#we should've gotten phoenix sigh
x-mensirens · 5 months
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potential-fool · 1 year
Could I maybe get something where Phoenix accidentally hurts the reader like burns them and they don’t see it as a big deal but he does thx hope you are having a good day
A/N: Ho boy it's been awhile I've been all wrapped up in school and other such things but even though finals are about to start I felt like writing for you all <3 Tags: Fluff, Established relationship, hurt/comfort
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Burns: Pheonix x Reader
On the battle field it can be a rather hectic place, especially when you're running frantic trying to defuse a bomb that threatens to unearth the very ground you stand on. You were the polar opposite to your lover Pheonix, or rather- Jamie as you called him, But not now, this was battle, you had call-signs for a reason. To keep you safe.
Like your lover you too were a Radiant, cursed by the Raidionite to be one with the cold and ice. Yoru had found you in the snows of Ice-Box when he went to go retrieve his armor, since then you've had a sibling-like relationship; you weren't complaining though, he could be kind when he wanted to--that wasn't often though.
Now you were back on the costal area that the protocol had dubbed "Haven," You were standing gaurd on C-Site with an Operator and Pheonix when you saw what you were dreading to see. The enemy. It was strange, they really did mean it when they called it 'Mirror Earth.' Without thinking you fired a shot that rung through your ears, hitting the enemy Sage in her lower abdomen. You froze. You were trained to kill and yet- "FROST-" Pheonix who was by your side shoved you out of the way with burning hands as a shot rang out--a shot that surely had hit you had Pheonix not been there. Though through the adrenaline his hands had left a burn mark, nothing to severe, but when the contact had been made you let out a small yelp. Pheonix quickly shot up a wall and with his still burning hands he scooped you up and moved you behind a wall, he could feel your heart racing. He spotted the burn marks quickly and shook the worry away as best he could and looked into your eyes; "I'm so sorry- Y/n- Frost-" He was cut off by the shot of more shots ringing out, your team had arrived, thank god, Jett and Yoru were now on site with you and Skye was on the way. "Frost, are you okay?" Yoru's voice played through your com and you nodded to yourself before replying with a shaky: "Y..yeah.." You took a breath, trying to get a hold of yourself "Alright let's finish this," ~ Time Skip ~ The battle ended successfully and the Mirror agents had run off back to their mirror world, as you all piled into the transport you noticed that Jamie was uncharacteristically quiet. "Jamie..? You doing okay? You're not hurt right-?" You asked, the anxiety in your voice peaking at the thought that Jamie could be hurt and you didn't notice- "Oh- nonono-! Of course not, I'm fine I just- I should've had more control, I hurt you, and- I'm just- I'm just so so sorry." Jamie was bouncing his leg, and you let out a breath of releif "Jamie, you saved me, if you hadn't gotten me out of the way I would have absolutely gotten shot. I can't afford to freeze like that on the battle field again..."
You sighed, leaning against Jamie, cuddling your lover, contemplating the world you lived in. "I guess we both got things to work on huh.." Jamie chuckled a bit, wrapping his no longer burning hands around you "Yeah,, but.. we'll do it together"
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the-septic-maniac · 3 years
Chapter 10: Father and Son Game Night
Chapter Masterlist Prologue Previous Chapter
Coming out of the elevator, Takiaaki and Takemichi were chatting about what they had just experienced. Hiroko noticed Takemichi’s injury and asked what had happened. Takiaaki explained and Makoto winced, noting he had gotten a similar injury when attempting to rescue Mondo from his execution. Hiroko attempted to fix Takemichi’s shoulder the best she could with what nursing knowledge she could remember. After fixing him up, Hiroko proposed that the group found a place to rest before continuing on to help the last four pass on. Takiaaki agreed and asked where they could go to stay. They decided to go to the gym to rest on the foam pads that were in there. “Not the most comfortable place but it should do.” Takiaaki said. Everyone said their goodnights and fell asleep.
When they woke up, they all were a little hazy and they headed up towards the cafeteria to go have breakfast (if you call granola bars and fruit snacks breakfast) and to discuss the plan for the day. Phoenix piped up saying that Taka was next on the list to help pass on. “ I want to have a one-on-one with Taka. Would it be better if I had someone with me to go talk to him? Probably. But I feel like it would be better if I just chatted to him on my own so that I could have little to no distractions or interruptions.” Takiaaki said, but it seemed like he was struggling to get the words out. “Ki-Ki, if you go see him by yourself, I can tell you would absolutely destroy your mental state. You’re already struggling with the mere thought of confronting him. Please allow me to come with you if not for some support.” Hiroko spoke with a concerned tone for him. Takiaaki shook his head “Hiroko I need to do this alone. The number of times I thought nothing of it when Taka was struggling with his depression. The amount of times I should've been there to pull him back from overworking himself to resolve our stupid debt that my father caused. Damn it I wish I could take my own damned advice.” Takiaaki was utterly frustrated with himself and his past. Hiroko put her hand on his shoulder. “Ki-ki, I won't be in the room with you. But I’ll be just outside the room.''Takiaaki sighed and accepted her idea begrudgingly.
Soon after finishing breakfast, Hiroko and Takiaaki got directions from Makoto and Kyoko to where Taka’s resting place was, which was the physics closet. When they arrived they had noticed taka or who they presumed to be taka standing in the closet looking at his watch as if he was waiting for someone. Takiaaki didn’t hesitate to call his name out. "Father, what are you doing here? Who is this with you?" Takiaaki struggled to get the words out but he explained the current situation.
" Kiyotaka… I want you to know that I am proud to have you as my son. You made me so proud when you worked hard. Although I wished I pulled you back during your moments where you were struggling with depression and were overworking yourself." "Dad its ok. You were busy." Takaaki shook his head and grabbed onto Taka's face. "No Taka. It's not ok. You were struggling so much. You were lonely with no friends to talk to. You spent so much time working that we never had any fun time together." Tears started to stream down Takiaaki and Taka's faces. They both went into a huge hug, crying into each other's shoulders. Hiroko in the background smiled as father and son talked and sorted things out.
Taka wiped the tears of his face. "Actually father, before I got killed, I made one friend. But… he got executed in the game…" Taka's head hung in sorrow. "We had shared about our hardships in the sauna. While yes he was a known gang leader, he had shared how important that gang was to him and how it was the last thing that he had close to a family. " Takiaaki knew who he was talking about. "You became friends with Mondo before he died?" "Yeah. He had anger issues but he was a kind man. He cared about his gang and he care about his friends. I was so upset when he was executed. I was catatonic. I wasn’t talking to anyone. Yasuhiro checked on me every once and while and Makoto attempted to talk to me, but I was too shocked from the despair of losing my friend." Takiaaki muttered to himself “I shall have to thank them.”
They continued to chat about what had happened during the killing game, their life together as a whole, and their lives when they were separated from each other. “Yeah know what Taka? I saw a rec room on the up here. Maybe we could play a few games before you pass. Just so we could have some family time and that you could experience something that you missed when you were alive. I'll invite Hiroko to come to play with us as well” Takiaaki rushed towards the rec room and grabbed a deck of cards and a board game or two. He headed back to taka. Hiroko entered with Takiaaki and they played, laughed, and had fun. Hiroko kept mostly silent but would come in every once and a while to talk about the relationship that she and Takiaaki had developed when they were younger and the relationship that they had when they reunited after they saw each other at the Future Foundation HQ.
Before they knew it, Taka’s figure was beginning to fade. “Well, Kiyotaka. It seems like your time is up. I was and still am proud to have you as my son. Go on to the next life knowing that you made me proud” Takiaaki said, a sad smile on his face. Hiroko put her hand on his shoulder as Takiaaki was waving goodbye to his one and only son. “See you on the other side father…” Taka said, waving goodbye.
“See you on the other side my son…”
Next Chapter
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