#we had used it once before and we went to bordeaux it was pretty cool
btw i'm going to amsterdam next week. lol.
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awhilesince · 3 years
Monday, 2 August 1830 (travel journals)
5 25/..
11 1/4
ready in 3 /4 hour – saw them all off at 6 20/.. – then went to the barracks near an hour there 88 in 1 stable 28 young in another – fed every 2 hours – ordinary allowance per day 8 lbs. [pounds] avoine 12 fourrage 15 straw (paille) besides sonde (mashes)? at noon – 1 very strong large norman (gray) 3000/. others 1500/. to 2000/. price – all stalons – some as colts bought at 400/. from 15 to 50 mares allowed them per annum – several crosses between this Country breed and barbes – some English horses – the man said they got thicker in the neck by the climate 8 of the horses aux caux – some sent every year – one a very fine gray sent because he coughed a little and they were afraid of his wind – some Turkish horses some de Limoges and some Norman, and some pure breed of the Pyrennees Gray or dark bay pretty little clean legged animals 1 man to 4 horses – all apparently very gentle all done by kindness – the manège not so fine as I expected –
drizzling rain from 6 25/.. – thick no view – back at 7 1/2 wished to be off in an hour – no horses till 2 – breakfast – went to my banker – all business at a stand – choice whether to take 25/. or not – yes! for £50 circular –
appalling news from Paris paid the bill here for us all – always give 6/. to the servants find Jean gives 2/50 more for the servants – so it seems we give altogether 8/50.! Sat writing journal and to my aunt till 2 –
off at 2 6/.. – Tarbes really a nice little town – 3 churches – the cathedral a small poorish concern, nor much of transepts near side aisles at all – the church I was in this morning (St. Anne’s) a poor little place, but almost as good as the cathedral – the steeple that seems to have belonged to a tolerably good church is merely part of what is left and now filled with forage for the cavallery – neat barracks (saw them this morning) built for them very lately – I have been more comfortable at Tarbes than anywhere – have nowhere had so good a room –
drizzling rain Till from 6 25/.. to after 12 – then began to clear a little and on leaving Tarbes fair and streets dry and atmosphere clear enough to leave the mountains pretty distinct – quite a farce to compare them with the alps – Tarbes seems placed at the foot of a wide Extended circular gently rising rich fertile plain stretching out obliquely on the right into a sort of isthmus or neck
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the high pyrennees sweeping about 1/5 of the circle left Towards the front – and below them a low range of hill extending all round to the neck closed in by a low range quite in the distance the low range in front covered with wood – the other parts yellow with corn stubble (harvest everywhere since before Bordeaux got in) or ploughed land; or wooded or green under vine cultivation – the lands here seem no where more than 4 feet English at most – look like filons, threads – great deal of bled de Turquie – just out of Tarbes pass thro’ orchards of peach trees oppressed with vines –
Fahrenheit 74° at 2 40/.. and quite cool and pleasant – the dust just agreeably laid – the church of Ibos high squary mass (left) a fine object – 1 small tower – the houses of the town not seen till one mounts the hill – and seems a large one had been taken down as low as the roof of the nave –
at 2 began to feel a little indigestion pain and now at 2 3/4 feel it more was it the mutton last night – I never by any chance touch meat without feeling it, and have it not when I stick to my vegetables! –
as we reach the wooded range of hill 3 traverses up it, get out – walk to the top of the hill and 1/2 way over the ridge in 20 minutes and got a good heating in spite of the fine cool hair for the man urged his horses up as fast as he could without stopping and it was hardish work to get much before him –
mountain side wooded chesnuts – near the top heather – top brackens which completely subdue the heather and merely a bit here and there to be seen thro’ it – a few black sheep (hill and heather always make good mutton) and a few horses, i.e. mares and foals – a little scattered generally straw thatched? village – small enclosures – hedges full of thorn and sloe and wild roses hedge row trees – chiefly oak – a few chesnuts gravelled road – fine oaks each side the road and straw thatched and some blue slated neat farm houses here and there vines, a few peaches and much maize –
picturesque straw thatched cottages – women with their red capulets bound with black spinning with a distaff under their arm and the bobbin Twirling against their aprons – beautifully green pastures – fine chesnut Timber as well as oak, hiding the picturesque cottages –
how I enjoy this – I might be – could fancy myself in England save for the capulets, and odd little low narrow waggons and bells and clumsy gear of my 3 abreast carriage horses –
another village – fête here too and dancing to a fiddle and clarionet – peaches and nectarines in the hedges – have no where seen hedge cut and laid – always or buckheaded rather short or clipped – great many pollard oaks, particularly in hedge rows – these pollard oaks form capital hedges for shelter – wherever not cultivated the top of this ridge covered with bracken, and right look up pretty little valley – mountain-top valley evidently small green enclosures by hedges –
road mended with pretty well broken boulder of mountain (primitive?) limestone – dark coloured, veined with quartz? have only seen one patch of oats – standing and another in swathe nothing but maize and a few potatoes –
at 3 55/.. neat white washed hotel des voyageurs a few little accacias and platannes round it and shearing (a man and woman) a good plot of oats – a man and woman courting by the roadside he putting his hand into her right pocket hole and another pair walk amorously set me wrong between three and four which ended in incurring cross about four
about 1/4 hour on the top of the hill and at 1 1/4 very fine view descend into the beautifully wooded rich charming vale of Pau? sprinkled in all directions with towns villages and pretty thatched white washed cottages and farms – water would make it lovely quite – ‘route bordée et ombragée de bois touffus (pollard oaks) – de chênes and châtaigniers all along – the at 1st thro’ a forest and very beautiful Itineraire Midi page 70 says ‘ou est Toujours dans les riches et fertiles plaines de Tarbes’ – these ‘bois touffus’ pollard oaks are really beautifully and thickly umbrageous – should not have dreamt they could look so well – pollard from a thick trunk perhaps 10 feet high from the ground – small enclosures – pretty low hedges – small dun cows picturesque straw thatched or blue slated white washed cottages – charming (very small dun oxen dragged the little waggons and carts on the Top, the plateaus of the hill – pigs lying and feeding under the oaks –
at 4 29/.. good post house in the very picturesque scattered one long street (trees and gardens between the neat houses) village of Les Bordes-d’Expoey red-dun cows with bells and regular dun mare with one young mule and a brown mare with ditto – green champs Elysée of oaks at this end of the village under which herds pigs lying and feeding – Lombardy poplars – Charming the women here with white bound with black capulets and black aprons and spinning as they walk – lock under the left arm and spinning with left hand and twirling the spindle with right hand – said George 10 sols de payé – oui – said the postillion ce quelque chosée pagata –
off in 8 minutes – all the walling done with boulder stones in a cement chiefly blue slated cottages – vines creeping high in the trees – wood côteau – low line of hills right – higher range wooded at bottom heather at top (right) – groves, as it were of pollard oaks – why pollard? postillion from here whip slung round his shoulder with a large worsted tassel as the german postillions sling their bugle horn – the men wear Ayrshire caps – white with red tassel at the top – or one postillion as have observed before wellington blue without tassel –
I enjoy today’s drive exceedingly –
Long straight road before me from Bordes d’Expoey the hedge row trees generally pollard oaks forming sort of avenue all along – all the women spinning but have only once seen some women heckling short line – woman astride white black bound capulet and white handkerchief and blue coarse linen? small white spotted gown with her long petticoats covering even her toes – I think she had her knees much stuck forming a hump on each side not ungraceful under the petticoat and certainly not looking masculine –
so many people afloat on the road near all the villages must be a general fête? – quite in the basses Pyrenées now – left the high pyrennees on descending the hill into the beautiful valley of Bordes d’Expouey or does mist hide everything (left)? at a little distance (right) a low nicely wooded fertile range which wheels round towards the front of me but soon wears itself out –
a great many of the country waggons on the road – most of them drawn by 2 little dun oxen and 2 little horses wrapped up in linen sheets white first the leaders – the road all along quite gay and in places thronged with waggons and people –
the women that ride have their petticoat slit open fore and aft I see and thus it so covers gracefully will covers the whole leg and foot – get prints of all this and the waggons at Pau – pass malle poste at 5 3/4 – strange to find common sense only among the Pyrennees – where else do the women ride astride! where else do they not torture their horses and themselves by a position equally dangerous to the one leg unnatural and uncomfortable to both? –
at 5 3/4 a little drizzling rain begins – Fahrenheit still 73° – all alive in Pau a fair or fête or what? a fair? enter by long small boulder stone paved street (paved or boulder-stoned as at Tarbes) – desperate to walk on in thin shoes – a sort of gateway (2 posts) spacious street – of splashed dirty white good 3 story houses – full of people carts and business –
at Hotel de France Pau at 6 – heard all the news from Lady Stuart – dinner wrote to my aunt not directed at 7 1/2 – came to my room at 10 20/.. – Fahrenheit 74° at 11
left margin:
Fahrenheit 73° at 4 1/4 p.m.
reference number: SH:7/ML/TR/5/0027 - 0031
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The Marshmallow Chronicles (Ch. 14: Fair Game)
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Author’s notes: SURPRISE! I couldn’t resist writing this chapter! DRAKE SEMI CONFESSES HIS SEMI LOVE!! Idk why I’m screaming, we all know that but what can I say? I’m excited. I reaaally, really hope I did that particular scene justice!
Thanks to everyone who likes, reblogs and/or comments. It honestly means SO much to me! And even bigger thanks to @starstruckzonkoperatorbat, @notoriouscs, @simplyaiden-blog, @snyggflicka, @asprankle, @speedyoperarascalparty, @mirivalencia, @mymandrake and @asobigokoro2018 for asking me to tag them!
Love youuu <3
Rating: T
Pairing: Drake x MC
Words: 5,276
The country jamboree. Drake’s least favorite event in the social season – not including anything involving Olivia Nevrakis, of course. Still, Drake walked out of his room that day feeling cheerful; yesterday had been a success in terms of being friends with Riley.
You did have to hold yourself back from kissing her a couple times.
But did I? Nope! And that is success in my book. I’m gonna do it; I’m gonna beat this crush.
He whistled an improvised tune as he strode out after brunch to find a beautiful sunny day. Remembering their last interaction, he magnanimously decided to go talk to Bastien, who was standing at the gates.
“Bastien.” Okay, so he wasn’t completely ready to forgive him.
“Drake! It’s good to see you.”
“Oh, yeah?”
“Yes. I’m sorry I was short with you the other day.”
“See, that’s how Liam put it too, but I think I’d use a different word.”
Bastien frowned. “... A dick?”
“Ding ding ding!”
“I suppose that’s not far from the truth,” said Bastien ruefully. “Well, as I said, I’m very sorry. I just hope you can understand that...”
Bastien seemed to be having difficulty speaking; if Drake didn’t know any better he’d think there was a lump in his throat. He swallowed hard.
“I hope you understand that duty will always come first.”
Drake clapped his back. “Hey, you know I totally get that! I understand you can’t always talk! Only next time, maybe instead of being a dick you could just say that, okay?”
Bastien sighed. “Yes. I will.”
Drake smiled at him and turned to leave.
“Drake,” he heard behind him. He turned to look at Bastien squinting from the sun. “I really am sorry.”
Drake nodded, still smiling in hopes of reassuring Bastien, who was taking this way too seriously, in his opinion.
He ambled back towards the manor, not ready to face the jamboree with its variety of stupid games. 
That I suck at. 
Once he got closer to the enormous wooden doors, he could hear someone coming down the stairs. He stopped and waited; he wouldn’t say no to company either way. He realized with a stab of annoyance that he was hoping it was Riley.
Okay, stop. Whoever that is, I’m gonna keep rocking this friendship thing.
It was maybe because he mentally prepared himself this way that he only felt a small hint of dismay when Hana emerged from the threshold. He quickly covered it up with an easy smile.
“Hey, Hana!”
If he’d been smiling it was nothing to the way Hana was grinning from ear to ear.
“Uh, why are you smiling like that?”
“Like what? Oh!” Hana’s hands flew to her cheeks as if she hadn’t realized what she’d been doing.
For a brief, awful moment Drake thought something might have happened with Riley. He pushed the image aside, chastising himself both for his selfishness – friends want their friends to be happy! – and for indulging his crush – friends don’t care who their friends kiss!
I’ve definitely been quiet for too long.
“So are you gonna tell me or what?” It came out harsher than he’d intended in his haste to say something.
Hana’s smile faltered a bit, “Oh. Yes, sorry. My Mom called and she-she was making me feel dreadful; she said I was being a disappointment and that I shouldn’t be making friends at court..."
Drake grimaced sympathetically.
“Yes, it was very distressing. Until Riley,” at this point her smile came back in full force, “intervened. She reminded me that this is my life and my choices and... well, she essentially gave me the courage to stand up to her for the first time in my life!”
Hana looked so utterly happy that it was contagious. Drake found himself grinning along with her and feeling an unfamiliar warmth in his chest.
“It’s beautiful, isn’t it? Despite the pain.”
Drake tilted his head, completely nonplussed, “Huh?”
“Liking someone so deserving of it.”
That’s exactly what it was. Every time he heard of Riley doing something kind or intelligent – which is all the time, dammit – he couldn’t help but feel... joy. It was like an extreme form of pride, in a way. Proud of himself for having a crush on such an amazing person; proud of her for being that amazing person.
He just sighed and nodded. 
It’s not looking good for our friendship. Pretty sure I’m gonna start writing poetry or some shit.
“Well, thanks for checking in on me, Drake, but I should go. I only went into the manor to get bandaids.”
For the first time, he noticed Hana was holding a small box of bandaids.
“Maxwell,” he said without any doubt.
“At the archery station. What I don’t understand is how he managed to hurt himself with a bow...” Hana shook her head, mystified.
Drake shrugged. “This is Maxwell we’re talking about. We should feel lucky we only need bandaids and not paramedics!”
Hana giggled, “That’s what Riley said!”
Drake chuckled. “Great minds and whatever. But anyway, I shouldn’t keep you, go save that kid’s life.”
Hana hurried off toward the games. Drake stood there for a moment, trying to get back to the calm, certain headspace he’d been in until a few minutes ago. 
Maybe if I just spend some time with her as friends, I can remind myself what it’s supposed to be like.
With that goal in mind, he directed his steps to where Hana had gone, positive that Riley would be playing something; in the thick of the action, as usual.
He was right, and he immediately wished he hadn’t been, for Riley and Liam were playing a very flirty game of ring toss. He stopped abruptly when he spotted them, then moved to the side so he could watch them from a less conspicuous place. 
Like a masochist stalker.
In fact, the game was just ending and it seemed Riley had lost. 
Finally, something we both suck at! 
He smiled at that, but it was fleeting, as he saw Riley and Liam make their way, smiling and talking, to the hedge maze. He felt the by-now familiar gut punch he always experienced when he saw them together. This time, however, it seemed to spread from his stomach all the way up to his chest like some kind of poison, eating him alive from the inside.
Goddammit. Who the fuck am I kidding?! I can’t be friends. I can’t. At least, not now.
He stomped back to the manor, wanting nothing more than solitude. And maybe some whiskey and dramatic music to go along with it. He must have been making a racket because he heard a voice call from the sitting room.
“Who’s there?”
He poked his head in and found Lady Kiara sitting in the same armchair she’d been using two days ago.
“Drake! What a pleasant surprise! I thought you’d be out there enjoying the games.”
“Nah, not a big fan. What about you? Shouldn’t you be mingling or something?”
“Bah, and what for? Prince Liam has disappeared again, with Lady Riley I’m sure, and I don’t like those games either.”
“Good point.”
She gestured for him to join her and with halting steps he went to her, sitting uncomfortably on the armrest.
“So... what are you reading this time? More sexy French books?”
She raised an eyebrow at him. “No, I have been skimming this landscape photography book.”
“Oh, cool! I love nature.” Drake had to restrain himself from leaving the manor or possibly the country after that. 
Really? I love nature? How fucking interesting, idiot.
Lady Kiara was gracious enough to disguise a derisive laugh as a cough.
“So what kind of landscapes?” he asked in desperation.
“Oh, there’s all sorts! But I am particularly partial to the photographs of the vineyards in California and France. They remind me of my home,” she sounded far away when she said that.
“You have vineyards there?”
She snapped back to reality and turned to look at Drake eagerly. “Oh, yes. We make some of the finest wines in all of Cordonia,” she puffed up with pride. “We might even go toe to toe with the French, en fait.”
“And everybody knows the French make the best wine, right? The more unpronounceable the names the better?” Drake chuckled. 
Kiara, on the other hand, did not look amused. “I would hardly say something like Bordeaux is unpronounceable, would you?”
Drake felt his neck grow hot. “I was kidding,” he muttered.
Kiara seemed not to have heard him, still engrossed by the photos. She flipped the page to yet another picturesque vineyard and suddenly her hand was on Drake’s knee. He glanced down at it automatically.
“I wish you could see it! The hot summer days, picking grapes and then crushing them with your feet...” she trailed off, looking up at Drake, whose mouth was inexplicably watering. 
“Sounds,” he cleared his throat, “sounds nice.”
“It’s better than nice, c’est magnifique!”
“I-I’m sure.” He peeked down at his phone. “Oh, look, it’s time for dinner!”
“Right.” Kiara’s hand fell from his knee. “Well, let’s go, then.”
Kiara waited for Drake to get up and help her off the armchair. Once she was standing, she cleared her throat, looking pointedly at her arm.
“Oh, uh, yeah!” Drake offered her his arm and they walked out together in what, at least to him, felt like an awkward silence. He had the chance to feel relieved for a few seconds, before he realized they would probably sit together as well. 
He was right. He sat down next to her and involuntarily scanned the crowd. It took him longer than usual to find Riley, which he was cautiously pleased about until he came to the conclusion that it was only because of her company. 
What the hell is she doing with Tariq?
The fashionable noble appeared to be flirting and Riley looked hilariously bewildered. He almost snorted. Riley managed to extract herself from Tariq and took her seat at another table nearby, next to Maxwell and Bertrand.
He was wracking his brains, trying to come up with something to talk about with Lady Kiara, when he heard the blessed sound of a clinking glass.
“If I may have everyone’s attention, please,” came Liam’s voice. “I’d like to say a few words before we close this evening. First, I’d like to thank all of you for joining us out here at the country estate. I’ve had the honor and privilege to have you in my court, and I couldn’t have asked for better company.” 
He smiled out at the crowd as he said this. It may have been Drake’s bitterness, but he thought he saw Liam’s gaze linger on Riley.
He continued, “As I step into my father’s place in a few days, I can only hope that I’m half the man he’s been for Cordonia.”
“Long live Prince Liam!” Maxwell yelled from his table with cupped hands over his mouth. 
Cheers and claps erupted from all around. 
Yeah, yeah, Liam’s great. 
Drake couldn’t bring himself to clap.
Liam gestured for everyone to quiet down. “Thank you all. When next we meet like this, it’ll be the last event of the social season. As per tradition, this event will be hosted at the illustrious Beaumont House.”
“Yeeaaahhhhhh!” Maxwell exclaimed with both arms up.
Bertrand, ever the solemn one, agreed, “An honor, to be sure.”
He noticed Riley sharing surprised words with the brothers. 
Huh. How are they gonna host that? Aren’t they broke?
“The Beaumonts will surely give us another legendary night to remember.” 
When Liam said that, Drake felt Kiara’s hand squeeze his leg and nearly jumped out his seat. Looking mildly amused, she whispered, “It could certainly be a night to remember.”
Drake swallowed, although at the same time his mouth felt impossibly dry.
He barely heard Liam finish his toast with, “Until then, I thank you again, and wish you a good night.” He raised his glass and most people followed suit. Feeling guilty for his lack of applause earlier, Drake raised his own.
“Cheers!” Liam said, and the crowd echoed him.
Drake turned to Lady Kiara and as they clinked their glasses together, he murmured, “To legendary nights.”
For a split second, Kiara’s face was delightedly surprised. An instant later, she had regained her composure and was smirking at him.
Fuck, she might really like you. You’re an asshole.
Oh, come on! We’re both consenting adults and clearly there’s nothing I can do about... the other thing, so why shouldn’t I have some fun?!
Whatever, dude, you know what you are.
He drained his champagne in one gulp.
Dinner went by in a blur of delicious food and flirty conversation. Of course, they couldn’t make it too obvious – Kiara had a reputation to maintain, after all – so once in a while she’d turn to her other side to talk to Penelope.
By the time they’d all finished eating, he felt drained. It had been such a long day, and it had taken his emotions for a ride. For someone who for years had felt either bitterness or a lukewarm contentedness, it was a lot.
As soon as it was barely polite to leave, therefore, he scurried away to his room. He lied down on his bed and fell asleep almost immediately.
Something shook him out of his deep sleep. 
Did someone scream? Or was I dreaming?
He could’ve sworn he heard it come from the room next to his. 
Addams’ room. But what if I dreamed it and I barge in there and wake her up? Or even worse, what it she’s awake... with somebody. 
He weighed his options and concluded that he could not stay in his room while she might be in danger. And if he embarrassed himself, he embarrassed himself. He got dressed as quickly as he could, which was not very; flustered as he was, he put his pants on back to front and furiously corrected his mistake. Finally decent, he flew out of his room and threw Riley’s door open, caution be damned.
He found Tariq and Riley kissing. Or, should he say, Tariq kissing a very clearly unwilling Riley, who pushed him away as soon as she recovered from the shock.
Anger like he couldn’t remember feeling flooded Drake. Without thinking, he was by Tariq’s side in a second. “Get away from her,” he growled.
He seized Tariq by the shoulder roughly and dragged him away from Riley.
“Unhand me!” wailed the noble. ”How dare you enter my room without my permission!”
Tariq pulled the arm that wasn’t in Drake’s grip back and punched him square in the face. He reeled backwards in shock, his hand going to his jaw right away. He took a moment to get his bearings, then tackled Tariq with all his might. On the floor, he put up more a fight than Drake expected, rolling around and trying to pin him down. Drake struggled against Tariq’s hands and managed to flip him around once more and pin his arms.
Tariq tried to fight back a few more times. He must have known it would be useless though, because he went slack, conceding defeat. Breathing hard, Drake stood up and waited for Tariq to follow, glaring at him, daring him to attack again.
Tariq limited himself to yelling, “Who the hell do you think you are, bursting into my room?”
“This is Riley’s room. And I heard a scream.” For the first time, Drake allowed himself to doubt the conclusion he’d jumped to. “I think she wanted interrupting.”
He turned his head sharply to Riley, dreading she might contradict him.
With fire in her eyes, she replied, “Drake, Tariq deserves to have his ass kicked.”
He sighed in relief.
Tariq seemed to have shrunk. “So this isn’t to be the bold, romantic beginning to our love story?”
Riley crossed her arms and gave him a firm, “No.”
“But... I’d heard...” Tariq was looking at the floor, ashamed and confused. 
You almost feel for the guy.
“You heard wrong. And for the record, before you try to kiss someone, ask first!” Riley said, her nostrils flaring.
Yeah, never mind, he’s a piece of shit.
Tariq flushed. “Let me deeply apologize here. I’m so sorry for this transgression. I was incredibly wrong.” He started heading to the door. “Now, before I can humiliate myself any further... let me take my leave.”
He left, slamming the door after him.
Riley rounded on him. “Drake, what took you so long?”
Not wanting to go into the details of his clothing mishaps, he answered, “I know I’m in the room next to yours, but it still took me a minute to make it over here.”
“Why are you in the room next to mine, by the way?”
“Liam made sure of that. Since he couldn’t be here himself, I mean.” 
And instead of looking out for Addams, you crush on her and fall asleep when she’s in trouble. Nice going. 
“Liam would never forgive me if something... bad... happened to you.” 
There was a small silence and on impulse, he added, “And you know what? I’d never forgive myself, either.”
Having entered the room worried out of his mind and in a rush, he hadn’t had the presence of mind to register that Riley was not wearing a shirt. Until now.
Oh, shit. Ohshitoshitohshitoshit. Don’t be a creep. Don’t look at her. Oh my God, I looked. Holy shit.
She was wearing a lacy pink bra, which contrasted against her pale skin, which was luminous in the moonlit room, and her breasts – fuck me, her boobs are RIGHT. THERE – looked incredible. Drake had seen his fair share before, both in real life and in videos, but damn if there weren’t his favorite pair ever. It’s not like he hadn’t checked her out since he’d known her, but this was different. This brought him mental images he didn’t – couldn’t – want. 
He licked his lips unconsciously, noticing a beauty mark right at the upper edge of the bra. 
Okay, that’s enough or she’ll kick you out, too, you perv. Goddamn, this is gonna haunt my dreams.
He cleared his throat, “Er, Addams...”
He glanced down again, forcing himself to make it a very quick, significant look.
“OH!” She blushed a deep red and reached to the chair where she’d carelessly thrown her top. She put it on hurriedly, and Drake was satisfied to see he was not the only one who had problems with hastily thrown-on clothes; she’d put her shirt on inside out.
Drake tried to pull his mind away from images of Riley and her bra and focus on the conversation. “Anyway, you can see why it looked bad. I heard a scream, saw you half naked with Tariq all over you...”
“Yeah, I get it.” Riley sank onto her bed.
Drake’s eyebrows furrowed with concern, “Are you okay?”
“I’ll be fine.” She sounded shaken. He couldn’t blame her. 
I wish I could stay and comfort you. I wish I could put my arms around you, but that would be... dangerous.
Instead, he said, “Well, I should get out of here before we really cause a scandal.”
He headed to the door and as he leaned in to grab the handle, he winced. He might have hurt himself tackling Tariq. 
Man, fuck nobles. Seriously. 
He tried to play it off as nothing, grabbing the doorhandle, but of course she’d seen.
“You’re hurt.” He knew he shouldn’t be enjoying her worrying about him as much as he was.
He dropped the handle and turned to her, shrugging, “Nothing a few shots of whiskey won’t fix.”
She stood up and took a couple of steps toward him. “Let me take a look. It’s the least I can do.”
“You trying to get me to take my shirt off, Addams?” he smirked, hoping she’d let it go. 
I need to get out of here.
She said, “I just want to help,” but blushed again, which made his collar grow warm.
I need to leave NOW. 
“I’m fine. Save your fussing for someone else.” He turned to the door once more, ready to escape Riley with her eyes full of concern for him, and her lips saying kind words, and her pink fucking bra.
He should’ve known, but he still didn’t expect it when she stepped in front of the door, blocking his way. The look in her eyes let him know he was definitely not going anywhere.
“Drake, you got hurt for me. I’m not letting you leave this room until you let me take a look at you!” She crossed her arms. “You can start by taking off your shirt. I think he hit your ribs pretty hard. They could be broken!”
Drake scoffed. “Wow, you’ve got a real bossy side to you, you know that?”
She put her hands on her hips and raised an eyebrow. “You think I’m being bossy? Drake, I’m taking that shirt off you myself.”
Before he could utter anything other than a startled, “Hey...” he felt small, warm hands grab the hem of his shirt and lift it. He cooperated and took it off, trying his best not to think about how much he’d like her to say that in a different context.
“So, doctor, do you see anything alarming?”
Her hands ghosted over his ribs and then his back. He suppressed a shudder.
“You’re going to have a few spectacular bruises...” she grimaced.
“Yeah, Tariq hits harder than you’d think. He almost impressed me.”
She didn’t say anything back but he thought he saw the corners of her lips twitch.
He narrowed his eyes. “What is it?”
Riley snorted. “I can’t believe you lost a fight to Tariq!”
It took Drake’s wounded pride a moment to recover from that. “I didn’t say I lost! I never said that. I definitely won. I’m just saying he got in some good hits. And I didn’t expect that from a palace brat.”
“Mmhmm,” she hummed, biting her lip to keep from laughing.
He shook his head at her and ran his fingers through his hair.
“You can be so...” 
Irritating? Funny? Smart? Fucking incredible? ... Yeah, I’d better shut up. “Never mind.” 
He cast about for a distraction. “Hey, weren’t you supposed to be tending to my wounds?”
Riley smacked a hand to her forehead. “Oh! Right. I think one of the servants fills this bucket with ice every night. You know, in case I need to chill some champagne...” She said the last part in a mockingly snobby voice.
“Or ice down a friend’s bruises.” He knew at this point that friendship was all but futile, but he was going down fighting.
Drake noticed a small cabinet on the opposite end of the room. “And it looks like someone’s left a fully stocked liquor cabinet in the corner here, so...”
He went to it and poured himself a glass of whiskey – one the finest, obviously – and looked over at Riley, who was putting ice in a cloth.
She nodded, “I’ll have whiskey. I wouldn’t make you drink alone.”
He smiled. “Heh. Thanks.”
He poured another one and handed it to her. She put it on the bedside table so she could more easily handle the improvised ice pack. She pressed it on his ribs and he hissed in pain.
“Hey! That hurts.”
He regretted the words as soon as he said it. 
Knowing Addams, she’s gonna crush the ice against my body now. 
Yet, to his surprise, she touched it to his wound much more gently. It still stung, but not nearly as much. 
Will she ever stop amazing me?
“Is that better?” she asked tenderly.
“... Actually, yeah. Didn’t realize you could be so gentle, Addams.”
“I’ve got a gentle side... you just don’t see it very often.” She continued patting him softly with the ice pack. Occasionally, she would rub her thumb soothingly over the areas she’d gone over. He knew he had the dumbest smile on his face.
“I could stand to see more of it.” It was meant as a jab at first, then he realized he would actually love to see that side of her more. Just him. He looked in her eyes and, for the umpteenth time, felt he might ruin everything if he held her gaze for too long. 
He looked down at his glass and muttered, “Thank you.” 
He drained it and went to pour himself more. 
Bad idea.
“I know I don’t act very grateful for anything most of the time, but I do... care about you.” He’d said it before, only this time it felt more high stakes. They were alone and unlikely to be interrupted. He was shirtless. He shouldn’t be saying anything at all.
She moved a step closer and murmured, “Drake, I care about you too.”
She had also said this before, but this felt... different. There was an ache in her voice he hadn’t noticed before. 
You’re imagining things. How can she even care about you? 
“You... you do?”
Her answer came without hesitation and full of conviction. “Yes.”
He rubbed his face and clenched his jaw. “You shouldn’t say things like that, Addams.”
“Why not?” He knew her more than well enough by now to see that she was honestly puzzled. That’s how he knew she cared about him only as a friend. 
Hell, I’ll explain it anyway. 
He was in too deep and the whiskey, though not enough to get him drunk, had certainly encouraged him.
“You’re here for Prince Liam. All of the suitors are. And, well, so is the entire court. All of the nobles, all of the royals, all of the servants, even. Everything and everyone in this place exists to orbit around Liam. You could almost hate him for it, if he weren’t so damned likeable.” He shook his head. “It’s dangerous for people like you and me to forget that.” 
Mostly me, really.
Riley still looked confused, but there was something else in her expression. Drake wouldn’t have believed it, except he’d become so closely acquainted with that emotion lately that there was no mistaking it: hope. 
“What are you getting at, Drake?”
He sighed. 
Are you happy in this hole you dug for yourself? 
“Hell, Addams. Don’t make me say it.”
He looked down at his glass again. 
Here goes nothing. 
He finished his drink again and set his empty glass down next to her full one. His hand was trembling.
“If we’d met somewhere else... anywhere else. At a club in New York, or in an airport, or at a party... If you hadn’t been our waitress that night, and I hadn’t been sitting next to Liam...” He mustered all of his courage, balling up his fists. 
“Do you think all of this... do you think it could’ve been different...” he swallowed, “between us?”
Say no. Just say no and kick me out. Do it.
“Drake...” she said slowly. “It would’ve been different.”
Drake inhaled sharply, wanting desperately to believe what she had just said.
“Sure, you would’ve still been gruff and I wouldn’t have let you get away with anything... But all the rest? Yeah, it would’ve been different.” They were standing so close. “Maybe everything would’ve been different.” 
She emphasized the word “everything” in a way that made his stomach flip. 
Everything. That’s what we could be.
She said yes! 
He could not wrap his head around the fact that she might return his feelings, even in a hypothetical scenario. Right now it didn’t even seem that hypothetical; her eyes were an invitation and it had never been harder to resist kissing her.
He reached out, brushing his fingers on the back of her hand. He’d always thought that saying you could feel electricity when you were really attracted to someone was a cliché. 
Well, maybe it is, but it is also true. 
He felt the hairs on his hand stand on end. 
This is no shitty electric current either, it’s goddamn lightning.
Riley looked down at their hands and her fingers twitched, itching to intertwine with his. 
He panicked and dropped his hand. “What am I doing? I need to go.”
He made as if to sprint out the door, when he felt to soft arms wrap around his waist. It was not the first time he’d had the wind knocked out of him that day, but definitely the first time that made him so happy.
Fighting against everything he wanted, he forced out, “Addams... You shouldn’t.” 
Or I’ll stay. I’ll go too far. This is impossible. What if anybody sees us? What if... Liam.
“Don’t you get tired of being so careful all the time?”
He closed his eyes and bit his lip. She’d hit the nail on the head, as she always did. He was sick of this. Sick of every second he couldn’t kiss her or even hold her hand.
“Constantly,” he said in a strangled voice.
Before he had time to think it, he turned around and pulled her close, her head resting perfectly on his chest. He tangled his fingers in her hair and breathed in, knowing he would never get this chance again, marveling at how soft it felt, how amazing it smelled. 
This is... this is just... unbelievable. I get to hold her like this.
If it had been hard not to kiss her before, Drake’s effort now was nothing short of superhuman. Her smell and touch were invading all his senses and he knew he was close to losing control. 
I have to leave while I still have brain cells and before I fuck up even worse.
He pushed her away gently but firmly and tried to ignore the hurt in her eyes.
“I’ve got to get out of here. Now. Before I do something we might both regret.” He looked down at her lips.
Riley was resigned. “Okay.”
She handed him his shirt and he put it on correctly, thankfully.
He got to the door, looking at her as little as possible. “And for all our sakes,” but mostly mine, “lock your door this time...”
He looked down at the handle and noticed something odd, “Huh.”
“What is it?”
He examined it more carefully, though it was hardly necessary; the handle was completely smooth. 
“Addams... there’s no lock on your door handle.”
Riley knitted her eyebrows, “I thought they were all like that?”
He shook his head. “No. All of the other rooms on this floor lock.” Seeing her face all scrunched up with worry – she’s so damn cute – he backtracked, “It’s probably nothing.”
Her face relaxed a bit, but there was still a hint of anxiety between her eyebrows. “Probably?”
Drake had already resolved to tell Bastien about this tomorrow and investigate, but right now her rest was more important, though she should still be on guard.
“Just... be careful, okay?” He gave her a look which he hoped conveyed everything: how much she meant to him, how much he worried, that he would protect her...
He left her looking calm enough and slumped on his bed, determined to stay awake in case of anything. He didn’t think he could sleep anyway, his thoughts were bouncing uncontrollably from pure joy to heavy guilt. And hiding among them, waiting to pounce on him if he dared dream, was the image of Riley in her pink bra. 
Nope, we’re not crossing that line. 
He settled in for his sleepless night.
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bestfluteninja · 6 years
actual things my teachers have said, pt. 2
part 1 here
so, in honor of school about to start again, here’s my teacher quotes from second semester last year, my freshman year of high school. enjoy.
“Day one and you’re already undressing”
“I went to college for this”
“I’ve taught one person something today”
“He looks so loose and relaxed because he’s dead”
“There was this one pope who was a total prude”
“It’s called the Great Deflowering, and they just took all the penises off the statues”
“One student said, ‘do you think there’s this basket of stone penises in the Vatican?’”
“Oh, it’s like ‘pièce’ means ‘piece’ or something”
“Do you sleep in the salle à manger (dining room)? Only if you have a very sad life”
“I don’t know why I suddenly know your restroom schedule”
“I want to get up on a ladder and touch your hair. Still sounds weird”
“And then you have Columbus or Vasco de Gama’s little ship, which looks like it’s going to be eaten by the big ship”
“Let’s go metric, which we’re crazy for not using”
“When I pass on to whatever”
“You tempt my middle finger”
“Stop talking about my coworkers in a negative way. Or positive. Just stop.”
“I almost said a word I shouldn’t”
“Nachos aren’t happening without cheese”
“We are about to learn a new tense, which will shake the foundations of everything you know and love”
“Let’s make this nice and incriminating”
“Next year I’ll have to require students to get a tattoo of their password”
“Anybody else wanna criticize my decisions?”
“Hey. Hey! HEY!...have a good day”
“After announcements, I’m going to melt your faces off, so be ready”
“It’s magic time, kids”
“I have mad babysitting skills”
“You don’t go to all this effort if you have wheat just growing in your backyard”
“The Catholic Church was into destruction”
“You really don’t wanna write it down because then you’ll cry”
“Anyone wanna help me summon the dead?”
“My mother still tells me I should’ve been a lawyer”
“Rooms and stuff, oh yeah”
“That way, when he’s an old man, people can go ‘you’re old’ and he’ll be like ‘whaaa’“
“If you’re sitting there just tapping really hard, I don’t know what your aggression is”
“I wish I had autopilot”
“I won’t make you cry”
“There were some that considered that blasphemous. Heracy. Scientific heracy.”
“The access code is cookies18 because I’m surrounded by cookies and it’s 2018″
“Thumbs down is like ‘bro why’“
“Are you having fun in art class? Stop that”
“You all think you’re gang members now”
“Something French, woman! Get it together”
“We can be like Congress and have to have a talking stick”
“Here’s a dog with three stereotypes all at once”
“I am as serious as a heart attack”
“You don’t see many of those furry little creatures around here anymore. Except raccoons. They’re everywhere”
“It’s not politics if everyone agrees”
student: “I like your shoes” teacher: “thanks, they’re killing my feet”
“Focus less on witty comments”
“If we could just hang out, I’d, like, braid your hair”
“This guy with a stick, that can’t be good”
“Spent a little too much time in the harem, if you get my meaning”
“I really do try to find anything with singing and dancing camels”
“Another creepy clown, fantastic”
“Are those flower garlands, or are they chains?”
“Oh, how progressive, that you add Hindu women to your harem”
“Probably for the release death would bring”
“Easy with the f-bomb”
“I’m gonna go ahead and mark everyone absent just because I like to mess with the front office”
“That was a pretty good airplane”
“I got too deep in a book and forgot to make your test”
“This is for your cultural education” *shows Shia LaBoef*
“You don’t know why, but you know you hate them”
“This is a holdup, pow pow pow, give me all your money”
“Screaming is the same in every language”
“Satan scares me”
“I have nothing against turtlenecks, usually”
“420, blaze it. I shouldn’t have said that, it was inappropriate”
“If you don’t know basic computer skills, you’re just doomed”
“Attacked by many animals...I can just see him walking down the street going ‘oh god not again’“
“She’s preening you”
“We don’t do midterms in here cause they’re awful”
“I love praise”
“Everything is petit pois”
“Nobody can get through the French Revolution in a day and a half except me”
“Back when the History Channel had history”
“Everyone is like ‘oh I’m so nostalgic for the nineties’ and I’m like ‘burn it with fire’“
“Feel free to email me, I won’t respond”
“Don’t hurt each other”
“She looks like a jellyfish. No! That’s so cool! I love jellyfish!”
“I felt like lying on the floor and curling up in a ball”
“Laugh. Move on.”
“Your fort should be strong, to keep the Huns from invading”
“Why are you so smart right now?”
“I have all of her anxiety and none of her skill”
“Whatever will make my parents angriest”
“What’s happening, you animals?”
“Just fractions, nothing magical”
student: *drops ruler* teacher, deadpan: “why”
“Sooner or later that bell will ring and you’ll be like ‘yo what the heck’”
“Anytime there’s chanting, just be careful”
“There’s no mentions of prostitutes in the Jamaica letter”
“I like fire, so I might burn it”
“These are in your way just to distract you”
“Don’t build your expectations up too high”
“Oh, I had alcohol”
“I want to leave with both my kidneys, thanks”
“If you would take a town out of Alabama and put it here, that’s Fortville” (we live in Indiana)
“I’m gonna start dressing like a clown to get your guys’ attention”
“Everybody needs extra money in life”
“I don’t know if you guys know this, but an essential part of living is being able to breathe”
“I’m a popcorn-aholic”
“We’re gonna do an exercise in loving yourself real quick”
“I barely even go outside”
“It’ll be terrible. You’re gonna have nightmares”
“It is a vest with fake pockets and a cape attached”
“There are very few people who are not gifted in anything”
“Please let me retire”
“If the lottery plays out on Wednesday, I might be gone by Thursday”
“Then we burnish it with a wooden spoon because I’m too cheap to buy burnishers and a wooden spoon works”
“Be mindful of when you’re leaning up against cabinets. Or get shoved into them”
“I like to touch art. Not supposed to, but I like to”
“If you go to Canada, I need you to steal a stop sign”
“I always get excited but it’s always just you, being fantastic”
(a blade from our art project went missing) “I think there are three scenarios. One, someone dropped it and just refuses to acknowledge that they dropped something. Two, someone put it in their pocket to take it home and have..fun with it later. Three, someone.....ingested it”
“You don’t steal the blades during the demonstration. You steal them during class time, when nobody’s looking”
“God, it’s snowing again”
“Can you grow poppies? Yes. If you grow 10-20 acres, the authorities are probably gonna come talk to you”
“If you had the letters for that in scrabble, that’s the whole game right there”
“Oh, Gandhi, you’re name-dropping”
“Isn’t that dog staring into your soul?”
“I’m just impressed with anyone that can wear horizontal stripes”
“It won’t be fatal drowning”
“You can have the rest of the time to annoy each other”
“We’ll cover up the ‘attack teacher’ sign so you’re not scared of me anymore”
*chalk squeaks* “sorry, forgot to oil the chalk”
“I don’t wake up in the mornings and go ‘oh, themes’“
“I am not Harry Potter’s uncle”
“If I cared, I would’ve asked”
“That’s where the Bordeaux wine comes from. Not that you’d know that, right, kids?”
“They don’t care about your happiness”
“Kay cool do stuff”
“No, I will not allow that. You cannot just eat butter”
“If I were to buy a Japanese car and drive it into my mother’s driveway, that would probably be it. She’d go toward the light”
“Since that’s all so depressing, we’ll end with a taco dog”
“I am intellectually aware that there were days when the sun came out”
“I have to get paid for this”
“I just have under a thousand dollars in my bank account at all times”
“We are French two, we are a little better than second-grade writing level”
“If you have to ask me if it’s appropriate, it’s not”
“It’s plagiarism, 100%. Don’t even care”
“For God’s sake, people, indent your paragraphs”
“It’s Morgan Freeman and Matt Damion, what else do you need”
student: “banana” teacher: “good, jenna”
*sharp intake of breath*
“Join us on the dark side of Honors English”
*shows us stick figure* “look at this detail”
“Well, that’s just magical.” minute later: “never mind”
“I’ll try to come up with a Plan D”
“In India, they love cricket, whatever the heck cricket is”
“Before I buy Shrek 2 online”
“Next thing you throw, you’re gonna eat”
“Have I mentioned your guys’ grand prize? It’s absolutely nothing”
“Nowadays you just take a selfie. This is for you. Wink wink.”
“Hey guys, say bonjour to my mom”
“She says sit down and shut up”
“He’s my scapegoat, his mom said I could”
if you read all of these, i hope you were amused. i certainly was. all of these are completely real. if you feel like it, send me an ask with your favorites
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wineanddinosaur · 3 years
Wine 101: Txakolina
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This episode of “Wine 101” is sponsored by E. & J. Gallo Winery. At Gallo, we exist to serve enjoyment in moments that matter. The hallmark of our company has always been an unwavering commitment to making quality wine and spirits, Whether it’s getting Barefoot and having a great time, making every day sparkle with La Marca Prosecco, or continuing our legacy with Louis Martini in Napa, we want to welcome new friends to wine and share in all of life’s moments.
Interested in trying some of the wine brands discussed on “Wine 101”? Follow the link in each episode description to purchase featured wines or browse our full portfolio at TheBarrelRoom.com. Cheers, and all the best.
It’s incredibly crisp, refreshing, and hard to pronounce. Meet Txakolina (chah-kuh-leena), a white wine that comes from a small but compelling area of northeastern Spain.
In this bonus episode of “Wine 101,” VinePair tastings director Keith Beavers reviews the history behind the grapes, regions, and wines of Basque Country. He also shares his first run-in with the wine, and explains why everyone should try Txakolina for themselves.
Tune in to learn more about Txakolina.
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Keith Beavers: My name is Keith Beavers. I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again. “Damita Jo” is the best Janet Jackson album, right?
What’s going on, wine lovers? Welcome to Episode 1 of VinePair’s “Wine 101” podcast bonus season. That is a lot to say, but we are here at the bonus season, and it’s so exciting.
It’s not easy to read, it’s very easy to say, and it is a pleasure to drink. If you guys have not heard of Txakolina, we’ve got to talk about it. If you have and you’re confused, let’s get some stuff out of the way.
So, in 2010, I was invited to this exclusive party in Manhattan. It was in a membership-only club, and it was hosted by a wine importer at the time. I had a restaurant and a wine shop, so I was buying wine. I was invited to a Txakolina party. I had no idea what that meant. But, when I left that party, I was obsessed with this wine. The party was kind of crazy. They actually had kegs of this wine, which was wild. You’ll understand that in a second. Txakolina, if you’ve never heard of it, is awesome, and it should be on your radar. I’ll tell you why. It might be one of the most refreshing wines you’ll ever have on your palate. It’s crisp. It’s refreshing. I don’t know if you remember the Portugal episode, but it has a slight effervescence to it, just like the Vinho Verde wines do in the Minho region in northern Portugal.
It’s a whole different story, where these wines come from. The wines are very interesting, but even more interesting is where the wines are from: the northern part of Spain, in a place called the Basque Country. To some, it’s called Basque. To others it’s called País Vasco, and to others it’s called Euskadi. I can’t admit to fully understanding this, but Spain is made up of 17 autonomous regions. From what I understand, they’re not like states — like in the United States of America — but they do have borders and their own governments within them, just like states would have their own state constitutions. The leadership of these regions are actually presidents and not governors. I don’t know. I don’t really understand it too much.
What I do know is that the Basque region of Spain is known as ferociously independent, more so than a lot of other regions in Spain. It makes sense. Reading about the history of this part of the world, reading about the people of this country, is just incredible. It’s fascinating stuff. I think it’s a historical anomaly, if you will. The Basque region is very small, in the northeastern part of Spain, bordered by the Pyrenees to the east, the Bay of Biscay to the north, the Cantabrian Mountains to the west, and the Rioja region and Ebro River to the south. But, at one time, the Basque Country was known as Vascone. Their territory went from the Ebro River — which is now south of the Basque Country — over the Pyrenees, going north to the river Garonne, which is the southern river that borders Bordeaux. That’s a lot of real estate, am I right? Now, of course, it’s a very complicated history. It’s fascinating and it’s complicated. Over time, it gets decimated. It gets smaller and smaller, until it’s one of the smallest areas in the northeastern part of Spain.
What’s really cool is that, even though this land and the people of this land were increasingly restricted, the language of the people in the Basque region was never Romanized. The language they speak is ancient to the point where there’s a lot of theories as to where it came from. It is a language that, when you look at it, is very confusing, but at the same time, it’s just extremely fascinating and beautiful — unless, of course, I’m pronouncing it. I’m going to try my hardest, but I apologize in advance for anything sounding weird. It’s not the language, it’s me.
What can be confusing is that there are multiple names for this area. Outside the border of the Basque Country, it’s often referred to as País Vasco, which is a reference to the old, ancient region that it once was, the old country. In general, it’s called the Basque Country, which you see if you’re looking at the wine situation. Basque is said to be an evolution of the word Vascon, but within the borders of the Basque Country, they call their land Euskal Herria. It means “our country.” Their language, which we refer to as Basque, is called Euskara for them. Of course, Spanish is spoken here, but this is their ancient language that they’re really holding onto. When it comes to wine, they use the ancient language for that.
The wine situation in this area is interesting. About 100 years ago or more, there was a very healthy wine-growing region going on. That little louse we talked about last season, phylloxera, completely destroyed that. It never really came back to what it once was. This region of Spain, because it’s protected by a mountain range — the Cantabrian Mountains and the Basque Mountain range — is very wet. It’s a high elevation. It’s very mountainous. It’s very close to the Bay of Biscay, which is the Atlantic Ocean. Because of that mountain range, a lot of the rains get trapped in that region. It’s not the best wine-grape growing region, just like Champagne is not the best wine-grape growing region. Just like Champagne, the people in this area wouldn’t let a little bit of rain and weird weather get them down after phylloxera. These wine growers and winemakers in the Basque region held firm to their local varieties and built a small, yet very significant, local wine market. It eventually moved its way out of the region and onto a lot of places. This kind of wine comes to us and Germany, but most of it is localized and consumed there. That’s one of the reasons why wines coming out of the Basque region have the local language on the labels. The majority of it is consumed there.
What’s cool about all of this is that — even though the language is really foreign to a lot of people — the terms are pretty simple. There are two varieties that are used to make wine in the Basque region. There’s a white grape called Hondarrabi Zuri and a red wine grape called Hondarrabi Beltza. That sounds very different. All it really means is this. Zuri means white in Basque. Hondarrabi is a reference to a town. It’s the white grape of the town, Hondarrabia, in the foothills of the Pyrenees. Beltza means red in Basque, so Hondarrabi Beltza is the red wine grape of the town of Hondarrabia. That’s just a reference to where they think the variety came from. These varieties are native to this part of Spain, or at least the Pyrenees. We’re going to get into the specific wine regions in a second. One thing to know is that the majority of the wine made in the Basque region is from Hondarrabi Zuri, the white wine. Over 80 percent of the wine made in this area is white wine. Hondarrabi Beltza, the red wine grape, does make red wine. It’s light and peppery. It’s very good, but you don’t see it on the American market. I had a chance to have it and was very lucky to have it. You’re not going to see it around. If you do, it’s kind of like Cabernet Franc, but a little juicier. On our market, if we ever see it, it’s in a rosé version. It’s blended a little bit into the white for rosés from this area.
In the Basque Country, there are three DOs, or three appellations, and they’re some of the smallest wine regions in Spain. Here is where the word Txakolina comes into play. Txakoli, in the Basque language, roughly means village. Txakolina means “of the village,” basically. There are three DOs in the Basque region that make Txakolina, and the word is a reference to where the wine is made. The first wine region to be awarded to this region, which was in 1989, is the most popular one. It’s in the very eastern part of the Basque region, about 18 miles from the French border. It’s very close to the Pyrenees. The vineyards are mostly in from the coast, just south of a main coastal town called Getaria. The appellation is called Getariako Txakolina. It means “the village wine of Getaria.” Now, get this. This wine region has only 201 acres under vine. It is the principal wine region of the Basque Country, one of the smallest in Spain, but the largest in the Basque. It’s crazy. It’s about 25 miles away from San Sebastian — in the Basque region it’s called Donostia — so it has a really big tourist attraction very close to it. This is where tapas are from. This appellation really defines what this wine is to us as an American market. It is mostly white. There’s some rosé, but they’re mostly white. They’re made from the Hondarrabi Zuri variety. They’re made in a way that has a slight fizziness to them. The thing about this area is that everything is about height. The vines were once trained at a great height so that fungi couldn’t get a hold of these grapes, because it’s been such a rainy region. The land itself is very high. It has a significant elevation because it’s right before a mountain range. Because of its fizzy nature, it’s a tradition in this area to pour Txakolina from a great height into the glass to get the fizziness going. Here, they make the most out of the 201 acres under vine that they can, giving us some of it, giving Germany some of it, but giving a lot to themselves. Good on them. I mean it is their village wine, right?
Going west along the coast from Getaria, we run into one of the major cities of the Basque region. It’s called Bilbao. It’s a very industrial city. It’s highly populated. But, surrounding Bilbao, is the Basque country’s second-largest wine region at 144 acres. It’s named after the province that it’s located in, which is called Bizkaia. The name of the DO is Bizkaiko Txakolina, or Txakoli de Bizkaia. Basically, it means “the village wine of this province.” Of course, the province is also called Vizcaya, which is a reference to the Biscay Bay, which is a reference to the Vasco Country, which is a reference to Basque. It’s all interconnected. These vineyards are also just in from the coast. What’s unique about this particular wine region is that it has a predominance of a grape called Folle Blanche. This is a grape derived from Gouais Blanc, which we talked about all the way in the first season. It’s very old-school. Here, they call it Bordeleza Zuria. It’s blended with Hondarrabi Zuri, So the result is a clean, crisp, fizzy white wine with a touch of herbaceousness.
Now, the thing is, with 144 acres, we’re not going to see a lot of this on the American market. If you’re looking for it, you can find it and probably get it delivered to you. But it’s not easy to find. This was the second of the three awarded to the region in 1994. The last of the three we shouldn’t even really talk about, because there’s only 50 acres under vine in the region. It’s south of Bilbao in the Basque Mountains, and it’s still humid there. It doesn’t get above 68 degrees in this part of the Basque country. It’s further south, towards the Ebro River, almost bordering on the northern part of Rioja, and it’s located in the province of Araba, or Álava. This gives name to the DO, which is called Arabako Txakolina, “the village wine of this province.” As usual, they have Hondarrabi Zuri and Hondarrabi Beltza, but they also have a grape called Gros Manseng and Petit Manseg, which are very prominent over the Pyrenees in southwest France. Here, they don’t call them that, of course. It’s the Basque Country. They call Petit Manseng, Iskiriota Tipia and Iskiriota. I’m not going to lie. I’ve never tried these wines. They’re only 50 acres. If anybody knows how to get a bottle from that place, please let me know. I want to try it.
So, that is the Basque region. That is the wine made there. That is Txakolina, the village wine of the Basque region. We’re really only going to have the Getariako Txakolina, and it’s going to be clean, fizzy and with bright fruit. It’s always consumed young. It doesn’t matter what the region or DO is for all three of them. These aren’t age-worthy wines. These are wines to be celebrated now. One of the reasons why it’s consumed so much in the region is because it’s enjoyed young, from a height, poured into a glass, made fizzy, paired with tapas.
Oh, man. You’ve got to get into Txakolina, guys. It’s awesome, and it’s around. The rosé is very cool. You get that little hint of pepperiness because Hondarrabi Beltza can have that little Cab Franc thing that I said. I have this idea: Cab Francs from this area. Huh. OK, I’m going to digress, but you get a little bit of a peppery note from the Hondarrabi Beltza in the rosés from Txakolina. Guys, enjoy.
Oh, and that 2010 party I went to? If you can find Txakolina in a keg, it’s awesome. It’s not as traditional as pouring from a great height from a bottle, but pouring from a great height from a keg hose makes it a little easier to get into the glass. OK, I’ll talk to you guys next week.
@VinePairKeith is my Insta. Rate and review this podcast wherever you get your podcasts from. It really helps get the word out there.
And now, for some totally awesome credits. “Wine 101” was produced, recorded, and edited by yours truly, Keith Beavers, at the VinePair headquarters in New York City. I want to give a big ol’ shout-out to co-founders Adam Teeter and Josh Malin for creating VinePair. Big shout-out to Danielle Grinberg, the art director of VinePair, for creating the most awesome logo for this podcast. Also, Darbi Cicci for the theme song. Listen to this. And I want to thank the entire VinePair staff for helping me learn something new every day. See you next week.
Ed. note: This episode has been edited for length and clarity.
The article Wine 101: Txakolina appeared first on VinePair.
source https://vinepair.com/articles/wine-101-txakolina/
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Wednesday, May 16th – Day 12, Pugnac, Bordeaux, Saint Emilion
It was a stupidly early start for us (well, not for E and W) because we were off on an excursion into the vineyards of Bordeaux. Our restaurant owning friends at Rascills had recommended that we take a long look at Winerist for getting the most out of trips to wine growing areas, and finding ourselves in Bordeaux, I’d taken them at their word and had a look to see what trips were available. We settled on their full day trip to Pomerol and Saint Emilion, through Ophorus, at a cost of €130 per person. The trip would involve no more than 8 guests, in an air-conditioned minibus, with our own dedicated tour guide, and we would get to visit three vineyards, with tastings at each, and would also visit the medieval town of Saint Emilion, where we would have time for lunch. The pre-sales service was most impressive, with answers to my questions about the difficulty of getting into Bordeaux during the early morning rush provided rapidly and accurately (as it turned out).
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The bad news was we needed to be at the Bordeaux Tourist Information office at 12 Cours du 30 Juillet by 09:30. We set the alarm for 06:00 and headed out onto the road by 07:30. This meant we were at the rendezvous in good time. It meant we had time to buy a new batch of Bordeux City Passes, and then use them to book a dinner cruise on the Garonne at a 25% discount. With time to spare, we nipped next door into Baillardran for a coffee and a canele, and then congregated outside to wait for our driver to come and collect us.
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By 09:30 we were in the bus, and Hugo, our guide, was filling us in on the Bordeaux appelation and how it all works, including the information that Saint Emilion contains around 850 chateaux, a chateau basically being any building on a piece of land that has vines on it, no matter how tiny said building is; it could even be a garden shed and still be a chateau. Hugo was incredibly knowledgeable, spoke excellent English, and was more than happy to engage with us all. We were quickly out of town and heading towards Saint Emilion. Our first stop was one of the Pomerol vineyards, Chateau du Tailhas, where the charming Aurelie showed us round the vines, explaining the way in which grapes grow and develop, and how they are trained and pruned and harvested, and speaking entertainingly and amusingly about the wines as if they are particularly awkward children who need to be pushed to leave home.
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She was happy to answer any questions any of us had, discussing the ways in which they try to protect the crop, and explaining that the massively empty field next to where we were standing was about to be replanted with new grapes, the old vines that were there previously having been grubbed out after frost damage to the vines in 2017 meant they really would not have had much to harvest. Their intention to replace the vines “some time in the future” became “might as well do it now”.
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We were then guided into the chai (where we learned about the tanks that are used for the initial vinification, which at du Tailhas are a choice of stainless steel or concrete, both of which have their pros and cons when it comes to maintaining a steady temperature.
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We would hear a lot about these tanks during the day, with opinion varying on which is best. The one thing all three of the vintners we visited agreed upon was that French oak barrels were the way to go. On how long they should be used for, it again varied, between one and two years, but again there was consensus on who they should come from, all three places using the same three coopers.
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Finally we returned to the house where several wines were set out ready to be tasted. We’d been told that if your were after the best possible Bordeaux wines, you could do worse than to rely on the rule of 5/10, with 2000, 2005, 2010 and 2015 being particularly good.
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We tasted several wines and Lynne and I agreed that we particularly liked the 2008 because we are not patient people, and do not want to wait for the 2015 to be ready to drink. Laying down wines for a decade or more is fine when you’re in your 20s or 30s, but not when you’re pushing 60 in my opinion. I want wines that will be good to drink now. We also liked the 2008 because it had developed a splendidly jammy flavour, the fruit dense and lovely, and so we asked about returning to the chateau in two days time, with the car. We really didn’t want to have to drag a couple of cases back with us via public transport and a boat cruise. That would be fine, Aurelie said, though I’m not sure she expected to see us again.
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From there we were back in the minibus, with Hugo explaining how the classifications for Saint Emilion wines work, with only four chateau making it to the top level (but also how there are apparently certain things they need to have that have absolutely no bearing on the wine and its quality, such as private parking for the security of VIP guests!), and 14 in the second level. It’s clearly a process that is rife with controversy, which is understandable when you see the prices the top four get away with charging for their wines (€2000 a bottle in some instances, more as the wines mature). We were utterly stunned by this price list – and yes that does say €15,950 for a single bottle of 1945 Chateau Mouton-Rothschild.
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Before there was more wine, however, we were treated to a brief but informative tour of Saint Emilion, which is a glorious place, another UNESCO World Heritage site, and as a result an obvious tourist trap. We started in the Collegiate church, formerly a monastery church, now the parish church for Saint Emilion. It has something of an identity crisis going on, one end of it being solidly Gothic in style, the other Romanesque, as if someone had bolted two different churches together.
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The cloisters are beautiful and contained some fascinating art works.
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The main piece seemed to be a depiction of the apocalypse in a serious of panels, some monochrome, some colour, which wasn’t exactly cheerful, but was rather wonderful. I particularly liked the almost medieval style of the work, though I had no idea who the artist was or why it was currently sitting in the cloisters. I have since found this so I have a better idea. I would say that if you’re in the area, it’s definitely worth a look, though you’ll need to get a move on as it’s only there until July 2018.
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We then walked to the upper part of the town, and the bell tower of the monolithic church where the original Saint Emilion had his hermitage. The were super views of the whole town from up there, though the weight of the tower is apparently now causing problems for the church which is basically a cave carved out of the rock below it, which means that visitor numbers have to be limited.
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We did also briefly look at the Hostellerie de Plaisance, which looks like our sort of place, though the prices made our eyes water a bit! It has a 2 Michelin starred restaurant, but we decided not to go there for lunch… Instead, we asked Hugo where he would recommend for good, regional cooking, and he made two suggestions, the one we took being the very pleasant Lard et Bouchon, described by the Tourist Information website as a “restaurant and wine bar is located in Chateau Larmande‘s former cellars” where it “enjoys the perfect air conditions of a 14th century cellar”. It was a hot day outside so the cool cellar was very welcoming, as were the front of house staff.
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We ordered aperitifs (of course we did) and had a study of the menu du jour, deciding that once more we would not have starters because we’d just end up falling asleep in the afternoon. Armed with our new found knowledge, we also tackled the wine list from a much more informed position, ordering a half bottle of 1999 Chateau Cadet-Bon, which we thoroughly enjoyed.
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It went well with the veal sweetbreads, which were well cooked and served with mashed and croquette potatoes, and a small handful of seasonal vegetables.
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Lynne had a confit duck leg, with the same accompaniments.
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It wasn’t a stunning lunch, but it was solidly well cooked, well presented and we were happy at the end of it. We didn’t have dessert, we didn’t even have cheese, we just walked back through the winding steep streets to rejoin the party. What the others did, we have no idea – they were pretty uncommunicative, the Japanese couple because only the wife spoke any English, the American couple I have no idea why, though they did open up a bit later in the day after a few more wine tastings.
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We went next to Chateau Guadet, which is actually in the town itself (with its vineyards a stone’s throw from the front door). Here we were again shown the chai, with those same oak barrels, but here only the concrete tanks, not stainless steel. The owner’s son, Vincent-Petrus Lignac, showed us round, and then took us to see the underground tunnels they use to store the wine. Apparently they put aside 1000 bottles of every vintage for the family’s own use and as a sort of wine archive, and have done since 1901. It’s naturally cool down there, but to keep it that way visits can only last for four minutes. It’s also down a very steep stairway which you need to negotiate sideways or backwards, rather like being on a ship. As a result, the Japanese couple opted to stay in the garden and wait for us, as he was not especially young or mobile.
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No photos were allowed so I can’t show you the cellars, but the garden is very peaceful and lovely, and the Japanese couple were most amused when we popped up at the other end to where we’d vanished underground before.
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Guy also talked about the fact that they, like many other wine makers in the appellation, have moved first to organic production, and then to bio-dynamic planting and growing. There is a suggestion that in the next decade or so that will be the case with all the growers in the region. I find it hard to be convinced by the who bio-dynamic thing, but the people we spoke to all seemed utterly certain that there were benefits to it, and I suppose it’s just a way of taking working with the seasons a step further. Anyway, after that we walked to one of the many, many wine shops in the town, with Guy then taking us through a tasting of several of his and other people’s wines.
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We settled on a case of 2015 Chateau Martet Réserve de la Famille AOC Sainte-Foy Bordeaux, unusually made from 100% Merlot grapes. In addition we picked up a case of dessert wines, and were able to arrange to have it all shipped back via UPS. That was a far better option than having to carry it back to the bus up the steep, slippery paths from the town square. It was hard enough hauling ourselves up there.
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Back in the bus, we had one more chateau to visit, and one more tasting to look forward to. This time we went to Chateau Grangey, which has as long a history as the other chateaux, but not in its current form. Franck and Elodie Mio are the young couple now running the place, his parents and grandparents having had other jobs rather than being full time winemakers. The result was that the grapes were sent to the cooperative cellar of the Union des Producers of Saint-Emilion. That all changed in 2009, when Franck took over, and starting in 2012, carried out a complete restructuring of the winery and all the buildings. He and Elodie made their first wine on site in October 2013, and we tasted that, plus some of the other wines that have been produced since. First, however, we needed to see the winery itself, and again there was agreement on the French oak barrels, and not on the tanks (stainless steel, computer-monitored and controlled here).
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I found the flatness of the vineyards especially fascinating after our Mosel trip last year. It always seems odd to me that such different terrain can be used to grow what is essentially the same thing.
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The tasting was good, and again we made a note to come back on the Friday, having checked that they would be open to sell us some wine then. Visit over, Hugo rounded us up and took us back to Bordeaux, dropping us off tired but happy at the Tourist Information office with one last nugget of information to keep us entertained. Apparently there is a good market for any wine that doesn’t make the grade, with much of it being added to the 2% that goes to the government for the use of the French armed forces. The extra is sold for cosmetic use, most of it to Caudalie!
Travel/Food 2018 – French Road Trip, Day 12, Pugnac, Bordeaux, Saint Emilion Wednesday, May 16th – Day 12, Pugnac, Bordeaux, Saint Emilion It was a stupidly early start for us (well, not for E and W) because we were off on an excursion into the vineyards of Bordeaux.
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whatdoesshedotothem · 3 years
: Saturday 7 July 1838
6 20
11 ½
finish dullish morning F68° at 6 ¾ am sat inking over accounts – George will never be a good servant at getting off early – tho’ did not breakfast it was 8 ¼ before we could get off from the hotel de voyageurs chez veuve la Bastia à Peyrehorade – very picturesque little town – very fine valley – the remain of tower of old gothic castle on the top of the hill above the town, very picturesque – the more modern chateau occupied by the vicomtes de Peyrehorade  down to la grande revolution in 1789, near the bridge and close upon the river – still belongs to the enfans of the old vicomte – to the children who remained during the revolution as I understood M. Jean Trêche was given by Napoleon to the family – however my informant said the old vicomte had died miserably on a paillette of straw in a foreign country – the islands formed at the junction of the 2 gaves, and the scenery on both sides the bridge very pretty and picturesque – the town very picturesque from the river A- and I had passed over the bridge last night and paid 4 sols toll for going and returning – a good carriage road the toll-man said was to be made from her to St. Jean-pied-de-Port in 3 or 4 years – he wished it was done -  at 8 25 (left) nice country house near the road with two short avenues of Catalpas in full flower, and then neat white small hamlet – hedges, and corn fields, and little vineyards and Indian corn (bled de Turquie) and well wooded, rich, beautiful valley – charming drive –
Sunday 15 July
at Puyoo, pretty picturesque neat, scattered village at 9 25 amid vines and Indian corn – at a little distance (right) near the river( below Puyoo) village de Bellocq with remains of old gothic castle – fine valley perhaps 6 or 8 miles wide here – more houses hamlets and villages today than anywhere before since Bordeaux – at 10 5 (right) good route de Salies 3 pretty lieues from Orthès 6200 inhabitants family for hams – Salies as marked on neat white house at the junction of the 2 roads – but in my Itinèraire called route de Sauveterre (vid. midi p. 73). which must be about 3 lieues from Salies – charming well-peopled rich valley – at 10 ¼ from top of hill fine view of Orthés, and its tall square tower the ville built at the bottom and on the slope of the hill – at 10 50 alight to breakfast at the hotel de la belle hôtesse à Orthès – left A- lying down and went out at 11 meaning to be about ½ hour till breakfast was ready, but out ¾ hour and on returning found A- had breakfasted – went to look for handkerchiefs (pocket) for which the town noted in my Itinèraire – the handkerchiefs a rather smallish size coarse linen with borders – certainly fit for Paris wear – 15/. to 50/. the dozen the very best – unhemmed with broad ugly borders – 5/. for one single handkerchief the size of mine when hemmed i.e. ¾ yard English square – observed the dearness – yes! cost 48 to 50 sols weaving – all done by hand – the son of the woman brought me a French testament to look at – price 1 fr. and then brought me reports of missionary societies with printed subscription lists – 6,000 protestant here – I soon found my friend was the receiver of tracts and reports and subscriptions .:. not choosing to by handkerchiefs I gave 5/. for the benefit of the societies but declined giving my name – they asked if I was protestant – yes! calviniste no! of the church of England – Luthérienne – for I found they were all in the Methodist, Presbyterian, Calvinist dissenting way, knowing nothing our bishop Luscombe and Embassy church – the young man said this (Orthès) was the chief place of the protestants – on inquiring the distance from here to St. Jean-pied-de-port he said it was ten lieues de pays; and 10 lieues de pays = 15 lieues de poste – he brought out a nice little map of the department (Basses Pyrénées) which he had bought chez Dantry r. Vivienne n°2 à Paris marchand des carts – Good road from here to St. Jean-pied-de-port by Salies (pronounced Sallis) –
home (at the hotel) at 11 ¾ - A- had breakfasted and was lain down again – I hurried to leave her the room to herself and did not get more than ½ a breakfast, not choosing to ring for more milk – my own head and heart ache how miserable  A- in this way  what comfort have I with her? sat writing this p. of pencil notes in the little summer house at the end of the garden belonging to the hotel – Orthès seems a little capital in these parts – picturesque little town – but I have no time to walk about – the old castle, except the tower has been pulled down by the particuliers who bought it, as also the old walls of the ville for the sake of the stone which has been sold and used for building, and the old fosses have been filled up with the rubbish – ‘tis now 12 38 – I must see after A- en entrant the mistress of the hotel said we should pay 1/25 to 1/50 for breakfast according to what we took – she charged 4/. I asked what the servants paid – she could not tell – they had paid the cuisinier – he was out – the man (George) had had meant – Josephine eau bouillante – I asked on getting into the carriage what they had paid – George said at once a fr. and Josephine said the same did she really pay as much for eau bouillante as George paid for viande? I see how it is – I pay in part for them – the valley beautiful – the gave de Pau winding right – the valley opened out towards the left, perhaps 10 or 12 miles wide here? on returning from my summer house had the horse to order .:. A-‘s welcome was  I will give up seeing the chateau at Pau  I wish to go Tarbes tonight   I said I thought it was foolish to knock herself up but as she thought she could judge best for herself it was all very well   she said well if I would stay so long here ................. I answered gently it was not my doing   I had to order the horses   intended staying only an hour and a half she said nothing but is all wrong in temper whatever she may be in health   it is time to be rid of her  I never travelled so uncomfortable before well we will go to Tarbes tonight Off from Orthès at 1 26 fine, cool, sunless, dustless day – we will try for Tarbes tonight and St. Sauveur tomorrow - : A-‘s monsieur come I think she said – at 2 very nice country house on hill (left) a square with each corner finished in a pentagon tower – little scattered village at 2 5, and 5 minutes father entrance gate of another country house (left) and delayed 5 minutes from tool-box strap breaking – peeps of the gave now and then – very fine valley – capital rubble-road all the way from Bayonne or, at least, very little of it pavé – vines all hereabouts on largeish sterns against longish poles, and sometimes festooned – valley still wider? now at 2 40 and the Gave spreading itself over much breadth of gravelly bed – hedges and fields as everywhere since Bayonne – wide expanse en face – too thick i.e. hazy to see high Pyrenees – at 2 50 [Arthix] and off again at 2 55 and from A- (now 3 1/4pm) nice well defined valley by beautiful range of wooded, vineyard hill on both sides – valley 8 to 10 or more? miles wide great deal of Indian corn all along the road – very fine rich valley – at 4 ¼ making traverse road (left) to country house and chateau of Pau in sight – very picturesque road under a little wooded bank with public walk (right) – very picturesque entrance to the pretty picturesque good town – pass thro’ the handsome arcaded Place of this old capital of Bearn, and, having told our postilion  to drive to the gate of the chateau, cross the Gave over the old stone bridge and alight at the castle gate at 4 25 – saw the interior of the chateau, all that is shewn – saw the tortoise shell cradle of Henry ix, and the room he was born in montée as it now is by Louis xviii and admired the ceilings of the grand staircase and the magnificent view from the south balcony – and walked round the chateau in the now grassy fosse, and just peeped into the old dark church close by, and in the carriage again and off from Pau at 5 8 – a large good town – many new buildings since 1830 – Roadside hedges and fields and wood – very picturesque drive along the flat from Pau – oak and Spanish chesnut the former generally pollarded – at Bordes d’Expoey a good poste house and a little scattered village at 6 20 road all along thro’ high hedges, and pollarded bushy oaks, and Spanish chesnuts occasionally pollarded and in flower giving out their strong faint smell – have slept a little latterly – excellent road and very fine valley grove of oaks with a few Spanish chestnuts intermixed opposite the post house – very fine evening – off from B. d’Expoey small good scattered picturesque village at 6 28 – hedges – fields – wood – mowing – hay-grass – vines – beautiful rich valley – at 7 ¾ Tarbes in sight, at the foot of the hill and its wide plain – Sabot and descend upon this wide, extensive, rich, beautiful plain – very fine descent – the Pyrenees seen obscurely thro’ the mist – fine traversing descent amid vines and forest of Spanish chestnuts – very beautiful – take off Sabot at 8 7 and alight at the hotel de la Paix, Tarbes at 8 ¾ - A- had coffee and I basin of soup, and then strawberries and pears, and a bottle of wine till A- went to bed at 10 ½ pm very fine day F69 ½° at 10 ¾ pm
0 notes
bananashemmo · 8 years
When We Collide (Part 5)
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Pairing: Assistant!Y/N/CEO!Luke
Rating: PG-All
Parts: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4
Summary: He is the definition of high class smart ass, swimming in Dom Pierre Pérignon champagne and has never seen the shadow of poverty. She is underprivileged, lives in a messy dorm room on sale and struggles working as an assistant after being thrown out of college. But how will they collide when Luke makes Y/N pregnant after a drunkenly one night stand?
”No way! Seriously? They really kicked you out of college?”
You rolled your eyes and glared over at Nicole for being the gossip snitch, something she had been her whole life but you really had wished she would have kept this to yourself just for a while. It was, after all, pretty humiliating when you thought about it.
“You sound like you’re surprised, Joey.” You commented with a glimpse in the eye and lifted your beer up to your mouth, letting the taste explode your senses and cool down your pre-sweating forehead.
The pub wasn’t as filled as usual which was a bit of a surprise considering it was Friday. You all had your usual corner right by the pool table that was almost accompanied by a few other from college, playing out for bets on who was supposed to make another’s studies.
You could feel how your head was slowly nodding to the music playing out of the otherwise old speakers. This place didn’t need fancy equipment to make everything perfect, you liked it the way it was.
It was small and placed on the corner across from the pizzeria you lived above. You could always see the old people walking in and out of it during noon on your balcony, it was fun how it changed. At mornings all the drunken homeless people would join for a beer but once the evening would fall upon college students crowded the place.
Not that it had anything fancy, on the contrary it literally had nothing. But it was acceptable to be messy, you could have fun without having to worry about spilling a drink or two and all the people here enjoyed each other.
It wasn’t like any other fancy club in NY where you had to worry about what to wear or what you would be drinking. No creepy guys would show up and hit on you, if that actually happened here you were allowed to punch them in the face. It was one of your favourite places to be.
When coming inside you would instantly be met by the smell of smoke. Like any other pub it was allowed and people sure as hell used that opportunity instead of getting kicked out to do it in the rain. It was smelly and you could see the cloud of smoke once walking inside but it was something you had grown used to.
In the middle of everything was a bar with such dark wooden you were sure it had been standing there since 1973. It was old and had engraved “Carl’s Bar” around the edges with golden font that clearly wasn’t the same color as it always had been.
Around the walls were old picture frames from god knows how old and it had couch booths with tables for people to drink. The colors of the couches were Bordeaux red but they could need a change. They had holes and somebody had made burns with their cigarettes but it somehow gave the place more character.
In the middle of everything was as mentioned, the pool table. There was also one of the other side of the bar but you were sure most preferred to use that as the beer pong table. It was more for the elderly who played the pool but sometimes you dared each other to do it.
Not that you knew of the rules, it was always one messy game with people yelling at each other with invalid arguments of whom had won.
“I’m not surprised Y/N. The only thing I’m surprised about is that they didn’t decide to do that before now.” Joey teasingly said and lit his cigarette between his fingers, coughing in reaction when you gave him a nudge in the shoulder.
“Rude.” You screeched, and felt the friends around you laughing. It was wonderful that even if you had been kicked out, Carl’s Bar at Fridays were still a tradition of some sort.
“No, no don’t see it like that.” He laughed and shared his cigarette with Nicole who was waiting almost desperately for a drag.
“I think we can all agree college was the last thing on your mind. I mean, you always missed out classes and when you did in fact show up you were more interested in your books that literally had nothing to do with studying. Isn’t this the best decision when you think about it?”
He tried not to offend you, he knew the alcohol had been kicking in in all of you but he still wanted to be sure. He was never the lad to start an argument, always sitting by the corner of the class with his feet smacked across the table and raising his finger in the air at times with the most ridiculous questions possible.
“You know I’m not offended.” You smiled and raised your beer in the air to show your surrender. You loved acting petty, it was funny because they all always seemed to have something to drag you down about.
At times it was fun but at other times you felt a bit useless. You were never good at anything, it always seemed like the only thing you could actually do was peel a banana without ruining it. They all had different skills that seemed to fit perfectly for their persona but you were like the black sheep in the crowd of amazing people.
“I’m just trying to realize it myself, I apologize deeply,” You admitted more quietly and looked down at your beer to take a sip, “I had sincerely hoped I would manage to last but of course I didn’t. I mean I almost got kicked out of high school and how is that even possible?”
“It’s possible when you’re named Y/N Y/L/N.” Nicole replied and lifted her beer in the air just for a little cheer.
It was okay. You didn’t mind that they were teasing, you didn’t mind that you were thrown out of college. Sometimes it was more like, what to do now. You still haven’t planned that out and you were pretty tired of people constantly asking that.
“So how do you kill time? I mean, sometimes I wished I could get kicked out as well so I don’t have to worry about my history studies for Monday.” Joey mumbled the last bit to himself with wide eyes, he could feel his vein pulsing and he definitely didn’t want to think about his soon to be morning death.
“It’s pretty much work. That’s all I do.” You explained and leaned back on the couch, watching as some men were hollering on the other side of the bar with beers in their hands.
“You worked at the same place as Nicole right? At the sushi restaura-, Ow Nicole that hurts!” He was quick to scold once he was pinched in the arm by a frustrated Nicole.
“Would you stop you sound like my fucking mom I never worked at the restaurant in the first place, the only thing I did was stealing all the shrimp chips!”
You laughed loudly by both their reactions and seeing them fool around almost like kids, Joey always had this thing with teasing Nicole but only because she always became hysterical over the smallest things. Especially when it came to him it was as if he knew all her sweet spots.
“No we don’t work there I’ve told you so many times!” She spat and knocked him twice in the head with her finger sincerely hoping that he would get it this time.
“Okay okay I’m sorry I can’t remember and also your poking won’t stop helping on my brain cells you are literally forcing them out of my head!” He grabbed her hand to make sure she wouldn’t continue to do it, giving it a bit of pressure so she yelped.
“You guys are insane, okay.” You almost said in disbelief and crossed your arms, but still had a huge smile on your face in amusement.
They both laughed in unison and Joey let go of Nicole’s finger to focus back on you. He had never been the one to remember stuff it was the only reason why he was always late for classes. He could never remember the time.
“Back on the serious note, so you don’t work at the sushi restaurant but you work at…” He paused in track to let you both finish his sentence, he clearly couldn’t remember and he needed help on the way.
“We work at the acting agent company a few streets away from here.” You admitted and saw how his eyes lit up, Nicole’s head nodding in agreement.
“Oh wow why didn’t I remember that, that is something special.” He nodded his head impressed by your words, touching his dark stubble on his chin and thoughts for a few seconds.
“You work for that Hemmings guy don’t you?” He questioned.
“Oh yeah I’ve heard he’s a real douche.”
Your eyes widened and you bit down so harshly on your lips you almost couldn’t believe the voice you heard from behind. You still waited a few seconds before turning around in your seat but by watching Nicole and Joey’s reaction you knew that this wasn’t just something you had heard out of imagination.
Turning around on your seat you prepared yourself to see Luke’s smirk, and just like you predicted he stood in his nicely suit by the end of the couch with his arm resting on top of the cushion.
“What in god’s name are you doing here?” You hissed, looking up at him with wide eyes, “Why do you keep following me around?”
“I’m not following me around,” He said casually and widened his eyes again to copy your face, “I was free this Friday and thought why not try something new? This place is a freaking hole!”
His comment made you roll your eyes and glare over at your friends for a short moment just to let them see how you were feeling before your eyes went back to his.
Leaning up to grab his shirt you fisted it in your hand and ignored how he was complaining that you were crumbling it, letting his tall frame hover down so your cheek was almost pressed against his.
“Luke – why – the – fuck – are – you – here?”
“I’m – getting – a – beer.” He responded back in the same tone as yours but when he smirked all of his face and stood up from your grip he nicely folded down his shirt and turned around to leave towards the bar.
You crumbly crossed your arms and focused back on the table, deciding to drown your beer in one large slurp and looked over at Nicole and Joey who sat with amused smiles on their faces. You didn’t want to comment on it so they decided to ignore it and continue the talk from before.
I’ve read about him in the few magazines isn’t he also a model for Abercrombie & Fitch?” Joey questioned and eyed his tall frame lean in front of the bar and being served by one of the bartenders.
“Please don’t remind me of that.” You mumbled to yourself and ran your hand through your hair.
You clearly remembered that morning when Luke showed up with various clothes of underwear, wanting you to pick out what was best for him to wear. After so many weeks of working out in the gym he wanted to show his body and why not chose something fancy as fuck like Abercrombie & Fitch?
“I feel like there’s a feud I haven’t heard about yet,” Joey commented and rubbed his fingers, “Spill the beans bitches!”
“Bitches?” Both you and Nicole commented in unison and looked at him with a quivered eyebrow.
“My ladies.” Joey said instead and rolled his eyes, he didn’t want you to change the subject already now that it was getting exciting and made motions with his hands wanting you to explain.
“There’s no feud coming up okay.” You whisper-yelled once he gave back from the bar with a beer in his hand, you almost wanted to roll your eyes by seeing him having a tissue wrapped around it.
“Trust me, there will definitely be a feud later.” Nicole whispered into his ear and watched as you pressed your hands against the table harshly to stand up, not wanting Luke to join your group of friends and get the chance to introduce himself.
“Sorry to be the one to tell you this, but you’re not exactly the kind of person who’d fit in a crowd like this.”
His eyes widened once you stood in front of his body with your arms crossed, sincerely hoping you could scare him away with a few spicy comments. This was seriously the last place he would fit into just by his presence he stood out by everyone else.
“What do you mean?” Luke laughed and lifted his beer in the air as a cheer before taking a small sip, “I just wanted to try something new. Is that really that bad?”
“At Carl’s bar for college students?” You glared at him skeptically, “Out of all places you decided that? Couldn’t you have found something expensive somewhere else?”
“No because where else would you be?” He smirked and led you gently towards the pool table that was free to use. You couldn’t tell whether or not if he wanted to play but when he grabbed one of the two billiards cues and fixed the end of it you knew what was supposed to happen.
“Have you been stalking me?” You questioned confused but accepted the stick he gave you, if he wanted to have a conversation over the game then so be it.
“No I just casually saw on your desk that you were supposed to meet up with your friends around eight here at Carl’s I assume?” He looked over his shoulder just to be sure he was right about the name, he hadn’t really taken notice of that once walking in.
“Yes it’s Carl’s.” You replied and felt how a gutted feeling ran across your spine, you remembered the small note you had made but it was only because you were so excited for the night you had been writing it down.
“Why do you constantly follow me around Luke? It doesn’t make any sense?” You watched him make sure that the balls were placed correctly inside of the diamond thing, watching him as he looked up at you with a soft smile.
“If I wasn’t around to annoy you, you’d get bored.”
It seemed to be enough for you to shut your mouth and for one second you almost believed you had a weird new feeling in your stomach. He laughed quietly by your reaction and walked around the pool table to stand in front of you.
“A price for the winner?” He nodded his head against the table and bit down on his lip.
“Fine,” You agreed and pulled your hair into a pony tail, “If I win you buy me a tequila shot.”
“Let’s make that for everyone at the bar.” Luke commented as if one shot was nothing and folded his hands around the stick, moving his face closer to yours.
“If I win… I get a kiss.”
You stood tempted between laughing your ass off or just rolling your eyes, watching the corner of his mouth quiver up to a smirk by your reaction. You bit down on your lip out of habit and looked down at the pool table in thoughts, deciding that you had nothing to lose.
“Fine Hemmings. I hope you’re better at balancing billiard balls because I’ve noticed you sometimes have troubling finding yours.”
He laughed quietly by your joke and walked pass you to take off his expensive blazer, deciding to place it in the booth where you had been sitting.
Both Nicole’s and Joey’s faces widened as if it was something they had never seen before, they almost didn’t dare to touch it but it only made Luke laugh even more in reaction to theirs.
“Grab a dollar or twenty if you’d like.” He nodded his head down towards the pocket with dollars sticking out as if it was pure nothing, Joey’s face lit up even more but before he could grab one as Luke turned around you scolded at him with a glare.
“Don’t you dare okay it’s a part of his mindgame business!” You pointed your finger at him and quietly turned around to see Luke stand in front of you with an amused face, holding the stick in front of you to decide who was going to start.
You wrapped your left hand around it and watched as he continued the pace until your hands touched each other at the top, his hand warm and sending sparkles through yours but before he could say anything you removed yours and pointed towards the table.
“You start out long legs.”
You watched him nod his head challenging in agreement and started out the game. You couldn’t really tell whether or not he was actually good at this but after his first shot, you knew you were close to the loser line already.
He was having that smirk on his face that never seemed to be washed away. He always wore it no matter where the fuck you would go, even if he was sitting inside of his office alone he would also have it. You almost believed his cheeks would hurt from all that smiling, it didn’t make sense to you.
Of course you’d always smile if you had all the money possible. You could tell that Joey had snipped out a dollar or two because he had secretly hurried towards the bar and back with drinks in his hand for you and Nicole.
There was no doubt that you could tell they were watching you from apart, this must have been the most exciting thing possible to watch. Not that anything more exciting happened at Carl’s, you could definitely tell a few had glanced over their shoulder by the sight of Luke.
Whether it was the fact that someone dressed like him walked inside or the fact that they could recognize him like Joey had you couldn’t tell. You honestly thought it was awkward that he was here and you were entertaining you but it was the only way you knew he wasn’t doing something embarrassing.
He had a habit of doing that, making you uncomfortable or just pure embarrassed. There was something about him that constantly wanted to do something to get your attention and to be honest you wanted to stick something up in his already golden filled ass.
Truth was this game wasn’t going as you had attended it to be. Okay more to be honest you had no idea how to play but Luke did and by the way he was reacting after every shot you knew he had done something right.
Your thoughts were taking over so it was hard to even focus on hitting the right ball, you could feel how your hand was shaking after giving another horrible shoot and once you felt something brush over your ass you were quick to turn around and point up at Luke in warning.
‘’Touch my ass one more time and I’ll kick yours.’’
“Honey, you’re not really that big of a threat.”
You watched him take the last shot on the pool table with his tongue resting between his teeth just to be extra sure of hitting right, a cherish smirk coming to his face once he had hit correctly and looked over your shoulder to stare at you.
You were gobsmocked not because you had lost, you weren’t an idiot. You didn’t know what to say because you had just agreed to this for fun, you didn’t exactly think he would actually want that kiss.
But he did and once he had taken the sticks away and placed you on top of the pool table it seemed as if there was no point of return.
“This is gonna be so weir-,” You cut yourself off once he gently placed your hair behind your ear and leaned in, giving you one last smile before he pressed his lips briefly against yours.
You had no idea for how long the kiss was supposed to last but by the way he was tucking you closer indicated that it wasn’t just for a small peck. You had a rush of emotions going through your body at once it was hard to describe but once he moved away with his eyes still closed and lips parted you took a deep breath.
“I don’t think that’s gonna be our last for tonight.” He breathed and opened his eyes to look down at you.
“You’re gonna pay for a shot or two.” You mumbled dazed and breathlessly from the kiss before jumping down from the pool table and lead him towards the bar with thoughts you didn’t think you’d ever have in your life.
Part 6
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domhovasse · 7 years
On my own again.
The next morning, we woke up early, and headed our separate ways, Timnit back to England, and myself, on to Spain. The easiest (and cheapest) way to do this was to take a bus to Faro, and then transfer to another bus. I gave myself 45 minutes to do the transfer at the bus station, thinking that would be ample time, even if the first bus was running late, but with my amazing luck, I got to the station 4 minutes after my transfer had left. This was definitely one of the more frustrating experiences I’d ever had while travelling, but completely out of my control. I couldn’t get refunded either because I used 2 different bus companies, so I had no choice but to wait, and catch the next bus to Seville. What I was most upset about wasn’t the fact that I had to buy another ticket and spend 6 hours in Faro, but the fact that I now had only 1 full day to see Seville, which turned out to be my favourite city on this trip. I ended up locking up my backpack at the bus station and spent some time walking around the city centre, then finding a cafe to eat/drink coffee/kill time. When I could feel myself struggling to keep my eyes open, I left the cafe and continued to walk around. Eventually, I decided to lay down on a park bench, and fell asleep there for a couple of hours before making my way back to the bus station to get my backpack and catch my bus.
When I arrived in Seville in the evening, I checked in to my hostel, and went for a walk to find myself some dinner, before going up to the rooftop of my hostel as an attempt to socialize. There, I happened to meet a guy from Vancouver who knows Olivier and a bunch of his Carver friends, so we chatted for a while, and he invited me to join a group of people from our hostel to go for a walk and get ice cream before coming back to the hostel and heading to bed. The following morning, I woke up quite early and I spent the entire day doing as much sight-seeing as possible, beginning with a little walk to the cathedral, followed by a walking tour, tapas for lunch, and the Alcazar palace in the afternoon (with people from my tour group). Next, we made our way via the shopping street to a viewpoint to enjoy a glass of sangria and some nice views of the city. Along with a super sweet girl from my hostel room (and walking tour), I ended the day with a long walk along/across the river, and more tapas for dinner, before heading back to the hostel for an early night in.
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I woke up early the next morning to catch my blablacar to Granada. The one disadvantage to blablacar is that the driver decides the pick-up and drop-off locations, and they aren’t always anywhere near where you need to be, so I ended up having to walk 30 minutes to my hostel. There was some sort of religious festival going on and the streets were overflowing with people, which made for a challenging walk. I checked into my hostel, and then headed to the Alhambra (which I had booked tickets for ahead of time). I spent the next few hours just wandering around the massive palace grounds, listening to my audio guide, and getting transported back to the 13th century. When I travel alone, I often forget to eat/ unless I can find something easy to take away, I don’t feel like sitting in a restaurant alone. I think it was a combination of not eating plus the 38 degree weather, but I just about fainted on my way home from the Alhambra and then spent the rest of the afternoon in bed. I managed to rally in time to head back out to grab dinner (& gelato) with another female solo traveller from my dorm room, then we decided to walk up to a lookout point to watch the sun set over the Alhambra. I slept like a frickin baby that night, and woke up early the next morning to catch another blablacar back to Seville.
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After getting dropped off in Seville, I pretty much headed straight to the airport, to catch my plane to Marseille. I arrived at my hostel in the late afternoon, checked-in, and went out to explore with an American guy from my hostel room. We went for a long walk to a look out point on top of a hill, and then got dinner along the pier. On the way home, we stopped to enjoy a few glasses of ricard on the terrace of a cool bar. The following day I woke up bright and early to hike up to visit a church on a hill at the highest point of the city, before going on yet another walking tour. After the tour, I was really wanting to head to the Calenques, but unfortunately there just wasn’t enough time for me to fit it in, so instead, I decided to catch a boat to Chateau d’If, a fortress converted into a prison, most famous for being one of the settings of Alexandre Dumas’ adventure novel The Count of Monte Cristo. In the late afternoon, I made my way back to my hostel to gather my things and meet my blablacar driver.
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My blablacar ride was super quick, and we arrived in Nice just after dinner time, so after checking into my hostel, I went for a little walk to find myself some food and then convinced Brandon, my bunk mate from Marseille, to join me on a pub crawl. The following day, I spent most of my time just wandering around Old Nice, walking along the boardwalk, and climbing up a bunch of stairs to a viewpoint. The weather wasn’t great in Nice, and I was quite exhausted/ I was having a pretty bad allergic reaction to bug bites, so I kind of laid low and tried not to cram too much into my day. 
The next morning, I took a bus to the airport, where I caught a bus to Genova, Italy, to see my friend Mara, whom I met in Spain in 2012. She was working at a hostel at the time, and her boss was nice enough to give me 1 free night in the hostel. After meeting her and her sister at the bus station, they brought me to the hostel, and from there, we took the train to Nervi, where we hung out on a [rocky] beach for a bit. Before heading back, we went to a little bakery and ate the best focaccia bread in the entire world. It was fresh, garlic-y and cheese filled and I actually think I died for a second. On the way home we stopped at a gelateria (when in Italy!) for supposedly the best gelato in town. The following morning, I set off on a walking tour for a few hours before meeting back up with Mara to spend the afternoon with her in a beautiful fishing village, tanning, drinking wine and eating seafood. We got back to the city in the evening, and I decided to go on a little walk to a viewpoint - if it isn’t obvious yet, I’m a huge sucker for walking tours and viewpoints), followed by a hunt for some pizza, (because I refused to leave the country before eating a frickin Italian pizza.)
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The easiest way to get from Genova to Marot, was to take a train to Milan, where I had planned to meet up with Oli, then fly to Bordeaux together, and then from there take a train to Saint-Cyprien. It was so nice to be back with Oli and spend a few days relaxing by the pool and hanging out with Auntie Cathy. Uncle Thierry was away at the time, so we weren’t able to see him, but Aunty Cathy still spoiled us with amazing food and an abundance of rosé. We spent our entire first day just hanging out by the pool, taking in the 35 degree weather. Nothing beats a summer day in Périgord, and spending time with our Aunt and Uncle in their beautiful home continues to be a highlight of our trips to Europe year after year. The next day, we wanted to keep up with tradition, and do some canoeing along the Dordogne river. We have so many childhood memories of doing this with the family: getting caught in currents, jumping out for a swim, and being surrounded by medieval castles along the way. Literally a dream. We shared a really lovely meal that final night, which included lots of rosé and some heart to hearts.
The following morning, we had an early breakfast, and Aunty Cathie kindly drove us to Sarlat, where we met our blablacar driver. We spent the next (almost) 6 hours in the car, taking in the beautiful French countryside, listening to music and sharing stories with our driver and his son. It was actually quite an enjoyable journey, and he was able to drop us off right at Balard metro station, which is a very short walk from our apartment. 
Once again, another incredible trip exploring new cities and diving into history with both new and old friends. A few mishaps along the way, but I’m so looking forward to doing it again!
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Tofino Getaway
And I’m back at it! The blog is back in action! This is me inspiring myself to travel again after exploring beautiful British Columbia (BC) for the past year. Well, here is a fun quick getaway that me and my friend Kat went on this week...
As two nurses, our weekend was Tuesday to Thursday, so we decided to explore BC a little more and go to Tofino and Ucluelet! I have been many times before but it was Kats first time and I don’t think she realized how epic the trip is from Vancouver to Tofino. It is no easy trek. We woke up early and arrived at the Horseshoe Bay ferry terminal 45 mins early for our ferry. Quick coffee and vegan wrap at the local coffee house and we got on the 1hr 40min ferry ride. Pretty chill ride with book reading and sights of killer whales along the way which was pretty cool! A gloomy and daunting day in Vancouver turned brighter on the other side when we could see blue sky when arriving into Nanaimo. Another three hour plus drive of forests, towering mountains, winding roads, lakes, and oceans, and we arrived in Tofino after eight hours. You would have to know that getting to Tofino is half the fun!
Tofino is a stunning landscape where you can’t help but feel relaxed once you arrive. It was still a gloomy cloudy day by 3pm but we found ourself a cute little joint called Noodle box that served tasty noodles and beer overlooking the ocean and mountains. Slow wander through town, found another cool restaurant with a chic cabin feel that served Kats coffee fix and my beer fix. As we sat on the couch in the lounge, we read the magazines we picked up with local listings of things to do in town. Live music Tuesday night and a presentation at the Aquarium Wednesday night! Perfect! Checked into our hostel, got some pre-beers, and hung out in our room chatting with our new roomie Dan the physiotherapist from Liverpool, England. This waterfront hostel with rooms overlooking the ocean and mountains did not disappoint (HI-Tofino). I played the hostel guitar in the lounge and after another beer, Me, Kat and Dan caught the free shuttle to the bar. Fun night having shots and beers and meeting random people from around the area and from out of town. 
Saturday was a sleep-in day that consisted of us being lazy until we got enough energy to go outside at 12 noon. Breakfast at the cute bakery in town and off we went to explore the beaches. I wasn’t too motivated to go surfing due to the scary looking weather so we wandered the beaches dodging puddles, rain and surfers embracing the crazy rough waves. Made our way to the nearby town of Ucluelet, a straight & hilly 40-minute drive away through a wet forest. First, we found the docks and a waterfront pub for a beer and local fish and chips.  Second, we poked our heads into the local record shop. Not your typical record shop but instead, we found ourselves in a strange dark lair. It had a log cabin feel made out of wood with high ceilings and a wood fire burning in the back fireplace. Three guys were playing a battle card game on some low couches beside the fire and I couldn’t tell which one worked there. Figurines in boxes lined the walls with 50% price tags. Funny enough, they sold speciality coffee too! But Kat didn’t show interest haha! Wandered out without a record and explored the Wild Pacific Trail with some grocery store bought coffees. This trail is along the coastline of absolutely stunning rock cliffs and coastlines. The weather was still cloudy with some rain, so the forest was wet and eerie.  I explored the rocks where the tide goes high and stumbled towards the crashing waves. I got pretty close to the edge and later, Kat told me she was imagining what to do in the case of my imminent demise because I had the car keys. 
After the ominous hike, we warmed up in the car and headed towards to the local aquarium. The local event by donation was free access to the aquarium and provided vegan hot chocolate and sweet homemade treats to the people attending. Cute place with tanks everywhere filled with local sea life, including sea pens, urchins, fish and star fish. We watched a 45min documentary about how single use plastics should be phased out because it is affecting the wildlife and environment. Cool concept but I will probably now feel bad every time I use a straw now. Snuck out at the end when they were having a discussion and back to the hostel for a chill night in the hostel with red wine, sauna (Yes! In the Hostel!), books, and new friends. Met a nice guy Jordane from Bordeaux, France who was also in our room and we talked about his travels.
Same lazy start the next day and a quiet trip back through the rainy hills, mountains, and weaving between lakes. Now back home, and my house is flooded from the storm we missed! haha
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cbkendall · 8 years
I'm a HUGE traveler and never seem to get enough of it. I know for each person going on vacation is different. Some people like to go to a tropical destination and just relax by a beach. Well for me that doesn't always work because I'm pretty pale and within 15 mins I'll look a lobster. So I'd rather exploring the new city/town and the culture and atmosphere it has. I would much rather get up, get moving and seize the day instead of just lounging around. Even though those types of vacations are also super fun too. 
So with that being said this trip my boyfriend, Jose, & I headed to France for two weeks. We landed in Paris, and caught the TGV directly to Avignon in the South of France to start our 2 week trip. After exploring the South of France we headed to Bordeaux and back to Paris where we concluded our trip.
Since we had limited time in the South, (6 full days), we had to cram in as much as possible. We stayed in the quaint town of St. Remy, which it is super slow paced and gorgeous place. Having St. Remy as our hub was super convenient for us to explore the area. We chose to rent a car so it made it easier to travel between all the different cities we wanted to visit. When I looked into the South of France I was inspired by the gorgeous imagery of lavender, endless open fields, olive trees & of course the food & wine. The Provence region is super well known for making all types of wine but mostly Rosé, which honestly wasn't really ever on my radar till this trip. Now I can't get enough of it especially Miraval. With the weather being so warm and sunning during the summer I'm not surprised that most people drink it here to help cool them off. I also just wanted to share a site I found that was super helpful in planning our trip and picking the places we would like to visit.
Day 1: Marseilles
We headed to the city of Marseille with our rental car and grabbed a quick breakfast to start our day. Coffee & pastries were the best way to get the morning off right. We started our walk through the Castellane district to get a birds eye view of the city from the Notre-Dame de la Garde (Basilica Lady of the Guard), which is atop the highest hill in the city. The interior is gorgeous filled with colored marble, murals and the best part is the view.
After enjoying the view and taking plenty of photos we walked back down towards the Saint-Victor back down by the Vieux Port (Old Port). We admired the Abbaye Saint-Victor from a distance and enjoyed the the super picturesque port filled with fishing boats and yachts. As we walked around the Vieux Port we walked under this amazing Mirror art piece that was covering part of the port. The waterfront is super gorgeous filled with tons of restaurants, bars and a great view of the port. We stopped by and grabbed a little bite to eat and a quick drink since it was rather warm out.
We then visited Fort Saint-Jean which also had a great view of the city and an awesome art exhibit. There is also the MuCEM right next door you could check out. If you just go inside the fort it's free entrance but if you wanna go inside the actual museum you'll have to pay. We then continued walking passed Cathedral la Major which was sadly under construction. We were able to spend more time walking around the Saint-Lazare & Le Panier area, which was super artsy and had lots of unique cute stores to explore.
Another part of the city which we sadly didn’t get to see was Château d’If and for me that has no significant meaning but for those fans of ‘The Count of Monte Cristo’ you’d all be jumping at the chance to see it. My boyfriend really wanted to go but by the time we realized the island was here we were too tired and there was a long wait to go over there. So if you’re fans I would totally make the time to see it. We also didn’t make it to the Musee des Beaux Arts which has lots of Italian and Provincial paintings and sculptures from the 17th and 21st centuries. Again it’s another beautifully designed building no harm in taking a look. 
Well that was our day spent in Marseille overall it was a gorgeous sunny, warm day. Don't forget to pack the sunscreen and hat. It is a city worth visiting but I wouldn’t say you need to spend more than one full day there.
Day 2: Pond du Gare, Nîmes & Beaucaire
We're still in awe about how beautiful it is down here! Anyway after a good nights rest we had breakfast at home on the porch admiring the view eating fresh fruit and yogurt. We then drove about an hour to check out Pond du Gare, which is a UNESCO World Heritage site. It is a gorgeous ancient Roman aqueduct that was built over 2000 years ago that grosses that crosses the Gordon River. I’d always wanted to see it and when we got there it was just magnificent. It was free to visit and when we were there they had a car show happening at the open park area near the aqueducts. It was pretty cool because there were so many classic cars. You could bring a little picnic and sit on the grass or grab food, drinks & gelato at the restaurant in the area while you admire the Pond du Gare. We walked across the bridge on the lowest level as well as walked to the top to catch the spectacular view.
It’s honestly a pretty quick stop but totally worth seeing. We then got back in the car and went to the town of Remoulis which was about a 10-15 minute drive from the Pond du Gare. We just walked around the town it was honestly super small with some cool architecture and buildings. We sat down at a restaurant we stumbled upon located on the main road leading into the town. We decided to order a small carafe of rosé & and amazing prosciutto pizza. We really wanted to try a local wine so we asked the waiter to recommend a rosé which was from, Domaine le Clos du Bailly. It was right around the corner from the restaurant but it was sadly closed when we were there. 
We then headed to Nîmes, which is known as the French Rome because it was once controlled by the Roman Empire. It again is a very small town and easy to walk around. Several of the Roman Empire architecture and sights are scattered throughout the city in amongst some of the newer buildings. We took a look at the exterior of the Nîmes Cathedral and then headed to the Esplanade Charles-de-Gualle to look at the beautiful fountain (Fontaine Pradier) and Elise Sainte Perpetue. Near by was also Cour D'Appel de NIMES or the Court of Appeals which was also a gorgeous Roman style building. On our walk I kept noticing images of a crocodiles chained to a palm tree. My curiosity got the better of me and I searched the background behind it and found out it is their Coat of arms! Which I thought was super funny and cute! Anyway as we continued our walk around we went to the Roman Arena, another UNESCO World Heritage Site. We didn’t go inside since its was pretty expensive but we did walk around it and admired how stunning it was. We also looked at the Maison Carree and The Gates of the Roman Town. We didn’t make it to the Temple de Diana or The Jardins de la Fontaine but both looked stunning. 
Our final stop of the day was Beaucaire. Another ancient town on the banks of the Rhone river, & a canal boat basin running down the center of the city. The town is filled with nice squares and ancient churches. There isn’t a ton to see here and not everyone would really wanna visit but It was close by and on the way home. I really wanted to check this town out because I wanted to see the Chateau de Beaucaire which is a 11th-16th century castle. The ruins are still pretty and i can only imaging how magical it was at its time. It still had a great view of the city as well as the area around there. We were able to admire the beautiful blue cloudless sky and admire the Rhone river that ran on one side of the castle. We even drove passed the Aqueduct Les Archades which are also aqueducts that cross a valley on very tall arched pillars. 
After a long day of exploring we just wanted to come home cook dinner & watch football.
Day 3: Les Baux & St. Remy
Our day started out by heading over to Saint Paul de Mausole Asylum which is where Van Gogh admitted himself for his last final years of his life. Being in this area really inspired him and he even created a few of his final pieces while he was inside the asylum. The grounds were beautiful filled with lavender rows and a ton of poppies. We then headed over to Les Baux, a castle & village, located on top the hills with small squares, well-shaded terraces and narrow streets. Grabbed a bite to eat in the town square enjoying some great french food and rosé this area. 
We then headed over to Carrières de Lumières located inside the heard of the Alpilles. The exhibit is projections of specific artist's work onto the inside cave walls to fully immerse the viewers. We happened to see Chagall’s, Midsummer Night’s Dream. I’ve never seen anything like this before and no pictures I could take would do this justice. It was such a different way to view art and it felt like I was on a journey of his career.
We continued on to the Chateaux located at the highest point of the mountains which gives one of the best view of the countryside. It may have been a super hot day but that view and the wind that blew through made everything worth it. We explored every nook and cranny, every high top tower we could climb and enjoyed the view. 
After that we continued to the 17th-century Mas de la Dame winery for our first wine tasting in France. It was a beautiful and the wine was amazing we ended up buying a couple bottles. The grounds were so pretty with 132 acres of vines throughout the property and 60 acres of olive groves. Everywhere in this area including where we stayed had groves of olive trees so most wineries did olive oil tastings. Van Gough even did a painting of this winery while he was staying in St. Remy. The next winery we went to was Domaine des Terres Blanches which was the first organic vineyard in Les Baux Nimes. 
Day 4: Aix-en-Provence
We enjoyed our typical French breakfast on the patio and drove to Aix-en-Provence (about 1 hours drive). Aix-en-Provence is a dream destination filled with elegance, constantly bustling streets and squares. It is a city filled with joyful impressions, colorful festivals, provincial markets & lovely countryside walks. 
First things first we hit up the tourist office to get a little more of an idea what there is to do here & grab a map. Then we wandered around the town and headed to a Cézanne's house which was a little outside the town center. We were able to see where he got his inspiration and how he live back in the day. The town itself was lined with gorgeous cobble stone streets, classic romantic architecture gorgeous squares filled with lovely cascading fountains. 
After the day we headed back to St. Remy before we went out to a nice dinner. We drove through les baux again and watched part of the sunset overlooking the lovely view of the countryside. We enjoyed a lovely dinner at Le Bistro du Paradou. (Reservations required) It was absolutely amazing. This place is also set in the very traditional Provancial eating style which is a full 5-6 course meal paired with a lovely French red wine. I got to try escargot again and as much as I may not like the texture the flavor was absolutely amazing and I almost changed my opinion of it. We then ate our entrée which I got chicken with potatoes. Then dessert and ending with a giant assortment of cheeses. 
Day 5: Arles, Gordes & Abbey Senanque
After a good nights rest we headed to St. Remy’s town center for breakfast and to check out the farmers market that happens three times a week. Most of the food and wine are locally grown or made; as well as a few souvenirs and other items from bags, hats to sheets & knifes. There was so much lavender from soaps to actual lavender bunches. If this is your scene I would recommend getting there early unless you don't mind crowds. I personally hate when it gets too busy so I’d rather get up early and then leave when it gets busier. 
After we finished buying tons of souvenirs and nick-nacks we went on a hunt for lavender fields. Not going to lie finding fields of lavender was super hard especially because when I did research I read the best time was mid June to early July to see the fields in full bloom. But if you're coming to the South of France to see it I'd go towards mid or end of July. We did get to seem some fields but they weren't as gorgeous as I've seen in other photographs.
Either way we went exploring in search of lavender fields. We ended up driving up into the hills in the direction of Norte-Dame de Senanque Abbey. On our way there we drove through some smalls towns & ended up stumbling upon the beautiful town of Gordes. It really reminded me of the towns they show on Game of Thrones. The buildings live on the edge of the cliff overlooking the Provencial area with a stunning view. The town itself is very quaint and filled with small cobble stone streets. We did a quick drive through so if we go back I'd love to explore it more on foot. 
We left and continued our drive to the abbey, which is located at the bottom of a valley surrounded by fields of lavender and trees. It's been around/open since 1148 and is one of the oldest churches around. The building was beautiful and they do French speaking tours of the inside on the hour and they are very strict with the dress code. The monks give the tour and we sadly missed the tour by 15 mins so we just explored the exterior instead. I wish the lavender fields were in full bloom because it would have made the area so much more beautiful being surrounded by purple flowers.
Once we were done here we headed over to Arles. Arles is another roman town filled with shady squares, gorgeous colorful houses and lots of culture. Most people know Arles because of Van Gough and all the paintings he painted here. We walked around the whole town starting at the tourist office and ended at a restaurant in the Place du Forum square right by Café Van Gogh, which was one of the most well-known paintings from this area. We admired all the unique stores throughout the city and admired some of the biggest tourist attractions like the roman amphitheater called Les Arènes. It is one of the few arenas besides Nîmes that is still standing. During our visit they were doing restorations on it but it was still a cool place to see and had a wonderful view of the city. 
Day 6: Avignon to Bordeaux
Woke up and relaxed in the house for a bit before heading out to Avignon. Once there we went and checked out the castle and the view of the area. As well as walked quickly down the main street to see some of the main architectural buildings and monuments. Sadly we ran out of time because our train was leaving at 1:40pm. So if I could go back I would go check out more closely the bridge that is so well known if here and any of the other sites around.  
Our train ride was about 5 & a half hours to Bordeaux. We stayed in the Saint Michel area just a few blocks away from the Basilica of St. Michael & Place Meynard. Since it was pretty late when we got there we just headed to our Airbnb to drop our stuff off and then headed back out to the square. There were lots of restaurants and lots of little cafe’s around there however arriving so late there was very limited amount of options to eat at. So we settled for the one restaurant that had a the soccer matches on and some really good French food & wine. 
To continue reading check out my next blog post on Bordeaux and Paris.
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