#watchingspnagain 4x04
watchingspnagain · 1 year
Rewatching Metamorphosis
Welcome to “I swear to Chuck, Dean Winchester, if you say Man Pig one more time…: A Supernatural Rewatch Blog” with Lor and Mace!
   Up today, s4e4: Metamorphosis.
 In the suburbs, a married man is becoming insatiable for meat. And maybe… human flesh? He’s scaring the bejesus out of his wife (and himself), but when two incredibly handsome young men clad in flannel show up and tell him it’s because he’s a monster, he’s not buying it. (Always believe handsome young men in flannel when they tell you you’re a monster.) Turns out the dude can NOT become a full-on monster as long as he refrains from eating human flesh. Once he does, there’s no going back. But the boys are divided on whether he can be saved—Sam argues that he’ll be able to control himself and be fine; Dean is sure he is doomed to be a monster. This, of course, echoes their positions on what’s going on with Sam and Ruby and how they each feel about THAT. The episode’s climax involves a lot of ew and gross and an old hunter friend of John’s being awful. And our boys… are FRAUGHT.
  Below is a log of our real-time reactions as we watched. Remember that there may be spoilers for any part of SPN’s 15-season run here. Note also that the nature of our conversation is adult and thus it may contain adult language and themes.
 [and we begin:]
 Interesting. I don’t think Sam gets objectified like this often (“slutting around”)
 no, I don't think he does
 oh Dean
I FORGOT that he finds out by spying
 "is that Ruby?" and the LOOK
 oh he's maaaaad
they are so FRAUGHT
 he really is
 ooo Sammy's wearing one of his BEST shirts
  oh Dean, you don’t wanna leave
 oh Dean, that's it, cycle that violence
 OH! Sam's being influenced by Ruby BUT Dean's being influenced by Cas. and they both CAN be influenced bc something in there lets them be, but I never picked up on the parallel before
 I feel a little dumb right now. like, it's RIGHT THERE
 but Cas is definitely not a love interest for Dean. definitely not
 only bros
 we don’t need to discuss how there’s 1000% more sexual tension in the scenes between Cas and Dean than Ruby and Sam...
 lol nope
 not beat down after five or six years of marriage to JOHN
 and the fact that Sam and Ruby are married in real life now so there must have been actual tension between them but still Misha and Jensen provoke more sexy vibes…
I was just trying to figure out how to say something very similar
 "weird with crazy on top"
 dude, have a string cheese. this is what they are FOR
 this one is just kinda gross
 WOULD HE? or would he find something to criticize
 enough with the pointed snark, Dean
 oh he would totally criticize
 "is that made up? that sounds made up"
  yeah, Dean is passive aggressiving today
I love that it's Sam who knows what it means, not Dean
 yeah, that doesn’t seem right somehow
I suspect it was sloppy, but I kind of like the against-type of it
 so props for calling the jerk out but points off for the fatphobia
i do love that they do things to make the ‘bad’ guy sympathetic
 ooof Dean, people pleasing and managing the people/conversation
 okay so here we have Dean on the side of black-and-white and Sam on the side of greys
 Travis, you dick, YES they have not eaten in days, you KNEW their dad, you jerk
 we should keep score on these because I think I remember they flipflop several times throughout the show
 oh yeah, they definitely do
  ooo, retrograde marital dynamics
 HA yeah
 um, WHOSE emotions are getting in the way, Dean?
 I think they flip on the grey thing depending on what's going on with them. Sam wants monsters to be okay sometimes bc he's afraid he's kind of one. Dean wants it to be black and white bc he wants Sam to just STOP using his powers. you'd think they'd learn at some point though
 Dean can never resist upset Sammy
  "hungry hungry hippos levels" DEAN
 I wonder if part of why Dean’s panties are so bunched about all this is that he has always felt wrong/inadequate/not-enough (thanks to John) and so he tries to protect Sam and keep him normal
 oh YES
 he feels like he’s failing Sammy so he’s angry at himself and taking that out on Sam
  DEAN. stop being a little shit! NO PIE
 Come on, we all know you’d give in in a heartbeat and give him pie
yeah, it's true
I can't even pretend it's not true anymore
he's just little and he's never done anything wrong
  “we should go” “yeah"
 "we're here to save you! i guess"
  so he only wants to eat women?
 well, eating men would be kind gay
 it feels like there's a sexual component here they are not addressing
 HA! and no one would want THAT. not on the Man Show
 OH DAMN I forgot about this part
 so not that all options here aren't awful, but Travis is aware you can... not have a child without killing the woman?
 that wouldn’t be the Christian thing to do, though, now would it
 splutters in 2023
  oh Travis is dead. how tragic.
 yes, I weep
 correct, Sammy
  omg stop hitting Sammy in the head!
 my Bean’s gonna have the brain damage
  look. when the Winchesters show up and tell you to do something, you do it. that's how you don't end up a monster who can't see your family.
 for the life of me I can’t understand how anyone could say no to either of them
 interesting choice to have Dean lying down like this for this scene
 well if they didn’t then he’s have burned the dude without chatting first
 it's definitely not as sexual assaulty as somethings they do to him, but
 and they needed Sammy to have his little existential crisis talk first
 well, he could be unconscious in a chair or something
 oh boys
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