#we aren’t allowed to be proud of muscles or facial hair or deep voices or bottom growth without someone reminding us
roastedinmarch · 2 years
i love being alive and living in the world as a trans masculine person it’s so fun and everyone including the trans community definitely doesn’t either want me dead or think i’m simultaneously receiving male privilege and am basically a girl :)
#/sarcasm#god i hate being alive#cis people hate me for sacrificing my body or something#trans people hate me for wanting to be a disgusting man and poisoning myself with testosterone#i’m not allowed to enjoy masculine things about myself unless they’re feminine masculine things#i’m afraid to go on t because i’ve been trained by everyone in my life including trans people that masculinity is inherently disgusting#i’m so scared to pass because i get a pass not because i am a twink teenager but how will i be treated as an adult man#i even still have to same perspective#i see a trans man on t and i am jealous and scared and so many things#it feels like my brain has been poisoned by fucking tiktok and twitter and everyone who tells trans men that their existence as men is vile#i constantly see trans women celebrating milestones in their transition and embracing their femininity#but i never see trans man celebrating their masculinity that isn’t acceptable masculinity#we aren’t allowed to be proud of muscles or facial hair or deep voices or bottom growth without someone reminding us#that we aren’t really queer#and we don’t really experience oppression#and while it’s great we’re happy with our transition#everyone else thinks it’s disgusting and threatening and sad that we’re giving up the wonders of womanhood just cause we want to#just because we want to say “i’m a man! out loud and receive our certificate of certified male privilege#i am more afraid than i ever was as a woman#he speaks
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raibebe · 4 years
Sugar and Spice
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Genre: Fluff? Words: 4.390 Warnings: none for this chapter
Chapters: | 1 | 2 | 3 | masterlist
A/N: Sugar and Spice is a series now, I know you all probably wanted more smut but I chose to write a prequel about how Jeno ended up being a sugar baby in the first place.  Since this is going to be a longer story, I wanted to try to do it in chapters instead of writing one giant thing. Later on I will switch the POV but I felt like it was needed to start off with Jeno’s.  Do not worry, there will be smut in later chapters.
Taglist: @yutaalove​, @byunniebaekhyunnie​
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Like all the bad decisions Lee Jeno had made in his life, this one started with none other than Lee Donghyuck. The two boys were sitting in the university’s cafeteria where Donghyuck watched Jeno eat the food they had served with a disgusted look on his face. “I don’t understand how you can even swallow that.” “It’s either this or instant ramen again and I am pretty sure my body consists of 60% ramen already,” Jeno whined, trying to wash down what must be the most dry piece of meat he had ever tasted his entire life with some water. “Dude you work like three jobs,” Donghyuck groaned, kicking his friend beneath the table. “Got fired from the library because they caught me sleeping,” Jeno sighed deeply. “You look like you’re ready to pass out right now.” “Hyuck, I am functioning on three hours of sleep and two redbull.” “Jeno,” Donghyuck sighed and Jeno hated it when he used that tone of voice. He didn’t need Donghyuck’s pity. He could do this. He was fine. Well mostly. Apart from the fact that he got an average amount of four hours of sleep, was barely passing his classes and got fired by one of his many part time jobs every few months his life was absolutely peachy. “I’m sure if you talk to your parents again-“ “No,” he cut Donghyuck off, “I won’t come begging at their door. I chose this path for myself and they simply don’t agree Hyuck.” “Your parents suck ass,” his friend sighed, leaning back in his chair, “Pretty sure my parents would throw a party each day for a week straight if I had told them I wanted to become a vet.” “Well mine aren’t,” Jeno sighed and raked a hand through his messy hair. It was getting too long again, his bangs hanging into his eyes. Could he ask Renjun to cut it again? Did he trust the furious Chinese man with something sharp that close to his eyes?
For a while it was quiet between the two friends while Jeno continued to stuff his face with the cafeteria food. He didn’t have much time before he had to go to his shift at a little record store not far from his dorm building. It wasn’t paying the best but the owner of the shop and no issues with him doing his readings there when no customers were around. “You know that we miss you, Jeno. Right?” Donghyuck cut the silence which made Jeno stop mid bite, “We haven’t done anything with all the boys in forever and I am not counting the times we were at the club while you were working and declining the tips we were trying to give you.” “I don’t need nor want your pity money, Hyuck,” Jeno groaned again and shoved the plate with his food away. His appetite had left him. Donghyuck and him had this conversation every other week always with the same outcome: Donghyuck explaining how he was worried about him and Jeno telling him that he was fine (which he most likely wasn’t but he managed). “I’m sorry I haven’t been able to make it to our meets ups, I really am,” Jeno tried to explain and Donghyuck’s eyes immediately went soft, “I just- I’m behind on my tuition again and haven’t paid the lease for the dorms for the last moth yet. I really need to take every minute and hour of overtime I can get and my grades aren’t getting any better either. This will all be for nothing if I fail my anatomy class again.” “Jeno,” Donghyuck tried again, “You can’t keep on like this for another three years.” “I have to Hyuck,” Jeno sighed, slouching back into his chair, “I have to.” His body had been screaming at him to stop whatever he was doing for weeks now and to be completely honest, he was aching for a full eight hours of sleep and not the usual four that were just disconnected naps throughout his day.
“I’m going to make a suggestion and I need you to promise me to not be mad at me, alright,” Donghyuck suddenly said, holding out his pinky finger. “Hyuck, I won’t take money from any of you. I don’t want Chenle to pay for my lease again. That was a one-time thing and I told him that I would pay him back,” Jeno immediately argued, shame running through him. He hated constantly being treated to meals and the thought that he had a debt with his younger friend even though the Chinese had told Jeno hundreds of times that he didn’t need to money back. “That’s not what I wanted to suggest. Now promise.” Jeno rolled his eyes before interlocking his pinky with one of his arguably best friends. “Actually this isn’t my idea. But Jaemin and Renjun brought it up last Friday at our movie night.” That alone made Jeno feel bad again. While his friends had been all cuddled up in Chenle’s apartment to watch some movies and eat popcorn while drinking cheap beer, he had been working in a sweaty club with horrible music that made his ears ring. “I’m sorry,” he muttered under his breath but Donghyuck didn’t seem to hear him. “But hear me out: Have you ever thought about becoming a sugar baby?” Jeno lost all control over his facial muscles and was pretty sure his brain had just short circuited, his open mouth free real estate for the fruit flies that were all over the cafeteria. “No, no, think about it Jeno,” Donghyuck immediately argued, “I did my research and you can get a monthly allowance for at least a thousand dollar if not more. You’d be able to quit that job at the shady bar.” “Hyuck,” Jeno cut in when his brain had successfully rebooted, “In case you haven’t noticed in all the years we’ve been friends: I’m not gay.” “So what?” “What do you mean so what? I’m not going to prostitute myself for some old man just because I need money,” Jeno hissed between his teeth. “Oh my god Jeno,” Donghyuck sighed, “You’re so 2010. There are plenty of wealthy woman out there looking for some arm candy to pass their time.” “You’re insane Donghyuck.” “Insanely brilliant that is,” his friend grinned, “This is literally the perfect solution for all your problems.” “How is fucking some old hag going to solve any of my problems?” “Oh come on, Jeno,” Donghyuck groaned, “There are plenty of sites that let you choose your preferred partner for this kind of arrangement. And don’t even try to deny that you’re into older girls.” At that Jeno flushed a deep red color. His preference about his partners was basically an open secret in their group of friends that he had confessed after a drunken round of truth or dare some time in highschool when Renjun had asked him why he had rejected the confession of a cute girl a year below them to keep crushing on the substitute teacher they had. Chenle had not let this thing die until Jeno had started to date a girl from Mark’s class and even then the boy had made some cruel comments about their age difference. “Here, Renjun found a site that seems very legit,” Donghyuck brought him back from his memories, scribbling down a link on a piece of paper, “Please just check it out.” “That’s a lot of promises I have to give today,” Jeno mused but took the paper to put it into his pocket. “We’re just trying to look out for you Jeno.” “I know,” he sighed, “And I appreciate that.” “You’re running thin Jeno.” “I know Hyuck!” He said, making his friend flinch at his outburst, “I fucking know, okay. I’m sorry I am making you all worry with how terrible my life currently is. It’s not like I am happy about it but you could really stop bitching about it.” Just when Donghyuck opened his mouth to reply something, Jeno’s eyes shot to the big clock on the wall. “Safe it Hyuck, I need to go to my shift.” With that he got up to hoist his bag that was barely holding together onto his shoulder and basically fled the cafeteria. Donghyuck could bring back his plate, that was the least he could do.  
Once outside, the student quickly plugged in his earphones into his phone and played his favorite playlist on his way to the record store, inwardly scolding himself for being so proud and not leeching off of Jaemin’s spotify anymore when what felt like the third ad in ten minutes interrupted his vibing. At the record store, he quickly unlocked the front door and put on a random record to play over the speakers before he got situated behind the counter to try to revise his notes from today that were unreadable at best. He had fallen asleep at least twice in his morning class and had to be shaken awake by one of his classmates once the lecture was over. Great. So self-study it was.
Over the course of his shift, he was only interrupted twice from reading the chapter in the book that he was pretty sure he should have brought back to the library last week. But since he really didn’t have any money to spare for the fine, he had decided to keep it a little longer until he was at a financially better place which was nowhere near in close sight now that he was fired from his job at said library. Which brought him back to what Donghyuck had said to him. But him becoming a sugar baby? Jeno really couldn’t think of himself in such a position. Sure, he wasn’t bad looking but when he thought of the word sugar baby he thought of beautiful and petite boys like Renjun or maybe even Jaemin but him? Even though he had lost quite some muscle mass since this shitshow had begun, he was still built quiet broad and had more of a masculine, handsome feel than sweet and beautiful. And wasn’t that was sugar mommies would look for? If they wanted a man, they wouldn’t search for a someone younger. Jeno sighed loudly and let his head hit his book. This was a hopeless situation.
But he guessed having a look at the site wouldn’t hurt and so Jeno ended up typing in the address of the sugar baby site into the computer at work, praying the owner didn’t know how to check which sites he had opened once he’d delete the browser history. The site itself looked clean, mainly consisting of muted pastel colors and black font and accents. If you weren’t signed in, you didn’t get much information on what exactly was going on but the site claimed that keeping their clients data safe was their main concern since very influential people were using their site. Jeno completely blamed Donghyuck and the two redbulls he had already had for clicking on the pastel blue ‘sign up’ button. He then had to fill out basic data about himself: His gender, age, profession and interests along with his sexual orientation. He hesitated for a second when the site asked if he was okay to be partnered with someone of the same sex for a strictly platonic relationship but denied it in the end. Next he was asked to choose a nickname to chat with potential benefactors as the site called the sugar mommies and daddies. Was this where he should choose something cute to attract people to his profile? Whacking his brain for any cute plays on his actual name, he came up with exactly nothing other than the No-Jam nickname he had earned in highschool which really wasn’t cute at all. The only other thing that came to mind was when Jaemin jokingly called himself Nana and Jeno Nono in that god-awful aegyo voice which never failed to make Jeno cringe. Why did he have to choose a nickname anyways? It was to protect the benefactors; he really didn’t have anything else to lose than his dignity. Sighing, Jeno quickly typed in: ‘Jenonono’ as his nickname, only cringing slightly when choosing a password and entering his email address to confirm everything. Once he had activated his account with the link he was sent, Jeno only had to choose a couple of pictures for his profile to complete it. Well this was a problem. Jeno couldn’t even remember the last time he took a selfie where he wasn’t looking like death on two legs to send them to his friends. He quickly scrolled through his camera roll in search for at least one decently attractive photo. He only stopped scrolling when he found photos from almost a year ago before he had changed his field of study and had the fall-out with his parents. His hair was bleached a bright blonde color and the sides were shaved but he was looking good, more toned than he was now and like he actually slept at night. Not even close to how he was looking right now but it was still him, so did this count as catfishing? He quickly chose two photos with his blonde hair styled up and one with his natural haircolor from before he and Jaemin had the great idea to bleach each other’s hair and send them to himself via mail so he could upload them onto the website.
When Jeno pressed the ‘complete’ button, the site showed him on overview of what his profile would look like and it wasn’t even half bad if he did say so himself. He still felt a little uneasy about the whole thing and the fact that he was basically catfishing people into thinking he still looked so bulky and put together like he had looked last year didn’t help. “Come on Jeno, you have nothing to lose,” he grumbled and pressed the ‘confirm’ button one last time. His profile disappeared and the site instead showed Jeno their actual layout for the matching. Unlike other dating sites, he couldn’t swipe through potential benefactors himself; he had to wait until someone actually message him. Great. So he had to hope that his pictures and his honestly not great profile would lure someone in who was at least mildly attractive. Maybe no one would ever contact him and he could just throw it back into Donghyuck’s face how this had been a shitty idea to begin with. Sighing, he closed the site for now and deleted the browser history just to be safe as well.
The rest of his shift went by in a blur of trying to make sense of his scribbly notes and whatever the authors of the book he was reading were trying to teach him about the anatomy of different species and Jeno didn’t even think twice about the site he had signed up for when he closed down the shop and went home to his shitty dorm. The short trip to the convenience store only made him more aware of how poor he was when he had to choose between an actual meal and food for the cat he had recently (very much illegally) saved from the streets and taken in. He’d be more than damned if the kitten he had named Bongsik would have to suffer, so it would be a delicious meal for her and more instant ramen for Jeno.
Back at his dorm room - a single one that could barely fit his bed, wardrobe and desk - the little cat immediately rubbed its tiny head against his pant leg and Jeno couldn’t help but smile and bend down to pet the little creature. He felt a little bit of tension immediately seep from his tired muscles and indulged the kitten in a little cuddle session until he felt his eyes starting to itch. His allergies be damned! Sighing the boy got up to actually shed his jacket and shoes and opened the fresh can of delicious cat food for Bongsik who immediately devoured it. If she thought it was delicious, would it taste good for Jeno as well? Chuckling he turned back to prepare his own food, all this instant ramen might have started to take a toll on his psyche. He ate his meal in silence before throwing both containers in the trash. Jeno knew he had to work on his essay for one of his classes but for a moment he just felt the need to relax for a bit, especially now that he didn’t have to rush over to his job at the library. Taking out his phone, he quickly replied to the group chat of his friends where they were animatedly planning a trip to the cinema on Friday which Jeno had to decline. Not only did he have a shift at the bar but he also didn’t really have the money for it. Sighing he locked his phone again. Well that went great, now he was stressed again. “Bongsik you love me right?” He asked and turned towards his cat again who was lounging next to him on the floor, her belly full with delicious food. Oh to be a cat...
Jeno sighed again when his cat of course didn’t answer. He really was going insane. But it was going to be worth it, he reminded himself again. Once this was all over he would be a vet and able to help all kinds of animals. He would make good money and could pay off his tuition slowly and maybe a couple of years later he could even have his own medical practice. But to have all that, he really needed to up his grades. Especially this godawful anatomy grade. Groaning Jeno got up from the floor to plop down on his desk and start his laptop that made an awful lot of noise while booting up. Knowing that it took the device a good two minutes give or take to completely be ready, he started to go through his notes again before typing them into the document where he compiled all his notes just to have them all nice and neat in one place.
By some ungodly hour in the morning, Jeno’s eyes started to close more and more often on their own accord and the letters on the screen started to blur together despite wearing his glasses. “We should probably call it a night, Bongsik,” he spoke into the silent room, his cat already fast asleep at the foot of his bed. Fondly smiling at her, he saved his progress on both his notes and his essay and shut down his laptop. Jeno didn’t really dare to look at the time, so he just quickly grabbed his stuff for the bathroom and got himself ready for bed in the vacant bathroom he shared with a couple of other students. But at this time it was almost guaranteed to be empty.
Once back in his dorm, Jeno quickly climbed under the covers and plugged his phone in to make sure his alarm would actually go off in about 4 hours. Even though he was dead tired now that his body was surrounded by the warmth of his bed, a notification caught his attention. Leeching off of the free wifi at the record store, he had downloaded the app that came with the sugar baby site praying it would work on his outdated phone which it luckily did. Maybe the programmers had actually thought about broke students with shitty phones just like him for once. Taking a deep breath, Jeno clicked on the notification that had told him that a potential benefactor wanted to text him. Well that was quick. A lot quicker than he had anticipated. When the app had finally loaded with the shitty wifi he definitely not stole from his dorm neighbor (he had set his password as 1234, he was begging to have it stolen), a profile of a woman showed up. She smiled warmly in the picture she had chosen and it seemed to be taken at some tropical place judging by the palm trees in the background. Jeno quickly skimmed through the rest of her profile that only said that she wasn’t that much older than him. Well she was but not to the extent where she could have been his mother - ew. As her job she just had just listed estate agent. Did that pay well? Jeno didn’t know. His thumb hovered over the pastel button that said ‘accept’. If he would press this, this wasn’t just a ‘I’ll take a look at this app for Donghyuck’s sake’ then he was actually invested. But even if he accepted, he was not entitled to the woman. He could still say no if she turned out to be a creep. Hell, he didn’t even have to meet her ever if he didn’t like chatting with her. Before his courage could leave him, Jeno quickly accepted the offer and a new page opened that looked just like every other messenger.
To: Jenonono You’re up late.
What a weird way to open up a conversation. But it certainly was better than perverted innuendos or a ‘hi’ like Jaemin was continuously whining over whenever he had reinstalled tinder. But what was he supposed to reply? Should he try to act cute and coy? Was that what she would be looking for? But before he could even type anything, she had sent another message.
To: Jenonono You don’t seem like the typical boy you find on here.
What was that supposed to mean?
From: Jenonono I’m not? what are those like then?
To: Jenonono They’re not as handsome as you.
At that Jeno flushed a deep red color. He wasn’t used to such blatant flirting.
To: Jenonono I really like the blonde on you but the darker color is cute as well.
From: Jenonono it’s dark right now
As soon as he hit send, Jeno wanted to hit himself. What was she supposed to answer to that message? God he was such an idiot.
To: Jenonono Cute. Are you nervous?
From: Jenonono I have never done this before and didn’t think someone would message someone like me
To: Jenonono I haven’t been doing this for long either. And what do you mean by ‘someone like me’?
From: Jenonono you said yourself that I’m not the typical boy you would find on here...
To: Jenonono Well occasionally there is a diamond between all the rocks.
Jeno wasn’t sure if this was even an actual saying but it made him feel warm nevertheless.
From: Jenonono you’re pretty forward with your flirting
To: Jenonono Am I making you shy, baby?
As if to prove her point, Jeno almost choked on his own saliva, coughing loudly which ultimately woke up Bongsik who threw him a very much not amused gaze. He hadn’t known that just reading the word baby would have such an effect on him. A voice in the back of his head that sounded a little too much like Donghyuck called him a ‘bottom bitch’. Biting his lip he contemplated whether he should flirt back. Up until now it was fun talking to her. And he still had nothing to lose.
From: Jenonono What if I maybe blushed just the smallest bit?
To: Jenonono You’re so cute. I’m glad I found you. But you should go sleep, baby. It’s late already.
From: Jenonono shouldn’t you be asleep as well then?
To: Jenonono I just came back from a long flight and my bed seems a little lonely.
Was this his chance to get a little flirtatious himself? Was she testing him?
From: Jenonono would you want me there with you? so it’s not as lonely?
To: Jenonono That does sound very tempting, baby boy. Let me take you out for a meal before I take you to bed.
Jeno’s breath caught in his throat for a little before he broke out in little giggles. He had completely forgotten how good it felt to feel wanted between all the stress that his life currently was. Maybe but just maybe Donghyuck had been right and this truly could be the solution for many of his problems.
From: Jenonono is that an invitation?
To: Jenonono How does lunch tomorrow sound like baby? I’ll treat you to something delicious.
Gnawing at his thumb, Jeno read the message over and over. He didn’t even know the woman. Meeting up with her might be a risk. For all he knew she could be a serial killer.
To: Jenonono I know this is sudden. But I want to get to know you better. Face to face. Not just over a stupid text box.
Taking a deep breath, Jeno took all his courage and replied with shaking fingers.
From: Jenonono I have a little break between my last class of the day and before I have to go to my part time job.
To: Jenonono There is a cute little bistro not too far from where I remember the main dorm buildings were. [link attached]
Clicking on the link, a website opened and showed him a French-style bistro that judging by the address was right between his dorm and the record shop. He should be able to do it. Curiously he clicked on the menu and immediately regretted it. The prices were ridiculous. For the price of a simple piece of bread, he could easily feed Bongsik and himself for two days.
From: Jenonono isn’t this a little too much?
To: Jenonono Let me spoil you, baby. Just tell me the time and I’ll make sure that I can be there.
From: Jenonono would around one work for you?
To: Jenonono I’ll be there. I’m looking forward to meeting you. Now sleep tight and have sweet dreams, baby.
From: Jenonono maybe I’ll even dream of you
Screaming into his pillow, Jeno threw his phone away. He couldn’t believe that he just send that. Quickly grabbing his kitten, he pressed his face into her soft fur while she struggled in his hold. “Bongsik I have a date,” he whispered, “An actual date. With a potentially very rich woman. I can’t believe I actually did that.”
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daddy-satrinava · 5 years
The whole alphabet skdjfhfh (if you can, of course) BLESS YOU
Oh lord this is a long ass post and there’s nothing but thirst in it
• Sometimes takes longer than the sex, and that says a lot. All she wants is to spoil you, and this is the perfect occasion to lavish you with attention and appreciation.
• Soft kisses and soft smiles and soft looks and tired eyes and lazy touches and soft hair all over the place.
• We’re talking about Nadia ‘scented baths’ Satrinava, so a nice warm bath is a must. She’ll help you wash or give you a massage if she left you with any sore muscles, and all that comes with a lot of kisses on your bite marks ;)
Body part
• Caress and kiss those thighs please. It makes her weak when you touch them and if you do it right, maybe she’ll sub for you.
• As for her favorite body part, it has to be your shoulders. They’re just so good for everything: she likes to bite them, rest her head on them when you’re sitting together, grab them when you’re walking and kiss them when she’s spooning you.
• Nadia just loves lingerie, both on herself and on you. If you like them too, she’ll buy hundreds, in all colors, from all fabrics and all models, and she’ll match them with jewelry.
• Asks you to pick your favorite and disappears behind the divider, making a little show out of it, throwing her clothes and making you ask nicely for her to come out.
• She loves to watch you move in lingerie, and if you give her a lap dance you’re definitely up for a treat.
Dirty talk
• Yes.
• Her special ability is not necessarily using explicit words but sounding so lewd. She will tell you between kisses how bad she wants to keep you up all night, how she wants to make you forget your name. She will remind you what a good pet you are and continuously ask you if you like it, if you want more, if you’ll behave etc.
• If you get flustered easily, she will take advantage of it and keep talking until you’re a blushing mess. And if you dirty talk back to her, it’s gonna be the hottest rap battle ever.
Favorite position
• Hear me out: 69.
• I mean, what could be better than a position which allows her to please you while you please her? Granted that she’s on top, of course.
• Likes to sync her movements to yours and often challenges herself to make you cum first, which she usually does, and then moves to sit on your face.
• When she isn’t too busy destroying your ass, Nadia does some super cute things during sex.
• Like when she goes down on you and you grab the sheets so she reaches out and holds your hand, and she chuckles because you’re squeezing it so tight.
• Or when she grabs your hips and nuzzles against your stomach.
• And oh my god all the kisses! If you think there’ll be one inch of your skin left unkissed, you’re wrong.
• Of course, there’s the dom/sub dynamic and the pet play, but can we talk about her other kinks? 
• Like everything related to orgasm control, she thinks there’s nothing hotter than seeing you so desperate to come and so frustrated when you’ve been denied once again. And when she decides it’s time to let you finish? Divine.
• Or light bondage. She often comes to you with a piece of silk and a smirk on her lips, and you know immediately what’s next. If you want to tie her down, it’s gonna take a while to convince her, but it’s gonna be soooo worth it. She finds it endearing, seeing you in control from time to time.
• Call her old fashioned, but Nadia’s favorite place to have sex in is the bedroom. Sure, the baths are more steamy (ba dum tss) and the gateway has endless possibilities, but nothing quite matches the intimacy of the bedsheets. (those walls have seen things)
• As mentioned above, seeing you in a sexy outfit always gets her going, but sometimes little things you do can turn her on so bad.
• Confidence is a big yes for her. Whenever you make a good impression in court, charm her guests or light up the atmosphere, she has this feeling that’s a mixture of pride and arousal and she can barely stop herself from jumping on you in front of everyone.
• And oh, does she love it when you get feisty. Do any bold gesture - kiss her passionately out of nowhere, touch her under the table, sit in her lap, tell her how much you want her - and you’ll have a horny mess out of the Countess.
• Starts off quiet - some gasps and hums, but as she gets closer she won’t hold back any of those beautiful sounds. You’d be surprised how shameless her moans can be when she reaches the orgasm.
•Usually she never bothers about the sounds, because she is the Countess and can do whatever she wants, but if you are in a place other than the palace, say, someone else’s palace, she will do her best staying silent and make up for it with her delightful facial expressions.
• That mouth does wonders, baby. Her soft lips are just meant to be sucking and kissing, and that tongue of hers can make you lose yourself in pleasure. She’s so good at edging it makes you wonder where did she learn that from, when actually she just understands your body very well; you can say she’s a natural.
• When receiving oral, she likes to either sit in a chair or ride your face, one hand always in your hair and her eyes pinned on you. She’s okay with fingering, but she prefers to have your hands roaming on her body.
• For her, it’s slow and steady over fast and messy. This woman is a true tease, so of course she will want to drive you crazy with her feather-light kisses and touches, but she also craves sweet love making, the kind that takes the whole night and feels like it has no beginning and no ending.
• She’d rather take her time, to work every part of you up and make sure every time is most enjoyable. But if a great thirst appears and the circumstances impedes that, she will jam you into an empty room and get done with it quick.
• Not the biggest fan of having sex in risky places. Teasing in public is a different thing, which she loves to do, but she prefers the fucc to happen in private.
• If you’re into that, however, she can make some compromises: she’ll instruct the servants to avoid a certain room and then get at it, but only after expressing her deep concern about being caught in the sexiest voice.
• Nadia’s sweet nothings whispered in your ear are better than any other flirt; she will tell you all the things she loves about you, and that means everything, she will tell you just what you do to her (maybe even show) and she’ll make you feel like the most loved person.
• And honestly, if you want her equal parts flustered and horny, just praise her a little. Tell her how good her speech was, how proud you are of her, how beautiful she looked in that dress. She is hard to impress, but she also has a soft spot for you, so it’s actually quite easy to make her swoon.
• Girl got everything you could think of and probably more. She’s a huge fan of toys and wants to try them all on you.
• You can’t convince me some of them aren’t crafted by the Countess herself. She’d want to give you a custom made gift and will ask for a veeery detailed description of what you’d like.
• Having such a talented magician by her side and not enchanting her favorite toys would be a shame, really. You’d better get your hand on some buzzing magic, because you won’t regret it ;)
• When does Nadia not tease you, honestly.
• At a table she never misses the chance of sliding her leg against yours, or trailing her fingers up your thigh while you’re trying to have a conversation with someone. She’d also whisper something scandalous in your ear then turn away and start chatting with a random person.
• Always compliments your outfits (even though she bought them all lol) and touches you all over, claiming to ‘feel the fabric’.
• I could go on, but to recap: Nadia teases.
• She’s more of a talker than a moaner, so brace yourself for a lot of dirty talk and praising.
• Gives you clear instructions on how to position yourself and, if you’re lucky enough to top, how to fuck her.
• As she gets closer she resumes to ecstatic affirmations and the way she calls your name when pleasure overtakes her is orgasmic in itself. Afterwards, praises of your hard work are compulsory.
• This one belongs to @mindlesssoulz bless her
• Nadia goes wild (pun intended) if you dig your nails into her back while she fucks you. Feeling you hooked on her flesh, your heart and body all hers, it makes her feel unbelievably alive. Expect her to groan and pick up the pace, maybe even dig her teeth into your collarbone.
• If not, at least give her a back scratch from time to time
X-rated thoughts
• Well, maybe this isn’t the kinkiest fantasy ever, but all she ever wanted - and I mean really wanted - was to wake up to her partner eating her out. She likely won’t tell you at first, because she thinks it’s a bit selfish, but like, please make her happy and convince her she deserves to have all her fantasies fulfilled.
•  If you want it to be the best morning of her life, masturbate at the same time and you’re guaranteed to not leave the bed for the rest of the day. 
• Nadia is one of those persons that look like they can control their sexual instincts, but in truth she wants sum fuk all the time.
• Her libido is high, but what’s even higher is her stamina, good lord. She can go on for hours, with no break. 
• Sometimes, when things are busy at the palace, you don’t get the chance to have sex for a long time, so when you finally do get a break she’s so horny you need a second break to recover from all that.
• Doesn’t sleep immediately after, because she wants to indulge in that warm feeling. Most likely she’ll clean up while feeling confident and pleasantly tired (like the sims lol). If you doze off she will gladly hold you in her arms and slowly stroke your hair.
• However, if you manage to exhaust her, she’ll snuggle with you and fall asleep in no time, which is a rare event for her, so congratulations on your achievement, dude. 
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tellusseries · 8 years
Character Short: Cat
It was surprisingly silent when Cat awoke, her entire body aching. She was alone, practically drowning in overstuffed pillows and thick blankets to help her 'feel comfortable'. She'd said time and time again that a more simple bed would be plenty comfortable, but apparently a certain level of decadence was expected of royalty. Just over a year of marriage and ten months of courting before that, and she still wasn't used to it. She didn't think she ever would be.
Attempting to sit up brought a whole new wave of pain through her abdomen, reminding her why she was in the bed in the first place. Craning her neck, her breath caught in her throat at the sight of the bassinet stood several feet from her bed. No sound came from it, and it alarmed her at first, before she rationalised that like her, the baby was probably just exhausted. She’d passed out almost as soon as they’d cut the umbilical cord, not even staying awake to hear the gender of her child. Labour had taken almost a full day.
Wondering how she’d had the great fortune to actually be left alone for once, Cat wearily shoved the blankets back, shifting her sore body into a sitting position, half propped up by several pillows. She was dressed in a clean nightgown, making her wonder who had changed her while she was unconscious. How long had she been out, anyway? She couldn’t see a clock anywhere nearby.
Cat wished she had a pair of slippers beside her bed, but reasoned that she probably wasn’t supposed to be getting up yet, anyway. She winced at the effort it took to swing her legs over the edge of the bed, carefully standing. Every muscle burned with exertion, but she ignored it. Walking the four shaky steps it took to get to the bassinet, Cat gasped softly. Swaddled in pale grey blankets, tiny face relaxed in sleep, was her baby.
There was a small card pinned to the head of the bassinet, and Cat’s eyes widened when she read it. ‘Baby Latham, Male’. Three words, and yet they made Cat’s heart skip a beat. Male. She had a son.
She looked back down at her baby, her little boy, studying him closer. There was a fine covering of downy white-blond hair on the top of his head, and his skin was a healthy pink. His body was covered by the blankets, but he looked about decent size. Cat hadn’t seen many babies, she wasn’t entirely sure what the norm was. She didn’t much care, though; her baby was perfect.
She had always thought all babies looked the same, facially, but she could see so much of James in her son it was astonishing. She knew the boy would have blue eyes when they opened, as all babies did, but she was sure they would stay that way. He had James’ nose, too. The chin, she noted with a smile, was all hers. Everyone had been saying since she’d announced her pregnancy that she and James would have beautiful children, and whatever her feelings for her husband she couldn’t help but agree.
There was a faint gurgling noise, and the baby screwed up his face in displeasure, blinking open wide blue eyes. His gaze landed on her quickly, and she grinned at him, reaching down to stroke a finger across his cheek. 'Hello, little one,' she greeted softly. 'It’s wonderful to finally meet you.'
'Catherine, you’re awake.' James’ voice was surprised, and Cat glanced over at the door, the smile not dropping from her face.
'James, look at him,' she urged, reaching out a hand towards her husband. He stepped closer, ignoring her hand to wrap an arm around her waist, half keeping her upright as he stood beside her.
'He’s gorgeous,' the blond man murmured, kissing her temple. 'Well done, I’m so proud of you.' Cat smiled, leaning into him slightly. The pair stood in silence for several long moments, staring at their child in awe as he blinked serenely back up at them, before James spoke. 'Would you like to hold him?' Cat nodded immediately, and James released her to reach into the bassinet, a grin coming to his face as the baby let out a series of coos and gurgles, happily allowing James to loosen his blankets and lift him from his bed. The young king kissed his son’s silk-soft hair, before offering him to Cat. She took the child with ease, having practiced with a doll the midwife had lent her. It was far, far different holding a real baby.
'Hello, my love,' she said quietly, automatically swaying to keep him settled. 'Aren’t you beautiful? You’ve got your Daddy’s handsome face, you lucky thing.' She smirked at catching the light flush rise on James’ pale cheeks.
'I think he looks a lot like you,' James argued. Cat rolled her eyes; she didn’t have the energy to correct him. Their son was far more like James than her. 'Have you thought of a name, yet?'
Cat paused, biting her lip as she looked at her son, who already seemed to be drifting off again. He would probably need feeding, soon. She had a name picked out for a boy, but she wasn’t sure James would like it. 'William,' she told him. 'William Christopher.'
'William Christopher Latham,' James sounded out, a smile on his face. Cat waited for the connection to be made, unsurprised when his smile faltered. 'William, wasn’t that…?' He trailed off, knowing better than to say his name around Cat. He snorted bitterly. 'I should have known.'
'It’s a strong name,' Cat declared, defending her choice.
'It’s his name. As if I needed another reminder that I could never be enough. Did you really expect me to be happy about you naming our son after your dead boyfriend?' He kept his voice low for the baby’s sake, but Cat could see the hurt in his eyes, and it made guilt pool in her stomach. Still, she wouldn’t change the name.
'Did you really expect me to just forget about him?' she retorted waspishly. James snorted bitterly.
'I’d hoped you might move on, at the very least!' He took a deep breath, running a hand through his hair. 'I have done everything I can, Catherine. Everything I could possibly think of to make you feel loved, to make you feel part of this family. I have done so since before we got together! I’ve given you everything you could ever want, and it still isn’t enough for you!'
'The things I want can’t be bought with money,' Cat told him, voice firm. 'I am helping you lead your country, by your side, as your queen. I have given you an heir; a male one, in fact. That’s all I ever promised to do. I never promised to fall in love with you, James! I told you a thousand times that would never happen!' She had been telling James that since the day they had reunited after his imprisonment, and yet he had persevered, continuing to insist that it didn’t matter so long as she became his queen. She had done so, and was ruling now — Mary had abdicated not long after Cat and James had married, claiming that the loss of her husband followed by eight years held captive had taken its toll on her, and she just wanted to live the rest of her life in peace. She still lived in Latham Castle with them, but kept well out of any political affairs. That was Cat’s job, now.
'I don’t understand, Catherine,' James muttered, shaking his head. 'I thought you were getting better, I thought you were getting past him. It’s not like he’s ever coming back! Can’t you just accept that this is how your life is going to be, and stop dragging the past into it?'
'How can I stop dragging the past with me when no one will let us forget?' she asked plainly, tears coming to her eyes. Her aching muscles starting to scream at her, she passed the baby to James, stumbling to sit on the bed. 'Our past is brought up every bloody ten minutes!' It had angered her, at first, but it had been three years since the downfall of government and her skin had toughened considerably. But it seemed like every time she and James did something public, the news managed to bring up their past together in some form. It was difficult to move past losing her first and only love when she was reminded of him every time she stepped outside.
The argument halted when baby William let out a loud cry, his face turning red and fat tears leaking from his eyes. Cat shuffled back against the pillows, holding her arms out. 'He’s probably hungry, pass him here,' she instructed. Despite James’ anger, he obediently passed their child over, and Cat used one hand to unbutton the front of her nightgown. James turned beet red, making her laugh. 'Honestly, it’s nothing you’ve not seen before,' she muttered, bemused.
Once Will was happily suckling, Cat looked up at her husband, an apologetic expression on her face. 'I’m sorry, James,' she breathed, swallowing the lump on her throat. 'I know this isn’t what you wanted. I know I’m not what you wanted. But I’m trying my best here, I really am. You’re my best friend, you have been since we were born, and I do love you. But I can’t force myself to be in love with you, and I don’t think either of us would be happy if I pretended to be. I know you don’t like that I think of F— that he’s on my mind so often. But I can’t help that. And my relationship with him aside, he was a great man, and he deserves to be honoured. Naming the future king of Anglya after him… it’s nothing less than he deserves, for what he did. Of course, every one of my crewmates deserves the same, but I thought that William Harrison Matthew Benedict Christopher Latham was a bit of a mouthful. And it would be ever so unfair to exclude Alice,' she added, drawing a reluctant laugh from the blond. She hadn’t served on the Stormdancer for years, but she still considered them her crew. They had forged a bond that couldn’t be broken by mere distance.
James moved to perch on the edge of her bed, hands clenched at his sides. 'I’m trying, Cat,' he whispered, ignoring the way she stiffened at his use of her nickname. Hardly anyone called her Cat anymore, it was ‘inappropriate for a lady of her standing’. James hadn’t called her Cat since their wedding day. 'I know you can’t force yourself to be in love with me, but at the same time I can’t force myself not to be in love with you. It makes you uncomfortable, I know that. I try to restrain myself as much as I can, but honestly, Cat, it’s exhausting. We have a child. We have a baby boy, and he’s incredible, and the only thing that would make me happier right now would be to have you, too.'
'You do have me,' she told him, but he shook his head, reaching to lay a hand on her knee.
'Not in the way that matters, I don’t. You look at me like I’m going to give up on you any minute, like I’m going to decide I’m done trying to make you love me and toss you aside to look for someone else. Do you truly think so little of me?' She winced; when he put it like that, she sounded horrible. 'I’ve accepted that you won’t love me the same way I love you. I’m at peace with that. But what I can’t accept is the way you won’t allow me to even be a friend, you’re so busy reminding me that you don’t see me that way!'
Cat was about to open her mouth to insist that they were friends, but closed it again, lifting Will to her shoulder automatically to burp him when he finished feeding. James had a point. 'I just don’t want to give you false hope,' she said feebly, making him scoff.
'Don’t worry, you haven’t,' he retorted flatly. 'I’ve let a lot of things slide since we got together, Cat, and even before then. I let you get away with things that no one else can, because I love you, and because I’ve been desperate for you to love me back. But you act like this isn’t permanent, like it’s just a temporary fix until the real solution comes along! I know when we reunited you thought I only loved you because I was told we’d been betrothed, and I can forgive you for that, but for storms’ sake, Cat, it’s been three bloody years!' He sighed, shaking his head. 'The baby’s asleep, pass him here.'
She looked down, realising that he had indeed fallen asleep on her chest. Doing her nightgown back up, she allowed her husband to put their son back in the bassinet. When James sat down again, it was by Cat’s hip, and he took her hand in his. 'Love isn’t about wanting the other person to love you back,' he told her quietly. 'Love is about wanting them to be happy above all else, even if it isn’t you they’re happy with. And Cat, love, you’re not happy, and it kills me, because I can’t help but feel like this is my fault! I pushed you into leaving your crew, into marrying me. I got caught up in the propaganda until I couldn’t think straight.'
'It’s not your fault I’m not happy,' Cat insisted, because to deny she wasn’t happy would be a feeble lie and they both knew it. 'I chose to do this. I chose to become queen because I love this country and its people, because I want to be able to make a difference and this was the best way to go about that. I chose to marry you because we both knew you wouldn’t be able to do this alone, not after everything, and because you’re my friend. We both know how naive you were three years ago. I didn’t want you to get hurt because of that, so I chose to stay and protect you. The crew didn’t need me, not like you did.'
'Is that supposed to make me feel better?' he asked ruefully. 'That you married me because you thought I was helpless?' A bark of laughter escaped his lips. 'You were right, I suppose. I was useless when I first got out. But a lot has changed since then, Cat. We’re both different people, and you refuse to see that. And we probably should have had this conversation a long time ago, but, well, we’ve both been rather busy.' Cat half-smiled; that was the understatement of the century.
She patted the bed beside her, urging him to sit properly next to her, leaning against her mountain of pillows. He did so, and Cat turned to meet his eyes. 'We should have,' she agreed. 'But we can’t change that. I’m sorry, James. I’m sorry I’ve been so terrible, I’m sorry I haven’t given you a second chance, I’m sorry for all the things I’ve done to you in order to keep my distance. My intent was never to hurt you, I just didn’t want you to think my feelings had changed.'
'Well, I’d like to think they’ve changed a little bit,' James murmured, blue eyes twinkling playfully. 'You hated me for at least the first two months after you found Mum and me.' Cat laughed wetly, bringing a hand up to wipe at her cheeks.
'You were a brat,' she insisted lightly.
'I was,' he agreed. 'But so were you. Just a different kind of brat.' He reached an arm around her shoulders, tucking her into his side, and Cat went willingly, resting her head on his shoulder. 'You’re my wife, Cat; you’re the mother of my child. This is permanent. I’m not going anywhere and neither are you, and for better or worse, we need to learn to live with that. Our country doesn’t need us to be as hands on as much as we used to; we have nothing to distract us from our many personal issues. But our priorities are different now. Gods, we’re parents. We need to set an example for our little boy, we need to raise him right and show him that love is a good thing. I don’t want him to have a childhood like mine, and I’m certain you don’t want him to have one like yours, either.'
Cat shook her head vehemently; she didn’t ever want her son to feel like his parents didn’t love him, the way she’d felt about her father. But worse, she realised with a sickening lurch, was the knowledge throughout her childhood that her parents didn’t love each other. Like many children in that situation, she had blamed herself for her father’s dislike of her and her mother. She didn’t want her baby boy to be put in the same situation, ever.
All at once, James’ words gained a startling clarity; he was right, of course he was. She’d been awful to him over the years, too busy focusing on her own feelings to even give a second thought to his. Yes, they’d had some good times, but since she’d got pregnant they had done nothing but argue, and she could admit that was her fault.
She turned to James, her eyes fond as she cupped his unshaven cheek. 'When did you grow up so much?' she whispered in awe, making him chuckle. He leaned in, his lips pressing to her forehead.
'You just weren’t looking, I suppose,' he teased, kissing her brow once more. 'I don’t need you to be in love with me, Cat. I’ve long accepted that isn’t going to happen. What I do need is for my best friend to stop being so stubborn and realise that she doesn’t need to push me away for my own sake anymore.' He pulled back a fraction, giving her the lopsided grin that always made her feel warm inside. Not the way Fox had made her feel, like her skin was on fire just by him looking at her. A comfortable, platonic warmth. Like with James around, nothing bad could happen.
'I was always told I’m too stubborn for my own good,' she replied, smiling back. James’ free hand reached up to brush the tears from her cheeks, his touch gentle. 'But I’m sure I can make an exception for you.' She wrapped an arm around his waist, hugging him close. 'Gods, I’ve messed this up something awful, haven’t I?'
'I’ve hardly been a shining example,' James pointed out. 'We rushed this due to circumstance, we both know it. Storms, you’re not even nineteen yet. In the time since you found me we’ve overthrown a government, rebuilt an entire nation, courted, married, become the reigning monarchs, and had a child. I was never given a chance to recover from my imprisonment, and in a way, neither were you.' Cat frowned, looking up at him perplexedly. 'You might not have been held the same way I was, but you were captive in your own home with Nathaniel as your father. Then he was dead and you were free, but before you could even take that freedom you were thrust back into politics and expected to know how to help run a country. You never got the chance to mourn him, or your mother, or Fox. All we’ve been doing the past three years is putting bandages over gaping wounds and hoping for the best, but if it’s all the same to you, I’d quite like to stop that now.'
Cat had never thought of it that way, if she was honest. She’d been so busy going from one crisis to the next that the thought of stopping to sort her own head out didn’t even seem to be an option. No wonder Mary had decided to retire quietly and live out her days sewing and reading. 'We’re adults, now,' Cat agreed. 'We’d best start acting like it.' James smiled, brushing her hair out of her face, dropping a kiss to her temple.
'For little William’s sake, if nothing else.' He paused, offering her a tentative smile. 'It is a strong name, after all. My great-grandfather was called William.' Cat beamed, kissing him firmly on the cheek.
'Thank you,' she breathed, feeling the tears start all over again. Gods, she would be glad when the pregnancy hormones were gone.
There was a knock on the door, and both of them looked up as it opened halfway, Sam entering the room with the faintest click of metal on metal. The mecha had been given a full overhaul once Cat became his new master, and had been serving them faithfully since the day Cat had moved into Latham Castle, shortly after leaving the Stormdancer for good. It still made her smile, seeing him working and well cared-for. 'Excuse my interruption, but Mistress Mary requests permission to enter and see the child,' he told them. 'If Mistress Catherine is not too tired.'
'No, no, it’s fine,' Cat insisted. 'Send her in, Sam, thank you.' The mecha bowed smoothly and left, replaced by a smiling Mary soon after. The blonde closed the door behind her, her footsteps soft as she approached the bassinet.
'Catherine, dear, how are you feeling?'
'Tired, sore, but otherwise… a lot better than expected,' Cat replied, glancing up at James with a smile. Mary hummed in approval at her words, peering down at the sleeping baby with awed eyes.
'Oh, he’s beautiful,' she breathed, hand coming to her mouth. 'James, darling, he looks just like you did as a wee’un!' Cat smirked, turning her triumphant gaze on her husband.
'Told you,' she muttered under her breath, and he nudged her gently in the side.
Mary didn’t pick up her grandson, not wanting to disturb his slumber, but stood for a good while just watching him, a smile on her face. Eventually she turned to the pair on the bed, wiping away the few tears that had escaped. 'You two make wonderful children. Have you named him, yet?'
Cat felt a hand slide into hers, James’ long fingers squeezing gently. Meeting Mary’s eyes, she spoke confidently. 'His name is Prince William Christopher Latham,' she declared. 'Will, for short.'
Mary’s eyes were knowing, and her gaze flicked to her son’s for a long moment, but whatever she found on James’ face only made her smile. 'Will,' she repeated. 'Yes, that will do quite nicely.' Cat grinned, letting out a breath she didn’t know she’d been holding, just as Will evidently did the same, letting loose an enormous wail for someone of his size. Mary rolled her eyes, picking the baby up and easily passing him over to Cat, who cuddled him close between her and James, settling him easily.
Their marriage might not be built on romantic love, she thought as she played with her son’s tiny fingers. But she wouldn’t let it be loveless. Not like her parents’ had been. Will deserved better.
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