear again as he waits for the kid to come back, he hears some banging around in the other room before the red-faced lad comes back. He’s holding another smock in his arms.
“I’m sorry, this is all I could find.” He holds out the green volunteer’s apron without meeting his eye.
Ronnie shrugs, “better than nothing.” He slips out of the open cage and takes the apron, slipping it over his neck and tie it around the waist. He is acutely aware that his ass was on full display, but there are worse things in this world.
He smiles lightly, far worse things.
Nick seemed to still be in shock but quickly went on filling the bowl of the next cage, “an eventful morning.” He says softly to the beagle as he feeds her.
Ronnie smoothed out his apron and waited for him to finish, “thanks for this.” He finally says as Nick attempts to look him in the face. “Could you tell me where I am? I’ll be out of your hair in a lick.”
Nick’s mouth was a pursed squiggle, he was thinking. “This is Guilford Animal Shelter.”Ronnie stands up straight, “where?”“Guilford.”“Guilford? UK.”“Guilford, yeah.”“I’m south, I’m fuckin so south,” he pulls at his hair, “beautiful!” He says loudly as he walks around in an angry circle, “just great.”Nick creeps up next to him, “where are you from then?”“London!” He could see the headlines now: lone werewolf travels 60 kilometers to completely random city, gives attendant a fright and shows everyone his bum.
Nick was looking him up and down, “you were pretty tired when you got in last night…aren’t were’s supposed to…?” He was still examining him.
“Yes, not shift outside, yeah.” He messages the bridge of his nose and then looks back to Nick, “would really appreciate this if you didn’t mention it to anyone.”Nick gulps and nods at him, “I wouldn’t, I won’t.”Ronnie takes a deep breath, “now… just need to get back.” He murmurs to himself and wishes his wolf self at least had some pockets. A phone.
“Wait,” Ronnie pauses as Nick calls to him, “wait there.”“What?” Ronnie turns around slowly. “Promise I’ll return this when I’m done with it.” He tries to give a reassuring smile, “After I get a little more pants on myself.”Nick bit his bottom lip and glanced toward the door, “there are people out there.” He puts his bucket down, “you might.” He frowns, “it might be a surprise.”Ronnie stands up straight, “no worries mate, I really can take care of myself.” He winks and turns to leave again. “I’ll just be in and out.”
He can hear distant voices from what must be a room over.
Ronnie feels a light hand grab his wrist, it sends a strange tingle up his arm. Nick earnestly looks at him, “they’ll remember bringing a dog in last night.” Nick glances down at the fur still on Ronnie’s hands and feet.
Ronnie lifts his eyebrows, “I take it they’re not as, hmm, open to this sort of thing?” Nick was practically chewing through his lip, he just ducks his head, “I could drive you… the van’s free today.”Ronnie’s brow folds in, “I don’t want to be too much trouble.”Nick just shakes his head frantically, “No, no. Not too much trouble. I just, I know what it’s like.”Ronnie raises both eyebrows and opens his mouth to ask him about that, but Nick was already slipping past him and peeking out the door. “I’ll go get them into another room. You can then follow and take the back left door out. It will lead to the truck.”“Uh,” Ronnie hums, “to the truck?”“Yeah, it will be big and green with two dogs on the side. Smells a little like old ranch, but it will get us there,” Nick was looking decidedly out the door now, thinking.“To London?” Ronnie was feeling more out of sorts by the second. Most people don’t have much sympathy for were’s shifting outside of designated facilities, much less helping them.
Nick just nods, “it’s been a slow week anyway.” He gives him a half-smile that makes Ronnie’s stomach flutter a little, it wasn’t a bad smile.
“We should be quick,” Nick was turning back to business.
Ronnie was leaning in over him, he had a good head over the other boy. “It’s a long trip, I mean,” he tries to sort through what he means.
Nick just waves his hand in the air, “I was the one that helped bring you in. It’s only right I’ll help you out.”He chuckles, “if you say so.” Ronnie wasn’t going to protest too hard against a free ride, one with this boy didn’t seem so bad either.
Nick strips his plastic gloves off as his he nods behind him, “follow once you hear the voices fade out.”
“Right.” He replies back a little dumbly.
Nick dips out the door and closes it behind him, Ronnie here’s some noises faintly through the wood.
“Have you all seen the new vending machine? It has moon pies.”
“What? No shit.”Ronnie chuckles and hears a few more indistinct voices followed by more doors banging shut, he takes that as a sign to get his mostly-exposed self out the door. He creeps into a large lounge area with bags of dog food and leashes on the wall.
He considers just searching the drawers for some car keys and clean this whole mess up himself, but he figured Nick could get in trouble for a missing dog-shelter car. He locates the back left door, smelling of trees and mud outside.
He looks both ways before taking the first out, seeing an empty lot with just one large dog-catcher truck in the back, he wrinkles his nose at it.
“Sweet irony,” he tastes the words before letting the door swing closed behind him, he could use a bit of luck around then. Just in and out like he didn’t run hog-wild around the countryside for a night.
He runs quickly with the breeze licking at all his edges as his bare feet pound the pavement to the other side of the lot. He rips the door open to the van and jumps in.
He shudders slightly as he feels the harsh fabric of the chair against his backside, it was rough and course and he wishes not for the first time that dogs wore underwear.
He looks up at the ceiling and counts back from ten, thinking about the club girls the other night that said he was about to face trouble in a week’s time. But partial-witches were always spouting nonsense like that on the dance floor, thought it was sexy.
He sighs, but this is trouble enough.
His stomach sinks as he looks out the window and sees dreary gray spring morning with a squat pound facility in front of him. There was no fair-haired boy in sight.
Ronnie clicks his tongue and tries to remember how to hotwire a car, they did it in the movies, it couldn’t be that hard. He’s digging into the dashboard for a loose crisps bag when he hears footsteps.
He perks up as he sees Nick fast-walking toward the car, a pair of keys clutched in his hands, something in Ronnie exhales and he threads a hand through his short hair. He tells himself that it’s just cause he’s a good kid.
Nick flings the door open and jumps into the driver’s seat, “you made it! Fantastic.” He was jamming the keys in the ignition as he wiped his brow.
“Honestly, I owe you mate, this is the nicest thing someone’s-”“Wait on that,” Nick was waving his hand in the air, “oh shite.”Ronnie sits all the way up and Nick gestures for him to get down, “my coworkers. Get down.”Ronnie hears some crunching gravel and curls himself up below the dashboard, he wasn’t that lucky he concluded.
“Oi, pretty boy!” He hears two sets of footsteps approaching.
“Whatcha doing with the van?” A second voice asks lightly.
Ronnie watched Nick’s Adam’s apple bob as he swallowed, rolling down the window slowly, “just got a call. Pound wants to give us another dog for the day.”
Ronnie can barely see two heads at Nick’s window as they leaned toward him.
“All by yourself?”“Just a routine pick up. The pound is going to put the dog in themselves,” Nick says assuredly, “you know they’re full up right now.”One of the young voices chuckles, “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you drive the van before.”
Nick frowns slightly, “I have my license.” The unsaid threat was under the surface, Ronnie had a feeling the road laws from ten years ago applied to Nick.The redhead clucks, “and what if the dogs get in a howl? Who’s supposed to soothe them.” The fellow was reaching into the car, Ronnie tenses. “We’ll need a sweet face.”
“I’m sure you can handle it Jack.” Nick was batting his hand away, “just take them outside for a run. Whistle at them.”“Come on,” The other one laughs, “we all know your type are best with their mouths.” They were laughing now, “real nice with it I hear.” It sounded lewd and it was.Ronnie felt his blood boil as he sees this type of treatment, the two were laughing and pushing on each other.
Nick just grit his teeth, “I’m sure Bob would be happy to hear you saying that to me Ed.”“Don’t get your magic panties in a twist,” Ed said nimbly, “pretty boy like you I’m sure has heard worse.”“We’re joking,” Jack was peering inside the van, Ronnie shrinks back, “Look, I’m just saying we always take the pick ups, I don’t really think you’re…so much for it. These fellows can get nasty.”Nick just shook his head, “I’ll soothe them then, you just said I was good at it.” He said defiantly, “now if you excuse me,” he revved the engine, “I have a pickup to do.”
“Now now,” A hand reached in, “I know you might like working heavy machinery,” another laugh, “but it’s not your job.”“Last time I checked I was a handler too,” Nick starts backing up and Ronnie could have clapped, “good bye.”“Nicky-”“Gotta go.” Nick swerves hurriedly out of their reach as the men try to grab at the keys again. Nick was fast and already waving, “Tell Bob I’d like to talk when I get back.”Ronnie peaks his head up slightly over the dash and sees two slack-jawed figures disappear as Nick easily turns them onto the road. “Sorry about that.” The boy’s face was still very pink. “You can come up now.”Ronnie scoots his way upright in the seat and peers out on the thick trees on either side of them with little houses dotted in between. He balls his fists up, “I can go back and kick their ass if you want.”Nick doesn’t look at him, “I’m used to it.”“I’m serious, assholes like that need to get their faces dented in now and then,” he smacks his palm, blood boiling. “Bastards.”Ronnie was shaking his head, he stuck his tongue out tentatively, “Trust me when I say they didn’t want to hire me in the first place.”Nick glances over at him, the blue gem perched in the middle of his mouth, “Veela?”“Siren.” Nick says with a sigh, chin tucked down as he watched the road. “They think it’s funny.”“That you’re sexy fish people.” Ronnie was still broiling.He hears Nick cough loudly beside him, and the car jerks a little bit, “sexy fish peo…”“Sorry, sorry, right,” Ronnie puts his hands up, “I know you live on land too, dammit. Didn’t mean to sound ignorant right after those pustule-shaped lads opened their mouths.”Nick laughs and he was smiling crookedly again, “It’s alright.” He snorts, “Though, for the record. We’re not really fish people. I don’t even have gills.”Ronnie smiles back at him, “I know.” He sniffs, “And I don’t have a tail.” He winks, “all of the time.”Nick’s dimples came out as he looked over to him, “I’m glad they sent you to my shelter then.” Nick sits up straight, “or, er, might have been trouble.”Ronnie nods, “not everyone is as nice as an amiable siren like yourself.”Nick just shrugs and doesn’t look at him as he makes a left turn, “like I said.” He sighs, “I know how it is.”Ronnie pats his shoulder and they share a shy look before Nick clears his throat, “where am I taking you in London?”
“Down at West Brompton,” Ronnie says as he tries to situate himself again, “flats there.”Nick just nods and gets them into the morning traffic headed to London, Ronnie can’t help but study his profile. He guiltily thinks that he is awfully pretty, siren-shaped in all the soft, dangerous ways.
“Can I ask how you got down here?” Nick finally asks as they sit on the backed up roadway with some sort of pop music playing softly in the background.
Ronnie picked at the furs on his hand, “don’t remember most of it.” He says loosely, “lot’s of running though.” He groans, “60k, lord.”Nick chuckles, “that is pretty impressive. We found you digging through an old junkyard when we caught you.”Ronnie covers his face, “I ate trash. Great.” He rues his other half as he makes sense of the reason why his mouth tasted like a fire pit this morning.
“I think you were just digging,” Nick says thoughtfully, “but you were very cooperative when I got to you.”Ronnie glanced over, lifting his eyebrows, “Was there singing involved?” Nick was working on his lip again.
Nick pauses and then nods shortly, “it’s what they hired me for.”
“I’m sure it was very nice, would have liked to hear it.” He gives him a thumbs up.Nick rolled his eyes, “yes. Right before you lose your head.”
“And then?”Nick flashed him a sharp grin, “eat you. Obviously.”Ronnie laughs and tries to keep his apron in place, “obviously.” He pushed his hair back, “though I’ll warn you I’m mostly just fur and chewy bits.”Nick nods back and Ronnie’s chest feels a little lighter, “I’ll bring utensils.”Ronnie laughs, “I see you don’t need my help kicking those blokes in after all.” He tilts toward him, “a live-wire.”Nick tenses and his mouth twists slightly in place, they both look out at the low hovering sun just behind the clouds.
“I’m afraid that’s not how the story goes.” He grips the steering wheel, “they live to fight another day.” He glances over at him, “It would make the dogs sad if we were even more short-staffed.”Ronnie’s chest flutters a little bit as the light catches in this stranger’s eyelashes. A siren. “I’m sure you’re very good with them.” He replies softly.
Nick flashes him a grin, “I’m sure your better.”Ronnie elbows him, “Cheeky! I’m perfectly average with dogs. Even my shifted form only sort of likes me.”
“I see.” Nick crawls them forward on the road as a semi tries to cut them off in the heavy traffic.
“If the wolf really liked me he wouldn’t go romping up and down the countryside and leave me buck naked in a cage,” Ronnie laments, “I warned ‘em, we’re becoming a vegetarian if he keeps this up.”
Nick snorts and looks back over to him, the same considering look as before. “Will you get in trouble?” He asks tentatively, “for being outside I mean.”Ronnie rubs his eyes and looks back up, “The census is a little shoddy for the most part.” He picks at the edge of the apron and then looks over at Nick’s face. “So as long as no one tells…”Nick put a finger up to his lips, eyes shining, “I won’t say anything.”Ronnie puts a hand on his shoulder and shakes it fondly, “I really did run into the best type! I should be kissing a leprechaun or something for my luck.”“Ugh, don’t even try, you’ll be missing your wallet by the frenching part.”Ronnie laughs in delight, “do tell.”Nick’s face managed to only turn slightly pink this time, Ronnie thinks it’s a shame he didn’t get to make it a shade of fire-hydrant all over again. He should try.
“First of all, never go to a unicorn dust party, it’s going to be bad on all accounts-”“Try a witches raver mate. They’ll fuck you up two times to sunday.”“I almost lost a kidney.”They start to chat and Ronnie feels a little warmer as the sun peeks out behind the clouds and they finally start to reach the de-congested part of the ride. He somehow almost wishes the traffic was back.
His name was Nick Belmonte, he was originally from Crete but his dad was Italien. He grew up in South Guilford but lived with his grandparents every summer. He had terrible handwriting and a phobia of heights, he had been avoiding doing choir his whole life but liked musicals.
He was studying on the side to be a dog breeder, but hadn’t built up much of client base yet.
He thought Scottish Deerhounds were beautiful creatures, he gave Ronnie a pointed look at that and Ronnie just shifts in place. He wished dearly for a moment that he was wearing pants, or some sort of cool pair of sunglasses.
Ronnie told him about the last couple parties he went to, that his favorite color was red and that he had three little sisters that he tried to visit every weekend to help them with their homework. He didn’t like EDM much but had a soft-spot for electronic, he had wanted to be a DJ growing up, but now he just wanted to get through each day without losing his shit at a customer.
They were on the outskirts of the city by the time Ronnie felt almost a little satisfied, the young man was easy to talk to.
“Wait, what type of restaurant is it?”
“Fancy french one,” Ronnie wrinkles his nose, “They swear they’ll fire me if I get any more dog hair on their suits they make us wear.”“Suit, huh,” Nick looked him up and down and Ronnie puts his hands up.
“I swear I regularly wear clothes.” He winks, “you caught me on an off day.”He hears Nick mumble something to himself, in Ronnie’s head he says something like ‘sounds like a good day to me,’ but Nick was pointing up ahead. “Is that a checkpoint?”
Ronnie swivels front-ward and lifts his eyebrows, he sees cars stopping up ahead of them. There was a little yellow checkpoint booth right over the roadway entering London.
“Bloody hell,” he curses to himself, of course they’d run into one of these.
Nick scrambles through his pockets, “it’s okay, I have my license and ID. They should be okay.”“Uh,” Ronnie looks down at his lap, “should I do something about this?”“One sec,” Nick looked both ways, “Hold the wheel.”
Ronnie shifts over to grab the steering as Nick dives into the back of the van, “should have given this to you earlier.”He mumbles as he shifts through something in the back and Ronnie keeps them headed slowly forward. He knew for a fact they would see Nick’s ID and they’d be chosen for ‘random questioning.’
He remembers his mom saying siren’s ran both the brothel’s and the crime network in this city and nothing good came out of their oil-slick mouths. Ronnie tries to shake loose that cigarette and ash filled memory.
It wasn’t like that anymore.
He sees Nick jerk back into his seat as he holds out a patterned green and black blanket, “it’s old, but it should help.”Ronnie takes the blanket to fold over his lap and pretend he wasn’t an oddly practicing nudist. He hides his hands next.
“Sorry. I know it smells like dog.” They are one car away from the booth, he could see Nick visibly sweating, beading on his forward as he took a deep breath.
“Just between you and me love,” Nick raises his eyebrows at him, “That’s how I usually am.”Nick gives a little hoarse laugh and he’s happy to see him relax slightly.
“We’re just two guys going into the city. No big deal.” Nick breathed in through his nose and Ronnie is tempted to squeeze his knee. Feed him warm milk or something.
They drive up to the booth.
“License and ID,” a bobby was adjusting his cap as he puts out his hand. Nick gives him the documents quickly, notably keeping his silvery eyes downcast.
Ronnie feels another stem of anger building in his gut, but it’d be more trouble if he said anything.
The officer glances at the license before pausing and having his eyes flicker over the ‘species’ section no doubt. Eyes lingering and then scraping up to Nick’s face.
“Could I just ask you boys some questions?”Nick tensed and Ronnie wanted to knock someone’s teeth in, of course this.
“Go ahead.” Nick was trying to smile but it looked more like a wince.
“What’s your boys business in London?” He asks coolly, obviously examining Nick’s pointed teeth.
“Just driving my friend here home.” Nick said as he flashed a small look over to Ronnie.
The officer eyed him, “Where’s he live?”
“Walham Grove SW6. West Brompton.” Ronnie contributes forcibly, his nostrils flaring. The bobby ignores him.
“Where are you coming from?”“Just my work,” Nick points at his ID again, “Guilford animal shelter.”“That’s a long way.”“It’s not too bad,” Nick’s knuckles were bleaching on the wheel, “a nice drive really.”
The policemen’s eyes narrow and he leans into the vehicle as he notices Ronnie again, “what is he doing with your hands?” The policeman stiffens as he sees Ronnie’s hands under the blanket, his eyes snap up. He looks at him with a discerning metal edge.
“Where is your shirt son?” The bobby was reaching for his radio, “get your hands out.”
Ronnie gapes and slowly tries to extract his hands so that the officer doesn’t call in backup right then, he’d surely be put down in the census as ‘unsubordinate werewolf. Unfit for life with the general public.’
He’d never leave the compound.
Ronnie’s heart races and he feels his fangs wanting to poke out, to shift with the full moon out though hidden by the sun.
He feels another hand come down around his, covering the wire-black hairs with his palm. Hiding them. Nick was still smiling, he held Ronnie’s hand tightly.
“My boyfriend just has cold hands.” He says fiercely, showing the officer that Ronnie wasn’t holding anything. He feels the light tingle of Nick’s skin against his. “We had a, uh, long night.”Both the policeman and Ronnie pause at that and focus on him. Alright then.
“His shirt got lost at my place and he doesn’t fit in any of mine,” Nick sang on blithely, “I was just taking him home.”
The bobby seemed to be processing that very slowly, the siren boy holding Ronnie’s hand as he sat shirtless in the van. They freeze there for another long moment until finally the officer takes his hand away from the radio.
He adjusts his cap, “The curfew here is at ten.”“I know officer.” Nick said lightly.
“Well,” he clears his throat, “report any suspicious behavior to the local precinct. You know the city’s on red.”“I know officer.”
He hands him back the license and ID as the bobby doesn’t look them exactly in the eyes. Ronnie reflects that Nick had pretty much declared that they had a one-night stand and now he was returning him. That at least didn’t make the officer want to pry anymore.
They both keep a placid expression for the next couple meters or so until they both slump down heavily in their seats, Nick wiped his face, “he bought it.”
Ronnie threaded his hand through his hair and closed his eyes for a moment, “that could have gone south.” He glances over wearily, “quick thinking mate.”Nick gave a nervous smile and they both glance down at where their hands where they were still touching, Nick puts both his hands back on the wheel. “It was the first thing that popped into my head.” His eyes were intent on the road as they entered a roundabout just inside the city.
“It was clever as hell,” he clapped him on the shoulder, “Makes more sense than my nonsense I got into last night.”Nick was grinning widely now, “don’t mention it.” He bit his lip and Ronnie observes his curly bangs falling into his face.
He sinks lower into his seat again, “I know forgetting the moon cycles is rubbish.” He says as he looks up wistfully, “but,” he hums slightly, “this was the best outcome honestly.”
He reaches out and almost touches the other boy’s leg, “So thanks.”Nick’s face had reached another layer of pink again, finally, Ronnie thought to himself. Nick turned loosely toward him, “how did you not get caught anyway? I mean, before we caught you.”Ronnie traces his eyes on the ceiling, “I was walking home from my friend’s, we were mixing together. Then, I felt the changing coming, almost spat out my whole drink and sprinted into the nearest park.” He shrugs, “must have just run wild after that.”
Nick checks his GPS before focusing back in with him, “Well,” he shifts back and forth, “it is the most interesting thing that’s happened to me this week.” He looks up, “month really.”Ronnie snickers, “interesting am I?”Nick leaned in and wet his lips, “fascinating.” He pronounces each syllable.Ronnie stretches and meets his eyes confidently, “I’ll try to keep your attention then.” The air almost shimmers between them and Nick took a noticeably sharp breath. He looks back to the road.
“I should be a couple more blocks down.” Ronnie says smoothly, Nick nods jerkily, ears burning slightly. Ronnie taps his fingers on the armrest between them, “I should pay you back.”Nick just shakes his head vigorously, “No need. Like I said, this is the most interesting thing that’s happened to me in ages.”Ronnie’s fingers ghost over the tips of his pale hair, he doesn’t touch it though, “would beating up those blokes help?”“No way,” Nick wrinkled his nose. “They’re not worth the effort.”Ronnie glances up, “I’m the apartment on the left. With the white door.” They slow to a crawl and Ronnie wonders what the siren’s thinking.
“I sort of want to use one of their lines is the thing.” He says lowly, heatedly, all those nights practicing in the mirror for dates might finally come in handy.
“Which one?” Nick says dryly, “because calling me a sea fairy is already taken.”They are sitting outside his apartment now, Ronnie shifts as he takes the blanket in hand to return it. “Pretty.” He grins, “a very pretty boy.”Nick ducks his head and looks like he’s trying to hide his face, “I honestly don’t what to say to that.” He begins to chew on his lip, Ronnie reaches out and touches his chin, lifting it up slowly.
His mouth falls open this time.
He searches his eyes, “come to drinks with me.” He smiles broadly, “I’ll pay you back for all this.”Nick stares at him widely, eyes like saucers, “I suppose I will need to get the apron back.”Ronnie lifts up, “I can give it back now!” He goes for the bow around his waist.
“No no,” Nick grabs at him, holding his wrist back. Ronnie gives him a wry look, Nick lifts his eyebrows, “arsehole.”Ronnie chuckles, “your face was priceless.”
“Ugh, make it two drinks.”“I’ll get you whole round if we add in dinner.” Maybe wolfing out for a night improved his game.
Nick doesn’t hide his face this time, the light plays across his cheek as his features soften, “deal.”Ronnie pumps his fist in the air, “God looks after fools, drunkards, and dogs apparently.” He laughs and goes for the door, waving hugely, “I’ll actually wear something next time.”“Not too much I hope,” Nick says mildly and Ronnie’s mouth falls open.
“Scandalous!” He cackles.
Nick covers his eyes, “I’ll see you then. After you forget I said that.”Ronnie squeezes his hand and jumps out of the car, “write down your number.” He goes to the driver side window. “Or address, email, and mom’s maiden name.”Nick was flushed and laughing again, “one thing at a time.”If Ronnie had his tail he would have been wagging it. Instead, he takes the small piece of paper and whoops. “Mark off your calendar! I’m taking half those nights.”Nick rolled his eyes as Ronnie cheered as he got to his door, “put on some pants Ronnie!” One of his neighbors angrily yelled at him but he just waves. He’d have to do some sweet talking with his landlord to get back into his apartment, but that didn’t seem so daunting at the moment.
“Wait,” he hears a voice call to him before he enters the house. “Wait.” He turns around just as Nick was clambering out of his van toward him.
Ronnie cocked his head to the side, “what can I do for you.”“This.” Nick got up on his tiptoes and Ronnie feels the light touch of lips to his cheeks. His whole body starts to tingle. Nick presses his mouth sweetly there, “thank you.”Ronnie touches the part that he just kissed on the cheek, “damn.”Nick smiled shyly and waved, “for next time.”“A preview.” He says brightly and Nick just winks at him. It was Ronnie’s turn to blush slightly.
He watches him retreat, looking over his shoulder with each step, they were both smiling and looking each other over. The boy in the apron with the dog shelter attendant, he waves as he leaves and Nick promises to come back.
He does.
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cheonjaem-blog · 7 years
wanna one as types of boyfriends
yoon jisung:
the walking meme. everything he does is fucking hilarious. you literally have 2000 photos of him on your phone which could be edited into potential memes. there’s never a sad/boring day in your life. he’s actually always super excited about everything and you always sometimes question his mental age but you still think it’s really cute. always makes stupid puns and jokes to make you laugh (that sometimes even results to self degradation). all that makes him happy is seeing you smile, so he makes that his daily goal. likes to send you weird pictures of him using different filters on snapchat that you obviously screenshot. he’s super funny and your whole family loves him, especially the kids. “auntie when are you getting married to uncle jisung?” “soon” “um jisung wtf stop lying to the kids” “i never said i was lying”
ha sungwoon:
the tea sipper. he has the dirt on everyone, and i mean everyone. knows what’s going on in your life, your neighbor’s life, and your second cousin’s uncle’s grandfather’s life. your dates consist of gossiping with the neighborhood aunties every week at the book club he organized. wants to know how your day is and knows you so well that he can tell when your feeling down. sings to make you feel better, and if that doesn’t make you smile, he’ll probably pull out the big guns and start dancing to girl’s day something. doesn’t mind embarrassing himself if it makes you happy :’). doesn’t like it when you call him cute bc he’s “manly not cute”. tries to fight other people when they talk shit about you. talks a lot!!! like when you’re trying to catch some z’s, all he does is talk about how your neighbor’s husband is cheating on her with her sister??? “omg don’t tell anyone but jisoo’s husband is cheating on her with her own sister” “wtf how do you know?? did you stalk her husband again??” “no way, i was throwing away the trash and i saw them?? coincidentally??”
hwang minhyun:
the perfectionist. a little ocd and always needs everything to be super clean and organized. he told you that he had perfect attendance in school and always had straight a’s. his skin is perfect, his visuals are perfect, and his voice is perfect. sometimes you feel like he’s too good for you, but then you remember how much of an awkward loser he is in real life. texts you the most romantic things, but can’t say it in person to you. you like to tease him a lot for being an awkward antisocial person. very easily embarrassed person. not a big pda person. blushes a lot. doesn’t know how to convey his feelings into words or actions, but it’s okay bc you know he’s trying hard. he looks like a cold tsundere but sike he’s a soft mochi on the inside. smiles a lot more now bc “you make me happy i guess”. 
ong seongwoo:
the prankster. he loves messing around with you and pissing you off. one time he put blue dye into your body wash and you came out of the shower looking like a smurf. you guys end up having prank wars and once you even super glued his feet into his shoes. when he’s not thinking of ingenious plans to prank you, he’s actually a really sweet boyfriend. sometimes he takes you out on spontaneous dates to that fancy restaurant across town to make up an excuse to see you wear a beautiful dress. but he loves taking you on midnight rides. like he’ll drive you in silence as you enjoy the night sky and talk to you about random things and let you rant about your inner thoughts. “stop staring at me ong!! focus on the road” “you’re just too beautiful. you distracted me”
kim jaehwan:
the musician. he confessed to you in broad daylight while playing the guitar and singing a song written for you. you guys were sitting on a bench in the city and he randomly whips out his guitar and starts singing. a crowd gathers around you eventually, and they cheer when you accept his confession. he likes to write songs in the middle of the night, so you’ll probably wake up at 3 AM and hear him playing random chords on the piano and writing lyrics in the dark. he writes songs thinking about you and likes to sing to you when you have trouble sleeping. also super extra!! likes to boast about things that he can’t do like karate and playing soccer. he told you that he used to play soccer in middle school, but when you actually took him out to play he said “yeah i played soccer. i played fifa” “ugh i hate you so much right now”
kang daniel:
the gamer. he’s a huge fucking loser, and he loves playing league and overwatch and basically every game ever. tried to teach you how to play league once but you never understood anything, so he ended up carrying the team and winning. spends 95% of his time indoors, but he also likes to cuddle with you when he’s gaming. makes you sit on his lap while he wraps his arms around you and rests his chin on your head when he plays. likes taking you to comicon or any other nerdy convention. but it’s endearing to see him so excited about cosplayers. “cosplay with me next year” “lol how about a no”
park jihoon:
the prince. on top of his handsome looks and dancing skills, he was also born with a silver spoon in his mouth. buys you everything you’ve ever wanted and then some. but you’re not interested in materialism ok yes you are but you’re more interested in him. so he doesn’t really understand love?? like he’s always been loved by his parents but he tries his hardest to convey his feelings for you without extravagant gifts. like this is the first time someone told him that they didn’t want a new car and he doesn’t understand why you don’t want a mercedes benz but it’s your loss?? he takes you to nice dates at super expensive high end restaurants while you assure him that getting a take-away pizza is always fine too. wears gucci and givenchy and saint laurent and tries to buy you clothes from there too but one dress is worth more than your life??? he likes to sleep on your shoulder while you stroke his hair. really cute relationship full of $$$. if you need a sugar daddy you know who to call. “you want a new car?” “wtf no i want a new boyfriend” “>:((((”  
park woojin:
the shy turned wild one. yeah he was really shy when you first met but now he wildin. you tried taking him to a family party once but he was getting too into his dancing and ended up grinding the floor. what happened to the shy bean that couldn’t look you in the eye?? sometimes he’s still really shy around people he just met, and he kind of attaches himself to you. but dancing really makes him let everything go, and he tries to teach you choreographies to your favorite songs. taught you how to dance to red velvet and exo and rap to okey dokey. dates consists of dance lessons and chilling at home watching smtm together. bet milk tea on who’s going to make it to the finals. “yo it’s gonna be nucksal” “oh hell no i’m betting on hangzoo” “wow it’s only bc you like zico & dean more smh i thought you loved me”
bae jinyoung:
the nerd that turned hot. you known him since elementary school but boy did he glow up in high school. the last thing you remember was him being that smart nerd that never talked, but now he has a whole army of girls chasing after him. outside appearance may have changed but he’s still a nerd. dates consists of chilling at home and watching the latest episode of the anime y’all like while cuddling. takes you to animecon where you cringe at the weebs but where he enjoys every moment of it. likes taking you to manga and anime stores. dreams of going to japan with you. also likes to buy you cute couple charms for your phone. “i bought you the touka charm bc you’re the touka to my kaneki” “you’re such a fucking weeb lmao but sasaki is better”
lee daehwi:
the foreign swagger. yeah he lived in america for 4 years, that’s why he’s here man. just kidding, he’s a super adorable boyfriend that sometimes mixes up his languages when he’s flustered. super caring and always frets over you. nags you a lot when you get sick. “i told you not to go outside without a jacket!” but really good music tastes. makes different spotify playlists for you to listen to when you’re sad or tryna to get turnt. likes shopping dates!! he is your personal fashion designer and buys cute dresses when he thinks you look cute in them. “i thought this color suited you really well, so i bought it!” “um but it says it’s $300″ “oops?”
lai guanlin:
the athlete. he likes every sport but he’s super obsessed with basketball dude. like he’ll take you out to the nearest basketball court to shoot with him even if you can’t make a shot for your life. dw he’ll teach you the proper shooting form and how to dribble. you’ll end up having lots of cute basketball dates and afterward he’ll probably take you out for ice cream. likes to rest his head in your lap as he practices his shooting form laying down. lots of after-practice cuddles. “ew guanlin you’re so sweaty. get off of me” “no i like staying with you like this”
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