#we be copying i guess 🤷🏼‍♀️
kaliforniahigh · 3 months
MEDUSA - Part Three.
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Warnings: guns, physical altercations, gun shots, gun shot wounds, mentions of blood, reader is not a pushover 🤷🏼‍♀️
WC: almost 2k.
Summary: Y/N is a private dancer at a Gentleman's Club called Medusa. Noah Sebastian is a crime boss. Their paths cross when one night, Noah pays for one of her dances and they can't seem to be apart from each other.
Series Masterlist
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Noah, Jolly and Nicholas had a meeting at the port with some distributors to discuss some business and decide how to move forward regarding the stolen guns. Everything was going well, until Noah caught a movement out of the corner of his eye. They had a visitor and something told him it had something to do with their rival group.
The person was hidden behind some wooden crates and he knew there were other people hiding somewhere else. He mumbled in his ear piece, alerting Folio who was in charge of monitoring the cameras in the area and signalig to Nicholas and Jolly that there were people with them.
After assessing that they were all close by, he knew a confrontation would be inevitable, after all, they were not here not looking for trouble, and they weren't necessarily trying to hide. Taking the gun out of the holster, the other boys doing the same, Noah turned around, pointing the gun forward.
"You can come out and make this easier for all of us, or you can let us hunt you down. Your choice", he said, voice lound and clear. Jolly was pointing his gun the their left and Nicholas, to their right.
"They're getting closer, Noah. There are five of them", Folio said in his ear.
"What direction are they coming from?", he asked.
"Two from the middle, your direction, one is coming towards Nicholas and two towards Jolly", Noah looked at them to make sure they copied that. Shortly after, they heard a gunshot aimed at the sky. Guess they were not gonna come out.
Crouching down and hiding behind the crates, they surveyed the area, Folio directing them and alerting of their positions. Nicholas was able to take down the man coming in his direction. Noah pointed towards Jolly, signaling for Nicholas to work with him.
Looking around the crate, Noah could spot one person to his right, aiming his gun and shooting, he was able to hit them in the leg, causing the person to stumble and completetly expose themself. He then delivered the final shot. Moving forward to his left, he was caught off guard by someone grabbing him in a chokehold. He was able to elbow them in the ribs and wrestle them to the floor. Not wasting any time, he slammed their head on the ground, making sure the person was unconscious, before finishing them off.
"Nicholas, how is your situation? I'm coming to get you and Jolly so we can get out of here"
"We're almost done", his voice was strained, and Noah could tell he was in a body altercation with one of them. Shortly after, he heard a gunshot, some grunting and Nicholas' voice came through again, "Done here".
Two more shots rang out "Jolly, was that you? Did you take them out?" Noah asked, close to getting to their location.
"Motherfucker is dead, but he got me in the shoulder", Jolly responded, a little winded.
As Noah arrived, Jolly was grabbing his shoulder and Nicholas was trying to put some pressure on it with the jacket he was wearing. "Let's go to the car, there we can assess the damage and see what we can do. I'm not going to wait out here any longer"
In the car, Jolly took off his long sleeved henley, fortunately, the shot was only a graze, but he was still bleeding a lot, and it didn't look like it was going to stop anytime soon.
"Hold on, I know where we can go. Nicholas, keep putting pressure on it. I'll drive us".
Noah didn't know what came over him in that moment, maybe it was the adrenaline, maybe it was the fact that your adress stayed in his mind all these days, after he found out who you were. But all he could think was that you are a nurse, and his friend is hurt, and you were totally the only person who could help them.
Upon arriving at your adress, Nicholas looked at him sideways. He knew Noah for years, and they were never in this place, ever. "What is this place?", he inquired. Noah looked behind him at the both of them and said "Trust me, I know what I'm doing", de did, in fact, not know what he was doing. And that is why he told them to wait in the car while he went to knock on your door.
The lights were on, but he thought for a second that you could be working right now, but he knocked anyways and hoped for the best. You anwered the door, a hello at the tip of you tongue before you noticed who was standing at your doorstep.
Your widened your eyes a little and you had half a mind to think that this was it for you. Composing yourself, and asking in a rather inquisitive tone "What are you doing in my house?", trying to show little to no emotion. His answer made you wish he had kept his mouth shut. He certaintly looked better like that.
"Listen, I don't really have the time to explain everything in detail right now, but my friend is injured and I know that you're a nurse. So can you please help him?"
You were truly baffled by the audacity of this man. "Let me get this straight, you show up at my doorstep, with information about me that I certaintly didn't give to you, and you don't have the time to explain what the fuck is going on?"
He wasn't counting on this, he could hear Nicholas screaming from the car, asking how long this was going to take, saying that Jolly was still bleeding, and that he needed someone to take care of this right now.
Finally, seeming to take pity on him, you step to side and say "Get him in and sit him down on my couch. And don't get any blood on it". And just like that, you turned around and made your way inside your house. Noah waved to Nicholas and Jolly to get in as well.
As you were gathering up your supplies, your mind ran a mile a minute. You obviously couldn't deny help to someone who was clearly involved in some shady bussiness. And if he frequented Medusa, he was important enough to be dangerous.
When you went back to the living room, two men were sitting on the couch, both had long hair, but one's was slightly curly and the other one's was pin straight. You asked the curly man to move his hands away. Assessing the damage, you could tell it was a graze from a gun shot. Shady bussiness indeed.
"It was just a graze. It went a little deeper than usual, that is why it was bleeding a lot. I'm going to clean the wound and then dress it". You said, putting your gloves on. You then looked at Noah and said "then I want you out of my house".
As you worked, the silence was defeaning. You could see Noah and the curly guy exchanging some glares from across your living room. You could tell he wasn't aware that they were coming to your place.
The man you were tending to decided to make some small talk, to try and break the ice permeating the area. "Are you a doctor or something?", he asked quietly, but you knew the others could hear him. You looked at Noah, before anwering "No, I'm a nurse", looking back at him and smiling softly.
"Well, my name is Joakim, but you can call me Jolly. Seems right to introduce myself since, you know, you're patching up my arm". You liked him, at least he was polite.
As you finished, you explained to him that he has to keep cleaning and then dressing the wound, after a few days and when it starts to scab, he can let the wound dry on its own. You gave him the supplies he will need to take care of it, then put everything else back inside your first aid kit. You grabbed it, and on your way to the bathroom, you stop besides Noah "I'm going to put this back in my bathroom, and when I come back, I want you gone". You didn't give him time to answer, before turning on your heels and going down the corridor leading to your bathroom.
Nicholas let out a little whistle, stepping away from the chair he was leaning onto. Patting Noah in the back and making his way to the front door. Jolly put his shirt back on and followed behind Nicholas. Noticing that Noah wasn't moving from his place, Jolly asked him if he was coming. He just told them to wait in the car.
You waited a couple more minutes, stalling a bit to make sure you gave them enough time to leave before you made your way back to your living room. Much to your surprise, Noah was still standing there, minus Jolly and the curly haired one.
"Do you have trouble undertanding what I say to you?", your patience was waning by the second, and you knew he could tell.
"Listen, I'm really sorry that I'm here. I know you don't want me here. But you were the first person that came to mind when Jolly got injured"
"How am I the first person to come to your mind when I haven't even said a word to you, let alone tell you that I'm a nurse?", you state the obvious. You didn't know if you wanted to know how he found out.
"I guess I could say you haven't left my mind, not after that night. So I asked a friend of mine to research some information about you, because I wanted to know you better", he confessed and you tried to sweep over the fact that he said he thought about you all this time, because so did you, but you were not about to confess that. Sighing out loud and running you hands through you face, you acknowledge him again.
"What happened that night was completly professional on my part. And I don't know if the girls you hang out with find this behaviour attractive or what, but I don't, so I would appreciate", in the middle of your sentence, you walk past him, heading for your front door, "if you left. And please, don't show up here again".
You stare at each other for a few seconds, before he nods his head once, an air of finality hangs in the air. He steps towards you. "I'm sorry again about all of this, and I'm really thankful that you could find it in yourself to help Jolly, I really appreciate it".
You don't respond verbally. You're staring at his eyes and his eyebrows are creasing a little. His smell is invading your senses, a bit of cologne and gunpowder. You hate the fact that you like it. You take this moment to notice that his hair is a bit tousled. You have to keep yourself from running your hands thought it, or putting the rogue strands behind his ears.
He steps through the door and makes his way to the car. You notice it is not the Escalade you saw at the club the other day, but rather a regular car. You don't wait for him to leave before closing your door, leaning against it, mouth agape in disbelief about everything that just happened.
Inside the car, Noah notices that Jolly and Nicholas are holding themselves together, keeping from commenting about the mess that just unfolded. As Nicholas went to open his mouth, Noah beat him to it, "Don't say anything".
Both men snickered under their breaths, as Noah turned on the car and sped away.
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Tag list: @concreteangel92 @darling-millicent-aubrey @mostlypanicking @thisbicc @rebelheart90 @moranastray @xmads-omensx @collisionofyourkissmakesitsohard @lma1986 @skyemanzsstuff @theroyaldixon @mindlesssweets @dravenskye
Dividers: @cafekitsune
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lauratheghost · 23 days
I think I might starting documenting my highs and lows of every week here.
So for this week:
- Got kicked off my health insurance because I "make too much money" LMAO. I laughed instead of cried. (I'm so poor- but I genuinely have no energy to appeal it)
- I think I have Sciatica. My back and leg are killing me. I might've hurt myself at work or it might've been from the long car rides on Sunday 🤷🏼‍♀️ (5 hours total, and I'm never in cars) My body is a mess this year 😭
- Signed up for new Health Insurance :) I have to pay monthly now but it's not too bad. I just really hope I can keep all of my existing dentist appointments. (I've been waiting for almost a year 😢)
- I have a three day weekend for the holiday! And I'm going to the casino tomorrow and a town I haven't been to since I was maybe 12. I'm excited to explore. The town is where "Mystic Pizza" was filmed :)
- Found a lot of good new music, and revisited many old bands I loved 🥰🎵
- Finished the art piece I've been imagining for a month now
- FINALLY wrote some of my story that has been giving me writers block for weeks (thank you too the anon person who asked about it here- that pushed me to sit down and focus on it today after work. 🥰 And I actually made good progress!)
- This is EXTREMELY random- but when I was a little kid, I loved NSYNC, and my cousin was my best friend. I work at a thrift store and this week, we got a DVD copy of their Madison Square Garden show. Me and my cousin made my grandma buy that shit on payperview and she recorded it on VHS for us. We rewatched it a million times. I never even knew it came out on DVD. When I saw it at work I was like "omg!!!! This was meant for me!" ✨ manifesting queen✨ I text my cousin a photo of it and she was so excited 😂 it was like a staple of our childhood. It was really wholesome 🥰🖤
- Had a super creepy dream about Sleep Token 😭😂 it freaked me out, but also gave me art/story ideas... So that's cool I guess.
- Finally got an eye doctor appointment! My eye doctor office hasn't had a doctor for months... And I have really bad dry eye symptoms unfortunately... But I finally have an appointment for later in September 🥰
Anyways... I hope everyone's having a week with more highs than lows! 🖤
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gunsatthaphan · 4 years
About YYY : from the writers to the producers to the directors to the actors EVERYONE is on crack. That's a good series for these depressing times. But they tried to copy the old American tv shows like Friends where we hear people laughing in the background. It's not natural for YYY or any Asian series. It puts me off but I got used to it. (And thank you for positing the links!)
lmaooo anon honestly...... 
Like I don’t even know what I expected but....idk I guess I should’ve known what we were gonna be in for from the trailer and Ep 0 sfkhfsd
there are a lot of things that are lowkey putting me off lmao but the laugh track is..........really not it sis 😂🤦🏼‍♀️
I’m gonna stick around though, one for my boy Lay Talay and bc like you said, it really seems like a treat during these times so,,,,,count me in 🤷🏼‍♀️
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