#we love them but they are so evillllll
clockworkreapers · 8 months
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spopsalt · 9 months
Top 5 best and worst episodes from the show? (As well as how you'd rate them out of 10?)
Thanks for the ask! This is a very long post!
Hmmm...my favorite one is probably the portal, I just don't like the way spop fans romantize it, also we see Catra getting punched, what more could we want? I also love seeing Adora stand up for herself and the animotion is really fulid!, the pace can be kinda slow but that's it, I'll probably rate it 9/10, it's a really good episode.
Second favorite...I really like the sword part 2, seeing her budding friendship with Glimmer and Bow is really sweet, it's also nice to see Adora leave her toxic enviorment. 8/10, the portal only beats it by a bit since the animation is smoother.
my third favorite? I kinda like The Coranation, everyone is likable there and you understand their motivations, Glimmer is upset that everyone is treating like a party where her mom just died, Adora and Bow just want to make her happy and were afraid talking about Angella would hurt her, and the ending is very sweet. 7/10.
My fourth favorite is flowers for she-ra, it's when Perfuma wasn't a terrible person and Adora says it's fine to not be perfect and Glimmer encourages her, another very sweet episode and where the message didn't feel extermely forced 7/10, only because not much happens.
my 5th favorite is the sword part one, I feel like it sets up the setting well, and shows how horrible Shadow weaver is 7/10
the 1st worst for me is Save The Cat, it's so victim blaming and makes it seems like Adora is in the wrong is leaving her toxic enviroment? What? It's also when it becomes the Catra Show and everyone elses trauma is forgotten 1/10,
the 4th worst is probably the heart part 2, I explained why I dislike the ending in another post, it's also when Catradora become canon. 1/10
The 3rd worse is Horde Prime, it introduces a very boring final villan with no other personality besides Evillllll but something does happen sooo 2/10, they had to pull a hero may die card to make it slightly interesting, and even then we know Adora isn't gonna die because this is a kids show, speaking of which...
the 4th worst is Failsafe, again pulling the hero may die card, it's also Catra being a horrible person because since she doesnt want to let Adora die it's apparently fine that she left Adora on her death bed. 2/10
The 5th worst is mer-mysterious, everyone is blaming each other and thats it! We just see everyone blaming each other, it's just really awkward and sad but it doesn't have bad representation sooo 3/10
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ddeongies · 2 months
wait now that i have an emoji indicator im lowkey afraid of being perceived LOL but i digress. YOURE SICKKKKK YOURE FUCKING SICK bringing back pfw ryu youre EVILLLLLL that look is genuinely the bane of my existence i cannot think about it or i go insane she looks so fucking GOOD in that goddamn dress. and the chageun mention 😭 made me want to go reread lol.
this au has been so fun, i love how every iteration of ryeji u write is so different but still undeniably Them... yeji picking up ryu... strap... (magic strap...succubus au... a topic for another day...) there's so much vulnerability worked into their dynamic while still keeping up the big walls they've built around themselves, like "yeah ill let u be my first time with a strap but we are NOT going to talk about it or us" she's so funny. the gentleness that verges on being Too sincere... the way that even though theyre in a mess of complicated and confusing emotions, yeji will still never do anything ryu's not comfortable with... the allowance for reciprocation... im nodding im nodding. smthing about ryu distractedly playing with yeji's fingers while asking her about love as theyre curled up in bed together... its so good. and im even more excited for chapter 5 now omg (also all i wanted -> run away -> red string on ur playlist i see u. "all i wanted was you" into "i am not what you want" youre evil) 🖤
shhh no don't worry you're not being perceived it's just bc i like being organized pls carry on :D
everyone is so mad at me for pfw ryu and you know what?? i deserve it but i've already suffered enough. do you know how bad it was for my sanity to write about that dress??? i just had to stare at a picture of her and like.... attempt to describe it without sounding too insane 😭😭😭😭
(also yes everyone go reread chageun rn LOL)
thank you!! i think one of my fave things about writing ryeji is like... how you can play with the characterizations and the dynamic in different ways. like i know i repeat certain traits and vibes and stuff, but i do try and keep it fresh every time! (and succubus au will also be it's own thing..... one day.....)
and yesss you're picking up what i'm putting down like.... the amount of comfort they have that allows them to be soft and vulnerable and the way it clashes with resentment, confusion, things left unsaid, communication that needs to happen. it's a bit of a push and pull but also just each of them offering these tender, private parts of themselves in a way that almost but doesn't quite make up for everything they still need to work through... (can you tell i'm obsessed with them)
omg ldkajfld yay you listened to the playlist!!! i actually need to make some updates to it bc the version i'm working with on apple music is a lil different i've added a couple of things but yes i am evil for putting those songs together like that 😈 all of the lyrics on that playlist... lol
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aleniksimmer · 1 year
Miraculous the movie
Final thoughts:
-if you watch it alone without any prior knowledge of Miraculous it feels extremely random, the characters are flat, the powers blurry, their objectives kinda lost in the songs, which are there but don't really clear the situation or move the plot forward
-if you watch it knowing the show it does make even less sense, the powers are completely fucked up, sometimes the suits protect them, sometimes not, the characters feel a very faded copy of what they're supposed to be and most of the times the plot doesn't plot, things just happen cause it's fanservice and "a laugh for the kids", it really feels like a fanfiction in which the author was focused in a couple of scenes and then tried to connect them together even if they don't work. Conflicts starts and are closed at random, there's zero build up, as I said before it all feels like it happens because the "author" wanted it to happen but not because the story makes sense developing in that way through the characters (as it should be with a well written story)
In the end, I enjoyed some visuals, I enjoyed some 3d models, but in general it's not something I would want to watch again, it feels uneventful and it does feel like you just have to be a casual/passive spectator. There's no foreshadowing, no messages between the lines. They tried to make the line "save a life, save the world" meaningful but it really gave nothing.
Last very personal opinion, as a hardcore fan of Frozen movies and shorts, it feels like the animations/camera angles/songs were heavily inspired by that and classic Disney in general instead of focusing on the canon material. I get they wanted to retell the story in a shorter format but it didn't quite deliver the intended result for the mentioned reasons.
So I finally decided to watch the movie cause I need something lighthearted rn, and a few seconds in I'm hating how they are presenting the miraculouses "they were only given to heroes but the butterfly is the most evil one cause evil butterfly ohhhhh" like the fuck did you just smoke Fu? Seems like Zag didn't really watched the show and had this vague idea that the butterfly miraculous is EvIL. It would be a long watch. I will edit this post each time I have to say something.
I'm a DIE HARD fan of musicals, like half of my songs on Spotify are from musicals, I have playlists of Disney songs. But this?? Seems Zag watched more Anna from Frozen than the actual show. I know Mari was very insecure in the beginning, but this is all over the place, and the dialogues, they are so detached (and I don't want to shit on the animation, but for fuck sake she wants to be a fashion designer, her whole room is pink, her sketches are colorful but the best she can imagine is a gray smoking and a white dress?? Not even a hint of color?? And she stops in front of a white dress?? For frick sake she's Marinette not "I love a sterile environment with bland people" Gabriel Agreste). And I'm 5 minute in. God save me
At least I can relate to the flute scene. What a vile instrument c_c
Ahh I don't know how to feel about them using that tune and those scenes that resemble so much the parts of the show that make you heart skip a bit in a context that feels so less deep. I think I'm missing the build up to the crucial point.
The long hair?? Gabe with the long hair?? I'm crying 😂😂
Oh come ooooonnnn. They give Nooroo a fuking bad reputation like this. And it doesn't make any sense design wise. If the butterfly is the worst of the worst why does it have a random place in the circle of secondary miraculouses. I hate it.
And now the jewels fly. Okay. OK. I need to forget about the show.
Ok. Now I'm 100% certain that Fu is high on something.
No Tikki, the butterfly is lost due to Fu and you perfectly know what it is capable of? Otherwise you wouldn't call it the eViLlllll.
So, what did we learn today. The gargoyle is there to do nothing, no objective, no plan, no correlation between the emotion and the akumatized result. Gabe should want their miraculouses but apparently the akuma is just trying to play with them through the city? Why sneaking behind? Why attacking CN at random and then going around? Why staying in Notre Dame and just make noise in the beginning? Second, the yoyo is doing all the work, God forbid Mari learns how to use it. Just make the yoyo do the job and LB is just there like a sack of potatoes. Everything is so random.
Who needs heroes when you can crush the akumatized person with a train, right?? Also that poor akuma got fried to death just to make the batman symbol.
He keeps making fun of her, treat her like an inferior but he's in love?? I'm face palming hard right now. Also, a fucking God of destruction apparently has a digestive system he can't control. Nice. Really really nice. So funny. Ha ha. 😑
He really went for that disney villain vibe..
I NEED a figurine of them on the moon.
I am weak for Ladynoir, ok? Ok. Don't care much about the song but how they interact now it's adorable. They're dancing. My poor heart. 😭
Really, hawkmoth decided to become batman.
And now he's a Jedi, ladies and gentlemen!
Oh, the flying superman shot was really missing now.
Physically and canonically everything doesn't make any sense but okay. God feels like a fanfiction.
Show Gabe would have laughed maniacally and grabbed that ring without any second thought. Oh well.. This is anticlimactic.
So.. Are we finally going to see a lucky charm at the end of the movie ooooor... Nope, just some dust and Elsa building skills.
NOT EVEN THE KISS??? YOU DIDN'T EVEN GIVE US THE KISS??? YOU REALLY WANT TO MAKE A SEQUEL OF THIS?? Like what, Mayura and the other 3 heroes? Oh for God sake. I would prefer this investment in the quality of the show animation than in this.
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benjammintaylor · 7 years
falling in love
before you fall in love with me or even have ideas of us being closer than the boundaries ,that are seemingly invisible but are really bold in my head, you need to take in account many things.
I write to you Person because I know you may never read this. Hell, you may not ever exist. Here is my prognosis and the ways of dealing with the ideas if you ever encounter them, which you probably will.
I’m a VERY anxious person. I had this whole thing to type that would make myself seemingly over complicated. I’m not. I mean. I AM. But not too bad. Anyway, back on track, I’m like very in touch with my surroundings and with myself. Very in touch. My humanity is so exposed like the roots of a tree in eroded dirt. I’m always thinking. My hands are always sweaty. I’m in my own world. I’m sorry. But I need to rely on you to keep me balanced. Fuck, If I really love you all you have to do is just simply look at me with your eyes and my head will do the rest.
Person, I have crazy mood swings, but honestly. They aren’t mood swings. The moods are all the same. I have 3 modes of mood.
1. Satan
2. Jesus of laughter and selflessness
3. Being grounded back into a depression and suicidal state
#3 is a tricky one. You may never know it’s happening with me. Sometimes I make it apparent or talk about it because I’m tired of thinking about it. Literally. No offense to any of my friends. Ava seems to be the only one that gets it right. I don’t want the “It’ll get better” speeches. I just wanna be sure you will be around when it’s over. I just wanna know that I can talk to about anything regardless of how annoying, repetitive, stupid, or bullshit sounding I am. I want to relate with you. So Person, #3 is gonna be a huge barricade to hurdle through. Lucky you, it’s the cure to any preexisting cock blocks or intimacy issues we have been facing. Yeah. Slut. For morals, don’t fiddle around with me. But If we have mutual needs and just want to take a break from the world, let me know. I’m a needy bitch around this time. I’ll get out of it. Just when I start getting quiet or silent. Be on the lookout. Trust me.
#1 is the one i will 99.9% of the time , regret. Heavily regret. It is the things I stare out car windows into the sky for. It is the thing that has me covering my face in my bed rubbing my face and pulling my hair. I am an EVILLLLLL bitch. Throw some hugs and laughs if you want it over. If we fight. ALWAYS ask yourself if it’s worth it, because I do not stop. I will eventually stop and that’s takes forever.
But overall...I get over it. Fast. No matter what route we take. Hey. Also. A tip because i’m currently dealing with this. If you try introducing me to your friends, It won’t work. Eventually it will. But I WILL never be friends with them. Now. There are some I desire friendships with but i hate myself and don’t want to open myself to more than I should. But Person. This is all the stuff I had at the top of my head, Just listen to me. Always be there. And just be ready. With all this shit, and over complicating. Person. You still may not exist. But that’s okay. I still do.
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dreamwritesimagines · 6 years
CLIFFHANGER!! Oh my god, i got goosebumps because i was afraid as well. That goddamned Trent, I hope this interaction is the last we see of him. On another note, Pepper's reaction to them sleeping together is soo cute. Thanks for the update, great chapter as always.
AAAH thank you so much love! ❤️ Trent is evillllll 😁 and aw, Pepper totally ships them 😁 I’m so happy to hear that you liked it! ❤️ ❤️  kisses! ❤️
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