#waxing cresent
turtlegang717 · 6 months
(Waxing Cresent March 11th, 2024)
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shesareb3l · 11 months
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Sticker draft
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lovesthecure · 2 years
What I'm getting here is that my art would benefit from using fewer lines, among other things. Wish I knew how to fucking do that though.
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g1rlfr1end · 2 years
fuck your zodiac, what's your favorite moon phase
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19871997 · 6 months
huge fan of this time of year in terms of clinching and whatnot because all the clinching scenarios sportsnet + co post sound like riddles i would encounter from a bridge troll
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frontyard-stars · 8 months
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Waxing cresent moon, January 16th at 9PM EST
Taken through telescope!
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oldpueblocyclist · 5 months
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Waxing Cresent…6%. With Earth shine.
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asherloki · 1 year
Hi love, I love your writing! and saw that requests are open so I am taking this opportunity to send one in 😊😊
Sherlock x reader where reader always tells Sherlock "the moon is beautiful, isn't it?" And Sherlock just responds to it with either a yes,or he might be preoccupied with a case, in reality, reader, read a book by Sosuke Natsume where instead of saying I love you, he says, the moon is beautiful,hence she used this way to say to him that she loves him,until Sherlock encounters the translated book version of this and eventually comes to a conclusion that reader has been confessing her love for him which he then realizes he does too
Thank you in advance! ❤️❤️❤️
You're my moonlight
Bbc sherlock
A/n:- hope you like it! Really enjoyed writing this request.
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"the moon is beautiful isn't it" I said looking towards the night sky, the crystal clear night sky, dark yet sparkling with starts, uncountable in numbers. And yet apparently the moon accompanying them, the queen of the night sky.
"hmm it is I believe" he said turning to me. I believe he's far too busy drowning inside his case files and Twitter than stealing a glance at the beautiful sight outside of the window. Mr Sherlock Holmes is a busy man after all.
"would you mind taking a look and then decide if you should agree with me" I replied turning towards him.
"that won't be necessary as I quite understand your obsession with nature and if you say it's beautiful outside I can hardly deny" answered my beloved flatmate, the cold detective and also the most wisest man in the country.
"hmmm perhaps you're not wrong." said I walking towards the sofa accross his.
"didn't you take picture of the moon, you always do". he said looking at me, observes everything doesn't he.
"it's not cresent Mr detective " I replied, ofcourse the cresent moon is my favourite after all. The mysterious form of it, the most artistic form of it. I've always believed I'm a waning moon. And I thought Mr Sherlock Holmes might look rude and arrogant but he's actually waxing crescent moon. since I've found out about this moon soulmate stuff I've searched mine and yes, the waning cresent is mine. I couldn't stop myself from searching for his as well and his is indeed waxing crescent. Full filling mine. Oh and one might thing the mere sentence "the moon is beautiful isn't it?" means nothing but a praise to moon. So did my dear flatmate. but the secret is, I say it quite often, in the presence of Mr Sherlock Holmes especially. it's a secret of mine, waiting for the wise detective to understand some day.
A few days went by and the full was half, and rather cresent again. Yes the most fascinating phase of it. it was barely a question if I'll stand by the window and stare at the Cresent with wide eyes. this time I did take a photo, another feather to my photo album. The camera folder contained more such photos of moon.
"the moon is beautiful isn't it?" Indeed I said again, I knew my cheeks turned pink everytime I said it while Sherlock is present. luckily I'm always facing the window, otherwise it would take a second for the detective to realise I'm blushing. but by the mere beauty of a moon? certainly not all for the moon wise man, why don't you try find it.
"might be so, your Cresent after all" said he keeping his book down. Apparently a book on anatomy, do read some classics, or perhaps fiction detective. "how so wonderful indeed" .
this time his voice was closest to me, it was like a whisper to my ear. His breath touching my skin. He came to the window placing his hands beside both of mine, standing behind me. His frame as if wrapped me like a shield like an armour. The only time I was thankful for being 5'2" or something is this moment, so my pink cheeks are hidden until I wasn't blushing, but the smile and feeling of warmth was still there in me.
Days went by and moon completely disappeared, then reappearing bit by bit. The quarter phase seemed rather basic to me, until the day it turned out to the most beautiful sight to have during the most wonderful moment of the evening. No wonder I stood by the window, while Sherlock was talking to detective inspector lestrade on phone over some cases. His name is greg by the way, not gavin or George or whatever the smart detective thinks it is, ans says so on phone,
"even yesterday I can recall I asked for the details Gavin" he yelled at him over phone.
"it's greg" came the reply loud enough for me to hear. Perhaps he was dealing with a frustrating case he just put down his phone and I heard him sigh. I didn't dared to say how beautiful the moon is, he needs to relax perhaps or get into his mind palace. Yet he did neither of those, to my surprise he again came to the window, this time standing beside me.
"the moon is beautiful isn't it?"
those words coming out of his mouth, the mesmerizing voice speaking such sentence that wasn't just a mere appreciation to the nature, or atleast to me. I can hardly describe the swirling storm of delightful feelings that was inside me at that moment. delightful indeed but also doubtful. Did he really just praised the moon? or Mr Sherlock Holmes knew it all these days.
"won't you agree? would you just stay quiet thinking hundreds of thoughts and letting the moon wait to hear your most used words to it?"
He surely knew it, of not all then some, otherwise why would he insist me. "I... oh it's..." I hesitated, the reason was obvious, that mere sentance held a special meaning for me.
"say it, oh how wonderful tonight's sky is" he kept on insisting softly, with soft smile spreading accross his lips. "I have observed this phase of moon is not your most favourite, but you may not be aware of it's significance, the first quarter phase of it signifies no hesitation, a decision should be made. Would you still hesitate? when a man like myself didn't?" he continued.
"you grew to like nature or you always knew such facts?" I enquired, I totally enjoyed his slight interest.
"I knew some, some about nature but planets and stars never fascinated me much."
"I wonder why Sherlock, I've always found such things extremely wonderful ".
"that's why, after meeting you and seeing your obsession over nature, especially how you get fascinated with moon and sun, how you feel happy on the days the sun shines at it's brightest, I may have started to find all this not so unamusing afterall, infact quite enchanting."
Oh have you heard my dear friend's explanation? even though it indicates he was fascinated by the moon or sun or rather the nature, he doesn't know the secret meaning of the sentence.
"sosuke natsume huh?" the name from his lips could make the thoughts in my head run. He knows his name, which means...
"I may have read a bit of that book and..." He trailed off, expressing emotions, rather properly is not something he prefers to do but then "I have come to find out your secret, the moon is beautiful isn't it? means I love you".
yes indeed the wisest, the most intelligent person in the country, I wouldn't be surprised if he's the smartest in the world.
"so it is" I said, "you know now Sherlock".
"I said so" he replied and it struck me, indeed he said it by himself, does that mean?
"It seems to me you may know but incase you don't know let me tell you, you are a waning cresent, a phase for selft improvement, relax and stuff, what I feel is I've always kept on running my whole life, a moment without work meant me losing my mind or cocaine. but with you, a moment of quietness holds tranquility, for you I've wanted to improve myself, learn something new, like this."
I'm sure one can imagine the way I was smiling, this side of him, different, calm, vulnerable yet not leaving the rational side of Mr Sherlock Holmes.
"and you may have also searched you're waxing crescent haven't you?" I enquired.
"quite so". he replied and his smile at this said he knows the significance, his eyes, as soothing as the moon looking into mine, as he says, my eyes are like bright sun.
"it means ambition, joy something new, just like you are to me, remember the sad me entering through the door to your flat for the first time, when I moved to London, haven't over the course of time and your company made me atleast more joyous?".
"exactly so, I'm rather glad" he replied.
"so you fulfill me"
"just like you fullfill me" these words from his mouth was all I needed to embrace him. He too wrapped me with his arms and then cupping my face his moon like eyes looked into my sunlike ones.
"I love you" his mesmerizing voice said.
"me too" the reply that I should give him. And the moon shone borrowing the light of sun above us as we stared at it while we were embracing eachother.
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plaguevampyr · 29 days
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My fictional country
Sun (center)
New Moon (southeast)
Waxing Crescent (south)
First Quarter (southwest)
Waxing Gibbous (west)
Full Moon (northwest)
Waning Gibbous (north)
Last Quarter (northeast)
Waning Cresent (east)
National Flag:
The Flag of Solunaire has a sun in the center and the phasing moons. Which represents the regions of the country and their placements.
White lunar phases represent rights and dignity.
The phases is for freedom and change.
The sun means hope.
The sparkle means connection and unity.
Blue background means royalty, independence and wisdom.
(Note: Majority of my OCs live here.)
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...i might only be going to bed early because i have camp tomorrow but im trying not to think about that :/
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hotpotrandomfics · 1 year
PJO Hecate Ritual Headcanon: Trials of Hecate
Facts of the trials origins:
Originally, referred to as the "Eight Moons and Nights of Hecate" (Októ fengária kai nýchtes tis Ekátis) was a secret ritual of the children of Hecate who would follow the guidance of the priest and priestess that followed Hecate in her cult.
Children of Hecate would travel to the Underworld on a pilgrimage to Hecate's palace within her region of influence in the domain of Hades.
The purpose of the trials was for the influence of Hecate to remain prominent in the mortal realm and to gift the strongest and most cunning of her children greater influence in her domains.
The last child of Hecate to conduct the trials was at the end of the Trojan War, Athanasios of Kórinthos (Corinth), who was slain in a battle against a horde of Spartoi who were sent to destroy Corinth. Defeating the horde, Athanasios would fall to his wounds in an unmarked cave where he would find his mother that wept and mourned the death of her son. Hecate pledged that no child of hers shall take the trials as they ultimately suffer a gruesome death.
Trial Phases:
1. Néa Selíni (New Moon): A trial of wit with no use of magic or weapons, a child of Hecate shouldn't rely solely on their physical abilities but their capacity for deductive reasoning in the pursuit of their own path.
2. Imisélinos me kerí (Waxing Cresent): Deciphering an ancient riddle, the riddle serves as a second test of wit but is not something that can be overthought of, and if one is willing the riddle answer will reveal itself though not every answer is the same.
3. Próto tétarto (First Quarter): Revisiting a past traumatic event, while the trauma may seem clear and tangible the child of Hecate must not let themselves be consumed by the temptation and fear of past horrors.
4. Apotríchosi varýs (Waxing Gibbous): Accepting one's flaw, this part is for the child to acknowledge that despite all their success that there will be a lingering darkness from their doubts.
5. Pansélinos (Full Moon): As the moon is full, a child must define themselves by looking inward, the light within that shines the brightest, and creating their own set of torches.
6. Adynatisménos varýs (Waning Gibbous): One will follow the echoes to their salvation but must ward off their own inner demons while their torches fade away.
7. Tríto tétarto (Third Quarter): As the moon reaches further into darkness, the child must fight with only their torches to find their paths in a maze of many.
8. Imisélinos pou exafanízetai (Waning Crescent): Once the last light fades, the rebirth of the child begins but is to occur with a proper acceptance of the path they will walk for the rest of their life.
Benefits and Burdens of the Trial
Greater endurance both physically, magically, and mentally
Knowledge of all past Trial victors and failures
Access to a specific weapon molded through the Trials
Access to many lost magics of Hecate
Forever blessed by Hecate and her child's descendants
Greater chance of monsters catching the child's scent
Increased possibility of falling into madness
Known Children of Hecate and Champions of the Trials
Athanasios of Kórinthos
Ciel Ambrose Silverstein
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witchtipsarewhich · 1 year
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MOON GUIDES AND DIETY GUIDES New Moon - new beginnings, setting intentions, planting seeds for the future, manifesting desires.
Waxing Cresent Moon - constructive magic, self-love, compassion, courage, envisioning.
First Quarter Moon - draw things in, success, money, finding things once lost.
Waxing Gibbous Moon - constructive magic, motivation, finishing a project.
Full Moon - addressing challenges, psychic development, and divination.
Waning Gibbous Moon - repelling, banishing, destroying that which is unwanted, and clarity.
Third Quarter Moon - overcome setbacks, and transition into something new.
Waning Cresent Moon - bigger banishings, remove things draining energy, dropping things damaging you.
Creativity and Handiwork - Lugh, Hephaestus, Vulcan, Svarog, Birghid, Hestia, Vesta, Shiva, Apollo, Saraswati, Orpheus, Amaterasu.
Chaos - Loki, Anansi, Eris, Apophis, Tiamat, Balor.
Destruction/Baneful - Morrighan, Demeter, Shiva, Kali, Athena, Freya, Thor, Hades, Chernobog, Sekhmet, Ahriman.
Food (Kitchen Spells) - Herne, Osiris, Pomona, Demeter, Dionysus, Gaea, Hades, Horae, Persephone, Carme, Carpi, Hestia.
Femininity/Feminine Energy - Artemis, Venus, Isis, Juno, Cernunnos, Freya, Bona Dea, Oshun, Aphrodite, Hathor, Sophia.
Masculinity/Masculine Energy - Cernunnos, Herne, Odin, Thor, Zeus, Poseidon, Apollo, Ares, Hephaestus, Dionysus.
Love - Brighid, Frigga, Aphrodite, Venus, Eros, Priapus, Cupid, Hathor, Hera, Juno, Parvati.
Magic - Isis, Hecate, Circe, Cernunnos, Cerridwen.
Divination - Birghid, Cerridwen, Janus.
Wisdom - Thoth, Athena, Odin, Omoikane, Saraswati, Abu, Anansi.
Hope this helps! Stay witchy! xx
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madomens · 8 months
Miss ma'am, it is a waxing cresent not a full moon??
i just say shit honestly never take me serious🫶🏻🫶🏻
i’m still on the hunt tho
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toximandias · 1 year
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I fucking hate delibirds so much stupid idiot dumbass looking pokemon sac carrying Santa Claus cosplaying bird and look at its eyes shit looks like a waxing Cresent moon and its wierd ass antler looking eyebrows just looks stupid and and
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mixedbloodedwitch · 2 years
Just to make it more clear
Full Moon
Waning Gibbous
Undoing Bindings
Undoing Curses
Third Quarter
Breaking Bad Habits
Breaking Curses
Waning Cresent
Attaining Wisdom
New Moon
Destructive Magick
Soul Searching
Waxing Cresent
Constructive Magick
First Quarter
Waxing Gibbous
Good Health
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haloeyes · 1 year
my mum is a waning cresent and im a waxing gibbous , opposites but complete each other if that aint the realest revalation i miss my ma ♡
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