#we are roomies in the other player's house we are staying in sometimes and also live together in it's house lol
crintsiewintsey · 9 months
got into a minecraft server and been playing a lot on it lately. feels so good to play my silly little slime character and having hot steamy gay sex in the nether. it's what charlie slimecicle would've wanted 🫡
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hitoshisbabygirl · 4 years
Author's Notes ♡: Hey Hey, it’s me, ya girl and I’m back with another collab! Ive always loved the roommates theme and have a few ideas for some other ones in my head making this. It’s kinda all over the place because it was a professing with their friendship! Yes I made a Zelda reference and I land about it no. I know Rapp is seen as violent and dense but but this is in a collage au so he’s just a bit...aloof I just love the idea of him actually being a big softie ʕ⊙ᴥ⊙ʔ. I hope you enjoy! ~ bunny ❥
Warnings : NSFW!!! (◎_◎;)
Sweet caring sorta himbo(meh?) Rappa, female oral, Big Dick Rappa , sorta size kink if you really sqint,cheater ex mentioned like once , language
Word count : About 5k! Yikes ^^’
Paring(s) : Kendo Rappa x F! Reader
Enjoy ♡
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Having Kendo Rappa as a roommate is an interesting feat in itself. He is big, and loud , very very loud. He wasn't a bad roommate he just..was like a cute large and fluffy puppy that didn't know his size...or power. Their interactions started as the two met during a halloween party one of the frat houses down the street thew. [ ] went as Midna, her best friend Rumi was dressed as Impa while the last two of her friend group , Amaya and Asa, a pair of sisters, were dressed as fairies. “[ ]! Rumi! you two are so cute! Zelda costumes?” Asa asked as her sister ran up to admire their outfits. “Yeah! [ ] wanted to do some characters that matched us y'know?” She said as she nudged her quiet friend , the girl jumped and laughed , scratching her neck as she gave the excited sisters a small smile “If i was coming out tonight I was gonna wear what i wanted to really wear” [ ] said as the group of them laughed and mingled with their other friends and classmates. While heading to get juice , she heard loud screaming , as the sport boys were starting to show up. First was the football team, then the basketball. Baseball and wrestling came next, then the smaller clubs finished them out. Sighing [ ] was content away from everyone as she watched mayhem ensure, chugging of barrels , more music, girls swarming around the players they crushed on as they did minor things, like talk to their teammates or eating from one of the big food trays laying around. Feeling a tap on her shoulder broke her from her people watching, Rumi giving her a bright smile as she took a cup and joined her. “How's my favorite antisocial babe doing now that all of the party has arrived?” She asked as [ ] gave her a pained smile, going to get more if something to drink “Well I don't feel the need to smack anyone is that a good sign?” she chuckled as she got a hug from the more energetic girl “That's my girl! Don't worry, i wanna get out asap but we’re gonna need our favourite pair of sisters before that can happen and it seems like they're fawning over some of the baseball boys as we speak” Rumi said as they watched a familiar tutu of blue go by, followed by a pink one going a similar way. “I don't get it… but at least their taste in men isn't too bad” [ ] joked as Rumi agreed , laughing “Yeah miss tsundere, you can't stand saps, or most of the jocks either” giving the white haired girl a look she rolled her eyes and gave her own laugh back “Yeah I guess i'm either picky or just got high standards” “Ain't nothing wrong with that we all do!” She said as she elbowed the girl beside her.
As the two of them sat there and talked Rumi glanced past her and her eyes widened, causing [ ] to stop talking “What is it-” before she could question her, the white haired girl jumped up, waving at someone “Rap! Over here!” Constantly yelling to someone [ ] started to ask again when a booming voice came from above her “HEY RUMI” a very loud voice called as stomping could be heard before it stopped “I see you took our idea huh?” With that comment [ ] turned around only to be face to face with a dark cover chest, only to then look up to some of the most warm and amber colored eyes looking down at her “Hello there little lady, I like your costume! Erm..Midna aint it?” The giant ganon dressed man questioned as all she could do was shake her head in agreement, causing the giant male to laugh “Awe don't be shy of me kitten i ain't gonna bite!” He chuckled some more as her friend jumped in “I told you she was shy! Be nice Rappa!” Rumi yelled at the flaming red head as he gave her a toothy grin “Oh I was just teasin’ , I bet I ain't hurt her feelin’s did I sweetheart?” Rappa questioned as [ ] face felt hot, hiding her face in her hands as the teasing duo laughed causing the girl to huff “I'm tired of you two already” She said as a giant warm hand touched her shoulders “Awe dont be like that hun, in time ya’l love me” Rappa teased as he gave her a smile,making her stomach flutter “Yeah! This is who wanted you to meet anyway [ ]! This is Kendo Rappa, our top wrestling boy, Rappa this is my adorable best friend [ ]!” Rumi said as the two gave each other a shy smile , a sly one creeping up on Rumis as she thought to herself “Yeah, this'll definitely happen”
Since then the two had become more acquainted , having many classes together and sharing some similar friends [ ] was used to the bruting and sometimes dense man making a random ( and loud) appearance. As [ ] sat in her mostly empty room thanks to her last roommate moving out after constantly breaking sound rules and getting into it with the girl downstairs for being in her bed with her boyfriend (Yikes) she felt a sense of calm. Closing her chemistry book and letting out a relieved sigh [ ] thought about the fact she was going to get a new roommate, the thought was nerve wracking but also it was exciting as well. It was almost too quiet , having the last room by the stairs meant she didn't have to deal with many people besides her friend group. They weren't loud , unless one of her friends decided to get laid and made way too many sounds, or if their neighbors under them threw parties or also had...extra partners coming around. She definitely could feel she was sorta excited she was going to have a roommate again. The sisters had a room to the left of her while Rumi had the one to the right, sharing it with a girl they knew from math. The rooms were not gender defined, some girls having rooms with guys and vise versa so it made it easy to get a room.
These dorms were also quite spacious, the walls not paper thin and a large enough area space that could house two or maybe even three people. So when she heard a knock on her door she expected it to be her new roommate she was advised would come today. Happily opening the door she was shocked and almost terrified to see just a box, well actually a few boxed stacked hiding whoever it was behind them. But if the faed rustic orange hair and wide shoulders meant anything she knew her new roommate already “K-kendo?” [ ] said as the boxes walked by her , landing with a soft thud as bangs covered the male “[ ]? Is that you?” moving his hair out of the way their eyes had the same expression, shocked. “Uh h-hey there sweetheart why isn't this cute, we’re roomies hun?” he laughed as she couldn't help but give him a smile back. “I never expected to see you as my roommate” [ ] teased as Rappa gave her a hardy laugh “Well it looks like me and you are gonna be close friends here darlin’!” With a wide smile he picked her up and gave her a tight hug, taking her breath away ‘ Oh boy i wonder how this will turn out’ she thought as she was eye leve with her giant puppy like friend, his eyes filled of joy
Which leads into now, [ ] trying her hardest to read up on what her next project could be. As she sat there thinking she heard the tale tell sound of her roommate entering with some of his teammates, the boys loud and rambunctious as they entered. Feeling a heavy hand on her shoulder she looked up to the towering boy that was her roommate, his eyes just as bright as usual. “Hey darlin, we're just gonna talk up sum strats a for the upcoming match and play some games in the back , is that alright?” He asked with pleading eyes as one of his more cocky and jock like friends spoke up “Well youre the man here, dont let some women say if we cant or can be here” Rolling her eyes and proceeding to stand up and push past the wide eyed boy who knew what was going to happen. [ ] took in a breath before opening her eyes to look up to the boy “Well it is my room, i pay shit here and the man over there didnt get this place, so i do choose who can and cant come through my place” She said as she pointed a finger to the boys chest. Trying to push his luck he pushed back against her finger “ I bet you just haven’t gotten a good enough dicking for you to just stay out of the way” He laughed. Before [ ] could hit him hard enough her rust haired friend moved in , clearly towering the boy “Yer better watch yer mouth, she has her right around here, im invatin her space so watch it before there's no place for any of us to relax without rules” He said as the boy sucked up any laughing and nodded his head in understanding. Surprised by her usually aloof roommate [ ] stood back and went back to her work, the other boys scrambling behind kendo as the boy who tried to challenge her jumped to follow, never making a move to mock or do anything again.
The boys picked back up and were having fun in the back room of kendo’s , sighs and groans when they lost and victorious laughs and screams if someone won. Once they all left and everything settle to a quiet rumble as the last few funneled out [ ] could here herself think, reading up on chemistry as she felt a presence behind her. “ ‘M sorry, i didn't know my question wouldve cause a roar outta ya..” Kendo started as she smiled gently, turning to face the wounded boy “Its okay….guess it just lit something in me i always did y'know?” She said with a small laugh as she went to type again, but was stopped by the hulking boy. “I gotta make it up to ya alright? I know i aint say anythin that he did but…. It feels like my fault y'know?” He admitted as his large hand covered hers. “You wont live this down will you?” She questioned as his eyes flickered up to hers, sparking. “Nope, not at all. Lemme treat ya right okay?” For such innocent words [ ] couldnt help the shiver that ran down her back at his words. Maybe it was because he was so close, or that the smell of his cologne was too much, either way her head was spinning as she let him still hold her hand as he tugged her away from her computer , his smile widening as she reluctantly shut the bright screen “Great! Now let's get something to eat im starvin” He rasped out as [ ] gave him a giggle that made the boy stop in his tracks. He always thought she had a cute giggle but this one,for some reason , made his heart and chest feel warm and tight. Ignoring the feeling he took the girl with him, the two headed out to get something to eat as they headed down , the sound of her giggling still running though kendos mind.
Getting a random frantic text from Kendo wasn't unusual, in fact it was quite common for him to do such, which now didn't faze [ ] at all but this one was...particularly odd giving what he was asking ‘Hair? And messy? What in the world is he up to’ [. ] thought to herself as she headed to her shared room with the boy, nervous of what scene she could be entering.
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Sighing after his last text she hurried her way to their dorm room and in fact he did leave the door open, making her more nervous as she entered the living room. “Kendo?” [ ] called out as she heard a gruff sound come from her bathroom. Entering was a sight of its own; towels, a bowl of some..substance , bags and bottles of body wash and a one flustered and shirtless Kendo. “[ ]! ‘M so glad yer home here take this” The large man said as he handed her an old toothbrush that was frayed and covered with the same odd substance in the bowl. The lingering smell from the room eventually gave it away ; shampoos. “Uh why do i need this? And why is there shampoo on a toothbrush” She questioned as he groaned, taking the towel off his head as she blinked owlishly at his very faded red orange hair, the color now more of a neon pumpkin. Shaking off extra water caused even more of his hair to fall, landing between his shoulder blades as he gave [ ] a desperate look. “It wont come out, and the more i scub the more...orange i become. I look like a orange peel” He whined as [ ] figured out what he was trying to do
“ You wanna remove the color right? A bowl of shampoo and body wash isnt strong enough” Going into their kitchen she grabbed some baking soda and lemon juice , coming back to the hopeless boy “Let me mix something up ive used before okay? Then we can proceed with your hair” Two and a half hours later the boys hair was now a light peachy orange, just light enough to take up with bleach “Well, if were gonna go for blonde ill go get some bleach and some masks, deep conditioners too, your hair is definitely gonna need it and I don’t want it breaking off because you're impatient to take care of it” she sighed as he was amazed at his hair, running a large hand through the still damp mess atop his head “Wow yer good” He said as she smiled at him, taking her keys “And you have a lot of hair. I'll be back” She said as she hopped up “Wait! Lemme go with you?” He asked but also seemed to demand, pleading eyes looking down at hers as wet hair dropped onto his still bare chest.
Trying not to be hypnotized by where they landed and proceeded to slide down she looked up at her amber eyed friend, who was staring intently as he waited for her answer, soft “Please?” coming from his lips. Sighing dramatically on purpose [ ] laughed at him, giving him a grin “of course you can you big puppy” she said as he picked her up in a hug, a gesture that shows his excitement she's come to learn. Putting her down he went to go to the door before his friend called him out “uhm Kendo? You don’t have on a shirt” she said plainly as he looked at her, raising a brow as he gave his rebuttal “Its hot” He responded. Giving him a side eyed look she turned from him and towards their bedrooms, [ ] sliding into his. Soon she came out with a sleeveless one, throwing it at the hulk of a guy infront of her “You can't come in the store without one” She said as he gave a growl of his own, sliding the shirt over his head as they left their apartment “Well at least ya got me one without sleeves” He huffed as they started back to the door, heading out to finally go to the store to start another process on Kendos hair, the male just excited to finally get rid of his pumpkin hair.
As Kendo sat in the shared living room with [ ] , deep conditioning his hair at her yelling request (‘If you dont re nourish it before you want me to bleach it , I won't do it!’ ) he watched his roommate and now his best friend wanderer around and do housley things for their apartment, the girl content as she cleaned and sorted out things in the kitchen, her body turned away from him as he started to think over how beautiful he thought she was. He want the type to brag or gloat about having so many girls comment on his size , height wised and well sometimes other ways , trying to tempt him to them. All while his friends wanted him to explain how he got the attention from the other gender , Kendo hated to admit it but ,he only wanted his roommates' affection. He knew how put together she was, smart and kind. He saw what her previous boyfriend did, a cheater that didnt take care of the beautiful soul he lived with. He couldnt stand seeing her come home and cry herself to sleep broke his heart, and when he fought the cheater, in the act he didnt feel bad once. Of course it ended their relationship, and [ ] yelled at him for fighting , explaining how he couldve ended in jail for fighting her ex, but he argued it would be worth it.
Sitting and mulling over everything he realized Rumi was right, hed do anything for [ ] but not the same for the other females that passed through his life. She actually, was the first person he did that for and that thought made his head dizzy. Moving from his place on the couch he went to stand in the kitchen, waiting for [ ] to come back from her room. Hearing the iconic sound of her feet pittering across the wooden floor he gave her a lopsided smile as she jumped, smacking into the chest of Kendo. Before [ ] could fall from impacting with his chest he caught her, holding her arm to his chest. “K-kendo! You shouldve told me you were in here! Why are you in here anyway?”[ ] scolded as he laughed, moving out of the shorter girl's way as he started his staring again, this time [ ] noticed him “......What?” She asked as he looked down at her, an unreadable look on his face. “Kendo” she called as he hummed, moving closer “Yer gorgeous” Kendo blurted out as [ ] started to stutter, eyes going wide. Taking teo steps forward he essentially trapped his friend between the corner of their kitchen canopy. “Remember when I fought that bastard of an ex you had?” Kendo asked as he saw [ ]’s eyes go soft , shaking her head “What about him...i'm still mad you almost lost everything just to fight him yknow” she huffed as he poked her cheek “Id do it again if it meant you'd be happy again yaknow” Kendo said as he leaned down to push his head against hers, amber and [ ] eyes mingling. Lifting his large hands he traced each side of her cheek, analyzing over her face as he nuzzled against her nose “Stop playin hard to get would ya? Bad enough you got my heart all in your little hands” he whispered as [ ] just started at the giant , her arms gently coming over to cover his that were place on her cheeks “K-ken..i need to start you hair..” She hopelessly try to argue as he groaned, burying his face into her neck. Squealing at his damp hair touching her shoulder [ ] jumped ,pushing the large boy back “Your hair's wet!” She whined as he chuckleed, mo\ving back as it turned into a booming laugh “Oh my ‘m sorry babe , you look surprised” He said as she smacked hsi chest “Go to the sink, i need to rinse the conditioner” She yelled as he hwld his hands up in a mocked surrender, pulling his shirt up and off in one fluid movement. Caught up by him stripping his shirt off [ ] gave him a glance over, the heaviness of him admitting feelings for her in his own unique way still lingering in her mind as the toned and strong back of her friend made her head hazy. Turning around from the lack of notice of his smaller friend Kendo caught the eys of [ ] staring, her eyes quickly flickering to his curious ones as he grinned “See somethin you like darlin?” He teased as she grunted, reaching up to push his head in the sink “Shut up and let me do your hair”
And like clockwork, Kendo rappa was an icy blonde after two days, a break given to his long ,thick and wavy hair, the giant boy looking over his new look as he sighed happily, loving to have his hair finally look normal. “Well damn [ ]! Ya made it even better than what i was thinking. Look! My hair’s all wavy at the ends and it's soft! Whatever you made me do made it feel better!” He raved as the girl looked over her work. And in fact it was highly even, his hair consistent and lavishy soft. Giving him a shy look she giggle “That's what a deep conditioner will do to damage hair and the way i'm always untangling your hair for you, i knew it would need it before you wanted to go white” She said as he just kept running his hands in his hair, turning back to her “I could just kiss you right now!” He blurted out as they both froze at his words, eyes wide from both parties “I-I aint mean it [ ]” He croaked out as she giggled, stepping back from him “O-of course you didnt, why would you i mean aha..”She said as she moved away more , his own words started to hit him as he realized the reverse effect it was having “NO! No, I'd want to kiss you, I really really want to. I just...want it to be on your terms okay?” he said as he grabbed her arm, holding her in front of him as if she'd float away if he didnt.
“Kendo...I..” [ ] started as she came back to his hip, laying between his legs onto his thankfully covered chest “I just dont want to lose you if you decide you wouldnt want me around” She whispered as he pulled her even closer, kissing her forehead as he stared at her “Dont you ever say that again ya hear me? Youll be my princess and ill be your humble er..knight” He hesitated as he tried to think of a sweet way to explain his feelings. [ ] looked up to him as she felt here eyes feel heavy with tears. Before one even fell Kendo pushed his lips as soft as the strong boy could, wrapping a large and beefy arm around her waist as he slipped his tongue in her mouth, letting his hand slide down to pull her up to sit on the tops of his thighs while he leaned against his dresser. Softly [ ] pushed her hand on his chest and pulled away, now eye to eye with Kendo “Sorry , d-did i overstep my place” He asked as she let out a snot, before laughing. Confused, Kendo went to talk before she stopped him “No no, youre good, just that if we keep kissing on this dressed there's gonna be a hole in the wall” She said as she pointed to where the mirror kept tapping a spot, scrapes already aroring it “R-right!” He laughed too, picking her up to set her on his bed “Now then...lemme serve you princess” He said before kissing her again, not letting her rebuttal his own comment. As the two kissed he made sure to be as gentle as he could be , at times clumsily nipping her lip or his hand pulling hard at her clothes.
All in the name of wanting to show how much she meant to him. Soon he pulled away, a small string of saliva strung between them from the hearty kissing. “[ ]...i think i love you” He said as she gave him a soft look , trying to catch her breath from the dramatic kiss they came from “Good, because i love your loud ass too Kendo” She teased as he smirked,leaning down to bite her neck, causing her to moan loudly “We’ll see whos loud after im done wit ya” he gave his own tease back as he moved between her plump thighs, kissing the flesh there as he pulled her shorts to the side, exposing her flushed lower lips. Gasping she reached for his hand that held her legs apart causing the fresh blonde to look up at her, eyes wandering over her face for signs of him to stop “I-Im not used to being this bare sorry..” She whimpered out as it dawned on the other side of her words “Have you ever ate out baby?” he asked as she hid her face from him, shaking ehr head as he groaned, pulling her shorts down as he saw her lacy panties , a smirk placed on his lips as he peeled them off too, a string of arousal keeping them plastered to her lips “fuck, that bastared really didnt take care of you” he growled as she sat up to see his darkening eyes kiss up to her lips whispering out a “but i will” as he sucked one of her lips into his mouth, causing a lound moan from the woman he was inbetween. Slowly he licked up her lips, searching for that small pearl as she whined, a hand coming down to tug his hair. Grunting he soon found it, sucking onto her clit as she gasped, her thighs shutting over his head as he looked up to her, watching as her back arched off of the bed once her pressed his tongue hard against her clit. Softly he let a hand run under her thigh, a single thick finger tracing over her twitching hole as he pushed it in gently, making [ ] squeal. “K-Ken!” She called out as he looked up again, catching her eyes and flushed face on his actions. Making a show of what he was doing he let a second one join the first as he sucked hard on her bud at the same time making [ ]’s eyes roll back as her hand fell from his head, nervous od pulling too hard. Kendo however had other plans. Feeling her walls tighten around his fingers he made sure to find that spongy spot and hitting it, finally pulling his lips from her clit as he smiled “Uuh Uh doll, look at me” He growled as she hesitantly glances at him, regretting that she did. He looked way too good, hair a mess as he was panting, catching his breath from being down on her. With evry pump of his fingers his muscle in his arm twitched, making her own walls spasm as she watched it “Ya like it sweetheart?” He asked as she shook her head, watching him move back to her pussy “Good, cause i aint done” He said as he gave her clit kitten licks beofe slurping on it, throwing a wink at her as he picked up his pace, making [ ]’s voice rise as she felt herself getting close before quickly snapping at a particular hard thrust of his finger to her spot on her walls.
Letting out a light scream she came over his fingers and tongue, the male laughing gleefully as he sucked up her juices. LEtting her come down some he watched her face as bliss spread through her body and a sense of confidence whent though his. Slowly he picked up the pace of his fingers again, going from a shallow push to more stroking as he heard [ ] whine, grabbing at his hand “Uh uh sweetheart, you taste too good fro me to only let you cum on my tongue once” he said as he pushed her down by her stomach, letting her take his spare hand as he went back to suckling on her lower lips. He knew he had a lot in stored for her, and watching the newly admitted love of his life cum from his pleasing was enough for him to realized he needed to do more. Popping off her clit as puling his fingers gently out he looked at her ravished body, using his non wet hand to pull at his sweats. “Youre beautiful like this [ ]” kendo said as she took in heavy breaths, feeling her throat close as he stroked his massive size, rubbing the swollen head as he looked at her , giving her a soft smile “Ya dont have to take me just yet , hes just throbbin too much” He groaned as he twisted his hand hard over his leaking tip, feeling himself throb as he laid back on his bed. “Ride my face?” he asked with one of the most sinful looks [ ] had ever seen ; lustful eyes watching her as his large hand stroked his larger dick, the soft and fleshy muscle jumping at watching her crawl to him, throwing a leg over his neck
“I-i dont wanna suffocate you..” She said as he smirked before saying “Ya cant suffocate me i want it” Soon he grabbed her hip, pushing her onto his awaiting mouth as he picked up his pace, sliding his tongue into her twitching hole as she rocked her hips, keeping a steady pace as she held herself on his shoulder and headboard, ,depreate moand and cries tumbling out as he rocked her too, going from her clit to her dripping entrance, stoking his dick harder and harde as her moans spurred him on. Soon he felt the bud in his mouth twitch and throb harder, the sounds [ ] made increasing as his own hand sped up with his throbbing head, the telltales of them both getting close. A moan erruptred from the girl on his lips as she came again , her essence running down his face as he groaned, ropes of cum shooting onto his hand and stomach as he came himself, still stroking out what he could as the pressure he felt subside. Sliding off softly [ ] saw the mess behind her, taking it upon herself to lick up some of it as she was met with his same aber eyes, watching her move to his still hard member “Let me take care of you too?” she asked shyly. Fuck he was done for as he felt himslef hardend worse at her words, a large hand coming up to smack her ass as he psuhed her up and over his head, letting his tip and her swollen lips run over eachother. Slowly he pushed his tip past her budding lips, entranced by the way it swallowed her whole “Fuck...i love you [ ] and by the time im done with ya...youll know it” he whispered in her ear as she felet him push, more and moreof his large size spreading her lips father than shed ever had. Her eyes rolled up as she felt him bottom out, both moaning as he picked up his pace, making a soothing rhythm as little moans and whines came from [ ], deep grunts coming from Kendo as he kissed her shoulders and back, marking where he could as he felt himself get closer with how she was throbbing over his member.
Digging his fingers as deep as he could in her plush hips he let our a mantra of ‘Cummin’ i and ‘ I love yous’ in her ear as she pushed back against him, feeling herself teetering as he pushed as deep as he could go ,letting himself cum as she came too, the overwhelming feeling of him throbbing against her spongy walls and previous orgasms enough to push her over a third time. “[ ]” Kendo rasped as [ ] hummed , feeling her legs still shake with him in her “Im serious, i'm never leaving you...you're mine and i love you…” kendo said as he kissed the back of her neck, nibbling her ear as he stayed in her “Mhm….i love you too Rappa..”
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hexlilac · 4 years
haikyuu character as your roomies(?) hehe
suna rintarou
sometimes you don't really know if he's at home or not.
knocks your door at 3 am because he wants to eat something but isn't sure how to turn the oven on.
rbf most of the time.
"its pay-day, you know what that means?" *process to buy beer* "what movie should we watch?"
sometimes you're not sure if he's annoyed by your presence or he’s just trying to be nice 
doesn't invite friends often because he respects you and your personal space over his.
everyday complains about his bad posture but if you say something he just looks at you and shouts "you think you're my mom or what? were not even dating so shut up, ok?"
if he lived with his teammates he could be living right next to his training facilities but he picked living with you for some unknown reason everybody wants to know he loooooves you
has a piano and plays songs every night after he comes back from volleyball practice. you asked him to learn shinzou wo sasageyo and he added his own twist to it.
told his mom by accident that you're his "home" (wasn’t lying tho)
iwaizumi hajime 
doesn't seem to care about your existence at all.
wakes up extra early to do half an hour of morning stretches and that includes grunts, really loud breathing... weird noises overall.
helpful when you're tired, might give really nice neck massages.
"pay me cleaning my room, thanks".
looks like a bully, sounds like a bully but it's quite the opposite.
brings professional volleyball players home to watch matches together.
if you're uncomfortable he's ready to kick them off the house and apologizes right away.
both actually enjoy each others company so its not big deal to stay in the same room in complete silence working or watching tv.
secret? he knows how to bake the best milk bread in life.
when you're tired iwa-chan treats you really nice.
actually likes living with you.
secretly loves you in a very very very romantic way but also respects you so he won’t be doing anything weird.
tsukishima kei
not very talkative at first.
likes the place to be as quiet and neaaaaat as possible.
only accepted to live with you because you smelled really nice during the meeting prior moving in.
late night talks while enjoying some expensive wine.
knows you study/work hard so sometimes might treat you with dinner.
asks you for permission before bringing his friends to the house
introduce you as "the annoying little creature i live with".
doesn't mind about your life and private affairs but knows when something is wrong and isn't scared to help you if needed.
doesn't see anything romantic between both of you but values your friendship and respects you... a lot.
really smart dude and  nice rommie 1000/10.
plans buying his own house and actually invited you to live with him under one condition: "let's pay the bills together, you can live there rent free... that way you'll be able to pay for that master or phd degree you want to take in a future".
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junker-town · 5 years
Brook and Robin Lopez reunited on the Bucks is a dream for their mother
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The Lopez brothers are reunited again. | Deborah Ledford
The two are playing on the same team for the first time since college.
Deborah Ledford would sit in her living room, repeatedly pressing the “last channel” button on her remote control.
When this television conflict first began in 2008, she switched back and forth from Nets games to Suns games, quickly changing the channel during timeouts or free throws. Last year, with mobile devices having become hand-held high-definition televisions thanks to streaming, Ledford would put the Bucks on her TV and the Bulls on her cell phone, or vice versa.
On game nights this upcoming season, though, her remote control and cell phone will remain on the coffee table in the living room of her Central California home. Her seven-foot twin sons, Brook and Robin Lopez, will be playing on the same channel and the same team: the Milwaukee Bucks.
“I would always have to hope their games would be on different days or different times,” Ledford says. “When they were on at the same time, sometimes we simply missed what the other did. It will be much easier now.”
And much more enjoyable for a mother who, for 11 years, has watched her nearly identical sons square off against one another multiple times a season.
The twins playing alongside one another for the Bucks adds something of a final chapter to the family’s history in Milwaukee, the city in which their mother was born. In 1949, Ledford’s father, Bob, was invited to try out for a recent start-up league called the National Basketball Association. At the time, Ledford said, the NBA paid $300 a month, and Bob Ledford, with a baby on the way, needed a more secure income. He instead accepted a job as an engineer for Allen-Bradley, a factory automation equipment company, and from 1949 to 1951 played center for the Milwaukee Allen-Bradleys of the National Industrial Basketball League, which was comprised of teams sponsored by large companies and players employed by said companies.
“So, it’s kind of like a circle that has been completed with the twins now coming to play in Milwaukee,” Ledford says.
The twins’ height mostly comes from the Ledford family, said Deborah, who is 6-0 and whose father was 6-7. Brook and Robin’s eldest brother, Alexander, who is a teacher and also serves as the twins’ personal trainer, is 6-10. Their older brother Christopher, who Ledford said is writing and producing a basketball graphic novel, is 6-7.
Raising four growing boys presented certain challenges, one of which was feeding them. Ledford said that shortly after dinner was served and the dishes were loaded into the dishwasher each night, at least one of the boys would invariably ask, “What’s there to eat, Mom? I’m hungry!” She kept plenty of cereal and milk on hand for those post-dinner appetites.
“I would estimate three or four boxes of cereal a week,” Ledford said. “They ate well.”
While many of the twins’ similarities remain, such as their appearance and their affinity for all things Disney and Star Wars, as Brook and Lopez grew older, the differences in their personality, preferences and playing style began to develop. Ledford would take the twins to the barber to get haircuts together until junior high school when Robin said he wasn’t going because he wanted long hair.
“I said fine because he saved me some money,” Ledford said with a laugh. “It’s his head and as a parent you always have to choose your battle.”
To this day, Robin’s unkempt curly locks and beard - as well as his ongoing feud with NBA mascots - are defining characteristics that make it easy to tell him apart from his short-haired, clean-shaven, mascot-friendly twin brother.
The twins’ difference in temperament became clear while playing one-on-one in the driveway. Ledford said if Brook beat Robin, no damage was done. If Robin beat Brook, basketballs were thrown, screens were torn, lights were shattered. (Robin’s penchant for breaking glass continued during his rookie season when he shattered a door after losing a game of 3-on-3, sending shards onto the court and echos of what sounded like the open to Stone Cold Steve Austin’s theme music reverberating through the Phoenix Suns practice facility).
The twins have since played against one another in 22 regular season games in the NBA, with Brook having gone 13-9 against Robin. And Ledford has been in attendance for all of them, wearing the jersey of the home team and the hat of the road team to equally support her sons. Knowing that one of her boys would lose each time, she was placed in something of a constant no-win situation.
“Whenever they played each other, I didn’t have fun because I knew that one’s success would be at the expense of the other,” Ledford said. “If one got a dunk on the other or one blocked the other’s shot, it was good for one and bad for the other.”
The days of playing against one another are now over, meaning they’ll win together and lose together. For the first time since they played for Stanford University, the Lopez twins will wear matching outfits when they put on the green and white of the Bucks (unlike when they were younger and Ledford dressed the twins in color-coded clothing so people could tell them apart -- blue for Brook and red for Robin). Robin, who signed a two-year deal with Milwaukee this summer, now joins a team that his older brother - one minute older, to be exact - helped lead to a 60-win season and the Eastern Conference Finals in his first season with the Bucks.
“Since Brook has been playing the center spot for his whole NBA career, and there aren’t that many seven-footers around, I had almost resigned myself to the fact that they would never be on the same team,” Ledford said. “And then for this to occur, it was the most wonderful thing. The people who are running the Bucks are just really astute people because when you have Brook and Robin play together, you have a synergy.”
Brook and Robin will now look to turn their sibling rivalry into sibling royalty as they attempt to become the second set of brothers to win an NBA championship, joining Pau and Marc Gasol. Unlike the Gasols, the Lopezs have an opportunity to win the title together, as do their teammates Giannis Antetokounmpo and his older brother Thanasis, who also signed with the Bucks this summer.
“I don’t want to count my chickens before they hatch,” Ledford said. “But that would be awesome.”
As close as they are in bond and proximity, the Lopez twins will not be living together, although shortly after reaching an agreement with the Bucks, Robin did tweet a clip from “The Simpsons” of brothers fighting over the top bunk. Nor were they roomies when Brook played for the Brooklyn Nets and Robin for the New York Knicks during the 2015-2016 season. For that they blamed their cats, who couldn’t possibly live under the same roof because they didn’t get along. This time around, Ledford said that Robin simply prefers a downtown apartment while Brook enjoys his private house (no word on the cats’ real estate preferences).
“So, no, they won’t be living together,” Ledford said, “but I suspect they’ll be hanging out at Brook’s house quite a bit.”
In the past when the two played against one another, Ledford said, the road twin would often stay at the house of the home twin. The two would discuss everything but basketball and play board games deep into the night, just as they did as kids.
“To this day they have huge collections of board games that I’ve never ever heard of,” Ledford said. “And they know all the detailed rules.
When the board games are packed up, and the cameras are turned on, the brotherly love dissipates. When playing against one another, from opening tip to the final buzzer, there was a mutual silent treatment between the two. While doing interviews, they endearingly teased one another and exchanged verbal jabs, often sounding like wrestlers recording a promo for their upcoming match.
That hostile side of their relationship didn’t develop until the two were in the NBA, separated for the first time.
“They had always been on the same team, always on the same side,” Ledford said. “Barbs at each other was not a part of it.”
Now back on the same team and the same side, the barbs haven’t stopped just yet.
When Brook was asked By HoopsHype what he thought of the Bucks’ offseason, he said, “I thought we made all the right moves...pretty much. Except for signing Robin.” After the Bucks’ media day, Robin retweeted photos of himself and teammate Kyle Korver saying, “Two best looking guys on the squad no question.”
That nemesis behavior, though, is something of a facade. A crowd-pleasing act by a pair of witty, seven-foot performers. Off the court and away from the spotlight, Ledford says, the twins are no less a tandem than the kids who grew up creating stories together, with Brook doing the writing and Robin the sketches, and planning their next trip to Disney Land, charting their itinerary for each ride following their 8 a.m. arrival at the theme park.
“In reality,” Ledford says, “they are always really supportive of each other.”
Their supportive mother will will be traveling to Milwaukee once a month this season to visit her sons and attend home games. When not in attendance, she’ll be watching from afar, just as she always has. Only this time, her sons will be playing on the same court, in the same city, and on the same channel.
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peterguralnick · 7 years
Reading, Writing & Real Life
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Sometimes I get asked who or what influenced me most in my deep-seated (and very early) desire to write.
I’ve named books and writers: Tristram Shandy (don’t miss the book, but don’t miss the movie either), Norse mythology, and Henry Green, Alice Munro, Grace Paley and Hubert Selby Jr., Ralph Ellison, Italo Svevo, Sigrid Undset and Zora Neale Hurston. For the last few years I’ve been working on a series of loosely connected short stories suggested by Dawn Powell’s novel My Home Is Far Away, a book that I can best describe as suggesting the tone of Ingmar Bergman’s Fanny and Alexander transplanted to the world of Winesburg, Ohio. Which could lead me to Hemingway, or Hemingway’s Boat, or – well, I’m sure you get the point.
There were teachers, certainly. Omar Pound (Omar Shakespear Pound, son of Ezra) is the one who stands out the most. He came to Roxbury Latin when I was in the ninth grade and was greeted with almost universal rejection bordering on scorn by my classmates – for his oddity, for his self-determined eccentricities, for his stubborn scruffiness, both personal and intellectual. But for me, and a few others, he provided a wonderful opportunity for self-expression in the two or three extended writing exercises he assigned each week, suggested by a phrase or saying that he provided, of which the only one that comes immediately to mind is, “Only a fool learns from experience.” True? Untrue? I didn’t know then, and I don’t know now. But as I recall, I wrote a short story that I hope was as open-ended in a fifteen-year-old way and lent itself as much to individual interpretation as I have intended in my biographies of Elvis, Sam Cooke, and Sam Phillips, or any of the other books that I’ve written.
But there’s still that lingering question: what in the world would lead an eight or nine-year-old kid to want to be a writer – if he couldn’t be a be a Major League baseball player, that is. It was my grandfather, Philip Marson, who taught English for over thirty years at Boston Latin (no, not the same Latin School – it’s complicated), founded and ran Camp Alton (which I would later run) in what he conceived of as a fresh-air expansion of the educational experience, dreamed of having the time one day to finish Finnegans Wake (he finally did at seventy-eight, over his customary breakfast of shredded wheat), and explored the second-hand bookstores of Boston’s Cornhill for $.25 masterpieces like Jean Toomer’s Cane, without necessarily passing up a sidetrip to the Old Howard burlesque show in adjacent Scollay Square, where he pulled his hat down over his face for fear of running into one of his students. I wasn’t around for the Old Howard, which closed in 1953, but by the time I was ten or eleven I started accompanying him on his foraging trips to Cornhill (now the site of Government Center), which always included a mid-morning hot fudge sundae at Bailey’s, where the fudge sauce was so thick it could have been a meal by itself.
It was his enthusiasm, I think, that inspired me most of all, his enthusiasm and his unfettered appreciation for life, literature, sports (he was a three-sport athlete at Tufts – Tris Speaker, the Grey Eagle, he said, had praised him for his play in a college game at Fenway Park), grammatical niceties, and democratic ideals. More than just appreciation, it was his undisguised avidity for experience and people of every sort. “Hey, Pete,” he would shout out in his high-pitched voice, to my pre-adolescent, adolescent, and post-adolescent (does that count as adult?) embarrassment, “Will you look at that?” And I’m not going to tell you what that was – because it’s still embarrassing. But, you know, it was always interesting.
But none of that would have counted for anywhere near as much if he were not such an unrestrained fan of me – it just seemed like whatever I did was all right with him. He came to all my baseball games, naturally, but when I took up tennis, which he had always scorned as an artificially encumbered (don’t ask me why), pointless kind of sport, he embraced it wholeheartedly, coming to all my tournaments and swiftly learning the finer points of the game. If I recommended a book, he was quick to embrace it. And when at the age of eleven and twelve and into early adolescence, I suffered from fears that so crippled me that I found it difficult even to go to school, his belief in me never wavered. Or more to the point perhaps, he never seemed to see me as any less, or any different, a person.
I grew up in my grandparents’ house off and on from the time I was born. My father, whom I could cite as an equally inspiring influence in terms of both character and commitment, landed in England the day I was born and didn’t return from the War until I was more than two years old, nearly a year after V-E Day. So my mother and I camped out with my grandparents, very comfortably for me, though I’m not so sure about my mother. (One of the short stories I’ve written lately tries to imagine what it must have been like for her, twenty-three, twenty-four-years old, with no certainty of the future, an only child living with her only child in her parents’ house.) Then, when my father finally came home, we remained for another three years, until we could finally afford a place of our own, moving into the garden apartments that had recently opened up near-by as affordable housing for returning veterans. A year or two after that, my grandparents gave my parents the house and moved to a roomy old apartment in Coolidge Corner, not far away.
Staying with my grandparents on weekends in their new apartment, even more book-crammed than the house because it was crammed with the same books, was always a treat. We went to theater together, my grandmother, my grandfather, and I – I can remember seeing Charles Laughton in Don Juan in Hell, the stand-alone third act of George Bernard Shaw’s Man and Superman when I was nine or ten years old. (Shaw was always a great favorite of my grandfather’s, along with such native-born contrarians as H.L. Mencken.) We went to serious plays, musicals, Broadway try-outs, and revivals. Along with Shaw, Eugene O’Neill undoubtedly loomed largest in my grandfather’s theatrical cosmos, and it was as exciting to listen to my grandparents talk about seeing Paul Robeson make his Broadway debut in The Emperor Jones or attending O’Neill’s marathon nine-act Strange Interlude, which included a break for dinner, as it was to hear my grandfather tell the story of how he lost his hat when he stood up to cheer Franklin Roosevelt at the Boston Garden.
But it was books in the end that were the instigators of the most passionate discussions, books that inspired me to want to write books of my own, books that would always provide an impetus for dinner-time conversation and home décor. My grandfather introduced me to Romain Rolland’s Jean Christophe, to James Joyce and Knut Hamsun, Joseph Conrad and Ford Madox Ford (he loved to discourse on what he called the shuttle-and-weave of their narrative technique), and Sigrid Undset. I’ll admit, I might well have been better off if I had stuck a little longer with the Landmark series of biographies that continued to excite me or the Scribner Classics editions of Jules Verne and Robert Louis Stevenson and James Fenimore Cooper, with those wonderful N.C. Wyeth illustrations, or any of the other children’s classics that I had indiscriminately devoured. But I was so bereft of self-awareness (while at the same time so consumed by self-consciousness) that I started to record my impressions of each of the books that I read in little tablet notebooks, earnest summaries not just of the books but of my own judgments of them. I could only express my “wonderment at, and admiration for, the author’s scope and ability,” I declared, writing about Sigrid Undset’s Kristin Lavransdatter when I was fifteen. And struggled for six handwritten pages to express more specifically my admiration for this 1000-page trilogy that takes place in fourteenth-century Norway, with its rare combination of epic sweep and unexpected intimacy. My grandfather considered it the greatest novel ever written, a judgment with which, as you can see, I struggled mightily to concur – and in fact still do. But I also knew, as my grandfather’s own omnivorous passion for discovery suggested, that all such judgments were nonsense. In the end, like the question of who was the greatest baseball player of all time, an early and abiding conversation of ours, it was a provisional title only, waiting for the next great thing to come along.  
And yet, and yet, well, you know, when it comes right down to it, it wasn’t books or writing or epistemological fervor that were my primary inspiration. They would have meant nothing if it hadn’t been for everything else. What my grandfather communicated to me most of all was a hunger for life, for the raw stuff of life that served as the underpinning for every great book that either of us admired. I’m oversimplifying, I know, but it just seemed like, in the greater scheme of things, with my grandfather there was no exclusionary gene. There was no sense of high and low (no one appreciated a “dirty joke” more shamelessly than he) and, save for the inviolable principles of grammar and the strict standards of a “good education,” everything was in play, everything existed on the same human plane.  
In many ways, I think that was what opened me up to the blues – not just the music but the experience of the music, the many different implications of the music – which turned out to be the single greatest revelation of my life. So many of the places where I started out are still the places where I am. Books, writing, playing sports (sadly, no more baseball), the blues. As my grandfather got older, his enthusiasm never diminished. When $100 Misunderstanding, an alternating dialogue between a fourteen-year-old black prostitute and her clueless white college john, came out in 1962, my grandfather got the idea that he and I could write a novel in the same manner about the generation gap, which was very much in the news then. We would write alternate chapters – well, you get the picture – and he was so excited about the idea that I couldn’t say no, though we never advanced to the point where we put anything down on paper. When the draft briefly threatened, he decided he would buy land in Canada and we could start a commune there, and while the threat went away before he was ever able to put his idea into practice, I had no doubt it would have been a very interesting (and well-ordered) commune.
A few years later, in 1970, he asked if I would help him run camp the following year. I’m not sure I need to explain, but this came like a bolt out of the blue. Alexandra and I had been working at camp for the last few years, and I was running the tennis program and coaching baseball. “No speculation,” I told my twelve-year-old charges, taking my cue, as always, from William Carlos Williams. It was a wonderful way to spend the summer, and it was certainly rewarding from any number of points of view, not least of which was being close to my grandparents. But not for one moment had the thought of running camp crossed my mind. I was twenty-six-years-old, working on my first full-length published book, Feel Like Going Home, and my fifth unpublished novel, Mister Downchild, and I thought I knew where my future lay.
At the same time, the idea of turning my grandfather down never crossed my mind. He was seventy-eight years old and had never asked for my help before – in fact, I couldn’t remember him ever asking anybody’s help. So, sure, yes, unequivocally. And yet I found it impossible to imagine how this could ever work. How exactly was I going to help? And if his idea was to defer to me, to withdraw and leave the day-to-day running of camp to me, well, this would require a lot more conviction, self-belief, and, above all, knowledge (since no one knew anything about the running of camp except for him) than I possessed. The question was, did I have it in me to be the person that I needed, that I wanted, for my grandfather’s sake, to be?
As it turned out, I never had to answer that question. My grandfather got sick – it appeared at first to be a stroke, it turned out to be a brain tumor – almost immediately after asking for my help. I kept things going over the winter in hopes that he would recover, and when he didn’t, it was like being thrown into the water and discovering, much to your surprise, that you actually knew how to swim. I ended up running camp by myself that summer, and I ran it for twenty-one years after that, and whatever my grandfather intended (and I suspect it was a great deal more than just providing me with an income to support my writing), it turned out to be one of the most rewarding, existentially engaging experiences of my life. And not just in the ways you might expect – camp was a thriving, self-sustaining community of 300 people that continued to grow and evolve, as did my own views of democratic institutions and possibilities – but because it inescapably exposed me to real life, it forced me out into a world in which my feelings were not the center of everything. A world of building things and balancing books, where you dealt of necessity (and to your own incalculable experiential benefit) with all kinds of different people, benefited from the wisdom and experience of others (could that have been what Omar Pound meant?), and learned not just to stand up for yourself but for everyone else, because no matter how much inner turmoil you might feel (and I think back to my ten- and –eleven-year-old self, curled up in a ball reading a book, afraid to leave the comforting familiarity of my room), you don’t have the luxury of dwelling on your own emotions. Because – why? Everyone is depending on you. It forced me, in other words, to grow up, in a way that deeply affected not only my writing but my ability to understand all the different personalities and perspectives that I wanted to portray in both my fiction and my nonfiction, in my biographies and profiles of such multifarious personalities as Muddy Waters, Howlin’ Wolf, Waylon Jennings, Sam Phillips, and Solomon Burke. It forced me, when it came right down to it, to embrace the world.
My grandfather used to come see me in my dreams sometimes. He always wore his tan windbreaker and stood by the tree on the right field line at camp, where he used to watch my games, both as a kid and as an adult. It was always good to see him – there was never a time I didn’t wish he would stay longer. But even though I rarely see him nowadays, I carry with me always the conviction that he communicated so unhesitantly: that everything is just out there waiting to be discovered. And I try to keep that belief in the forefront – well, maybe the backfront – of my mind. I continue to be drawn on by the prospect, I continue to struggle for its discovery.
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Hi, English is not my first language so I’m sorry if there are mistakes, also I’m sorry if this is too long.
Like half a year ago, I started renting a room in a student house near my college. Once in a party with my roomies, I got really hammered and I ended up with a guy and I didn’t remember anything about it, except that that night I came to my room alone and in the morning he just was there. I tried to make up an explanation and even take it with humor, took me months to realize he raped me. One of my friends from school use to go to the student house and before I realized he raped me, she used to talk to this guy a lot and I was just acting like nothing happened. The thing is once she came to the house really drunk, and I offered to prepare some food for her but when I came back to my room she wasn’t there and she was with him. Maybe I got like a flashback so I went to his room and knock the door but I didn’t have an answer, when my friend finally came out I took her things and the food and we left the house. She was a virgin back then and was really obsessed about losing it, she told me that nothing happened between them, he didn’t wanted to do anything to her because she was drunk and she didn’t understand why I was so mad. She make it look like he was such a gentleman and he didn’t take her to his room in the first place, it was so much bullshit. Then, it hit me, as I realized he raped me I say it to her, I was as shock as she was and I even cried, but she didn’t say anything about it and finally she went home. I totally stop talking to that guy since then and I even felt fear when I saw him around the house. Then my life become shit, my notes dropped, I spent most of the time sleeping and I didn’t go to classes, I used drugs and even got laid with random dudes, I felt like pure garbage but couldn’t stop. My friend got mad at me because of my behaving even though she wasn’t better, she talked to me less and less, lowkey insult me frequently and made me feel even worse.  When the classes were over I moved back to my home. I kept talking to her until the classes were over, and then I also stopped talking to her until one day she apologized to me before coming back to school. When we came back, the things weren’t like before, I didn’t feel comfortable but I keep talking to her mostly to be kind. Some weeks ago she told me that this guy told her to ask me about a ring he lost and I told her to say to him that he could fuck off. She laughed, I asked myself if it was just a favor or if they continued talking, anyway I forgot about it. A few days ago when I was going home I saw her outside the house where I used to rent talking to the phone, he was the only person he knew in that house. I felt betrayed, like what I say to her and what happened to me don’t mean shit and she didn’t believe me. Then I asked myself if she thought I was jealous of her, or if her apologize really meant something. Once she told me she liked how he make her feel about herself because he literally flirts with anyone and she thinks she is not pretty but I am. I guess she appreciate more the comments of a piece of shit. I don’t know what to do, am I begin a drama queen or is she really someone I should drop out of my life?
Hi, hun. I’m so glad you reached out. How have you been feeling? To answer your question first, I don’t think you need to put this friend out of your life but you do need to put your relationship with her in a new definition. She should not be considered a close friend or one you rely on for advice or trust with your feelings and secrets. Friends grow apart sometimes and circumstances like yours can contribute to that. Sure, lunch buddy or studying maybe but keep it shallow. I do think she will soon see that her self-esteem issues are not remedied by player’s attention but that is her learning to do. It doesn’t seem she wants anyone’s help with that right now.
Let’s be concerned about your growth and healing.  You do need a good friend that you can confide in. We all do. This traumatic experience left scars and brought on depression behaviors including the random partners and partying. You would really benefit from discussing the rape and your reactions with a counselor or therapist Do they have one on campus? There are great articles and webchats online. Get the support you deserve.  You would like to be free of all this and a professional can give you the skills to move past this. You deserve happy days, good friends, working to your best at school, and a healthy dating life. It can get kind of crazy on a college campus since people tend to use this time to experiment and test promescuity before their “real lives” begin after graduation. Hug yourself for seeing the wrong in this and being a good person.
You really need to concentrate on you. How can you be the best you? What makes you feel better? It’s good to feel your feelings but you do have to work to move on. That guy is a real creep and he committed a crime against you. Stay clear of him and keep an eye out for others like him. Don’t let this incident or a friends poor choices define you. You have a good life to lead.
(((hugs))) You can do this!
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allcheatscodes · 8 years
the sims bustin out gamecube
the sims bustin out gamecube
The Sims: Bustin’ Out cheats & more for GameCube (GameCube)
Easter Eggs
Get the updated and latest The Sims: Bustin’ Out cheats, unlockables, codes, hints, Easter eggs, glitches, tricks, tips, hacks, downloads, guides, hints, FAQs, walkthroughs, and more for GameCube (GameCube). AllCheatsCodes.com has all the codes you need to win every game you play!
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Also Known As: Bustin’ Out: The Sims
Genre: Simulation, Life Development Sim Developer: Maxis Publisher: Electronic Arts ESRB Rating: Teen Release Date: December 17, 2003
Easy Free Play
Do you want to have more money in freeplay? Then evict a family already there and custimize them to make your sims. Then move in the old house, the house should still be there you should also have about 40, 000 or more and there but you can’t change you last name.
GLITCH:: Get Roommates Skills
If you have a GBA connection established, and you are in Bustin’ Out mode, have your sim go to Simvalley from the car. On his/her trip to the car, select a roommate with high skills that you are living with. Keep this sim selected until yours leaves. If you do this correctly, the roommate will be transported onto the GBA. Return as usual and check your sim’s skills. They will be the same as said roommate.
Missing Fern
After you move out of Mimi’s house and are stayingwith the Goths Mortimer will say that someonestoll his prized fern. The culprit turns out tobe Dudley. Just travel to Dudley’s trailer and inhis backyard sitting next to a broken down carthere is a fern. Just select steal and Dudleywill tell you some lame excuse for why he has itand you have completed that task. Just travelback to the Goth mansion and either Bella orMortimer will say something about the fern.
Game Boy Advance Linkup
Link up the GBA and Purchase the Game Cabinet, using this to play any of the Mini Games will reward the Sim with extra cash sometimes more then the sim can make going to work in some career levels.
Become An Alcoholic
Drinks made with the drink bar refill energy, fun, and food. If you turn your roomies into drink mixing slaves you�ll never have to sleep, eat, or worry about having fun.
Sleep Is For The Weak
Instead of sleeping at night, just touch a bug zapper over and over again. Your energy will increase and your comfort will decrease. You�ll be able to gain energy much faster than if you slept. Be sure to have a comfy chair nearby though, for the lost comfort.
Rely On Charity
Spend all of your money. When you do, you should start receiving money via telephone calls. As long as you keep draining your account back to zero by buying more stuff, the calls will keep coming. When you�re done, sell everything you bought.
Call A Rich Friend
Create two Sims on two memory cards. Load one, sell everything at Mom�s House, and save. Load the other and allow the Sim who sold everything to join as the second player. Make the rich Sim empty his or her steamer trunk of money. This should net you about 50,000 Simoleans. Repeat if necessary.
Become A Momma�s Sim
At the beginning of the game, refrain from getting a job. Stay at Mom�s House building up skills and making friends. Since several motives don�t decay at Mom�s (most notably energy, so you won�t have to sleep) and you don�t have to go to work, you�ll be able to build up skills very quickly. Take time off for personal development. If you haven�t fulfilled the necessary requirements for a promotion, move back into Mom�s House. Instead of spending an unproductive day at work, you�ll be able to build up your skills and make friends. When you�re ready, move back into the appropriate lot and nab that promotion.
Extra Money
Mom’s house, Mimi’s place, or Dudley’s trailer, buy things until your budget drops below $100. Wait about an hour. When the phone rings, answer it. You will get free money. Repeat this as necessary.
All Locations
While playing a game, quickly press Down, Z, R, L, Z to unlock all locations.
All Objects
While playing a game, quickly press Down, Z, Left, Right, R to unlock all objects.
Unlock All Skins
Enter these codes quickly during gameplay: Left Trigger, Y, A, Right Trigger, Left.
Unlock All Socials
Enter these codes quickly during gameplay: L, R, Down on D-Pad, Down on D-Pad, Y.
All Locations
While playing a game, quickly press Down, Z, R, L, Z to unlock all locations.
Currently we have no unlockables for The Sims: Bustin’ Out yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Easter eggs
Currently we have no easter eggs for The Sims: Bustin’ Out yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently we have no glitches for The Sims: Bustin’ Out yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently no guide available.
Currently no guide available.
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