#we deserve more older characters with receding hairlines
xxhatchetxx · 1 year
I am so close to absolutely snatching SH!Dib's hairline even more. Bros gunna end up bald sooner or later
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blackmissfrizzle · 4 years
Meet The Furys
Characters: Erik Stevens x black!reader, Nicky Fury x daughter!reader
Summary: Its time for your dad to meet your boyfriend.
Warnings: None
A/N: Based off this imagine. After almost a year its finally here! I hope you all enjoy it.
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“Okay, remember to play nice. My dad can be intense.” You warned Erik before ringing the doorbell.
“As long as he ain’t on some fuck shit.” Erik was already not too fond of the work your father did.
“Aight, I’ll be nice.” He changed the tune of his story when he saw the crazy look in your eyes.
The front door opened and revealed Tony Stark. “What are you doing here?” You asked shoving the cake in his hands.
“Nice to see you too, kid.” He kissed the top of your head. Despite your love-hate relationship, Tony was like a big brother to you. Actually, all the avengers were like older siblings to you.
Erik and Tony greeted each other. Neither one liked the other. You believed it was because there was no room big enough to hold both of their egos.
“Please you two, no arguing today. I got enough to worry about.” You continued to venture into the house.
“Erik, my man!” Sam came up and clapped Erik’s hand and gave him a one arm hug. “What you been up to?”
Tony leaned into you and asked, “Why doesn’t he greet me like that?”
You rolled your eyes and turned over your hand. “You know why.”
“Shit, nothing. I’m just out here trying to survive.” Erik ended the clap with a snap. He hit Sam in the middle in the chest. “I see you hitting them weights. You out here trying to get swole?”
“Nah, man I’m trying to get like you.”
“Trust me you don’t wanna be like him.” You interrupted the nigga-fest before it went too far.
“She’s always hating.” Erik whispered to Sam. “I’ll get at you later.”
Erik followed you throughout the house. The two of you constantly stopping to greet everyone. Eventually, you made it outside to see your dad at the pit.
“Hey Daddy!” As you reached up to kiss his cheek, you had to restrain yourself from hitting Erik when you heard him mumble, “I’m the only one she calls daddy.”
Nick put the spatula down and hugged his baby girl. “How is it possible you get more beautiful every time I see you?”
“I get it from my daddy.” You boosted his ego. “Anyway, there’s someone I want you to meet.” You tugged on Erik’s hand to bring him next to you. “Daddy this is Erik, Erik this is Nick Fury.”
Erik stuck out his hand to shake your dad’s. “Nice to meet you, sir.”
Nick looked at the young man’s hand for some time. Before everything went down in Wakanda, Nick heard of Erik or better yet Killmonger. He wanted to bring him into SHIELD, but decided he was too volatile and stubborn for the organization. Now that same man is dating his baby girl. Fate had a cruel sense of humor.
“Hmmph.” Nick looked Erik up and down before shaking his hand. “You treating my daughter right?”
“Yes, sir. I’m the one you should be checking on.”  Erik rubbed up and down on the bicep you hit him on earlier. “She’s always hitting me.”
“Don’t act like you don’t deserve it. You always testing me.” You bucked at him.
Erik was about to mush your head, but he remembered his surroundings and that he was supposed to be making a good impression. “See, you got a little thug over there.”
“She ain’t the thug I see.” You knew your dad would be snarky when he met Erik, but you didn’t think he would be going this hard this early.
You saw Sam behind Erik, cracking some joke with Bucky. Quickly, you motioned for him to come get Erik. “E, you wanna go grab a drink and dig into that cake before anyone else can?”
Erik looked to you if it was okay for him to leave. Even though he was already itching to leave he didn’t want to piss you off.
“Yeah, go.” You waved him off. “Me and Daddy need to have a talk.”
With your go ahead, Erik took off. He didn’t know how much longer he could hold his tongue.
Once Erik was out of earshot, you poked your dad in the shoulder and got on his ass. “What was that?”
“What was what?” Nick played dumb as he flipped the burgers.
You flicked your dad’s ear and quickly got out of arm’s reach. “That elitist nigga bullshit you just pulled by calling Erik a thug.”
Nick gave you the full Fury glare that was usually reserved for Tony. He pointed the spatula at you. “You got that one free lick. You don’t get anymore.” Closing the pit, your dad came next to you. “And the last thing I wanna be is one of those siddity niggas. I just…I just expected you with someone different that’s all.
“Elitist bullshit.” You mocked him by singing.
He held his hands up in surrender. “Okay, I was a little elitist. I’ll be better, I promise.”
If you consider better as not talking to one another then better happened. The barbecue was tense due to the obvious animosity between your dad and boyfriend. No matter how hard you, Sam, Bruce, and Steve tried to ease the tension, somehow your dad and Erik found a way to throw off-hand comments. And Tony was no help because he liked to add fuel to the fire.
The straw that broke the camel’s back was when Sam complimented Erik’s hair and your dad mumbled, “I don’t know why you young niggas think that’s a good look.”
Erik’s smile before he said anything told you everything you needed to know, and you knew there was no way to stop it. “I’m sorry that your receding hairline made you cut your hair. But hey, you rock that Samuel L. Jackson look.”
“What’s wrong with Sam L? That man got style.” Nick looked at Erik incredulously. He choose the wrong one today. “And while we on the subject of hair. Son, if you can’t grow a full beard then at least have the sense to cut that shit off.”
You almost spat your drink out. Erik’s been using some oils to grow his beard completely and it was working so well, you thought it was full. Leave it to your dad to find the last patch.
“At least I’m not dressed like Shaft. Nigga it’s 85 degrees right now, why you got on that hot ass leather duster for? Ole Little Bill lookin ass with an eyepatch.” Erik refused to be outdone by this old head.
They continued to trade jabs. It was like watching a tennis match when neither player could score. Each jab was hitting its mark. If this wasn’t your dad and Erik, then you would be cracking up like everyone else.
You needed to stop their bickering before it got too far. Out of the two, your dad would be the easiest to stop. “Daddy!” You called out to him, trying to redirect his attention.
“What?!” Both Erik and your dad turned to you. When you saw your dad’s face processing that Erik answered as well, you knew right then and there you would have to kill Erik. You’ll just tell T’Challa and Shuri that he died in a horrible car crash. It would be believable, because that nigga doesn’t know what a speed limit is.
Sam slid out of his chair in silent laughter, Tony spat out his drink and was howling in laughter, Steve’s face flushed red in embarrassment for you, Bucky looked like he wanted to congratulate Erik, Wanda and Nat offered you sympathetic smiles, and Peter was confused to why everyone was in a state of shock.
That shit-eating grin was wiped off Erik’s face when he looked at you. Was it possible to plan your own funeral, he thought.
“Y/N, why did he answer you?” Nick asked his lovely daughter. He knew his daughter was grown and she was most likely doing grown people activities, but that didn’t mean he needed to be blatantly reminded of it.
“Cause I’m her daddy, nigga!” Erik was done playing nice. Nick Fury needed to know he was serious about you and he wasn’t going anywhere.
Tony wiped tears from his eyes. “This keeps getting better and better.” Nat kicked the leg from under his chair causing him to fall.
‘Thank you’ you mouthed to her. Tony obnoxious ass was next on your hit list after Erik.
Standing up, Nick pointed between him and Erik. “Me and you about to have a little talk.”
You tried to follow them inside the house, but your dad stopped you. He said they needed to have a talk man to man.
The longer they were away, the more you worried. For sure, you thought you would hear yelling. Neither one of them were afraid to get loud. Maybe one of em killed the other, you thought. Nah couldn’t be, neither one would go quietly.
Suddenly, your dad’s laughter was wafting through the air and that didn’t happen too often. Rounding the corner was a happy Erik and your dad, laughing with each other like they just weren’t at each other’s necks.
“What is this?” You asked surprised that they weren’t arguing.
Erik came to your side and kissed your temple. “Me and your pops came to an understanding.”
“And that is?”
“None of your business.” Your dad told you, leaving you speechless. Wow, did your dad and Erik have secrets now?
You asked Erik the same question and got the same answer. Erik was your best bet to tell you their secret, so you pinched him to get him to spill the beans.
In less than five seconds you felt a flick to your ear. “Keep your hands off that boy. I forgot how mean your little ass can be.”
You grabbed your ear and looked at your dad in awe. “What the hell is this?! Y’all friends all of a sudden?” You had to be in the twilight zone, because now your dad was defending Erik.
Both men turned to you and simultaneously repeated, “None of your business.” You decided to give up for the moment. You would have to divide and conquer to get any info.
The rest of dinner went really well considering where it started. Instead of roasting each other, Erik and your dad ganged up on Tony and it was your turn to laugh at his pain and suffering.
At the end of the night, it was only you, your dad, and Erik left. On your way out, Erik promised your dad he would come to his poker night and that they could hustle Tony out of some money. These niggas were really best friends now.
Finally, in the car you could try to pry some information out of Erik. Your dad would never tell you what they talked about. He was the king of secrets.
“What?” Erik’s lip slightly curled up when he felt you staring at him.
“What did you and my dad talk about earlier?” You pinched his arm. “And don’t tell me it’s none of my business.”
Erik slid his eyes at you when he came to the stop sign. “Imma handle that ass when we get home.”
“Promises, promises.”
Erik shook his head at you. He contemplated telling you the truth and decided to give you an abridged version, because he knew your ass wouldn’t stop bugging him until you got something. “All you need to know is that we both have your best interest and love you. Anything else you wanna know, you gotta ask your pops.” Taking the hand that was intertwined with his, Erik kissed the back of your wrist.
That answer would have to do for now. Just like Erik said you could get the rest from your dad with a lot of  begging and honestly, Erik might tell you more, because either way you looked at it you were daddy’s little girl and neither one of them would want to disappoint you.
Tagging:@lostennyc @chaneajoyyy​ @vikkidc​ @ginghampearlsnsweettea @honeyflii​ @youwishiwasyobabymama​ @just-juicee​ @quietpoeticheart​ @soufcakmistress​ @twistedcharismaaa​ @marvelmaree​ @thickemadame​ @titty-teetee​
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salmankhanholics · 5 years
★ Salman Khan claims he's confident about Bharat: My stardom will fade away but that hasn't started yet!
Jun 04, 2019  It has been 31 years and counting. Salman Khan remains on top of the Bollywood game and at the peak of his stardom. As the critics and opinion makers try to unravel the mystery of his ever increasing popularity, the actor wears it light and appears baffled himself. Excerpts from his interview:
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How difficult it is for a superstar like you to maintain his stardom?
It will fade away. It's a huge task to keep it going for such a long time. After a point, every superstar’s film does not perform as well and their collection comes down to 8-10 per cent. That will toh happen with me as well but I don’t think it has started yet (smiles).
But you still give the younger brigade of actors a run for their money whenever you appear on the silver screen.
I still don’t know what fans see in me. The kind of films I do are like those I have grown up watching. I used to react to those films the same way my fans react to my films. When my film plays on screens and fans enjoy, I feel I am watching with them and that I am watching what I would want to see myself.
Recently, Akshay Kumar said that he will be able to do action films maybe till he is 56-57 years of age. What about you?
Not too long I guess, another 30-35 years max (Grins).
Bharat will hit the screens in a few days. What is your feeling about the film?
The trailer and songs are good. It has a huge canvas. It’s been shot really well. Action, thrill, comedy, romance and all that stuff is there. But the main reason why this film was done is its plot. Here, a nine-year-old boy has been given the responsibility to take care of his mother and three siblings. There is a father, who promises to return. From the age of nine till 72, he has done everything to see that everyone stays together and his siblings get married and settle down. His journey shows it all.
It is being said that the character reflects your personality. You too have always supported your family and friends.
(Smiles) Actually, it is just the opposite. They always support me. I need the support.
Is Bharat your best film ever?
Every film is my best film.
Are you nervous?
If two-three films don’t do well, I may get nervous. So far, it’s been good. It was said that Race 3 did not do well, but it did Rs 170+ crores.
Heard that you narrated the story of Bharat to Sooraj Barjatya first?
Yes, I had narrated this subject to Sooraj Barjatya, and he made an amazing suggestion for the love story. I told Ali (Abbas Zafar, director) that he (Bharat) should not get married to her (Katrina Kaif’s Kumud). It just deviates everything. If he has his own family then what about his mother and siblings? Also, what about his focus on his father?
Which is your favourite Bharat look?
The character of the older one is awesome. He has humour, anger and swag.
Do you think your fans will accept it?
I have always been told that a hero has to have long hair. Whenever an actor’s hairline recedes, his career takes a backseat. In Tere Naam, I took my hair off and that look was accepted.
Ali says that you are a versatile and phenomenal actor but people do not look at you that way because you do not talk seriously or intellectualise your acting skills like others, who say, "I isolated myself.." or "I didn’t sleep for two days to prep for the role"
(Cuts in) But as it is I don’t sleep much, I sleep for just two to three hours and it is not because I work hard on my characters in the night. I paint, I write and I watch TV. I have this habit when I watch TV — if something is already going on it, I don’t change the channel. I get upset when somebody comes and changes the channel. Even if it is the Tata Sky homepage, I keep watching it. Then somebody comes and changes it. If cricket is going on, I watch it though I don’t understand much. If some South channel is on, like Raj TV, I watch it. The most dangerous thing nowadays is web shows. I finish four-four seasons in one go.
Which one are you watching these days?
I was watching Game Of Thrones but I stopped. I watched till the fourth season. Then there was a break, so I couldn’t see the whole thing. Then I watched Vikings. It’s outstanding. I finished Taboo. Then there was a show called Arrow. I like watching period stuff. I watched Peaky Blinders. Now I want to watch Money Heist. There are three-four more web shows that I would like to watch.
Do you take suggestions from your family?
Yeah, from my sisters! The day before yesterday, I heard the climax of Game Of Thrones from my sisters. They told me who killed whom and all of that.
You are producing something for the web space, right?
Yes, there is something in the pipeline. We are also producing a lot of content for television like The Kapil Sharma Show and Nach Baliye (Season 9).
Will you feature in any of the web shows you are producing?
No. But our Indian sensibilities are different, so we need to make web content keeping that in mind. I started TV because a lot of friends — with whom we cannot work in films — are big names on television. I started TV because of that, not to make money. We started to give more and more employment to directors, producers and actors.
Have you watched the Baahubali movies?
I watched Baahubali: The Beginning but could not watch Baahubali 2: The Conclusion. So I don’t know who killed Katappa (laughs). By the way, I won’t mind if you give me spoilers. Even if you tell me the whole story, I will still watch it.
How did Katrina take your comment about her winning the National Award for her performance in Bharat?
She thinks I am joking about it. She told me, "You have been saying National Award and everybody thinks it is a joke, and that I may not get it." I told her I was serious about it. But she says the way I have been saying it, people might think I am joking. I really think she truly deserves the National Award for Bharat.
Do you think Katrina was the right choice for Bharat, and not Priyanka Chopra?
Priyanka was very keen to do this film. Initially, Ali and we thought that it was Katrina Kaif's film. But she had just done Tiger Zinda Hai with me. Straight after Tiger Zinda Hai, doing another film with me did not make sense. Moreover, Ali said it was the role of a Hindustani girl. I said, ‘It’s strange. Katrina is your friend. You have worked with her on multiple projects.' I asked him if Katrina herself did not have the confidence to pull off a Hindustani role. I mean, she has been living in India for the last 20 years. I told him, ‘Don’t be ridiculous. She has done so many films like Raajneeti, Ajab Prem Ki Ghazab Kahani. Just because she has recently done films like Bang Bang, she won’t be able to play an Indian?’ It was ridiculous!
But then Ali said Priyanka had called him up and wanted to do this role. Priyanka and my sister, Arpita, are good friends. After that, the 'Nick story’ happened. She chose to get married, which is a very bold, brave and amazing step to take. She did what she wanted and Katrina got what she deserved.
Your films are panned by critics but loved by audiences. What do you have to say about critics and movie reviews?
These are the negative people. What to expect from them? It does not matter to me what they will say about me and my film. At times, they will give my film five stars, the other time minus five. They don’t understand anything. Even if their reviews affect 10-15 percent of the audience and people don’t go to watch it, that 10-15 percent less income makes a lot of difference to the poor producer. Films are not cheap to make. Films are not made in Rs 1 crore today. My film, Maine Pyar Kiya, was made with the budget of Rs 1.11 and it was the highest budgeted film at that point of time. The scenario is not the same anymore. Today, even the smallest film is made with Rs 25-30 crores. So you need to recover that money. Write reviews, but don’t be irresponsible. Don’t make fun of somebody’s work. Let the audience go and watch it. It may not make any difference in my life, but there are people who get affected by it.
When are you starting Inshallah?
Inshallah, Inshallah will start soon.
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AU: Two Wild Halves
I fleshed out some of my visions for the political climate of Krownest through the delightful perspective of Ursa Wren. This is also a solid attempt to show Solus arriving back into Mandalore and her reasoning for joining Death Watch. Ursa doesn’t deserve to deal with the people she deals with.
Title: Sly Pride
Rating: T
Warnings: Teen Pregnancy, Emotional Turmoil
Characters: Solus Vetra, Ursa Wren, mentions of Jai Vetra
Summary: Ursa takes POV while leading Solus forward with tough love. It has been years since she last saw the little Force maverick of Vetra and deep down does wish they could have reunited under better circumstances.
“You know the order could come down for you to be executed,” Ursa stated from behind her desk in her study. Tone matter of fact in spite of knowing the young woman seated before her. Thirty-six hours ago she had been little more than phantom lost to the Galaxy. “Yet, you still came here.”
“I weighed my limited options,” Solus admitted, face flushing her unique lavender color. Something in her deflated as she sank further into her seat. “I figured, if I died it might as well be on Krownest at the hands of people I know.”
The Countess leveled her stern gaze on Jai Vetra’s prized granddaughter. It had been over a decade since they had previously had any contact with one another. Ursa had been fourteen at the time and still learning leadership and war at her father’s side. Solus had been four, small for her age but quick in mind and carrying an untamed power. One she had witnessed use of first hand during raid on Krownest leadership during the War. Not long after that, in what was termed a fit of madness, Jai had swept into the Vetra Stronghold with a Kel Dorian Jedi Master in tow. Mid-lesson he took the child from Ursa’s supervision, dismissed her from the room, then surrendered Solus to the Jedi Order. It cracked the already fragile faith of those around him.
“Are you trying to be noble,” the older woman demanded, “or, suicidally stupid at the expense of those around you?” Ursa was loyal to her Manda’lor but most loyal to her clan above all. She would not let anyone’s foolhardy decision put them at risk. No matter their shared history.
The blush crept up long ears that drooped at being scolded. “I’m making the best calls with the limited information I have.” At four, Solus would have never slunk away like a kicked tooka. To do so as an adult proved she had became a true stranger. “Death Watch is the best answer.”
“What did you get yourself into that could come down on me?” Leaning forward, she used her height to stare down at the all but squirming young woman. Such an open display of weakness sickened her. “Because I will not hesitate.”
“I got involved with some of the Manda’lor’s business and it has lasting consequences.” The answer was vague, skirting the edge of something more important. But, she had sat back up and squared her shoulders with some fight. “I’m here to formally join Death Watch of my own free will. I left the Jedi Order and everything the Core could offer me for this. I turned down an unspoken offer to join the New Mandalorians.” The words dripped with an unexpected, but not unwelcomed, venom.
Ursa exhaled in a controlled manner before pinching the bridge of her nose to stave off a headache. For such a small clan, Vetra had never stopped finding trouble. At best guess, all of seven members remained including the now former Jedi. The rest had been lost to a plethora of causes from the destruction of the True Mandalorians and the Great Clan Wars to old age. Among the living four had bowed to the Duchess and the other two remained as caretakers of the Vetra Stronghold. Yet, the recognized heir showed up to offer Pre Vizsla everything with undisclosed reasoning.  
Steepling her fingers Ursa asked, “What makes you think we want you, especially after Concordia?” While not present for the actual fighting she heard several accounts of the mess of the evacuation. From the interference of the Master Jedi and the Duchess to the ugly fight between Vizsla and Solus. Both had limped away with assistance while in poor condition.
“I thought my display on Concordia would be proof enough of my skill?” Solus offered with a smirk while leaning back in her chair with one arm crossed casually over her stomach. Something was stoking the fires within her.
“That doesn’t answer my question.”
“Propaganda.” The simple answer was followed by a wince as she resettled herself in the seat. “Two separate sources acknowledged me as the Countess of Clan Vetra. Ba’buir served valiantly beside Jaster Mereel then Jango Fett. He survived Galidraan then fought in the War. Everything about him, and Clan Vetra really, has been a symbol of hope to those looking for a third option. When I pledge my allegiance, along with Clan Vetra’s, to Death Watch it will send a message.” Her smile came across as brittle while she winced again. Something was off. “Even my clan can see reason.”
Solus had a point Ursa had to concede to. For centuries their clans had coexisted on Krownest in a beneficial alliance of sorts. Clan Wren was granted the majority of the lands to rule but Vetra still held onto theirs. Death Watch had the de facto claim to the planet because of Ursa’s choice to join. The younger countess had the chance to peacefully transition complete control. It would send a message that would get results.
“Battle prowess and propaganda may not be enough.” In private, Ursa would back bring Vetra into their ranks. She was another quick mind well versed in combat to fill out their lacking numbers. Sure, she would need to relearn what it meant to be Mandalorian but she still had some of the fires in her soul. “What else do you have to offer?”
“I’m well versed in Jedi covert operations meaning I’ve done some of the same things for the Republic,” she started out. The blush was quickly receding in favor a green twinged color on pale skin. “I have my own network of non-Republic loyal contacts scattered throughout various places along with Grand Army knowledge.” For moment her eyes closed as she fought something back before the reopened shining with resolution. “If the Manda’lor wishes to pick a fight with them I have the knowledge to help win it.”
Ursa sighed while leaning back in the usually comfortable chair. Her lower back was beginning to ache again. “Your case is strong but I’m not the person who have to convince.”
Everything took a sharp turn when the green color fully took over Solus’ face. White brows rushed toward her hairline while dark gray eyes grew wide and watered. “Fresher?” she weakly gasped out before covering her mouth with her hand. Her thin shoulders were trembling in a fight she was losing.
Ursa had intimate knowledge of what that look meant. “Directly across the hall.” Solus bolted from the room.
Fifteen agonizing minutes ticked by while the older woman waited for her acquaintance to reappear. The larger picture gained more details in her mind. Pregnancy was Solus’ motive for leaving the Order and making a sudden appearance in her home sector. It explained the quick turn around from her passionate declarations on Concordia to her pro-Death Watch stance. Ursa as a point contact would have made the most sense in close to any scenario. But, more than she was scared as well as young, pregnant, and very much alone. She just wanted to come home no matter the cost.
“Sorry for the sudden break,” she apologized while reentering the room a truly pale color even for her. “That happens sometimes as I’m sure you understand.” Bleary eyed she focused on Ursa’s questioning face, “No one told me anything. I figured yours out through the Force.”
Several questions flitted through Ursa’s mind of what to ask next before she settled on a direct one. “What are you planning to do?”
“Truthfully?” the snow haired woman asked while mopping at her forehead with her sleeve. “I planned on not bringing this up until I had to. I’m not earning my way in on pity or expectations of special treatment because I’m pregnant. This is something I am doing with my own merit; living or dying. It encouraged me to leave the Order but that’s been a long time coming.”
“Death is still on the table,” Ursa reminded her, voice a hair softer than before. So many things had changed again in a short time. “Why risk death?”
“Ursa,” she started strong but shook. Sitting up was taking a lot but she was resolute in her decision. “I would rather my child die here than ever step foot in that Order.” Swallowing thickly she added, “As far as I’m concerned, the Jedi will never touch another Mandalorian as long as I’m breathing. We are not their pawns for war.”
Silence settled over them for several moments as the weight of her proclamation settled in. The only interruption came from Ursa’s comm. A guard informed her the Manda’lor would be arriving soon.
“Get cleaned up,” Ursa urged her while standing up from her desk. “Then make your way to the throne room. Let’s see that quick mind at work.” Her smile was small and hidden from the other woman as she moved toward the door. But, she was proud of Solus and who she could become.
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