#we shall now begin ethics 19
yukiaone · 2 years
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thepitofjob · 8 days
Job 20: 1-3: "The Rebuke."
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We've released the hounds, now we need to bring them back. It is time to understand the meaning of a rebuke. Zophar, the Naamathite the "pleasant chirper" takes over.
Rebukes are Mitzvah 205:
"You shall certainly rebuke your neighbor"—Leviticus 19:17. We are commanded to verbally rebuke a fellow Jew who has sinned, and to rebuke and attempt to prevent an individual who is about to sin. This commandment applies to everyone, even if the one who has sinned (or is about to sin) is a great individual.
Rebukes are not reserved for when your fly is down or there's a boogie, but for moments society is violating its members. Except the impetus begins with the cultivation of ethical and also very tasteful behavior.
Just as one would not walk into Shabbos dinner wearing a leather harness and backless chaps, one would not wear a three piece tuxedo into the steam room. This most persons can handle and if they are unable to Torah says to show them to the city limits and not to bother any more.
But within the self, if there is a nice big red juicy pomegranate that is getting over ripe, it must be removed form the tree and get buried before it worms into the others.
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Almost all rebukes pertain to the fact the world has plenty of food, water, space, money, time, and materials, but there are droughts, famines, and the rates of impoverished and homeless persons on the planet are the lartest in human history. This is the result of rampant misgovernment. We rebuke misgovernment first in the Shule by learning how to address troubling thoughts using the Mitzvot, called tombstones, to put them to bed:
20 Then Zophar the Naamathite replied:
2 “My troubled thoughts prompt me to answer     because I am greatly disturbed. 3 I hear a rebuke that dishonors me,     and my understanding inspires me to reply.
The Value in Gematria is 8910, חטי‎ ‎, hati, "I became ethical and moral."
There is a theme within the 613 Mitzvot, and this is it. While one must read and understand their implicit meaning, it is not necessary to memorize nor enforce them if one is determined to live a moral life.
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daresplaining · 4 years
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[ID: Excerpt from Zdarsky’s Daredevil run. Daredevil, backlit and in silhouette, opens Foggy’s office door. Kirsten McDuffie is there.]
Matt (caption): “What... oh no... this can’t be happening. Foggy wouldn’t. He wouldn’t dare--”
Kirsten: “There he is... Was worried you weren’t going to show up. Especially now that the legal dream team is fully assembled.”
[ID: In the office are Kirsten, Foggy, and Mike Murdock wearing sunglasses and a brown suit and tie, and holding a white cane. Kirsten motions to Mike, who is sitting in a chair next to Foggy’s desk.]
Kirsten: “Matt Murdock’s onboard.”
Mike: “Hell yeah.”
Daredevil vol. 6 #23 by Chip Zdarsky, Marco Checchetto, and Marcio Menyz
(I’m sorry, I'm just very excited.)
    Mike has officially re-entered the main series, fresh from his reality rewrite in the Volume 6 Annual! And let me just say: the guy knows how to make an entrance, because I freaked out when I hit that last panel.
    Let’s talk about what exactly is going on here, because it is wild, as the best Mike Murdock stories ought to be. Matt, as Daredevil, has turned himself in for the murder he accidentally committed in the first issue of the run, and is due to stand trial. Foggy is, of course, defending him, and he has called in Kirsten McDuffie (former A.D.A., Matt’s ex-law partner/girlfriend from Volume 3 and 4-- I assume everyone knows who Kirsten is) to help. Thanks to the Purple Children’s mindwipe in Soule’s run, Kirsten-- along with 99.99% of the rest of the world-- no longer knows that Matt is Daredevil. And so when, in this issue, Kirsten asks Foggy a very reasonable question-- “Where the heck is Matt?”-- Foggy is forced to make a choice. He could disregard Matt’s wishes and restore Kirsten’s former memories by telling her that Matt is Daredevil, which is something he has wanted to do since the beginning and is, in fact, something he’s done before (while drunk, in Volume 3 #19). Or he could completely screw with Matt, lie to Kirsten, and potentially (if he takes this far enough) commit massive legal fraud and do... this. 
    Personally, I think he made the right choice. (And clearly, he does too. Look at that grin.)
    First and foremost, Mike’s timely (and, shall I say, stylish) slide into the main plot means that we’re now going to see the impact of his reality re-write in action, which is really exciting! Who is Real Boy Mike in a world in which he has always existed? What is his relationship with Matt at the moment? Is Kirsten aware that he exists? Does Foggy remember that Mike kidnapped him at gunpoint? And how did Foggy even convince Mike to do this? What did he tell him?! Like Kirsten, Mike doesn’t know that Matt is Daredevil, and so while I can absolutely imagine Mike agreeing to pretend to be Matt just for the sheer chaotic hell of it, he must also be wondering what’s going on and where his brother is.
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[ID: Another panel from Zdarsky’s run. Mike is standing in a boxing ring, gripping the ropes, and his face is in shadow. Daredevil is standing in the ring behind him.]
Mike: “You didn’t even hire my brother to rep you, eh? What’s up with that? I thought you were close.”
Matt: “Mike. Whatever you’re up to-- don’t.”
Daredevil vol. 6 Annual #1 by Chip Zdarsky, Manuel Garcia, Rachelle Rosenberg, et al.
    While we know Mike has pretended to be Matt before (the Annual implied he did it pretty regularly while pulling heists with the Hood), this is different. Is he really going to be able to 1. pretend to be Matt and 2. pretend to be a lawyer in front of Kirsten? Is he going to do it in court? Kirsten and Matt have a long and emotional history, even taking the mindwipe into account. Is Mike aware of that? And-- again-- is Foggy seriously planning to bring Mike into court as Matt? (I really hope so.) I can only imagine this turning into an absolute soap opera, and I can’t freakin’ wait. It is highly reminiscent of the “Playing to the Camera” arc, in which Matt (against Foggy’s very sound ethical advice) managed to sue himself by convincing Peter Parker to appear in court as Daredevil. I respect that this run’s serious tone may prevent it from becoming an outright comedy of errors the way “Playing to the Camera” was, but regardless of whether this ends up being funny or tragic, it’s going to be very, very entertaining-- because with a setup like this, how can it not?
    Finally, of course, I am geeking out about the way it parallels the original Mike Murdock Saga. Matt walking into that room and finding his twin brother dressed up as him feels like a direct callback to Foggy and Karen walking into the office and encountering “Mike” in Daredevil volume 1 #25. We have seen Matt masquerading around pretending to be his twin, and now we’re going to get the reverse: Mike’s best(?) impression of his nerdy brother. This has to be an intentional mirroring, and I am freaking out about it. Next month can’t get here fast enough.   
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roaringgirl · 4 years
Books read in January
I am keeping this as a little record for myself, as I already keep a list (my best new year’s resolution - begun Jan 2018) but don’t record my thoughts
General thoughts on this - I read a lot this month but it played into my worst tendencies to read very very fast and not reflect, something I’m particularly prone too with modern fiction. I just, so to speak, swallow it without thinking. First 5 or so entries apart, I did quite well in my usually miserably failed attempt to have my reading be at least half books by women.
1. John le Carré - Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy (1974): I liked this a lot! I sort of lost track of the Cold War and shall we say ethics-concerned parts of it and ended up reading a fair bit of it as an English comedy of manners - but I absolutely love all the bizarre rules about what is in bad taste (are these real? Did le Carré make them up?).
2. John le Carré - The Spy Who Came in From the Cold (1963): I liked this a lot less. It seemed at the same time wilfully opaque and entirely predictable. Have been thinking a lot about genre fiction - I love westerns and noir, so wonder if for me British genre fiction doesn’t quite scratch the same itch.
3. David Lodge - Ginger You’re Barmy (1962): This was fine. I don’t have much to say about it - I was interested in reading about National Service and a bit bogged down in a history of it so read a novel. As with most comic novels, it was perfectly readable but not very funny.
4. Dan Simmons - Song of Kali (1985): His first novel. This is quite enjoyable just for the amount of Grand Guignol gore, and also because I like to imagine it caused the Calcutta tourist board some consternation. Wildly structurally flawed, however. Best/worst quote: ‘Hearing Amrita speak was like being stroked by a firm but well-oiled palm.’ Continues in that vein.
5. Richard Vinen - National Service: A Generation in Uniform (2014): If you are interested in National Service, this is a good overview! If not, not.
6. Sarah Moss - Ghost Wall (2018): I absolutely loved this. About a camping trip trying to recreate Iron Age Britain. Just, very upsetting but so so good - a horror story where the horror is male violence and abuse within the (un)natural family unit.
7. Kate Grenville - A Room Made of Leaves (2020): Excellent idea, but not amazing execution - the style is kind of bland in that ‘ironed out in MFA workshops’ way (I have no idea if she did an MFA but that’s what it felt like). Rewriting the story of early Australian colonisation through the POV of John Macarthur’s wife Elizabeth.
8. Ruth Goodman - How to Be a Victorian (2013): I mostly read this for Terror fic reasons, if I’m honest. I skimmed a lot of it but she has a charming authorial voice and I really like that she covers the beginning of the period, not just post-1870.
9. Gary Shteyngart - Super Sad True Love Story (2010): I read this on a recommendation from Ms Poose after I asked for good fiction mostly concerned with the internet, and I thought it was excellent - it’s very exaggerated/non-realistic and that heightening of incident and affect works so well.
10. Brenda Wineapple - The Impeachers: The Trial of Andrew Johnson and the Dream of a Just Nation (2019): What a great book. I had to keep putting it down because reading about Reconstruction always makes me so sad and frustrated with what might have been - the lost dream of a better world.
11. Halle Butler - The New Me (2019): Reading this while single, starting antidepressants and stuck in an office job that bores me to death but is too stable/undemanding to complain about maybe wasn’t a great decision, for me, emotionally.
12. Halle Butler - Jillian (2015): Ditto.
13. Ottessa Moshfegh - Death in Her Hands (2020): Very disappointed by this. I don’t really like meta-fiction unless it’s really something special and this wasn’t. Also, I’m stupid and really bad at reading, like, postmodern allegorical fiction I just never get it.
14. Andrea Lawlor  - Paul Takes the Form of a Mortal Girl (2017): This was really really hot! I will admit I don’t think the reflections on gender, homophobia, AIDS etc are very deep or as revealing as some reviews made out, but I also don’t think they’re supposed to be? It’s a lot of fun and all of the characters in it are so precisely, fondly but meanly sketched.
15. Catherine Lacey - The Answers (2017): This was fine! Readable, enjoyable, but honestly it has not stuck with me. There are only so many sad girl dystopias you can read and I think I overdid it with them this month.
16. Hilary Mantel - Wolf Hall (2010, reread): Was supposed to read the first 55 pages of this for my two-person book club, but I completely lack self-restraint so reread the whole thing in four days. Like, I love it I don’t really know what else to say. I was posing for years that ‘Oh, Mantel’s earlier novels are better, they’re such an interesting development of Muriel Spark and the problem of evil and farce’ blah blah blah but nope, this is great.
17. Oisin Fagan - Hostages (2016): Book of short stories that I disliked intensely, which disappointed me because I tore through Nobber in horrified fascination (his novel set in Ireland during the Black Death - which I really cannot recommend enough. It’s so intensely horrible but, like Mantel although in a completely different style/method, he has the trick of not taking the past on modern terms). A lot of this is sci-fi dystopia short stories which just aren’t... very good or well-sustained. BUT I did appreciate it because it is absolutely the opposite of pleasant, competently-written but forgettable MFA fiction.
18. Muriel Spark - Loitering with Intent (1981): Probably my least favourite Spark so far, but still good. I think the Ealing Comedy-esque elements of her style are most evident and most dated here. It just doesn’t have the same sentence-by-sentence sting as most of her work, and again I don’t like meta-fiction.
19. Hilary Mantel - Bring up the Bodies (2012, reread): Having (re)read all of these in about 3 months, I think this is probably my favourite of the three. I just love the way a whole world, whole centuries and centuries of history and society spiral out from every paragraph. And just stylistically, how perfect - every sentence is a cracker. I’m just perpetually in awe of Mantel as a prose stylist (although I dislike that everyone seems to write in the present tense now and blame her for it).
20. Muriel Spark - The Girls of Slender Means (1963, reread): (TW weight talk etc ) As always, Hilary Mantel sets me off on a Muriel Spark spree. I’ve read this too many times to say much about it other than that the denouement always makes me go... my hips definitely wouldn’t fit through that window. Maybe I should lose weight in case I have to crawl out of a bathroom window due to a fire caused by an unexploded bomb from WW2???? Which is a wild throwback to my mentality as a 16 year old.
21. China Mieville - Perdido Street Station (2000, reread): What a lot of fun. I know we don’t do steampunk anymore BUT I do like that he got in the whole economic and justice system of the early British Industrial Revolution and not just like steam engines. God, maybe I should read more sci-fi. Maybe I should reread the rest of this trilogy but that’s like 2000 pages. Maybe I should reread the City and the City because at least that’s short and ties exactly into my Disco Elysium obsession (the mod I downloaded to unlock all dialogue keeps breaking the game though. Is there a script online???)
22. Stephen King - Carrie (1974): I have a confession to make: I was supposed to teach this to one of my tutees and then just never read it, but to be honest we’re still doing basic reading comprehension anyway. That sounds mean but she’s very sweet and I love teaching her because she gets perceptibly less intimidated/critical of herself every lesson. ANYWAY I read half of this in the bath having just finished my period, which I think was perfect. It’s fun! Stephen King is fun! I don’t have anything deeper to say.
23. Hilary Mantel - Every Day is Mother’s Day (1985): You can def tell this is a first novel because it doesn’t quite crackle with the same demonic energy as like, An Experiment in Love or Beyond Black, but all the recurring themes are there. If it were by anyone else I’d be like good novel! But it’s not as good as her other novels.
24. Dominique Fortier - On the Proper Usage of Stars (2010): This was... perfectly competent. Kind of dull? It made me think of what I appreciate about Dan Simmons which is how viscerally unpleasant he makes being in the Navy seem generally, and man-hauling with scurvy specifically. This had the same problem with some other FE fiction which is that they’re mostly not willing to go wild and invent enough so the whole thing is kind of diffuse and under-characterised. Although I hated the invented plucky Victorian orphan who’s great at magnetism and taxonomy and read all ONE THOUSAND BOOKS or whatever on the ships before they got thawed out at Beechey (and then the plotline just went nowhere because they immediately all died???) I had to skim all his bits in irritation. I liked the books more than this makes it sound I was just like Mr Tuesday I hope you fall down a crevasse sooner rather than later.
25. Muriel Spark - The Abbess of Crewe (1974): Transposing Watergate to an English convent is quite funny, although it took me an embarrassingly long time to realise that’s what she was doing even though I lit read a book covering Watergate in detail in December. Muriel Spark is just so, so stylish I’m always consumed with envy. I think a lot of her books don’t quite hang together as books but sentence by sentence... they’re exquisite and incomparable.
Overall thoughts: This month was very indulgent since I basically just inhaled a lot of not challenging fiction. I need to enjoy myself less, so next month we’re finishing a biography of Napoleon, reading the Woman in White and finishing the Lesser Bohemians which currently I’m struggling with since it’s like nearly as impenetrable Joyce c. Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man but, so far... well I hesitate to say bad since I think once I get into I’ll be into it but. Bad.
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giftofshewbread · 4 years
Bible Talk ( current events )
 By Daymond Duck  Published on: April 12, 2020
Some thoughts on the Corona virus Crisis:
Jesus said there will be “distress of nations” (Luke 21:25; The nations are in distress now).
Jesus said “Men’s hearts will fail them for fear of the things that are coming upon the earth” (Luke 21:26; Unprecedented fear exists now).
Jesus said, “When these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh” (Luke 21:28; Christians are seeing the beginning of the signs now).
The prophesied Sequence of Events:
The Rapture must take place before the Tribulation Period (II Thess. 2:5-8).
The Bible doesn’t say, but I believe the destruction of Damascus and the Battle of Gog and Magog will take place before the Tribulation Period.
There may be a short period of time (a gap of time) between the Rapture and the Tribulation Period (The Bible doesn’t say how long that gap will be).
The Ten Kings or Ten Horns (Ten leaders) must rise before the Antichrist and Tribulation Period (Dan. 7:7-8, 24).
There must be a covenant with many in the Middle East before the Tribulation Period (Dan. 9:27).
The Antichrist will confirm the covenant, and that will be the first day of the Tribulation Period.
This is the point:
The Rapture can happen without signs or warnings anytime God chooses, but the Tribulation Period can’t happen if some things are not in place.
It is possible (emphasis on possible) that the world could come out of the Corona virus crisis for a short time.
The Rapture will take place and the Antichrist will appear, grow stronger and be given power over a world government (Rev. 6:1-2; 13:5-8).
The global economy will collapse and there will be a new global economic system (rider on the black horse; Rev. 6:5-6).
The False Prophet will appear and head up a global ethic (satanic world religion; persecution of believers; Rev. 13:7-8).
There will be unprecedented natural disasters (false Christs, war, famine, pestilence, earthquakes, etc.; Matt. 24:6-7; Rev. 6:1-8).
The Antichrist and False Prophet will establish a cashless society and a global surveillance system called the Mark of the Beast (Middle of the Tribulation Period; Rev. 13:16-18).
The Second Coming will be seven years after the Antichrist confirms the covenant.
Some of the prophetic implications of the Corona virus crisis:
God is in control and His Word will be fulfilled.
Nothing happens that God doesn’t allow.
The Battle of Gog and Magog appears to be shaping up (Ezek. 38-39).
The Corona virus crisis has changed the world (Some think it could be an intentional act to bring in the New World Order and that will be on fast forward from this time on).
This crisis appears to be a major step toward the Tribulation Period with several implications (economic collapse, famine, Pestilence, Mark, etc.).
It appears to be a major pestilence or birth pain (not a local pandemic that is limited to one nation, but global in scope; a forerunner of Rev. 6:7-8).
It creates a need for someone that can solve the world’s problems (the man with a plan, the Antichrist; Did you hear about the April 1, 2020, headline in Dutch Newspaper “Searching for Leader?”).
It is a major step toward a global economic collapse (Africa is already in danger; Nations are printing trillions of dollars to try to avoid it; a forerunner of Rev. 6:5-6).
It provides a reason to establish a cashless society (We are told that the virus is on money; that we need to go digital; a forerunner of Rev. 13:16-18).
It provides a reason to mark people (Bill Gates wants to put a quantum dot tattoo on vaccinated people with information that can be changed, updated, and read by scanners or infrared light; a forerunner of Rev. 13:16-18).
It provides a reason to track and persecute people (those that take the tattoo will be allowed to leave their house, work, buy, sell, etc., but those that refuse the tattoo won’t be allowed to leave their house, work, buy, sell, etc. Note: $500 million to establish a tracking system was included in Trump’s $2.2 trillion stimulus package. Note: Pastors are already being threatened for holding services).
It is uniting the world to fight a common enemy (this co-operation could lead to the rise of the Ten Kings; Dan. 7:24, Rev. 17:12-14).
It confines Christians to their homes to shut down opposition to world government, world religion, the Mark of the Beast, surveillance, etc.
It is causing great fear.
It could mean that God will act soon (the Rapture).
Perhaps, world leaders would do well to recall another prophecy about the Tribulation Period: God said, “Behold, I will make Jerusalem a cup of trembling unto all the people round about, when they shall be in the siege both against Judah and against Jerusalem. And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people: all that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces, though all the people of the earth be gathered together against it” (Zech. 12:2-3).
God established borders at the Tower of Babel (Deut. 32:8-10).
God made a covenant to give the Promised Land to Abraham and his descendants forever (Gen. 13:14-15; 17:7-8).
God intends to put His name on Jerusalem forever (II Kings 21:7).
Jesus intends to dwell in Jerusalem and for His Word to go forth out of Jerusalem during the Millennium (Psa. 132:13; Isa. 2:3).
Jesus is coming back as King of kings and Lord of lords (Rev. 19:16).
Notice the accuracy of what Jesus said above (distress of nations, fear, pestilence).
The idea that world leaders can ignore what God said, give part of the Promised Land to someone other than the Jews, establish a world government, and give power to the king of fierce countenance (the Antichrist) to rule over it without consequences instead of King Jesus is ridiculous, ludicrous, irrational nonsense.
World leaders are creating a confrontation with God, and He will never allow them to establish a world government to rule over the Promised Land and Israel (and get away with it) because He promised that the King of kings and Lord of lords (Jesus) will establish His kingdom on earth (world government) and rule over Israel.
God will remove His Church and cut the nations into pieces for cutting His Land into pieces.
As an act of grace, He may be warning world leaders not to divide the land of Israel and not to establish a world government.
As bad as the Corona virus is, it is fun and games compared to what is prophesied for the seven-year Tribulation Period.
This is more than my opinion.
This is Bible talk (the Word of the one and only all-powerful God that does not lie).
One more thing: Everyone needs to A) Admit that you sin, B) Believe everything the Bible says about Jesus, that He was born of a virgin, He didn’t sin, He suffered and died in our place, He was buried, He was raised from the dead, and C) Confess your sins and ask Jesus to save you.
That is the only way to be saved (the only thing that God will accept to let a person in heaven; Jn. 14:6).
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patriotsnet · 3 years
What Does The Bible Say About Republicans
New Post has been published on https://www.patriotsnet.com/what-does-the-bible-say-about-republicans/
What Does The Bible Say About Republicans
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What Does God Say About Democrats
What Does the Bible Say About 2016 Election – Hidden Secrets Revealed – Republican vs Democrat
Sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ and Saving America
Steven Andrew is leading the nation to reaffirm covenant that the USA follows Jesus Christ. The Bible teaches covenant is the most important action to save lives, restore safety, strengthen the church, and raise godly generations.
I know of no one doing everything they can to help our nation to turn away from wickedness and sin, and turn back to God, like Steven Andrew.;
Giving to USA Christian Church is the most powerful way to support God’s will for the nation and defend Christianity.
The USA is in a national emergency. Our only hope is to surrender our lives and the nation to God and agree to obey the Lord. We have hope. It is not too late to find Gods mercy. Steven Andrew
People are very concerned. The news shows the USA is in a freedon verses tyranny national emergency. It could even be a life verses death crisis if the nation goes into captivity as happened to Israel and Judhae for their sins. If we want to honor God and have God bless our lives and nation, it is important we know: What does the Bible teach about Democrats?
I am Steven Andrew, the pastor who believes like the founding fathers. I am on a mission from God
Is the Bible your final authority or do you go by your feelings and own ways?This is Gods opinion, not mine.
For protection and national security, the nation needs to see Democrats hearts the way God does.my This is Gods opinion not my opinion.
Grist Is The Only Nonprofit Newsroom Focused On Exploring Solutions At The Intersection Of Climate And Justice
Our team of journalists remains dedicated to telling stories of climate, justice, and solutions. We aim to inspire more people to talk about climate change and to believe that meaningful change is not only possible but happening right now.;Our in-depth approach to solutions-based journalism takes time and proactive planning, which is why Grist depends on reader support.
This September, become a monthly donor, and your entire yearly amount will be matched. Grist hopes to welcome 200 new monthly members by September 30, and were closing in on our goal! Help us further advance our reporting by giving us the stable, reliable funding we need. Consider becoming a Grist member today to ensure this important work continues and thrives.
Bible Verses Violated By The Republican Party
Please note this article is not another case of a Democrat insulting the Republican party and their religious members.; I dont like either political party and Ive lost hope in the current political system until major changes are made.
While Ive lost most; interest in national politics,; some things still catch my eye. But what bothers me the most, and always gets my attention, is when a politician campaigns on a the premise that their allegiance to their God makes them a better person than the other candidate. Fast forward a few months after their election and there they are obstructing ethical legislation; for their constituents only to make their donors happy.
If a politicians; adherence to the Bible is what makes them a good person and good elected official, what do they become when they no longer adhere to the Bible?
You can understand why I feel my arguments made here are sound: The voting and campaign records of Congress are widely-available public records, and since 7 out of the 10 Bible verses I used are from either Matthew, Mark, Luke or John, meaning that 70% of this is literally the Gospel truth
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James : 19 Niv: Everyone Should Be Quick To Listen Slow To Speak And Slow To Become Angry
Well THAT’S a big red flag if I ever saw one. Any of the above points show that Donald Trump does not have a reasonable filter. Whatever comes to mind comes straight out of his mouth, especially when he gets angry. If our president acts out in anger, we are going to have a lot of issues on our hands. Can you imagine how he would converse with other world leaders? What would he do if they insulted our government, or heaven forbid, Trump’s hand size? How would he react to negative criticism from countries we very much need to remain on good terms with? Not only is this dangerous, it also gives more reason for people not to respect America. It would say a lot about us if our leader had the same temperament as a two-year old in a time out. A true God following leader would participate in rational discussion, in which all sides are heard and acknowledged.
I’m not trying to tell anybody that Hilary is the Christian candidate we’re looking for. In fact, I don’t even believe we need a Christian candidate at all. This is America, where anybody of any race or religion can do the job. What I am trying to say, is that if you think Donald Trump is your closest bet to having a Christian in office, you’re making the wrong choice.
Your choice matters. Choose wisely.
Abortion Is An Integral Part Of The Vaccine Industry
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For you created my inmost being;;you knit me together;in my mothers womb.;Psalm 139:13
The Bible makes clear that life begins at conception. It says that every child is a gift from God . If Jesus were here today, I am not sure if He would be carrying a sign, but we can agree He would be pro-life.
Many are surprised to find that in fact, vaccines do contain;aborted fetal tissue,;including lung and kidney tissue.
This is because scientists grow live vaccines in living tissue. You can find aborted fetal tissue in 23 total vaccines, including:
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Gop Lawmaker: The Bible Says If A Man Will Not Work He Shall Not Eat
This storys headline;has been corrected. A quote from Rep. Jodey Arringtons remarks at a congressional hearing has also been added.
One lawmaker is citing a godly reference to; justify changes to the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program: Rep. Jodey Arrington recently quoted the New Testament to question the strength of current work requirements.
The biblical passage, 2 Thessalonians 3-10, was a rebuttal to one of the hearings expert witnesses, a representative of the Jewish anti-hunger group MAZON. It is also a familiar refrain to anyone who has watched past debates about SNAP.
House Republicans have historically cited the verse if a man will not work, he shall not eat as justification for cutting some adults SNAP benefits. Arrington referenced the verse in a discussion;about increasing the work requirements for unemployed adults on the food stamp program. But critics say that;advances;a pernicious myth about the unemployed who receive SNAP.
The verse in question applies specifically to people who can work or otherwise contribute to society but choose not to, said theologians from several denominations who spoke to The Post. There is a perception, among some voters and lawmakers, that many adult SNAP recipients are exactly this sort of freeloader.
More from Wonkblog:
James : 26 Esv: If Anyone Thinks He Is Religious And Does Not Bridle His Tongue But Deceives His Heart This Person’s Religion Is Worthless
Wow. That was blunt. I commonly hear people say that they like Donald Trump because, “He speaks his mind.” There is a monumental difference between speaking your mind, and throwing words about without caution. The things that Donald Trump has used his platform to say should not only shock you; they should offend you. His words are rash, prejudiced, and hurtful. You don’t believe me? Here are some examples:
“You know, it really doesn’t matter what the media write as long as you’ve got a young, and beautiful, piece of a**.”
“My fingers are long and beautiful, as, it has well been documented, are various other parts of my body.”
Now I don’t know about you, but this doesn’t sound like the kind of man who has proper control over his tongue to me. Words are some of the greatest indicators of who we are. The president of our country should be able to possess certain qualities, such as engaging in foreign affairs without flying off the handle. Not only is this concerning to our national security, it is also a warning sign of poor character.
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Great article Jack,Sure a lot of good points you brought up. A lot to ponder as an election grows near.
It seems like the people who get elected reflect the sentiment of the nation. If we are concerned with the economy, we vote for the people we think will fix it. If we are concerned with moral issues, we vote for those we think care about what we care about.
This may also be a way in which God judges, or blesses, a nation. As the individuals of a nation move further from God, they elect representatives that are also further from God. These representatives are then naturally going to be motivated by something other than God and His love. Therefore, the nation suffers.
On the other hand, as the individuals of a nation move closer to God and elect godly representatives, these representatives seek Gods will for themselves and the country. The nation is blessed.
Thanks again for a wonderful, thought-provoking article.
Yours in Christ,
Friendship Is The Goal Of The Gospel
What does the Bible say about voting in 2020?
Christians rightly think about salvation as forgiveness of sins and eternal life. But it is more than this. Jesus gives all who trust him the privilege of being his friends . And what is eternal life, after all? According to Jesus, this is eternal life, that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent . He rescued us to forge an intimate relationship with the triune God . God forgives us that we might share in his triune fellowship of love forever.;
In the new creation we will enjoy true friendship with all other believers. Our future is a world of friendship.
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Matthew : 28 Esv: But I Say To You That Everyone Who Looks At A Woman With Lustful Intent Has Already Committed Adultery With Her In His Heart
Now, I’m not trying to single out Donald Trump for having completely natural biological urges. All of humankind has fallen prey to the allure of lust. However, to battle with that in one’s heart and to voice it out loud to others are two completely different things.
The LORD calls men to honor and protect women. Women are handcrafted by God, and they are to be respected. Donald Trump has been quoted saying things that go directly against this God-given duty:
“Grab them by the the p*ssy.”
If that wasn’t vulgar enough for you, here’s a list of adjectives he has publicly used to describe women: Fat. Dog. Pig. Slob. Disgusting animal.
I don’t know what it’s going to take for this country to start valuing women properly, but having this guy in charge isn’t going to do it. As a woman, you should be concerned that a candidate for president is getting away with talking about your demographic like that. As a man, you should be standing up for the women in your life by saying that this is NOT okay! Young girls in this world should not grow up thinking that those words are okay because the President of the United States says them. If we elect this man, that will be the standard our girls will have for the men in their lives.
Exercising Our Civic Responsibility: What The Bible Says About Voting
Before we look at what the Bible says about voting, let us look at how our individual votes count.
Song of Solomon 2:15 says, Take us the foxes, the little foxes, that spoil the vines: for our vines have tender grapes. Foxes sometimes, in search of food, would enter into the grape orchards and devour the grapes and spoil the crop. However, the little foxes were too small to reach the grape bunches so they would chew on the vines and it would kill the whole vine. Instead of the farmer just losing his crop, he would lose his vine which was more disastrous. Spiritually some things we do or allow that we might think are little or insignificant can also be disastrous for us.
Listed below are some of the little foxes that generally keep us from our civic responsibilities, in the area of voting. The devil uses these lies and others so that he can keep godly men and women away from the polls and get the candidates of his choice elected. If we do nothing, it makes it easy for the enemy to help those who could become the wrong leadership for our nation.
My one vote doesnt count anyway.
Im disillusioned by the whole political process.
Im already too busy to take the time to cast an informed vote, so I just dont vote at all.
Politics are corrupt anyway and as a Christian I dont want to be involved.
What the Bible Says About Voting
Don’t Miss: How Many States Are Controlled By Republicans
Achieving Racial Justice And Equity
The Bible is very clear that God does not show favoritism, and neither should his followers. So, there is no place for racism in the church or in America. The Democratic Party is absolutely just in standing strong against racism in America.;
Now, personally I think that some of the Democrats policies for eliminating racism are not biblical at all. But the fact still remains: The basic policy position is biblically just.
As the election approaches, remember: As Christians we are called to lead people to Christ, not to an elephant or a donkey. Dont allow your politics to sabotage your witness to unbelievers or your fellowship with believers.;
Our loyalty must be to Christ. So, do some research, and vote in line with the heart of Christ. Lets do our best to vote for right and just leaders, and to pray for righteousness and justice in the hearts of those who are elected.
Dane Davis is the pastor of Impact Christian Church. Join Impacts live outdoor worship service at 9 a.m. Sunday at 17746 George Boulevard in Victorville, or tune in online at 10 a.m. on the Impact Christian Church YouTube channel or Facebook page.
Christianity For Votes: How Republicans Are Using A Religious Facade To Gain Political Power
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On full display: Rep. Ted Yoho, in his non-apology to Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, remarkably argued, I cannot apologize for my passion or for loving my God, my family, and my country.
Talk of God has been brought into and out of national politics throughout American history, with various partisan and non-partisan causes, but rarely in our history has any political group weaponized faith for political goals as comprehensively as todays Republican Party. Although the name of God has been used as a rallying cry for Republicans for decades, the party that claims to support Christian values has developed a twisted ideology where the mere mention of God has become a license for injustice. Consequently, his name is being thrown out in vain by Republicans who seek to avoid being held responsible for their actions, even when those actions go directly against the Scripture.
The contradictory nature of devotional statements made by GOP;members;was put on full display in a recent scandal in Congress,;when Rep.;Ted;Yoho, R-Florida,;was forced to resign from a Christian organizations;board after publicly exhibiting a behavior profoundly opposite to the values he claimed to stand for.
Yohos non-apology
A powerful political tool
If we want to resemble a hope for uniting and healing;within our;nation, we must rebuke lies, hate and division. We must rejoice in the truth.
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Christians Cannot Serve Both God And The Gop
The Christian right is the backbone of the Republican Party. Christians of all stripes from Catholics to Protestants and evangelicals consistently vote Republican. The core tenets of the modern Republican Party, however, are at stark odds with biblical scripture.
Over the last four decades, few priorities have consumed the Republican Party more than economic policies that benefit the ultra-wealthy. The Ronald Reagan presidency, in particular, ushered in an era where corporate bottom lines took precedence over fair wages for American workers. The rise of the Reagan-Republican ethos, which preaches the elevation of over virtually all other considerations, directly influenced of American jobs to countries with vast pools of cheap labor. Ditto for union-busting and the adoption of job-killing automation in pursuit of maximum profit.
These factors, unsurprisingly, the American middle class. Moreover, Presidents Reagan, George W. Bush and Donald Trump all pursued radical tax policies that overwhelmingly; if not solely; benefitted a small group of exceptionally wealthy Americans at the expense of the working and middle classes.
Republican policies favoring the ultra-affluent, however, stand in stark contrast with biblical scripture. The Bibles condemnations of the wealthy and the accumulation of riches leave zero room for ambiguity.
In short, followers of Christ must choose between God and money.
Property was sold and the proceeds distributed to anyone who had need.
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lightoftruth · 4 years
Our nation’s 46th president, Joe Biden, has warned that we will be facing a “dark winter” as the COVID-19 virus continues to spread across America.
The impact certainly has been enormous. Hundreds of thousands have died since the first case of the virus was reported last January in Washington state. Since then, hospital ICU units have been overwhelmed, frontline health care workers have been pushed to their limits, many churches have been unable to meet for worship and our daily lives have been severely disrupted.
Millions of Americans remain unemployed as harsh lockdowns on businesses continue, and the physical isolation and quarantine have taken a huge emotional toll on millions more.  
“It’s the Light of the Gospel, the Light of Christ, that shines into men’s hearts when they are born again, and it transforms them for all eternity. And it’s that Light that truly is the hope for our nation and for the whole world.”
The dark winter that Biden described is not just due to the coronavirus, as devastating as it has been—it’s due also to the moral decline of our nation and the political corruption we see throughout our country.
When my father was preaching in London in 1954, he was invited to 10 Downing Street to meet with Prime Minister Winston Churchill. In those days, communism overshadowed the whole world, and Mr. Churchill said that he had no hope for the future of our world. Outside of God, that is right—there is no hope. Then Churchill asked my father if he had any real hope, which opened the door for my father to pray with him and share the Gospel—including our everlasting hope in the return of Christ.
America faces a dark period of history if God turns His back on our nation because of our sins, including our leaders embracing and flaunting evil. Sad to say, even some churches are embracing what God has defined as sin.
None of this should take us by surprise.
We have tried to remove God from schools. It’s a constitutional “right” to kill babies in the womb—by the tens of millions. Marriage, according to the Supreme Court, is no longer just between one man and one woman. All 50 states must now officially recognize and perform same-sex marriages.
The Bible says this in the Gospel of John: “And this is the condemnation, that the light has come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil” (John 3:19).
A society that refuses to acknowledge God is in deep trouble. A nation that calls “evil good, and good evil” (Isaiah 5:20) and openly and unashamedly rebels against His ways is in even deeper trouble.
This is why our only hope is truly in God, and in His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ.
Jesus came to dispel the darkness. Speaking of the Savior 700 years before His birth, the Prophet Isaiah described His earthly ministry in Galilee where, “The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light; those who dwelt in the land of the shadow of death, upon them a light has shined” (Isaiah 9:2).
And the Apostle John declared in the prologue to his Gospel announcing Jesus’ coming into the world: “In Him was life, and the life was the light of men. And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it” (John 1:4-5).
It’s the Light of the Gospel, the Light of Christ, that shines into men’s hearts when they are born again, and it transforms them for all eternity. And it’s that Light that truly is the hope for our nation and for the whole world.
“A society that refuses to acknowledge God is in deep trouble. A nation that calls ‘evil good, and good evil’ (Isaiah 5:20) and openly and unashamedly rebels against His ways is in even deeper trouble. This is why our only hope is truly in God, and in His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ.”
We need that Light in the White House and halls of Congress. We need the moral principles of Scripture and laws founded firmly on the Judeo-Christian ethic to be once again the guiding light for legislation. We need that Light to shine in churches where the saving Gospel of Christ’s death on the cross for our sins, and His triumphant resurrection, are loudly proclaimed from the pulpit. We need that Light to shine in the hearts of believers so they can live boldly for the Name of Jesus Christ in a culture that has grown to hate God.  
Jesus is the Light of the world, and there is no darkness that can dispel or extinguish the Light.
As we begin a new year with a new administration that I believe will be decidedly hostile to believers, this is my earnest prayer, from 2 Chronicles 7:14: “If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.” Prayer and repentance on behalf of God’s people has always been the foundation for both personal and national revival. As the Holy Spirit purified His own people to live holy lives, God moves in His own mysterious ways to hear and answer their pleas.
I certainly am grateful for the past four years under President Trump, who did more to defend religious liberty and protect the rights of the unborn than any president in history. He wasn’t afraid at all to mention the Name of Christ, and there were quite a few members of his Cabinet and other officials who were outspoken about their faith in the Lord. He also was responsible for establishing the infrastructure to develop the COVID-19 vaccine in less than a year. That is a remarkable accomplishment that will save untold numbers of lives in this coming year!
We don’t know what 2021 will bring. Certainly no one had any notion as 2020 began that the entire world would be under siege from a microscopic virus.
What we must do is obey and believe one of my favorite Bible verses my mother taught me to memorize at a very early age. “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths” (Proverbs 3:5-6).
God is in control of men and nations. Our part is to pray, repent of sin, share the hope of Christ, and trust in His wisdom, love and sovereignty to lead us and guide us in the uncertain days to come.  
Scripture quotations are taken from The Holy Bible, New King James Version.
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heartforchrist · 4 years
The Great Falling Away... Welcoming The Signs Of The End Times
Falling Away....
The Bible indicates that there will be a great apostasy during the end times. The “great apostasy” is mentioned in 2 Thessalonians 2:3 The KJV calls it the “falling away,” while the NIV and ESV call it “the rebellion.” And that’s what an apostasy is: a rebellion, an abandonment of the truth. The end times will include a wholesale rejection of God’s revelation, a further “falling away” of an already fallen world.
Let no one deceive you by any means; for that Day will not come unless the falling away comes first. 2 Thessalonians 2:3. The Apostle did not want the brethren to confuse the Rapture of the Church with the Revelation of Jesus Christ when He comes to set up His kingdom. God’s Word tells us that certain events will transpire before Christ establishes His kingdom on earth. “Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day [the day of Christ] shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition” (2 Thessalonians 2:3). Here the Bible tells of the sign of the coming of the Antichrist—apostasy. As we look at Christendom today, we see in many circles a departure from the faith, people turning away from God and holiness, often “having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof” (2 Timothy 3:5). The falling away includes many who deny the virgin birth of Jesus Christ and deny that He is the divine Son of God. Some professing Christians have grown lukewarm, linking hands with the world. However, the Word says, “Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him” (1 John 2:15). This “mystery of iniquity” (2 Thessalonians 2:7) was already working in the days of the Apostles, but there was, and is, a hindering power—the Holy Spirit in His present office as the reprover of the world and gatherer of the Church. When this restraining One is taken from the world at the Rapture of the Church, then the Antichrist will be revealed.
Referring to the false teaching he mentioned in verse 2, Paul tells the Thessalonians not to allow anyone to deceive them concerning the day of the Lord. Obviously, some of the Christians at Thessalonica had fallen victim to an erroneous teaching: that the day of the Lord was already in progress. Paul explains in this verse that it will not begin until two events transpire.
First, there will be "the rebellion." This likely means an overt and extreme revolt against truth. The word translated "rebellion" can also be translated, "the falling away," "the apostasy," or "the departure." The use of a definite article—"the" in English, from hē in Greek—attached to the word for "rebellion" indicates a specific event previously mentioned in the passage. It may refer to Israel's revolt against Old Testament teaching when the nation turns to idolatry. Perhaps it refers to the state of the world following the departure of the church due to the rapture. It is noteworthy that Paul describes the rapture in verse 1 as "the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our being gathering together to him."
The second event Paul mentions in verse 3 is the appearance of "the man of lawlessness," "the son of destruction." God will punish the man of lawlessness by consigning him to eternal punishment in the lake of fire (Revelation 19:20–21).
Throughout history there have been many times when more people chose wickedness than righteousness. When this happens, people often live without prophets or priesthood authority for a time. The Great Apostasy happened after people rejected and tried to change the pure truths and organization of the Church established by the Savior. The first to speak of apostasy in the end times was the Lord Jesus Himself. He prophesied that in a coming time of tribulation this would be seen in a particular way, “At that time many will turn away from the faith and will betray and hate each other, and many false prophets will appear and deceive many people” (Matt 24:10-11). The same word is used in the parable of the sower and the four soils. From the seed that falls in stony places, it says: “But since they have no root, they last only a short time. When trouble or persecution comes because of the word, they quickly fall away” (Matt 13:21). Although the Word of God has had some effect on them, they fall away as soon as there are problems. The Lord Jesus called deception one of the most important end-time signs before His coming in glory. It is the only sign that is repeated three times in Matthew 24 (verses 4-5, 11, 23-26). And, although the culmination of the seduction will come in the last great tribulation period, we already see the harbingers of it. Elsewhere Paul says, “Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils” (1 Tim 4:1). Or, “Take heed, brethren, lest there be in any of you an evil heart of unbelief, in departing from the living God” (Heb 3:12). And, in 2 Timothy 4:4, in the context of warnings about the end times, Paul declares: “And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.” Christianity as a whole not only includes the true believers in Jesus Christ, but also all those who call themselves Christians culturally, but do not believe in their hearts. The whole West and many other parts of the world were influenced by Christianity and the Bible. We see this in history, literature, laws, habits, education, values and traditions, art, and in many other things…even in the division of our era into BC (Before Christ) and AD (Anno Domini, “in the year of our Lord”). It is frightening to see just how much has been lost in the last decades. Christian values are becoming a “scandal,” a motivation for mockery, contempt, and even persecution. Unfortunately, even true believers can be influenced by these worldly tendencies. In the context of 2 Timothy, Paul warns against a very dangerous time. If we now want to know whether the coming of the Lord is near, all we have to do is read the last words of the apostle Paul. In the second letter to Timothy, which could also be described as his will, the apostle shows the qualities that will characterize people in the end times. He introduces the subject with a grave warning: “This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come” (2 Tim 3:1). The qualities the apostle now begins to mention are not much different from those in Romans 1, where people are generally described who want to know nothing of God. Why, then, this serious warning? Not because the danger of the “last days” originates with people who are far from God, but because these evil qualities are visible where many consider (or considered) themselves Christians. The sexual and feminist revolution made fornication and infidelity something worth striving for, an expression of supposed authenticity and true love. The deliberate rejection of Christian thought exploded: on the one hand, more and more people turned to Eastern and demonic religions in their search for meaning; and on the other hand, the theory of evolution increasingly received the status of religious dogma. The decline in ethical reasoning has developed far-reaching consequences in the moral behavior of many. Drug use grew out of control. Open Satanism became “cool” (with the threadbare justification, “We don’t really believe in the devil”). All of this perverted so-called Christianity as never before. Some of the effects of this large-scale apostasy can be seen in 2 Timothy 3. When Paul speaks of the “last days,” he already means the time of Timothy (v. 5). But it is evident that the falling away has reached an unprecedented peak today. Paul starts with “lovers of their own selves.” The people of the end times are egocentric, selfish, and boastful. That is the essence of sin. The center of these self-loving people is themselves. It is the realm of the ego. And when the ego rules, there is no room for others. We see this today in many ways. Everything is about oneself, about self-discovery, about “my identity.” “I believe,” “I think,” “I want” is more important than the will of God. For self-loving people, there is no time for God and His interests. At most, He gets what still remains after the ego has been fulfilled. A profane proof of this development is self-portrayal online. We’ve become a selfie-society, where the big ego always appears first in the picture. This self-love is also expressed in an oversized love for one’s own body. Anyone today who doesn’t feel comfortable with it at best covers it with tattoos, undergoes cosmetic surgery, or, in the worst case, changes their sex. This self-love, in which man stands alone in the center and thinks himself the highest authority in heaven and earth, has long since infiltrated the churches. The feel-good theology of our time says, “God wants you to feel good. So only do what makes you feel good. It has to be right for you.” It gives license to do everything that brings fun, pleasure, or enjoyment. Whether it agrees with God’s Word is no longer important. Biblical principles such as devotion, being living sacrifices (Rom 12:2), or abstinence (Gal 5:24) are no longer modern and are barely heard from the pulpits. A steep falling away is occurring. Roman Catholics are now led by a Pope who denies cardinal doctrines and demonstrates his love for creation above the Creator. Protestants are led by mostly non-educated, self-centered, money-hungry false prophets whose only good use is to provide fodder for the Babylon Bee. Meanwhile, people in the pews are checking out, and this will only increase in the wake of the coronavirus. The mainstream media, once they start paying attention to the weakness of the modern church, will mount an all out attack. It is already beginning: "Some experts think the coronavirus could reshape the country's religious landscape and wipe out many small houses of worship." -- Washington Post, 04/24/20 This they said, I think, with glee. In spite of the fact that the Pope and the megachurch pastors get most of the religious press coverage in the world, the most common expression of the visible church is the small church, with 50-100 in regular attendance. If these can be wiped out, Christianity will be wiped out. But we will not fall or fail. The gates of Hell, the power of politics, and the mainstream media cannot stand against us. The best and strongest example of real, biblical Christianity will always be found in the small, Reformed, church. It is here that the Pastors and Elders and Deacons and Members know one another, love one another, help one another, and hold one another accountable. It is here that the Five Solas and the Doctrines of Grace provide a sure and solid theological foundation. It is here where the best defenses exist against the world, the flesh, and the devil. When it is time to come back to church, look for a small church sign in your community. It is a sign of the times. It is here you can find God, and find grace, to sustain you until the day you die, or until Christ comes again, whichever comes first.
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In His Image Created He Them
There are few objects more precious to God than those He created in His own image. Did you know that God loves lost souls? “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16); obviously, if He did not love lost souls, He would not have given His only begotten son to be a sacrifice for their sins so that He might redeem them to Himself. Consider Romans 5:8 which says, “But God commendeth His love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us”. Why does He love us so much that He would don a flesh and blood body and allow Himself to be nailed to a cursed cross in our stead? I honestly don’t know; how could a holy and just God love such a rotten, miserable being such as me. I can’t explain how; I just know that He does!
Here is another question we all should ponder very seriously. When exactly did God begin loving mankind? Take a look at Ephesians 1:4 for a clear answer. “According as He hath chosen us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before Him in love”. He has always known them; and if He has known them from before the foundation of the world, then it stands to reason He loved them before they were even born. That is right folks, God loves the unborn child!
Without question, our greatest national sin is idolatry, which is itself blasphemy. A blasphemous and idolatrous nation is one that profanes God. As a nation we do just that, profane God. Webster’s 1828 Dictionary defines the meaning of profane as thus: “Irreverence to anything sacred; applied to persons. A man is profane when he takes the name of God in vain, or TREATS SACRED THINGS WITH ABUSE AND IRREVERENCE”. Yes, our greatest sin is blasphemy; however, second only to this (some may be shocked to hear it is not chattel slavery) must be our bloody, brutal, and barbaric treatment of our unborn children.
Genesis 9:6 informs us just how sacred all human lives are to God, as well as why: “Whoso sheddeth man’s blood, by man shall his blood be shed: for in the image of God made He man”. (Genesis 9:6) Compared to the murder of millions upon millions of unborn children, slavery barely deserves a mention; yet, even for that lessor sin of slavery, this nation experienced the wrath of God in the form of Civil War. How much more enraged is God with this unmitigated slaughter of the most innocent among us? I am convinced that the recent political upheaval and civil unrest in this country are a very mild precursor to what is coming.
As a nation, we not only have adopted the following precept, we have now filled the White House, Congress, and Courts with evil people who will ensure this precept’s devilish legitimacy. “A human is only a potential person until it is able to ‘make aims and appreciate its own life’ Until such time, the child can be killed without any harm being done to an ‘actual person’ . . . [because] the moral status of an infant is equivalent to that of a fetus, that is, neither can be considered a ‘person’ in a morally relevant sense.” (Giubilini & Minerva)
STOP! READ THAT QUOTE AGAIN – SLOWLY! Folks, they are not talking only of unborn children here; this is a malevolent, satanic concept asserting a child should be able to be legally killed up to the age of two, and possibly beyond under certain circumstances. Oh, FYI, the two individuals to whom this quote is attributed are Doctors and their paper arguing for post-birth abortion was peer-reviewed and published by the Journal of Medical Ethics (JME) on 02.23.2012. Believe it or not folks, we now have politicians in office, and some former politicians who concur with this line of thinking.
“. . . every abomination to the LORD, which he hateth, have they done unto their gods; for even their sons and their daughters they have burnt in the fire to their gods.” (Deuteronomy12.31) Almost 62 million abortions have been reported in America since Roe vs Wade (1973); not all states are required to report (the number of military men and women killed in battle since April 19, 1775 is just over 1.2 million). Over 99% of those abortions were nothing less than sacrificial offerings to the gods of convenience!
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storytaeme · 7 years
i’m yours – day 31
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spoopy kinktober drabbles – NC17
➵ Pairing: Kim Taehyung x Jeon Jeongguk
➵ Prompt: Supernatural   ↪ content: vampires, blood drinking/play, handjob, addiction 
➵ Word Count: 3,477 words
There was almost something ephemeral to the experience. The action in and of itself was already something to cock an eyebrow at, the question of its ethicality raised in the midst of the blinding, authenticity of the sensations. But Taehyung was never one to ask a lot, or consider too much, about things he enjoyed.
The existence of such beings had been debated over centuries, arguments and ideas passed down over generations. The possibility of supernaturals—creatures unlike themselves—was a topic that people would rather not touch upon, in the chance that they might actually be true.
Taehyung, on the other hand, was fascinated by it. Ever since he was a child, perhaps he had always had a penchant towards the mythical and the strange. This included the monsters that his parents so pathetically despised. It was always the fear ingrained in them, rather than the actual loathing, that turned them away from the otherworldly beings. While they joined forces with the townspeople to supposedly rid the world of such a presence, raising their stakes and screaming their cries of freedom, Taehyung had done some investigating of his own.
It was due to his inquisitions that he found The Den. It wasn't a lair per se, no, vampires knew how to mould themselves into the community in order to eschew suspicion. The Den was somewhat of a safe haven, a place to gather for the children of the night. Taehyung had stumbled upon it one night after having trailed the traces of a human who had been running his mouth with the enthusiasm about the foul creatures. The kid had always been a little too mad, too obsessed with them. The villagers quickly and quietly found their way to banish him. Taehyung was smarter, of course, and ensured that his curiosity was never more than quiet questions whenever his parents were feeling especially manic about the issue.
Taehyung stepped into the bar filled with drunken patrons and jolly music. These were the humans who believed that The Den was a place that only served to cater to their needs for alcohol and feasts. Behind the bar stood Seokjin—a man Taehyung had grown accustomed to with how welcoming he was unlike the others. “Taehyung, here again?” he smiled, wiping down glasses, “I was expecting you tomorrow.”
“Figured I’d pull through today, I need to help my parents with the farm tomorrow,” Taehyung replied easily, tugging on his knapsack. That was half a lie. He still had time tomorrow to come to The Den, but he had an itching to go that night as well.
Seokjin raised an eyebrow, suspicion beginning to gnaw at his mind. “Tae, are you—”
“I’m fine,” he interrupted, “really.”
Seokjin had warned him very early on into his contract that there was an addictive aspect to the job. Taehyung knew that, was perfectly aware of how good everything felt when he was on that high. But he had always been more stubborn and resistant, he figured it wouldn’t be too bad. He should’ve known better. Now that he’s had a taste or two of the absolute euphoria, it was difficult to distance himself from it. However, he offered another reassuring grin at Seokjin who still looked doubtful.
“Alright,” Seokjin conceded, “make sure to tell Namjoon that I’m limiting you to one tonight. You had two the other day, we should give you some time to recuperate.”
Taehyung laughed, waving away the man’s worries, “I’m fine, hyung. I bounce back pretty fast.”
“I mean it,” the elder shot him another stern look, “tell Namjoon. If you don’t, I’m restricting your access.”
Swallowing the threat and letting it sink, Taehyung nodded obediently. “I will, cross my heart,” he promised. Seokjin gestured for him to enter down the dark hallway that had been marked off to everyone else. The passage wasn’t very long, but it went deep enough to hide the secrets behind closed doors. Taehyung pushed it open to be greeted by the receptionist and self-proclaimed manager, Namjoon. “Hey, hyung.”
“Taehyung, I wasn’t expecting you today. Aren’t you supposed to be resting?” Namjoon asked, tilting his head. What was it with everyone? Taehyung wasn’t a baby, he wasn’t fragile.
“I’m good, ready to go again.”
Namjoon stared at him with a deeper frown than Seokjin’s. He had always been the more observational one, more peculiar about noting people’s quirks. Taehyung forced his face to remain stoic as he regarded Namjoon in return. “Um, okay, I guess we can take you. We don’t have anymore clients for the night except—oh, this one’s your favorite.”
Taehyung’s heart lurched to his throat. His favorite. He already knew who it was. “Yeah? He’s coming tonight?”
The elder’s lips tipped up in a smirk. “Considering he only ever wants you, he must’ve sensed that you were coming.”
“I bet,” Taehyung murmured, “I’ll  be with him then. Is he here already?”
“Right here, darling.” The voice came as a whisper that snaked a shiver down Taehyung’s spine before he felt the cool touch of the vampire against his back. Taehyung stiffened. “Good evening, Namjoon, I see Taehyung has arrived.”
His words seemed to trigger another inkling of hesitation in Namjoon. Taehyung watched as the two regarded each other with cool eyes, expressions that meant nothing good for either of them. Namjoon was older than Jeongguk and stronger, he could easily take the man down. But Jeongguk was faster and had the built that could easily fling Namjoon across the room. “Jeon, did you—”
“Shall we set up?” Jeongguk smiled, baring his teeth seemingly innocently. Namjoon squinted at him again. “I’ve got a long night ahead of me.”
“The private room, I assume,” Namjoon said, running the pad of his finger down his sheet of booked and open rooms. “Fourth room on the west wing,” he recited, snatching up a key from behind him and tossing it over.
Jeongguk caught it without even blinking. With one last satisfied smile, he led Taehyung down another hallway. Taehyung could feel tingles lead up his arm from where his fingers were intertwined with the vampire’s, his heart beating rapidly in his chest. Warm, alive. Unlike Jeongguk’s. His had been dead a long time ago. The room was a constant for the two of them—where they would meet and interact, leaving the two of them with a feeling of utter bliss that couldn’t compare to any other sensations. Taehyung seated himself comfortably on the bed and Jeongguk had closed the door with a small click, before turning around to face him. The kid was younger, had been turned when he just reached adulthood at the raw age of 19. Taehyung—Taehyung was still aging. He didn’t know how old Jeongguk really was.
There was a near predatory look in Jeongguk’s eyes as he scanned Taehyung from the tips of his toes to the top of his head. Taehyung shrunk in his seat, wondering if he should be doing anything until he felt a slight breeze brush past him and Jeongguk was already seated by his side, hands working away at his buttons as he hummed happiliy to himself. If Jeongguk hadn’t been a vampire, he perhaps could’ve passed as a siren. His voice was soft and melodious, the kind of voice that could soothe you down and render you impotent, ready for the taking.
“You’ve got the prettiest skin, Taehyung,” Jeongguk murmured softly. He coaxed Taehyung back onto the bed, sheets silky underneath his fingertips, mattress allowing him to sink into the material. Taehyung felt himself relax considerably before Jeongguk hovered above him, nose running over the sensitive skin of his neck, up to the back of his ear. He inhaled deeply, savoring the scent that was so uniquely Taehyung. “Such nice skin, even nicer blood. I can hear it, baby,” Jeongguk’s lips twitched, flashing a hint of his sharp teeth.
Taehyung swallowed around nothing, hoping to calm his racing heart, but even then he could already feel his skin start to tingle in anticipation. His heart thudded louder in his chest and he knew, he just knew, Jeongguk could hear it too.
The kid smiled, pressing a soft kiss on the column of his neck that had Taehyung tilting his head further, hoping that he could offer more of him to Jeongguk. “Nervous?” he questioned quietly.
“No,” Taehyung responded earnestly. They had done this times before, maybe even a dozen times. Taehyung had lost count. However, each and every time, Jeongguk would never fail to leave him in a state of utter rapture. The feelings would sink and imprint onto his very bones, etching onto his skin like a temporary tattoo for a few days before the high would disappear again.
“Good,” Jeongguk grinned, teeth in full view this time. Taehyung eyed his fangs carefully, cautiously, with a gaze filled with curiosity. “I’m going to drink you up, baby,” Jeongguk whispered onto his skin again, hot breath ghosting over his weakest spots. He dragged his lips up to meet Taehyung’s, fixing them together so they could move in sync to the tempo of Taehyung’s heartbeat. As his heart echoed in his eardrums, Taehyung could only focus on the soft feel of Jeongguk’s lips against his.
Despite the man’s cold-hearted character, Taehyung could always feel heat emanating from his mouth whenever they kissed—puffed, warm breaths shared in between parted lips. “G-Guk,” Taehyung stuttered, tipping his chin further to the side so Jeongguk could have more access of his neck.
Jeongguk chuckled, bumping their noses together in a seemingly innocent gesture. The wildfire in his eyes indicated otherwise, they signaled the hunger swirling in his irises and thrumming through his veins. “Ever the eager one, are we?” he teased, teeth barely grazing over Taehyung’s skin. It certainly wasn’t enough to hurt, let alone slice through the surface, but it was enough to have the elder’s back arching in excitement. Taehyung released a small whimper when he realized that Jeongguk was only toying with him.
“You’re mean,” Taehyung pouted, bottom lip jutting out adorably.
He couldn’t resist. Jeongguk leaned forward and captured it between his teeth, sinking his teeth down ever so slightly to break the thin layer. Taehyung let out a small gasp as the tangy taste of blood coated his tongue. Jeongguk was quicker though, tongue swiftly darting out to lap up the intoxicating liquid. One he had been craving for quite some time. A guttural moan slipped past his lips, the sound almost animalistic. The taste of Taehyung’s blood on his tongue was like sugar, an addicting ingredient crucial to his every meal. While he relied mostly on blood bags and animals, there was nothing better than the flavor of fresh blood directly from the source.
Vampires were still creatures after all, they were far from human, and much too different from faunas Taehyung often spotted in the woods. They had their instincts and their share of interests. Their carnal urge relied heavily on feasting upon those half of their kind. Humans. Jeongguk had enough self-restraint to halt himself from massacring entire villages to delight himself in the occasional dessert. So he relied on places like The Den, places that catered to the sporadic desire to give into his survival tendencies.
“Sweet,” Jeongguk muttered, licking up Taehyung’s lips as the elder wrangled his fingers into Jeongguk’s shirt to pull him closer. “You taste even sweeter today, maybe it’s your desperation talking.”
“Jeongguk, fuck, please—”
“You’ve got a filthy mouth on you, baby,” Jeongguk smirked, teeth baring once again as he ran them over the vein pulsing in Taehyung’s neck. He could practically smell the blood, hear it pumping at a good pace through the boy’s system. “Do you want my hand on you today?”
Taehyung bit on his bottom lip, regretting it almost instantly when he felt the sting from the newly recovering wound. “Y-yes, please.”
Jeongguk aimed to please, after all. Taehyung had always given him what he wanted and went even beyond, so this was the least Jeongguk could do. Especially since the boy was a kinky little fuck who got off on being drank from. The younger helped Taehyung shimmy out of his pants, leaving him bare from waist down. “No underwear?” Jeongguk quirked an eyebrow.
At that, the elder blushed slightly. “Got too excited, I barely woke up before I stumbled over.”
“Cute,” Jeongguk laughed, a delightful sound that had Taehyung’s heart bubbling with joy. “Ready, baby?” he asked, searching Taehyung’s eyes for any sign of hesitation. He never found it, not in all his appointments with the boy, but it didn’t hurt to make sure. Taehyung gave him the nod.
If Jeongguk had a heart, perhaps it would be beating aloud, threatening to fall out of his chest with excitement. However, for now, he would settle on the other physical sensations. His teeth sank down on Taehyung’s flesh, the sharp fangs immediately catching and ripping through the skin. Blood almost instantly poured out of the lesion. The sweetness that flooded his mouth was almost unbearably delicious. Every touch of blood upon his tongue was like a new form of enlightenment.
Taehyung, on the other hand, could feel the blinding pleasure that came with the feeding. On his side, he could feel his insides warm and tremble. Every inch of his being felt as if he had been placed in the most paradisiacal place anyone could ever imagine to exist. It was like the touch of heaven, like God himself had come down to place a doting hand on his shoulder. The world seemed to glitter before his eyes as Jeongguk continued to mouth at the opening, the scarlet fluid trickling into his mouth in small doses. “Mm, J-Jeongguk, f-feels so good,” Taehyung whined, a little breathless.
“You taste so fucking good, baby,” Jeongguk growled, arm sliding underneath the boy to pull him closer. The monstrous side of him came to take charge, overwhelming him with the compulsion to drink, drink, drink. He wanted to drain Taehyung of every drop of blood, wanted to savor the taste on his tongue as the man continued to give him what he wanted.
The elder went pliant in his arms, limbs softening into jello and body weakening with the sublime sensations. It was as if his soul had left his mortal presence to ascend into the heavens. The taste of death has never been sweeter and Taehyung would happily embrace it if needed. The warmth seemed to travel down south, his blood running to the thickness between his legs.
Even before he arrived, he could already feel himself hardening, the desire for his master accumulating in the erection he held. Jeongguk had it then, fingers wrapped around it skillfully as he began to stroke the length. The pure gratification that came from Jeongguk’s mouth drinking him dry mingled perfectly with his hand’s ministrations around his cock. Jeongguk knew just how to twist his fingers, how to curl them around his shaft and tug with enough pressure to have Taehyung gasping and whining desperately.
Pleas fell from the elder’s mouth as he attempted to keep his desire in check, but it was proving rather difficult when Jeongguk’s teeth on his skin was still leaving him in a state of absolute ecstasy. His heart beat erratically in his chest, jumping to his mouth when Jeongguk ran his thumb over the slit, finger pushing into it ever so slightly. Taehyung thrust his hips into Jeongguk’s hand, desperately seeking the release he could practically taste.
While he has had the opportunity to come to a climax on his own, there was nothing better than having the young vampire’s touch on his skin, searing a mark so beautiful and permanent yet invisible upon his very being.
“Do you know why, Tae?” Jeongguk grinned, tongue dragging heat across his neck. Taehyung whined quietly, his cock still sliding in between Jeongguk’s fingers. “Do you know why you wanted to come here today?”
“B-because I had time,” Taehyung lied.
Jeongguk snorted disdainfully. Of course, he was never one to buy such pathetic excuses. Not when he was the one who understood Taehyung’s needs best.
“Because I wanted this—wanted you,” the eldeer whispered more honestly this time. Jeongguk rewarded him with cool kisses against his neck and teeth catching the shell of his heart. The younger was already working on closing up the wounds by licking up his skin. Just when Taehyung felt as if he was about ready to rest, his heart sounding a little quieter, Jeongguk’s fangs dug back inside and provoked another burst of blood into his mouth.
Fuck, Taehyung let out a wanton moan. His cock swelled painfully in Jeongguk’s hand, throbbing more achingly each second. Jeongguk giggled cutely, the kind that one would find adorable on young children, however strangely menacing when coming from a man—a monster—such as Jeon Jeongguk. “That’s a good start, do you know why you want me so much?”
Because he liked this. Because he liked the thrill and the high and everything that came in between. Because he liked Jeongguk and his teasing and his perfect hands and mouth. Because he liked being used like a little toy, a human blood bag that these powerful supernaturals could take advantage of and make him feel small.
There were so many reasons—too many even—to list. These were things that Taehyung would maybe never admit aloud, but Jeongguk would comprehend. They were one and the same, but at the same time severely different.
Taehyung’s cock pulsed angrily in the boy’s hold, actively seeking release as he jerked his hips up so Jeongguk could continue to stroke him. However, his next words might just be what set him off.
“Because I own you,” Jeongguk whispered. Owned. Jeongguk owned him. The thought was terrifying yet at the same time, taboo enough to have his blood rushing at an inhuman pace to satisfy Jeongguk who was still drinking his saccharine nectar.
“Y-you own me?” Taehyung echoed, more of a question in surprise. He was much too delirious at that point to understand anything remotely complex, and this perhaps seemed like an issue much better settled if he were sober. Yet, at that moment, he could barely care less.
“I own you,” Jeongguk grunted, squeezing his fingers tight around Taehyung’s cock. “I own you, every part of you, for now and for eternity. I’ve been drinking your blood so often, you’ve had my touch, my bite on parts of you that would leave scars. We are a part of each other, we are bound, Taehyung. You and I.”
Oh fuck. Oh God. Taehyung had heard of such myths, had heard of folk lores passed down through his family and through the townspeople, but not once had he listened. He had been too busy fulfilling the prophecy himself.
“I summoned you here tonight,” Jeongguk growled, eyes flashing a dangerous shade of red. His eyes had always been brown and soft when unharmed, but when his other side was prompted, Taehyung could see the flecks of ruby in his irises, a glow that was undeniably otherworldly. “I made you come here. I planted a seed in your mind, but you nurtured it, you let it grow, until you came to the conclusion that you wanted to come here yourself.”
Christ. What has he done? Taehyung knew that a part of him did want this, did desire the entirety of Jeongguk’s presence and actions. But the younger’s disclosure had rooted a doubt that perhaps—perhaps this wasn’t all him.
But he and Jeongguk, as the man said, were bound then. They were soulmates, blood with blood, skin on skin. They were two beings connected as one.
“You’re beautiful, you’re wonderful, the sweetest thing I have ever feasted upon,” Jeongguk snarled, fingers jerking faster. The rate at which he was stroking Taehyung’s member had the elder writhing into the sheets and sobbing desperately, crying for that high he needed. “But most of all, you are mine.”
There was nothing that could enamor Taehyung more than the idea of being loved and protected, but being owned was in its league of its own. The mere concept of Jeongguk having the entirety of his soul had his heart pumping a different rhythm, his cock pulsating before he was chasing after that climax and reaching his peak. White liquid flowed from the reddened head of his cock, pouring out and coating Jeongguk’s pale fingers with the viscous liquid that could easily be hidden by the color of his digits. It was a pretty sight and Taehyung wished—he could only wish—that he could have this everyday for the rest of his life.
Then again, he and Jeongguk were entwined, their existences secured with a link.
Jeongguk smiled as he stroked Taehyung’s hair afterwards. “What are you, baby?” he whispered, voice soft and gentle, unlike the terrifying growls he had earlier.
“I’m yours.”
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thexerohour · 4 years
Politically Agnostic is a Misnomer
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October 23, 2020
by J. Slaughter
    Someone recently asked me what I thought of the term “Politically Agnostic”. Initially, I thought to myself, “I think I addressed that in Episode 50 of The Xero Hour Podcast.
     There’s a bunch of people like that, running around pretending to be neutral because they’re still at their default-liberal settings. I know of one guy like that in particular. He’s got an opinion on everything, but he likes to pretend that his opinions are neutral. He wants to make you believe that his thoughts are well balanced and non-biased. But here’s what he’s not telling you. He knows what opinions are most expedient to pronounce, but he doesn’t seem to believe those opinions. He knows how to coerce you into changing your opinions. He’s a grifter.
     Most people are default-liberals (Center-Left), and the things that he says are just going to reinforce an acceptable liberal perspective, with a thin veneer of spirituality just to make it more palatable (and I have to say spirituality because Christianity isn’t a marketable term). Now my friend, he’s savvy to all that stuff. He’s a salesperson. He’s an entertainer and a presenter. But one thing he’s not is politically neutral. Everyone has a political standing. Everyone. Every. Single. Person. But, that’s something I’ll address later.
    Right now, we need to look at this phrase, “Politically Agnostic”. Politically Agnostic is a marketing phrase, meaning, it’s made up. It’s not a real set of words that are meant to go together, so it’s not a phrase that people use. Politically Agnostic is something that was likely engineered to appeal to ‘spiritual’ people, or for use in SEO results.
    I felt like my original assessment of the term politically agnostic was underdeveloped, and so I did a little bit of research just to see if my instincts were correct. I pulled up a few search results that date back quite a few years, but not much from recent times. After I read up on it a bit, I still feel like the phrase is something that was picked out of obscurity, because it would be good for marketing. However, the phrase should have a meaning. Words have meaning. And, with closer inspection, we can see that this is an odd combination of words indeed.
    According to Merriam Webster (which has been recently exposed for changing the definitions of words arbitrarily, see “sexual preference”) the word agnostic means :
Definition of AGNOSTIC (noun)
1: a person who holds the view that any ultimate reality (as God) is unknown and probably unknowable; broadly: one who is not committed to believing in either the existence or the nonexistence of God or a god
2: a person who is unwilling to commit to an opinion about something <political agnostics>
    Here’s the thing I can’t wrap my head around. The second definition of agnostic is a person who is unwilling to commit to an opinion about something. People are always trying to sell us on this idea when it comes to politics. It’s as if they are somehow “above it all” by remaining uninvolved. But in this case, inaction is the action. Agnosticism is a choice. Not to be confused with Indifference which is “the lack of difference or distinction between two or more things”, or in other words “ignorance”. There is a BIG distinction to be made between one’s Agnosticism and one’s Indifference.
    When people are too fearful or too foolish to make the necessary sacrifices to commit; or are unwilling to change their true values and beliefs, then it becomes expedient for them to try and take the third approach. One that says they’re just not going to engage, as if that’s a wiser decision. It’s much easier to dismiss a political issue entirely than to face the cognitive dissonance of forming an opinion that disagrees with your actions. Why take the risk of offending some of your friends by taking a hard stance on some political issue when you can just pretend that it doesn’t matter. I mean, isn’t that what Jesus did? Well, no. I don’t think the Bible teaches anything like that sort of thinking or ideology.
    Jesus never claimed to be politically indifferent or agnostic. When he was pressed on political issues, he exposed the categorical differences between his positioning and the positions that they were trying to impose on him. There’s a big difference between favoring one concept to the expense of another, and just pretending that the other concept doesn’t exist entirely.
     So, when they asked “Is it lawful to give tribute unto Caesar, or not?” (an issue of affection and allegiance), Christ answered, “Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar’s and unto God the things that are God’s.” In this, He highlighted the categorical difference between spiritual affection and political duty. When they tried to provoke Jesus to anger by reporting that Pilate had killed some of the Galileans during their sacrificial worship (and probably sacrificing those men as well), he responded
“Suppose ye that these Galileans were sinners above all the Galileans because they suffered such things? I tell you, Nay: but, except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish.”
    This was neither agnosticism nor indifference. Christ was quite committed to the message that he preached and I think that we ought to follow suit. The Bible doesn’t espouse political indifference, but quite the contrary:
Romans 13:1 “Let every person be in subjection to the governing authorities.
    Therefore, the phrase agnostic reeks of ignorance and cowardice, in my opinion. If you’re ignorant then you should be willing to learn. You only refuse knowledge out of fear or foolishness. If you’re unwilling to learn, then we have to assume that you’re a either a fool or a coward. That covers both definitions of the word agnostic. Let’s move on to politics.
Definition of politics
1a: the art or science of government
b: the art or science concerned with guiding or influencing governmental policy
c: the art or science concerned with winning and holding control over a government
2: political actions, practices, or policies
3a: political affairs or business
especially : competition between competing interest groups or individuals for power and leadership (as in a government)
b: political life especially as a principal activity or profession
c: political activities characterized by artful and often dishonest practices
4: the political opinions or sympathies of a person
    Because neither I, nor most people that I know, are not directly involved with or employed in politics on a governmental level, including Church politics, we have to understand that the only definition that applies to us directly would be the fifth definition.
5a: the total complex of relations between people living in society
b: relations or conduct in a particular area of experience especially as seen or dealt with from a political point of view
    This means that politics has more to do with relationships, personal experiences, and community. It’s how we deal with the issues that arise from within. Our political ideologies may be deeply factored into those relationships, and the ‘total complex of relations’, but at its root, it is the ideology that drives our actions. That’s why it’s important to understand where your thoughts come from, and where they lead.
    Whether or not sexual predators should be allowed within a certain distance of a playground, or whether or not the government should allow churches to remain open during a Covid-19 pandemic, or whether or not an activist group should be able to compel a baker to participate in their festivities, against his religion, are all examples of politics. Not every conflict has to be adjudicated on a governmental level. This is why the Bible tells us to judge among ourselves, problems within the Church. But, I think it is the willingness among people to remain milquetoast about civil issues, that requires the government to intervene. Before the concept of MAGA, no one had an opinion about whether or not people should wear red hats (unless they really, really hated Limp Bizkit). Now, it’s a social issue. In many social conflicts, we ought to have thought out and set precedent, way before these things get to a governmental level.
    The third and final part of this analysis is the perception of value that’s attached to the concept of Political Agnosticism. At its root, I think it’s probably closer to postmodernism. In the sense that things lose meaning or have no meaning at all. If something cannot be deemed important, then there’s no reason to form an opinion on it. I think this absolves one of his responsibility to engage in the world in a meaningful fashion. It absolves one all responsibility toward his brothers and sisters on a personal day-to-day level but elevates selfishness. Because we are born into families, and those families make up communities, I believe that man is meant to be a communal creature. Therefore politics is essential to our social makeup. You can’t have any hard perspectives or opinions on social matters without acknowledging that, the root of all social matters are, in nature, political.
    What the left has done in today’s culture has been to change the meaning of politics to something that it doesn’t, while changing the meaning of the word social and applying the original meanings of politics and ethics. When words change in such a drastic and swift manner, they lose meaning. So on its face, political agnosticism is a word salad that truly has no real meaning. It would be better for one to be honest about their understanding, or lack thereof; to be honest about their interest, or lack thereof, without using this misnomer. You have an opinion, even if you don’t have all the facts. Just be honest.
     As I said at the beginning of this essay, everyone has a political standing. It may simply be that you don’t know what that is or how to find out. It is very important and helpful to have a personal understanding of your thoughts and instincts on all matters social or political because they affect how you perceive and navigate the world. If you’re interested in finding out where you stand in general, try taking The Political Compass Test. You can find out where your own thoughts lie, and what major historical figures shared your point of view. You’ll even be able to print out a certificate of completion when you’re done (to share with all your friends). https://www.politicalcompass.org/
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spiritualdirections · 7 years
What is “the Spirit of Vatican II”?
A student was reading on her own some stuff about the Church, and came across the contentious phrase, “the Spirit of Vatican II.” Just what is that phrase supposed to mean?, she asked me. 
Here is Pope Benedict’s reflection on this theme, as expressed in his 2005 Christmas address to the Roman Curia (the bureaucracy of the Vatican), traditionally a moment when the Pope expresses a vision for how to think about the administration of the Church:
The question arises:  Why has the implementation of the Council, in large parts of the Church, thus far been so difficult?
Well, it all depends on the correct interpretation of the Council or - as we would say today - on its proper hermeneutics, the correct key to its interpretation and application. The problems in its implementation arose from the fact that two contrary hermeneutics came face to face and quarrelled with each other. One caused confusion, the other, silently but more and more visibly, bore and is bearing fruit.
On the one hand, there is an interpretation that I would call "a hermeneutic of discontinuity and rupture"; it has frequently availed itself of the sympathies of the mass media, and also one trend of modern theology. On the other, there is the "hermeneutic of reform", of renewal in the continuity of the one subject-Church which the Lord has given to us. She is a subject which increases in time and develops, yet always remaining the same, the one subject of the journeying People of God.
The hermeneutic of discontinuity risks ending in a split between the pre-conciliar Church and the post-conciliar Church. It asserts that the texts of the Council as such do not yet express the true spirit of the Council. It claims that they are the result of compromises in which, to reach unanimity, it was found necessary to keep and reconfirm many old things that are now pointless. However, the true spirit of the Council is not to be found in these compromises but instead in the impulses toward the new that are contained in the texts.
These innovations alone were supposed to represent the true spirit of the Council, and starting from and in conformity with them, it would be possible to move ahead. Precisely because the texts would only imperfectly reflect the true spirit of the Council and its newness, it would be necessary to go courageously beyond the texts and make room for the newness in which the Council's deepest intention would be expressed, even if it were still vague.
In a word:  it would be necessary not to follow the texts of the Council but its spirit. In this way, obviously, a vast margin was left open for the question on how this spirit should subsequently be defined and room was consequently made for every whim.
The whole discourse is long, but fascinating. Fr. Joseph Ratzinger was a theological expert at Vatican II, so he was there at the beginning and, over the rest of his life, reflected about how the Council’s intentions were received and implemented... or not.
The Pope continues
The nature of a Council as such is therefore basically misunderstood. In this way, it is considered as a sort of constituent that eliminates an old constitution and creates a new one. However, the Constituent Assembly needs a mandator and then confirmation by the mandator, in other words, the people the constitution must serve. The Fathers had no such mandate and no one had ever given them one; nor could anyone have given them one because the essential constitution of the Church comes from the Lord and was given to us so that we might attain eternal life and, starting from this perspective, be able to illuminate life in time and time itself.
Through the Sacrament they have received, Bishops are stewards of the Lord's gift. They are "stewards of the mysteries of God" (I Cor 4: 1); as such, they must be found to be "faithful" and "wise" (cf. Lk 12: 41-48). This requires them to administer the Lord's gift in the right way, so that it is not left concealed in some hiding place but bears fruit, and the Lord may end by saying to the administrator:  "Since you were dependable in a small matter I will put you in charge of larger affairs" (cf. Mt 25: 14-30; Lk 19: 11-27).
These Gospel parables express the dynamic of fidelity required in the Lord's service; and through them it becomes clear that, as in a Council, the dynamic and fidelity must converge.
The hermeneutic of discontinuity is countered by the hermeneutic of reform, as it was presented first by Pope John XXIII in his Speech inaugurating the Council on 11 October 1962 and later by Pope Paul VI in his Discourse for the Council's conclusion on 7 December 1965.
Here I shall cite only John XXIII's well-known words, which unequivocally express this hermeneutic when he says that the Council wishes "to transmit the doctrine, pure and integral, without any attenuation or distortion". And he continues:  "Our duty is not only to guard this precious treasure, as if we were concerned only with antiquity, but to dedicate ourselves with an earnest will and without fear to that work which our era demands of us...". It is necessary that "adherence to all the teaching of the Church in its entirety and preciseness..." be presented in "faithful and perfect conformity to the authentic doctrine, which, however, should be studied and expounded through the methods of research and through the literary forms of modern thought. The substance of the ancient doctrine of the deposit of faith is one thing, and the way in which it is presented is another...", retaining the same meaning and message (The Documents of Vatican II, Walter M. Abbott, S.J., p. 715).
It is clear that this commitment to expressing a specific truth in a new way demands new thinking on this truth and a new and vital relationship with it; it is also clear that new words can only develop if they come from an informed understanding of the truth expressed, and on the other hand, that a reflection on faith also requires that this faith be lived. In this regard, the programme that Pope John XXIII proposed was extremely demanding, indeed, just as the synthesis of fidelity and dynamic is demanding.
However, wherever this interpretation guided the implementation of the Council, new life developed and new fruit ripened. Forty years after the Council, we can show that the positive is far greater and livelier than it appeared to be in the turbulent years around 1968. Today, we see that although the good seed developed slowly, it is nonetheless growing; and our deep gratitude for the work done by the Council is likewise growing.
Pope Benedict continued to deepen the problem that gave rise to the “Spirit of Vatican II” interpretation of the Council--that the purpose of the Council was to change the way the Church related to the modern world:
In his Discourse closing the Council, Paul VI pointed out a further specific reason why a hermeneutic of discontinuity can seem convincing.
In the great dispute about man which marks the modern epoch, the Council had to focus in particular on the theme of anthropology. It had to question the relationship between the Church and her faith on the one hand, and man and the contemporary world on the other (cf. ibid.). The question becomes even clearer if, instead of the generic term "contemporary world", we opt for another that is more precise:  the Council had to determine in a new way the relationship between the Church and the modern era.
This relationship had a somewhat stormy beginning with the Galileo case. It was then totally interrupted when Kant described "religion within pure reason" and when, in the radical phase of the French Revolution, an image of the State and the human being that practically no longer wanted to allow the Church any room was disseminated.
In the 19th century under Pius IX, the clash between the Church's faith and a radical liberalism and the natural sciences, which also claimed to embrace with their knowledge the whole of reality to its limit, stubbornly proposing to make the "hypothesis of God" superfluous, had elicited from the Church a bitter and radical condemnation of this spirit of the modern age. Thus, it seemed that there was no longer any milieu open to a positive and fruitful understanding, and the rejection by those who felt they were the representatives of the modern era was also drastic.
In the meantime, however, the modern age had also experienced developments. People came to realize that the American Revolution was offering a model of a modern State that differed from the theoretical model with radical tendencies that had emerged during the second phase of the French Revolution.
The natural sciences were beginning to reflect more and more clearly their own limitations imposed by their own method, which, despite achieving great things, was nevertheless unable to grasp the global nature of reality.
So it was that both parties were gradually beginning to open up to each other. In the period between the two World Wars and especially after the Second World War, Catholic statesmen demonstrated that a modern secular State could exist that was not neutral regarding values but alive, drawing from the great ethical sources opened by Christianity.
Catholic social doctrine, as it gradually developed, became an important model between radical liberalism and the Marxist theory of the State. The natural sciences, which without reservation professed a method of their own to which God was barred access, realized ever more clearly that this method did not include the whole of reality. Hence, they once again opened their doors to God, knowing that reality is greater than the naturalistic method and all that it can encompass.
It might be said that three circles of questions had formed which then, at the time of the Second Vatican Council, were expecting an answer. First of all, the relationship between faith and modern science had to be redefined. Furthermore, this did not only concern the natural sciences but also historical science for, in a certain school, the historical-critical method claimed to have the last word on the interpretation of the Bible and, demanding total exclusivity for its interpretation of Sacred Scripture, was opposed to important points in the interpretation elaborated by the faith of the Church.
Secondly, it was necessary to give a new definition to the relationship between the Church and the modern State that would make room impartially for citizens of various religions and ideologies, merely assuming responsibility for an orderly and tolerant coexistence among them and for the freedom to practise their own religion.
Thirdly, linked more generally to this was the problem of religious tolerance - a question that required a new definition of the relationship between the Christian faith and the world religions. In particular, before the recent crimes of the Nazi regime and, in general, with a retrospective look at a long and difficult history, it was necessary to evaluate and define in a new way the relationship between the Church and the faith of Israel.
These are all subjects of great importance - they were the great themes of the second part of the Council - on which it is impossible to reflect more broadly in this context. It is clear that in all these sectors, which all together form a single problem, some kind of discontinuity might emerge. Indeed, a discontinuity had been revealed but in which, after the various distinctions between concrete historical situations and their requirements had been made, the continuity of principles proved not to have been abandoned. It is easy to miss this fact at a first glance.
It is precisely in this combination of continuity and discontinuity at different levels that the very nature of true reform consists. In this process of innovation in continuity we must learn to understand more practically than before that the Church's decisions on contingent matters - for example, certain practical forms of liberalism or a free interpretation of the Bible - should necessarily be contingent themselves, precisely because they refer to a specific reality that is changeable in itself. It was necessary to learn to recognize that in these decisions it is only the principles that express the permanent aspect, since they remain as an undercurrent, motivating decisions from within. On the other hand, not so permanent are the practical forms that depend on the historical situation and are therefore subject to change.
Basic decisions, therefore, continue to be well-grounded, whereas the way they are applied to new contexts can change. Thus, for example, if religious freedom were to be considered an expression of the human inability to discover the truth and thus become a canonization of relativism, then this social and historical necessity is raised inappropriately to the metaphysical level and thus stripped of its true meaning. Consequently, it cannot be accepted by those who believe that the human person is capable of knowing the truth about God and, on the basis of the inner dignity of the truth, is bound to this knowledge.
It is quite different, on the other hand, to perceive religious freedom as a need that derives from human coexistence, or indeed, as an intrinsic consequence of the truth that cannot be externally imposed but that the person must adopt only through the process of conviction.
The Second Vatican Council, recognizing and making its own an essential principle of the modern State with the Decree on Religious Freedom, has recovered the deepest patrimony of the Church. By so doing she can be conscious of being in full harmony with the teaching of Jesus himself (cf. Mt 22: 21), as well as with the Church of the martyrs of all time. The ancient Church naturally prayed for the emperors and political leaders out of duty (cf. I Tm 2: 2); but while she prayed for the emperors, she refused to worship them and thereby clearly rejected the religion of the State.
The martyrs of the early Church died for their faith in that God who was revealed in Jesus Christ, and for this very reason they also died for freedom of conscience and the freedom to profess one's own faith - a profession that no State can impose but which, instead, can only be claimed with God's grace in freedom of conscience. A missionary Church known for proclaiming her message to all peoples must necessarily work for the freedom of the faith. She desires to transmit the gift of the truth that exists for one and all.
At the same time, she assures peoples and their Governments that she does not wish to destroy their identity and culture by doing so, but to give them, on the contrary, a response which, in their innermost depths, they are waiting for - a response with which the multiplicity of cultures is not lost but instead unity between men and women increases and thus also peace between peoples.
The Second Vatican Council, with its new definition of the relationship between the faith of the Church and certain essential elements of modern thought, has reviewed or even corrected certain historical decisions, but in this apparent discontinuity it has actually preserved and deepened her inmost nature and true identity.
The Church, both before and after the Council, was and is the same Church, one, holy, catholic and apostolic, journeying on through time; she continues "her pilgrimage amid the persecutions of the world and the consolations of God", proclaiming the death of the Lord until he comes (cf. Lumen Gentium, n. 8).
Those who expected that with this fundamental "yes" to the modern era all tensions would be dispelled and that the "openness towards the world" accordingly achieved would transform everything into pure harmony, had underestimated the inner tensions as well as the contradictions inherent in the modern epoch.
They had underestimated the perilous frailty of human nature which has been a threat to human progress in all the periods of history and in every historical constellation. These dangers, with the new possibilities and new power of man over matter and over himself, did not disappear but instead acquired new dimensions: a look at the history of the present day shows this clearly.
In our time too, the Church remains a "sign that will be opposed" (Lk 2: 34) - not without reason did Pope John Paul II, then still a Cardinal, give this title to the theme for the Spiritual Exercises he preached in 1976 to Pope Paul VI and the Roman Curia. The Council could not have intended to abolish the Gospel's opposition to human dangers and errors.
On the contrary, it was certainly the Council's intention to overcome erroneous or superfluous contradictions in order to present to our world the requirement of the Gospel in its full greatness and purity.
The steps the Council took towards the modern era which had rather vaguely been presented as "openness to the world", belong in short to the perennial problem of the relationship between faith and reason that is re-emerging in ever new forms. The situation that the Council had to face can certainly be compared to events of previous epochs.
In his First Letter, St Peter urged Christians always to be ready to give an answer (apo-logia) to anyone who asked them for the logos, the reason for their faith (cf. 3: 15).
This meant that biblical faith had to be discussed and come into contact with Greek culture and learn to recognize through interpretation the separating line but also the convergence and the affinity between them in the one reason, given by God.
When, in the 13th century through the Jewish and Arab philosophers, Aristotelian thought came into contact with Medieval Christianity formed in the Platonic tradition and faith and reason risked entering an irreconcilable contradiction, it was above all St Thomas Aquinas who mediated the new encounter between faith and Aristotelian philosophy, thereby setting faith in a positive relationship with the form of reason prevalent in his time. There is no doubt that the wearing dispute between modern reason and the Christian faith, which had begun negatively with the Galileo case, went through many phases, but with the Second Vatican Council the time came when broad new thinking was required.
Its content was certainly only roughly traced in the conciliar texts, but this determined its essential direction, so that the dialogue between reason and faith, particularly important today, found its bearings on the basis of the Second Vatican Council.
This dialogue must now be developed with great open-mindedness but also with that clear discernment that the world rightly expects of us in this very moment. Thus, today we can look with gratitude at the Second Vatican Council:  if we interpret and implement it guided by a right hermeneutic, it can be and can become increasingly powerful for the ever necessary renewal of the Church.
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dfroza · 4 years
A call to repentance and humility of heart & mind
is seen 2,000 years ago from John sharing a message in the wilderness with Today’s reading of chapter 3 in the book of Matthew:
Around the same time, a man called John began to travel, preach, and ritually wash people through baptism in the wilderness of Judea. John preached a stern but exciting message.
John: Repent! For the kingdom of heaven is near.
John’s proclamation fulfilled a promise made by the ancient prophet Isaiah, who had said, “There will be a voice calling from the desert, saying,
Prepare the road for the Eternal One’s journey;
repair and straighten out every mile of our God’s highway.”
John wore wild clothes made from camel hair with a leather belt around his waist—the clothes of an outcast, a rebel. He ate locusts and wild honey.
People from Jerusalem, all of Judea, and indeed from all around the river Jordan came to John. They confessed their sins, and they were baptized by him in the Jordan.
He told some Pharisees and Sadducees who came for the ritual baptism,
John: You children of serpents! You brood of vipers! Did someone suggest you flee from the wrath that is upon us? If you think that simply hopping in the Jordan will cleanse you, then you are sorely mistaken. Your life must bear the fruits of turning toward righteousness. Nor are you correct if you think that being descended from Abraham is enough to make you holy and right with God. Yes, the children of Abraham are God’s chosen children, but God can adopt as daughters and sons anyone He likes—He can turn these stones into sons if He likes.
Even now there is an ax poised at the root of every tree, and every tree that does not bear good fruit will be cut down and tossed into the fire. I ritually cleanse you through baptism as a mark of turning your life around. But someone is coming after me, someone whose sandals I am not fit to carry, someone who is more powerful than I. He will wash you not in water but in fire and with the Holy Spirit. He carries a winnowing fork in His hand, and He will clear His threshing floor; He will gather up the good wheat in His barn, and He will burn the chaff with a fire that cannot be put out.
And then, the One of whom John spoke—the all-powerful Jesus—came to the Jordan from Galilee to be washed by John. At first, John demurred.
John: I need to be cleansed by You. Why do You come to me?
Jesus: It will be right, true, and faithful to God’s chosen path for you to cleanse Me with your hands in the Jordan River.
John agreed, and he ritually cleansed Jesus, dousing Him in the waters of the Jordan. Jesus emerged from His baptism; and at that moment heaven was opened, and Jesus saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and coming upon Him, alighting on His very body.
Voice from Heaven: This is My Son, whom I love; this is the Apple of My eye; with Him I am well pleased.
The Book of Matthew, Chapter 3 (The Voice)
my personal reading of the Scriptures for Thursday, june 18 of 2020 with a paired chapter from each Testament along with Today’s Psalms and Proverbs
And a set of posts to accompany Today’s reading about the spiritual truth in Love shared by John Parsons:
Our Torah portion for this week (i.e., Shelach-Lekha) is a “heavy one” since it reports the “Sin of the Spies” (i.e., chet ha’meraglim: חטא המרגלים) and the subsequent failure of the people to trust that the Lord would take care for them. The people’s lack of bittachon (trust) in God is the most serious sin recorded in all the Torah, even more serious than the sin of the Golden Calf (i.e., chet ha’egel: חטא העגל). This is confirmed by the testimony of the New Testament, which presents the fate of the Exodus generation as the dire warning of apostasy for those who claim to follow the Messiah (see Heb. 3:7-4:2).
Trust, then, is the central issue, though in order to trust God, you must believe that you are valuable to Him and that He genuinely desires relationship with you... God redeemed you so you could know and love Him (Isa. 43:1). In this connection it is important to notice that the spies said, "we were in our eyes like grasshoppers" (Num. 13:33). They felt small because they had forgotten the reason for their redemption - they had forgotten how much they meant to God! Their lack of self-respect made them feel unworthy of the inheritance. The sin of the spies was not simply that they doubted they could overcome the “giants in the land,” but rather that they were worthy people in God’s eyes... Sadly the spies view of themselves was more real to them than God’s view of them, and that is why they added, “and so we were (like grasshoppers) in their eyes.” From a spiritual point of view, this was profoundly tragic...
One lesson we can learn from the unbelief of the spies is that we must be careful to esteem ourselves properly. We are created be’tzelem Elohim (in the image of God), and that is the starting point for everything else revealed in the Torah. This foundational idea may be expressed as "respect precedes Torah." Self-esteem and self-worth are very important characteristics because they enable the soul to receive the Word of God. This isn’t a selfish, narcissistic type of love. If you have no self-worth, then it is likely you will believe the promises of Scripture are for other people, but not for you. You will regard yourself as an “outsider” or “alien” who is without promise of inheritance. So we have to begin there, with the fact that God created you in His image and therefore you are of infinite value. You matter to God - and therefore you must respect yourself. It is no mark of holiness to shame or belittle yourself - notwithstanding your sinful nature - since you have a duty to honor yourself as one of God's created children. Dishonoring yourself violates the central ethical commandment of the Torah: "You shall love your neighbor as yourself" (Lev. 19:18). How can you respect others if you don’t respect yourself? You will regard yourself as “insect like” and will tend to view others as “gigantic” threats; you will act defensively and walk in fear of other people.... This is the path of a person living in a prison of fear, and it is a type of hell. Trusting in God’s personal love for you presupposes that you are worthy to be loved and that there is a divine inheritance for you. This gives you real courage to go take possession of the land as its rightful heir. Trusting in God means regarding God’s view of you as more real than your own. It means allowing yourself to be “drawn close” so that you can be in a genuine love relationship with your Heavenly Father. "From now on, therefore, we regard no one (including ourselves) according to the flesh..." (2 Cor. 5:16).
We “walk by faith, not by sight,” which means we must take hold of the promise of God, even in a world that “devours its inhabitants” and that is filled of seemingly invincible giants... Faith believes the possible, even in moments of testing and struggle. As Yeshua said, "All things are possible for the one who believes" (Mark 9:23). [Hebrew for Christians]
6.17.20 • Facebook
The spies said, “we seemed to ourselves like grasshoppers, and so we seemed to them" (Num. 13:33). Here the sages note the subtle - yet profound - connection between how we see ourselves and how we imagine that others see us... This sort of “projection” is common enough in everyday life. However, while it may be valid for you to sometimes feel small, inadequate, and even “grasshoppery,” it is not valid to claim that this is how you are regarded by others. After all, how do you know how you appear to others? And, moreover, what difference does that make in light of who God says you are? In other words, who or what defines you? Do you need the approval of man to exist, or the approval of God? Worrying about how others see you, seeking your self worth among the fickle passions of men, is cowardly, carnal and self-centered. When the spies said that “the land devours it inhabitants” (Num. 13:32), they projected their own hidden fears. Instead of seeing God at work, preparing the way for the Israelites to more easily conquer the land, the spies saw only themselves, and that led to the irreparable sin of unbelief...
We lose sight of what is real because we want the blessing on our own terms, apart from the miracle... The legalist is actually enslaved to the idea of God’s conditional acceptance: “If you obey, then you belong.” There is still some faith that the right religious scruples, the affirmation of a particular creed, and the practice of certain rituals will gain us access to His heart. The message of the cross scandalizes the religious because it boldly states, "if you believe, then you belong.” As Kierkegaard rightly observed, "And this is the simple truth - that to live is to feel oneself lost. He who accepts it has already begun to find himself, to be on firm ground. Instinctively, as do the shipwrecked, he will look around for something to which to cling, and that tragic, ruthless glance, absolutely sincere, because it is a question of his salvation, will cause him to bring order into the chaos of his life. These are the only genuine ideas; the ideas of the shipwrecked. All the rest is rhetoric, posturing, farce." For Kierkegaard, religious rituals devoid of a sense of crisis within the heart are little more than a sham. “I think of the times I tried to use him to make my life secure, and undisturbed, and painless. Also the times I was enslaved by fear of him, and by the need to protect myself against him through rites and circumstances” (de Mello). Ritualistic behavior is a tawdry substitute for trusting that His heart is forever present for you. [Hebrew for Christians]
6.18.20 • Facebook
Spiritual regeneration or transformation isn’t just leaving the sinful past behind you, but discovering the glory of true and infinite life that sustains all of reality... There is change of perspective, of no longer backing away from the hell you came out of by turning around to focus on heaven, your true spiritual home. We are called to pursue the goal of the upward call of God in Messiah (Phil. 3:14). If we walk in the light, the LORD will cause us to know "orach chayim" (ארח חיים), the path of life; we will find joy in the Divine Presence; and we will discover pleasures that endure forever.
Have you discovered the glory and wonder of God's love, despite the many sins and the shame of your life? Do you know "in your gut" that his love means no longer having to defend or explain yourself? God's love enables you to quit hiding what you really are from Him; you can give up the pretense of being something you're not. When you turn to the Lord in the transparency of your brokenness, weakness, and neediness, you will find Him there, accepting you for who you really are... The path of life is Yeshua; he is the Bridge and Glory to all that is beautiful and true! [Hebrew for Christians]
6.17.20 • Facebook
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dailykhaleej · 4 years
Trusted, fact-based reporting never mattered more in times of coronavirus
Shoppers return to fact-based reporters throughout COVID-19 as social media influencers return to irrelevance Picture Credit score: Inventory picture
Abu Dhabi: Trusted, fact-based reporting has never mattered more and if ever there was a time that proved the significance of high quality journalism, that is it, say UAE media consultants.
The worldwide disruption and uncertainty sparked by COVID-19 has resulted in more and more folks turning to trusted information shops for dependable data and steerage, they add.
UAE writers say COVID-19 has solely heightened the challenges going through journalists and media manufacturers, however has additionally introduced belief and accuracy more to the fore, with thousands and thousands of folks counting on journalists to deliver them trusted and correct data.
They are saying with the World Well being Organisation calling the disaster an ‘infodemic’, in which over-abundance of data makes it arduous for folks to get the dependable steerage they want, high quality journalism around the globe emerged as one other frontline hero, with reporters working remotely and in the sector, documenting all the pieces from overwhelmed frontline medical employees and mass graves to empty cityscapes and sheltering-at-home households.
Emirati writers say trendy journalists could discover themselves competing with the social media content material circulate whereas juggling their different pursuits, reminiscent of reporting on the info and the reality of a narrative, in addition to in search of to extend readership and engagement with their work, usually by way of social media channels.
They are saying the juxtaposition between social and conventional media remains to be a continuing battle. Nevertheless, they are saying, they assume that this sense of “either/or” is fallacious and that we have to have a look at the 2 collectively, from each a measurement and programming perspective.
Maryam Bin Fahd, a younger Emirati media chief, says content material is the inspiration for existence and success on digital platforms.
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Maryam Bin Fahd
“It has become difficult for newspapers and televisions to continue with old systems of presenting the news. The audience today want news / content in a concise, fast and different way. They want it on their phone screen wherever they are and at any time. The future will only be for those who offer better content with a new and brief template,” Bin Fahd stated.
She added the fashionable media platforms have supplied various and considerable content material. “The platforms concentrate on the content material trade and crucial attribute of this content material is the pace of entry to it, the abundance, and the flexibility of the follower to manage consumption hours.
“Traditional and social media are linked by an integral relationship. Traditional media broadcasts via modern platforms and was unable to continue through the traditional form, especially newspapers. Without digital platforms and social media, they would have disappeared at the beginning of the crisis,” she stated.
Bin Fahd says the media have skilled requirements in broadcasting and publishing information, as dependable sources take into account all the pieces that’s revealed. “So professional media are a reliable source of news. However, some influencers on social media platforms specialise in media work. This category has had a major role in spreading awareness and re-broadcasting government messages from its reliable sources and a role in creating educational content that supports government messages and also there are real influencers whose efforts cannot be denied,” she provides.
Bin Fahd says the class that can not be relied upon in crises is the celebrities whose content material is restricted to advertisements and content material associated to eating places or leisure. “We can’t blame this class for its failure. They got a chance more than they deserve, as a result of their affect in a particular subject doesn’t imply that they’re able to have interaction in critical points.
“If we want the professional media to regain its strength, we must keep pace with development, to become faster in disseminating information, to work on investigative stories and to strive to communicate with the public via modern means that fit their expectations,” Bin Fahd says.
She added with the present disaster, radical adjustments are anticipated to occur. I believe that the establishments ought to work on a contemporary technique to take a look at the alternatives accessible to proceed. Particularly the print media, which can proceed to droop printing for an extended interval. I additionally count on that the press will finish in its printed kind and can develop to trendy platforms. The scene shall be dominated by those that observe the pursuits of the viewers, and who work to broadcast information and content material rapidly.
“However, the problem with digital media is Facebook and Google’s control of the advertising market,” she says.
Mohammad Yousuf, a outstanding Emirati columnist and former chairman of the UAE Journalists Affiliation, says the COVID-19 disaster has corrected the media idea, and heralded the return of credible media, audio-visual and print and their digital platforms, all of which have confirmed to be the means on which individuals rely to attract information.
Yousuf identified that the “original” media, or the standard media as referred to as by the advocates of social media, is definitely the skilled media, and is the one which triumphed. So those that work on social media is not going to be another media, as a result of they lack the abilities and fundamentals of this career, together with trusted and fact-based reporting.
Yousuf says readers flock in the direction of fact-based media, somewhat than the influencers, who’re principally related to rumours and faux information.
He appealed to authorities to help skilled media shops. “There is a critical need for government support for vulnerable media brands in the UAE, or they will disappear and we will be left with the alternative or rumour incubator media,” he stated.
Sami Al Reyami, editor of Emarat Al Youm, says so-called influencers have been handled like heroes and dignitaries, they usually seized the chance to legitimise their unhealthy fashions, and to advertise their concepts and castaway values.
“These influencers, even, believed they are above the law, and that their fame is a shield and protection from every condemnation. They were once certain that every action or picture or word published by them, regardless of the degree of its degradation, is a special thing that everyone should accept, whether the community wants it or not, because they believed, no one can hold them accountable,” Al Reyami stated.
Al Reyami added, “No one is above the law, this is a fact and not a slogan in UAE, and whoever transgresses or dares to violate the values and ethics of society that we hold dearly, will be brought to justice.”
“However the accountability additionally falls on all members of society, for they contributed to creating them celebrities and influencers of social media, so the message that have to be passes on to everyone seems to be ‘stop making the idiots celebrities’.
Emirati author Nasser Al Dhaheri says, “When the discuss of the hour is about very important points, the social media ought to chorus from taking these points up.
He identified that social media celebrities are solely in search of self-branding and promoting themselves as way of life celebrities, however they broadcast information simply to maintain in contact with the viewers.
Emirati novelist and journalist Ali Abu Al Rish stated, “The crisis has increased people’s awareness, and revealed to them the information is only taken from the correct source – media outlets. “Now the awareness of people is expanding, and they are aware that every person can talk on social media platforms without any professional background, but the right source of information and news is the professional media,” he says.
Emirati author Aisha Sultan stated consciousness in people is shaped in a cumulative method, however typically the necessity leads people to hunt information. “Today everyone goes to news and health platforms, because the news is useful, or they find what reassures them, it is a pragmatic relationship. People today stand before a big existential question as they think about salvation, and this of course is reflected in what they follow,” she says.
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Maysa Ghadeer
Emirati columnist Maysa Ghadeer says the fixed barrage of new COVID-19 data, new circumstances and new recommendation has been difficult to maintain up with. It not solely makes the story troublesome to maintain up with from a journalist’s perspective, it makes it complicated for anybody making an attempt to observe the story. A information piece you learn at some point could possibly be totally out-of-date by the subsequent morning, and this has meant there have been many questions from the general public surrounding the outbreak and the virus.
She provides social media platforms make the sharing of data ubiquitous and nonstop, however journalists are the supply of data in the primary place. “Skilled media will survive, but it surely should change, evolve and merge with digital platforms to adapt to developments of content material consumption.
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Ibrahim Al Dhahli
Ibrahim Al Dhahli, Emirati journalist, former editor-in-chief of “Asfaar” journey journal and social media activist, says it’s no secret that the social media have turn into predominant the world over and have turn into the device of the time to transmit data to all teams of ages. “This is not surprising, because like other things in life, media must keep pace with development.”
Ibrahim Al Dhahli, Emirati journalist, former editor-in-chief of “Asfaar” journey journal and social media activist, says it’s no secret that the social media have turn into predominant the world over and have turn into the device of the time to transmit data to all teams of ages. “This is not surprising, because like other things in life, media must keep pace with development.”
“As we are witnessing the communications revolution, the internet and the social media in all its forms, many persons became independent media channels broadcasting day and night. Unfortunately, a group of fools and ignorant people or so-called “influencers” have turn into on the forefront of the scene at times,” he stated.
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Mohammad Al Qubaisi
Mohammad Al Qubaisi, Emirati journalist, founder and CEO of the Gulf Media Community, says folks trusted the skilled media throughout COVID-19 disaster as a top quality supply of info and correct data. “Then again, the so-called influencers or fashionistas disappeared, as a result of their actions are purely industrial, and since all the pieces associated to commerce has been suspended indefinitely, they now not have something to supply to the general public, which is mirrored in their absence on social media platforms.
He provides some of them have been fast to make determined makes an attempt to maintain in contact with their viewers, however they have been a failure.
“Right this moment, conventional, skilled media has turn into up-to-date, and has high-tech digital platforms, with social media accounts, and audio and video clips which can be revealed the second the information is launched, which has made them stand out more and more deeply.
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Mohammad Al Khatib
Mohammed Al Khatib, an Emirati media skilled, says in times of crises, folks don’t resort to social media, however somewhat to skilled information shops. “Social media, especially in the Arab world, have focused on entertainment and lifestyle brands more than news and what is useful to enrich the culture of society,” he says.
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madewithonerib · 4 years
RE: JESUS was not a just another great man, HE is GOD        in the flesh. [youtu.be/vPc9mcfFrgY?t=413]
1.] And the ethics that HE taught.
     Never a man spake like that man!
          When you get hit on one side,           HE says turn the other cheek.
     JESUS taught that we are to forgive.      JESUS taught a revolution in the way that we are to live.
     HE taught us that it wasn’t just our outward actions, that      GOD judges, but it’s the inward thoughts & intents.
     HE said Moses said: Thou shall not commit adultery, but      I tell you that if you even look on a woman to lust at her,      you will have already committed it.
     HE said Moses said: Thou shall not murder, but I tell you      if you have hate in your heart against your brother without      cause, you already guilty.
     HE lifted man’s ethics to the highest plains;      & demanded that we live that kind of a life.
     HE HIMSELF lived that kind of a life.
     David said in sin did my mother conceive me. [Psalm 51:5]
           Psalm 51:5 | Surely I was brought forth in iniquity;            I was sinful when my mother conceived me.
     JESUS said, “out of the heart proceed evil thoughts..”
           Matthew 15:19 | For out of the heart come evil thoughts,            murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft,            false testimony, & slander.
     All the evil in the world, comes from the human heart.
    That’s got to be changed.
     And that’s why JESUS said you must be born again.      You must be converted.
     You must have a new beginning.
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     Q: JESUS CHRIST are you what you say you are?
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     You know they only brought 3 charges against HIM.      To crucify HIM: (1) This man loves sinners, (2) HE healed      on the Sabbath day, (3) HE claimed to be the SON of GOD.
     Q: Was HE the SON of GOD?
     Look at HIS authority, JESUS came unto them & spake unto      them saying, “All authority has been given unto ME.”
           Matthew 28:18 | Then JESUS came to them & said,            “All authority in heaven & on earth has been given to ME.
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     I know one thing: HE forgave sin      & no prophet ever did that.
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     JESUS HIMSELF forgave sin!
     HE said, “Thy sins are forgiven thee.” [Luke 7:48]
           Luke 7:48 | Then JESUS said to her,            “Your sins are forgiven.”
     I know HE had authority over nature.
     One night HE was in a storm, the lightning was flashing,      the lightning was roaring, & the sea was raging.
     The wind was blowing, & the disciples were afraid.
     And JESUS was asleep in the boat, & HE stood up      in the boat & said: “Peace be still.”
     The lightning quit its flashing, the lightning quit its roaring,      & the rain ceased to fall, & the wind & sea quieted down.
     And nature obeyed HIM, HE calmed the sea! [Mark 4:35-41]
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     HE had power over nature.
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     But only JESUS could take a storm like that & turn it around!
     HE could take the lightning & throw it back in the clouds.      HE has power over nature. WHY?
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     Because HE is the GOD of nature.
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     Those are HIS laws, they are obeying HIM.
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2.] HE had authority over disease      [youtu.be/vPc9mcfFrgY?t=624]
     JESUS did make the blind to see!      HE made the deaf to hear!
     HE raised the dead!
3.] HE had authority over demons
     And JESUS confronted demons, time after time.      And HE would cast them out!
     And people who were insane, under the powers of demons,      would regain their sanity.
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     Then look at the death HE died:
     The lightning flashed & the thunder roared, & the earth      began to shake, & even the soldiers began to confess:
     This must be the SON of GOD.
     Anyone that can see JESUS on that cross, & not be      touched has a heart of stone.
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5.] Peter said, “YOU are the SON of the living GOD”      [youtu.be/vPc9mcfFrgY?t=362]
           Matthew 16:16 | Simon Peter answered,            “YOU are the CHRIST, the SON of the living GOD.”
     JESUS said, “Peter, you’ve done well; you’ve passed      your examination, but Peter those thoughts are not      your thoughts..those thoughts came from GOD.
     It has been revealed to you by GOD!”
           1 Corinthians 2:11 | For who among men knows the            thoughts of man except his own spirit within him?            So too, no one knows the thoughts of GOD            except the SPIRIT of GOD.
           1 Corinthians 2:13 | And this is what we speak,            not in words taught us by human wisdom,            but in WORDs taught by the SPIRIT,            expressing spiritual truths in spiritual WORDs.
     Taught by the SPIRIT, by the power of the SPIRIT
           Philippians 2:12-13 | Therefore, my beloved,            just as you have always obeyed, not only in my            presence, but now even more in my absence,            continue to work out your salvation with fear            & trembling. For it is GOD who works in you            to will & to act on behalf of HIS good purpose.
6.] JESUS CHRIST claimed to be the son of the living GOD.
           Psalm 90:2 | Before the mountains were born or            YOU brought forth the earth & world,            from everlasting to everlasting, YOU are GOD.
     The BIBLE says, HE existed from everlasting to everlasting
           John 1:14 | The WORD became flesh & made            HIS dwelling among us. We have seen HIS glory,            the glory of the one & only SON from the FATHER,            full of grace & truth.
     In other words, the logos (the WORD of GOD),      the eternal GOD became flesh & the person of      JESUS CHRIST lived like a man among us.
     HE wasn’t just another revolutionary.      HE wasn’t another hippie.      HE was not a just another great man.
     HE is GOD in the flesh!
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We know JESUS was a man, because HE was numbered among the transgressors
           Isaiah 53:12 | Therefore I will allot HIM a portion            with the great, & HE will divide the spoils with the            strong, because HE has poured out HIS life unto            death, & HE was numbered with the transgressors.            Yet HE bore the sin of many & made intercession            for the transgressors.
We know that HE got hungry, HE got thirsty, & HE got tired.
We know HE had the joys of friendship. We know that HE wept at the tomb of a dead loved one.
We know HE had all the characteristics of a man, & yet very interestingly the BIBLE says that HE never committed a sin.
           1 Peter 2:22 | “HE committed no sin, &            no deceit was found in HIS mouth.”
All of us are sinners, yet JESUS was tempted in every point as we are, HE went through every temptation that you’ve ever been through. There isn’t a trial or a temptation that JESUS has not been through before you.
And HE resisted them & overcame them all.
HE was a man just like you, but HE was more than that.
HE is the only begotten, incarnate, SON of GOD.
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(via Beginning at the End of the Unification Church; the "Restoration Backwards Principle" of Salvation Rose: Lady of the Lake of Fire)
“…A man met another, who was handsome, intelligent and elegant.
He asked him who he was. 
The other said ‘I am the Devil.
’‘But you cannot be,’ said the first man, ‘for the devil is evil and ugly.’‘My friend,’ said Satan, ‘you have been listening to my critics.’
A Few Forgotten Facts in the Dicta of Truth
( John 4:44, Mark 6:4, Matthew 13:57 )For my own Father himself testified;
” No prophet is without honour,except in his own house, from his own  family,and in his own country…”
Salman Rushdie as the Abdal of St. Francis; the Owl of Islam
There is little doubt of the breadth and scope of his work, which made a huge impact on seekers of Illumination everywhere, especially gratifying for him when his groundbreaking book, “The Sufis”, was published in 1964, and then exposed to an even larger audience when it came out in paperback in 1971.
It was to cause quite an international sensation in it’s claims and calm, clear, exposition of many unknown facts, an exposition that revealed to the world of much about Sufis and Sufism of what had only been guessed at or theorized about as mainly just plain unverified conjecture; by those attempting to explain contemporary Sufism in ordinary religious terms.
His prodigious work ethic, and his studiously written and eruditely exact and careful production of a steady stream of esoteric publications with his own Octagon Press brought to light a huge corpus of material, which he published at an unprecedented rate; all of a depth of expertise and universal scope on such a variety of subject-matters that it was, and still is, unequalled by anyone writing on Sufism to this day; all which he did without any fanfare,  and proved all of his loud and ignorant critics wrong, by quietly showing in his actions on his ally; blank paper, that he was well prepared by his predecessors for his globally cosmic mission: that of reaching out to those already prepared, who took his gifts to begin their next steps on the Path.
Indeed, his ability to share and thus help those predestined to receive the real knowledge of the foundation for the Global Unification of all Religions is unsurpassed; the sad truth being that this achievement was about the same Foundation that Rev. Moon was supposed to then set up for Christianity, and which Rev. Moon was to have received from Shah personally, as the current exemplar of the Sufi Elect: which understanding was then completely ignored by the Korean messenger, along with the reality of Islam.
Strangely, even those who began as foes of Islam changed their minds about the followers of the Seal and Envoy of Moses in the 7-10 Crusades, as Christianity was in the position of Canaan and their 7-10 Native Nations and 10 Tribes, these Tribes and Nations which the 7 and 10 Crusades represented numerically: having Islam finally be recognized even by the Templar Knights themselves as having been given the Kingdom
The Templars in their personal relations with Muslims on and off the battlefield could see that these Muslims stood in the position  of obviously having become the Second Israel, having been given the land of the Kingdom just as my Father had said. 
It was this Reality of which the Crusaders tried to hold back, yet even after taking Jerusalem in the 1st Crusade they realized Islam as the 2nd Israel had replaced the Jews of the 1st Israel, as being appointed by God in the reverting back to the Elder Line of Abraham back going once again to the First Born; Ishmael, which happened after the Jews killed Lord Jesus in the position of Isaac, Abraham's Second Born Son.
Thus Mohammed represented Ishmael, in his Ascension over Jerusalem and Mt. Moriah, as the place of the Rock in Zion in the Night of Power,  as Jesus had represented Isaac as the Bridegroom. But the Lamb was called the Sacrificial Lamb by John the Baptist first of all, as in echoing Isaac,  from Isaiah 42:2:
“Behold, My Servant, whom I uphold; My chosen one in whom My soul delights.
I have put My Spirit upon Him; He will bring forth justice to the nations.
He will not cry out or raise His voice, Nor make His voice heard in the street….”
Again this is repeated in Matthew, 12:19,
“…He shall not contend, nor cry out, neither shall any man hear his voice in the streets…..”
But this is mentioned because Isaac went with Abraham even when it was quite clear to him that Abraham planned to sacrifice him on the Altar. And Isaac did not struggle, nor try to escape, and was bound without protest. Just like my Father Lord Jesus; he went without protest……
“…..He raised not his voice in the street, but went like a lamb to the slaughter…”
Isaac had also said not a word, even after Abraham tied him to the Altar. Thus the Altar was a sign of the Cross, and the ram caught by his horns that Isaac and Abraham sacrificed instead resembles the “one who wore a “crown of thorns”.
But the problem for the elders of Judah was that in killing Lord Jesus in the position of the Bridegroom we end up with no Isaac: and without Isaac, there could be no Jacob, and thus: no Israel. That is why at the Table, in the Qur’an, it says that anyone who kills a single man it is as if they killed all of mankind. Thus they had actually erased the entire Nation of the 12 Tribes of Israel from the book of life.
This is what my Father really meant when he said
“…Forgive them Father: they know not what they do…”
The Coming of the bride, the Lamb’s wife.
“…For thy Maker is thine husband,
Jehovah of hosts is his name;
and thy Redeemer the Holy One of Israel:
The God of the Whole Earth shall He be called….”
Isaiah 54:5
It is the arrival of the Lady of the Lake of Fire: which shall confound this world
The Sufis, Sayed Idries Shah, and the Design of Providence:
Ibn El-Arabi and the first Real Unificationists.
The Lovers of God, the Rose of Sharon,
and the fallen Wisdom of Solomon  
But this knowledge of the widening levels of the Providence was known not just to the Druse; but also once again also to the Sufis; as Sayed Idries Shah makes mention of the same doctrine in what is called “the system” and the technical terms taught in “the school”; as the analogy of the vine and the grapes.
This section can be found in his book “The Sufis” on page 296,
which was published in 1964:
a year before Rev. Moon came to America,
quoting from Lt. Colonel Wilberforce Clarke, an English Sufi.
The book is called the
“….Awarif el-Maarif….”
( ….‘Gifts of [ Deep } Knowledge’… )
—-written in the 13th century,
and studied by the members of all the orders;
and certainly the 4 Major Orders.
He writes about the parallel Sufic lore to that of the first Assemblies from the 1st and 4th Caliphs after Mohammed; which sees Sufism as a continuum, and as Clarke recorded, used the “wine” allegory to show the gradual development of the Teaching until it became a more or less public manifestation; before retreating back into the Tariks in the 17th century: until now. To wit ( page 296 ),
“This is expressed thus:
“…The seed of Sufism
….was sown in the time of Adam
…..germinated in the time of Noah
…..budded in the time of Abraham,
…..began to develop in the time of Moses
…..reached maturity in the time of Jesus
….produced pure wine in the time of Mohammed….”
This a rather clear indication the 7 levels of the Providence were studied quite closely; long before Sun Myung Moon arrived and claimed “he alone” knew of the 7 levels of the Providence of Salvation. But he did write more knowledgably about the Providence than any man before him, as my Father said of Moon, even as he had once said of John,
“…….Of men born of women, there has not arisen a greater prophet than Rev. Moon:
yet he who is the least in the Kingdom of God is greater than he….”
That would be me: the least and the last: in the Kingdom. But I didn’t plan this: it just happened.
“….I saw Lucifer fall from Heaven as lightning…”
The Sufis; the first Unificationists, had already established the Foundation of Substance on the Prophet’s Foundation of Faith.
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