#wax pellet machine
ivysangel · 1 month
do you have any waxing advice/product recommendations? i've been wanting to try it but it's v intimidating and idk where to start
i’m ngl my biggest advice is to watch tutorials and get tips from professionals on youtube or tiktok. they know how to explain everything better than i ever could 😭😭 and they usually have some sort of visual representation. i just use wax from amazon but my mom swear by bliss wax bc they have some sort of pain free technology (idfk). my only problem with it is that it doesn’t come in pellets so you can’t put it in a wax machine, you have to microwave it and i find it cools down way way way too fast. maybe there’s a work around, i didn’t actually try to find one 💀. also pro tip for literally anywhere you wax, don’t wait until the hair is too long, and if it is trim it a bit because waxing long hair is like 10000x more painful that short-medium length hair. it’s like medieval torture. i’m so sorry if this wasn’t helpful but i’m the absolute worst at explaining stuff like this but i will also die on the hill that you should always always always listen to an expert when you can, and i am farrrr from that :)
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jlymim · 1 year
Metal Injection Molding
Metal injection molding(MIM). MIM combines the shaping capability of plastic injection molding and the material flexibility of the conventional powder metallurgy to offer cost-effective solutions for highly complex part geometries.
 MIM process
Step 1: Feedstock
 Very fine metal powders are combined with thermoplastic and wax binders in a precise recipe. A proprietary compounding process creates a homogenous pelletized feedstock that can be injection molded just like plastic. This achieves ultra-high density and close tolerances over high-production runs.
 Unlike standard powder metallurgy, which can achieve only 80-90% of theoretical density, MIM results in 95-100%. This means we can achieve close tolerances and reduce costs by producing small, complex parts over high production runs.
 Step 2: Molding
 The feedstock is heated and injected into a mold cavity under high pressure. This enables us to produce extremely complex shapes and allows for shorter cycle times.
 Once molded, the component is referred to as a "green" part. Its geometry is identical to the finished piece but is about 20% larger to allow for shrinkage during the final sintering phase.
 Step 3: Debinding
 Binder removal (debinding) involves a controlled process to remove most of the binders and prepare the part for the final step – sintering.
 Once debinding is complete, the component is referred to as brown.
 Step 4: Sintering
 The brown part is held together by a small amount of the binder and is very fragile.
 Sintering eliminates the remaining binder and gives the part its final geometry and strength.
 During sintering, the part is subjected to temperatures near the melting point of the material
 MIM Product Features
The sintered products not only have the same complex shape and high precision as the products produced by plastic injection molding but also have the same physical, chemical, and mechanical properties as the forgings. In traditional machining technology, for complex parts, is usually to decompose and make a single part, and then assemble; After using PIM technology, it can be considered to integrate it into a complete single part, which greatly reduces the production steps, simplifies the processing procedures, saves costs and improves efficiency.
 MIM Technology Advantages
MIM technology not only has the advantage featured by less process as conventional powder metallurgy, such as low density, uneven material, low mechanical properties, difficult to form thin wall and complex structure. It is especially suitable for mass production of small, complex, and special metal parts.
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jemch · 3 years
How It’s Made Index(S11~S20)
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How It’s Made是由 Discovery Channel 制作一款王牌节目,又被翻译为制造的原理或造物小百科, 本片从2001年推出至今,涵盖了几乎所有的制造技术 ,非常适合机械专业和对此感兴趣的同学。希望大家享受这趟制造的艺术之旅!
S11E01 Binoculars; Sparklers; Rubber Boots; Circular Saw Blades 望远镜,焰火,长统水靴,圆锯锯片
S11E02 Anatomical Models; Jukeboxes; Tortilla Chips; Spark Plugs 解剖学模型,自动点唱机,墨西哥玉米片,火花塞
S11E03 Pencils; Metal Recycling; Coffee 铅笔,金属回收,咖啡
S11E04 Javelins; Cuckoo Clocks; Hearts of Palm; Windshield Wipers 标枪,布谷鸟钟,棕榈芯,雨刷
S11E05 Technical Glass; Washing Machines; Playing Cards; Crossbows 工业玻璃,洗衣机,扑克牌,弩
S11E06 Cine Cameras; Glass Christmas Ornaments; Giant Tires 电影摄影机,圣诞节玻璃装饰品,巨型轮胎
S11E07 Microphones; Hot Tubs; Artificial Turf; Beer Steins 麦克风,按摩缸,人工草坪,啤酒杯
S11E08 Hot Rods; Decorative Eggs; Fire Hose Nozzles; Baseballs 改装车,装饰蛋,灭火水龙带喷嘴,棒球
S11E09 Accordions; Pineapples; Artificial Joints 手风琴,菠萝,人工关节
S11E10 Giant Valves; Sardines; Barographs; Disposable Diapers 巨型阀门,沙丁鱼罐头,气压计,一次性尿片
S11E11 Heated Skate Blades; Gliders; Hand Bells; Fire Hoses 加热式冰靴,滑翔机,手摇铃铛,灭火水龙带
S11E12 Induction Cooktops; Truck Scales; Tetra Pak Containers; Harmonicas 电磁炉,车重地衡,利乐包装盒,口琴
S11E13 Baseball Gloves; Medical Electrodes; Stetson Hats 棒球手套,医疗电极,牛仔帽
S12E01 Pneumatic Impact Wrenches; Cultured Marble Sinks; Plantain Chips; NASCAR Stock Cars 气动扳手,人造大理石水池,炸香蕉片,纳斯卡赛车
S12E02 Jaws of Life; Artificial Christmas Trees; Soda Crackers; Ratchets 救生钳,人造圣诞树,苏打饼干,棘轮扳手
S12E03 Thermometers; Produce Scales; Aircraft Painting; Luxury Chocolates 温度计,挂秤,飞机机身彩绘,高档巧克力
S12E04 Carburetors; Air Conditioners; Sugar 气化器,空调机,糖
S12E05 Combination Wrenches; Deli Meats; Golf Carts; Airships 组合扳手,香肠,高尔夫球车,飞艇
S12E06 Carbon Fibre Car Parts; Hand Dryers; Recycled Polyester Yarn; Fleece 碳纤维汽车零件,手烘干机,回收聚酯制丝线,羊毛布料
S12E07 Police Badges; Muffins; Car Washes; Pressure Gauges 警徽,松饼,洗车房,压力表
S12E08 Metal Detectors; Rum; Tiffany Reproductions; Aircraft Engines 金属探测器,兰姆酒, 蒂凡尼灯具,飞机引擎
S12E09 Riding Mowers; Popcorn; Adjustable Beds; Cultured Diamonds 乘骑式割草机,爆米花,可调床垫,人造钻石
S12E10 Airstream Trailers; Horseradish; Industrial Steam Boilers; Deodorant 流线型拖车,辣根,工业蒸汽锅炉,防臭剂
S12E11 Screwdrivers; Compact Track Loaders; Physician Scales; Carbon Fibre Bats 螺丝刀,链带式装卸机,体重秤,碳纤维棒球棒
S12E12 Escalators; Kevlar Canoes; Goat Cheese; Disc Music Boxes 自动扶梯,凯夫拉尔独木舟,羊奶酪,碟式音乐盒
S12E13 Motorcycle Engines; Glass Enamel Sculptures; Hand-Made Paper; Vaulting Poles 摩托车引擎,玻璃搪瓷雕刻,手工纸,撑竿
S13E01 Hammers; Swiss Cheese; Roller Skates; Coloured Pencils 锤子,瑞士奶酪,旱冰鞋,彩色铅笔
S13E02 Carbon Fiber Bicycles; Blood Products; Forged Chandeliers; Ballpoint Pens 碳纤维自行车,血液制品,锻造吊灯,圆珠笔
S13E03 Swiss Army Knives; Player Piano Rolls; Oil Tankers; Racing Wheels 瑞士军刀,钢琴演奏器,油轮,赛车轮毂
S13E04 Bowling Balls; Barber Poles; Felt; Radar Guns 保龄球,旋转彩柱,毛毡,雷达测速枪
S13E05 Pipe Fittings; Music Boxes; Pepper Mills; Hot Rod Steering Columns 铜管件,圆柱音乐盒,胡椒磨,汽车方向柱
S13E06 Gears; Leather Watchbands; Vitrelle Dishes; Kitchen Shears 齿轮,真皮表带,抗摔玻璃碗碟,厨用剪刀
S13E07 Pressure Cookers; Mechanical Singing Birds; Oceanographic Buoys; Tank Trailers 高压锅,唱歌机械鸟,浮标,不锈钢罐拖车
S13E08 Aluminum Boats; Alpine Horns; Luxury Watches 铝壳船,高山牛角,豪华手表
S13E09 ATVs; Alpine Skis; Laser Cutters; Marble Sculptures 全地形车,高山滑雪板,激光切割机,大理石雕塑
S13E10 Socket Sets; Leather Shoes; Aluminum Water Bottles; Bike Chains 套筒扳手,皮鞋,铝制水瓶,自行车链条
S13E11 Carved Wood Sculptures; Flatware; Cow Bells; Fountain Pens 木雕,餐具,牛铃,钢笔
S13E12 Olive Oil; Lift Trucks; Seamless Rolled Rings; Ski Boots 橄榄油,叉车,无缝环件,滑雪靴
S13E13 Cookware; Inlaid Boxes; High-Efficiency Water Heaters; Vespa Scooters 专业炊具,豪华镶嵌盒,高效率热水器,电动车
S14E01 Mini GP Motorcycles; Fig Cookies; Tool Boxes; Pipe Bends 迷你锦标赛摩托车,无花果曲奇饼,工具箱,弯头
S14E02 Revolver Replicas; Arc Trainers; Oil Furnaces; Vegetable Peelers; Pizza Cutters 西部左轮手枪复制品,健身椭圆机,废油燃烧器,削皮器和薄饼切削刀
S14E03 Metal Golf Clubs; Waffles; Custom Wires and Cables Train Wheels; 金属高尔夫球杆,华夫烘饼,订制线缆,火车轮子
S14E04 Sails; Walnuts; Wheel Immobilizers; Honeycomb Structural Panels 风帆,核桃,轮胎防盗器,蜂窝结构板
S14E05 Surfboards; Stickers; Sandwich Cookies; Concrete Roofing Tiles 冲浪板,贴纸,夹芯饼干,混凝土瓦
S14E06 Ski Goggles; Tower Cranes; Porcelain Figurines; Diesel Engines 滑雪风镜,塔吊,瓷小雕像,柴油引擎
S14E07 Stuffed Olives; Astrolabes; Western Saddles 酿水榄,星盘,西部马鞍
S14E08 Custom Running Shoes; Axes; Racing Karts; Animatronics 订制跑鞋,斧头,卡丁车,电子动画
S14E09 Headphones; Diving Regulators; Reflector Light Bulbs 耳机,潜水呼吸调节器,聚光灯泡
S14E10 Fly Fishing Reels; House Paint; Weaving Looms; Ice Makers 飞钓卷筒,房屋涂料,编织机,制冰机
S14E11 Graphite Pencil Leads; Clarinets; Special Effects; 石墨铅笔芯,单簧管,特技效果
S14E12 Air Boats; Onions; 3D Metal Printing; Curved Cabinet Doors 空气船,洋葱,三维金属打印,弧形木柜门
S14E13 Retractable Ballpoint Pens; Solar Salt; Tubas; 圆珠笔,日晒盐,大号
S15E01 Kelp Caviar; Luxury Sailboats; Dental Crowns; High-Performance Engines 海带鱼子酱,豪华帆船,人造牙冠,发动机
S15E02 Leather Briefcases; Crop Dusters; Corn Whiskey; Drag Racing Clutches 真皮公文包,喷洒农药飞机,玉米威士忌,直线竞速赛车离合器
S15E03 Train Rails; Desalinated Water; Racing Wheelchairs; Parquetry 火车钢轨,淡化水,竞速轮椅,拼花木地板
S15E04 Flight Simulators; Bookbinding; Greenhouse Tomatoes; Hurricane-Proof Shutters 飞行模拟器,传统装订,温室西红柿,防风百叶窗
S15E05 Worcestershire Sauce; Lawn Bowls; Radio-Controlled Model Jets; 辣酱油,草地滚球,遥控模型喷气机
S15E06 Pipes; Rock Climbing Gear; Leather Bike Saddles; Luxury Sports Cars 烟斗,攀岩丝扣锁,自行车座,豪华跑车
S15E07 Replica Foods; Traffic Cone Dispensers; Rocking Horses; London Taxis 食品模型,交通安全锥,摇马,伦敦出租车
S15E08 Miniature Furniture; Garden Steam Locomotives; Hovercraft; Folding Bicycles 迷你家具,庭院蒸汽机车,气垫船,折迭自行车
S15E09 Crosscut Saws; Haggis; Collectible Firearms; 横割锯,肉馅羊肚,收藏枪支
S15E10 Alligator Bags; Lockers; Bench Planes; Deployable Flight Recorders 鳄鱼手袋,储物柜,木工台刨,飞行纪录仪
S15E11 Grapples; Flavorings; Dog Sleds; Athletic Shoes 抓斗,调味品,狗雪撬,运动鞋
S15E12 Retractile Cords; Wood Frame Sports Cars; Sushi 伸缩绳,木结构跑车,寿司
S15E13 Leather Wallets; French Horns; Soy Sauce; Children's Ride-On Cars 真皮钱包,圆号,酱油,儿童骑乘汽车
第十六季推出时间为2010-10-01至 2010-12-24
S16E01 Millefiori Glass Paperweights; Road Salt; Nutcrackers; Car Doors 千花玻璃纸镇,道路除冰盐,胡桃夹子,汽车门
S16E02 Straight Razors; Black Pudding; Steering Wheels; Inorganic Pigments 直剃须刀,黑香肠,方向盘,无机颜料
S16E03 Cast Iron Cookware; Biodiesel; Clothing Hangers; Stone Wool Insulation 铸铁炊具,生物柴油,衣架,石棉
S16E04 Needles & Pins; Architectural Mouldings; Locomotives; Clothespins 针,建筑木线条,机车,衣夹
S16E05 Filigree Glass; Fish Food; Motor Homes 掐丝玻璃,鱼饲料,房车
S16E06 Surgical Instruments; Ketchup; Double-Decker Buses; Walking Sticks 手术器械,番茄酱,手杖
S16E07 Audio Tubes; Light Bars; Model Aircraft; Snare Drums 音频真空管,灯条,木制模型飞机,金属小鼓
S16E08 Kitchen Accessories; Central Vacuums; Paper-Maché Animals; Hydraulic Cylinders 厨房配件,中央吸尘器,纸型动物,液压缸
S16E09 Liquor Jugs; Deli Meats; NASCAR Engines 粘土酒壶,家禽熟肉制品,NASCAR发动机
S16E10 Digital Dentistry; Nail Clippers; Poster Restoration; Canola Oil 数字牙科,海报恢复,菜籽油
S16E11 Dial Thermometers; Hummus; Spent Fuel Containers; Straw Sombreros 温度计,豆泥,燃料容器,秸秆宽边帽
S16E12 Tequila; Water Beds; Flip Flops; Silver 龙舌兰酒,水床,人字拖,银子
S16E13 Composite Propane Cylinders; Salsa; Water-pumping Windmills; Dragsters 复合丙烷缸,辣调味汁,抽水风车,高速赛车
第十七季推出时间为2011-04-08至 2011-06-24
S17E01 Decorative Sombreros; Salad Dressings; Cap Guns; Regenerative Medicine 装饰戴草帽,沙拉酱和腌泡汁,帽枪,再生医学
S17E02 Cheese Graters; Hot Sauce; Silver Jewelery; Traditional Mexican Chairs 芝士刨,辣酱,银首饰,传统墨西哥椅
S17E03 Game calls; Mayonnaise; Traditional Razor Blades; Butterfly Safety Razors 哨,蛋黄酱,传统剃须刀片,蝴蝶安全剃刀
S17E04 Corn Tortillas; Crankshafts & Camshafts; Bush Planes; Aluminum Bike Wheels 玉米饼,曲轴和凸轮轴,布什飞机,铝自行车轮
S17E05 Folding Kayaks; Pi?atas; Garbage Trucks; Ceramic Composite Brake Discs 折叠皮艇,彩罐,垃圾车,陶瓷复合刹车盘
S17E06 Rolled Wafers; Wood Pellets; Class & Championship Rings; 威化饼,木颗粒,总冠军戒指
S17E07 Speed skates; synthetic rubber; cocoa beans; and bulk chocolate 速度溜冰鞋,可可豆,散装巧克力
S17E08 Custom Steering Wheels; Aerospace Fuel Lines; Apple Pies; Household Radiators 定做方向盘,苹果馅饼,家用散热器
S17E09 Whips; automated pizza makers; incense cones; and scale turbine engines 鞭子,自动比萨饼机,香锥,喷气发动机模型
S17E10 Heather gems; instant film; beet sugar; electric roadsters 希瑟宝石,即时胶片,甜菜糖,电动跑车
S17E11 Underwater robots; lasagne; band saws; and ski trekking poles 水下机器人,烤宽面条,带锯床,登山杖
S17E12 Laminated Wood Beams; Sport Utility Vehicles; Veggie Burgers; Wood-boring Augers 木质横梁,运动型多功能车,素食汉堡,钻木螺旋钻
S17E13 Turbochargers; enchiladas; and watches; 涡轮增压器,辣酱玉米饼馅,手表
第十八季推出时间为2011-09-14至 2011-12-06
S18E01 Patterned Glass Panels; Road Cases; Stop-Frame Animation 压花玻璃面板,公路应急箱,定格动画
S18E02 Industrial Wire Ropes; Living Walls; Large Format Cameras; Gemstones 工业钢丝绳,生活墙,大画幅相机,宝石
S18E03 Chocolate Coins; Floor Heating System; Pedal Cars; Latex Swords 巧克力金币, 地板采暖系统,踏板汽车,乳胶剑
S18E04 Farmed Caviar; Intake Manifolds; Motorcycle Jackets; Forged Spades 养殖鱼子酱,进气管,机车夹克,铲子和铁锹
S18E05 Wax Figures; Awnings; Sandwich Crackers; Pewter Tankards 蜡像,遮阳篷,三明治饼干,锡制酒杯
S18E06 Cufflinks; Blueberry Turnovers; Dashboards; Pottery 袖扣, 蓝莓饼,仪表板,陶器
S18E07 Fish Replicas; Siren Systems; Pre-Packaged Sandwiches; Candlesticks 鱼模型,警报器系统,预包装三明治,烛台
S18E08 Pipe Cleaners; Blue Stilton Cheese; Smart Electric Meters; Telescopes 管道清洁剂,蓝斯蒂尔顿奶酪,智能电表,望远镜
S18E09 Rally Cars; Pork Pies; Floating Fountains; Artificial Stone Ornaments 拉力赛车,猪肉馅饼,浮动喷泉,人造石饰品
S18E10 Tapioca Pudding; Snow Plows; Paddle Boats; Fibre Cement Siding 木薯布丁,除雪车,桨船,纤维水泥墙板
S18E11 Pharmaceutical Blister Packs; Deli Slicers; Oysters; Weathervanes 药品泡罩包装,德利切片机,牡蛎,风向标
S18E12 Top & Bowler Hats; Solar Water Heaters; Sticky Buns; Electrostatic Speakers 圆顶礼帽,太阳能热水器,粘小奶油甜面包,静电式扬声器
S18E13 Turntables; Steam Engines; Playground Equipment; Teflon Pans 唱盘,蒸汽机,运动场设备,不粘锅
第十九季推出时间为2012-04-19至 2012-06-24
S19E01 Garden Forks; English Toffee; Paint Chip Cards; Bundt Pans 花园艺叉,英式太妃糖,油漆色卡,蛋糕模具
S19E02 Pewter Flasks; Potato Salad; Hydrogen Fuel Cells; Engineered Wood Siding 锡制酒瓶,马铃薯沙拉,氢燃料电池组,工程木板墙
S19E03 Canvas Wall Tents; Peace Pipes; Shredded Wheat Cereal; Cannons 帆布帐篷,印第安式烟斗,块状麦片,加农炮
S19E04 Robotic Hunting Decoys; Canned Tomatoes; Scoreboards; Lassos 捕猎诱饵,罐装番茄酱,电子计分板,捕牛套索
S19E05 Turf Grass; Beef Jerky; Wood Chippers; Bowling Pins 草坪,长条牛肉干,木片切削机,保龄球球瓶
S19E06 Multi-Tools; Jojoba Oil; Marionettes 多用途工具刀,荷荷芭油,提线木偶
S19E07 Fish Decoys; Film Digitization; Cylinder Stoves; Concrete Light Poles 鱼饵,影片数字化存储,筒形火炉,混凝土灯杆
S19E08 Bamboo Bicycles; Chainsaw Art; Breath Mints; Manual Motorcycle Transmissions 竹制自行车,木雕,薄荷糖,变速箱总成
S19E09 Dinnerware; Air Brake Tanks; Frosted Cereal; Fossils 陶瓷餐具,气刹储气罐,麦片,化石
S19E10 Clay; Pitted Prunes; Spurs; Polyurethane Tires 黏土,话梅,马靴,轮胎
S19E11 Tasers; Canned Soup; Jaw Harps; Diving Boards 泰瑟枪,汤品罐头,口弓,跳水板
S19E12 Space Pens; Reef Aquariums; Metal Caskets; Composite Bike Wheels 太空笔,水族馆,金属棺材,复合自行车轮子
S19E13 Navajo Rugs; Crude Oil; Kaleidoscopes; Titanium Dental Implants 纳瓦霍地毯,原油,万花筒,钛牙科植入物
第二十季推出时间为2012-10-25至 2013-01-10
S20E01 Native Healing Drums;Raisins;Stereoscopic Viewers;Ribbon Microphones 印地安疗愈鼓,葡萄干,立体图片观赏器,铝带式麦克风
S20E02 Horse Bits; Oat Cereal; Turquoise Jewelry; Electric Scooters 马衔,燕麦片,土耳其玉首饰,电动滑板车
S20E03 Stagecoaches;Road Reflectors;Fire Baked Pottery;Custom Motorcycle Tanks 驿马车,反光道钉,火烤陶器,订制摩托车油箱
S20E04 Replica Clay Pipes;Drinking Fountains;Orange Liqueur;Compound Bows 复刻陶瓷烟斗,饮水机,柳橙甜酒,复合弓
S20E05 Tissues;Travel Trailers;Slippers;Motorcycle Helmets 面纸,旅行拖车,拖鞋,摩托车安全帽
S20E06 U-Locks; Tepees; Croissants; Rolling Luggage U型锁,圆锥帐篷,可颂面包,滚轮行李箱
S20E07 Prams;Factory-Built Homes;Wood Flutes;Bicycle Tires 婴儿车,组合式房屋,木笛,单车轮胎
S20E08 Thinning Shears;Wagon Wheels;Toaster Pastries;Violin Bows 打薄剪,马车轮,果酱夹心饼,小提琴弓
S20E09 1000th Item: Cycling Shoes;Yurts;Marine Plywood;Oil & Encaustic Paint 自行车卡鞋地,蒙古包,船用合板,油彩和蜡彩
S20E10 Nail Nippers; Jade Putters; Ice Cider; Water Skis 指甲钳,玉石推杆,苹果冰酒,滑水板
S20E11 Paper Fans; Walnut Oil; Copper 纸扇,胡桃油,铜
S20E12 Cast Iron Tubs; Hopi Kachina Dolls; Mine Truck Engine; Memory Cards 铸铁浴缸,霍皮族娃娃,矿场卡车引擎重建,记忆卡
S20E13 Gut Strings;Absinthe;Belt Buckles;Lever Locks 肠弦,苦艾酒,皮带头,杆锁
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wehavethoughts · 4 years
Upcycle! Review!
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Upcycle! Turn Everyday Objects into Home Decor: 50 Easy DIY Projects By Sonia Lucano English: Sarah Levin Photos by Fréderic Lucano Weldon Owen, 2016. Originally Détournez les Objets du Quotidien (Hachette Livre) Farrow & Ball thanked for the paints
RATING: 3 out of 6 sweet geese
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What an attractive cover, especially for Millennials! Fruit crates are painted white and assembled like building blocks to form a unique, quirky bookshelf, housing books with aesthetic bindings and a random assortment of small house plants in a seemingly-found collection of pots. Peaking into the frame is a wooden chair. The two pieces of furniture have ‘vintage' patinas, not too crisp but not dusty and dank. For the eye that lingers long enough, a multi-wood shoe horn sits quietly on a low crate.
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Upcycle! An exciting word for those committing themselves to a more sustainable lifestyle. Smaller but still centered are the famous letters, DIY, a huge keyword for young poor people today, although unfortunately mostly limited to young educated white women who seek the satisfaction of making something on their own (which is totally fine). I have many words regarding 'DIY' which-- to your luck-- I will save for another time. I bring up the loud and large Upcycle! because the word in particular excited me to select the book in the first place. That excitement grew as the subtitle informed me that I would learn how to turn “everyday objects into home decor.” I love home decor, but I also love using what I already have. For me personally, resourcefulness is a product of being conditioned to avoid waste, that is, to use or eat or do what you had paid for, because money was precious. 
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Upcycling is a great 'movement' and concept: rather than produce more STUFF, we can use what we already have. It's different from simply thrifting because you often change the material object's intended function, though not necessarily. Thrifted objects are found; upcycling requires work. DIY projects similarly require work, but don't necessitate that the materials are all found (e.g. "just buy some twine and you're all set!").
The social momentum building up DIY and upcycling is positive in America because Americans really ought to have stopped consuming and producing STUFF yesterday. Additionally, there’s a widening class gap, and more people are having to 'make do' with what they have. I don't make this distinction lightly: there are founts of these same design practices that are wealthy and artisanal, whereas others are, simply put: provoked by poverty. The former isn't "wrong" or "bad," and I don't think it's helpful to make these kinds of value judgments. However, this discussion brings us to my most critical reaction to this book: nobody has this sh*t at home!
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The book Détournez les Objets du Quotidien couldn’t have been published with the everyday person in mind, even though the subtitle (in English) informs the potential reader that they would learn how to transform 'everyday' objects. Many of the projects, as aesthetically pleasing as they are, require absurd supplies, including: bell-shaped metal lamp hanger, strips of natural leather, plaster, “black hanging-lamp light cord with socket and light bulb,” carbon paper, wax pellets, number stamps for leather, bags of cotton filling, an S-hook, “dusty-rose matte wood paint,” “11 mother of pearl buttons 11/16 inch diameter,” 80 x 40 inch quilt batting, canvas luggage straps, and porcelain light bulb socket with mounting bracket. Additionally absurd are some of the required tools: electric screwdriver, crowbar, jigsaw, an auger bit, an awl, a double boiler, a label-maker, 1-inch diameter drill bit, 1 1/8 inch crochet hook, plaster, leather-craft roller, sewing machine, and staple gun.
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You might be saying to yourself: I have some of those, you're being too harsh, DesignMod. But I too have some of these objects. What you are noticing, though, is your privilege. (Don't be scared, just breathe.) You are in a position where you have things, things that arguably you would only need for the specific project at hand. That's all. But this is my problem with this book: the projects and designs require non-ordinary, non-everyday materials. The book in its mission is a) deceitful and b) not accessible to a large audience.
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My frustration can be summed up looking at the preface:
"While recycling today is trendy, I want to take it even further...not by decorating our homes with second-hand objects, but by starting with everyday objects that we have at home or can find easily." 
Great, sounds good!
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"I propose that you 'upcycle' or repurpose these objects, so common and ordinary that we lose sight of their decorative potential: crates, wood pallets, white cotton sheets, glass jars, wine bottles, tin cans, white dishes, lampshades, and more." 
Okay, I need to stop the author here. WOOD PALLETS?? I don't have bonus wood pallets laying around the house. I can understand empty wine bottles if someone in your household drinks. The first chapter starts off with wood pallets as the base material, suggesting that you go out asking grocery stores if you could take extras (definitively not at home). Other supplies come with recommended stores (e.g. white boxes from IKEA) which is also antithetical to using your own objects and inadvertently capitalist in it’s promotion of specific large retailers (as opposed to an individual artisans or ‘your local vendor’). 
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"Here are fifty ideas for easily transforming these objects into budget-friendly design creations that will add a 'rustic chic' flair to any home's decor. No need to be an expert in do-it-yourself crafts. All that's needed is the desire to implement the projects in the book." 
This gets me to my final criticism: the book lacks creativity. Whereas the author or designer is creative (yet still adhering very much to trends), they do not encourage creativity whatsoever on the part of the reader. Materials are suggested with specific colors and dimensions. The back pages include any lettering printed out that you can tear and copy onto your project, exactly like what you see in the book. I don't see this as a positive: a) we all end up with the same stuff, b) the reader isn't learning anything in terms of lettering but also in terms of figuring out how they'd do a project, and c) the book subconsciously promotes consumerism by denying the reader the opportunity to determine their own project.
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The book does offer a few guidelines for those attempting the projects, such as estimated duration, difficulty level, and technique applied. Ultimately, suggesting you add "since 1775" arbitrarily to a white plate implies a greater devotion to the superficial aesthetic of contemporary design, rather than actually considering where objects come from, how we engage with them, and our broader systems of production and consumption.
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Overall, I did learn upcycling tips from this book, but in the end, I was profusely disappointed. If you really need very strict guidelines in your creative projects, as well as have the financial resources to gather all the required tools and materials, then you might like this book. I find it quite narrow, unoriginal, and inaccessible. I rate it 3/6 geese, because it is easy to read, the aesthetic is current, and there are lovely photos. 
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With loving curiosity, 
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arbomex · 2 years
What is the Process of Lost Foam Casting?
Lost-foam casting offers many advantages, and one of them is its user-friendliness. However, various casting techniques are intricate and need more than a half-dozen procedures. On the other hand, lost foam casting is relatively easy and uncomplicated: The polystyrene shots are infused into the mold opening, after which molten metal is attached. The high temperature from the molten metal causes polystyrene pellets to vaporize, which leads to the formation of casting that can be turned out into the mold nook.
The next notable benefit of lost-foam iron casting is its capability to produce castings with excessive dimensional precision. In several applications, dimensional precision is vital. For example, due to their high dimensional precision, automotive engines are often created with the help of lost-foam casting. Automakers use it to construct engine blocks in a particular size that offers the best possible performance for their vehicles.
No spark with lost-foam casting will occur. Flash comprises surplus and unnecessary material that builds on a casting. However, flash typically occurred by draft. Lost-foam casting doesn’t need the use of a draft; nonetheless, thus it defends against the blaze. This casting procedure offers spotless castings with excess dimensional precision.
Lost Foam Casting Process
1.Tooling: In general, tooling is collected from a crack-cavity machined aluminum die that is the harmful mold from where the foam pattern is generated. The tooling is extensively specific and should be built by qualified tooling makers well-known for the supplies of foam foundries and molders. In addition, many tooling for Lost Foam models will evaluate positively with everlasting and die-cast tooling. Finally, the materials utilized and the process pressures, Lost-foam casting tools can likely include 3 to 4 times the set life of lasting mold or die casting tools.
2. Pattern Making: The primary step is manufacturing a foam outline and gating method by foam molding compress. The procedure of model making can differ on the number of products that will be simulated. In many cases, the model is molded in a blocked mold in polystyrene (2.5% polystyrene and 97.5% air). The pattern can be cast with both the gates and risers, which are already in a row even if it can be accumulated from different molded parts. With the pattern manufacturing procedures, careful consideration is required as it will decide the quality and consistency of the finishing product. Methods for designing patterns comprise closed die molding, an assemblage of the pattern from different parts, and a device the pattern from a firm portion of polystyrene.
3.Coating: The gating methods and pattern are adhered to formulate known as a cluster. This cluster is covered with a porous intractable covering and left to dry out under limited conditions. A strong case and generous external layer are generated all over the pattern. This coating is significantly like the one looked at the mislaid wax casting, and companies will use different ‘coating’ materials. It depends on the necessities of the finishing product and, primarily, the preferred finish.
4. Sand: This dehydrated and covered cluster is now put in a foundry thermos with movable, unrestrained sand, which is trembled to give fixed compaction that leaves the prototype/shape in the sand last.
5. Pouring: Currently, the molten metal is transferred on top of the gating method, as it is dependable for expressing the molten metal during the cluster formation. The molten metal being dropped causes the pattern finished in the primary step to vaporize instantly. Dropping will persist until the mold is packed and the risers are not used; the most excellent care is taken to ensure that the correct amount of molten material is dropped.
6.  Hardening: Once the mold has been packed, it is left for a liquid material to harden. Once it is hard, the sand and shell shape is broken down, and risers and gates are detached and left for a finishing casting/product.
7.  Post Treatment: The finishing product can also be high-temperature treated or experience other final processes, much like in other casting methods.
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Benefits of Lost Foam Casting:
· The lost foam casting procedure allows foundries to create intricate castings – casting that would generally need foundations. In addition, this metal casting procedure can provide dimensionally precise castings with an exceptional as-cast area end.
· The drafts will be of no necessity in this procedure as the mold has no crack lines; as a result, the deficiency of the creation of flash and the cutback or removal of further ultimate procedures.
· This cutback in post-casting methods decreases the quantity of material used throughout the procedure and decreases the manufacturing cost of each unit.
· Because lost iron casting foam casting includes a simplistic procedure, it is a cost-effective method. The lost wax speculation casting, this procedure has fewer manufacturing processes, risers are typically not necessary, foam is more inexpensive than wax, and, within the proper boundaries, it can be a more economically viable casting process.
· The foam utilized in the casting procedure is simple to control, paste and cut up – this lets self-determination and flexibility in design. The next benefit of foam iron casting is that it enables the consolidation of parts; in several cases where other casting methods are necessary for manufacturing, one or more parts are tracked by the down-the-line congregation.
However, when it comes to lost foam casting, there are also some cons and a cost pattern. If the manufacturing amount, the price of the pattern is comparatively high, and because of the low strength, the foam pattern might be broken easily. 
Lost foam casting is a procedure where polystyrene pellets and molten metal are added to a mold crack. The molten metal may cause the pellets to disappear. Once disappeared, the toughened pellets form a casting that can be turned out from the mold nook. Lost-foam casting is relatively easy to execute, provides high dimensional precision, and is defended against the blaze. However, the castings are typically fragile and cost more to manufacture than other methods.
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david-d-levine · 2 years
Toys of a Forgotten Generation
I'm a member of Generation Jones -- the not-quite-a-generation that fell into the crack between the Boomers and GenX -- and furthermore I was never quite the same as those other boys. So some of my most beloved toys are a bit on the obscure side. Here's a post about some of them. I'll start with what's probably the least obscure of the lot, Major Matt Mason. "America's Astronaut in Space" was made by Mattel beginning in 1966. I had just about all of the Matt Mason figures and toys, including the rare Captain Lazer (who, at 12" tall, had plainly been originally intended for a different toy line). My mother gave them all to my cousins while I was away at summer camp one year and I'm still bitter about it. Zeroids were made by Ideal and came out in 1967. There were four of them, and not only did they have motorized rubber tank treads, they had arms that could be pulled back to throw things and interchangeable hands that gripped. Each one came in a box that also served as an accessory. They shared a snap-in electric motor with Ideal's Motorific cars, which I also loved. The Strange Change Machine came out from Mattel in 1967. This electrically heated toy came with these little compressed blocks of memory plastic, the approximate size and shape of butter pats, which when heated turned into monsters. The monsters could be re-heated and squished back into blocks using the crank-operated crusher. The AstroScope from Ohio Art (1970) included a light and two spinning mirrors, whose speed and direction could be controlled with the levers and knobs to project a variety of Lissajous figures on the screen. It was probably the loudest toy I owned, due to the two high-speed motors. Super City from Ideal (1967) was a building set that consisted of square and rectangular frames, narrow columns, and corner blocks, all in white plastic, and a variety of panels (transparent, translucent, brick, and metal, plus pyramids and domes) that could snap into the frames. It had a rather limited aesthetic but was great for snapping together quite large structures quickly. Finally, perhaps the most obscure of all, Mold Master from Kenner (1963) was a toy for making other toys! You would put pellets of plastic -- or perhaps they were wax -- into the upper chamber of this electric toy, where they would be melted into a liquid, which you would then squish down into a collection of injection molds. Once cooled -- or perhaps sooner, if you were impatient and had a high tolerance for pain -- you could remove the parts from the mold, snap them off the sprue, and assemble them into cars, trucks, and other machines. Then you could break them up and melt them again!
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vjinstruments · 3 years
What are Double Cone Mixer?
The mixing process begins in the Double Cone Blender. It is a typical process step in the manufacturing of goods for sectors such as healthcare, food and chemical manufacturing, cosmetics, detergents, fertilizers, and plastic manufacturing.
Materials or chemicals that have been combined in the Double Cone Mixer include:
Pharmaceutical granules, semolina flour, and seeds are examples of such materials.
Starch, coffee beans, and ground coffee, and cocoa are examples of such ingredients.
Chocolate flakes or granules, powdered milk, and baby food are all acceptable options.
It may be used to prepare dehydrated soups by preparing them ahead of time.
Creams, leaf waxes, detergent granules, soap flakes, artificial fertilizers, plastic in powder, powdered, or pellet form, fiberglass, and other similar materials
Create a homogeneous solid-solid mixture
When it comes to the chemical business, the double cone blender is ideal for mixing chemicals, fertilizers, detergents, and a variety of other components. These machines are particularly highly valued in the pharmaceutical business, where they may aid in the mixing of various components in order to get the necessary results.
When used in pharmaceutical applications, the most contemporary double cone mixer is designed to provide dependable performance with little maintenance. Contacting a respected manufacturer and supplier of these items will almost certainly result in the acquisition of a high yield machine for your organization.
The following are the advantages of using a double cone blender machine:
It is possible to get a homogeneous mix.
When compared to agitator mixers, it consumes much less electricity.
The inside is smooth, and the access panel has a sanitary appearance.
Cycle times are quite short.
Alternatives to abrasive materials that are more wear-resistant are available.
Specifically designed controls are available.
Customizable options are available.
The following are the disadvantages of a double cone blender:
It is not suited for tiny particulate systems (extremely small in size) or components with significant differences in particle size distribution because sufficient shear is not provided in this kind of blender.
If the powder is free-flowing, repeated dilution is necessary
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earaercircular · 3 years
The Circular Economy of Recycled Paper
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Three times a week, tanker trucks make an hourlong journey from a baby-food factory in Nunspeet, in the central Netherlands, to a paper mill in the southeastern city of Roermond in the Netherlands.
The trucks carry 90 cubic meters, or about 24,000 gallons (90,849.9 L), a week of phosphate produced as a waste byproduct at the baby-food factory, to be fed to bacteria in an anaerobic fermentation tank at the mill.
One person’s trash can be another’s treasure. “They had a lot of expenses to get rid of it, and we had expense to get it, so we are both happy,” said Mark Nabuurs, the manager of innovation and development at the Roermond plant.
Mr. Nabuurs and other executives at Roermond Papier[1], a unit of the Smurfit Kappa packaging company, based in Dublin, cite the phosphate deal as an example of the company’s commitment to the idea of a circular economy.
In a traditional linear economy, products are made from raw materials and everything — byproduct waste and product alike — ends in the scrap heap. In a circular economy, the product is made from recycled materials and ends up being recycled itself.
Combined heat and power plant
“The linear economy is at an end. I really believe it is over,” said Jo Cox, the general manager of the Roermond plant which, in an industry once associated with water pollution and deforestation, has won several environmental awards over the years.
The mill makes brown packing paper exclusively from recycled and alternative fibers, and it has made changes to its production processes, its supply chain and its waste disposal practices to reduce its environmental footprint. It currently produces less than a kilogram, or 2.2 pounds, of solid waste for every metric ton of paper that it makes, converting combustible waste into fuel pellets that it sells as a byproduct to other industries. It uses natural gas and biogas to generate power and steam.
Water purification
It uses just 2.7 liters, or 0.7 gallons, of water to produce a kilogram of paper, less than 2 percent of the volume needed to produce the same amount in a conventional mill: The water, drawn from a nearby river, is recycled several times, and cleaned by organic processes before being returned to its original source. “I’m like a priest, I’m always talking about the religion of the circular economy,” said Mr. Cox.
To make the mill’s processes circular, the management and innovation team has expended much effort looking for alternative sources for raw materials and new — preferably profitable — uses for what would have once been waste.
With the backing of Smurfit Kappa, a commitment to the circular economy has been built into its operating mandate since 2009, Mr. Cox said, formalizing a more than decade-long campaign to eliminate waste and use more recycled materials.
While much of the impetus for this campaign has come from the need to satisfy its increasingly environmentally conscious customers, Mr. Cox said, sustainability has also paid off financially. “There’s nothing wrong with making money,” he said. Globally, the paper industry is having difficulties doing just that. As businesses and bureaucracies increasingly go digital, paper mills — especially those making white writing paper — are feeling the pinch, said Thad Maloney, a professor in the department of forest products technology at Aalto University[2] in Finland, and an expert in pulp and paper: “Mills have to become more competitive by becoming more efficient.”
Paper mills that produce coarse brown paper for packaging are also more likely to rely on recycled paper for feedstock — something the Roermond mill has been doing since the 1970s. They have the advantage, moreover, of not having to go through bleaching and extensive pulping processes that are costly and potentially an environmental hazard.
“Broadly speaking, if what you are doing is recycling fiber into something that is just packing paper, you are ahead,” said Paul Johnston, who runs the Greenpeace laboratories at the University of Exeter[3] in Britain.
100% old paper
At the Roermond mill, bales of neatly stacked recovered paper fill several outside lots. The mill’s records show that it uses more than a million bales, or about 650,000 tons, a year.
Located in a heavily industrialized region straddling the Netherlands, Germany and Belgium, the mill has the advantage that used paper is plentiful and cheap. The region has high rates of paper use and recycling; the recycling rate in the Netherlands is as high as 80 percent.
In this respect, at least, European mills are better positioned than competitors in less developed countries like China: China does not have enough recycled paper to feed its many mills — even those producing packing paper, Professor Maloney said. “In order to use recycled fiber, you need a big population that provides the recycled waste,” he said.
The bales — typically about 1.5 meters square, or 16 feet square, of compressed paper tied with thick metal wire — are loaded on a conveyor belt and hoisted up three stories before being treated with hot water and dropped back to ground level in a machine called the pulper. Here the fiber is cleaned of contaminants ranging from metal paper clips to paper-coating plastics and waxes.
High-quality fuel
While the cleaned pulp and water mixture goes to the mill’s three paper machines, most of the nonfibrous waste is processed into a byproduct that the mill calls Rofire, a waxy-looking pellet that can be burned at an optimal temperature, in place of coal, in the furnaces of the limestone industry.
Mr. Cox cites the production of Rofire[4] as another waste loop closed, turning waste into fuel for another industry and an income stream for the mill, while saving some 20,000 tons of carbon dioxide emissions that would have been produced by burning coal, according to the mill’s calculations.
Applications for residual flows[5]
The mill also claims to have been the first in Europe to install air-tight waste sludge processing tanks, some 30 years ago, to make biogas from the sludge left behind by the paper manufacturing process. The biogas, produced when anaerobic bacteria break down carbohydrates in the organic sludge, is burned to heat a steam-making boiler. “A paper mill has superb possibilities, you just have to link them,” said Mr. Cox. Another of these links happened when the mill’s innovation and development department became aware that nearby farmers were throwing out the starch that collected in large tanks where potatoes were cut. The mill figured how to skim the potato starch off the surface water and use it to make paper.
“If it’s not suitable to eat or for animals to eat,” Mr. Nabuurs, the manager, said, “we can use it for paper.”
Christopher F. Schuetze, The Circular Economy of Recycled Paper, in: New York Times - 18.11.2014 https://www.nytimes.com/2014/11/19/business/energy-environment/closing-the-loop-on-recycled-paper.html?referringSource=articleShare
[1] https://www.smurfitkappa.com/be/nl/locations/netherlands/smurfit-kappa-roermond-papier Started in 1937 and therefore already more than 80 years of experience with paper. In 2020, the cmpany annually produces 635,000 tons of recycled paper from over 1.3 million bales of waste paper, which is the basis for corrugated cardboard packaging. We do this continuously together with more than 285 people, who work partly in day shifts and partly in continuous shifts. [2] Aalto University is a community of bold thinkers where science and art meet technology and business. It builds a sustainable future by creating novel solutions to major global challenges. The Department of Bioproducts and Biosystems (Bio2) is at the forefront of forest products technologies and cutting-edge biotechnology. Ultimately, the activities in Bio2 result in innovative products and solutions for applications ranging from construction and textiles to biomaterials, energy and biomedicine. https://www.aalto.fi/en/department-of-bioproducts-and-biosystems [3] Research aimed at discovering how chemical pollutants are distributed through the environment and are affecting the world is being carried out by scientists working with the international organisation Greenpeace, based within the University of Exeter. The team of scientists affiliated with the College of Life and Environmental Sciences, conduct research which shapes environmental policies across the world. https://researchandinnovation.co.uk/collaborator/greenpeace/ [4] https://www.smurfitkappa.com/be/nl/locations/netherlands/smurfit-kappa-roermond-papier/duurzaam-ondernemen We produce a high-quality fuel, Rofire®, from the non-paper residues of the waste paper (such as plastic, rope and wood). This is used elsewhere as an alternative to coal and provides CO2 savings of 20,000 tons per year. [5] https://www.smurfitkappa.com/be/nl/locations/netherlands/smurfit-kappa-roermond-papier/duurzaam-ondernemen
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asfeedin · 4 years
Father’s Day Gift Guide | Serious Eats
Father’s Day Gift Guide | Serious Eats
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Le Creuset Cake Stand
If you’ve ever been given a homemade birthday cake, return the favor by buying your favorite baker this iconic cake stand. Its heavy base keeps cakes secure and makes all types of decorating techniques a breeze.
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Magnetic Knife Rack
Not only do magnetic knife strips save space, they also look pretty badass hanging on your wall. They’ll keep your knives from rubbing up against other utensils, which can make them dull (and can be dangerous, too).
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Egg Cups
Any dad who loves soft-boiled eggs deserves the perfect cup to eat them from. These sturdy stoneware Le Creuset cups come in a range of beautiful colors. They’re totally classic, which is a good thing because they’ll also last for generations to come.
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Kitchen-Helper Stool
Daniel’s one-and-a-half-year-old son has a new and urgent interest in whatever’s happening up on the kitchen counter that he can’t see. He begs to be picked up, but that means Daniel can cook with only one hand, which, while kind of, sort of, maybe possible, is extremely difficult. Plus, the kid is heavy. It’s time to add a learning tower to the kitchen so he can stand and watch, sometimes even help, while Daniel continues to get dinner ready. This one is great because it folds up for easy storage.
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Taketsuru Pure Malt Japanese Whisky
Anyone who appreciates Scotch (or good spirits in general) will embrace Nikka’s exquisite whiskies. The Taketsuru Pure Malt is named for the company’s founder, who studied in Scotland before bringing whisky distilling back to Japan. This bottling has a slight fruity character, with lingering sherry on the finish.
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Meat Cleaver
This meat cleaver has a well-balanced weight, sharp edge, and solid construction—a boon since a lot of more-affordable cleavers like this one feel very cheap and after repeat use get wobbly around the handle.
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Smeg Toaster
After years of putting up with a cheap toaster that I picked up at the supermarket, I recently upgraded to this super fancy Italian job in cool mint. It’s sleek design and soothing pastel color transform the kitchen’s most boring appliance into a statement piece, and it really does a good job with the toast itself. Plus, I mean, it’s really dang pretty. If nothing else, you owe it to yourself to read this toaster’s priceless reviews.
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Simple Coffee Maker
The Bonavita is one of the faster models we tested, and it earned high scores in nearly all of our tastings. A single switch governs all of its operations, making the brewing process incredibly simple.
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Wüsthof Classic Carving Knife
This knife features an extremely sharp edge; a well-balanced, comfortable handle; and plenty of flexibility. It carves through roast turkey like butter, leaving very little meat stuck to the bones. It has a composite handle and a full tang to offer balance and support, with a bolster that is lightly angled and slim enough to make gripping the blade easy.
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REC TEC Wood Pellet Grill
REC TEC offers high-quality pellet smokers featuring excellent digital controllers and sturdy construction. With a 40-pound pellet hopper, a 680-square-inch cook surface, and nine inches of headroom, the REC TEC 680 is a large, smartly constructed pellet smoker. It also looks awesome.
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12-Inch Stainless-Steel Locking Tongs
Indoors, I prefer the control that a shorter, seven- or nine-inch set of tongs gives me. When flipping a dozen steaks over a blazing-hot fire, though, it’s better to keep your distance. I use these OXO Good Grips Stainless Steel Tongs at home, and their solid construction has lasted for a good six years of heavy (and I mean heavy) use so far.
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Culina Stainless Steel Grilling Basket
A good grill basket should be durable, with a tight enough weave to allow very small foods to be cooked without risk of getting lost. Finally, it’s worth hunting down one that’s sizable enough to cook large batches of food in one go. One of our favorites is the simple Culina stainless steel basket. The metal mesh keeps even the smallest food items up on the grill grate where they belong. You can even toast or smoke nuts in it.
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Set of Two Rectangular Grill Grates
If you’ve ever used a gas grill and grown frustrated with unfixable hot and cool spots and overall weak performance, this tool is for you. Made from hard anodized aluminum, the GrillGrate system sits directly on your existing grate, amplifying and evening out the heat, which allows for more even cooking, flare-up resistance, and exceptional sear marks.
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A Nice Apron
There’s form, and then there’s function. The aprons from Tilit are great on both fronts. Made from waxed cotton, they offer breathability along with water resistance, but they’re also damned handsome. Several NYC restaurants have commissioned custom apron designs from the company for their chefs and cooks, and I’m pretty psyched to wear one of these bad boys at home, too.
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My Mexico City Kitchen: Recipes and Convictions
Mexico City is one of Sasha’s favorite cities in the world, and he’s traveled there a fair amount with his family. They always make sure to have lunch at Chef Gabriela Cámara’s restaurant Contramar when they’re in the DF. Her food is bright, light, and absolutely delicious, and her newly published cookbook is everything.
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Presto Tilt-N-Fold Griddle
Presto’s Tilt-n-Fold model is very simple to set up and operate, and it has a compact design that makes it easy to store in kitchen cabinets when not in use. It has a large, smooth, nonstick cooking surface that heats mostly evenly, can be set at an angle to drain grease, and is easy to clean. We love the price, too.
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KitchenAid Food Grinder Attachment
The great thing about buying a meat grinder attachment is that you already know that the hardest-working part of your grinder—the motor—is going to be a workhorse that can power through even the toughest grinding projects. Stand mixer attachments are a great option if you make a lot of sausage. You can grind the meat directly into the bowl, then attach the bowl to the machine and immediately start mixing it with the paddle to develop protein. It’s a real time-saver.
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La Venenosa Sierra de Jalisco Raicilla
If your dad likes to be on the cutting edge of what’s cool, impress him with a whole type of spirits he may not have tried. Raicilla is distilled from agave, like tequila and mezcal, but few people have heard of it, since it only entered American markets in 2014. Sierra de Jalisco has a vibrant acidity, with earthy-fruity-vegetal elements playing around it. If Dad’s a fan of funky mezcals, he’ll enjoy raicilla’s incredible complexity.
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Affordable Mandoline Slicer
A great mandoline will rapidly make photo-worthy cuts of your favorite vegetables, whether it’s thin slices of radishes for a salad or potatoes for a gratin. This basic OXO slicer has three thickness settings and perches over a bowl to easily catch the slices as they fall.
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Brooklyn Bartender
If your dad has a taste for a well-made cocktail, but isn’t that likely to take off on a bar crawl in Brooklyn, this book is the perfect solution. It features 300 innovative and classic drink recipes from the best bars of the borough; every cocktail I’ve made so far has been killer. The drinks Carey Jones has selected aren’t dumbed down at all, but, for the most part, you’re not looking at mile-long ingredient lists, either.
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World’s Fair Barbecue Rub
Ariel discovered this spice mix 11 years ago, and it’s still one of her favorite things to give as a gift. It’s a perfect blend of everyday ingredients (shallots, garlic, paprika, and sea salt), but with unusual flavor notes from grains of paradise. She buys it by the pound to dump on meat, seafood, and even eggs, but you can start by picking it up a reasonably sized jar or bag.
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Julep Cups
I don’t often recommend single-function items, but for the cocktail enthusiast, a couple of julep cups really are fun to have. There’s nothing like holding that metal cup frosted with ice on a blisteringly hot summer day—glass just doesn’t pull the effect off in the same way. If the recipient doesn’t have an ice crusher, check out my Lewis bag suggestion as well.
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PDT Cocktails App
At drink o’clock, wefind myself turning to this app. Enter all the bottles you have at home when you start, and the app will tell you all of the drinks you can make, with recipes straight from New York’s famous PDT cocktail lounge. You can also search for drinks of a certain type or cocktails created by a favorite bartender, and save favorites for making again. (To give an app as a gift, look for the arrow to the right of the “buy” icon.)
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The Food Lab: Better Home Cooking Through Science
A New York Times best seller! The Food Lab: Better Home Cooking Through Science by J. Kenji López-Alt is his column from this very website, blown up to 900-plus pages (and seven-plus pounds) of concentrated culinary science. Gorgeous color photos, detailed how-tos, and elaborate explainers cover ingredients, technique, gear, and the secrets of the universe underneath it all. May include puns.
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Big Ice Cube Tray
If you like your whiskey with a giant ice cube, then you’ll really be into Mammoth Cubes—unlike ice cube trays from current competitor brands, these make eight cubes (not six) and are actually stackable, so they don’t require a section unto themselves in your freezer.
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Wooden Pizza Peel for Launching Pizzas
Wooden peels absorb excess moisture and have a rougher surface than metal, which means that your stretched and topped pizza dough will remain loose and easy to launch far longer, saving you from potential pizza-spilled-all-over-the-oven accidents. Though there are cheaper options around, I love my Perfect Peel Baker’s Board, handcrafted to last a lifetime from gorgeous solid cherrywood. They’ll even put your initials or logo on it if you’d like!
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Espresso Cups
Espresso cups make a nice gift on their own for coffee fiends. But when they’re Le Creuset, they’re even better—mostly because everything from the French heritage brand is aesthetically pleasing and built to last. Oh, and these cups might be the most affordable Le Creuset pieces on the market. So, if you want in on the trend for a moderate price, they make a good starter item.
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Lever Corkscrew
The OXO worked on every bottle and cork we tested it with. The two-step motion—push down, then pull up—yanks the cork out in about two seconds. Repeat the process, and the cork drops free of the opener. The capable foil cutter clips into the body of the tool.
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Now & Again: Go-To Recipes, Inspired Menus + Endless Ideas for Reinventing Leftovers
This cookbook by Julia Turshen, author of Small Victories and Feed the Resistance, is full of simple, delicious meals for everyday eating, parties, and holidays. Better yet, each one includes a bunch of suggestions for how to remake it as leftovers. It’s a trove of great, creative ideas, and a must for any bookworm.
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Misen Chef’s Knife
This is the holy grail of inexpensive chef’s knives: incredible quality and design, high-end materials, perfect balance, and a razor-sharp edge.
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Uuni 2S Pizza Oven
There are a lot of custom-designed pizza ovens out there in various price ranges. I reviewed a bunch of them, and one of my favorites was the Uuni 3. It consists of a small stainless steel box with a pizza stone set inside it. You load up a hopper on the rear of the unit with wood pellets, light it up with a torch or lighter fluid, and let it preheat. About 15 minutes later, you’re ready to cook. This little powerhouse hits temperatures in excess of 900°F and bakes up Neapolitan-sized pizzas in just 60 to 90 seconds.
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Serving bowl
There’s no such thing as too many serving bowls, and this simple two-tone piece goes with virtually everything. At 11.5 inches across, it’s the perfect size for dad’s favorite side dishes; in my house, it’s go-to for salads, roasted vegetables, mashed potatoes, and pasta.
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AeroGarden Harvest
Cooking with fresh herbs makes every recipe better. Cooking with fresh herbs that you grew all by yourself makes life better. The AeroGarden takes the guesswork out of growing herbs inside, with an automated light to keep your parsley and thyme thriving and weekly reminders for water and nutrients. Just prepare yourself for epic amounts of basil.
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Welding Gloves for Grilling
After countless failed grilling mitts, we got ourselves a pair of welding gloves to use when grilling or smoking and never looked back. With great heat protection, dexterity, and construction, these are a necessity for every backyard cook.
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Chocolate-Hazelnut Spread
Marco Colzani is a great Italian bean-to-bar chocolate maker, with a number of excellent products under his brand, Amaro. But it’s his spreads that have Ed addicted, particularly the Cacao Nocciole, or hazelnut-and-chocolate variety. Imagine a Nutella-like substance, but made with the freshest roasted hazelnuts and extra-chocolaty high-quality cocoa powder.
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Zojirushi Rice Cooker
A couple years ago, I managed to convince my wife of the necessity of buying a rice cooker. Not just any rice cooker: a Zojirushi. The only concession I was willing to make had to do with the size, since she wisely noted that we didn’t have the counter space for any rice cooker at all, let alone the kind of rice cooker that I had in mind. So I bought a little guy that fits, max, three cups of rice, but really is only usable for about two and a half. She’s since come around to the indisputable excellence of the cooker, and she loves everything about it, from the wonderful rice it makes to the “Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star” it plays when you turn it on.
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Small Baking Steel Griddle
These days, I keep this solid slab of steel permanently atop one of the burners of my stove. One side has a pebbled surface—ideal for getting extra-crisp, better-than-a-baking-stone crust on homemade pizzas. And, unlike a baking stone, this thing is going to last forever. The griddle arrives as shiny steel, but with just a few uses, it seasons up into a dark, slick nonstick surface that Dad can use for pancakes, eggs, hamburgers, grilled cheese, and more.
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KitchenAid Pasta Attachment
This is hands down the KitchenAid attachment I use most often. It takes all of the frustration and fussiness out of making fresh pasta, and, unlike the manual alternatives out there, it’s incredibly easy and efficient to operate on your own. Hello, homemade ravioli!
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Mediterranean Power Snacks Gift Box
There’s nothing worse than a hangry family member. Make sure Dad always has a snack on hand with this Mediterranean-themed gift box, brimming with Spanish snacks like chorizo, crunchy almonds, crackers, and fig cake.
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Ruhlman and Polcyn do a great job of demystifying one of the more abstruse cooking arts, and, while charcuterie may seem daunting, it can be gratifyingly easy. Start simple, with the pancetta, confit, rillettes, and duck prosciutto, and you’ll find yourself with a mold-inoculated curing chamber in no time.
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The One True Barbecue
Race relations, religion, the New South versus the Old: These are just a smattering of the heavy issues Rien Fertel writes about through the lens of—well—smoked meat in this new book. And, while you might be thinking, “Oh, man, another book about barbecue?”, this one stands out from the crowd thanks to Fertel’s superb writing and storytelling skills. In a book that’s part culinary history, part personal narrative, and part tale of an American road trip, Fertel travels throughout the South, documenting the men who have long stood behind the fires practicing the time-consuming pursuit of whole hog barbecue—the ones who have been keeping alive the embers of what once seemed like a dying art, and the ones who are inspiring a new generation of pitmasters today.
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Mastering Pasta: The Art and Practice of Handmade Pasta, Gnocchi, and Risotto
If you’re looking for one definitive primer on pasta-making in its myriad forms, this is it: Superlative step-by-step photographs take the guesswork out of potentially intimidating fundamentals, like mixing and kneading dough, as well as more intricate tasks, like pleating teardrops of corn- and cheese-stuffed culurgiònes. Better yet, author Marc Vetri arms you with the tools and knowledge that allow for controlled, intelligent experimentation and exploration before sending you into the fray.
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Ice Cream Maker
Homemade ice cream tastes better than almost anything you can buy in a store, and it’s a snap to make. This ice cream maker, from Cuisinart, is all the gear you need: an easy-to-use workhorse that makes delicious ice cream every time. The simple construction means that there are few moving parts to break, and the wide mouth at the top makes it simple to add mix-ins and scoop out your ice cream when it’s at its fresh, creamy best.
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Salt Cellar
Proper seasoning is one of the most important parts of cooking, and if you’re still using plain table salt from (heaven forbid!) a saltshaker, you’re shooting yourself in the food. Using kosher salt from a salt cellar lets you feel exactly how much salt is getting into your food, whether it’s a tiny pinch or a big ol’ wallop.
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Lewis Bag
If you’re following my advice to buy someone julep cups, you might as well go all the way and grab a canvas Lewis bag, too: It’s used to smash ice into a fine powder with a mallet. Unless, of course, the person you’re buying for already has an ice crusher.
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Vacuum Sealer
Know someone who’s interested in sous vide cooking? They’re gonna want this. And it’s handy for way more than just sous vide cooking. A vacuum sealer makes it really easy to save meats or other foods in the freezer, and it keeps air (read: freezer burn) off it all. The Oliso sealer uses a unique resealable-bag system, which means far less wasted plastic than a conventional cut-and-seal vacuum sealer.
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Electric Countertop Pressure Cooker
A pressure cooker is a cooking vessel that just keeps on giving: Once you discover the time-saving feats it’s capable of, you’ll never look back. The good ones aren’t cheap, but man, is it ever worth having one. A countertop electric model gives you set-it-and-forget-it convenience. With the Breville Fast Slow Pro Cooker, not only do you have complete control over your pressure cooking (including any pressure level from 1.5 to 12 psi), you also have a slow cooker and a rice cooker built right in. It’ll even sear meat for stews.
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Wusthof Classic Chef’s Knife
If you’re dead set on a traditional German knife profile—characterized by a more curved blade that’s bigger and heavier than the Japanese options—the Wüsthof Classic continues to be a stalwart. It weighs more than most of the other knives tested, giving it a solid and sturdy feel, but it still handles well and has a sharp edge.
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Introduction to Japanese Cuisine: Nature, History and Culture
The Japanese Culinary Academy has released a series of textbooks about Japanese cuisine and technique, and every one of them is gorgeous. It’s the ideal gift for a dad with an interest in Japanese cooking.
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Cynar 70
Cynar (pronounced chee-NAHR) is often identified by the artichoke on the label, but that’s just one of the many flavors you’ll find in this complex liqueur. And, while we’re fans of the rich, sweet, and vegetal 1950s original, we’re really excited about the new Cynar on the block. Cynar 70 is 35% alcohol instead of 16.5%, and the extra booze makes a marked difference, rendering the liqueur a bit less sweet and accentuating its bold, spicy flavors. If Dad likes Negronis or other bitter drinks, this is a great choice for a gift.
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Dyson Handheld Vacuum
Dad keeps his kitchen spotless because even just one crumb will summon all those Florida critters. This handheld vacuum (which I have, use, and swear by myself) ensures zero crumbs left behind, whether it’s hanging in that small space under the dishwasher or the crevice between the stove and the cabinets.
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Anova Precision Cooker
Sous vide cooking—cooking foods in vacuum-sealed pouches in precisely controlled water baths—is no longer relegated to fancy restaurant kitchens. The Anova Precision Cooker is the best home water-bath controller on the market, with an easy-to-use interface, Bluetooth support, rock-solid construction, a sleek look, and an affordable price tag to boot.
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Anson Mills Grits
It may sound nuts to mail-order cornmeal and grits, given that they’re found on any supermarket shelf. But I’d argue that you haven’t experienced the best cornbread, grits, or other classic Southern dishes until you’ve had them made with the kind of high-quality stuff Anson Mills is selling. It’ll change how you understand those foods and what they can be.
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ThermoWorks Thermapen
The Cadillac of kitchen thermometers is indispensable when roasting meat, cooking steaks, making candy, deep-frying, or at any other time precise temperature control is needed. With a big display and a blazing-fast measuring time of under two seconds, you won’t find a better, easier-to-use thermometer out there.
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Baratza Virtuoso Coffee Grinder
It’s not exactly cheap, but this burr grinder does an admirable job of grinding coffee for espresso, pourover, or drip, all at a significantly lower price point than similarly performing competitors.
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Craighill Trophy Bottle Opener
We wouldn’t normally spend $9 on a bottle opener, let alone $95. But this beautiful creation from Craighill, made by Niki’s good friend from college, is both sculptural and functional, just as the website proclaims. When it’s not opening bottles, use it to decorate your coffee or dining table, or even as a paperweight on your desk.
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Weber Spirit E330 Liquid Propane Gas Grill
The Spirit E330 was introduced last year to replace the E320. The two models are identical except that the 330 adds a 7,500-BTU sear burner between the left and middle main burners. Sear burners are one of our favorite extras for gas grills. You’ll love turning this baby up to 11 when searing steaks and burgers.
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Miracle-Gro Twelve Indoor Growing System
After previously lauding Aerogardens for how easy they make it to grow herbs at home (and how having a constant supply of fresh herbs has changed her cooking), Ariel’s upgraded to this larger system from Miracle-Gro. The increased size—it’s about as big as a side table—and bright lights allow you to grow a bounty of lettuces, herbs, and other greens, and you can program the app to turn the lights off and on according to your schedule. An expensive but excellent gift for anyone who loves fresh produce and fears their own black thumbs.
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Leave-In Dual-Probe Thermometer
The Smoke is designed for grillers and barbecuers, but it’s a precise two-probe thermometer that can be calibrated and is just as handy indoors. Use the meat probe to gauge the temperature inside a roast and the ambient probe to track the smoker or grill’s temperature.
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I’m a sucker for bentos, tiffins, and other tidy ways to carry lunch to the office, and the fact that I don’t technically have an office to carry lunch to anymore has only slightly dampened my enthusiasm. This two-layer tiffin is neat and attractive without being too cutesy, and it’s small enough that it won’t occupy too much space in a shared fridge. In the warmer months, it’ll do just as well for packing sandwiches and individual portions of salad or fresh fruit for a picnic.
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Beefeater Burrough’s Reserve Gin
Burrough’s Reserve is a rare thing indeed: a gin you can enjoy neat. It’s distilled in founder James Burrough’s original copper pot still, then rested in barrels that once held the aromatic aperitif wine Lillet, picking up a light straw color and a touch of oak. The barrel-aging mellows the familiar juniper-citrus character of Beefeater just a bit, for a spirit that’s smooth and satisfying. It makes a superior Martini or Vesper, but it may be at its most appealing served solo in a chilled glass.
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Pistachio Spread
Since first getting his hands on a jar of this pistachio spread, Sasha hasn’t shut up about it. Made from Sicilian pistachios, olive oil, sugar, and sea salt, it’s sweet, slightly salty, incredibly creamy, and just flat-out delicious. While it’s not cheap, this is one of those specialty products that are actually worth the price tag, and it makes a great gift. Spread it on bread, drizzle it over ice cream, or just eat it by the spoonful straight from the jar.
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Stainless Steel Food Scale With Pull-Out Display
A good digital scale is an essential tool for bakers or home charcuterie makers. The OXO Food Scale comes with an easy-to-clean removable stainless steel weighing surface, great accuracy and precision, and a pullout backlit display to make measuring simple, even for large or unwieldy items.
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Mixing Glass
This hand-blown and -etched mixing glass from Japan looks stunning on a bar cart and even better in action, whether you’re stirring a Negroni, a Martini, or a Manhattan. Mixing glasses made from two parts joined together sometimes split at the seam, but this version, made in one piece with a beaker-like spout, can stand up to heavy use.
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Stovetop Pressure Cooker
I tested dozens of stovetop pressure cookers before settling on Kuhn Rikon’s Duromatic. It has a heavy sandwiched-aluminum-and-steel base that gives you even heat and a pressure gauge that makes telling exactly how much pressure has built up inside visual and intuitive.
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Tojiro Fujitora Honesuki
Over the course of his career, Daniel has slowly built up a decent collection of both traditional and Western-style Japanese knives. Next on his list is a honesuki—a small, triangular butchery knife that tapers to a fine point. It’s designed for breaking down chickens and other small pieces of meat. The blade isn’t meant to cut through bone, but instead to deftly slide through meat and connective tissue, and carve its way between joints.
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Best Poultry Shears
Oxo’s poultry shears include an easy to engage and disengage locking mechanism, a looped handle that won’t allow greasy hands to slip when squeezing hard, and a take-apart hinge for thorough cleaning. But what really makes it our top pick is that it’s one of the only pairs of shears we tested that can both snip through squirmy skin and cleave through bone. If poultry shears can’t do that, you might as well not own a pair.
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Sant’Eustachio Whole Coffee Beans
Sant’Eustachio is a coffee-bar institution in the center of Rome, and it’s where Sasha’s life as a coffee drinker began when he was a kid. The baristi at Sant’Eustachio perform coffee alchemy at espresso machines outfitted with custom-made metal partitions that keep their methods secret from curious onlooking customers. He always tries to bring back a bag of Sant’Eustachio coffee for his father every time he visits the Eternal City, but now he can just order some online. How convenient!
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Rice, Noodle, Fish
Warning: Reading this book might lead to the purchase of some very expensive plane tickets. The Roads & Kingdoms crew will get you hungry for a journey to Japan: for onigiri basted with chicken fat, juicy one-bite gyoza, milky-white tonkotsu ramen broth, and briny sea urchin. Is Japan the best place on earth to eat? This book will convince you that it is.
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Buttery Popcorn Seasoning
Ariel’s dad has long been a movie-theater-popcorn fanatic—he’s been known to go into the theater just to get popcorn, then leave. This popcorn seasoning will cut out the middleman, allowing her dad to make his very own cinema-worthy popcorn right at home.
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Dark-Chocolate Sea Salt Almonds
You can find dark chocolate and almonds combined in any number of candy bars. What distinguishes these delicious nuggets from Nuts.com is the generous sprinkling of sea salt embedded in the thick chocolate shell. Just be sure not to open them for a taste—once you’ve had one, the rest will never make it to Dad.
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Insulated Beverage Bottle
The Hydro Flask is designed to keep water cold for hours on end, but its vacuum-insulated walls don’t discriminate between beverages: The 32-ounce flask can also accommodate a full bottle of wine, or a big batch of margaritas. It’s ideal for picnics and trips to the beach, no matter what you’re drinking.
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Cast Iron Skillet
Old cast iron has a perfectly smooth nonstick surface that’s surprisingly easy to maintain. You can sear, bake, roast, braise, stew, and deep-fry in it, and there’s nothing more thoughtful than a gift that you have to expend a bit of effort to find (check out eBay, yard sales, and flea markets). Of course, these modern Lodge pans will do in a pinch if vintage isn’t in the cards.
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Frankies 457 Olive Oil
Fancy olive oil always makes a good gift, but there’s a difference between fancy olive oil and good fancy olive oil. The house oil from Frankies 457 Sputino in Brooklyn is delicious (i.e. great on fresh bread and in dishes), is DOC cerified, and comes in a nice tin that prevents the light from spoiling the product.
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Metal Pizza Peel for Retrieving Pizzas
Wooden pizza peels are too thick to easily slide under a pie once it’s hit the oven; for that, you’ll want a thin-bladed metal peel. A thin-gauge aluminum peel is just fine for the occasional baker, but it’ll bend and warp eventually. If you’re going to be making pizza multiple times a year for many years to come, you might want to spring for something heavy-duty. I use the KettlePizza Pro Peel, which has a thick-gauge aluminum body that extends fully past the solid teakwood handle.
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Whiskey Set
For the last few years, I’ve taken to buying my dad a nice bottle of whiskey for most special occassions. This year, I’ll be staying on theme, but changing things up by giving him something a bit longer lasting. This whiskey set from Snowe is durable and elegant, and I know it’ll get serious use in the years to come.
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Cuisinart Blender
The Cuisinart is an easy-to-use, powerful blender that aced many of our tests. This model’s dashboard is intuitive, and it features a built-in timer that counts down for you or can be programmed to stop after a certain number of seconds.
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Diaspora Co. Turmeric
This turmeric is as bright as a bar of gold, with a lovely, sleek label to match. Apart from the high-quality turmeric and nice packaging, the spice comes with a feel-good story: Diaspora Co. is run by queer women of color, and each jar purchased puts a much-higher-than-average amount of money back into the turmeric farmer’s hands.
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Food Dehydrator
Elazar’s dad has always been into gardening, but recently he found a way to actually use all of the produce he grows. Since he got an Excalibur dehydrator a few years ago, he’s put more or less everything he grows through it. That means Elazar gets sent bags of dehydrated tomatoes, apple and pear slices, and more. This is a great gift for any dads who love to garden—or make jerky! Plus, if you’re lucky, you’ll start getting gift baskets from them.
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Wine Fridge
Take it from us: Living in hot urban apartments makes storing age-worthy wines nearly impossible, unless you don’t mind risking the life of a pricey Burgundy by putting it through years of extreme temperature swings. Anyone with an interest in building even a modest collection of special-occasion bottles should get a wine fridge. It’s a small investment that protects your real investment.
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Le Creuset Wooden Scraping Spoon
I have a problem with wooden spoons. I collect them like nobody’s business. But there are a few I always turn back to, and this one, from Le Creuset, is one of them. It’s gorgeous to look at; it has a flat front, which makes it great for scraping up fond or stirring vegetables; and it’s got a smooth, ergonomic grip that makes using it a joy.
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Roccbox Outdoor Pizza Oven
The Roccbox is an incredible little oven with simple, reliable operation, whether you’re using gas, wood, or charcoal to fire it. It consistently hits wood-fired-oven temperatures and maintains them for as long as you are cooking, with no fussing or babysitting, which means Dad can spend more time enjoying pizza with his friends and family and less time coddling a temperamental flame.
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Island Creek Oysters by Mail
Few things get me as excited as a good raw bar, but most of the time, I eat far fewer than I want because, after the first couple dozen oysters or so, it just gets to be too expensive. That’s even truer when the oysters are top-notch, like the briny little suckers from Island Creek up in Massachusetts. But here’s the good news: You can order Island Creek’s oysters online by the 50- or 100-count for much less than they cost at most restaurants and have them in your hands the next day for an at-home shucking extravaganza. (Obviously, it helps to learn to shuck first.)
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High-Output Torch
Forget those puny kitchen torches designed to make crème brûlée for ants. If you want some serious torching power in the kitchen, for putting the final touch on fancy desserts or for finishing off a sous vide steak, you want a high-output torch like this one. You’ll get a deeper char than you’ll ever be able to get from using a skillet alone.
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Fixed-Cup Spice Grinder
The sleek and minimalist design of the Krups means it’s easy to hold, handle, and store—perfect for anyone tight on space. Even without a removable bowl, cleanup is a cinch because spices never get trapped beneath the blade, and there are no unnecessary ridges or notches to clog with spices. The one-touch operation makes it easy to use, and it quickly yields a fine and consistent grind in both large, tough spices and smaller seeds.
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Belgian Waffle Maker
Waffles are a pretty big deal in my family, and my dad knows full well that when I gift him kitchen equipment, I plan to use it whenever I come to visit (whether that’s buttermilk waffles on a whim, or a well-timed batch of yeast raised waffles on Christmas morning). Plus, my dad’s no stranger to the kitchen, so that iron will see plenty of use through the years.
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Breville Smoking Gun
At home, my mom usually does all the cooking, so when my dad takes a crack at dinner it’s really an event. Without the burden of having cook every night, he’s like a kid at an amusment park, gleefully breaking out the pressure cooker and dusting off the blow torch. The smoking gun will make the perfect addition to his rowdy dive into the culinary world. It allows you to easily smoke anything indoors with just the flip of a switch. Equipped with an assorment of wood chips, the smoking gun offers instant dad-fun right out of the box. I can see it now—there’s probably going to be smoked dal along with smoked chana masala and smoked raitha at the next “dad” dinner.
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Pizza Wheel
When it comes to portioning pizza, a knife simply won’t cut it. At least, not if you don’t want to drag cheese and toppings all over the place. For my money, nothing beats a traditional pizza wheel.
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Tacos: Recipes and Provocations
My good friend Jordana Rothman cowrote this thoughtful ode to tacos with chef Alex Stupak, and it’s a must-have for anyone ready to take a deep dive into corn, masa, tortillas, and everything—modern and traditional—you can stuff into them.
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Meathead: The Science of Great Barbecue and Grilling
In this book, Meathead Goldwyn, the founder of AmazingRibs.com, distills decades of research on the art and science of barbecue and grilling into a single volume that shows not just the best ways to take food to live fire, but why the techniques work. Far more than a recipe book alone (though there are tons of bulletproof recipes), this text will teach Dad the hard-tested fundamentals of outdoor cooking, giving him the confidence to cook anything, even without a recipe. The myth-busting and equipment tips alone were enough to get me hooked.
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R. Murphy Duxbury Oyster Knife
I’ve used many, many oyster knives in my life, and the R. Murphy Duxbury knife is my hands-down favorite. It has a fat, grippy handle that’s easy to wield, and a short blade that tapers to a point and always manages to find the sweet spot on an oyster’s hinge. Pop! The slightly sharpened blade edges make slicing through the muscle and removing the top shell as smooth as butter.
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The Chili Cookbook
This isn’t just a chili cookbook. Robb Walsh digs deep into the beloved dish’s ancestry, tracing threads through Mexico City, San Antonio, and Santa Fe—as you might expect—but also Hungary, Greece, and the Canary Islands (off the coast of North Africa). Walsh is one of food writing’s best storytellers, so the book is satisfying even if you never whip out your Dutch oven and get cooking. You should, though: The fascinating tale is best enjoyed with a big bowl of chili con carne. (Walsh’s recipe from El Real in Houston is killer.)
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Snow Leopard Vodka
Snow Leopard stands out among vodkas for its texture—distilled from spelt, it’s fuller-bodied and richer-tasting than most vodkas. It makes for a pleasantly weighty martini.
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Marble and Acacia Wood Cake Stand
Like a pretty Bundt pan, a beautiful cake stand has an aesthetic value of its own, even without a cake—but present it with your giftee’s favorite cake on top, and it will also be a nice reminder of the day.
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Misono UX10 Chef’s Knife
A deft and nimble blade, Misono’s UX10 is one of the lightest-weight knives we tested. It’s razor-sharp right out of the box and handled every task we threw at it with ease, dicing an onion as if it were as soft as a blob of Jell-O and making paper-thin slices of smoked salmon as if the knife were a true slicer.
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Fancy Glass Pitcher
I actually received this classic Waterford pitcher as a wedding gift, and it’s become a workhorse in my home. When I’m not using it to decant wine, it’s hard at work serving cocktails, ice water, and juices. And in between any special occasion, you can drop in some fresh flowers and use it as a vase.
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Beyond Curry Indian Cookbook: A Culinary Journey Through India
Indian food has a reputation for being difficult and time-consuming, with hard-to-find ingredients and new techniques. I get it. It’s intimidating. But in this book, Serious Eater Denise D’silva Sankhé breaks Indian cooking down into simple techniques that any home cook can master to produce amazingly flavorful dishes with minimal effort. Over the course of more than 100 recipes, Denise introduces us to simple cooking from every region of India, focusing on home-style dishes that move well beyond the world of curries. I’m also super stoked that she includes notes with every recipe on whether it’s vegan, vegetarian, and/or allergy-friendly.
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Zahav: A World of Israeli Cooking
I’ve never been to Zahav, the Philadelphia restaurant where Michael Solomonov serves his Israeli cuisine, but its namesake book has nevertheless changed the way I cook. If Dad still cooks the occasional meal for you, you might point him toward the hummus tahini recipe, which includes a novel technique for incorporating garlic and lemon that alone is worth the price of admission. I’ve loved the Yemenite beef soup (and the accompanying hot sauce), his wide focus on vegetarian-friendly dishes, and a host of homemade condiments that will elevate almost any meal, even if you don’t follow the full recipes from the book.
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I don’t mind baking with supermarket chocolate bars, but when it comes to snacking I’d rather spring for the good stuff—especially when it comes to my dad. He’s decidedly a “bite of dark chocolate after dinner” kinda guy, which means every bite needs to count, and that’s where this stack of single origin chocolates comes in. It’s a fun way to explore the world of chocolate, and learn how different beans and countries of origin can impact its taste. Plus, I can steal some when he’s not looking.
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Green Mountain Grills Davy Crockett Pellet Grill (Wifi Enabled)
Surprisingly, many of the portable pellet smokers out there still have an antiquated LMH controller, while Davy Crockett employs Green Mountain’s advanced digital touch-pad controller, with an integrated meat thermometer that lets you check internal meat temp with the flick of a switch.
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Breville Crispy Pizza Oven
If our rice cooker got it on with a Roomba, we imagine their offspring might look a bit like the new Breville Crispy Crust countertop pizza oven. It’s a new plug-and-go appliance that promises “professional brick-oven results right in your own kitchen,” for about $150.
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Glass Tumblers
My dad lives in Florida and never drinks enough water. These little tumblers seem like the perfect compromise to get him to drink just enough to not get totally dehydrated every day. And if he refuses to fill them with water, at least he can use them for alcoholic beverages. The final plus: They stack, so they won’t take up too much space in his cabinets.
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Gin Mare
Friends have toted bottles of this fantastic gin back from Barcelona, but now you can buy it in the US. Macerated with Arbequina olives, thyme, rosemary, and basil, along with cardamom and coriander, it’s remarkably creamy, savory, and spicy. It makes for a wonderfully aromatic Martini and a super-complex, earthy G&T.
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GelPro Floor Mat
If you love to cook and host parties, you’ll know that a lot of prep time is spent on your feet. Why not make at least the cooking part a bit more comfortable with one of these gel mats? It’ll provide some nice cushion under your feet, so when it’s time to put on your party shoes, you’ll be ready.
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The Glenrothes Triple Pack Gift Set
Why give your dad one Scotch when you can give him three? This gift set includes three 100-milliliter bottles. A combination of 10 vintages from 1989 through 2007, the Vintage Reserve is mellow and fruity, the range of young and older whiskies contributing both bright, fresh citrus on the one hand and rich, oaky elements on the other. Sherry Cask (aged, as the name might suggest, in used sherry butts) leans toward dried fruit, and the Bourbon Cask (aged in bourbon barrels) toward creamy vanilla.
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The Cocktail Chronicles
Having The Cocktail Chronicles at your side is like having a friend who always knows a good drink recipe for whatever you’ve got on hand. It doesn’t talk your ear off or suggest something with a dozen ingredients. Instead, it shares classics, recent spins on classics, and drinks you’ve never heard of but can easily mix up and enjoy, and the introductions are never preachy or boring. This book will appeal to full-on cocktail fanatics and newbies alike; there’s something delicious on every page.
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Portable Kitchen Timer
I can’t tell you how many times I burn bread crumbs or forget about the nuts I’m toasting in the oven. At least, I used to. That was all before I got myself a couple of these easy-to-use, loud kitchen timers that I can hang around my neck, so I never forget about something in the kitchen, even if I leave the room.
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Cooking Coat
Aprons get all the attention, but they don’t protect your clothes nearly well enough, leaving large swaths of sleeves and shoulders exposed to spatters and stains. You could always put on a shirt you don’t care too much about before donning an apron, but a protective work coat like this keeps your clothes safe without requiring a complete costume change.
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Cuisinart ICE-21 Ice Cream Machine
The value-to-cost ratio on this lightweight model can’t be beat. It uses a pre-frozen, coolant-lined canister to chill down the ice cream base, eliminating the need for salt and ice or an expensive compressor. When properly frozen, the canister churns up in less time than any other model we tested, for creamy and smooth ice creams and other frozen desserts. This undemanding model has one button, a lid that easily snaps into place, and a small footprint for tight spaces.
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Carbon Steel Omelette Pan
A good carbon steel has many of the qualities that make cast iron great—it’s durable, it forms a completely nonstick surface if cared for properly, and it’s inexpensive—but it’s lighter and easier to maneuver than cast iron, making it great for sautéing and searing everyday foods.
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Espro Press P5
Thanks to a few simple innovations in the filter and beaker design, this French press fixes a few of the brewing device’s biggest drawbacks. The result is a cleaner batch of coffee that won’t accidentally over-steep.
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Good Kitchen Shears
A good pair of kitchen shears is one of those things that are hard to appreciate until you have them. Sure, there are all the obvious uses, like opening food packages with a snip and cutting up poultry, but that’s just the start. Take another look at those things. Yes, that’s right, they’re also a nutcracker. Aha, yup, and a bottle opener. Did you see the flathead screwdriver built into them? Handy, right? Oh, they can also be used to unscrew stubborn jar tops. They’re way more than just a pair of scissors. Plus, the two blades come fully apart, so you can wash them really well—no icky chicken juice hiding in the recesses. Isn’t avoiding salmonella poisoning a gift worth giving?
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6-Quart Instant Pot
The Instant Pot Duo60 is a fantastic value and performed almost as well as the top pick among countertop pressure cookers we tested. It’s easy to use, the company has a reputation for great customer service, and there’s an avid and helpful community of users online to boot.
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Unicorn Magnum Pepper Mill
I’ll admit it: I’m a pepper mill snob. I need my mill to produce a shower of evenly crushed peppercorns. I want to be able to control the size of those grains, from a rough crush to a fine powder. Not only that, I want my pepper mill to last. With a solid metal burr and a unique, easy-to-load design, this is my favorite pepper mill of all time.
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Cast Iron Combo Cooker
A combo cooker is the key to getting a gorgeous, shattering crust on homemade bread. It acts as its own little steam chamber, like what you’d find in a professional bread oven, and it costs way less than a kitchen renovation.
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OXO Good Grips Two-Piece Grilling Set
A quality spatula and tongs are essential for good grilling. Seek out ones with long handles, such as OXO’s two-piece grilling set, to keep your fingers as far from the heat as possible. The nearly flat, scalloped edge on the OXO tongs is especially appealing—it’s extra easy to slide the tongs under meat, vegetables, and other ingredients on the grill.
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Redbreast 15 Year Irish Whiskey
If Dad finds Scotch too smoky, bourbon too sweet, and rye too spicy, Irish whiskey is the ideal gift. Redbreast emerges from the barrels complex and substantial; some of the whiskey is aged in sherry casks, lending it a weight and dark hue, while some is aged in bourbon casks, imparting characteristic vanilla flavors. There’s a hint of fruit up front and spice on the finish.
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Countertop Seltzer Maker
Make your own seltzer water at home with this easy-to-use unit. It comes equipped with LED indicators displaying three levels of carbonation and a BPA-free bottle that locks into the unit with no twisting, and it requires no batteries or electricity to operate. This model fits 14.5-ounce and three-ounce CO2 cylinders, which can be traded in for just the cost of the gas at your local hardware or home-goods store.
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All-Clad Two-Quart Saucepan
This small 2-quart saucepan is perfect for making and warming sauces, cooking small portions of grain, and heating liquids.
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Japanese Nakiri Vegetable Knife
A good gift for dads who are knife-curious, a nakiri is a double-beveled knife typically used just for slicing vegetables. This one is all carbon steel, so it’s easy to sharpen on a whetstone and holds its edge well. On the other hand, it’s susceptible to rust, so it needs to be dried after each use and periodically wiped down with mineral oil. Given its price point, this nakiri is perfect for a cook who wants to experiment with specialty Japanese knives or with caring for a non–stainless steel blade.
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Precision Coffee Maker
While you can get it brewing with just the push of a button, the Breville offers layer upon layer of fine-tuned control for the coffee geek who wants to tweak brew variables. Finishing near the top of our taste tests, this spendy machine allows you to control brew-water temperature and time and the blooming phase. It can also make cold brew, and it’s compatible with popular pourover devices like the Hario V60 and Kalita Wave.
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Terra Cotta Cazuela
Daniel’s owned these terra cotta dishes in several sizes for many years now. They’re attractive enough to go straight from the oven to the table, and versatile enough to be used as baking dishes for cooked foods or as serving dishes for snacks when you’re hosting guests.
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Smuggler’s Cove
This remarkable book, from Martin and Rebecca Cate of San Francisco’s Smuggler’s Cove, traces the birth and evolution of exotic drinks and tiki bars—bars that embodied an American escapist fantasy. A lively exploration of our country’s drinking history (and the current tiki scene), it’s essential reading for rum lovers, offering the best categorization of the headspinning-ly diverse spirit that I’ve encountered. The Mai Tai recipe is great, too.
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Liquid Intelligence
Dave Arnold (you might know of his bar, Booker and Dax in NYC) won’t just accept the common assumptions about cocktail technique—his mission in this excellent book is to dig into the science of how the very best drinks are made. If your dad is the inquisitive type, and likes to host cocktail hour at home, this is a must-read for him.
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Chimney Starter
Lighter fluid is fun to play with, but it can impart an off flavor to your food. A chimney starter is faster, cleaner, more efficient, and better for the environment. It’s a tall metal cylinder with holes punched in it and a grate at the bottom for holding the charcoal. It works with the power of convection: When a lit newspaper is placed at the bottom, igniting the lowest coals, the hot air rises up, pulling fresh oxygen in through the vent holes and through the bottom. This constant supply of fresh oxygen, coupled with the fact that the metal efficiently reflects heat back toward the coals, means you require nothing more than a single piece of newspaper and a match to turn a full six quarts of coals into a roaring inferno within 20 minutes.
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ThermoWorks ThermoPop
In the inexpensive-thermometer department, the ThermoPop is the new kid on the block, but he comes in an impressive package. An easy-to-read display rotates at the touch of a button, so you don’t have to twist your head to read it. It takes a few seconds longer to read temperatures than its big brother, the Thermapen, but it’s every bit as accurate.
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Char-Griller Kamado Smoker
The Akorn is a double-walled, insulated steel egg that is much lighter and in some ways more durable than the popular Big Green Egg. It performs fairly close to traditional kamados at a fraction of the cost, so you can spend your saved bucks on getting some great meat.
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Hands-Free Soap Dispenser
Messy cooks—or germaphobes—will love this easy-to-use soap dispenser. Unlike some other models that have finicky settings, this Simple Human dispenser changes how much soap you get based on where your hands are: Keep them up high for just the right amount to wash your hands, or move them lower for enough to clean a few dinner plates.
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High West Barreled Manhattan
A premixed 2:1 rye-vermouth Manhattan with a few dashes of bitters, this stuff spends three months aging in used rye barrels, which integrates the flavors and adds a touch of woody character to the drink. Give it a quick stir over ice for chill and dilution, spray an orange twist on top, and you’ve got a drink worthy of any cocktail bar—no barrel required.
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Joule Sous Vide Circulator
The ChefSteps Joule is the smallest circulator on the market. It’s sleek, compact design fits in a drawer and it heats quickly and accurately. It has the advantage of the ChefSteps community and legacy content built into its app, though its one downside is that it requires a smartphone or tablet along with a registered account to operate.
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Ceramic Sangria Pitcher
This pitcher arrives sangria-ready. The pinched spout is a genius detail that keeps all the fruit and ice from splashing into your glass, and when it’s not filled with sangria, it can be used as a vase. We love a two-fer!
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Magimix 14-Cup Food Processor
The Magimix impressed us with each slicing, chopping, grating, and puréeing test we tossed at it, especially with pizza dough, which it combined so well that no additional kneading was required.
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Blackstone Pizza Oven
The Blackstone is the oven of choice for high-output, rapid cooking, as it takes very little time to preheat and recover, pumping out pie after pie at a nonstop clip. Users who are comfortable making frequent mechanical repairs and adjustments, and who care more about speed than about versatility and aesthetics, will be happy with this one.
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MAC Professional Santoku Knife
This santoku from MAC’s professional line is an absolute pleasure to use, no matter the task. It’s lightweight, well balanced, sharp as can be, and comfortable to hold. It made perfect carrot cuts, broke down a chicken with ease, and filleted a whole fish as if it were a fish-shaped block of butter.
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Granite Mortar and Pestle
With both parts made of rock-solid granite, the Thai mortar and pestle is (literally) a heavy hitter, and arguably the most versatile type of large mortar and pestle you can own. Its heft and weight, especially when combined with the stone-on-stone action that the all-granite build provides, make it ideal for one of its intended uses: making a Thai curry paste.
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Iittala Essence Glasses
No matter what your father likes to drink, it’ll look good in these universal glasses from Iittala. They’re big enough to accommodate a 12-ounce beer, his favorite cocktail, or a monster pour of wine…because it’s Father’s Day, and he deserves it.
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Pourover Coffee Brewer
There are enough coffee-brewing devices on the market to drive a person crazy, but it’s hard to beat a quality pourover brewer like this Japanese one. It’s compact and solid, making it ideal for home or the office, and it brews a mean cup of coffee. It claims to make two to four servings, but we find it’s perfect for a full 12-ounce single cup, too (note that you need these filters for it).
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Digital Electric Gooseneck Kettle
This is the electric kettle of my coffee-delayed dreams. It has an elegant gooseneck spout that makes pouring a thin, controlled stream easy (very helpful for Chemex and other pourover coffee methods) and a base with controls that allow you to set a specific temperature and hold it there.
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Recipe Journal
Trying to get your dad to finally write down all those family recipes? This sleek Moleskin journal will get him organized and become a precious family heirloom in the process.
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Rancho Gordo Beans
A bean is a bean is a bean. Or is it? Once you go down the rabbit hole of eating quality dried beans (after they’re cooked, of course—raw dried beans aren’t so great), you’ll fall in love with their variety of flavors, textures, and colors. Some are starchy, some are nutty, some are earthy, and some are slightly sweet. Rancho Gordo is one company that sells some really cool ones to try. You won’t look at dried beans the same way again.
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American Waffle Maker
The Breville produces crispy brown waffles the fastest and with the most consistent color of all the batches we tested, making it the best option if you prefer thinner waffles. Although it only makes one waffle at a time, it reheats and cooks rapidly, so you can crank out waffle after waffle with ease. The built in drip tray, non stick surface, and minimal design keeps clean up effortless.
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Bamboo Steamer
Since I am now the best dad in the world, according to the bib I definitely did not buy my daughter, I get to pick something that I want for our Father’s Day gift guide, and I want several bamboo steamers for my wok. They are useful for steaming, particularly large-ish things, like a whole (if small) fish, like a porgy or a diminutive sea bass. They are super useful! Easy to clean! I want it! Buy me it!
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Half Moon Orchard Gin
The New York–made gin is distilled from wheat and apples, resulting in a faint but perceptible dried-apple character alongside prominent juniper and cardamom—an exciting dimension that works especially well in cocktails.
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Spaghetti con la Colatura Gift Box
One of our favorite recipes from the year thus far is Sasha’s spaghetti con la colatura di alici. Conveniently, Gustiamo is selling a gift box based on the building blocks of the dish: a bottle of colatura, a bottle of high-quality extra-virgin olive oil, and a box of pasta, for a tasty gift indeed.
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All-Clad Immersion Blender
A high-speed hand blender is great for whipping up silky soups and purées, making emulsions like mayonnaise and Hollandaise, or smoothing out sauces, all right in the pot. No need to dirty up an extra blender jar!
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Rice, Noodle, Fish
Warning: Reading this book might lead to the purchase of some very expensive plane tickets. The Roads & Kingdoms crew will get you hungry for a journey to Japan, for onigiri basted with chicken fat, juicy one-bite gyoza, milky-white tonkotsu ramen broth, and briny sea urchin. Is Japan the best place on earth to eat? This book will convince you that it is.
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Louie Mueller’s Brisket
Brisket is Texas’s best-known contribution to barbecue culture, and though you can now get slow-smoked brisket in just about every major American city, you still need to go to the source to get brisket so good it will make you cry. But if you can’t make it to Texas, ordering Louie Mueller’s is the next best thing. The Muellers have been smoking the stuff since 1949. The key here? They ship the whole brisket, which means you get plenty of the critically important fatty half. Why is it critically important? Because we all know that fat IS flavor. Phone orders only: (512) 352-6206.
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Pasta by Hand: A Collection of Italy’s Regional Hand-Shaped Pasta
No pasta machine? No problem. This book is devoted to the art of handcrafted Italian dumplings, from yeasty, spindle-shaped cecamariti to classic gnocchi to golden-brown parallelograms of deep-fried crescentine. If the adage “practice makes perfect” fills you with excitement rather than dread, this is the kind of book that will make you utterly determined to prevail.
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Staub Heritage Baking Dish
It can be easy to brush off appearances as unimportant, but tableside presentation is a big part of a baking dish’s appeal. If you want excellent performance combined with a handsome and classic design that will look great on your holiday table (or on your Instagram account), Staub is your best bet. This heavyweight dish heats evenly in the oven at temperatures up to 575°F (300°C) and has great heat retention, keeping food hotter longer when you’re serving. The generous four-quart capacity is ideal for large roasts and extra-deep casseroles.
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The Original Bear Paws Shredder Claws
In addition to making you look like Wolverine, shredder claws make quick work of pork butts (hello, pulled pork!), smoked chicken, smoked chuck roasts, and other meats, allowing you to tear the meat into shreds in no time. Sure, you could try doing it with forks, but you’d better have a lot of time on your hands.
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Inexpensive Wire Grill Brush
Grill brushes come in all shapes, sizes, and styles, but for a tool that sees so much use, I find it hard to justify spending a huge amount of money. This simple, heavy-duty wire-style grill brush has served me well for years, and if it ever wears out, well, it’s cheap enough to replace.
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George Dickel Barrel Select Tennessee Whiskey
Made from whiskeys averaging 10 to 12 years in age, this bottling is all vanilla and toffee in the aroma but spice and char on the finish. It’s sophisticated and eminently drinkable.
[Header photograph: Shutterstock]
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thisisheffner · 5 years
Nightmares on wax: the environmental impact of the vinyl revival | Music | The Guardian
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Inside a US vinyl pressing plant – its owners have asked that I do not give its location – dozens of hydraulic machines run all day and night. These contraptions fill the building, as long as a city block, with hissing and clanking as well as the sweet-and-sour notes of warm grease and melted plastic. They look like relics, because they are. The basic technological principles of record pressing have not changed for a century, and the machines themselves are decades old.
While it is far exceeded by revenues from streaming, the vinyl market keeps growing – Americans now spend as much on vinyl as they do on CDs, while there were 4.3m vinyl sales in the UK last year, the 12th consecutive year of growth. So, if you’re one of the millions of people to re-embrace vinyl records, it’s worth knowing where they come from and how they’re made. There are containers called hoppers at each pressing station, brimming with the lentil-like polymer pellets that get funnelled down into the machinery, heated and fused to form larger biscuits that resemble hockey pucks, and squashed to make records.
Employees are cagey about the separate warehouse where this company stockpiles its plastic. But the empty fridge-sized cardboard boxes on the pressing floor hint at their origin. They are marked with big red letters proclaiming, “Vinyl compound” and “Product of Thailand”.
While vinyl pellets are shipped in large boxes, it takes only a handful to make a typical record. US–based petrochemical corporations supplied much of this raw material until the LP market dried up after 1990 and, consequently, the US supply chain evaporated. Nowadays, with the stylus back in style, the ingredients of LPs are manufactured offshore. More than half of the polyvinyl chloride (PVC) used by today’s US record manufacturers comes from the Thai Plastic and Chemicals Public Company Limited (TPC), which has its headquarters in Bangkok.
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TPC makes this specialised vinyl on the banks of the Chao Phraya river, about a half-hour’s drive south of the capital. After a year of unanswered emails and weeks of being hung-up on, I finally got a tentative invitation to tour TPC’s facilities and boarded the next flight to Thailand.
By coincidence, the first person I met in Bangkok was a retired Belgian petrochemical engineer. He was surprised when I told him not only that vinyl record sales had been increasing since 2005 but that the recording industry still used what he saw as a grimy and outmoded material. But he knew one thing for sure: TPC was not going to let me see how PVC is made. He was right.
Unsurprisingly, security was tight at the TPC facility, and guards refused me at the gate; I never saw inside or had contact with TPC representatives. Instead, a representative from SCG Chemicals – TPC’s parent corporation and one of the largest petrochemical manufacturers in Asia – agreed to meet at my hotel to discuss their business and to explain how vinyl is made.
The process of producing PVC compound is complicated. There are numerous phases, a campus of buildings, tall silos, deep vats, busy machines, as well as many workers in hardhats, hairnets and safety glasses. But the basic principles are easy to imagine.
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If you have ever rolled Play-Doh in your hands, placed it in one end of a garlic-press-like gadget and squeezed it out the other, then you know how PVC compound is made. Once PVC has been synthesised from its component chemicals, the raw resin is then mixed with a variety of additives, heated to form a molten plastic compound, forced like spaghetti strands through a die and chopped into pellets.
The SGC representative I met was quick to explain the intricate sciences, the high levels of industrial expertise and the thorough quality-control checks needed to make this high-grade vinyl compound, but stonewalled questions about the harmful side effects of vinyl production. PVC contains carcinogenic chemicals, and the operation produces toxic wastewater that the company has been known to pour into the Chao Phraya Rriver according to Greenpeace, which says TPC has “a history of environmental abuses” going back to the early 1990s. A representative from SGC brand management and corporate social responsibility declined repeat opportunities to comment in detail via email.
During vinyl’s original heyday, the situation in the US was no different. In the 70s, the Keysor-Century Corporation, located north of Los Angeles, supplied about 20m kilos of PVC a year to the US record industry. That amounts to about one-third of the total annual amount used in the country at the time.
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Keysor-Century was an illegal pollutant. The corporation had been under investigation by the Environmental Protection Agency since 1977. It was revisited by the EPA in the early 2000s, this time with the FBI, which resulted in a $4m fine and public apology for lying about exposing workers to toxic fumes, releasing toxic chemicals into the air and dumping toxic wastewater down the drain.
It is impossible to know the proportion of the effluent in the Chao Phraya or how much of the pollution is directly linked to the production of LPs. One thing, though, is certain. Vinyl records, as well as cassettes and CDs, are oil products that have been made and destroyed by the billion since the mid-20th century. During the US sales peaks of the LP, cassette and CD, the US recording industry was using almost 60m kilos of plastic a year. Using contemporary averages on greenhouse gas equivalent releases per pound of plastic production, as well as standard weight figures for each of the formats, that is equivalent to more than 140m kilos of greenhouse gas emissions each year, in the US alone. Music, like pretty much everything else, is caught up in petro-capitalism.
Is rejecting physical media and embracing streaming the answer? This is the wrong way of framing the issue, as digital media is physical media, too. Although digital audio files seem virtual, they rely on infrastructures of data storage, processing and transmission that have potentially higher greenhouse gas emissions than the petrochemical plastics used in the production of more obviously physical formats such as LPs – to stream music is to burn coal, uranium and gas.
The amount of energy required to stream an individual song or album is negligible – much less than it takes to get that same music on an LP, cassette or CD – but one-to-one comparisons miss the point. We need to understand the aggregate energy effects of billions of streamers who now expect, without a second thought, instant access to unlimited amounts of music. This culture of listening is what gives us the result that, although the US recording industry is using far less plastic, it is producing more greenhouse gas emissions. Conservative estimates show the amount of such emissions to be 200m kilos a year after 2015, while pessimistic estimates show it to be 350m kilos a year – which is more than double the US industry’s emissions profile at the height of vinyl, cassettes or CDs. Individual digital audio files use less energy than those previous formats. Those individual gains in efficiency are outstripped by increases in overall use.
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The devices required to access those infrastructures – smartphones, tablets, laptops – rely on the exploitation of natural and human resources around the world. These products then quickly succumb to fashion and obsolescence, ending up at dump sites, making further claims on other people and places.
Still, practical resolutions are emerging. A group of eight Dutch companies is exploring ways of greening vinyl, by making records from a recyclable, non-PVC material. Yet last October in Los Angeles, at the world’s leading business-to-business conference for plastic music formats, their Green Vinyl Records prototype recordings were laughed at because they sounded “awful” and felt “cheap”. One of the consortium’s leaders complained to me about the conservatism of vinyl junkies. I listened to the available demo record, and it’s true that it neither sounded nor felt like a typical LP. The background noise was not what I was used to, and there was even sometimes an intermittent ringing – as if the record itself had tinnitus. The bend and the flex were unusual. The edges were boxy. But if this is the sound and the feel of something that is made from a material less damaging than PVC, then these characteristics are not blemishes but beauties.
Streaming services such as Spotify have started releasing information about their environmental impact. While the numbers they publish suggest that their carbon footprint is decreasing, they only provide information about their own data centres. However, Spotify has decommissioned most of their own streaming infrastructure and subcontracted that work to the Google Cloud. So the amounts must be significantly higher than what is reported. As more and more streaming services subcontract their data storage and processing needs to cloud corporations, they also subcontract responsibility for the energy requirements and carbon emissions of digital music. As one streaming engineer told me: “As long as we have an ozone layer, we live in the cloud.”
It can be unsettling to find out that something as delightful as music is inseparable from these disturbing realities. But confronting those realities is the first step toward understanding them – and maybe improving them. I think back to the strange feel and whine of the recyclable record – it’s now the cosy crackle of PVC vinyl, which indexes petrocapitalism, that I find disturbing.
• Adapted from Decomposed: The Political Ecology of Music by Kyle Devine, published by MIT Press.
This content was originally published here.
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How Is Sterling Silver Jewelry Made
Often we might also come upon a totally special piece of jewellery and we cannot help however marvel the quantity of labor put into the creation of those complex portions. They may additionally be painstakingly elaborated from precious substances and adorned with diverse types of stones of diverse sizes and styles. The time to make a single piece of jewelry is usually a vast one depending on the design, strategies, ability of the artisan and materials worried.
In the case of silver earrings the manner starts offevolved with accumulating the right gear. The gear which might be needed almost always include an awesome jeweler's saw and suitable lube, a hard and fast of documents that are usually both flat of 1/2-round, silversmithing hammers for texturing and shaping, soldering resources and equipment and finishing equipment to shine or texture the jewellery piece Image source The Diamond Club.
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The next step is shopping the uncooked materials wanted depending on the layout. These substances include sterling silver sheets, pellets, wires of numerous gauges and shapes such as round, 1/2-spherical or squared. A kind of gemstones, beads, crystals, pearls, shells, corals, mother of pearl and other substances may be paired with the sterling silver and an collection of available silver mountings, settings and findings.
The skill of the artisan, silversmith or jeweler is as important as selecting excessive quality substances. The maximum professional artisans have labored their trade for a very good part of their lives, hours of dedication spent on perfecting their strategies. They recognise how silver will reply to hammering, the quantity of stress had to get a really perfect dome, solder two portions together quickly and appropriately and have mastered slicing and submitting, the two maximum critical techniques of metalsmithing in trendy.
Nowadays earrings is very commonly produced using the 'misplaced wax' casting method to be able to produce jewelry in same batches for extra consistency and to maximize profits. The system begins through a hand-drawn or pc generated layout; the layout is replicated in exquisite out of wax both with the aid of an in-house sculptor or a 3-d printing machine. Silica is then used to encase the finished wax mock-up of the jewellery, commonly many pieces are encased together so that it will make as many portions as possible in on run. Once the silica casing hardens across the wax mock-usait is able to be heated up to soften the wax and drain it thru a small aperture. Hollow shapes retaining the information of the wax pieces are fashioned, wherein molted sterling silver from pellets can sooner or later be poured into. A centrifuge is used to make sure there aren't any spaces uncovered and remove all viable faults.
After the silver has cooled down the silica casing is broken to show the raw silver jewelry piece than must be textured, polished, buffed or oxidized relying at the favored finishing.
Obviously there are numerous greater superior techniques utilized while making silver rings such as electroforming and different strategies to form and texture the jewelry along with etching, engraving, stamping and forging among others. This just offers you an concept of the huge universe of jewellery and its limitless opportunities.
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ezusbuyblog-blog · 5 years
EZ Wax Warmer & Wax Beans Bundle Collection
EZ Wax Warmer Bundle & Wax Bean is the ultimate waxing package. Turn your home into a personal salon and save yourself time and money with this bundle. You will never have to shave again, so say goodbye to your razors.
Why So Many Women Are Buying This Product:
NO NEED to use strips or cloth. This PAINLESS Wax becomes hard by itself and you simply pull it off smoothly, without applying strips on top. The hard wax is created with Chamomile, the lovely smelling Chamomile that soothes and revitalizes your skin. Now you don’t have to spend hundreds of dollars at a salon getting a Brazilian Wax! You can do it right at home. The Painless Wax can be used to remove unwanted hair from any part of the body, including the face, armpits and bikini line. And it works perfectly for sensitive skin.
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Key Features:
Original formula Hot Wax Pellets (Beans).
No strips or pre-wax oil required.
Can be used on all areas of the body.
Easily heat it up in a wax heater/wax melter.
Sticks to your hair instead of skin to create a painless waxing experience
Single wax pot with lid, Removable pot, Temperature adjustable, Stylish design, easy to use, Suitable for hard, strip and paraffin waxing, See through cover prevents wax contamination. Break-resistant & see-through plastic cover to prevent wax contamination, On & off switch which is available to adjust the temperature for perfect, Advance heating mechanism for a fast wax meltdown and Melting wax treatment machine is the special ingredient for medical paraffin solvents heating heat treatment machine. Best Features providing all product by ezusbuy
How To Use:
1. Heat wax pellets in a regular wax heater or in a glass bowl in microwave or over hot water and heat to a working temperature.
2. Using a spatula, spread a layer of wax onto the area to be treated against the direction of hair growth. (make sure wax is not too hot)
3. Allow a short period to cool and then holding the skin taut, remove wax with a firm action against the direction of hair growth.
TIP: When applying this wax leave the edges slightly thicker for easy removal. Before the wax is removed, tap it a couple of times to check it has set and is ready to be removed.
· Ensure the wax is not too hot before applying to skin.
· Do not use it on broken or irritated skin.
· Do not use it if your skin suffered any adverse reactions to wax in the past. Do not use it within 2 hours after taking a shower, or sunbathing.
· If you are on medication that affects the skin or you have a skin related disorder, consult your doctor before use.
· Keep away from Children.
Providing the best beauty product and thereby ezusbuy. More information go to Ezusbuy.com
Originally Posted:- https://medium.com/@ezusbuy1/ez-wax-warmer-wax-beans-bundle-collection-c6398be691d
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actutrends · 5 years
HP adds 5G, recycled materials, privacy displays, and Tile trackability to newest products
HP is launching products at CES 2020 that take advantage of some of its unique technologies and ability to differentiate its computer business, such as SureView privacy screens, recycled materials, 5G, and keeping track of your laptop through Tile tracking.
Now if there’s one product that had all of those things right now, that would be pretty cool. But that’s not quite the case yet, as those features are spread out across a bunch of products coming out this year.
At the big tech trade show in Las Vegas this week, HP is showing off a bunch of computing firsts for both business and consumer PC users. The idea behind a lot of the products is to enable people to work or play more securely anywhere, said Mike Nash, chief technologist and vice president at HP Personal Systems, in a press briefing.
“The larger story is around the freedom to for people to work the way they want to work and play the way they want to play,” he said. “We talk a lot about reinventing. A big part of the innovator’s dilemma is that doing version one teaches you how to do version two.”
HP Spectre x360 15
Above: HP Spectre x360 15
Image Credit: Dean Takahashi
The HP Spectre x360 15 is a 15.6-inch laptop that is convertible to a tablet. It has a 90% screen-to-body ratio and up to 17 hours of battery life.
“You have more room to build more power into it,” Nash said. “It’s about helping creators who do video editing, photo editing, and other things.”
The laptop uses a 10th Gen Intel Core i7processor with the latest Nvidia GeForce graphics processing unit (GPU). It has a 4K organic light-emitting diode display DCI-P3 with a 30% wider color gamut range.
It also has built-in Wi-Fi 6 wireless networking and HP’s smallest infrared camera at 2.2 millimeters. You can physically cover the laptop’s webcam to feel more secure through a HP webcam kill switch. It also has a dedicated mute mic button, fingerprint reader located on the keyboard deck, and Express VPN and LastPass to create and consume content whenever and wherever you want securely.
The laptop has a gem-cut and dual chamfer angular design achieved with high-precision aluminum
HP Envy 32 All-in-One
Above: HP Envy 32 all-in-one computer.
Image Credit: Dean Takahashi
This computer combines a desktop and 32-inch monitor in a single case. It is the world’s first PC with an HDR600 display and a 6000:1 contrast ratio. That means it has high brightness, high contrast, and a billion colors.
It uses an Nvidia GeForce RTX 2080 graphics chip and a multi-device keyboard to switch between a smartphone and a tablet. It uses a 65-watt Intel 9th Gen Core i7 processor, 32 GB of DDR4 memory, and a one TB SSD. Although it has a high-end graphics chip, the screen runs at 60Hz. So it’s not exactly a high-end gaming machine, but it’s not targeted so much at gamers.
The machine also has smartphone integration, as you can get a text message on your smartphone and reply with the keyboard on the computer.
It has surround sound audio with very loud volume levels and the world’s first AiO with Advanced Audio Stream. It has built-in front-firing tweeters and subwoofer speakers custom-tuned by Bang & Olufsen.
The computer rests on a solid aluminum stand, and it has a matte Nightfall Black finish, accented with Dark Ash woodgrain, and a heathered acoustic cloth.
13-inch HP Elite Dragonfly
Above: HP Elite Dragonfly G2 with Sureview display.
Image Credit: Dean Takahashi
The laptop converts into a tablet, and it comes with 5G mobile networking. 34% of U.S. workers say they would take a pay cut of up to 5% in order to work out of the office more. It weighs under 2.2 pounds, or one kilogram. The 5G feature will come around mid-2020.
It has smart signal technology to boost antenna performance. This antenna technology enables the device to provide better service. The Elite Dragonfly features a 10th Gen Intel Core vPro processor and has the world’s most advanced connectivity and privacy in its class.
You can work discreetly as it has HP Sure View Reflect, which enables you to see the screen head-on, but prevents people from peeking at the screen from the side. You can activate this privacy mode with the press of a keyboard button (the F2 button) to instantly block prying eyes from viewing the screen.
The Elite Dragonfly is also findable as it is the world’s first laptop with built-in Tile, a hardware-based location tracking technology. Tile co-developed a hardware solution with HP, and you can track it via the Tile app on a smartphone. It draws its power from the laptop, and it works both when the laptop is online or offline, as Tile draws a very small amount of power from the laptop battery.
Above: These are materials that HP can recycle into a computer accessory.
Image Credit: Dean Takahashi
HP said it is also making strides in sustainability. The Elite Dragonfly is the world’s first notebook made with ocean-bound plastic material, and more than 82% of the mechanical parts are made from recycled materials.
HP gets the plastic from Haiti, which doesn’t have garbage collection the streets. So bottles often make their way to the ocean. HP hires Haitians to collect these plastic bottles and recycles them.
HP is also launching a new accessor, the HP Envy Recycled Sleeve, a wrapper for 13-inch laptops. It uses recycled plastic bottles and is knit to shape with minimal manufacturing waste. The packaging is 100% compostable.
The HP Pavilion Recycled Series includes a backpack, topload, tote, and slim brief made from 100% recycled PET, or plastic bottles, that are shredded into small pellets, melted into a thin fiber, spun into a roll and woven to create these on-trend, eco-friendly bags in grey or navy for up to a 14- or 15.6-inch diagonal laptop.
HP said the HP Pavilion Recycled Series saves up to 10 plastic bottles from entering oceans and landfills, and features vegan leather handles and water-resistant material to help keep devices safe and dry.
New displays
Above: HP’s latest displays, with one USB-C cable powering two displays.
Image Credit: Dean Takahashi
The HP E24d G4 and HP E27d G4 Advanced Docking Monitors are a new category of intelligent displays that streamline workspaces with just one USB-C cable for video, data, and up to 100 watts of power.
With a single button, you can power both the display and laptop, even when the lid is closed, and login with Windows Hello on the integrated privacy webcam. IT departments can remotely manage the HP devices from anywhere on the network and get immediate peripheral expansion.
Backpacks and accessories
Above: HP’s laptop bags, backpacks, and accessories.
Image Credit: Dean Takahashi
The HP Spectre Folio Backpack and Topload feature a water-resistant waxed canvas exterior to keep devices safe and dry and an RFID pocket that protects credit card and passport information from electronic data reading devices.
Each bag is designed with a quilted and cushy 15.6-inch diagonal laptop compartment for added protection and a convenient trolley handle pass-through that slides over the handle of your luggage.
Pricing and availability
Above: HP Spectre integration with a smartphone.
Image Credit: Dean Takahashi
The HP Spectre x360 15 is expected to be available in March via HP.com for a starting price of $1,600. The device will also be available at Best Buy.
The HP Envy 32 AiO is now available at HP.com for a starting price of $1,600. The device can also be purchased at Best Buy, Amazon, and other U.S. retailers.
The HP Elite Dragonfly with optional Tile integration and HP Sure View Reflect is expected to be available starting February 2020.
The HP Elite Dragonfly with 5G and a 10th Gen Intel Core vPro processor is expected to be available later in the summer. Pricing will be provided closer to the availability date.
The HP E24d G4 Advanced Docking Monitor is expected to be available in January via HP.com for $350.
The HP E27d G4 Advanced Docking Monitor is expected to be available in January via HP.com for $480.
The HP Envy Recycled Sleeve is expected to be available in April via HP.com for a starting price of $60.
The HP Pavilion Recycled Series is expected to be available in spring 2020. Pricing will be provided closer to availability.
The HP Spectre Folio Backpack and Topload are expected to be available in February via HP.com for a starting price of $200.
The post HP adds 5G, recycled materials, privacy displays, and Tile trackability to newest products appeared first on Actu Trends.
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mrstevenbushus · 5 years
10 Steps to a Green Home Renovation
There’s no denying that new eco homes are a fantastic step towards a low carbon country, but as more than 80 per cent of the houses that will be standing by 2050 have already been built, retrofitting our existing dwellings is a crucial measure.
While the government recognises that eco-retrofits are extremely important, the onus still falls on you, the homeowner, to get things done. So if you’re keen to increase your home’s efficiency, here are our top 10 steps:
1. Upgrade your home’s insulation
Attaching renewables to your home is pointless if it’s so poorly insulated that heat flows straight out. Insulation is essential for any eco-renovation, because as much as 40 per cent of a home’s heat loss is down to a lack of it.
Insulating loft or cavity walls is relatively simple. You can be do this with a range of materials, from sheep’s wool to expanding foam. Insulating either will cost from £250 and could save more than £150 a year in energy bills.
To bring this Georgian renovation up to modern standards  a new central heating system was installed, coupled with a heavily insulated roof
It’s trickier to insulate solid walls. Internally you could apply thermal lining. Externally, a layer of insulation can be fixed to existing walls and then covered in render.
Do be aware, though, that if you’re working with a heritage home, you will need to make sure you retain the breathability of the building fabric to avoid problems with damp. For more information, follow our guide to how to insulate a period house.
Costs vary significantly – for a realistic quote contact the National Insulation Association. 
2. Go for double or triple glazing
Over 10 per cent of a home’s energy can be lost through the windows, so it’s essential that yours perform well.
Triple glazing now comes in an array of stunning contemporary designs, for instance – this Norrsken folding window
Replacing single-glazed windows with double- or even triple-glazed versions will slow heat transfer. To reduce this further, consider a product filled with a low-conductivity gas, such as argon.
You can even get hold of low-emissivity (low-e) glass, which has a special coating to reflect heat back into the room. See our feature on energy efficient windows for more information.
3. Invest in solar panel systems
Solar panel systems can be used to produce hot water or generate electricity, and work well with financial incentives such as FITs.
Solar photovoltaic (PV) systems convert sunlight into electricity. They don’t need direct sunlight to work – so you can generate on a cloudy day – but you’ll need to attach them to a roof or wall that faces within 90 degrees of south. Costs vary between £8,000 and £14,000.
Get some inspiration
If an eco-renovation seems like a daunting process, you’d do well to take a tour of the  Renovation House at the National Self Build & Renovation centre (pictured above).
At the beginning of the tour, they will introduce you to a dilapidated interwar home. The property showcases all of the problem areas you mightface on a typical renovation – damp, no insulation, poor heating and even rotting timbers.
As you’re guided round, room-by-room, you’ll be shown how to recognise common problems and install the necessary measures to combat them.
From replacing window frames and installing insulation to treating rising damp the Renovation House covers everything you need to know.
By the time you walk through the finished rooms, you’ll have ample inspiration to start your own home transformation.
Water-based systems – evacuated tubes or flat plate collectors fitted to your roof –  draw energy from the sun to warm domestic water.
You can use a back up boiler to boost the temperature if necessary. Most boiler and hot water cylinder systems are compatible. Prices start from £3,000.
Unless you live in Wales or Northern Ireland you won’t need planning permission for most systems, depending on size.
4. Consider renewable heating systems
There’s nothing more sustainable than taking a natural approach to heating your home.
We’ve already looked at solar thermal, but there are other options worth considering, including heat pumps (which act like refrigerators in reverse) and wood-fuelled systems such as biomass boilers.
Ground source heat pumps collect warmth from a few metres beneath the surface, where the temperature is relatively constant, and concentrate it into useful energy
Ground-source heat pumps use buried pipes to extract heat from the earth for your home’s heating and hot water circuits. You won’t usually need planning permission, but you’ll need to be prepared for the disruption of digging up your garden.
Air-source systems use a similar principle, but extract heat from the air. They can be fitted to an external wall or sometimes in roof space, making them ideal for retrofits. Air source heat pumps cost from around £2,000.
Wood-fuelled heating systems burn pellets or logs to power central heating or warm a single room. A biomass boiler (from £9,000 including installation) feeds your central heating and hot water.
It should provide for all your heating needs, but requires plenty of space; a spacious utility room should suffice.
A standalone stove (around £3,000) heats one room and can be fitted with a back boiler to provide water heating.
5. Reclaim and reuse building materials
Directing construction and demolition materials out of the waste stream by reusing them is great for the environment.
The best place to source reclaimed materials is direct from the site of a demolition or remodelling project. Buildings are often dismantled quite carefully so that materials can be sold on.
This listed conversion used reclaimed materials to create an authentic feel
You can also source useful items from salvage yards, which sell anything from old bricks to high-end materials and heritage products.
Using reclaimed building materials can be beneficial, especially if you are restoring a period home. Always ensure you buy materials that are fit for purpose.
6. Decorate with eco-friendly finishes
You’ll undoubtedly be using a lot of paint to decorate your home. Fortunately there are plenty of green products available.
Most eco-paints are water-soluble and use plant oils and resins to form the solution, with pigments coming from minerals or plant dyes.
Environmentally-friendly wood varnishes and waxes are also available, as are green options to clean and prepare walls. Sustainable wallpapers include natural coverings made from materials such as hessian, cotton and wool.
7. Lay underfloor heating
If you’ve always used radiators, maybe it’s time for a change. Underfloor heating (UFH) is a great alternative, and should be easy to install if you’re pulling up floors as part of the renovation process.
Underfloor heating means that there is no wasted wall space in this stylish living room
It operates at a temperature just a few degrees warmer than the room air temperature by circulating warm water through a network of cross-linked pipes installed under your flooring.
The low operating temperature means it’s easily linked with alternative heating sources with similar low temperature outputs – such as solar thermal or heat pumps.
8. Improve thermostats and heating controls
Over 60 per cent of the energy consumed in the average household is used for space heating. By using smart HVAC (heating ventilation air conditioning) controls, this can be reduced by up to 35 per cent.
Temperature regulation is the key; a one degree temperature drop equates to a ten per cent energy saving overall.
HVAC controls can be used to run individual zones or rooms at different temperatures, so unused areas of the house can be heated at a lower temperature. Wireless systems are relatively easy to install and costs start at around £250.
9. Choose natural materials for walls and floors
Specifying natural products will help keep your home chemical free. Internally, your main priority is the walls and floors. Walls must be airtight but breathable so that moisture can escape outside.
Architect Surman Weston incorporated innovative cork cladding in this home office design. This creates a thermally and acoustically efficient external barrier
If you’ve insulated with a natural product, don’t hide it behind synthetic walls. Both lime and clay plasters are a natural, breathable and flexible alternative.
There are many natural flooring products, with wood being the most popular. Make sure it is derived from a sustainable source (the FSC logo is a good indicator).
If wood’s not your thing, consider cork, marmoleum or even rubber, which can all be 100 per cent natural – but always check the supply chain.
10. Recycle water
Thousands of litres of rainwater fall on your roof each year – so why not collect it? This water can function to flush toilets, fill washing machines and water gardens.
Consider a rainwater harvesting system that collects rainfall via a drainpipe, filters out leaves and debris, and then stores the useable water in a tank.
Also think about changing your toilets and showers. A low-flush toilet uses less than four litres per flush and a low-flow showerhead less than 10 litres per minute.
When George and Rosie Woods bought an old Victorian house, they were keen to renovate it to create a warm, efficient family home. Find out how they approached their eco renovation project
The post 10 Steps to a Green Home Renovation appeared first on Build It.
Article reference 10 Steps to a Green Home Renovation
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Comparative Study on Polyamide 6 Toughness using Multiple Melt-Kneading Techniques-Juniper Publishers
Authored by Hiroshi Ito                                                                        
In the present work, we tried to toughen polyamide 6 (PA6) by blending a small amount of low molecular-weight polyethylene (LMWPE). We obtained the PA6/LMWPE blends with different morphologies using multiple melt-kneading methods such as the uniaxial melt-kneading, the eight-axial screw melt-kneading, and the high shearing method. As a result, it was elucidated that the LMWPE was homogeneously and finely dispersed by using the eight-axial melt-kneading method. On the other hand, we found that for high shearing method the LMWPE was finely dispersed to a degree close to the compatible system. The result of the three-point bending test showed that the PA6 was brittle fractured, but it changed to ductile fracture when a small amount of LMWPE was blended. Also, the fracture displacement was extensively improved. The results of the comparison by the melt-kneading methods revealed that the toughness of the PA6 was improved even by adding a small amount of LMWPE (about 2%) when they were blended using the eight-axial screw melt-kneading machine. The cross-sectional observation in the bending test showed that voids were produced from the LMWPE. We elucidated that the production of voids was induced with low stress by adding fragile LMWPE, resulting in the improvement of the bending toughness. Moreover, we found that the LMWPE needs to be finely dispersed with an appropriate particle size in order to exhibit ductile properties.
Keywords:Polymer blend; Higher order structure; Kneading extruder; High-shear rotational processing; High speed impact test
Abbrevations: PA6: Polyamide 6; LMWPE: Low Molecular-Weight Polyethylene; TM: Melting Point; TG: Glass Transition Temperature; MFR: Melt Flow Rate; MW: Molecular Weight; HSP: High-Shear Process Kneader; OSE : Octa Screw Kneading Extruder
In recent years, due to the rise in environmental consciousness, weight reduction aimed at reducing the fuel consumption of automobiles is proceeding. Under these circumstances, the proportion of using light polymer in automobiles is increasing. However, extremely high mechanical properties are required for materials loaded in automobiles. For that reason, the number of cases has been increasing where a single type of polymer material cannot meet requirements in automobiles. One of the methods to solve this problem is to use polymer blend, a mixture of different kinds of polymer materials. Up to now, the research and development on polymer blend method have been extensively conducted as a method that exhibits various properties and functions. As a result, many polymer alloy materials with various characteristics have been proposed [1,2]. In particular, for polymer materials showing brittle fracture behavior, it is tried to change them to be ductile by blending elastomer and gum. However, with these methods, the rigidity of the polymer materials is generally reduced while increasing ductility [3,4].
A crystalline polymer, polyamide 6 (PA6), is an engineering plastic that has extremely high mechanical property because of the strong molecular-molecular interaction of hydrogen bonds in amide group. Although PA6 has strong rigidity, it causes brittle fracture when imposed with a large displacement. Hence it is very important to change the property of PA6 to be ductile while maintaining its high rigidity [5]
In the present study, we tried to improve the toughness of PA6 by blending a small amount of low molecular-weight polyethylene (LMWPE). The purpose of the work is to clarify the relation between the inner structure and the mechanical property of the polymer blends with different morphologies produced by three different kinds of melt-kneading methods.
    Experimental Part
PA6 (T802, Toyobo Co., Ltd.) was used as the matrix resin. The glass transition temperature (Tg) and the melting point (Tm) of PA6 were 50 °C and 218 °C, respectively. The melt flow rate (MFR) was 26g/10min at 230 °C. As a modifier of PA6, LMWPE (Hi wax 1105A, Mitsubishi Chemical Co.) was used. The LMWPE was denatured by maleic anhydride. The Tg was 104 °C, and the average molecular weight (Mw) of the LMWPE was 1,900. The molded film of LMWPE is an extremely brittle and low-strength material exhibiting a tensile strength of 1.4MPa and a breaking strain of 0.006 in a tensile test. The blend ratio of the samples were PA6/LMWPE=98:2 and 95:5 wt%, and the kneading temperature was 250 °C.
Melt-kneading methods
The blend ratio, the details of the melt-kneading machines, and the kneading conditions for the present samples are shown in Table 1. The melt-kneading machines used were Single screw extruder (SSE) (CER40, Hoshi Plastic Co., Ltd.), Octa screw kneading extruder (OSE) (Technobell Co., Ltd.), and High-shear process kneader (HSP) (Niigata Machine Techno CO., Ltd). The OSE was used for low-shear kneading. Therefore, it is expected that we obtain the products with relatively large domain diameter. The OSE is a machine where all eight screws engage and rotate in the same direction. Since the resin stays among eight screws in the OSE, the long-time kneading is possible compared with the SSE. The HSP is a batch-type kneading machine and has a special screw with a small hole in the center (return hole). Hence, it is possible to knead a certain amount of resin at arbitrary rotation speed and time [6-9].
The samples after kneading were pelletized, and then molded to three-point bending test pieces and flat plate test pieces using the injection molding machine.
SEM observation
The samples after kneading were frozen and fractured in liquid nitrogen, and the fracture surface was observed by a scanning electron microscopy (SEM).
Mechanical properties and observation of plastic deformation region
Three-point bending tests were conducted for specimens with notches. The Poisson contraction at the tip of the notch is suppressed due to the constraint of the distortion. Hence the pure uniaxial stretching test becomes possible. This test method is known to be effective for the evaluation of toughness (ductile or brittle) for polymer blend materials [10]. As additional experiments, the bending test was stopped at the displacement just before the fracture or at the maximum displacement (10mm), and the sample was fixed by embedding with epoxy resin. The plane of the sample perpendicular to the tip of the notch was then scraped to 20μm thick thin film using a microtome. The void-producing region in the plane was observed with a polarization microscope.
Impact resistance evaluation
For evaluating the impact strength at the time of rapid deformation, a high-speed impact test (punching) was conducted. The sample molded to a plane shape was punched by a test rod of 10mm diameter, and the stress was measured. The speed of the impact test was 10m・s-1.
    Results and Discussion
Morphology observation
Figure 1 shows the cross-sectional SEM images for PA6/ LMWPE kneaded by SSE (a) and OSE (b). For the SSE-kneaded sample, LMWPE aggregates with a maximum particle size of 3μm were observed. The size of the aggregates was not homogeneous. For the OSE-kneaded sample, we confirmed the LMWPE aggregates with a particle size from 1μm to 2μm. The size of the aggregates was relatively homogeneous compared with that of the SSE-kneaded sample. For the HSP-kneaded sample, LMWPE aggregates were not observed. The reason would be that the LMWPE was extremely finely dispersed in this case.
Three point bending test and observation of plastic deformation region
Figure 2 displays the results of the three-point bending test for pure PA6 and PA6/LMWPE blends produced by respective kneading methods. Only OSE kneaded-samples were prepared with LMWPE addition amount of 2 and 5wt%. For the pure PA6, SSE-kneaded sample, and HPS-kneaded sample, they were finally brittle fractured. In particular, for the HSP-kneaded blend, the fracture behavior was same as that of the pure PA6, thus the effect of the LMWPE blending could not be confirmed. On the other hand, the OSE-kneaded sample showed plastic deformation, and it was not fractured even at the maximum displacement (10mm) resulting in the general yield. The OSE kneaded sample (LMWPE: 5wt%) showed better breaking elongation than the system in which LMWPE(added 2wt%), but the maximum bending strength greatly decreased. This result seems to be due to excessive addition of brittle LMWPE. Figure 3 presents the polarization microscope image of the plastic deformation region produced at the tip of the notch in the bending test. For the pure PA6 (a), voids were not produced even at 3.2mm deformation, just before the fracture. While for SSE-kneaded blend (b), the plastic deformation region originating from the voids formation was confirmed for the sample just before the fracture (displacement: 6mm). In this case, the blending of LMWPE induced the void formation, and the Poisson contraction among the voids became possible, which led to the ductile behavior of the sample compared with the pure PA6. However, the stress was locally concentrated because of the inhomogeneous size of the dispersed LMWPE. Therefore, it is considered that the sample finally resulted in the brittle fracture.
For the OSE-kneaded sample (c), we confirmed the plastic deformation regions that are wider than those for the SSEkneaded one at the same displacement (6mm). Compared with the SSE-kneaded sample, the OSE-kneaded one exhibited morphology where the size of the LMWPE aggregates was small and homogeneous. Therefore, the distance among the LMWPE aggregates was homogeneous, so the sample was homogeneously deformed due to the dispersion of the stress. As a result, it is considered that the sample resulted in the general yield without the brittle fracture even at the maximum displacement.
For the HSP-kneaded sample (d), we observed a fine plastic deformation region at the displacement (3.2mm), just before the fracture. By the high shearing kneading, the LMWPE showed the dispersion condition that is close to the homogeneous compatibility system. As a result, voids expansion did not proceed because the size of the produced voids was extremely small. Thus, the stress constraint was not relaxed because the Poisson contraction was not sufficient. This would be the reason that the HSP-kneaded sample finally resulted in the brittle fracture. Based on the above results, we controlled fragile LMWPE to exhibit fine (about 1μm size) and homogeneous higher-order structure. By doing so, the void formation was induced, and the stress was relaxed. As a result, we succeeded in improving the toughness of PA6. On the other hand, the HSP-knead blended sample with excessively finely dispersed LMWPE did not have a higher-order structure. We consider that the blending of LMWPE did not lead to improve the toughness of PA6 in this case because the stress relaxation function did not work.
High-speed impact test
Figure 4 shows the load-displacement curve in the highspeed impact test at 10m.s-1. At this speed, both the PA6 and the HSP-kneaded samples were brittle fractured. The reason is that in both samples the cracks were developed because the stress was not relaxed in the deformation at the high speed. On the other hand, the SSE- and OSE-kneaded samples showed ductile fracture. For these samples, the LMWPE that is easy to be fractured existed as domains with 1-3μm diameter. The stress relaxation effect expressed even at high speed of 10m・s-1 because the LMWPE became the origin of voids. Based on these results, we succeeded in leading the SSE- and OSE-kneaded blends to the ductile fracture. On the other hand, the effect of the stress relaxation effect in the HSP-kneaded sample that has extremely fine dispersed structure of the LMWPE was not sufficient. We consider this is the reason why the HSP-kneaded sample led to the brittle fracture.
In the present work, we tried to toughen PA6 by blending a small amount of LMWPE. We obtained the PA6/LMWPE blends with different morphologies using multiple melt-kneading methods such as the uniaxial melt-kneading, the eight-axial screw melt-kneading, and the high shearing method. As a result, it was possible to lead to ductile fracture while maintaining rigidity by adding a small amount of LMWPE to PA6. Kneading by OSE was effective for finely dispersing LMWPE and equalizing dispersed particle size, and the properties of the blended material were also the most stable. This result seems to be because Poisson contraction was possible even at high speed deformation, and PA6 could lead to ductile fracture, since LMWPE which breaks easily is the starting point of void formation. However, when LMWPE was dispersed in a region close to the nano order and homogeneous system, the effect of adding LMWPE did not appear. It has been found that it was important to form a higher order structure having an island phase size larger than a certain level for toughening by polymer blending.
This research was partially funded by Impulsing Paradigm Change Through disruptive Technologies (ImPACT) Program of Council for Science, Technology and Innovation (Cabinet Office, Government of Japan).
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