#we have lost so many sapphic shows this year I can’t handle losing more
epccjl · 2 years
Staring out the window wondering when A League of Their Own will come back from the war….
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katherinewhistler · 7 years
Can you recommend some sanvers fics please?
In Progress
the wedding date by jayenator565, sincerely_v: Maggie tells her family that she has a date to her sister’s wedding. That’s not exactly true.
red fish, blue fish by bltbackwards: Alex Danvers is the head marine biologist and veterinarian at the National City Aquarium, where Maggie Sawyer is the new night guard. One chance encounter leads to two, which leads to meetings not at all by chance. 
rival captain by agtdamnvxrs: Alex is the captain of the hockey team. Maggie is the captain of the soccer team. At National City High School their two teams have been rival twenty years. 
all of the love i can’t forget by justicarwrites: A hostile takeover of the DEO forces J'onn into an impossible decision, and Maggie’s life is spared at the expense of her memory of those she loves. Lost, Maggie works to piece together why she no longer recognizes her life while the gang, fractured and disheartened, tries to figure out a way to fix things without putting her in even more danger or The Mindwipe AU
why didn’t you let me go by V0313
give me shelter (or show me heart) by chancellorclarke: The first time Maggie sees Alex, Maggie is 28 and Alex is 30.AU: Maggie is a time traveller.
facts unknown by peaceful_polis: Supergirl gives Maggie Sawyer a piece of her mind but also learns some things in return. 
the lady and the tramp by m_p_kal:  Maggie Sawyer didn’t have the best life even before she was living with her aunt, but thankfully all the misery and bad treatment made her a better person in life. Now, after a scholarship handed to her she has to relocate her life to National City and in the hands of the sharks, aka private school for rich people or Highschool AU
forever (part 1) by lexie_raven:  Alex finds herself thrust into a world that she never knew existed. At the same time, National City’s new mayor is pushing an anti-alien agenda that spells trouble for her sister.
until we meet again by drugedbyalex: Alex Danvers is a successful landscape photographer, who needs to fly back to National City for her sisters’ wedding. Maggie Sawyer is a struggling single mother of a 4 year old boy (named Jesse), who is traveling to National City for a job interview. What happens when they book the same flight, and their plane has been delayed 7 hours?
im lost in you by r_grimes: powerful business woman alex danvers meets her personal assistant maggie sawyer.
to built a home by seaunicorn: Maggie’s apartment is on fire, so she shows up on Alex’s doorstep… and Alex could never say no to Maggie.
undercover by MargravineB: All Alex wanted was a nice, simple infiltration mission - go in, grab the goods and get out before anyone was the wiser. She didn’t expect Maggie Sawyer butting in again. Especially not while posing as Alex’s very amorous wife.
Protecting Her by Drugedbyalex: An AU where Alex Danvers is an agent recruited to protect Maggie Sawyer by her father, because Maggie has a chip implanted in her brain that allows her to directly connect to the information grid. They don’t hit it off so easy at first, but what happens when Alex continuously saves her life?
One Shot/Two Shot
sunkissed by ChiaWrites: Maggie loves summer. Alex gives her a reason to love it even more.Or the one where Maggie can’t stop staring at Alex’s freckles.
rainy days by eoki: Everyone loves rainy days, except for Maggie Sawyer.
but the fruit is sweet by thrace: Sometimes doing the right thing sucksorMaggie can’t figure out why Supergirl is suddenly giving her the cold shoulder.
i would move mountains to make you smile by DisplacedWarrior: Alex was just looking for a way to handle her giant crush without talking about it, she had no idea creating an anonymous Instagram account for her cheesy sapphic poetry would cause this much of a stir.It has half the school starry-eyed but what about the one girl it was intended for?
roadtrip by drugedbyalex: After Maggie’s bad break up Alex decides to drag Maggie into a road trip adventure, that’ll hopefully make Maggie forget about her Ex-girlfiend. What will happen when things go from being platonic to something maybe a bit more than friends?
just breathing hurts by likebrightness: The first time they fuck, Maggie still has a girlfriend.
and you bet I felt it by belikebumblebee: There are a lot of things to be learned about Alex Danvers. Maggie collects them like sea shells. Half a year goes by, and she falls, and falls, and falls.
i didn’t know i was lonely til i saw your face by LHKnox: Jock Maggie needs help passing calculus, or else she’ll get cut from the baseball team and lose her scholarship. She makes a deal with Nerd Alert Alex: if Alex helps Maggie with her math, Maggie will help her get popular enough to score a date with Maxwell Lord.The problem is, there’s a chance she might fall in love with her along the way.
how a kiss should taste by PoeticallyIrritating: In which they’re each waiting for the other to make a move, and Alex finally does.
we don’t have to be modern by glaeson: Alex gets her soulmark at sixteen and no one is more freaked out than she is. Not even Eliza.Because—holy shit, it says Maggie, and as far as she’s aware that’s a girl’s name and like, it’s not unheard of but she’s just never thought of herself that way, okay?
just so you know by drugedbyalex: Maggie has finally come to terms with her feelings for Alex, and she decides to confess them over a camping trip, only for it to be invaded by Alex’s jealous boyfriend Maxwell Lord.
the girl next door by drugedbyalex: Alex Danvers was minding her own business, working on her laptop when it suddenly crashed after she spilt her popcorn all over it. As she tries to clean it off, she brushes against many buttons which happen to open up the camera of the hallway of her apartment to a very interesting view of the girl next door, who happens to be her co-worker, Maggie Sawyer.
we meet and we fall by aos_skimmons: Alex doesn’t like breaking the rules. She likes studying, reading and focusing on the medical career she wants for herself. But when Maggie, National City High’s resident badass, comes into her life that all changes.
Show Me How A Kiss Should Taste by LingeringLilies: Alex and Maggie’s first time.
the girls we wanna kiss by queercapwriting: A compilation of Sanvers minifics from my tumblr, ranging from super smutty smut to extremely fluffy fluff.
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breeeliss · 8 years
[Femslash February]: Sunlight
...so yeah this is screaming beach au so we’re just gonna do a beach au, alrighty?
Day 10: Sunlight (Alyanette + class bonding :P)
Words: 1730
Link to Archive of Our Own: [AO3]
[Previous: Flowers] [Next: Style Swap]
So...the original plan was to take a day trip to Normandy. 
Alya had been getting restless staying in the city during the summer, so she brought up the idea of going to some of the beaches along the coast. Marinette had been talking her head off about the beach since the Spring, so she figured it would be a cute date idea and something that they could handle in a day trip. Juleka and Rose had offered to tag along and bring blankets and snacks, and they were in Marinette’s bakery figuring out the details. 
But Sabrina and Chloe happened to be there picking up a pastry order, and just the word Normandy had Chloe stalking over to their table in complete disgust. Alya was bracing herself for some silly, spoiled little tirade, but instead Chloe took actual offense to the fact that they were thinking of going to the Northern beaches. 
“Normandy is so damn cold even in the middle of the summer, and the beaches down by St. Tropez are way nicer.”
“You realize that St. Tropez is like eight hours away driving, right? This was supposed to be a day trip,” Marinette muttered. 
Chloe snorted. “So? Listen, I’ll not stand around and listen to you all plan a girls’ day out at a beach that’s not even worth it. At least St. Tropez is warm and the resort beaches will treat you like royalty. Honestly, that I even have to explain this...“
“Well, uh,” Rose spoke up. “We really don’t have the money for anything like that, as nice as that sounds.”
“Yeah, you’re apparently dripping in euros, do you have any suggestions?” Alya sneered. 
Sabrina chuckled and leaned towards the table, lowering her voice just a tad. “Sorry, Chloe’s really bad at extending invitations.”
Marinette’s eyes widened. “Extending an invitation?”
Turns out that Chloe’s father let her invite as many girlfriends as she wanted to St. Tropez every summer for a weekend at one of the beach resorts, and usually the Bourgeois’s had enough clout to reserve most of the beach for themselves. In the past, it had always been just Sabrina and Chloe along with a few of her father’s friends, but Sabrina promised that, as long as the rest of them were alright with spending a weekend away from home, they were more than welcome. Chloe was off to the side -- arms crossed and looking sour faced -- but muttered something about texting her father regarding extra plane tickets. 
So Marinette called up Alix and Mylene to ask if they wanted to join them for a girls’ beach day. And not even a few days later, they were all flying down to St. Tropez, plane tickets, hotel rooms, and Chloe’s platinum credit card all on behalf of Andres Bourgeois himself. 
They were all set up and tanning in a long line along the beach in the early afternoon on the Friday that they arrived. Chloe even set a timer on her phone so that they could all toast for half an hour on each side before going into the water. Alya had to hand it to her -- she didn’t like Chloe, but this was really really nice. She had to remember to convince Marinette to sneak into the hotel’s hot tub with her later that night. 
“So here’s a thought,” Alya said. “Marinette, when you become a rich and successful designer with your own label one day, can we make this our honeymoon spot?”
“Of course,” Marinette replied immediately. “So long as you also take me to New York City when you finally become a world renowned reporter and can take me anywhere in the world.”
“Hell yes. And we’ll get your hamsters so long as I can get my dog.”
Marinette held up her hand and waited for a high five from Alya. “Fabulous.”
Juleka giggled and peeked over the edge of her sunglasses. “You two are adorable.”
“Listen, I already called dibs on designing our wedding dresses. I have been dreaming about this since I was seven. Of course I have my life planned out.”
“Listen,” Alya laughed. “This girl has wedding invitation designs set up already. Planned out doesn’t even begin to cover it.” She grappled around for the sunscreen in her bag and threw it over to Marinette. “Re-do your face, babe, so you don’t burn your cheeks again.”
Marinette pouted. “I put a bunch on already.”
“Remember that time I rubbed aloe literally everywhere when we went to the beach last summer? You’re pale, you burn at the drop of a hat. Re-apply.”
“Fine, mom.”
Chloe’s cellphone went off and she snapped her fingers. “Flip ladies!”
They all rolled over onto their stomachs, and Chloe propped herself up on her elbows. “You know, as disgustingly domestic as the two of you are, you two took for-fucking-ever to start dating. I mean, Jesus, Adrien and I both tanked our bets because you took way longer than either of us thought.”
Marinette frowned. “Wait, what? You were betting?”
“Just Adrien and I,” Chloe sniffed. “I may not like you, but as a fellow sapphic girl, I can’t help but root for two ladies in love. But, you know, thanks for dragging it out for over a year.”
“It was not over a year,” Alya rolled her eyes. 
“Um,” Alix snorted. “Dudes, I kept a fucking calendar counting down the days until this happened. Kim damn near cried when you two started dating, oversized romantic baby that he is.”
“Hold on,” Marinette interrupted. “Who else was rooting for us?”
"Well Adrien and Nino threw that literal celebration party, don’t you remember?” Alya mentioned. “Which was so extra and not necessary, but whatever.”
“The one at Adrien’s place that was supposed to be a ‘lycée graduation party’?” Marinette air quoted. 
“That’s the one.”
“Well, ever since Chloe told me that she was sure the two of you were in love with each other, I’ve been dying for it to happen too,” Sabrina smiled. “It was super obvious to me.”
Rose raised her hand. “Juleka and I were rooting for you two since day 1.”
Juleka shrugged. “Rose was really invested in it. I was just glad the two of you were becoming so close.”
“Ivan noticed it sooner than I did actually,” Mylene piped in. “But once he told me to pay attention to the two of you more, I was also getting some vibes from you two. This seemed like a natural enough thing to happen.”
Marinette looked up to the sky. “Why didn’t we know this?”
“Because you two are the most ridiculously oblivious people on the whole goddamn planet,” Chloe said with an eye roll. “I mean, honestly, not hard to tell that more than half the girls in our class weren’t straight. The rest of us were all coupled off practically waiting for the two of you to make it official. The most goddamn frustrating thing to ever watch. And I’ve seen every season of ‘The Bachelor.’”
“Okay,” Alya groaned. “We were not being oblivious. We got together at a perfect time.”
Chloe snorted. “Show of hands: how many people were annoyed as hell that they took this long to get together?”
Everyone’s hands shot up into the air. 
“You guys were literally flirting at every available opportunity, but the funny thing is that I don’t think you guys even realized you were doing it,” Alix said. 
“They were so close, I’m sure it was hard for them to tell,” Sabrina offered. 
Juleka snorted. “There are none so blind as those who do not wish to see.”
Marinette pouted. “I feel attacked...”
“I think it’s more a matter of the two of you needing to make up for lost time at this point,” Mylene giggled. “We’re all just poking fun, you know that.”
“Not me,” Chloe said, “I’m straight up judging and attacking.”
“It wasn’t that easy,” Alya defended. “I was new, I kinda just wanted to get my friend group solidified without adding in any dating drama.”
“Despite the fact that Marinette is like the most aggressively bisexual person I know?” Alix joked. 
Alya covered her face with her hands. “I didn’t want to be creepy.”
Marinette shrugged. “I thought you were straight, if I’m being honest. But I’m bad at picking up vibes from people.”
“In what solar system,” Chloe exclaimed, “did you think Alya was straight?”
“I don’t know!” Marinette exclaimed defensively. “Since when are you the freakin’ gaydar expert?” 
“Since birth!” Chloe scoffed. “It’s a survival mechanism, you amateur.”
“Okay,” Rose laughed. “We’re losing track of the conversation. The whole point being, we’re just glad you two are a couple. It’s refreshing! Really, we’re all just happy for you.”
Alya smiled. “I mean, good to know we had the class support. Now I have to interrogate all the guys about this.”
“Rest assured,” Mylene said. “Adrien and Nino did the work of ranting to all the boys in class about this. Ivan can attest. That ‘graduation party’ really was a collective celebration in every sense of the phrase.”
“So tell me,” Marinette mused, staring at Chloe. “Was this an excuse to get us a girlfriend getaway because you were secretly fangirling for us on the side?”
Chloe refused to look up from her phone. “Don’t know what you’re talking about. Sounds nothing like me...”
Sabrina took advantage of the distraction and mouthed a ‘yes’ to the rest of the group with Chloe wasn’t looking. 
“Well,” Alya sighed. “We’re here for an entire weekend. Might as well start ticking things off your beach bucket list if you’ve got one. Getting some sun is done.”
Marinette clapped her hands excitedly. “Oh! We can make sandcastles later! And run along the shore! And come here at night for a walk when the sand is all nice and cool. And play beach games!”
“Domestic!” Chloe shouted. 
“Oh hush, let them have their fun,” Sabrina chided. “Making up for lost time, remember?”
“Wanna have a beach volleyball match tomorrow?” Alix suggested. “Bet you Mylene and I can kick your asses.”
“Oh, and we can all watch the sunset from the lobby of the hotel. It has all those gorgeous windows with that amazing view,” Rose gushed. “It’ll be perfect.”
“Those restaurants looked pretty fancy too,” Juleka offered. “Romantic dinner on Chloe’s tab? You should take advantage.”
Alya knocked her head with Marinette’s. “Writing all this down, babe?”
Marinette winked. “Making an itinerary as we speak...” 
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