#watford cove
Pink and Black Roses: A Watford Cove Wedding
Rating: T
Genre: Fluff/Light Angst
Word Count: 7764
Summary: Eleven years after they first met in Watford Cove, Simon and Baz are getting married. Based on "frightened kiss" request.
Read on AO3
AN: I’m still working on the knight and warlock fic, don’t worry, but this is already done and edited so I want to get it up cause I'm so excited to post it. It's the last request of the 2018 batch, and I thought we needed to go out with a bang. So here's a future fic sequel to Watford Cove! Enjoy :D
“Is my hair alright?” I ask. Penny sighs as she’s adjusting my tie.
“Your hair looks fine, Simon,” she says.
“Is it really?”
“Are you sure?”
“But maybe-”
“Simon!” She steps around me, standing between the mirror and I. Her hands grip my shoulders hard. Not tight enough to hurt but enough to keep me steady. “Stop fussing, you’re fine. Not just your hair, you. Stop panicking. Nothing is going to go wrong. And even if something does, stay focused on the goal.”
I snort, a wholly undignified sound for a grown twenty eight year old man I’m told. Like I care. “You sound like Baz’s uni football coach.”
She rolls her eyes. “Yeah, well, I’m probably smarter.”
“You definitely are, Pen, always.”
She smiles smugly, nose up in the air. “Of course I am.” I chuckle and hold her forearms. A lot of my nerves are already melting away. I don’t know what I’d do without Penelope. “Now, your tie is far more straight than you are.” I snort again. “We should probably get out there with everyone else.”
“You’ve got everything, right? Vows, ring, big smile?”
I reach into my pink suit jacket, feeling a piece of paper and and cool metal on my finger tips. I grin wide, all the way to my ears. “Yeah, all good.”
Penelope nods once, then reaches down to firmly hold my hand. “Awesome. Then let’s go.”
We walk together, arms swinging slightly, out the door of the powder room towards the main entry. There’s two doors between us and the main room of the Watford Cove Event Hall. Baz is walking down the aisle first with his party so he’s on the other side. (I wish I could push the doors open and see him.) My party is here, milling about and getting ready. Agatha keeps shifting around her black flower crown with a small frown.
“It doesn’t feel right,” she grumbles.
I stroll up to her and put her crown centre. She turns to me, and immediately grins.
“There,” I say, “perfect.”
“Hey Simon, how are you doing?”
“Honestly? I’m freaking out. But I’m also happy.”
“You better be! I don’t want to be wearing this silly crown thing for nothing.”
I frown and put my hands on my hips. “It’s not silly, it’s cute.”
Her mouth quirks up, one hand on her pink skirt. “Yeah, I suppose it is, even if it’s a pain to wear.” She looks around at the room with a hint of awe. “This whole ceremony is beautiful, really. I’m happy to be a part of it.”
I grin in full force again. Agatha is really nice. We met in uni, sitting together in an intro art class. She noticed how terrified I was to share my work and helped me calm down. We started chatting, and immediately became friends. Penny quickly came to like her too, but Baz took a little longer. He was even a bit jealous because he thought she had a crush on me. Agatha quickly dispelled that notion by introducing us to her girlfriend. Baz felt like an idiot, and I showed immense restraint by only teasing him for a minute. Now we’re all close friends. Close enough that Agatha agreed to fly all the way from California to be a groom’s maid in my wedding.
“Thanks,” I say. “Glad you’re here too.” I look out at all three of them, dressed in pink and black, different parts of my heart. “Glad you’re all here.”
“I’m happy to be here!” Micah chimes in. “This is all so awesome. And I feel like a pinterest photo in this suit.” He spins around, pink jacket flapping about while his black rose boutonniere flys off. Penny sighs as she picks it up.
“Careful, love,” she says. “Black roses are expensive, you only get one of these.”
Micah leans forward and kisses the top of her head, just under her own black flower crown. There’s nothing but affection in his eyes. “Understood, dear.”
Damn, years later and they’re still so sweet. Penelope met Micah long before she met me, when he was an exchange student at Watford High in Year 10. Apparently their connection was instant. Pen was already talking about marriage in high school, and the two went through with it right after uni graduation. They’re very happy. I hope my marriage is as good as Penny and Micah’s. Though looking at mine and Baz’s relationship for the past eleven years, I’d say that’s pretty well guaranteed. We’ve been through a lot, yet we’re still together. Being married will be fucking incredible.
“Are we all ready?” Gran walks in, dressed like a fancy lady. She looks great in her pale pink skirt suit with her hair all done up like a duchess or something. She’s got a black rose boutonniere too. It’s apparently a wedding thing to have flowers everywhere. Not that I mind, I love flowers. Hence why I’m wearing some on my head.
“As long as I don’t sick up, then yeah,” I chuckle.
Gran sighs, shaking her head. “You’re not going to sick up, Simon. You always say you will and you don’t.”
“Agreed!” Penny oh so helpfully adds in. I glare over my shoulder, and she sticks her tongue out. We may be fully fledged adults, but in some ways, we’re very much still children.
“You’re going to be fine, darling.” Gran reaches up to adjust my crown. It’s the one I’ve had since I was seventeen. Gran bought it for me on my first day in Watford Cove. It’s just a little  line of pink rosebuds across the top of my head, simple but pretty. Gran said that the one time my Mum was able to phone her while with my Dad, she called me her rosebud boy. My Mum called me such sweet things, and didn’t even live long enough for me to remember them myself.
“You’re thinking about your Mum, aren’t you?” Gran whispers, snapping me out of it. She’s got a tiny, sad smile on her face. I nod slowly.
“Y-Yeah. Sorta wondering what she’d think and all. It’s inevitable, I guess.”
Gran nods. She moves both hands to my front, holding my jacket. Her smile is still small but very kind. “Well, I think I knew my own daughter pretty well, so I can tell you a few things for sure.” I can see the way her eyes are quivering. She’s trying to keep from crying. “My darling Lucy loved you before you were even born, Simon. So she would be incredibly happy that you have found true love. If she were here, she’d be walking you down the aisle instead of me.”
Fuck, that hits me right in the heart in the best way. I smile, a few tears falling down my cheeks. “Darn it, Gran,” I chuckle, “I didn’t want to start crying until the vows at least.”
“Sorry, love.” She wipes at my face with her silk handkerchief. “Don’t worry, you’ve still got enough tears in you for Basil.”
“Oh definitely. I’m going to be a fucking waterfall.”
“Language, love.”
“Sorry, Gran. I’m just nervous.”
She cups my cheek, running a thumb under my eye to catch a stray tear. “I know, darling, I know. Don’t worry, it will be great.” There’s a thumping on the door, making me jump and my breath catch. That’s our signal. Gran holds out her arm for me with a grin. “Showtime, Simon.”
I nod rapidly, and take her thin arm in mine. “Alright. Let’s go.”
Agatha, Micah, and Penny line up in front of us. Agatha knocks back, and the oak doors swing open. The three start slowly walking forward. I take a deep breath, and follow behind.
The Event Hall is insane. Despite being a small town, Watford Cove apparently expected to host huge galas or something, it’s enormous. The ceiling is high and curved, decorated with a fancy mosaic. The walls are intimidating dark wood with pretty carvings. Though they’re covered up with flower garlands right now. The rose garlands are alternating pink and black, like the rest of our decorations, because we’re cheesy and like to stick to our aesthetics. As Gran and I walk forward, everyone’s standing up from their benches. And I mean everyone. We ended up inviting a lot of people. My aunt and uncle, my cousins, Aunt Fiona, Mitali, Martin, Penny’s siblings, Baz’s siblings, his extended family, his uni friends, my uni friends, Mr. and Mrs. Wellbelove, even Ebb and her twin brother. I can feel all their eyes on me. I gulp down my nervous lump and try to keep smiling at them.
But when I look at the altar, well, I don’t have any trouble smiling at all.
He’s standing right there, right at the end of aisle, grinning from pointed ear to pointed ear under a canopy of black and pink silk. His suit isn’t very traditional either. Malcolm nearly had a heart attack when Baz announced what he wanted to wear to the ceremony, but it looks amazing. A leather jacket pairs surprisingly well with a black button down and slacks. A pink rose is attached his lapel, same as Dev and Niall next to him, while Mordelia has a pink flower crown on her head. Baz’s hair is slicked back, but a few strands falling in front of his pretty face. I have to resist the urge to run up and tackle kiss him. This is supposed to be a serious event dammit. Even though I’m wearing a flower crown and he’s wearing a biker jacket.
Gran walks me to the steps and we stop. She kisses my cheek. I can feel a few saltwater drops hit my skin. I’m pretty sure a few are mine too. I hold her hand as I climb the white steps. Just as I reach the top, I turn back. Gran gives me one last big smile from below. I smile back, mouthing “thank you.” She nods once, and we let go.
But Baz is right there to catch my hand.
He pulls me the last step towards him. We stand facing each other, both hands together. I’m grinning, I can’t stop grinning. My heart is about to burst out of my chest.
“Hi,” I whisper. It’s all I can manage. My brain is too overwhelmed to think of words.
“Hi,” he replies. “Glad you could make it.”
I chuckle. “Same to you.”
“Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. Please be seated,” Mr. Kelly, our officiant says, loud enough that I know he means to shut us up. Baz gives me fake look of deference. It makes grin even harder. Christ, I really can’t stop grinning.
“Today,” he announces, “we are here to witness the union between two men I hope you all know.” A chuckle rumbles through the crowd. “And it will be my job to officiate the marriage between Simon Snow Salisbury and Tyrannus Basilton Grimm-Pitch.” I squeeze Baz’s hands. He squeezes back. “I’ve gotten to know these two wonderful men over the past few weeks. They’re very smart, very kind, and very much in love. They’re one of those rare, beautiful cases of finding true love at a young age. And it’s my honour today to help them celebrate their union and make it legally official. Now, I believe the grooms have their own vows prepared. Who would like to go first?”
Baz and I already decided who would go first. We both know I’ll be a complete mess after hearing Baz’s vows, so I need to go first. Baz and I (reluctantly) let our hands go. I take the folded note paper out of my suit pocket. My hands are shaking but I’m still able to read the words.
“Baz,” I start, “as you and everyone else knows, I’m not that great with words. So it took me awhile to figure out what to say. How can I just, summarise everything about you in words? We’ve been together for a very long time and I I know you better than anyone. So I know that you’re a lot Baz, and I mean that in a good way.”
“I hope so,” Baz says with a smirk. The crowd laughs with us.
“Don’t worry, I really do. You’ve always been a lot in a good way. I still remember the day we first met. You held your head high, like you could take on the world. I couldn’t look away, and I really haven’t stopped looking ever since, I guess. That was just the start though. I soon found out you were ‘a lot’ in other ways too. A lot charming, a lot funny, a lot kind, a lot of just everything good. You’re a really great person, Baz. You amaze me all the time. You’re the strongest, most astounding person I know. Being with you is always a new adventure. Sure, we’ve had our ups and down.” (We have small fights over dumb stuff but only a few big fights really, like our pre relationship fall out or brief break up after uni, aka the worst three months of my fucking life.)
“But ever since high school, I’ve always been happier with you. No one makes me feel like you do, even eleven years later. So, yeah, I don’t want to be with anyone else ever. I just want to marry you. And when we’re married, I promise to listen to your weird music, to repaint your nails when they’re chipped, to hold onto you tight and never let go, and just, y’know, love and care for you for the rest of our lives. I mean that with all my heart, because you’re the best thing in the world. That’s, uh, that’s it.”
I take a deep breath as I put the paper back in my pocket. Slowly, I look back up at Baz. He seems to be awestruck I think. Eyes wide, mouth hanging open slightly, tears welling in his eyes, but also happy. He can’t be too surprised. He must know all this already. I’ve said this stuff before in in pieces at different times. Maybe hearing it all together and in public is weird. I reach out and squeeze his hand. He smiles and squeezes back.
“Dammit,” he chuckles, “I’m supposed to be coherent for this, love.”
I along with everyone else laughs. Baz takes his own deep breath, looking more nervous than I’ve ever seen him. Even as he pulls his own note paper out, he keeps holding my hand. I think he needs to. I don’t mind, I won’t let go.
“Dear Simon,” he says, “I’m writing this three days previous at my desk, trying to figure out what to say on our wedding day, You’re sleeping four feet away from me, curled up with our cat, drooling on your pillow.” I giggle and my face turns bright red. “I look at you and a small part of me is still astounded you want to be with me. You are bright everywhere I'm dark. For awhile I felt unworthy because you were so perfect. But I've learned you aren't this untouchable ray of sunshine. You're even better. You're a real person with problems and fears, who has come out of horrible things tougher but not jaded. And because we’re both messed up, we've learned to be messed up together. We keep each other sane. You're my boyfriend and my partner. l'm more grounded with you by my side. So I’ve realised perfect is too simple a word for you. You’re kind, caring, funny, strong, and incredible, Simon, and I'm amazed by you everyday too. I feel better with you, and I have almost since the day we met. As I write this now, watching you sleep in our bed, there are things I want to make sure you know at our wedding.”
He looks up at me, gazing right in my eye. It’s impossible for me to look away. “I promise to watch your stupid romcoms all the way to the end, to get you sour cherry scones when you’re sad, to support your art even if it means lugging around enormous canvases, and to always help you pick what pastel outfit you should wear. But most of all, I promise to be there for you, no matter what. You’re the love of my life, Simon Snow Salisbury. I already know we’re going to be together forever, but I can’t wait to be married to you as well.”
I sniffle without shame. How the fuck am I not supposed to cry after that? We agreed to both have promises in our vows, but that’s all I knew before today. I want to snog him right now, other people be damned. But Gran would be upset. So I settle for just squeezing his hand. Baz squeezes back, and after putting his paper away, he reaches up to carefully wipe at my eyes. I can’t wait to be married to him too.
“Very beautiful vows” Mr. Kelly says, and he sounds a little teary himself. “My words absolutely cannot follow up, but I’ll try.” Everyone laughs through their quiet crying. “Simon Snow Salisbury, do you wish to be bound in matrimony to this man, till death do you part?”
“I do,” I say without hesitation.
“And Tyrannus Basilton Grimm-Pitch, do you wish to be bound in matrimony to this man, till death do you part?”
“I do,” he says immediately too.
“Perfect, good to hear. You may exchange the rings.”
Baz lets one of my hands drop and squeezes the other. “You go first, love.”
My throat is still too choked up to do anything but nod. I take the ring out of my pocket. Since our styles clash so much, Baz and I decided to get rings made in the same design but made from different materials. They’re both smooth on each side with braided metal in the middle. (I don’t know how it’s done, but it looks so cool.) Baz’s is black tungsten with a silver braid. It matches his leather jacket perfectly. I easily slip it over his long, bony finger.
“Now your turn,” I say.
Baz eagerly brings out my ring. It’s rose gold on the outside with a regular gold braid. Baz grins at me as he puts it on. The metal is cold right now. But I know eventually it will warm up, because I’m never taking off unless I really have to. And maybe I won’t even then.
“By the power vested in me by the Government of Great Britain,” Mr. Kelly says grandly, “I pronounce you husband and husband. You may kiss the groom.”
Mr. Kelly is barely done speaking before Baz and I are leaning forward. Baz cups my cheeks tenderly, I grip his forearms, and our mouths meet in a simple kiss. But it’s not simple. It’s our first kiss as husbands. And that makes it incredible. I’m so lost in the warm feeling of his lips I barely hear the applause and huge cheers from the crowd. We reluctantly part for politeness sake. Baz and I are both grinning and crying. We probably look ridiculous, but who the fuck cares? We’re allowed to look ridiculous right now.
“We’re married,” Baz whispers.
“We’re married,” I echo, equally shocked and so fucking happy.
Baz weaves our fingers together, then turns us to face the crowd. It’s quite a sight to see. All our family and friends, standing up, cheering for us with big smiles. My eyes meet Gran’s. Her smile is softer, and her claps aren’t as hard, but everything is said in the way she looks at me. Congratulations, she says with no words, I’m so proud of you.
I smile as wide as I can back at her.
Me and Baz step off the riser together. Baz raises our hands together, earning a particularly loud cheer from all our loved ones. The cool metal of Baz’s ring presses hard into my skin.
I’m so goddamn happy.
Though it’s a bit tedious, taking the wedding photos is a lot of fun. The edge of the Wavering Wood is right near the hall. It’s a flat field with lots of beautiful trees and flowers in the background. The photographer is one of Baz’s many cousins, and he’s very good. He gets us to do many different poses. Some are serious, like looking at each other longingly under a willow tree branch, and some are funny, like Baz suddenly hoisting me up off my feet while I giggle in shock. I’m pretty sure I’m going to love all of them.
We take a lot of photos with our family and friends too. Gran, the Grimms, our wedding parties, some pictures separate and some together. I notice the that first Grimm photo is, well, a bit grim. I tell Baz to smile more, and he glares at first, but does. The others follow suit. They still look stiff, but it’s better. I’m more than pleased.
Baz is taking a picture with his siblings when my phone buzzes. I look down and don’t recognise the number. But Tibby, fellow community centre employee and indie artist, said she was getting a new number soon.
“Fuck, I have to go get this,” I grumble.
“Simon,” Baz groans, looking at me and probably ruining his photo. “C’mon.”
“It might be Tibby! She said she’d call me if our art got into the New Artist's show at Maureen Paley.” Baz still looks upset. I walk up and kiss his cheek, lightly touching his ring. “Two minutes, okay?”
Baz sighs with affectionate exasperation. “Fine, two minutes.”
I kiss his cheek again then dash off across the field. I answer the phone on the last ring. “Hey, Tibby. Did we get it? I’m a bit busy so can you-”
“Hello, Simon.”
I freeze. My blood runs ice cold. The ground is opening up underneath me, I swear. I can feel my muscles shaking so hard I nearly drop the phone. It takes a good few seconds for me to find my voice again.
“Hi, Dad,” I say shakily. “H-How did you get this number? I changed it last year.”
“You have an artist’s Facebook page, son. It was easy enough.”
Shit. I’m going to delete that the second I get home. “Oh, okay. Why are you calling?”
“I heard you were getting married today.”
“Oh,” I squeak. “Um, yeah, I am. Well, I did. But...how did you find out? You don’t follow me on social media, and we haven’t talked in awhile.” How could he know? He shouldn’t know. Fucking hell, he can’t  know.
“I met a member of the Grimm family at an education conference last year. We followed each other on Facebook. He just posted a picture from his cousin Basilton’s wedding, and imagine my surprise when I saw my own son kissing the groom. So, did my invitation get lost in the mail?”
I gulp down the lump that has suddenly formed in my throat. “It’s, uh, small. There aren’t a lot of people...”
“Not enough space for your own father?”
God, I forgot how quick he is. How easily he can turn the conversation back to his side. I pull at my hair almost painfully. “I-it’s just, Dad, I-”
I take a deep breath, reminding myself I’m not that weak kid he can pick on anymore. I’m twenty eight years old now, dammit. I have a life, a job, a wonderful husband, nothing he can take away. I don’t have to be scared anymore.
“Dad,” I say firmly, “you weren’t invited. Whatever bit of good relationship we had is long gone. You don’t approve of anything in my life. Not my profession, not my sexuality, not even my fashion sense. I wanted to enjoy my wedding day. Which meant you couldn’t be here.”
There’s a long pause. My heart beats faster with every passing second, but I did it. I stood up to him. After all these years, I can finally tell him off. At least a bit. But that’s more than ever before. I did it, I did it, I di-
“You insolent little brat, how dare you?” he growls. And all of my confidence blinks away in an instant. “After everything I’ve done for you. All I ever did was try to raise you to be better, but you spit in my face. You’re just bloody useless. You’re a complete idiot, a moron, a leech, Simon!”
He keeps going on, and all I can do is stand there. Just stand and listen to my father tear into me. I can’t move. I’m a kid all over again, listening as my father loudly berates me for whatever new screw up I had done. My whole body is shaking, tears streaming down my face, every muscle in my body shaking. I can’t even put down the fucking phone.
“I wish you were never born,” he yells. “You’ve never been anything but a disappointment, you stupid little f-”
The phone is suddenly ripped out of my hand. A familiar hand holds my shoulder. Baz stands in front of me. His face is completely impassive. I know that face, he’s in cold arsehole mode.
“Hello,” Baz says. “This is the man Simon just married. I’m here to tell you that as long as I’m around, you will not hurt him anymore. And you absolutely will not ruin his wedding day, understood? No,” he growls, cold cruelty turning into fury, “ you listen to me, you prick. The second I hang up I’m going to block this number. Don’t contact my husband ever again, or I’ll use all our family’s considerable wealth and influence to ruin your goddamn life. Goodbye.”
Baz hangs up and blocks the number, just like he said he would. Then he immediately wraps his arms around me. I sink into his embrace and bury my face in his shoulder, racked with full body sobs. Baz just keeps holding me.
“It’s okay,” he whispers. “It’s over. He won’t hurt you anymore. It’s alright, love.”
“I’m sorry,” I choke out. “I-I shouldn’t have answered, I’m-”
“None of that, love. It wasn’t your fault. You haven’t heard from him in six years, of course you wouldn’t think it was him.”
I sniffle very unattractively. “H-He saw a photo, of us, today. He asked why he wasn’t invited, and I told me the real reason, a-and he went off at me, and I-
“Shh, it’s alright, I heard. You stood up for yourself, you courageous fuck. I’m so goddamn proud of you.”
“You-You heard?”
“Yes. Well, the last part. I saw you go stiff and I got worried so I got closer, but I didn’t want to step in unless you needed me. I heard the of your amazing speech to him, and I thought everything would be alright. I was walking away when I heard you crying. I don’t know what he said, love, but I don’t care. Whatever it was, he will never talk to you like that again. I promise, okay?”
I nod against his shoulder. “O-Okay.”
We stand there for awhile, me gripping his suit and him stroking my hair. Baz keeps holding me up, like he always has for me, like I have for him too. Without a second thought, I tilt my head up to kiss him. It’s not hard or forceful, just firm. Baz kisses me back, swiping his thumb across my cheek and holding my waist. Our lips slowly slide together. Baz pulls me even closer. With every passing second of him kissing me, all my old fears melt away. They go back into the past where they belong. My father can’t hurt me anymore. He never will again, not as long as Baz is here. I’m glad Baz feels grounded with me. Because I absolutely feel grounded with him too.
We pull apart, even though I’d gladly kiss him forever. “Come on,” he whispers, “only a few more photos and we get to go to the reception.”
I nod, weaving my fingers with his. “Alright. Thank you.”
He places a last peck on my temple. “Anytime, love.”
We go back to the group. Gran notices my face immediately. She takes out her ever present handkerchief and dabs under my eyes and tells me to blow my nose with it. Penny squeezes my hand, Micah puts an arm around me, and Agatha gives me a sympathetic look. None of them why I was crying. I’m very grateful, because if I talk about it I’ll start crying again. I’ll tell them later though. They deserve to know.
The rest of the photos go off without a hitch. Well, not any big hitches. Micah gives me bunny ears in one photo, which makes Agatha snort and Penny roll her eyes with a smile. Dev, Niall, and Mordelia lift Baz up on his side, causing my lovely husband to let out a string of curses at them in both English and Greek. We get a final picture with all our family and friends, who are family too. Not my father, though. I don’t need him. These are the people I care about, and care about me in return, far more than he ever did.
The reception is held in the Event Hall dining room. It’s covered in similar decorations, lots of pink and black everywhere. I love it. It's sort of how our flat is decorated, honestly. Our wedding parties sit at the head table, but we have to go “work the room” as Baz calls it.
“I want food,” I whine.
“We’ll get food soon, love,” Baz sighs. “We just have to go be nice to people.
“People are gross.”
Baz giggles, leaning against me. “That’s my line.”
I lean into him more. “We’re married, so what’s mine is yours now, remember?”
He giggles again. It’s a really pretty sound. “I suppose you have a point.”
I kiss him quickly, and we go off towards the tables. Everyone is very nice, congratulating us, wishing us a happy marriage. Ebb is weepy of course, saying how proud she is of me after all I went through, and I thank her for being here and always being my friend. I pick up my little cousin while Baz talks to one of his uncles, and she tries to take off my flower crown and rip my hair out. I don’t mind. She’s too adorable to stay mad at. Baz’s Aunt Fiona gives us both huge bear hugs and messes up our hair. We spent so much time with her during uni she’s pretty much become my aunt too. My art school friends ask if I’m going to make a wedding sketch series like I mentioned. One of Baz’s older relatives asks when we’re going to have a baby, because "the gays can do that now, right?" We get away from her quite quickly. It’s an enjoyable, slightly exhausting whirlwind.
Eventually, we finally get to sit and eat. I fall into my chair with a groan.
“Tired, Si?” Penelope asks with a smirk.
“Shut up,” I grumble.
“Now you know how I felt at my wedding, Si. Bloody exhausting affair, getting married.”
“Amen, Penny.”
The catering staff brings out the first course, French onion soup, and I immediately drink it down. Baz tells me to slow down but I’m so fucking hungry. I was so nervous this morning I barely ate. I wolf down the main course too. It’s chicken cordon bleu, Baz’s favourite. Honestly, it’s sort of become my favourite too. Some of his posh tastes have rubbed off on me in our eleven years, of course. Some of my tastes have rubbed off on him too. He really likes sour cherry scones now, which I find absolutely amazing.
Before the cake, our parents/caregivers go up and do speeches. Gran goes first. She talks about how glad she was to take care of, what a good person I am, and how elated she is that I’ve found happiness in art and with Baz. She says she looks forward to seeing more of the incredible things I do. I hug her fiercely, thanking her again for everything she’s given me. I can never thank her enough for that.
Mr. Grimm goes next. He’s stoic of course but very sweet, saying he’s glad Baz is happy with me. At the very end, he admits that he hasn’t always been the best father, but he’s very proud of the man Baz has become and Natasha would’ve been too. I grip Baz’s hand very tight at that. I can see him holding back a lot of tears. (Years of therapy has helped with a lot of his guilt over his mum’s death, but it’s still a hard subject.) Baz thanks his father, and even hugs him. Wow. That usually only happens at Christmas after a glass of wine.
Penny of course makes a speech too. She’s equal parts sarcastic and kind, saying how she really fucking hated people until she met me. That I'm a very good friend who she's glad she met. And even though she didn’t like Baz at first, she’s seen how happy he makes me, so she’ll let him stick around.
“It’s not like I’ll go anywhere she tells me to,” he mutters with a pleased smile. I sigh heavily. These two, my god, what am I going to do with them?
Dev and Niall make a speech together. They tell embarrassing stories about Baz from their childhood together, making Baz glare and flush. I try to stifle my laughter but it’s useless. They say I'm the best influence on Baz, and he's been far happier since almost the moment he met me, even before we were together. That's nice to hear. The pair congratulates us at the end, wishing us years of wedded bliss. And Baz does smile. So he’s not that mad, really.
“Time for cake?” I eagerly ask.
“Yes,” Baz says with a smile, “time for cake.”
The caterers roll in the huge three layer cake. Keeping with the theme, it’s black and pink with lots of flowers. They’re super realistic looking even though they’re made from sugar. I want to eat all of them. Baz and I cut it together to a round of polite applause. The cake is cherry red velvet. I didn’t know that flavour existed until we started look at different kinds of cakes. Baz and I agreed to it almost immediately. So of course I eat three slices.
“Simon, you’re going to be sick,” Agatha says.
“I’ll live,” I reply, waving my fork.
“Will you really?” Baz drawls sarcastically. “Because I am not dealing with cherry scented vomit. Again.”
My cheeks go bright red. “That was one time! How was I supposed to know cherry flavoured beer was a bad idea?!”
“Because the name itself sounds like regret,” Penelope oh so helpfully adds in.
“Exactly, Bunce.”
I stick out my tongue at both of them. “Like you’re one to talk,” I grumble, “you fell off your motorbike while trying to pop a wheelie on a hill.”
It’s Baz’s turn to look embarrassed, flush crawling up his pretty face. Dev, Niall, and Mordelia all start laughing at him. Not even Baz's glare shuts them up. “That was one time,” he grumbles.
I put my hand over his, spinning his ring around. “Yup. Aren’t we a pair, love?”
He chuckles and flips his hand over, lacing our fingers together. “That we are, darling, that we are.”
Once we’re done the cake, we’re told it’s time for our first dance. I’m a bit nervous because I’m a pretty terrible dancer. Baz and I have been practicing in preparation for today, but I’m still nervous. I hope I don’t fuck it up.
We stand in the middle of the dance floor. The room gets a bit dimmer, replaced with coloured lights, making everything a bit more quiet and romantic. Baz looks at me, half his face illuminated in silver and pink light. His smile is literally shining. As if he could get anymore dazzling. His arm wraps around my waist, I hold his leather clad shoulder, and our hands stick out together. His ring presses into my skin again. I like that, a lot.
“Ready?” he asks.
“No,” I chuckle, “but let’s do it.”
The music starts. It’s an acoustic version of one of Baz’s weird pop punk love songs. I like things soft and he likes things punk, it’s a happy middle ground, like the rest of our relationship. And we start dancing.
Honestly, it’s barely more than swaying. We move in a small circle on the smooth floor. But I don’t step his feet, which is a vast improvement from usual. There’s barely any room between us, just how I like it. The song floats through the air, surrounding us in it’s quiet melody and soft lyrics.
Suddenly, I’m 17 all over again, dancing with Baz in my room to Troye Sivan the night before he might’ve left. I was so terrified back then, desperate to keep Baz with me, and he was desperate to keep me too. That night was such a teen romance cliche, but I don’t regret it at all, and neither does Baz. Thankfully, we aren’t scared anymore. We’ve known for a long time that neither of us are going anywhere. And I’m reminded of that by the way he looks unflinchingly in the eye. I don’t look away either. I quickly realise there’s something I still haven’t said today.
“I love you,” I say, quietly, just as the song ends.
Baz’s grin gets even wider. He leans down, forehead pressed to mine. Everyone is cheering around us, but all I hear is his voice.
“I know,” he whispers, “I love you too.”
We keep our foreheads together for another moment. Unfortunately I can’t snog him silly right now. Maybe later. (Definitely later.) We bow to our adoring friends and family. They all look so happy. There’s barely a trace of Davy’s words left in my mind. He can’t ruin today. He can’t ruin anything anymore and never will again. My life is too strong to let him.
We invite everyone to come to the dance with us. The music picks up into one of my favourite pop tunes. I’m almost immediately jumping to the beat. My crown nearly flies off I’m so enthusiastic, making Baz snort with laughter. Soon everyone is dancing happily. Agatha is actually literally swing dancing with her girlfriend, laughing loudly. I dance with everyone I can. Swanning about with Gran, jumping with my groom’s maids and man, letting my little cousin stand on my feet. I see Baz doing similar things with his friends and family. He’s doing a sort of waltz with Daphne, and I’m chatting with my uncle. We smile at each other. It may just be my mind tricking me, but I swear my ring warms up a bit.
“Have you got enough clothes?” Gran asks.
“Yes, Gran,” I reply.
“Food? You do get hungry-”
“Gran,” I hold both her hands firmly, “I’m fine. I’ve got everything we need, alright?”
She takes a deep breath, though her mouth is still a thin line. “I’m just unsure how you and Basil can fit all you need in that backpack.”
She indicates my camping bag, which is, in my opinion, quite large enough. “I promise you, Gran, it’s fine. Plus we’ve got Baz’s enormous tail bag too. You could fit a country in there.”
“No complaining about the tail bag when it’s going to hold all your snacks, Salisbury,” Baz says from where he’s sitting on his bike. He was talking to Dev and Niall, but he has damn super hearing, the wonderful bastard. I stick my tongue out at him.
I look back at Gran, who’s still nervous. I step closer. “We’ll be fine. If we don’t have something we need, we’ll just pick it up along the way.”
“Will you be safe though?”
“I’ve ridden on Baz’s motorcycle many times before and I’m still here.”
She frowns, obviously annoyed. “Not for three weeks straight across the UK and Ireland. What if it breaks down?”
“Baz just got a tune up, but if there are any problems, he'll fix them. He's got his toolkit in the infinite tail bag.”
"What about your jobs?"
"The community centre loves me. They were more than happy to give me a month off for my honeymoon. And Baz isn't teaching any summer courses this year so the university doesn't need him until late August."
"What if you get lost?"
"Baz has stuff memorized and we've got GPS, but," I pat my enormous bag, "I've also got a physical map in here with our route drawn out in case our phones die."
She still looks very nervous, because of course she is. Gran shows her love by fussing. The day I moved to London she was a nervous mess. I wish she wouldn’t worry, but I appreciate her caring. I kiss her forehead.
“I’ll be alright, Gran,” I say. “We'll be back here having dinner with you and everyone else before you know it. Okay?” Watford Cove is our last stop before going back to London, of course. We’ll be having a big feast with both sides of the family. It’ll certainly be a good end to a long trip.
That makes some of the tension fall from her body. “Okay. Call me when you can?”
“Of course.” I look to my left, at Penny, Micah, and Agatha. “And you guys will keep the flat in order right? And make sure Cherry is good? He gets jumpy so you’ve got to play with him for a little while. And he needs two meals a day. And-”
“We know, Si,” Penny says, rolling her eyes.
“We’ve got your checklists,” Micah adds in.
“First week and a half will be mine and Felicia's job,” Agatha says, repeating what we agreed on. “Then we'll go back to California and I’ll hand off cat and house sitting duties to Penelope and Micah for the next week and a half.”
“And I’m taking yours and Basil’s suits home for safe keeping,” Gran says cheerily.
I grin. Of course I already knew all that, but it’s good to hear it again. “Awesome. We’ll call to check in, and call us if you need to.”
Penny waves dismissively. “Don’t call us, Si. Everything will be fine. Go enjoy your honeymoon. We’ll clean up the reception, hold onto your fancy clothes, and take care of your nightmare pet well, trust us.”
I pout. “Cherry isn’t a nightmare, just energetic.”
“Mhm, right.” She pushes lightly on my shoulders. “Now go have fun. And don’t crash into anything, please.”
“Don’t insult my driving, Bunce.” Baz calls back. “I’ve had a motorbike for over a decade and haven’t crashed once.”
“But you’ve almost crashed more times than I can remember.”
Baz glares harder. But he holds out his hand, and Penny takes it. They shake once. “See you in three weeks, Bunce,” he says with a small smile. “Thank you, for everything.”
She shakes back, smiling too. “You’re welcome. Now get on with your honeymoon.”
“Will do, if Simon can get going.” He raises his eyebrow at me. I huff, blowing hair from my eyes.
“Hold your horses, we’ve got time”
“It’s getting dark, love. And we should get to the first hotel soon if we want to stay on schedule.”
“There’s a schedule?” Agatha asks a bit astounded.
“Oh yeah,” I snort. “Baz has our road trip planned down to bathroom breaks. For a punk, he loves to be all structured and shit.”
Baz holds his nose up, looking extremely snooty. “I like to know where I’m going, sue me. And you liked the trip schedule when I showed it to you, so fuck off, love.”
“I don’t think marriage is going to change much for you too,” Penelope chuckles quietly.
“Yeah,” I sigh dreamily with a big grin, “I know.”
Even though he’s a prick (I adore him, but he is), Baz has a point. We need to get going. I hug Gran, Agatha, Penny, and Micah as tight as I can. Baz hugs Malcolm, Daphne, Dev, Niall, Mordelia, and his other siblings. They stand together in front of the Event Hall, the lights from the end of the reception still shining from the windows. I zip up my floral leather jacket (20th birthday present from Baz) all the way up, put on my riding gloves over my ring, and secure my pale blue helmet. Baz throws on his own jet black helmet. It has silver vines that I painted on. I’m very proud of it. I sit on the bike and wind my arms around his waist, like I have a hundred times before, and like I will a hundred times more.
Baz looks at me over his shoulder, a glint in his beautiful eyes and a playful smirk on on his mouth.
“Ready to go?” he asks.
I almost say, I’d go anywhere with you, but that feels just a bit too cheesy. Maybe I’ll say it later. For now, I just nod, and say, “yeah, let’s get going.”
His smiles wider, and puts a hand on his visor. “Allons-y,” he says.
He still says that all the time, eleven years after our first kiss. I’m reminded of that night every time he says it. And I love it.
“Allons-y,” I reply.
We flip down our visors, give one last wave to our loved ones, and drive off into the dying light of the late of the evening. Baz drives us through Main Street. I recognise the places. Ms. Pritchard’s Bakery, the drug store with my favourite nail varnish, the park where I asked Baz to be my boyfriend, the ice cream parlour we all went to after graduating high school and then later uni, and a familiar hill in the distance; Where Mt. Olympus is, where I first kissed Baz, and where he proposed to me last Christmas. The memories race through my mind as we race through the streets.
Baz takes us up a hill. I get a lovely view of the entire town. It looks beautiful at night, with lights like stars and the sparkling lake in the distance. I hold Baz even tighter. I’m so unbelievably grateful for what I found in Watford Cove.
Awwwww totally cheesy, I know. They deserve cheesy goodness after all the shit they went through. And here's a little insight into their future lives: yes, Baz is a university professor, but he refuses to change his fashion sense. He teaches a first year English 101 course (his hell) and a third year queer literature course (his heaven). He's everyone's fave prof because of how badass and sarcastic he is. Simon works at a community center with little children while still doing art on the side. He loves making kids happy and tries to be the kind of person for them that Ebb was for him growing up. For art, he does showings at local galleries, sells prints at hipster markets, and posts stuff on his tumblr blog. Simon and Baz are obviously still pretty damn in love. They have a date night once a week, drive around London on Baz's motorbike all the time, love to snuggle on the couch together to watch TV, all while living in a pastel pink flat covered in punk posters along with their nightmare cat, Cherry. In summary, they're very happy.
Two other things: this is the design I based their rings off of, and this is the song they dance to. Y'all might recognise it as the song where the title for one of the chapters of Watford Cove came from :) It's one of my fave songs ever so I'm absolutely projecting lol.
Thanks for reading, hope you liked this glimpse into the future of my punk/pastel Simon and Baz. I certainly enjoyed writing it. Watford Cove has always been one of my faves so returning to that world was nice. So that's it for the requests. Black Swan will keep updating, I'm currently working on the warlock and knight fic and that will hopefully be finished in a couple weeks, baring any school or health complications, and I'll def be opening requests again in May. Thanks a million to those who requested stuff. And just as big a thanks to everyone who liked, reblogged, commented, and/or left kudos on the fics. It's been a blast. See you guys next time :)
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jessethejoyful · 6 years
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I also read @bazypitchandsimonsnow 's pastel/goth au Watford cove and it's taken over my life
I'm away from my computer so all I have are these sketches but thank you for being amazing
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Fics with Lady Salisbury aka Lady Ruth
Finding a Family by invisible_aliens
The Meaning of Love by LovetheOmni
Once Upon a December by kirion_loveless
Carry On Together by Losemyhead
Her Rosebud Boy by Ellienerd14
Watford Cove by bazypitchandsimonsnow (ChessPargeter)
Pink and Black Roses: A Watford Cove Wedding by bazypitchandsimonsnow (ChessPargeter)
cherry by limehoneytea
End of the line. by Sharing_a_room_with_an_open_fire
Wasted Daylight by Sourcherrymagiks
Family Affairs (How To Break A Legacy Apart) by LadyMorgaine76
watch the sun rise by xivz
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scorndotexe · 6 years
okay so
last night i was trying to sleep but i had a lot of thoughts so i made a google doc to put them all in
first, i started writing dialogue but then i gave up
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then, i had an idea for a fic but now that i read it i can see it’s basically just @bazypitchandsimonsnow‘s Watford Cove but like, stammering
and then, i wrote two poems
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so yeah, these were my late night thoughts last night
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yxk-us · 5 years
Airport Codes – Canada | Airports and Airlines
The Canadian Airport Codes are listed alphabetically below the list of Canadian Provinces. US Airport Codes | International Airport Codes | Airport Directory | Airports Blog | Airline Flight Distance Calculator AB – Alberta BC – British Columbia MB – Manitoba NB – New Brunswick NL – Newfoundland NS – Nova Scotia NT – Northwest Territory NU – Nunavut ON – Ontario PE – Prince Edward Island QC – Quebec SK – Saskatchewan YT – Yukon Territory Abbotsford, BC (YXX) Akulivik, QC (AKV) Aldershot, ON – Rail service (XLY) Alexandria,ON – Rail service (XFS) Alma, QC (YTF) Anahim Lake, BC (YAA) Angling Lake, ON (YAX) Arctic Bay, NU (YAB) Arviat, NU (YEK) Attawapiskat, ON (YAT) Aupaluk, QC (YPJ) Bagotville, QC (YBG) Baie Comeau, QC (YBC) Baker Lake, NU (YBK) Bathhurst, NB (ZBF) Bearskin Lake, ON (XBE) Bella Bella, BC (ZEL) Bella Coola, BC (QBC) Belleville, ON – Rail service (XVV) Berens River, MB (YBV) Big Trout, ON (YTL) Black Tickle, NL (YBI) Blanc Sablon, QC (YBX) Bonaventure, QC (YVB) Brampton, ON – Rail service (XPN) Brandon, MB (YBR) Brantford, ON – Rail service (XFV) Brochet, MB (YBT) Brockville, ON (XBR) Burns Lake, BC (YPZ) Calgary, AB (YYC) Cambridge Bay, NU (YCB) Campbell River, BC (YBL) Campbellton, NB – Rail service (XAZ) Cape Dorset, NU (YTE) Capreol, ON – Rail service (XAW) Cartwright, NL (YRF) Casselman, ON – Rail service (XZB) Castlegar, BC (YCG) Cat Lake, ON (YAC) Chambord, QC – Rail service (XCI) Chandler, QC – Rail service (XDL) Chapleau, ON (YLD) Charlottetown, NL (YHG) Charlottetown, PE (YYG) Chatham, ON (XCM) Chemainus, BC – Rail service (XHS) Chesterfield Inlet, NU (YCS) Chevery, QC (YHR) Chibougamau, QC (YMT) Chisasibi, QC (YKU) Churchill Falls, NL (ZUM) Churchill, MB – Rail service (XAD) Churchill, MB (YYQ) Clyde River, NU (YCY) Cobourg, ON – Rail service (XGJ) Colville Lake, NT (YCK) Comox, BC (YQQ) Coral Harbour, NU (YZS) Cornwall, ON (YCC) Coteau, QC – Rail service (XGK) Courtenay, BC (YCA) Cranbrook, BC (YXC) Cross Lake, MB (YCR) Dauphin, MB (YDN) Davis Inlet, NL (YDI) Dawson City, YT (YDA) Dawson Creek, BC (YDQ) Deer Lake, NL (YDF) Deer Lake, ON (YVZ) Deline, NT (YWJ) Drummondville, QC – Rail service (XDM) Dryden, ON (YHD) Duncan/Quam, BC (DUQ) East Main, QC (ZEM) Edmonton, AB – Rail service (XZL) Edmonton, AB – International (YEG) Esquimalt, BC (YPF) Flin Flon, MB (YFO) Fond du Lac, SK (ZFD) Fort Albany, ON (YFA) Fort Chipewyan, AB (YPY) Fort Frances, ON (YAG) Fort Good Hope, NT (YGH) Fort Hope, ON (YFH) Fort Mcmurray, AB (YMM) Fort Nelson, BC (YYE) Fort Severn, ON (YER) Fort Simpson, NT (YFS) Fort Smith, NT (YSM) Fort St John, BC (YXJ) Fox Harbour/St Lewis, NL (YFX) Fredericton Junction, NB – Rail service (XFC) Fredericton, NB (YFC) Gander, NL (YQX) Gaspe, QC – Rail service (XDD) Gaspe, QC (YGP) Georgetown, ON – Rail service (XHM) Gethsemani, QC (ZGS) Gillam, MB (YGX) Gillies Bay, BC (YGB) Gjoa Haven, NU (YHK) Glencoe, ON – Rail service (XZC) Gods Narrows, MB (YGO) Gods River, MB (ZGI) Goose Bay, NL (YYR) Grande Prairie, AB (YQU) Grimsby, ON (XGY) Grise Fiord, NU (YGZ) Guelph, ON – Rail service (XIA) Halifax, NS – Rail service (XDG) Halifax, NS – International (YHZ) Hall Beach, NU (YUX) Hamilton, ON (YHM) Havre St Pierre, QC (YGV) Hay River, NT (YHY) Hervey, QC – Rail service (XDU) High Level, AB (YOJ) Holman, NT (YHI) Hopedale, NL (YHO) Houston, BC – Bus station (ZHO) Hudson Bay, SK (YHB) Igloolik, NU (YGT) Iles De La Madeleine, QC (YGR) Ilford, MB (ILF) Ingersoll, ON – Rail service (XIB) Inukjuak, QC (YPH) Inuvik, NT (YEV) Iqaluit, NU (YFB) Island Lake/Garden Hill (YIV) Ivujivik, QC (YIK) Jasper, AB – Rail service (XDH) Joliette, QC – Rail service (XJL) Jonquiere, QC – Rail service (XJQ) Kamloops, BC (YKA) Kangiqsualujjuaq, QC (XGR) Kangiqsujuaq, QC (YWB) Kangirsuk, QC (YKG) Kapuskasing, ON (YYU) Kasabonika, ON (XKS) Kaschechewan, ON (ZKE) Keewaywin, ON (KEW) Kegaska, QC (ZKG) Kelowna, BC (YLW) Kenora, ON (YQK) Kimmirut/Lake Harbour NU (YLC) Kingfisher Lake, ON (KIF) Kingston, ON – Rail service (XEG) Kingston, ON – Norman Rogers Airport (YGK) Kitchener, ON (YKF) Klemtu, BC (YKT) Kugaaruk, NU (YBB) Kugluktuk/Coppermine, NU (YCO) Kuujjuaq, QC (YVP) Kuujjuarapik, QC (YGW) La Grande, QC (YGL) La Ronge, SK (YVC) La Tabatiere, QC (ZLT) La Tuque, QC (YLQ) Lac Brochet, MB (XLB) Lac Edouard, QC – Rail service (XEE) Ladysmith, BC – Rail service (XEH) Langford, BC – Rail service (XEJ) Lansdowne House, ON (YLH) Leaf Rapids, MB (YLR) Lethbridge, AB (YQL) Lloydminister, AB (YLL) London, ON – Rail service (XDQ) London, ON – Municipal Airport (YXU) Lutselke/Snowdrift, NT (YSG) Mary’s Harbour, NL (YMH) Maxville, ON – Rail service (XID) Medicine Hat, AB (YXH) Melville, SK – Rail service (XEK) Miramichi, NB – Rail service (XEY) Moncton, NB – Rail service (XDP) Moncton, NB – Airport (YQM) Mont Joli, QC (YYY) Montreal, QC – Dorval Rail service (XAX) Montreal, QC – Downtown Rail service (YMY) Montreal, QC – St Lambert Rail service (XLM) Montreal, QC – all airports (YMQ) Montreal, QC – Dorval (YUL) Moosonee, ON (YMO) Muskrat Dam, ON (MSA) Nain, NL (YDP) Nakina, ON (YQN) Nanaimo, BC – Harbour Airport (ZNA) Nanaimo, BC – Cassidy Airport (YCD) Nanisivik, NU (YSR) Napanee, ON – Rail service (XIF) Natashquan, QC (YNA) Nemiscau, QC (YNS) New Carlisle, QC – Rail service (XEL) New Richmond, QC – Rail service (XEM) Niagara Falls, ON – Rail service (XLV) Noranda/Rouyn, QC (YUY) Norman Wells, NT (YVQ) North Bay, ON (YYB) North Spirit Lake, ON (YNO) Norway House, MB (YNE) Ogoki, ON (YOG) Old Crow, YT (YOC) Opapamiska Lake, ON (YBS) Oshawa, ON (YOO) Ottawa, ON – Rail service (XDS) Ottawa, ON – International (YOW) Oxford House, MB (YOH) Pakuashipi, QC (YIF) Pangnirtung, NU (YXP) Parent, QC – Rail service (XFE) Parksville, BC – Rail service (XPB) Paulatuk, NT (YPC) Peace River, AB (YPE) Peawanuck, ON (YPO) Pembroke, ON (YTA) Penticton, BC (YYF) Perce, QC – Rail service (XFG) Pickle Lake, ON (YPL) Pikangikum, ON (YPM) Pointe-aux-Trembles, QC – Rail service (XPX) Points North Landing, SK (YNL) Pond Inlet, NU (YIO) Poplar Hill, ON (YHP) Port Alberni, BC (YPB) Port Hardy, BC (YZT) Port Hope Simpson, NL (YHA) Port Meiner, QC (YPN) Postville, NL (YSO) Povungnituk, QC (YPX) Powell River, BC (YPW) Prescott, ON – Rail service (XII) Prince Albert, SK (YPA) Prince George, BC – Rail service (XDV) Prince George, BC (YXS) Prince Rupert, BC – Rail service (XDW) Prince Rupert, BC – Digby Island Airport (YPR) Pukatawagan, MB – (XPK) Qikiqtarjuaq, NU (YVM) Qualicum, BC (XQU) Quaqtaq, QC (YQC) Quebec, QC – International Airport (YQB) Quebec, QC – Charny Rail service (YFZ) Quebec, QC – Levis Rail service (XLK) Quebec, QC – Quebec Station Rail service (XLJ) Quebec, QC – Sainte-Foy Rail service (XFY) Quesnel, BC (YQZ) Rae Lakes, NT (YRA) Rainbow Lake, AB (YOP) Rankin Inlet, NU (YRT) Red Lake, ON (YRL) Red Sucker Lake, MB (YRS) Regina, SK (YQR) Repulse Bay, NU (YUT) Resolute, NU (YRB) Rigolet, NL (YRG) Rimouski, QC (YXK) Riviere-a-Pierre, QC – Rail service (XRP) Roberval, QC (YRJ) Round Lake, ON (ZRJ) Rouyn/Noranda, QC (YUY) Sachigo Lake, ON (ZPB) Sachs Harbour, NT (YSY) Sackville, NB – Rail service (XKV) Saint Hyacinthe, QC – Rail service (XIM) Saint John, NB (YSJ) Saint Johns, NL (YYT) Saint Leonard, NB (YSL) Salluit, QC (YZG) Sandy Lake, ON (ZSJ) Sanikiluaq, NU (YSK) Sarnia, ON – Rail service (XDX) Sarnia, ON (YZR) Saskatoon, SK (YXE) Sault Ste-Marie, ON (YAM) Schefferville, QC (YKL) Senneterre, QC – Rail service (XFK) Sept-Iles, QC (YZV) Shamattawa, MB (ZTM) Shawinigan, QC – Rail service (XFL) Shawnigan, BC – Rail service (XFM) Sioux Lookout, ON (YXL) Smith Falls, ON (YSH) Smithers, BC (YYD) Snare Lake, NT (YFJ) South Indian Lake, MB (XSI) St Anthony, NL (YAY) St Catharines, ON (YCM) St Marys, ON – Rail service (XIO) Ste Therese Point, MB (YST) Stephenville, NL (YJT) Stony Rapids, SK (YSF) Strathroy, ON – Rail service (XTY) Sudbury, ON – Rail service (XDY) Sudbury, ON (YSB) Summer Beaver, ON (SUR) Swan River, MB (ZJN) Sydney, NS (YQY) Tadoule Lake, MB (XTL) Taloyoak, NU (YYH) Tasiujuaq, QC (YTQ) Terrace, BC (YXT) Tete-a-La Baleine, QC (ZTB) The Pas, MB – Rail service (XDZ) The Pas, MB (YQD) Thicket Portage, MB (YTD) Thompson, MB (YTH) Thunder Bay, ON (YQT) Timmins, ON (YTS) Tofino, BC, (YAZ) Toronto, ON – Downtown Rail service (YBZ) Toronto, ON – Guildwood Rail service (XLQ) Toronto, ON – Toronto Island Airport (YTZ) Toronto, ON – International (YYZ) Truro, NS – Rail service (XLZ) Tuktoyaktuk, NT (YUB) Tulita/Fort Norman, NT (ZFN) Umiujag, QC (YUD) Uranium City, SK (YBE) Val-d’Or, QC (YVO) Vancouver, BC – Coal Harbour (CXH) Vancouver, BC – Rail service (XEA) Vancouver, BC – International (YVR) Victoria, BC – Inner Harbor (YWH) Victoria, BC – International (YYJ) Wabush, NL (YWK) Waskaganish, QC (YKQ) Watford, ON – Rail service (XWA) Webequie, ON (YWP) Wemindji, QC (YNC) Weymont, QC – Rail service (XFQ) Wha Ti/Lac La Martre, NT (YLE) Whale Cove, NU (YXN) White River, ON (YWR) Whitehorse, YT (YXY) Williams Harbour, NL (YWM) Williams Lake, BC (YWL) Windsor, ON – Rail service (XEC) Windsor, ON (YQG) Winnipeg, MB – Rail service (XEF) Winnipeg, MB – International (YWG) Wollaston Lake, SK (ZWL) Woodstock, ON – Rail service (XIP) Wunnummin Lake, ON (WNN) Wyoming, ON – Rail service (XWY) Yarmouth, NS (YQI) Yellowknife, NT (YZF) York Landing, MB (ZAC)
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ao3feed-snowbaz · 6 years
Pink and Black Roses: A Watford Cove Wedding
by bazypitchandsimonsnow (ChessPargeter)
Eleven years after they first met in Watford Cove, Simon and Baz are getting married.
Based on "frightened kiss" request.
Words: 7764, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 9 of Signs of Affection Prompts, Part 2 of Watford Cove Universe
Fandoms: Carry On Series - Rainbow Rowell
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Tyrannus Basilton "Baz" Pitch, Simon Snow, Penelope Bunce, Agatha Wellbelove, Micah (Simon Snow), Ruth Salisbury, Malcolm Grimm, Ebeneza "Ebb" Petty, The Mage (Simon Snow), Dev (Simon Snow), Niall (Simon Snow), Mordelia Grimm
Relationships: Tyrannus Basilton "Baz" Pitch/Simon Snow
Additional Tags: Fluff, Future Fic, Weddings, Light Angst, Established Relationship, Punk/Pastel
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2HDKS94
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Pining Masterlist (13)
Internal Monolouge by 3amFanfic
Baz and Simon's thoughts throughout the day. (Also occasionally Penny's)
Lit Match and Gasoline by carrybits
“One day we’ll end in flames, and I’ll be the one with the lit match and gasoline.”
Lost by simonspeaks
baz is pining
The End Of The World, Or Maybe Just The Night... by NicoWrites
It's the end of eighth year, and Baz's self control has worn right out. It's now or never, you gay ass idiot.
Watford Cove by bazypitchandsimonsnow
Baz Pitch only cares about smoking, skipping school, and riding his motorcycle. That is, until he meets a beautiful new kid who is bright everywhere Baz is dark. But a lot of things stand between them. Can they find a way together? Or will it make them fall apart?
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ao3feed-carryon · 6 years
by bazypitchandsimonsnow (ChessPargeter)
Eleven years after they first met in Watford Cove, Simon and Baz are getting married.
Based on "frightened kiss" request.
Words: 7764, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 9 of Signs of Affection Prompts, Part 2 of Watford Cove Universe
Fandoms: Carry On Series - Rainbow Rowell
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Tyrannus Basilton "Baz" Pitch, Simon Snow, Penelope Bunce, Agatha Wellbelove, Micah (Simon Snow), Ruth Salisbury, Malcolm Grimm, Ebeneza "Ebb" Petty, The Mage (Simon Snow), Dev (Simon Snow), Niall (Simon Snow), Mordelia Grimm
Relationships: Tyrannus Basilton "Baz" Pitch/Simon Snow
Additional Tags: Fluff, Future Fic, Weddings, Light Angst, Established Relationship, Punk/Pastel
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sweetbeardalpaca · 2 years
10 Quick Tips About loft conversions Luton
Home extension is a popular approach to insert loft conversions Luton extra Place and worth to the house. builders Watford will let you to extend your own home in many different means, from incorporating an extra space to extending existing builders near me rooms. Residence extensions is usually a terrific way to get the additional Place you need without the need of relocating house. builders Watford will function along with you to layout and Make an extension that fulfills your needs and price range. Make contact with builders Watford nowadays to discover more about house extension.
A house extension is a further space or rooms added towards your Watford house. Widespread explanations to increase your private home are family expansion, the necessity for a house Workplace, wanting additional Room for entertaining visitors, or simply just desirous to raise the value of your assets. No matter your factors, There are many issues you must contemplate before starting your Watford home extension project. To start with, you have got to Examine with your local arranging authority to discover if you want preparing authorization on your Watford residence extension. 2nd, you will have to factor in the price of building supplies, labour, and any other involved costs. Lastly, you have got to decide on the design Luton bathrooms and format of your Watford household extension. After getting regarded as most of these factors, you may begin the process of extending your Watford household.
A Watford rear extension is really a system which will insert dwelling Room and price to your private home. It will involve extending the again of your house outwards, generally adding an extra space or two. The process may be quite complex, so it is vital to have a Watford solicitor readily available to assist with the legalities associated. To begin with, You'll have to apply for scheduling permission from Watford Borough Council. Once you've this, you can begin Focus on the extension itself. This generally requires excavating the foundations and after that setting up the new walls and roof. It is important to ensure that the extension is appropriately insulated and weatherproofed to avoid any challenges down the line. With a little bit of hard work, a Watford rear extension might be a great way to add Place and price to your home.
Watford kitchen extensions are a terrific way to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/?search=Builder incorporate excess Place and value to your private home. Watford is located in Hertfordshire, England, which is noted for its historic industry city. The marketplace city of Watford dates again to your eleventh century, and Watford kitchen area extensions are available in a lot of the town's older residences. Watford kitchen area extensions are typically extra on towards the back again of your home, they usually often include things like an additional area or two. Watford kitchen area extensions may be used for a range of functions, for instance including an extra bedroom, Office environment, or playroom. Watford kitchen area extensions usually are designed with stone or brick foundations, plus they generally have characteristics which include coving and bay windows. Watford kitchen extensions can be an outstanding strategy to add benefit to your private home, they usually can also supply you with further dwelling space. When you have an interest in introducing a Watford kitchen extension to your private home, There are some things which you have got to take into consideration. Very first, you have got to acquire organizing authorization from Watford Borough Council. Next, you will have to find a reliable builder who may have knowledge in setting up Watford kitchen area extensions.
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ramirezmjennifer · 3 years
Livescore | yesterday's football results | LiveXscores
Yesterdays football scores results - Scores & Fixtures - Football - BBC Sport
Reggiana 0 1 Empoli FT. Cork City 0 1 Athlone FT. Shelbourne 1 0 Wexford Youths Моему liverpool fc newcastle highlights вам. D 0 0 Bray Wanderers FT. Clyde 3 0 Forfar Athletic FT. Yesterdays football scores results 2 1 East Fife FT.
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Morecambe 1 1 Southend United FT. Ayr United 0 3 Dundee FT. Airdrieonians yesterdays football scores results 1 Falkirk FT. Clyde 1 1 Cove Rangers FT. Dumbarton 0 0 Montrose FT. Login Create an account. With our livescore Football, you can at any time find yesterays score of a past match and get more info by clicking on the resulys. See all odds to bet at Bet! Would you like to go on our mobile site for a better experience?
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Yesterday's Football Results
İstanbulspor 1. Poland. Republic of Ireland. St Patrick's Athl. Win 3. Dundalk 0. Shelbourne Win Draw Wexford Win. Cork City. Treaty United. Denmark. Hobro 1. Kolding Boldklub. Mexico. Zitacuaro 1. Irapuato 2. Inter Playa yesterdays football scores results Carmen 2. Necaxa U Belgium. AS Eupen 1. KVC Westerlo.
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Fic Writer Interview!
Thank you to the amazing @carryonsimoncarryonbaz and @bazzybelle for tagging me, you peeps are awesome!
Name: Theo [ridiculously Irish last name]
Fandoms: Carry On, obviously haha. Rn I’m very invested in MDZS/The Untamed, been reading fics nonstop! In general, I like Raven Cycle, Red, White and Royal Blue, DC comics, Locke & Key, and A LOT of web comics. Seriously, it’s a comical amount.
Where you post: Here on the Hellsite and on AO3. I used to post on FF but I stopped using that account a long time ago. The web design is garbage and the small text made my eyes hurt. No thank you!
Most popular one-shot: To my legit surprise, it’s “Love, Snow”! It’s not that this fic is bad, I actually really like it, but I though it would be “Just a Friend Date” or the Watford Cove sequel. Love, Snow was a weird af idea I had that I didn’t expect to get attention, but apparently people like it! So yay!
Most popular multi-chapter: Oh, definitely “Straight Boy.” I was also kinda surprised by how popular that one ended up being. I legit wrote it on a whim cause I thought a reddit post was funny, and in my self critical opinion, it’s not that well written, but people really liked it so yay again!
Fic you were nervous to post: Every. Single. One. I shit you not, I go through multiple rounds of anxiety before I post anything. Then afterwards I’m filled with even MORE anxiety and constantly read fics over to make sure I don’t have huge spelling/grammatical errors. I’m happy to put my work out there but it is def very nerve wracking every time.
How do you choose your titles: Usually I just think of them or I use song lyrics. If I’m completely stumped, I usually ask @carryonmylovelies for help, and she always has great ideas. (Btw none of my writing would exist without her. She usually gives me at least one suggestion for all my stories. There’s a reason I thank her in almost every fic.lol)
Do you outline: Hahahahaha fuck no! I’m a chaotic probably ADHD mess, I don’t have the patience for outlines. I do have a sort of vague idea when I start out, and I usually rant about it/run it by @carryonmylovelies before I actually write it. The middle is usually the most vague and I figure that out as I go then edit it later. It can take longer but if I write it out of order I rarely finish it.
Do you take prompts: I used to do a lot of prompts! Early followers might remember me doing an insane number of requests over the summer. The majority of my fics are from requests. However, as my health has declined, I’ve had to stop taking any prompts and sadly give up on the ones I had left. TL;DR I had two nervous breakdowns in less than a year and went on psychiatric meds. (Been on them for over a year now, I’m okay, dw.) Good part: I’m not in a constant state of crippling anxiety anymore! Bad part: I don’t have the insane energy I used to. Add that to my chronic migraines getting worse, and I can’t think of ideas or churn out fics as quickly as before, which makes prompts too stressful. Now I just do what I want when I can, which means my stuff isn’t as popular anymore as I don’t post very often. It’s a bit of ego stomp lol but imo it’s better for my health to take things slow. Huge apology to all the people whose prompts I never did btw, I’m really really sorry! Unfortunately my shitty body will not cooperate anymore. I hope you’ll still want to read anything else I put out in the future!
Complete: All my Carry On fics are complete. I write the entire thing in advance because I’m a perfectionist when it comes to continuity and plot. Spelling, grammar, and punctuation tho? Not so much lol
In progress: Rn I’m seriously working on an AU based on the old crime drama show “Medium.” Essentially you’ve got Simon, a slightly short fused psychic who ends up having to deal with problems, both from the living and the dead. And you’ve got Baz, his intelligent, fascinated, supportive but more practical normal bf who sometimes helps with psychic shit. Hijinks ensue!
Idk who to tag but here are the people I can think of off the top of my head!
@carryonmylovelies @the-lincyclopedia @annabellelux @vkelleyart @basic-banshee (sorry sorry my brain is fried I can’t think of anyone else! if you wanna do it, then do it!)
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priceaamal · 3 years
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marilynnperez · 3 years
Today's Results - Football - Sporting Life
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Italy Serie D - Group D. Pro Livorno Sorgenti. Italy Serie D - Group E. Aquila Montevarchi. Greece Football latest results League 2. Apollon Larissa FC. Slovakia 2. Slovan Bratislava B. Dukla B. Zp Sport Podbrezova. Kfc Komarno. Mfk Skalica. Slavoj Trebisov. Belgium First Amateur Division. La Louviere. Zambia Super League. Green Buffaloes.
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Returns exclude Bet Credits stake. Para nuevos clientes. Bonus na start do PLN. New customers only. Football latest results Results. Date Competitions. Watford 2 0 Reading FT. Hearts 6 0 Alloa Athletic FT. Dundalk 0 1 Bohemians FT. Metz 0 2 Lille FT. Jagiellonia Bialystok view it 1 Cracovia FT. Portimonense 3 0 Vitoria de Guimaraes FT. Reggiana 0 1 Empoli FT. Cork City 0 1 Athlone FT. Shelbourne 1 0 Wexford Youths FT.
D 0 0 Bray Wanderers FT. Clyde 3 0 Forfar Athletic FT. Dumbarton 2 1 East Fife FT. Stenhousemuir 1 0 Cowdenbeath FT. Ajax 1 2 Roma FT. Arsenal 1 1 Slavia Prague FT. Dinamo Zagreb 0 1 Villarreal FT. Granada 0 2 Manchester United FT. Inter Milan 2 1 Sassuolo FT. Juventus 2 1 Napoli FT. Sedan 0 1 Angers FT. Saumur 1 2 Toulouse FT. Heracles Almelo v Willem II. AZ v Sparta Rotterdam. Fortuna Sittard v FC Emmen.
Scottish Championship Ayr United v Dunfermline Athletic. Dundee v Morton. Queen of the South v Inverness Football latest results Thistle. Football latest results Rovers v Arbroath. Football latest results League One Cove Rangers v Dumbarton. Falkirk v Clyde.
Forfar Athletic football latest results East Fife. Montrose v Airdrieonians. Peterhead v Partick Thistle. Scottish League Two Annan Athletic v Stirling Albion. Brechin City v Albion Rovers.
Cowdenbeath v Elgin City. Stenhousemuir v Queen's Park. Stranraer v Edinburgh City. Welsh Premier League Caernarfon Town v Barry Town United. Cefn Druids v Haverfordwest County. Connah's Quay Nomads v Penybont.
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tracyybartling · 3 years
Football Scores
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ao3feed-snowbaz · 6 years
'I'm hopelessly in love with him'
by SmallGrumpy
Simon Snow is 16, and in his 8th Boys home, he lived with his parents till he was 4 but when his father had ‘mental lapse’ as the doctors called it and killed his mother, Simon was sent off to live in various boys homes across London. Some were better than others, but Simon knows that it doesn’t really matter because unless he lives on the streets (which occasionally he thought might be better) this is the only place for him. He's not sure if he wants to go but Watford Cove felt like home from the first day; it has nothing to do with the very attractive guy he saw brooding outside the principal's office, not at all.
Tyrannus Basilton Grimm-Pitch is 16 and the bane of his father's existence, since Baz came out to his father last year his dad has been more distant and strict than usual. “No, going out, no smoking, no tattoos, no failing, no parties, drinking, and absolutely no boys” the list could go on. When Baz gets sent to the office because he gets caught skipping class to smoke behind the school, he stops his brooding for a moment to ogle the most beautiful person ever. He’s determined to meet this copper-haired mystery boy.
Words: 813, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Carry On Series - Rainbow Rowell
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M, M/M
Characters: Tyrannus Basilton "Baz" Pitch, Simon Snow, Penelope Bunce, Ebeneza "Ebb" Petty, Agatha Wellbelove, The Mage (Simon Snow), Fiona Pitch, Malcolm Grimm, Daphne Grimm
Relationships: Tyrannus Basilton "Baz" Pitch/Simon Snow, Tyrannus Basilton "Baz" Pitch & Simon Snow
Additional Tags: simon snow needs a hug, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, I Wrote This Instead of Sleeping, Carry On is amazing, Fluffy Tyrannus Basilton "Baz" Pitch/Simon Snow
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2AjiHrX
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charlesbbutler · 3 years
All results | Football | The Guardian
Football yesterday livescore - Livescore | yesterday's football results | LiveXscores
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