piccevo · 6 months
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cribs evo not much to say about thi one
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autistic-yuri · 1 year
Since I’m thinking Zac’s character is an alchemist, I’m theorizing that he’s going to be the creator of the watersteel daggers
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thevalleyisjolly · 1 year
The biggest source of information that we have about the details of the Prophidian Heresy comes, in-canon, from the book that Jet reads in ACOC when she began researching the Bulb.  In that book, she learns not only about the Prophidian Heresy but also the Ramsian Doctrine.  We also later find out that that’s not the only connection the two philosophies have - Belizabeth Brassica, a champion of the Ramsian Doctrine, was mentored and first ordained by a priest who adhered to (and was executed for) the Prophidian Heresy.
Which led me to think, what is the point of connection?  How do these ideologies relate to each other, apart from being fringe beliefs of the Church?  With what we’ve learned this season about the FDA, who uphold the Prophidian Heresy, the followers of the two beliefs seem to be at opposite ends of the spectrum.  The FDA wants to stop the end of the world by filling the world with rot and decay, while Belizabeth wants to bring about the end of the world by ensuring that it is only made out of “healthy” food - hence the attempt to annihilate Candia in ACOC.  On the surface, they appear to be foes, and Raphaniel even promotes the Ramsian Doctrine in an attempt to undermine the FDA.
Then I realized: sugar doesn’t rot.  It can spoil if moisture gets in -Candians are more vulnerable than anyone else in Calorum to watersteel daggers- but sugar acts as a preservative.  And so far, there aren’t any known Candians in the FDA.
It’s not about what they have in common ideologically but rather it’s what stands against them both.  Although they may seem to have opposite goals -the FDA and the Prophidian Heresy want to “save” the world by preventing its destruction while the Ramsian Doctrine headed by Belizabeth wants the end of the world to come- where they are both similar is that there is room in neither philosophy for Candians.  Sugar does not rot, that is a whole part of the world that theoretically remains palatable to the Hungry One.  Sugar is “junk food” (according to the Ramsian Doctrine), the Hungry One will not eat the world so long as it is unhealthy.  The followers of both heresies may be working to different ends but as per the details of their beliefs, neither group can succeed in their desired goals as long as Candians continue to exist.
I don’t know what, if anything, this means for The Ravening War.  We know that the FDA’s plan does not succeed, although we don’t know how it happens.  But I think it’s significant to the worldbuilding of Calorum that the biggest heresies of the Church (that we know of), the heresies which so many prominent Church leaders seem to hold to, are fundamentally hostile to the existence of Candia.  And I think that even if the vast majority of ordinary Bulbians probably consider these beliefs fringe and heretical, it doesn’t mean that the leaders at the top who do adhere to them aren’t using their influence to promote subtler anti-Candian ideologies.
You don’t get to a genocidal crusade from nowhere.  You don’t just declare one day that it’s going to happen, everyone get your armour on and grab a blade and torch, and people just listen to you.  But if you spend years cultivating mystery and fear, spreading rumours but never confirmed facts of strange Candian alchemy, that’s how you start to other Candians so that by the time you get to the point where you’re ready to make a move against them, people perceive them as mysterious heathen others “not like us.”
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i-hate-gravel · 1 year
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this little shit is having so much fun playing in this world hes created i love it. the fdhdjfh reference to the watersteel daggers??? i love you radish man 
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chungledown-bimothy · 10 months
Last night's "what if Amethar made a different choice" was about what if he had gone back for Lapin, today is what if he'd asked Calroy to stay at Castle Candy. Never in a million years would that happen, and what ifs are especially pointless in an improvised media like ttrpgs. But it's a fun thought exercise.
He was only doing half damage in the ambush, but he was still drawing people away from focusing Amethar, so maybe even from the start things would have been drastically different. I'll need to rewatch the fight with that in mind.
In That Scene, he says something like "all the work [he and Alfredi] put in to getting the watersteel daggers in that carrot paladin's hands". When was his part of that work done? I'm 99% sure Keradin still would have had them, because that was Extremely Important, but how would it be different?
It was a big party, so other people definitely heard Manta Ray's joke about the girl in the Dairy Isles, but were they the right people? Would they have had the context needed to put together that they should follow up on that?
And then what happens in Castle Candy? Does he keep biding his time? Caramelinda is, above all else, a creature of duty. But Amanda Maillard is from Muffinfield, I wouldn't be surprised if Calroy knew about the affair, or maybe found out if Amethar's absence made her a bit less careful about it. Maybe between that and her extreme frustration with Amethar, he'd see a chink in that duty-bound armor?
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saingirl101 · 1 year
The Ravening War Gif LiveBlog - Episode 2 (SPOILERS)
Eyy I am back with a live blog for episode 2 of the Ravening War. Seems like from the trailer that shit is really going to start to go down this episode.
excited to see if we have a combat episode or not. Guess we shall see. Also excited to know more about this shifty radish man and co.
As always. Spoilers below:
Colin getting the title Skald?? which is an amazing pun;
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Abria and Brennan trying to give help to Lady Amangaeux to convince the lords and ladies of vegetania and matt denying them:
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The bishop finding out theres missing stuff from the history of the bulbian church and heading into a madness spiral with the FDA thread:
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Raphaniel continuing to have the weird visions again about the hungry one???:
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And then basically stalking colin provolone via research and trying to figure him out in a conspiracy mode:
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Me at colin vagueing about his secret:
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full body horror of karna having rotten spots show up on her body after she kills someone using the hungry one power and using a knife to cut it off:
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Collin rolling a 4 on his persuasion roll which becomes a 2:
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Karna having a little crush on Deli:
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The mercenary dishless coming out of the shadows to call the group fuckheads:
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Karna calling the candian royals cowards:
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The bishops continued conspiracy theorist mode about Colin:
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Karna showing Deli the decaying head of the man she killed trying to impress him:
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Karna presenting said head to tomate:
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us at matt at the end of this episode:
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Matt being his smug self at the end of every episode:
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chai-ky · 1 year
Okay time for my The Ravening War episode two thoughts:
-I know it's not going to happen but I just think that Colin and Deli should be in love. Together they make a delicious sandwich, it's meant to be.
-I do not fucking trust Bishop Rapheniel Charlock as far as I can throw him. That man is evil. Also, him having visions of the garbage disposal (?) has some interesting theological implications in a world where your personhood is determined by your edibility. Food deemed as inedible or leftover (people deemed inhuman or unworthy of life) being destroyed in a way unrelated to eating feels heretical to me. Also he reminds me of my evangelical relatives.
-(gets out the red string) okay so Lady Amangeaux has a child, a newborn by the sound of it, of questionable parentage. It can't have been her husband's because of the timeline so it has to be somebody else's. It's a grape. Who else in the acoc/trw universe is a grape? Gustavo Uvano. However Gustavo Uvano only has one child—Plumbelina. THAT WE KNOW OF—
-The bishop trying the youth pastor tactic with Deli made me cackle so hard
-WATERSTEEL DAGGER 🗡️🫨 I legit screamed
-Karna telling Tomate about the baby was LOW. My jaw was on the floor. I couldn't believe it.
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youghvaudough · 1 year
THEY ARE ASSASSINATING A CANDIAN PERSON RIGHT !!!????!! WITH THAT DAMN WATERSTEEL DAGGER ??!!?!!!! if it’s one of Amethar’s older sisters or his mom or someone like that istg (spoken without a lick of memory of acoc politics)
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wilderebellion · 1 year
Watersteel daggers DO harm other Calorans. I thought the multiple conditions applied to everyone, it's just that the poison damage turns into 8d6 if you're Candian, and 4d6 for everyone else.
Also, what determines being "Candian"? Pamelia Rocks came from Fructera but married Jadain and became Queen of Candia, living there for many years. Geography and environment affect Calorans, not JUST straight genetic information.
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Matt reminding folks that watersteel daggers are deadly for everyone, not just Candians, has me putting Senator Carbano and Senator Gemelli back on the table as potential assasaination targets.
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washed-up-wurmcoil · 1 year
Missed opportunity by Aabria to straight up murder an FDA member with the watersteel dagger
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katiefratie · 1 year
Yooooo pizza boy....... and they have a watersteel dagger????
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ratkingdad · 4 months
You 👉 know what I’ve always hated 😡💢 about you 👉, Amethar 👑🍬? You 👉 were so damn 👿 lucky 🍀.
I mean 😪, fifth 5️⃣ in line 📉 for the throne 🪑 and the crown 👑 rests 🛏️ on your head 🙆‍♂️. And each of your sisters 👯‍♀️ better 🥇 and more clever 👩‍🏫 than you. It really makes the unfortunate 🍀🚫 minor lord 🤵 of a less ↘️ than wealthy 💵 barony feel… well, a little underwhelming 😑😴.
Oh, I’ll say 📢, your sisters 👯‍♀️ were a little less lucky 🍀. The least 🥉 lucky 🍀 thing that ever happened to Rococoa 🍫 was when she found out 🕵️‍♀️ that I was selling 💰 weapons 🔫⚔️ to the Ceresians 🍞🥯. That… that had to be dealt with ☠️. And I think 🤔 you’ll remember how odd 🤪 it was that she was found riddles with arrows 🏹 so far behind our own lines 〰️. But that’s war 💣, and strange things happen in war 💣🧨 all the time ⏰.
The Ceresians 🥖🍞, I find are very reasonable, very reasonable and you can see 👓🔎some of their tents 🏕️ out here in the field 🌾.
You know, I don't have luck 🍀 so I have to work 💪. I have to work 💪a lot. First, I had to put the little cheese 🧀 boy 🧒🏼 onto the scent of the Duchess 👸 Coldbottle 🍼, and I had to ferry ⛴️ his idiot sailors ⛵️all the way the Sucrosi road 🚗 to that little farmhouse 🏠 - I mean, had to get them there somehow, they couldn't sail ⛵️ there, could they? And they'd be so suspicious 🤨 walking 🚶‍♂️ up the road, and yet - you miraculously ⛪️ survived 🖖, when you should have died 💀. Amethar 👑 🍬 the Unfallen ❤️.
You uncharacteristically 😮 leave a fight 👊 , you jump 🐰 out of the ring 💍 rather than trying to behead that carrot 🥕- and they call the tournament 🏟️, even with all the work 🏋️ that me and Alfredi 🍝 put in to getting those watersteel 💦 daggers 🗡️ into her hands 🙌 . I - I thought 💭 I was going to fail 0️⃣.
And then, and then your friend Manta Ray Jack 🧀 mentioned a girl 👧 , at the banquet 🍱 , 'stashed somewhere in the Dairy 🥛 Islands 🏝️ ', and I thought 💭 , 'That's so interesting 🤔 . Amethar 👑 🍬 and I are best friends 👯‍♂️, war buddies 🤝 as far back as we can remember 🧐. Why 🤨would he never 👎 tell me?' And I got to thinking 🤔 , 'Amethar 👑 🍬 was never quiet 🤐 about his exploits 🏃 as a roving Prince 🫅 of Candia 🍭, so why didn't I hear 👂 about this girl 👧 ?' And I thought 💭 , 'I'd better talk 🎙️with Manta Ray Jack 🧀.'
He didn't wanna 🙊 talk, but a few fingers 👋 and pints 🍻 of blood 🩸 later we remembered your sister's book 📖 . Very useful, your sister 👩 . Very useful indeed - up until a young Belizabeth Brassica 🥦 ordered her run 🏃🏻‍♀️ down in the streets by Vegetanian 🥗 Knights ⚔️ . That - that hurt 😔 , because she had always been very sweet 🍭 to me. Well, after Manta Ray 🧀, I saw 👀 an opportunity. You know, it hurts 🤕 to have all of your plans 📒 fail, but they say that improvisation 🎭 is the better part of planning 📝 , so I was happy 😊 to take advantage 🔝 of that opportunity when 🕰️ it presented itself, Amethar 👑 🍭.
You know what happens to a man 🧍‍♂️ when he dies ☠️ ? He shits 💩 himself. So I'll be happy 😊 to watch 👁️ 👁️ you shit 💩 one last time 🕰️, Amethar 👑 🍭 .
I wonder 🧐 if they'll call ☎️ you 'Amethar 👑 🍭 the Unfallen ❤️ ' after this😤? Here's to a future 🔮 you can't ⛔️ ruin 😡.
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thevalleyisjolly · 1 year
Oh shit, a watersteel dagger, is the operative they’re supposed to assassinate Princess Sapphria?
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cadburied · 1 year
Instantly worried they'll have to kill Sapphria, but also she died when Candia was already at war and also in the meatlands, so I don't think that's who it'll be. A watersteel dagger could be useful against a ceresian potentially, but with them masquerading as a fructeran I doubt it.
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rainedroptalks · 1 year
No WONDER the architects gave them a watersteel dagger, they KNEW they’d be dealing with candians!!
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