#we encourage one another
yache-berries · 1 year
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pokémon really gave us passionate aging artists and Symbolism in their newest games, didn't they...
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tennessoui · 2 years
au where jedi healers take a vow not unlike jedi temple guards, but instead of wearing a mask and becoming anonymous, they give up their sight and wear blindfolds to allow the Force to guide their every action. it’s also supposed to blind them to their patients’ differences, which used to be symbolic but since the war between the jedi and the sith broke out, has become much less so
because jedi healers are supposed to heal regardless of if their patient is a jedi or a sith, when they’re deployed on battlefields after the fighting is over, they use the Force to heal every injured person they come upon.
anakin skywalker, who was chosen from the creche and agreed to follow the Healing path at the age of 9, thinks it’s sort of stupid that they have to wait until after the fighting is over to begin to help because he can feel people dying in the Force, he can feel their pain--
young general kenobi, who remembers his old creche-mate anakin skywalker and how blue his eyes once were, thinks it’s beyond foolhardy that this healer is stealing out across an active battlefield, blindfold over his eyes and bending down to heal karking darth maul and single-handedly diverting all of obi-wan’s attention away from the droids and sith legion because now he has to make sure he’s ok he can’t just leave him to the whims of the Force, he’s unprotected and he’s going to get himself killed----
it’s a headache and a half for everyone involved because general kenobi keeps abandoning his battle strategy and sometimes even position to ensure healer skywalker’s safety and healer skywalker keeps dropping everything and everyone the moment he feels obi-wan kenobi get hurt in the Force to rush to his side, Force Vow of Healing Equality be damned.
but......the Council keeps deploying them to the same battlefield because healer skywalker is never more effective as when he knows he must heal fifty mortal wounds before he can rid general kenobi of a headache, and general kenobi is never as ruthless as when skywalker is on the field close to him, in potential harm’s way
despite how much they insist they hate each other 
#kit's silly lil aus#obikin#healer anakin au#writing this out i thought of like five thousand scenes i'd want for this#a scene where obi-wan is pissed at anakin because he keeps fucking fixing one of the sith#so he's not letting anakin heal him and refusing to see one of the clone medics#so they're in his tent and he's just holding a compress to his head wound and bitching at anakin who is bitching back at him#and obi-wan is like 'at least you don't heal DROIDS' very scathing#and anakin goes quiet and is like 'i used to want to be an engineer did you know that?'#and obi-wan is like 'force when we were kids i knew everything about you. crush the size of a senator's ego'#oh and another scene where a sith (lbr maul) attacks anakin and obi-wan gets in the way#and takes the blade for him and anakin kills him rather violently#because i dont like healer anakin aus that take the violence and teeth out of anakin skywalker#so he snaps and breaks his vows to kill maul and eliminate the threat so he can heal obi-wan#and probably the council had encouraged him to become a healer because they could see his capacity for violence and fear and hate#but they couldn't see his attachment to obi-wan#but then not even obi-wan could see that#and a scene after that where obi-wan wakes up in his tent and the first thing he sees is anakin's blue eyes#because anakin broke all his vows to protect and obi-wan and killed many many people to keep them away (in a very feral way)#so what's one more#and obi-wan's first thought is that he missed those eyes#everything else and their consequences can wait#oh also mostly in it for the blindfold sex before this#absolutely here for the blindfold sex#same age aus also my beloved
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ronkeyroo · 2 years
friends, Id love to plug in my Ko Fi while I try to sort things out and take care of myself through this sensitive period. I’m determined to keep pushing some work to cover for the medical expenses but any passive income on the sidelines while Im letting my body rest will be a huge help ;; If you enjoy my artwork shenanigans and wanna share some support, feel free to toss a coin or two?
For any fandom folk that would want to see more art of your favorite blorbo’s, any donations over 30$ will be rewarded with some more art of whichever blorbo we’re hyping over together, I cant promise something too big but i want to leave some fun options for those who would like to receive some goodies in return ;;
Thank you for everyone who pitches in, as well as for those who cannot afford to and just opt to share this post around - I’m just glad I can have this space with you where art can carry and support us through as both artist and audience ♥
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silphilis · 10 months
maybe id like forcemasc more if u guys were being cool about it but all i see is shtick like ‘im gonna make you my pretty princess boy put on these extremely revealing mini shorts. theyre for boys because they’re blue’ lady, i was gonna do that anyways but its not because i was having a masc moment, the fuck?
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the-last-dillpickle · 11 months
That 'sold to One Direction' meme but make it Julian Bashir sold out by his parents to Section 31 in return for immunity to their crimes.
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socksandbuttons · 10 months
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Space Gaster DESERVES that chest!!!
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robinwatson · 3 months
me when i'm 30k words and 15 chapters into a star wars fanfic and it starts laying out an interpretation of the jedi order i don't agree with:
[ctrl + w]
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scattered-winter · 10 months
working retail is making me remember how much i hate stupid customers btw
#so i work in a tiny nonprofit thrift store. right.#its one room w concrete floors and very compact shelving because there is just No Room for anything.#and our office/employee backroom/breakroom is a little corner with wood+canvas dividers separating it from the rest of the store#with LOTS of signs saying employees only nothing is for sale here etc etc etc#and there was a customer today who went through the divider to ''shop'' in the ''other section of the store''#and we didnt even KNOW someone was back there until she brought up one of my coworker's purses to ask how much it was </3#im so baffled. there are so many signs saying its employees only.#not to mention that the office is full of notes and paperwork and my boss's computer and filing cabinets and the fridge and microwave#its CLEARLY an office/break room. even if you ignore all the signs. and YET.#there's also people who will literally just steal. anything and everything#which like. i will always support shoplifting from walmart or another big retail company. in fact i encourage it.#but a tiny locally owned NONPROFIT thrift store that supports local arts ???? HELLO ????????????????#gah. i should be allowed to throttle one customer per day. i should get paid to do so#most of them are so so sweet. we have regulars who are in almost every day and they are the NICEST people ever#but its just those few who are absolutely the worst most selfish stupid people to ever live#woes from work#winter speaks#all complaining aside i do enjoy my job quite a bit more than i thought i would#i like my coworkers and i feel like im actually connecting with most of them#and i love my supervisor. i have so much respect for her she's an amazing person#you win some you lose some i guess. cool job i actually like but with stupid fucking customers who make me want to MURDER
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thetimelordbatgirl · 1 month
New school attendance rules (that are stupid as fuck) being published has me learning people didn't even know that the UK fines people for their kids not being in school unauthorized???
#i...i....yeah to anyone who didnt know#we do#this country is obsessed with school attendance#if its not authorized your fucked#hell even if authorized aka your carer did phone for you and shit#depending how many you have it can stack up and they'll get sus#and you'll get in trouble even then#like the new rules alone are increasingly making it clear if your not authorized you can get bankrupt depending how many kids you have#which yes makes the new rules abelist as fuck and also only rich people will survive it#hell if the schools cant fine you they'll at least make you feel shame#as my school had a form system where at the end of each term a form will be rewarded for the best attendance#so rip if you were the fucker that took i dunno one or two days off for sickness or whatever#because you just costed your form room the award and the classmates know it and will look at you#source: me who had to take sick days off#hell snow days you wont free at my school#my roads and pathways were iced so i couldnt go in#but noooo according to my head of year i should have tried cause he hunted all of us who took the day off and interograted us#and if our excuse wasnt good enough for him we were told off#and they'd literally encourage you to only take sick day off if your throwing up#my head of year literally said he dont care if we got a headache or small cough or sniffle just come in#...huh wonder how they did during 2020...#but yeah attendance in the UK in terms of schools is fucking strict#(also if your curious they did send us home if we were bad-bad#i got sent home once i think??? i dont recall much of that school for my own sanity#but i badly burnt my hand in DT via a soldering iron and i had to go home and the doctors and return to school#with a hand i couldnt write with which was my writing hand so um#yeah i couldnt work much until it recovered...well my english teacher forced me to write with my non-writing hand but#and one girl got sent home for throwing up on the stairs#and another from my limited memories for falling down the stairs which uh were stone in a way so um#(i fell up those stairs somehow once...didnt get sent home but i missed english so) they had no choices sometimes)
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wild-at-mind · 7 months
Not reblogging it for reasons, but I really agree with that person on here who said people are reframing depression and generally feeling shit all the time as a good thing because of the horrors of Gaza. There are people on here heavily implying that you feeling bad and finding it more and more difficult to live with yourself is actually an appropriate response to war and genocide. In some way, it might be. But the thing is, where does that lead? Does it lead to decisive action in accordance to your values, or to nihilistic stewing and self isolation from your community?
The post went on to call it anti-recovery culture- I don't know if I would call it that, because I get why people don't like recovery culture, especially in relation to addiction, but mental illness also. I think that's something I'm not qualified to speak on. So I wouldn't call this anti-recovery culture. Instead I would call it pro-burnout in activism culture. Do you honestly think people who are the most productively working in their communities and participating in actions to help overseas are feeling like this? Or do you think they have learned to use self-accountability and community support to reign themselves in when they begin to burn out emotionally, and rest and recuperate their mind in order to come back stronger? Ask yourself, is that wrong of them to do, because they should be feeling bad, because after all that is the appropriate response....does it mean they don't care, because they don't spend all their time feeling shit? Or perhaps, the truth is, they do care, and are demonstrating it all the time, but they also understand that them feeling shit literally doesn't help anyone. Why can we not talk about or acknowledge this?
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eliza-makepeace · 2 years
I think a lot of people would laugh if I said Padmé was attracted to Anakin's maturity, but when he's not showing off or being selfish, he can be very mature indeed. In fact it's these moments of maturity that lead his teachers to wrongly assume he's responsible enough to pursue a relationship with Padmé without letting it interfere with his Jedi commitments
I'm certain Padmé was attracted to Anakin for his maturity. She saw him as the "boy she knew on Tatooine" and the only way to have that idea broken is by showing him as a grown-up, as someone who is intelligent and has mature thoughts about things. And I think there's a scene in aotc where she does.
It's the scene where she and Anakin are travelling to Naboo as refugees, and she asks him about what it's like to be a Jedi and whether or not he can love people, since she believes it to be forbidden.
Anakin's response is incredibly deep, and thought out, and mature: "Attachment is forbidden. Possession is forbidden. Compassion, which I would define as unconditional love, is essential to a Jedi's life. So you might say that... We are encouraged to love."
He proves then and there that he knows the rules, and that he has his own reasoning for them, his own "philosophical" understanding of them. Personally I really love the "which I would define as" part, because it shows he's been thinking about it long and hard (perhaps as a means for self-justification because he doesn't fit the actual dogma).
Her reply is looking at him with the most loving eyes, the first way she looks at him like that, and saying "You've changed so much". This is the first time she sees him as someone grown, as someone she has to learn to know because she actually doesn't know him anymore, she knew the kid he used to be, not the grown guy he is now.
It's a shame the scenes where they visit Padmé's family were deleted because I feel they show a more relaxed, young adult Padmé who has parents and an older sister that treat her like the daughter and younger sister Padmé is, and Anakin acting as a grown person who offers a bit of reassurance and comfort to Padmé's concerned relatives, and wants to make a good impression. It makes their dynamic, them rediscovering each other (Anakin seeing Padmé not as a queen or as a woman who has an ambitious political career, but a girl with parents and a sister; and Padmé seeing Anakin the way her parents and sister do: a young man who clearly has passionate feelings for her) much more organic and natural.
However I don't really agree with the idea that his teachers "allow" (or, rather, look away from) his relationship with Padmé because of his maturity. I don't think they really consider their relationship at all. Obi-Wan does, but he turns a blind eye because he loves Anakin and knows Padmé makes him happy. Not because he thinks Anakin is mature. As for the rest, e.g. Windu or Yoda, I don't think they know Anakin and Padmé are together, and if they do I don't think they care. Anakin is their biggest asset during the war, he's the poster boy, a beloved general, the hero with no fear. Forcing him to leave the Order in the midst of a conflict is counterproductive, and it would bring a lot of bad press for the Jedi. As long as he complies with the Serious Stuff the council asks him to do, as long as his presence helps the morale of the troops and the republic in general.... They've got bigger things to worry about than Anakin occasionally slipping into Senator Amidala's bed.
Still, I truthfully don't think that's the case. Regardless, I 100% agree: Padmé is really attracted to Anakin's maturity, and in fact it's what makes him appealing to her from the beginning. That and his amazing cheekbones.
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acrazybayernfan · 1 year
October 29th 2014 : DFB Pokal second round, Bayern-Hamburger SV (3-1) (part 1)
The first assist from Thomas Müller to Robert Lewandowski
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wroteclassicaly · 10 months
I miss when people cared about my writing :/
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queer-ragnelle · 9 months
maybe you are "consuming media." i am experiencing a story.
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starzalign · 4 months
Women will always be entraped by the patriarchy fighting for one form of womanhood. But there is no one form of us, we are multifaceted beings with different interests and hobbies and ways of expressing ourselves.
Women are not a monolith and we need to fundamentally understand this in order to better ourselves(as a society).
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born-to-lose · 10 months
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Double shift last weekend and this is the only picture I got (which my coworker actually took with me for her Facebook story RIGHT when I looked like shit and it was low effort makeup day because I had to be there early to open the bar)
#a drunk girl in the bathroom called me pretty and two other regulars kissed me on the cheek and called me pet names this is why I'm gay#one of those regulars (who's the bff of my coworker i haven't worked with yet because she's taking a break) asked me to have shots with her#she and the other girl are the sweetest every time i swear they're there almost every weekend and they call me Schatz and Maus#the moment i came back in after putting away my bag and jacket on saturday a middle aged guy mentioned my volbeat hoodie#talked about all the metal bands he's seen like judas priest acdc saxon iron maiden and showed me some new songs he's been into lately#later sang mama i'm coming home to/with me and he and another guy gave me lots of career advice and encouraged me to be bolder in interview#a metalhead dude with long blonde hair and beard (who was also at a concert I worked at last month) winked at me and gave me like €4 tips#and every time he ordered his drinks he put his hand on the back of my head to say it in my ear#because the music from the speakers above was kinda loud but technically not loud enough to do That gjsgfjdshhh 😭😭#he's so hot too he looks like a kind boyish viking idk if that makes sense but 😫😫#the amount of people who have flirted with me or acted a little bit 😏 in the last three months#but nothing came of it so far just trusting they'll come back soon when i'm working the shift again#no phone numbers no insta handles we pine like in the old days and smirk when we see each other for the first time in a while#my face#the bartender chronicles
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