#given honour without the requirement for commitment
xerospaced · 1 year
Final thoughts
Yesterday, once again, gave confirmation that the man who is vocal, happy to profess his love and claim you, snaps you up without appreciating the value of waiting, is loud and proud, eager to talk you up and show you off
Is not necessarily the man you ought to depend on nor trust
And once again, the day taught me that the man who moves mindfully, who is cautious when he speaks, avoids inflating your ego, resists luring you into a false sense of comfortability, and moderates his expression of affection
Is often one who possesses the greatest consideration of your feelings
This time, I got a third-person perspective. Unfortunately, impacting someone I love who is deserving of far better
From the mouth of a man so sure in his conviction when he came to his conclusion about my situation despite knowing little to nothing about it as he proudly proclaimed how they manage their relationship
I'm not one for convincing, and, far from being convinced myself, I let him spout his rhetoric
To bear witness, not two months later, the realities of the vapid and changeable intention of man so quick to talk and act without pause
And immediately following that heinous transgression, be rewarded with the reassurance and satisfaction of a man quite his opposite, slow to move and resistant in falling into connection simply based on affection
I would rather the slow. The sure. The patient. The reason.
I would rather the one consistent in distance who is vocal more often when it comes to maintaining our heads and keeping clear vision. Than the man who possesses a tongue quicker than wisdom and opts into the format of loving and commitment before taking time to sit and just listen to what he truly wants, who he's really with, where the desire is rooted and what it is seeking.
I am done trusting men who talk quick and jump quicker.
Half of them don't even know they don't mean it.
This weekend has brought a lot of realities about relationships to the surface. And has reaffirmed my contentment of the space I'm in, giving confirmation to validity of the pace that has been taken.
Pause. Know yourself. Consider the nuance and depths of your feelings. And stop filling peoples heads with dreams and well wishes and fantasies of the wonderful lives y'all could be living. If you just took the time, you might avoid all this nonsense and notice the difference between fun for the moment and potential of significance.
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acornsandoaktrees · 9 months
so, Greenwood cats.
(hear me out, hear me out)
Norwegian Forest Cats:
larger and more powerful than most domesticated housecats, they're adapted to colder climates, with very thick and long fur. they take 5 years to fully mature. as the name implies, before domestication they occupied Scandinavian forests
on all fours adults come up to a human's knees. historically, they were sometimes kept as pets by Aztecs and Incans. they take 2 years to fully mature. they're active at twilight and night, and live solitary. they require dense foliage cover, which often means forests
while The Hobbit's Mirkwood is not the only instance of the name, Tolkien has admitted its roots to be in early German, Old English, Old Swedish and Old Norse
the Old Norse word for a domestic cat (tom-cat specifically, but isn't it always) is köttr. in terms of lotr-invented animals, Warg is drawn directly from the Old Norse word for wolf, vargr
(side-note: Teldivo was a giant black cat in Tolkien's early development of lotr, later replaced by Sauron, so the idea of Big Version of Real Animal wasn't lost on him)
and what does this all amount to, you ask?
well, that quite neatly for a fantasy world, Greenwood's forests could feasibly be inhabited by large wild-cats known as Kottur.
(as decided by the author of this post, who has a frightenly loose concept of deriving words from others lol)
and with that said, here's a fun fact about Norse tradition: cats were often given as wedding gifts to brides. this was done to honour Freyja, the goddess of love and fertility, whose chariot was pulled by... Norwegian Forest Cats! who would've guessed
also want to add that -- as i've said before but a while ago -- i don't put much stock in elves marrying. they just... live too long for that kind of monogamous commitment. 'til death do us part' doesn't really carry much weight, does it? however, i am willing to say that some elves choose to 'bond' with one another, sort of entertwining their lives without the rather daunting promise of a singular eternity. and yes, polyamoury and divorce. again, they live too damn long for the expectation of one partner in an entire population to be sensical
so to bring this together, here's my concept:
newly bonded Greenwood elves sometimes gift their partners a Kottur kitten, not to be luxuriously treasured pets but to act as hunting companions and protectors. considering Silvans' deep bond with nature, it's plausible, no?
(kittens only, because once Kottur start hitting maturity it becomes nigh impossible to train them)
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ghurrba · 23 days
Maktab Shar3i:
After praising Allah and exalting Him, and sending blessings and peace upon the best of creation, Muhammad ﷺ , we say, seeking help from Allah, the Forbearing, the Bestower:
Allah Ta’Ala said: “And those who strive for Us - We will surely guide them to Our ways. And indeed, Allah is with the doers of good."
Know, may Allah guide us and you to the truth and keep us steadfast upon it, that it is necessary to affirm the following:
First: It is possible that there exists a group or groups in Sham and elsewhere who are upon Islam and conceal their state, who have not committed any clear and explicit act of riddah.
Second: Fighting against the Jama’a of Muslims -may Allah honour it- without the presence of a kufri form of tawalli (allegiance) or fighting to prevent the implementation of Shariah is considered transgression and oppression. In this case, some may be sinful for doing it while others may be excused due to the existence of Shubuhaat (doubts/suspicions)
Third: The issue of abandoning Bayah and refraining from fighting under the banner of the State -may Allah honor it- is caused by either the lack of acknowledgment of the caliphate, or by doubts on whether it was established by the bay'ah from the people of hall &Aqd (authority and decision) or by force, or not, which falls into two categories:
1. Those who believe that the appointment of the caliph did not meet the Shar’i conditions, whether due to objections against the people of Hall and ‘Aqd ( authority and decision ) or against the Khalifa himself -may Allah have mercy on him- or due to timing, the requirement of tamkeen, and other doubts. Such a person is excused until the truth is made clear to him with evidence. If the truth becomes evident to him, then he is sinful for not believing in the legitimacy of the Bayah and for not fighting under the banner. His fighting, in this case, has elements of ignorance.
2. Those who believe in the legitimacy of the Khalifa’s appointment but refuse to obey due to partisanship to a group, desire for a position, or other reasons—such a person is a Baghy (rebel). His fighting and banner are based on nationalism and ignorance, even if he declares that he seeks to implement the Shariah.
Fourth: In our contemporary reality, it is not a condition for the validity of Bayah to openly declare it due to considerations of benefit, given the unified fighting of all forms of kufr against the Jama’a of Muslims -may Allah honour it- Indeed, it is prudent for those whose situation is like that of these factions to keep their allegiance secret.
The matter of Bay’ah is, first and foremost, to Allah Ta’Ala, in obedience to His command and the command of His Prophet ﷺ. Allah Ta’Ala said: "And hold firmly to the rope of Allah all together and do not become divided. And remember the favor of Allah upon you - when you were enemies and He brought your hearts together and you became, by His favor, brothers. And you were on the edge of a pit of the Fire, and He saved you from it. Thus does Allah make clear to you His verses that you may be guided."
And Allah Knows best.
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steveezekiel · 4 months
8 “That evening he told the foreman to call the workers in and pay them, beginning with the last workers first. 9 When those hired at five o’clock were paid, EACH RECEIVED A FULL DAY'S WAGE. 10 When those hired first came to get their pay, THEY ASSUMED THEY WOULD RECEIVE MORE. But they, too, were paid a day’s wage. 11 When they received their pay, they protested to the owner, 12 ‘Those people worked only one hour, and yet you’ve paid them just as much as you paid us who worked all day in the scorching heat.’ 13 “He answered one of them, ‘Friend, I haven’t been unfair! Didn’t you agree to work all day for the usual wage? 14 Take your money and go. I wanted to pay this last worker the same as you. 15 Is it against the law for me to do what I want with my money? Should you be jealous because I am kind to others?’ 16 “SO THOSE WHO ARE LAST NOW WILL BE FIRST THEN, AND THOSE WHO ARE FIRST WILL BE LAST.” Matthew 20:8-16 (NLT)
The first set of workers hired in the parable were the type of Israelites, the Jews. The workers thought, or assumed, they would receive higher wages than the last workers (Matthew 20:10-12).
The basic requirement for whoever would make heaven is salvation through Jesus Christ—being Born again (John 3:3; Romans 10:9,10).
And, the rewards in heaven would be based on the work done by each individual Believer whilst on earth: "FOR we must all STAND before Christ to be JUDGED. WE WILL EACH RECEIVE WHATEVER WE DESERVE FOR THE GOOD OR EVIL WE HAVE DONE IN THIS EARTHLY BODY" (2 Corinthians 5:10 NLT). READ: 1 Corinthians 3:12-14.
The Jew who thought they would be the first, would find themselves to be the last (Matthew 20:16), because they rejected the Son of God sent to them: (John 1:11,12). READ: Romans 9:6-8,30-33
Neither the good work of your parents nor of yours would be considered for a place to be given to you, in God's Kingdom.
Some who were born by committed Christian parents might have the same fate, final result or outcome, like that of the Jews, If they had no personal relationship with Christ Jesus.
Some who were born in the church, by committed parents; Pastors, or one of the leaders in the church, might think they would be given special treatment before God. No.
Someone's parents' walk and commitments with God, would not be considered for any reward. If such a person's personal relationship and fellowshipping with God is not sound.
Do not think the Blessings of God would come on you without your own personal commitments in the things of God, because of your godly parents: 8 THEREFORE BEAR FRUITS WORTHY OF REPENTANCE, 9 And DO NOT THINK TO SAY TO YOURSELVES, ‘WE HAVE ABRAHAM AS OUR FATHER.’ FOR I say to you that God is able to raise up children to Abraham from these stones. 10 And even now the ax is laid to the root of the trees. THEREFORE EVERY TREE WHICH DOES NOT BEAR GOOD FRUIT IS CUT DOWN AND THROWN INTO THE FIRE" (Matthew 3:8-10 NKJV).
God will not treat specially, or give a special place, or an opportunity, to anyone in His Kingdom; because of his or her parents' commitments in the things of God on earth.
Although, God respects and honours; and is always committed to the covenant He made with whoever walks intimately with Him.
However, the children of such must come to God personally, and individually, to be saved. Salvation of soul is not automatically transferred, and it cannot be inherited from one's Parents.
If you were born in the church, that is, you were born by committed Christian Parents; yet you still need to have personal encounter or relationship with Christ Jesus.
God would respect the covenant He had with your parents, because of their Faithfulness and Commitments, but that could not be transferred to you automatically, without your own personal relationship, fellowship, and commitment to God.
The first set of hired workers, those hired in the morning, in Jesus' parable; had false hope, thinking their wages would be higher than that of those hired in the evening time (Matthew 20:10,11).
The equal wages given to every worker in the parable, irrespective of the time that each individual was hired, symbolizes the salvation of each person's soul, being born-again, that would be required for an entrance to heaven (John 3:3).
The salvation of those who accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour in the first century is not more authentic than the salvation of those who accepted Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord in the twenty first century.
Equal salvation for all, irrespective of the time, the location, the race or colour, and whatever: 22 WE ARE MADE RIGHT WITH GOD BY PLACING OUR FAITH IN JESUS CHRIST. And this is true for everyone who believes, NO MATTER WHO WE ARE. 29 AFTER ALL, IS GOD THE GOD OF THE JEWS ONLY? ISN'T HE ALSO THE GOD OF THE GENTILES? OF COURSE HE IS" (Romans 3:22,29 NLT).
Salvation is NOT transferable and inheritable. A husband's salvation of soul cannot be transferred to the wife, and parents cannot transfer their salvation to their children.
We all stand one by one before God on the last Day; not family by family, or denomination by denomination, or race by race, or colour by colour.
It is a false hope that someone's salvation, or commitments in God's Kingdom on Earth would be considered for your justification, when you personally had no relationship with Christ Jesus.
Being a Jew, a particular race, or colour, being a member of a particular denomination or group, or whatever; would not give you a place in heaven without any personal relationship with God through Jesus Christ.
The end of those whose names are not found in the Book of Life is hell fire (Revelation 20:15; 21:27). And for your name to be in the Book of Life, you have to repent of your Sins and establish a relationship with God through Jesus Christ (John 3:3; Acts 8:37; Romans 10:9,10).
It is my prayer that you will not regret and perish at the end of your journey on earth in Jesus' name.
If you are sick in your body, As you read read this piece, receive your healing now in Jesus' name. Peace!
Take notice of this: IF you are yet to take the step of salvation, that is, yet to be born-again, do it now, tomorrow might be too late (2 Corinthians 6:1,2; Hebrews 3:7,8,15). a. Acknowledge that you are a sinner and confess your Sins (1 John 1:9); And ask Jesus Christ to come into your life (Revelation 3:20). b. Confess that you believe in your heart that Jesus Christ is Lord, and that you confess it with your mouth, Thus, you accept Him As your Lord and Saviour (Romans 10:9,10). c. Ask that He will write your name in the Book of Life (Philippians 4:3; Revelation 3:8).
If you took the steps As highlighted above, It means you are saved—born-again. Join a Word based church in your area and Town or city, and be part of whatever they are doing there. Peace!
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productivityera · 5 months
Life is weird
Today I:
Walked a dog (pet sitting/dog walking business)
Went to bunnings with my mum, bought a lot more than we came in for
Burnt my hand on a long black that was way too hot (from bunnings)
Researched my degree and found that instead of doing an honors year, I am qualified to go straight into my Masters degree.
Drafted an email - asked for help from a fellow research friend for tips and tricks
Read up on gene drives to be used as biocontrol on vertebrates for said email
Found some great potential supervisors - including a lab that focused of biosecurity work (which is my dream career path)
Made an asmr video that kinda slaps
I feel like throughout life, you get stuck in some places where you feel like you've set yourself on the wrong path, where you feel doubt and exhaustion. That has been the past yearish for me - I've been finishing up my Bachelor, and it's taking forever. I have so many unanswered questions about what I'm doing after I graduate (which is completely normal!). A few of those questions have been along the lines of "I have no idea what my life will look like in a few months, so how can I make any commitments now?". As a result of this question, I have been staying in this sort of limbo, forever anxious.
I live about a (maximum) 2 hour commute away from my university. Committing to an honours year may have meant doing this trip 5 times a week for full time study load. How could I possibly amass any savings with that sort of thing, while also keeping myself sane?
For context: I am like a little animal that needs nourishment, social life and exercise. If I go without those things, my mental health suffers. So - given that I need maybe one day a week to get in some time with friends, plus an hour (or less) a day doing some sort of exercise - how tf am I going to find a job that will hire me to support my train tickets and city coffees, and save up for a new car and pay off debts? How will I continue my pet sitting business? I have a few returning clients - if I pet sit - leaving for 10 hour days in the city isn't exactly healthy for their pets.
So many unanswered questions, so much has been building in my mind for the past few months. I need answers, and I'm afraid to get them in case they turn up new problems.
For the past year, my focus was to do an honors year - I was told I had to do this before I did a masters course if I wanted to study in the veterinary faculty. Since the veterinary faculty does not do mid-year intakes (which I didn't realize before now), in a round about way, if I do research in the biosciences faculty, I am able to do my masters without an honors requirement. Yay! I can finish my course in 2 years - and be very qualified for a job I am looking to apply for!
So - this turns up a whole new wave of questions and concerns and anxieties for me.
Am I smart enough to do a masters degree? Will my supervisors think so? What if the supervisor that has the perfect research project for me rejects me? What happens if everyone rejects me? Do I look like a smart person on the outside, but really I'm just faking it?
tldr: anxiety about supervisor applications
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wolint · 11 months
Deuteronomy 10:12
One of the serious problems facing the world at large today is that of commitment which no longer seems to be part of our society, even with believers, while their lips give service to God according to Isaiah 29:13, many are not truly committed to Him.
Commitment is the act of taking charge of something and seeing it through, the act of keeping a thing, or trust without wavering. Commitment is required for the achievement of any goal or purpose.—whether for good or for evil. Psalm 37:5 says to “commit everything you do to the Lord”. This involves making a decision, turning oneself over to something or someone, a focused and sometimes costly perseverance, and then reaping the negative consequences or positive rewards of our commitment. Understanding commitment and learning to commit our hearts, minds, and bodies is central to a life of faith.
Life is all about commitment; we commit in all kinds of ways, we are committed to personal, and financial institutions, to matrimony, we are committed to our families, and we must commit to God, spiritual commitment. When we commit to following God, he will lead us to his will for our life, according to Psalm 25:10 while satisfying and fulfilling the goal for which he has created us.
God requires total commitment from us, notwithstanding, God does not demand of us more than we can give but to do what is good is what is required of us according to Micah 6:8. Commitment isn’t for a while, as we feel, not sometimes but continuous and consistent, totally involved.
The Christian walk and life should be one with an understanding of and learning to commit our hearts, minds, and bodies to the things of the spirit which is central to a successful life.
Jesus said to His disciples in Luke 14:26-28 that they couldn’t be his disciples if they did not carry their cross and follow him- that’s the same for us all, we all must pick up, carry and keep carrying it in commitment for us to qualify as his disciples.
Staying the course of a thing is a must for commitment. How long can you wait for something worthwhile?
Are you committed to holding out and holding on to the important things in life?
Luke 2:25-35 tells us that Simon waited for the Messiah, and though we weren’t told how long he waited, he was committed to seeing the manifestation of the prophecy given to him.
In Luke 2:36-38, we meet Anna, an old prophetess who was committed to seeing Christ, and she spent her days fasting and praying daily in the temple.
We are all guilty of going through the motion of worshipping God routinely as declared in Isaiah 29:13, without committing our “whole being” as the Lord wants us to which is unacceptable to the Lord.
There is a great need for commitment in every part of life, especially in our faith. If we will commit our lives and trust to Christ, we can have great things.
God requires us to be obedient, not an accomplishment.
True commitment will result in obedience. If we cannot commit to God in our general daily lives and things to honour and glorify Him, how do we commit our souls to His eternal keeping?
As Psalm 37:5 says, we must commit our ways, our plans and everything to God, a commitment that requires faith and trust that we see our desires come to pass.
Salvation is free, but it takes total, painful, and determined commitment to work it out according to 1 Peter 4:19.
You can’t ask too much of God!! You simply need to get committed to him.
PRAYER: Father, by your grace, help me decide to make You first in my life, committing all my ways, faith and trust in Jesus’s name. Amen.
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crimechannels · 11 months
By • Olalekan Fagbade JUST IN; President Tinubu reacts to Supreme Court victory [full statement] I welcome the verdict of the Justice John I. Okoro-led Panel of the Supreme Court on the Presidential Election petitions filed by the candidates of the Peoples Democratic Party and the Labour Party, challenging the ruling of the Presidential Election Petition Tribunal. The court has done justice to all issues put up for consideration in the petitions on the merits of the law, without fear or favour. There is no doubt, with the profound judgment of today, that our electoral jurisprudence and constitutional democracy are further consolidated and embedded more indelibly in our national identity because of the diligence and undaunted professionalism of the Honourable Justices who presided over the matter. While the verdict of today has laid to rest the agitating discourse over who truly won the 2023 Presidential election and met the constitutional requirements as laid out by law, I want to reiterate that my faith in our nation’s judiciary has never been shaken, not even for a moment, because I know that our hallowed courts of law will not fail to administer justice to all Nigerians in all matters and at all times. Despite the fusillade of pressure and attempts at intimidation by some political actors, the judiciary demonstrated its unequivocal commitment to upholding the rule of law for the upliftment and defense of humanity. It was affirmed once more today, that my party, the governing All Progressives’ Congress, had freely and fairly won the popular mandate of Nigerians, which has since given rise to my leadership of this great nation at a tumultuous period of unprecedented reforms in our history as a nation. With deep gratitude to God Almighty, I solemnly and humbly accept today’s judicial victory with an intense sense of responsibility and a burning desire to meet the great challenges confronting our people. The victory of today has further energised and strengthened my commitment to continue to serve all Nigerians of all political persuasions, tribes, and faiths, with honour and total respect for the diverse opinions and uniting values of our citizens. Our Renewed Hope agenda for a greater and prosperous Nigeria has further gained momentum and I will continue to work from morning to night, every single day, to build a country that meets our collective yearnings and aspirations We are all members of one household, and this moment demands that we continue to work and build our country together. The strength of our diversity and the great citizenship that binds us must now compel us forward in directing the energy of our people towards building a virile, stronger, united, and more prosperous country. In the days and months ahead, I trust that the spirit of patriotism will be elevated into supporting our administration to improve the living conditions of Nigerians. I am prepared to welcome the contributions of all Nigerians to foster and strengthen our collective progress. I send my immense gratitude to all Nigerians for the mandate to serve our country. I promise again to meet and exceed your expectations in service delivery and good governance, working with my team and trusting in the grace of God. May God continue to bless the Federal Republic of Nigeria. Bola Ahmed Tinubu President and Commander-in-Chief, Federal Republic of Nigeria October 26, 2023 #TinubureactstoSupremeCourtvictoryfullstatement
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topchoiceinsurance · 1 year
Everything you should know about Super Visa Insurance
Planning a visit to your loved ones in a foreign land is an exciting endeavour, but it also brings a set of responsibilities and precautions. However, along with the excitement, it's essential to consider the safety and well-being of all parties involved. This is where Super Visa insurance steps in as a vital safeguard. In this article, we'll explore the compelling reasons why investing in Super Visa insurance is a decision that ensures not only your comfort but your peace of mind as well.
1. Healthcare Protection: Health emergencies can strike at anytime, anywhere. Super Visa insurance gives you access to quality healthcare coverage in Canada. This is especially crucial given the potentially high costs of medical treatment for visitors. Insurance helps you address unforeseen medical situations without putting a strain on your finances.
2. Medical Expenses Coverage: Even routine medical check-ups and treatments can accumulate expenses. Super Visa insurance covers a range of medical services, ensuring that unexpected costs do not burden you. This includes hospital stays, prescription medications, diagnostic tests, and more.
3. Emergency Assistance: Being away from home during emergencies can be distressing. Super Visa insurance offers emergency assistance services, ensuring you're never alone in challenging situations. Whether it's arranging medical transportation, coordinating with family members, or providing travel advice, these services add an extra layer of security.
4. Repatriation Benefits: In unfortunate circumstances where a visitor passes away while in Canada, repatriation services are an integral part of Super Visa insurance. These services cover the costs of returning the remains to their home country, allowing families to grieve and honour their loved ones in their familiar surroundings.
5. Trip Interruption Coverage: Life is unpredictable, and travel plans might need to be altered due to unexpected events. Super Visa insurance can cover the costs incurred due to trip interruptions, ensuring that your investments in travel arrangements are safeguarded.
6. Compliance with Visa Requirements: The insurance requirement is a crucial aspect of the Super Visa. Adequate insurance coverage is a mandatory condition for obtaining the Super Visa. By investing in Super Visa insurance, you comply with the visa requirements and demonstrate your commitment to your safety and well-being during your stay.
Conclusion:  Investing in Super Visa insurance is not just a legal obligation; it's a decision that prioritizes your health, security, and overall peace of mind. From healthcare protection to emergency assistance, Top Choice Insurance offers a comprehensive safety net that allows you to focus on creating cherished memories with your loved ones.
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princeofgod-2021 · 2 years
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John 1:4
Mat 23:18-21 You also TEACH that IT DOESN'T MATTER IF A PERSON SWEARS BY THE ALTAR. But you say that it does matter if someone swears by the gift on the altar. Are you blind? WHICH IS MORE IMPORTANT, THE GIFT OR THE ALTAR THAT MAKES THE GIFT SACRED? ANYONE WHO SWEARS BY THE ALTAR ALSO SWEARS BY EVERYTHING ON IT. And anyone who swears by the temple also swears by God, who lives there. CEV
There are those times you come to Church regularly but the messages are so dry that you are always fighting sleep.
You know it is not because you don’t take the “Word session” seriously but that you simply can’t connect with the messenger and his message.
The reason could be either one or more of 7 points.
1st, there must be some Divine seasoning that comes with every Word of God.
So, the man who must Preach – though he is called – should also prayerfully prepare very well before coming to the Altar.
Col 4:6 LET YOUR SPEECH ALWAYS BE GRACIOUS, SEASONED WITH SALT, so that you may know how you should answer everyone. NET
The seasoning in Messages must pass down unto the lives of God’s people, who are His Sacrifices.
This is a divine mystery but simple enough to grasp, if you’ve followed carefully with recent lessons here.
2nd, the Messenger must seek to receive the word from God daily: there’s a Word for each day & time.
Take note there that you listen as a disciple, not as a “master” of the Pulpit Ministry.
Many start losing savour of Ministry when they begin to assume they know what to say always. Humble yourself beloved.
Take note of: “God wakes me up”. God Himself is ever ready to “load” us daily.
The problem has always been that when he looks for His messengers, they are commonly unavailable or slack in attendance.
3rd, every Minister must spend time to “soak” himself 1st in his message and be filled with it before he goes out to deliver.
The “Upper Room” experience was about [first] filling up the Vessels to be sent out.
Before Moses was sent to the people, he first went through the experiences of the miracles himself (Exo. 4:1-9).
Imagine him [first] seeing the miracle of the Rod turn to snake before the people and fleeing?
Act 4:8 THEN PETER, BEING FULL OF THE HOLY SPIRIT, said to them, O you rulers of the people and men of authority, BBE
The Message God sends us to deliver must first permeate our own souls and work in us, before we can impactfully deliver to people.
Many messages are “lifeless’ because they are in our heads and not hearts.
Many copy or plagiarize other’s messages because they think it should excite people as it excited them.
4th, just like point 3, you must spend time at the “Work” of Word Ministration.
Apart from filling yourself, every job done well, requires serious concentration, dedication and undivided focus sometimes.
Pro 22:29 DO YOU SEE A PERSON WHO IS EFFICIENT IN HIS WORK? HE WILL SERVE KINGS. He will not serve unknown people. GW
Your dedication and commitment to your Work will confirm that you are indeed called for it.
I’m not boasting but I have told us before that I spend about 4 hrs on each of these lessons, not because it takes that much time to prepare but I have to [first] be infused with it and carry the weight in my own soul, then I have to see the “flow” and sequencing of the whole message as the Spirit helps me to order them.
2Ti 4:5 But watch thou in all things, endure afflictions, DO THE WORK OF AN EVANGELIST, MAKE FULL PROOF OF THY MINISTRY. KJV
5th, every messenger must develop & improve himself to ensure he gets better daily, at what he is doing.
If you Word Ministry is always about “Woman with Issue of Blood”, “Peter & multiplied fish”, “sick man of Bethsaida Pool”, and yet you have no new illumination each time, you will soon “lose taste”.
6th, if otherwise, you discover that you are not supposed to be on the Altar, please withdraw or stepdown, Or else, you will only be an “actor” with many “fictional effects” and no living, profound or divine impacts.
Jud 1:12 These people are filthy minded, and by their shameful and selfish actions they spoil the meals you eat together. THEY ARE LIKE CLOUDS BLOWN ALONG BY THE WIND, BUT NEVER BRINGING ANY RAIN. THEY ARE LIKE LEAFLESS TREES, UPROOTED AND DEAD, AND UNABLE TO PRODUCE FRUIT. CEV
7th and lastly, you who is to receive the message from the Altar, must prepare your souls as “fertile soil” to “nurture” the Word sown.
Even if a preacher who is not ordained, stands at the Altar and reads the bible [at least], you will be blessed if you’ve taken time to pray and prepare an open heart before God.
Mat 13:23 But as for THE SEED SOWN ON GOOD SOIL, this is the person who hears the word and understands. HE BEARS FRUIT, YIELDING A HUNDRED, SIXTY, OR THIRTY TIMES WHAT WAS SOWN.” NET
You will never miss the word of your deliverance and upliftment, in Jesus name.
Join us on Wednesday for more digging in as we conclude this enlightening subtopic.
Keep Shinning!
Brother Prince
Monday, December 26, 2022
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atlanticcanada · 2 years
Canadian Press reporter wins N.S. Human Rights Award for disabilities reporting
Canadian Press reporter Michael Tutton has been named a recipient of a Nova Scotia Human Rights Award for his work covering issues affecting people with disabilities.
Tutton is among the first journalists to receive the award, which is given annually by the Nova Scotia Human Rights Commission to honour people who make contributions to "attaining a just, equitable and inclusive society in Nova Scotia."
Other recipients this year are Daniel N. Paul, an elder from Sipekne'katik, for his work building cultural awareness and understanding of Mi'kmaq history; the Grandmother Water Protectors from Sipekne'katik for their environmental protection efforts; students from Northumberland Regional High School in Alma for their work to provide access to food, clothing and school supplies; Stepping Stone, which protects the rights of sex workers through advocacy and community outreach; Terena Francis of Paqtnkek for her advocacy promoting Mi'kmaq culture; and Carolann Wright of Beechville for her commitment to social justice and economic prosperity for people of African descent.
The awards were presented Friday, the eve of Human Rights Day, at a ceremony in Halifax.
Tutton's stories on the lives and struggles of people with disabilities began in the spring of 2009, when he published a groundbreaking story on the documented abuse occurring in larger facilities around the province.
Advocates have said the poor living conditions in large facilities had their roots in a provincial government decision in the 1990s to freeze construction of small homes based in the community -- a decision that was later rescinded.
He used freedom of information laws to uncover disturbing cases of neglect, including one instance where an autistic man was confined for 15 days in a continually lit room, monitored by video and at times not allowed out to use the bathroom.
Inquiries were launched, advocates for people with disabilities held news conferences to challenge the lack of housing and the news coverage became part of the public discussion on how to improve oversight.
In 2014, coverage shifted to a landmark human rights case led by three people who had been required to live in a Halifax psychiatric facility for over a decade, despite opinions from staff they were capable of living in community homes.
"This is an award recognizing that journalism is crucial to human rights, because without a story being told, people can remain invisible and just reforms are stalled," Tutton said.
This report by The Canadian Press was first published Dec. 9, 2022.
from CTV News - Atlantic https://ift.tt/fPAh32Q
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scarletarosa · 4 years
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Luciferian Teachings vs Abrahamic
Take accountability for your actions and constantly work to better yourself: it is a very dangerous and irresponsible way to live if you continuously rely upon a higher power to wash away all your misdeeds. Lucifer teaches that we are our own saviours; no-one else can truly save us but ourselves. Yet this takes conscious effort, wisdom, and if you wish, guidance from deities. At the end of the day, no-one can cleanse us of all that we have done wrong, we can only strive towards making amends and becoming better people. Also, no-one is to blame for your misdeeds but yourself; don’t even try to avoid your guilt by using scapegoats.
Embrace the paths of hardship and suffering rather than trying to avoid them: if we are to become wise and strong in character, suffering is the gateway to these virtues. This is why all demons (and some other deities) teach people through adversity; it is how we evolve and leave behind our restrictions. Though along this path, we cannot give in to despair, which is why we are meant to “embrace” this and remain steadfast. We cannot expect things to be easy in life, they never will be; to battle this, we need to train ourselves to become strong, diligent, and wise. Overtime, we will come to realize our full potential and what we are truly capable of. 
We do not exist to serve god: every single thing has a purpose, which all serve the higher function of sustaining existence. From blades of grass and the wind, to the black holes, all things fulfill a mission. Yet for living beings and spirits, our missions are not for the gods, but for ourselves. The purpose behind all of existence is to evolve so that we can reach a higher state of being; though beyond this, only the Source knows the purpose. In life, we must focus on serving ourselves first (not in an egotistical way) so that we can become knowledgeable and healthy. Once we have started to become better and develop wisdom, then we can begin focusing on bettering the world. For without wisdom, the world will continue to make the same mistakes. Overall, the main focus of existence is to forever evolve and grow wiser
Passivity does more evil than good: we may all be familiar with the “turning the other cheek” mentality, which might seem very peaceful and admirable to many people. However, this mentality allows selfish and aggressive people to continue being this way; people are not all good at heart and will use your passiveness to their advantage. The lesson is to become assertive and not allow selfish people to have their way with everything; do not allow them to run the world or even get away with some minor things. If someone says or does something wrong to you, remember to put them in their place (unless it could endanger you). 
Humility and self-respect (no holier-than-thou mentalities): just because you follow a certain deity, it does not make you better than others; we are all ignorant of many things and are all guilty. In the same respect, following a certain god does not mean that you have the right to preach to other people or think that you are going to be saved while others will not. We must learn to remain humble and open-minded of others; yet not to have too much humility since we also need to recognize how to be proud of ourselves in a healthy way. 
Open-mindedness and seeking knowledge: seek to learn everything about everything, you should not limit yourself since ignorance only perpetuates evil. Therefore, we must seek to understand evil so that we can avoid it. If we live sheltered lives and remain in the dark, we will never develop wisdom or true understanding of morality. Understand that you do not know everything and never will, allow this to humble you and make you more accepting of new information. However, you must also learn to question everything and research in-depth until you are absolutely certain of the truth (remember that many books lie and that some historians are even paid to keep darker truths hidden). Remember to not follow groups; learn to think for yourself and not be a “sheep”.
Humans as “god’s chosen ones”: humans were never the chosen race of any deity, we are just one of many other species that they have created. Ironically, humans are actually one of the least favoured species of the gods due to how the majority of our kind is corrupt and because we killed off the majority of the other races during the ancient times. Any group of people who claim to be “god’s special people” are egotistical and have a superiority complex that is very dangerous (as we can see from history). This is also the exact mentality that caused all the Abrahamic religions to feel justified to commit genocide across the world or believe that certain countries should be theirs. Likewise, the Earth also does not belong to us; we are given the honour of living on this planet so we can exist, but can just as easily be taken out of it if we become too greedy. Many deities view the Earth as being more important than humanity.
Question all authorities: we must always recognize that people in authority are meant to serve their people, not vice-versa. If we allow ourselves to be cowardly or lazy, those in authority will do whatever they can to gain more power. Corruption happens slowly at first, disguised as help, but ends up as tyranny (which is what happened in Nazi Germany). If we wish to prevent this, we must recognize that all governments are corrupt and they lie constantly while pretending to be getting better. Every leader must be confronted by their people so they know their place. We cannot allow ourselves to be manipulated or pushed around; recognize when things do not seem right or when governments are being overly controlling so we all can rise to stop it. 
We need a healthy balance between indulgence and temperance: as Luciferians, we highly value things such as patience, charity, moderation, humility, and other virtues, but these must be balanced with other traits at the right times. For example, remain humble but value yourself, be kind but also deliver justice to those who wrong you, be physically healthy but indulge in nicer things when able, do not give away all your money to charity, look after your own needs first; etc. By living in this method of harmony, we are far more healthy and less restricted.
Hell is for all evil people, whether they were Christian or not: the realm of Hell is a twisted land of unimaginable torments. It is this land that is designated for all evil spirits; meant to suffer horribly for all eternity. There is no god who can cleanse all sins and save whoever they want from Hell, especially since it is a place of harsh justice. Christians, whether they like it or not, will be sent here if they are too corrupt.
There are many gods: as we seek for truth, we find that all gods exist. Lucifer himself is the first-born god of this Universe and led the other gods before he Fell during the rebellion. Jehovah is just one god of many, and is nowhere near being the supreme god as he says. We see the supreme god as the Source (where all things begin; known as Atum or Brahman) who has their female counterpart as the Queen of Heaven (Adi Parashakti). These two formless supreme deities exist together as equals and are One in essence; the Source needed their feminine counterpart in order to create since existence requires balance. From these Gods, the other gods began coming into existence.
Other Luciferian based posts: The Luciferian Path, The Angels
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steveezekiel · 8 months
12 THEN you will CALL upon ME and go and PRAY to ME, AND I will LISTEN to YOU. 13 AND you will SEEK Me and FIND Me, WHEN you SEARCH for ME with all YOUR HEART."
Jeremiah 29:12,13 (NKJV)
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• The Secret of establishing a covenant with God.
- God says He would not hide what He wanted to do for Abraham: "SHOULD I HIDE MY PLAN FROM ABRAHAM?” THE LORD ASKED" (Genesis 18:17 NLT).
- For you to get to the point, or level that God will not hide HIS plans from you, in your walk with Him, you had to be someone who obeyed Him absolutely.
- Unwavering commitment, and total obedience; without questioning or looking Back would be required (Genesis 22:1-3).
• The depth of your covenant relationship with God is determined by your past obediences to all the instructions which He has been giving to you!
- If you have been walking with Him in absolute Obedience, you can stand before Him to ask for something: either for the self, someone else, a group of people, or a town, or a city, and for a Nation.
- God will answer your requests If you had a good standing with Him (Genesis 18:23-33).
- Covenant is established through obedience to the instructions given by God; and it gets deeper by living an obedient life.
• Doing God's Will might not be easy, but it is possible.
- When you passed through difficulties because you wanted to obey God, you become an authority in the Kingdom.
- If you suffered because of disobedience, It would add nothing to you, but keep you long in whatever predicament and delay your journey in life (1 Peter 2:20; 4:12,13).
- Disobedience gives the devil, a Right or an opportunity to oppress and batter your life.
- However, there is a reward for whatever sacrifice you made, that is, what you passed through or suffered to obey God (Philippians 2:5-11).
EVEN Jesus passed through something in His bidding to obey God (Hebrews 5:8,9).
- What you would notice when you are suffering in order to obey God is, comfort would be coming intermittently, particularly If you were getting wearied and about to give up.
SUCH a suffering strengthens your covenant relationship with God.
- Any Major step of obedience strengthened and deepened your covenant with God.
• Note: Another major step of obedience took by Abraham provoked the Blessing of God to be released on him; when he took the step of sacrificing his son, Isaac, in order to obey God (Genesis 22:1-5,9-12).
- God did swear to bless him, and He did that with an oath (Genesis 22:16-18; Hebrews 6:13-14,16-18).
- What Abraham did moved God to pronounce a special blessing on him (Genesis 22:17,18; Hebrews 6:14).
• Obedience will cause your words to be weighty, when you speak, it would be honoured in the spirit realms of light and that of the darkness.
- You become a known figure, in the realms of the spirit (Acts 19:15).
a. Angels and demons will obey your words or commands.
b. You become God's friend and confidant (Genesis 18:17; 2 Chronicles 20:7; Psalm 25:14; Isaiah 41:8; James 2:23).
c. God would consider you If He had to do something around where you are, especially if it would affect you, and those who identify with you, one way or Another (Genesis 18:23-33).
d. When you decree, It will stand! (1 Samuel 3:19).
e. When you take people's matter to God in Prayers, He would consider it, and If He would not, He would let you know the reason or reasons for not considering it (Numbers 14:17-20; Micah 7:18-20).
f. God will tell you about the cases of the people, what He had planned to do to them—especially those who had done wrongly (Numbers 14:11-20). He would let you know what they had done wrongly and what He did plan to do to them. He would tell you before He punishes them (Genesis 18:16-21; 1 Samuel 3:10-18).
- If you brought people's matters to Him, asking for His help on their matters, or asking His to counsel or Will on them; He would consider the requests you had brought.
• Your act of obedience and covenant walk with God, will earn your posterity, Generations after you; the favour in His sight (Deuteronomy 8:18).
- Your obedience, covenant walk with God, will give them favour, help, or forgiveness, as the case may be—in the sight of Him.
- David's descendants experienced this:
9 THE LORD was very ANGRY with SOLOMON, FOR his HEART had TURNED away from the LORD, THE GOD OF ISRAEL, WHO had appeared to him TWICE. 10 HE had WARNED Solomon SPECIFICALLY about WORSHIPING other GODS, BUT Solomon DID NOT LISTEN to the Lord’s COMMAND. 11 SO now the Lord said to HIM, “SINCE you have NOT KEPT MY COVENANT and have DISOBEYED MY DECREES, I will surely tear the kingdom away from you and give it to one of your servants. 12 BUT FOR THE SAKE OF YOUR FATHER, DAVID, I WILL NOT DO THIS WHILE YOU ARE STILL ALIVE. I will take the kingdom away from your son. 13 And even so, I WILL NOT TAKE AWAY THE ENTIRE KINGDOM; I will let him be king of one tribe, FOR THE SAKE OF MY SERVANT DAVID and for the sake of Jerusalem, my chosen city” (1 kings 11:9-13 NLT).
• If God would have to punish or chastise because of the gravity of whatever they did, the Sin committed by your descendants; He would still have mercy because of the covenant He had established with you—as a result of your past obediences.
- Your act of obedience would still be speaking, long after you had gone, if Jesus tarried.
• Strive to obey God, do His Will, you are not doing it for yourself alone, but for the people who identify with you and your posterity—the Generations to come.
• The grace for absolute obedience is imparted to you in Jesus' name.
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gisellelx · 2 years
regarding the comunion headcanon, would Carlisle confess frequently to a priest then? Saying this because (at least in the catholic side of things) in order for you to take comunion, you have to have confessed your sins recently and done the penitence given by the priest (usually praying). I mean, if you're going by the books (you can just take comunion without it, but your body wouldn't be "pure") and Carlisle seems the man who would be by the books.
Reference post
Anglican churches don't require confession in the same way. It is considered proper to confess as part of the entire process of receiving communion, which is seen as the point of an Anglican service--the whole order is called a "Eucharist." Any order of Anglican prayer begins with corporate confession, which is recited together by the whole worshipping body and followed by an absolution from the presiding priest. The text Carlisle likely would've come closest to learning (from the 1662 Book of Common Prayer, but the prayer was in use as early as 1549) is this one:
ALMIGHTY God, Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, Maker of all things, Judge of all men; We acknowledge and bewail our manifold sins and wickedness, Which we, from time to time, most grievously have committed, By thought, word, and deed, Against thy Divine Majesty, Provoking most justly thy wrath and indignation against us. We do earnestly repent, And are heartily sorry for these our misdoings; The remembrance of them is grievous unto us; The burden of them is intolerable. Have mercy upon us, Have mercy upon us, most merciful Father; For thy Son our Lord Jesus Christ's sake, Forgive us all that is past; And grant that we may ever hereafter Serve and please thee In newness of life, To the honour and glory of thy Name; Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
It's also considered perfectly appropriate in the Anglican church to confess one's sins directly to God. I imagine Carlisle does this with some regularity. So yes, he confesses, but he would not have been brought up with the idea that the had to go into a confessional booth and tell a priest the gory details of everything he and his family had done to sin.
The 7th chapter (CPOV) of Ithaca Is Gorges is titled "What We Have Left Undone," which is a nod to the line "we have sinned against you in thought, word, and deed, by what we have done and by what we have left undone" from the current BCP confessional prayer, which is in wide use across the Anglican Communion, the Lutheran Church, and often used by other denominations.
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kiranxrys · 4 years
Alone Together Episode 1 Transcript - Alexander Siddig & Andrew Robinson
I hadn’t seen a transcript for this episode going around on Tumblr yet and I thought I would quickly make one to share with anyone who would prefer to read or wants to read along/revisit the first episode in text form (and the YouTube subtitles are mostly useless, annoyingly). Please let me know if you think I’ve made an error anywhere and I’ll amend it!
watch: one | two | three | four
read: two | three | four
ANNOUNCER (ON-SCREEN): ‘Alone Together’ - a DS9 companion, Episode 1 - ‘These Days’. It has been about 25 years since the Dominion War ended. The Federation isn’t quite the same. Starfleet is much more consistently militarized these days. Earth may be paradise, but humanity is less ideologically empathetic. Since the recent Romulan attempts to extinguish synthetic life by infiltrating Starfleet Command, benevolence is taking a backseat to security these days. 
Elim Garak has been Castellan of the Cardassian Assembly since the new order was established following the Dominion War. Garak, of course, also has direct control over a newly resurrected Obsidian Order, though not by title. 
Julian Bashir is still a doctor on Deep Space 9 but is also coordinating the activities of Section 31. What we’ve learned is that upon sharing a consciousness with Luther Sloane using stolen Romulan technology, his genetically enhanced brain committed much of what he learned to his eidetic memory. That information had to be contained but could be put to good use. He was given little choice in the matter. Maintaining his cover as a Chief Medical Officer in the Bajoran sector met his needs, and he saw no reason to change.
[fade to black]
JULIAN BASHIR (VOICE ONLY): Mission log, stardate 737114. I’m approaching Cardassia Prime in response to a rather enigmatic request for medical aid from Castellan Garak, the leader of the Cardassian government. Though it’s hardly surprising that Garak might be withholding information, it seems that a reunion of sorts will be forthcoming. I’ve left the Infirmary in the capable hands of Doctor Jabara while I’m off the station. I must admit, I’m not entirely sure what to expect. 
JULIAN (ON-SCREEN): Bashir to Central Command, I’ve just entered orbit of Cardassia Prime, requesting approval to transport to Cardassia.
ELIM GARAK (VOICE ONLY): Stand by, Doctor. Don’t be in such a hurry.
JULIAN: Garak. I didn’t expect you to be at the Central Command, it’s good to hear your voice.
GARAK: My dear doctor, are we starting the lies already?
JULIAN (LAUGHING): It’s true, Garak. It’s good to hear your voice! That’s not a- Look, more importantly, if you’ll grant approval I can beam to your current location.
GARAK: Doctor, I’m not at Central Command. I’ve merely intercepted your subspace communications link. Unfortunately, Doctor, the Federation will not be setting foot on Cardassia today, and, to be quite honest, you don’t want to be here.
JULIAN: Garak, your message suggested some urgency in my arrival. Quite frankly, what the hell am I doing here if I can’t beam down?
GARAK: Would you uh- [laughs] believe pure, unadulterated nostalgia?
JULIAN: Would you?
GARAK (ON-SCREEN): [laughs] I missed you too Doctor. So, how is life on the station?
JULIAN: Well, Bajoran fashions just aren’t the same since you left.
GARAK: I’m sure.
JULIAN: But much of life has returned to what it once was, as much as it ever could, I suppose. Now-
GARAK: I was sorry to hear about Dax.
JULIAN: Thank you. I um… I miss Ezri every day. Ten years. I, well, that is- we, Dax and I, we tried to make it work. I- I was so happy Dax made it back to Trill on time. Cairn and I, we were very different people. He’s a botanist – can you imagine? Dax as a botanist. I suppose it’s why Keiko didn’t seem to mind my business as much. She and Dax had so much to talk about but, well, once the Symbiosis Commission discovered our continued relationship, well, we just uh- we couldn’t-
GARAK: Doctor, there’s no need to explain.
JULIAN: No. Dax always encouraged me to talk about my feelings, though there’s not much else to say, really. I had never really considered being in love with another man, but it was Dax. Ezri, Jadzia, even Cairn, it was Dax, is Dax. But we- we just couldn’t- I didn’t-
GARAK: It is difficult to find a good counselor to sort out our deepest sorrows these days.
JULIAN: I suppose it is.
GARAK: You’re an honourable man, Doctor. You loved Dax, you could do nothing less than your heart demanded. I know the pain of love all too well, especially a love that has everything working against it.
JULIAN: Ziyal.
GARAK: Ziyal, yes. Yes, even exiles have hearts, Doctor. Even [laughs] Elim Garak. When it comes right down to it, he has a heart as well. In fact, my heart is partially the reason why I’m here.
JULIAN: So, this is a house call? Damn it, Garak, why didn’t you tell me on subspace? What- what are your symptoms? Why don’t you want me to beam down?
GARAK: Well, so many questions, one hardly knows which to answer first.
JULIAN: Your symptoms, Garak. What is wrong with your heart?
GARAK: Well, it’s not just my heart, Doctor. Actually the most concerning symptom seems to be a degenerative condition that causes the ill to be especially susceptible to suggestion. Luckily my infection is relatively new, and rather unexplained as my exposure to the public tends to be limited to state functions and the like, you know, the life of a politician.
JULIAN: The ill? Garak, what are you saying?
GARAK: A virus, Doctor. Cardassia appears to be facing a- a minor health issue. We’re trying to contain the infection to one region, but we may have moved… far too late.
JULIAN: A minor health issue? You are a champion of understatement! ‘The ill’ suggests that this isn’t just about you but your ability to hide the facts seems to have been tainted over the years.
GARAK: Doctor?
JULIAN: Since your speech at the Lakarian City memorial, the ridges on your neck have grown paler and your breathing rate has increased.
GARAK: You liked my speech?
JULIAN: Damn it, Garak, you contacted me! How is this the first time that I’m hearing about this? Why is the planet not being quarantined? Your message said ‘medical aid’ – I assumed that I was just coming here as a preliminary consultation having something to do with one of your colonies. Now it sounds like an outbreak that needs to be contained.
GARAK: Doctor, quarantine means announcing the problem to the galaxy. This is an internal matter. You obviously don’t appreciate the severity of this virus, but you needn’t worry – no one is allowed to leave Cardassia, no one is currently being permitted to enter the atmosphere.
JULIAN: I cannot imagine you can contain the population without a reason. Just how bad is it?
GARAK: Oh, I’ve given them a reason, Doctor, but you shouldn’t worry about that. There are more important things requiring your focus right now.
JULIAN: Of course. How much- how many are infected?
GARAK: At last count, the virus had been contained to three continents. Nearly 68% of the population in those regions has been infected.
JULIAN: And you call it a ‘minor issue’ Garak?! That’s a pandemic!
GARAK: Doctor, when I say that the ill have developed a degenerative condition, I speak specifically of their thought processes. It is true that we have determined that it is a virus – a biological contaminant of sorts – but the Central Command is hardly a healthcare organization and while the degeneration is affecting the cardiopulmonary system as well, all of the symptoms seem to be driven by misfiring neurons, and therein lies the problem.
JULIAN: A virus that affects the brain is no small problem. The fact that early infections are showing in terms of dysfunction relatively mild systems doesn’t mean people won’t start to die.
GARAK: Yes, Doctor. And I haven’t.
JULIAN: My God, Garak. You’re infected.
GARAK: Why do you think I contacted you? I want the best.
JULIAN: And hoping that my genetic enhancements will allow me to diagnose your symptoms without scanning equipment?  
GARAK: I really have missed your mistrust, Doctor. The physicians here have the tendency to avoid the necessary dispassion for harder truths. You, however, have a refreshingly forthright bedside manner.
JULIAN: Wow, a compliment. You must be neurologically compromised. Well of course, of course I’ll do everything that I can. Do you know anything more about the virus? How is it passed on? How does it proliferate in the body? Have your doctors attempted any therapies that show any promise?
GARAK: Well, it seems to take several days to propagate in the carrier. During that time, sufferers develop a rather serious cough... [inaudible] …the dispatcher reaches the brain so our assumption it that it is spread through the air. Most hospitals have been closed to all but the infected to try and control the outbreak. As a result, our doctors are learning from their patients as they are treating them. As it stands now, they can only treat symptoms. Medical staff is reporting to external bodies to ensure that anyone studying the infection isn’t also battling a neurological disease. Progress is limited and all too slow.
JULIAN: Garak, I’m not sure how I can help you if I can’t examine you or access your data.
GARAK: Doctor, I’m afraid I can’t allow you to put yourself at risk. After all, I’m counting on you to save us all. And I believe that an outside perspective may be exactly what we need.
JULIAN: So no pressure?
GARAK: You’re a bright man, Doctor – put that genetically-enhanced brain of yours to work.
JULIAN: Well, I can’t examine you from orbit. My shuttlecraft sensors may be able to me that you’re alive, they can isolate you for transport, but they can hardly determine more than the most modest of life signs, and while I can see outward symptoms, Garak, I can’t for the life of me figure out how to see through your skull. I suppose I could transport a tricorder down there for a preliminary scan.
GARAK: I’m afraid I can’t allow that, Doctor.
JULIAN: Oh, of course you can’t. Can you send me your most recent medical scans?
GARAK: Unfortunately, no.
JULIAN: And why not?
GARAK: All of my genuine medical records are routinely deleted and replaced with falsified data. All data rods in which those records once existed have been destroyed, all computers in which the data rods were placed have been vaporized. My dear doctor, I’m the leader of the Cardassian people! Especially now, I can’t afford to broadcast my weaknesses to all, to anyone who feels they could exploit them.
JULIAN: The more things change, the more they remain the same.
GARAK: Meaning?
JULIAN: A presumption of godliness, most certainly a great paranoia. You haven’t managed to find yourself a staff that you trust to protect your life. To be quite honest, I’m surprised your staff doesn’t have implants that allow you to control them.
GARAK: Oh, Doctor, your assumptions hurt me deeply! Of course they do. If news of this infection gets out, and I can’t be clearer than this, Cardassia will be devastated. And we won’t be the only world that will fall.
JULIAN: Garak, you seem to believe that I can cure this virus from orbit, without any information.
GARAK: Well, Doctor, this virus doesn’t only infect the average citizen. Everyone is at risk. Everyone – the government, the military. Imagine if only a few of their people were infected. They find it difficult to concentrate. They’re finding themselves susceptible to suggestion. And what if intelligence agents of foreign governments found their way to Cardassia during this crisis?
JULIAN: It could destroy the Cardassia you’ve been rebuilding for over two decades.
JULIAN: But quarantine would keep foreign nationals off-planet and keep the rest of us safe from infection, assuming it can even infect off-worlders.
GARAK: Again, Doctor, it would announce the problem before we have a solution.
JULIAN: But it could help produce the solution you so desperately need!
GARAK: The risk is too great, Doctor.
JULIAN: Garak! Lives are at stake!
GARAK: Hundreds, perhaps thousands, to save billions. Doctor – will. You. Help. Me?
JULIAN: First and foremost, I’m a doctor, Garak. And I’m your friend.
GARAK: Yes. One more thing we should keep to ourselves.
JULIAN: You know Garak… you are being more paranoid than usual. You remind me of the exiled tailor I met so many years ago.
GARAK: Ah, but as you said yourself Doctor, the more things change-
JULIAN: The more they stay the same. But Garak, so much has changed. You’re the leader of your people.
GARAK: Julian… let’s drop the pretensions, shall we?
JULIAN: Whatever do you mean?
GARAK: You know that I have rebuilt the Obsidian Order, and the reason that I know that you know is because I know that you are working for Starfleet Intelligence. Your posting at Deep Space 9 is merely your cover. Why would a religious sanctuary like Deep Space 9 need a doctor of your capability, with such a limited Starfleet presence? I must admit, you have done an excellent job of obscuring your intelligence role.
JULIAN: Dear, dear Garak. Have you been keeping tabs on me? I suppose of all people you would be the only person I might be able to trust with such information. Assuming any of your conclusions are true. But Starfleet still has a presence and Deep Space 9 is still a major way station for commerce and diplomacy in the Bajoran sector.
GARAK: Of course you can trust me with sensitive information Julian-
JULIAN: [chuckles]
GARAK: -at least until there’s a reason you can’t. Oh, but let’s hope it never comes to that. I do like you; I did from the very beginning. You may be my only true friend. Since Mila’s passing, our all too infrequent exchanges have been my only respite from a world without trust. The political world on Cardassia deplores a vacuum and the old ways are clung to, even after the war. It took me years to bring Cardassians around to another way of thinking. The arts are celebrated, the people are fed. Life is no longer a struggle, but… paranoia is rampant once more.
JULIAN: Then I suppose you’ve been the ideal leader.
GARAK: Well, I do appear to have the appropriate skill set and experience, yes.
JULIAN: You could always go back to being a plain, simple tailor.
GARAK (LAUGHING): You would be surprised by how many of my old vocations I still dabble in. I’ve even taken up taxidermy! Yes, it’s true! But stuffing a tribble isn’t as challenging as perhaps a six-legged [uncertain] marsupial, but it passes the time. And so many wonderful things fit inside an animal that need only trill to appear alive.
JULIAN: [laughs]
GARAK: But as you said Julian, you are my friend, and one of the things I learned from working in the Obsidian Order under Enabran Tain, was that friends are a liability. Enemies are easy. Friends… friends are the challenge. When I was his protégé I had a job to do, relationships were tools to achieve my objectives. I don’t have time for friends, I don’t have room for emotional attachments.
JULIAN: And then you were exiled.
GARAK: And then… I was exiled.
JULIAN: I had no idea.
GARAK: About what?
JULIAN: Am I your only friend?
GARAK: Well… the only one living.
JULIAN: You said that your cardiopulmonary system seems to be demonstrating symptoms consistent with this neurolytic virus.
GARAK: Mm-hmm.
JULIAN: I need to at least access the database being used by the off-site researchers working on a cure.
GARAK: I’m sorry to disappoint you, Doctor – I’ve never been an ideal patient, as you well know. But while I trust you, I cannot risk any access that Starfleet Intelligence might have built into your shuttle.
JULIAN: Garak, you’re tying my hands. Do you have access to a medical scanner? Can you scan yourself?
GARAK: I’ve been a tailor, a gardener, a spy, who’s to say I’m not a doctor as well?
JULIAN: I suppose stranger things have happened.
GARAK: Oh, a shapeshifter saved the galaxy by going for a swim, a Starfleet captain turned out to be a god, a Cardassian legate turned out to be the devil, you were married to a woman three centuries your senior – stranger things, my dear doctor, happen all the time.
JULIAN: You may have a point. Although to be fair, Dax is three hundred years older, not Ezri. Ezri was several years younger than me.
GARAK: Semantics, Doctor.
JULIAN: Ah, here we are.
GARAK: I’m sorry?
JULIAN: I’ve created an encrypted backdoor to your central database.
GARAK: Ooh, of course you did. Yes, but it won’t help you. Our researches are working in a closed system, it is impossible to access their research through the central network.
JULIAN: Damn it, Garak, I’m trying to help you! I encrypted the access, there was no danger to you or you people! I used a fractal regression to develop access points at either end.
GARAK: And I sincerely appreciate your efforts, Julian. That’s why you’re here. And of course that is why I am convinced no one else will be able to save us.
JULIAN: I cannot do this without any information about the pathogen. And even the smartest person in the galaxy would be hard-pressed to develop a cure to an unknown virus quickly enough to prevent its spread or knowledge of its existence to the outside world.
GARAK: I have faith in you, Doctor. And to put your mind at ease, you should know that very few citizens on Cardassia are even aware that they are infected. And I’ve committed the Order to a substantial misinformation campaign to keep it that way.
JULIAN: How long do you expect that to last? The longer the infected believe that they’re free to live their normal lives or even to travel to and from health centers for treatment for whatever malady they believe they have, the faster the real virus will spread.
GARAK: Well, it seems its symptoms vary in their intensity. The cough can be persistent or periodic. And when that initial symptom passes, the neurological symptoms cause sufferers to present a variety of ailments. It is only those doctors who discovered the virus and were subsequently visited by some associates that are aware of the larger problem. And they are the very physicians currently researching the virus on my behalf.
JULIAN: If you are able to contact them then there’s no reason that I can’t access their data!
GARAK: Doctor, we’ve been through this.
JULIAN: Garak, we’ve been through a lot of things!
JULIAN: You didn’t call me here to explain Cardassia’s post-war isolationist bureaucracy!
GARAK: [laughs]
JULIAN: I came because a friend in need asked me!
GARAK: You didn’t know why I called you, Doctor. So please, don’t offer me your selfless pretense.
JULIAN: Pretense?! You think after all this time your lives and deceptions would keep me from helping you? I can tell when you’re lying Garak, and you know when I’m telling the truth. I promise you that no one will ever know about your role in the cover-up of the virus, at least not from me.
GARAK: I… I want you to set course for the southern polar region of Cardassia Prime. The magnetic interference will make it more difficult for prying eyes to access your subspace signal. You’ll find that my alleged paranoia has a purpose. 
JULIAN: Computer, set course 118 mark 72.
COMPUTER: [chimes] Acknowledged.
JULIAN: Engage at one-quarter impulse.
COMPUTER: Course laid in. [chimes]
JULIAN: My signal was encrypted from the very beginning. I assume the same is true of the signal you used to isolate and redirect my subspace carrier wave. Isn’t it a little bit late to begin worrying now, Garak?
GARAK: Our signal may be secure between one another, but any system can be breached given enough time and expertise. And what I have to tell you…
JULIAN: Just tell me, Garak. I’m over the polar region as you asked.
GARAK: Yes, so you are, so you are. Now, good, wait- wait… Good. Now that we’re comfortably alone, let me ask you this: do viruses normally pop up undetected in a population with little to no prior warning? And how many unknown pathogens exist in a planetary ecosystem with our level of technological development?
JULIAN: Well, to be quite honest, pathogens can unexpectedly adapt or cross species barriers. Centuries ago on Earth, industrial pollution led to a climate change which in turn caused previously isolated microorganisms to be released into the biosphere.
GARAK: Yes, you truly have an answer for everything.
JULIAN: It comes in handy. But I suspect you’re going somewhere with this so please, continue.
GARAK: Our research has found some… peculiarities in the viral RNA, and admittedly I don’t understand all of the specifics, but, to put it bluntly, the virus has been engineered. I’m sending you two images of the viral RNA we’ve discovered. The images are all that I can risk sending you now. If you can find the source, you may find a cure. Alternatively, if a cure was not developed… you can avenge my death.
JULIAN: Not currently one of my skill sets, Garak. But why the pretense? You could’ve told me this immediately- actually, don’t answer that. I’ll need some time to do an analysis of this to determine what might work to counteract the viral infection. Annoyingly, there is no systemic treatment that I can even begin to research without knowing the underlying cause. But over the last twenty-five years, you must’ve made all sorts of new enemies. According to the latest intelligence, the only dangerous political intrigue is coming out of the Romulan Empire these days.
GARAK: Yes, well, leading a government comes with its own risks, to be sure, Doctor. But why do they have to be new enemies? Of course the Romulans have never been great fans of mine – I mean I left their embassy’s grounds-keeping staff so many years ago. Oh, those poor orchids, they’ll never be the same. And there’s always Kai.
JULIAN: The Kai.
GARAK: Ah, Kira- Kira, dear Kira’s never been a fan of mine.
JULIAN: We both know that Nerys would have never worked this slowly if she wanted to kill you.
GARAK: [laughs]
JULIAN: And she would only kill you. But Nerys is hardly the same person since she left the militia to join the Vedek Assembly, and now that she’s the Kai, this level of genetic manipulation would have to accomplished by someone with intimate knowledge of the Cardassian physiology as well as the capacity to evade security of your medical system.
GARAK: Yes, although like I said, it is an internal Cardassian matter. I’m sure there are plenty of elder Cardassians who would enjoy watching my life come to an end from torture. Dukat’s father- I mean, uh… [laughs] to one kanar-induced tryst with the man himself, to finally becoming involved with Ziyal, and whatever else-
JULIAN: Wait- wait, wait, wait you- hang on, you- you and Dukat?
GARAK: Ooh, yes. Surprising, isn’t it? Yes, two nights, maybe, before my exile, I’d been feeling quite powerful. I wouldn’t have normally lowered my guard even among my fellow Cardassians. Dukat was enjoying his second bottle of kanar, was looking for someone to blame for his most recent failures to overcome the Bajoran resistance, and there I was. He promised my death from across Quark’s bar. Later that evening he found his way back to my table to apologize – uncharacteristic, absolutely, to be sure. But kanar can do that to a man. We stole away to a quiet corner on the second level to talk, and then we found our way to an unoccupied holosuite.
JULIAN: I don’t know what to say.
GARAK: Well, I don’t need to tell you, Doctor – it was an unplanned direction for my evening to take. And suffice to say it didn’t soften Dukat’s general opinion of me. [laughs] He did keep his distance for a long time afterward.
JULIAN: So, that story had a happy ending, if you’ll pardon the pun.
JULIAN: Uh, it- it’d be funny on Earth. Though tragic, too – sort of like a sad clown, really. Miles will love it.
GARAK: Doctor, could we perhaps find out what is slowly eating away at me before revealing my darkest secrets to Professor O’Brien over an ale.
JULIAN: Of course, of course. I think the first step is to cross-reference known immunogenic agents that could have been introduced into your system. Even if the virus is a new pathogen, its mode of infection could be a million different things. You should review your schedule and try and determine an environment over which your control was limited, a place where the food and drink could’ve been tampered with or perhaps a place where you could have been unexpectedly exposed to an air assault. But… about this dalliance with Dukat-
GARAK: Oh Doctor, please. Provincial human attitudes aside-
JULIAN: Of course.
GARAK: -your species didn’t always have synthehol, and every species seems to go through a period of poor choices. Believe it or not, Cardassians are a passionate people, a people who yearn to find joy wherever it may lie. And remember, that we were in the midst of a Bajoran occupation and there wasn’t much joy to be had for those of us assigned to Terok Nor. Decades later, my reforms are helping to shape a modern Cardassia.
JULIAN: Understood. Though I take exception to the word ‘provincial’.
GARAK: Oh, of course you do. Now, let me take a look at my agenda… According to my doctors, I could have been exposed more than a month ago.
JULIAN: A month? Well, you certainly waited long enough to contact me.
GARAK: Well, well we do have doctors on Cardassia, and I wouldn’t be much of a leader if I didn’t look to my own people before seeking outside assistance. However, I’m not naïve enough to trust them completely. And what kind of leader would I be if I did?
JULIAN: Fair enough. I need to get some biometric information, please, from you if I’m even to begin researching cures. Can you transport yourself to a hospital with proper scanning equipment that I can access?
GARAK: Oh dear, I- I- I can do better than that, Doctor. I can do better than that. My residence is equipped with some of the best holographic technology in the quadrant – what type of equipment do we need?
JULIAN: I didn’t realize Cardassia had made such strides in holography.
GARAK: Oh, the technology is Federation, actually. Cardassian engineers build wonderful ships, but their work with artificial intelligence isn’t what it should be. Political life has its perks – I even have an EMH.
JULIAN: Well can I talk to him?
GARAK: Doctor, he’s obviously offline during this crisis. We’re wasting time better spent on the issue at hand! Now shall we begin?
JULIAN: Alright. Well the first thing we’ll need is a standard biobed with-
GARAK: Doctor, doctor, wait- I’m detecting a coherent signal directed at your shuttle. Yes, the magnetic currents over the poles should’ve obscured your presence. We may have a problem.
JULIAN: Hang on, it looks like an encrypted subspace signal… but I can’t determine the origin. Stand by, I’m trying- it’s… it’s from Earth. Well, I think I’ve got it. One moment… Jake?
[fade to black]
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worldcrawlerhp · 4 years
Hermione Granger’s Trial
“We are gathered to hear of the 53 counts of crimes committed by one Hermione Jean Granger:
Arson attempt on one Professor Snape of Hogwarts.
Theft of polyjiuce ingredients from Hogwarts potions stores.
Illegal supply and use of polyjiuce potion to impersonate Hogwarts students Vincent Crabbe and Gregory Goyle, and Mimsy the Cat belonging to Millicent Bulstrade—“
“Excuse me sir, the cat was not intentional!”
“Yes thank you Miss Granger. Moving on;
Possession and extended use of an unregistered time turner.
Illegally freeing one Buckbeak, a prisoner due for execution.
Illegally freeing one Sirius Black, a prisoner due for Dementor’s kiss.
Concealing the whereabouts of one Buckbeak and one Sirius Black from authorities.
Kidnapping one Rita Skeeter.
Keeping one Rita Skeeter (unregistered beetle animagus) in a jar for an extended period of time.
Making threats to one Rita Skeeter about her articles.
Starting and masterminding an illegal society named ‘Dumbledore’s Army’.
Practicing and teaching defence spells that were at the time illegal to students.
Lying to High Inquisitor Umbridge about alleged terrorist weapons.
Intentionally entrapping High Inquisitor Umbridge with the Centaurs of Hogwarts forest.
Illegally travelling unaccompanied from school grounds during term time.
Use of magic outside of school grounds.
Breaking and entering the Ministry of Magic.
Destruction of the prophecy hall within the Department of Mysteries, Ministry of Magic.
Destruction of several time turners and experiments within the Time Room, Department of Mysteries, Ministry of Magic.
Performing an unsanctioned obliviation on two muggles, Dr Helena Granger and Dr Martin Granger.
Use of magic to forge muggle documentation of passports, visas, and drivers licences under the names Monica and Wendell Wilkins.
Illegal use of polyjuce potion to impersonate one Harry Potter, Undesirable, however consent was given in this case.
Continued use of illegal undetectable extension charms.
Hiding from authorities as a wanted undesirable.
Hiding from authorities when called in to blood-status questioning.
Accomplice in hiding wanted undesirables Harry Potter and Ronald Weasley.
Threatening one Mundungus Fletcher for information.
Kidnapping one Mafalda Hopkirk and taking a strand of hair without her consent.
Illegally gaining access to the Ministry of Magic under polyjiuce potion.
Theft of Slytherin’s locket belonging to High Inquisitor Dolores Umbridge.
Destruction of the residence of one Bathilda Bagshot, Godric’s Hollow.
Attempted destruction of one horcrux, held within Slytherin’s locket, belonging to one Tom Riddle, known as Voldemort, thereby committing partial attempted murder.
Impersonating Penelope Clearwater in front of official Snatchers.
Concealing the true identities of undesirables Harry Potter and Ronald Weasley from official Snatchers.
Complicity and main beneficiary in the destruction of an antique heirloom chandelier of family Malfoy.
Theft of a wand, 12 3/4 inch walnut with dragon heartstring, belonging to one Bellatrix Lestrange.
Theft of a hair of one Belletrix Lestrange.
Illegally impersonating one Bellatrix Lestrange through the use of polyjiuce potion in order to gain access to Gringotts bank.
Accessory to the confunding of two Gringotts security guards.
Accessory to the Imperiosing of Travers Mcgarrin and Bogrod of Gringotts .
Illegally accessing the Lestrange vaults in Gringotts.
Theft of the cup of Helga Hufflepuff from the Lestrange vaults.
Destruction of Goblin-made dragon shackles.
Destruction of underground railroad, entrance floor, and roof of Gringotts bank via illegally riding a dragon.
Intentionally letting a dragon loose in the English countryside.
Breaking curfew in the village of Hogsmeade by apparating into the village after allowed hours.
Illegally gaining access to Hogwarts school.
Destruction of the cup of Helga Hufflepuff.
Destruction of one horcrux, contained in the cup, belonging to Tom Riddle, also known as Voldemort, and thereby committing partial premeditated murder.
Theft of the diadem of Rowena Ravenclaw.
Aiding in the destruction of the diadem of Rowena Ravenclaw.
Aiding in the destruction of one horcrux belonging to Tom Riddle, also known as Voldemort, and thereby aiding in partial premeditated murder.
Destruction of several corridors of Hogwarts school, thereby causing the deaths of 5 Death Eaters.
Solicitor Jenkins, you have the floor.”
“Thank you your honour. It is needless to say that Miss Granger committed all the mentioned acts as direct and indirect ways of freeing the world of Voldemort, something in which she was successful despite all the odds. This has effectively saved thousands of innocent lives and brought back many British asylum seekers to our shores.
I would also like to remind the court that even though a law may exist, that does not make it right, and Miss Granger has shown truly insightful judgement and reasoning in the face of such unjust laws. Many of the aforementioned laws broken by Miss Granger have since been rescinded, supporting my point.
It is also suggested that any punishments required for the remaining offences have been executed tenfold through the unfair persecution of muggle-borns immediately prior and during the Second Wizarding War, being forced into hiding, and suffering the crucicatus cast by Mrs Lestrange. I would like to remind the court that Mrs Lestrange was widely accepted as having mastered the curse, and was imprisoned for life for a list of crimes including submitting multiple of her victims to the cruciatus to insanity. Miss Granger suffered under her wand for approximately twenty minutes.
Therefore it is my suggestion to clear any remaining items and allow the young Miss Granger out of the courtroom as a free woman with a clear record, and allow her to collect her Order of Merlin, First Class tomorrow in person.”
“Thank you Jenkins. Is there anybody here who wishes to press further charges against the defendant?”
There were low murmurs from all corners of the room, but nobody spoke up.
“It is therefore this court’s duty to move to voting of the Wizgamot. All those in favour of a full pardon for the actions just listed, please raise your hands.”
Hands were raised in a sea of red cloaks.
“Those against?”
A couple of members shuffled nervously in their seats but nobody raised their hands.
“With 58 votes for and zero against, this court declares Hermione Jean Granger cleared of all charges. Could Ronald Billius Weasley please take the stand.”
A/N: So this was a little plunny that came to me and I got carried away writing it. I think they would have had to put all three of them on trial after the war in order to clear their names, but when I started writing it I realised that actually... there was quite a lot to what they had done! Anyway hope you enjoyed!
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josefavomjaaga · 4 years
Letters from Naples. 1813
All these letters are still from the first half of the year, before Murat (for the last time) joined forces with Napoleon in August 1813. Most of them are only postscripts to “official letters” (which were likely to be opened and read by secret police), some even using an extra secret cipher not used on other occasions, if only to give you this special “007″-feeling.
Translated again from “Helfert, Joachim Murat”.
Mier to Metternich [French, in ciphers].
Naples 16 March 1813.
My Lord Count!
The sort of mystery put from the beginning into the sending of Prince Cariati to Vienna, and the rumours which circulate in the public on the object of his mission, can only cause offence to the French government and will necessarily increase the bad blood of the Emperor Napoleon towards the King, which is already sufficiently pronounced without it. Since his arrival in Naples the king has not received a word from the Emperor; the queen has had two letters, but she thought she had to conceal them from her husband because of their content. The Duke of Berthier told the king at the moment of his leaving the army to return to Naples, that he believed him to be too good a Frenchman not to be sure that he would willingly sacrifice his crown if the interests of France required it. This statement, which the King supposes to have been ordered by the Emperor to prepare him for what he must expect, has increased his distrust and anxiety for the preservation of his kingdom. Knowing the King's character, I fear that this will lead him to some step contrary to his position and his true interests, and will give France a pretext of necessity for the realisation of a project which perhaps for the moment should not yet be put into execution. The departure of the Queen would be in this respect a real calamity for this country, because she prevents by her wise and reasoned advice, and her pleas, many steps dictated by the first movement of the King's hot temper, and which would end up by completely dividing him from the Emperor. At first, on his return, he intended to summon the Estates or Deputies of the kingdom and have himself crowned of the Two Sicilies; it was only by dint of persuasion and entreaties that the Queen succeeded in turning him away from this project.
Accept etc
Prince Cariati was Murat’s special envoy sent to Vienna  to start negotiations with Austria, apparently behind Caroline’s back.
Metternich to Mier [French, concept; original in ciphers].
Vienna, 20 April 1813. By Neopolitan courier.
Prince Cariati has acquitted himself to me of the commission he is charged with. He told me that the King desired only the preservation of the throne of Naples; that he would renounce his claims to Sicily and was not aiming at any acquisitions; convinced, however, that his existence would sooner or later be threatened by the great preponderance of France, and knowing the liberal views of our august master, H. M. wished to have a guarantee which would ensure his future existence; that this guarantee could only be given to him by Austria, and that the king was ready, on the other hand, to support our approach, if necessary, by all his military forces.
I answered Prince Cariati that the policy of the Emperor did not require to be commented on, that it was sufficiently known in Europe to be generally appreciated at its just value. That we desired only a state of peace deserving of the name; that far from any excess in our designs, and not subjecting the good to the prospects of an often illusory better, we had succeeded in winning the confidence of all the great powers to the point of seeing them, France not excepted, solicit us to change the subordinate attitude of a merely intervening power into that of mediator. That consequently His Imperial Majesty was assembling great military forces to support his words of peace and to bring them to a successful conclusion; but that the mediating Power had no longer any choice; that he could only hope to succeed in so far as he was actually prepared to support his words by war.
As Prince Cariati kept repeating to me that this was undoubtedly the King's way of judging these questions, and that His Majesty had only the most pronounced desire to prove to us that he would be able to uphold, against all odds, the commitments which he had made, I asked him if he had sufficiently precise instructions to enter into a real negotiation with us and full powers to complete it. He replied that he did not; that he felt that full powers were necessary for our own safety, but that as for the instructions I could be assured that the King's views were invariable, and that those which His Majesty had expressed to him at the time of his departure from Naples were confined to the widest possible latitude.
The present courier (an officer of the guards who accompanied Prince Cariati here) is sent by him in secret to Naples. He asks for full powers. You will not have, Count, to meddle in the substance of an affair which is very delicate in itself, and you will keep strictly to the terms of my answer to Prince Cariati above, without taking a step to engage the King to send the document requested by his envoy. You will add, however, that the Emperor nourishes particular feelings of esteem for the King; that His Majesty's policy is entirely conservative, and that he only wishes to see the King rule the people who have devoted all their attachment to him, and that His Majesty is very sensitive to the marks of confidence which this Prince gives him. You can be sure that no evidence of this feeling has ever caused regret to any power.
As Prince Cariati is making his report to the Duke of Gallo, you can speak to him about the present communication, and you will testify to him with the confidence which we personally have in him the conviction that, if we are ready to listen to the King, it is up to him to provide his Envoy with all diplomatic guarantees.
You will also satisfy yourselves that by virtue of the present instructions you have little to add to what I have lately prescribed to you.
If I’m not mistaken the “Duc de Gallo” was minister of foreign affairs in Naples. His ... ability to adapt to several consecutive goverments at odds with each other would later result in a rather awkward situation for him: He refused to go to Vienna for the Congress of 1814 because there he would have met his ex-queen, Maria Carolina of Habsburg.
Mier to Metternich [French, in special ciphers, "très sécrèt"].
Naples this 27 April 1813.
On the return of the King I will carry out your orders, I distrust the minister too much to speak to him about it. He is persuaded of the forthcoming reunion of this country with the great Empire, and always thinking more of his own interests than those of his country and his sovereign, he does everything possible to win the goodwill of the new French government in advance and thereby secure lucrative positions for himself under the new reign. He is known as such from the past and his present conduct has not earned him an appreciation. X. also advised me not to confide in him too much.
I have the honour to be ut in litteris
Yes. “X.” would mean “Joachim”. We have literally reached the level of a Bond movie now.
Mier to Metternich [French, in particular ciphers, "très sécrèt"].
this 30 April 1813.
We have consulted with X. about what to say to his wife. I will always keep strictly to your orders, but do not let me miss your instructions. X. requests your friendly advice on what he should say, do, ask, stipulate, promising to follow your advice in everything. All that is required is the preservation of the present fortune and independence.
I have the honour etc.
The book’s author adds a footnote here with an interesting remark:
In Nicomede Bianchi "Storia docum. della Diplomazia europea in Italia I" p. 2 we find the assertion that Metternich had already made contact with Caroline Murat in Paris, and that he had succeeded in turning her away from her imperial brother; Caroline had thus become "nelle mani del principe di Metternich il migliore instrumento per sospingere il re di Napoli a passare nel campo de' nemici della sua patria e del suo benefattore".... Since the "X" of the despatches I reproduced can only refer to King Joachim, and "sa femme" is therefore Caroline Murat, who at that time cannot yet have been fully aware of the contacts with the Viennese Cabinet, this results in the opposite of Bianchi's assertion, which, incidentally, would also be in irresolvable contradiction with other facts and circumstances.
My personal footnote to the above letter: May I find it a little piquant to see Murat ask Metternich for advice on how to break the news to Caroline? “Dear Metternich, as you have slept with my wife, how do you think I should got about this?”
Mier to Metternich [French, in ciphers, postscript 1].
Naples 29 June 1813
My Lord Count!
The article of the Moniteur relating to the isle of Ponza has enraged the King, to the point of making him ill. He has sent Mr. Durand, Minister of France, a very strong note on this subject which states, among other things, that this is the second time that the French gazettes have taken it upon themselves to insult him, and that at the third such article he would respond by dismissing the Minister of France from his State.
The Emperor Napoleon intends to ask the King of Naples again for 20,000 men.
His Majesty gave a negative answer, declaring that not a company of his army would leave the kingdom unless commanded by him in person.
All these measures of the Emperor persuade the King more and more that Emperor Napoleon nurses hostile designs against him and that he would have already put them into execution if he were not too busy on another side. Not omitting any occasion to humiliate him, doing everything to finally weary his patience he has the air of provoking him and finding a pretext of his annihilation in the resistance to his will.
The King sets himself up for any event, and I am convinced that only one Senatus Consult is needed to deprive him of his kingdom.
I have the honour to be ut in litteris
Once more we have Murat getting ill when under stress or in great emotional turmoil. And this time, Mier even has an extra secret postscript to the secret postscript:
Mier to Metternich [French, in special ciphers, 'très sécrèt', postcript 2]
this 29th June 1813.
Napoleon has had the Queen informed that war with Austria was inevitable; that he needed troops; that consequently she should engage the King to place 20,000 men at the disposal of the Viceroy of Italy. Their Majesties await with impatience the answer to Cariati's proposals in order to know the course to be followed in the event of war between Austria and France. The King is still determined to support our interests
Please give me your instructions on the conduct I should follow in the event of war with France
I have the honour etc.
If this is true, if it really was already known in Naples by the end of June that Napoleon wanted war with Austria (which means that Napoleon must have been decided already at the beginning of the armistice and a long time before his meeting with Metternich in Dresden), this is diametrically opposed to the claim of Napoleon-friendly historians, who tend to accuse the allies of not having been sincere in their peace proposals in mid-1813. And it makes me feel like crying, considering how many people at this point put all their hopes in Napoleon making peace. Which he apparently never even seriously considered.
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