#we don't even know if flayn is a hybrid nabatean or not
randomnameless · 2 years
Uh, weird math time -
We don’t know when Sothis went to sleep after the Nuke Wars, but we know she never met Flayn, in Nopes, she says Flayn isn’t the “Benevolent One” she remembers, and even is awed by her existence!
(is it because Flayn was born after her “sleep” meaning Nabateans could, uh, create other Nabateans without her help, or is because Flayn is an hybrid which would be something impossible during the war (between humans and Nabateans) so by existing she sorts of shows that at least for shagging Humans and Nabateans could work together?)
But we know Flayn is no older than 1400, since Enbarr was built 1400 years ago.
I heavily suspect Nemesis didn’t do his thing back then - otherwise I don’t see Cichol meeting a human, fucking and then going to Rhodos to live a domestic life after the Red Canyon.
The War of Heroes roughly ended in 100 - Flayn thus feel in her coma - meaning, assuming Flayn was born the day Enbarr was built, Flayn was around 300-ish when she “died”.
So the timeline would go like this :
Sothis lands and shares tech
Some nabateans are born
Rhea is the last born
Nuke Wars
Sothis goes to sleep
-220 Rome Enbarr is built
Seteth meets his wife in a church,
Flayn is born
They move to Rhodos’s coast
Nemesis’s party
-41 Seiros the Warrior appears near Enbarr
That’s 1400 years or lore done with, only 8600 years to go!
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randomnameless · 9 months
Wait a second. Now that you mention it how come Sitri and Byleth have problem emoting because they have a crest stone as a heart whereas people who have a crest stone as a heart like Rhea, Flayn, Seteth, Macuil and Indech and even Sothis have no problem emoting ??? Did I missed something or ?
I'd say the difference lays in their creation.
Sothis created Nabateans - who in turn, could have kids (Flayn).
Rhea created Sitri, but Rhea's powers are nowhere near Sothis so I wouldn't be surprised if Rhea's homonculi, Sitri couldn't express emotions like a Nabatean could ; like Rhea tried to play God, but her powers are nowhere close as God's, so her creations aren't as "perfect/complete" as Sothis' creations.
Billy is a special case, because they're born from Rhea's homonculi - so can we infer the "not being able to express emotions" Sitri had was passed on to Billy ? Or is it a common effect of trying to animate a corpse with a crest stone (Billy's heart never worked to begin with, and Sitri was a body without a soul)?
The explanation is vague and maybe in the 10k years of lore so we can only theorise - canon wise Rhea mentions many times how her powers are peanuts compared to Sothis', so in a way, it wouldn't surprise me that Rhea's "creations" aren't as "able/viable/complete" as Sothis'.
Granted we later learn Sitri expressed emotions with Jerry, so maybe it was only something the "homonculi and their descendants" have when they are kids or aren't exposed to a social environment like Garreg Mach where they can interact with people and develop like "regular humans"?
IDK, bit given how both Billy (and from what we know, partly) Sitri managed to, later in their life, express emotions, that plot point always baffled me as weird.
Was it a nod thrown to make us doubt Billy was "human" and actually something else? Just like their mom?
The lack of heart beating was another nod that Billy wasn't "human" either? But then, the game doesn't bother telling us a thing about the "non-humans", so we don't even know if Billy's heart not beating is tied to, you know, their heart being a rock, or if it beats even if it's a rock in Nabateans, so Billy's not "totally" a Nabatean?
(damn, now i'm thinking about hybrid nabateans, like, do Linhardt's hybrid children with Flayn have a beating heart, or do they have a beating rock, or a rock that doesn't beat? FE16 never gives us answers...)
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randomnameless · 1 year
Don't mind me. I am just glad that my favorite loli granny is finally getting good content. snif *tears of joy*
You know what,
This video nearly - I say nearly - made me reconsider my initial assumptions about Sothis being a shit parent!
It's still from a random video in her non original games - because in the Fodlan games she's a gremlin (even if her Nopes battle lines are interesting! Voice Line Anon translated some of them, and the og are available on pegasus knight, but Sothis seems to encourage her kids when she fights with them, and calls Flayn a "wonder" in JP!) and nothing BaD happened to those damn lizards or if it did no one should react to it, else KT won't sell those teabags.
But it could still make for an interesting AU -
Sothis being pissed at her kids being slaughtered and instead of having Billy be a souljar, Billy - Nopes' Billy - wonders if Jerry would ever be as angry as Sothis is if something happened to them, and wants to help her avenge her family (is it something "normal" people do? They aren't "normal" themselves, but wish they were so they would stop being called by a nickname they don't like).
They hear about the Church of Seiros, Sothis goes "hey that's my 52nd name! Who dared call themselves "Seiros"??", and she reunites with her living family.
Now it would be funny if Rhea, who thought Sothis would accept to guide the world, will have to be the one to tell her that "well yes, after the Agarthans are dead, what should we do?" and remind her mom of her old dreams about everyone living together - or maybe Rhea, who isn't convinced herself due to the story events (she helped Supreme Leader who started a war against her as a thank you gesture) but the ones who will make Sothis reconsider will be Flayn - here in this AU, a hybrid Nabatean and a "wonder", a being Sothis never imagined could have existed after the first Agarthan War because Humans refused to live with Nabateans - and Billy, born from a pseudo-nabatean and a human, also a part of her family who learnt, after interacting with their lizard fam, that they are "normal" just as they are, and wishes to continue on living in Fodlan regardless of what kind of being they are.
Agarthans are dealt with, Sothis finally trusts humans anew and leaves on a higher plane (like Naga in FE13?) after saying goodbye to her children and telling them they have to continue living on, this is the final lesson she wanted to teach them - and she learnt this lesson by living those last few months (the game's length) - the Relics are laid to rest, Clout is yeeted away from the game (Claude returns) and the game ends with the three leaders signing a peace treaty in GM (because it's still a Fodlan game and we can't remove too much Tea), with Billy preparing for their first day as a teacher, with student!Barney.
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randomnameless · 2 years
Rhea doesn't trust VW Claude tho and she tells him the truth because he kinda demands it from her. If you had to pick, I think she'd easily trust AM and AG Dimitri, albeit maybe over time. Dimitri has never done anything to hurt or betray her family. AM Dimitri, Felix, Dedue can even marry Flayn (Ashe fishes with Flayn in AG). Ingrid can marry Seteth in AM. Felix has a conversation with Seteth in AM. The Blue Lions and Faerghus are always closer to the church than any other nation overall.
Context is important -
In VW Rhea's first infodump (the one where she still ommits several things) is given because Seteth pleads her to do so, because Billy is here supporting Claude's ask.
And yet, she doesn't reveal a lot about Nabateans, how relics were made and who was Nemesis (she has the famous "idk how nemesis got his sword" when she perfectly knows at least from what "materials" it was made).
She only does that when she's going to die, after Shambala, to settle things with Billy, when Nemesis is knocking at their door.
I'd love that too, in AM and AG - but the game sucks and no one ever reacts to the fact that Flayn has pointy ears (save for Supreme Leader and Hubert and we know how that ends).
I don't think the BL peeps would ostracise them because they are not human, (just like Manu because I hate it how Nopes made her an Adrestian nationalist, let her lust after and finally get some comely saints) but to make Rhea spill her secrets?
After the Hresvelg debacle (Edel knows she is a lizard and started her war based on Willy's knowledge that she was a lizard?) and, even if the game eludes the question, Sitri's family drama (Jeralt never knew what is wife was, even after being married, and he ran away when the child resulting from their hand holding wasn't "human"??) must also have had some weight on Rhea's willingness to reveal "the truth".
I see Flayn and Seteth being the ones revealing the truth to their human "companion" in a AG-AM world, "companion" being supportive and all, but again, how will the world deal with that knowledge?
Sothis trusted Agarthans with her knowledge, and ultimately, it led to her children being genocided.
Rhea trusted Wilhelm, and it ultimately led to a continental war 1k years later.
Kill that, I see Flayn, and only Flayn willing to "take the risk" and share the secret, because the other two are either too jaded or don't have faith anymore in humanity. For sure they love them, they really do, but after Edel's war?
The best ending will forever be a game where Dimitri learns the Truth (tm) and promises to make a world where everyone can live together, and accepting people who are different, and Nabateans, once again, chosing to trust him.
Still, if that was the promise Wilhelm made to Seiros all those years ago, the living Nabateans have knowledge that this promise wasn't respected in the end. So why should it be any different with Dimitri's? (and then we would have some usual "there's no certitude, but we will always strive for a better world" and Nabateans would have rekindled their faith in humanity, after Edel destroyed it).
Tl;Dr : if only the game tackled this issue and made characters react to this dilemna, but for Rhea, who takes personally the Hresvelg betrayal and the War that ensued, I don't see her making the same "mistake" a second time, or at least, not 5 months after the end of the Hresvelg War.
But I totally see Flayn doing it, let her be a hybrid or a pure blooded Nabatean.
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randomnameless · 3 years
I've been wondering, I'm always trying to figure out how branded could exist in fodlan, but we don't know how they could exist. Would they age slower than pure blooded nabateans?
Tis is an old ask but I thought a lot about it -
Sadly Fodlan doesn't give a fuck about hybrids, unlike Tellius who even had supplementary materials to explain how laguz age compared to beorcs etc etc.
Granted, the game doesn't even tell us if Flayn is a hybrid or not. She definitely gets children later on with Linhardt, and apparently they attend the academy "over a decade" after the war's end, meaning they would be, uh, around 12-15 (decade isn't that precise but I doubt the academy welcomed 10 years old?).
But are those children 3rd generation of Nabatean or 2nd?
Constance is implied to be a descendant of Saint Noa - given how I think Noa was a Nabatean, Constance's ancestors were most likely hybrids too.
With time though, the Nabatean traits recess, so Constance is a regular human, with none of the Nabatean traits, and, apparently (?), has a human lifespan.
(I find this theory amusing, because for the Empire who started to despise lizards and wanted to get their hands on Flayn to create more crest beasts, they had House Nuvelle at disposal, but got rid of them earlier for a stupid reason^^).
So, the further you go from the Nabatean parent, the more "human" you get.
(I'd still find it weird if Flayn has an "extended life-span" that her children immediately have the regular human one, if Flayn was a pure blooded nabatean - but if Flayn is a hybrid herself then her kids would only have 25% of nabatean blood, much like the possible FE6!Roy, and at that point, grow like humans? - unless nabateans age as humans until they hit 20 and then they age way more slowly, we will never know)
You have no idea how excited I was seeing that fic on Ao3 with Lycaon being Seiros's kid, but it was tagged with "evil!Rhea" so I can't read it.
Can hybrids partially transform, or fully transform? Or are they unable to do so, but have superhuman abilities (like the branded from tellius)? Can they be turned into relics?
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