nerima-division · 2 years
Aira's Thoughts on Meguro Division
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Saji Buranka
“Saji-kun we sit together at lunch together sometimes. We just sit there basking in the silence. It’s peaceful. Don’t tell him this but a character of mine is partially based on him. I’m just worried for him mainly because of his desire to die. It’s like looking at a violent reminder of my past. I remember wanting someone to end my wretched existence. I remember wishing every night to die in my sleep just so I didn't have to suffer another day. I even remember begging Mother to kill me just so I didn't have to suffer any more of her torture. She just laughed at me saying I was too important for her goals!" Aira slams her hands on the table as she tries to calm down her eyes shifting from green to purple. Bright purple sparks trail after her as Aira runs away from the room.
Vito Koi
“Vito-san I've seen his work and it's beautiful. Mitsuru is thinking about going to him for a tattoo to cover her scars. Katsumi and I have agreed to do a tattoo as well if she does. I have no idea what I would get mainly because I never thought about getting a tattoo. Needles make me extremely nervous because whenever Mother brought them out it was never a good thing for me. Though I know Vito-san would do his best to make sure the three of us are comfortable. I just hope he doesn't ask me where my scars came from.”
Yeong “Cain” Hajoon
“Yeong-san, I've met him a few times mainly because Mitsuru is a member of his studio. Mitsuru tells me he’s an extremely good dancer. She also tells me that he’s a practitioner of taekwondo even having a high rank. It’s been a while since I've fought someone. I wonder if he wouldn't mind going against me in a brawl. I’ve been told by several people that I'm extremely vicious in a fight.” 
“I hope Saji-kun and his team don't take what we say too seriously. Besides, I want to help Saji-kun, and if giving him a fight is what it takes well then I’ll give DOG STREET CLUB a fight they’ll never forget. An ‘angel’ I may be but I was not born in heaven. I was born in hell and I’ll show them why that makes a difference.”
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nerima-division · 2 years
Mitsuru's Thoughts on Meguro Division
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Saji Buranka
“Saji-kun, I know of him not personally but I know about his reputation.” Mitsuru looks at the photo of Saji an unreadable expression on her face. “Боже does he remind me of Aira in away. Aira told me after she escaped from that…that…that hell she called a home that she lived on the street before Auntie Miki took her in. Aira would tell me stories about how she fought people who thought a mute girl would be easy pickings. She told me stories about how she would root dumpsters for food. The Aira from back then knew how to survive but she did not know how to live. Saji-kun is the same way he can survive what life throws at him but I don't think he knows how to live his life.”
Vito Koi
“Every time I look at my scars I flinch and get violently dragged back to that day. It’s getting to point that I avoid changing in front of the mirror. So my therapist asked me if I was willing to get a tattoo to cover them up. I’ll admit it getting a tattoo never crossed my mind. Aira and Katsumi have said that if I agree to the tattoo that they'll each get one too. Everyone I've asked recommends Vito as an artist. So I looked into his work and it's beautifully done especially for a man of his size. I hope he’s willing to take me on as a customer, especially with the fact that tattooing over scars is an extremely difficult process.”  
Yeong “Cain” Hajoon
“Yeong-Kun! I often make use of his studio for practice. I even teach the little ones ballet on occasion when he asks me. I do fear that I made a horrible mistake telling Aira that he’s skilled in taekwondo because she wants to challenge him to a fight now. Богом Клянусь if Aira goes back to her fighting days well there is a reason why Aira was once Nerima's most infamous delinquent. She was an absolute terror back then.”
“This team won't be easy to go up against. However, if they think we won't go down without a fight well they’ll be in for a big surprise. I do hope we can still be on good terms if we do go against them. Especially with Vito-san, I think I’m going to go to him for a tattoo.”
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nerima-division · 2 years
Katsumi's Thoughts on Meguro Division
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Saji Buranka
“A desire to die huh? Is that what you really want though Saji? I wanted to die once. Heck, I almost succeeded in offing myself because I thought it would end my pain. I was wrong. It took laying on the floor dying for me to realize that I didn't want to die. What I wanted was what was causing my pain to end. Saji-kun I can't say I understand what you're feeling but wanting to die will not help you. I can only hope you realize that before it’s too late for you.”  
Vito Koi
“Oh shoot it’s this guy. He’s the artist Mitsu is thinking about going for a tattoo. I’ve seen his work and it's very impressive. I have to say he’s as good of an artist as I am as a fencer. You would never know given his appearance. Well, I'm hoping he can give me some sweet ink for my wrists because like Mitsu staring at them brings back some memories I rather not think about. Heck, even Aira is willing to go under the needle for a tattoo and we have to physically drag her to Jakurai-sensei for her flu shot because she despises needles. Not that I blame her for that. When I get my hand on her fucking bitch of a mother. I can't wait to see what he pulls out for the three of us.”
Yeong “Cain” Hajoon
“Mitsu’s acquaintance right? I’ve only met him a handful of times but I got to say the way I’m impressed by the way he moves. I guess being both a martial artist and a dancer does that to you. Other than that I don't know him all too well. He looks like a good guy. I am a big fan of attitude on life though could've used some of that energy when I was younger.”
“The Hounds of War vs the Birds of Peace. There is something ironic about that. Win or lose this fight won't be easy but I'll let the boys know that we’re tougher than we look. They better take us seriously because we aren't some fragile little things.”
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nerima-division · 2 years
Aira Moodboard 🔇
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“Never assume that loud is strong and quiet is weak.”
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nerima-division · 2 years
Mitsuru Moodboard 💙
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“Dance is a poem of which each movement is a word.”
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nerima-division · 2 years
Katsumi Moodboard 🤺
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“A blow with a word strikes deeper than a blow with a sword.”
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nerima-division · 2 years
Vivid Angels - Inspirations
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San Otonashi - Rosario + Vampire
Shouko Komi - Komi Can't Communicate
Celty Sturluson - Durarara
Komachi Akimoto - Pretty Cure
Touma Kamiyama - Kamen Rider
Black Canary - DC
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Minami Kaido - Pretty Cure
Ahiru - Princess Tutu
Ahim de Famille - Super Sentai
Minto Aizawa - Tokyo Mew Mew
Mizuki Kanzaki - Aikatsu
Princess Zelda - Legend Of Zelda
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Kaito Goshikida - Super Sentai
Elizabeth Midford - Black Butler
Nagisa Misumi - Prettty Cure
Pyrrha Nikos - RWBY
Konata Izumi - Lucky Star
Taiga Fujimura - Fate/Stay Night
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nerima-division · 2 years
Aira's Thoughts on Toshima Division
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Kaori Narizuka
“I absolutely love the pieces she plays. I often play them when working on my novels. So I was surprised to hear that one of my characters inspired one of her pieces. However, I hear that she is seen going in and out of Chuohku constantly. I think Chuohku is doing something to Kaori-san. I’m not sure what but I fear we may have way more in common than she believes.”
Mei Yu
“The bodyguard to the Prime Minister herself. Physically she’s the most dangerous member of this team. Knowing my luck I’d probably be forced to go all out against her. I fear she may not be able to handle that very few people are.”
Lillian Rees
Aira shivers. “This woman reminds me too much of …..her. They have the same calculating look in their eyes. Apparently, she’s a computer specialist that works for Chuohku. I wouldn’t be surprised if she found not a lot of information about me ‘Aira Otonashi’ only started existing 8 years ago. Besides the person, I once was only existed on paper and not in real life.”
Inner Circle
“So this is what everyone calls a Chuohku team. I was hoping to stay out of their radar and live my life peacefully. It looks like fate has other plans for me.” Aira lets out a soft sigh her eyes shifting from their usual emerald green to a glowing bright purple. “I fear what would happen if Chuohku were to find out what I am.”
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nerima-division · 2 years
Mitsuru's Thoughts on Toshima Division
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Kaori Narizuka
“Kaori Narizuka? She's a pianist correct? I've seen her at one of my shows before. The directors at my company are thinking about asking her if she's willing to play for a performance of mine. I’m hoping she says yes because I've seen the look she had when she saw me perform. It looked like she wanted to perform ballet herself. Perhaps it would let her feel like she’s the one on stage.”
Mei Yu
“The Prime Minister once came to a show of mine. She wanted to meet me afterward and she was there as her bodyguard. Боже never in my life have I met such an arrogant woman. Has she never heard of the phrase ‘pride comes before the fall’? I fear that her pride will be the thing that takes her out.”
Lillian Rees
“A British woman? I guess they weren't wrong when they said foreigners were allowed to enter. I am curious as to how a woman from Britain come to work for the Japanese government, especially one who carries herself like a soldier. What bothers me the most is that she’s a computer specialist. I fear that she may find out about Aira’s past which is the last thing I want.”
Inner Circle
Боже Мой! If these are the teams Chuohku has at their disposal then it makes our goal of making sure Chuohku never finds out about Aira much harder. Even so, we won't go down without a fight. There’s a reason why angels are known as warriors.”
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nerima-division · 2 years
Katsumi's Thoughts on Toshima Division
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Kaori Narizuka
“She plays the piano, right? I don't really know much about her compared to Aira and Mitsuru. Piano music was never really something I listened to. To tell you the truth she reminds me of when I was younger. Barely managing to hold on with all that sadness. I hope she’s okay that type of sadness makes you feel like you’re drowning.”
Mei Yu
Katsumi looks at Mei’s photo before her eyes sharpen. “So this is the woman that acts as Tohoten’s bodyguard. I hear that she’s strong and that she likes being number one. I’m going to give her a piece of advice being perfect is only going to ruin you in the long run. That said if she wants a match I’m down to show her what I can do.”
Lillian Rees
“Wow does this woman look like she has a stick up her ass. Looks like she needs to take a chill pill if you ask me. Also, the way she carries herself reminds me of those English brats I would go against in fencing tournaments. The ones that were children of the peerage. At least she doesn't have the I'm better than you because I’m nobility attitude they had.”
Inner Circle
“Alright straight out the gate, we’re talking about a Chuohku team. Ya know this isn't what I expected to happen the year before my 3rd Olympics. Well, then I hope this team is ready for me. I won't let them touch my friends, especially Aira.”
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nerima-division · 2 years
Relationship: Family - Katsumi Kenzaki
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Kazuya Kenzaki (50 Years Old) - Katsumi’s father. He constantly pushed Katsumi to be the best in fencing. Often having extremely high expectations that Katsumi could never reach no matter how much she tried. Eventually, Katsumi tried killing herself when she was 16, unable to meet his expectations. 
Mikoto Kenzaki (50 Years Old) - Katsumi’s mother. Much like her husband pushed Katsumi to be perfect. She constantly put pressure on Katsumi to be number one in fencing. Katsumi broke down and tried to commit s*icide due to the constant stress her mother put her through.
Touma Kenzaki (27 Years Old) - Katsumi’s older brother. They weren't close in their younger years. However, after Katsumi’s suicide attempt Touma sued his parents for custody of his sister and won. They are now extremely close with Touma constantly calling to check in on Katsumi. 
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nerima-division · 2 years
Relationship: Family - Mitsuru Tenjo
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Tsubasa Tenjo (52 Years Old) - Mitsuru's father. He is horrified at what Mitsuru's and Chizuru's relationship has become. Having wished he could have done something when they were younger. Mitsuru and Chizuru have agreed to never argue in front of him out of fear that he will have a heart attack due to his weak heart. 
Natalia Morozova † - Mitsuru's mother who was from Russia. A famous ballerina with the Bolshoi. She inspired both her daughters to take up ballet. She passed away when the twins were 12 due to cancer. It was her death that started Mitsuru's and Chizuru's relationship breaking down. 
Chizuru Tenjo (22 Years Old) - Mitsuru's twin sister. As children, they were extremely close. Inspired by their mother they both took up ballet. However, Chizuru's envy and constantly being compared to Mitsuru caused their relationship to worsen over time. Their relationship completely shattered when Chizuru stabbed Mitsuru in the torso multiple times during a performance. 
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nerima-division · 2 years
Relationship: Family - Aira Otonashi
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[RETACTED] - Aira's biological mother. Aira has nothing but pure hatred toward her mother for the trauma and damage she caused her as a child. She is one of the main reasons Aira does not speak. 
[RETACTED] - Aira's biological father. Aira is aware of his relationship with her. However, he is unaware that Aira exists. Something that Aira prefers. 
Miki Otonashi (42 Years Old) - Aira's adoptive mother. Miki took Aira in when she was 15. It took Aira a very long time for her to open up and trust Miki. Now Aira considers Miki to be her true mother.
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nerima-division · 2 years
Vivid Angels 1st Album 🕊️
Please note that these are not the actual titles to these songs, I just made them up.
Not all the songs are in Japanese
All songs belong to their respective artists.
Don’t pay too much attention to the vocals. This is just the vibes they give off.
Aira’s First Solo 🔇
1st D.R.B - Ready or Not
Mitsuru’s First Solo 💙
1st D.R.B - Pirouette Stumble
Katsumi’s First Solo 🤺
1st D.R.B - En Garde 
Group Songs 🕊️
Fight For Your Life
Nerima Angels
Game of Survival
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nerima-division · 2 years
“A blow with a word strikes deeper than a blow with a sword.”
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Age 0:
Is born to Kazuya Kenzaki and Mikoto Kenzaki 5 years after her older brother Touma Kenzaki 
Age 6:
Begins Fencing 
Discovered to be a natural 
Parents start putting pressure on Katsumi to be the best 
Age 14: 
Starts self-harming to cope with the pressure 
Age 15:
Participates in her first Olympics 
Wins gold 3 times 
Age 16:
Unable to handle her parents' expectations Katsumi tries committing s*icide but survives
Her older brother Touma sues their parents for custody of Katsumi and wins 
Gets counseling 
Age 19:
Participates in her 2nd Olympics 
Wins gold 3 more times 
Moves out 
Meets and befriends Aira Otonashi and Mitsuru Tenjo 
Becomes roommates with Aira and Mitsuru
Age 22:
Joins the Nerima Division rap battle team, Vivid Angels, alongside Aira Otonashi and Mitsuru Tenjo
12:00 a.m. - 8:00 a.m.: Asleep
8:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m.: Awakens and gets ready for the day
9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.: Makes and eats breakfast with Aira and Mitsuru 
10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.: Training
3:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.: Eats a snack at the local cafe 
4:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.: Returns home
4:30 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.: Free time 
6:00 p.m.  - 7:00 p.m.: Makes and eats dinner with Aira and Mitsuru 
7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.: Watches TV 
9:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m.: Talks to her brother over the phone 
10:00 p.m. - 11:00p.m.: Showers and gets ready for bed
11:00 p.m. - 12:00 a.m.: Asleep
Character Hashtags
Regular Hashtags
#Fierce Lioness 
#Fencing Ace  
#6x gold medalist 
Trauma Hashtags
#Forced to be perfect 
#Couldn't handle the pressure 
#Blade to the wrist
Other Info
Hobby: Playing video games 
Weakness: Laziness 
Trauma: "I was forced to be perfect." 
Twitter: @GoldenSword 
Drinks: Yes 
Smokes: No 
Special Skill: "I'll eat anything you put in front of me." 
Intro Quote: "I'm the number one fencer in the world. Wanna try your luck against me?" 
Trauma Quote: "I can't take it anymore! Am I finally perfect enough for you now?"
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nerima-division · 2 years
“Dance is a poem of which each movement is a word.”
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Age 0:
Is born to Tsubasa Tenjo and Natalia Morozova alongside her twin Chizuru Tenjo 
Age 7:
Begins taking ballet classes 
Age 12:
Her mother passes away due to cancer
Mitsuru's relationship with Chizuru begins to strain 
Age 15:
Meets and befriends Aira Otonashi. 
Age 17:
Is chosen over Chizuru as the main ballerina for a performance
While performing Chizuru marches on stage and repeatedly stabs Mitsuru in the torso 
Age 19:
Moves out 
Meets and befriends Katsumi Kenzaki 
Becomes roommates with Aira and Katsumi
Age 22: 
Joins the Nerima Division rap battle team, Vivid Angels, alongside Aira Otonashi and Katsumi Kenzaki.
12:00 a.m. - 8:00 a.m.: Asleep
8:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m.: Awakens and gets ready for the day
9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.: Makes and eats breakfast with Aira and Katsumi.
11:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.: In the studio practicing her ballet 
5:30 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.: Returns home 
6:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.: Makes and eats dinner with Aira and Katsumi. 
7:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m: Watches TV 
10:00 p.m. - 11:00 p.m.: Showers and get ready for bed 
11:00 p.m. - 12:00 a.m.: Asleep
Character Hashtags
Regular Hashtags
#Prima Ballerina
#White Swan 
#Ballet Queen 
Trauma Hashtags
#Bloody Swan
#Betrayed by my twin 
#Chizuru hates me 
Other Info
Hobby: Embroidery 
Weakness: Overworks herself 
Trauma: "My twin betrayed me."  
Twitter: @OdetteSwan 
Drinks: Yes 
Smokes: No
Special Skill: "I can drink anyone under the table." 
Intro Quote: "Ballet is not as easy as it looks. It takes a lot of strength both physically and mentally." 
Trauma Quote: "Chizuru what are you doing? OH GOD CHIZURU STOP!"
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nerima-division · 2 years
“Never assume that loud is strong and quiet is weak.”
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Age 0:
Is born as [REDACTED] to [REDACTED] and [REDACTED].
Age 14:
Runs away from home. 
Abandons her name as [REDACTED].
Starts living on the street.
Age 15:
Is found and adopted by Miki Otonashi.
Assumes the name "Aira Otonashi"
Meets and befriends Mitsuru Tenjo. 
Age 18:
Graduates High School. 
Writes and publishes the first novel in the Vagabond Siren series. 
It sells extremely well, making Aira famous. 
Age 19:
Moves out.
Meets and befriends Katsumi Kenzaki.
Becomes roommates with Mitsuru and Katsumi.
Age 22:
Discovers that she's been forcibly entered into the Division Rap Battles.
Forms the Nerima Division rap battle team, Vivid Angels, alongside Mitsuru Tenjo and Katsumi Kenzaki. 
12:00 a.m. - 8:00 a.m.: Asleep 
8:00 a.m. - 9:00 a.m.: Showers and freshens up. 
9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.: Makes and eats breakfast with Mitsuru and Katsumi. 
11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.: Works on her novels. 
1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.: Visits publishing office to drop off manuscripts. 
2:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.: Helps in her mother's cafe. 
4:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.: Boxing Lessons 
6:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.: Makes dinner and eats with Mitsuru and Katsumi. 
7:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m.: Watches TV 
10:00 p.m. - 11:00 p.m: Showers and gets ready for the night. 
11:00 p.m. - 12:00 a.m.: Asleep 
Character Hashtags
Regular Hashtags
#Vagabond Siren 
#Aira's Writings 
#Book Recommendations 
Trauma Hashtags
#No Voice
#Cursed existence
#Mother hated me 
Other Info
Hobby: Boxing 
Weakness: Not Speaking 
Trauma: "My voice is a curse to me."
Twitter: @WritingNightingale 
Drinks: No
Smokes: No
Special Skill: "I've got a killer punch is what I've been told."
Intro Quote: ".........*blinks*........."
Trauma Quote: "I hate my voice because of you." 
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