#we bring a zebra to vegas
grumpylia · 8 months
i hate to be a hater but here’s a little yap about ep 6 of the pjo tv show
- i was soooo disappointed in this episode! i literally got bored halfway through LMAO and kept getting distracted which was so upsetting!! because the lotus hotel is one of my favourite chapters of the lightning thief!!
- starting from the beginning; i wish wish wish that we’d gotten the ‘you’re my friend, seaweed brain - anymore stupid questions?’ moment because i just love that moment
- but if they weren’t going to give that moment to us surely they could’ve at least given us?? something??
- instead of just luke’s fan service-y ‘old married couple line’
- i also think the whole the trio things tlt is clarisse thing is just?? underwhelming. the show hasn’t done a very good job at making us really understand the stakes here!!! it feels like they’re just fucking around and i don’t like it!! like they literally missed the deadline!! and that didn’t even feel like a big deal!! that should’ve felt earth shattering!!
- also where was the zebra. where was percy being able to talk to the zebra :(
- i wish also that they’d done more with grover in the start of this ep - they could’ve showed us his character rather than just giving us a massive exposition dump
- the EXPOSITION!! i was fine with it in the first few episodes, bc like the book isn’t exactly perfect with exposition either but it’s actually getting to a point where i think it’s taking me out of the story!
- why why why did they skip the lotus hotel stuff??? omg! i can understand some of the other changes (e.g. waterland) but the lotus stuff would’ve translated soo perfectly to screen!! it would’ve been such a good way to build tension without having the characters ohtroght saying to the audience “this is the lotus hotel. time doesn’t move properly here, and if you’re not careful you can forget who you are.”
- i still can’t believe that they didn’t adapt the book this chapter! it would’ve been so perfectly suited for screen! this tv show also has a tension/stakes problem so it would’ve been a great way to help fix that
- also they’re meant to be TWELVE ! ofc they come across a hotel with infinite food and games and money and love it! the whole point is that across the series we’ll see them grow and become more wary of these things! i could understand why they made the change with medusa, but them knowing what they were walking into here just felt like such a boring choice
- and if nothing else the lotus hotel episode should not be boring!!
- also why are we talking about may castellan🤨the reason it has so much impact in the og series is because you’re putting these pieces together and then it all just hits you
- but here it’s just like…
- and hermes’! i don’t have an issue if they wanted to include hermes’ in this scene - cancel me but i think lmm lowkey ate - but i don’t understand why they would do it in this very expositiony way. and are we not meant to think that hermes’ is neglecting luke too?? at least until som?? if i was writing this and i reallly wanted to include hermes’, i feel like there are sooo many different ways to include him that would’ve read sooo much better. still brainstorming what those ways are, but point still stands
- i did think the taxi scene was really funny tho sue me
i hate to be a hater because i really wanted to love this show! and i really did enjoy some specific moments and episodes! but i just wish they’d done a closer adaptation of the book - i think they’re trying to do way too much way too soon and they need to just let the characters and the story breathe for a bit before trying to really go heavy in with all these really in your face themes and exposition
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rose-reveries · 8 months
PJO Episode 6 (spoilers)
The good
1. Ok, I do agree that having 4 pearls instead of 3 makes more sense I guess. Because then they have hope that they’ll actually be bringing Sally back.
2. This was a fun episode, but definitely the farthest from the source material.
3. The “Clarissa is the lightning thief” fake out is NICE. Like sure?? I’m down for it (don’t think there was enough about that tho. Like if we had a hellhound scene in ep 2, we would know someone in camp was the traitor but alas)
The bad
1. Why change it to after the solstice instead of the day before? I like the stakes better when they’ve wasted 5 days in the hotel and have 24 hours to fix everything. We’ve learned the gods are assholes. If they missed the deadline, why tf would Zeus care what they have to say after that deadline. His pride is still gonna be too fucking hurt and he’ll start a war over his broken ego anyway. I don’t know, just not a fan, personally.
2. I’m getting kind of tired of the trio knowing exactly what is happening at all times. There was no whimsy and fun in the casino. There was no Percy slowly figuring out something was wrong. In fact, we don’t even really learn that people in the casino don’t age and everyone there are from different decades. Just not a fan of the trio knowing everything all the time. Like they are 12 year old kids. Let them play for a little bit PLEASE. The plastic credit cards, the sims city game, the deer hunting people game, the nice big hotel room, etc etc.
Edit: 3. WAIT WHY THE RANDOM SATYR??? LIKE JUST TO DRAW GROVER AWAY?? Really?? I don’t know, whole thing could’ve been done better. There is no fun in this episode, only s e r i o u s business.
1. Why keep the episode title “We take a Zebra to Vegas” when there is no Zebra…? Not to mention there is no Percy talking to said Zebra. Neither of these points are too important and I can live without them. (I’m sure we’ll learn that Percy can talk to horses another time so it’s no big deal but still.)
2. I don’t know, this episode was fun, right? But like, it’s starting to feel less like TLT, and more like a parallel universe.
Week ?? Of me saying TLT is still the closest adaptation of Percy Jackson we’re ever gonna get and that’s funny. I’ve been pretty open-minded about the TV show and I like it as it’s own thing, but as an adaptation I think as it goes on I’m just starting to feel more meh about it. When our characters tell instead of show, they know everything, etc etc there’s no stakes, there’s no suspense, and it gets stale. It’s the same every episode…
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thetimetraveler24 · 8 months
My PJO Episode Rankings So Far:
Episode 4: I Plunge to My Death
Episode 5: A God Buys Us Cheeseburgers
Episode 3: We Visit the Garden Gnome Emporium
Episode 2: We Capture A Flag
Episode 1: I Accidentally Vaporize My Pre Algebra Teacher
Episode 6: We Take a Zebra to Vegas
Episode 7: We Find Out the Truth, Sort Of
Good — Okay — Nope
Some thoughts:
These are a lot of complaints actually but here ya go:
Episode 7 just sucked big time. My least favorite and probably the only one I actually strongly dislike.
I don’t hate Gabe. Gabe is supposed to be the Umbridge of the books. He’s supposed to be the side villain you hate more than the main villain because he’s the kind of villain that exists in real life. He’s an abuser. He’s a physical abuser and a master manipulator. That man does not hit anyone in the show. He’s just lazy with a bad attitude. Sally is not afraid of him. She’s supposed to let herself take the hits because she thinks Percy isn’t getting hit. And vice versa for Percy. He lets Gabe take it out on him because he thinks that will keep Gabe from hitting his mom. Show Gabe could never convince either of them that this was true. I hope he’s turned into a statue but I don’t think I’ll feel much triumph about it.
Pacing is way off in most scenes. I think they’re in a movie mindset and trying to cram everything into a short time and take out all unnecessary things. But they have AT LEAST 30 minutes each episode. That’s at least 4 hours total (twice as long as a movie). Breathe a little, keep some of the fluff moments. Make the confrontations longer. It’s too quick. We know Percy is OP but he’s not THAT much OP. And he has actual skill, it’s not all luck like it feels in the show?
Lotus episode probably should have not added Hermes. They should have gotten lured in and then realized something was happening and got out in 20 minutes of the episode. Then move onto Crusty and defeating him before ending with them standing in the entrance to the Underworld. Then the next episode would pick up with them talking to Charon and bribing him and going to Hades. No detours (even though Asphodel was kind of cool). We go straight to Grover almost getting dragged in and then we go to Hades and get out. Then we end with Percy defeating Ares and giving the Helm to Alecto. Last episode starts with the TV interview and the iconic free appliances (I swear if they cut that from the show I’m going to riot). Then Percy goes to Olympus and the back to Camp and everything is normal until the last ten minutes when Luke brings Percy into the forest and reveals his true colors. We end with Percy’s promise to be back next summer and he and Annabeth leave Camp to go home.
I don’t know. Let me know if anyone wants to see how I would have organized the season if I was in charge.
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pjo ep 6 thoughts: bitchy edition because i’m still in a mood
everyone going “i wish they’d played poker face :(” annoys me so much, like they were obviously not going to play poker face. like come on stfu.
(additional note unrelated to the ep itself, but rick riordan responding to people wanting poker face with “normalise bad movie erasure” rubbed me the wrong way sooo much. like i don’t think the movies are good! and i think he’s correct by not wanting any movie callbacks! but you’re not going to do yourself any favours by criticising one of the only scenes that the book fans enjoyed? and also he says it as if he has never written anything that is worth criticising at all and everything he does is perfect. like sir, get off your high horse because the only thing i thought when you said that was “okay so you’re being a dick”. okay thank you.)
lin manuel miranda as hermes is actually very good casting. i said what i said. some of y’all need to chill out.
them knowing about the lotus casino’s effects before going inside didn’t really work for me. like i didn’t mind that same change with medusa because the way they changed that story felt a lot more fresh and interesting. but with this one, where they didn’t change the twists that much at all? idk i think there would have been more suspense if they’d let the characters (and the audience) figure that out as they spent more time in the casino.
i love love love grover so much and one of the changes i like the most is him getting a little bit more attention from the story! but when an episode is only half an hour long, i really don’t think we needed that much of it dedicated to him with that augustus guy. like i don’t care about that rn tbh. and i know the point of augustus is to show the memory loss from the casino, but i feel like that could have been done in a more interesting way (especially if, like i said, they let us figure that out as we went! like let them talk to some people from the 1800s and figure out that time works different and affects their memories.)
why name the episode “we take a zebra to vegas” if you don’t even show us the goddamn zebra? like okay then.
luke’s “old married couple” comment just felt really weird to me. like i enjoy the percabeth content we’ve been getting, but this one felt like they were just trying to spoon-feed us. let their relationship grow and develop over (hopefully) five seasons! we don’t need that at this point in the story come on now.
luke’s “how do you know” reaction to them saying they know who the lightning thief is was hilarious lmao. the boy was sweating.
i don’t think may castellan’s story needed introducing during this episode. like i didn’t mind hermes being there, and i don’t mind them alluding to later plot points a little earlier. but once again, the episode was only half an hour long, and that conversation felt like it was needlessly taking up time that could be better spent somewhere else. if you’re going to be giving us additional lore that we don’t need, then you need to either make the episodes longer or add more of them, because i feel like there was so much more we could have had in the lotus casino.
everyone’s kinda shitting themselves over percy getting four pearls instead of three, but of the plot changes, that was the one that concerned me the least? like they’re just trying to show that poseidon cares about sally, which i don’t mind. and i don’t think they’re going to just let sally escape the underworld easily, because that would be a stupid decision for the writers to make, and although there have been some things i have questioned, i don’t think they’re going to mess that up. i’m guessing they’ll lose one of the pearls when the shoes try to drag them into tartarus. dangling hope then pulling it away yknow. i don’t think the four pearls is something we should be concerned about. (if next week’s ep airs and i was wrong and they do mess it up, feel free to bring this back and laugh in my face, but i’m fairly confident.)
now you know which plot change does confuse me? making the summer solstice already have passed. like that’s a strange decision. and i understand why they’ve done it (trying to raise the stakes even more) but i feel like it was unnecessary and confusing and doesn’t add much. like i’m fine with them making changes, just as long as it brings something new to the table, but i don’t think this does, because the stakes were already high, so it just feels like changing something for the sake of it.
i wanted to say that percy not being able to drive is so relatable to me, but he’s 12 and i’m almost 18 so i feel like he’s got a lot more excuses than me.
justice for george and martha? where were they?
so many people have already said this, but the shows two biggest problems in my eyes are the pacing (why are some bits so rushed and we get no action, and then other bits so slow and clunky. like what’s going on) and also just telling us the information instead of showing us (like you’re getting the chance to use a visual medium to retell this story!!! use it!!!)
the preview for the next ep kinda spoiling the ares fight is so stupid lmaooo like can you wait for the plot twist before you go around showing us that please?
anyway i can’t tell if this episode is weaker than the others or if i just feel that way because i’m in a bad mood, so i’ll get back on that in 3-5 business days.
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the-pjo-analyst · 2 years
Chapter 15 - A God Buys Us Cheeseburgers
Theme of the day: Trust
I have to break more bubbles: The mountains don’t actually bare down on you when you’re in Denver. You can’t even see them from ground level in downtown 😂 You gotta be in a city that’s like right up against the mountain range like Boulder to see them wherever you are or like... in a mountain town to get that feeling of “a tidal wave about to crash in the city” lmao.
Down to the chapter, if we’re talking about trust then I have to bring up the conversation Percy has with Luke. At this point, Percy or really anyone has no reason to distrust Luke, like he’s been at camp for a while, one of the older campers, a counselor, someone who everyone looks up to. Especially among the trio, there’s Percy who really admires him (Luke basically took him under his wing!), Grover who’s probably in the same boat, and then Annabeth who has a crush on him and known him the longest. But as Percy learns at the end of the book, Luke is not what he seems. He’s the whole reason for this quest and also leaked the details about it in camp to create discord among the campers. He even says the person who leaked the info is likely the one who summoned the hellhound lmao. And then he insinuates that Annabeth might be that person!! Percy already is burdened with knowing someone will betray him, he doesn’t need to be doubting the very people he needs to put the most trust in on his quest! Asshole. He’s a good actor tho. It just makes me sad how Percy trusts Luke, so much that he feels relieved to see him, is so comfortable with him that he feels he can vent to him about his quest. All the while Luke is the last person he should confide in like that.
Interestingly the second person Percy shouldn’t be trusting shows up in this chapter. Although in this case they don’t exactly trust Ares by choice. He’s just a god that shows up and offers them help in exchange for doing him a favor. And it’s not just the trio that are putting their faith in Ares, but also Zeus himself, who sent his best out to look for the very thing Ares helped steal lmao. Also interesting how both Ares and Luke suggest that Hades is the evil mastermind in the same chapter. And he revealed his cards indirectly too with saying the culprit is framing someone to start a war lol. Ares also wasn’t lying by saying that he’s to thank for the quest in a way 😂 Another parallel between Ares and Luke is that they both provide Percy with gifts and just last chapter the Nereid cryptically told him to not trust the gifts.
I find it nice how... easily the trio rely on each other. They all have stakes in this quest, but they still choose to work together. Like even with Annabeth and her self proclaimed rivalry, she’s very much a part of the team. Even when she initially didn’t want to go into the Tunnel of Love with Percy, she still (begrudgingly) follows him down. And vice versa, when Annabeth states that she should be the one to call when to jump from the boat, Percy still yielded (and he even admits that she made the right call). When she started spewing physics at him I can just imagine Percy’s mind being like I’m 12 idk physics to we don’t have time for this to omg fine you do it lol.
Small things:
Riordan really out here making up street names. Maybe it can only be seen through the mist ahaha
That poor waitress that has to deal with a bunch of unchaperoned kids and then a dude threatening her with a knife. The food industry is already shitty as it is 😔
Percy’s such a precious bean for initially not wanting to steal at a closed down business lol
Previous: Chapter 14 - I Become a Known Fugitive
Next: Chapter 16 - We Take a Zebra to Vegas
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caltropspress · 4 years
Notes on Pink Siifu’s NEGRO
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You and anybody else who wants to get their random vicarious kicks off White Power can stay the fuck away from me. 
—Lester Bangs
Tell a nazi he can suck my dick. —Pink Siifu, from “SMD”
My first contact with white america was marked by her violence, for when a white doctor pulled me from between my mother’s legs and slapped my wet ass, I, as every other negro in america, reacted to this man-inflicted pain with a cry. A cry that america has never allowed to cease; a cry that gets louder and more intense with age….A cry? Or was it a scream? —H. Rap Brown (Jamil Abdullah Al-Amin), from Die Nigger Die!
it is the hour of conflict, antagonism, struggle the world turning autumn in warpaint everything silently prepares to scream —Amiri Baraka, from “Disorder”
White institutional power operates to negate or suppress. To that end, white institutional power bestows awards on singular figures when it’s convenient. Let’s call one such example Kendrick Lamar. Pulitzer Prizing DAMN. is white institutional power taking cover. This, in no way, defangs DAMN. But it does provide crowd control. Pink Siifu, meanwhile, won’t be awarded a Pulitzer for NEGRO. If he did, I’m confident he’d pull an Adrienne Rich, telling President Clinton to choke on his National Medal for the Arts, seeing as how the U.S. gov’t drives “the demonization of our young Black men.” Siifu would be PE boycotting the Grammys on the grounds of Black invisibility. Or John Lennon relinquishing his membership in the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire because, well, empire (see: Biafra).
NEGRO is what happens when Three 6 Mafia goes full bandolier, full decolonization, full Thomas Sankara. When the emphasis is on the 666 sirening[1] across white cop foreheads, reflecting off Makrolon face shields. Siifu cites and channels Sun Ra, June Tyson, Death, and Bad Brains, but you also hear the mass hysteria of Abbey Lincoln’s vocal cords trembling, of Max Roach’s We Insist! in a street brawl showdown with the LRAD. Basically, it’s Ornette blowing sax in a riot, harmolodics like incendiary devices.
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“FK” is the primal scream reaction of hearing the news another one of your people has been killed, snuffed out. Suffer through our screams, it says to the listener. And “out of body, out of mind” distorts what we see with what we witness. It’s the re-played, re-tweeted, re-shared visuals of Black death.
At moments, NEGRO sounds like Aaron Dilloway organizing a chapter of the White Panther Party.
Siifu’s lyrics are a Stokely speech draft. His artistry is prismatic, shattered pane glass: crust punk, jazz cat, marching band drummer, hood ballerina, noisemaker, bareknuckle emcee. His lyrics should be run off on the mimeo and saddle-stitched into a chapbook for Totem Press to publish.
“SMD” samples from Ivan Dixon's 1973 film The Spook Who Sat by the Door (“Do you hear me, man?...I am BLACK!”). Just like dead prez sampled the dialogue before Siifu on “We Want Freedom.” Siifu and dead prez are bedfellows, for sure, but Siifu's head rests on a pillow of static. It’s the friction that electrifies.
NEGRO is the art of de-arresting in audio form. As the comrades at Mask Magazine have stated, de-arrests “are beautiful,” reminding us “the law and the state are not supernatural forces.”[2]
I’ve always felt uncomfortable using the word freedom. It’s a word that’s been co-opted and gutted to the point of parody. I subscribe only to a different form of freedom, one articulated in noise. Suicidal Tendencies’ “Freedumb” cuts it: “Peace through politics is a fallacy—that doesn’t exist.” Liberation more seriously expresses the extinction agenda. Poor Righteous Teachers taught the curriculum out of Trenton, on “Freedom of Death”: “Consciousness—it’s a must / Just avoid the wicked, wicked ways of this pale Caucasoid.”
Regardless, we see freedom, liberation, knife through even with Siifu’s orthography. Revolutionary thought requires revolutionary language. Ask the Combahee River Collective. Come correct. Fuck autocorrect. Remember womyn. Siifu spellings like: nxggas, eye, tyme, iono, and the evergreen ameriKKKa. The abbreviated words—eliding letters wherever possible—don’t reflect self-censorship so much as the mindmaze of a harried man. Deliberate typos demonstrate no faith in the system. It’s like if Bon Iver (see: “22 (OVER S∞∞N)”) decided to forgo BLM symbolic gestures (Mahalia Jackson) and straight-up encouraged looting. Siifu is CAPS LOCK happy, too. We’re witnessing the joy of militancy.
To begin with, it must be said that former African slaves and their ancestors have been the avant-garde of everything in this country. There’s no culture in America, in this American wasteland, without us. There’s no classical music; there’s jazz, and that was invented by us. And besides that, America has nothing to offer the world and it never has. —Idris Robinson, from “How It Might Should Be Done”
Siifu in the audience of the Congress of Afrikan Peoples, and Baraka imploring him like, “Get up, Pink Siifu.” It’s nation time. But on “Nation Tyme.,” Siifu groans, I’m tired…can’t fall…asleep. Black rage, of course—but what of Black insomnia? The French revolutionaries abolished the calendar. CPT, so, is rightly weaponized. “I feel fettered by Western time,” Gregory Pardlo writes in “Colored People’s Time.” Punch clocks need punching, smashing. I saw Baraka roll up to a conference panel late as fuck once, cane-walking right down the center aisle, shameless, commandingly.
In a somnolent slur, Siifu says, “They treat me like I’m wasting away / I know I’m worth more than they pay.” What of these capitalist definitions of work? What of productivity? What does it mean to monetize every waking moment? He’s been quoted as saying, “I ain’t have to work for no white man.”[3] “Nation Tyme.” picks up there.
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10.  Feel like deadmeat. They say I’m deadmeat.
“DEADMEAT” is a pig siren stuffed into an industrial-grade slaughterhouse grinder. It sounds the way Alan Vega's sculptures look—hazardous masses of electronic junk, like wires raveled inside a homemade bomb, like buzzing viscera. 
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I want to see Siifu perform it at the Meat Locker, a cellar club in the underguts of Montclair, New Jersey (s/o the dramacydal Outlawz). The place is dingy and bedecked with feces—a venue befitting a GG Allin opener. GG Allin, a racist, who also hated cops. Who, on “Shove That Warrant Up Your Ass,” a track that appeared on the posthumous Brutality & Bloodshed For All album, sang, “You say I broke the laws in your state… / Your courts and cops should all be hung.” Allin hoists a headless, legless, armless torso on his hip in the cover photograph—a slab of meat. Like the Beatles with baby doll parts and prime cuts in their laps, bloodless butcher coats on the original Yesterday and Today (1966) artwork. Like the papal kill floor in Francis Bacon’s “Figure with Meat” (1954) with its tapestry of offal. But what you don’t get from Bacon, or the Beatles, or GG Allin is what Siifu needs us to hear. What Siifu tells us is the reality of corporeality is that cops continue to make carcasses of Black people.
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That cellar club can be scream therapy, can be cell therapy. Siifu brings us there—to the darkest, dampest corner of the Dungeon Family’s dungeon. Big Gipp, speaking self-defensively: “Try to separate me from the blood / Is disrespect like you coming in my home and not wiping your feet on the rug.” It’s echoed in Siifu addressing the question of his audience: “This [album] is for black people, but I know white people are going to fuck with it. I’m mad cool with that. I just want everyone to know, before they come through the door, that this is a black house and you have to respect my people.”[4] The theme of respect as it relates to a sense of home, to cultural tourism, is paramount in both. Everyone’s got to know their place. No listener should approach ignorant of the auction block. Siifu’s noise refuses the separation of kinsfolk and his stubbornness makes the dungeon shake—he is rightfully “tough, dark, vulnerable, moody,” and, on NEGRO, he has a “definite tendency to sound truculent.”[5]
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“ON FIRE, PRAY!” eventually grinds the brakes to a cavernous slowjam pace. “Blood on my body / Blood on my face.”
The racist dog policemen must withdraw immediately from our communities, cease their wanton murder and brutality and torture of black people, or face the wrath of the armed people. —caption on Huey Newton photograph
NEGRO’s album cover, painted by Junkyard, is a call-and-response. Pink Siifu is a portrait of exhaustion, slouched, shirtless like Huey was when he was released from the Alameda County courthouse in 1970. It’s a tableau like Huey in that rattan peacock chair was. Eldridge Cleaver orchestrated it, right down to the zebra rug.
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If you squint, the glimmer of Siifu’s gold fronts looks like his jaw is wired shut. Of course, violent threats are routinely directed at Black people—that's how the system operates. Media is often behind the scope. Relentless orders to “shut up,” to silence yourself, police yourself. We know this from David Wojnarowicz, photographed with his lips sewn shut, blood dripping like shadows, in “(Silence = Death)” from 1989. The violent threats on queer life are kin to those on Black life. But Siifu, like Wojnarowicz, refuses the censorship. After all, those aren't wires—they're the glint of his grill. Siifu is dribbling blood, too, and those black splatters across the flag are like pen bursts—ink poisoning for all. If you squint, the mind��s eye might see the Pan-African flag.
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The flag above his head recalls Jasper Johns’ flags: elliptical, non-patriotic, made slop-bucket sloppy from newspaper shreddings and other detritus, i.e. amerikkka is a trash heap. At least the stars are black in the “Flag (Moratorium)” rendition. Bullet hole dead center, too.
If all goes well, the riots going on—bless them—will go on interminably. Sly Stone’s customized flag with black in place of blue[6] and sharp solar-flared suns in place of Betsy Ross geometric stars is yet another parallel to Siifu’s flag. Like Sly, Siifu isn’t opposed to police ambushes. They both know you’ve got to grin at the gun of the devil. (“Don’t you mind people grinnin’ in your face,” Son House sings eternally.) Citizen takes on cop on “Thank You For Talkin’ To Me, Africa”: Bullets start chasin’, / I begin to stop. / We begin to tussle. / I was on the top. Just the same as Siifu on “SMD”: “Iono why eye ain’t shot ya.” Or on “run pig run.”: “Kill a cop / Left a pig dead.”
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We can't disparage any aggressive protest on the reductive grounds it's aggro or violent. I think of Pam Echols in Milwaukee in 1968. Siifu’s assertion of you are my enemy on “steal from the ENEMY” corresponds with Paris’s sophomore and shadowy album, Sleeping with the Enemy. Like on the corrode-ode “Coffee, Donuts, and Death”:
You get poached when you fuck with black folk. Said it ’til my voice was hoarse. I ain’t down with excessive force, But of course I wasn’t heard so I’m silent now. Black folk can’t be non-violent now. […] The only motherfucking pig that I eat is police.
Which is to say, try no pork, ameriKKKa.
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15.  RE: punk
Think of Bad Brains playing CBGB’s in 1982. Lester Bangs writes of a woman in the scene who referred to Black people as “all these boons.” He tells us a Black friend of his believes the clubgoers “[strive] to be offensive however they can.” Anti-Blackness plagued CBGB’s and nascent punk like vermin, a pestilence. A white woman in the music business claims she “liked [Black people] so much better when they were just Negroes.” These anecdotes are culled from Bangs’ 1979 Village Voice piece entitled “The White Noise Supremacists.��� He notes Ron Asheton’s predilection for “swastikas, Iron Crosses, and jackboots.” He cites Ivan Julian, guitarist for Richard Hell and the Voidoids—one of the few Black individuals to grace those inchoate punk stages—as saying “whenever he hears the word ‘n-----’…he wants to kill.” He calls Nico a “dumb kraut cunt” for her brazen, Third Reich-ish brand of racism, which was no industry secret. Bangs even implicates himself, quoting an earlier article: “…it’s the n-----s who control and direct everything just as it always has been and properly should be.” He meant this, somehow, as a compliment.
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On “we need mo color. Abundance,” there’s no innocence left in asking “tell me your favorite color.” Siifu answers rhetorically, parenthetically, melanin. Don't settle for forty acres of color—demand abundance. Take, loot in abundance. And don't be contained by the gendered parameters of “pink or blue.” “You can have any color you like” suggests the limitless possibilities if you move your mind beyond the imposed parameters.
The “favorite color” invoked on “we need mo color. Abundance” becomes abundantly clear on the following track, “BLACK!”
“ameriKKKa, try no pork” starts in a slurry of radio static, news reports of Black death. Black, Black, Black, Black. Sped up. Slowed down. Drag the progress bar. “Progress,” ha.
“run pig run.” See the pig / Run away / Run, pig, run. Like a Dick and Jane basal reader. Like picking your favorite color. Like a Three Little Pigs fable. Like huffing and puffing. These are childhood exploits for childhoods that aren’t allowed to be. As long as the Kenneth and Mamie Clark doll experiments keep providing the proof, there can be no childhood innocence. So it's a carnival game in the meantime: See a pig / Shoot a pig. Huffing and puffing: Run, pig, run.
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"myheartHURT" is the safehouse after the shooting. It's the cooldown, the chillout. The hypnagogic nightmare. It's vaporwave minus whiteness. We all know Biz had the vapors before Daniel Lopatin. As if DJ Screw was just an apparition, a codeine cloud. The fact remains, Screw's phantasmagoria hovers above all our heads.
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The wail of distorted police sirens introduces “Chris Dorner.,” a track gleefully indebted to Ice-T and Body Count’s “Cop Killer.” Repetition was a popular device and it still is: die, pig, die. Chris Dorner has achieved folk-hero status in anarchist circles and beyond since he waged asymmetrical warfare on the LAPD. His manifesto has been published as a zine.[7] “No one grows up and wants to be a cop killer,” he wrote. Begs the question.
“faceless wings,BLACK!” nods to Frank Castle[8], a figure who may or may not be recoverable from militias and thin blue liners, despite Gerry Conway’s best efforts.
White institutional power operates to negate or suppress. Pink Siifu, through NEGRO, refuses suppression and negation. Siifu delivers a hole in the head, and it’s sublime.
1  “The Law comes sirening across the town.” Gwendolyn Brooks, “THE THIRD SERMON OF THE WARPLAND” from RIOT
2  “De-Arrests are Beautiful.” Mask Magazine.
3  “The Necessity of Pink Siifu’s Rage.” Marcus J. Moore. The Fader.
4  “Pink Siifu’s ‘NEGRO’ is a Riotous Mix of Jazz, Rap and Punk.” Max Bell. Bandcamp Daily.
5  Baldwin, the god.
6  “What did I do to be so black and blue?” (see: Armstrong); light a reefer and listen to the phonograph (see: Ellison)
7  Research and Destroy New York City. https://researchdestroy.com/
8  https://archive.org/details/PunisherPigs
Emory Douglas work (detail), courtesy of Sean Stewart archives | Makrolon face shield, Google Image Search result | Amiri Baraka performing at the Congress of Afrikan Peoples (screenshot) | Alan Vega light sculpture (photograph) | GG Allin Brutality & Bloodshed for All album cover | The Beatles Yesterday & Today album cover | Francis Bacon, “Figure with Meat” (detail) | Goodie Mob “Cell Therapy” (screenshot) | Splitting up a family at auction, Public Domain | Huey Newton Black Panthers Minister of Defense, photographed by Blair Stapp, 1968 | Andreas Sterzing, David Wojnarowicz (Silence = Death), 1989 | Sly and the Family Stone There’s A Riot Goin’ On album cover | Jasper Johns, “Flag (Moratorium)” | Pam Echols punching cop, 1968 (photographer unknown) | Sid Vicious, nazi (photographer unknown) | Emory Douglas work (detail), courtesy of Sean Stewart archives | Biz Markie Goin’ Off album cover | Oneohtrix Point Never Memory Vague album cover 
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somethingfoe · 6 years
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You’re SPECIAL (FO4): Tacticians
This took some time as well, didn't it? Considerably longer than my Medics one, considering that I had that scheduled for release but got pulled back as a result of me moving out. Why? Well, Fallout 76 was as much of a fucking disasterpiece as I feared. It's barely even wearing the skin of the Fallout franchise as it tries to be some rust clone 3 to 5 years late on that bandwagon, with rehashed out assets from Fallout 4 with all kinds of dialogue interaction skimmed out for audiologs spitting out diatribes. It seems to me that Bethesda have rested on their laurels way too long to give Fallout the kind of treatment it deserves, and don't give me this bullshit that it's just merely a 'side' project and won't have any effect on future titles. Fallout 4 was basically them testing the waters of the settlement crafting system and attempting to skim down the dialogue options prevalent in previous titles, if Fallout 76 would've succeeded off it's own laziness, guaranteed that Elder Scrolls 6 would've had the same treatment as well as other future titles. Considering that not barely a month into release and Fallout 76 has been knicked off half it's retail price is probably a tell tale sign that Bethesda have fucked far beyond just making their typically buggy games, and that they seriously need to reevaluate their ethical decisions for the long run, because at this point, the fucking fans are making better games than they are. Fallout New California, a 6 year old mod based off of the working parts of Fallout New Vegas, just came out and is indefinitely superior in what Fallout is conventionally known for, save for the isometric view and turn-based combat. As a result of this disappointment, I found it really hard for me to continue on this You're SPECIAL series considering that that was primarily why I even wanted to make a 'FO4' version of it, but alas, I must continue with the ones I made prior. With that side note out of the way, here is the tacticians of the respective FOE and PH lores! I figure that I first cover the Main protagonist's companions across all boards before doing the side entries like Malevolent Relics and Main Antagonists, which means that the Odd One Outs (or Pets) will be the next entry on that. I'm not sure if I intend to slash their base SPECIAL attributes Like I did previous, maybe just lower their level cap a hair and see where I can skew some of the attributes too. With the nods in mind, the Xenith art was by :DevClutterCluster: and the Lacunae art was by :DevInLucidReverie:, and boy was the Lacunae art fucking hard to make work in this format, what with the huge flowing mane that I had to cut out but not too much to make it obvious. As with Saboteurs and Medics, This is taking into account a build that is at Level 65, with 12 perk points put into the actual Attributes themselves, pitting it at 40. If you're curious how I decided the Attributes, like with the others, the link for the original is right here https://www.deviantart.com/somethingguy912/art/You-re-SPECIAL-Xenith-VS-Lacunae-525076774 since I'm going to have to explain why I chose what perks. With that, here is the technical mumbo jumbo, as always.
Strong Back <u>Xenith</u> :star: :star: :star: :star: - Seeing that Xenith lived all her life as a slaver, I'd imagine that her being forced to lug around huge items was a day to day part of her life. Not to mention how Xenith was capable of carrying Littlepip unconscious on her back after Littlepip's attempt to save both of them from captivity of Red Eye is a impressive feat on it's own. Armorer <u>Lacunae</u> :star: :star: - Seeing that Lacunae is not keen on either fiddling with guns or armorer, we are merely talking about the hypothetical armorer work in that Lacunae can project a 'bubble' around herself as a means of protection, what with being a Alicorn under manipulation by The Master of Maripony. Iron Fist <u>Xenith</u> :star: :star: :star: :star: - Xenith is the master of Fallen Caesar, a sort of close quarters combat brought down through the generations even beyond the apocalypses attempt to eradicate it, and with Xenith being a hard boiled gladiator for the mere spectacle of the other raiders, Xenith is not one to be tussled with in close proximity.
Refractor <u>Lacunae</u> :star: :star: :star: :star: - Borne of a weird radioactive experiment and being artificially made into a Alicorn, it only makes sense that being so attune with magic can make nearly resistant to any sort of plasma or energy weapons to the point that they might as well bounce off of her! The aforementioned protective bubble also helps to confirm this notion. Night Person <u>Xenith</u> :star: :star: :star: - Being thrown in a dark, dingy cage outside of having to fight in a dark, bloody arena would make one a bit more perceptive of the goings on during the night, so it makes sense that Xenith would have superior eyesight during those times. <u>Lacunae</u> :star: :star: - While Lacunae does sport some of that same ability as well, not to mention by her being previously a trained assassin post-apocalypse, Lacunae's innate ability to project light out from her horn in times of darkness gives her less of a edge when it comes to matters of the night. Still, having a weird connection to other Alicorns across the globe helps too. Demo Expert <u>Lacunae</u> :star: :star: - Lacunae is a big guns babe, and she likes all things big, from Miniguns to heavy grenade launchers, so Lacunae does sport some fascination with the big and loud and brutal, even if it makes her a sort of open target for ongoing attacks. Awareness <u>Xenith & Lacunae</u> :star: :star: - Both these lasses sport the same skill in awareness, with Xenith's more isolated nature helping to observe things around her, and Lacunae being a agent of misery for the Master's worst parts. You need the Nuka World DLC to get a 2 star in awareness, so if you don't have it, Xenith would get a one star in Pickpocket, whereas Lacunae would get Three stars in Demo Expert.
Adamantium Skeleton <u>Lacunae</u> :star: :star: :star: - Being irradiated with pure magic makes it quite difficult to knock down someone, and Lacunae has that in spades. Barely able to even get hurt, save for the perchance of getting a train dropped on you, Lacunae is completely numb to the idea of having limbs damaged. Rad Resistant <u>Lacunae</u> :star: :star: :star: :star: - Almost in comparison to resistance as Steelhooves is, perhaps being doused in radiation makes you almost nearly immune to it, to the point that it might beef you up too! Who'd funk that! maybe everyone should just dump in radiation...oh wait, it doesn't quite work THAT way! Chem Resistant <u>Lacunae & Xenith</u> :star: :star: - Again, both lasses are pretty resistant to chems, even if both don't really use it that much. Probably Xenith for Med-X what with her battle scars and slight trauma, and Lacunae's inherently somber nature needing some version of AntiDepressants? Lifegiver <u>Lacunae</u> :star: :star: - Being a large body Alicorn would tend to give you a bit more resilence, even if Lacunae doesn't really need the help. Her protective bubble, and her slightly regenerative radiation also gives her a bit more longevity than most. Lead Belly <u>Xenith</u> :star: :star: - Both hated as a Zebra and a outcast, Xenith has had to take the worst from others in order to survive, so I wouldn't be surprised if she's been able to tolerate some otherwise dirty water to keep going. Toughness <u>Xenith</u> :star: :star: :star: :star: :star: - Being beaten, bruised, raped, tortured, and splayed as a exotic attraction for the arena, Xenith can take the worst that anyone can bring upon her, assuming that it's not to the expense of her lost daughter. <u>Lacunae</u> :star: :star: - Lacunae can similarly take some beatings, but not nearly as much as Xenith has. Lacunae does have to endure with all of the negative feelings that the Master pumps into her, but not much more beyond that.
Lone Wanderer <u>Lacunae</u> :star: :star: :star: :star: - Lacunae is absolutely isolated from everyone else, despite being tied with Unity and the other alicorns. Treated merely as the ugly duckling of the pack, and vilified on sight by anyone else, Lacunae is the very definition of a lone wolf. this requires the Far Harbor DLC, so if you don't have it, Lacunae will get a additional point into Cap Collector. <u>Xenith</u> :star: :star: :star: - Xenith is almost equally in measure to being isolated from everyone else, but unlike Lacunae, being a Alicorn, Xenith is not immediately killed on sight, so I guess she does get 'some' interaction, even if it is almost entirely abusive. Xenith could be considered a 'Haphephobe', which is being afraid of being touched by others, a trauma that Littlepip had to learn once she got to know her better. Lady Killer <u>Lacunae</u> :star: :star: - I know this might seem strange, given Lacunae's demured nature, but Lacunae does catch some eyes, like with Paladin Stronghoof, in spite of her Alicorn nature and personality. You could also say that Lacunae's more quiet nature does give her a bit of a allure to others as well. Cap Collector <u>Lacunae</u> :star: - In the most basic means, Lacunae can collect caps, if merely as a half measure. More interested in trying to lead Blackjack to the goddess more than anything, I merely put this in on account of Lacunae's desire to keep her black dress in check so others don't immediately recognize her as Alicorn.
Nuclear Physicist
<u>Lacunae</u> :star: :star: :star: - while Lacunae is not one to delve in using specifically energy weapons, Her innate alicorn abilities more than compensate for that and factor into her ability to use a multitude of abilities to either fire projectiles out of magic, or cast shields for herself and allies. Robotics Expert <u>Lacunae</u> :star: :star: - Seeing that Lacunae can master levitation with relative ease, she can inadvertently use enemy robots on her side by merely directing them towards another target for her own purpose. She can even use her own magic to literally shred robots to pieces, from the inside no less if need be! Chemist <u>Xenith</u> :star: :star: :star: - Supporting the stereotype that Zebras tend to delve in the alchemical, Xenith is one such, being able to brew unusual potions that help with wounds or other ailments if need be, even if it's a rare thing for her to do. Science! <u>Lacunae</u> :star: :star: :star: - Again, while Lacunae is not keen on using technology to win the battle, her intense knowledge stemming from her connection to the other Alicorns around her, and her fascination with heavier weapons gives her some desire to amp them up from their initial build. <u>Xenith</u> :star: - Another stereotype of Zebras is that they are technophobes, which I guess requires some idea as to how weapons and technology works to be afraid of them, so I guess Xenith gets merely a one for her paranoia of it. Scrapper <u>Xenith</u> :star: :star: - with the aforementioned technophobia, Xenith doesn't tend to let those weird do-hickys stay functional, vying to scrap them or strictly warn others of using them. Basically she is the bane of the philosophy behind the BoS. Gun Nut <u>Lacunae</u> :star: :star: :star: - While Lacunae isn't quite the aficionado when it comes to all things gunpowder, Lacunae still enjoys using the otherwise unwieldy weapons to great effect, like with the Anti-Material Rifle for example. Medic <u>Xenith</u> :star: :star: :star: - Xenith does surprisingly sport some knowledge of healing ailments, what with her being somewhat capable of deterring Killing Joke as well as her ability to use healing powder during her time as a slave to heal some grievous wounds. <u>Lacunae</u> :star: :star: - While Lacunae can indeed 'heal', so to speak, she really only can do it for herself. Other with her being able to levitate friends out of trouble, or give them a protective bubble, Lacunae cannot gift her friends her healing ability.
Blitz <u>Xenith</u> :star: :star: - Xenith is almost entirely melee based, so it makes sense that her prowess in Fallen Caeaser would require that she needs to close the distance with her enemies, thus giving her maxed out in Blitz. Ninja <u>Xenith</u> :star: :star: :star: - Xenith is quite a sneaky zebra if you give her the ability to get out of her cage, metaphorically or no. A lot of Zebras have a good knowledge of what amounts to Sun Tzu's the Art of War; covert attacks. Seeing that Xenith is equally melee based as Rampage is, it only makes sense that Xenith would want to quickly make that distance. Moving Target <u>Xenith</u> :star: :star: :star: - Continuing to be agile and fit as she is, Xenith got her recognition as a deadly fighter in the arena, being nearly untouchable as a result of her nimble ways. Action Boy <u>Xenith</u> :star: :star: - Xenith has to keep moving, goddammit! she's moving to avoid enemies, moving to close the distance, and moving to stay out of sight, she's got to have as much action points in order to win! Sneak <u>Xenith</u> :star: :star: :star: :star: - Xenith would more than likely prefer to hide than be seen by a crowd to be mocked at until she drove their face in the dirt. This also confirms the suspicions that Zebras adopted Sun Tzu's tactics of hit and run and subdue the enemy psychologically then moreso. Commando <u>Lacunae</u> :star: :star: :star: :star: :star: - Lacunae is a star when it comes to all weapons two handed, and seeing that Miniguns, Launchers and .50 Cal Sniper Rifles are ostensibly two handed, it only makes sense that Lacunae would have a fondness for them.
Mysterious Stranger <u>Xenith</u> :star: - this might be a strange inclusion for me to put on here, but Xenith does have the help of her lost daughter later on to get the slight upper hand, as both are very good at sneaking and attacking when necessary. Bloody Mess<u>Lacunae</u> :star: :star: :star: - Lacunae can tend to get a little out of hand with her excitement of heavy weapons, often times literally making paste out of her enemies once Unity starts to control her moreso than other times.And that is it with the Tacticians! I have a photo run planned to do sometime tomorrow, as I have only one day off and I figure that I do one considering how long it's been since my last proper one! enjoy this for now!
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spacyparker · 7 years
Prompts list
Okay guys this is a huge prompt list, feel free to send me a request with one or more prompts. Just tell me if you want it with Peter Parker or Tom Holland and I’ll write it as soon as possible !
Also, you can check my masterlist here
01.  "Whatever you're going to ask, the answer is No!"
02.  “Why did you scream like that ?”
03.  "I don't think I could live alone again."
04.  "She doesn't understand you like I do."
05.  "You've taken her back? You can't be serious?"
06.  "There's someone in the house!"
07.  "A boy needs his father."
08.  "Why didn't he come and talk to me himself?"
09.  "Oh my God. You're in love with her."
10.  "Is that my shirt?"
11.   "There’s only one bed."
12.  "If you get me his phone, I might reconsider."
13.  "I'm sorry if it upsets you, but I'm going to marry her."
14.  "I'll find her and bring her home, I promise."
15.  "Am I under arrest, or not?"
16.  "What's in that bag and why are you hiding it here?"
17.  "For some reason, I'm attracted to you."
18.  "You make me feel like I'm not good enough."
19.  "Do you ever think we should just stop doing this?"
20.  "Did you enjoy yourself last night?"
21.  "Could you be happy here with me?"
22.  "I have to do something to help that child."
23.  "You stand there and accuse me, but where were you at the time?"
24.  "This isn't just about you. It's about what's best for all of us."
25.  "He was unconscious when I found him"
26.  "You embarrassed me this evening."
27.  " Does he know about the baby ?"
28.  "I think you’re just afraid to be happy."
29.  "What do you mean, he's escaped?"
30.  "If we both stick to the story, they can't prove anything."
31.  "I've been checking you out."
32.  "Darling, it's beautiful, thank you!"
33.  "You're paying a small price compared with what she's going through."
34.  "I miss moments like this more than anything."
35.  "Do you think he crashed the car on purpose?"
36.  "Well, this is where I live."
37.  "I don't often get the chance to talk to someone like you."
38.  "You have his eyes."
39.  "I'm telling you - the guy was a complete stranger, just walked up and gave me the bag."
40.  "If you do this, you will be dead to me."
41.  "I never meant to come between you and him."
42.  "The way you flirt is shameful."
43.  "I'm your daughter."
44.  "Quick, hide behind the sofa!"
45.  "I just want a nice, easy life. What's wrong with that?"
46.  "No! I'm tired of doing what you say."
47.  "You were always the quiet one."
48.  "Just give me my cut of the money and I'll be out of here."
49.  "I daren't stay long. I just had to see you."
50.  "Please! Stop it! All of you!"
51.  "It looks like you're in trouble there. Can I help?"
52.  "Sweetheart, what did you bury in the garden?"
53.  "Sorry, its just that I get very nervous when someone else is driving."
54.  “You know my name?”
55.  “I just came to say goodbye.”
56.  “I’ll sleep under the sheets, you sleep on top of them.”
57.  “The skirt is supposed to be this short.”
58.  “I wasn’t going to wait around for you forever.”
59.  “Is it really you?”
60.  “You had me at ‘free pizza!’”
61.  “You can’t break my heart like this!”
62.  “Do you think it’s possible that I…might be… pregnant? ”
63.  “Here, wear my jacket.”
64.  “Are you serious? Do you have to do this now?”
65.  “My parents asked about you.”
66.  “Why is there a drunk man sleeping in the bathtub?”
67.  “Can you reach it?”
68.  “Can I hold your hand?”
69.  “No one will ever hurt you again!”
70.  “I just wanted an easy day with my girlfriend. What’s so wrong with that?”
71.  “Come over here and make me, then.”
72.  “Frankly, I couldn’t care less.”
73.  “If I ever see you anywhere near her, you’ll have to deal with me!”
74.  “Are you still awake…?”
75.  “Shut up and kiss me.”
76.  “Stop talking about the past, I could be dead in a matter of hours… make me up a future.”
77.  "Are you drunk?”
78.  “Baby, I’m on the phone.”
79.  “Where did you find this?”
80.  “I think I picked up your coffee by mistake.”
81.  “Delete that. Now.”
82.  “Is there a reason you’re naked in my bed?”
83.  “We accidentally got married in Vegas oops”
84.  “This is so going on Youtube!”
85.  “They always make shower sex sound so appealing, but honestly it seems quite dangerous.”
86.  "Look at me. Just look at me and stay awake. Can you do that?”
87.  “Isn’t this weird? Should we not be doing this?”
88.  “I beat you at Mario Kart and now you’re banishing me to the couch for the night?”
89.  “Who brought pot brownies to the bake sale?!”
90.  “You haven’t even touched your food. What’s going on?”
91.  “I’m no doctor, but you should have that looked at. It’s bleeding a lot…"  
92.  “How much sleep have you gotten in the past two days?”
93.  "Wanna dance?”
94.  “Why are you covered in mud?”
95.  “You never told me you had a fucking twin.”
96.  “Hey remember when we practiced kissing? That was stupid… right? Right?”
97.  "I see the way you look at me when you think I’m not looking.”
98.  “If you’re bored; Wanna have sex?”
99.  “This is girl talk, so leave.”
100.  “You can sing?”
101.  “You’re lucky you’re cute.”
102.  "Well….don’t keep me waiting”
103.  “I can’t swim!”
104.  “I was going to kiss him, but then my friend texted me about going to Taco Bell, and, well, there’s this cashier that works there who is way cuter, so I bailed on the rest of the date.”
105.  “I’m so stupid to make the mistake of falling in love with my best friend.”
106.  “We’re not just friends and you fucking know it.”
107.  “Can I touch you ?”
108.  “Wait. I didn’t mean that. Please, come back.”
109. “Is that a tattoo?”
110.  “Why are you taking so many photos?”
111. “Im too sober for this”
112. “I want to hike up your skirt and take you right here.”
113.  "That night never happened!”
114.  “Stop acting out Grease Lightning on the top of my car, I have somewhere to be!”
115.  “Here, take my hand. Everything is fine, just hold onto me and keep moving.”
116. “You can’t keep pretending it didn’t happen, cause guess what? It did!”
117. “I found it in the recycling bin.”
118.  "I thought you loved her.”
119.  “We’re in a bathtub !”
120.  “You come to my room and wake me up at 4am, to cuddle?”
121. “I just came to say goodbye.”
122.  "Sit in my lap.”
123.  “One last time, please ?”
124. “How can you still look so attractive while crying.”
125.  “Will you be quiet?!”
126.  “Wait, you’re a virgin ?,”
127.  “I had the weirdest dream about you and now I can’t stop thinking about you naked.”
128.  “Who did the laundry? My favourite shirt is pink.”
129.  “I’ve been alone for so long..”
130.  “Are you happy now? Huh? DOES THIS MAKE YOU HAPPY?!”
131.  "It’s too late for you to be out by yourself."
132. “Choose me”
133.  "You’re lying.”
134.  “I’m trying to drive here !”
135.  “You didn’t call. You didn’t text. Nothing.”
136. “If you insist”
137.  “Time changes people.”
138.  “That’s gross ! Unless you’re up for it ?”
139.  “Sorry doesn’t fix everything.”
140.  “Breaking up, was our best choice…right?”
141.  “Do you want to kiss as bad as I do right now”
142.  "Did you buy me… lingerie?”
143.  “I haven’t seen you in so long, I need you.”
144.  “Maybe I’m meant to be alone.”
145.  “You have already broke down my walls, and you had to break my heart.”
146.  “Unless I screw this up again, I’m going to marry you.”
147.  “Why did you say ‘Daddy’ in your sleep?”
148.  "I’m going to walk away and pretend I didn’t see anything.”
149.  “But you promised..”
150.  “You pushed me off a building.”
151.  "Let me shower first!”
152.  "Is that… is that my bra?”
153.  "Don’t drink that! I saw that guy slip something in there!"
154.  “Ask for permission.”
155.  "You said my name in your sleep.”
156.  "You left your shirt at my house. It’s mine now."
157.  “We were just joking around, right? Please tell me you knew that.”
158. “We have to stick together.”
159.  "Do that again.”
160.  “You weren’t supposed to laugh! I’m so embarrassed!”
161. “We are not going to steal someone’s dog.”
162.  “I bet you ten dollars you won’t kiss me.”
163.  “Are you an undercover cop or something?”
164.  “I heard you singing Taylor Swift in the shower this morning, are you okay?”
165.  “You can’t come here and only eat the free samples.”
166.  “How was I supposed to know there was someone in the trunk? I was just stealing the car not trying to kidnap you!”
167.  “… Where are your pants?”
168.  “You said you were good at baseball!”
169.  “Hypothetically, if I asked you out, would you say yes?”
170.  “Well, I’m happy you think of me when you’re drunk.”
171.  “It wasn’t supposed to happen like this.”
172.  “That can’t be legal.”
173.  “Everyone keeps telling me you’re the bad guy.”
174.  “I need a place to stay.”
175.  “I may be smaller than you but that still doesn’t mean I can’t kick your ass.”
176.  “I still have like 50% of your shirts here and I really don’t want to give them back. They smell like you and I realized I couldn’t sleep without one. So if you insist on taking them please just leave one.”
177. “Why do you keep inching closer to me?” “Cause your warm and this damn movie theater is freezing.”
178.  “If you could go back in time, would you stop yourself from meeting me?”
179.  “So, are you guys dating or?”
180.  “I’m way out of your league”
181.  “We’re never going to see each other again, are we?”
182.  “Even the idea of you being with someone else is enough to make me wish I was dead.”
183.  “Will you stop looking so surprised, it’s not like I’ve never worn a dress before.”
184.  “Tell me what I have to do to get you to forgive me? Want me to jump off a cliff? Done. Want me to hit your ex with a chair? Deal.”
185.  “Every day since you left I thought about where we went wrong and how I could get you back.”
186.  “Hey, can I hold your boobs for a sec?”
187.  “Take the long way around”
188.  “Isn’t that a bit too small for you?”
189.  “We’re out of gas, what’s your plan?”
190.  “You look… really happy. And normally, I would love that but now that I know it’s not me making you happy.. It’s just fucking with me.”
191.  “How many fingers am I holding up?” “…Zebra.” “My dude are you okay?
192. “Tell me I’m pretty before I shoot you in the dick!”
193. “My parents are coming over in 10 minutes so please put some clothes on”
194.  “I wish you’d be here in my arms right now.”
195.  “I’m not gonna stop until you beg for it.”
196.  “Stay the night. Please.”
197.  “It’s lonely without you in the bed.”
198.  “Promise me you’ll come back… I need you to promise me.”
199.  “I’m not gonna stop leaving marks ‘till I’m sure everyone will know you’re mine.”
200.  “You’re really proposing to me? For real? Now?”
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socalsojourner · 6 years
Las Vegas - Things to do with kids - Part 1
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Attractions For Kids:
Kids on a family vacation are a lot like luggage (minus the whole stuffed into an overhead bin thing). They're dragged around from place to place with little say in the matter. But Vegas is never a drag. We have fun for everyone, even kids and families. You can hike together to the top of towering red sandstone rock formations or plunge down an 80 mph drop on a roller coaster. We also have museums, but not the boring kind. Plus, there's the stuff you wouldn't expect to find in the desert like dolphins, gondolas and, occasionally, even ... brace yourself ... snow. Did we mention the candy shops? More like mouthwatering monuments. Where else would you find an 800-pound chocolate replica of the Statue of Liberty? New York? Nope. Only in Vegas
Adventure Canyon
The crew at Buffalo Bill's has shown what a little ingenuity can do -- it turned a once boring ride into a novelty that may start showing up in theme parks across the country.
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Adventuredome Only in Vegas could you find America's largest indoor theme park encased beneath a five-and-a-half-acre glass dome, complete with pink trim. The Adventuredome is exactly what its name suggests -- a thrill-seeker's delight
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The Aquarium at the Silverton
Located within the cozy Silverton Hotel, a 117,000-gallon saltwater aquarium provides entertainment on a scale one can enjoy only in Las Vegas.
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Big Apple Coaster at New York-New York
This state-of-the-art roller coaster, located right on the Las Vegas Strip, incorporates high velocity and inversions, including a unique heartline twist and dive.
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Big Shot
A two-second, 160-foot launch up a tower is startling. Doing it 1,000 feet in the air atop the tallest building west of the Mississippi is downright terrifying.
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Bodies...The Exhibition
Bodies showcases 13 whole-body specimens and over 260 organs and partial body specimens in an educational experience like none other.
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CSI: The Experience
Calling all wannabe crime scene investigators: now's your chance to crack crimes like the ones seen on the hit TV show. The exhibit includes three crime scenes, two state-of-the-art labs and much more.
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Canyon Blaster
Designed by Utah-based Arrow Dynamics, the Canyon Blaster crams four inversions into the tight confines of the Adventuredome.
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Taking the Tilt-a-Whirl and Scrambler to new heights, Chaos has passengers spinning, tilting and flipping like never before.
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From the top of the first hill, a tunnel burrowing into the desert looks like an anthill. By the time the Desperado rams through it, the train is careening at about 80 mph.
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Discovery Children's Museum
More than 100 hands-on exhibits in the arts, humanities and sciences at one of the country's largest children's museums.
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Ethel M Chocolate Factory Tour and Cactus Garden
Ethel M Chocolates panders to the sweet tooth in all of us. After the tour, visitors can stroll through the ocotillo, prickly pear and saguaros in the cactus garden.
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Floyd Lamb State Park
Floyd Lamb State Park has four stocked ponds, picnic areas, barbecues, scenic paths and volleyball and horseshoe facilities on 2,040 acres northwest of Las Vegas.
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Frog Hopper
A mini version of the Turbo Drop, Frog Hopper allows children to experience the fun in a seven-seat car that contains one adult seat.
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Located in St. Mark's Square, the gondola ride is the Venetian's most popular attraction. So popular, in fact, that the Venetian had to hire more gondoliers to meet demand -- and it still sells out every day.
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Grand Canyon
Grand Canyon National Park is a natural wonder measuring one mile deep and about 280 miles long. Although several other canyons have been carved along the Colorado River, this area is the most spectacular.
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Hershey's Chocolate World
This two-story candy shop is packed with offerings from all Hershey’s brand products plus a bakery, souvenirs and an 800-pound chocolate replica of the Statue of Liberty.
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Experience 3 Gs as you look over the Las Vegas Strip more than 900 feet below.
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With only a harness and T-bar separating you from the concrete floor 50 feet below, the Inverter gives new meaning to the term hang tight.
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Lake Mead
Lake Mead, the 16th largest man-made lake in the world and the largest man-made lake in the Western Hemisphere, offers year-round recreation: everything from boating to swimming to hiking to wildlife viewing.
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Las Vegas Natural History Museum
Marine life, Nevada's wildlife and animated dinosaurs are featured, plus a children's hands-on learning room.
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M&M's World
M&M's World delivers four stories of colorful fun to the Showcase Mall, offering a brilliant spectrum of the candy-coated treats and various items, including everything from T-shirts and caps to limited-edition lithographs.
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Madame Tussauds Las Vegas
Madame Tussauds features more than 100 exquisite wax figures of the world's most famous stars.
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Mob Museum
Located in heart of downtown Las Vegas, the 41,000-square-foot Mob Museum is an interactive attraction showcasing the history of these famed gangsters.
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Motion Rides at Circus Circus' Adventuredome
Produced by a crack team of filmmakers, animators and special effects wizards, the four-minute ReBoot the Ride is the latest film to take advantage of the popularity of the Internet.
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Mount Charleston
Mount Charleston (also known as Spring Mountain) is about 12,000 feet high, Nevada'a third-highest mountain peak. Its ski resorts and hiking trials make it a year-round getaway from Las Vegas.
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Nevada Southern Railway
Fun for all ages, visitors can ride an authentic train along the same tracks that once carried the cargo for the construction of Hoover Dam. The narration during the train ride offers fun facts about Boulder City and the Southwest desert.
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Nevada State Museum
The museum depicts Southern Nevada's plants, animals, fossils and history from the Ice Age to modern times.
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Pinball Hall of Fame
Featuring a total of 141 pinball machines, Pinball Hall of Fame features popular games from the 1950s through the 1990s. You'll also find popular retro arcade games like Tetris and Super Mario Brothers.
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Red Rock Canyon
At Red Rock Canyon, visitors can hike, picnic and view plant and animal life under 3,000-foot-high red rock formations. And, from personal experience, it’s a great place to take your vintage motorscooter to (!).
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Siegfried & Roy's Secret Garden and Dolphin Habitat
Siegfried & Roy's Secret Garden and Dolphin Habitat at the Mirage is home to some of the world's rarest and most exotic animals.
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Shark Reef
Ranging in size from a 12-foot nurse shark to 1 1/2-foot baby zebra sharks -- which are in a small "touch tank" -- the Shark Reef pleases patrons big and small.
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Sling Shot
A quick and fun ride, the minute-long Sling Shot is a must-ride attraction at the Circus Circus Adventuredome, and one of only six of its kind in the United States.
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Springs Preserve
From interactive children's exhibits to a number of outdoor activities, kids taking a trip to the Springs Preserve can discover the fun elements of science and nature.
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Stratosphere Tower
View the city in 360-degree panorama at the Stratosphere Tower.
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The Grand Canal Shoppes at the Venetian adds a little 'Streetmosphere' to the shopping experience, providing fun and entertainment for all that visit.
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Titanic: The Artifact Exhibition
Featuring more than 300 artifacts, as well as breathtaking replicas from the famous ship, the Titanic exhibit truly brings history to life.
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Volcano at the Mirage
The front entrance of the Mirage Lagoon is enhanced with waterfalls and the famous Mirage Volcano.
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Wet 'n' Wild
Families and thrill seekers alike will find common ground in the water at this playful water-themed amusement park with more than 25 slides and attractions.
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The oldies
Mike Pence looks like he chose the wrong grail. mike pence looks like wax and powdered milk. Mike pence looks like the ghost of Christmas yet to come. But the part of Christmas where you are at Best Buy trying to return a DVD copy of the second season of CSI:Miami that your uncle got you. Mike pence looks like you were painting a fence and accidentally painted a stick bug. Mike pence looks like a ghost of a shart. Mike Pence looks like if Slim Jim decided to make a vanilla flavor meat stick. Mike pence looks like someone tricked him into smiling once and he's been trying to undo it ever since. Mike Pence looks like he is sustained by children's sadness. Mike Pence looks like an over cooked Lima bean. Mike Pence looks like one of those cyborg people in the opening credits of Westworld. But if the 3D printer stopped working and they put him in the discard pile. mike pence looks like the villain in a caddyshack sequel Mike pence looks like if a tapeworm was wearing a human Halloween costume that came from Spirit Halloween Store. Mike pence looks like that cat turd that's been behind the litter box for months and you're just now finding it Mike Pence and Jeff Sessions look like the evil millionaire brothers from an 80s movie that try to buy and demolish an orphans summer camp to build a Walmart super center. But more molesty. Mike Pence looks like he has Lego hair. Mike Pence looks like if Trump was living A Christmas Carol and got to the ghost of Christmas yet to come and offered him the job of VP. Mike Pence looks like a GoodValue candy cane that had all the red licked off it then dropped on the carpet. Mike Pence looks like the shi tzu ate a bunch of tinsel and then pooped. Mike Pence looks like he has an edited version of A Christmas Carol where he just watches the scene with tiny tims empty chair on loop. Mike Pence looks like a wet little Debbie zebra cake. Mike pence looks like someone that figured out a way for the wet bandits to sue Kevin for all the mental anguish. Mike Pence looks like his favorite holiday dish is miracle whip sandwiches. Mike Pence looks like his favorite holiday tradition is sitting quietly and considering poor children and laughing to himself. Mike Pence looks like he volunteers to bring dessert to family holiday potlucks and then just brings frozen milk. And then it's just for the adults. Mike Pence looks like someone that gathers his family around the Christmas tree for holiday stories and just reads the Bible quietly to himself. Getting angry if his family stops watching him read to himself Mike Pence looks like someone that watches the first half of How the Grinch Stole Christmas(up till the grinch gets back to his cave with all the gifts from whoville) year round. Mike Pence looks like a ketchup packet that's been licked clean. Thought I was being chased by Mike pence earlier. Turned out to be bird poo on my back windshield. Mike Pence looks like if you only used that useless white crayon from your 96 pack of crayolas (with sharpener on the side!) Mike pence looks like one of those crappy bully ghosts that were mean to Casper. Mike Pence looks like one of those long cotton swabs that they use at the health department to swab your junk and check for STDS. But guess what, it already had STDs on it Mike Pence looks like one of those fish that live in caves and evolve into translucent assholes. Mike Pence looks like he still has a CRT tv on purpose. Mike Pence looks like he gets a secret boner every time someone mentions Hitler. Mike Pence looks like he would be excited to have Jeff Sessions around so they can talk about all their favorite jams. Like poor people crying. Or how people lose control of their bowels when you electrocute the gay out of them. Mike Pence looks like his favorite book of the Bible is Mein Kampf. Mike Pence looks like he moisturizes his "skin" with salt. Mike Pence looks like ten seconds into a Dr Pimple Popper video. (Don't look that up if you aren't familiar) Mike Pence looks like his patronus is wet toilet paper. Mike Pence looks like he has that Benjamin Button disease but instead of getting younger he's just a piece of shit. Mike Pence looks like he hates music. Even bad music. Just doesn't see a point. Mike Pence looks like he had all the mirrors taken out of his house so he would stop scaring himself. Mike Pence looks like he would have "pray the gay away" stickers made if he didn't think using stickers was gay somehow. Mike Pence looks like he finds egg shell texture paint offensive. Mike Pence looks like he sniffed really hard once and his upper lip disappeared. Mike Pence looks like he is always smelling a fart. And that makes him happy. Mike Pence looks like if you started to tell him a knock knock joke he would just hand you. Card that said "no soliciting" and walk away. Mike Pence looks like his favorite food is flour Mike Pence looks like he has never heard a punchline to any joke Mike Pence looks like the kind of guy that doesn't see a problem using "bing bing Ching Chong" when ordering Chinese food. Then get mad and ask how that's racist. Mike Pence looks like he orders his coffee by saying thing like "I like my women like I like my coffee...aryan". Then he just drinks hot water and talks about how stiff it is. Mike Pence looks like he loves to make home made ice cream. But really he just relates to rock salt mixed with ice on a spiritual level. Mike Pence looks like he says things like "the only good minority is the 1%". Mike Pence looks like the inside of a coconut. Mike Pence looks like a sculpture my child did in first grade Mike Pence looks like he really loves third wave ska, except for all the guitars and horns and drums and stuff. Mike Pence probably used to look like a young Brad Pitt. But then he saw a man kiss another man and it shocked him into the apparition he is now. Mike Pence looks like he looked into the Ark of the Covenant. Mike Pence looks like he chose the wrong grail. Mike Pence looks like he got voted into office because he was running against "beheading all of your loved ones". And people just thought they were picking the lesser of two evils. Mike Pence looks like he says "now we all like a good joke, but this is going too far" every time he passes a mirror. Mike Pence looks like when you leave grits in a pot too long then go to clean it and they all come out in one pot shaped lump. Mike Pence looks like he doesn't understand why everyone is upset that Trump likes women pee on each other. As long as it wasn't two dudes. ‪Mike Pence looks like he eats healthy. He only absorbs the life force of athletic children. ‬ ‪Mike Pence looks like he loves winter. Because when he goes outside the cold air keeps its host body from rotting. ‬ ‪Mike Pence looks like he's excited to see a broadway musical telling the life story of Martin Luther King but featuring an all white cast. ‬ ‪Mike Pence looks like he meant to shed his people skin a while back and just can't get around to it. He's just an ashy reptilian ‪Mike Pence looks like he gets up to "public bathroom antics". But feels like it's ok because he makes up for it by torturing gay youths. ‬ Mike Pence looks like he was born 8 months premature. ‪Mike Pence looks like he only watches Full Metal Jacket with his shirt off and all alone. ‬ ‪Mike Pence looks like he blames all his angry confusion on the first time he saw a man with a ponytail.He has sexy fever dreams about that guy‬ ‪Mike Pence looks like he saw a ghost rider comic and wondered why people kept drawing him on fire. Mike Pence looks like he would use the urinal right next to you even though there are 2 empty ones on each side of yours ‪Mike Pence looks like Michael Graves was his favorite Misfits singer. ‪Mike Pence looks like he would love to take a hot bath but is afraid he would just turn into a dead skin bath bomb. ‪Mike Pence looks like he dozes off each night mumbling"ANCIENT SPIRITS OF EVIL TRANSFORM THIS DECAYED FORM TO MUM..um MIKE PENCE"#thundercats‬ Mike Pence looks like Senator Kelly from Xmen after he turns into a mutant and becomes water ‪Mike Pence looks like he got "his" and "hers" pillows for him and his wife. And sometimes...He makes her sleep on the "his" pillow. #kink‬ ‪Mike Pence looks like he googles porno by typing"STRAIGHT sex where female human isn't allowed to talk or be seen and is actually male"‬ Mike Pence looks like he is a huge fan of male competitive endurance tickling. Mike Pence looks like a racist unmasked Scooby Doo villain. Mike Pence looks like he irons his tshirts. Mike Pence looks like he is stoked to become president in (vegas odds) one year when Trump is impeached. Mike Pence looks like the stains you would find on a mattress on a hotel if you used a black light? Mike Pence looks like the whitest part of the outside of the box of generic saltine crackers Mike Pence looks like grated parmesan cheese when viewed at 500x under a microscope. Mike Pence looks like the black sheep of the Quaker Oats family. Mike Pence looks like he likes his steaks "extra well done". He's probably one of those people that will send it back if it's not burned enough. Then puts ketchup on it. Mike Pence is so white he doesn't have to wear a robe at a Klan meeting Mike Pence looks like he doesn't cast a shadow. Mike Pence was surprised to find white rice in a box of Uncle Ben's Mike Pence shocked that Colonel Sanders actually not a Colonel. Mike Pence looks like he cans his Christian farts like your grandma cans tomatoes. Mike Pence won't display the Rosary because it resembles anal beads a little too much. Mike Pence looks like an off brand Q-Tip. Mike Pence looks like he thinks there should be reasonable allowances for abortion. Like if the fetus is gay. Mike Pence looks like he has his original "host body" stuffed in a closet somewhere. Mike Pence looks like drywall's wet dream. Mike Pence looks like the starches his own shirts just by wearing them. Mike Pence looks like an albino albino. Mike Pence is the type of guy who would get angry watching the Andy Griffith show because Barney never pistol whipped Otis drunk ass before (un)locking him up. mike pence's only problem with baby powder is that it isn't white enough. he still rolls in it nightly. Someone once told mike Pence he smelled like a "jizz fart" and he got offended cause he thought they said "jazz bar" Mike Pence marinates his steaks in Liquid Paper. Mike Pence looks like a taco bell dollar menu option: a stack of flour tortillas with a side of sour cream. Mike Pence looks like he respected Sarumon the White until he saw him standing a little too close to those dark-skinned Uruk-Hai.
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sailorrrvenus · 5 years
Hands-On with Sharp’s Sub-$5,000 8K Mirrorless Camera
During the be beginning of the year, Sharp Corporation unveiled a surprising, small handheld Micro Four Thirds 8K camera – but back then we had very few details about it. Now, just before NAB 2019 is about to begin, we had the opportunity to talk to Kaino-san from Sharp, who was kind enough to answer our questions and also let us have a short spin with it.
Note: The camera is currently at a very early stage of development and the footage it creates is in NO WAY final! For now, this new Micro 4/3 sensor camera can record 8K/30p in H264, Long GOP, 8Bit 4:2:0, 200Mbps wrapped in an mp4 container to an internal SD card. More details below.
During the above interview, Kaino-san was very clear about the status of development of this video-centric new camera. The Sharp engineering team is working hard to bring it to the market, but there is still A LOT to do before the camera officially sees the day of light. In fact, the unit I got to shoot with was the first to be handed to anyone, and although in an early development stage, Sharp allowed me to shoot with it. In return, Sharp is asking for our (the filming community) support by letting them know what we really want and need in order to make it a useful tool for creative work. But, first things first, let’s see what it has already, and what might be missing.
Current Specs (Subject to Change)
Sharp chose to use their own 33-megapixel Micro Four Thirds sensor and have built the camera around it. As we might imagine, focusing can be crucial when filming in 8K, so in Sharp’s mind(s), this sensor size provides an ideal balance between usability (user experience) and sensor performance (they are perfectly aware that by using such sensor size, dynamic range, low-light performance, and picture noise, in general, might be compromised). Yet, the decision was to go ahead and aim for greater usability. (By the way, Sharp has just officially joined the Micro Four Thirds system standard group, next to Olympus and Panasonic).
Watch some footage below we’ve shot here in Las Vegas with this Sharp 8K micro four thirds camera (Mind you, this video is heavily processed and compressed by YouTube. We’ve also uploaded three unaltered clips straight from the camera to a different location which you can download here. Plus, you can download the original 8K version of the video).
The camera I shot with was locked on 8K/30p 200Mbps, but Sharp is planning to allow Full HD recording, 2K, 4K (up to 60p) and 8K/30, all in H264 and H265, Long GOP, 8 Bit, 4:2:0, 200Mbps wrapped in an mp4 container. Future HDR recording will be in 10Bit as this is part of the HDR standard). Sharp is considering replacing the existing mini 2.1 HDMI connector with a full-size one.
Clean 8K output is guaranteed, so also the connection to Sharp’s own TV sets will be seamless. How this output file will look like is still being discussed at Sharp. The 5.5-inch Full HD touch screen is bright, but not very responsive (YET) on this un-finished camera (in fact, the actual camera menu is not yet ready and camera power management is not really implemented). Speaking of which, the new upcoming Sharp camera will use Canon’s LP-E6 batteries.
If you are into gimbal work, please note that there is no internal body stabilization system, but fast continuous Auto Focus is expected to make it to the final camera. The current body I was shooting with had single-tap autofocus, only.
Connectivity and Button Layout
We already mentioned the full 2.1 HDMI connector. On top, it will enjoy a USB type 3 interface, headphone jack, 3.5 audio input, and a single mini XLR connector for better, more professional audio connectivity. When it comes to camera control buttons, the layout is simple: On/Off button, RECORD button, 3 Fn buttons (Controlling ISO, Shutter speed and White Balance), AEL and DISPLAY buttons, and a cold shoe for attaching some accessories, like a small light or a microphone. That’s it. I’m curious to see how the actual camera menu will look like and if it can help with its operation. (Peaking and Zebra among other features will be welcomed)
Who Is This Camera For?
As it is hard NOT to compare this camera to Blackmagic’s Pocket Cinema Camera 4K, of course, I was curious to find out who Sharp are actually targeting, as I don’t really know so many productions that are requesting 8K delivery – or filmmakers who are suggesting 8K master to their clients. Kaino-san was clear that at this stage of development, Sharp is not really targeting the filmmaking community and this camera might be useful within Sharp’s 8K ecosystem.
8K productions are slowly but surely expected to gain momentum towards 2020, when the Olympic games will take place in Japan, so when that happens, Sharp will have a camera to offer for small and medium-sized production houses. According to Sharp, another way of benefiting from such a high-resolution sensor is when pairing that camera with a drone.
What Is Currently Missing
Sharp will equip the camera with REC709 and BT.2020 picture profiles. Log Gamma picture profile is currently only being considered and its implementation is greatly dependent on audience request! (A small hint, the comment section is just below and Sharp will be watching…)
Another missing option is the ability to record any sort of (Compressed) RAW. Hopefully, by hearing our community, Sharp will consider adopting ProRes RAW or the Blackmagic equivalent.
Pricing and Availability
A bit of a painful point here… Sharp is aiming to offer their 8K camera for somewhere between $3,000 to $5,000. In my opinion, it is a bit too much to ask. 8K might not be the selling point Sharp is hoping it to be, as consumers are NOT after resolution only (we are still learning to master 4K…)
So, humble words of advice for Sharp: get to know your customers, see what the competition is offering, give as much as you can with this first camera of yours and sell it for a reasonable, fair price if you want people to get it. In terms of availability, there is no definite time yet, though Sharp is targeting the release within 2019. I can witness first-hand that it will still take a while until that new 8K camera is ready for prime time.
This is a grab from our original Sharp 8K footage (downscaled to HD)
And this is a 400% crop into the above grab (again, downscaled to HD). Note the amount of detail!
Picture Quality
As this is NOT one of my camera reviews, I will not touch the subject of picture quality since it is not a final product yet. Most of the clips in the above video were shot in between ISO 200 to 450, and white balance was factory locked on Auto. (The camera can go all the way to ISO 10,000 but Sharp is still looking for that picture quality/lower picture noise “sweet spot”).
If you are looking for a lowlight monster or even just a good lowlight performer, look elsewhere (at this stage, it is a daylight or well-lit-places camera, only). The B-roll images in my interview were all scaled down to HD (to match the rest of the interview with Kaino-san).
Would you buy a camera just because it offers 8K resolution? Let us know in the comment section below what you think Sharp should offer on top of resolution.
About the author: Johnnie Behiri is a freelance documentary cameraman/editor/producer/director working for many respected clients and broadcasters. The opinions expressed in this article are solely those of the author. Behiri is also a co-owner of cinema5D. This article was also published here.
source https://petapixel.com/2019/04/08/hands-on-with-sharps-sub-5000-8k-mirrorless-camera/
0 notes
pauldeckerus · 5 years
Hands-On with Sharp’s Sub-$5,000 8K Mirrorless Camera
During the be beginning of the year, Sharp Corporation unveiled a surprising, small handheld Micro Four Thirds 8K camera – but back then we had very few details about it. Now, just before NAB 2019 is about to begin, we had the opportunity to talk to Kaino-san from Sharp, who was kind enough to answer our questions and also let us have a short spin with it.
Note: The camera is currently at a very early stage of development and the footage it creates is in NO WAY final! For now, this new Micro 4/3 sensor camera can record 8K/30p in H264, Long GOP, 8Bit 4:2:0, 200Mbps wrapped in an mp4 container to an internal SD card. More details below.
During the above interview, Kaino-san was very clear about the status of development of this video-centric new camera. The Sharp engineering team is working hard to bring it to the market, but there is still A LOT to do before the camera officially sees the day of light. In fact, the unit I got to shoot with was the first to be handed to anyone, and although in an early development stage, Sharp allowed me to shoot with it. In return, Sharp is asking for our (the filming community) support by letting them know what we really want and need in order to make it a useful tool for creative work. But, first things first, let’s see what it has already, and what might be missing.
Current Specs (Subject to Change)
Sharp chose to use their own 33-megapixel Micro Four Thirds sensor and have built the camera around it. As we might imagine, focusing can be crucial when filming in 8K, so in Sharp’s mind(s), this sensor size provides an ideal balance between usability (user experience) and sensor performance (they are perfectly aware that by using such sensor size, dynamic range, low-light performance, and picture noise, in general, might be compromised). Yet, the decision was to go ahead and aim for greater usability. (By the way, Sharp has just officially joined the Micro Four Thirds system standard group, next to Olympus and Panasonic).
Watch some footage below we’ve shot here in Las Vegas with this Sharp 8K micro four thirds camera (Mind you, this video is heavily processed and compressed by YouTube. We’ve also uploaded three unaltered clips straight from the camera to a different location which you can download here. Plus, you can download the original 8K version of the video).
The camera I shot with was locked on 8K/30p 200Mbps, but Sharp is planning to allow Full HD recording, 2K, 4K (up to 60p) and 8K/30, all in H264 and H265, Long GOP, 8 Bit, 4:2:0, 200Mbps wrapped in an mp4 container. Future HDR recording will be in 10Bit as this is part of the HDR standard). Sharp is considering replacing the existing mini 2.1 HDMI connector with a full-size one.
Clean 8K output is guaranteed, so also the connection to Sharp’s own TV sets will be seamless. How this output file will look like is still being discussed at Sharp. The 5.5-inch Full HD touch screen is bright, but not very responsive (YET) on this un-finished camera (in fact, the actual camera menu is not yet ready and camera power management is not really implemented). Speaking of which, the new upcoming Sharp camera will use Canon’s LP-E6 batteries.
If you are into gimbal work, please note that there is no internal body stabilization system, but fast continuous Auto Focus is expected to make it to the final camera. The current body I was shooting with had single-tap autofocus, only.
Connectivity and Button Layout
We already mentioned the full 2.1 HDMI connector. On top, it will enjoy a USB type 3 interface, headphone jack, 3.5 audio input, and a single mini XLR connector for better, more professional audio connectivity. When it comes to camera control buttons, the layout is simple: On/Off button, RECORD button, 3 Fn buttons (Controlling ISO, Shutter speed and White Balance), AEL and DISPLAY buttons, and a cold shoe for attaching some accessories, like a small light or a microphone. That’s it. I’m curious to see how the actual camera menu will look like and if it can help with its operation. (Peaking and Zebra among other features will be welcomed)
Who Is This Camera For?
As it is hard NOT to compare this camera to Blackmagic’s Pocket Cinema Camera 4K, of course, I was curious to find out who Sharp are actually targeting, as I don’t really know so many productions that are requesting 8K delivery – or filmmakers who are suggesting 8K master to their clients. Kaino-san was clear that at this stage of development, Sharp is not really targeting the filmmaking community and this camera might be useful within Sharp’s 8K ecosystem.
8K productions are slowly but surely expected to gain momentum towards 2020, when the Olympic games will take place in Japan, so when that happens, Sharp will have a camera to offer for small and medium-sized production houses. According to Sharp, another way of benefiting from such a high-resolution sensor is when pairing that camera with a drone.
What Is Currently Missing
Sharp will equip the camera with REC709 and BT.2020 picture profiles. Log Gamma picture profile is currently only being considered and its implementation is greatly dependent on audience request! (A small hint, the comment section is just below and Sharp will be watching…)
Another missing option is the ability to record any sort of (Compressed) RAW. Hopefully, by hearing our community, Sharp will consider adopting ProRes RAW or the Blackmagic equivalent.
Pricing and Availability
A bit of a painful point here… Sharp is aiming to offer their 8K camera for somewhere between $3,000 to $5,000. In my opinion, it is a bit too much to ask. 8K might not be the selling point Sharp is hoping it to be, as consumers are NOT after resolution only (we are still learning to master 4K…)
So, humble words of advice for Sharp: get to know your customers, see what the competition is offering, give as much as you can with this first camera of yours and sell it for a reasonable, fair price if you want people to get it. In terms of availability, there is no definite time yet, though Sharp is targeting the release within 2019. I can witness first-hand that it will still take a while until that new 8K camera is ready for prime time.
This is a grab from our original Sharp 8K footage (downscaled to HD)
And this is a 400% crop into the above grab (again, downscaled to HD). Note the amount of detail!
Picture Quality
As this is NOT one of my camera reviews, I will not touch the subject of picture quality since it is not a final product yet. Most of the clips in the above video were shot in between ISO 200 to 450, and white balance was factory locked on Auto. (The camera can go all the way to ISO 10,000 but Sharp is still looking for that picture quality/lower picture noise “sweet spot”).
If you are looking for a lowlight monster or even just a good lowlight performer, look elsewhere (at this stage, it is a daylight or well-lit-places camera, only). The B-roll images in my interview were all scaled down to HD (to match the rest of the interview with Kaino-san).
Would you buy a camera just because it offers 8K resolution? Let us know in the comment section below what you think Sharp should offer on top of resolution.
About the author: Johnnie Behiri is a freelance documentary cameraman/editor/producer/director working for many respected clients and broadcasters. The opinions expressed in this article are solely those of the author. Behiri is also a co-owner of cinema5D. This article was also published here.
from Photography News https://petapixel.com/2019/04/08/hands-on-with-sharps-sub-5000-8k-mirrorless-camera/
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the-fitsquad · 7 years
Techfruits Solutions Pvt Ltd
Rather than buying devoted gaming machines such as gaming consoles from Xbox and Playstation, several folks are interested in getting gaming notebooks. A excellent pc workstation can enhance productivity throughout an workplace although also lowering employee fatigue. Pc Workstation will prove familiar and intuitive simply because of its user-friendly interface and ease in pulling reports. HP produced space for the full-size memory in the Z1 series and installed 4GB DDR3-1600 ECC DIMMs into the system’s four memory slots, for a total of 16GB of memory. The Software program Licensing Service reported that the Token Retailer file version is invalid. This makes it an excellent choice for specialist users of design and style viz or simulation applications, which can take benefit of a number of CPU cores. What we find out from McLuhan is that when we invented the technologies that we are using these days, we “extended ourselves” and that these extension produce a shift, a modify in our actual space and time, and that,it would essential that we need to be cognizant of what we are performing.
To make the space for the new wardrobe and associated access space it was a relatively simple case of cutting and removing a section of the wall to wall desk and removing part of the under the desk cupboard to generate the space to shift the metal filing cabinet along by about six inches, so as to generate a wide enough gap for straightforward access to the wardrobe. The Application Licensing Service reported that a token in the Token Shop has a size mismatch. We are the producers for Modular Workplace Workstations. The Boston Venom family members delivers a complete range of liquid-cooled, GPU-accelerated workstations made specifically to cater for the ever increasing demands inside the Media & Entertainment arena. Make the most out of your perform space with our selection of practical workplace desks.
The diagram below depicts a separate “channel” for administration (a hugely sensitive activity) that is produced by maintaining separate dedicated administrative accounts and workstations. It really is worth noting that this laptop is one particular of the slimmest and lightest of the workstations in this list. Conventional workstations usually incorporated spinning platter hard drives and a lot more lately Strong State drives (SSD’s) even so our Revit workstations incorporate HP’s Z turbo hard drive technologies raising the bar on challenging drive functionality. I have been benchmarking HP workstations since it introduced its existing Z-series systems, of which the new Z820 is portion of the third generation. Employing a mixture of laptop elements (memory and 2.five-inch storage solutions) combined with an enterprise-grade desktop Intel Xeon CPU is an exciting option which we’d like other people to explore, even in the laptop segment.
For a full listing of supported graphics cards, please see the SOLIDWORKS Video Card Testing web page, at the SOLIDWORKS method needs pages. Determine what kind of storage (a desk hutch, bookcase, freestanding shelves, drawer unit, and so on.) tends to make sense for the space you have obtainable and the amount of storage that you require. Most folks who like to play games but are obtaining tired of employing the desktop computers have had great experiences with these great goods. Or possibly the CAD software your organization uses could need to have to run over night rendering an image probably essential urgently by a client the next day. The social media applications have been credited as the initial social networking also to actually make a connection with culture.
Beginning with Quadro® FX 570 video boards with NVIDIA® 780i and 790i chipset motherboard supporting up to 1600FSB and DDR3 1333MHz RAM to 8GB. If you want to be in a position to supply outstanding production across a number of projects then you want maximum cores at fairly excellent to very good cpu Ghz and lots of space for GPU cards. The Application Licensing Service determined that the version of the pc BIOS is invalid. Robotic automation can also be applied on virtual workstations within information centers which further limits access to keyboards and computer screens by non-authorized eyes. Some cabinets and filing units can easily double as partitioning walls, enabling you to save space as you create far more practical office storage.
If you commit your gaming time enjoying the smooth frame prices and higher-resolution textures only a Computer can offer, why nestle it in something less than the best desk for gaming? A single version sports a 1TB 7200 RPM hard drive and comes with Windows 10 Pro 64-bit as the installed operating technique, although the other comes with a 512GB Turbo Drive M2 PCIe (the mobile version of the G2 in a mini-card form element) with the Windows 7 Pro 64-bit OS and a Windows ten full article Pro license. My present set up is economical, with refurb older machines – in order of decreasing render speed, they are dual Xeon E5-2690 v0 as workstation, dual Xeon 2660 node, dual Xeon 5650 node, and my old workstation, an i7 3930K. Due to the fact Ben was searching to construct a Pc that would excel not just at playing games, but also at game streaming and pc-aided style (CAD) and other engineering applications that he’d be using in college, he went with the Core i7-4790K quad-core processor, rather than the Core i5-4690K.
There is also dual Intel Xeon CPUs with up to 56 cores, as well as dual NVIDIA Quadro Pro graphics cards. Even so, some CAD systems can do graphically and computationally intensive tasks, so a contemporary graphics card , higher speed (and possibly several) CPUs and big amounts of RAM might be recommended. The dual Xeon Evolve NLE 4K Plus offers even far more performance as it has two CPUs, a pair of ten-core Intel Xeon E5 2640 v4 CPUs with Hyper-Threading running at two.4GHz. Our review unit was a custom configuration that sells for $1,698 and is outfitted with an Intel Core i7-6700, 32GB of RAM and Nvidia Quadro M620 graphics along with a 256GB Z Turbo M.2 SSD and 1TB 7,200rpm HDD. Lots of people believe that antivirus software plan is a sophisticated element to operate.
With standard layout of Workstation board like Asus Z9DP8 WS which spaces CPU sockets far apart from every single other and memory sockets, you have the luxury to use any cooler on the market. Ideally, these workspaces will be furnished as dynamically as possible, with lightweight, very easily movable furnishings which will be frequently reconfigured to satisfy the needs of the day. The desks let customers to stand to present and operate on their laptops at the exact same time. The Z820 can help two 150-watt Xeon processors, as opposed to the two 130-watt Xeon processors on the Z800. It’s reported capable of operating actual-time 3D simulations or 8K video edits, rocking dual subsequent gen Intel Xeon CPUs with as many as 56 cores taking care of the processing grunt function.
The Application Licensing Service reported that the plug-in manifest file is incorrect.  Space saving style: our workstation helps save useful desktop space. Capitalizing on thirty year knowledge, @Xi gives a superior level of choice and customization of strong computing solutions for each Windows and Linux. 1 xHP Workstation XW6200 Windows Skilled XP Model – Body Chassis Only. If you need a lot more power and mega RAM then our refurbished Dell Precision workstations provide huge savings on new. There are three places exactly where you can download the Zebra LP2844 and Zebra 450 thermal Driver for Windows. With so much of the personal computer just getting decided by what processor you are running and what graphics card(s) you have, organizations like HP, Dell, and Lenovo are continually browsing for ways to compete.
StrongProject’s Los Angeles, California workplace is the organizing hub for all our commercial enterprise furniture projects nationwide. Occasionally the CEO would add a note underneath like, See if I can also bring my children.” We would ask for +3 guests alternatively of just +1. 1 such design and style is a bamboo desk with beneath-the-leading storage. The File Server Resource Manager text reader was not initialized. A single of the three new HP Zbook 15 models now includes a dual-core two.4 GHz Intel Core i7 Broadwell processor with 16GB of non-ECC DDR3 1600 MHz RAM, a 512GB Turbo Drive M2, and an AMD FirePro M4170 GPU with 1GB of RAM (no optical drive is integrated with this unit). The mobile workstation is properly equipped for CAD, video, and other graphics-intense applications.
The evening auditor must also be familiar with the nature of money transaction affecting the front office accounting system. Also new are higher-functionality and higher-speed PCIe slots, three PCIe Gen three and two PCIe Gen 2, which will be excellent when pushing the throughput limits (like storage expansion) and cutting 4K video. Support for 145 W processors powering up to 36 cores in a dual processor configuration. Intel technologies’ attributes and benefits rely on system configuration and may possibly call for enabled hardware, application or service activation. These types of desks also usually come with generous storage and table leading space, so you will constantly be tidy and organised. Server applications are installed on top of the operating method and they permit you to preserve and monitor your server as nicely as the computers in the network.
Public’s modular kit of components can be configured to create a variety of person and group settings to support a range of activities- from creating and contemplating to coversing and sharing. LAS VEGAS – April 7, 2013 National Association of Broadcasters Tradeshow – Fusion-io (NYSE: FIO) nowadays announced that it is collaborating with worldwide workstation leader HP to integrate the Fusion ioFX into the award-winning HP Z820, Z620 and Z420 Workstations. Even though there’s considerably to be stated for the communal nature and exchange of ideas that comes with setting up camp in the kitchen of one’s hackerspace, the time ultimately comes for most businesses to do business behind closed doors. Not all gaming desks have to be flashy or extravagant, and the Prado Full L workstation has that in thoughts with its sophisticated and straightforward L-shaped design.
Also, if you leave your workstation, make positive to log out if you want to take a bathroom break, or maybe shutdown your Computer totally and make confident you have a password to access the desktop of your operating method (i.e. Windows). As opposed to the installation of industrial panel PCs, which can cause significant upheaval and disruption to supply chains, pc workstations for use in industrial settings do not call for drastic changes to application, processes and infrastructure. New AutoCAD 360 Pro mobile application to design and edit from your smartphone. If you are purchasing a workstation laptop for its capability to procedure and encrypt various file types like video, then you want a machine that has some true graphical power. This figure shows how accessing an administrative jump server from a PAW adds no path for the attacker into the administrative assets.
Numerous property owners express a need to operate with an interior decorator, interior style workplace furniture makers in chennai yet couple of really make the contact. Equip your college with mobile pc workstations and height-adjustable personal computer desks to give students a reliable and committed perform space. HP consumer investigation revealed that when it came to hardware, engineers and designers typically lack overall performance, flexibility, and inspiration. A geometric modeling kernel is a software program component that offers strong modeling and surface modeling attributes to CAD applications. That money is then place toward ample storage, dual-channel DDR4 RAM, and a solid mid-tier 4GB graphics card. SPECViewPerf 12 and 3DMark benefits had been also excellent, either matching or beating the overall performance of a current desktop workstation that had a desktop Quadro K4000 graphics processor and decrease-clocked Xeon processor.
Generate a stylish residence workplace that functions as difficult as you do. Our house office furnishings combines functionality and style creating an inspiring perform environment. These incorporate fluid dynamics, quantum mechanics, molecular dynamics, seismic processing, information analytics, rendering, visualization and pc-aided design, among several other HPC applications. From rectangular to corner workstations and more, we can customize a solution to meet your particular wants so double desk layouts and six pod workstation formations can effortlessly be achieved. Saya Rafly, saya laptop acer 5943G, bbrp waktu yg lalu matot, lampu indicator ngga ada yg nyala, setelah diservice ternyata ic power ada yg mati. Despite the fact that ideal recognized for our workstations, Staverton has a a lot wider range of furnishings solutions spanning workplace mobility, meetings, storage, workwall and integrated technologies as well.
The workstations also meet the Power Star five. criteria taking impact in July, and choose workstation models are rated Gold by the Electronic Item Environmental Assessment Tool for their environmental attributes. Boxx specializes in workstation power computer systems, and its GoBoxx MXL VR 17-inch laptop measures up to something you can get from a massive name OEM. Applying Ergonomics in the function space assists to provide the appropriate office layout in respect of how people in the office sit and work in relation to doors or partitions, windows, equipment placement and so on. Gear and furnishings placed in an office need to relate to the kind of work getting completed in terms of suitability and appropriateness. AMD FirePro graphics cards have the best support from Autodesk, 2GB onboard memory would be a excellent start.
Even right after PCs broke the 640 KB limit with the 80286, specific programming techniques were essential to address considerable amounts of memory till the 80386, as opposed to other 32-bit processors such as SPARC which supplied simple access to nearly their complete 4 GB memory address variety. Primarily based on HP’s distinctive and extensive security capabilities at no added expense and HP’s Manageability Integration Kit’s management of each and every aspect of a Pc such as hardware, BIOS and computer software management utilizing Microsoft Program Center Configuration Manager among desktop workstation vendors as of June. Produce complicated IPv4 or IPv6 virtual networks for VMs, or integrate with third-party computer software to style full information center topologies employing actual-planet routing software and tools.
With remote access they can view all applications, documents and monitor their organization from their mobile workstation. If you do not spend a lot of time rendering, go for an Intel i5 or i7. If you have a high budget, you can take into account a high finish 8+ core Intel CPU, but you’ll usually see much better functionality in rendering tasks and higher resolution gaming with the AMD Threadripper chips. The administrative account(s) need to only be used on the PAW administrative operating program. A Strong-State Disk (also contact SSD Challenging Driver) is a information storage device that uses NAND-primarily based memory module that aids to retain data in memory even when the power fails. They are around $300 which is much less in comparison to an ergonomic chair you’d need for a standard personal computer desk.
Simply because workstations frequently work with each other like in the example above, they are commonly networked with each other. AutoCAD is also quite light on VRAM usage, so there is no purpose to get a card that has more than ~2GB of VRAM for strictly AutoCAD use. Ahead of I hit the specs, let’s overview exactly where this trio of workstations can be expected to deliver 1st class performance. HP’s entry-level desktop workstations supply functionality and reliability at a price tag point that is closer to a Pc, and assistance for each Xeon and Core i processors. The directive updates a 2002 enforcement policy, which only covered the hoisting of workers to workstations during new tower erection activities. Even though I may possibly critique the Africans of Mzantsi regarding their not Understaing The Media, I am also cognizant of the reality of the limited access that we have to dal with.
I am building a workstation with two Xeon e5-2620v3 processors and am questioning if Windows 10 will recognize two xeons like windows eight.1 pro. This method is often proposed to mitigate threat to administration and does give some safety assurances, but the jump server strategy by itself is vulnerable to specific attacks simply because it violates the “clean source” principle The clean supply principle needs all safety dependencies to be as trustworthy as the object becoming secured. Designed for improved uptime and dependability although working in or away from the workplace, the new mobile workstations function a tough aluminum and magnesium alloy chassis that is MIL-STD 810G tested, the lightest 17-inch design and style and all day battery life. Artists use social media as a strong tool to alter the relationship between collectors and the public, properly spotting individuals looking for specific artworks.
CAD, or personal computer-aided design and drafting (CADD), is technologies for design and technical documentation, which replaces manual drafting with an automated process. The operation requested is not permitted on against a DNS server operating on a study-only DC. If you study the conductors’ reports, you see that most vehicles went out and returned on the identical day, though some did stay overnight. The initial is the release of Intel’s Nehalem processors, specifically the Xeon 5500 series. At launch, HP did not talk specifics on which specialist GPUs will be offered, but we count on to see a wide range of alternatives from both Nvidia (Quadro) and AMD (Radeon Pro). Nothing at all beats these classic workstations, which provide maximum stability and the potential to reconfigure the office with ease.
Well, firstly, we want to accept that, at times, it just isn’t going to get done – the day remains 1,440 minutes lengthy, and it merely doesn’t add up. Then, as an alternative of beating ourselves up more than this absolute mathematical truth, we need to have to concentrate on setting realistic ambitions, prioritizing our tasks, and operating on the most important stuff. The Matrox C420 video card supports as numerous as 4 2560 x 1600 monitors through a single, fan-much less adapter. One of our clientele alerted us to a regional ambulance chaser” IT firm that is utilizing the end of life date for Windows XP as a method to scare men and women into getting their solutions. In this section, you will generate a new “PAW Configuration – User” GPO which give particular protections for these PAWs. They typically operate as element of an engineering, design or development team to produce the detailed 2D drawings and 3D models essential at the various stages of a project’s design and implementation.
But Cinema 4D is one of the pieces of software that is most closely related with specialist-quality 3D design work. ‘s workplace desks and laptop desks can assist you to boost your productivity by maintaining your workspace clear and organised. Desktops are for hard hitting players and laptops are for really delicate individuals who never even want to hit the enter button harder due to the fact it will break. Our favored U-shaped desk is the Bestar Innova U-Shaped Workstation Bestar is a premier workplace and home furnishings company that backs all their merchandise with a ten year warranty and outstanding buyer service. Offices are implementing ergonomic furniture for more comfort and productivity. FACE gathers data from several sources that could incorporate interviews of employers, workers, and other investigators examination of the fatality site and related gear and reviewing OSHA, police, and health-related examiner reports, employer safety procedures, and training plans.
In the average home, the Tv set is on for six hours and 44 minutes per day-an increase of nine minutes from last year and three occasions the average rate of boost for the duration of the 1970s. Most ergonomic recommendations for laptop workstation arrangements assume that you will be employing a desktop system, where the computer screen is separate from the keyboard. Sauder has a enormous catalog of furniture like an ample selection of office desks. Get with self-assurance understanding all Broadberry CyberStation Graphics® workstations are backed up by our 3 year warranty, with further warranty upgrade possibilities obtainable. Technical and inventive specialists alike will appreciate the high-resolution XGE and XGE24 graphics subsystems of Indy, which offer tremendous imaging, 2D, and 3D efficiency.
Teradici’s powerful host processors enable you to move your Windows or Linux workstation into the datacenter and connect with a PCoIP Zero Client remotely with no impacting application functionality. A video card (or graphics card) is a piece of hardware that receives information from your software (SOLIDWORKS) and sends this data to your display (your monitor). Largely that is due to becoming a single of the very first notebooks to function NVIDIA’s Max-Q design and style standard, which is laser-focused on slimming down gaming laptops with beefy GPUs. Added function is its space saving low profile design and style their durability element also demands to be described and all FireMv cards come with an effective support program along with 3 year warranty. These days, workstations are sleek and trendy machines that nonetheless offer a potent punch for most applications.
The B2600, C3600 and J5600 upgrade these machines with the PA-8600 processor. Hotfix Windows Downloader adalah sebuah program yang menakjubkan dengan bantuan yang Anda dapat males-download pembaruan Anda memilih untuk Microsoft Windows 7, eight dan eight.1 (32 dan 64 bit) dan Workplace 2010 dan 2013, termasuk paket layanan. Whilst in a workstation connected to a network, you can freely share your files and databases to other Computer.A desktop or laptop pc that is employed on its personal with out requiring a connection to a nearby region network (LAN) or wide region network (WAN). Another selection is NVIDIA’s mobile M620 Quadro GPU with 2GB of VRAM, also geared toward workstations and officially approved for pro apps like Autocad and 3DS max. Processing power is possibly the greatest advantage workstations hold over classic PCs.
When you outsource your little enterprise IT assistance, you save oneself the time and expense of hiring a full-time IT staff. The Z840’s dual Xeon processors are constructed on the fourth-generation Haswell-EP architecture (aka, the Grantley-EP platform, if you adhere to Intel’s naming convention). Professional workstations have long had specs that place regular PCs to shame. Set up VMware Workstation on the host machine. The requested operation can not be performed on a file with a user-mapped section open. Following this, the shanty towns elevated, the slum conditions grew worse, and the government committed itself to pursuing the odious policy of Apartheid-separation of the races so as to greater exploit African men and women. What is Cool: Most current Xeon processors, up to three.1GHz dual processor help 1600MHz memory can expand system RAM up to 512GB 5 third-generation PCI Express slots low acoustic levels seven drive bays built-in 6 gigabit-per-second SAS controller 4 USB 3. ports.
Organization Pc makers may have specialized tech-help lines to support you troubleshoot your QuickBooks dilemma. Our overview unit is a fairly big machine compared to several slim notebooks with a height of 3 centimeters, but it really lost 400 grams compared to the old model and is also .four cm thinner. With your vision, combined with our expertise advanced software techniques, we can aid you style and implement a much more productive operate atmosphere that you may have in no way believed possible. The file replication service cannot stop replicating the method volume because of an internal error. In addition, entry systems based on the new Intel® Xeon® processor E3 household with Intel® HD Graphics P3000 present users with optimized graphics constructed in that reduce the require for third-party graphic cards.
It comes with Intel Core i7 processor, 16 GB RAM, 240 GB SSD. If you pick to utilize the Agent Scorecard feature you agree that the statistical data (“Data”) displayed on the Agent Scorecard (“Scorecard”) is confidential and belongs exclusively to the respective Lender or Servicer for whom you are performing such, you are expressly prohibited from disclosing or disseminating the Data in any displayed on this scorecard might differ from the Information displayed to each and every Lender or Servicer and Equator does not participate in, have the capability to modify, or manage the Data contained in the Scorecard in any way. Our Design and style Your Office Tool makes it simple to visualize many diverse colour combinations and layout possibilities while trying to program and purchase some of our most common modern office furnishings designs.
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Nvidia GPU Ventures invests in six AI startups
New Post has been published on https://worldupdatereviews.com/nvidia-gpu-ventures-invests-in-six-ai-startups/
Nvidia GPU Ventures invests in six AI startups
Nvidia has announced that they have got invested in six specific Artificial Intelligence (AI) startups over the path of the remaining yr.
Nvidia GPU
The startups come from 3 one of kind international locations and were decided on as part of Nvidia’s GPU Undertaking Software and mark the organization’s modern foray into the sector of AI.
Over the last three hundred and sixty five days the chip making large has invested in outstanding startups Abeja, a Tokyo startup which uses AI to decorate the cloud in retail analytics, Catalogue, primarily based in Big apple which utilises AI to improve information mining and records instruction, and Optimus Experience, an MIT company that develops self-reliant vehicle technologies.
The company has additionally sponsored Soundhound, primarily based in silicon valley and developer of powerful AI voice assistants. TempoQuest, which generates superior climate forecasting the usage of SaaS in Las Vegas, and Zebra Scientific, an Israeli health employer that is exploring the applications of PC imaginative and prescient and Clinical images.
On the pinnacle of this Nvidia’s Inception program, the business enterprise’s deep studying and AI startup incubator presently has over 1,300 contributors all operating in the direction of bettering the understanding of Synthetic intelligence.
That is simply one manner in which the enterprise has been looking to generate innovation in AI. final week 14 individuals of the Inception Program have been invited to a contest for $1.five million in funding, the highest any startup opposition gives.
Concerning the contest, Kimberley Powell, Nvidia’s senior director of enterprise development stated: “We want to give startups exactly what they want to be successful.”
GPU price
“The ones named one of the international’s quality will not only get a gaggle of ‘no-strings-connected coins’ but their tale might be instructed on a global level at GTC, assisting bring more customers and pinnacle-tier talent.”
Nvidia also currently announced that they may be operating with Bosch on developing a brand new high powered Synthetic intelligence riding system, designed to take the cars to the following level of autonomy.
The Intel X58 Chipset – Impact on NVidia and Clients The Intel X58 chipset turned into released for the duration of November of 2008 and turned into launched as a successor of X48. Now, the significance right here is not just the call itself; This is an immediate challenge to all the PC hardware groups accessible that have been making big quantities of money off of nVidia chipset motherboards. Now, how does this Impact you, the customer who has sparked a hobby in laptop hardware?
Properly, here’s the aspect: the X58 chipset can run SLI. Sure, I just said that: it could run SLI. For The ones of you who do not know what SLI, SLI is a Program created by NVidia that lets in the computer to run multiple video card at the identical time.
Now, why does SLI inside the X58 rely a lot on? Well right here’s the motive why: it takes away a treasured benefit NVidia chipsets had over Intel chipsets. Traditionally, Intel chipsets were best able to run Crossfire and CrossfireX, or just a single NVidia video card with out SLI. NVidia chipsets, however, can only run NVidia Images cards(except for patches for a few ATI Pictures cards) however can run in SLI and even three in TriSLI. However, now that the X58 can run NVidia Pix playing cards(GPU’s), extra Purchasers will start to turn to this chipset.
Now, NVidia loses a couple of war here. One among NVidia chipsets motherboards’ important worries for Consumers become the rate tag. The truth is, that many NVidia chipset motherboards are greater steeply-priced than the Intel chipset motherboards. However, this became justifiable due to the fact NVidia still had the SLI and TriSLI benefit over Intel chipsets. Now that the X58 chipset can run NVidia GPU’s in SLI, NVidia has lost one benefit, and masses its justification for the rate tags. And due to the fact maximum Purchasers most effective go a long way as running Snap shots cards in SLI, NVidia may additionally lose quite a few loyal clients.
But, this does not mean that NVidia will fade away or cross bankrupt. X58 chipset motherboards can run Graphics cards in SLI, however, it cannot run three Snap shots cards in TriSLI. NVidia can; therefore, NVidia nevertheless receives to hold the enthusiast market under its arms. Any other benefit NVidia nonetheless has is its obvious capacity to overclock better than Intel chipsets. While this advantage may additionally appear to be mysterious due to the fact most Customers do now not recognize why That is so, That is nonetheless an advantage that NVidia will maintain onto. therefore, NVidia will nonetheless be able to preserve maximum of the Consumers who recognise a way to overclock Properly.
Is Nvidia Optimus the Destiny of Gaming Laptops? If you’re no longer into gaming laptops or preserving up with the today’s pocket book laptop generation, Nvidia Optimus might be absolutely overseas to you. So for the cause of this newsletter and your personal sanity, we are able to try to hold this discussion as non-technical as viable.
First, Nvidia Optimus refers to a brand new technology which helps you to seamlessly transfer Snap shots components to your laptop in order in order to save energy. As an example, you may transfer between Incorporated Pictures and Discrete Pictures every time you need them or which one is excellent perfect to deal with the utility or computing chore to hand. Having switchable Pics simply means you can get more advantageous visuals and longer battery lifestyles from your computer.
Now, this is not exactly new, we’ve got had switchable Photos before in laptops but what is innovative approximately Optimus – the entirety is accomplished robotically behind the scenes, without any interruption and the give up-consumer may not even realize a transfer has taken place.
In a few beyond systems, the computer person needed to manually switch modes or Portraits. Optimus modifications that completely, in quite simple layman terms, it’s like going from a fashionable vehicle to an automated one; or rather perhaps a higher evaluation might be to think of hybrid motors, a driving force may not understand whilst the vehicle is going for walks on fuel or the battery because the whole thing happens robotically in the history. All you already know, the hybrid car takes you easily from point A to factor B.
What is also so great about Nvidia’s Optimus is the general application of this era, if a laptop or netbook has a Nvidia GPU and a CPU/chipset with an IGP there is no motive why it can not have Optimus established. The prices are very low and can be without difficulty absorbed into the fee of the GPU so that you can expect Optimus to seem in ION netbooks, mainstream laptops, and specially high-stop gaming rigs. approximately 50 Optimus enabled laptops are coming inside the summer season of 2010.
Lets face it, for excessive-overall performance gaming laptops one of the most important troubles has been low battery lifestyles, if Optimus can increase battery lifestyles, it is going to be a welcomed addition. Nvidia is making a few serious claims with this new era but if only half of of what they may be saying involves fruition, then That is indeed a revolutionary wreck-thru. just the boom in battery lifestyles by myself, could make Optimus a big step forward.
simply how does Optimus work?
possibly, we are able to must get just a little technical. currently, Optimus will understand programs primarily based upon the executable file call but it may go a touch deeper at spotting the application or what’s called for in an effort to get the nice overall performance. As an instance, trendy web surfing usually doesn’t require discrete GPU but If you come across a Flash Video, Optimus will fire up the GPU and direction calls thru the video processing engine. cease the Flash Video and the GPU can energy down again. Likewise, any time you require DirectX (OpenGL), DXVA (DirectX Video Acceleration), or CUDA (Compute Unified Device Structure) capabilities – Optimus will set off the discrete GPU. In case you need a excellent and a completely detailed technical description of Optimus, I would endorse you examine Jarred Walton’s fantastic article here: www.Anandtech.Com/display/2934/2.
But, what you have to don’t forget, Optimus will do all these paintings seamlessly within the historical past and also you shouldn’t even see as plenty as a flicker on your laptop screen. because you are the usage of the proper parts of your PC device to give you the satisfactory overall performance Even as the use of the least quantity of energy, you will store electricity and battery life.
one of the first laptops to use Optimus technology is the ASUS UL50Vf, and it is very suitable that one of the first Optimus laptops is coming from ASUS. Given that Asustek has been lengthy diagnosed as a leader in innovative computer merchandise and PC era. For example, they released the famous netbook class with its first Eee Computer again inside the fall of 2007. Further, we’ve the primary three-D PC also coming from ASUS, that is the Asus G51J 3-D gaming computer which features Nvidia’s three-D vision technology and one of the first 120Hz LED backlit Liquid crystal display shows capable of take care of the dual pix required for 3-d gaming.
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