#wdym they have all these dance offs smiling at each other and then not fall in love huh
allmightydepression · 2 years
Sick and tired of hindi films pitting two girls against each other for a guy when they both clearly are in love with each other n the guys just existing in bg 🚶‍♂️
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1111jenx · 3 years
random astro placements &
their culture 🍧🍥🍧
(part 2)
Check out my part 1 here • part 3 here • part 4 here
🍧scorpio moon culture is telling people "nO i dOnT hOlD gRuDgEs wdym"
🍧mars-jupiter culture is full on burning someones house down and they'd still laugh it off cuz no one takes your anger seriously 😐
🍧cancer mars culture is literally having a panic attack because you can't locate your purse just to turn around and see it tucked behind your fatass.
🍧cancer rising culture is keeping up a hard face as you tell people: " i dont care." but you do and you care so fucking much its starting to hurt a lil okay
🍧taurus venus culture is going to the new restaurant downtown with your friends and you already know the menu by heart. also a love for elegant people.
🍧leo sun culture is staring at people as they make jokes about leo being self-centered but you can't give a f because at the end of the day, they are still talking about YOU😘
🍧9H Venus culture is falling for people who's drastically different from you. people who are simply so educated and have a sense of unique childishness got your heart.
🍧gemini mercury culture is laughing out loud when someone told you something traumatic and you just went: "oh no sorry i was just thinking about that one tiktok"
🍧libra rising culture is filtering the entire argument you just had with your partner to PG because you know your friends and any normal person would tell you it's not normal to call your s/o a "lil dumbf*ck" and a "c^nt" and you don't know how to explain to them you guys say shits like that to one another but you still love each other deeply.
🍧moon in taurus culture is browsing engagement ring casually hoping your s/o would notice and cuff you asap.
🍧sagittarius venus culture is laughing it off when people pressure you to talk about your love life. you either have 2 jacks, 1 ethan and 4 evans on the line or you're just working your ass off, no in between.
🍧1H lilith culture is hiding your curves and beauty under layers of clothes or getting extra worried to go out by yourself cause you know the attention is always on you, and it doesn't matter if you like it or not, its there.
🍧4H lilith culture is getting suspicious when a family member become extra affectionate towards you.
🍧taurus venus culture is falling for people who "smell good" or dress well without knowingly and you secretly LOVE it when people compliment your style.
🍧libra mars culture is making a dirty joke to your s/o and getting embarrassed by it yourself💀
🍧jupiter in the 10H culture is reading up on astro blogs and seeing people telling you jupiter grants you great lucks in career but you're pretty sure you deadass got into college purely by accident or something while in reality you always lucked out as small things last minute just happens to work in your benefits ✨ so shuddupppp stop complaining
🍧aries rising culture is getting so drunk and either get hella emotional crying about your daddy issues or being the life of the party on the dance floor. strictly no in between<3
🍧libra rising culture is having the ability to bullshit your way out of stuff anytime you want. but the moment you start caring a lil too much then 💀💀
🍧but libra rising culture is lowkey enjoying it a lil too much when astrology call you "the prettiest rising" or "aesthetically pleasing" but people don't know underneath you have a heart thats not at all trusting and you go through life searching for your perfect half, your flirty and flighty nature is just a front.
🍧sagittarius rising culture is having the nicest shiniest smile in the room and are the true brat tamers underneath, fix your crown baddies.
🍧aqua moon culture is loving aggressive people.
🍧venus in 11H culture is worrying you're giving people the wrong sign because you're too nice and touchy like. keep it up people thats just how you roll👍🏼
🍧pisces placements culture is being able to cry whenever you want. literally cry on cue dawg. one word and these eyes are filled with water.
🍧aquarius mercury culture is staring at your friend as they try to sugarcoat what you just said so it doesn't come out bad and lowkey wanting to say no i meant exactly that💀
🍧aries mars culture is getting a lil too excited to talk about people's love life but get FLUSTERED talking about your own.
🍧gemini moon culture is people not knowing a thing about your life and getting hella intimidated by you until they get to know you better.
🍧mercury-pluto culture is making the NASTIEST DARKEST MOST INAPPROPRIATE joke ever and innocently smile afterwards like nothing happened
🍧venus-ascendant culture is getting a lil salty when people don't put you on a pedestal and admire your beauty like no lets not talk about my resume, just look at me thats enough achievements
🍧mercury sextile venus culture is pleasing the shit out of people and realising hours later it wasn't reciprocated so now you wish you acted meaner like control your golden retriever energy cowboy
🍧taurus moon culture is retail therapy. you seriously feel some sense of sick achievement when you successfully convince your friend to buy that sauna yoga pants.
🍧libra moon culture is forcing yourself to like someone because everyone likes them so much so something must be deep down that empty shell of a person💀💀
🍧cancer moon culture is going through your old convos w people and realize how shitty of a person you are so you did some self-reflection on the spot😃
🍧10H saturn culture is literally greying at 18. breath y'all.
🍧virgo rising culture is holding back the need to slap your dumbass friend who can barely spell retrograde right because they forget to do something and now they want you to do it and you know after hours of complaining you gonna end up doing it anyways💀
🍧7H stellium culture is people owning you ✨FAVOURS✨
🍧10H moon/venus culture is being told your mom is hella attractive and you're just like yeah i know what about it😐
🍧leo moon culture is having negative chequing account but confidently ask your friend if they need an uber ride home because its late and you're worried
🍧virgo mars culture is absolutely loving home interiors and you freaking hate it when people come inside your home and touch things that they shouldn't be touching
🍧gemini venus culture is not even passing the talking stage but astro people keep accusing you of being the whore of the zodiac like bro, your local gemini venus is texting 10 people right now how can they cheat on someone if they can't even get into a relationship 💀
🍧scorpio venus culture is bonding through doing dr@gs with someone. apparently sharing blow is hella intimate guys.. but for real it does mean something for them and can literally be seen as a defining point of your relationship with them 😄👍🏼
🍧venus conjunct saturn culture is falling for the rich jocks. literally just spoil the shit outta you and you're ready to elope
🍧DC in air sign culture is falling for people who are emotionally unavailable. like oh a challenge? i LOVE to be challenged yay bRiNg it oN
🍧venus in fire sign culture is disappearing at 1AM every girls night out and people genuinely thought you're dead in a ditch somewhere but you're actually tiptoeing out of your hookup's place the next morning
🍧air mars culture is blocking someone during an argument and unblocking them a second later just to say "okok im better now that was irrational what were you saying again?"
🍧leo mars culture is winking to your reflection in the mirror opposite as you're getting railed by someone. self love comes first✨
yayyy i made it to the end,, whoever that made it here can i get a OWA OWA in the comment??🥳 i'm in love w this new series y'all
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saint jenx🪐
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callbackup · 3 years
top 5 daxton moments!
BESTIEEEE such an amazing thing to talk about😌
Im sorry for replying so late😭I hope I wont miss any scenes!! Also this order isnt very accurate pls im so bad at ranking lmao
5. Devi ending things with paxton
OK SO I KNOW I KNOW ITS SAD BUT I LOVE IT!!! Firstly I love the fact that Devi plucked up the courage and finally told Paxton that she doesnt want to be a secret girlfriend go off! But also the angst! in that scene, I love it soooo much - Devi's face falling when Paxton tells her that he can't be her public boyfriend, him nodding along to her saying she understands bc I think he thought that she would still want to date him?? And then THE HANDSHAKE !!! LITERALLY THATS HOW SHE STARTED THEIR RELATIONSHIP AND NOW SHE ENDS IT IN THE SAME WAY (and you can see how less enthusiastic the handshake in 2x10 is) CINEMATIC PARALLELS FFS I CANT but thats not the end when she takes her hand back PAXTON'S HAND IS STILL THERE HANGING JESUS CHRIST (did he keep it there bc he was shocked or did he just want to hold hands with devi?) and then both of their reactions when devi leaves the garage just 🤧🤧
4. The car ride scene and kiss!!!!!
Do I even have to elaborate??? The song is amazing and the lyrics fit so well, the lighting, the tension, their glances, the street lights and neons that you can see a reflection of, THE KISS WHICH WAS PAXTON JUST GOING FOR IT AND WE ALSO GET TO SEE THEIR FACES AFTER THE KISS???? BEST CAR RIDE SCENE AND KISS EVER FILMED THANK YOU
So I know that everyone loves the rain kiss™️ (paxton was so insane for this someone arrest him) howeverrrr what about the post-rain kiss👀 paxton saying 'this was fun' and 'call you later?' and the softness in his voice😩 and he kisses her (again!!!!) and then he's reluctant a bit to pull back and the whole time both of them have smiles playing on their lips, still excited about the whole thing just ahhhh *ascends* also someone noticed that his tshirt is dry when he's leaving but it was soaking wet when he came through the window i hate them so much
2. the tutoring scene in 2x03
Look, first we got the puppy dog eyes when he's asking her to rap and she just cant refuse sksksksk and then she's being embarrassing and he just finds it amusing and teases her and THEY TEASE EACH OTHER, both of them looking at nalini like wdym when shes surprised that paxton wants tutoring AND THEN 'because we used to hook up' LIKE WHY DID HE GO THERE?? AND HE KNOWS WHAT HE'S DOING BC HE JUST LEANS HIS HEAD BACK AND STARES AT DEVI WITH HEART EYES AND DEVI CANT HANDLE IT SO SHE JUST GIVES HIM A POP TART AND HE IMMEDIATELY STOPS THIS SCENE IS DAXTON IN A NUTSHELL PLS also side note this happens like a couple of days after the whole two timing fiasco so hes kind of supposed to be mad at her but he cant pls this man is so in love
1. paxton hitting devi with his jeep
First of all.... its kind of funny😃 no jk, he hits her with his car and then he keeps checking up on her and devi's just like "😐ok but did you come to the dance for me🧍‍♀️" skskqjslwjsk i love her and he is SO CONFUSED like "babe I just hit you with a car🤨wdym did I come to the dance for you..." another daxton in a nutshell moment😌✨ and then he looks so relieved when he says 'as your boyfriend' like ah this is what he wanted!!! For so long!!!
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azrielsribbon · 3 years
Alternatively, Asli finished the book in like six hours and has many, many thoughts.
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holy shit. this is a lot.
She has grown so much, and I mean that by the little things.
I love that sjm didn’t make it so she was addicted to the wine and sex
Okay I understand Nesta was frustrating sometimes because she really was stubborn but some of the shit Cassian said was really out of line. Especially when he screamed that no one like fucking liked her.
Cassian was down so bad this entire book and I knew that the moment he said he hadn’t bed a female in two years. He was STARVINGGG
Her determination in getting down those stairs, I probably wouldve tested myself down a window or something.
I liked how she bonded with the House. It was a refreshing, different take on loneliness and finding a friend.
The House and how it looked after her. It was the biggest thing in her journey.
One theme I see in Nesta a lot is self sabotage, especially when it means the safety of others. She’s ready to throw herself in front of them.
Her banter with Cassian was really nice to read.
Cassian and his backstory was rip. It was really sad thinking about how little kid Cass really regretted some of the things that even he couldn’t control.
sjm did not disappoint with inner thoughts. Those were really refreshing.
She wasn’t vividly jealous or furious at Mor and Cassian’s friendship and I really liked that take.
Cassian’s silent jealously when Helion tries to flirt with Nesta and she dodged it LMAOOO
When Cassian kisses her in front of their family to help her get out of the map
Her silent bond with Az! That kept me going honestly. He was a sly bastard sometimes.
Sometimes I really questioned somethings, like those fast smut scenes but that’s just my preference.
Her marching down to Amren’s after she finds out they voted against her having the weapons she Made
Not to mention how she told Feyre about the baby and the labor risk out of anger, that really hurt both of them and me.
When she stayed silent during her punishment hike with Cassian. Each thought tore me apart.
When he warned her about falling and she was glad he didn’t see the expression on her face. How she didn’t mind if she fell down and how it would better.
When she cried after all those days of silence and finally told him how she felt underneath all that.
He softened up fast too and blamed himself for not realizing all this time why she hated the fire.
Can we talk about that dancing scene with Eris? And how Cassian was secretly exploding on the side as he remembered her mother wanted her to marry a Prince just like Eris.
The Solstice scene had my heart. The gift Az got Nesta and how she hugged him after he told her about it. How Cassian smiled at the sight.
They really kept shit away from each other till it exploded in an argument and that’s a reoccurring theme with this book couple.
The topic of mates was RUSHED. Like I mean really rushed. First they argue, he says shackled and then the next time they get to speak (after the forced Blood Rite and labor scene) they accept it? I dont know, it didn’t sit with me.
I wish Nesta would elaborate on why she didn’t believe in Mates even more and Cassian would actually listen for once. Again, rushed.
The ending was fast paced in my opinion. We could’ve really had more to go off of, I needed more domestic Nessian.
I am obsessed with Gwyn, Emerie and their friendship with Nesta.
I love how Gwyn and Nesta started, both gritting their teeth and still appreciating that aspect of each other.
How Nesta raced to help her with a book even when their first encounter wasn’t the friendliest.
Gwyn being persistent in paying back her small debt. I love her.
When Gwyn applied to defense lessons after Nesta defended them from the scholar priestess.
Emerie, my homegirl. I love her to death. The way she easily befriends Nesta, how Nesta stands up for her when her cousin comes to bother her.
I don’t know if it was just me, but Emerie and Mor might possibly be something. Either good friends or interested lovers.
Gwyn helping Nesta with her research on Valkyries. Muah.
Gwyn and Az, I feel like something might happen here and if it does, I do not want any Elriel drama getting dragged in, MY GIRL GWYN HAS BEEN THROUGH ENOUGH OKAY
Gwyn thinking she doesn’t deserve the purity jewel the other priestesses wear and her backstory honestly just broke me. She endured so much.
Emerie and everything she lost. Her mother, her brother, her wings and any dreams she had of flying. How she distracts herself with work and gardening to keep that off her mind.
The way the girls all developed inside jokes, jokingly hanged up on Cassian at training and always had Nesta’s back.
The way they were dedicated to each other even during the Rite when they couldve let one another behind and won.
Fey-ruh was pregoooo she and Rhys raw dogged it
I felt really really bad when no one fucking told her she would die because the baby had wings and she wasn’t fit to give birth like that. Like. What.
Can we talk about how they fucked when Feyre was in her Illyrian form and didn’t think the thing through?
Rhys, I can’t stand the guy. First he wants to make a bargain with his mate that they die together and then he wants to keep it from her that she can die when giving birth to their kid.
I think what pissed me off the most was when he was trying to help Cassian get Nesta out of a nightmare/power “episode” and had to experience what she did with the Cauldron and seeing Elain and Cassian hurt. He said he knew she was feeling something but seeing and feeling it yourself was different. Yeah, what else did you think smartass.
Rhys has a habit of keeping important shit secret, Amren is no better either. I think that’s what pissed me off the most. They sometimes kept the too important shit away.
As much as Nesta grew, so did Feyre. They both developed pretty good in my mind, I don’t hate her as much as I despise Rhys sometimes. All and all I love how she and Nesta ended up.
Amren....I get her point about Nesta using and abusing their friendship. At the same time, sometimes she was too harsh.
Elain, darling old cottage core aesthetic Elain. I found her to be a little insufferable sometimes. How she showed up unexpectedly at the Library to talk to Nesta and they got into an argument was funny to me since Nesta pulled out some stuff on her.
Elain and Lucien is some fucked up shit. I understand how she doesn’t want to acknowledge the fact that they’re mates and all that but you can atleast thank the guy when he gives you a gift on Solstice.
I feel bad for Lucien because as sweet as Elain might show to be, she’s really hurting him and could just reject him if she really doesn’t want him.
Az when he cockblocks is the best thing. Do it more often.
Az and Nesta’s bond is something I want to see more, as well as how she literally thought about a threesome with him and Cassian.
Morriiiiigan. Everyone mentions her beauty and how she’s like the sun walking and I admire that. She wasn’t as annoying as I thought she’d be on the topic of Nesta and Cassian being an item.
She also wasn’t in the book as much which made sense since she was in Vallahan. I did like how she accepted Nessian towards the end.
The long awaited Mrs Archeron. Some of my theories about her proved true! About how she groomed her daughters into marriage ideologies at the worst age. 12 and 11? What the fuck?
The way she called Elain a pretty thing with no ambition at 11, no wonder Nesta and Elain have no proper knowledge of survival like Feyre did. She was set on making sure Nesta married someone who would treat her well, Elain married someone rich since her beauty was beyond all three of them.
Literally Mrs Archeron was not okay LMAOOO why are you telling your daughters this when they haven’t even bled yet damn CHILL
I felt bad since she didn’t care for Feyre and only their father doted on Elain and Feyre. Nesta was kept all to her mother to feed off Mrs Archeron’s narcissism.
Not to mention she died a year later
I found it funny Elain mentioned how at 15, Nesta even had their dad fearing her. Like it’s your daughter, wdym you fear her
The backstory on how Nesta treated him and how she feels now looking back. It was saddening and I unfortunately know the regret of not doing somethings. It must eat her alive.
I enjoyed reading this book, even if I wasn’t content with the ending. I tabbed a LOT of things so you’ll probably catch me editing and adding more to this in the morning. Thank you for reading all the way down here! 🤍
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mistymark · 5 years
the one with the feelings [1] // m.k.l
mark lee x reader // 1.9k words // part 1/2 // masterlist
summary; in which mark and y/n have a lot of feelings but never at the same time apparently // the times we fought our feelings for each other and the one time we didn’t
warnings; drinking // light angst? // heartache
request; no I just saw this prompt and loved it
notes; why does this remind me of love, Rosie (I cried three times in that movie)
October 2012, age 13
The squeaky sounds of sneakers on the polished wooden floor and the bouncing of basketballs was all you could hear as you watched the other students run around, throwing and catching balls between them with grins on their faces. Spinning around, you searched for Mark, your best friend and latest crush - after having helped you clean your wound after you scraped your knee on the asphalt at school.
Nowhere to be found, you decided to duck under the back of the bleachers, your secret sanctuary when you didn’t want to partake in PE. Lifting the curtain to allow yourself entry, you saw Mark, grinning at a figure in the dark.
It took you a moment to notice their interlocking fingers, their touching shoulders, their legs brushing against each other’s as they squished together on the bench. Letting the curtain fall from your grasp, you hang your head and disappear into the bathrooms, unseen.
February 2014, age 14
You sat on the rickety chair in your ill-fitting school-dance outfit, watching the couples dance awkwardly on the dance floor. Spotting Mark across the dance floor, standing beside the drinks table as he waits for an opportunity to stop talking to one of your teachers, his hands casually resting in his suit pant pockets. The jacket hangs off his skinny frame a little too much, making him appear smaller than he actually was.
A few moments later, he was walking over to you, two cups of the terrible punch in his hands as he narrowly dodged the dancing people in his path. A grin found itself on your face as he sat beside you, passing you one of the cups.
You sat together for a while, talking mindlessly about the dance and school and whatever else came to mind that night. When there was a bout of silence, Mark placed his cup on the floor, wiping his slightly sweaty palms on his pants as he tried to muster up the courage to ask you to dance. His mouth suddenly went dry.
Within a second, a hand was being outstretched to you, the smiling face of one of the boys in your class looking down at you, asking you to dance. Having not yet been asked to dance, you eagerly grabbed his hand, letting him pull you out of your chair and onto the dance floor. 
Mark stayed sitting, waiting for you to come back. Waiting to ask you to dance.
August 2017, age 18
The flashing lights and loud bass was slowly starting to make you feel numb, but you watched with a grin on your face as Mark danced on his living room table, the small wooden piece of furniture barely supporting his weight as he moved. 
You had lost count of your alcohol intake, and Mark was clearly drunk, dancing haphazardly on top of the table. When the song ended, one of the boys nearby turned down the volume of the speakers, yelling, “Speech! Speech!”
Soon enough, everyone was chanting for Mark to deliver a speech, and he stood casually atop the table as he handed his beer to someone next to him. He addressed the crowd, “You’re all here! It’s my birthday, thank you.” His eyes found yours, “Oh, Y/n! Come here.” When you didn’t move, he waved you over again.
Eventually you stood below him, looking up at him in confusion, whisper shouting up at him, “What are you doing?” Your foggy brain struggled to focus on Mark as you watched him sway lightly on his feet.
He grinned at you and grabbed your arm, helping you up onto the table. When you were stood safely beside him, he wrapped his arm around your waist, “Everyone! Tonight would not have been made possible without Y/n,” he turned to look you in the eyes, his face serious, “my best friend.”
There was a beat before someone started cheering, and then the music was slowly being turned up as people turned to each other, happily chatting and resuming their dancing.
You stood still on the top of the coffee table with Mark, his arm still wrapped tightly around you, his eyes staring into yours. His gaze flickered to your lips, and he stared at them for a while, silently debating whether he should go for it.
And he did.
Suddenly his lips were on yours and your hands were cupping his face, his arm holding you against him as his other hand rested on the back of your neck.
With the cloudiness of your brain and the sensation of Mark kissing you, you found it difficult to focus on your surroundings, but the obvious squeak of the table was enough to pull you from the haze. With great difficulty, you pushed yourself away and stepped off the table, tugging Mark’s hand so he followed you.
Before Mark’s foot met the ground, the table was crumbling, snapping in half at the added weight and movement from your actions. He winced drunkenly at the table, then decided it was best to go find a sensible adult to deal with the problem, quickly making his way to the kitchen and abandoning you.
December 2017, age 18
You sat silently on the porch of your house, the porch swing creaking as you swung slowly, your gaze fixated on your feet. Christmas was always a busy time for your family, with all the parties and events your family hosted, but it seemed that no one had come looking for you yet, so you found yourself in the only quiet part of your house; the open porch.
There was a door slam on the street, and you looked up as Mark’s parents stepped out of their car, his mother carrying a large wrapped gift and his father a tray of dessert. Mark, dressed in a suit jacket and black jeans, stepped out of the car only to run back to grab something he’d left.
His parents continued up the drive to your house, greeting you with their warm smiles, “Hi, dear. How have your holidays been?”
You grinned back at them, noticing again how much of his parents you could see in Mark, “Brilliant, thank you.” You pointed your thumb in the direction of the front door. “Party’s inside.”
They nodded and smiled a little wider when they realised you weren’t coming inside with them, but you dismissed it as you continued lazily swinging on the porch swing.
A moment later, Mark was jogging up the drive, taking the stairs two steps at a time to reach you, puffing slightly, “Hey.”
You continued swinging, a smile on your face, “Hey.”
He stood up straighter, examining the outside of your house, “The place looks great. New door?”
“New door,” you nodded. 
“Looks good,” he stuffed his hands in his jean pockets, nodding to himself.
You raised an eyebrow, “I haven’t seen you in, like, a month and all you have to say is that my door looks good?”
“It’s not the only thing,” he smirked at you, pleased with himself before untucking his hands and making his way over to sit beside you. “I got you something.”
“You- what? No, Mark, you didn't have to! I didn’t get you anything,” you were suddenly ashamed of yourself; why hadn’t you gotten him a gift?
“Oh, come on, it’s not a big deal,” he shrugged, smiling and handing you a small box. “It’s nothing big, I promise.”
You stared at him for a moment before nodding, turning to look eagerly at the small box before you. Mark chuckled at your excitement. You opened the lid, “It’s - woah! It’s the friendship bracelet I made you ages ago!”
“When we were nine,” he corrected, beaming down at the tiny bracelet, glad that you’d remembered.
“Is this you returning my gift? You don’t want to be friends anymore?” 
“No! I thought - I thought you’d like it. I found it a few weeks ago-”
“I can’t believe you kept it.”
He shrugged, eyeing the bracelet and avoiding your face, “No big deal.”
You grinned, throwing your arms around him, “Thank you. I love it.”
You felt him hesitate for a moment before letting his arms wrap around you, holding you warmly in his embrace, the bracelet hanging off your fingers as you breathed in the scent of him, enjoying the moment.
January 2018, age 18
“1! Happy New Year!” The crowd cheered with excitement as the large ball on the television dropped, before images of people cheering, kissing and drinking populated the screen.
Your friend stood beside you, a glass raised to her lips, “You’re driving tonight, right?” You nodded, and she grinned, “Looks like I’m starting this year the same way I did last, drunk as fuck.” She toasted to you politely before proceeding to drain her glass, walking into the kitchen to find another.
There was a tap on your shoulder and you spun around, your eyes meeting Mark’s. The music started up again as the party continued, and dancing bodies swarmed onto the dance floor of the host’s living room, somebody harshly bumping into Mark, causing him to step forward, his chest merely inches from your own.
“Hey,” he breathed, his hands holding your waist from when he’d almost tripped. “Happy New Year.”
“Happy New Year,” you whispered back. You weren’t sure if he could hear you, but he seemed to understand. “Any kisses this year?”
His eyes found themselves on your lips again as he leant closer, “Only one.” His lips met yours softly, the loudness and wildness of the party juxtaposing the sweet, sober moment between you two.
You pulled back, “What was that for?”
He bit his lip in an attempt to hide his smile, “I had to know what it was like.”
“What what was like?”
“Kissing you.”
February 2018, age 18
[2:47pm] Mark: got any plans this afternoon?
[2:50pm] You: not really, just packing the last of my stuff
[2:50pm] Mark: wdym?
[2:50pm] You: for college dummy
[2:51pm] You: I leave in two weeks remember
[2:51pm] You: gotta be ready :))
[2:52pm] Mark: ofc I cant believe I forgot
[2:52pm] Mark: must be bc im gonna miss you ://
[2:52pm] You: oh shut up ur such a drama queen
[2:53pm] Mark: bc ur not dramatic enough!!
[2:53pm] Mark: im not gonna see you in forever
[2:53pm] You: I’m literally going to be at ur brothers engagement party what is wrong with you
[2:54pm] Mark: I hate talking to you im gonna go pack
[2:55pm] Mark: promise you’ll be there?
[2:57pm] You: of course
April 2018, age 18
You groaned and hit the horn again, the long highway before you backed up far into the distance. The grey sky contrasted against the severity of the red brake lights ahead of you, glowering angrily at you from where they stood, unmoving. Anxious, you fiddled with the blue material of your cocktail dress, the white envelope sitting on the seat beside you, the time and place of Mark’s brother’s engagement party printed neatly on the card inside; 6pm at the Grand Wyatt Hotel. You glanced wearily at the clock on your dash, the numbers steadily increasing until 6pm hit, and later passed.
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worldwide-winner · 5 years
Change (2)
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summary: It’s only when he gets a girlfriend that you realize you have feelings for your roommate and best friend Jeon Jungkook. You tumble further into confusion as you realize you also have feelings for your other roommate and bff Park Jimin
Warnings: Drug mentions, drinking
After grocery shopping with the boys and getting crepes, the sun was already setting. Time had flown by and now you were peacefully scrolling on your phone from the comfort of your couch. Your peace was broken when your phone started vibrating aggressively, signaling the income of many texts.
You opened the group chat feeling more annoyed than you should.
Dance king: '____  ____'
Worldwide Handsum: '____ come to this party'
Tae: 'yeah, its lit'
Jimin walked up and looked over your shoulder. You sighed and typed up a quick response, "Sorry, don't feel like getting drunk and doing something I'll regret." Send.
Three dots popped up on the bottom of the screen.
Dance King: 'But ____, you don't have to drink.'
Tae: 'Yeaah wdym? Just come for the tunez and experience'
You rolled your eyes. They wouldn't stop bugging you until you gave in.
Worldwide Handsum: 'plus we need a ride. our last uber driver was rlly shady'
Tae: 'pls uwu'
You clicked your tongue and tapped away, "Why can't you just stay there?"
Tae: 'Gross, last time they spent the night I found Hobi naked on the table'
You chuckled, remembering when Tae called you, only to scream into the phone about how traumatized he was. "See u in 10. Bringing Chim w me." Jimin punched your shoulder lightly. "You didn't even ask!" you shrugged and smirked, "You would've come anyway."
It didn't take long to get ready. You changed into a lighter shirt and applied minimal makeup. Jimin was quick too, only changing into a comfier (but still fashionable) outfit and brushing out his hair. He drove since your car was in the shop. The house was massive and flashing lights poured out of the open windows.
You and Jimin walked side by side past the kids smoking on the porch and into the loud house. The music blared so loud that you could barely hear yourself think. You nudged Jimin, "Taehyung really outdid himself this time!" you shouted over the noise. He just nodded at you. "Speaking of Tae, where is he?" You shrugged. "Let's split. Text me when you find him." He smiles and nods, stepping out into another room.
You wander through a crowded hallway when you're roughly pulled into a dark closet. "What the heck?! Who is it?" you blink in the darkness and your eyes slowly adjust. "It's just me.." Taehyung's voice calms you. "Tae? What are you doing in a closet?! Is this a metaphor for something...?" you teased.
"What?! No! Listen I'm hiding from someone.  You slid down the wall to sit on the floor. "What happened?" He sits next to you. He's wearing a hideous cashmere turtle neck and jeans with gaping holes that leave his knees exposed. It would look horrendous on anyone else, but he manages to pull it off. "Well..." He brushes his pink hair out of his eyes. "You know the life of a party goer is preeeetty wild." You narrow your eyes at him as he continues. "There's the basic three things: Drugs, sex, and alcohol."
"Oh my god, you do drugs?!" He holds up a finger and glances away. "Well..." He bites his lip, pondering over his words. "Okay, so there's this guy that I usually go to. Not the best, but his prices aren't bad-" "Taehyung." You stop him, "You're crazy. You know that this is illegal, right?!" He throws a glare your way.
"You sound like my mom! Can I finish?" You press your lips into a thin line and grunt. "ANYWAYS... I was trying to throw him some hints. Y'know, just to say that his product quality is degrading a lil." You sighed. "What were these 'hints' then?" He coughs awkwardly and plays with his sleeves. "I stopped paying him." Your mouth drops. There is no doubt. Kim Taehyung is the biggest idiot you know.
You slap him upside his head and he yelps. "What the hel-" "YOU MORON! WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?" he frantically covers your mouth with both hands and hisses "He'll hear us!!!" You lick his palms and he releases you with a disgusted look on his face. "Listen, he's here right now, and he probably won't be happy when he sees me. He might even gun me down." His eyes widen and start watering and he clasps his hands together, holding them in front of his chest.  "I can't die, ____,  I'm too young, too gentle, too-"
"Okay Tae, what do you want from me?" He smiles slyly, "I just want you to get him out of here." You squint in disbelief. "If you want me to flash him then my answer is no." He raises his hands in defense, "Hey, I didn't even think of that! Good idea though." He smirks and continues, "I was just gonna have you say I'm not home and give him the money." You unfold your arms that you'd unknowingly crossed.
"Here's the money." He presses a white envelope into your palm and you tuck it in your shirt. "Alright. I'll come to get you when he's gone." He smiles and grabs your head to squish his cheek against yours. "Ew don't touch me." You giggle and push yourself up from the floor. "I'll be waiting!" He sings and you shake your head as you step out.
You have to squint as your senses are flooded with everything. The music pounds into your eardrums and the lights blind you. Someone grabs your arm and pulls you into their chest. You turn and see Jimin giving you a puzzled look. "Oh, hey," you say softly. "I thought you didn't drink?" It was more of a question than a statement. "I- What?" you gently shove him.
"What makes you think I've been drinking?" You ask and he chuckles, "You just look so out of it." You roll your eyes and huff, "Yeah, that's probably because I've been in a closet for the past 15 minutes." He gives you a questioning look. "Tae's in trouble with a drug dealer. I gotta go find the guy."
"Here, let me go with you! Sounds dangerous." He grabs your hand, enclosing it in his. "What does the guy look like?" You groan again. "Didn't ask. I'll text him." You pull out your phone and text Tae. Your phone beeps and you pull Jimin through the crowded house. "Over 45, glasses, and pug-faced. Likely to have a girl on each arm."
Not too long after, you finally find him and he's surprisingly nice. You apologized about 50 times for Tae's idiotic actions and promised that it would never happen again and even follow him to the front door to ensure his departure. You sigh as you stare out the window. Jimin throws his arm around you to pull you closer. "____ I-"
You jerk away and feign shock. "I forgot, we need to get Tae!" You rush to the closet, your face flushing. This is normal. Jimin is always touchy. You slept with him wrapped around you last night for pete's sake! So why did it seem like there was something more to his show of affection? You tore open the closet door.
Taehyung is quick to spring up. "Let's go party!" He pulls you to the kitchen. It's surprisingly empty besides the few boys from your small friend group. Namjoon, Seokjin, Hoseok. Even Min Yoongi was there. "Hey! Hoseok shouted. "I haven't seen you since...." He taps his chin in thought. "Hobi. I saw you yesterday." You mutter. "Ohhhhh yeah!"
They were wasted. Seokjin stumbled over to you and you gripped his waist to keep him from falling. "____" He slurred, "I officially signed the papers... Joonie too. I-" Hiccup. "We're your new dads." You laughed and shook your head. "Gee, thanks, dad." He ruffles your hair a little too roughly and leaves to pour another cup of an ominous looking liquid into his cup.
The atmosphere suddenly turns awkward and Taehyung is quick to break the tension. "Let's play a game! Bring the pitcher, we're moving this party to the basement." Hobi lets out a too loud whoop and the group follows Tae out of the kitchen. Somewhere along the journey Jimin joins in and when you turn to him he flashes you a confused look.
You ignore it and the group halts as you reach the basement door. Taehyung always keeps it locked even though there's nothing of value stored there. It's where he could be himself with his friends and not have to keep up the rich host act.
He stepped aside to let you file down the stairs and you kept a close watch on the others, making sure they didn't tumble down. Once you were there, you clicked on the lights and Taehyung cut in front of you to spread pillows out on the floor. Everyone sat on a pillow in a small circle and poured themself a cup from the pitcher. Tae, who sat across from you, handed you a cup. You were too lazy to fight him. One cup couldn't hurt.
He groaned as he stretched his arms up, "It's so nice to get away from all the noise. Being the life of the party can be sooooo exhausting." You roll your eyes. "Then why do it? Why host parties and get wasted all the time?"
He gazes into your eyes before turning them to the ceiling. "It makes me forget how sad and lonely I am, I guess..." He opens his mouth to speak again but Namjoon drunkenly interjects. "That's dark, dude..." "Didn't know you were so emo" Yoongi adds.
Taehyung scoffs and Jimin changes the subject. "Let's play a game or something!" Everyone agrees. You end up playing truth or dare and the game is surprisingly tame. All the truths are about who has a crush on you and it's hard to believe that you're with 20-year-old men. The dares are mild too. Just kisses and prank calls. Finally, you decide to wrap it up and the group heads back upstairs.
The party has mostly died down, just a few couples making out in various corners and a group of people dancing. Tae turns off the music and cups his hands around his mouth to shout, "PARTY'S OVER PEOPLE TIME TO GO HOME!" To which they groan and stumble out of the oversized house. Jimin grabs your shoulder, "Let's get these guys home."
You look at Tae whos now picking up shards of glass from a vase while grumbling. "You know what Jimin? I think I'll stay here and help clean up." You turn back to Jimin, "Besides, I didn't even realize Joon and Yoongi were here. We can't even all fit in the car." He frowns and nods. "Are you sure though? I can drive back... I don't mind." You smile and pinch his cheek assuringly. "Of course, Jiminie. Just be careful driving!" He smiles widely and leaves with the four drunken men.
"Why are you still here?" Taehyung squints at you, holding a trash bag. You shrug and smile, "I figured I could help clean up... It can't be fun to fix this all by yourself." You motion to the messy living room. He nods with a small smile and you both busy yourself with cleaning.
By the time you finish, it's 3:30 in the morning and you're exhausted. Tae leads you to his large bedroom and you both plop down on the king sized bed, staring at the ceiling. "You sure you don't want to change into some pajamas? I'm sure they'd fit you." He asks, not making a single move. You groan. His designer, silk pajama set would probably feel like heaven but honestly? "I'm too tired to move."
"Same." he mumbles. "How can you be so lonely?" You ask, bringing up the conversation you had in the basement. He rolls over to face you and you do the same. He hums, looking at the ceiling again. "I know it may sound cheesy but... I wonder if anyone will really love me." You snort and he looks back at you.  
"What are you saying? Everyone loves you." You sigh. He frowns.  "You really believe that? I thought you were smarter." You gasped, offended, but let him continue. "They love the guy who's open to trashing his house every weekend. I doubt half of them even know my last name..." He trails off and you reach out to grab his hand. "You know our lil squad is always here for you Tae. We all love you, we just express it differently. Someday you'll find the right person."
He smiles and ruffles your hair with his free hand before pulling the covers up and you both drift off.
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abigailpoe · 6 years
Home for Christmas (Parker x MC)
3rd Day of Christmas
Summary: It had been a few years since everything had finished with the cult and the lake has been finished. Parker and Erin broke up when she returned to college, and they hadn’t seen each other since. This year, however, Erin was returning to town for Christmas. That’s when they ran into each other…
Notes: I don’t own any of these characters.
Rating: PG
Tags:  @boneandfur @littlecrookedheart​ @syltti78​ @regina-and-happiness​ @flyawayboo​ @alegria1580​ @boneandfur​ @llamasgrl​ @tmarie82​ @indiacater​
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“I’ll be there soon,” I promised my brother. I hadn’t been home to Pine Springs since everything that had happened with the lake and cult. I still talked to Tom and Danni every once in a while, but after I left for college, things were never the same with Parker and me.
“I miss you a ton. I know Parker misses you too, and he watches out for me just like he promised you...” Elliot trailed off.
“I have to go. The roads are icy, and I don’t want to get to get into an accident.” I replied in hopes he would drop the subject of Parker.
When I went away to college, I thought Parker and I would say in touch. We had only been dating a few months, but everything just felt right. However, distance caused major issues. We both decided it was for the best if the two of us went our separate ways. Elliot said Parker never stopped looking out for him. Danni and Tom both informed me that Parker wasn’t as happy as he once was and that he often took it out on others. 
I turned right and towards town. It was snowing heavily, and it made difficult to see too far in front of me. I had my brights on, but that didn’t seem to help with the visibility. That’s when I saw a deer run into the road with her fans. I slammed on the breaks, but the icy roads carried my car into the ditch. I attempted to open the door, but I was stuck. I pulled out my phone and began texting Elliot.
Me: Help? 
Elliot: What happened
Me: I didn’t want to hit some deer... so now I’m stuck in a ditch in my car
Elliot: Parker is on his way
Me: Wdym
Me: Elliot!
I tried a few more times to get ahold of Elliot, but nothing was working. I heard a scraping noise on the outside of the car. I began pushing against my door. My door suddenly flew open, and I was thrown from my car.
“Are you okay?” Parker asked, helping me up from the depths of the cold snow. 
I brushed off my clothes and looked up at him. He looked different now, which I was expecting, but I wasn’t expecting him to have some scruff. Along with that, he looked physically exhausted.
“Hi...” I mumbled.
He looked down at the ground. “Hi...”
“Hey, I-”we both spoke at the same time. “You can go first.”
I took a breath. “I wanted to talk to you, but I didn’t know it would be like this.”
Parker smiled. “You did?”
I began walking over to his car. “Don’t make a thing out of it, Shaw.”
“Come on. Parker is amazing... Don’t let him slip out of your hand.” Danni stated. “He really does care about you.”
I sighed through the phone. “I just don’t get it. One minute he’s strong and confident, and then the next, he’s all flustered. Parker just mixes in anger.”
“Are you sure you both want to do long distance?” asked Tom, who was with Danni in her car. 
“Don’t ask dumb questions, Tom!” Danni snapped, and I heard a slap in the background. “Listen, Erin, it’s not our call to make, but we know how much you both care about each other. Please, don’t lose him. It’s been almost a year, and with school getting out soon, you’ll be coming back to Pine Springs.”
I sighed. “Actually, I won’t. I got a huge chance at an internship in Cordonia to work for the new duchess. I agreed to take it.”
I slammed the door to Parker’s jeep shut. It was the same that it had always been. He kept it cleaner than I ever had in my own car. I looked at the dashboard to see a picture of our old group still tapped up. Parker said he kept it up there to remind him to be careful because he had people to come home to.
Parker opened the door to his car and climbed in. “I missed you.”
I looked down at the floorboard, messing with my fingers. “I missed you, too.” In all honesty, I did miss him. I missed all of him. His smile. That fucking smile that anyone could fall in love with. I missed our late night calls. The inside jokes. Our friendship. I missed all of it but the tears.
He turned the keys and started the car. We began to roll forward and onto the road. “You said you wanted to talk.” He whispered. 
I nodded, still not making eye contact. I knew that the moment I did, I’d give into Parker. “I did. I’m sorry that shit hit the fan and ended the way it did.”
He took a deep breath, letting it out slowly. “I understand why you took the internship. I was upset at the time, but it didn’t give me the right to react the way I did.” I looked out the window at the snow. I watched as the flakes hit the car and melted away. 
Every Friday, Parker and I would have an unofficial date over FaceTime. I was excited to share the news with him. “I have good news!” I smiled.
“You’re coming back to Pine Springs?” He asked.
My heart sank and the smile faded. “Actually, I got an offer to work as a press secretary for the new dutchess of Cordonia. It’s going to take all summer.”
“You’re joking, right?” Parker asked. “I thought that you were coming back...”
I looked down at my now empty plate. “I’m so sorry... I wanted to, but this is a huge thing for me!”
“Whatever. You’re going to the opposite side of the globe!” He yelled. “We’re never going to get to talk because I’ll have to work when you’re free or vice versa. Did you even think about us?”
I nodded, trying to defuse the situation. “Of course I did! I took this for you, for us. It’s an experience of a lifetime, and I can use that to help us one day.”
He rolled his eyes. “Maybe you’ll meet a noble and date instead. Just have at them. Maybe it would’ve been better had we not met.” He slammed the laptop shut without another word. My heart broke at those words, but there was nothing I could do.
I slammed the door to the Jeep shut. I looked around to discover that it was the same way it always has been. It was clean on the inside, and I knew Parker hated trash in his car. I inspected the dashboard to find the pictures still tapped up. One of the whole group and one of him and I. He tapped them up there because it said it helped him drive better, and that it gave him people to come home to.
Parker climbed in the car and started it. We both reached for the seat warmer at the same time. “Sorry.” We said.
I pulled my hand away. “Thank you for getting me out of that car.”
He pulled out onto the road, ice crunching beneath the tires. “It’s no big deal.”
I stared at the floorboard while playing with my fingers. I was nervous seeing him again. All the butterflies in my stomach from the first time we met were returning. “It is to me...” I croaked.
He dove about a mile before either of us began to speak again. “You said you wanted to talk.”
“Yeah...” I whispered. “I’ve missed you...”
He glanced over at me. “Really?”
I nodded. “Yeah, I did.” I took a deep breath and realized it slowly. “I missed us...”
Parker stopped at the stoplight, putting on his turn signal. “I do, too, but it’s just better like this.” He pulled onto the road that leads to my grandpa’s house. “You have a year of college left, and then, you have to get a job. I know you wanted to go to LA or New York City.”
“I actually finished college a semester earlier than expected. Everything has been finalized, and I’m actually back in town to find a job...” I tailed off. I saw a smiled dance on his lips. “I need to look out for Elliot.”
He pulled into my old driveway. Once he put the car in park, he turned to face me. “So you’re head to stay?”
I nodded. “Yeah, for now. I don’t know if I’ll stay or not.”
He sighed ever so lightly. “I hope you stay.” We both sat there for a bit, the light music from the radio piercing through the silence. Parker cleared his throat and began speaking. “There’s a Christmas party at Robbie’s house tonight. He started hosting them as a thank you to the town for forgiving him for what his father did.”
“Do you want me there...” I whispered.
He nodded. “It’d be nice if you were, but I understand if you don’t want to come.”
“I’ll see if I can go. I’m sure Elliot will want to since he and Robbie are dating.” I explained. “Thanks for a save.”
“Do you care if I come inside and check in on Elliot? I do it once a day, and I know you’re here, but I still want to check up on him.” Parker explained.
I pulled the door to his jeep open. “After you.” We went up to the door, and without knocking, we went in.
“You’re here!” Elliot yelled, running at me and jumping into my arms, tackling me onto the floor. “I missed you!”
“I missed you, too, but get off of me!” I laughed. He stood up and Parker helped me up.
Elliot raised an eyebrow, giving me the ‘look’ without Parker catching our glances at each other. “Are you going to the party tonight?” Elliot asked.
I shrugged. “Do you want me there?” He nodded. “Okay, then I’ll go. Can you help me choose something?” I grabbed Elliot’s hand and dragged him up to our old room. I shut the door rapidly behind us. 
“What the heck is wrong with you?” Elliot asked, rubbing his wrist. “Are you nervous with Parker around?”
I picked up a pillow and threw it at him. “Shut up! It’s not like that!” I began frantically digging through my closet.
I felt Elliot roll his eyes from behind me. “Then why are you throwing clothes all over the place?”
“Maybe I want to look nice,” I responded, pulling out a deep burgundy dress. I began to put it on while Elliot changed into a suit. I tried to get the zipper, but I couldn’t reach it. I turned to ask Elliot for help, but he wasn’t there. I walked softly down the stairs in my heels to find him.
“What are you doing?” Parker asked from behind me, scaring me and making me gall down the rest of the stairs. I prepared myself to hit the floor, but Parker caught me.
He helped me up and I brushed my clothes off. “Thank you. Um, anyways, I needed help getting my dress zipped up the rest of the way.” I muttered. Parker motioned for me to turn around. I did, and his fingers gently skimmed my skin. I could hear his breath quicken as well as his heartbeat.
He checked me out and smirked. “You look amazing, Erin.” He smiled. I noticed that he changed into that damn suit that did things to me.
“Hate to break up the love fest, but we have to get going if we want to get there on time. I left grandpa a note for us, Erin.” Elliot explained. The three of us rushed out of the house and to Robbie’s house.
The house still looked almost the same. Robbie gave the place a needed paint job, but the place was also decked out in Christmas decorations, which made my subconscious not remember the brutal things that happened here.
About an hour into the party, I find Parker, alone in a doorway. I slid up next to him. “Hey, are you all good?”
He glanced around and nodded slowly. “It’s weird being back here.”
I half smiled. “I know what you mean.” A slow song came on as I inspected Parker’s face for any hint that he wasn’t okay. I tapped him on the shoulder. “Would you like to dance?”
“Oh! Okay!” He blushed. I let him onto the dance floor and wrapped my arms behind his back. “I remember the last time we were here.”
“I mean, we did almost die.” I joked, trying to lighten her mood. “What do you mean?”
“I mean, this is where I knew that I liked you.” Parker smiled as wee swayed.
“Where were we last time we were here?” I asked. He raised an eyebrow I leaned in towards his lips, brushing mine against his.
“I think right about here.” He whispered. “I’ve... thought about this.”
“Really?” I asked, him nodding he’s in response. “Funny, you said that last time we were here.” I pulled him in as he did the same to me. All the feelings of longing for Parker in our time apart sent pulses down my spine. He pulled me closer, kissing growing more and more feverish by the second. We both pulled back and smiled.
Funny how history has a way of repeating itself...
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dong-hyucks · 7 years
7, 19, 92, enemies to lovers AU for nct jaehyun!! :-) congrats on 1000 once again hehe 💓 -🌻✨
Jung Jaehyun ; “I dreamt about you last night.” , “Can I hold your hand?” , “I want you to be happy.” + Enemies↣ Lovers!AU
Prompts here.Masterlists
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wow what a bias wrecker
okay so some backstory
you and jeffrey over here have known each other since he got back from america
everyone fawned over him when he got back
you were probably like,, the only one at school who got tired of his little “i lived in america, that’s why i’m here, man!!” joke
you: we get it can you stop now
when he found out you were annoyed by him in general he was a bit confused
he’d never spoken to you before so he thought your disliking of him was a bit dumb
you found out because his friends have loud mouths
which only fueled your hatred oops
because you thought he was calling you dumb behind your back
anyway after you guys graduated
you didn’t see each other much
that is
until you became a makeup artist for sm
the gods were against you because you were assigned to nct
you couldn’t do anything about it tho because it was a good job and you’d rather not get fired
besides, you could tolerate the other boys (for the most part)
this little hatred is a bit one sided
he just likes to mess with you but he doesn’t hate you
like he’d take a lipbalm thing from your bag without you noticing
you’d know it was him but he would play innocent
he would put it back once you turned away tho
“see!! it’s right there”
you rolling your eyes out of your head
whenever it was his turn to get his makeup done or his hair fixed
you had to refrain yourself from making him look like a clown
even being so close to his face infuriated you smh
the boys didn’t really see why you ‘disliked’ each other
like they’d interrogate jaehyun after witnessing him steal your makeup supplies a few times (always giving it back ofc)
he’d never have a legit answer??
“it’s funny to see [Y/N] get angry they’re like a cat lol”
“jae that’s not–”
and then if they’d ask you about it
which was a mistake
the entire time you did the person’s makeup (probably taeyong oml) you’d literally be listing the reasons why jaehyun irritates you
ty: never again
taeyong would tell jaehyun about what you said and he’d be like ???
like he thought you had gotten over your resentment from school and you were just playing along
slow child, he is
so after that he’d kind of just lay low
he wouldn’t steal anything anymore or make any teasing comments
which you were half grateful for but at the same time it was weird not glaring daggers at him practically every day
now that he wasn’t playing around with you, you kind of realized how much of an angel he was
bUt you were too prideful to step down 
so you kept your distance
which the boys noticed like right away
they probably made a gc about you guys tbh
anyway now that you weren’t glaring at him 24/7 or making any snarky remarks
jaehyun was able to look at you without feeling like you weren’t going to bite his head off
he started noticing some things
like how you rake your hand through your hair when you’re getting stressed over the makeup
or how you cover your mouth when you laugh (if you don’t do this then read the bold lol)
or how you’re able to laugh comfortably around the boys
and how you bite your lips when you’re concentrating on doing makeup admittedly he got caught staring at your lips by yuta 
and the cute way you furrow your brows together
you’re so different around others than when you’re with him
with him you just stay quiet and don’t say much unless you’re instructing him to move his face in whatever way
but with the boys and with the other staff members
you joke around a lot
and smile easily
he found himself wanting to see you do that in front of him
after like a month of admiring you from afar it kind of just hit him like
“i??? like??? [Y/N]???”
he wouldn’t be that surprised with himself considering the fact he had started to search for you in a room whenever he entered
and the fact that seeing you made him feel all tingly
he’d be kind of nonchalant about it but at the same time he’s torn over whether or not he should confess
he still believes you hate him honestly
he texted johnny about it and ranted for like an hour talking about the pros and cons of confessing
he also fawned over you a bit
he made a grave mistake
he accidentally texted yuta and not johnny
rip jung “jeffrey” jaehyun
all of the members, including the ones who hadn’t debuted yet + jaemin, knew of his crush within the hour
half of them would just dismiss it and go one with their lives
the other half were devious and made a plan
a majority of that other half were the dreamies tbh
they got updates on your interactions with jaehyun from donghyuck
occasionally mark
so basically, the dreamies except for the hyung line + yuta came together to make a plan (with doyoung subtly giving ideas smh what a snake)
in hindsight they realized the plan was dumb but hEy it worked
so basically
the boys hid your really expensive makeup palette (i know nothing about makeup sorry)
right before the boys (including the dreamies) had to go on a broadcast
smart idea guys, very smart
so basically you got really worried
because you and the other makeup artists shared that palette because it was gigantic
when it got to the point where the other artists were getting impatient
you were the youngest out of all of them yet you were trusted with the most expensive thing lol
jaehyun saw you freaking out and went over
he didn’t even think about it like the moment he saw your eyes glaze over he kinda sprinted to you
took you out of the room, away from the crowd of people, and into a spare room
you were still freaking out and now you were just “jaeHYUN LEMME GO I NEED TO GO FIND IT–”
he’d literally just hug you and rub your back
he wouldn’t say anything
you’d calm down a bit but you were still worried
jaehyun noticed and frowned
“can i hold your hand?” 
you’d kind of just pull away and give jaehyun a weird look
so he just took your hand and interlaced his fingers, sending you a gentle smile
your heart would actually be pounding
you were confused
why was he acting like this? you didn’t know
so once you calmed down immediately he’d take you back into the room and help you search for it because it’s easier to find things with a calm mind (is it? idk)
and yet
there it was– in jisung’s arms
you couldn’t even be mad because he looked so sorry about it
so basically you and the other artists were rushing to get the boys makeup done but it’s alright cause they’re going to look great no matter what you do
you went home that night with jaehyun on your mind
like you were conflicted
so you texted jaehyun for answers
your texts were really formal because even tho you had his number you never really texted him before
like proper punctuation, grammar, everything
“Hey… why did you do that? Earlier today, I mean.”
jaehyun was probably on his phone when he got the text
he legit counted to ten before answering your text
he obviously didn’t care as much for formalities as you did
“You know what I mean.”
you know that feeling you get when you see a speech bubble and it just disappears and then reappears again
yeah that’s how you felt
the speech bubble kept appearing and disappearing for a straight three minutes before he finally sent anything
“i want you to be happy.”
you may or may not have left him on read
‘Read 11:39 PM’
you had jaehyun staying up all night over that wow
that night you didn’t get much sleep
but when you did fall asleep you had a dream
a certain someone was sitting beside you at a table
apparently you were studying, just like you did in school
he merely turned to you and smiled, resting his hand against his cheek and outright staring at you lovingly
then you woke up
you screamed into your pillow when you realized how you felt about that someone
“i like jaehyun oh my god”
you stayed in bed shook for so long you were almost late for work
you saw jaehyun in the elevator and literally spun on your heel to take the stairs
he chased after you like the drama character he is
“wait, [Y/N]!”
when he caught up to you he was panting
which confused you because he literally just ran down a hall??? like you do very complicated and tiring (yet amazing) dances man c’mon
“please don’t avoid me,” he pleaded with a sad look in his eyes
you didn’t answer because you knew you’d die if you looked into his eyes
this made jaehyun feel worse because he thought he upset you again
“can you tell me what i did wrong?”
without even thinking you blurted out, “i dreamt about you last night, okay?”
um no
not okay
realizing what you just said you tried to run away again
he didn’t let you, keeping a firm grasp on your wrist (without hurting you)
“you dreamt about me??” he would ask, astonished
you nodded bashfully; you couldn’t take it back anyway, he’d know you were lying if you said no
“how do you feel about me?”
hoo boy jaehyun straight forward much
you practically glued your lips shut, afraid of revealing another thing you would’ve rather kept secret
he knew you weren’t going to answer so he just continued anyway
“i like you”
your jaw dropped
“i’ve liked you for a while now, and it’s okay if you don’t feel the same, i just wanted to tell you–”
he stopped when he felt your arms wrap around his torso
you covered your face using his chest/neck (idk depends on your height) because you could feel your face getting hotter
you couldn’t see but he was blushing too
“i like you too, idiot.”
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