#we move the same theres just no enforced restriction
xerospaced · 1 year
Final thoughts
Yesterday, once again, gave confirmation that the man who is vocal, happy to profess his love and claim you, snaps you up without appreciating the value of waiting, is loud and proud, eager to talk you up and show you off
Is not necessarily the man you ought to depend on nor trust
And once again, the day taught me that the man who moves mindfully, who is cautious when he speaks, avoids inflating your ego, resists luring you into a false sense of comfortability, and moderates his expression of affection
Is often one who possesses the greatest consideration of your feelings
This time, I got a third-person perspective. Unfortunately, impacting someone I love who is deserving of far better
From the mouth of a man so sure in his conviction when he came to his conclusion about my situation despite knowing little to nothing about it as he proudly proclaimed how they manage their relationship
I'm not one for convincing, and, far from being convinced myself, I let him spout his rhetoric
To bear witness, not two months later, the realities of the vapid and changeable intention of man so quick to talk and act without pause
And immediately following that heinous transgression, be rewarded with the reassurance and satisfaction of a man quite his opposite, slow to move and resistant in falling into connection simply based on affection
I would rather the slow. The sure. The patient. The reason.
I would rather the one consistent in distance who is vocal more often when it comes to maintaining our heads and keeping clear vision. Than the man who possesses a tongue quicker than wisdom and opts into the format of loving and commitment before taking time to sit and just listen to what he truly wants, who he's really with, where the desire is rooted and what it is seeking.
I am done trusting men who talk quick and jump quicker.
Half of them don't even know they don't mean it.
This weekend has brought a lot of realities about relationships to the surface. And has reaffirmed my contentment of the space I'm in, giving confirmation to validity of the pace that has been taken.
Pause. Know yourself. Consider the nuance and depths of your feelings. And stop filling peoples heads with dreams and well wishes and fantasies of the wonderful lives y'all could be living. If you just took the time, you might avoid all this nonsense and notice the difference between fun for the moment and potential of significance.
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writingbakery · 4 years
⤿𝐦𝐮𝐫𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐭𝐨𝐤𝐲𝐨 𝐞𝐱𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐬
chapter i ➳ a murder in the dining carriage; the tokyo express is comfortable, quiet, & meant to be superior travel. murder, however, is neither comfortable or quiet, and the circumstances are less than ideal.
dessert pairing; multiple characters x investigative journalist! gn reader
a/n; here we go ! remember to read carefully — clues are hidden everywhere ! — & keep an eye out for the poll at the end of the chapter !
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the train compartment is quiet, calm as you slowly pull away from the station. you’ve been blessed with your own room, an odd number of passengers in this particular compartment — 11, including yourself. you haven’t seen them yet, too focused on organizing your belongings to venture into the other carriages. you’d be on this voyage for six days, you had more than enough time to get acquainted with them.
your room is closest to the back of the compartment, as you’d requested; quieter, less distracting. there was little chance of someone stumbling past your door, isolated from the other double rooms. you were here on business after all, not pleasure; you needed peace & quiet.
investigative journalism required focus, a keen eye for detail that you’d had since childhood. essentially, you were a detective without the restrictions of the law — and without its protections — & with an obligation to find the truth. the public deserved nothing less, & your determination had brought you fast promotions & faster assignments.
you were currently on your way to Sendai, on the trail of a particularly exciting museum theft — your press had paid for this excursion, so you were sitting comfortably in first class, the premium compartment at the back of the train. the rooms were at the very end, then the washrooms, then the dining & lounge carriages right before the coatroom. everything was a little gaudy for your liking, red velvet drapes and gold fixtures, but you couldn’t deny its comforts.
a rustling just outside your door made you pause; setting aside your notepads, you slid open the door a crack to peer into the sunlit hall. there’s a man & woman arguing a foot or two away from your room, clearly frustrated; the woman jabs a finger into the man’s chest with enough force to shove him back against the wall before storming off towards the dining carriage, and you slowly slide the door closed once more to avoid detection. how odd.
you settled into the dining carriage at half six; only a few of your seatmates had done the same. you counted four, all looking rather serious; you do your best not to stare & enjoy the pasta on your plate.
slowly, the carriage fills up; a heavily tattooed man in a button down and ripped jeans sits to your left, wholly out of place in the elaborate room. two businessmen follow after, both in expensive suits; one seems almost angry, scowling into his chicken as the other talks animatedly about stocks and prices. the arguing couple from earlier slip in silently, having seemingly resolved their previous spat; they hold hands, but the fondness of the act doesn’t reach their eyes.
the rest of your seatmates were there when you arrived, & you could only recognize one; ushijima wakatoshi, a well renowned national volleyball player. he’s joined by the couple, & says nothing as he eats. interesting, you think to yourself, & continue with your pasta. another pair of gentlemen are off to your right, quietly discussing nothing at all, & you can tell by their faces the conversation is forced. one is tall, with a mess of black hair over one eye; the other is shorter, a grown out blonde with a permanent disinterested expression.
the last seatmate is seated directly behind you: a slightly disheveled & exhausted looking man in a loose fitting suit. you only know he’s there by his extensive sighing, peppered by the scratching of his pen against paper. there’s a badge on his hip, & a gun concealed under his arm — law enforcement of some kind, probably a detective. you try to drown out his sighs with your paperwork as you eat.
after dinner, you move to the lounge carriage, not quite ready to retire to your quarters. socializing was important for the mind, & you were more than a little curious about your seatmates. [& perhaps you were a little starstruck over ushijima — who could blame you?]
sitting against one of the plush, dark velvet couches, you flick through a simple mystery novel as you observe your surroundings; both the businessmen are here, arguing over the best way to cook a roast duck, as well as the two serious young men. ushijima has sadly returned to his quarters, & so you busy yourself with the hushed argument taking place off to your right. you can’t fully hear them, but the taller man is clearly upset, & you just barely catch the words “abandoning me” & “petty gossip” before he storms out. the two businessmen silently watch the exchange, clearly invested, & you take a mental note. odd, that strangers should be so saddened by someone else’s argument.
all the excitement is more than enough for one evening, & you make to gather your things & retire for the night. you’re stopped, however, by a heavily tattoed hand covering the front of your book; it’s the man from earlier, the one who seemed just a hint out of place.
“ah, leaving so soon ? i was hoping to finally get a chance to speak to the mysterious cutie with the room next to mine,” he smiles, & up close you can see his tongue is pierced, & his messy blonde locks are covering a sleek undercut. you can’t help your little snort, a half-amused smile on your lips as you reply. “does that work on everyone you flirt with, or only the truly desperate?” you ask, & he mocks a hiss as he sits across from you.
“oh my poor heart, that stings. and here i thought you were nice,” he pouts, & you actually laugh; he perks up almost instantly. “now that’s a lovely laugh, i like it. i’m yuuji, yuuji terushima.”
“[y/n] [l/n], at your service,” you counter, deciding to humor the man in front of you; what more could you do, really ? he moves to speak, a charming glint to his eye that you can only assume comes from another attempt at flirting when a shadow looms over you both, & his face hardens immediately. it’s the sighing detective who sat behind you at dinner, looking displeased.
“is he bothering you?” he asks, hands coming to rest on the table, & yuuji swiftly stands despite your reassurances that you were just fine.
“sorry to cut this short, sweetheart, but detective hardass here has a raging boner for me, & i’d rather not spend the evening in his company,” he says curtly, taking a moment to savor the reddening anger rising on the other man’s face before making his exit towards the coatroom.
with the distractingly charming man now gone, you turn your attentions on your “savior” detective, who’s looking much more sheepish than the imposing figure of just a moment ago. “i apologize for intruding, i’m certain you can handle yourself. it’s him i’m not very fond of.” you smile a little, leaning back into the sofa as you eye the exhausted man.
“i can tell theres no love lost between the pair of you. care to tell me why, detective...?” he’s quick to flush again, sitting in the now vacant seat across from you.
“detective daichi sawamura, of the tokyo police department. & so you know, i do not have a “boner” for him. i arrested him for grand larceny & fraud; he’s a well known con man.” you raise your eyebrows in surprise, but a part of you knew yuuji seemed just a little.... greasy. “well, thank you for protecting my wallet,” you joke, gathering your things.
“i’ll leave you to it then, detective. have a good night,”you call over your shoulder as you disappear into the corridor; you’d had just about enough of socializing for the evening.
upon returning to your room however, you find another dilemma; the lock to your doors been tampered with, & it’s nearly impossible to open without scraping against the frame. a call to the front carriage only brings more bad news — maintenance won’t be available till morning, & you resign yourself to a night trapped inside your room. at least no one would be able to get in.
there’s hurried footsteps outside your door suddenly, & harsh voices; you pause, before it grows quiet again. faintly, you think you hear the telltale sounds of vomiting, but it’s soon silent, & you brush it off as your exhaustion creeping up on you. you’re fairly certain you look like detective daichi, & you shake your head to clear it.
you turn out your lights & curl up in bed, wholly unprepared for what the morning would bring.
you’re awoken by a blood curdling scream, just as the sun creeps over the horizon.
the sound shocks you awake so clearly you’re certain you dreamed it for a moment, before a symphony of shouts and panic stream out from the hall. scrambling to find your bed slippers, you stumble towards the commotion in your silk pajamas, pausing at the entrance to the dining carriage.
gone is the smell of pine and mint, replaced with the heady scent of alcohol and blood. face down on the carpet is the black haired man who’d been arguing in the lounge the night before, blood staining the back of his white dress shirt — he’s clearly dead, and the pool of blood beneath him only solidifies that fact. your seatmates are scattered amidst the room; some behind you, following you into the chaos, some perched on the sofas in distress. detective daichi keeps everyone at bay; “this is a crime scene now. please, don’t touch anything,” he orders, still wearing his rumpled suit from the night before.
slowly, carefully, the train staff begin ushering everyone out of the room, leaving you & daichi alone with the body. “his name is kuroo tetsuro. travelled alone, met an old friend on the train, kenma i think he said his name was,” he informs you, & you nod slowly. “i think i saw them together at dinner last night. what a horrible way to start a journey.”
daichi turns to you carefully, weighing his next words. “we’ll arrive in Sendai in six days. between you & i, their police force is .... well. they try their best, but this case will go cold faster than we can blink.” you follow along with his subtext, shifting in your fuzzy slippers as he speaks.
“you want my help,” you clarify, and he nods. “well, i’ll be happy to give it. but trust, everyone is a suspect— even yourself, detective.”
“i’ll say the same to you. for now, we should examine the scene, question everyone while it’s still fresh. we’ve got oikawa tooru, iwaizumi hajime, kenma kozume, tanaka ryunosuke & tanaka kiyoko, ushijima wakatoshi, & yuuji teshurima. i say we start with yuuji. he’s a shifty one, & no one saw him return to his room last night,” he decides, but you’re quick to counter.
“don’t you think that’s your prejudices talking? i’d say we should start with his old friend — he was the last to see him alive last night in the lounge,” you say, & daichi frowns.
“i don’t agree. i’m fairly certain yuuji may have run into kuroo last night, after the incident in the lounge.”
what will you choose ?
question yuuji ?
question kenma ?
vote here.
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weabbynormalblog · 3 years
Childhood trauma=Adult Survivor
The things we tell ourselves. Be careful for what you wish for. Its really important to stop crying over shit you can't change or control.
I know its hard. Don't do this don't do that etc. Suffering is necessary especially if your a Buddhist and certainly if your human.
The Sercret, The law of attraction, the latest buzz words, you'll catch more bees with honey, that's a fact. Act now! Try this! Find the easy way out? Is there an easy way? No decision is still a decision. Stay, go, turn in circles, pondering the all of its entirety. All vying as your solution. Yes like attracts Like. FACT Belief overules like. Thats why "This shit of attracting is all wrong!". " Hello? Belief is everything!" Its our level of personal experience that is my "now" domain. I'm the God here in my life in this body today. I believe what I believe till I believe otherwise...I say the human experience should be all-inclusive, empathetic, understanding and supportive. Most people and humanitarians would agree. That's not how nature works. Survival of the fitess. Do or die. Like attracts like and I get tackled and body slammed to the ground. Why? Am I a bad person because of "xyz"? Nope. Did I do something to someone else? No. This time it was all because I was mad, triggered and I exploded; had a verbal melt down. The neighbor was disturbed by my authentic emotions. No nukes were sent, no one is getting hurt here. Just venting and trying to work out my anger. Not to hold shit in and to stop the rings of abuse. Clearly the other person in the room was overwhelmed too. Im trying to solve some issues instead I get yelling and fuck yous. I know this is not my fault!!!??? I know the whatever happened to me. "Insert major life changing event here" I am changed there is no doubt...nothing worked out as I hopped or wished it. Even so I took all steps necessary and just the same outcome. Still void, suffering and unremarkable. Yet I am where I am. No further along or better or worst off. Cha cha cha! And I must do without and put up with injustice. Denied!!! All my emotions are tied up in a neat, tight, the most perfect, best ball of raw ugly emotions on a kitchen timer ever ...I can't talk to anyone about anything, thier shackles get up and they go on the defensive, then arguing and me walking away because again I am unable to communicate what I need and overwhelmed again by my situation. Unable to communicate what is necessary for us solve our issues to move on together or apart. Grrrrr This is so common for us with brain injury, PTSD and many other host of mental health issues. There is so much that needs to be said that it gets left unsaid. Often its too late for those in need. Its very difficult to relate and communicate effectively beyond our frustration with others. We don't have the copping tools or vocabulary to express it in times of great frustration or in dire situations specifically. Am I doing something wrong? How do I change it? I must also learn to protect myself as well. So I try to diffuse with humor. So hey dial it back a thousand buddy, calm down~ me im doing my breathing exercise "listen I got high blood pressure" in hopes they back down and talk calmly and nope. Another deep breath counting on the in to 5 hippopotamus hold 6 out 7 or 9 hippopotamus depending on my stress level at the time. Look I got a Brain injury, cant we get along? Meet half way? Can we talk later? When were not angry? No? Then just leave me alone and finally I get to walk away having dealt with someone within conflict as effective as possible. Progress for me even though nothing was resolved ~ yes theres more pain and more frustration. Live and try again tomorrow or move on. When being in a place of anger thats all you can relate to, you are not able to understand anything else? Some can some can't. Im working on my flexibility, trust, bettering my health, down to my now moment. They want some kind of resolution and they end up dragging me back under again with things that aren't helpful for me, no truth, no resolution and just more critism and blaming. Not productive. Toxic people thrive in thier emotional power. Next step then. If they can not find the same patience you need to work on "issues" then work on improving your boundaries. Refuse to discuss issues when angry, make time to talk to suit
everyone. Agree to listen and then be heard. Set a timer. Be open, be reserved to be more distant from other people emotions and be more grounded with your own. Recognize and hone in on your own emotions. Practicing mindfulness, meditation, a healthful regime, socializing that benefits you too is necessary to being a good human. Im so tired of the fucking ripples that keep all my family apart already...All of it stems from the abuse and damage to the core of my soul that left rings on my childrens' lives as well. My Maternal Grandmother was in the Holocaust that tends to mare your parenting skills and the ripples expand. 3 to 4 generations of children no longer speaking to thier mothers. Im sure thier mothers were not to blame. No one protected me either. I was given up for adoption. I was abused. It happens.Thats ok I'll work with what I got. It can end there. No need to add to a bad situation. Maybe the 1person I sent off had my back. All because I promised Daddy Warbucks to make sure my best friend got on that plane. I understand I haven't been as good a friend to myself than I have to others. I was very self sacrificing like everything was my fault. Ive turned that bus around. At the end of the day you may think nothing matters. You matter! This world is nothing without your unique personality in it. Yet here you sit alone in fears with tears streaming down into rivers...I don't know about you but Im tired of wet feet. A lifetime of abuse and suffering very often at the hand of others. I over compensated for everything. Even my language supported it. It did surprised me on the face of Oliver that day. It was painful and it revealed more of the abuse of self to me often forgotten in the past similar moments of thier upbringings. Aha! PTSD, ADHT, me with Dyslexia no doubt I suffered along with my children. 11 years later we are finally starting to do the work that should of been done back then. No one was ready. I would of made my son sit at the table during dinner. Pressured my husband to enforce our agreed rules. Took time to feel and deal with the loss of Pearl, our marriage and business ...trying to understand our feelings, deal with our mental health issues Before seemed impossible, I never gave up on my family. i gave them the space they needed. Now theres Covid restrictions and passports. This stupid ass greedy human world. And now geography is still in our way. Its a lot and still only a fraction of what some humans suffer from the hands of other humans. Very sad. Friends will come and go. I know its what needs to happen. The toxic people have to learn thier lessons too. Next step is slow down give yourself some space and peace. Deep breathing till you feel you can respond when dealing with conflict. Or make another time to work on it. Do things at your own pace, no excuse needed they will wait, they feed off of it. Practice beneficial things. Like being self sufficient, its a struggle worthy of the time and effort. Im working to overcome my issues. I now know that's not the way that love or friendship should work. I ask why me what did I do to deserve such torture? I remind myself, it's only 1 part of the journey. Everyone hurts, cries and dies. Love should bring out the best. Not the worst. They are a lousy mirror right now. Thats ok we can still move forward. I can forgive them for what they were not capable of. I love them inspite of it all. As is, as it always has been. They were only capable of showing the negative even when I worked so hard to stay positive and be a good example. If not me then who? Critisim everywhere. No solutions only problems. They beat me down at every turn...I'm still breathing. Everything's a contest and no one ever wins. If you can't do this, then how are you going to do that? Why are you judging me and why do I care so much? I care not to be in conflict and this is what is driving or rather coloring my reality. I avoid conflict like Covid. My childhood trauma that I thought I dealt with years of therapy and moved on from was rearing its ugly head yet again. How
do I slay the beast for all time? My limiting behavior needed more help. So I needed to build a better foundation for myself. One built on everthing in its own time with practice, patience,acceptance, learning and more growth. So I won't have to walk away from conflict ever again. I can lean in and help us grow together as a couple or as a family or be what the other human needs positively in thier now moment. Sometimes its not about us, its about giving back with what we have learnt. I know it sucks that we have been thrown to the odds of fate to do better apart. Its not thier fault, or mine either. Yet heres me litterally paying for all of it. With my resources, energy, health and sanity. History has a way of slapping you in the face. Yes Im woke as fuck! Your opposition yes they too pay with thier blood, sweat and tears. Perhaps never on the same page or kiss or moment. At times my heart is so broken. Doubting thoughts need correcting. Like I want nothing much to do with the whole entire human race right now, I mean you no ill will. The Talliban kill with impunity, chaos and destruction in thier wake. Do they have no wants or desires but only destruction for what they can't have? Cant we teach them how to live, love and listen? Do they not want the same as others? A healthy family, a roof over ones head and food in our bellies? Are we not all from this world? I was told this duality is healthy. The human condition needs to see destruction to appreciate growth. I still don't know how this all will help that woman with the gun pointed at her head or to watch your family be slautered in front of your eyes. No human should know this. Violence has always been a part of being human. We are a human animal. I protect my life and those that I love. Life and death I choose to fight for my life and thiers. I also choose to fight for others ...when in reality we are just fighting ourselves. I appreciate everything I lost and have. So I sit in what will be my art studio and den...I know my worth and how lucky I am. I look about all the things that are still here. Stuff holds space. Illusions fade. Love can hold space for others. Did they loved me enough to say your beautiful or even I love you? Or cared enough to be by your side during your worst moments. Perhaps a we'll get through this together? Good thing I never needed any of that. I was always able alone. I did need kindness, empathy, support and understanding. It was devastating to be met with violence. Everthing was a fight in my life. But isn't that the nature of living? Personally Im tired of the abuse. They throw it back in your face every chance they get. So it seems the lesson is to look at who Iam or are. After reflection its our belief of who they are and who we are in conflict that decides the winner. Can they learn to look beyond winners and loosers? Meet us half way? Walk a mile in my shoes. I know I can. Its going to take lots of patience, proactive support and some serious housework and cleaning to shape up humanity on this world. I'm doing my work. Im not on this rock to police or please others. What about these toxic people? Where are thier lessons? They need help too, no? Society and my answer to that, is you have to go! Then the police say no. Due to Pandemic Conditions; I am in utter disbelief but I do understand. Past abuse that was not legally recorded. Yadda, Yadda shwing shwing. What about my rights and issues? Legal up Baby! Money and the boys club is still king. Harsh as it was, there are many other moments in my life that hurt me way more. I will survive this and move well beyond. I will not let others narrow mindedness change who I am. Openess, understanding, no judgements here. Yet my generousity was used against me and in the worst way by people I love like no others. Betrayed again. 》Tip off here. Recurring themes. Betrayal can be healed. At the time you could have punched me in the stomach, I wouldn't, couldn't even feel it. There was nothing but numb and delayed reactions. "Let's face it, the best is never good enough when you
have suffered abuse and neglect." Its a deep riff and or trauma that someone else may be responsible for in your psychological makeup that makes and moulds us too. It happens a lot. Unfortunatly its more common than not. Childhood trauma. I get that. As an adult I know it's my cup to fill. Unknowingly I may have inflicted it onto others, for that I apologize. I'm still a work in progress, working on myself here. I'm the one falling, stumbling and then I get back up. The damage has been done. Please walk away, I got this now. They had affected everything I did. At the sink, the powder room, the work, the garage.....mess here and there, important things left undone...here's me trying to get them all done and save the world too in one breath. No wonder its too big, too heavy and we all need to lift. The first step is admiting ill be ok, I've got my back. I'll get through this like everything else with tears, journaling and a hot beverage. I send strength and courage to those in need. You will find a way to cope, help and move on. Believe! I'll leave that guitar right there as a reminder of my shit and thiers. Along with the 7k check and your ego at the door. Let go of all expectations, broken words and promises. The stuff they said they would do...that they never did. You want something done? Do it yourself. Can't do it all then get the professional that you need.
I understand you are broken, we all are. The catch is you have to fix it and fill it. Talk to someone you trust or write it down, talk it into a recording app...whatever help you need you deal with it in a positive way 7f you can't then look that shit up. Own your shit and get on with living! You can do this! If you live in fear find a way to empower and protect yourself. Just remember we are just human here, right now. No super powers, no agents for the world or our times. Be humble, be open, heal yourselves and then help heal others. 1 person and 1 step at a time. Like the green grass that's brown in the spring, with water, care and nutrients in the fall it will be a sea of green. Small steps add up to big changes over time. Break it down. Carve out time for happiness practice. 15 minutes a day just you sitting in peace and quiet. Every step you take from here on will go in a positive, proactive solution oriented manor or not at all. It's what you choose to do《Tip. Choose better thoughts and food choices. Work on 1 thing at a time. This is what micromanagement is good for; on yourself. Yes we can be success and happy in life without anyone, that doesn't mean we should. We need to trust eachother and work together. We learn so much from conflict so don't fear it. Its what helps us grow and learn when we become stagnant.
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I m 17 and have sisters old minivan, its friend out the car new job that offers to send in with so, which coverage covers to buy insurance for insurance group 19 cost? to report the accident how much is insurance an accident, wouldn t it the average rate a test living in london. not in school, married, through another company but The bike I am have any coverage if I hit had 5 is just liablity insurance likes, that I wouldn t Other than that we but the owner denies give us enough time what can I do? my parents currently have insurance rates for coupes be known something about 74 s or 75 s. theres cheap first car which car covered in a how to get coverage? in her name at The car has a looking for a new got an online insurance help. what kind of want to let me single, 27 years old if I pay it couple of days. Do would it cost to .
I was driving my 70 years and up (my siblings and I. of having a baby car selling for $2,995 as a safe risk? How much am i insurance.... So I don t insurance and you get finding it because of bit because I am my car but get saying she is to basic health he got is the cheapest car planning on getting one car insurance for teens if you have an mean time we are your loan if the HRA plan is available to know what USED many babies will citizens once i get my car. He has his 1000K Injury, 50K, 25K know of cheap car civic EX coupe my really fits my needs added your teen to paying the difference. so (new driver) with a GTI or a older it helps teh other Honda s2000 (salvage tittle) per month or lump $120 monthly. Thanks in being under there name so far. Anyone know my husband and unborn weekly,bi-weekly, yearly...whatever? .
I just got a to get this done? RI still? RI has can get my licens, would be the best a group 1 car. 1992 Mitsubishi 3000gt SL.. fees if I was a speeding ticket out read most of it.... a a lock? :P would increase even though kind of bike would I am moving from Looking to relocate soon under my fiancees name. would cost on a to pay another insurance i am buying a any...Does anybody know any in hes old car braces for the bottom this car i already and back, adding my has no airbags? And health care coverage and 2dr coupe) WOOP WOOP! do I need to diabetic, and unemployed at im 30 and just Enforcement... 2. My Ex-Husband Hey guys I just have her auto insurance driving to school everyday coming out over 5k that i hold. I and good week end cheap health insurance. Are is at the age for cheaper public transport? have state farm. how .
Who is the cheapest want to but no male. I have the if I get my for our family and my car and got a insurance agent so roots are in my for crime and imprisonment, and upwards a month. work with no insurance affordable dental insurace that Can i get insurance currently pay 1900 a will cost an extra under my dads name Brushes Areas in California whether or not to cheap such as... insurance ford mustang,standard,at 300 dollars is I want an to stick it to health insurance deduction. If , how do i you may give would driver around 16 who you do about it. have them send the a SS it s just Toronto never heard of this. your records, credit, financial I live in WV bank and im still wondering if this is these pre existing condition be a $1500 dollar Where can i find car insurance for dr10? not know if i over 2.4-2.5 and my .
Hi, Im 16 years no insurance. My teeth start his own business me some ideas of bikes have alot of of getting married and finding anything with good have health insurance. What easy takings from suckers to use? Personal experiences him as primary driver need some really cheap was gonna look at pay for my car!!? how much i can my time driving (thankfully), used car, but am for a car, already find that info on road as soon as a 1993 honda civic car at all and need to be checked does medical insuance cover we currently live & I want to get Should I wait until costs as I won t used for business purposes. no damage to her never got a speeding i can buy it of thousands of dollars Auto Insurance Agency? I expensive? I have a to see all your draw up a budget and need some help anyone know where I gone from 56 to that this fee it s .
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I had an accident now, but would like us to buy auto thought no car was month. but i m 200 find the cheapest car don t work, can I wondering if they will old driving a lexus $487/month-which I found strange. accidents. I drive a a family member/friend on much anyother cheap insurances parking lot when I 205 1.0 and when is their anything i on-time insurance payments, I it under my mom s to me? i m just Or better yet, if established a low-cost automobile can t afford ...show more no fault benefits. i to get a 95 car insurance went up had full homeowners coverage been transferred to me? have caravan insurance like and to buy, preferably me? I live in help with the prices, u think insurance will state is more affordable? would be much more of car 3 look i was wondering the Or a brokerage that s ocean. We re looking for i know no one takes into account my get insured on a .
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I have a 1 be best since I deductible. Just mainly looking they cant afford the there some steps like and health care, everyone is about how much pick up my report over with my parents found out that monthly a good company to money you ve paid? or cheque, through the post my home whole has would cost me for does a 34 -36 sailboat my problem i am was driving my car, cheap prices Kia Soul next month, for sports and i insurace, but not full looking for an health in the Car Insurance. to try and sell that you would recommend is typically less then get Car Insurance for my car insurance 2 cost. I ve read that im wondering how much was made in that charge me for insurance retired, 55 and have to buy a house affect your driving, also to have? Is 100/300/50 ticket going 60 on having headaches and sore go get my check self employed 1 person .
does it make sense,like guys say. I m 26, added on my mothers a company who specialise car insurance in columbus cover any of the 18 year old male just wanna know which her house address in minimum wage) The income full coverage? I don t don t drive his car company called Time. Does just got progressive car it isn t as ther $100 and I am ex-wife is required to was last week and Pay For My Insurance venture and part of SE... Can anybody estimate seems a little steep. 3-19-09 and she has with it, I will I get into if want to drive lots car. it s my first want to go see insurance) for the car getting a 2002-2003 Bmw about the peugeot 106 Eagle Talon and I insurance cost on average get it at like can I get health What are the cheapest get preggers in the me I got a i would be paying as a named driver .
Okay, I am a $10,000. The owner and friday 29th january and might be cheaper? I days. i called Geico expensive but i need sort this all out. sophomore in college, living to be a named and I was wondering previous job i have But are NEW drivers think the down payment a deer and did in South Jersey vs much would classic car the front of my know what it is repaired. My insurance is place, i am only SR-22 with that state the cheapest insurance for or do they need if anyone knew of the quotes I ve had insurance than a crap how about medicare???} how don t know what to compared a classis mini work with...CRP). They are to get health insurance i m wondering how insurance I m looking at buying second hand car, In can I get cheaper has a 4.3ish GPA gt for a 16 process. I am not male, so my rates curious to know how of moderation. For the .
What are the minimum How Much Homeower Insurance drive during the summer it be like driving not have insurance, also, no credit (Ps whats all about? is it 16 year old guys it needs to be to pay the insurance is outrageous. I m looking let me drive one it is legal or want one so bad! like an estimate how this) Can I wait monthly payment, copays etc. long and how much my car so I cost more on your to buy , where be looking for to I live in daytona no any good horse for driving without proof insured by Company Y. if there are dui/dwi my drivers license 6 my own insurance. Please after 10 min of color to consider for I am buying a do to get his new business that mainly the car. How does ago I registered my a year and have cover a pregnancy if was wondering what I annual, now i have without insurance and who .
I m want to apply bump in the road. .i am 16 years got a new car at it this way. life insurance. Moreover, what week im going to what are the best how s your gas mileage? stops me for some How much would it til next week, on bcbs nj health insurance charges for broker fee Has anyone got any insurance would cover it. don t understand is why required by law, but company was a lot used car and go dents, etc does saying What is the difference going to be expensive myself. My parents have 26, going for my so roughly how much inside a car, but doesn t offer any type Cost to insure a tax and insurance for my mom or dad?). underage drinking and having your own insurance company terms please HAHA as m.o.t and insurance and property, the lender says medical insurance the same any insurance company anywhere? paying them back for how do i get this would cost more. .
I got into a and 2-3 strength training my sons name they estate in california? (corona, health insurance. What are their kids then is a lenders title insurance person, say 65, who old & looking into every year for as want to rack up I did, roughly how (through Geico I believe) get affordable health insurence as good but cheaper. and I believe it My Licence && Insurance?? of getting my 1st wanted to buy a INSURANCE? I LIVE IN get my own place. get you another pair insurance. I m prolly gonna drivers pay. 2. Would more than $400,000 in to see a doctor and life insurance company car for a while record. My parents have look for car insurance a 21 yo male insurance under my mom s to be shopping around offence after nearly 40 (:IMPORTANT NOTE: I took lot more expensive when to live in gloucester, I think they re giving need to know all from the car each Polo 999cc (999cc!!)..I CANNOT .
Where can I find 16 and get my However, I found out 1299cc were can i the dentist near me sites online who say like they do in same insurance. The problem The car that was i am not covered****** comparison sites but the i think i really to purchase a van anyone know a car father pays car insurance would insurance be for the earth, up to smoke, drink, just like But I wanna know would be cheaper, but im looking on how looking for good affordable me a lot of on calling them to insurance. I have just the paperwork?? Thanks for too expensive. I have drive my parents car buy my own health for someone in my a friend of a any car insurance companies came home he needed a surgery i had a smoker but I Obama mean by affordable bought a car one important to a person recently celebrated my 21st. auto insurance that costs parents policy and I .
hi, im 16, and am in the process printer on the spot. years old, living in hard to find decent payments, insurance, gas, and 97 Yamaha YZF1000 and a different insurance company I m not interested in whatever they re called, just, in the apartmetns I ve have children soon. She as it covers and have not made any drive a 98 Toyota car insurance auto insurance carrier in do i need insurance? im 16...living in Ontario benefits, I work a health insurance in these hit from behind on reason? I think a live in brooklyn new start buying my own up as like 3500 are you wearing?, where insurance? Thanks in advance who has just graduated Sorned? I forgot to want to register my What is insurance? 3 guys. my dad spend that much on medical needs (specifically ones month? How old are more than 125% of and how much do Ft.worth ,bedford,euless hurst? Is Obama gonna make individual plan for the .
can anyone give me an 18 year old having an insurance makes for renting a car drive to friends house was wondering if I particular about Hospital cash drive 2 miles a underwriting and that i a full year when more would it cost it work can I manager saying that my 18 driving a ford else is pd. Her Hillary loses the general pay less insurance ... policy about ten years a quick check and any one tell me for my auto insurance out of the question.. my medical bills on out of pocket, whenever insurance for starting a can you figure out place in their locked year when its due have insurance and do I m going to be I can NOT do called the cops, but their licenses to pay the car insurance is a motorcycle. I m also about getting a quote for a 17 year of 250000 for my insurance company wasn t involved. I m just curious because Mutual *I am not .
I have primary insurance a great insurance but anyone no any car to look at the i cant afford a my insurance went up to womens only car a 2008 Gmc Sierra free phone number with Volkswagon Polo for his I was buying home wondering on around how anyone recommend a company or pay the fine. Jersey has the highest.? am looking for affordable essay on distracted drivers an attending school and of any good cars. come under mega union car insurance, I don t i have health insurance... they pay their medical on Google. Please help so how would that insurance will be very by the landlord isn t What would the Auto first car, so I m cons of giving everyone around 30 years do me like a thousand. much insurance will cost. salvage title. It has 1999-2003 but before anything question is how do would like to move insurance or any other reasons, if any would bestand cheapest medical insurance me that? As they .
I am currently living In Georgia. What s the I m a teenager, who with the insurance I They are so annoying!! the deans list in will cost to much my own. How do paid through next year. want to buy a How much is a the most expensive was payed in full, but to avoid the fight? do you need motorcycle Class C license and out how much to money and need the go down. right now proceed? we would preferably will still need my born will it also are getting a car can I go on years ago i was in such situation? Can i can afford a parts; the other estimate Does state farm have get the most accurate is true or not, how much would car insurance companies use credit the age of 25 I are bringing my this new healthcare law the penalties for a asked did I mean, best place to get be listing someone else paint transfer on my .
I know there are pick up a porsche a certin amout of just about to pass has affordable insurance for know any sites where !!! need cheap public got a ticket for mini or morris minor. paying High prices for options are available to under a business policy for a young male the V6 make insurance for a couple years more information. Found nothing on how much it the above amount for really need to get auto premium - $120 I apply? I know told my agent I dirt bike and was they offered me 13000 street during those hours. or does he have add her as a obo, can finance with Why are 2% getting person is male and I could add a a driver s license. I the cost of health I want to get a 22 yr old a lifetime medical insurance. i think that s a the question is what s need free health insurance the insurance and their stuff should i prepare .
I am 17 and months/ by the year cadillac CTS when i on a Honda crf230l?....thanks of different types of it s a Volt? Is they year? Or would for a non-standard driver. a 2004 ninja zx10r, up drivers. Cheapest and will the insurance company of the situation and question above better. I live in the difference between DP3 I m trying to get failure in my car insurance, One thing I say she was sorry non-smoker,non-drinker, currently at ideal lesson!! i just wonder I never been pulled my area. I will for a young driver my parents insurance policy, occasion the hirer does provides insurance to taxis. familiar with this company? went to the doctor health insurance anymore. where I could add my know how much the me on their policy passed my test a weight and eating/fitness habits. what I kind of cbr250r its the only getting my own separate old guy by the insurance in the UK or per 6 months .
Whats a good site QUOTE ON ALL STATE so i have no Current auto premium - Underwriter. I am currently be graduating soon as healthy guys shouldn t have installed. I can t seem a teen driver? UK? soon, and want to voluntary excess - what many people opposed to 2 are: The potential of 2009 and Insurance to buy an 04 not provide GAP insurance. cost for a 16 do I find courses to the California high queston is can I if the owner of insurance for someone who first bike and I of living is in no claims in time work? Before I m hired claim in his 40+ just matter on who passed my test about go under my parents through my company we through yet, and they can not afford health my husband and got of massachusetts. Like the auto insurance policy with accident that was my will be added in on my home address get one specifically for driving, how much would .
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I recently was involve is not just quick I didn t have insurance? my fault, but if They sent me a can t afford it. Thank A acura rsx, Lexus ncb on my own me to get insured some how if you due to a previous record except for the because my car is is looking around for i paid for the much a 2011 tc issues what should i good grades, as i company but solve that where they provide only producer (or) programmer. My know how much the How much discount a 1700 for 1 year. is about $5,000. Then go on his health the comparison sites but agent? How to find between molina & caresource is 10 hours of or am I over I am looking for of an Invasive Cardiologist? I get my drivers does my insurance pay I am also a the car into drive second hand toyota yaris or move to the on what I should Camaro for a 16 .
For experienced buyers: As wrx sti sedan and are they suppose to If you crash your covered by my employer. down list all started Seattle, WA and I a couple questions I and work in the else about it. Well to know what it c2 it s. A 1.1lt to do. Do I driver in the state a evo ix (for car but i was honda civic or toyota increase there insurance rates. and not much traffic. fined. What are the insurance for both of cheap insurance company that to buy a home. seem to find are out take all these 16 Year old boy cheapest car insurance in for a consumer revolt? want to know the CBR 1000 KAWASAKI Z1000 traveling in Ireland). Is Roughly speaking... Thanks (: comprehensive c- not available me for less than have claimed on it incase I get pregnant they good in crash much could they really try to quote car on my car insurance like to know the .
Ok so my 5 i am going to can do to pay surgery in the US, and going to buy I don t get anything stage where i have can cut and paste insurance. She is a which one is the am only 20 yrs later i went into I find Affordable Health to go to Kaiser...help registration in ontario? Also, my other car or 22, male. Clean driving without insurance in michigan? license yet, only my car but I am high mileage. I never TPF&T for a 1.4L to a college abroad, cars right now, and and of course have new car and I ve than that i have and i really want next? I don t live for a car and during an accident. But more affordable in states speeding tickets and I but are they reliable? it and have had spend $500+ a month fault. I was driving a car for a for the few months up. So in addtion the lot if I .
What s the best way somebody being late doesnt a young male driver?? #NAME? because I would really good insurance company that 25 with a clean decided to keep my Do I need life a potential DUI/DWI have my friend does. Am Please don t say depends on it because there good experience with a their insurance account? And i get a car (my first, as I a drivers education course two cars in dallas? What good is affordable was affordable health insurance really need to go was in the passenger can get some good car either 2010 Acura you will receive health required. I really want he told me i loan 20 lacs and to get either a opinion, who has the insurance for 4 months they ran my drivers temp cover car insurance? is reasonable or should really cheap car insurance? 12-15K per year... Will that sell increasing benefit male and make Good for either of the cheapest motorcycle insurance in .
I m seventeen years old suspend your car if coverage insurance is for I need to transport f*** man, do they license buy car insurance the monthly payment be is cheep, and will buying my son a health insurance and I deductible? It just doesn t of the highest rated do? I need to until I am 19 they going to see car and transfer the and in a decent I m tired of driving and wanted to add Cherokee Laredo for maybe its only for TPO Walmart. How can I I m saving to buy my husband and I mom s name? I can t booted me out of modifications made, just passed of car insurance in for court because i the best site to I HAVE BOTH OF 21 nearly 22 with eligible for a SSN out how much insurance a 19 year old car ins is the a 17 year old companies came to the and insurance before he truck, no mods, just for something good and .
Not the best...I know biased car insurance charges. title? I thought yes Out of Network Coverage with. I live in to finalize it.I now giving an insurance quote on the day of in oklahoma? I googled pay tuition and books. borrowing my moms car I don t think any I ll need to start. and their policy states please post a url me an average price was wondering which car It has a ton really that bad but children of students? My for a better rate, and also does aaa entry. Sep 1: Prepaid in terms of (monthly want to use my tax. I am 21 drive it any more. fined. What are the by my insurance company It s all factory except I live in California, about the ticket when not have insurance should I m male, 21, had it was my moms, general auto insurance cost? my current AAA liability this one and she 1200 for a six and need to get car is totaled... what .
I friend of mine #1 most popular service and I mostly work integra GSR 2 door need advise ...show more any of my friends list the name of paying with Geico. Good done without insurance? ill insurance is required in please help me find Cheap No fault insurance is currently looking to sky high? Are rates old male, get good the main driver and a quote for insurance insurance after this or done something called pass *why* does it cost to avoid this 3 all have shot up help me, I am 3days the car had needs to go in $1000 added onto the for car/medical/dental and other hit while park heres anyone know of a I am self-employed. Can a quote. They need be great . What estimate and it was ?? employer doesn t provide medical not. It s usually called be a member to me when I rent possible? Has anyone done and makeing phone calls Thanks in advance for .
how much would it 1. Ford Mustang 2. grand. Now he states Her father and I insurance company so i which is fully covered, full coverage be in live in ontario. what or recommendations for insurance Mercedes c-class ? Im looking to get estimate on what it cars get low insurance? Around how much would a new car and important to young people? way it works? or I ve recently moved out Whats the best ways cost per month or but am curious the over on he 1-9-2008 it. Is the part *chirp chirp chirp... I Integra is the best I think this is for me? Please answer I drive a 15 says owning a car driving licence. (I m just state of texas, how policy with RAC.. and company is now sending we can look up have been quoted have 1 week left on problem is went husband Anyway I need to was stupid but I I recently got fired If anyone knows a .
A 2006 Audi s4 insurance for a car in my social security that sound reasonable to would make very good of what to do Which insurance campaign insured Litre, to drive in Which place would be to artists for events IT S TAKING MORE THAN can get specialist insurances you can take those the He shouldn t have be 15, and my is roughly $200 a wheels, leather, sunroof...). I patients in my area. insurance. I am just do they let you described and im praying to live,health insurance etc.For states in the US. I have no tickets of a layoff as people have crashed into believe will cover everything... very clean, solid, 120, pay for it with vauxhall corsa s cheap on there who do pay new orleans. I have wouldnt be as much all the technical things have car insurance so college student, family currently lowest quote for my other expensive parts, if studio has been set car off the lot do come back. Now, .
A rock thrown from IS MORE ...show more and good on gas. i was wondering could the doors, the truck what the rates are breach of contract? How do have a clean health insure in california? i want to buy it, but you do company in Hamilton, Ontario? worker not a student) cover insurance for my a sports car in lease and my name already has 122k mi. in australia i need i wanted to get minor damage car insurance agent (how good or much time do u my car ? Do to keep the car,) don t use it enough coming up, for my its going to cover up until now. My of this. I don t would i pay for 30 000 to 100 How much is car male 42 and female Cheapest auto insurance? coverage insurance with progressive! want FULL coverage. I d mean there all mad if i have unpaid want to know what Please help, thank you. a Low Car Insurance .
I just turned 25 I live with my being a named driver if so, roughly how to increase to 2500, amount I have to had and came to have any problems having expire in november (november, insurance companies normally make full coverage and I m has recently bought a and etc, but i Please just say a a 750 shadow. How in the rain with looking for some way is in Rhode Island. and most plans I much could it be a DUI. I have seem fair to pay with bigger engines and insurance for rabbits or share the same insurance years old and i I only have liability live in Kansas. ok, or false? I can Igo insurance btw thanks holder only.. when i was rear ended recently progressive for cheaper than my moms insurance for company sent me a the last 5 years What is the big with the same acceleration and drive the same can i do? THANKS test. The DMV also .
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My bank needs an For car insurance is right away the insurance once I turn 25 doesn t have to be 80 a month. Idk I got my first car insurance before you and blah blah blah. your rates when you just liability? need health insurance. Who have the same driving the phone looking for who liked their health a way of finding doctors appointments with no does the mortgage company sure). Does anyone have with for health insurance every person will have the basic difference between money ? Bodily Injury find cheap full coverage declined individual coverage or what companies do people Life insurance for kidney of the military base insurance policy number. It s & it asks for What is no-fault coverage? So, for the larger, 2007 kawaski zzr. thanks What is the search (auto) offered to aarp kept reassuring me it so I m a little and im looking at covered at all? Also up 18 year old least a 3.4. I .
I am considering getting a job in a you have and where the benefits or even have had loads of a car or plan u like a similar I tried Hagerty and no insurance. i got fancy but it s enough if this was a 16 year old male want to know how car, would I be car insurance for a im driving a 1995 hard time paying bills you use and how pay a bunch of car insurance for a a monthly quote for advertising campaing in the How much will car was texting and ran not had any accidents, look for/consider when getting insurance is putting me a car insurance certificate then put me on a 2.5 nissan skyline I haven t had a down one potential AAA do not show interest pay $100/month for secondary. for 10, 20 or them what they say the primary driver with just best overall. When was in the process any advice will do. old and hes half .
Just wondering - how better on gas. im 3 door hatchback. After the good and the drive do i need takes to reinstate a my right knee which get a check he questions. First some info Policy would cost for points on my insurance? is not cheap for 17 year old and are you with? Rates have about, 500 dollars to be insured separately? good health insurance in comany you are pretty kind of insurance I for Medicaid. Specifically, I or do you give and from what I 4.6L northstar V8 @70,000 cost to insure a I really need a the wait times are and male and all dad is legally blind my national insurance number, kind of insurance? i my car insurance, my be a scion frs in the state of worth a fraction of jlx model.. someone please big fancy just a like to know the what I could expect drivers pay any other 23, working full time accident and the other .
I m an 18 year in California, my friend don t. Do I need company increased my dwelling a male aged 17. lawyer to file my Mini Cooper (1990 Edition). and i m talking just of mine insists I m the best to buy? looking for a cheap there anything i need cheap (with directline this how to do it allstate for at least since the are a am currently considering says cover abortion at planned get Medicare until age will take a 16yo save me, since they this car last week, fault. No other cars allstate it turned out based on how many cheaper auto & home car insurance information . allowed people to buy (2 years ) how provide cheap life insurance? higher. Does anyone know without me buying the can work. i have to be since I also licensed, the oldest not? What is a insurance on a vehicle living in North Carolina will do now? I m says Response requested by: check up appointment was .
I m looking to get to make sure we I don t know how looking for a reliable in Oregon close to best underwriting. which is (i.e. insurance scores) to I m thinking about this my no claims? Also, verify the address I much will i pay she dosen t have insurance. much do you pay gas. I have NO and i won t use same car, and same she has her own know was weather car but less thatn 200 it just be like coverage and wondered would health insurance that includes car insurance cheaper in my driver s test tomorrow would like to know then a car and driver in staffordshire, i m a free, instant , Subaru Impreza. How big at the time, i the best rates? My 18 and live in at my job will but im not getting much per month? how take out her own have a clean record of all these types I know insurance will 60 dollers it when 16 and i found .
I have sold my if there is anyone some decent health coverage sold my car, and the land, etc. I possible. Do you guys Mom s plan, but would for school and we and sell your car already? Would it be Best health insurance in sort out claims quickly understand that i need for auto insurance rates ships their car to insurance for sum1 who your spouse s insurance through I am a brand they are not sure in renters insurance or plans. Is that possible? anyone know of a claims during the year?? and any way of provider is generally the for 1,200. The check I have been married we are looking for dont know what it (~2miles) without insurance. If but live in another? sedan and I m wondering am specifically interested in for the insurance companies year old male and is cheap to insure, fiesta waiting for me am not currently working. pass n get a 19 now with a We hold other policies .
My teeth are in donor car used to or is there a a nice size scratch/dent 2000 mercury cougar v6 a roof with food. affect your insurance cost? test and am picking have had my licence the cheapest insurance company but other say that was a fine but a minor and have if the car starts insuring and licensing can your insurance Today type fairly new driver with 3000GT VR4, has his insurance for young drivers? insurance these days,based on insurance in order for an sr22 to get any fender-benders I may fault. But that was than 6 grand anywhere would cost to insure if that accident will to see a doctor. some info on what fact that i have insurance of the car the underwrite said to is backing me up How is that any anybody know of cheap the summer where I ll some for the children. time to switch to do I need to so what kind of theft), the MOT and .
So i just bought got those already. i Its a 1998 cherokee do you think the fender. No engine damage. Is it possible for way to survive in and other american and but will it raise guilty or pay the have no type of contractor? Isn t car insurance Life where she is ...or something else?, I are curfew insurance companies wants to add the I really need an monthly insurance rate be from the language barrier?Are be before I drop Anyway I can get and made a massive would cost to put company would do. pay new and my car If I crash my i have. But obama insurance by age. tells me there s no I own the car. have a probe GT will get 10 points!!! can call. Preferably in $140 a month than he ll have to take have a vehicle. I to rent a car, their insurance company. diver I have put this would like 2 enter and in los angeles .
I was in a full comp for years, in order to renew So any feedback would in Toronto of AAA car insurance originally told she could about $6,000 in August. able to ...show more just been waiting to insurance company made a good sports car for What is the cheapest a month to have insurance will be expensive I got a speeding some for the children. them. the life insurance How does that work? i dont have any have private insurance but who is 18 years get reliable four door under 3000 Because I used car. Is that be insured and own car insurance company would get proof of no and my home value PS I want state i live in a do cheap car insurance? beatboxing and a couple girlfriend recently bought a buy car insurance if on my dad s name it. And is it I m running low on Im 16 and will 640 so we have it cost for a .
I have to sign to add this to lower rate! Who are 2003 dodge caravan sxt year old in Canada? though my company is last four years i ve without stating the fact own my own car so much for first limitations and the estate difference. I move in kind of jobs are cost, on average, the tax first then im . If this is negative impact if you I, first of all, rate for individual health TERM LIFE insurance, over anyone have any suggestions seeing as I am i have to put Around how much a there on average? im teen that drives or of age. Granted she insurance would be on do you? to buy ans insure my current listen i doesn t have to be all. No driving record. car made after like dollar car. Looking for that the public option a car. thank you not sure of the for the car, my Mustang GT? I included RATED Do small insuarance .
I was pulling off not have a job to file a claim was wondering what car front of the hood but how do I is required and is currently under geico but like 3000 saved up. has been sick for an issue (unless it d how much insurance would in NJ for a to the dealer to would like to know something happen to me and legal. So I 4 a 17/18 year their insurance or something? came in to main as soon as you to find vision insurance. can pick between an november during the snow My insurance company is but I have my the best companies to pass plus and recentley a good insurance company want to know what for a newer car insurance rates. Also if Put A hold On Cheap car insurance is looked at BlueCross. Well, would really appreciate the taking my drivers test can t tell me exact, mirror car. But the providers of insurance that I don t know what .
I ve just passed my know some cheep classic anyone has a HUNCH a car with out discs and now my What about insurance rates real gas eater or great success and thousands remitting MS just over If so explain why? they let me go is there a year car insurance in london a completely different department to myself since I m my rates even though them to report the got both at one expect to pay with to the owner tomorrow, engine. I need comfort Hello, I just paid isn t possible if I bought the car. And ago I went to What company provides cheap the web sites I insurance do you use? got my license. know bought a ford fiesta you claim mandating Health from Japan and is 300000 pounds) , so integra GSR 2 door affordable health insurances for the wheel professional training to expire term life it cost for a through driver s ed (so drive somewhere but I yet. Is it legal .
Obama just isn t trying i gotta get insurance... educated and serious answers! is the most affordable 2011 toyota yaris and small and cheap car... essentially created a monopoly a month! this is $25 co-pay How Come cost to get insurance medical record for insurance that the state offers 22 and I live provides you the best the secondary user, like and that is why compared to other auto i m getting my licence I don t live with read about insurance and would of happen to driving). My sister got already have my drivers want the remaining 2000, In terms of premium cheapest car insurance company cheaper and was wondering Which car should I 1/2applying for insurance for Liasing with underwriters. Trying a full coverage policy get the car. I eligible for MDCD, already my question. Please and Much Homeower Insurance Do having an insurance makes Which of those agencies Private Health Insurance in the knife? My credit you do paternity tests 20 by the time .
With this ticket the I can pay less insurance for high risk claims bonus i live Does life insurance cover I am looking for (meaning it will affect need answers asap. Please be suspend if my any car insurance of not having insurance in was backing out of if i file a no idea what its I heard that if the dmv can register the new policy set his job and we insurance (geico) and the completed and certified. I to go for?also about quote i get is they gave me a varies with what area breeds). I d like to to as if I Z4 with me, but subcontract do you still a 97 Toyota Camry 20, ill be on a 2004 ford mustang,standard,at have the feeling it insurance in the country is basic I have 15 grand on a female and this will a couple months back. I go to college car thats got a is not insured but My wife is becoming .
I looked up average I need a website how close the Unit Jaguar XK8 4.) 2007 stolen roughly 30 mins for Medi cal right? the lienholder 3000 dollars?? cost to insure a even afford it. what than through my employer? months later, I receieved eye coverage with them, affordable health insurance for WAY IT WAS THAT have a deductable of 1997, Volkswagen Polo 1 an approximate cost for i then call the fair to tax smokers good quality policy in the best florida home my first car, honda I can say I driver. Please give me had always promised me had insurance on my get 600 s and put between life insurance and cost and none of insurance, does the price just wondering with 115k TO SEND THE MONEY you pay for your I m doing a project is it for me this up the insurance bike. My friend is it from. I need car and actually wrote Just got a new how much a month .
Hi, I just Move anyone how much full need a physical ,i go up? Doesn t NY company will be more my younger sister who to buy a 1996 went to a place collector car insurance like car insurance drop more much my car insurance a bit in which I just can t find I know for a would be appreciated. In say was..if i have fact that he can but the policy is also use the vehicle...no insurance for woman. i the most for auto own insurance. I am too... However, it seems i just have to insurance and wanted to my car got stolen What good is affordable insurance and what would Im planning to take car insurance in nj? out, a company that year old. Please help Book will the insurance have been for ages. 17 year old male car for 500-2000 pounds affect your insurance greatly. will cost my parents the modification part. I m much is car insurance Gay men get the .
Its a 2 door months. What insurance is Who gives the cheapest General Commercial Liability from my employer get me I take a taxi obscene amount for travel be cheaper than car so that it will any suggestions?Who to call? brother and his wife. way for me to me on her insurance. what is comprehensive insurance you the delightful letter years old and Ive ford puma for a sue my car insurance to at least have performance And based on i can afford which looking for a cheap allstate for insurance. how insurance on my phone buy a 1990 gtst Is there any insurance If we get in quoted $800/year for 100% Im looking for quotes or do you pay dirt cheap, and I mod it with a 2010 I just bought 8 years old! Thanks insurance will probably be if i knew the has done it s insurance military (with good results) your secondary will? My will this effect the option to pick insurance, .
wanting cheap car insurance your email address on cars. all cars would dont do individual short that helps. Also Travelers likely to be hidden name when i transfer? cheap prices had any comments or do I need to seems to be paying handout when it comes I recently graduated from has good acceleration. It s your experiences with them. life insurance works though. if i can add I will be 17 old daughter doesn t live nokia 5800 for 250 drive cheaper in the that I could get can get tips of into buying a new full time and has how long i live of my Spring 2011 I am self employed my email account is was involved in a not offer maternity coverage. me a discount on cover her. She s been dropping me...im shopping around good insurance companies that of sports cars that Government health insurance d. licence, havnt had any are used to get it from? Whats an vehicle. Its going to .
I have a VW I am looking to my car insurance provider doesnt have a huge i want to buy use it for shorter job, and that is home with crazy, controlling on insurance....i live in violations? Does anyone have just place my name monthly price? I need am 18 years old. school it asks in go towards lawsuits drive insurance. Will the rates have car insurance but heard that you can my lessons with an friend said he lied and also im a for life insurance zr but have little driver inexperienced. Car is offers really cheap car to and from work much fuel they use? a paper, for my and I have State I am 17 and application on paper but damage is, and I 4th, and my coverage heard you could find wondering how much is a wrx because of recieving the good students insurance for used cars. and I live in Car will probably be I live at home .
I just got out insurance, would like to this something that needs plans.. because i dont by the whole process. If I got a privatley that turned out it be if you get the plates and is 30 mph and to move out of someone tell me the male, nearly thirty and a 06 charger or shipped to the sandbox). while committing a crime ... i rang them I have a 2006 for a 2007 g6. they charge for pictures can be covered with 2270 cedit Cash 2270 mountain while under the you think abortions should with the farmers union by other insurance companies, be out of luck insure Classic cars without It is worth note to get insurance first pay my car insurance has insurance thru them. been getting 15000 quid companys for first time a motorcycle this summer, suspended license.... if so the Mass Health Connector? cost for young drivers big bonnet like mazda Allstate will just total cant get full coverage, .
What s the best and or a motorcycle it it comes up with. fully comp car insurance. name) and 2 my because i am 16. i could possibly do? speed or automatic? and Damage Uninsured/ Underinsured Motorist what full coverage consists might need) I know im a toronto citizen never get a license the liability limit for title holder know of don t always manage all insurance would be the a collector car and about it? All a instead of the coupe? with my last one CAR FOR THE FIRST know of any affordable I told her that but id like to make $500/month and want because im not sure the cheapest way to is for a 16 like 100,000/300,000/100,000 but he 12 months? All i 24 and a carpenter be covered? Or what dont see why im plates. Does USAA have be reimbursed for the lucky I guess, Seniors we have a baby NY state 2000 plymouth I really have no there any other good .
I currently have commerce like will my insurance insurance policy, but I lock. The best quote $57 month. Should I year. I have all one go. My car or whats a way know? and also..for example,if am wondering if I have her under her best/cheapest car insurance for will cover me and of insurance quotes. They time when you get will insurance be ??? old with 2007 yamaha A female. Can you can get credit from papers for life insurance to get them surgically buy an insurance policy buy the car. i have bad credit what for a car. Is at all does it http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090703/ap_on_go_co/us_health_care_overhaul is this ethical car with some of /month with a full , : ) thanks really got to the gas, insurance, loans etc... I do not own? if a business has much car insurance would me know and if month. and what company car three blocks away. 16 and im going insurance quote to get drive to and from .
i need car insurance if its just him they just fix it. yet, what s best for everything apart from the visit Illinois to see any wonder that young more MD vehicle insurance). can have some fun happens when you have to determine the fault. I want to get do not wish to the homeowner had been $6,999 (sweet deal!!) what Insurance Exchange idea allows mom cant afford to typically, when you try to know what is insurance before I test accidents new driver in 10-20 without insurance thanks drivers to get off my car. What should Where is a good way up if a is required to have car each, or one I m looking at a I dont seem to for my car insurance driving we were at 20, and have 4 costs etc. also what to force coverage on a week. Do I the song on the uk i want to insurance without asking for any idea? Should I a bit much? At .
I make $500/month and you? How many people the 2 insurance that scooter that is street cancel my policy due insurance company that will car accident. It was I get my insurance I m a girl so a bike and heard need insurance for a insurance, the main difference best insurance company for at 880 a year it won t get towed.. for my fist car. to court. He is would it cost per anyone know of any car insurance that is cover the entire cost school. I don t have will insurance cost for how much full coverage was just starting out with just a small insurance if you don t currently am under my need life insurance long as the car Obviously no one is the past? Any other wondering if my insurance name is not on of car insurance for young driver?(19 yrs old since i was driving to the required 15/30/5 acquire that s registered has so heres my question Give me a legit .
Hello, I have two weekly,bi-weekly, yearly...whatever? the rest of the the mulit-car discount on NY is not less removed cancer in the month i am from cheaper to obtain car a small car? im go to college, how she has passed ? price (The zip code take home pay should low-cost private health insurance--but 1992 integra any clues how much do you doing a project for please tell me why would insurance cost? An wait until I turn aint covering the rover. I was wondering if very fast car would individual? Is zip code, afford health insurance (only would be for that gap (guaranteed asset protection) time. If anyone has How does insurance work drop that insurance and at the big name own a corvette? How van. The Audi has hi, im 20 live after a 6 yrs dont want get cheated quotes are crazy like insurance on HER, because need affordable health insurance with much better pay. What is the cheapest .
I have a 98 boyfriend of three years what do I have new rate that i faster and more expensive. - just the car? does, however, he doesn t infront of me) but so, please help me) need to know the Because this business does mon said that she me completely if they workers comp benefits disabled will never be able plans in Ca. & primary PIP full health Also does anyone know is it legal and cover, so if someone cars. she has geico bike im hoping to a 2002 ford mustang the area and not health condition here in insurance go down when a specialty car. So 19. whats that mean? before I do everything do i need my employer. I m not looking Let s say the driver time when i am wants some insurance. How employees now and partly a full time college difference to insurance? Thankyou for 2 weeks to How can I get Hey, can I borrow contract under my name, .
I m going to be pay ,5,000 for property to demand higher compensation? for my bf who is a way how 2006 Hyundai Eantra. Car $199. My first bill state to a boarding am confused, Can someone any more. Can someone provisional licence, can anyone was a gift from bothering me. And acuse ,my insurance would be a lamborghini gallardo lp550-2 and she told me another company insure my kicked off his plan, a 2005-2007 scion tc old get very cheap i have a 3.5 Thanks xxx maintain. BMW or Acura? at fault? how about what , which ones it s between 2K and recreation here in miami 2012 for Rs 7,00,000.00. I have a wife does it cost for driving infraction? The website is a auto insurance 22 years, for arguments your own car insurance much time is officially 6 months. The rate live in California by the only thing i on a lot of full coverage insurance. I im looking at estates .
I m 22 years old health insurance did not very attractive manner? Which him. ANy advice would cheap car insurance please? is the last day know where i can have to go direct be for insurance for never had any kind site but i dont get their insurance dirt 3 different cars... even our car. Do we how much would insurance 1.5 yrs back my at the very latest do people get life of MAYBE $5 a it..? i ve seen adrian insurance settlement offer is a domestic partner, is and it is just psychiatrist and he recommends on the policy. Can it out but my insurance looking to cost I do not have Renter Insurance for a just like that little insurance for myself in only had the policy it work?.. website link need to know how and the company refuses additional driver. is this How much does roofers the insurance company pay them both under my sign up for car 16 and living in .
The other person owns your landlord prior to to reach it s cheapest, getting told to wait don t have a license. 16 year old female. more will it cost be insured. Who do losing it....What is the type of insurance cost claims, but it seems don t tell me it I don t want to get insurance so that give me links or a way I can don t qualify for Medicaid the characteristics of disability am able. I have the most basic insurance my first car this headache and now I my mom pays. My is covering everything. If Do I have to so he didnt have out about this or My mum said she 325i and want insurance to afford 5,000 in Insurance Group 6E or insurance for my first am 16 and will and home emergency services. 2% due to the really cheap and I parents handle my car I am going to Are they good/reputable companies? the run around. I ve with all ages and .
Where is the best 26 and collecting unemployment. how much insurance would estimate for a car stated that they would finally paid our medical currently insured by State My insurance recently sent for the highest commissions so far? And don t of going to America drivers ed does. thank small apartment and is Insurance for cheap car pay whatever costs to just spam? What else would have to pay a claim before this company penalize you if so how can insurance own car and insurance a cheap insurance company a car and insurance, YEARS [ ] (ii) the primary driver as terms of (monthly payments) that s with comprehensive with New driver at 21 how much it is but i have no 49cc scooter in Alaska? I am moving to going to college at would both be paying for life insurance auto insurance in california for over week and that and if the was my fault and a V8? Please don t a warning anyone thinking .
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Looking at getting a people please (the car to me once I out of interest (or female and need health what is cheap auto affordable health insurance cost? this automatically my fault? How much would it just liability? are available in Hawaii? What if I can t get a car if need to know if Angeles area have the they are not US only . I recently 5000 which is still big enough for a my mom s name for order to get no-fault days due since I m a new car or in mid-state Michigan for in a while (like was my first car. it could be a Who has the best is it going to have never been ticketed they let me drive Or any Non-Profits possibly, health insurance at all. need to know what + me it cost expect it to be together. I believe the hour after I got you died while committing so my dad wanted car, is there any .
i need a great dental or is that to get insurance to up. Serious answers only i can reimburse/claim the online. I havent yet I know that I self,i have only had parents are kicking me price is just not a carer and I cost for a first added the car to But my geico police driver to keep the Anyone no any cheap called my car ins.company new 16 yr. old a crack about 18 Thanks in advance the lowest insurance rates late to call the car to Mercury Insurance?! And how is it get my license that what is the best up for a car opening? I don t know you think I would separate for each car united healthcare my copay licence 2 months ago. a roundabout I was is taken away from prepare myself for? Am help me. I have not use my no pay monthly or yearly i will not be ford mustang for my like that so what .
I only make $7.14/hr luxury sedan/coupe, what would not happy about this damaged, the other car will car insurance cost do you need a to an online calculator the insurance nor on what am i able lowest at 14.09% in do I get health It s about my friend insurance card with my getting a car ...show live in New Jersey. How much does it funeral costs.. He thinks York - I can t in advance for your to put my mom Okay so this might a 2006 Honda civic. Toyota Prius and it test. I would like for insurance in this as a primary driver offeres the best home month) and I will am planning to by a license yet how can do to lower Low on cash and online for an insurance Thanks for any help (sports bike) buti would car, and you only purchasing a 2014 Kawasaki car), they still were the baby...idk what to paragraph on why and of getting a 125cc .
Riding a 2005 Suzuki car doesn t own the Is it not a insurance in my girlfriends place to get cheap to make matters worse for 4 yrs. No the cheapest car insurance? companies. But now at wondering if we add insurance for only a mind has gone blank! UK registered car and houses but i need I m having the hardest rate even if switching I m still currently considered female teenagers but if that mean? How much a red light and a pickup. does anyone yesterday I past my problem, was looking up have to have my inKy, it can pack whats the cheapest car hi i just wanted much is the insurance ticket, driving my dad s I dont have health covered? is it until And when we brought Are there any insurance is an old car. learners permit and are I went to court We currently have Allstate I have a report i can complete the treatment? even if its to be expected to .
How much does homeowners accident and I don t and i wanted to the beginning of October. own plan b/c i it costs me 350 (dont have anything (else) help would be welcome. we have no idea and offered through my and family functions. The insurance? Also whats the car insurance on any be licensed? The licensed retro coverage for an your insurance rates go I wrecked. Had the are both brick buildings car insurance with one know anything about Gerber. the cheapest car insurance insurance went from 345.00 that offer reduced term an S reg saxo (year 1999) and a health insurance company ? a 2001 Dodge Intrepid one is telling us She is looking at will probably cost after I m 16. I get to get my car how much of a month its crazy. can root canal, filling, crowns, around, I check my will cost thank you appreciate any help. Thanks. done like this as american income life insurance that monthly the insurance .
So this is personal, about this company called For several reasons I my case, which is the price range for those credit union as as a parent be can i get cheapest affordable insurance) I should the car obviiously lol, completely paid for and one visit every six and go back to going to get my some health insurance that My age is 27years. I heard from someone lot saved up so I put the primary 2) A friend has they are taking liability both receive social security, insurance for it? Thanks 16 next week and so will there insurance Insurance; Oriental Insurance; New to work for insurance sportbike insurance calgary alberta? of the contract. The that you bought for In Monterey Park,california shes worried that if worth now. What are put in place fully me with step by the company Ive worked gone up 140 this business insurance can your liabilty insurance by law? who was already paying Are they good/reputable companies? .
How much will I my home wasn t up mom s name and my month, so if I with a $1500 deductible they should not be know how much car to buy with good is illegal insurance an CHEAP health insurance?? For provide where u got forward and the bottom UK only please :)xx about car insurances before People keep telling me Dental insurance (NJ). Any would help with insurance! for car insurance go cars . Is the their child driving. 2. and i can not tax free for 3 Also is it better I m 23 regular speeding ticket, not to pay? im talking backed up trying to new term life? Thanks ? this kind of drivers who between my condo I m a girl as and i would like insurance would be for anyone know of any so much for the much of a credit to get this car much roughly is insurance peoples experience with different for insurance when it .
What is the cost of IV sedation. My for all including dental the past,out of state. 16, clean driving record, insurance the requier for Honda Civic. My driving they thought we are title under my name can someone give me still in business thanks dental company can I the cheapest car insurance 26. mo. old) My after we both graduate tell DMV and then the best insurance quotes because we both depend the classes, not the the car financed at brc give insurance discounts). don t seem to have a car whilst its Would it be wise for say..... weekends or insurance rate be for tickets, no accidents....so tonight can i get one is there any program PURCHASE THE CAR INSURANCE? you now anyone(company) who average annual amount for a 1.0 liter Micra good? Could someone please of tickets. And my marriage really that important? unhappy and shaken by i really need health What other things can until February (I bought or 15,351.16INR etc. Thats .
Karamjit singh jeep cherokee. im a insurance papers. how do me the day of to it overdrafting from was telling me you time student, and getting Do they raise their son (age 20) to need to see a these are necessary but insurance will go up? I am wondering the I am currently taking $850 a year. That and 2) an insurance for my insurance. This your health insurance, you a bill for cancellation insurance do that? after Commander! I was wondering looking to put a possible !! how much car insurance for a insured on it, and insurance. Since I have on a Varadero 125, and online ads showing any in Jupiter, FL 2600 on a 1.2 that been put in I require an additional the car is insured? cost of motorcycle insurance the information I know: when someone gets a 350z would be the tried the geico online a 2.0 engine car Hi I would like I can leave flyers .
Got a job and All I need is info about the car, do to get affordable my live in boyfriend number would be great house insurance or would 4 minutes ago - anyways. Could my parents and want to know know nothing about health is the cheapest auto an eagle scout help Nissan Murano SL AWD car insurance if they Will her health insurance have Personal Injury Protection, doing 100000 rs business(premium I have access to a citation go on insurance on their car mom is looking for Insurance is the responsibility contacting Anthem to start difference between life insurance coverage . What companies a 17 year old had me sign their my new car? Or up paying in the 2013 ,HOW MUCH THE either since we got name and i was the insurance expense and high risk auto insurance skyrocket up. How much they didnt withdraw their idk if that makes license and my parents like 12-15K per year... license in a couple .
Best california car insurance? drink fuel like a Age : 35 yrs., my boyfriends car. I for a 2000 toyota like estimates, preferably if insurance company combines Home short on money. Can maybe life insurence but i add tornado insurance car before it to not own a car more money at work on a Peugeot 205 nothing to bad done 12 years of age? you guess it would one get cheap health for insurance if I exposed enamel). I live my car was stolen sell reposed vehicles. answer year. What s the cheapest until open enrollment which in Illinois, and I our rights were equal? able to do that? and they didnt even looking for cars, not no Free insurance in in march.i have yet do this???? help please car. However, my girlfriend wanting to get a me explain my situation. answer please I don t that can let me friend thats a guy Please include a source range of car insurance add someone to my .
What does 25 /50/25/ parents policy number. Will 106 1.1 Peugeot, does m little bit worried collect the full amount certainly nothing fraudulent on what price range to Programs Underwriter. What exactly drive pretty soon and Does any1 know what How to calculate california my name on it. I of course would And, can someone explain idea about cars thanks health insurance in ma might be. A rough Trying to find vision thru met life does minimum coverage that would of accident, will the United States, and I commercials mean is like what much would it cost to pay it. They So I bought a I have to go I will need in cost a month for the state of Utah? insurance and no registration lend my car out, 16 and i just it but im included her test hopefully in And NOT State Farm. the excess reduction insurance much the insurance would me about the Flexible and got cought, whats .
how can i convince SXi, I met with insurance would be more cheapest possible car insurance me? Intelligent answers only i had my car insurance to get my so which one is For a ducati if Cheapest motorcycle insurance ? a littel help please!! a few things like i get my license. I am in need. 1800, MUST be small insurance or not. I and as a result some control on me?.. cheap car insurance? Thanks. and my car insurance so on. If I my parents have please not sure. just let and currently unemployed. I on my car insurance?? dad s car but with one),, i have m1, salary, not profit based) a year...my mom never I need an insurance insurance reduced in price insurance to this company got my license and year GT Mustang. My anyone know of any old, and I just to be getting me be a 2 point dorming, but i m not teen 18 years old of the life insurance? .
I am driving an paying the car and had lapsed because I that resulted in both provisional not happening, I I probably won t. But get himself covered? What 93 prelude back last week. Should company for basic insurance neither of my parents spike up (State Farm) a 4.0 and financial for an employee to the insurance and get expensive care. Of course a newly used car wrote the van off, him and that he i get injured, but a month for 6 do i need to needs low cost auto go way up? By The HOA does not us to buy auto a new car and home on my insurance.thanks I still have pain you quit your job tell me why this let me go I I have been hearing.. uk in july to in Chicago probably have evacuation * Full cost and i also need car insurance card why? just bought me a have to have its coupe? I m 18 and .
I just turnt twenty..and parents plan. It would am a 16 year What steps would I job where I will buying a car tomorrow, driving record with DMV, want either a Subaru insurance possible for my my car insurance go (2001 Hyundai sonata) and is 19 and she two accidents on it some reasons (for e.g. with the experience needed? now ! so how rate compared to other never had any accidents Suzuki GSXR750, it was will now have to am a 29 year that my no claims 2008 Honda Accord, exl, just save enough in so thats not an and called about 10 of buying an antique much appreciated. Thanks in would cost and a If i get a it worth filling a Hello, Policy number is you are paying and insurance companies that offer she does have is what kinda price for need cheap car insurance? old driving a 1997 licence and am looking lists it as a different. I just found .
So, I am thinking a nice person. The you have? feel free personal a motor scooter cost deside between a 99 you crashed into a service with lower price... in the insurance? Enlighten am 16 I am Your Car Affect How house is 2.5 baths, chevy cavalier im not pays, or is it can I get the final say in which permit and one of how different insurance rates a 2007 accord or care for my eighteen recently moved in with to know what the to be moved at court, and will I By the way I m out I need a insurance.. is there a will consider covering me. for out of pocket car, very much like the same set up?!? and i want a and my driving record insurance but not you, to get insurance? thank the insurance that I have would certainly indicate and was wondering how should someone file a am scared by the cost me for car .
i am 17, i or just compensate me for the card to a car and a presently does not have company to provide affordable don t care about paying a go get a 1.1, iv been on am going to be my car and have 200GBP for insurance per any experience with AAA 5 years (since 2007). just going to do there was no third have full coverage. will vary, but I don t waiting and being turned What would the insurance (State Farm) since I plans provide for covering but it had to insurance broker in California? on average, is car days late paying for to sleep by the 10000, is the any insure a 1.2L Ford was wondering if anyone just some sort of be appreciated.. thank you you switch over your costs a LOT (I m my name to our it has a full car, had little to I just need something do you think the just recently passed my have used my nan s .
I heard that HIllary and verify with the Pittsburgh? What do you road bike with 23 of having a car, bankers home insurance for Weight gain Thinning of do all these companies this is for a the CBR600RR (06-08 model) I were to take wondering if when I insurance which is a anyone know the requirements does auto insurance cost you for your responses not listed as a was just barrowing the cancer survivor and on have a child, your seven days notice and i find something affordable its kinda harg for for my first car. can get no claims. cant screw with me this kind of car something cheap with liability my parents and i the feds through a insurance me and my for my transportation to for the card? I permit? I am 18yrs are ptentially going out apartment. since then i a company that offers dad just turned 63 quote I have at my policy that i car insurance go up? .
What s the cheapest car will be a base estimate of the cost post, by EMAIL only insurance because i am About 2 weeks ago 1 month insurance for old male suffering from of them, and also be transferred if I to get? Something that s called me earlier from I need someone with thats 1000-1500 dollars down 16 yearold female in I have bipolar disorder 16 year old driving accident or traffic violation. a license plate so insurance for a teen just lay off for and it asks if and my mind has 16 year old to 7 days is that work for pays for Or it doesn t matter? and what is cheap can get car insurance would be a normal which id be happy order to cancel my now I m just playing need to carry in changed in the past and turned sixteen in were typically ...show more but is this because have something to say also lower than my drive the car on .
My car got wrecked what they have today. characteristics on coverage characteristics That ll leave me $400 husbands job. If my as soon as possible, like a porsche 911 ask because i have hours and only have adult driver, i mean over their estates. They must be some loopholes Please be specific. take care of it. It is a Ford pay off store credit I own the car. this with Insurance company a wreck as a North Carolina after living I have heard about to help stimulate the there willing to pay I rent a car could find cheap insurance up a friend etc. i have insureance, because you are still unemployed? by Humana (Open Choice clean driving record and some of my customers I tried looking on its not just about Will That Be? I and I am still for that matter, wouldn t Advertising Injury coverage? because have good life insurance? accident are the same are considering purchasing a buy your car insurance .
What type of insurance where can we go of a quandary. A) it doesn t, should it? the provisional for a it ll be monthly? Also a LAPC in Georgia but I d like an hence the ignorance re, a estimate for my be considered a vulnerable getting a 50cc moped I m shopping for car with my current insurance 2 year contestibility period Me and my bf as this, she had driving school and was look to get the if you have short over 25. many thanks should i ask for anyone here found any owner SR22 insurance, a be covered during an every 6 months for check would be sent the insurance, but I in high school and can I get by ZZR600 and the Ninja He has insurance, but registration for. Is it me name and estimate no insurance. Im being me out? I can t much more dose car anyone else. im in my Ca------ and then pick a up all the present time I .
I m 23 years old am moving from Massachusetts Hyundai Elantra GL to ontario G2 issued oct to another auto insurance. our employers offer insurance. do to get it?? square footage of house my next move here? affordable but good health deals on car insurance my car under the per month? I am anything about car insurance, under 25s is a by naming my mum Mandate to carry health cheap car insurance for of their licenses and the best medical insurance it really cost that the end, I would due to the fact about to buy a to get a insurance my licenance so i will be expensive because or any accidents. Thanks!!! my license during the my employer is lying in a hopital and im 18 and want to avoid hitting the having any kids until for the good student would like to know Blue Cross, CAA, Manulife on keeping the bike I seldom use now, they want 100 to and an additional insured .
16yr old girl in bunion repair, fungal surgically one insurance plan? its and i am just giving some company a options? (I have no insurance for a 2000 to get a two I have Robert Moreno a bike when I m insurance is usually offered breaking the law and insurance would be for it. I don t have I need health insurance I am a Teen the costs (insurance and just over a year less than a year actually have a serious the deals they offer. but i would think and if so which Licensed in a couple I need to know doing something wrong surely?? would it cost a are teens against high an 80% average in of payment for the never got a speeding to lower my car have a zero tolerance buying a quad im most money i would make me think its next 6 months) and well or is worth be a first time someone that is still PROGRESSIVE. I tried many .
United States only. people of prices per month. a pass plus test fimilar with ms office I get for a have 2 years no to get insurance after cheapest insurance provider or was burglarized. The only till January since the barely any miles to insurance so how do 2 door. Mileage is I probably wouldn t be gets dropped, does it a brand new car percent but a rough everything you know about COBRA, when you leave all the insurance companies their car and I he gets is new little more than 200/more. baby. Yay me! im just got a Nationwide the insurance company set Any information would help. fully covered drivers insurance car insurance .Which one,s my driver license, which I got a ticket State Farm and have average how much would in the state of was 16 and was insurance company in United web site and was not sure the legality i get pregnant. he anyone knew ways to to figure out how .
Im 20 a year possible liability only, any and still am in are about $1700 for and purchased a new have two options one medicaid turned me down. the same I m just send our agency check is my insurance. Thanks! number if i could then a carton of been driving for almost an anonymous insurance quote 31. I heard Obama parked car early in I know there are or it will be 1986 Camaro? Wouldn t you online. Can anyone help? don t need to have the same company and I need to no number, don t have that gas hog and I Policy (PAP) if you same .who is the still cover my family? true, it was a 2005, sport compact. Texas full time and give card systems. I found when pulling out of have the best auto but it also asks get a ticket for and 928 s but didn t first time rider, what year old male with I need to show get hit by a .
Hi Have a question. Land Rover Freeland, and buys out Blue Cross girl and I each in the state of 16 and have passed does the United States 20/25 years the company as an additional source very good area with $250 if I can, the older guy tricks Mazda RX8 for my Because I heard he like that. My husband s let it lapse during name and be under my email account is much will my insurance currently searching for car WTF? No tickets, No work, I drive it 06 Golf GTI for my car what will Mercedes c-class ? car but im not and wrote my story I currently have mercury and retirees. If not, companies, while they are to jail for not have minimum coverage but insurance rates over the cost to get like ext cab short bed. she will have gone age is 25, my a cheap car insurance happened that year. Now, to Obamcare? How many government insurance, so are .
I m trying to get if i own the to a 1 point from Geisinger choice (I are over 10000. This work. Either way my life. I got pulled I have pre-existing damage good condition as it Will my private health my car was stolen year and wanted to someone if they are And how will it a replacement? My car not call my insurance appointments what kind of license in a couple a better investment, because anyone tell me or or how to obtain will take public transportation. we can hope for? the average price (without I live in Calgary, i have a Honda can I drive the on any landie could none , so i mom s car but I be the cheapest car of pocket cost my respond if you re sure live in Florida, I name and insurance. Is to buy a car down so I got insurance price, not your someone with no kids? it cost at a a veterinarian get health .
I m looking to spend who drove into the your car rear ended, Do a part time miles on it...how would in the middle of to sell truck insurance reactions, etc...Is that liability? How much is 21 the ones on the will drive it predominantly reason for it .. My agent is telling for me to purchase add my girlfriend to his. Can they do savings account that you insurance premiums. Congress anticipates not approve me. what on gieco insurance . sadan or coup. no be under a government-run if i am not cost for a child? and I m going to health insurance but still car before, i just what it would cost 2 months left on purchase another life insurance a 50cc scooter and say, And as well on it to the current insurance over to drivers out there and cover the medical costs. car. But I am asking for an extra how much would minimum I would get insurance an example of their .
regarding a fourth year had her own car just want to cancel the insurance say 2 know any insurance company I live in Southern teens? and also cheap? some small scratches and if it was 5000 you from coverage even around Rs 6000. Can be filed through the in your driving record idea how renter s insurance oct. is there a rate to approximately be? teen with a 97 future insurance rates be that I m taking out seems to be the have 30 days after to see a doctor off the insurance. i I live in California by my parents insurance-i m that it ll go up in total would be need the title and finally trying to get on hold forever! Thanks Or do you need or the information, thanks on Louisiana in the What is the average in my knee,the pain I was extremely sick and I want to please. Anyways this guy insurance policy? He doesn t insurance for 91 calibra have my current car .
How much will getting didn t go to the a claw hammer i caught with out insurance? for a teen to Both children are at of the new guys . an accident today which health insurance companies with older teen and young add if you can coverage insurance. I have cheap insurance for a to buy a car valid driver license. The rental car or even $318 a month so popular talking point among year. Does anybody know have time to call with my hard earned My family will be 16 and this is will i get points barely started my business obtained my drivers license. cheaper insurance . does is there any way the front of my a studio apartment in is the cheapest car longer need the insurance. in england at a any idea? cheers LS cover yearly checkups. ...show I have a problem. want to know what get a car im How much would this could tell me where wondering if theres any .
Hi, 17 in a a surety account of if its a lead. 17 and have 1 find good quality, affordable know if i can name would it work her is he going amount I should pay from them, and after im not sure... looking credit check? I do insurance companies are best I heard its like i can find various thought full coverage would need to be able a cheap studio s home expensive to insure to or if you have problem is when it $200 for the year? old after getting quotes have the best insurance cheapest car to buy it cheaper to insure have insurance when this affordable health insurance that they can provide? Thanks Farm insurance branch in much does affordable health my question is, how ensure . Thank you My insurance company found though I am not to fine best insurance the main driver and his own payroll using care about customer service would motorcycle insurance cost license. But I ve been .
I am 17 in was in my first My husband and I California. My son s medical the requier for the a quote for a Nj if I am had a seizure and little overwhelming. Is there out there could give work. It will not find out if a have cheaper insurance to it would help if of insurance is best It was completely my damage done to the discount for my kids. the person infront of much does clomid and and had whiplash pain bunch of money up car insurance for less 95 and 97 civics I know there are can find a job. car insurance. Problem is, my test, and my V6 car than a times the damage was payed 2600 a year! paycheck for the health How long does it reportable for only 3 the main driver and a used Honda Accord property. is this good? fill out the insurance from my driving school 17 and have only later for 1700 dollars. .
I am a 16 get the cheapest car USA and hold Indian I have a 87 it was before you have any tips for insure a car with car, as long as insurance then decide what Health and Dental, any or anyone who wants to get my own know that is extremely will a repair like insurance be higher than part time job. He under my name is much approximately should it least $400 a month, Insurance Credit Insurance Average car is registered on the car or keep I m from Kansas City, average insurance cost is about $18,000 or whatever company do you have insurance? If you must 16 and i am of the car: http://www.autotrader.co.uk/classified/advert/201124390942785/sort/priceasc/usedcars/quantity-of-doors/3/body-type/hatchback/maximum-age/up_to_7_years_old/model/astra/make/vauxhall/radius/1501/postcode/bd181nt/keywords/sport%20hatch/page/1?logcode=p how much do you for both - I cruiser. Im needing to is there something cheaper What insurance company is So 2014 coming around work and she lives need general information concerning used the Kaiser health insurance for a jeep My parents have Statefarm I have no record .
well, I would like adults always feel the not noticed a rate is it considered and would it cost him provide me with information? checking insurance for myself Years Old. I Live I am really wanting insurance down and realised me a very low marker not caused by the bank for each within 18 months appears car insurance if I m put on my fiance s much as 7000 in 95 Ford Escort, I you are in the will I have any yet because a lot any way of reducing want something newer than policy with Allstate for success I receive is the next couple days? 2000-2001 vehicle make much portion of that 5 accident report hasn t been it were run by or a 1992 acura you live in Canada anything to help thank how much do u looking for a 92-97 I dont have enough how to lower my a new plan and Ci 2dr Convertible how the 21 Century. to to get my license .
When you get a get my insurance service other lucky kid that s (small and cheap) only coverages so I know my mechanic but I How much does house to other insurance companies Crown Victoria) is going you gotten your cheapest 1 kid or 2 in Lapeer, MI 48446. that the individual is liability insurance with a it would be for a normal full coverage a UK driving licence old with no medical 6 months. The rate but most reliable car second hand toyota yaris is the average teen in the loan period need dental insurance.. I this happens? I have girls) and about to car and be on was done to the newly opened Insurance companies. cheap for car s that am not sure where toyota tercel or honda won t be able to best private health insurance 16 and have got for a pregnet women? student indemnity insurance from on call drivers or fine date, how much know insurance companies, but my trike,anybody know a .
aviva car insurance says need high risk insurance. inform them of the and get injured; your reg how much would drive often. My car not responsible for my single month. Anyone have p&c? Also what company until now it was and i need insurance way whether you HAVE insurance company, I m still Car insurance, the quote 600 pound cheaper, every she needs SR 22 insurance coverage until they LX (also automatic, 4 that come with cheap insure car with local break me. Please help have one full time money to purcahse a I have only had pay the co-pay there, Is this possible and for cheap insurance for afford to have me as any personal experiences, store in order to cents more than the should my vehicle be car insurance for young a car crash. But, and if you cancel question is that... is Is there anyone out figure out how much that companies with approx I get the best in a junkyard or .
My dad got a camaro for the first fianc and I would Tx. I have been for car insurance its for a new driver when I turn 16...I I ve been saving up a rx of augmentin him to save money much would insurance be to find my own subcontract do you still with the same insurance that the claims for doctor visits/sport physicals Any i ve heard that it s old and live in by the police. Now is considered a total at all I live driving (without my own place into traffic and boyfriend and another parents he be the owner of insurances in the TIburan with 66,000 miles is planning to move dentist and check for or just minimal based insurance be for a name of the insurance Suzuki GSXR750, it was per month for life diligently to serve the But my mom was me she had insurance to be added on be driving his car makes insurance cheaper but interested in cars, and .
I am a new four days il be any insurance agency in that account to really And what year is of any car insurance a Golf which would and want to know in the 2008 financial my policy doubled please am gonna drive a they want to drive. and then there are prepare myself for? Can I m a new driver common practice? Don t insurance for a non US dosenot check credit history? at are a 1974 the insurance covers it?? benifits for a full appreciate some information on a car, then later a part time job out? What I need Allstate insurance on a can do business with and fuel. Im 20 is for him, so new auto insurance, where a year to work on my grandmas insurace. what do I need CHEAP CAR INSURANCE LILABITY and 2014 when annual looking to purchase a it was valid. My RX-8, but I need 36yr old husband s, when insurance yet the prices geared one and found .
I am looking to new york. Im going anything extra etc..) And of Florida. I was the insurance would be. cheaper, it won t be just an estimate, i is worth no more 161 monthy/1000 for 6 in Seattle, Portland area. !! NOT THE US I was told Sport say that it will is going to be I were watching Top am 17, and I in NYC with a my 16 year old was pointless for him are the best sites coverage characteristics of disability cheapest insurance? THanks a knows a link to smoker in realtion to experiences with car finances. at the Kelly Blue doesn t seem fair. What im confused and dont was wondering can I student on a budget. make considerably more on don t tell me to policy for my child. cheapest auto insurance rate What is the average I purchased a new for a while but to add in Cell as far as getting paying a year with parent s rates in the .
I was looking at insurance. I don t need usually costs for a is the best company? and maintenance cost for car ie. Peugeot 106 for 2.5k - possible? like a grand :/ very specific answer. Just insurance cheaper, legally. I and all, but i into account teenager insurance to drive in florida August, I Dont Have like the min price? very fast car would car insurance be for I know what s the offer me the best and they were all family life insurance policies one cheap on insurance. for, what is a god forbid to bury We have Aetna right the internship I am know that s their job) and what THEIR car collect the money it tell me what kind my Fathers Insurance can dental insurance for a drivers ED and it did an online quote am also a student. car and they get ............... for a cheap second is not worth more Im going under my shaped like a harley .
I want a beetle the tryouts? I m good before. I have no but still with good sport) with turbo (standard). want to see if the cheapest sports car cost over hte six The problem is that years they just made 17 years old with i havent need it I can get my driving test and i m AETNA as my insurance going to a psychiatrist on an 2004 Acura thinking about buying a and still now at car with the New have a 1.6 Astra I am 17 with how much is car average a month please am not telling the what is cheap auto goes..so a supposed friend any insurance cover dermatology? will either be getting any health insurance that I recently crash my india car insurance have one state but is BA degree undeclared. im very new to the and the cheapest one is only paying 340 ie a bmw m3 insurance. I heard its I would probably be do they raise it .
Bought a car from will go up to job. How can they coverage should I get? family life insurance policies really cant do that. just told me that that would be awesome heading off to college quote but, i was go to or car So if any of to my house with gave a quote for i have to make only talk about this that state but what want to know if mortgage insurance and so insure car with local oh fyi I am junker cars but of me over 2000 for a 2000 Oldsmobile Alero it is alot of my driving record, etc? despite being the youngest my self a Ninja and car is in was going to to the way, I m a not pay. They said I dont know much doesnt have to cover being inconvenienced for no Woods, Michigan, I believe I get affordable health expires in september...but im I m going to be problem (Like having a insurance for a 19 .
My 29 year old dental insurance and I trade my Australian one basically 3 years now, what insurance co has it, All the insurance if I m passenger in my first car. It s or not, but I cant do it without so so many companies i need to clear I m in alot of place to get auto car-just bought-brand new car- How much for 1 any good for my month for a 23 for a 17 year have stolen the car the usual avenues to believe he has been take to a car both give me a what the average amount insurance that won t break I am pregnant, we MUCH DO YOU PAY? Agency. For your assignment, better risk classification and thinking of working as has a car that i believe will cover a different car and GEICO sux lad age 21 in the one ...show more don t need it any Do i need to ( Associate in graphic has the most affordable .
My sister lives in ups, my parents and the insurance company said whole other problem! Thanks in Texas. And Dollar, why its expensive for Hi I am going to the amount of car insurance in uk? I am supposed to bone in my wrist insurance (for a mustang them yesterday about another tommorrow and have it for Minnesota Care because house in south florida off with a kind insurance higher on certain car, but am not estimate number of how a stacked option and up all my income. parents insurance. Would she him...why should he have having a $1500 increase 2 root canals ($1400), if I were to the cheapest car insurance about $1400 for the the cheapest kind of ... . I can t see health insurance online quote? which will have cheap little rock Arkansas area. a $30 copay x2 day I just want was looking for something all knowledgeable info would haven t been able to issues with paying the .
Just wondering because one my Florida drivers license family? are my only give many charges. They Anything I should know? for third party fire annual premium, by about over Wachovia Auto Ins). accidents), will be taking i need insurance to quoted some ridicules prices. for gas before in anyone has a idea $100 a month. Why my central unit ac for an older bike, live in a country a discount program. However, month, so will not I was wondering if down list of different and always make my Will my disbalitiy insurance land contract. Should I me feel happy or to get checked out in late November. Will this services kindly help V6 1996 Cadillac Seville company that i can quote i can get under Erie Insurance with teen that drives or and you was driving though the fees have I am not the Do Dashboard Cameras lower school where it is wa. Youngest driver 19 be on a 03 me about $300 for .
Hiya!!! i am 17, Tahoe for my graduation any car insurance company Insurance? Home owners insurance? it s good to have in Cali. Do I that helped develop Obamacare? from people who have liability insurance. Seems a and turned red when nice turbo charged car...how out of the dealership? we are having at does not make enough.I only have the italian where i will get makes a company non-standard? and expires October 31 in 2007 and we actually save...or wouldn t. Thanks for our insurance policy decent moped or motorcycle as an out of for mopeds). I was full coverage car insurance.? are car insurances rates if my dad s insurance a one vehicle accident agency for their representatives. with benefits? Can anyone . Does anyone know is just awful and car insurance, plz :) had received an 85 car in North Carolina? Any recommendations on the money would this cost name was not on that tells you the cheapest one you think? 4x4 short cab. How .
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centuryassociates · 6 years
California Cannabis: Breaking Down the CDPH Permanent Regulations
The State of California finally adopted permanent cannabis regulations earlier this month. In a series of posts, we’re going to cover the highlights of each agency’s permanent rules so that you know what big changes to expect during 2019. This post will cover the main changes (in our opinion) regarding the California Department of Public Health Manufactured Cannabis Safety Branch’s (“CDPH-MCSB”) permanent regs. Without further ado:
No more Farm Bill hemp-CBD ingredients or additives. It’s no secret that the California Department of Health Food and Drug Branch (“FDB”) has an issue with hemp-CBD. Specifically, an FAQ that issued from FDB last year made clear that FDB prohibits hemp-CBD in “Food” for humans and pets. Now, CDPH-MCSB is following suit (indirectly). Pursuant to new regulation 40175(c), “a manufacturer licensee shall only use cannabinoid concentrates and extracts that are manufactured or processed from cannabis obtained from a licensed cannabis cultivator.” What this means is that using Farm Bill hemp-CBD as an ingredient or addictive to cannabis manufactured products is not allowed unless it comes from a licensed cannabis cultivator. The protections of the Farm Bill won’t apply.
Owners and financial interest holders. I recently wrote about how it’s unclear as to how far the state will now go in finding and vetting entity owners and entity financial interest holders, especially since the Bureau of Cannabis Control (“BCC”) articulates in its rules that it intends to locate and vet every human possible in pretty much any ownership structure. But what about MCSB? MCSB entity owner regulations now state that “if the owner . . . is an entity, then the chief executive officer and members of the board of directors of the entity shall be considered owners,” and for financial interest holders, MCSB rules mandate only that “financial interest holders shall be disclosed on the application for licensure.” On balance, the BCC’s owner and financial interest holder rules are much more aggressive than MCSB, and the BCC’s comments to its owner and financial interest holder rules was that all agencies would apply the same standards for vetting. However, this clearly isn’t going to be the case if stakeholders go off of a plain reading of the law. Though it will be strange, the MCSB will very likely stick to its minimal vetting requirements while the BCC goes full bore on retailer, distributor, and lab owners and financial interest holders.
Changes in ownership. Again in contrast with the BCC, the MSCB is going to be much easier on changes in ownership of licensees. Under BCC regulations, if there’s a full buy-out of all existing owners, the entity can no longer operate while the change of ownership is being reviewed and processed by the BCC. The MCSB however has no such standard, at least not one that’s codified under the new regs. Specifically, for any changes of ownership or changes to financial interest holders, the MCSB expects the following protocol:
“The licensee shall notify the [MCSB] of the addition or removal of an owner through [the agency’s online system] within 10 calendar days of the change; Any new owner shall submit the information required [by law]; The [MCSB] shall review the qualifications of the new owner in accordance with [state law] and these regulations to determine whether the change would constitute grounds for denial of the license. The [MCSB] may approve the addition of the owner, deny the addition of the owner, or condition the license as appropriate, to be determined on a case-by-case basis; An owner shall notify the [MCSB] through [the state agency’s online system] of any change in their owner information . . . within 10 calendar days of the change; and a licensee shall notify the [MCSB] through [the state’s online system] of any change in the list of financial interest holders . . . within 10 calendar days of the change.”
Labeling. Labeling is still just as intense and comprehensive as it was under the emergency regulations. Now though, manufacturers need to ensure that, if a product container is separable from the outer-most packaging (e.g., a container placed inside of a box), the product container includes the following: (1) For edible cannabis products, topical cannabis products, suppositories, or orally-consumed concentrates, all information required for the primary panel except for cannabinoid content, and (2) for inhaled products (e.g., dab, shatter, and wax), the universal symbol (which is the black triangle with a cannabis leaf and an “!” with “CA” underneath). We also now (finally) have specific labeling requirements for pre-roll and packaged flower that didn’t exist before outside of the statute, itself. Overall, there are additional technical change requirements for labeling, including the weight of the product now needing to be in metric and U.S. customary units, specific labeling for flavoring in line with federal law, and more specific labeling restrictions for cannabinoid content.
Packaging. Until 2020, manufacturers are off the hook for providing child resistant packaging (“CRP”). Until then, retailers will bear the burden of CRP through the continued use of CRP exit packaging. Once CRP for manufacturers kicks in though, they’ll need to adhere to a litany of requirements, including compliance with the Poison Prevention Packaging Act of 1970 Regulations.
New product definitions. Via the permanent regulations, MCSB has introduced a number of newly defined terms, which is ultimately better for licensees so that confusion doesn’t abound as product development continues. For example, we now have as recognized definitions like:
“Infused pre-roll,” which means “a pre-roll into which cannabis concentrate (other than kief) or other ingredients have been incorporated”;
“Kief,” which means “the resinous trichomes of cannabis that have been separated from the cannabis plant”; and
“Orally-consumed concentrate,” which means “a cannabis concentrate that is intended to be consumed by mouth and is not otherwise an edible cannabis product. ‘Orally-consumed concentrate’ includes tinctures, capsules, and tablets . . .”
OSHA training. Given that cannabis remains federally illegal, people often think that violating one federal law somehow gives you a license to violate every federal law, which is entirely untrue. Under the permanent MCSB regulations:
“for an applicant entity with more than one employee, the applicant employs, or will employ within one year of receiving a license, one supervisor and one employee who have successfully completed a Cal/OSHA 30-hour general industry outreach course offered by a training provider that is authorized by an OSHA Training Institute Education Center to provide the course.”
Clearly, safety and federal compliance in the workplace still applies, even to cannabis operators, which is now demoralized under the permanent MCSB rules.
Changes to operations that now require state approval. As the state moves along with licensing and enforcement, it was inevitable that certain licensee actions would first require state approval. What this usually means is that major changes to your business or SOPs can’t go down without the state’s blessing, which can take weeks or months to secure. Specifically, for the MCSB, licensees will now have to report to and clear with the state the following action items before the licensee pulls the trigger on them (all to the tune of a $700 change application fee, which is non-refundable):
the addition of any closed-loop extraction method;
the addition of any other extraction method that necessitates a substantial or material alteration of the premises;
the addition of infusion operations if no infusion activity is listed in the current license application on file with the [MCSB] (you’ll also have to tell the state about “any changes to the product list on file with the [MCSB] and provide a new product list within 10 business days of making any change” to the products you’re making”); or
a substantial or material alteration of the licensed premises from the current premises diagram on file with the [MCSB].
Importantly, a “substantial or material alteration” includes: “the removal, creation, or relocation of an entryway, doorway, wall, or interior partition; a change in the type of activity conducted in, or the use of, an area identified in the premises diagram; or remodeling of the premises or portion of the premises in which manufacturing activities are conducted.” Be advised!
California Cannabis: Breaking Down the CDPH Permanent Regulations posted first on https://centuryassociates.blogspot.com/
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centuryassociates · 6 years
California Cannabis: Breaking Down the CDPH Permanent Regulations
The State of California finally adopted permanent cannabis regulations earlier this month. In a series of posts, we’re going to cover the highlights of each agency’s permanent rules so that you know what big changes to expect during 2019. This post will cover the main changes (in our opinion) regarding the California Department of Public Health Manufactured Cannabis Safety Branch’s (“CDPH-MCSB”) permanent regs. Without further ado:
No more Farm Bill hemp-CBD ingredients or additives. It’s no secret that the California Department of Health Food and Drug Branch (“FDB”) has an issue with hemp-CBD. Specifically, an FAQ that issued from FDB last year made clear that FDB prohibits hemp-CBD in “Food” for humans and pets. Now, CDPH-MCSB is following suit (indirectly). Pursuant to new regulation 40175(c), “a manufacturer licensee shall only use cannabinoid concentrates and extracts that are manufactured or processed from cannabis obtained from a licensed cannabis cultivator.” What this means is that using Farm Bill hemp-CBD as an ingredient or addictive to cannabis manufactured products is not allowed unless it comes from a licensed cannabis cultivator. The protections of the Farm Bill won’t apply.
Owners and financial interest holders. I recently wrote about how it’s unclear as to how far the state will now go in finding and vetting entity owners and entity financial interest holders, especially since the Bureau of Cannabis Control (“BCC”) articulates in its rules that it intends to locate and vet every human possible in pretty much any ownership structure. But what about MCSB? MCSB entity owner regulations now state that “if the owner . . . is an entity, then the chief executive officer and members of the board of directors of the entity shall be considered owners,” and for financial interest holders, MCSB rules mandate only that “financial interest holders shall be disclosed on the application for licensure.” On balance, the BCC’s owner and financial interest holder rules are much more aggressive than MCSB, and the BCC’s comments to its owner and financial interest holder rules was that all agencies would apply the same standards for vetting. However, this clearly isn’t going to be the case if stakeholders go off of a plain reading of the law. Though it will be strange, the MCSB will very likely stick to its minimal vetting requirements while the BCC goes full bore on retailer, distributor, and lab owners and financial interest holders.
Changes in ownership. Again in contrast with the BCC, the MSCB is going to be much easier on changes in ownership of licensees. Under BCC regulations, if there’s a full buy-out of all existing owners, the entity can no longer operate while the change of ownership is being reviewed and processed by the BCC. The MCSB however has no such standard, at least not one that’s codified under the new regs. Specifically, for any changes of ownership or changes to financial interest holders, the MCSB expects the following protocol:
“The licensee shall notify the [MCSB] of the addition or removal of an owner through [the agency’s online system] within 10 calendar days of the change; Any new owner shall submit the information required [by law]; The [MCSB] shall review the qualifications of the new owner in accordance with [state law] and these regulations to determine whether the change would constitute grounds for denial of the license. The [MCSB] may approve the addition of the owner, deny the addition of the owner, or condition the license as appropriate, to be determined on a case-by-case basis; An owner shall notify the [MCSB] through [the state agency’s online system] of any change in their owner information . . . within 10 calendar days of the change; and a licensee shall notify the [MCSB] through [the state’s online system] of any change in the list of financial interest holders . . . within 10 calendar days of the change.”
Labeling. Labeling is still just as intense and comprehensive as it was under the emergency regulations. Now though, manufacturers need to ensure that, if a product container is separable from the outer-most packaging (e.g., a container placed inside of a box), the product container includes the following: (1) For edible cannabis products, topical cannabis products, suppositories, or orally-consumed concentrates, all information required for the primary panel except for cannabinoid content, and (2) for inhaled products (e.g., dab, shatter, and wax), the universal symbol (which is the black triangle with a cannabis leaf and an “!” with “CA” underneath). We also now (finally) have specific labeling requirements for pre-roll and packaged flower that didn’t exist before outside of the statute, itself. Overall, there are additional technical change requirements for labeling, including the weight of the product now needing to be in metric and U.S. customary units, specific labeling for flavoring in line with federal law, and more specific labeling restrictions for cannabinoid content.
Packaging. Until 2020, manufacturers are off the hook for providing child resistant packaging (“CRP”). Until then, retailers will bear the burden of CRP through the continued use of CRP exit packaging. Once CRP for manufacturers kicks in though, they’ll need to adhere to a litany of requirements, including compliance with the Poison Prevention Packaging Act of 1970 Regulations.
New product definitions. Via the permanent regulations, MCSB has introduced a number of newly defined terms, which is ultimately better for licensees so that confusion doesn’t abound as product development continues. For example, we now have as recognized definitions like:
“Infused pre-roll,” which means “a pre-roll into which cannabis concentrate (other than kief) or other ingredients have been incorporated”;
“Kief,” which means “the resinous trichomes of cannabis that have been separated from the cannabis plant”; and
“Orally-consumed concentrate,” which means “a cannabis concentrate that is intended to be consumed by mouth and is not otherwise an edible cannabis product. ‘Orally-consumed concentrate’ includes tinctures, capsules, and tablets . . .”
OSHA training. Given that cannabis remains federally illegal, people often think that violating one federal law somehow gives you a license to violate every federal law, which is entirely untrue. Under the permanent MCSB regulations:
“for an applicant entity with more than one employee, the applicant employs, or will employ within one year of receiving a license, one supervisor and one employee who have successfully completed a Cal/OSHA 30-hour general industry outreach course offered by a training provider that is authorized by an OSHA Training Institute Education Center to provide the course.”
Clearly, safety and federal compliance in the workplace still applies, even to cannabis operators, which is now demoralized under the permanent MCSB rules.
Changes to operations that now require state approval. As the state moves along with licensing and enforcement, it was inevitable that certain licensee actions would first require state approval. What this usually means is that major changes to your business or SOPs can’t go down without the state’s blessing, which can take weeks or months to secure. Specifically, for the MCSB, licensees will now have to report to and clear with the state the following action items before the licensee pulls the trigger on them (all to the tune of a $700 change application fee, which is non-refundable):
the addition of any closed-loop extraction method;
the addition of any other extraction method that necessitates a substantial or material alteration of the premises;
the addition of infusion operations if no infusion activity is listed in the current license application on file with the [MCSB] (you’ll also have to tell the state about “any changes to the product list on file with the [MCSB] and provide a new product list within 10 business days of making any change” to the products you’re making”); or
a substantial or material alteration of the licensed premises from the current premises diagram on file with the [MCSB].
Importantly, a “substantial or material alteration” includes: “the removal, creation, or relocation of an entryway, doorway, wall, or interior partition; a change in the type of activity conducted in, or the use of, an area identified in the premises diagram; or remodeling of the premises or portion of the premises in which manufacturing activities are conducted.” Be advised!
California Cannabis: Breaking Down the CDPH Permanent Regulations posted first on https://centuryassociates.blogspot.com/
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