#we continue to find no sonics but it’s fine. i got like twenty robins a handful of impulse and superboy and a bunch of huntress which is
un-pearable · 2 years
got three hours of sleep so i could wake up at 6 to go dig through comic boxes again. i am my own worst enemy we just broke 600 gamers
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ivedonestranger · 5 years
Chapters: 3/? Fandom: Teen Titans (Animated Series) Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Dick Grayson/Raven Characters: Raven (DCU), Robin (DCU), Victor Stone, Garfield Logan, Koriand'r (DCU) Additional Tags: Action/Adventure, Magic, robrae - Freeform, Angst, Humor Series: Part 2 of Candy Series Summary:
Who would have thought a choice could lead to so much pain?
The sing of the birdarang against metal followed by the explosion was something of a comfort to Robin. For the years he had been fighting in Jump City, his tools and arsenal had become such a staple, he felt naked without them. The billowing smoke from the hole that had cut through the two-story robot was only a dent in what had turned out to be a solid fight.
What was it? Who sent it? Robin had no idea and no interest in finding out at the moment. What was important was the fact it had tramped down main street and put its giant fist through the window of a jewelry store. Jump City Police Department immediately issued a Titan summon while cordoning off the street and clearing civilians.
It had been a good relationship with the police. They handled most crimes and allowed the Titans to patrol but when it came to a meta or something outside of their scope, they called the masked heroes in. The last of the civilians had cleared the street when the robot displayed an impressive missile rack and fired off a few at them. Lucky for Robin, they were unguided and just randomly exploded around him as he dodged out of the way.
"If this is Gizmo, I'm gonna stuff him so far up this robot's ass, he's not gonna get out for a week," Cyborg yelled towards nobody in particular as his sonic cannon rocked against the metallic creature's hide. It stumbled a few steps but continued to stand.
The green star bolts smashed into it as Starfire zipped through, twisted mid-flight and let loose on her powerful eyebeams to the back of the robot's elongated head. It fell forward on to one knee, raised a palm and a brilliant beam of blue energy barely missed his Tamaranian friend.
Robin charged forward, reaching for his belt for the magnetic directional charges while Cyborg covered him. So many years and they did not need to communicate their plan. Funny thing though, this was not the first robot they ever faced. To others, that might seem weird.
The other weird thing was the addition to the team that had become seamless. What she lacked in experience, she had replaced with exuberance. Over to the left supporting Beast Boy was the girl in the frilly pink skirt that came to her knees and the white stockings with bows and the pink mask that covered half her face. She whirled around with a parasol that when opened generated an electrical energy field absorbing damage whilst firing back powerful bolts of lightning.
Pink Phantom had been a loved addition from her girly appearance and the "I'm going to kick your ass with girly clothes" mentality. Robin had a chance to examine Annabeth Connor's gizmos. They were clever electric generators that harnessed her movement to charge themselves and well-balanced battery packs for extra charges. Psycho, as her friends lovingly called her, had sunk a lot of money into playing the hero.
Running between the machine's legs and avoiding its large hand, Robin threw two handfuls of the little bombs towards the joints of the thing. He heard the clink and chirp of it arming followed by the focused blast that cut ribbons through its legs. The robot felt forward and landed on its knees while holding itself up.
The back of it opened up and unleashed a cloud of little bombs that began to explode thick as gnats on spoiled fruit. Robin's mind quickly ran through scenarios and could only hope he could move to one of the severed legs for cover before they got to him. A black energy field surrounded him as Raven landed beside him and the explosions went off harmless around her magic shield.
"Azerath Metrion ZINTHOS!"
The focused power caused the hair on his arms to stand on end as the energy field surrounded three cars and landed squarely on the robot's back. It's head fell forward exposing its neck which Starfire did not hesitate but blast through while Beast Boy in bison form rammed it, causing the headed to bounce away.
The metal hulk laid there quiet and unmoving.
"Booyah!" Cyborg cheered as Beast Boy returned to his usual form and stood beside him. "I think that makes twenty-three robots in my career."
Robin turned to Raven with a grin and he saw her eyes smiling back at him.
"Could you move the wreckage out of the way, sweetheart, so the police can get the cleaning crews in here?" he asked running his hand along her arm.
She raised her hand and the black energy surrounded the form but to his surprise, a pink energy bolt shot around the black sphere with a snap and hiss. Raven cried out falling back as the spark exploded in a shower of rose-colored sparks. As Raven fell backward, Robin caught her and saw her eyes. If he didn't know it was Raven he would have been shocked at the pink cat-like slits looking back. They quickly faded to her lovely amethyst ones.
"Raven, what's going on?" Robin asked trying to help her up. She pushed him away.
"Nothing. I'm just recovering," she said.
"Rachel, your eyes changed. They were...they were Jinx's."
"I know."
She wouldn't turn towards him and her hood had been pulled tighter over her head.
"I'm fine, Richard. I'm just healing. There are going to be some problems."
Pink Phantom alighted by her drifting down from her perch by parasol before folding it up and putting it over her shoulder.
"Yay! My first robot!" she squealed.
"Don't get cocky," Cyborg chided with fatherly advice. "This was one of the easier ones."
Cyborg had taken the girl under his wing, having upgraded a lot of her systems. The little blouse and skirt now had nanotechnology and its own operating system that allowed her to monitor the status not to mention pleating the skirt with ablative armor thread.
"We need to get this clear so the police can reopen the street. We need samples too so we can find out where this bot came from," Robin said. He turned to look for Raven but she had disappeared.
Instinctively he wanted to go look for her but held himself back. She was a grown woman and he was only her boyfriend. He wanted to protect her, to drag her to the softness of their bed's comforters but Raven was not the type to be coddled. She loved the snuggle but the girl had fought for a place on her own and would not give it up.
Instead, he turned himself back to the problem at hand. The giant pile of robot guts that now seemed to be leaking hydraulic fluid.
'God, it's going to get all in my uniform.'
Raven had opened a portal to nowhere in particular and found herself upon the top of a building. A quick look around showed her that she had actually teleported herself back to the first building that she got a glimpse of Jinx only two weeks before. She had staked out the place for a few nights but never saw her again and this man she was talking to had no criminal record and actually ran a bookshop downtown.
Robin made it clear that there was no evidence to proceed in an investigation and it was dropped. A stray thought had brought her here. It was quiet and so she sat down.
Raven had told Robin she was fine and that she needed to heal. She desperately wanted to believe it but something inside her felt wrong. Like an itch or something in her body that was not quite synced up. It was an ache in the back of the mind that would not go away. What was happening to her?
Richard wanted to go to the Justice League and speak with Zatanna or Constantine, ostensibly because of their experience with demons and other extra-dimensional creatures, but she had made that a firm no. The Justice League did not come to rescue her when her father wanted to destroy the universe, she wasn't going to them for help.
"Penny for your thoughts...or a dollar for your panties."
The voice felt like silk against her ears and a low flush touched her gray cheeks. The voice was behind her but Raven knew who it was.
"It's hard to get panties off in this leotard, Jinx," Raven scoffed in irritation.
"I can help if ya want,"
Raven turned to fully face the woman of her dreams and nightmares. Jinx looked and dressed the same as she always did, the dark dress with little cape, the black choker, purple striped leggings and thick-soled shoes for fighting. The clothing hugged her svelte figure perfectly while her hair sloped upwards in their trademark horseshoe homage.
"You're back in town I see," Raven said cooly watching her. Jinx had made no move from the corner of the building near the hatch to the top. She seemed at ease and not ready to fight.
"You know, stuff."
"Planning some criminal activity with that, el-sahid guy?" Raven asked keeping her voice hard. Jinx might have been on their side at one point but she was not going to assume the teams had not changed again.
"Ibraham?" Jinx asked with a surprised expression then broke into a grin. "Oh, no. No plans with that guy."
Raven was about to open her mouth to accuse her of lying when she felt the pressure start in the small of her back and cause her to arch and fall forward. There was a crackle as the pink energy found its way out and danced across her cloak. Raven began falling forward but was immediately engulfed in the blueberry scented arms of the other woman.
"Oh, no! I should have realized," Jinx said cooing as she gently settled on the ground holding Raven. Raven wanted to kick away but the spiking in her back and legs had not stopped, the electrical currents dancing underneath her skin.
"What...what did you do to me?"
"It's a side effect, sweetie. You didn't show signs of it while we were in Gotham so I didn't think it had happened."
"What...happened!" Raven growled trying to control the twitching of her lower body.
"When I brought you back to life. I used my own soul to charge the remains of yours and then used Psycho's energy to strain it. The straining wasn't pure."
"Some of my energy and merged with yours, sweetie. There is chaos in you now."
That made sense. Raven had read treatises on energy swapping of souls but most of it had been in necromancer books and things she would not have done.
"Get it out of me."
"I can't. It's part of your soul now, Raven." Jinx said running her hand softly through the girl's hair. Raven could hear the honest and caring tone in her voice.
"What?" Raven asked the shock showing on her face.
"It's part of you. It's not going away."
Raven stared at her in stunned silence.
"It's….it's interfering with my work, Jinx."
"Sorry, girl. It wasn't like I could advise you of the risks. You were dead."
Raven understood that but she was not letting the pinkette off the hook.
"You need to fix this. You screwed me up, you need to put me back together, like the way I was. When I was useful."
Jinx's eyes were soft and gentle as she helped Raven stand back up, the spiking having faded.
"I think you should speak with Ibraham, Raven."
"Why should I speak to your criminal friend, Jinx?" Raven spat brushing herself off and letting the anger fester under her emotions.
"He's my counselor."
"He's kind of a special counselor for unique and gifted people. The HIVE uses him for traumatic stress or trying to find a way to adjust a student to the life." Jinx said sitting down on the ground and patting the dirt beside her. Raven slowly came over but sat down in front of her and out of arm's reach.
"So, a bad guy?"
"A neutral. He's more interested in making us into better versions of ourselves or just coping with what we are. He likes helping kids who learn of their powers and helping them find a way. That's either towards the Justice League and hero work or towards the HIVE for money and fun."
"And you're seeing him because…."
Jinx reached into her pocket and Raven tensed for the fight. Instead, the pinkette pulled out a white card with silver numbers on it and handed to her.
"You should talk to him. Tell him I sent you and tell him your suffering from soul dysplasia."
"He can fix me?"
"No, sweetie but he can help you cope with your new situation," Jinx said gently. She reached and touched Raven on the cheek but the sorceress pulled away hurling the card away from her.
"Go away, Jinx."
The woman did not argue. She gave one small smile and quickly left the way she came. Raven glared at the card laying on the ground trying to understand what she was told. Jinx said she was broken and useless, her powers to be forever interfered with by the bits of chaos floating inside. Raven was now a liability and a hazard to the team. How was Robin going to take all this?
Raven turned and marched away to fly back to the tower but stopped. Quickly scooping up the card with a shadow tendril, she glided away to the gleaming T in the distance.
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FF.net: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13299019/3/Raven-s-Wish AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/19022185/chapters/48063886
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